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Estimating Soil Temperature by Linear Filtering of Measured Air Temperature1
ABSTRACT The primary mechanism of heat transference in the
Linear dynamic filtering techniques were used to model the re-
soil is conduction and the soil temperature variations
lationship between time series of average daily air temperature and with depth and time can be successfully modelled us-
soil temperature at the 10-cm depth. The data utilized consisted of ing Fourier's law of heat conduction. Application of
730 consecutive daily observations of these two variables measured these theoretical models requires temperature mea-
at Brawley, Calif., for the period 1 Jan. 1962 to 31 Dec. 1963. The surements either at the soil surface or at a shallow
soil temperature measurements were made in a bare and level Holt- depth beneath the soil surface. Such measurements,
ville silty clay soil completely exposed to the sun. Spectral analysis however, are not usually made at weather recording
procedures were used to first identify and then to obtain the factors stations. Since air temperature measurements are
for filtering the frequency components contributing most to the var- available for a large number of locations, a functional
iance of each temperature series. The annual cycle (frequency 2ir relationship that would estimate soil temperature at
rad d~' •*• 365) contributed 82.30 and 91.10%, respectively, and the shallow depths would have great utility.
semiannual cycle (frequency 4ir rad d ' -5- 365) contributed, re- Bonham and Fye (1970) and Ghuman and Lal (1982)
spectively, 2.36 and 1.56%, of the variance of the air and soil tem- used linear regression analysis to estimate soil tem-
perature series. The analysis also showed that the annual and sem- perature using daily mean air temperature as the in-
iannual cycles of the soil temperature series lagged the corresponding dependent variable. In estimating the linear regression
cycles of the air temperature series by 2.5 and 10.4 d, respectively. relationship between Admeasurements of a dependent
After removing the annual and semiannual cyclic components from variable y, and an independent variable x, with t =
each series, Box-Jenkins transfer function modelling techniques were 1,2, . . . N, it is assumed that the residuals at are NID
used to describe the filter relating the residual stochastic series. The (0, CTQ). This implies that a, are independent of y, or
transfer function was then used in conjunction with the results of
the spectral analysis to yield a relation for estimating the soil tem-
x, and are not autocorrelated. Regression analysis fur-
perature at the 10-cm depth using the air temperature as input. The
ther assumes that the system is in equilibrium and
residual variance of this estimation was 58.5% less than the residual therefore only a simultaneous input-output relation-
variance using a linear regression equation. ship can be modelled. The simultaneous response of
x, to yt is represented by the regression coefficient. It
Additional Index Words: spectral analysis, Box-Jenkins transfer is also assumed that the variables x, and y, are not
function modelling, linear regression, time series analysis. autocorrelated.
Persaud, N., and A.C. Chang. 1983. Estimating soil temperature by
Linear filtering techniques treat the variables y,, x,
linear filtering of measured air temperature. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. as time series and models their relationship as the
47:841-847. input-output response of a linear, dynamic system in
which there may be response delay between input and
output of the system. This approach does not require
the above-mentioned assumptions of a regression
T HE TEMPERATURE of the soil profile is important
in ecological and agricultural studies. The main
cause of temperature changes in the atmosphere near
analysis and provides information on the dynamic
characteristics of the system. The system is assumed
to be (i) time invariant, implying that a shift of time
the ground and in the soil profile is the transference
of heat energy produced at the soil surface by incident 1
solar radiation. Studies are available describing the Contribution from the Dep. of Soil and Environmental Sciences,
heat transfer in soil profiles and the resulting changes Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Received 14 Feb. 1983.
Approved 24 May 1983.
in soil temperatures with depth and time (Patten, 1939; 2
Respectively, Postgraduate Research Soil Scientist and Profes-
Fluker, 1958; de Vries, 1963; Ghuman and Lal, 1981). sor of Agricultural Engineering, Univ. of California, Riverside.

842 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 47, 1983

in the input produces the same shift in the output, (ii) The terms in parenthesis represent N/2 times the co-
physically realizable, meaning that output depends sine and sine coefficients Oj, bj, of the finite Fourier
only on present and past values of input, and (iii) transform of the series Yt. For odd N the Fourier rep-
stable, so that a bounded input does not produce an resentation of Y, is given by
unbounded output. The' filter of the system may be
conceptualized as a mathematical device for trans- y =
forming the input series x, into the output series yt. If
the filtering mechanism were completely defined phys- with
ically, the filter can be represented by differential
equations. Most natural systems, however, are subject
to stochastic disturbances and the input and output
series should also reflect the effects of these probabi-
listic mechanisms. The filter for these stochastic dis- and
turbances can be modelled as a transfer function (Box
and Jenkins, 1970; Gottman, 1981).
In this study, it is assumed that time series of daily
air and soil temperature measurements can be decom- For even TV the coefficient for uN/2 = ir is given by
posed into deterministic cyclic components due to the (Chatfield, 1975)
influence of the annual rotation of the earth around
the sun, and an independent stochastic component.
Spectral analysis techniques (Chatfield, 1975; Bloom- N
field, 1976) can be used to identify these cyclic com-
ponents in the two series and to determine the factors Cross-Spectral Analysis
relating their amplitudes and phases. After removing
the deterministic components from the two series, the Cross-spectral analysis is an extension of the uni-
transfer function relating the stochastic residuals can variate spectral analyses of two time series X,, Y,. It
then be obtained using the transfer function identifi- defines the relationships between the amplitude (Aj =
cation and estimation procedures of Box and Jenkins \foj + bj), and phase ($y) of each frequency compo-
(1970). nent in the Fourier representation X((aJ), Y(UJ) of the
The objective of this study was to examine the use- two series.
fulness of these procedures in developing a model to By analogy with Eq. [1], the cross-periodogram es-
describe the relationship between air and soil temper- timate IY(WJ) of the cross-spectral density function
ature and further, to contrast estimates of the soil tem- for the two series Xt, Y, is (Chatfield, 1975)
perature calculated using this relationship with those N N
obtained from regression analysis. 2 *,exP(i«,r) • 2 y,ex P (-/«/) [3]
r=1 r=l
THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Unlike the univariate periodogram estimates, the
Spectral Analysis cross-periodogram is a complex function. The real and
imaginary parts of/y(wj) denoted as £/y(w;) and
The spectral decomposition theorem postulates that are computed by
the variance of a discrete time series Yt, t = 1 , 2 , . . .
N, can be decomposed and distributed among statis- (N/4*) [af aj + bf bj]
tically independent oscillations of different frequen- and
cies (Chatfield, 1975; Bloomfield, 1976). The theoret-
ical spectral distribution function /w), where o> is the
angular frequency, defines the variance accounted for respectively, where a,, bj are the Fourier coefficients
by all components with frequencies less than the given obtained from the univariate spectral decomposition
<o value. The slope of/w) is the spectral distribution of X, and Yt.
function jF(co), and may be approximated by the dis- The function //(o>) called the frequency response
crete periodogram function /(w/) for the series Yt. The function is defined as (Chatfield, 1975)
periodogram is defined as (Chatfield, 1975).

[1] and is estimated by

where i = \/— 1. The modulus of the frequency response function is

The values of uj are chosen such that u>>• — 2 given by
for j = 0, 1,2, ... m, with m = (N-l)/(2) or m =
N/2, respectively, for odd and even N. For computa-
tional purposes, Eq. [1] can be written and provides the relationship of the amplitudes Af,
' AJ ai each frequency. The value of |/y(w/)| is computed
y,sin«,/ by
• (2}

The value The method of estimating the weights v/ was taken

= tan-1 from Box and Jenkins (1970). The series x, was filtered
into a nonautocorrelated white noise series by fitting
measures the phase shifts between each frequency an appropriate ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated
component ofX(uj) and Yfaj). The lead or lag in time Moving Average) linear stochastic model. Identifica-
may be computedY as 0y(a;;)/w7. The coherency hy(uj) tion and estimating the parameters of ARIMA models
= l/y^p/T^co,) I (UJ) measures the linear correlation are detailed by Box and Jenkins (1970). This first step
between X(<aJ), Y(WJ) and is analogous to the square of is termed "prewhitening" of the input series xt. The
the correlation coefficient in regression analysis. Im- ARIMA filter was then applied to the entire Eq. [4]
proved representation of all spectral estimates dis- to obtain
cussed may be obtained by smoothing with a set of
symmetrical weights Wt with / = —p, —p + 1, ... [7]
-2, 1, 0, 1, 2 . . . p - \,p (Chatfield, 1975; Panofsky /=o
and Brier, 1958). where z,, n, are the resulting series after applying the
ARIMA filter to y,, at, respectively, and w, denotes the
prewhitened series x,.
Box-Jenkins Transfer Function Identification and Equation [7] was multiplied by w,_k fork= 0, 1,2
Estimation . . . and expectations taken to obtain
The linear filtering of a stationary input stochastic =E E[n,Wt_k] . [8]
series xt into a stationary output series yt can be ex- /=o
pressed as (Box and Jenkins, 1970)
If the series z, is centered (i.e., has zero mean or the
mean is subtracted) the LHS of Eq. [8] represents the
[4] cross-covariance, Ck, of z, with wt. Since wt is a white
noise series and nt is assumed uncorrelated with w,
Stationarity requires that the mean, variance, and co- then Ck = vk <$, which yields the values of vk =
variance of each series do not depend on historic time. CkJal for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . m.
The series at represents influences other than xt that Using the definition of the cross-correlation, Rk, of
may affect y, and are assumed uncorrelated with xt. A zt with w, namely Rk = C^Jajsw where a denotes stan-
plot of v/ vs. / is called the impulse response function dard deviation, then vk = R/,ffz/aw. These values and
and the values of v/ are the impulse response weights, Eq. [6a] through [6d] were then used to obtain prelim-
which along with o* (variance of a,) are estimated from inary estimates of the transfer function parameters.
the data series. Box and Jenkins (1970) suggested re- These estimates were then used in Eq. [5] to estimate
writing Eq. [4] as the residual series a, which was then examined to de-
termine whether an ARIMA model was required for
B"x, + a,, [5] its description. This model (noise model) was iden-
tified, its parameters estimated and was included in
where AS(B) = (A0 - Afi - A2B2 . . . ASBS) and Eq. [5]. A final estimate of the parameters of both the
= (1 - CiB - C2B2 . . . CrB1} are polynomials of transfer function and noise model was then made by
orders s, r, respectively, and B is the backward shift nonlinear least-squares fitting. The computations in
operator defined by B"Xt = Xt-n. The value of b in- this last step were made using the Bipmedical Statis-
dicates the response delay of the filter. The term tical Software Package (Univ. of California, Los An-
geles, 1981).
Bb - vm(B) ,
where vm(B) = v0 + v\B . . . vmBm, and is called the DATA
transfer function of order (r,s,b). Byb equating coeffi- The data utilized in this study consisted of daily average
cients of B in the equation A^B) B = vm(B) C^B), air temperature and corresponding soil temperature mea-
Box and Jenkins (1970) derived the following set of surements at the 10-cm depth recorded at the National
simultaneous equations relating the impulse response Weather Service Station Brawley 2 SW (Brawley, Calif.) dur-
weights to the parameters of the transfer function: ing the period 1 Jan. 1962 through 31 Dec. 1963. The Braw-
ley Station is located at latitude 32° 57' and longitude 115°
v, = 0, Kb , [6a] 33' at an elevation of 33 m above mean sea level. The soil
temperature was measured in a bare, level Holtville silty
l=b, [6b] clay soil, fully exposed to the sun. The soil temperatures
were recorded on a thermograph and the maximum and
minimum temperatures for a 24-h period ending at 9:00 a.m.
were read from the trace. The data may be found in the
climatological data bulletins for California compiled by the
v, = 2 CiV,_r- A,,, , I = b + 1,6 + 2, . . . b + s, United States Environmental Data Services.
i= 1
Table 1 summarizes the mean, range, and variance
v,= iX.v,_ r , l>b + s. [6d] of the observed average daily air temperature and the
corresponding soil temperature at the 10-cm depth for
844 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 47, 1983

Table 1—Mean, range, and variance of 730 daily averaged Table 2—Results of a linear regression of soil temperature at the
valuest of air and soil temperature for the period 10-cm depth on air temperature, f
1962 to 1963 at Station Brawley 2 SW.
Residual F statistic Coefficient
Maximum Minimum Slope Intercept mean for of
Variable Mean value value Variance ( ± std. error) ( ± std. error) square regression determination
Air temperature, °C 22.02 36.67 1.11 61.35 1.1568 2.447 5.90 10 152.7 0.933
Soil temperature, °C 27.92 44.73 8.61 87.99 (±0.0115) (±0.268)
t [(maximum + minimum)/2]. t Number of observations = 730.

station Brawley 2 SW (Brawley, Calif.) for the period 82.30 and 91.10%, and the semi-annual frequency, re-
1 Jan. 1962 to 31 Dec. 1963. Both the mean and var- spectively, for 2.36 and 1.56% of the variance of the
iance of the soil temperature are higher than those of air and soil temperature series (Table 3). The values
the air temperature, indicating that the filtering pro- of the parameters of the sine functions describing the
cess represents an amplification. annual and semi-annual cycles of the two series are
A linear regression relating soil temperature to the also given in Table 3. The estimates of the spectral
air temperature (Table 2) shows that the air temper- and cross-spectral functions at these two frequencies
ature explains 93.3% of the variance of the soil tem- are given in Table 4. The phase spectral values (0y)
perature. In accordance with the assumptions of the showed that the annual cycle and semi-annual cycles
linear regression analysis, the residuals are considered of the soil temperature lagged (4>y > 0) the corre-
NID (0, (T2). There is a 0.95 probability that the regres- sponding cycles of the air temperature by 2.5 and 10.4
sion equation would be able to estimate the soil tem- d, respectively. A plot of the coherence (hy) over all
perature within ±4.8°C (±2<r). frequencies (Fig. 2) shows that strong relationships ex-
Plotting the average air and soil temperature vs. time isted between the two series over the majority of the
demonstrates the annual periodicity typical of energy- frequency range. Before plotting, the estimates of hy
related meteorological data of the temperate and sub- were smoothed using a set of relative weights 1:2:3:2:1.
tropical regions (Fig. 1). Close examination of Fig. 1 The smoothed estimates were calculated as
shows that upward and downward trends in the air
temperature are matched by similar trends in the soil
temperature indicating a strong causative relationship
between the two series. The spectral analysis of the
two series showed that in each case the periodogram with WQ = 3/9, Wl = W^ = 2/9, W2 = PF_2 = 1/9.
values were highest at the annual and semi-annual The cyclic components at the annual and semi-an-
frequencies of 0.0172 1 and 0.03442 rad/d, respec- nual frequencies were removed from each series and
tively. The contribution to the variance of compo- the residuals analyzed using the Box-Jenkins tech-
nents at other frequencies were relatively insignificant. niques. For the prewhitening step, the autocorrelation
The annual frequency accounted for, respectively, function (ACF) of the residuals (xt) of the air temper-
ature series was determined (Fig. 3) in order to iden-
tify the order (p, d, q) of the appropriate ARIMA
model. The standard error o> of an estimate of the
autocorrelation coefficient 7^ at lag k was calculated

S-o J

and the values of yk were considered significantly dif-

ferent from zero at the 95% confidence level if yk >
2 ffk (Fig. 3). The ACF of x, showed an exponential
decay pattern typical of an ARIMA (1, 0, 0) linear
stochastic process of the form (1 — \B) xt = wt. This
model was fitted to the series x, using the time series
analysis program (BMDP2T) of the Biomedical Sta-
tistical Software Package (Univ. of California, Los An-
geles, 1981). The estimate of the parameter X was
0.7226 with standard error 0.0256. The ACF of the
residual series, wt, after fitting the stochastic model
showed no significant value in the first 36 values of
yk. The residuals of soil temperatures (y,) were filtered
using the ARIMA model and the cross-correlation
function (CCF) of the residuals zt with wt was calcu-
lated (Box and Jenkins, 1970). The impulse response
Fig. 1—Time plots of 730 observations of average daily air and 10- weights v/ were then determined. The impulse re-
cm depth soil temperature at station Brawley 1 SW (Brawley, sponse function of y, with xt (Fig. 4) showed that b
Calif.) for the period 1 Jan. 1962 to 31 Dec. 1963. was equal to zero indicating that there was no re-

Table 3—Spectral analysis estimates of the sine function! parameters describing the annual! and semi-annual§ cycles
of the air and 10-cm depth soil temperature series.
Parameter estimates
Residual variance after Total variance accounted
Annual cycle Semi-annual cycle removing cycles for by cycles, %
B B Annual Annual + Semi-
Series A (radians) A (radians) alone semi-annual Annual annual
Air temperature -10.050 1.1263 1.700 -0.6329 10.85 9.39 82.30 2.36
10-cm depth soil temperature -12.658 1.1695 1.605 -0.9906 7.88 6.59 91.10 1.46
t u = 0.01721 rad/d. § a = 0.03443 rad/d.

Table 4—Values of unsmoothed estimates of spectral and cross-spectral analysis functions for air temperature (X) and
soil temperature (Y) series for wj = 0.01721 and co, = 0.03443 rad/d.t
Estimates of spectral and cross-spectral functions and parameters
Frequency x y
uij (rad/d) IX IY ir
UY Q? \H\ j*
hy 0y aX bX a 6y
0.017 21 5868 9309 7384 320 1.2596 1.00 0.0432 -9.074 -4.322 -11.653 -4.944
0.034 43 169 150 149 56 0.941 1.00 0.3577 -1.000 1.375 - 1.342 0.880
t Number of observations = 730.





0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2

Fig. 2—Coherence function [Af(u>)] obtained by cross-spectral analysis of the series of air and 10-cm depth soil temperature observations.

8 10 1 14 16 18 20 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15
Fig. 3—Autocorrelation function of the residual series after removing Fig. 4—Impulse response function relating the stochastic series ob-
the annual and semi-annual cyclic components from the series of tained after removing the annual and semi-annual cyclic compo-
air temperature observations. nents of the air and 10-cm depth soil temperature series.

sponse delay time for the stochastic filtering process. y, = (A0 — AiB) x, + a,, with A0 = v0 and AI = Vj.
No decay pattern appeared in the impulse response This result is similar to the finding of Hasfurther and
function indicating that r was also equal to zero. From Burman (1973) that only the air temperature of the
Eq. [6d] a decay pattern would be present for r ^ 0. same day and two previous days were required in their
The transfer function was therefore taken to be of or- predictions of soil temperature from air temperature.
der (0, 1, 0). Equation [5], in this case, is reduced to The initial estimates of A0, AI were 0.5003 and
846 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 47, 1983


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Fig. 5—Autocorrelation function of the estimated noise series (at)
Fig. 6—Observed 10-cm depth soil temperature series and values
after substitution of tentative transfer function model in Eq. [5]. calculated using Eq. [9] with and without inclusion of the filtered
stochastic residuals (*,) of the air temperature series.

—0.0577, respectively. These estimates were used to The results of the spectral and transfer function
approximate the noise series a, in Eq. [5]. The ACF analyses were combined to compute the soil temper-
of the noise series (Fig. 5) showed a strong autore- ature at the 10-cm depth from the air temperature.
gressive component was present in the ARIMA model The amplitude and phase (AY, BY) of the annual and
for at. Initially an ARIMA (1, 0, 0) model was fitted semi-annual cycles for the soil temperaturex
be ob-
to the noise series but the first 36 values of the ACF tained from the corresponding values (A , B ) of the
of the residuals after fitting contained significant val- air temperature as AY = \H\AX, BY = Bx + 0f (Table
ues for ji, 73, and 7,3. An ARIMA (1, 0, 1) model, 4). These components were added to the stochastic
however, was adequate to filter the series a, into a component y, calculated using the residuals (xt) of the
white noise series et, which showed no significant value air temperature series and the transfer function (first
for yk in its ACF. The model for the noise series a, two terms of Eq. [8]). The initially required but un-
was therefore taken as (1 — \B) a, = (1 — 8B) et. This known value for xt-\ was set equal to zero, in actual
model was substituted for at in Eq. [5] and final es- computations. The final equation used for estimating
timates of the parameters A0, Ai,\,8, and o-§ calculated soil temperature was
by nonlinear least squares fitting using the time series
analysis program (BMDP2T) of the Biomedical Sta- Yt = 27.92 + (1.2596 X -10.05) sin[0.01721f
tistical Software Package (Univ. of California, Los An- + (0.1263 + 0.0432)] + (0.941 X 1.70) sin[0.03443/
geles, 1981). The final estimates and standard errors
of the parameters A0, A\, X, and 0 were, respectively, - (0.6329 + 0.3577)] + 0.5182*, + 0.0393;c,_i .[9]
0.5182 ± 0.0168, -0.0393 ± 0.0160, and 0.4658 ±
0.0406 and were all significantly different from zero The results of calculations using Eq. [9] are shown in
(estimate > 2 x standard error). The estimate of of Fig. 6. Also shown is the line representing the filtered
was 0.939. annual and semi-annual cycles, and the actual obser-
The parameters when substituted into Eq. [5] yield vations. The mean2 of the squared deviations [(ob-
the following equation for filtering the stochastic com- served-calculated) /^ of the observed from the cal-
ponent x, to produce yt: culated values was 2.60. This value is close to the
estimated variance of oi and serves as a check on the
nsioT +
yt = 0.5182x, _ i 0.0393*,
_ n m o i _ , +, |
f 1 - j 0.4658.B
_ 0 9344^ accuracy of the transfer function parameter estimates.
The series of daily average air temperature obser-
The filter for the noise series a, can be written as vations at the Brawley station for 1 Jan. to 31 Dec.
= (12 - XB) (1 - QB)-1 where ^(B) = (<A0 + 1964 was used to further test Eq. [9]. Spectral analysis
\l/2B ...). The ^-weights can be obtained by equating of this series revealed an amplitude and phase angle
coefficients after expanding 2 2
(1 — \B) (1 - OB)~l = of -10.90 and 1.128 rad for the annual cycle and 1.35
(1 - Xfi) (1 + 6B + 8 1B ...). This yields Vo = 1, lAi and —0.472 rad for the semi-annual cycle. The sto-
= (X - 0 ) , . . . \l/j = X'' (X - 0). Because of the large chastic series after removing these cyclic components
value for X these ^-weights converge slowly. The var- was also calculated. The mean of the 1964 air tem-
iance of a, is given by (1 + ^2 + \l/2 • • •) °i (B°x and perature series was 21.15°C. The ratio of the means
Jenkins, 1970) and represent the residuals not ex- of the 1962-1963 air and soil temperature data series
plained by the transfer-function model (Eq. [5]). The (Table 1) was used to factor this mean value to esti-
i/'-weights were calculated out to j = 40 and the value mate the mean of the 1964 soil temperature series.
of a2 used to calculate the value of a2a = 2.54. This These results were then used in Eq. [9] to estimate the
value represents a 58.1% reduction in the residual var- daily soil temperature for 1964. In addition the linear
iance of 5.90 obtained using the linear regression regression equation (Table 2) was also used to esti-
equation (Table 2), and shows that the transfer func- mate the 1964 soil temperatures. The mean of the
tion approach provides a more precise estimate of the squared deviations of the 366 observed and calculated
soil temperature than linear regression. values of soil temperature were, respectively, 3.77 us-

ing Eq. [9] and 5.51 with the linear regression equa-
Estimating the soil temperature using the linear fil-
tering approach offers several advantages over regres-
sion analysis. The calculated values form a more re-
alistic pattern of the soil temperature variation at the
10-cm depth (Fig. 6). Equation [9] is already in a form
which can be used as input into a linear deterministic-
stochastic model (Persaud and Chang, 1983) for cal-
culating soil temperature at deeper depths. Finally the
transfer function analysis yields a model for the noise
series at which can be included in Eq. [9] to produce
simulated soil temperatures based on the parameters
derived from air temperature measurements.
By using all cyclic components obtained by the
spectral analysis, it is possible to reproduce exactly the
soil temperature from the air temperature series.
However, this will require as many parameters as there
are data points. This approach was tried in a related
study by Hasfurther and Burman (1973). The results
using the approach in the present study produced
comparable results to those of Hasfurther and Burman
(1973) and were obtained with considerably less pa-

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