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Introverted Sensing

Those who direct their Sensing function inwardly make up 65% of the population.
This means that roughly 2 out of every 3 people you interact with will draw on this
function to some capacity or another. The ISFJ and ISTJ choose Introverted Sensing
as their dominant preference while the ESFJ and ESTJ use it to support their Feeling
and Thinking functions respectively. The INFP, INTP, ENFP and ENTP also possess
Introverted Sensing; however, it can be found in their 3rd and 4th functions and does
not often impact their behavior.

Introverted Sensing leads a person to compare the present facts against their past
experience; and they trust the past. For this to be possible, they must constantly
store sensory data for future use. Introverted Sensors are often able to soak in lots of
details like a thirsty sponge. Since present experiences are automatically linked to
prior experiences, judgments and associations can be made systematically. A
favorite dish tastes different than normal. A new acquaintance reminds them of a
familiar friend. A particular aroma brings back a favorite memory seemingly out of
the blue. This function also involves the skill of reviewing past lessons--personal
experiences, skills learned, historical examples, etc.--to answer the questions of the
Those with Introverted Sensing are often detail oriented with a drive to clarify desired
goals and objectives in order to make things happen. They are the ones who
embrace the ageless customs that sustain a nation. It is no surprise that they are
often found among military commanders, political leaders, business management
and other guardians of the culture.

Si: Introverted Sensing

Introverted Sensing is the storing of data and then the comparison of that data with
other experiences. For example, when we see a movie that reminds us of another similar movie.
Or when we see a person that reminds us of someone else. We also use past experiences to learn
how to handle similar current situations. There is great attention to detail with Introverted

Introverted sensing is not only about being detail oriented,

it’s also about
1. The inner feeling
2. The inner peace
3. Staying Calm
4. Focusing your thoughts on one stream of consciousness

For an INFJ, working on Se also strengthens Si. Si refers to the

inner calmness and stability. ESTP and ESFP both are Se doms
but still they have that inner calmness and stability for which
we INFJs are attracted towards them.

For ISFJ and ISTJ, they are Si doms, yet they have that
external force within them. External force means Se and in
this case it will be the 5th function, yet they use it very well
unlike INFJ whose 4th function is Se. For INFJs they also have
strong Extraverted Intuition. If they are asked to find a
solution from a scratch then INFJs are also efficient in tapping
into Ne and find a number of possibilities that they can work

In a decluttering process the Introverted Sensors will start

decluttering inside out. That’s why they will keep their
drawers and closets more organized as compared to the
items lying outside.
Whereas for the extroverted Sensors, they will start the de
cluttering process outside in. They will first clean and
organize their immediate surrounding and then they will
proceed towards their closets and drawers once they’ve
finished organizing their external surroundings.

CS Joseph:

Introverted Sensing is one’s awareness of the long-term


1. Sense of duty.
2. Need for honor (Si + Fe users only)
3. Respect for tradition
4. Responsibility
5. Stability
6. Earth oriented function.
7. They choose safety and comfort.
8. Introverted Sensors wants to receive sexual sensations
in their bedroom.
9. They can bring up past memories 20-30 years back. And
you will say are you still holding onto that? Yes, they
don’t forget anything.
10.They choose loyalty.
11. Experienced Si users provide better advice.
The more experience they have, the more data they have
and they more advice they can give (Si gives past data to
Ne and Ne provides the final predicted outcomes)

Extraverted Sensing (Hero or Child) --- Optimistic

They initiate giving of sensations to their partner.

Extraverted Sensing (Parent or Inferior) --- Pessimistic

The Introverted Sensor partner would demand them to

provide sensations.

Extraverted Sensors are just like RAM. New information

comes in old information goes out.

Introverted Sensors have long term memory access. It takes

time for them to memorize the details and their react timing
is slow as compared with the extraverted Sensors.

(Si-Ne Users)
Introverted Sensors, because of their ability to retain the
knowledge of the past, they are able to collect all the past
information and augment it into Extraverted Intuition and
predict the future outcomes. That’s how it helps them to
know what people want, what people desire ahead of time
that is what it allows them to have relationships.

That is how relationships should go together.

Ne Se
Si Ni

The extroverted sensor will try to give sensations while the

Introverted Sensor would want to accept sensations.

The extroverted intuition will give possibilities and the

Introverted Intuition will narrow down on the final decision.

In Relationship with Introverted Sensors:

1. Never break their trust and be loyal to them. They will

backstab if you break their trust.
2. Be ready to listen to their anecdotes and past stories.
(Especially Si child 3rd function will tell stories over and
over again till that point when you’ve recited all of
them. Haha. Either be patient with them or tell them
upfront that you’ve listened to it earlier.)
3. Extroverted Sensors can get very stormy when they’re
mad whereas the Introverted Sensors can weather all
storms. But whatever you do, the introverted sensors
will never forget about it. ISFJ can especially take a lot of
abuse but once you break loyalty, they will never come
back to relationship again.

Si HERO --- Demand Tradition

Si PARENT --- Expect Tradition

Si CHILD --- Appreciate Tradition

Si ASPIRATIONAL --- Doesn’t matter much
Sexually, Introverted Sensors would like to receive sensations
and would like to play the bottom.

Whereas the top role is usually chosen by Extraverted



In a relationship, the perceptions function (Sensing and

Intuition) are compatible i.e. OPPOSITE to each other.

For example:

Both are Introverted Sensors, then both will demand to

receive sensations which will lead to conflict and selfishness.

Similarly, if both are extraverted Sensors, both want to

provide sensations to each other, therefore both will get
frustrated and eventually it will lead to relationship

In both the cases the partners will accuse each other to be

bad in bed and they will back bitch to their friends about
their inability to satisfy sexually.


Si- Building an internal catalogue of data inside their minds.

Watching a movie again to refresh the emotions they felt

during the time they watched it for the first time.
Quality assurance checks. They can observe at a particular
thing and can compare it with the ideal case and can make
decisions accordingly.

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