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Teacher’s rubric
This is a sample of a rubric that the teacher is going to use to evaluate at the
end of the unit. Some items are related to pair work, responsibility and attitude
towards the project but also to the final product requested, the booklet, in order
to see if students have actually acquired all the knowledge demanded.

Group members:

Item 1 2 3 Comments

COOPERATION Every member of The pair works well Every member

the pair is only together and they help always helps each
focused on what each other when it’s other and
he/she has to do needed. supervises
ignoring the rest everyone’s work
and their work. to get a better

RESEARCH The pair searches The pair uses all the The group not
for information in a resources given by the only uses the
few of the teacher to search for resources given by
resources given information and the teacher but
and does not contrasts it all. searches for more
contrast that in order to
information to increase the
make sure it is information to
valid. prepare the

RESPONSIBILITY Most of the Every member shows The pair shows

members seem not interest in the project, interest in the
interested in the they listen to each project and
project and don’t other but sometimes participates in
propose any idea to not all participate in giving ideas and
complete it. discussions about a their opinión while
topic. encouraging each
other to keep on
working for a
better final result.

FINAL RESULT The booklet is not The booklet is well The booklet
complete and some presented, with all the presented is
important features activities done during excellently
are missing. The the unit and in the completed with all
presentation to the presentation to the the activities and
audience needs to audience they showed some reflections as
be more prepared. fluency when talking well. At the
about the topic. presentation to the
audience they
seem comfortable
and fluent with the
But, to do a more exhaustive evaluation, each session will have its own rubric
that needs to be completed by the teacher. This way, he/she will have more
detailed information about the students’ learning process. This a sample of the
rubric for the session 2 about mammals:

Group members:

Item 1 2 3 Comments

The team doesn’t The schedule is All the tasks are

have good accomplished but completed in time
planning, the tasks there are a few and the whole
are not prepared in problems related to schedule is fully
time and the organizing respected. Both
ORGANIZATION schedule is not everyone’s role members of the
respected. while preparing pair have
some tasks. everything needed

Every member of The pair works well Every member

the pair is only together and they always helps each
focused on what help each other other and
COOPERATION he/she has to do when it’s needed. supervises
ignoring the rest everyone’s work to
and their work. get a better result.

The group doesn’t The group The group

search for searches for the searches the
RESEARCH information to information needed. information and
complete the task. extra details.

The group doesn’t The group presents The podcast

put enough effort a good result in presented shows
into preparing the completing the good pronunciation
PODCAST podcast. task. using the grammar
structures learned
and cohesion.

The preparation of Despite some The interview

the interview is not minor mistakes in prepared shows
as good as grammar, the perfect
requested as they interview is well management of the
haven’t used the designed and the grammar structures
INTERVIEW structures seen in questions asked used and the
the script and there are relevant to the vocabulary learned.
are some mistakes topic. Also, well
with the mammals’ connected and
characteristics good cohesion.

They get angry and When they face any They don’t let any
frustrated when any problem at first they problem give them
kind of problem feel frustrated but in up and they all
PROBLEM- appears. They give the end they look provide solutions to
SOLVING up easily. for a solution solve them.
2. Student’s rubric: self-evaluation
The students will have to complete their own rubric. It’s important to make them
part of the evaluation process so they can see their improvement, strengths and

ITEM 😀 😐 😟

I work hard.

I help my partner
when he/she needs

I find the lesson


I feel motivated to
accomplish the

I communicate with
my partner to have
a better final result.

I propose solutions
when a problem

I have learned the

characteristics of

I know how to use

the present tense.

I can use the verb


I can record myself

doing an interview.

I can name 10

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