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Name: Anisa Sapriyani Nazifah

Class: XI TKJ 3

1. Who do you go to for advice?

Answer: My friends, parents, and closest people
2. Who comes to you for advice?
Answer: My friends
3. Do you give good advice?
Answer: Yes, because according to he I am someone who is trusted to give advice
4. Do you follow your friend's advice?
Answer: Yes, if that suggestion sounds good to do
5. What's the best/worst advice you've every advice?
Answer: I do not know, because people who know the good or bad of my advice are people
who ask me for advice
6. Does advice help? Or do most people ignore it?
Answer: Itu depends on the person asking me for advice, whether he does the advice I give or
7. Sometimes advice can make you less decisive. Do you agree?
Answer: Firm or not provide advice depending on the absorption of the recipient of the
8. Do you think some people are too proud to ask for advice?
Answer: Yes, because advice can help in dealing with problems

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