Getting Into The Mindset of Your Interviewer

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Getting into the mindset of your interviewer

Interviewers make very quick judgements about candidates so it's important to make a
good first impression.
John Lees

For you an interview might be a high-stress experience. But for an interviewer it's all part
of a day's work. Some interviews will be hard work, some will be interesting, and most
interviewers decide which it is very early on in the process.

The idea that employers decide to hire or reject a candidate in the first 30 seconds of an
interview is an urban myth. If it were true, interviews would be much shorter. What
happens is that an interviewer makes initial decisions about your personality which are
hard to shake.

Psychologists say that humans make snap judgements whenever we meet someone new,
based on minimal amounts of information. Interviewers don't make a complete hiring
decision in the first few seconds of an interview, but they do make strong assumptions
prompted by three factors: how personable you are, how easy you seem to work with, and
your initial visual impact.

So how does an interviewer makes an instinctive prediction about how personable you
are? They will question whether you are easy to talk to, pleasant to work alongside and
good at establishing relationships quickly.

A decision will also be made about how open you are. Do you readily respond to questions
and volunteer information? Do you help the interview flow? You might think this opening
chemistry is entirely instinctive and outside your control; that's a great way of keeping
your head in the sand.

Pace yourself – slowing down slightly helps you sound measured and confident, while
nervous chatter suggests you are covering something up. Speak clearly and at a volume
that matches the interviewer. Practise small talk, but also rehearse what you will say in
the opening moments of the interview when someone asks one of the two classic
questions: "tell us about yourself," or "why are you interested in this role?" Do your
homework and show real interest in the organisation.

Small adjustments to your interview performance and practising these opening moments
make a huge difference. Be open and friendly to everyone, particularly reception staff who
may be asked for their opinion after you leave.

Finally, your walk-in appearance matters. Do you look and sound the part? Dressing so
that you look comfortable yet carry authority is the secret.

It's easy to plan your outfit. Check out the dress code of the organisation and try to look
as if you already work there. Dress slightly conservatively (so you are remembered for
more than your outfit), and a touch more formally than employees already in post. Break
in new clothes and shoes beforehand to avoid looking stiff. When you arrive, de-clutter;
leave your coat, umbrella and bag in reception. Just take in a slim folder containing the
documents you need, and you will look like an employee rather than a visitor.

Panel interviews, where there are two or more interviewers in the room, are widely used
for public sector and charity appointments. They can feel very intimidating and it's harder
to establish a relationship with several people. Panel interviews are often more formal, so
candidates respond in kind by acting in a much stiffer, more artificial way.

Research the background of all the people interviewing you. Note the positions of panel
members as they are introduced so you can respond to questions by using someone's
name. Focus on whoever the main decision-maker is (this is often clear from the
paperwork or the company website), but communicate with everyone, making eye
contact with several people during each answer.

Since the panel may be limited to a fixed set of questions, give detailed, well-structured
answers. You might ask directly "does that cover what you need?" Ask one or two good
questions at the end, and look confident as you say goodbye to each member by name,
shaking each person's hand and thanking them for their time.

If you're asked to give a presentation to a panel, make sure you prepare carefully,
observing time limits, and remembering that this is not only about communicating good
ideas but it's also an audition for whether you look and sound the part.

Finally, beware of informal interviews. It's always an interview, whether it's in the
boardroom, Starbucks, or at the gym. Even if you're assured that it is just a conversation,
prepare thoroughly.

John Lees is author of How To Get A Job You'll Love and Job Interviews – Top Answers To
Tough Questions

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