Data Mining Course Outline

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School of Professional Advancement Doc.

No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Resource Person: Ansif Arooj

Trimester: Spring 2020

Course Title: Data Mining

Course Code: XC-470

Course Type:


Counseling Hours: Class Days

Program: MCS

Program Head: Mr. Imran Saleem

Name Signature Date

Checked By
(Program Head) Mr. Imran Saleem

Approved By
(Director SPA) Dr. Naveed Yazdani

School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Course Description

Data Mining studies algorithms and computational paradigms that allow computers to find
patterns and regularities in databases, perform prediction and forecasting, and generally improve
their performance through interaction with data. It is currently regarded as the key element of a
more general process called Knowledge Discovery that deals with extracting useful knowledge
from raw data. The knowledge discovery process includes data selection, cleaning, coding, using
different statistical and machine learning techniques, and visualization of the generated
structures. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole process by
examples. Special emphasis will be given to the Machine Learning methods as they provide the
real knowledge discovery tools. Important related technologies, as data warehousing and on-line
analytical processing (OLAP) will be also discussed. The students will use recent Data Mining

Format of the Course:

Weekly readings with supplement lecture material.

Instructional Goals
 To introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining. 
 To develop skills of using recent data mining software for solving practical problems. 
 To gain experience of doing independent study and research. 
Course (Student) Objectives
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
 Understand the roles and types of different data mining techniques;
 Extract and analyze different data mining tools
 Develop some basic level of classification techniques
 Describe different clustering techniques

Brief Course Content

Session 1 Introduction to Data Mining

 What is Data mining?

 Need of Data Mining

 Related Terms: Data Science, Big Data, Knowledge Discovery

 Related technologies - Machine Learning, DBMS, OLAP, Statistics

 Advance and Conventional Data Base Systems

 Data Mining Goals

 Data Mining Functions

School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to understand basic introduction about data mining and OLTP
techniques. Data mining goals and applications.

Session 2 Data Mining Process

 Knowledge Representation Methods Knowledge Representation Methods

 Stages of the Data Mining Process

 Getting to know you Data

 Data Types

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to understand knowledge discovery process model. How these models
are implemented into industry and academia.

Session 3 Getting to know your Data

 Basic Statistics for Data Mining (five number summery, box blot, quartile)
 Data Similarity & Dissimilarity Matrix

 Proximity measure for binary, nominal Data

Learning Objectives
Participants are explore the different data mining techniques. Understand different data
transformation and data reduction methods. Basic understanding of data generating
Session 4 Data preprocessing

 Proximity measure for numeric and ordinal

 Proximity measure for Mixed Data

 Cosine Similarity

 Data cleaning

Learning Objectives

Participants are explore the different data reeducation techniques and generate different
hierarchies of data into industry and academia.

Session 5 Data Preprocessing and Data mining knowledge representation

School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

 Data Integration
 Data transformation

 Data reduction

 Discretization and generating concept hierarchies

Learning Objectives

Participants are explore the different task relevant data. Basic understanding of data input
and output in mining.

Session 6 Data mining knowledge representation

Learning Objectives

 Task relevant data

 Background knowledge

 Interestingness measures

 Representing input data and output knowledge

Understand different data interestingness measure techniques. Basic understanding of

data input and output in mining.

Session 7 Attribute-oriented analysis

 Attribute generalization
 Attribute relevance

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to understand attribute relevance and class comparison. They
will be able understand attribute relevance and common features.

Session 8 Attribute-oriented analysis

 Class comparison
 Statistical measures

Learning Objectives
Participants will be able incorporate different statistical technique to measure attribute

School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Session 9 Mid Term

Session 10 Data mining algorithms: Association rules

 Motivation and terminology

 Example: mining weather data

 Apriori Algorithm

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to incorporate all the techniques of association rules and generate
different item sets.

School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Session 11 Data mining algorithms: Association rules

 Basic idea: item sets

 Generating item sets and rules efficiently

 Correlation analysis
 FP-Growth Algorithm
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to incorporate rules with efficiency. They will be able to
understand correlation analysis.

Session 12 Data mining algorithms: Classification

 Basic learning/mining tasks

 Inferring rudimentary rules: 1R algorithm

Learning Objectives
This session will introduce about basic concepts of classification and different
classification algorithms such as IR.

Session 13 Data mining algorithms: Classification

 Decision trees- DTE
 Demonstration and numerical example of DTE

Learning Objectives
This session will introduce the working of decision tree and Naïve Bayes and compare
which one is best for text similarity. How classification learner are implanted in industry.

Session 14 Data mining algorithms: Classification

 Naïve Bayes
 Demonstration and numerical example of Naïve Bayes Classifier

Session 14 Data mining algorithms: Clustering

 Types of Clustering
 K-Mean Algorithm

Learning Objectives
This session will introduce about basic concepts of rule based classification. How support
vector machine is used to compare different documents.

Session 15 Data mining algorithms: Clustering

 Hybrid Clustering
 Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm

Learning Objectives
All participants will learn the basic techniques of predication and clustering algorithm. How
Clustering is implanted into real word datasets.
School of Professional Advancement Doc. No : QA-WI-01
Course Outlines Issue No: 01
Rev : 00

Recommended Book (s) & Text:

 Data Mining Concepts And Techniques By Jiawei Han, Jian Pei.(Third Edition)
 Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and
Techniques (Second Edition), Morgan Kaufmann, 2005, ISBN: 0-12-088407-0.


Assignments 20
Quizzes 20
Mid Term 20
Final Term Exam 40
Total 100

Session Sub-Topic Readings Activities
1 Introduction to Data Mining Ch-1
2 Introduction to Data Mining process Ch-1

3 Getting to know your Data Ch.-2

4 Data preprocessing Ch-3 Assignment1
5 Data mining knowledge representation Ch-4 Quiz1
6 Data mining knowledge representation Ch-4 Discussion
7 Attribute-oriented analysis Ch-5 Quiz 2
8 Attribute-oriented analysis Ch-5 Assignment 2
9 Mid Term
10 Data mining algorithms: Association rules Ch-6 Discussion
11 Data mining algorithms: Association rules Ch-6 Quiz 3
12 Data mining algorithms: Classification Ch-7 Assignment 3

13 Data mining algorithms: Classification Ch-7

14 Data mining algorithms: Clustering Ch-8 Assignment 4
15 Data mining algorithms: Clustering Ch-8 Presentation

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