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MCU Basic Education Department SECOND QUARTER SY 2020-



Performance Task No. 3 Week No: 15
Student’s Name: TENEGRA, MARC TOBY
SAN JOSE, SHAIRA JANELLE. Strand/Gr. and Section___ABM 11-1___
SCORE:_______________ Remarks:_____________________________________________________________________________

Learning Tasks Instructions: Stop, Look, Examine (Triad)

Form a three member group and analyse key sociological perspectives on stratification by
citing situation/condition where it overtly manifests. Give your reaction/s to it.

Key Ideas Manifestation/s Reaction/s

In this idea, it can manifest in I think the main reason why it
the important positions or jobs says that social inequality exist
in our society. The more because it plays a vital part in
important a position is to our society is because if they
society, the more rewards a don’t focus and they don’t put
society attaches to it. some rewards in the important
Rewarding important work with positions or job in the society,
income, prestige and power people will not strive more and
encourages people to do these work better to have a better
jobs and to work better living and have a important
position in the society

High class people are known

This idea is true and im
because of their wealth and
agreeing to it since social
money, its seems that they
stratificatiom focuses only
do this for themselves and
on those people on the
not for the others, it is also
high class since they
degrading anyone because
have purposes and to
of the rankings and positions
protect their wealth and
and serves inequality to
money with the rankings
and positions.

One example of that is Looking at some people who

when we see people in a owns expensive brands
public place wearing what sometimes can make us feel
seems to be designer inferior, and I feel that it can
clothes and expensive be positive and negative.
accessories, we often ask Positive as it can push us to
ourselves how much that work hard to have those
cost and what could be someday, negative because
their position or job. it can give us unwanted

Process Questions
1. Is social and political stratification a must for a society to exist? why or why

 Social and political stratification refers to the division of large social groups
into smaller groups based on categories determined by economics. Members of
society are arranged in hierarchy based on their access to or control over basic
economic resources. For me Social and political stratification is a must for a society to
exist because in order to make a society it must have the ability to make rules,
decisions and establish notions of right and wrong and all these things can only
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MCU Basic Education Department SECOND QUARTER SY 2020-
manifest if theres

stratifications. And an addition to that we all know that “order” is a basic requirement
before cooperation or society can occur and to achieve that “order”, stratification
must be present and required.

2. What is the difference between vertical and horizontal mobility?

 Social and political stratification refers to the division of large social groups
into smaller groups based on categories determined by economics. Members of
society are arranged in hierarchy based on their access to or control over basic
economic resources. For me Social and political stratification is a must for a society to
exist because in order to make a society it must have the ability to make rules,
decisions and establish notions of right and wrong and all these things can only
manifest if theres stratifications. And an addition to that we all know that “order” is a
basic requirement before cooperation or society can occur and to achieve that
“order”, stratification must be present and required.

3. How do wealth, power, and prestige affect the social stratum of an individual?

 Our social stratification is based on wealth, power, and prestige. Income is the

least reliable factor in the SES equation. SES is generally based on income inequality,
or the uneven distribution of wealth between the nation's rich and poor. However,
many outside influences can affect a person's income.
 An individual's prestige is closely tied to their social class – the higher
the prestige of an individual (through their occupation or, sometimes, their family
name), the higher their social class. On the one hand, choosing certain occupations or
attending certain schools can influence a person's level of prestige.

4. Is stratification exclusive within the parameters of economic dimensions? Prove

your answer.

 No. Stratification is to describe the system of social standing and parameters of

economic dimensions are mostly about the generally measured by the capital income,
including income distribution and public debt. But as you can see, even though the
stratification can also be measured by money, it’s still stated that it can be sorted out
thru gender, race, power, and prestige. There are some people who has more money
capital but it was not belong on the rankings of those people who have positions.

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MCU Basic Education Department SECOND QUARTER SY 2020-

5. How does conflict perspective examine social stratification?

 Conflict theory sees social stratification as unfair and unjust because it only
benefits a certain group of people. In conflict theory, there are two sides of the
society: one are the bourgeoisie or the capitalists, and the other are the proletariats or
the workers. For them, the social stratification only benefits the capitalists because
they earn huge sums of money from owning many businesses while workers only
earn minimum or small wages, barely enough to feed their families. The rich people
only become richer, while the poor remains poor or even poorer. For conflict
theorists, they believe that social stratification manifests inequality because the
proletariats or the workers do not attain same benefits as those with the rich

6. Among the sociological perspectives discussed, which do you think best explains
why social and political stratification exists in society? Why?

 I think symbolic interactionism best explains the political and social

stratification of the society because it shows the difference between how we interact
with members of society that are on the same social status as us, and those that are
higher or lower. Those that belong to the upper class tend to interact more with those
that are on their level. They also hold more political power than other social classes
and are regarded highly by the society. While those in the middle or lower classes
mostly associate themselves with the people on the same level and can be careful with
dealing with those on the top of the hierarchy. They also have less political power and
sometimes are overlooked by those holding positions in the government.

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MCU Basic Education Department SECOND QUARTER SY 2020-

Rubrics for statements examination

Performance Indicators

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Responsive Unacceptable
(4 Good (3 (2 points) (1 point) (0 points)
points) points)
1. Summarizes Provides a Provides a Provides a Provides a Provides an

the context very thorough clear and clear but somewhat unclear and

and content of and clear and concise shallow muddled, unintelligible

the selected concise summary of summary of unclear and summary of the

article summary of the article the article; rambling article

the article context and may be summary of OR

context and content. excessively the article. No summary at

content. brief or may all.

include some



2. Identifies Thoroughly Describes Describes Attempts to Provides an

describes your describes your your personal your personal describe your unclear,

personal personal reaction to reaction to the personal unintelligible

reaction to the reaction to the article; article; reaction to and illogical

article article; includes a includes no the article, description of

includes simplistic discussion of but lacks a personal

discussion of discussion of the relevant logical flow reaction

the relevant the relevant issues within and reaction OR

issues within issues within the article. is muddled; No description

the article. the article. no discussion of personal

of any reaction at all.


issues in the


3. Grammar, Contains all Contains all Contains Contains Response is

mechanics, correct correct info mostly correct incorrect info totally
and APA information regarding info regarding regarding unintelligible
style for regarding article title, article title, article title, OR
references article title, author name, author name, author name, No response
citations author name, and article and article and article
and article source and source and source and
source and date. date. date.
date. Contains Contains Contains
Consistently accurate frequent numerous
contains and proper errors in errors
accurate and grammatical grammatical in
proper conventions, conventions, grammatical

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MCU Basic Education Department SECOND QUARTER SY 2020-
grammatical spelling, and spelling, and conventions,
conventions, punctuation; spelling, and
spelling, and errors begin to punctuation;
punctuation. interfere substantially
Clearly and with paper’s interferes
consistently meaning. with paper’s
uses proper Inconsistently meaning.
APA uses APA

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