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SmartPlant 3D

Tutorials for HVAC

Version 1 January 2008 PPM-08-537

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Session 1: HVAC: An Overview .............................................................................................................................. 1
Session 2: Designing HVAC Equipment.................................................................................................................. 7
Session 3: Routing a Duct ........................................................................................................................................ 39
SP3D HVAC Session 4: Placing Fittings ................................................................................................................. 72
Session 5: Inserting Components ............................................................................................................................. 78
Session 6: Placing Splits ........................................................................................................................................... 92
SP3D HVAC Session 7: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs ........................................................................................... 98
SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

Session 1: HVAC: An Overview

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

• Identify the tasks that can be performed in the HVAC environment.

Prerequisite Session:
• SP3D Overview

The HVAC task creates a three-dimensional (3-D) representation of duct systems in your model.
Placement and routing are specification driven. SP3D uses the specification of the selected duct
run, the cross-section size of the feature path, and the active placement point to provide the
designer a list of valid component types as part of its modeling routine.

The HVAC task uses point-by-point route design and inserts duct components such as dampers,
filters, flanges, bellmouth and exhaust hood during design. The objects in the model are path
features that identify the functionality that is supposed to occur at specific points along the duct
path. The features identify ends, turns (change in direction), branches, transitions, and
components that are placed along the duct path.

To access the HVAC environment in SP3D, click the Tasks > HVAC command as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1: Tasks > HVAC Command

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

Before you start modeling, you need to become familiar with the duct feature model and all the
objects that play a role in routing a duct system. Figure 2 shows the duct feature model and the
relationships between features, which represent a portion of a duct system.

Figure 2: Duct Feature Model

• Duct systems: A duct system is a way of organizing duct runs within the system hierarchy
and controlling the specifications that can be used within that system. If a duct system exists
in your model, you can route duct runs and arrange the duct runs as children in the system

• Duct Runs: A run is a collector of features and parts, and is typically a child of a duct system
in the Workspace Explorer. It also provides the Catalog specification from which you can
choose the parts. Duct run is a duct path with the same specification, material, and values of
maximum recommended velocity and pressure loss.

• Duct Features: A feature is a child to a run and a parent to a part. The path feature of the
duct is linked to a cross-section that is used to define the shape of the duct. These
cross-sections provide an outline of the shape of the duct, while the feature provides the
geometry path. Ducts utilize transitions to connect different segments of the duct run that
have different dimensions or shapes. Features are not displayed in the Workspace Explorer
because of their ability to own several parts. The following are the various duct features that
you can define in the HVAC environment:

o Turn Feature: This feature represents a deviation in a path resulting in a turn. An

example would be three data points provided by a user. The first two data points
generate a straight feature. The third data point, if not in-line with the first set,
constitutes a deviation in path from the existing straight projection as shown in
Figure 3. Turn features, such as elbows, miter elbows and gooseneck elbows, change
direction of a duct.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

Figure 3: Turn Feature

o End Feature: This feature acts as a place holder for future connections to the run. It is
located at the end of a run, where a port exists on a part that is managed by the run.
An end feature represents either end of a physical duct run as shown in Figure 4.
When an end feature is connected to a run, it is removed and replaced with another
feature, based on the nature of the addition to the run.
o Straight Feature: The path of this feature describes a straight line. This feature is
defined by two linear data points from a user. Basic geometric principles dictate that
two points define a line, thus the straight section of a duct run is a straight feature as
shown in Figure 4.

End Feature

Straight Feature

Figure 4: End and Straight Features in a Duct

o Split Feature: This feature represents a break and a joint in the duct. It divides a duct
along a straight section into two straight features to connect the ends of the two
ducts at the cut location, such as butt welding, coupling, flange set, and joint sleeve.
o Branch Feature: This feature represents junctions whose path is defined by
branching components, such as tees, wyes and crosses. The third port of a branch
feature will always (by rule) constitute a new run, independent of the header
o Along Leg Feature: This feature represents in-line components such as dampers or
filters where port 1, the origin, and port 2 are collinear.
o Transition Feature: The path of this feature is defined by a transition between cross-
sections or sizes or other defining constraints that result in the first port of the part
being fundamentally different from the second port. The result is a feature that must

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

close the gap between these parts. The transition feature modifies the
cross-section of a duct run. It allows you to change a duct to all possible
• Duct Parts: A part is a physical component that comprises of a feature and is generally
selected by the software. Figure 5 shows some examples of duct parts that represent a
portion of a duct system. The highlighted portion of the figure shows a section of the
Workspace Explorer containing the hierarchy of duct parts.

Figure 5: Duct Parts in the System Hierarchy

• Connections: A connection is an object that connects two parts, for example, a flange and
a duct part. Currently this object does not generate any connection parts.

• Equipment: Equipment may have one or more HVAC nozzles through which the
connections to the duct systems are made. Using the Equipment task, HVAC equipment
like fans, chillers, and air handling units can be modeled directly in the model or can be
placed from the Catalog if they are available in your project.

• HVAC Nozzles: An HVAC nozzle is the connect point between duct parts and
equipments. It contains definition of the connection like flow direction, duct cross-
section, and size.

You will now learn about the common tasks that can be performed in this environment.

Common Tasks in the HVAC Environment:

When you are in the HVAC environment, you can perform the following tasks by using
commands available on the vertical toolbar as shown in Figure 6.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

Figure 6: HVAC Commands on the Vertical Toolbar

• Create and route a duct run: You can create a new duct run and a branch from a duct
run, extend an existing run, and route a duct run to or from nozzles and features. You
can perform this task by using the Route Duct command on the vertical toolbar.

• Insert features: You can insert features to create more intricate duct routes that divide,
branch, and change cross-sections. The Insert Split command on the vertical toolbar
divides the duct into sections. You can use any split feature defined in the reference data,
such as a flange or a butt weld, to divide the duct run into sections. The Insert Transition
command creates duct transitions. The transition feature can only be inserted on an
existing end feature or HVAC port.

• Insert in-line and surface-mounted components: You can insert in-line components that
are not placed automatically during routing. While adding in-line components, SP3D
automatically splits a duct and adds necessary transitions. The Insert In-line
Component command adds inline components, reducing components, and other
components to a duct run. You can add these components either during the routing of a
duct run or after the duct run has been routed. You can also add surface-mounted
components at a specified location. The Insert Surface Mount Component command
inserts a surface-mounted component on the surface of a section of the duct.

• Perform partial calculations: You can use the Flow Calculator to estimate the flow rate,
air velocity, pressure loss, and duct sizes on duct straight sections. You can access the
Flow Calculator by using the Tools > Flow Calculator command in the HVAC
environment. It is important to note that this calculator is not an analysis program. The
calculations are based on straight sections with no loss coefficients available for fittings
and use the Equal Friction Design Method.

The HVAC tasks help you to create HVAC objects and edit their properties. When you select an
object, such as a feature or a duct run, the software displays the appropriate ribbon with
commands that allow you to edit that object. For example, if you select a duct run for
modification, the software provides access to commands to change the parent system, the run
name, the specification assigned to that run, and properties such as duct thickness.

For more information related to the HVAC system, refer to the following topics in the user guide
• HVAC: An Overview
• Routing To or From Features: An Overview
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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: HVAC: An Overview

• Adding Features to a Duct Run: An Overview

You can access HVACUsersGuide.pdf from HVACPrintGuide.htm.

1. List the duct features that you can define in the HVAC task environment.
2. What is a transition feature?
3. What is the function of an HVAC nozzle?
4. What is a Flow Calculator?

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SP3D HVAC: Designing HVAC Equipment

Session 2: Designing HVAC Equipment

By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Design HVAC equipment in a model.

Prerequisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions
• SP3D Equipment sessions

HVAC equipment is a custom assembly that contains members such as HVAC nozzles, shapes,
and equipment components. Using the Equipment and Furnishings task, you can select
HVAC equipment from the SP3D Catalog and position them in a 3D model. HVAC equipment
can also be modeled directly in the model. In this case, a user has to select a type definition
from the Catalog for the HVAC equipment. Type definition determines property set associated
with the HVAC equipment. Graphical representation of this HVAC equipment is built using
primitive shapes. These equipments are called designed equipment.
In this session, you will learn the steps to design the following HVAC equipment:
• Air Handling Unit (AHU)
• Rectangular and round diffusers
• Grill
• Register

Steps for Designing an AHU:

Design an AHU, AHU-01 under the HVAC system in the Workspace Explorer using the
following specifications:

Type Specifications Values

Name AHU-01
Variable Volume Air Distribution
Equipment type
Design HVAC equipment
Classification 0
Equipment Air Handling Unit
Classification 1
Shape SolidRectangular 001
Shape Properties 8 ft for A, 6 ft for B, 4 ft for C
Specifications Nozzle 1 Nozzle 2
Port Type HVAC Port HVAC Port
Thickness 0.25 in 0.25 in
Flange Width 0 0

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Flow leave this Flow enters

Flow Direction
port this port
Nozzle Length 1 in 1 in
Port Depth 0 0
Name SP-01 RT-01
Width 3 ft 2 ft
Depth 2 ft 2ft
Cross Section Shape Rectangle Rectangle
Placement Type Radial Axial
N1 4 ft 8 ft 1 in
N2 2 ft 1 in 0
OR1 270 degrees 0
OR2 0 0

Place the designed AHU in Unit U06 with active coordinate system HVAC_CS at the
coordinates 31 ft for E, 4 ft for N, 2 ft for El placing, the AHU looks as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1:The Air Handling Unit

Before designing the HVAC equipment, define the workspace to show Unit U06. Activate the
Equipment and Furnishings environment by clicking Tasks > Equipment and Furnishings on
the Common toolbar. Set the Active Permissions Group to HVAC. Activate Pinpoint under
the Tools menu.

1. Click the More… option in the Coordinate system drop-down box.

2. The Select Coordinate System dialog box opens. In the dialog box, expand A2 > U06 >
HVAC > Grids and select HVAC_CS.

3. Click OK to set the active coordinate system as HVAC_CS. Figure 2 shows the
required coordinate system selected.

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Figure 2: Active coordinate System: HVAC_CS

4. Click the Set Target to Origin option on the PinPoint ribbon to set the origin of the
active coordinate system as the target. Figure 3 shows the option highlighted.

Figure 3: Set Target to Origin Option

5. Click the Place Designed Equipment button on the vertical toolbar as shown in Figure

Figure 4: Place Designed Equipment Command

6. The Select Equipment Type dialog box opens. In the dialog box, expand Equipment >
HVAC > Air Distribution > Variable Volume Air Distribution Assembly to select
the required design equipment as shown in Figure 5.

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Figure 5: Required Equipment Type Selected

7. Click OK. The Design Equipment Properties dialog box opens as shown in Figure 6.
Key-in AHU-01 in the Name field to name this equipment.

Figure 6: The Equipment Name Highlighted

8. Click the drop-down list in the System field and select the More… option.

9. The Select System dialog box opens. In the dialog box, expand A2 > U06 > HVAC >
AHU to select the required system and click OK. Figure 7 shows AHU highlighted in
the Select System dialog box.

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Figure 7: The Required System Selected

10. Select the Position and Orientation option in the category drop-down list under the
Occurrence tab to specify the position of the equipment. Key-in the values 31ft for E, 4
ft for N, and 2 ft for El as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: The Values of E, N, EL in the Position and Orientation Category

11. Switch to the Definition tab and key-in the Part Number as AHU-01.

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12. Click the Equipment Classification 0 drop-down list and select the HVAC Equipment

13. Ensure that the Equipment Classification 1 value is set to Air Handling Unit as
shown in Figure 9 and click OK.

Figure 9: The Equipment Classifications 0 and 1 Selected

14. Click the Place Shape button and select the SolidRectangular 001 to specify the shape
of the design equipment. Figure 10 shows the required shape highlighted.

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Figure 10: The Required Shape Selected

15. The Shape Properties dialog box opens. Change the Name of the shape to AHU-BOX
and key-in the values: 8 ft for A, 6 ft for B and 4 ft for C as shown in Figure 11.

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Figure 11: The Equipment Renamed as AHU Box and Dimensions Mentioned

16. Click OK to close the Shape Properties dialog box. Key-in 31 ft for E, 4 ft for N, and 2
ft for El on the PinPoint ribbon as shown in Figure 12 and click in the graphic view to
place the unit.

Figure 12: The Coordinates for Placing the AHU

The designed AHU is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: The Designed AHU

17. Click the Place Nozzle button to place HVAC nozzles on this equipment.

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18. The Nozzle Properties dialog box opens. Select HVAC Port as the Port Type. Figure
14 shows the required port type highlighted.

Figure 14: The Port Type Selected

19. In the Occurrence tab, set the nozzle properties as highlighted in Figure 15.

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Figure 15 : The Dimensions Selected

20. Click the Location tab and select Radial from the Placement Type drop-down list. Set
the values as shown in Figure 16.

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Figure 16 : The Position Specifications Selected

The nozzle is placed as highlighted in Figure 17.

Figure 17 : The Placed Nozzle Highlighted

21. Repeat steps 13-15 to place the second nozzle with the following properties:

On the Occurrence tab:

Thickness 0.25 in
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow enters this Port
Port Depth 0
Flange Projection 0
Port Index 2
Nozzle Length 1 in
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Name RT-01
Width 2 ft
Depth 2 ft
Cross Section Shape Rectangle
On the Location tab:
Placement Type Axial
N1 8 ft 1 in
N2 0
OR1 0 degree
OR2 0 degree

The second nozzle is placed and looks as highlighted in Figure 18.

Figure 18 : The Second Nozzle Placed

Steps for Designing Diffusers:

Just like you designed AHU-01 in the previous activity, you design diffusers by using existing
shapes in the Catalog and then, modifying the required properties. You then appropriately
name the designed equipment.

Design rectangular and round diffusers under the Supply Devices system in the Workspace
Explorer with the following specifications:

Specifications for Rectangular Diffuser

Type Specification Values

Name D24X24REC8
Equipment type Generic Aides
HVAC Equipment
Classification 0
Equipment Air Moving Devices
Design Equipment Classification 1 and Components
Classification 2
Shape D-BOX
2 in for A, 2ft 0 in for
Shape Properties
B, 2ft for C
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Port Type HVAC Port

Thickness 0
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow enters this port
Nozzle Length 1 in
Port Depth 0
Name Neck
Nozzle Width 8 in
Depth 8 in
Cross Section Shape Rectangle
Placement Type Axial
N1 -1 in
N2 0
OR1 0
OR2 0

Place the designed rectangular diffuser in Unit U06 at coordinates 20 ft for E, -20 ft for N, and 0
ft for El. The view of the diffuser after being placed looks as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: The Rectangular Diffuser

Specifications for Round Diffuser

Type Specification Values

Name D24X24RND8
Equipment Type Generic Aides
HVAC Equipment
Classification 0
Design Equipment Air Moving Devices
Equipment Classification 1 and Components
Classification 2
Shape D-BOX
Shape Properties A=2 in, B=2 ft, C=2 ft
Port Type HVAC Port
Thickness 0
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow enters this port

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Nozzle Length 1 in
Port Depth 0
Name Neck
Width 8 in
Depth 8 in
Cross Section Shape Round
Placement Type Axial
N1 -1 in
N2 0
OR1 0
OR2 0

Place the designed round diffuser in Unit U06 at coordinates E=23 ft, N=-20 ft, and El=0 ft.
The view of the round diffuser after being placed looks as highlighted in Figure 20.

Figure 20 : The Round Diffuser Placed

Steps for Designing the Rectangular Diffuser:

1. Click the Place Designed Equipment button on the vertical toolbar.

2. The Select Equipment Type dialog box opens. In this dialog box, expand Equipment
> Vehicles and Miscellaneous > Generic Aides as shown in Figure 21 and click OK.

Figure 21:The Required Equipment Type Selected

3. The Design Equipment Properties dialog box opens. In this dialog box, change the
Name to D24X24REC8.
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SP3D HVAC: Designing HVAC Equipment

4. Expand A2 > U06 > HVAC > Supply > Devices in the System field as shown in
Figure 22 to select the appropriate system.

Figure 22: The Required System Selected

5. Switch to the Position and Orientation category and key in the values 20 ft for E, -20 ft
for N, and 0 ft for El as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23 : The Position Specifications Selected

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6. Switch to the Definition tab and make changes as shown in Figure 24 and click OK.

Figure 24 : The Properties Selected

The local coordinate system for the design equipment now appears in the graphic view as
shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25 : The Coordinates for the Equipment

7. Click Window > Tile Horizontally on the Common toolbar to set the active view.
Now, use the Up arrow key to change the axis of rotation to Y-axis (blue color). Then
use the Left arrow key to rotate the triad so that X-axis is pointing downwards as
shown in Figure 26.

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Figure 26 : The Coordinates after Rotating Directions

8. Click on the Place Shape button. The Shapes dialog box opens.

9. In the dialog box, select the RectangularSolid 001 shape.

10. The Shape Properties dialog box opens. Key in the values 2 in for A, 2 ft for B, and 2 ft
for C, and click OK. Figure 27 shows the dimensions highlighted.

Figure 27 : The Dimensions Selected

11. On the PinPoint ribbon, key-in the values 20 ft for East, -20 ft for North, and 0 ft for
Elevation. Click in the graphic view to place the shape as shown in Figure 28.

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Figure 28 : The Position Selected

12. Rename the shape as D-Box in the Name field on the ribbon as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29 : The Equipment Named as D-Box

13. Click the Place Nozzle button and select the D-BOX shape as the nozzle parent.

14. The Nozzle Properties dialog box opens. In the dialog box, click on the Port Type drop
down list to select HVAC Port.

15. Change the properties as mentioned below:

On the Occurrence tab:

Thickness 0
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow enters this Port
Port Depth 0
Flange Projection 0
Port Index 1
Nozzle Length 1 inch
Name Neck
Width 8 inches
Depth 8 inches
Cross Section Shape Rectangle

On the Location tab:

Placement Type Axial
N1 -1 inch
N2 0
OR1 0 degree
OR2 0 degree

Figure 30 shows the designed rectangular diffuser.

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Figure 30: Rectangular Diffuser

For designing a round diffuser you copy the rectangular diffuser placed in the previous
activity and paste it at the specified location. You then modify the specifications and properties
of the diffuser to design it as required. Finally you name the designed round diffuser.

Steps for Designing the Round Diffuser:

1. Select the shape D24X24REC8 in the Workspace Explorer. Click on the Edit Menu and
select Copy as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31 : The Copy Command Selected

2. Now, click to select the center of the port as a reference point as shown in Figure 32.

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Figure 32 : The Center Selected as the Reference Point

3. Select the Paste command under the Edit menu.

4. The Paste dialog box appears as shown in Figure 33. Ensure that the Paste in place
check box is not selected and click OK.

Figure 33 : The Paste in Place Option Highlighted

5. Key-in the coordinates as 23 for E, -20 for N, 0 for El on the ribbon and click to place
the equipment as highlighted in the Figure 34.

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Figure 34 : The Placed Equipment Highlighted

6. Change the name of the new shape to D24X24RND8 as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35 : The New Equipment Name

7. Select HVAC Nozzle in the Locate Filter drop-down list. Select the nozzle, Neck,
under D24X24RND8 in the Workspace Explorer as shown in Figure 36.

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Figure 36 : Neck Selected Under Supply Devices

8. Click on the Properties button on the ribbon to open its property page. Change the
cross section shape to Round. Click OK to accept the change. Figure 37 shows this
option selected and highlighted.

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Figure 37 : Round Option Selected for Cross Section Shape

Figure 38 shows the designed round diffuser.

Figure 38: Round Diffuser

Steps for Designing a Grill:

Design a grill G18X12REC12X8 under the Return Devices system with the following

Type Specification Values

Design Equipment Name G18X12REC12X8
Equipment Type Generic Aides
HVAC Equipment
Classification 0
Equipment Air Moving Devices
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Classification 1 and Components

Classification 2
Shape G-BOX
2 in for A, 1 ft 6 in for
Shape Properties
B, 1 ft for C
Port Type HVAC Port
Thickness 0
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow leaves this port
Nozzle Length 1 in
Port Depth 0
Name Neck
Nozzle Width 1 ft
Depth 8 in
Cross Section Shape Rectangle
Placement Type Axial
N1 -1 in
N2 0
OR1 0
OR2 0

Place the grill in Unit U06 at coordinates 27 ft for E, -20’ ft for N, and 0 ft for El. The view of
the Grill after being placed looks as highlighted in Figure 39.

Figure 39 : The Placed Grill

Before placing the equipment, ensure that you are in the Equipment and Furnishings task,
have defined your workspace to include A2 > U06 and have activated PinPoint.

1. Copy-paste the diffuser D24X24REC8 and place it under the Return system devices in
the Workspace Explorer as shown in Figure 40.

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Figure 40 : Devices Selected under Returns System

2. Key-in the coordinates as 27 ft for E, -20 ft for N, 0 ft for El on the ribbon and click to
place the equipment as highlighted in the Figure 41.

Figure 41 : The Placed Equipment

3. Rename the equipment as G18X12REC12X8 as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42 : The Grill Name Highlighted

4. In the Definition tab of the Equipment Properties dialog box, change Equipment
Classification 2 to Grills, Part Number to G18X12REC12X8, and click OK. Figure 43
shows the required option selected and highlighted.

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Figure 43 : The Equipment Classification Selected as Required

5. Select Shape in the Locate Filter drop-down list. Select Shape, D-BOX under
G18X12REC12X8 in the Workspace Explorer and change the name to G-BOX.

6. Now, open the property page for G-BOX by clicking on the Properties button on the
ribbon. Key in the values 2 in for A, 1 ft 6 in for B, and 1 ft for C as shown in Figure 44
and click OK.

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Figure 44 : The Grill Properties Selected as Required

7. Select HVAC Nozzle in the Locate Filter drop-down list. Select Neck (HVAC port)
under G18X12REC12X8 in the Workspace Explorer and open its property page.
Change the Width to 1 ft and Depth to 8 in as shown in Figure 45.

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Figure 45 : The Grill Dimensions Selected as Required

Figure 46 shows the designed grill.

Figure 46: Grill

Steps for Designing a Register:

Design a register R18X12REC12X8 under the Return Devices system in the Workspace
Explorer with the following specifications:

Type Specification Values

Design Equipment Name R18X12REC12X8
Equipment type Generic Aides
HVAC Equipment
Classification 0
Equipment Air Moving Devices
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Classification 1 and Components

Classification 2
Shape R-BOX
2 in for A, 1 ft 6 in for
Shape Properties
B, 1 ft for C
Port Type HVAC Port
Thickness 0
Flange Width 0
Flow Direction Flow leaves this port
Nozzle Length 1 in
Port Depth 0
Name Neck
Nozzle Width 8 in
Depth 8 in
Cross Section Shape Rectangle
Placement Type Axial
N1 -1 in
N2 0
OR1 0
OR2 0

Place the register in Unit U06 at coordinates E=29 ft, N=-20 ft, and El=0 ft. The view of the
Register after being placed looks as shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47 : The Placed Design Register Highlighted

Before placing the equipment, ensure that you are in the Equipment and Furnishings task,
have defined your workspace to include A2 > U06 and have activated PinPoint under the
Tools menu.

1. Copy-paste the grill G18X12REC12X8 and place it under the Return Device system in
the Workspace Explorer.

2. Key-in the coordinates as E=29 ft, N= -20 ft, El=0 ft on the ribbon and click to place the
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3. Name the HVAC equipment as R18X12REC12X8.

4. On the Definition tab of the Equipment Properties dialog box, change Equipment
Classification 2 to Register, Part Number to R18X12REC12X8 and click OK.
5. Select Shape in the Locate Filter drop-down list. Select the shape G-BOX under
R18X12REC12X8 in the Workspace Explorer and change the name to R-BOX as shown
in Figure 48.

Figure 48 : The WSE Showing the Placed AHU, Diffusers, Grill, Register

Copying to Catalog:

1. Select Equipment in the Locate Filter drop-down list. Select the diffuser D24X24REC8
in the Workspace Explorer.

2. Select Edit > Copy to Catalog.

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3. Under type, select More… > HVAC> HV Misc folder to add them in the
Miscellaneous folder. Click OK. Figure 49 shows the Miscellaneous folder selected.

Figure 49 : Modules Dialog Box

4. Type D24X24REC8 in the Name field as shown in Figure 50 and press the Enter key.

Figure 50 : Copy to Catalog ribbon

5. The system prompts for the placement point. Select Bottom SW corner as the
placement point.

• A center point will be most logical point for placement. Since we are going to
use grid line intersections for placement, the corner point will be used. Figure
51 shows the centre point selected and highlighted.

Figure 51 : The Corner Point Highlighted

6. Click Finish to complete adding the equipment to the Catalog.

7. Repeat the same steps to copy all other equipments to the Catalog.

For more information related to routing a duct, refer to the user guide
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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Session 3: Routing a Duct

By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Route an HVAC duct system by using the Route Duct command.

Prerequisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions

The HVAC environment allows you to model a comprehensive duct system by routing a duct
and adding required objects such as features and components to it. You can route a duct by
using the Route Duct command. This command enables you to create a new duct run, extend
an existing run, and route a run to or from nozzles or features. You can also extend a duct by
adding bends and branches to it. Using the Route Duct command, you can route a duct
manually or use the offset option route a duct. The offset option is useful when you route a
duct from one point to another as this option allows you to determine the next point without
calculating it manually. After you route a duct, you can add in-line components such as
divisions and branches and features, such as transition and split features.

In the previous session, you placed an equipment AHU-01 on which you placed nozzle SP-1.
In this session, you will route a duct from this nozzle. Then, you will extend the duct by
routing ducts with bends and branches in different directions. While routing the ducts, you
will also add in-line components and transition features to your duct system. This session
covers the following tasks:

• Basic duct routing

• Inserting duct divisions
• Inserting transition feature
• Routing the duct with bends and branches
• Offset routing
• Placing reducing elbows

Routing a Duct System:

Route a duct run from the nozzle SP-1 on the equipment AHU-01 in Unit U06 of your
workspace. After routing the duct, insert a division to split the duct run into two sections and
place a transition on the smaller division. Extend this duct by routing the duct with bends and
branches. Add more ducts by using offset routing. Lastly, add a reducing elbow, a transition
feature of turn type, to the duct system. After performing these tasks, the final view of your
model should resemble Figure 1.

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Figure 1: The Final Duct System

1. While performing the basic duct routing, specify the following settings:

• System: A2>U06>HVAC>Supply>Ducts
• Specification: Spec-1
• Elevation coordinates: 16 ft

The duct ,after performing the basic duct routing, should look like the section
highlighted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Routed Duct

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2. Add a division to split the duct run into two sections. The division contains two cells.
Specify the following setting:

• Cell Dimension: 1 ft

The division in the duct should look like the highlighted section in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Duct Division

3. Then, add a transition feature to the duct. Specify the following properties:

• Width: 1 ft
• Depth: 1 ft
• Length: 1 ft 6.00 in

The transition feature should resemble the section highlighted in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Transition Feature

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4. Extend the duct by routing it with a bend and a branch. While routing or extending the
duct, set the following specifications:

• Duct with a bend:

o Angle: 90.00 deg
o Length: 20 ft

The duct with the bend should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Duct with a Bend

• Duct with a branch:

o North coordinates: -10 ft
o Plane: Plan Plane
o Offset: 1 ft
o Measured from: Surface by width

After adding the duct with the branch, the view of the duct system should resemble the
highlighted section in Figure 6.

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Figure 6: View of the Ducts with a Bend and a Branch

5. Using offset routing, add more ducts to the duct system. The specifications for these
ducts are as follows:

• Duct 1:
o Length: 30 ft

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Duct Routed Above 30 ft

• Duct 2:
o Angle: 90.00 deg

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 8.

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Figure 8: Turn Feature Created

• Duct 3:
o Plane: Plan Plane
o Angle: 0.00 deg
o Offset: 1 ft
o Measured from: Surface by width

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Duct Routed Using the Offset Routing

• Duct 4:
o Angle: 90.00 deg
o Length: 30 ft

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 10.

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Figure 10: Final View of the Routed Duct

• Duct 5:
o Length: 40 ft

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Duct Routed Above 40 ft

After routing duct 5, add another transition feature to your duct system. Specify the following
settings for this feature:

• Width: 1 ft
• Depth: 1 ft
• Length: 1 ft 6 in
• Align: Align Bottom Right

The transition feature should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 12.

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Figure 12: Transition Feature Placed

Route more ducts from this transition feature.

• Duct 6:
o Plane: Plan Plane
o Offset: 1 ft

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Duct Routed from the Transition Feature

• Duct 7:
o Offset: 1 ft
o Measured from: Centreline

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The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Final View of the Duct

• Duct 8:
o North coordinates: -15 ft
o Width: 1 ft 6 in
o Depth: 1 ft 6 in
o Offset: 2 ft
o Measured from: Centerline

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Duct with the Branch Placed

The view of the model after performing offset routing should resemble Figure 16.

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Figure 16: View of the Model After Routing the Duct Using Offset Routing

6. Add a reducing elbow to the duct system. Specify the following settings:

• Type: Turn
• Width: 1 ft
• Depth: 1 ft
• Throat Radius: 1 ft
• Angle: 90.00 deg

The reducing elbow should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 17.

Figure 17: Reducing Elbow Placed

Extend the reducing elbow by routing another duct. The settings for this duct are as follows:
• Length: 20 ft

The extended duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 18.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Figure 18: Extended Duct at 20 ft

Before you begin routing the duct system, open the HVAC environment. Make sure the objects
are assigned to appropriate permission group. In this session, set the active permission group
as HVAC to route the duct.

Steps for Performing Basic Duct Routing:

1. Define your workspace to include Unit U06.

2. Click the Tools > PinPoint command to activate the PinPoint ribbon.

3. On the PinPoint ribbon, change the Active Coordinate System to HVAC_CS.

4. To move the target to the origin of the active coordinate system, click the Set Target to
Origin option on the PinPoint ribbon.

5. The equipment on which you are routing the duct is placed at the first elevation plane.
So, you can hide the grid lines located at the second elevation plane. To hide these grid
lines, change your workspace view to front view by clicking the Front option from the
Named Views drop-down list on the PinPoint ribbon.

Figure 19: Front Option on the Named Views Drop-Down List on the PinPoint Ribbon

6. Select the grid lines located at the second elevation plane as highlighted in Figure 20.
Click the Tools > Hide command to hide these grid lines.

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Figure 20: Grid Lines Located at Second Elevation Plane

• While hiding the grid lines, make sure that you have selected All option in the
Locate Filter drop-down list.
• Another way to hide any object is to right-click the object. The shortcut menu
opens. Click Hide on it.

7. You might have to switch to different views, such as Looking Plan and Isometric, a
couple of times during the procedure to get a better view of the area where you are
performing a task. To change the view, click the Common Views option on the
Common toolbar. The Common Views dialog box is displayed. Change your
workspace view to Isometric.

Figure 21: Isomeric View of the Workspace

8. Click the Route Duct button on the vertical toolbar.

Figure 22: Route Duct Button on the Vertical Toolbar

9. Click to select the port SP-1 on the equipment AHU-01 as the starting point of the duct.

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When you click SP-1, the New Duct Run dialog box is displayed.

Figure 23: Port SP-1 Selected as the Starting Point of the Duct

If the point that you define as the starting point is not an end feature of an existing duct, then
the software automatically displays the New Duct Run dialog box to specify the properties for
the new duct.

10. In the New Duct Run dialog box, specify the following settings:

• System: A2>U06>HVAC>Supply>Ducts
• Specification: Spec-1

Figure 24: New Duct Run Dialog Box

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• You need to retain the same settings as specified above on the New Duct Run
dialog box whenever it appears while performing the subsequent procedures.

11. Click OK on the New Duct Run dialog box to define the duct run properties.

12. Route the duct upwards and set the value for the elevation coordinates of the duct as
16 ft on the PinPoint ribbon.

Figure 25: Setting Elevation on the PinPoint Ribbon

This elevation will be set as the end point of your duct and your duct will not move beyond
this elevation. Move the duct straight upwards as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Duct End Point Set at Elevation 16 ft 0.00 in

• The SmartSketch relationship indicators help you to position your duct
correctly while routing.

13. After your duct becomes straight, click in your workspace to place the duct. Right-click
in the graphic view to terminate the command.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Figure 27: Routed Duct

In the next part of the procedure, you will insert a division in the duct.

Steps for Inserting Duct Divisions:

1. Click the Insert In-line Component button on the vertical toolbar.

Figure 28: Insert In-line Component Button on the Vertical Toolbar

2. Select the end feature of the created duct.

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Figure 29: End Feature of the Duct Selected

3. As you select the end feature of the duct, the Part drop-down list on the Insert In-line
Component ribbon automatically opens. You can select the component to be inserted
from the Catalog by using this drop-down list. Select the More… option in this drop-
down list.

Figure 30: More… Option Selected in the Part Drop-Down List

4. The Select Part dialog box opens. In this dialog box, select the type of component you
want to insert. Expand Components > Divisions > Division2 until you see the part
DivisionW2. Select this part and click OK.

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Figure 31: Select Part Dialog Box

5. To define the properties of the component, click the Properties option on the Insert In-
line Component ribbon.

6. The Insert Component Settings dialog box appears. Click the Occurence tab and set
the Cell Dimension as 1 ft.

Figure 32: Insert Component Settings Dialog Box

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7. Click OK. You will see a line that splits the duct into two divisions.

Figure 33: View of the Line Dividing the Duct

8. Click the Finish option on the Insert In-line Component ribbon to place the division.

Figure 34: Duct Division

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After placing a division, insert a transition feature on the smaller cell of the division. You can
place the transition feature on an end feature or any HVAC port.

Steps for Inserting Transition Feature:

1. Click the Insert Transition button on the vertical toolbar.

Figure 35: Insert Transition Button on the Vertical Toolbar

2. Select the smaller section of the division as the starting point.

Figure 36: Smaller Section of the Division Selected

3. When you select the smaller section of the division, the New Duct Run dialog box
appears. Retain the properties on this dialog box that you specified while performing
the steps to perform basic duct routing and click OK.

4. On the Insert Transition ribbon, specify the following settings:

• Width: 1 ft
• Length: 1 ft 6.00 in

Figure 37: Specifying Width and Length on the Insert Transition Ribbon

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You will see the outline of the transition feature.

Figure 38: Outline of the Transition Feature

5. Click the Finish option on the Insert Transition ribbon to place the transition.

Figure 39: Transition Feature

After inserting the transition feature, the duct can be routed with bends and branches.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Steps for Routing the Duct with Bends and Branches:

To create a duct with the bend, follow the same steps that you followed to perform the basic
duct routing. However, there are few differences, which are listed below:

1. Select the largest port of the duct run as the starting point as highlighted in Figure 40.

Figure 40: Largest Port of the Duct Run Selected

2. Specify the following settings on the Route Duct ribbon:

• Angle: 90.00 deg
• Length: 20 ft

Figure 41: Route Duct Ribbon

3. Route the duct in the North direction as shown in Figure 42.

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Figure 42: Routing the Duct in the North Direction

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 43.

Figure 43: Duct with a Bend

Now, create a duct with a branch at a distance of -10 ft from the header of this duct. Route this
duct using the offset option on the Route Duct ribbon. The offset option allows you to specify
a particular distance as a reference point to route the duct. You do not need to manually route
the duct using this option. If you want to route your duct from an identified reference point in
a specified direction along with the specified distance, you can use the Set Offset Reference
option from the Offset drop-down list on the Route Duct ribbon. The SmartSketch relationship
indicators can find this reference point automatically.

1. Click the Reposition Target option on the PinPoint ribbon and set the duct with the
bend as the target.

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Figure 44: Setting the Duct with the Bend as the Target

2. Click the Route Duct button on the vertical toolbar. You can view your origin at the
new location.

Figure 45: Origin Set to New Location

3. On the PinPoint ribbon, specify value of -10 ft for the North coordinate.

4. Highlight the centerline of the duct by pointing the cursor on it as shown in Figure 46
and click it.

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Figure 46: Centreline of the Duct Highlighted

5. The New Duct Run dialog box appears. Retain the same values as specified for the
other ducts and click OK. Change your workspace view to the Looking Plan view and
route in the West direction.

6. Route the duct at a distance of 1 ft from the grid line shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47: Routing the Duct from the Highlighted Grid Line

7. On the Route Duct ribbon, specify Plane as Plan Plane. In the Offset drop-down list,
click Set Offset Reference. The Set Offset Reference dialog box is displayed as shown
in Figure 48. The Set Offset Reference dialog box defines three options for offset
• Centreline: Selects the centerline of the duct as the reference point
• Surface by width: Selects the width surface of the duct as the reference point
• Surface by depth: Selects the depth surface of the duct as the reference point

Set offset as 1 ft in the Offset box. Make sure that the offset reference is set as Surface

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by width under the Measured from option and click OK.

Figure 48: Set Offset Reference Dialog Box

8. Move the cursor to the grid line to add it to the SmartSketch list.

9. Move away from the grid line. A vertical projection line will generate at 1 ft distance as
specified in the Offset box.

Figure 49: Projection Line Generated at 1 ft Distance

10. Click in the graphic view to finish routing. The duct should resemble the highlighted
section in Figure 50.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Figure 50: Duct with a Branch

Steps for Performing Offset Routing:

After you have routed the duct with bends and branches, you can route more ducts using the
offset routing. In the following procedure, expand your duct system by routing ducts from
various points in the model. You will route these ducts by performing basic duct routing and
by offset routing.

Route first two ducts by following the steps to perform basic duct routing.

1. The starting point for the first duct is the duct with branch that you placed in the
previous procedure as shown in Figure 51. Specify Length as 30 ft on the Route Duct
ribbon and route in the North direction.

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 52.

Figure 51: Starting Point for the First Duct Figure 52: Duct Routed Above 30 ft

2. Route the second duct by selecting the end feature of the transition as the starting
point as shown in Figure 53. Specify Angle as 90.00 deg on the Route Duct ribbon.

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The routed duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 54.

Figure 53: Starting Point for the Second Duct Figure 54: Turn Feature Created

Continue routing from the last duct by using offset routing.

3. Specify following settings on the Route Duct ribbon:

• Plane: Plan Plane
• Angle: 0.00 deg

4. Identify the grid line highlighted in Figure 55 to route the duct at a distance of 1 ft
from it. Retain the settings in the Set Offset Reference dialog box as specified for the
duct with a branch that you routed in the procedure to route the duct with bends and

Figure 55: Routing the Duct at a Distance of 1 ft from the Highlighted Grid Line

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5. Select the grid line you identified to add it to the SmartSketch list as shown in Figure
56. Then, move away from the grid line. The vertical projection line will generate at a
distance of 1 ft as specified in the Offset drop-down list in the Set Offset Reference
dialog box. Click to place the duct part.

The duct part should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 57.

Figure 56: Projection Line at 1 ft Distance Figure 57: Duct Routed Using the Offset Routing

Again, route the next two ducts by using basic duct routing.

6. Continue routing from the last duct in the North direction by specifying the following
settings on the Route Duct ribbon:

• Angle: 90.00 deg

• Length: 30 ft

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 59.

Figure 58: Routing Duct in the North Direction Figure 59: Final View of the Routed Duct

7. Now, route another duct with a Length of 40 ft from a different point as shown in
Figure 60.

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 61.

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Figure 60: Routing a Duct From a Different Point Figure 61:Duct Routed Above 40 ft

After you have placed various ducts at different points, create a transition feature by following
the same procedure as the one you followed earlier to insert the transition.

8. Place the transition on the end feature of the duct as shown in Figure 62. To place the
transition, specify the following settings on the Insert Transition ribbon:

• Width: 1 ft
• Depth: 1 ft
• Length: 1 ft 6 in
• Align: Align Bottom Right

The transition feature should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 63.

Figure 62: Starting Point of the Transition Figure 63: Transition Feature Placed

From this transition feature, route more ducts.

9. Use the offset routing to place a duct from the end feature of this transition. Identify
the grid line highlighted in Figure 64 to route the duct at a distance of 1 ft from it.
Again, retain the settings in the Set Offset Reference dialog box as specified for the
last duct you routed using the offset option. Also, change your Plane to Plan Plane to

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view the projection line generated by the offset constraint.

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 65.

Figure 64: Grid Line Highlighted Figure 65: Duct Routed from the Transition Feature

10. Continue routing this duct in the West direction by 1 ft offset from the grid line as
highlighted in Figure 66. The only change you make at this point is to set the offset
reference as centerline of the duct. Select the Centreline option button under the
Measured from option in the Set Offset Reference dialog box.

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 67.

Figure 66: Routing Duct Using the Centreline Offset Reference Figure 67: Final View of the Duct

11. Now, place a duct with a branch from the transition by relocating the target to the start
point of the transition. Place this branch at 15 ft distance from the start point of the
transition by specifying the value for North coordinates as -15 ft.

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Figure 68: Target Relocated

12. The steps to place this branch are same as the ones you followed to place a duct with a
branch in the procedure to route the duct with bends and branches except that here
you need to define the offset using the Set Offset Reference option in the Offset drop-
down list. Specifications to create this branch are listed as below:

• Width: 1 ft 6 in
• Depth: 1 ft 6 in
• Measured from: Centreline
• Offset: 2 ft

Route the duct by the specified offset distance from the grid line highlighted in Figure 69.

The duct should resemble the highlighted section in Figure 70.

Figure 69: Routing the Duct at 2 ft Offset Figure 70: Duct with the Branch Placed

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Finally, place a reducing elbow in your model.

Steps for Placing Reducing Elbows:

Reducing elbow is a transition feature, so place a transition feature of turn type by following
the same procedure as for inserting transitions except the following deviations:

1. Select the end feature of the duct as the starting point.

Figure 71: End Feature of the Duct Selected as the Starting Point

2. Specify the following settings on the Insert Transition ribbon:

• Type: Turn
• Width: 1 ft
• Depth: 1 ft
• Throat Radius: 1 ft
• Angle: 90.00 deg

Figure 72: Settings Specified on the Insert Transition Ribbon

The turn transition feature should look like the highlighted section in Figure 73.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Routing a Duct

Figure 73: Reducing Elbow Placed

3. Extend this duct by routing a 20 ft long duct. The extended duct should resemble the
highlighted section in Figure 74.

Figure 74: Extended Duct at 20 ft

For more information related to routing a duct, refer to the following topics of the user guide

• Routing To or From Features: An Overview

• Adding Features to a Duct Run: An Overview

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Fittings

SP3D HVAC Session 4: Placing Fittings

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

• Place fittings such as elbows and tees in a ductwork.

Prerequisite Sessions:

• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions
• Routing a Duct

Fittings can be inserted into an existing ductwork or added to the ends of existing duct paths. A
typical way to do this is to use the Insert Component command. Since SP3D by default generates
part geometry (metal sheet) by taking the cross section shape and size during modeling, you can
replace these parts (metal sheet) with Catalog items. The part that results from the replace
method is a Catalog item that can be purchased and general is reported on a Material Take off
Report for purchasing.

In this session, since a typical ductwork is already routed in the model, you will learn the
procedure to place the following fittings using the replace method as shown in figure 1:
• Tee
• HVAC elbow
• HVAC Square elbow
• Miter elbow

Figure 1: Typical Ductwork

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Fittings

Steps for Placing a Fitting:

Place a Rectangular Tee fitting at an intersection between two duct paths. After inserting the tee,
the view of your model should resemble Figure 2.

Figure 2: The Placed Tee

Before placing the fitting, ensure that you define the workspace to include Unit U06, activate the
HVAC task, and select HVAC_CS as the coordinate system. Activate PinPoint, set the target to
origin, and change Locate Filter to Duct Features.

1. Select the Duct Along Leg Feature located at the intersection between the two duct
paths. Figure 3 shows the feature highlighted. Use the QuickPick tool to help you select
the Duct Along Leg Feature.

Figure 3: The Selected Feature Highlighted

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Fittings

2. The Duct Feature ribbon opens as shown in Figure 4. Select the More… option in the
Part drop-down list on the ribbon.

Figure 4: The Duct Feature Ribbon

3. The Select part dialog box opens. Expand Branches > Rect Tee to select the RectTee1.
Figure 5 shows the Catalog part selected.

Figure 5: Select Part Dialog

4. Click OK to place the tee as shown in Figure 2.

Similarly, you can place an HVAC elbow fitting. To do that, select the turn feature to be inserted
by the HVAC elbow and then select the HVAC Elbow part from the Catalog. Figure 6 shows the
placed HVAC elbow.

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Figure 6: The HVAC Elbow Placed

Perform the same steps that you perform for placing a Rectangular Tee fitting and select the
Hsqr ThroatElbow01 part to place an HVAC Square Throat elbow. Figure 7 shows the placed
HVAC Square Throat elbow.

Figure 7: The HVAC Square Throat Elbow Placed

The procedure to place a Miter elbow is somewhat different from the procedure for placing other
fittings. After selecting Miter as the part type, specify the number of Miter elbows you want to
place on the Duct Feature ribbon as shown in Figure 8. The figure shows Miter as the selected
part type and the required number of Miters selected.

Figure 8: The Duct Feature Ribbon

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Figure 9 shows the placed miter elbow.

Figure 9: The Placed Miter Elbow

For more information related to inserting fittings, refer to the user guide

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Fittings

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

Session 5: Inserting Components

By the end of this topic, you will be able to:
• Insert components like filters, dampers and hookup connections in a ductwork.

Pre-Requisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions
• Routing a Duct
• Placing Fittings

Components such as hookup connections (branch ports) and dampers help in providing branch or cut
off breaks in a duct run. These components also enable efficient routing of air, exhaust, and heat to and
from a building.
You use the Insert Surface Mount Component and Insert In-line Component button on the vertical
toolbar to place components in a duct run. You can choose to place components in a duct run either
while routing or after routing the duct run.
By placing components during the routing process, you can create a more accurate model of the final
design. This helps in avoiding needless, extensive editing of the duct system later.
The components that you can choose for a particular model are listed in the Select Part dialog box as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Select Part Dialog Box

Steps to Insert Components in a Duct Run:

Insert three branch ports and division duct runs in the ductwork of Unit U06. Then, place a fire
damper in this ductwork. The view of your model after placing the components should resemble
Figure 2.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

Figure 2: Final Output-Placed Branch Ports and Division Duct Runs

Before starting, make sure the objects are assigned to the appropriate permission group. Set the active
permission group to HVAC.

Steps to Place Branch Ports and Division Duct Runs:

1. Define your workspace to include all objects located in Unit U06 system and the
coordinate system U06 CS.
2. If you are not in the HVAC environment, select the Tasks > HVAC on the Common
toolbar to enable the HVAC environment.
3. Click the Zoom Area button on the Common toolbar and zoom in to the area
displayed in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Zoomed Area of the Model

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

4. Activate the PinPoint ribbon by clicking the PinPoint button on the Common toolbar
and then click the Reposition Target button on the PinPoint ribbon.

Figure 4: Reposition Target Button on the PinPoint Ribbon

5. Click to select the starting point of the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 5 as
the reference point to place a branch port.

Figure 5: Defined Target for the Branch Port

6. Click the Insert Surface Mount Component button on the vertical toolbar to start
placing the branch port.

Figure 6: Insert Surface Mount Component button on the Vertical Toolbar

7. Click the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 5. The Component part drop-
down list on the Insert Surface Mount Component ribbon opens as shown in Figure 7.
Click More… to select the component part you want to place.

Figure 7: Component Part Drop-Down List

8. The Select Part dialog box displays a list of the available components that you can

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

place in a duct run. These components and the component specifications are already
defined in the Catalog. Navigate to SMRectangularBranch and click the part
SMRectangularBranch1 in the right pane. Then, click OK to close the Select Part
dialog box.
• You can preview the part you are going to place by clicking the Preview button on the toolbar
as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Select Part Dialog Box

9. Click the Enter Insertion Point button on the Insert Surface Mount Component
ribbon to define the exact point to place the branch port.

Figure 9: Enter Intersection Point Button on the Insert Surface Mount Component Ribbon

10. Key in -5ft 0in in the N drop-down list on the PinPoint ribbon to lock the point where
you want to place the branch port. You will now see an outline of the branch port in
your model as shown in Figure 10.

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Figure 10: Outline of the Branch Port

11. Click the Settings button on the Insert Surface Mount Component ribbon to define
the branch port placement properties.

Figure 11: Settings Button on the Insert Surface Mount Component Ribbon

12. The Insert Surface Mount Component Settings dialog box appears. Click the
Placement tab. Set the following parameters and click OK to close the Insert Surface
Mount Component Settings dialog box:
• Component Reference: Origin
• Mount Reference: Bottom Center
• Mount Offset: 0ft 6in
• Rotation Angle: 0deg

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Figure 12: Insert Surface Mount Component Settings Dialog Box

13. Click in the graphic area to accept the position of the branch port and then click Finish
on the Insert Surface Mount Component ribbon to place the branch port as shown in
Figure 13.

Figure 13: Placed Branch Port

You can use the same steps to place an access door in your model.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

14. Select Duct Parts in the Locate Filter drop-down list. This will help you locate and
select the branch port you have just placed.
15. Now, click to select the branch port you just placed and click Edit > Properties on the
Common toolbar to change the properties of the branch port.
16. The Duct Component Properties dialog box appears. Make the following
modifications and click OK to close the Duct Component Properties dialog box:
• Branch Width: 1ft 0in
• Branch Depth: 1 ft 0in

Figure 14: Duct Component Properties Dialog Box

The view of your model should now resemble Figure 15.

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Figure 15: Placed Branch Port

17. You now need to place a division duct run starting at the branch port you just placed.
Click the Route Duct button on the vertical toolbar.

Figure 16: Route Pipe Button on the Vertical Toolbar

18. Click the branch port you just placed. The New Duct Run dialog box appears as
shown in Figure 17. Click OK to accept the default properties and close the New Duct
Run dialog box.

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Figure 17: New Duct Run Dialog Box

19. You will now see an outline of a duct in your model. Key in -20ft 0in in the E drop-
down field of the PinPoint ribbon to place the duct at a distance of 20 ft from the
starting point in the West direction.
20. Click in the graphic view to place the duct as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: Placed Duct

Now, use the same steps and the following specifications to place two more branch ports and division
duct runs on the main duct line highlighted in Figure 19.

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Second branch port and division duct Specifications

Branch port In the Insert Surface Mount Component
Settings dialog box, set the following placement
• Component Reference: Origin
• Mount Reference: Bottom Center
• Mount Offset: 0ft 3in
• Rotation Angle: 0deg
In the Duct Component Properties dialog box,
set the following dimension parameters:
• Branch Width: 1ft 0in
• Branch Depth: 1 ft 0in

Placement point: Midpoint of the duct straight

Division duct Length: 20ft
Third branch port and division duct Specifications
Branch port In the Insert Surface Mount Component
Settings dialog box, set the following placement
• Component Reference: Origin
• Mount Reference: Top Center
• Mount Offset: 0ft 0in
• Rotation Angle: 0deg
In the Duct Component Properties dialog box,
set the following dimension parameters:
• Branch Width: 10in
• Branch Depth: 10in

Placement point: Midpoint of the duct straight

Division duct Length: 20ft

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

Use this duct

straight feature to
place the second
branch port and
division duct run.

Use this duct

straight feature to
place the third
branch port and
division duct run.

Figure 19: Duct Straight Feature

• Use Smartsketch to locate the midpoint of the duct straight feature and place the branch port.
• Use the Length drop-down field of the Duct Run ribbon to define the length of the division
duct run. In this case, key in 20ft 0in in the Length drop-down field of the Duct Run ribbon to
lock the length of the duct.
The view of your model after placing all three branch ports and division ducts should resemble Figure

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

Figure 20: Placed Branch Ports and Division Duct Runs

Steps to Place a Damper:

Now, you need to place a fire damper on the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Duct Straight Feature

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Dampers are placed inside the duct runs. Therefore, you need to use the Insert In-line Component
button on the vertical toolbar to place dampers in duct runs.

1. Click the Reposition Target button on the PinPoint ribbon. Place the target at the
starting point of the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 21 as the reference
point to place the damper.
2. Click the Insert In-line Component button on the vertical toolbar to start placing the

Figure 22: Insert In-line Component Button on the Vertical Toolbar

3. Click the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 21. The Part drop-down list on the
Insert In-line Component ribbon opens as shown in Figure 23. Select More… from the
Part drop-down list to select the component you want to place.

Figure 23: Part Drop-Down List

4. The Select Part dialog box appears as shown in Figure 24. Navigate to FireDamper
and click FD24X24 in the right pane. Then, click OK to close the Select Part dialog box.

Figure 24: Select Part Dialog Box

5. You will now see an outline of the damper in your model. Click the Enter Insertion

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Inserting Components

Point button on the Insert In-line Component ribbon to define the exact point where
you want to place the damper.
6. Key in 4ft 0in in the N drop-down field of the PinPoint ribbon. This locks the distance
of the damper at 4 ft from the starting point of the duct straight feature.

Figure 25: Outline of the Damper

7. Click in the graphic view and then, click Finish on the Insert In-line Component
ribbon to place the damper as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Placed Damper

For more information related to insert HVAC components, refer to the Adding Features to a Duct
Run: An Overview topic in the user guide HVACUsersGuide.pdf:

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Splits

Session 6: Placing Splits

By the end of this topic, you will be able to:
• Place a split part at a specific position in an HVAC duct.

Prerequisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions
• Routing a Duct
• Placing Fittings

You can place splits in a duct run to divide the duct into sections that could be easily manufactured,
assembled, and dismantled. You use the Insert Split Command to cut a duct along a straight section
into two straight duct features. You can then insert a split feature to connect the ends of the two ducts
created by cutting the main duct. The split feature generates split parts. Examples of split parts are
flange set, sleeve, and rivet joint. The split parts that you can place in a duct run are listed in the Select
Part dialog box as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Select Part Dialog Box

Steps to Insert Split Parts in a Duct Run:

Insert four split flange sets in the duct run of Unit U06. The view of your model after placing the split
flange sets should resemble Figure 2.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Splits

Figure 2: Final Output-Placed Split Flange Sets

Before starting, make sure the objects are assigned to the appropriate permission group. Set the active
permission group to HVAC and assign the objects that you place in the model to the active permission

1. Define your workspace to include all objects located in Unit U06 system and the
coordinate system U06 CS.
2. If you are not in the HVAC task environment, click the Tasks > HVAC command to
enable the HVAC task environment.
3. Click the Zoom Area button on the Common toolbar and zoom in to the area
displayed in Figure 3.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Splits

Figure 3: Zoomed Area of the Model

4. Activate PinPoint by clicking the PinPoint button on the Common toolbar and then
click the Reposition Target button on the PinPoint ribbon. The Reposition Target
option helps you define a reference point to place the split flange set.

Figure 4: Reposition Target Button on the PinPoint Ribbon

5. Click to select the starting point of the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 5 as
the reference point to place the split flange set.

Figure 5: Defined Reference Point for Placing Split Flange Set

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Splits

6. Click the Insert Split button on the vertical toolbar to start placing the split flange set.

Figure 6: Insert Split Button on the Vertical Toolbar

7. Click the duct straight feature highlighted in Figure 5. The Part drop-down list on the
Insert Split ribbon opens as shown in Figure 7. Click More… to select the split parts
you want to place.

Figure 7: Part Drop-Down List

8. The Select Part dialog box appears. The Select Part dialog box displays a list of the
available split parts that you can place in a duct run. These split parts are already
defined in the Catalog. Navigate to Rect_FlatFlange folder and click the part RECTFF
in the right pane. Then, click OK to close the Select Part dialog box.
• You can preview the split parts you are going to place by clicking the Preview button on the
toolbar as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Select Part Dialog Box

You will now see an outline of the split flange set in your model as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9: Outline of the Flange Set

9. Key in -7 ft in the E drop-down list on the PinPoint ribbon to place the split flange set
at a distance of 7 ft in the West direction from the starting point.

Figure 10: E Drop-Down Field on PinPoint Ribbon

10. Click in the graphic view to define the active placement point of the split flange set.
11. Click Finish on the Insert Split ribbon to place the split flange set as shown in Figure

Figure 11: Placed Split Flange Set

Follow steps 6 to 11 to place three more split flange sets at distances of 14 ft, 21 ft, and 28 ft,

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Placing Splits

respectively from the starting point of the duct straight feature. The view of your model after placing
the split flange sets should resemble Figure 12.

Figure 12: Placed Split Flange Sets

For more information related to inserting splits in a duct run, refer to the Insert a Split topic in the
user guide HVACUsersGuide.pdf:

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

SP3D HVAC Session 7: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Modify the properties of HVAC duct runs in a model.

Prerequisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common sessions
• Routing a Duct

The HVAC task includes several commands that allow you to modify the properties of duct
runs in order to meet particular design needs. You can modify properties of a duct run by
applying insulation or modify its functional capabilities by adding components such as
diffusers and dampers. You can also move or delete the duct runs, if required.
In SP3D, you select a duct run to display the appropriate ribbon with options such as Shape,
Depth, Width, Radius or Orientation that allow you to edit the selected duct run.
In this session you will learn to modify duct runs by:
• Modifying properties
• Adding diffusers
• Moving duct runs
• Deleting duct runs

Steps for Modifying the Properties of Duct Runs:

Before modifying the properties of a duct run ensure that you define the workspace to include
Unit U06, switch to the HVAC environment, and select HVAC_CS as the coordinate system.
Activate PinPoint and change the Locate Filter to show Duct Runs.

Modify the duct run property by adding a 0.98 in thick polyurethane insulation.

The view of the duct run after adding insulation looks as shown in Figure 1.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

Figure 1: Insulated Duct Run

1. Click Format on the menu and select the View option.

2. In the Format View dialog box, select the Insulation option under the Selected
Aspects category to enable the insulation aspect. Figure 2 shows the option
selected in the Format View dialog box.

Figure2 : Format View Dialog Box with Insulation Aspect Selected

3. Click Format on the menu and select the Surface Style Rules option. The Surface
Style Rules dialog box opens with the Style rule library displayed on it. Figure 3
shows the Surface Style Rules dialog box.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

Figure 3 : Surface Style Rule Dialog Box

4. In the Surface Style Rules dialog box, check if a style rule with the following
parameters exists:
• Rule Name: Duct Insulation for Air System
• Filter > HVAC parts
• Style applied: Translucent Orange
• Insulation check box checked

5. Select the required rule and click OK to apply the style rule in your workspace.
The Style Rule Library may or may not show the style rule you intend to use. If
the required style rule is displayed you can select it. However, if it does not exist,
you need to define a new style rule using the parameters given to you.

6. Select the duct run to be modified as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 : Selected Duct Run to be Modified

7. Click the Properties button. Select More… as the value of Insulation Material.

8. In the Select Insulation Material dialog box, expand Insulation Material > PU to
select Polyurethane as the Insulation Material.
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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

9. Select Insulation Thickness of 0.98 in from the drop-down list. Figure 5 shows the
Insulation Material and Insulation Thickness value selected as required.

Figure 5 : Insulation Material and Insulation Thickness Values Selected

10. Click OK. The selected duct run is insulated now. Figure 1 shows the insulated
duct run.

Steps for Adding Diffusers to the Duct Run:

Place a round diffuser D24X24RND8 by selecting it from the Catalog and add it to the main line
duct run by routing a duct run to join them.
For routing the duct use the following specifications:

Parameters Values
Component Part SMRoundBranch1
Mount Reference Bottom Center
Specification Spec-1
Material Steel-Carbon A36

Insulation Material Non-insulated

1. Click the Tools menu and select the Show all option to unhide all grid lines of
Unit U06.

2. Change the common view to Looking Plan view. Figure 6 shows the plan view of
the unit.

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Figure 6 : Plan View of Unit U06

3. Click the Edit menu and select the Paste from Catalog option to add diffusers
from the displayed list in the Catalog. The list shows the diffusers that you added
during some of the previous activities.

4. The Modules dialog box appears. Expand Modules > HVAC > HV Misc and
select the round diffuser D24X24RND8 from the displayed list of HVAC
equipments on the right. Figure 7 shows the selected option highlighted.

Figure 7: D24X24RND8, Round Diffuser Selected and Highlighted

5. Click OK to close the Modules dialog box.

6. The Place Macro dialog box opens. Ensure that Devices in the Supply folder
under HVAC in the Workspace Explorer is selected as shown in Figure 8.

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Figure 8 : The Place Macro Dialog Box

Click OK to close the Place Macro dialog box. Use the gridlines to place the new diffuser as
shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: The Added Round Diffuser

To add this diffuser to the main duct run, you route an additional duct run. This additional duct
run will connect the diffuser to the main duct run.

7. Select Duct Runs in the Locate Filter drop-down list and reposition target to the
port of the diffuser. This sets the target for routing a duct run from the main duct
run to the diffuser.

8. Click the Insert Surface Mount Component command on the vertical toolbar to
insert a duct run in the main line. Figure 10 shows the Insert Surface Mount
Component command highlighted.

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Figure 10 : The Insert Surface Mount Component Command

9. Click to select the Duct Straight Feature to which you want to connect the diffuser
and select the More option in the Component Part drop-down list on the Insert
Surface Mount Component ribbon.

10. The Select Part dialog box opens. In the Select Part dialog box, expand Surfaces >
SMRoundBranch and select SMRoundBranch1.

11. Click the Properties button to open the Insert Surface Mount Component
Settings dialog box. Click the Placement tab and select Bottom Center in the
Mount Reference field to specify the location.

12. Key in Mount offset value as 3 in and click OK. Figure 11 shows the value

Figure 11 : Insert Surface Mount Component Settings Dialog Box

13. Click on the Enter Insertion Point button on the Insert Surface Mount
Component ribbon. Figure 12 shows the button highlighted.

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Figure 12: The Enter Insertion Point Button Highlighted

14. Key in 0 ft for E on the PinPoint ribbon and click in the graphic view. Click Finish
button to place the branch port.

15. Select Duct Parts in the Locate Filter drop-down list as shown in Figure 13 and
click on the duct part to select it.

Figure 13:Duct Parts Option Selected in the Locate Filter Drop-Down

16. Select Edit > Properties on the menu to open the Duct Component Properties
dialog box. Change the width to 8 in and click OK. Figure 14 shows the required
Branch Width value in the Duct Component Properties dialog box.

Figure 14: Branch Width Value Highlighted in the Duct Component Properties Dialog Box

17. Click the Route Duct button on the vertical toolbar and click on the branch port to
select it as shown in Figure 15.

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Figure 15: Branch Port Selected

18. The New Duct Run dialog box opens. In the New Duct Run dialog box, change
the value of Specification to Spec-1, Material to Steel-Carbon A36, and
Insulation Material to Non Insulated to specify the properties of the duct run.

19. Select the More… option in the System field in the dialog box and expand A2 >
U06 > HVAC > Supply > Ducts to select Ducts as the value of System. Figure 16
shows the required properties selected and highlighted in the New Duct Run
dialog box.

Figure 16 : The New Duct Run Dialog Box

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

20. Click OK. Use the SmartSketch option to locate the position for placement and
click on the graphic view to place the duct run such that it is connected to the main
line. Figure 17 shows the duct run joining the main line.

Figure 17 : Placed Duct Run

21. Continue routing to the port of the diffuser and click to place the duct run. Figure
18 shows the placed duct run joining the main line to the diffuser.

Figure 18 : Placed Duct Run Joining Main Line to Diffuser

22. Repeat steps 9-21 to place the second diffuser as shown in Figure 19.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

Figure 19 : Second Duct Run Joining Main Line to Diffuser

The HVAC task provides the precise level of control that you need to create a complex HVAC
system. After creating a duct run, you can move its features to alter the layout of the duct runs,
connection points, or component placement. The software also permits you to edit the feature

Steps for Moving an HVAC Duct Features:

Move a duct run using the Move to or Move from button.

1. Click the Select command on the vertical toolbar.

2. Select Duct Features in the Locate Filter box.

3. Click to select the duct feature to be moved. Figure 20 shows the selected duct
feature highlighted.

Figure 20: The Duct Feature to be Moved

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

4. Select Edit > Move on the main menu. Use the Move From and Move To options
on the horizontal ribbon to reposition the features. Figure 21 shows the
highlighted feature moved from the original location.

Figure 21: Moved Duct Feature

Steps for Deleting an HVAC Duct Feature:

The software deletes the associated duct parts and connections when you delete a feature.
Since a duct run is a connected system, the software preserves connections and points that you
entered for the route. For example, when you delete a split feature, a branch feature, or an inline
component that connects two straight features, the software automatically closes the gap to
form only one straight feature. This action requires that the two straight features have the same
If you delete a turn feature, the software extends the connected straight features to the turn

Delete a Duct Feature using the Delete command.

1. Click the Select command on the vertical toolbar.

2. Select Duct Features in the Locate Filter box.

3. Click and select the feature to delete.

4. Right-click and select the Delete option as shown in Figure 22.

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

Figure 22: the Selected Duct Feature to be Deleted

For more information related to manipulating features, refer to the user guide HVAC

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SP3D HVAC Tutorial: Modifying HVAC Duct Runs

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