StrataSync 11.0 Release Notes 092920

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StrataSync 11.

Release Notes
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right to provide an addendum to this manual with information not available at the time that
this manual was created.

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StrataSync Release Notes

2 Oct 2020
Summary of StrataSync 11.0 Changes
y New Fiber Dashboard
y Generic Dashboard improvements
y Generic Workflow enhancements
y OneExpert CATV configuration enhancements
y General Improvements / Bug Fixes

StrataSync Release Notes

Oct 2020 3
New Features
New Fiber Dashboard
Supports a new Fiber dashboard under the “Analytics” tab in the StrataSync UI for accounts
configured for this capability. By default, it supports viewing OTDR test results from VIAVI
test instruments aggregated according to the organizations configured in the StrataSync
account, or by the ‘contractorId’ indicated in the received test results (e.g. when receiving
test results from multiple subcontractors during fiber construction rollout).
The dashboard utilizes an independent set of pass/fail threshold criteria applied to the
measurements such as total loss, connector loss, splice loss and reflectance, instead of
relying on exact pass/fail criteria used during the test. This threshold set can be customized
according to a customer’s needs via professional services.
Fiber OTDR test results and Continuity verification are displayed per-Fiber, and aggregated
by Cable ID, Location A and Location B (as well as either by Organization or Contractor), and
according to the selected relative or absolute date window. Customers can choose to drill-
down through the results in a hierarchical view (with summarized pass/fail per-category),
or in a tabular or rollup view per-fiber. An overall fiber summary is always displayed, along
with a ‘trend-by’ chart and key metric pie summaries according to the currently selected
drill-down category and level. Additionally, a generic search capability and CSV export
function are provided.
This dashboard allows customers to visually track the progress of fiber testing over time, as
well as analyze the quality of key metrics by location and contractor so that root causes of
issues can be found and performance/quality optimized.

Fiber Dashboard

StrataSync Release Notes

4 Oct 2020
Generic Dashboard improvements
Since the ONA-800 dashboard was released in 10.0, several improvements have been made
to the dashboard framework supporting the ONA-800 dashboard (5G Rollup) and the Fiber

Search function
The ‘Search drilldown’ function provides quick access to any
level of the aggregation hierarchy regardless of which level
you have drilled-to. It is especially useful at the highest
aggregation level when you know exactly what you want
to drill-to, whether it is a cell site ID or a fiber location. Just
start typing and after a minimum of 3 characters, the search
function will start to suggest the best options – clicking on
one will take you straight to that level in the hierarchy.

View options
The configured view options are now always accessible
on the top-menu bar as icons with hover-over text
naming. The options are ‘Group by x’ where x is the
top-level aggregation object, e.g. organization, ‘y Table’
where y is the commonly aggregated object (e.g. ‘Fiber’
or ‘Site’), and ‘y Rollup’ which provides a tabular drill-down view.

StrataSync Release Notes

Oct 2020 5
Percent/Total Count toggle for ‘Trend by’ chart
By default, the ‘Trend by’
column chart shows %
pass/fail/incomplete over
time, either by day (if the
date range is a month or
less), or by month (if the
data range is greater than
a month).
Now customers can select
the “#” button to switch
the chart to counts per-
In addition, the x-axis now contains the date/month labels.

CSV export
In the top menu bar, there is now a CSV Export button which allows you to save a CSV
file to your local PC containing detailed measurements as filtered by the current drill-
down hierarchy.

CSV export

StrataSync Release Notes

6 Oct 2020
Save as a CSV

CSV file detail

StrataSync Release Notes

Oct 2020 7
Saved views (Dashboard Quick Links)
Clicking the star icon produces a pop-up window allowing you to save the dashboard
drill-down hierarchy, view options (like Table vs Rollup) and date range.


By supplying a name, you can then access this saved view (Quick Link) from the Home
tab in the Analytics window (or browser tab).
To remove a link, simply navigate to the view by clicking the Quick Link from the Home
tab, and then clicking the star icon (which is a filled star icon for saved views). This
results in a pop-up window asking for confirmation to remove the quick link from the
Home tab.

Home tab Quick Links

StrataSync Release Notes

8 Oct 2020
Generic Workflow enhancements

Support for CDM (Common Data Model) 2.1 Job Templates

y A CDM 2.1 Job Template is uniquely identified in a StrataSync customer account
using type (Template.Job Template) and a case in-sensitive typeName.
y Support for CDM 2.1 job templates uploaded from assets. These templates are
viewable in StrataSync.
y Job templates (uploaded by one asset) can be selected to be deployed to other
assets in the same organization.
y Job templates can be deleted from an asset.

Support for CDM 2.1 jobs via the Workflow JSON API
y Support for the generic “viaviJob” job type, managed via the ‘Other Work Orders’
view in StrataSync. Minimum required criteria for job creation are:
y ‘workOrderId’ cannot be empty.
y ‘date’ should be in the ISO 8601 format.
y For a given customer StrataSync account ID, the combination of
‘workOrderId’ and ‘date’ should be unique.
y Under any given test, test locations cannot have duplicate labels.
y Support for indication of a CDM 2.1 Job Template when posting jobs to StrataSync
where “workflow.typeName” matches the unique name of a Job Template within
the customer’s StrataSync account. If a Job Template is matched, then fields
are copied from the template to complete the job definition. However, if test
definitions are present in the job ingested by the Workflow JSON API, then any
test plan in the Job Template is not copied.
y Supports posting a job with no defined tests. This is like the specialized CATV API
endpoint in the Workflow JSON API introduced in release 10.5, but this capability
is now supported for the generic job type.
y Supports tests defined with multiple locations per-test as well as one location
y Supports updating an existing job definition.
y Supports re-assignment of a job to another technician via the Workflow JSON
y Supports re-assignment of a job to another technician using the StrataSync UI.

StrataSync Release Notes

Oct 2020 9
OneExpert CATV configuration enhancements
Several configuration enhancements are supported to enhance template configuration of
ONX CATV instruments:
y Allow StrataSync OneExpert settings configuration of video analysis to support
acquisition of the logical channel plan.
y Support adding the Max UCD noise peak and average limits to the ‘Limit Plan’ for
ONX CATV templates.
y Support editing ‘Tilt Bands’ configuration on StrataSync.
y Support adding Ingress Scan to the OneCheck Expert settings in StrataSync with
default set to “Enable”.

StrataSync Release Notes

10 Oct 2020
General Improvements / Bug Fixes
y Test configuration templates can now be locked (only editable by) to more than one
user as shown in the screenshot below. Previously you could only select a single user or

Edit By

y Scheduled emails of the Asset list page now include details on installed options, not just
the count of options as shown in the UI.

y You can now view configuration files for FiberChek assets.

StrataSync Release Notes

Oct 2020 11
Oct 2020


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