Gamboa Franchescamarie Es

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Inside the Magic Shop

They say the little things can make a big difference. Surely, there is that one, simple, little
thing in life that has made a significant difference and purpose in our lives. Personally, I love to
value the small details of life, because sometimes, the little unseen things are the ones most
valuable and special.

In my early years of childhood until I age, a lot of people would see me as a capable
student who does all of her work well, who tops in class, who is talented too, and who is very
affable and approachable to anyone. No one is created perfect but people would often
compliment me that I am near perfect. It is indeed gratifying hearing such words from other
people, but little did they know that I go through various paths before I even reach my

Just like a flower trying to bloom without water, I fall down at times. I wilt and feel dry.
These thoughts often make me realize that I am human after all. Without a doubt, I, you, and we
are born to be imperfect. No human can live life without downfalls and regret.

People also often see me as a carefree, jovial, and happy person. What they can’t see is
that I also cry and I sulk at one corner of the room, only that no one sees other than my mother.
You see, there is one big challenge in life that will eventually come into one’s life. At a certain
time in my teenage life, there were a lot of bumps and rough roads but I honestly do not think
that this was already the biggest I’ve had.

They would be shocked if I told them I cried or I had this big problem. It’s because they
could not see behind the picture. A particular time in the past, not so long ago, had me full of
regrets, sadness, and pain. It was normal for a girl, a teenage girl like me. I did not feel hopeless,
but I felt dry. I was once a flower watered by everyone’s compliments, but because of one thing
that I thought was not that important, it’s like the petals have gone off my stem and the bloom
never showed again, not until one little thing happened.

I grabbed my phone right at the side table of my bed, opened my Spotify, plugged in my
earphones, and played some music. Songs were randomly playing until one song caught my
attention. Do you ever feel that one, music makes you uplifted that sometimes even if you have
not seen the lyrics, the message seems to be very close to your heart? That’s what I felt hearing
the song “Magic Shop” by BTS, a famous Korean boy band. I have heard the song a lot of times
already, but it feels like the first time every time I listen to it again.

That one little moment, listening to a song that has been close to my heart had made a
significant reason and purpose to who I am today. It’s only been a year or two listening to the
song but it took a special place in my heart that I will forever have it with me. That one song
made me a stronger person and made me believe that I can grow again. From then, I believed a
flower can bloom once again and I can go on if I just believed in myself. The song also made me
prepared for any circumstance I may face, that I can do it.

No matter how small it is, when it gives a big impact in your life, the best thing to do are
to value and carry it for your whole life. That simple song, even if it's not in my language, even if
I could not understand it the first time I heard it, even if people would not understand it too, has
given me real comfort and happiness.

Translated into English, the song goes, “Open the door and this place will await
It's okay to believe, the Magic Shop will comfort you.” And there I believed and I healed. That
made me a stronger person I am today, stronger than anything that may challenge me, may it be
small or big.

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