Service Report: Sap Earlywatch Alert

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Service Report

SAP EarlyWatch Alert


SAP Component ERP

Release 2005

Status Productive

DB System MSSQL 9.00.2047.

Customer PT Akira Electronics Indonesia

10000 Jakarta

Date of Session 04.05.2007 <dat_dummy> Session No. 0010002850385

Date of Report 08.05.2007 Installation No. 0020255749
Author EarlyWatch Alert Service Customer No. 0000832548
1 Service Summary

1 Service Summary
During this EarlyWatch Alert Session, we detected potential
problems concerning your system.
We recommend that you take corrective action as soon as

Note: All recommendations provided in this report are based on our general experience only. We advise you to
test our recommendations before using them in your production system. Also note that EarlyWatch Alert
is an automatic service.
Section Overview

Rating Checked Area

System Configuration
System Performance
Workload Distribution
SAP System Operating
Database Administration
Security Checks

Note: For more information about EarlyWatch Alert, a sample EarlyWatch Alert report with explanations is
available in the Media Library on SAP Service Marketplace ( This provides
an overview of the check rating strategy and the KPIs that trigger the EWA alerts.
Alert Message Overview

Priority Description New Alert

Medium There are security issues in your system. New
Note: If you need help investigating the alerts listed, order an EarlyWatch contract by contacting your local
support organization, or by creating a customer message in component SV-BO. If you already have such
a contract, a detailed analysis can be performed during the next Service Session. Please address the
topic during the preparation of the session.
Note: If you experience serious performance problems, create a customer message on component SV-BO with
priority 'high' or 'very high'.

2 Performance Indicators
The following table shows the relevant performance indicators in various system areas.

Area Indicators Value Trend

System Performance Active Users 38 steady
Avg. Response Time in Dialog Task 773 ms steady
Max. Dialog Steps per Hour 9525 steady
Avg. Response Time at Peak Dialog Hour 633 ms steady
Avg. Availability per Week 100 % steady
Database Performance Avg. DB Request Time in Dialog Task 258 ms steady
Avg. DB Request Time in Update Task 300 ms steady
Database Space Management DB Size 64.38 GB steady

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 2

3 System Configuration

3 System Configuration
To ensure optimal support of your SAP system, the SAP components, database, and operating
system used must all be supported. Detailed information about SAP's platform support is available on
SAP Service Marketplace at

Rating Check
Hardware Configuration
Software Configuration
SAP Service Preparation

4 Hardware Configuration
The table below shows the detected hardware configuration:

Server Type Server OS OS Version Number of CPUs Memory [MB]
Database Server akiraprd WIN-NT 5.2 4 3327

Database Server Database System Current Version
akiraprd MSSQL 9.00.2047.

5 Software Configuration
6 Plug-In release Configuration
The table below shows the software components installed. The 'Rating' column is filled only for the SAP R/3 Plug-
in (PI) and SAP Basis Plug-In (PI_BASIS) and is based on the maintenance schedule.

Component Component Release Patch Level Rating
EA-APPL 600 0003
EA-DFPS 600 0003
EA-FINSERV 600 0003
EA-GLTRADE 600 0003
EA-HR 600 0003
EA-IPPE 400 0003
EA-PS 600 0003
EA-RETAIL 600 0003
ECC-DIMP 600 0003
ERECRUIT 600 0003
FI-CA 600 0003
FI-CAX 600 0003
FINBASIS 600 0003
INSURANCE 600 0003
IS-CWM 600 0003

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 3

3 System Configuration

Component Component Release Patch Level Rating

IS-H 600 0003
IS-M 600 0003
IS-OIL 600 0003
IS-PS-CA 600 0003
IS-UT 600 0003
LSOFE 600 0003
PI_BASIS 2005_1_700 0009
SAP_ABA 700 0009
SAP_AP 700 0006
SAP_APPL 600 0006
SAP_BASIS 700 0009
SAP_BW 700 0009
SAP_HR 600 0003
SEM-BW 600 0003
ST-A/PI 01I_ECC600 0000
ST-PI 2005_1_700 0001

7 SAP Kernel Release

Your SAP kernel release (release 700, patch level 52) is not up to date.
Recommendation: Ensure that you are using the latest SAP kernel. See SAP Notes 19466 and 138704.
These SAP Notes refer to further SAP Notes, depending on your system characteristics.

8 Implemented Notes via Notes Assistant

The following SAP notes were implemented using SAP Notes Assistant.

Note Version Component Description

0000967644 0001 BC-CCM-MON- SAPWL_ST03N: Syntax error
0000977931 0001 FI-GL-GL-G FAGL_FC_VALUATION: Runtime error

9 SAP Service Preparation

For detailed information about the required steps, see SAP Note 91488 (SAP Support Services: Central
preparation note). Please ensure that all the functionality mentioned in the SAP Note is up to date, especially
connections, collectors, and service tools.

10 SAP Service Tools

Before we can deliver any services, the latest version of the SAP Service tools must be available in your system.
The last run of report RTCCTOOL was 04.05.2007. During the check missing transports were detected.
Recommendation: Run report RTCCTOOL, as described in the SAP Note 91488, and implement the
recommendations given by the tool.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 4

11 Performance Overview

11 Performance Overview
The performance of your system was analyzed with respect to the average response times and total
workload. We did not detect any major problems that could affect the performance of your system.

Rating Check
Performance Evaluation

The following table shows the average response times for various task types:

Task type Dialog Avg. Resp. Avg. CPU Avg. Wait Avg. Load Avg. DB Avg. GUI
Steps Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms
DIALOG 364658 773.5 91.1 14.7 49.0 258.3 128.8
RFC 4855 1289.6 201.6 33.3 8.6 208.5 N/A
UPDATE 17396 676.2 30.2 4.6 127.3 300.3 N/A
UPDATE2 11914 227.6 19.9 2.0 34.2 65.6 N/A
BATCH 14147 2417.9 203.4 10.2 57.6 1597.1 N/A
SPOOL 14085 936.8 8.3 3.7 17.3 12.8 N/A
HTTP 6 19477.0 130.2 6114.7 295.7 11185.2 N/A

12 Current Workload
The following table lists the number of current users (measured from our workload analysis) in your system.

Users Low Activity Medium Activity High Activity Total Users

Measured in System 7 21 17 45

13 Performance Evaluation
The measured times are compared against reference times to provide a rating.
- If the number of dialog steps in an hour is less than 1000 this hour is not considered.
- If the total number of transaction steps is less than 24000, the rating for the task is not performed and a blue line
is entered in the table.
The table below shows that no problem is expected on the application or database servers.

Task Steps Application Server Performance Database Server Performance

Dia 364658
Upd 17396

Rating Task Time Steps Avg. Response Time (ms) Avg. CPU Time (ms) Avg. Database Time (ms)
Dia 08-09 11728 1850 277 848

A RED check is caused only by poor dialog response times. The reference times can be found in the table below.

Task Avg. Response Time (ms) Avg. DB time (ms)

Dia 1200 600
Upd 2400 1200
HTTP 1200 600

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 5

11 Performance Overview

14 Transaction Profile Check

The following tables show the response times and the number of dialog steps for the transactions that cause the
highest workload in your system. NOTE: A business transaction normally consists of more than one dialog step.
As a rough estimate, the actual number of business transactions that are executed in your system is
approximately one third of the total dialog steps shown. (Transaction CPIC/RFC is not taken into account.)

15 Transactions by Total Workload

The following transaction profiles list the transactions that have the greatest share in the total workload, sorted by
the percentage of total response times.


Transaction Type Dialog Total Resp. Avg. Resp. Avg. CPU Avg. DB Avg. GUI
Steps Time in % Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms Time in ms
Total 381986 100.0 768.7 88.3 260.4 128.5
ZAKS_29 DIA 2270 18.2 23584.0 1078.2 21375.2 600.7
VA01 DIA 60410 8.9 430.9 52.4 21.9 137.6
MMBE DIA 23208 8.0 1009.6 144.0 124.2 302.6
MB52 DIA 7673 5.2 1978.4 479.8 890.2 147.0
SESSION_MANAGER DIA 7867 5.0 1855.6 75.7 189.1 729.1
ZAKS_19 DIA 124 3.6 86084.0 2084.9 83239.5 670.3
VL02N DIA 14376 3.1 623.7 62.8 68.8 106.3
ZAKS_33 DIA 215 2.9 40002.3 14022.8 25347.1 1803.0
VA05 DIA 3346 2.4 2095.5 920.9 173.4 358.8
FBL5N DIA 43075 2.3 153.7 24.8 19.0 16.8
24.7% of the "Total Resp. Time" in the above table is caused by customer transactions.


Transaction Type Dialog Total Resp. Avg. Resp. Time Avg. CPU Time Avg. DB Time
Steps Time in % in ms in ms in ms
Total 27896 100.0 857.9 39.8 244.9
SAPRSLOG BTC 7 23.1 790746.7 102006.7 732541.7
VL02N SPO 1024 14.3 3331.7 28.8 30.1
VF03 SPO 935 11.5 2931.8 30.5 43.1
MB90 SPO 631 9.9 3757.4 28.4 32.9
(BATCH) BTC 11394 7.2 150.5 5.4 22.4
ZAKS_23 SPO 570 6.0 2534.4 25.9 27.8
RSBTCPRIDEL BTC 7 3.7 126475.7 2477.7 5265.1
/SSA/AXB BTC 2 3.4 409341.5 35906.5 371292.5
RSPOWP00 SPO 10253 3.3 76.9 0.7 4.4
ZAKS_FORM011 SPO 230 2.8 2948.7 28.9 35.0
8.8% of the "Total Resp. Time" in the above table is caused by customer transactions.

16 Transactions by DB Load
The following transaction profiles list the transactions that have the greatest share in the database load, sorted by
percentage of total database access times.


Transaction Type Dialog Steps Total DB Time in % Avg. DB Time in ms
Total 381986 100.0 260.4
ZAKS_29 DIA 2270 48.8 21375.2
ZAKS_19 DIA 124 10.4 83239.5
MB52 DIA 7673 6.9 890.2
ZAKS_33 DIA 215 5.5 25347.1
MMBE DIA 23208 2.9 124.2
ZAKS_32 DIA 168 1.9 11084.6
SESSION_MANAGER DIA 7867 1.5 189.1

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 6

11 Performance Overview

Transaction Type Dialog Steps Total DB Time in % Avg. DB Time in ms

VA01 DIA 60410 1.3 21.9
VF01 UPD 1766 1.3 731.9
VL02N DIA 14376 1.0 68.8
66.6% of the "Total DB Time" in the above table is caused by customer transactions.


Transaction Type Dialog Steps Total DB Time in % Avg. DB Time in ms
Total 27896 100.0 244.9
SAPRSLOG BTC 7 75.1 732541.7
/SSA/AXB BTC 2 10.9 371292.5
(BATCH) BTC 11394 3.7 22.4
RSPO1041 BTC 7 1.9 18352.7
RSBTCRTE BTC 1173 1.8 103.4
RDDEXECL BTC 32 1.0 2151.1
RSPOWP00 SPO 10253 0.7 4.4
VF03 SPO 935 0.6 43.1
RSBTCPRIDEL BTC 7 0.5 5265.1
VL02N SPO 1024 0.5 30.1
0.0% of the "Total DB Time" in the above table is caused by customer transactions.

17 History of Activity and Average Response Times

The following graphics or tables show the system activity, which is the number of dialog steps and the average
response times for the past 20 weeks.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 7

11 Performance Overview

The top table or graphic compares the total system activity to the dialog activity in the time window specified. The
bottom table shows the average CPU, DB, and wait times as parts of the average response time for dialog tasks
in the time window specified.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 8

18 Workload Distribution

18 Workload Distribution
The performance of your system was analyzed with respect to workload distribution. We did not
detect any major problems that could affect the performance of your SAP System.

Rating Check
Workload by Application Module
DB Load Profile

19 Workload by Application Module

The following graphics or tables show how each application module contributes to the total system workload. Two
workload aspects are shown:
- CPU time: Total CPU load on all servers in the system landscape
- Database time: Total database load generated by the application
The 'unknown' section contains all programs that cannot be assigned to a standard SAP application module (for
example, customer programs, an industry solution, or a third-party add-on development).

Module CPU Time in %

Unknown 20.2
MM-IM 15.3
SD-SLS 10.3
BC 9.3
FI 8.9
LO-MD 8.7
SD-IS 8.0
LE-SHP 6.1
BC-CCM 5.9
SD 3.3
MM 3.2

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 9

18 Workload Distribution

Module DB Time in %
Unknown 55.4
BC-CCM 13.5
BC 8.2
MM-IM 7.9
FI 2.9
LE-SHP 2.8
SD 2.5
LO-MD 2.4
SD-SLS 2.2

20 DB Load Profile
The following table or diagram shows the DB load caused by Dialog, RFC, and Background tasks over different
time frames.
The data given in the table represents the average number of database processes occupied by each task type in
the database during the given time frames.
These statistics are calculated as a weekly average, which means the average values over six working days with
a unit of one hour. Periods between 00:00-06:00 and 21:00-24:00 contain an average value per hour.
By comparing the load profiles for dialog and background activity, you have an overview of the amount of
background activity during online working hours.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 10

18 Workload Distribution

The graph above indicates that the CPUs can handle the database load. Therefore the check is rated green.

21 RFC Communication
The performance of your system was analyzed with respect to the average call times and the workload created by
remote function calls between the current system and other SAP and non-SAP systems. The following tables
show statistics about RFCs.
Note: Internal RFC communication (that means communication between the instances of the analyzed system) is
not shown in the tables. However, it is included in the 'Total' line.

Outgoing function call Calls Total call Average call Bytes Bytes
time, s time, ms sent received
TMS_CI_START_SERVICE 693 2745.17 3961 6855139
TRINT_PROGRESS_INDICATOR 438 1839.09 4199 119974
/BDL/_REQUEST_DATA_TASK 1 600.68 600679 479
RKE_WRITE_CE4__1000 2023 315.68 156 2726676
/BDL/_DO_GENERATION 1 232.21 232213 3988
/BDL/RFC_CHECK 25 154.02 6161 14065
TRINT_TP_UPDATE_TPSTAT 399 132.52 332 98936
ARFC_DEST_SHIP 3 95.87 31958 21106
SO_DYNP_DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_API1 13 88.03 6771 103176

Incoming function call Calls Total call time, Average call time, Bytes Bytes
s ms sent received
TMS_CI_START_SERVICE 566 2246.41 3969 4179867 4747635
SWNC_COLLECTOR_STARTER 309 1739.34 5629 0 123291
/BDL/_REQUEST_DATA_TASK 1 600.66 600663 723 407
/BDL/_EXECUTE_FUNCTION 13 309.31 23793 2158 12818
/BDL/_DO_GENERATION 1 232.21 232212 186 3924
/BDL/RFC_CHECK 26 151.52 5828 25278 13150
ARFC_RUN_NOWAIT 3 97.84 32613 0 8683
ARFC_DEST_SHIP 3 95.85 31949 768 20944
MENU_GENERATE_SAP_MENU 1 87.73 87726 679 273

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 11

22 SAP System Operating

22 SAP System Operating

Your system was analyzed with respect to daily operation problems. We did not detect any major
problems that could affect the operation of your SAP System.

Rating Check
System Availability
Update Errors
Table Reorganization
ABAP Dumps

23 Update Errors
In a system running under normal conditions, only a small number of update errors should occur. To set the rating
for this check, the number of active users is also taken into consideration.
We did not detect any problems.

24 Transports
The following graphics contain information about the number of objects which were transported to the SAP
system. The three graphics/tables show objects in total, programs and table (content).

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 12

22 SAP System Operating

25 Program Errors (ABAP Dumps)

22 ABAP dumps have been recorded in your system since 27.04.2007. ABAP dumps are deleted after 7 days by
To view the ABAP dumps in your system, call transaction ST22 and choose 揝 election? Then select a timeframe.


Date Quantity of Dumps
27.04.2007 5
28.04.2007 3
29.04.2007 6
30.04.2007 3
01.05.2007 9
02.05.2007 10
03.05.2007 10

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 13

22 SAP System Operating


Error Number Server (e.g.) User (e.g.) Date (e.g.) Time (e.g.)
TIME_OUT 7 akiraprd_AKP_00 SISKA 01.05.2007 17:30:16
TYPELOAD_NEW_VERSION 1 akiraprd_AKP_00 PIADMIN 03.05.2007 10:39:56
CONVT_NO_NUMBER 8 akiraprd_AKP_00 BASISADM 03.05.2007 10:47:05
GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED 1 akiraprd_AKP_00 BASISADM 03.05.2007 11:59:58
RAISE_EXCEPTION 5 akiraprd_AKP_00 BASISADM 03.05.2007 22:33:49
It is important that you monitor ABAP dumps using transaction ST22 on a regular basis. If ABAP dumps occur, you
should determine the cause as soon as possible.
Based on our analysis, we expect no serious problems at the moment.

26 Security Checks
Critical security issues were found in your system. Multiple users with critical authorizations for
certain transactions were found. See the information in the following checks.
SAP offers a Security Optimization Self Service. This service is provided free of charge in the current
version of SAP Solution Manager. We recommend that you make use of this service.
For more information, see SAP Service Marketplace at

Rating Check
Users Authorized to Display all Tables
Users Authorized to Start all Reports
Users Authorized to Debug / Replace
Users Authorized to Display Other Users Spool Request
Users Authorized to Administer RFC Connections
Users Authorized to Reset/Change User Passwords
Password of One or More Standard Users is not Changed

27 Password of One or More Standard Users is not Changed

Evaluated Risk - High
Recommendation: Change the standard password for the users SAP* DDIC, SAPCPIC, and
EARLYWATCH in all clients. Do not delete the SAP* user because this enables the hard-coded SAP* user
to be used. For more information, see the SAP Security Guides on SAP Service Marketplace at

Client User
066 SAP*

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 14

28 Hardware Capacity

28 Hardware Capacity
We have checked your solution for possible CPU or memory bottlenecks and found that the hardware
resources have been exhausted. This could have a negative impact on the overall performance of
your system. We therefore recommend analyzing this issue in more detail during an SAP EarlyWatch

Server Max. CPU load [%] Date Rating RAM [MB] Max. Paging [% of RAM] Date Rating
akiraprd 19 25.04.2007 3327 605 24.04.2007

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 15

29 Database Administration

29 Database Administration
In the checks performed, no problems regarding the administration of your database were found.

Rating Check
Expensive SQL Statements
Missing Indexes
Service Pack Check
Wait Statistics
IO Performance
Network Protocol

30 Expensive SQL Statements Overview

This check identifies SQL statements that cause a high database load. SQL statements with a high database load
can negatively affect the performance of the entire database system.

ID object calls tot load on tot rows avg avg rating

name runtime[ms] database[%] runtime[ms] time[ms]/row
Total 0000000001758 1981028 100 297333 113 0.44
4 5
1 temp. 61 187057 9.44 11142 3067 16.10
2 temp. 34 102907 5.19 31260 3027 0.77
3 temp. 32 99701 5.03 13994 3116 2.10
4 temp. 25 76208 3.85 7891 3048 8.50
5 temp. 48 73394 3.70 252954 1529 0.14
6 temp. 19 58776 2.97 3787 3093 14.80
7 temp. 18 56164 2.84 2468 3120 22.69
8 temp. 32 51488 2.60 141515 1609 0.01
9 temp. 16 49401 2.49 4514 3088 9.57
10 temp. 34 43697 2.21 78624 1285 0.41
During this session, the following expensive SQL statements were identified as causing a database load of at
least 1%. Statements that either cause a minimum database load of 3% or an average time (ms)/row of at least
10ms are highlighted in yellow. Temporary Stored Procedures are marked "temp. SP" in the "object name"
column. The corresponding stored procedure names are referenced in the table below.
Recommendation: check whether the statement can be optimized to reduce the load on the database.

ID Stored Procedure Name

1 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025147121906
2 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025787121906
3 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025689121906

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 16

29 Database Administration

ID Stored Procedure Name

4 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025197121906
5 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000028040000001155121906
6 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025200121906
7 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025143121906
8 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027440000062362121906
9 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000027520000025222121906
10 ##Y4AKIRAPRDakp00000028040000001159121906

31 Database Growth
The figures show a history of the total size and usage of the database files.

32 Missing Indexes
This check verifies that the indexes defined by SAP application developers in the SAP Data Dictionary also exist
in the database. Missing primary indexes can lead to inconsistent data in the system. A missing index of any kind
can lead to severe performance problems.
No missing indexes were found on system AKP.

33 Service Pack
Microsoft releases updated SQL Server builds, known as Service Packs, at regular intervals.
For certain problems or bugs in SQL, Server Hotfixes are made available immediately. In certain situations it is
also recommended to apply a certain Hotfix for a SAP system.

Build in use Builds Comment

2047 9.00.2047 SQL SERVER 2005 Service Pack 1
The current Service Pack appears to be the latest Service Pack available from Microsoft. To verify this, see SAP
Note 62988.
Note: New Service Packs are available on the CDs shipped by SAP or can be obtained directly from
See SAP Note 62988 for more information on how to obtain the latest Service Pack and on the Service
Packs that are currently supported by SAP.

34 Wait Statistics
The analysis of the wait statistics did not reveal any problems. The wait times for wait types PAGEIOLATCH_SH
and WRITELOG are shown for information only.

Wait type Wait time (ms) Requests Wait time / Requests Reference Value Rating

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 17

29 Database Administration

Wait type Wait time (ms) Requests Wait time / Requests Reference Value Rating
PAGEIOLATCH_SH 2409453 212582 11.33 15.00
WRITELOG 50671 9482 5.34 6.00

35 IO Performance
The following tables show how I/O operations are distributed over the data files and log files respectively. With
respect to the data files, the I/O activity must be evenly distributed among the files. Usually only one log file is in
use at any given time.
In addition, the average wait time per I/O operation is shown for each file. This indicates whether or not
bottlenecks exist in any of the data files.

File Reads % of Writes % of Wait Time per Write Wait Time per Read Rating
Reads Writes (ms) (ms)
AKPDATA1 159687 36.44 6884 36.88 54.90 45.32
AKPDATA2 158187 36.10 6483 34.73 50.12 71.25
AKPDATA3 120355 27.46 5301 28.40 53.48 59.99
Total 438229 100 18668 100 52.84 58.71

File Reads Writes Wait Time per Write (ms) Wait Time per Read (ms)
AKPLOG1 344 9993 5.28 7.05

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 18

36 Trend Analysis

36 Trend Analysis
This section contains the trend analysis for key performance indicators (KPIs). Diagrams or tables are built week
by week after activating the EarlyWatch Alert Service.

37 System Activity
The following diagrams or tables show data about system activity:
- Total Activity: Transaction steps performed each week (in thousands)
- Dialog Activity: Transaction steps performed in dialog task each week (in thousands)
- Peak Activity: Transaction steps (in thousands) during the peak hour; this peak hour is calculated as the
hour with the maximum dialog activity in the ST03 time profile over 5 working days each week.

- Total Users: Users that logged on in the week

- Active Users: Users that have performed more than 400 transaction steps in the week.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 19

36 Trend Analysis

38 Response Times
The following diagram or table show the development of the response times:
- Average response time in dialog task (total, DB and CPU parts)
- Average response times for database requests
- Average response times for the top 5 transactions

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 20

36 Trend Analysis

Transaction Code Load (%)

ZAKS_29 18.2
VA01 8.9
MMBE 8.0
MB52 5.2

39 System Operation
The following diagram or table shows important KPIs for system operation.
Note: The column 'Availability' is filled for systems with SAP Basis 4.6 and higher.

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 21

36 Trend Analysis

40 Hardware Capacity

EarlyWatch Alert Report , PT Akira Electronics Indonesia, 04.05.2007 22

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