Class Activity - Email - MAHAM

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Maham Sajjad

Class Activity – Email Composition
Suppose you are the Head of student council at EME, NUST. You have been observing lately that
students make use of plastic straws and plastic shoppers a lot. They throw them away after use and
they often end up clogging drainage pipes. Similarly, despite the plastic ban by the Federal
government, the café shops have not replaced the plastic bags with paper bags or reusable bags
that are environment friendly. Compose a formal email to Student Affairs reporting this issue.
Mention how damaging plastic is for the environment. Suggest to start an awareness campaign on
the campus. Mention how it will help create awareness. End by providing details of the campaign.
To head student Affairs

Subject: Reporting issue about plastic pollution

Respected sir,

I would like to inform you about the increase rate of pollution caused by plastic bags & straws and
suggest every possible solution regarding this serious matter.

I have been Observing that students show carelessness about environment safety and throw plastic
shoppers & straws. Here I have noticed some practice of student.

Student use plastic bags and throw them anywhere, they don’t consider the option of using paper bags
or not using these bags unless they are in utter need.

The shopkeepers, use plastic bags even they are banned by Federal Government and not think about
their alternate. A s a result of their ignorance these plastic bags cause pollution and often clog into
drainage pipes.

I would suggest you to start campaign on campus, we use various means for this purpose such as social
apps, and student from departments may volunteers and teach every other class about harmful impact
of these plastic bags and other ways to safe environment. College administration should conduct
seminars for this purpose. Once our college campaign is successful we should reach to other Colleges
and Universities. One last thing their must be a penalty for students and shopkeepers for not following
the instruction.

Looking forward for your cooperation

Your truly,

Maham Sajjad

Head Student Council at EME

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