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Pakistan human resources for health assessment

Article  in  Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de santé de la Méditerranée orientale = al-Majallah al-ṣiḥḥīyah li-sharq al-mutawassiṭ · August 2010
DOI: 10.26719/2010.16.Supp.145 · Source: PubMed


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‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

Pakistan human resources for health assessment,

A. Hafeez,1 Z. Khan,2 K.M. Bile,2 R. Jooma3 and M. Sheikh4

2009 ‫تقيـيم املوارد البرشية الصحية يف باكستان‬

‫ مبرش شيخ‬،‫ رشيد مجعة‬، ‫ خليف ب ّله حممود‬،‫ ذو الفقار خان‬،‫أسد حفيظ‬
‫ وقد أجري مسح َع ْريض للتعرف عىل املالمح الرئيسية للعاملني الصحيـني يف مقدمة النظام‬.‫ تواجه باكستان أزمة يف املوارد البرشية الصحية‬:‫اخلالصـة‬
‫ وكان التقدير الوسطي للعاملني يف الرعاية الصحية يف القطاع العام يف‬.‫ مرفق ًا صحي ًا موزعة يف خمتلف أرجاء باكستان‬750 ‫ وشمل املسح‬.‫الصحي‬
ً ‫ عام‬417 288 ‫نظام املناطق الصحية يف باكستان‬
‫ طبيب ًا يعملون يف مستشفيات‬20 000 ‫ كام يقدَّ ر أيض ًا أن‬.‫ ممرضة‬41 032‫ طبيب ًا و‬46 153 ‫ منهم‬،‫ال صحي ًا‬
‫ال يف الرعاية الصحية حول رضاهم عن عملهم وعن‬ ً ‫ عام‬3549 ‫أجرى الباحثون مقابالت مع‬ َ ‫ وقد‬.‫الرعاية الصحية الثالثية يف ش َّتى أنحاء باكستان‬
‫ كام أظهرت األبعاد السائدة يف السياسات غياب سياسات‬.‫ وتبينَّ أن لدى القطاع اخلاص أحراز ًا أفضل لبيئة العمل مقارنة بالقطاع العام‬.‫بيئة العمل‬
‫ وينبغي عىل البلدان التي‬.‫ وحيتاج كل من بيئة العمل ورضا العاملني فيه إىل التحسني‬،‫ ويعاين القطاع العام من نقص العاملني‬.‫صارمة حول املامرسات‬
.‫ وعىل الرشكاء يف جمال التنمية تقديم الدعم هلم للتغلب عىل تلك األزمات‬،‫تعاين من أزمات يف املوارد البرشية الصحية أن تتقاسم اخلربات‬

ABSTRACT Pakistan faces a human resources for health (HRH) crisis. A cross-sectional survey was conducted
to overview frontline health workers. A total of 750 health facilities were surveyed across Pakistan. The median
estimate of public sector health care workers in the district health system in Pakistan is 417 288, including 46 153
doctors and 41 032 nurses. Another estimated 20 000 doctors work in public sector tertiary care hospitals
across the country. A total of 3549 health care workers were interviewed regarding job satisfaction and work
environment. The private sector had better work environment scores compared with the public sector. Policy
dimensions showed an absence of robust policies in practice. The public sector is inadequately staffed and job
satisfaction and work environment need improvement. HRH crisis countries should share experiences, and
developmental partners should support them in overcoming the HRH crisis.

Évaluation des ressources humaines pour la santé au Pakistan en 2009

RÉSUMÉ Le Pakistan est confronté à une crise des ressources humaines pour la santé. Une étude transversale a
été réalisée sur les agents de santé en première ligne dans 750 établissements de soins pakistanais au total. Le
système de santé de district pakistanais compte environ 417 288 agents de santé dans le secteur public, dont
46 153 médecins et 41 032 infirmières, Selon une estimation, 20 000 médecins travaillent dans les hôpitaux de
soins tertiaires du secteur public dans tout le pays. Au total, 3549 agents de soins de santé ont été interrogés sur leur
satisfaction et leur environnement professionnels. Le secteur privé a obtenu de meilleurs résultats que le secteur
public en termes d’environnement de travail. Sur le plan politique, il a été démontré qu’aucune stratégie solide
n’était mise en pratique. Le secteur public manque de personnel, et l’environnement de travail et la satisfaction
des employés ont besoin d’être améliorés. Les pays affrontant une crise des ressources humaines pour la santé
devraient partager leurs expériences. En outre, il serait souhaitable que des partenaires du développement les
soutiennent afin de surmonter cette crise.

Health Services Academy, Islamabad, Pakistan.
World Health Organization, Country Office, Islamabad, Pakistan (Correspondence to Z. Khan:
Ministry of Health, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Global Health Workforce, Geneva, Switzerland.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  •  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Introduction Pakistan has been categorized as one Private sector facilities were classified as
of 57 countries that are facing an HRH hospitals (having an indoor facility) and
The World Health Organization crisis, below the threshold level defined clinics (with only outpatient consulta-
(WHO) has defined the health work- by WHO to deliver the essential health tion) and a similar number was chosen
force as “all people primarily engaged interventions required to reach Millen- from each district. An estimate of the
in actions with the primary intent of nium Development Goals (MDGs) by total number of postgraduate trainee
enhancing health”. This definition is 2015 [5]. doctors, faculty members of medical
consistent with the WHO definition of Health workforce strategy is usually schools and medical officers of tertiary
health systems as comprising all activi- low on a country’s agenda, despite the care hospitals in the public sector was
ties with the primary goal of improving understanding that scaling-up health in- also obtained from the largest post-
health. The health workforce is one of terventions to reach MDGs is not pos- graduate training body in the country,
the most important pillars of the health sible without a minimum level of health the College of Physicians and Surgeons
system. Adequate numbers and quality workforce. National health workforce Pakistan, Karachi, the Pakistan Medical
of health workers have been positively strategies require reliable and timely in- and Dental Council and major tertiary
associated with successful implementa- formation, rational system analysis and hospitals, respectively.
tion of health interventions, including a firm knowledge base. However, data The tools for data collection were
immunization coverage, outreach of analysis, research on HRH and techni- adopted and customized from available
primary care, and infant, child and ma- cal expertise are still underdeveloped questionnaires obtained during a lit-
ternal survival. [1]. in many countries, in part due to low erature search. Four types of tools were
Pakistan needs to gauge strategically investment in HRH [6]. used: a data collection form for numbers
the challenges to its health system, keep- Pakistan’s new draft National health and distribution, and questionnaires
ing in view: policy 2009 mandated the development for HRH management policies, work
of strategies in various key areas, includ- environment and job satisfaction. Pilot
• demographic trends, such as the in- testing and validity checks were carried
crease in population to around 295 ing HRH [7]. To develop evidence-
based policy and a strategic framework, out for all tools before the survey and ap-
million by 2030 at the current popu- propriate changes made based on feed-
lation growth rate of 1.8% [2]; data on HRH are desperately required.
Therefore, a countrywide HRH assess- back. The survey teams were trained on
• the increase in life expectancy, rapid use of the tools in three stages. The first
ment was undertaken. The objectives
urbanization and epidemiological stage was a master training workshop in
of this study were to collect data on the
transition; Islamabad, followed by provincial work-
numbers and distribution of the health
• the increased burden of chronic dis- shops to train district field surveyors.
workforce, to gather information about
eases such as cardiovascular diseases Supervisors were also given supervision
HRH management and policy, to col-
and cancers; training.
lect data on job satisfaction among the
• trauma due to accidents, particular- health workforce, and to gather informa- Data were collected from federal
ly among poor, disadvantaged and tion on the HRH work environment. and provincial health ministries, verti-
high-risk groups in the community cal programmes and executive district
[3]. officer health offices on numbers and
Methods distribution of health workers, job satis-
• The health workforce should not
faction and work environment. Howev-
only be depicted in terms of num-
A cross-sectional survey was carried er, questionnaires on HRH policy were
bers of doctors, nurses and dentists,
out throughout Pakistan over a period only administered in federal/provincial
etc. expressed per 1000 population,
it should also give due consideration of 4 months (September–December ministries and large private hospitals
to expected epidemiological tran- 2009). The total sample size was 750 in provincial capitals. In each category,
sition, equitable distribution, new health facilities, with equal numbers 10% of the health workforce in every
cadres, proper skill mix and types from the public and private sectors. In sampled health facility (not exceeding
and nature of services to be deliv- order to obtain a representative sample, a total of six in each category) were ad-
ered, as well as their demographic four districts from each province were ministered the job satisfaction and work
distribution. It is clear that, without selected at random. Since the sampling environment questionnaires.
prompt action, the human resources frame for the public sector facilities in Each health worker included in
for health (HRH) crisis will worsen each district was known, a random sam- the survey was asked 32 questions on
and health systems will be weakened ple of 22 facilities in the public sector job satisfaction and 34 questions on
even further [4]. was chosen from each study district. work environment. Their response to

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

each question was scored as follows: 1 • interviewing techniques were part also carried out using Microsoft Excel®
= agree; 2 = somewhat agree; 3 = neu- of surveyor training at the province (Microsoft Corp.).
tral; 4 = somewhat disagree; and 5 = level; In view of the data quality issues
disagree. A lower score was therefore • verbal consent was obtained from in the public sector records that were
associated with agreement and higher respondents; experienced during this assessment,
scores with increasing levels of disa- an extrapolation analysis was also con-
• connection between the district and
greement. Individual questions were provincial focal person was estab- ducted for various cadres; for example,
grouped by aspect covered into several lished in order to address discrepan- to calculate the total number of doctors
composite indices and the means of the cies that may have arisen during the for any province, the average of sam-
responses for these composite indices survey; pled facilities was obtained by dividing
were reported. Each question carried the number of doctors in the sampled
• detailed microplans indicating the
equal weight. facilities by the number of facilities
number and location of health care
The HRH policy questionnaire was facilities to be visited on a daily basis surveyed. This sample average was
used for interviewing senior manag- were provided to enumerators; then multiplied by the total number
ers from the public and private health of respective facilities in the province
sectors, at federal and provincial levels. • full details of the enumerator, includ-
ing contact details, were provided to or region to obtain the total estimated
In the public sector, in each province number of doctors. This methodology
a senior manager from the offices of facilities and provincial data coordi-
nators. was also helpful in obtaining national
the Director General Health was inter-
consolidated figures for unsampled
viewed. In the private sector, a senior Survey monitoring regions.
manager from a private hospital was
A “central monitoring cell” was es-
interviewed in each province. Inter-
tablished in the federal Ministry of
views focused on the stages of the HRH
management policy/plan and its im-
Health to oversee the process of data Results
collection, supervise the provincial
plementation across various aspects of Results are given in two sections: the
HRH management. The five main areas focal persons/survey coordinators
and monitor the survey enumerators first deals with the numbers and distri-
of the questionnaire were: HRH man-
to resolve any issues at the grass-root bution of health workers in the public
agement capacity; HRH data; person-
level. Data collection was monitored sector and HRH policy analysis; the
nel policy and practice; performance
on a daily basis to assess the progress second describes the findings about job
management; and training. On each of
24 components within these five areas, and implementation of the survey satisfaction and work environment in
respondents were asked to rate the stage plan. The data entry team supervisors both the public and private sectors.
their organization had achieved, and were instructed to communicate with
the survey enumerators at 12:00 and Numbers and distribution of
to indicate the level of policy develop- health workers in the public
ment, from “no policy developed” to at 16:00 daily, collect any faulty ques-
sector and HRH policies
“more than five years of experience” tionnaires and report to the survey
coordinators twice a day to resolve any Table 1 shows the types of 349 dis-
in the particular policy area related to
issues and correct discrepancies. In trict health facilities in the public sec-
the component. Within each area, all
addition, the flagged faulty question- tor from which data on numbers and
the specific components for making a
naires were sent back to be refilled by distribution were collected. Data for
judgement for the organization were
analysed. the survey enumerators. Data entry these 349 facilities were also collected
was successfully completed in the first from the office of the executive district
Comprehensive data quality checks
week of December 2009. officer (health) for cross-checking, giv-
were performed during data collection
ing two data points for most facilities.
and data entry. To reduce the number Data analysis In addition, consolidated data on health
of non-respondents at the point of data
Data were cleaned and validated in workers were collected from the feder-
collection and other reporting errors,
Islamabad, before being transferred to ally funded programmes, which have
the following steps were adopted:
an analysis team in Bethesda, Maryland, district-level implementation. There
• introductory letters were sent to all United States of America. Data were were a large number of basic health
concerned prior to initiation of field originally entered into SPSS software units in the sample. The oversampling
activity; (SPSS Inc.) and converted to the Stata® of basic health units is rationalized, as
• an ID card was assigned to each field version 9 format (StataCorp) for analy- this is the most numerous type of public
surveyor; sis. Further analysis and charting was health facility in Pakistan.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  •  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Table 1 Number of public sector district health facilities surveyed by type of facility positions indicate that provinces are
across four provinces of Pakistan at different levels of achievement in
Province DHQs THQs RHCs BHUs Dispensaries MCHC Total developing HRH management ca-
Balochistan 3 2 10 59 13 5 92 pacity and systems; this achievement
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4 3 6 61 4 5 83 varies from no policy experience to
Punjab 4 4 8 62 4 4 86 extensive experience of more than five
Sindh 4 4 8 44 24 4 88 years. The private facility managers
Total 15 13 32 226 45 18 349 interviewed also had varying levels
DHQs = district headquarters; THQs = tehsil headquarters; RHCs = rural health centres; BHUs = basic health
of achievement. The private hospi-
units; MCHC = mother and child health centres. tal managers interviewed in Sindh
reported the strongest achievement
with recent policy implementation
Table 2 presents the median esti- major tertiary care hospitals revealed experience. Similarly, private hospital
mates of total HRH in the public sector an estimate of 20 000 doctors work- managers from Punjab also reported
by provinces and administrative areas of ing as postgraduate trainees, faculty strong achievement on some com-
Pakistan. These estimates are based on members and medical officers in public ponents, e.g. establishing an Oracle-
district-level facility averages for health sector facilities. About 50% of these are based hospital information system for
workers. These do not include tertiary located in Punjab, 30% in Sindh and the employee data.
hospitals, planning, supervisory, training remainder in the other two provinces.
and budgetary staff in federal, provincial In the absence of other measures Job satisfaction and work
and district health offices. From the total of the adequacy of front-line health environment
front-line public sector health workers, workers, the population ratio is a proxy Regarding job satisfaction and work
doctors and nurses are separated for indicator for adequacy. Table 3 depicts environment, 3549 health care work-
further analysis, to illustrate the median district-level doctor:population and ers across public and private health
estimate of doctors and nurses in the nurse:population ratios. facilities in Pakistan were interviewed,
district health system in Pakistan in the Other estimates indicate that there about 40% from the private sector and
public sector. Sindh province has the are 2.1 managers and administrative the remainder from the public sec-
maximum number of doctors in the staff for every 100 health workers of all tor. The urban:rural distribution was
public sector, whereas Punjab has the other cadres. The five-year total of at- 48%:52%.
maximum number of nurses, including trition due to resignations, long-leaves, Table 4 compares the results on
midwives and lady health visitors, in the retirement and deaths does not exceed job satisfaction and work environment
public sector. 4% of the annual stock (using median indices for the public:private sectors
In a separate exercise, data col- stock for 2009 as a baseline) in most and urban:rural distribution. The
lected from the College of Physicians provinces for all the cadres. general direction of the public sec-
and Surgeons Pakistan, the Pakistan The responses from our sample of tor scores is towards neutrality, with
Medical and Dental Council and from interviewees in HRH management health workers neither agreeing nor
disagreeing with the questions related
to positive aspects of job satisfaction.
Table 2 Estimated median numbers of total health workers, doctors and nurses Across the entire sample (public and
working in the district health system in the public sector in 2009
private), comparisons for age, gender,
Province/area Total health care workers Doctorsa Nursesb
location (urban/rural), provinces, ba-
Balochistan 14 538 1 409 1 892 sic pay scale (BPS) cadres for federal
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 55 646 7 518 8 783 and provincial health workers, job type
Punjab 91 696 12 601 17 773 (regular/contractual) and years of
Sindh 95 263 20 639 8 169 service only show subtle differences in
Islamabad Capital Territory 1 712 287 318 job satisfaction levels.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir 12 931 987 1 246 Work environment compari-
Northern areas 7 267 741 1 021 sons were also carried out across age,
Total for Pakistan c
417 288 46 153 41 032 gender, location (urban/rural), BPS
Doctors include general practitioners and specialists. cadres for federal and provincial health
Nurses include midwives and lady health visitors.
This is not the sum of the individual medians and also includes federal vertical programmes (100 000 lady
workers, job type (regular/contrac-
health workers). tual) and years of service. No significant

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

Table 3 Estimated district level public sector doctors and nurses per 1000 of Discussion
population in 2009
Province/Area Doctors Nurses The problem in health service delivery
Min. Median Max. Min. Median Max. in Pakistan has not been the unavail-
Balochistan 0.15 0.17 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.24 ability of physical health facilities, but
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.20 0.39 0.48 rather their poor utilization and inability
Punjab 0.03 0.13 0.19 0.08 0.19 0.22 to yield desired health outcomes [8].
Sindh 0.23 0.53 0.66 0.09 0.21 0.23 Equipping health facilities with ade-
Islamabad Capital Territory 0.26 0.28 0.43 0.21 0.23 0.24 quate, well-trained and motivated health
Pakistan 0.26 0.27 0.32 0.21 0.24 0.25 workers is the first step in improving uti-
Source: extrapolated from growth in Pakistan population, 1998 census (Department of Statistics). lization and quality of care. In order to
address HRH issues in the country, we
need to know the distribution of health
differences are seen in the responses for Sindh) have better scores for supplies workers across Pakistan, their total
work environment across age or gender and logistics, machinery and equipment numbers, in terms of population, health
subcategories, or for years of service and compared with Balochistan or Khyber needs and in proportion to each other
BPS categories, but there are significant Pakhtunkhwa. The score on composite (e.g. nurse:doctor ratios). Similarly, to
differences between urban and rural administrative facilitation is particularly improve utilization and quality of public
facilities. poor for Balochistan. This composite in- health care services, we need to assess
The survey results show that posi- dex captures responses related to clean the job satisfaction and motivation of
tive aspects of the work environment drinking water, transport, security, food health care service providers.
grow stronger with the size of the public and uniforms for the health workers The present survey is one of the
sector health facility. The smallest fa- at the facility. Punjab and Sindh also largest surveys of health care workers
cilities – dispensaries and basic health perform significantly better on cumula- conducted in Pakistan to assess their
units – face the largest constraints in tive indicators. The score achieved by numbers and understand the realities
terms of logistics and supplies in the Punjab, the most populous province, of their work conditions, motivation,
opinion of the sampled health workers mirrors the higher performance of the job satisfaction and the adequacy of
from such facilities. Teaching hospitals province on job satisfaction of sampled their equipment and instruments.
are the best resourced with supplies and health workers. Federal workers show The median estimate of total health
logistics as well as machinery and equip- reservations about their organizational workers employed in the district health
ment. The larger provinces (Punjab and culture. system in the public sector for 2009 is
417 288; this number does not include
Table 4 Composite scores on job satisfaction and work environment indices, by tertiary hospitals, or provincial, district
location and sectora or federal staff at Ministry of Health
Description of composite indices Urban Rural Public Private offices involved in planning, budget-
Recruitment/career development/skills ing, training or research. The median
and abilities 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.5
estimate of district doctors, both gen-
Benefits and grievances 3.0 3.3 3.3 2.6 eral practitioners and specialists (not
Salary 3.3 3.6 3.8 2.7 including dentists) in Pakistan for 2009
Motivation, recognition and respect 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.0 is 46 153 in the public sector, which
Professional facilitation 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.0 compares with an earlier estimate of
Workload 2.6 3.0 3.0 2.2 74 000 doctors in Pakistan in 2005
Retention 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.7 across public and private sectors [9].
Infrastructure 2.0 2.9 2.8 1.6 Estimates for tertiary hospitals show
Logistics and supplies 2.5 3.3 3.0 2.5 that Punjab and Sindh provinces have
Machinery and equipment 1.8 2.5 2.5 1.4 the highest number of doctors. This is
Organizational culture 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.3 substantiated by Pakistan Medical and
Administrative facilitation 3.1 3.6 3.5 2.9 Dental Council data, which show that
Work environment (cumulative question, Sindh has the highest number of regis-
positive) 1.6 1.8 1.8 1.3 tered doctors in both public and private
Lower score is a better and more positive indication. sectors [10], followed by Punjab.

EMHJ  •  Vol. 16  Supplement  •  2010 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale

Pakistan has a shortage of nurses, development and implementation of the overall dissatisfaction with working
further exacerbated by maldistribution HRH policies. This area needs further for their organization was quite high.
across provinces. This shortage is par- exploration and insight. Though the salary-related dissatisfac-
ticularly pronounced in Sindh, where The role of job satisfaction and the tion rates are lower than for the private
they may not be adequate nurses and work environment on retention and sector, the “push” from such dissatisfac-
midwives to assist doctors. In contrast, recruitment is increasingly recognized tion is much stronger in the private
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has the high- [11]. Health workers may feel demo- sector than in the public sector.
est numbers of nursing staff, both as a tivated if their organization has not Regarding work environment,
total and as a ratio to the population. equipped their facility with the right there are large differences between the
The number of nurses and midwives equipment and supplies and a good public and private sectors. The private
is particularly important in relation to infrastructure [12]. The results for job sector outstrips the public sector on
the MDG target of all deliveries to be satisfaction indicate that, in general, all aspects of work environment. The
attended by skilled birth attendants, public sector health workers are neither differences are particularly clear for
because this shortage will be a barrier to satisfied nor dissatisfied but are broadly facility-level infrastructure, machinery
achieving the desired target. The short- neutral. Based on specific, related and equipment, and administrative
age of managerial and administrative questions, there is an indication that facilitation. Overall, considering both
staff is also a challenge for a country public health workers across the cadres the job satisfaction as well as the work
with the health care delivery complexity do not intend to leave. Male workers environment analysis, there is an indi-
that Pakistan faces. Attrition in doctors were slightly less dissatisfied with their cation that health facilities in Punjab
or nurses in the public sector does not salary and compensation than female province are much better than in other
appear to be significant. workers. Urban workers are inclined provinces.
The presence of a large work- to think more positively about their In conclusion, this HRH assess-
force of lady health workers (almost workload than rural workers. The pay ment provides a wealth of information
100 000) has favourably affected the scales at federal or provincial levels are that could be used for policy forma-
population:health worker ratio and not related to any distinct patterns of tion and to provide a basis for further
gender balance in the public sector in differences in job satisfaction. Regular steps, including: development of
Pakistan. It is particularly pertinent to employees are less satisfied on salary, strategies and plans; development of
note that this large number is deployed motivation/recognition and profes- national HRH observatories; establish-
in rural areas and is targeted towards sional facilitation compared with their ment of national HRH coordination
the rural poor who have minimal or contractual colleagues. Regarding the mechanisms; building national HRH
no access to the private sector. The work environment, the focus of assess- expertise, including leadership and
importance of this cadre for making ment was on general issues such as management capacity; and primary
crucial progress towards MDG 4 and organizational culture and administra- health care orientation of the health
5 has been recognized and the Global tive facilitation. Health workers from workforce. Countries facing a HRH
crisis could benefit from each others’
Health Workforce Alliance, in a recent Punjab (both public and private), have
experiences and develop a mutual
meeting, Global consultation on com- the best job satisfaction scores com-
mechanism for HRH capacity build-
munity health workers, 29–30 April 2010, pared with provinces and the federal
ing, with the help of WHO and other
has concluded that community health Ministry of Health.
development partners.
workers should be included in the for- While there is considerable salary-
mal health systems of countries. The related dissatisfaction in the public
global body has recommended bring- sector at all levels compared with the Acknowledgement
ing about uniformity in the selection, private sector, this does not necessarily
training, operation and other aspects translate into a choice or desire to work This study was conducted with finan-
of community health workers all over elsewhere, either full-time or part-time. cial and technical support from the
the world. We believe that there is evidence for Global Health Workforce Alliance,
The HRH policy dimension, though a lack of salary-related “push” factors WHO and the United States Agency
very critical, is a less revealing area and for attrition in the public sector. For for International Development (US-
survey results showed varying levels of the employees dissatisfied with salary, AID), Pakistan.

‫املجلد السادس عرش‬ ‫املجلة الصحية لرشق املتوسط‬
‫العدد اإلضاىف‬

1. The world health report 2006: working together for health. Ge- 7. National health policy 2009. Islamabad, Ministry of Health (final
neva, World Health Organization, 2006. draft) (, accessed 5 May 2010).
2. Economic survey of Pakistan 2008–09. Islamabad, Finance Divi- 8. Medium term development framework 2005–2010. Islamabad,
sion, 2009. Planning and Development Commission, 2008.
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