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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices (2011)


210 pages | 8.5 x 11 | PAPERBACK

ISBN 978-0-309-15525-0 | DOI 10.17226/22925


GET THIS BOOK Airport Cooperative Research Program; Transportation Research Board; National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine



National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2011. Sustainable

Airport Construction Practices. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Sustainable Airport
Construction Practices


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Research sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration



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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Airports are vital national resources. They serve a key role in trans- Project 08-01
portation of people and goods and in regional, national, and inter- ISSN 1935-9802
national commerce. They are where the nation’s aviation system ISBN 978-0-309-15525-0
connects with other modes of transportation and where federal respon- Library of Congress Control Number 2010941145
sibility for managing and regulating air traffic operations intersects
with the role of state and local governments that own and operate most © 2011 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
airports. Research is necessary to solve common operating problems,
to adapt appropriate new technologies from other industries, and to
introduce innovations into the airport industry. The Airport Coopera- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION
tive Research Program (ACRP) serves as one of the principal means by
Authors herein are responsible for the authenticity of their materials and for obtaining
which the airport industry can develop innovative near-term solutions
written permissions from publishers or persons who own the copyright to any previously
to meet demands placed on it. published or copyrighted material used herein.
The need for ACRP was identified in TRB Special Report 272: Airport
Research Needs: Cooperative Solutions in 2003, based on a study spon- Cooperative Research Programs (CRP) grants permission to reproduce material in this
publication for classroom and not-for-profit purposes. Permission is given with the
sored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The ACRP carries understanding that none of the material will be used to imply TRB or FAA endorsement
out applied research on problems that are shared by airport operating of a particular product, method, or practice. It is expected that those reproducing the
agencies and are not being adequately addressed by existing federal material in this document for educational and not-for-profit uses will give appropriate
research programs. It is modeled after the successful National Coopera- acknowledgment of the source of any reprinted or reproduced material. For other uses of
tive Highway Research Program and Transit Cooperative Research Pro- the material, request permission from CRP.
gram. The ACRP undertakes research and other technical activities in a
variety of airport subject areas, including design, construction, mainte-
nance, operations, safety, security, policy, planning, human resources, NOTICE
and administration. The ACRP provides a forum where airport opera-
tors can cooperatively address common operational problems. The project that is the subject of this report was a part of the Airport Cooperative Research
Program, conducted by the Transportation Research Board with the approval of the
The ACRP was authorized in December 2003 as part of the Vision Governing Board of the National Research Council.
100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act. The primary partici-
pants in the ACRP are (1) an independent governing board, the ACRP The members of the technical panel selected to monitor this project and to review this
report were chosen for their special competencies and with regard for appropriate balance.
Oversight Committee (AOC), appointed by the Secretary of the U.S.
The report was reviewed by the technical panel and accepted for publication according to
Department of Transportation with representation from airport oper- procedures established and overseen by the Transportation Research Board and approved
ating agencies, other stakeholders, and relevant industry organizations by the Governing Board of the National Research Council.
such as the Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA),
The opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in this report are those of the
the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), the National researchers who performed the research and are not necessarily those of the Transportation
Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO), and the Air Transport Research Board, the National Research Council, or the program sponsors.
Association (ATA) as vital links to the airport community; (2) the TRB
The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, the National Research
as program manager and secretariat for the governing board; and Council, and the sponsors of the Airport Cooperative Research Program do not endorse
(3) the FAA as program sponsor. In October 2005, the FAA executed a products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because
contract with the National Academies formally initiating the program. they are considered essential to the object of the report.
The ACRP benefits from the cooperation and participation of airport
professionals, air carriers, shippers, state and local government officials,
equipment and service suppliers, other airport users, and research orga-
nizations. Each of these participants has different interests and respon-
sibilities, and each is an integral part of this cooperative research effort.
Research problem statements for the ACRP are solicited periodically
but may be submitted to the TRB by anyone at any time. It is the
responsibility of the AOC to formulate the research program by iden-
tifying the highest priority projects and defining funding levels and
expected products.
Once selected, each ACRP project is assigned to an expert panel,
appointed by the TRB. Panels include experienced practitioners and
research specialists; heavy emphasis is placed on including airport pro-
fessionals, the intended users of the research products. The panels pre-
pare project statements (requests for proposals), select contractors, and
provide technical guidance and counsel throughout the life of the
project. The process for developing research problem statements and Published reports of the
selecting research agencies has been used by TRB in managing cooper- AIRPORT COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAM
ative research programs since 1962. As in other TRB activities, ACRP
are available from:
project panels serve voluntarily without compensation.
Primary emphasis is placed on disseminating ACRP results to the Transportation Research Board
Business Office
intended end-users of the research: airport operating agencies, service 500 Fifth Street, NW
providers, and suppliers. The ACRP produces a series of research Washington, DC 20001
reports for use by airport operators, local agencies, the FAA, and other
interested parties, and industry associations may arrange for work- and can be ordered through the Internet at
shops, training aids, field visits, and other activities to ensure that
results are implemented by airport-industry practitioners. Printed in the United States of America

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices



Christopher W. Jenks, Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Crawford F. Jencks, Deputy Director, Cooperative Research Programs
Michael R. Salamone, ACRP Manager
Marci A. Greenberger, Senior Program Officer
Tiana M. Barnes, Senior Program Assistant
Eileen P. Delaney, Director of Publications
Margaret B. Hagood, Editor


Field of Construction
Shawn M. Schroeder, Springfield-Branson National Airport, Springfield, MO (Chair)
Janell Barrilleaux, Denver International Airport, Denver, CO
Michael John Clow, City of Tallahassee/Tallahassee Regional Airport, Tallahassee, FL
Kristin M. Lemaster, CDM, Cambridge, MA
Peter Matson, Gilbane Co, Boston, MA
Danny Perkins, ESC Polytech Consultants, Inc., Houston, TX
Joshua E. Polston, Oakland International Airport, Port of Oakland, Oakland, CA
M. Ashraf Jan, FAA Liaison
Frank Lanzetta, FAA Liaison
Jessica Steinhilber, Airports Council International–North America Liaison
Christine Gerencher, TRB Liaison

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


By Marci A. Greenberger
Staff Officer
Transportation Research Board

ACRP Report 42: Sustainable Airport Construction Practices is a collection of sustainable

practices that can be implemented during the construction phase of an airport project. This
collection includes best practices, methods, procedures, and materials and is provided in a
searchable, filterable spreadsheet format provided in the attached CD-ROM. This collection
focuses only on those practices that are implemented during construction that will have a
sustainable impact by having either a positive economic, operational, environmental, or
social effect. The collection is categorized by construction phases (Pre-Construction, Dur-
ing Construction, and Commissioning) and by practices (Policies and Regulations, Con-
struction Methods, Logistics, Equipment, Surface Transportation, Reuse and Recycling
Materials, and Sustainable Materials), and can be filtered or searched by either construction
phase or practice. The collection, supported by the Users Guide, will be useful for airport
CEOs, directors, planners, environmental technicians, and airport engineers and designers
during the initial planning, design, and construction phases of a given project.

Sustainability and the practice of sustainable concepts continue to be a societal focus not
only in this country but worldwide. Airports are no different as they strive to be fiscally,
socially, and environmentally responsible as well as good neighbors. As a result, there are
many definitions as to what exactly it means to be “sustainable” even amongst the various
groups that seek to help organizations be proactive in this arena.
Under ACRP Project 08-01, Ricondo & Associates, Inc. developed ACRP Report 42:
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices by identifying sustainable practices, methods, and
procedures that are currently being utilized or that have applicability during airport con-
struction projects by conducting surveys, interviews and case studies. Although most of
these practices are implemented within the actual construction phase, it may be necessary
to discuss and identify some practices during the planning and design phase to take full
advantage of the opportunities that are presented in the collection.
This collection does not seek to provide a definitive definition of sustainability, but rather
to discuss and outline practices within a narrow initiative of sustainability; those occurring
during the phase of airport construction. The construction phase alone presents many
opportunities to reduce environmental and social impacts, preserve natural resources,
increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

This project was conducted under ACRP Project 08-01 by the Ricondo & Associates (R&A) Team,
which consisted of Ricondo & Associates, Inc., as prime contractor and two subcontractors: the Center
for Transportation and the Environment, and Ardmore Associates, LLC. Mr. Eugene R. Peters, Director
with Ricondo & Associates, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois), served as the Principal Investigator, and Mr. Stephen
Clermont, Director with the Center for Transportation and the Environment (Atlanta, Georgia), served
as the Associate Principal Investigator. The other authors and those providing research and technical sup-
port included Mr. Stephen D. Culberson, Director with Ricondo & Associates, Inc.; Mr. Richard Unzel-
man, Project Director with Ardmore Associates, LLC; Mr. Casey L. Venzon, Consultant with Ricondo &
Associates, Inc.; Ms. Allison Kloiber, Consultant with Ricondo & Associates, Inc.; Ms. Lauren Justice, Proj-
ect Manager with the Center for Transportation and the Environment; Mr. David Intorcia, Project Man-
ager with Ardmore Associates, LLC; and Mr. Andrew Eastmond, Senior Consultant with Ricondo & Asso-
ciates, Inc.
The research team would like to express its gratitude to the members of the ACRP Project Panel for
their input throughout this research project.The research team would also like to thank the following indi-
viduals for participating in surveys and interviews for this project:
Mr. Jerry Allen, Palm Beach County Airports; Mr. Stephen Barrett, Harris, Miller, Miller & Hanson;
Ms. Janell Barrilleaux, Denver International Airport; Mr. Bill Bayne, Patten Industries; Ms. Robin Bowie,
Maryland Aviation Administration; Mr. Mark Buncher, Asphalt Institute; Ms. Megan Caffall, Texas
Department of Transportation, Aviation Division; Ms. Wendy Cheuk, State of Hawaii, Airports Division;
Mr. Michael Clow, Tallahassee Regional Airport; Mr. Jeffrey Condray, Tulsa Airport Authority; Ms. Ann
B. Crook, AAE, Elmira Corning Regional Airport; Ms. Christina Drouet, Federal Aviation Administra-
tion; Mr. Jonathan C. Esslinger, P.E., Transportation & Development Institute of the American Society
of Civil Engineers; Mr. Thomas J. Freeman, P.E., Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University;
Mr. Roy Fuhrmann, Metropolitan Airports Commission; Mr. Richard Gilb, San Diego County Regional
Airport Authority; Mr. Derek R. Gray, Greater Toronto Airports Authority; Mr. David Hensley, City of
Phoenix Aviation Department; Mr. Douglas Herman, Port of Oakland; Mr. Rusty Hodapp, Dallas-Ft.
Worth International Airport Board; Mr. Guy Ichinotsubo, State of Hawaii, Airports Division; Mr. Bijan
Jamalabad, Texas Department of Transportation, Aviation Division; Mr. Paul Kennedy, Columbus
Regional Airport Authority; Mr. Frank Kulka, The Louis Berger Group; Mr. Martin (Marty) Lenss, Out-
agamie County Regional Airport; Mr. Al Lyons, Arup; Mr. Thomas McEvoy, High Concrete Group; Dr.
John Mogge, CH2M Hill; Mr. Eric Nelson, County of San Diego; Ms. Jayne O’Donnell, Turner Construc-
tion Company; Ms. Kate O’Malley, City of Phoenix Aviation Department; Mr. Sam Mehta, San Francisco
International Airport; Ms. Patricia Nelis, Salt Lake City Department of Airport; Ms. Cynthia Parker, City
of Phoenix Aviation Department; Mr. Steven S. Peacock, Dallas Aviation Department; Ms. Annie R.
Pearce, Virginia Tech University; Mr. Keith Peterson, Pacific Northwest Laboratory; Mr. Dennis Probst,
Metropolitan Airports Commission; Mr. David R. Riley, Pennsylvania State University, Lean & Green
Research Initiative; Mr. Randall Riley, American Concrete Pavers Association, Illinois Chapter; Mr.
Simon Robinson, Vancouver Airport Authority; Mr. Steven Rybolt, Port of Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma Inter-
national Airport; Mr. Michael Sanio, American Society of Civil Engineers; Mr. Terrence Schaddel, Illinois
Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics; Mr. Paul L. Shank, P.E., C.M., Maryland Avia-
tion Administration; Mr. Ahmed Shihadeh, Rhode Island Airport Corporation; Mr. Verne Skagerberg,
Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities; Mr. Thomas Somers, Denver International Air-
port; Mr. Michael Steffens, Denver International Airport; Mr. Terry Thompson, Calgary Airport Author-
ity; Mr. David Tomber, AIA, Port of Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport; Ms. Iris D. Tom-
melein, University of California, Berkeley; Mr. Jeffrey Warkoski, Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc.; Ms. Ashley
Wilhelm, Green Building Services.
In addition, Ms. Leslie L. Riegle, Director, Regulatory Affairs, with the American Association of Air-
port Executives (AAAE) forwarded the online survey to AAAE’s environmental contact list, for which the
research team is very grateful.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


1 Chapter 1 Introduction
2 Chapter 2 Key Concepts
2 2.1 Sustainability
3 2.2 Construction
3 2.3 Sustainable Construction Practices
5 Chapter 3 Data Collection
5 3.1 Literature Review
5 3.2 Surveys
6 3.3 Interviews
7 Chapter 4 Organization of the Collection
7 4.1 Construction Practice Categories
7 4.2 Construction Implementation Stage Categories
8 4.3 Additional Filterable Criteria
11 4.4 Additional Nonfilterable Information
12 Chapter 5 How to Use the Collection
12 5.1 General Process to Follow When Using the Collection
13 5.2 How to Use Hard Copy of the Collection
13 5.3 How to Use Excel Spreadsheet Version of the Collection
16 5.4 Standard Browsing Within the Excel Spreadsheet Version
18 Chapter 6 Case Studies
18 6.1 Case Study: Warm-Mix Asphalt
19 6.2 Case Study: Pavement Management
19 6.3 Case Study: Material Reuse
20 6.4 Case Study: Anti-Idling Campaign
20 6.5 Case Study: LEED Awareness
20 6.6 Case Study: Materials Management Program
21 6.7 Case Study: Pavement Resurfacing
21 6.8 Case Study: Use of Solar Cells
22 References
A-1 Appendix A Collection Sorted by Construction
Practice Categories
B-1 Appendix B Collection Sorted by Construction
Implementation Stage Categories

Note: Many of the photographs, figures, and tables in this report have been converted from color to grayscale
for printing. The electronic version of the report (posted on the Web at retains the color versions.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices



The research team was contracted to conduct research for Airport Cooperative Research Program
(ACRP) Project 08-01, “Sustainable Airport Construction Practices.” The research team compiled
a collection of sustainable construction practices (referred to in this guide as the “Collection”)
available for consideration by stakeholders involved in the planning, design, and/or construction
of airport development or redevelopment projects (referred to in this Guide as the “users” of the
Collection). Practices identified include construction methods, procedures, and technologies that
have been or are being implemented at airports in the United States and throughout the world.
The Collection of sustainable airport construction practices focuses on those practices that are
considered to have sustainable impact during the construction phase(s) of a project, including
procurement, construction planning/logistics, construction monitoring, and implementation
(actual construction).
The purpose of the Collection is to provide a resource that will enable the user to quickly
identify potential sustainable airport construction practices for consideration. The Collection
was developed so that it can be easily used by anyone involved in airport construction projects,
regardless of the size of the airport or project scope.
This user’s guide to the Collection explains:
• The key concepts of sustainability, construction, and “sustainable construction practices;”
• How the data included in the Collection was gathered;
• The organization of the Collection; and
• How to use the Collection.
The user’s guide also includes case studies that illustrate some of the sustainable construction
practices contained in the Collection.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Key Concepts

To guide its efforts, the research team defined the concepts of sustainability, construction, and
“sustainable construction practices” to establish the parameters of this research project. The fol-
lowing sections discuss how these terms were applied to this research project.

2.1 Sustainability
Sustainability has been defined differently by various organizations and individuals. Because
each airport operator, government agency, and construction contractor will have different
definitions or criteria for determining what they consider to be sustainable practices, the research
team has taken a broader approach to identifying potential sustainable airport construction
practices. Some examples of industry definitions are provided below.
• The Environmental Affairs Committee, Sustainability Working Group of ACI-NA defined
airport sustainability as “a holistic approach to managing an airport so as to ensure the
integrity of the economic viability, operational efficiency, natural resource conservation and
social responsibility (EONS) of the airport” (ACI-NA March 2006).
• In ACRP Synthesis 10: Airport Sustainability Practices, an airport sustainability practice was
defined as “a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of practices applicable to the
management of airports” (Berry et al. 2008). The report documented practices that ensure:
(1) protection of the environment; (2) social progress; and (3) the maintenance of high and
stable levels of economic growth and employment. These three aspects of sustainability
(environmental, social, and economic) encompass what is commonly referred to as the
“triple bottom line” approach to sustainability.
• The Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance (SAGA) encourages each airport operator to
determine its own definition of sustainability (SAGA 2009). SAGA consists of a diverse range
of airport associations and aviation interests, including representatives from the Airport
Consultants Council (ACC), the AAAE, the ATA, the FAA, and other airport representatives
and consultants.
In the Collection, the concept of sustainability is not based on a specific definition; rather, it
is focused on whether or not the application of a specific practice during construction could
affect the economic, operational, natural resource/environmental, or social conditions of an
airport, the surrounding community, or region. Potential sustainable construction practices
were identified based on whether they could:
• Reduce energy consumption;
• Reduce impacts to water and air quality, minimize waste, reduce pollution, and/or minimize
other environmental impacts;
• Improve construction operations;

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Key Concepts 3

• Improve construction safety;

• Reduce construction impacts on airport operations;
• Benefit surrounding communities; and
• Reduce costs associated with construction.
Each interested airport operator, trade group, construction contractor, or other stakeholder
is encouraged to ascertain its organization’s concept of sustainability. It is up to the users to
individually determine what sustainability means to them, their organization, or their facilities.
It may be possible that certain practices listed in the Collection do not match with the particular
concept of sustainability established by the user or his/her organization. Additionally, the user
should not expect that all sustainable practices listed in this document will satisfy the specific
requirements of an airport’s sustainability guidance manual, the U.S. Green Building Council’s
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system, or other rating systems.

2.2 Construction
The definition of construction and how it is applied was identified to determine the sustainable
practices to be included in the Collection. The construction phase of a project includes all activities
necessary to fulfill the requirements of a design specification, as follows:
• Policies and regulations;
• Construction methods;
• Logistics;
• Equipment;
• Surface transportation;
• Reuse and recycling materials; and
• Sustainable materials.
The research team attempted to focus the Collection on sustainable practices that take place
during the construction phase of a project and have beneficial effects on sustainability during the
construction phase. However, many construction practices should be considered and specified
during the design process, or are impacted by design decisions, even though they are implemented
during construction. This concept is discussed further in the next section.

2.3 Sustainable Construction Practices

A key element in sustainability decision making is control, i.e., the point during a project when
decisions are made. Frequently, there is little control over planning and design decisions during the
construction phase. Yet, construction practices are significantly influenced by design of structures
and civil works as well as the materials used to build them. Construction contractors are typically
limited in their ability to control decisions regarding sustainable construction techniques because
the decisions that influence construction practices are typically made during the design phase.
There is a great amount of research on sustainable design and construction materials, but the
research team attempted to exclude practices implemented during the planning and design
phases of a project if they did not provide a sustainable benefit during construction. However, it
is important to understand the influence that design and material decisions have on construction.
Thus, the research team established the following definition of sustainable construction practices
to guide its research:
Sustainable construction practices are those practices that have sustainability benefits during the construction
phase of a project, including those benefits that may result from decisions made during the planning or
design phases of a project.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

4 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

For example, choosing lightweight, carbon reinforced, prestressed, preformed concrete is a

design decision that results in the use of fewer natural resources (no rebar) and increases the
longevity of a building, improving its operational sustainability. This design decision also results
in sustainable benefits during the construction phase because fewer trips are required to transport
materials to the job site and less energy is required to install the lighter materials on the building.
Incorporation of highly efficient heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) units is also a
design decision; however, the sustainability benefit is achieved during operation, not construction.
Thus, the research team has included preformed concrete as a sustainable construction practice,
even though control of the decision to use that material is outside the construction phase of a
project. Similarly, the research team has excluded other design decisions, such as the use of efficient
HVAC units, which have no sustainable benefits during construction.
As a result, the research team recommends that, in addition to airport construction contrac-
tors, airport planners and designers also review and understand the Collection to incorporate
sustainable construction practices in their plans and designs.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Data Collection

To develop the most comprehensive collection of existing and emerging sustainable airport
construction practices, numerous sources were identified and consulted. The research began
with a review of published literature to build the Collection and identify potential contacts. Next,
online surveys were conducted to identify knowledgeable and willing participants for detailed
interviews. Then, interviews were conducted to identify unpublished sustainable construction
practices or practices that are in development. The interviews also were used to identify which
airport operators have implemented sustainable practices included in the Collection, including
any positive or negative benefits realized. Lastly, the interview participants were asked to complete
an evaluation of a subset of practices from the Collection to provide the research team with input
on the potential economic, operational, natural resources/environmental, and social benefits or
impacts of the practices. The data collection phases and their results are discussed here.

3.1 Literature Review

The Collection was initially developed by reviewing various public documents, including:
• Sustainable guidance materials;
• Information from research institutions;
• Industry publications;
• Airport sustainability reports, summaries, and initiatives; and
• Construction documents, including airport and non-airport construction projects and initiatives.
As a result of the literature review, the initial Collection consisted of 496 sustainable construction
practices prior to conducting the surveys and interviews. Additional document sources pertaining
to sustainable construction practices were also discovered during the interview process, reviewed
by the research team, and added to the Collection as appropriate. A listing of all sources reviewed
is included in the annotated bibliography located at

3.2 Surveys
The research team identified organizations and industry contacts that have relevant experience
with sustainable construction practices. Contacts were organized into the following categories
to ensure that a broad spectrum of subject matter experts was sampled:
• Construction companies—equipment and material manufacturers, construction contractors.
• Government agencies—federal agencies, state departments of transportation.
• Industry organizations—trade groups associated with aviation, construction, and/or
• Educational institutions and research laboratories.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

6 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Figure 1. Interview participants.

• U.S. airports with sustainable initiatives.

• International airports with sustainable initiatives.

An online survey was designed and distributed via email to ascertain potential contacts’ areas
of expertise with respect to construction practices, identify the most appropriate contacts
within an organization, and enable the research team to create a set of focused questions for each
interview target.

3.3 Interviews
Interviews were conducted with 47 individuals; a breakdown by contact category is provided
in Figure 1.
The objectives of the interviews were to identify additional sustainable construction practices
that the research team may have been unaware of or that are still in development, and to receive
input on the potential economic, operational, natural resources/environmental, and social benefits
or impacts of the practices. Research institutions, trade organizations, and planning and design
firms all had similar perspectives on sustainable construction practices, while the operators of
U.S. and international airports provided a broader range of responses as a result of the differing
sizes of airports (in terms of numbers and types of aircraft operations) and geographic location
(e.g., operators of airports in warmer locations had a more negative opinion on the success of
porous asphalt than those in colder locations).

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Organization of the Collection

For ease of use, the Collection is presented in two formats: Construction Practice Category
and Construction Implementation Stage Category. The user should select one format to initiate
their search, as the same information is presented in both presentation formats. The user may
choose the appropriate presentation format based on preference and relative experience with
construction and/or sustainability practices.

4.1 Construction Practice Categories

The first presentation format of the Collection is by Construction Practice Category. A con-
struction practice category identifies common elements of any construction project, necessary
to fulfill the requirements of a design specification. The Collection’s sustainable construction
practices are divided into seven Construction Practice categories as presented in Figure 2.
These categories were created by analyzing the compiled practices and logically determining
construction practice categories based on elements common to most construction projects. Each
of the seven main organizational categories listed above was further divided into subcategories,
as shown in Table 1.

4.2 Construction Implementation Stage Categories

The second presentation format of the Collection is by Construction Implementation Stage
Category. A construction implementation stage category identifies the typical project phase in
which the practice would occur. The three construction implementation stage categories are:
• Pre-construction—129 practices;
• During construction—360 practices; and
• Commissioning/Post-construction—23 practices.

Most of the researched sustainable practices are relevant to one of the three defined construction
implementation stages. However, a few practices are relevant to more than one implementation
stage, such as the practice of monitoring stormwater quality pre-, during, and post-construction.
These practices appear in more than one construction implementation stage category to prevent
users from overlooking potentially applicable practices. Therefore, the total number of practices
in the Collection appears to be larger (512 vs. 480) when organized by construction implemen-
tation stage category than by construction practice category. Each of the three construction
implementation stage categories listed above was further divided into subcategories, as shown
in Table 2.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

8 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Sustainable Construction Practices

Policies and Regulations - 68 practices

Construction Methods -125 practices

Logistics - 10 practices

Equipment - 41 practices

Surface Transportation - 45 practices

Reuse and Recycling Materials - 55 practices

Sustainable Materials - 136 practices

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Figure 2. Construction practice categories and number of practices

in Collection.

4.3 Additional Filterable Criteria

Primarily designed to be used as a Microsoft Excel-based database, as explained further in
Chapter 5, the Collection can be viewed, filtered, and organized to meet particular areas of interest
using the “filter” function. In addition to being able to filter based on construction practice or
construction implementation stage category, the database can be filtered by the subcategories
shown on Table 1 and Table 2. This functionality enables users of the Collection to conduct a
filtered search on specific areas of interest in addition to, or in lieu of, filtering by construction
practice category or construction implementation stage category. Practices related to multiple
subcategories are listed in all categories that apply to prevent potentially applicable practices
from being overlooked.
For example, the first group of filterable subcategories within the construction implementation
stage presentation format, “Policies, Contracts, and Specification,” includes subcategories of
sustainable construction practices related to:
• Sustainability goals;
• Plans;
• Requests for proposals/requests for qualifications;
• Training and human resources;
• Meetings;
• Marketing and community outreach;
• Construction worker health and safety; and
• Compliance/performance monitoring.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Table 1. Construction practice subcategories.

6) Reuse and Recycling

1) Policies and Regulations 2) Construction Methods 3) Logistics 4) Equipment 5) Surface Transportation Materials 7) Sustainable Materials

A) Energy Conservation
A) Policies, Procedures, and A) Scheduling and A) Construction Waste
A) Scheduling and Alternative A) Construction Vehicles A) Recycled Content
Plans Sequencing Management
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

B) Sustainability Meetings, B) Planning for
B) Packaging and i. Emissions B) Local/Regional
Teams, and Deconstruction and B) Lighting i. Goals and Policies
Delivery Methods Reduction Materials
Presentations Disassembly
C) Noise and Acoustical C) Systems ii. Reduced Vehicle ii. Storage and Collection C) Rapidly Renewable
C) Community Outreach
Quality Commissioning Idling of Recyclables Materials
D) Site Disturbance iii. Construction Traffic D) Pavements and
D) Human Resources D) Maintenance iii. Materials Reuse
Minimization Control Building Structures
i. Compliance and B) Alternative iv. Salvaged Materials and
E) Health and Safety E) Roofing Materials
Safety Transportation Resources
i. Public
i. Construction Worker ii. Water Quality Transportation
B) Office Waste Reduction F) Foundations
Protection Protection Access and
ii. Environmental Tobacco iii. Erosion and ii. Bicycle
G) Building Interiors
Smoke (ETS) Control Sedimentation Control Access/Usage
iv. Tree and Plant
H) Electrical Materials
I) Polymer Concrete
E) Indoor Air Quality
Surface Systems
i. Indoor Air Quality J) Low-Emitting
(IAQ) Management Materials
ii. Indoor Chemical and
Pollutant Source K) Certified Wood
F) Dust Control L) Wood Preservatives
G) Water/Wastewater
i. Reduce Potable
Water Usage
ii. Water Use Reduction
iii. Stormwater
Management and

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

10 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Table 2. Construction implementation stage subcategories.

1) Pre-Construction

A) Policies, Contracts, and Specifications v. Meetings B) Initial Project Scheduling

i. Sustainability Goals vi. Marketing and Community Outreach i. General
ii. Plans vii. Construction Worker Health and C) Deconstruction/Demolition
iii. Requests for Proposals/Request Safety i. Planning for Future Use
for Qualifications viii. Compliance/Performance Monitoring
iv. Training and Human Resources

2) During Construction

A) Policies and Regulations F) Water/Wastewater J) Construction Waste Management

i. Sustainability Training and Tracking i. Reduce Potable Water Use i. Goals and Policies
ii. Community Outreach ii. Water Use Reduction ii. Storage and Collection of Recyclables
iii. Health and Safety iii. Stormwater Management and Treatment iii. Materials Reuse
iv. Environmental Tobacco Smoke G) Logistics iv. Salvaged Materials and Resources
(ETS) Control i. Scheduling K) Sustainable Materials
B) Construction Methods ii. Packaging/Delivery Methods i. Recycled Content
i. Scheduling and Sequencing H) Construction Vehicles and Equipment ii. Local/Regional Materials
ii. Deconstruction/Disassembly i. Noise Minimization and Monitoring iii. Rapidly Renewable Materials
C) Site Disturbance Minimization ii. Vehicle Emissions Reduction iv. Pavements and Building Structures
i. Compliance and Safety iii. Reduced Vehicle Idling v. Roofing Materials
ii. Water Quality Protection iv. Energy Efficiency vi. Foundations
iii. Erosion and Sedimentation Control v. Lighting vii. Building Interiors
iv. Tree and Plant Protection vi. Maintenance viii. Electrical Materials
D) Indoor Air Quality I) Alternative Transportation ix. Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
i. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management i. Public Transportation Access x. Low-Emitting Materials
ii. Indoor Chemical and Pollutant and Carpooling xi. Wood
Source Control ii. Bicycle Access/Usage
E) Dust Control
i. General

3) Commissioning / Post-Construction

A) Systems Commissioning
B) Indoor Air Quality
C) Community Outreach and Sustainability

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

“Potential LEED Applicability” is also included as a filterable criterion so that users can con-
duct a search for sustainable construction practices related to LEED credits (U.S. Green Build-
ing Council 2009). The criterion does not guarantee that performance of the sustainable
construction practice will achieve LEED credits; rather, the criterion indicates practices related
to the LEED rating system so that users who may be pursuing LEED certification would be able
to locate practices that are relevant to the LEED process or could assist in achieving LEED cred-
its. More specifically, Applicable LEED Credit is also included as a filterable criterion so that users
can search for sustainable construction practices related to particular LEED credits.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Organization of the Collection 11

4.4 Additional Nonfilterable Information

Provided with each sustainable construction practice included in the Collection is informa-
tion about the source of the sustainable construction practice, whether it be from a particular
document included in the literature review or one of the interviews conducted as part of the
research process. Some sustainable construction practices may appear in more than one document
considered in the literature review; however, the source most frequently used by practitioners in
the field was included in the Collection.
If data was available, sustainable construction practices in the Collection also include the
airport(s) where the practice has been implemented. Provided with each sustainable construc-
tion practice included in the Collection is a brief assessment (where applicable) of the economic,
operational, natural resource/environmental, and/or social considerations that should be under-
stood prior to implementation.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


How to Use the Collection

As discussed in Chapter 1, the introduction to this User’s Guide, the Collection was
created with the dual objectives of ease of use and applicability to all potential users involved
in airport construction projects, regardless of airport size or project scope. The steps set forth
below for using the Collection should be followed to ensure effective and efficient use of the

5.1 General Process to Follow When Using the Collection

A user interested in implementing sustainable airport construction practices should first
select the appropriate database presentation format from which to conduct their search of the
Collection. Hard copies of the Collection sorted by Construction Practice category and Construc-
tion Implementation Stage category are provided in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively.
An Excel version of the Collection, found on the accompany CD, can also be used.
The search of the Collection can be as broad or as specific as needed. The main methods to
search the Collection are (1) with no filter (either using the hard copy provided in Appendix A
and Appendix B or using the Excel version of the Collection); or (2) by filterable criteria (using
the Excel version of the Collection only). A list of potential sustainable construction practices can
be extracted from this search and shared with other selected stakeholders that will participate in,
or be affected by, a particular airport construction project.
After a search of the Collection has yielded potential sustainable construction practices for imple-
mentation, these practices should be further evaluated by the user and by selected stakeholders
for their suitability at a given airport. An assessment of suitability implies predetermination of
criteria that defines what practices would be considered appropriate and what would not; this
may include an economic cost/benefit analysis, environmental impact study, social impact study,
or operational change management analysis.
Each practice on the list should be considered in light of policies, requirements, conditions, and
constraints that are unique to the particular airport. As part of this process, the user should review
the information in the Collection pertaining to the applicable economic, operational, natural
resource/environmental, and/or social considerations potentially resulting from implementa-
tion of a specific practice. Information in the Collection can also be used to identify locations
(e.g., airports where a particular practice has been implemented) and sources (e.g., documents
that may yield further information about the suitability of a particular practice) for additional
Once an assessment of the suitability of each practice has been performed, the practices iden-
tified for implementation should ideally be incorporated into a comprehensive, top-down effort


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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

How to Use the Collection 13

to implement and monitor sustainable construction practices at the airport. Los Angeles World
Airports’ Sustainable Airport Planning, Design and Construction Guidelines (Los Angeles World
Airports 2009) and the City of Chicago’s Sustainable Airport Manual (City of Chicago 2009) are
examples of this type of comprehensive effort.

5.2 How to Use Hard Copy of the Collection

To conduct a search for specific sustainable construction practices by construction practice
category, use Appendix A: Sustainable Construct Practices by Construction Practice Category and
look for the construction practice category of interest (for example, “Policies and Regulations”).
The user would then go to the first column of the reproduced spreadsheet page, labeled
“Sustainable Practice,” and read down each row in the column to find each subcategory in the
“Policies and Regulations” practice category (e.g., “Policies, Procedures and Plans,” “Sustain-
ability Meetings, Teams, and Presentation”) followed by the individual sustainable construction
practices contained in each subcategory (e.g., “Create and follow a sustainable vision/mission
statement that incorporates construction practices.”).
Within each individual sustainable construction practice row, users can read the columns across
the row to find information on LEED® applicability, examples of airports where the sustainable
construction practice has been implemented (e.g., San Francisco International Airport), and
the applicable economic, operational, natural resource/environmental, and/or social factors to
consider when planning the implementation of a specific construction practice (e.g., the economic
impact varies widely based upon the “detail and goals” of the vision/mission statement). A ref-
erence number identifying the source for each sustainable construction practice is also included
(sources are identified by reference number at the end of Appendix A).
Similarly, to search for specific sustainable construction practices by construction implemen-
tation stage, users would look for the construction implementation stage category of interest
(for example, “Pre-construction”) in Appendix B. The user would then go to the first column of
the reproduced spreadsheet page labeled “Sustainable Practice,” and then read down each row in
the column to find the individual sustainable construction practices contained in each construction
phase category. Continuing to read across each sustainable construction practice row, users can
read the columns to find the information described in the paragraph above.

5.3 How to Use Excel Spreadsheet Version

of the Collection
The filter function in Microsoft Excel can be used to quickly locate practices throughout the
Collection that are applicable to a user’s area of interest. Filtering allows a user to see only the
sustainable construction practices matching his or her search, hiding practices that are not relevant.
In each of the presentation formats of the Collection, five column headings are capable
of being filtered (Excel columns C through G located on row five). These five headings allow
the user to conduct a search based on construction practice categories and subcategories
(“Construction Category” worksheet), or construction implementation stage categories and
subcategories (Implementation Phase worksheet), depending on the worksheet of the Collection
the user has open. As explained in Chapter 4, section 3, “Potential LEED Applicability” is also
included as a filterable criterion so that users can conduct a search for sustainable construction
practices related to LEED credits.
In the Excel version of the Collection, AutoFilter arrows “ ▼ ” appear to the right of these
searchable column headings. If the AutoFilter arrows disappear on your version or are not currently

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

14 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Figure 3. Resetting AutoFilter function in Excel version of the Collection.

included, the filter function can be obtained by first highlighting the five column headings
and then selecting DATA → FILTER → AUTO FILTER from the main toolbar, as shown in
Figure 3.
Clicking on the AutoFilter arrow in a searchable column displays an alphabetical list of
categories, subcategories, phases, or LEED® credits that are in that particular column. As shown in
Figure 4, a user clicks on the AutoFilter arrow in the “LEED Credit” column to locate construction
practices related to Materials and Resources (MR) Credit 6: Rapidly Renewable Materials (based
on the LEED® 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations Rating System guidebook).
After selecting “MR Credit 6,” a total of 11 sustainable construction practices that are applicable
to the rapidly renewable materials credit remain in the filtered view of the Collection; all other

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Figure 4. Example of LEED® credit sort criteria.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

How to Use the Collection 15

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Figure 5. Example of removing filter from Excel version of the Collection.

practices are no longer visible. Filtering does not alter the practices, sources, or Research Team
Considerations in any way. As soon as the filter is removed, all data reappears the same as it
was before.
There are two different options for a user to go back to viewing the list of all sustainable con-
struction practices and headings. Clicking again on the AutoFilter arrow will display the “(All)”
filter option, located at the top of the alphabetical listing. If a filtered search is performed in
only one column, selecting “(All)” shows all construction practices once again, as illustrated in
Figure 5.
A second option to removing all previous filters and viewing the entire Collection again, is
to select DATA → FILTER → SHOW ALL from the main toolbar, as displayed in Figure 6.
This will display the original view with all practices and headings.

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., March 2010.

Figure 6. Example of removing all filters from Excel version of the Collection.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

16 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

The DATA → FILTER → SHOW ALL option is preferred if a user conducts a filtered search
on multiple categories. For example, a user could perform a filtered search on practices that may
improve health and safety that are implemented during construction. While in the “Implemen-
tation Phase” worksheet, the user would filter practices by clicking on the AutoFilter box and
selecting “During Construction” from the “Implementation Phase” column and “Health and Safety”
from the “Subcategory” column. After the filtered search, the user can quickly view the full listing
of practices by selecting DATA → FILTER → SHOW ALL.

5.4 Standard Browsing Within

the Excel Spreadsheet Version
Some users may not be interested in narrowing down the list of practices by conducting a filtered
search. As described in Chapter 4, the Collection has been organized in alternative formats and
includes headings and subheadings to appeal to users who are interested in browsing all sustainable
construction practices. To enhance the user’s ability to scroll through the large number of practices,
the “Group” function in Microsoft Excel has been utilized. To consolidate the entire listing of
practices and headings into a list of only headings and subheadings, the user can click on box “1”
located in the top left corner of the Excel worksheet, left of column “A.” As illustrated in Figure 7,
clicking this box hides the construction practices and displays only the main category (in green)
and subheading(s). Alternatively, the original listing displaying all practices and headings can be
viewed by clicking box “2” located to the right of box “1.”

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Figure 7. Browsing by category

and subcategory.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

How to Use the Collection 17

From the view of only the main categories and headings (selecting box 1), a user can view
practices within a particular category and/or subcategory by selecting the “+” box located to the
left of the heading of the category the user wishes to expand. A category can then be collapsed by
selecting the box containing a “−” to the left of the category heading, as shown in Figure 8.

Source: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Prepared by: Ricondo & Associates, Inc., May 2010.

Figure 8. Example of how to collapse or expand categories in Excel version of

the Collection.

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Case Studies

The research team attempted to obtain as much information about each sustainable construction
practice as possible, given time and budget constraints. This information was used, along with
our collective experience, to identify considerations potential users of the Collection should be
aware of before implementing specific practices. Although the perspectives on some practices
differed among airports based on size and location, many practices were rated as beneficial
regardless of airport size or location. In the interviews, the most frequently mentioned sustainable
construction practices included:
• Reuse and recycling of construction waste (concrete, asphalt, landscape debris, soil);
• Energy Star certified products/increasing energy efficiency;
• Development of mission statements;
• Use of sustainable and local materials;
• U.S. Green Building Council LEED certification;
• Life-cycle analyses;
• Anti-idling campaigns;
• Specifying project goals for recycled content; and
• Minimizing site disturbance, erosion/stormwater control.
Common themes from the airport operator interviews included the belief that cost consider-
ations are an overriding factor when selecting practices to implement (as opposed to stand-alone
environmental or sustainable benefits); the importance of complying with permitting and zoning
requirements; the need to obtain direction from the local government (e.g., the city has higher
sustainability standards with which airports must comply); and impediments to implementation
(e.g., regulations/FAA approval and eligibility for funding).
A number of case studies of sustainable construction practices are provided to illustrate some
of the information obtained and learned during the development of the Collection.

6.1 Case Study: Warm-Mix Asphalt

Warm-mix asphalt is a generic term applied to different techniques for producing asphalt
(mixing and placing) at lower temperatures than typically used. According to the National Asphalt
Pavement Association (2010), reductions of between 50°F and 100°F have been achieved. The
benefits of using warm-mix asphalt techniques include reduced fuel consumption required for
asphalt production, resulting in reduced emissions. Field tests conducted in Ohio showed
(depending on the technique used) reduced fuel use of up to 17 percent and reductions in total
particulate emissions of up to 77 percent; reductions in nitrogen oxides of up to 21 percent;
reductions in carbon monoxide of up to 63 percent; and reductions in volatile organic compounds
of up to 62 percent (Hurley et al. 2009).


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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Case Studies 19

Despite these potential benefits, airport operators are taking a cautious approach to incorpo-
rating warm-mix asphalt techniques in airport construction projects. The operator of Elmira
Corning Regional Airport has opted not to use this technique because, in research the airport’s
engineering staff has conducted, asphalt laid using warm-mix techniques did not have the same
expected lifespan as hot-mix asphalt laid using conventional techniques (Crook 2009). The City
of Phoenix Aviation Department does not use warm-mix asphalt because staff has determined
that warm-mix asphalt melts when exposed to the high summer temperatures experienced in
Phoenix (Parker, et al. 2009).
In contrast, the Calgary Airport Authority is testing warm-mix asphalt techniques on taxiway
improvements adjacent to apron areas. The Authority is conducting a timed evaluation to determine
how asphalt laid using warm-mix asphalt techniques compares to asphalt laid concurrently using
conventional techniques. Before using warm-mix asphalt in wider applications, the Authority
needs to be confident about the longevity and strength of the pavement (Thompson 2009).

6.2 Case Study: Pavement Management

The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) conducts research on all aspects of transportation,
including pavement materials, techniques, equipment, and test procedures. Its pavement manage-
ment program focuses on “improving the durability, safety, and efficiency of pavement materials
and structures, within both economic and environmental constraints” (TTI 2010).
Thomas J. Freeman, Director of TTI’s Pavement Management Program, noted several
techniques that can be used to prevent premature distress of asphalt pavement (Freeman 2009).
These include:
• Extending the base course pavement width by 1 to 2 feet beyond the top pavement layer.
Because edges of pavement typically experience greater stress (primarily from moisture changes),
cracks can occur in the portion of the base course that extends beyond the top layer of pavement
without causing cracks in the top layer.
• Using a non-fossil-fuel based, nonvolatile, environmentally friendly prime coat. The conventional
purpose of the prime coat is to waterproof and bond asphalt, yet TTI’s research indicates that
traditional diesel-based prime coats do not assist with pavement bonding. Thus, a prime coat
that provides waterproofing is all that is needed (since bonding does not occur with traditional
prime coats anyway).
• Using chip seals in cracks before using slurry seals or microsurfacing maintenance methods
to stop pavement cracking.

6.3 Case Study: Material Reuse

At Dallas Love Field, the Dallas Aviation Department is in the process of removing three con-
courses, while simultaneously constructing a new LEED Silver Certified facility (Peacock 2009).
Several sustainable construction practices are being incorporated in the process, including material
reuse from concrete washout devices.
As part of the Clean Water Act, the discharge of any pollutant into navigable waters is prohibited
at construction sites; a common best management practice (BMP) to comply with this act is the
implementation of concrete washout devices. Concrete washout devices are commonly located
at egress points and all trucks leaving the site are required to be thoroughly washed down to avoid
offsite contamination. The washout from these devices should not be let into storm drains, open
ditches, streets, or streams. At Dallas Love Field, construction crews are taking this concept a step
further and allowing for reuse of this waste material.

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

20 Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

The wastewater and concrete mixture recovered in the concrete washout devices are allowed
to solidify and then put into an onsite rock crusher. After the hardened concrete is crushed, it is
backfilled for projects as subgrade. As concourses at the airport are demolished, several tunnels
must be filled, allowing for entire onsite reuse of the crushed concrete (Peacock 2009).

6.4 Case Study: Anti-Idling Campaign

Idling can cost drivers of light-duty vehicles up to 0.75 gallon of gasoline per hour, which at
5 to 10 minutes of idling per day amounts to burning nearly two tanks of fuel per year solely due
to idling. Many cities and counties have implemented anti-idling programs. The City and County
of Denver has established an idling ordinance, limiting idling to 5 minutes in most situations to help
reduce air pollution. On an annual basis, idling in the Denver metropolitan area is responsible for an
estimated 40,000 tons of harmful air pollution and 400,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
(City and County of Denver 2010). As part of this city-wide ordinance, the city’s Department of
Aviation has implemented a strong anti-idling campaign at Denver International Airport.
In coordination with the Department of Public Works, the Department of Aviation posts
signage on both the airside and landside areas of the airport to turn engines off to avoid idling.
Additionally, air fresheners with the “Engines-Off! Denver” slogans are placed in vehicles after they
undergo maintenance (Barrilleaux 2009). This campaign works to limit idling from construction
and maintenance vehicles, as well as customer vehicles when picking up or dropping off passengers.

6.5 Case Study: LEED Awareness

The LEED Green Building Rating System was developed by the United States Green Building
Council (USGBC) to provide third-party verification that a building or community was designed
and built using practices that are environmentally sensitive. In 2006, the State of Hawaii passed
a law that required the developers of all new construction in the state to participate in the LEED
certification process. This directive applied LEED to all new airport construction, including the
modernization program at Honolulu International Airport. As a relatively new statewide program,
the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Airports Division faced many challenges
during implementation of the LEED process with the modernization program.
As many of the contractors on the project were unaware or unfamiliar with all of the LEED
guidelines, significant education was needed for the venture to be successful. During an interview
conducted in November 2009, the project manager, Wendy Chuk, stated that the “main challenge
was the learning curve.” However, to help educate the contractors, several posters were displayed
around the construction site setting forth LEED requirements and processes.
A Green Building Services Consultant was also engaged to help facilitate the LEED procedures
and requirements. To bring sustainable aspects of a project to fruition, the Airports Division
highlighted the importance of requiring regular meetings between the team and the sustainability
liaison. Additionally, airport staff was a resource to the construction team by providing fact sheets
about regional materials or recycled content materials to contractors. Also, to maintain social
awareness, the Airports Division passed out informational brochures to the community about
upcoming LEED projects (Willhelm 2009).

6.6 Case Study: Materials Management Program

In 2004, the Port of Oakland established a Materials Management Program to manage materials
generated from construction, demolition, and maintenance of Capital Improvement Program
projects (e.g., roadways and parking lots) at Oakland International Airport. The program has

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Case Studies 21

been used to recycle construction materials associated with the airport’s $300 million Terminal
Improvement Program (Port of Oakland 2010).
Through the Materials Management Program, materials such as asphalt, concrete, vegetation,
and excavated soils are diverted from the landfill and reused onsite. Three on-airport locations
are used for stockpiling, recycling, and rock crushing, allowing for the reduction of new materials
costs and associated truck emissions related to the disposal of waste (Herman 2009). In 2006,
the Port’s Materials Management Program won the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Class
A/D Environmental Achievement Award.
According to the Port of Oakland website, as of November 2009, the program has resulted in
the recycling and reuse of over 500,000 cubic yards of construction materials (300,000 currently
stockpiled for use) and will save the Port $5 million over the entire course of the program.

6.7 Case Study: Pavement Resurfacing

The Metropolitan Airports Commission oversees seven airports, including Minneapolis-
St. Paul International Airport (MSP). As part of a 20-year project to resurface pavements at MSP,
a new technology was used to reduce the time associated with mixing and laying asphalt pavements.
The Commission contracted the work through a company that used a 300-foot machine to mill,
mix, add hot tar, and then lay and pack asphalt all in one pass (Fuhrmann 2009). It should be
noted that the FAA requires that this process can only be implemented for noncritical surfaces.

6.8 Case Study: Use of Solar Cells

Motivating factors for implementing sustainable construction practices will vary from airport
to airport. At Tallahassee Regional Airport, the City of Tallahassee is focused on saving energy
and realizing the goal of the airport becoming self-sustaining.
In 2008, a contract went to bid for the installation of a solar powered energy generation system
(Clow 2009). The solar cells were recently installed even though there was no expected monetary
payback: the cells were installed strictly for environmental and social benefits. The costs for these
systems are not recoverable as the payback period would be more than 60 years (Clow 2009).

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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Airports Council International-North America Sustainability Working Group. DRAFT Sustainable Initiatives
Index, March 14, 2006, Index.pdf (accessed July 8, 2009).
Barrilleaux, Janell, Denver Department of Aviation. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
Berry, Fiona, Sarah Gillhespy, and Jean Rogers. ACRP Synthesis 10: Airport Sustainability Practices, Transportation
Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC, October 2008.
Chuk, Wendy, and Guy Ichinotsubo, State of Hawaii, Airports Division. Interview conducted November 18, 2009.
City and County of Denver, Department of Environmental Health, “Engines Off! Denver,”
(accessed March 18, 2010).
City of Chicago, Department of Aviation. Sustainable Airport Manual (SAM), August 5, 2009, www.airportsgoing SAM-v1.0–August 5 2009-FINAL.pdf (accessed August 19, 2009).
Clow, Michael, Tallahassee Regional Airport. Interview conducted on November 16, 2009.
Crook, Ann B., Elmira Corning Regional Airport. Interview conducted on November 17, 2009.
Freeman, Thomas J., Texas Transportation Institute. Interview conducted on November 30, 2009.
Fuhrmann, Roy, Metropolitan Airports Commission. Interview conducted November 16, 2009.
Herman, Doug, Port of Oakland. Interview conducted November 18, 2009.
Hurley, G. C., B. D. Prowell, and A. N. Kvasnak. Ohio Field Trial of Warm Mix Asphalt Technologies: Construction
Summary, Report No. 09-04, National Center for Asphalt Technology at Auburn University (September 2009),
pp. 19–21.
Los Angeles World Airports. Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Sustainable Airport Planning, Design and
Construction Guidelines, April 2009, Airport PDC
Guidelines Jan08.pdf (accessed July 23, 2009).
National Asphalt Pavement Association, 2010. Warm-Mix Asphalt, the Wave of the Future? http://www.warmmix (accessed March 18, 2010).
Parker, Cynthia, David Hansley, and Kate O’Malley, City of Phoenix Aviation Department. Interview conducted
on November 10, 2009.
Peacock, Steven, Dallas Department of Aviation. Interview conducted November 13, 2009.
Port of Oakland, “Construction Mitigation,”
(accessed March 18, 2010).
Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance. “Sustainable Aviation Resource Guide: Planning, Implementing and
Maintaining a Sustainability Program at Airports,” 2009, (accessed
December 2009).
Texas Transportation Institute, 2010. “Pavement Management,” (accessed March 18,
Thompson, Terry, Calgary Airport Authority. Interview conducted on November 9, 2009.
U.S. Green Building Council. LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations, U.S. Green Building
Council, Washington, D.C. (2009).
Willhelm, Ashley, Green Building Services Consultant. Interview conducted November 18, 2009.


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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Collection Sorted by Construction

Practice Categories


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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. Sustainable construction practices organized by construction practice category.

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Policies, Procedures, and Plans
Create and follow a sustainable May help improve the 2
Establishes that a Determined by goals. May
vision/mission statement that Widely varies on detail and community's view of the
project/airport has an have operational and/or
goals. airport if part of an outreach
incorporates construction practices. environmental focus. cost implications.
Establish an airport-specific rating/ranking 55
system in conjunction with the airport Helps achieve environmental Markets the specific
sustainability guidance manual. Provide Could be tied to cost objectives. Encourages Determined by goals. May sustainable practices and
rewards (certificates of achievement, savings generated by other contractors to improve have operational and/or related EONS benefits on
VNY, PMD cost implications.
financial incentives, etc.) for contractors applied practices. their sustainability efforts to local, national, and
who meet and or exceed sustainability achieve recognition. international levels.
May help improve the 3
community's view of the
Require that conceptual plans/criteria airport if part of an outreach
Determined by goals. May
documents outline sustainability goals, If anticipated early on, costs Incorporates environmental program. May affect the
have operational and/or
may be reduced. aspects into each project. ability for minority/
objectives, and potential achievements. cost implications.
Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) contractors
to meet requirements.
Document all sustainable construction 39
activities to track progress at several
stages throughout the construction Helps track sustainability
process (e.g., checklists and progress Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
reports). Prepare interim progress LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve environmental lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating goals. improve the community's
reports to track and document any gaps sustainability requirements.
procedures. view of the airport if part of
in construction or documentation. an outreach program.
Provide continual feedback on
sustainability performance.
Ensures that project team 55
Review sustainable building requirements Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
in specifications with each subcontractor Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
achieve environmental sustainability requirements
achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
prior to commencement of work. objectives. in their daily responsibilities
and assignments.
May help improve the 2
Develop detailed technical specifications community's view of the
and standards to implement sustainable Determined by goals. May airport if part of an outreach
Widely varies on detail and Incorporates environmental
have operational and/or program. May affect the
construction practices; include these goals. aspects into each project.
cost implications. ability for minority/DBE
sustainability specifications in contracts. contractors to meet
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Policies and Regulations
Policies, Procedures, and Plans
Many online directories 3
Rapidly evolving field and databases list product
makes it difficult to know descriptions of
what is available; use environmentally preferable
Use web-based, independent industry Consider working with local
available unbiased products and independent
resources in project specifications to For product benefits, seek communities or nonprofit
MR information. Examples research to ensure that
LEED® unbiased research and organizations to develop and
maximize the use of sustainable materials Credit 4 include: GreenSpec from product descriptions
reviews. collect reliable product
and products. Building Green, Inc. contain unbiased
( information. Check for
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

and Oikos third-party independent

( validations of sustainable
Develop and implement a program to Widely varies on detail and May help improve the 39
track and report sustainable construction Determined by goals. May
LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Incorporates environmental community's view of the
have operational and/or
goals and progress achieved (e.g., a VNY, PMD part of standard operating aspects into each project. airport if part of an outreach
cost implications.
sustainability management system). procedures. program.
Apply for national, state, and local Grant opportunities vary 39
Could affect the timing of
competitive grants to support the selected LAX, ONT, widely by state/federal May enable further May involve DBE or
initiatives and reporting
VNY, PMD agency and over time; may environmental initiatives. community organizations.
sustainable construction practices. requirements.
help offset costs.
Obtaining certification may 64
increase initial costs of a
Pursue U.S. Green Building Council
project. If anticipated early
(USGBC) LEED® certification, as Pursue as early in the
on, costs may be reduced.
applicable. Anticipate the LEED® process project planning process as May help improve the
Achievement of LEED® Provides third-party
early in the planning process. SFO, BOS, possible. Determined by community's view of the
LEED® General certification may result in verification of sustainable
ORD goals. Facilitates airport; good for public
the identification of practice achievements.
documentation and relations.
additional sustainable
progress tracking.
practice opportunities,
which may provide positive
life cycle economic benefits.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Promotes worker, customer, 3
Post signage (e.g., display/poster boards) Creates awareness of and community awareness of
of LEED®/sustainability goals for No applicable Research
LEED® General Minimal cost. environmental focus and the airport operator's
Team Consideration.
construction projects. benefits. sustainability
Helps meet regulatory 2
Develop and implement an environmental Widely varies on detail and May help improve the
requirements and in
management system (EMS) that includes DFW, DEN; goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve environmental community's view of the
assigning responsibilities,
SFO, SLC part of standard operating goals. airport; good for public
construction projects. and helps with tracking and
procedures. relations.
May help improve the 39
Prepare internal and external Helps meet sustainability
Helps ensure that the community's view of the
communication reports on sustainability LAX, ONT, Widely varies on detail and goals and facilitates
contractor is following airport; good for public
VNY, PMD goals. additional sustainable
performance of construction projects. sustainability requirements. relations. Helps promote
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Policies, Procedures, and Plans
Communicate sustainability 20
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Ensure that those directly responsible for goals and requirements at

the project have been informed of the Helps meet sustainability pre-bid, bid, and project May help improve the
environmental impacts and associated Widely varies on detail and goals and facilitates start. Inform contractors of community's view of the
goals. additional sustainable the environmental issues airport; good for public
social issues related to their part or stage practices. and social impacts during relations.
of the project. the preconstruction
Develop construction specifications for 43, 53
the airport using publicly accessible or
"free" tools and resources, such as the May help improve the
National Institute of Building Sciences, community's view of the
Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) Determined by goals. May airport if part of an outreach
Use available/existing free Incorporates environmental
ORD have operational and/or program. May affect the
Green Building Specifications resources to minimize cost. aspects into each project.
cost implications. ability for minority/DBE
(, and the Port of contractors to meet
Portland's Master Construction requirements.
Specifications website
Require regular sustainability progress Helps track sustainability 39
reports during construction projects Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
(quarterly or at construction milestones) LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve environmental lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating goals. improve the community's
that indicate sustainability goals, sustainability requirements.
procedures. view of the airport if part of
accomplishments, and lessons learned. an outreach program.
Compliance ensures 18
Tie sustainability reporting and Emphasizes the importance realization of operational Compliance ensures
performance requirements to monthly and Negative cost implications
ORD of meeting sustainability benefits established in realization of social benefits
for noncompliance.
project completion payments (invoices). requirements. contracts. Clarifies established in contracts.
requirements up front.
Compliance ensures 18
Establish penalties for contractors who Emphasizes the importance realization of operational Compliance ensures
don't comply with sustainability reporting Negative cost implications
ORD of meeting sustainability benefits established in realization of social benefits
for noncompliance.
and performance requirements. requirements. contracts. Clarifies established in contracts.
requirements up front.
Use web directories and links; web-based Make documents/ 2
resources available online
document sharing; web based
Widely varies on detail and and/or part of the bid
procurement process - Requests for goals; less so as it becomes advertisement process.
Qualifications/ Requests for Proposals part of standard operating Improves the flow of Enables flow of information
Reduces the use of paper.
(RFQ/RFP), notices/advertisements; procedures. May reduce information. Facilitates to additional persons.
electronic submittal forms/templates; and printing, postage, and tracking and reporting;
electronic/digital document processes to administrative costs. maximizes teamwork,
transparency, and
reduce paper needs.
information sharing.
Develop and implement an underground Helps meet regulatory 2
and/or above ground storage tank Helps avoid unexpected Improves safety and
requirements and protects Establish procedures.
costs. awareness.
management plan. the natural environment.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Policies and Regulations
Sustainability Meetings, Teams, and Presentations
Engage the airport's 19
Establish a regular meeting schedule to construction and Promotes awareness of
discuss sustainability progress (either as Incorporate into the overall maintenance, tenants, sustainability
ORD sustainability management Creates awareness. airlines, local regulators, objectives/goals, especially
separate meetings or as an agenda item
program. and/or FAA and USEPA if part of an outreach
at other meetings). representatives as program.
Could result in additional 39
project costs, but may be
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Create a "Construction Sustainability worthwhile if extensive Establishes that a

Coordinator" position or an "Office of LAX, ONT,
sustainable practices are project/airport has an Assign responsibility. Promotes awareness.
Sustainability" within the organization. being implemented (e.g., environmental focus.
may expedite the LEED®
Form a "Green Team" that would be Provides third-party 19
Include members from
responsible for managing the integration verification of sustainable
Can help identify potential across the organization to Helps promote internal
ORD practice achievements.
of selected sustainable construction cost savings. facilitate integration and awareness.
Helps achieve
practices. implementation.
environmental goals.
Conduct preconstruction and/or project
kickoff meetings with sustainability Creates awareness; helps 3
Improves internal
achieve cost objectives. Ensures sustainability is
requirements included on the agenda. Creates awareness; helps communication and
Helps contractors considered at the start and
Communicate sustainability goals and achieve environmental awareness; facilitates
understand and comply continued through the
requirements at pre-bid, bid, and project objectives. compliance with tracking
with sustainability project.
start. requirements.
As part of the preconstruction meeting (or
other similar meeting), hire an 39
inspector/construction sustainability
liaison to the owner (potentially a LEED® Helps track sustainability
AP) to work on sustainability training in Could result in additional goals, accomplishments,

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

conjunction with project and site project costs, but may be Helps ensure that the and lessons learned. May
ID Credit LAX, ONT, Helps achieve
managers. Introduce the selected LEED® worthwhile if extensive contractor is following help improve the
2 VNY, PMD environmental goals.
inspector to the construction team and sustainable practices are sustainability requirements. community's view of the
allow them to have an introductory being implemented. airport if part of an
outreach program.
question and answer session. Require
regular meetings (weekly or monthly) with
the sustainability liaison.
Send the selected contractor the
sustainability requirements (guidance, 3
Improves internal
specifications, tracking forms, LEED® communication and
If anticipated early on, Incorporates environmental May help streamline the
requirements, etc.) prior to the awareness. Facilitates
costs may be reduced. aspects into each project. project process.
preconstruction and project kickoff tracking and reporting to
meeting(s). the public.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Sustainability Meetings, Teams, and Presentations
Widely varies on detail and
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

goals; less so as it becomes 3

Identify sustainability reporting (submittal) Compliance ensures
part of standard operating Compliance ensures Compliance ensures
and performance requirement milestones realization of operational
procedures. Compliance realization of environmental realization of social
(e.g., at project startup, monthly, and at benefits established in
ensures realization of benefits established in benefits established in
project completion). contracts. Clarifies
economic benefits contracts. contracts.
requirements upfront.
established in contracts.
Use internal workshops or 15
Provide sustainable construction training workshops available through
and awareness programs, presentations, other organizations; for
Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
workshops, or meetings for contractors, Creates awareness; helps example, LEED® training
DEN achieve environmental internal and external
achieve cost objectives. workshops are available
airport staff, the media, and the objectives. communication.
across the United States
community. throughout the year. Visit
Provide posters, flyers, and exhibit boards
displaying LEED®/ sustainability Creates awareness at a Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and 35
May help streamline the
requirements and processes for LEED® General minimal initial cost; may help achieve environmental internal and external
project process.
contractors. achieve cost objectives. objectives. communication.
Assign one or more project team Creates awareness; helps 39
members on the construction team to achieve cost objectives.
Creates awareness of Expedites the LEED® Promotes awareness of
take the LEED® Professional ID Credit SFO, BOS, Requires an upfront cost for
LEED® environmental focus and process. Pursue early on in LEED® requirements on
2 ORD the exam and preparatory
Accreditation Exam, if not already benefits. the project planning process. the project team.
materials. Helps achieve
accredited. LEED® points.
Assign or hire a LEED® AP to review Creates awareness of Facilitates the flow of 39
information regarding sustainable ID Credit SFO, BOS, Can help identify potential Helps promote internal
LEED® environmental focus and information and helps meet
2 ORD cost savings. awareness.
concepts, practices, and submittals. benefits. submittal requirements.
Community Outreach
Raises awareness; 2, 39
enhances the airport so that
it can continue to be an Will reduce delays during
economic generator and planning, reduce the risk of
Conduct community partnering programs create additional economic environmental protest
by developing partnerships with Creates awareness of
LAX, ONT, benefits for the community. No applicable Research during site works, enhance
environmental focus and
community groups, schools, and local VNY, PMD Sharing resources may Team Consideration. community relations, and
businesses. provide cost savings for both provide for greater
the airport and the acceptance of the
community (e.g., sharing of completed scheme.
excess construction
Create an interactive multimedia display Promotes awareness and 39
(i.e., video, website, kiosk, etc.) to engage Creates awareness; helps internal and external
and educate visitors about the LAX, ONT, Creates awareness at a No applicable Research
achieve environmental communication. Facilitates
VNY, PMD minimal initial cost. Team Consideration.
sustainable aspects of construction objectives. information sharing with
projects. airport customers.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
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Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Community Outreach
Coordinate with local schools to arrange Carefully plan and coordinate 39
Promotes awareness,
for field trips or presentations to provide ORD, LAX, Establishes that a airfield tours to ensure they
No applicable Research communication, and
ONT, VNY, project/airport has an would not delay (or be
education on sustainable construction Team Consideration. educational opportunities in
PMD environmental focus. delayed by) airport operations
practices. the local community.
and/or construction projects.
Partner with universities and research 16
centers to evaluate, demonstrate, and Improves economic Promotes awareness,
Improves environmental Improves operational
SFO efficiency. May help attract communication, and
potentially market new sustainable airport efficiency. efficiency.
grant and industry funding. educational opportunities.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

construction practices.
Helps assure that the 3
community is involved in
Establish sustainable airport construction the project. Provides job
Provides added staff
internships, stewardships, and/or public Establishes that a opportunities and career
assistance and creates No applicable Research Team
project/airport has an training for the local
education programs (focus on low- research and educational Consideration.
environmental focus. community. Promotes
income and diverse populations). opportunities.
communication, and
educational opportunities.
Provides job opportunities 3
Conduct contractor job fairs for upcoming Creates awareness, Facilitates the flow of for the local and regional
Facilitates a competitive bid
airport projects. Publish updates on the especially on the contractor information and may help communities. Promotes
process. Creates project
level, of environmental expedite the selection awareness,
airport's website. awareness.
goals and objectives. process. communication, and
educational opportunities.
Facilitates a competitive bid 3
process. Creates project
May help provide
Conduct contractor open houses to awareness. Helps make Creates awareness, Facilitates the flow of
opportunities for the
describe upcoming projects and sure procurement especially for contractors, information and may help
involvement of MBEs,
requirements are met for of environmental goals and expedite the selection
sustainability requirements. small and/or local
Minority-owned Business objectives. process.
Enterprises (MBEs) and

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Use contractor open houses to survey Ensures contractors can May help provide 3
Facilitates the flow of
attendees about their sustainability Ensures contractors can achieve the environmental opportunities for the
information and may help
comply with project objectives (e.g., Tier involvement of MBEs,
knowledge, experience, and ability to meet sustainability
provisions. compliance of construction small, and/or local
comply with sustainability provisions. requirements.
equipment). businesses.
Conduct an industry forum/ conference to 3, 39
share and learn about sustainable Markets the specific
Use industry conferences,
construction practices (engage other Raises awareness; Creates awareness of sustainable practices and
LAX, ONT, annual reports, websites,
potential cost savings from environmental focus and related EONS benefits on
contractors, the local community, and the VNY, PMD presentations, press releases,
learning from others. benefits. local, national, and
construction and aviation industries). articles in trade journals, etc.
international levels.
Conduct tours of the construction site.
Establish industry peer review groups to Provides environmental 3
Potential cost savings from Provides operational benefits Promotes awareness,
provide input and experiences regarding benefits from sharing
sharing information and from sharing information and communication, and
information and learning
sustainable construction practices. learning from others. learning from others. educational opportunities.
from others.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Community Outreach
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Create and implement a policy or code of 20

practice regarding considerate behavior.
At a minimum, it should cover: relations Ensure that this policy is
with neighbors, communications to Facilitates compliance; may Emphasizes the importance
communicated to all of the Creates internal and
help avoid potentially of meeting sustainability
neighbors, good housekeeping, appropriate people working external communication.
expensive project delays requirements.
presentation of the site, relations with on the project.
and legal issues.
other stakeholders, and complaints
Use community job fairs 20
Provides job opportunities
Employ local construction workers to and contractor open
for the local and regional
decrease the disruption caused to local houses to ensure a local
Reduces emissions, noise, No applicable Research communities. Promotes
pool of construction
communities by commuters, which would and roadway congestion. Team Consideration. awareness,
workers. Reduces
also provide local economic benefits. communication, and
expenses from having to
educational opportunities.
travel long distances.
Human Resources
Include educational training on Ensures that project team 19, 39
sustainability objectives established for ORD, LAX, Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
the project team as part of the initial Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
ONT, VNY, achieve environmental sustainability requirements in
achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
project planning meeting and throughout PMD objectives. their daily responsibilities
the project. and assignments.
Ensures that project team 19
Provide training on the airport's
members are incorporating
sustainable planning, design, and sustainability requirements in
construction guidelines, including their Creates awareness; helps
Creates awareness; helps their daily responsibilities Promotes awareness and
ORD achieve environmental
bases, the parties responsible for using achieve cost objectives. and assignments. Use these internal communication.
the guidelines, and the sustainable rating forums to capture ideas on
system. how to further improve
sustainability performance.
Develop a strategic human capital Reduction in employee Provides job opportunities 39
Reduction in employee
retention and development plan in turnover and identification of for the local and regional
turnover and identification
conformance with the overall project plan, LAX, ONT, No applicable Research skilled labor needs early on communities. Promotes
of skilled labor needs early
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. will help ensure that awareness,
organizational needs, and changing on will reduce project
construction proceeds communication, and
business needs. delays and costs.
according to schedule. educational opportunities.
Contract with a mix of general contractors Contractor should be familiar Helps create an appropriate 39, 43,
and subcontractors with sustainability with Environmental sustainable attitude among 55
experience and/or knowledge (e.g., Could result in additional Management Systems all contractors. A list of
May help improve the
LEED®-accredited staff). Sustainability project costs, but may be (EMSs) (ISO 14001 contractors who are
LAX, ONT, community's view of the
worthwhile if extensive Standard) and with the members of the USGBC is
consulting services shall be provided by VNY, PMD airport; good for public
sustainable practices are USGBC LEED® Green provided at
an organization with a minimum of 3-5 relations.
being implemented. Building Rating Program and
years experience on projects of similar a successful history of Members/MembersDirectory.
size and scope. completed LEED® projects. aspx
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Policies and Regulations
Human Resources
Selecting contractors that 3
Require that contractors have a Creates awareness of
understand the concepts of May help improve the
published corporate sustainability policy. environmental focus; helps Ensures that contractors
sustainability may facilitate community's view of the
ensure that selected have some familiarity with
Evaluate the policy during the RFP/RFQ the achievement of airport; good for public
contractors are passionate sustainability concepts.
process. sustainability requirements, relations.
about sustainability.
reducing project costs.
Use subcontractors with "in house" Could result in additional 55
fabrication capabilities to increase the May reduce number of
upfront project costs if the May improve operational
awareness of waste reduction and May reduce environmental deliveries and waste haul
capabilities are specialized issues with materials
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

impacts. trips, reducing impacts to

ensure more control over delivery with few competitors, but delivery.
surrounding community.
schedules. may reduce life cycle costs.
Design-build contracts 55
and/or performance- based
fee incentives may not be
Use only design-build contractors with May increase project costs, Encourages contractors to Encourages contractors to
allowed by the contracting
performance-based fee incentives to but could also be tied to actively pursue and actively pursue and
cost savings generated by implement sustainable implement sustainable
encourage innovative sustainability Encourages contractors to
any innovative practices practices, which may result practices, which may result
solutions. actively pursue and
used. in environmental benefits. in social benefits.
implement sustainable
practices, which may result
in operational benefits.
Ensures that project team 39
Link achievement of the construction Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
team's sustainability goals to LAX, ONT, Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
achieve environmental sustainability requirements in
VNY, PMD achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
performance reviews of key personnel. objectives. their daily responsibilities
and assignments.
Health and Safety
Construction Worker Protection
May increase project costs, 39
Appoint a health and safety manager for but could result in cost Increases safety Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should awareness, which should
the construction site. VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
and increased safety reduce injuries. reduce injuries.
Develop a site-specific health and safety May increase project costs, 39
plan that identifies all potential hazards but could result in cost Increases safety Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should awareness, which should
and steps to be taken to mitigate VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
and increased safety reduce injuries. reduce injuries.
accidents. awareness.
May result in cost savings 39
Require that all construction workers Increases safety Increases safety
LAX, ONT, from fewer injuries and No applicable Research
awareness, which should awareness, which should
have proper safety certifications. VNY, PMD increased safety Team Consideration.
reduce injuries. reduce injuries.
May increase project costs, 39
Participate in the Occupational Safety but could result in cost Increases safety Increases safety
and Health Administration's (OSHA's) LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should awareness, which should
VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
Voluntary Protection Programs. and increased safety reduce injuries. reduce injuries.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Health and Safety
Construction Worker Protection
Establish an emergency notification 39
program. Identify and display telephone Increases awareness and
Increases awareness and Increases awareness and
numbers and driving directions to the LAX, ONT, preparedness for No applicable Research Team
preparedness for preparedness for
VNY, PMD emergencies, which may Consideration.
nearest hospital or emergency care emergencies. emergencies.
result in financial benefit.
May increase project costs, 39
Conduct safety observations to ensure but could result in cost Increases safety Increases safety
that workers are abiding by the health and LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Team
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should awareness, which should
VNY, PMD Consideration.
safety plan. and increased safety reduce injuries. reduce injuries.
Record and submit weekly reports 39
summarizing all safety incidents as well as May increase project costs,
all events that may have resulted in an but could result in cost Increases safety Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Team
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should awareness, which should
accident and an evaluation of the steps VNY, PMD Consideration.
and increased safety reduce injuries. reduce injuries.
that can be taken to prevent those events awareness.
in the future.
Determine conclusively if toxic dusts or 39
fumes exist or will enter breathing space Reduces potential of harm
May cause some delays to
during construction, especially during LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm Identifies and reduces to construction workers,
work, but improves safety
VNY, PMD to construction workers. emissions of toxic substances. site personnel, customers,
renovation of buildings; take corrective of work environment.
and public.
action if necessary.
Provide signs reminding workers of long- Reduces potential of harm 39
term health risks resulting from exposure Increases awareness and Increases awareness and
LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm to construction workers,
compliance with proper dust compliance with proper
to particulates and the unknown toxics VNY, PMD to construction workers. site personnel, customers,
control measures. dust control measures.
attached to particulates. and public.
Use personal air monitoring systems to 55
inform construction workers of hazardous May cause some delays to Reduces potential of harm
environments. This technology can Reduces potential of harm Identifies and reduces
work, but improves safety to construction workers
to construction workers. emissions of toxic substances.
improve occupational safety and health in of work environment. and site personnel.
the construction workplace.
Provide reusable or ventilated 39
masks/respirators for worker comfort and Increases awareness and Increases awareness and Reduces potential of harm
health. Require construction workers to LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm
compliance with proper dust compliance with proper to construction workers
VNY, PMD to construction workers.
wear them when dust emissions are control measures. dust control measures. and site personnel.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies and Regulations
Health and Safety
Construction Worker Protection
Monitor the site's daily and/or historical air 3
quality index level(s) via the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's
(USEPA's) MyEnvironment webpage. The Increases awareness and Increases awareness and Reduces potential of harm
desired location is keyed in from the Reduces potential of harm
compliance with proper dust compliance with proper to construction workers
to construction workers.
USEPA Home Page ( under control measures. dust control measures. and site personnel.
the section titled "MyEnvironment." Water
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

quality and health risk updates can also

be accessed via this website.
Health and Safety
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control
Increases site safety. 2
Depending on local
Require all parts of the construction sites IEQ Removes tobacco smoke as a Increases site safety and
May reduce site cleanup regulations, the contracting
LEED® Prerequi potential emission from the eliminates exposure to
to be nonsmoking. costs. agency/agencies may or
site 2 construction site. tobacco smoke.
may not have the authority
to ban smoking onsite.
Increases site safety. 39
Prohibit smoking within structures under May reduce site cleanup Depending on local
IEQ Increases site safety and
construction and restrict smoking onsite LAX, ONT, costs and prevent damage Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting
LEED® Prerequi limits exposure to tobacco
VNY, PMD of installed building smoke. agency/agencies may or
during construction. site 2 smoke.
components. may not have the authority
to ban smoking onsite.
Provide a designated exterior smoking 39
Increases site safety.
area (protected from the elements) that is May reduce site cleanup Depending on local
sufficiently distant from construction IEQ Increases site safety and
LAX, ONT, costs and prevent damage Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting
LEED® Prerequi limits exposure to tobacco
activities. Locate any exterior designated VNY, PMD of installed building smoke. agency/agencies may or
site 2 smoke.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

smoking areas away from entries and components. may not have the authority
operable windows. to ban smoking onsite.
If an interior smoking area is necessary, Increases costs but limits 2
provide a designated smoking room IEQ exposure to ETS; may Increases site safety and
designed to effectively contain, capture, Limits exposure to tobacco
LEED® Prerequi prevent damage to Increases site safety. limits exposure to tobacco
and remove ETS from the building using a site 2 installed building smoke.
separate ventilation system. components.
Increases site safety. 19
Depending on local
Establish zero exposure of nonsmokers to IEQ
No applicable Research Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting Limits exposure to tobacco
LEED® Prerequi ORD
ETS. Team Consideration. smoke. agency(ies) may or may smoke.
site 2
not have the authority to
ban smoking on-site.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
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Scheduling and Sequencing

By preventing mold from 39
Can reduce landfill hauls of
Expedite completion of the building growing, worker and
Helps avoid additional damaged materials/ May minimize temporary
envelope to minimize moisture exposure occupant health can be
LAX, ONT, costs associated with components. Also reduces airport activity delays and
preserved. Reduced
to interior surfaces, thus minimizing the VNY, PMD installing or replacing the environmental impacts of landside passenger traffic
temporary traffic delays
potential for mold. damaged materials. producing new construction delays.
would benefit the
products and materials.
Plan the phases or stages of construction 39
to minimize exposure. Before site Can avoid costs of fines Can control runoff and capture
disturbance occurs, perimeter controls, May reduce impacts to
LAX, ONT, from violating permitting sediments as site disturbance Consider the local climate
water quality in the local
sediment traps, basins, and diversions VNY, PMD agency or government occurs. Minimizes runoff into and geology.
should be in place to control runoff and regulations. nearby water resources.
capture sediments.
Reduces extra handling 34, 62
and excessive labor. Can
reduce material costs by
Reduces waste associated By reducing pressures to
ordering only what is
with inventories and defective keep construction running
Use "lean construction" project needed, but may increase
products. Can increase at maximum production,
management practices (e.g., minimal transportation costs if
transportation-related extensive intermediate May add to local
inventory and "cradle to grave" project supplies are not ordered in
emissions if supplies are not inventories or “the waste of community traffic if this
delivery). A lean construction production bulk; the personnel in
ordered in bulk over production” can be practice increases the
charge of ordering
system delivers a custom product (e.g., several trips). Reduces reduced. Requires tight number of deliveries on a
construction materials
instantly on order, but maintains no the environmental impacts of coordination between the project level.
should identify which
intermediate inventories. having to produce and haul construction process and
materials make the most
re-ordered materials or to the arrival of parts from
economic sense to be
return excess materials. supply chains.
ordered in bulk and which
should be ordered "just in
Evaluate projects and components on a 20
life cycle basis. Perform a life cycle
assessment (LCA) of the environmental
aspects and potential impacts associated
May reduce the frequency
with a product, process, or service by: (1)
and duration of future
compiling an inventory of relevant energy Considering the
May reduce total life cycle Careful selection of construction projects
and material inputs and environmental environmental costs and
costs (construction, products may reduce (minimizing temporary
benefits of the project may
releases; (2) evaluating the potential operation, maintenance, project waste and minimize construction impacts on the
reduce overall environmental
environmental impacts associated with and decommissioning). maintenance. local community; e.g.,
identified inputs and releases; and noise levels and traffic
(3) interpreting the results to make a more
informed decision. See for
information on managing and conducting
an LCA.
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Construction Methods
Planning for Deconstruction and Disassembly
Reusing materials may 2
Can reduce materials/ reduce the frequency and
Plan for potential uses for the structure Can reduce future building
components sent to the Can reduce future duration of future
and building components (consider future costs by avoiding the need
landfill and the environmental generation of waste; construction projects
ORD to purchase new
value of materials and systems during impacts of producing new facilitates flexible use of (minimizing temporary
components or having to
selection). construction products and space. construction impacts on the
remodel buildings.
materials. local community, e.g.,
noise and traffic).
Reusing materials may 2
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Can reduce materials/ reduce the frequency and

Can reduce future building components sent to the Can reduce future duration of future
Evaluate potential uses for mechanical, costs by avoiding the need landfill and the environmental generation of waste; construction projects
electrical, and plumbing systems. to purchase new impacts of producing new facilitates flexible use of (minimizing temporary
components. construction products and space. construction impacts on the
materials. local community, e.g.,
noise and traffic).
Use homogeneous material whenever 2
possible. Homogeneous material means
a unit that can not be mechanically May reduce the duration of
Use of homogeneous
disjointed in single materials. deconstruction, minimizing
material may reduce No applicable Research Reduces the duration of
ORD temporary impacts on the
Homogeneous materials include complexity, cost, and Team Consideration. deconstruction.
local community such as
individual types of plastics, ceramics, maintenance.
glass, metals, alloys, paper, board,
resins, and coatings.
Providing disassembly 2
instructions helps ensure
that components can be Detailed instructions may
Provide instructions and ensure that disassembled and decrease necessary staff
May reduce duration and
connections are accessible to expedite potentially reused at training. May reduce May enhance worker
area of disturbance during
minimal cost. Accessible impacts to airport operations safety.
the disassembly process. disassembly.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

connections allow in terminals during future
disassembly to occur faster rehabilitation projects.
than otherwise might be
Minimize the use of chemical (adhesive) Some friction-based 2
Reduces exposure to May minimize worker
connectors; instead use friction-based connectors may be more
hazardous chemical May be easier to maintain. exposure to potentially
expensive than chemical
connectors. products. harmful chemicals.
Select fittings, fasteners, adhesives, and 55
sealants that allow for quicker May allow for easier
May reduce duration and
disassembly and facilitate the removal of May decrease disassembly disassembly, reducing May enhance worker
area of disturbance during
labor costs. impacts to airport operations safety.
reusable materials. Material reuse is disassembly.
during future projects.
highly dependent upon the connections.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Planning for Deconstruction and Disassembly
Design the HVAC system so that it is May reduce the duration of 2
May decrease operational
easy to expand or downsize depending May allow for easier future projects (minimizing
costs (e.g., energy) and May decrease energy
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

on the future needs of the space. Specify expansion, reducing future temporary impacts on the
capital costs (e.g., consumption by not over-
impacts to airport local community; e.g.,
flexible components of HVAC, electrical equipment) by optimizing sizing components.
operations. noise levels and traffic
and fiber optics, and other wiring. for current use.
May reduce the duration of 2
Design and install AC roof units so that May allow for easier future projects (minimizing
May avoid additional costs May reduce environmental
additional units can be installed if expansion, reducing future temporary impacts on the
associated with expanding impacts by eliminating need
impacts to airport local community; e.g.,
necessary in the future. AC roof units. to expand structures.
operations. noise levels and traffic
May decrease future 2
building costs to meet
changing needs. Properly May allow for easier
Strategically locate and appropriately Properly identifying load-
identifying load-bearing No applicable Research expansion, reducing future
bearing walls enables safe
identify load-bearing walls. walls reduces costs Team Consideration. impacts to airport
structural modifications.
associated with having to operations.
re-identify walls or creating
unsafe renovations.
May decrease operational 2
Design for current needs with the ability to costs (e.g., energy), May reduce future
May allow for easier
expand in the future. Do not oversize maintenance costs, and May ensure efficient energy temporary construction
expansion, reducing future
capital costs consumption by not impacts on the local
components during the initial design impacts to airport
(e.g., equipment) by oversizing components. community, (e.g., noise
phase to account for future build-out. operations.
optimizing for current and traffic).
Reduces data and 55
communication installation
costs and allows for more
Use a raised floor system to reduce data economical moves and May allow for easier
and communication installation costs Minimizes noise impacts in
space reconfiguration. expansion or May improve employee
during initial build-out and allow for occupied areas. May require
Compare incremental costs deconstruction, reducing productivity by reducing
less data and communication
easier, more economical moves and of raised floor to reduced future impacts to airport noise distractions.
space reconfiguration. costs of installation and operations.
maintenance (materials and
labor) for data and
communication cabling.
May reduce the duration of 2
Design for additional temperature, May allow for easier future projects (minimizing
electrical, sprinkler, and communication May minimize future costs May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future temporary impacts on the
zones in a large space so that future to meet changing needs. construction material. impacts to airport local community; e.g.,
renovations will have adequate services. operations. noise levels and traffic
May reduce the duration of 2
Place entrances and corridors to spaces May allow for easier future projects (minimizing
in such a way that future uses can take May decrease future May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future temporary impacts on the
rehabilitation costs. construction material. impacts to airport local community; e.g.,
advantage of existing egresses. operations. noise levels and traffic
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Construction Methods
Planning for Deconstruction and Disassembly
May reduce the duration of 2
Place windows in new construction May allow for easier future projects (minimizing
projects with appropriate spacing for May decrease future
May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future temporary impacts on the
renovation costs to meet
future placement of dividers or permanent construction material. impacts to airport local community; e.g.,
changing needs.
walls. operations. noise levels and traffic
May reduce the duration of 2
Considering the
Evaluate the structure and component life May reduce total life cycle Careful selection of future projects (minimizing
environmental costs and
costs (construction, products may reduce project temporary impacts on the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

cycle prior to purchasing benefits of the project may

operation, maintenance, waste and minimize local community; e.g.,
materials/equipment. reduce overall environmental
and decommissioning). maintenance. noise levels and traffic
Create touchdown spaces or other 2
flexible and diverse work spaces to Flexible workspaces may
enable expansion as well as ad hoc May reduce cost of future May reduce need for future No applicable Research
increase efficient use of
expansion projects. construction material. Team Consideration.
collaborations and enhance opportunities spaces.
for efficient use of facilities.
Noise and Acoustical Quality
May reduce noise impacts 39
May restrict type and timing on adjacent noise-sensitive
Require contractors to submit sound May have cost and May reduce noise impacts on
of construction operations. land uses. May reduce
reduction construction plans to mitigate LAX, ONT, schedule implications; adjacent noise-sensitive land
May minimize impacts on complaints from the local
VNY, PMD widely varies on detail and uses and help reduce
construction noise and vibration impacts. airport activities and community and/or improve
goals. vibration impacts.
landside passenger traffic. the community's view of
the airport.
Require mufflers on all construction 2, 28
equipment so that noise levels are below
the construction equipment noise levels Ensure this policy is
and ranges listed in Appendix A of the May reduce noise impacts on May reduce noise impacts
communicated to all of the
May have cost implications. adjacent noise-sensitive land on adjacent noise-sensitive

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

U.S. Department of Transportation's appropriate people working
uses. land uses.
Special Report: Highway Construction on the project.
Noise: Measurement, Prediction, and
As a courtesy, notify neighbors prior to 17
starting a job that will create noise.
Communicate with neighbors to prevent Facilitates communication
Ensure this policy is
complaints from arising and resolve Facilitates compliance; may Emphasizes the importance and awareness with
communicated to all of the
help avoid potentially of meeting noise level adjacent land owners; may
concerns before a problem arises. appropriate people working
expensive project delays. requirements. reduce overall noise
Provide a telephone number at which the on the project.
foreman can be reached prior to the start
of the job.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Construction Methods
Noise and Acoustical Quality
Establish and monitor compliance with a 17
specified construction equipment
operation schedule. For example,
prohibit operating or causing the
operation of any tools or equipment used May reduce noise impacts
in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, May reduce noise impacts on
May have cost and May restrict type and timing on adjacent noise-sensitive
adjacent noise-sensitive land
or demolition work between 7 p.m. and 7 schedule implications. of construction operations. land uses; may reduce
a.m. on weekdays, and between 8 p.m. noise complaints.
and 9 a.m. on weekends or holidays to
prevent noise disturbances across a
residential or commercial real property
Use rubberized pavements or innovative Minimizes noise impacts in 39
Consider additional costs of May improve employee
pavement treatments to reduce traffic LAX, ONT, occupied areas. Consider No applicable Research
treatment installation and productivity by reducing
VNY, PMD environmental impacts as Team Consideration.
noise. surface maintenance. noise distractions.
treatments deteriorate.
May reduce noise impacts on Creates a safer work site 2
Establish construction vehicle speed No applicable Research adjacent noise-sensitive land May improve safety of and may reduce noise
limits to minimize noise and dust. Team Consideration. uses and minimize dust construction operations. impacts on adjacent noise-
emissions. sensitive land uses.
May have cost and May restrict type and timing 39
May reduce noise impacts
Locate mechanical equipment and other schedule implications and of construction operations
May reduce noise impacts on on adjacent noise-sensitive
sources of noise away from occupied LAX, ONT, may be impractical/ and may be impractical or
adjacent noise-sensitive land land uses. May improve
VNY, PMD impossible to implement impossible to implement
areas (or vice versa). uses. employee productivity by
depending on construction depending on type of
reducing noise distractions.
project. construction project.
May reduce noise impacts 39
Install portable and permanent noise May reduce noise impacts on
LAX, ONT, May have cost and No applicable Research on adjacent noise-sensitive
adjacent noise-sensitive land
barriers. VNY, PMD schedule implications. Team Consideration. land uses; may reduce
noise complaints.
May reduce noise impacts 39
Replace noisy construction equipment May reduce noise impacts on
LAX, ONT, May have significant cost No applicable Research on adjacent noise-sensitive
adjacent noise-sensitive land
with quieter units. VNY, PMD implications. Team Consideration. land uses; may reduce
noise complaints.
May reduce noise impacts on May reduce noise impacts 17
Use lower settings on power equipment May have schedule adjacent noise-sensitive land May have schedule on adjacent noise-sensitive
whenever possible. implications. uses, but may also increase implications. land uses; may reduce
emissions. noise complaints.
May reduce noise impacts on May be impractical or 39
May reduce noise impacts
Use rubber-tired equipment in lieu of track adjacent noise-sensitive land impossible to use track
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research on adjacent noise-sensitive
uses; may result in less equipment depending on
equipment to reduce noise. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. land uses; may reduce
ground disturbance and topography and soil
noise complaints.
minimize dust emissions. conditions.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Construction Methods
Noise and Acoustical Quality
Have a designated airport compliance 39
representative certify and randomly Could result in additional
inspect all internal combustion, mobile May cause brief May reduce noise impacts
project costs, but inspection
portable, stationary, and power-actuated LAX, ONT, May reduce noise impacts interruptions in construction on adjacent noise-sensitive
ensures compliance and
VNY, PMD from construction equipment. schedules for testing and land uses; may reduce
construction equipment to ensure may help avoid potentially
corrective measures. noise complaints.
compliance with noise reduction expensive project delays.
Follow OSHA's noise exposure rules 17
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

regarding how long a worker may be

exposed to specific noise levels before May have minor cost Promotes worker safety
hearing protection is required: a worker is implications for earpieces, No applicable Research No applicable Research and awareness, and
allowed to be unprotected up to 8 hours headsets, mufflers, and/or a Team Consideration. Team Consideration. creates a safer work
at a noise level of 90 decibels (dB); up to compliance inspector. environment.
4 hours at 95 dB; and up to 1 hour at 105
Safer than traditional 6, 55
Traditional explosion
explosives, which pose the
The relatively high cost of Does not cause noise, techniques involve risks
threat of premature
Use soundless chemical demolition soundless chemical ground vibrations, or dust. posed by shock waves and
explosion and which may
agents (SCDAs) as a substitute for demolition agents makes Powders used are nontoxic, fly rock. Reduces noise in
misfire; can be used near
traditional explosives more consisting of oxides of the surrounding community
explosives. inhabited areas, natural gas
cost-effective in many calcium, silicon, and and may prevent telephone
lines, roadways, etc. where
applications. aluminum. calls to emergency
explosives would pose a
safety risk.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Compliance and Safety
Photographically document site Submit (or require the 43
conditions prior to start of construction contractor to submit) a
Indicate photographs

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

operations (include aerial photographs). minimum number Promotes awareness and
demonstrating compliance Promotes awareness and
(e.g., 20) of photographs on documents compliance with
Take weekly photographs throughout the with environmental and/or internal communication.
CD, formatted to ISO 9660) sustainable practices.
entire project. Photographs shall be sustainable procedures.
with each application for
provided for unrestricted use by Owner. payment.
Flag or otherwise mark all areas not to be Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site 39
LAX, ONT, Establishes limits of
disturbance and potential disturbance and potential disturbance and potential
disturbed by construction. VNY, PMD construction.
mitigation requirements. environmental impacts. dust emissions.
Ensures that construction Promotes site safety and 39
Make sure that all contractors and May help prevent costly site
traffic follows designated Promotes site safety and establishes traffic patterns;
subcontractors have been briefed on LAX, ONT, disturbance;
routes to minimize establishes traffic patterns may reduce offsite traffic
VNY, PMD briefings/meeting may have
access road and staging area locations. unnecessary site disturbance for the construction site. congestion and impacts to
minor cost implications.
and traffic congestion. surrounding roads.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Site Disturbance Minimization
Compliance and Safety
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Reduces traffic congestion, 39

Excavation is typically more including traffic associated
cost-effective when Creates minimal surface with culvert excavation.
Use clean-cut or trenchless technology placement is shallow and disruption and can eliminate Reduces safety concerns
Reduces site disturbance.
for installing and rehabilitating LAX, ONT, traffic is not a major the need to remove sections associated with steep
Construction often takes
VNY, PMD constraint. Cost is of streets, sidewalks, and excavation slopes, work
underground utility systems. less time.
dependent of site lawns, and can avoid tree inside trench boxes, and
characteristics and loss and tree root damage. worker exposure to traffic.
circumstances. May be susceptible to fire
The EMAS concrete bed has 23
Install an Engineered Material Arresting
to be periodically maintained Provides increased aircraft
System (EMAS) bed to meet Federal to ensure its integrity, and EMAS beds require periodic safety on runway ends
Aviation Administration (FAA) Runway reconstructed if damaged by maintenance and may need where it is impossible or
ELM May have cost implications.
Safety Area requirements instead of weather events or aircraft to be reconstructed if difficult to provide a
affecting sensitive natural resources or incidents, resulting in subjected to flooding. standard Runway Safety
existing infrastructure/facilities. emissions and material Area.
Site Disturbance Minimization
Water Quality Protection
Widely varies on detail and 2
Helps meet regulatory
goals; less so as it becomes
Develop and implement a Stormwater requirements and protects
part of standard operating
Pollution Prevention Plan for construction SS the natural environment.
procedures. May avoid Helps meet regulatory Protects water quality in
LEED® Credit BOS Ensures that contaminants/
activities. Inspect the site frequently to future costs associated with requirements. the local community.
6.1 debris/materials are not
ensure compliance. noncompliance, as
carried offsite through
regulated by local
governmental agencies.
Train on-site personnel in pollution May avoid future costs 2
Promotes awareness and
prevention procedures and always make associated with non- Ensures comprehension of
communication; protects
compliance as regulated by Raises awareness. tasks; allows for streamlined
the SWPPP available at the construction water quality in the local
local governmental operations.
site (and available online) for review. community.
Monitor water quality impacts before and Widely varies based on 2
during construction, especially after detail and goals; less so as Address issues of concern
Ensures that construction
significant storm events; address issues it becomes part of standard (based on data from Protects water quality in
ORD activities have not affected
operating procedures. May monitoring) as soon as the local community.
of concern (based on data from water quality in the area.
avoid unexpected and possible.
monitoring) as soon as possible. potentially high costs.
Widely varies on detail and 2
goals; less so as it becomes Protects water quality in
Prepare a Spill Prevention Control and Can help minimize exposure
part of standard operating the local community. May
Countermeasures Plan for construction of harmful substances/ Can avoid unexpected
BOS procedures. Can avoid minimize worker exposure
contamination in the delays due to spill cleanup.
activities. unexpected and potentially to potentially harmful
large contamination cleanup chemicals.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Water Quality Protection
Cost-effective for many 39
Slurry wall/cutoff wall
Install slurry walls and/or bedrock groundwater control and
excavations can be
grouting during construction to prevent groundwater remediation Protects against groundwater
performed in all types of
commingling of aquifers. These practices ORD, LAX, problems. Cost is contamination; may save
soils and below the Protects water quality in
ONT, VNY, dependent on the depth, energy from pumping. May
reduce the amount of ground water groundwater table. the local community.
PMD length, and width of wall; require the use of heavy
penetrating detention basins, which would Excavation deeper than 100
site geological and construction equipment.
require additional energy to pump. feet requires a crane and
hydrological characteristics;
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

clam bucket.
available workroom; etc.
Can help minimize exposure 2
Store waste in areas sheltered from rain Helps avoid water
of harmful substances/ Can avoid unexpected Protects water quality in
contamination cleanup
and runoff. contamination in the delays due to spill cleanup. the local community.
Use nontoxic waste materials in Various colors, shapes, 55
landscaping applications, such as brick Brick nuggets are useful for
MR Potential cost savings; brick Useful application of a waste and sizes can be used to
LEED® walkways, landscaping, and
nuggets - a byproduct of brick Credit 4 nuggets are very durable. product. enhance the aesthetic
ground covering needs.
manufacturing. value of the landscape.
Limit the number of designated concrete 55
washout areas to avoid the expense of
cleaning and maintaining several small Avoids the expense of Consider locations in
washout areas. Make sure washouts are cleaning and maintaining reference to job site to
Limits areas of potential Protects water quality in
several small washout minimize transportation and
sized appropriately for adequate storage contamination. the local community.
areas; may require training schedule impacts to reach
capacity. Use clear visible signs and costs. designated washout area.
educate the contractor to ensure that the
designated areas are used.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Develop and maintain a Soil Erosion and 2, 38
Widely varies on detail and Ensures that soil, sand,
Sedimentation Control (SESC) Plan goals, less so as it becomes gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
consistent with USEPA Document No. SS
part of standard operating are not carried away via reducing erosion can Protects water quality in
LEED® Prerequ HNL, ORD
EPA 832/R-92-005 (Sept. 1992), procedures. Can avoid runoff, affecting plants and minimize delays due to the local community.
Stormwater Management for Construction unexpected and potentially animals in receiving unforeseen events.
Activities, Chapter 3. large costs. waterbodies.
Incorporate best management practices 64
(BMPs), such as temporary sedimentation Ensures that soil, sand,
basins, temporary ditch checks, diversion May have a high upfront gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
dikes, temporary ditches, sediment traps, LEED® cost, but may avoid are not carried away via reducing erosion can Protects water quality in
Prerequ ONT, VNY,
unexpected and potentially runoff, affecting plants and minimize delays due to the local community.
silt fences, water quality swales, rain isite 1 PMD
high costs. animals in receiving unforeseen events.
gardens, dry wells, and/or pipe slope waterbodies.
drains into construction plans.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Site Disturbance Minimization
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
May require additional 9
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

upfront costs; may keep Promotes internal

May require additional staff
operating costs to a awareness,
Perform an erosion control study for the training. Can help
minimum. May avoid future May help prevent erosion communication, and
DEN streamline operations if soil
stabilization of soils. costs associated with and protect water quality. education. Protects water
conditions are thoroughly
noncompliance as regulated quality in the local
by local governmental community.
Incorporate temporary and permanent soil Ensures that soil, sand, 39
May avoid future costs
stabilization techniques, including: gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
SS associated with non-
compost, hydraulic mulch, hydroseeding, LEED® LAX, ONT, are not carried away via reducing erosion can Protects water quality in
Prerequ compliance as regulated by
VNY, PMD runoff, affecting plants and minimize delays due to the local community.
soil binders, straw mulch, wood mulch, isite 1 local governmental
animals in receiving unforeseen events.
and rolled mats. agencies.
May increase employee 39
To prevent erosion, minimize the extent Temporary seeding/ Can minimize erosion and
LAX, ONT, welfare by reducing dust.
and duration of bare ground surface composting on bare runoff into nearby water No applicable Research
VNY, PMD, May reduce impacts to
surfaces may increase resources. May also help Team Consideration.
exposure. ORD water and air (dust) quality
costs. with dust control.
in the local community.
Maintain mulch stockpiles for use as Maintaining a stockpile 58
needed to control erosion and conserve SLC, U42, Reduces the demand for Conserves irrigation water Protects water quality in
onsite will keep operations
TVY irrigation, saving costs. and reduces erosion. the local community.
irrigation water. timely.
Food waste should not be 39
Using compost can improve
used on or near airport
Use compost for erosion control and May reduce fees for soil quality, reduce runoff,
LAX, ONT, property to prevent potential Protects the water supply
disposal of construction conserve water, and
moisture retention. VNY, PMD wildlife hazard. Consider the in the local community.
waste. minimize the need for
site topography and
landscaping chemicals.
The structural contribution Increasing stability and 44
Use lime as an aid for the modification of lime-stabilized layers in Using lime can substantially reducing erosion can
and stabilization of soil beneath road and pavement design can increase the stability, minimize delays due to
similar construction projects. Lime can create more cost-effective impermeability, and load- unforeseen events. Placing
Protects water quality in
ORD design alternatives. bearing capacity of the sub- the wrong kind or wrong
modify almost all fine-grained soils, but the local community.
Potentially more economical grade. Lime could leach into amount of lime additive or
the most dramatic improvement occurs in than importing aggregate groundwater, contaminating improperly incorporating the
clay soils of moderate to high plasticity. for the same thickness of nearby water sources. additive into the soil can
base course. have devastating results.
Provides an alternative to 39
plastic mats or other non-
biodegradable materials.
Increasing stability and
Use biodegradable rolled mulch Biodegradable mats do not Ensures that soil, sand,
reducing erosion can
mats/natural fiber geotextiles (permeable require pickup from the gravel, and other materials
LAX, ONT, minimize delays due to Protects water quality in
construction site and are not carried away via
fabrics) to reduce erosion. Ensure that VNY, PMD unforeseen events. Non- the local community.
disposal, reducing labor runoff, affecting plants and
they conform to site contours. biodegradable textiles do
costs. animals in receiving
not require removal.
waterbodies. Minimizes dust
and helps establish
vegetation quickly.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Minimize disturbance to landscaped Can avoid costs associated Protects the natural May prevent complaints 39
areas and attempt to maintain existing LAX, ONT, with land clearing/leveling. environment; vegetation can No applicable Research from surrounding
topography, terrain, tree, and vegetation VNY, PMD May avoid repurchasing reduce erosion and filter Team Consideration. communities and maintain
population (non-wildlife attracting). landscaping elements. sediment. an aesthetic appeal.
Achieve permanent soil stabilization in 39
seeded areas by covering over Protects the natural Increasing stability and
Helps avoid water May enhance aesthetics
80 percent of soil surface with vegetation; LAX, ONT, environment; vegetation can reducing erosion can
contamination cleanup and protect water quality in
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

VNY, PMD reduce erosion and filter minimize delays due to

make sure a layer of topsoil and compost costs. the local community.
sediment. unforeseen events.
is present to support growth.
May help avoid unnecessary 39
soil compaction and prevent
Locate construction laydown areas and erosion. Ensures that soil, Increasing stability and
Helps avoid water
stockpiles in areas that will be paved as LAX, ONT, sand, gravel, and other reducing erosion can Protects water quality in the
contamination cleanup
VNY, PMD materials are not carried minimize delays due to local community.
part of the construction. costs.
away via runoff, affecting unforeseen events.
plants and animals in
receiving waterbodies.
May help avoid unnecessary 13, 38
Construct stabilized construction soil compaction and prevent
Accidental deposits must be
entrances on level ground where erosion. Ensures that soil,
Helps avoid water swept up immediately and
possible. Grade the entrances to prevent sand, gravel, and other Protects water quality in the
HNL contamination cleanup may not be washed down
materials are not carried local community.
runoff from leaving the construction site costs. by rain or by any other
away via runoff, affecting
and provide ample turning radii. means.
plants and animals in
receiving waterbodies.
If a wash rack is provided at the 38
construction vehicle entrance, vehicles
are to be washed on a paved or crushed May avoid future costs Ensures that soil, sand,

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

stone pad that drains into a properly associated with non- gravel, and chemicals are not
Multiple steps may require Protects water quality in the
HNL compliance as regulated by carried away via runoff,
constructed sediment trap or basin. more time. local community.
local governmental affecting plants and animals
Liquids from these activities shall be agencies. in receiving waterbodies.
collected, managed as contaminated
wastewater, and properly disposed.
May help avoid unnecessary 38
Stabilize access roads, subdivision roads, soil compaction and prevent
Protects water and air
parking areas, and other onsite vehicle erosion. Ensures that soil, Increasing stability and
Helps avoid water (dust) quality in the local
transportation routes immediately after sand, gravel, and chemicals reducing erosion can
HNL contamination cleanup community and reduces the
are not carried away via minimize delays due to
grading and maintain them frequently to costs. exposure of workers to
runoff, affecting plants and unforeseen events.
prevent erosion and control dust. dust.
animals in receiving
To minimize soil compaction, use 39
construction equipment with longer May increase construction May reduce areas of site
reaches (i.e., equipment that can remain LAX, ONT, May have cost implications May reduce site disturbance
schedule/ time to complete disturbance and potential
VNY, PMD (use of larger equipment). and dust emissions.
stationary, but operate over a larger tasks. dust emissions.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Construction Methods
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Site Disturbance Minimization

Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Establish provisions to retain concrete 13
wastes onsite until they can be Hardened waste concrete
appropriately disposed or recycled. may be crushed and reused Ensures that concrete May require additional
Protects water quality in the
onsite, reducing costs of wastes are not carried away space to accommodate
Excess or waste concrete must not be local community.
bringing new materials via runoff. concrete wastes.
washed into the public way or any onsite.
drainage system.
For tenant improvement projects, ensure 38
that construction entrances are properly Ensures that soil, sand,
Maintaining stability and
maintained and routine clean up is gravel, and chemicals are not Maintains public safety.
preventing erosion can
HNL Helps avoid cleanup costs. carried away via runoff, Protects water quality in the
enforced; ensure that construction minimize delays due to
affecting plants and animals local community.
entrances are protected from public unforeseen events.
in receiving waterbodies.
May require more time and 55
May require more time, but May prevent power/water
Require hand excavation around existing increase labor costs. May May help prevent erosion
can prevent project delays failures in the community
help avoid costs and project and protect water quality,
underground utilities. associated with broken and injuries to construction
delays associated with minimizing disturbance.
utility pipes and cables. workers.
utility pipe/cable disruptions.
Site Disturbance Minimization
Tree and Plant Protection
Widely varies on detail and 55
Promotes awareness and
Require each contractor to provide a plan goals; less so as it becomes
protects the natural Reduces site disturbance, Promotes internal
to protect existing vegetation during all part of standard operating
environment. May help minimizing unforeseen awareness. Helps maintain
procedures. May help
construction activities. prevent erosion and filter project delays. aesthetic appeal.
prevent fines for removal of
stormwater runoff.
trees off-airport.
Provide temporary fencing, barricades, Protects the natural 53
and guards during construction to protect May cost less than Reduces site disturbance,
environment. May help Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX removing trees and hauling minimizing unforeseen
trees from damage above and below prevent erosion and filter appeal.
them to landfills. project delays.
grade. stormwater runoff.
Protect root systems of trees from the 53
following: damage from noxious materials
May cost less than
in solution caused by runoff or spillage
removing trees and hauling
during mixing and placement of them to landfills. May be a
construction materials, or drainage from Protects the natural
part of a Spill Prevention Reduces site disturbance,
stored materials; flooding, erosion, or environment. May help Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX Control and minimizing unforeseen
prevent erosion and filter appeal.
excessive wetting resulting from Countermeasure (SPCC) project delays.
stormwater runoff.
dewatering operations and compaction; Plan and/or a Stormwater
unauthorized cutting, breaking, or Pollution Prevention Plan
skinning of roots and branches; and
skinning and bruising of bark.
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Construction Methods
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Tree and Plant Protection
Where trenching for utilities is required 53
May require more time and
within drip lines, tunnel under or around May increase time
increase labor costs. May
roots by hand digging or boring. Do not requirements due to care
help avoid costs and project May help prevent erosion
cut main lateral roots or tap roots over 1 around existing trees. Will Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX delays associated with and protect water quality,
vary based on the number appeal.
inch in diameter. If necessary, cut smaller removing trees and hauling minimizing disturbance.
of trees within the project
roots with sharp pruning instruments; do them to landfills and utility
not break or chop. pipe/cable disruptions.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Do not allow exposed roots to dry out 53

before permanent backfill is placed;
provide temporary earth cover, or pack May require more time and May increase time
with peat moss and wrap with burlap. increase labor costs. May Protects the natural requirements due to care of
Water exposed roots, maintain them in a help avoid costs and project environment. May help existing trees. Will vary Helps maintain aesthetic
delays associated with prevent erosion and filter based on the number of appeal.
moist environment, and temporarily removing trees and hauling stormwater runoff. trees located within the
support and protect them from damage them to landfills. project area.
until they are permanently relocated and
covered with backfill.
Donate healthy plants and trees removed Prevents carbon dioxide from May help improve the 39
LAX, ONT, May cost less than hauling No applicable Research
being released into the community's view of the
during construction to the community. VNY, PMD plants and trees to landfills. Team Consideration.
environment. airport.
Prevents carbon dioxide from 2, 54, 58
being released into the
Prohibit burning of landscape waste.
environment; may be reused
Require that all vegetation that has to be May reduce hauling, To reduce onsite haul Protects air quality in the
on site to improve plant/tree
removed because of construction be disposal, and fuel costs for distances, chip vegetation at local community. Mulch
health and reduce irrigation
chipped for mulching and composting or the contractor and reduce the site or near the site of could be donated to local
SLC needs. May reduce erosion
costs associated with future use. Replant residents/parks near the
used for process fuel (if the full plant or and offsite hauling. May
purchasing and hauling disturbed vegetation as airport for use in
tree cannot be relocated, sold, or donated avoid the need for
topsoil onsite. soon as possible. landscaping.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

intact). mulch/erosion control
materials to be brought
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
Additional time and labor 19, 64
may be required to protect
and clean ventilation
systems and building
Develop and implement an IAQ spaces. Extends the
Helps sustain the comfort
Management Plan for the construction IEQ lifespan of the HVAC Reduces IAQ problems
No applicable Research and well-being of
LEED® Credit ORD system, improving resulting from the
and pre-occupancy phases of the Team Consideration. construction workers and
3.1 ventilation efficiency and construction process.
building. building occupants.
reducing energy use. If
contaminants remain, they
may lead to expensive and
complicated cleanup
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Construction Methods
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
Ensures comprehension of 39
May improve air quality
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tasks; allows for streamlined

Appoint an IAQ Manager who will identify IEQ within buildings. May
LAX, ONT, May require additional staff operations; identifying
LEED® Credit Raises awareness. minimize worker exposure
problems and mitigation methods. VNY, PMD training. problems and providing
3.1 to potentially harmful
quick mitigation will avoid
Accomplished by traditional 2, 64
coverings/ shelter and
Protect stored onsite or installed Can help avoid purchasing
Can reduce materials/ packaging (if necessary). Keeping materials pristine
absorptive materials, such as insulation, new components due to
components sent to the May reduce delays may reduce the duration of
carpeting, ceiling tile, and gypsum IEQ HNL, ORD, moisture damage. If
landfill and the environmental associated with the construction projects,
LEED® Credit LAX, ONT, contaminated materials are
wallboard, from moisture damage. impacts of producing new ordering/ transportation of minimizing temporary noise
3.1 VNY, PMD installed, they may lead to
Sequence the installation of materials to construction products and new materials. Sequencing and traffic impacts on the
expensive and complicated
avoid contamination. materials. may require additional time local community.
cleanup procedures.
and could delay the date of
initial occupancy.
Additional time and labor 19, 64
may be required to protect
Replace all air filter media used during
and clean ventilation
construction at least 2 weeks prior to systems, but would extend May improve air quality
building occupancy, subsequent to May delay occupancy by
IEQ the lifespan of the system, Reduces IAQ problems within buildings. May
building flush-out. After construction ends LEED® 2 weeks if not accounted for
Credit ORD improving ventilation resulting from the minimize worker exposure
at the beginning of the
and prior to occupancy, conduct a 2-week 3.1 efficiency and reducing construction process. to potentially harmful
building flush-out with 100 percent energy use. If contaminants chemicals.
outside air. remain, they may lead to
expensive and complicated
cleanup procedures.
Extends the lifespan of the Filtration media used during 19, 39,
Limit or do not operate air-handling IEQ ORD, LAX, Reduces IAQ problems
HVAC system, improving construction should be May improve air quality 64
LEED® Credit ONT, VNY, resulting from the
equipment during construction. ventilation efficiency and replaced prior to building within buildings.
3.1 PMD construction process.
reducing energy use. occupancy.
If permanently installed air handlers are 2
used during construction, filtration media May improve air quality
Extends the lifespan of the
with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting IEQ Reduces IAQ problems Replace all filtration media within buildings. May
HVAC system, improving
LEED® Credit resulting from the immediately prior to minimize worker's exposure
Value (MERV) of 8 must be used at each ventilation efficiency and
3.1 construction process. occupancy. to potentially harmful
return air grill, as determined by ASHRAE reducing energy use.
Filtration media installed at the end of Improves ventilation Filtration should be applied 19
Reduces IAQ problems
construction shall have a MERV of 13, as LEED® IEQ efficiency. May contribute to to process both return and May improve air quality
ORD resulting from the
Credit 5 lowering health insurance outside air to be delivered within buildings.
determined by ASHRAE 52.2-1999. construction process.
rates and health care costs. as supply air.
Avoids costs associated 39, 64
with recleaning spaces or
During construction, isolate areas of work Avoids time associated with May improve air quality
IEQ buying new materials. Reduces IAQ problems
to prevent contamination of clean or LAX, ONT, recleaning spaces or within occupied areas,
LEED® Credit Extends the lifespan of the resulting from the
VNY, PMD ordering/transporting new minimizing occupants'
occupied spaces. 3.1 HVAC system, improving construction process.
materials. exposure to poor IAQ.
ventilation efficiency and
reducing energy use.
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Construction Methods
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
If construction hours are 39
Use ventilation systems overnight to Reduces IAQ problems May minimize worker's
LAX, ONT, during the day, purging the
May increase energy costs. resulting from the exposure to hazardous
purge the work area. VNY, PMD area at night will not
construction process. indoor air pollutants.
interfere with operations.
Communicate the hazards of IAQ during May contribute to lowering Communicate with all of the 39
LAX, ONT, Promotes awareness and
health insurance rates and Promotes awareness. appropriate people working
health and safety meetings. VNY, PMD internal communication.
healthcare costs. on the project.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

If ceiling fans are not part of 19

Increase air movement in facilities by Ceiling fans may cost the construction scope, May minimize worker
Improves IAQ during
ORD additional to purchase and additional time may be exposure to hazardous
using ceiling fans during construction. construction.
install. needed to install and indoor air pollutants.
remove them.
Can help avoid purchasing 55
Use a desiccant dehumidifier to control Can reduce materials/ Keeping materials pristine
new components due to
moisture levels during installation of components sent to the May reduce delays may reduce the duration of
moisture damage. If
interior finishes. This technology uses landfill and the environmental associated with construction projects,
contaminated materials are
impacts of producing new ordering/transporting new minimizing temporary noise
desiccant material to remove humidity installed, they may lead to
construction products and materials. and traffic impacts on the
from the surrounding space. expensive and complicated
materials. local community.
cleanup procedures.
May increase energy costs, 60
May improve air quality
Use additional filtration to protect fresh air but may also extend the May reduce delays
Reduces IAQ problems within buildings. May
intake sources to keep construction dust lifespan of the HVAC associated with
BWI resulting from the minimize worker exposure
system, improving ordering/transporting new
from entering the building. construction process. to hazardous indoor air
ventilation efficiency and materials.
reducing energy use.
A "bake-out" may damage 13
Can reduce materials/
parts of the building (e.g.,
components sent to the
displacing concrete floor Keeping materials pristine
landfill and the environmental
Prohibit "bake-out" or "superheating" of May damage building parts, slabs, causing carpet and may reduce the duration of
impacts of producing new
requiring the purchase of vinyl flooring to buckle, construction projects,

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

spaces to accelerate the release of construction products and
new materials and cracking windows, warping minimizing temporary noise
gaseous emissions. materials. Moisture from the
additional labor costs. wood doors warped, etc.). and traffic impacts on the
air, and some volatile gases,
May reduce delays local community.
can condense on cooler
associated with ordering/
transporting new materials.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
May have higher upfront 2, 19
costs; helps avoid additional Can reduce landfill hauls of
May reduce future delays
costs associated with damaged materials/
Use non-absorptive flooring, walls, and associated with building
installing or replacing components. Also reduces Protects worker and
ORD maintenance and the
finish materials to resist mold growth. materials damaged by the environmental impacts of occupant health.
ordering/transportation of
mold. May contribute to producing new construction
new materials.
lowering health insurance products and materials.
rates and health care costs.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).
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Construction Methods
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
Nontoxic cleaning supplies 2
Minimal costs; may may be less harmful to the
Only use nontoxic cleaning agents for Specifications may need to
contribute to lowering health natural environment. Protects worker and
be established in project
cleaning activities. insurance rates and health Biodegradable and bio-based occupant health.
standards and procedures.
care costs. cleaning agents are
May avoid future costs 19
Provide drains plumbed for appropriate associated with cleanup or
disposal of liquid waste where water and Helps prevent chemicals No applicable Research Protects worker and
ORD noncompliance, as
from entering groundwater. Team Consideration. occupant health.
chemical concentrate mixes. regulated by local
governmental agencies.
Ensure that interior construction May contribute to lowering Minimizes exposure to 43
operations are not scheduled when indoor Improves IAQ during May extend the duration of
health insurance rates and hazardous indoor air
construction. the project.
air quality may be unacceptable. healthcare costs. pollutants.
May have higher upfront 39
Ensure proper ventilation, such as fume costs, but may also Reduces IAQ problems Limits worker exposure to
hoods, for activities that produce LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
contribute to lowering health resulting from the hazardous or noxious
VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
hazardous gasses. insurance rates and health construction process. fumes, vapors, or dusts.
care costs.
During construction, prohibit the indoor 39
use of combustion engine-based devices May require renting or Reduces IAQ problems May minimize worker
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
purchasing electrical or resulting from the exposure to hazardous
without direct exterior exhaust and make- VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
non-combustion equipment. construction process. indoor air pollutants.
up air.
Specifications may need to 13
Can help avoid the need to
Within interior spaces, do not use Can reduce materials/ be established in project
replace components
solvents that may penetrate and be components sent to the standards and procedures.
damaged by moisture. If May minimize worker
retained in absorptive materials, such as landfill and the environmental May reduce future delays
contaminated materials are exposure to hazardous
impacts of producing new associated with building
concrete, gypsum board, wood, cellulose installed, they may lead to indoor air pollutants.
construction products and maintenance and the
products, fibrous material, and textiles. expensive and complicated
materials. ordering/transportation of
cleanup procedures.
new materials.
Pre-ventilate packaged dry products at Provide a temperature 13
least 48 hours prior to installation. range of 60°F to 90°F
Remove from packaging and ventilate in May have minor cost Reduces IAQ problems continuously during the May minimize worker
implications resulting from resulting from the installation ventilation period. Do not exposure to hazardous
a secure, dry, well-ventilated space free
energy use. of materials. ventilate within limits of work indoor air pollutants.
from strong contaminant sources and unless approved by the
residues. architect.
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Construction Methods
Dust Control
Develop and implement a Construction 39
Dust Control Plan. The plan should
document wind patterns, including
direction and velocity; show locations of
disturbed soil; include BMPs that will be
used for each disturbed soil location Adjust BMPs for dust control
Widely varies on detail and Improves road safety and
during each phase of construction; based on meteorological
LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes reduces dust. Protects air
Promotes awareness. conditions and the activity
provide for BMP inspections and VNY, PMD part of standard operating quality in the local
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

level involving disturbed

personnel training; and provide inspection procedures. community.
and record- keeping forms, to be kept
onsite with the Construction Dust Control
Plan. The plan should also include a
tracking protocol for implementation of the
Construction Dust Control Plan.
For soil stockpiles or areas under active 39
construction, cover soil during rainfall, Improves road safety and
Minimal time requirements;
high winds, and at night with plastic LAX, ONT, Minimal cost for covering reduces dust. Protects air
Helps control dust. may require additional staff
VNY, PMD materials. quality in the local
sheets or other cover that can be easily training.
Water down loose materials and exposed 2
earth (using non-potable water) to reduce Can prevent erosion and the
ORD, LAX, May have minor cost Protects air quality in the
the potential for dust. Use water from on- contamination of nearby Consider the site
ONT, VNY, implications due to water local community. Reduces
water sources. Helps control topography and geology.
airport detention basins, cisterns, or PMD use and labor. demand for potable water.
Spray down truck wheel wells (using non- Helps prevent toxins, 2
Use water from on-airport
potable water) and use rumble strips pollutants, and/or sediment Protects air quality in the
Minimal additional costs. detention basins, cisterns,
from traveling offsite and local community.
before exiting the construction site. or creeks.
contaminating groundwater.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Helps prevent toxins, 2
pollutants, and/or sediment To avoid temporary dust
Perform regular street sweeping during Minimal additional costs for from traveling offsite and exposure, schedule Improves road safety and
construction. equipment and labor. contaminating groundwater. sweeping before or after reduces dust.
May temporarily increase regular work hours.
Install temporary fencing (covered) Improves road safety and 2
The installation of fencing Minimal time requirements;
around the perimeter of the construction reduces dust. Protects air
with covering may have Helps control dust. may require additional staff
quality in the local
site to prevent fugitive dust emissions. cost implications. training.
Minimal cost for covering 2
Require haulers to cover truck beds or materials. May reduce the Minimal time requirements;
maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard for Protects air quality in the
size of hauls, potentially Helps control dust. may require additional staff
local community.
dust suppression. requiring additional vehicle training.
Improves road safety and 39
Restrict traffic flows to stabilized Reduces areas of site Minimizes the amount of dust
LAX, ONT, May allow for safer reduces dust. Protects air
disturbance and potential generated; promotes
construction roads. VNY, PMD operations. quality in the local
mitigation requirements. awareness.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Construction Methods
Dust Control
May have higher upfront 55
Use integral dust collection systems on Minimizes the accumulation Improves worker health.
costs but may contribute to May require additional staff
of dust and other Protects air quality in the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

drywall sanders, cutoff saws, and routers. lowering health insurance training.
contaminants. local community.
rates and health care costs.
Use wet rags, damp mops, and vacuum May contribute to lowering 55
Minimizes the accumulation
cleaners with high efficiency particulate health insurance rates and Protects worker and
of dust and other May be time consuming.
health care costs. May occupant health.
air (HEPA) filters to clean dust. contaminants.
require additional labor.
Reduce Potable Water Use
May improve the 39
Use non-potable water or gray water for Storage tanks and cisterns community's view of the
concrete mixing and aggregate wash LAX, ONT, may have a high upfront Requires the approval of a airport if part of an outreach
Conserves potable water.
VNY, PMD cost; reduces the cost of licensed structural engineer. program. Conserves local
down. potable water use. and regional potable water
May improve the 39
Use non-potable water or gray water for Storage tanks and cisterns community's view of the
consolidation of backfill material around LAX, ONT, may have a high upfront Requires the approval of a airport if part of an outreach
Conserves potable water.
VNY, PMD cost; reduces the cost of licensed structural engineer. program. Conserves local
potable/non-potable pipelines. potable water use. and regional potable water
May improve the 39
A separate tank, filter, and
Use non-potable water or gray water for community's view of the
special emitters may be
irrigation of landscaping on construction WE LAX, ONT, No applicable Research airport if part of an outreach
LEED® necessary. Storage tanks Conserves potable water.
Credit 1 VNY, PMD Team Consideration. program. Conserves local
sites. and cisterns may have a
and regional potable water
high upfront cost.
Consult state water recycling criteria to May avoid future costs 39
Helps prevent toxins,
ensure that recycled water is treated associated with non-
LAX, ONT, pollutants, and/or sediment May require additional staff
compliance, as regulated by Ensures public safety.
correctly to achieve the appropriate level VNY, PMD from traveling off-site and training.
local governmental
for the respective tasks. contaminating groundwater.
Higher initial cost; helps 55, 64
reduce water bills. Have
lower maintenance
If temporary irrigation is required, use drip requirements. Municipalities
Conserves local and
or bubbler systems and rain sensor WE may offer rebates or No applicable Research
LEED® Conserves potable water. regional potable water
Credit 1 incentives for water-efficient Team Consideration.
overrides. resources.
irrigation systems,
dedicated water meters,
and rain or moisture
Saves costs on landscaping Creates an aesthetically 55
Plant landscaping (non-wildlife attracting) (no watering labor or Conserves water. Native pleasing building site
that is native to the region, consistent with LEED® WE irrigation system is species require less fertilizer Less maintenance is integrated with its natural
Credit 1 required). Requires less and pesticides, protecting required for irrigation. surroundings. Conserves
a xeriscaping approach. maintenance and fertilizer water quality. local and regional potable
than turf grass. water resources.
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Construction Methods
Water Use Reduction
Collection and use of 19
Collect and use reclaimed gray water
rainwater for non-potable
and/or harvested stormwater for non- water applications has May improve the
potable needs, such as sewage WE fewer code requirements No applicable Research community's view of the
LEED® ORD Reduces runoff.
conveyance, vehicle maintenance and Credit 2 and associated costs than Team Consideration. airport if included in an
washing, urinal and toilet flushing, gray water. Storage tanks outreach program.
custodial uses, etc. and cisterns may have a
high upfront cost.
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Provide training for construction workers Costs of training and 39

Promotes internal
and signage for facility users on how they LAX, ONT, signage are minimal; Promotes awareness.
Requires staff training. awareness and
VNY, PMD education may lower water Conserves water.
can help reduce water use. communication.
use bills.
Requires additional upfront 39
Install metering networks to facilitate Promotes internal
LAX, ONT, cost. Promotes awareness, Promotes awareness. No applicable Research
awareness, communication,
accurate measurement of water use. VNY, PMD which may reduce utility Conserves water. Team Consideration.
and education.
Conserves local and 39
Use and install high-efficiency products regional water resources.
certified by the USEPA WaterSense Helps reduce water bills;
WE LAX, ONT, No applicable Research May improve the
LEED® may have a higher upfront Conserves water.
program (toilets, urinals, faucets, sinks, Credit 3 VNY, PMD Team Consideration. community's view of the
and washing machines). airport if included in an
outreach program.
Designate truck and vehicle cleaning 53
areas, but limit washdown of vehicle and Promotes awareness;
equipment service pads and other work Helps avoid water prevents toxins, pollutants,
May allow for safer Protects local and regional
contamination cleanup and sediment from traveling
areas. Liquids from these activities shall operations. water resources.
costs. offsite and contaminating
be collected, managed as contaminated groundwater.
wastewater, and properly disposed.
Limit steam cleaning and high pressure No applicable Research Conserves local and 53

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

PDX Helps reduce water bills. Conserves water.
washing of vehicles and equipment. Team Consideration. regional water resources.
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Install biological filtration 39
systems/constructed wetlands for Prevents toxins, pollutants,
Provides aesthetic benefits.
stormwater management that also WE LAX, ONT, Helps prevent damage from and sediment from traveling Must be designed/ installed
LEED® Protects water quality in the
Credit 2 VNY, PMD flooding. offsite and contaminating to not attract wildlife.
function as ecological features and local community.
provide aesthetic benefits.
Helps reduce the potential for 39
Construct dry wells, dry basins, and/or Helps minimize the
flooding; prevents toxins,
perforated drain pipes to avoid creating LAX, ONT, Helps prevent damage from presence of wildlife that may
pollutants, and sediment Reduces wildlife hazards.
VNY, PMD flooding. be hazardous to airport
inundated areas, which attract wildlife. from traveling off-site and
contaminating groundwater.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Appendix A. (Continued).

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Construction Methods
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Install first-flush systems, including slotted 19
edge drains connected to underground May minimize wastewater Prevents toxins, pollutants,
May require additional
holding tanks. First- flush sediment would LEED® WE treatment costs and help and sediment from traveling Protects water quality in the
ORD time/labor to install tanks
Credit 2 avoid water contamination offsite and contaminating local community.
settle in the tanks and be removed at a underground.
cleanup costs. groundwater.
later date for treatment and/or disposal.
Install detention basins, detention ditches, Prevents toxins, pollutants, 2
Helps avoid water
and ditch checks for effective first-flush WE and sediment from traveling Must be designed/ installed Protects water quality in the
LEED® ORD contamination cleanup
Credit 2 offsite and contaminating to not attract wildlife. local community.
treatment. costs.
Install bioswales along roadways and 2
parking areas to encourage groundwater Helps treat stormwater;
May minimize wastewater
infiltration of stormwater runoff. On prevents toxins, pollutants, Provides aesthetic benefits.
WE treatment costs and help Must be designed/ installed
LEED® and sediment from traveling Protects water quality in the
airside projects, such bioswales must be Credit 2 avoid water contamination to not attract wildlife.
offsite and contaminating local community.
designed so that they do not provide cleanup costs.
habitat for wildlife.
May minimize wastewater 39
Plant nitrogen-fixing vegetation Helps fertilize soil to support
LAX, ONT, treatment costs and help
plant life and prevent Must not attract wildlife. Provides aesthetic benefits.
(e.g., legumes) in fertilized areas. VNY, PMD avoid water contamination
cleanup costs.
Helps avoid water Helps minimize the 2
Install curb breaks and drainage ditches contamination costs. Helps presence of wildlife that may Protects water quality in the
Improves drainage.
where possible. prevent damage from be hazardous to airport local community.
flooding. operations.
Reduces jobsite flooding 1
Protect storm sewer inlets during and keeps projects running.
Prevents siltation and
construction by installing flexible inlet Resists clogging and are Prevent hazardous road
Helps avoid fines and water pollution of rivers, lakes, and
filters to fit a wide array of drainage easy to install and remove. icing conditions by
contamination cleanup ponds. Helps satisfy the
Filter bags should typically eliminating ice buildup at
structures and offer various levels of costs. EPA’s NPDES Phase II
be removed when they are curb inlets.
infiltration (e.g., FLEXSTORM inlet filters). directives.
more than half filled with
sediment and debris.
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Planning and coordinating 39
the materials ordering
Consider potential weather
processes on site prevents
Closely coordinate deliveries of cumulative over-ordering. It
Can increase transportation- (e.g., snow) or terrain May add to local community
construction materials with scheduled HNL, LAX, may reduce costs
related emissions if materials hazards and the delays traffic if this practice
ONT, VNY, associated with installing or
installation times to minimize vehicle are not ordered in bulk they may cause. increases the number of
PMD replacing damaged
queue times. (e.g., several trips). May also reduce the size of deliveries on a project level.
materials, but could be
the staging area and
more expensive since
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

materials storage areas.

items are not ordered in
May avoid damage that 39
comes from storage or
movement of materials.
Saves costs associated
with the re-ordering of
Consider potential weather
Can reduce material costs Can increase transportation-
by ordering only what is related emissions if supplies
(e.g., snow) or terrain
Use "just in time" delivery of construction needed but may increase are not ordered in bulk May add to local community
hazards and the delays
materials to reduce staging requirements LAX, ONT, transportation costs if (e.g., several trips). Reduces traffic if this practice
they may cause.
VNY, PMD supplies are not ordered in the environmental impacts of increases the number of
and to prevent re-ordering of materials. May also reduce the size of
bulk; the personnel in having to produce and haul deliveries on a project level.
the staging area and
charge of ordering re-ordered materials or return
minimize impacts on airport
construction materials excess materials.
should identify which
materials make the most
economic sense to be
ordered in bulk and which
should be ordered "just in

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

For trades or materials where “just in time” The cost of safe and 66
May increase the amount of
deliveries cannot be set up, provide for protected storage space is May reduce delays
impervious surface. Consider
suitable, safe, and secure storage so that potentially offset by associated with the No applicable Research
using and/or modifying
preventing the need to re- ordering/transportation of Team Consideration.
damage during storage and moves is existing spaces if the duration
order materials that were new materials.
avoided. of storage is minimal.
Packaging/Delivery Methods
May reduce product/ 55
material costs by using
Reduce packaging waste through vendor fewer packaging materials. Reduced transportation of
Reduces packaging waste, Consider storage
participation using bulk packaging Consider additional materials/products and
environmental impacts from requirements and material
transportation packaging waste lowers the
techniques or choose products with transportation of waste, and handling requirements to
requirements, material impact of delivery vehicles
minimal or no packaging. impacts to landfills. reduce damage.
handling, storage on local communities.
requirements, and costs/
risk of damage.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

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Packaging/Delivery Methods
May reduce product/ 55
Ask suppliers to deliver supplies using material costs by using
reusable delivery containers or sturdy fewer packaging materials. Consider trade-off of reduced Consider storage
returnable pallets and containers. Have Consider additional packaging impacts but requirements and material No applicable Research
transportation increasing transportation handling requirements to Team Consideration.
suppliers pick up pallets and empty requirements, storage impacts. reduce damage.
containers. requirements, and costs/
risk of damage.
Component costs may be 55
Reduces raw material waste
higher, but may allow for
Purchase precut and prefabricated at the construction site.
just-in-time construction Reduces the impact of
components when available and order Reduces material hauls, Enables just-in-time
processes, reducing delivery vehicles on local
which reduces emissions and construction techniques.
materials to size. construction schedule and streets.
the requirement for fossil fuel
costs, including material
transportation costs.
Reduces transportation Reduced transportation of 55
Use easily stackable units, such as Consider storage
impacts. Reduces packaging materials/products and
cladding systems, curtain walls, steel Reduces transportation requirements and material
waste, environmental impacts packaging waste lowers the
costs. handling requirements to
beams, etc. from transportation, and impact of delivery vehicles
reduce damage.
impacts to landfills. on local communities.
May reduce packaging waste 55
Reduced transportation of
Alternative packaging may or environmental impact of
Encourage alternative sustainable materials/products and
reduce costs. Consider packaging waste (i.e.,
packaging techniques (e.g., metal Consider storage packaging waste lowers the
additional transportation packaging waste can be
strapping rather than shrink-wrap, paper requirements and material impact of delivery vehicles
requirements, material recycled, reused, or is
handling requirements to on local communities.
packaging rather than plastic, and handling, storage biodegradable), reduces
reduce damage. Reduces impact on local
shredded paper rather than foam). requirements, and costs/ environmental impacts from
landfills by using recyclable
risk of damage. transportation of waste, and
or biodegradable products.
reduces impacts to landfills.
Adopt a "first-in, first-out" policy to prevent Reduces waste from spoilage. Reduced transportation 55
Consider placement of
finish materials from becoming outdated. Avoids cost of replacing Reduces transportation lowers the impact of
materials and work flow to
spoiled or outdated impacts of removing spoiled delivery vehicles and waste
The first materials delivered to the site ensure compliance with
materials. materials and delivering haulers on local
should be the first ones used onsite. policy.
replacement materials. communities.
Reduces transportation 2, 18, 55
requirement, thereby reducing
Use an overland conveyor system in emissions and the
construction to transport materials from Trade-off with costs Use a conveyance system
requirement for fossil fuel use. May improve logistics and
associated with truck for projects requiring
stockpile areas; if possible, use Helps minimize energy security.
transportation of materials. significant grading changes.
communal conveying systems. consumption during
construction and reduces site
traffic and noise.
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Energy Conservation and Alternative Energy
Depending on scope, may 2
Reduces energy
require some up-front cost Depending on scope, may
consumption. Environmental
Develop and implement an energy to implement (e.g., new require operational May reduce energy demand
benefits will vary based on
equipment); typically changes and training of and costs in the local
conservation/efficiency plan. local source of electricity
results in operational employees and community.
(i.e., coal, natural gas,
savings, reducing energy contractors.
nuclear, renewable, etc.).
Install freight elevators as early as Consider timing of the 55
possible and coordinate building Minimizes cost associated change from using
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

No applicable Research No applicable Research

with leasing temporary temporary hoisting
enclosure at the elevator shafts to Team Consideration. Team Consideration.
hoisting equipment. equipment to using freight
minimize temporary hoisting needs. elevators.
Saves electricity by 55
Use alternating current gearless Reduces power May reduce energy demand
lowering power No applicable Research
consumption, thereby and costs in the local
elevators. consumption by about Team Consideration.
reducing emissions. community.
40 percent.
Install Energy Star certified products for Depending on scope, may 55
Reduces energy
temporary and permanent building require some up-front cost
consumption. Environmental
equipment. Categories include to implement (e.g., new May reduce energy demand
EA benefits will vary based on No applicable Research
LEED® equipment); typically and costs in the local
appliances, electronics, office equipment, Credit 1 local source of electricity Team Consideration.
results in operational community.
lighting, food services, and other (i.e., coal, natural gas,
savings, reducing energy
commercial products. nuclear, renewable, etc.).
Eliminates long piping 55
runs and heat losses
Use localized hot water equipment rather associated with Domestic hot water for
Reduces energy
than centralized equipment; localized recirculation piping. May general plumbing fixtures May reduce energy demand
consumption due to heating
require higher initial costs should be designed for a and costs in the local
equipment is typically more efficient than losses; uses fewer materials
for localized equipment, temperature between community.
centralized equipment. and resources.
but may provide cost 120°F and 140°F.
savings in materials and

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

energy use.
Instantaneous or "demand" 18, 48
Eliminates cost
water heaters heat water
associated with running
Use solar hot water heat or instantaneous Reduces energy directly without the use of a
pipes from centralized hot May reduce energy demand
hot water heat in construction trailers for consumption due to heating storage tank to avoid the
water systems. Eliminates and costs in the local
losses; uses fewer materials standby heat losses
heating and cooling. cost associated with community.
and resources. associated with
heating water even when
conventional storage tank
it is unused.
water heaters.
Use a global positioning system (GPS) Requires less fuel and More efficient use of labor 55
based earthmover to enable machines to Limits ground disturbance to
incurs less wear, thereby and equipment, reducing Improves safety.
intended and specified areas.
get to grade with fewer passes. reducing costs. project duration.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).
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Energy Conservation and Alternative Energy
Helps meet specified 45
Prior to placing concrete or asphalt, requirements for levelness
create a “spatial image” or “digital scan” and flatness. A scan
of the area, plotting three-dimensional typically takes 5 to 20
minutes to complete.
points every few millimeters. Laser
Scanned images can also
scanning helps obtain accurate pre-and Helps determine the amount
Increases the accuracy of be imported into computer May enhance safety by
post-construction terrain models for of earthwork required,
measurements, improving assisted drawing software improving precision and
ORD reducing unnecessary haul
determination of earthwork quantities, productivity and layout to aid in design work. To reducing the duration of
trips and the associated
monitoring pavement smoothness and work. obtain more accurate construction projects.
adherence to grade design, and information, the instrument
can be placed higher off
monitoring ground movement near
the ground or even on an
excavations, large embankments, or pile- aircraft. Scans can be
driving operations. completed in total
Helps achieve grade 14
faster and in fewer
Use a machine-integrated laser passes, reducing fuel
infrastructure system that provides May reduce fuel May enhance safety by
consumption and Reduces delay times
precise elevation information on an in-cab consumption, reducing improving precision and
operating costs. Does not associated with airfield
construction vehicle reducing the duration of
display to achieve accurate blade require the expense of construction.
emissions. construction projects.
positioning. grade stakes, grade
checkers, or stake-setting
Helps identify the severity 4
Use digital imaging and ground May have a high upfront of pavement cracking and
May improve safety by
penetrating radar signal analysis to help cost but may avoid Improves mapping accuracy the level of maintenance
identifying deep surface
unexpected and of underground voids and the required to improve the
predict the initiation and propagation of penetrations and weak
potentially high costs and groundwater table. surface. Helps predict
reflective pavement cracking. pavement areas.
operational delays. future repaving and
restructuring projects.
Install a reinforcing and stress absorbing 4
membrane interlayer system under the Reduces the severity and
asphalt overlay to delay reflective Provides cost savings Less frequent maintenance rate of reflective cracking,
May improve safety by
cracking. Interlayer systems are typically over the life cycle of the reduces energy and reducing the frequency of
preventing deep surface
pavement; reduces emissions from pavement resurfacing and
comprised of geosynthetics, penetrations and weak
pavement maintenance repaving/resurfacing restructuring; reduces
geocomposite, steel reinforcement pavement areas.
costs. equipment. delay times associated with
netting, and polymer-modified fine hot-mix airfield construction.
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Energy Conservation and Alternative Energy
Install pipes with acoustic measuring 55
devices to detect vibrations and/or sound
waves in pipelines, indicating defects. This technology works on
Three types of acoustic technologies are all pipes, including
used for pipeline assessment: leak plastic/polyvinyl chloride
detectors, which are used to detect the (PVC), and eliminates the
Helps identify pipeline
acoustic signals emitted by pipeline leaks; high cost and difficulty of
defects and the level of May help avoid pipeline
acoustic monitoring systems, which are use traditionally Reduces risk of water loss or
maintenance required; failures that could cause air
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

associated with leak noise contamination due to

used to evaluate the condition of enhances safety and and/or water pollution in the
correlators. May incur damaged or faulty pipes.
prestressed concrete cylinder pipe prevents delays from local community.
higher initial costs;
(PCCP) by detecting the signals emitted pipeline failure.
however, the higher cost
by breaking prestressed wires; and sonar, offsets the risk of damage
or ultrasonic systems, which emit high created by defective
frequency sound waves and measure pipes.
their reflection to detect a variety of pipe
Fully understand job 10
Oversized equipment uses
Use appropriately sized equipment for the Oversized equipment may requirements, with
more energy than required May reduce noise impacts
cost more than necessary appropriate contingency, to
project. Lease if not currently owned. for the job and may cause on surrounding land uses.
for the job. properly specify equipment
Alternative fuels have fewer 7
May help improve air quality,
Costs vary based on local emissions than gas or diesel.
Use alternative fuels (biodiesel, ethanol, Consider retrofit and decreasing health impacts
availability. It may be Emissions from gas and
compressed natural gas, propane, maintenance requirements on local communities. Use
necessary to install diesel are the leading causes
associated with the of alternative fuels helps
hydrogen) in an onsite batch plant. retrofits for specific types of air quality issues, leading
selected alternative fuel. reduce carbon emissions
of fuels. to heart and lung disease,
and climate change.
asthma, etc.
Use solar-powered flashers instead of Eliminates labor to 51

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Initial costs may be higher
flashers requiring batteries. Solar- recharge and/or replace
than for battery-powered
powered flashers require no Reduces the need to replace batteries. Depending on
flashers; however, solar-
maintenance, are automatically powered, nonrechargeable batteries the environment, may
powered flashers require
and save money by eliminating the need and the environmental require occasional cleaning No applicable Research
DAL, RBD minimal maintenance, are
impact of battery disposal. to ensure proper charging. Team Consideration.
to recycle batteries. Solar-powered automatically recharged,
Eliminates the need to use May not be appropriate for
flashers cost approximately $6 more than and reduce costs by
the grid to recharge batteries. environment with little
regular flashers, but the payback period eliminating the need to
sunlight due to weather
recharge or replace.
may be only 2 months. conditions or geography.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Establish a schedule for when Requires that employees 39
and contractors are trained Reduces light emissions on
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

construction lighting is required and LAX, ONT, Reduces light emissions and
Reduces energy costs. on lighting and are surrounding communities
develop a policy to reduce lighting when VNY, PMD energy consumption.
incentivized (if necessary) and adjacent land uses.
not needed. to follow procedures.
Specify strict site lighting criteria and Requires that employees 39
update periodically in conjunction with and contractors are trained Reduces light emissions on
seasonal daylight fluctuations to maintain LEED® SS LAX, ONT, Reduces light emissions and
Reduces energy costs. on lighting and are surrounding communities
Credit 8 VNY, PMD energy consumption.
safe light levels while avoiding offsite incentivized (if necessary) and adjacent land uses.
lighting and night sky pollution. to follow procedures.
Reduces the need to 55
change bulbs and creates
Longer lasting bulbs mean
Require the use of energy efficient lamps May incur higher initial better lighted work
less waste and disposal.
for temporary lights and temporary costs; however, bulbs environments. Must train
However, some energy
emergency lighting that can be turned off typically last longer, employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
efficient lamps contain trace
requiring less frequent on proper disposal of safety.
during nonworking hours to conserve amounts of mercury and
changes and cost less to lighting. Be sure that
energy. must be disposed of
operate. lighting is properly
enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.
Reduce construction at night to minimize 39
lighting impacts and improve safety. If Reducing nighttime Reduces light emissions on
SS LAX, ONT, Reduces nighttime light Reduces the complexity of
LEED® construction typically surrounding communities
construction at night is necessary, focus Credit 8 VNY, PMD emissions. the construction site.
reduces project costs. and adjacent land uses.
lighting toward the earth.
Monitor interior and exterior lighting 19
systems regularly during construction to
maintain proper illumination and minimize
offsite impacts. Ensure that the maximum Proper illumination
May reduce light emissions
candela value of all interior lighting falls SS Reduces light emissions and improves construction
LEED® ORD May reduce lighting costs. on surrounding communities
Credit 8 energy consumption. worker safety and site
within the building (not out through and adjacent land uses.
windows) and the maximum candela
value of all exterior lighting falls within the
Use full cutoff luminaries, low-reflectance, Proper illumination 19
non-specular surfaces, low-angle May reduce light emissions
SS May require higher initial Reduces light emissions on improves construction
LEED® ORD on surrounding communities
spotlights, and/or shielding for roadway Credit 8 costs. adjacent land uses. worker safety and site
and adjacent land uses.
and building lighting. security.
Communicate recycling 3
Designate specific recycling areas for Ensures that mercury from Ensures that mercury from
No applicable Research procedures with all of the
spent light bulbs is captured spent light bulbs is captured
light bulbs that contain mercury. Team Consideration. appropriate people working
and properly recycled. and properly recycled.
on the project.
Promotes awareness and 39
Communicate recycling
Install recyclable lamps and provide May increase costs of Reduces environmental may help improve the
LAX, ONT, procedures with all of the
temporary construction impact of temporary community's view of the
recycling information for all luminaries. VNY, PMD appropriate people working
lighting. construction lighting. airport; good for public
on the project.
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Reduces the need to 39
Where acceptable, use high pressure change bulbs and creates
sodium (HPS) lamps instead of metal May incur higher initial better lighted work
Longer lasting bulbs reduce
halide (MH) lamps; HPS lamps produce costs; however, bulbs environments. Must train
waste. Some energy efficient
more lumens per watt, have less mercury LAX, ONT, typically last longer, employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
lamps contain trace amounts
VNY, PMD requiring less frequent on proper disposal of safety.
content per lamp, and have a greater of mercury and must be
changes, and cost less to lighting. Be sure that
average rated life expectancy than MH disposed of properly.
operate. lighting is properly
lamps. enclosed in work areas to
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

reduce breakage.
Use and install high frequency electronic Proper illumination 39
ballasts with fluorescent LAX, ONT, May incur higher initial No applicable Research improves construction Better lighting may improve
VNY, PMD costs. Team Consideration. worker safety and site safety.
2-, 4-, and 8-foot tubular lamps. security.
Reduces the need to 39
change bulbs and creates
May incur higher initial Longer lasting bulbs reduce better lighted work
Use and install compact fluorescent light costs; however, bulbs waste. Some energy environments. Must train
bulbs in lieu of incandescent lamps, LAX, ONT, typically last longer, efficient lamps contain trace employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
especially in areas with low ceiling VNY, PMD requiring less frequent amounts of mercury and on proper disposal of safety.
heights and minimal light requirements. changes, and cost less to must be disposed of lighting. Be sure that
operate. properly. lighting is properly
enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.
Avoid using fluorescent, compact 55
fluorescent, and light-emitting diode Mercury is highly toxic and Improves health and safety
May reduce disposal No applicable Research
could cause poisoning if of installers and building
(LED) lights that contain mercury (as well costs. Team Consideration.
ingested or inhaled. occupants.
as electrical switches and thermostats).
Reduces the need to 55
change bulbs. Solar
May incur higher initial Longer lasting bulbs reduce fixtures can be installed in

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Use and install metal halide lamps, low- costs; however, bulbs waste. Some energy remote locations. Must
temperature fluorescents, and/or solar- typically last longer, efficient lamps contain trace train employees and No applicable Research
requiring less frequent amounts of mercury and contractors on proper Team Consideration.
powered fixtures for exterior lighting. changes, and cost less to must be disposed of disposal of lighting. Be
operate. properly. sure that lighting is properly
enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Systems Commissioning
Most effective when begun at 39, 64
project inception since it
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Develop and use a systems

Reduces energy use, involves the project owner,
commissioning plan. Establish systems Helps verify that the
improves building users, occupants, operations
commissioning requirements consistent EA systems perform in
LAX, ONT, documentation, lowers and maintenance staff, May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequ accordance with the
with sustainable design to ensure optimal VNY, PMD operating costs, and design professionals, and productivity.
isite owner's project
performance of systems and complete a reduces contractor contractors. Improves energy
summary systems commissioning report. callbacks. efficiency, reducing
emissions from the use of
fossil fuels.
Early on, identify an individual to lead the 64
commissioning process. The
commissioning authority should review Reduces energy use,
Helps verify that the
and oversee the completion of improves building
EA Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
commissioning process activities, have LAX, ONT, documentation, lowers May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequ reducing emissions from the accordance with the
VNY, PMD operating costs, and productivity.
documented experience in at least two isite 1 use of fossil fuels. owner's project
reduces contractor
building projects, and be independent of requirements.
the project design and construction
management team.
Incorporate commissioning requirements Reduces energy use, 64
Helps verify that the
into construction documents. Have a improves building
EA Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
contract in place to implement best LAX, ONT, documentation, lowers May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequ reducing emissions from the accordance with the
VNY, PMD operating costs, and productivity.
practice commissioning procedures and isite 1 use of fossil fuels. owner's project
reduces contractor
tie payment to completion of the contract. requirements.
Reduces energy use, 19
Helps verify that the
Review the design intent and the basis of improves building
EA Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
design documentation for proper systems LEED® documentation, lowers May improve occupant
Prerequ ORD reducing emissions from the accordance with the
operating costs, and productivity.
commissioning. isite 1 use of fossil fuels. owner's project
reduces contractor
Provide the airport operator with a single EA Lowers costs for Improves energy efficiency, 19
manual that contains the information Expedites Promotes internal
LEED® Prerequ ORD recommissioning, reducing emissions from the
recommissioning. awareness.
required for recommissioning systems. isite 1 expediting the process. use of fossil fuels.
Engage a commissioning team that does 19
Reduces energy use,
not include individuals directly responsible Helps verify that the
improves building
for project design or construction EA Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
documentation, lowers May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequ ORD reducing emissions from the accordance with the
management to evaluate both building operating costs, and productivity.
isite 1 use of fossil fuels. owner's project
and site systems as part of the reduces contractor
commissioning plan. callbacks.
Establish and follow systems commission 19
requirements for runway lighting and Helps verify that the
Reduces energy use,
illuminated signage, runway navigational Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
lowers operating costs, No applicable Research
ORD reducing emissions from the accordance with the
aids, runway site lighting systems, traffic and reduces contractor Team Consideration.
use of fossil fuels. owner's project
signals, pump stations, and oil/water callbacks.
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Require contractors to submit a pre- 2, 38, 39
Reduces requirement for
construction plan to use recycled oil, Costs vary widely on disposal of used oil. Must educate employees
nontoxic lubricants, and other May help improve the
HNL; LAX, detail and goals; less so Reduces environmental and contractors, establish
environmentally friendly maintenance community's view of the
ONT, VNY, as it becomes part of impact associated with procurement policies and
airport if part of an outreach
agents during construction. The plan PMD standard operating drilling, pumping, procedures, implement
should also stipulate when and how used procedures. transporting, and refining procedures for recycling oil.
oil can be recycled. crude oil.
Must educate employees 39
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Reduces risk of negative

Contain and clean all chemical spills Initial costs to establish and contractors and
Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
properly and dispose of clean up supplies LAX, ONT, safeguards offset risks implement procedures for
groundwater contamination communities caused by
VNY, PMD and costs associated with cleanup of chemical spills
properly. from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
cleanup of chemical spills. and proper disposal of
cleanup supplies.
Initial costs associated Reduces risk of negative 39
Conduct maintenance activities under with maintenance hangar Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
mitigate risk of soil and groundwater contamination communities caused by
cover from precipitation. VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
groundwater from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
contamination. groundwater.
Reduces risk of negative 39
Minimal cost to distribute
Maintain current Material Safety Data Reduces risk of soil and Create awareness of impact on surrounding
LAX, ONT, MSDS offsets risks and
groundwater contamination existence and purpose of communities caused by
Sheets (MSDS) onsite. VNY, PMD costs associated with
from chemical spills. MSDS. contamination of soil and
cleanup of chemical spills.
Have floor drains in vehicle maintenance 58
Initial costs associated
areas discharge into an oil-water Reduces risk of negative
with drainage and Educate employees and
separator to capture oil and other Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
separators; mitigates the contractors. Establish
SLC groundwater contamination communities caused by
contaminants. The separator should be risk of soil and procedures and a schedule
from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
periodically pumped, and the oil groundwater for cleaning the separator.
processed for recycling. contamination.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

May reduce landfill waste, 49
Send end-of-life diesel engines to a Remanufacturing plants consumption of iron ore, and
remanufacturing plant to be reconstructed may offer to pick up old reduce GHG emissions May help improve the
into methane-fueled generator sets. engines for free, saving caused by disposing end-of- No applicable Research community's view of the
costs associated with the life equipment. Methane Team Consideration. airport if part of an outreach
These generator sets convert methane transport and/or landfill of generator sets provide program.
from animal waste into usable energy. end-of-life equipment. renewable electricity and
reduce GHG emissions.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Surface Transportation
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Construction Vehicles
Emissions Reduction
Conduct an emissions inventory for all Helps identify emission Helps identify emission 39
Depending on scope of
construction activities based on known sources and where mitigation sources and where
LAX, ONT, project, emissions No applicable Research
efforts should be mitigation efforts should be
emissions sources, or based on land use VNY, PMD inventory may be fairly Team Consideration.
concentrated to reduce concentrated to reduce
if details are not available. costly to conduct.
emissions. emissions.
May result in extending 39
Identify efficient construction scheduling May reduce total emissions
LAX, ONT, May have schedule construction schedule to
over varying periods of time May reduce total emissions.
and operations to mitigate air emissions. VNY, PMD implications. minimize emissions on a
(daily or annually).
daily or annual basis.
Stipulate that the use of 2, 18
Improves local air quality.
ULSD is a mandatory
May increase fuel costs Reduces emission of air Reduces health impacts
airport practice. Monitor
due to lower fuel economy pollutants, such as associated with diesel
Use ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel in the performance of older
during transition period. particulate matter, dirt, particulate matter, including
ORD vehicles for potential fuel
all construction vehicles. Older vehicles may nitrous oxides, hydrocarbons, asthma, bronchitis, and heart
system leaks or premature
require additional carbon monoxide, and and lung disease. Reduces
fuel filter plugging during
maintenance. carbon dioxide. emission of greenhouse
the change-over to ULSD
Ensure an adequate, local 2
supply of selected
alternative fuel. Monitor
Reduces emission of air
the performance of older
pollutants such as particulate
Fuel costs may be higher. vehicles for potential fuel Improves local air quality.
matter, dirt, nitrous oxides,
Fuel costs may also system leaks or premature Reduces health impacts
hydrocarbons, carbon
increase due to lower fuel fuel filter plugging. associated with diesel
Use biodiesel and/or other alternative monoxide, and carbon
economy. Retrofits may Biodiesel should not be particulate matter, including
STL dioxide. Reduces fuel
fuels in construction vehicles. be required depending on used in vehicles asthma, bronchitis, and heart
consumption and
alternative fuel selected. manufactured pre-1993. A and lung disease. Reduces
environmental impact of
Incentives may be blend of at least 20 percent emission of greenhouse
drilling, pumping,
offered. biodiesel, 80 percent diesel gases.
transporting, and refining
can be partially counted as
crude oil.
an alternative fuel under
the Energy Policy Act of
Reduces emission of air Ensure adequate local 39
May reduce overall fuel
pollutants such as particulate supply of selected
costs due to lower fuel Improves local air quality.
Require that at least a portion of the matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, alternative fuel. Maintain
consumption. Alternative Reduces health impacts
construction vehicle fleet is hydrocarbons, carbon an inventory of all installed
fuel costs may be higher. associated with diesel
hybrid/electrical and/or incorporate clean monoxide, and carbon retrofit
LAX, ONT, Alternative fuels also particulate matter, including
dioxide. Reduces fuel equipment/emissions
air technologies; also consider alternative VNY, PMD increase costs due to asthma, bronchitis, and heart
consumption and reductions to ensure that
fuels in shuttle buses and other onroad lower fuel economy. and lung disease. Reduces
environmental impact of goals/guidelines are
vehicles. Retrofits may be required emission of greenhouse
drilling, pumping, achieved and for
depending on alternative gases.
transporting, and refining documentation and/or
fuel selected.
crude oil. marketing purposes.
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Surface Transportation
Construction Vehicles
Emissions Reduction
An electric drive system 25, 36
enables the operator to
move approximately 25
percent more material per
gallon of fuel consumed
The engine is beltless
compared to conventional Diesel-electric bulldozers
which helps reduce the
If appropriate, use diesel-electric hybrid mid-sized bulldozers. The consume 10-30 percent less
frequency of maintenance;
electric drive train fuel per hour than
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

bulldozers to burn less fuel and consume oil and filter change
ORD configuration has fewer conventional mid-sized Improves local air quality.
fewer parts and fluids over the lifetime of intervals are twice as long.
moving parts, requiring bulldozers, reducing GHG’s
the equipment. Ensure that operators are
less service and by 10-30 percent. Movement
properly trained on the new
replacement than of the cab is also quieter.
transmissions, extending
the drive train component
life and reducing lifetime
operating costs.
Maintain an inventory of all Improves local air quality. 39
Reduces emission of air installed retrofit Reduces health impacts
Consider lower operating
Replace aging construction equipment pollutants such as particulate equipment/emissions associated with diesel
costs of new equipment
with new low emission models when LAX, ONT, matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, reductions to ensure that particulate matter, including
and payback in relation to
VNY, PMD hydrocarbons, carbon goals/guidelines are asthma, bronchitis, and heart
available and technically feasible. remaining useful life of
monoxide, and carbon achieved and for and lung disease. Reduces
older equipment.
dioxide. documentation and/or emission of greenhouse
marketing purposes. gases.
Reduces emission of air 10
pollutants such as particulate
Improves local air quality.
matter, dirt, nitrous oxides,
Reduces health impacts
hydrocarbons, carbon
Install retrofits on existing construction associated with diesel
Initial cost for retrofit may monoxide, and carbon

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

equipment that allow for the use of Provide retrofit allowances particulate matter, including
ORD be offset by lower life dioxide. Reduces fuel
for construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
alternative fuels. cycle costs. consumption and
and lung disease. Reduces
environmental impact of
emission of greenhouse
drilling, pumping,
transporting, and refining
crude oil.
Improves local air quality. 39
Reduces health impacts
Keeps the chassis from
associated with diesel
Install low emission engines (re-engine) entering the waste stream.
LAX, ONT, Lower investment than a Provide retrofit allowances particulate matter, including
New engines are typically
into old equipment chasses. VNY, PMD new vehicle. for construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
more fuel efficient with lower
and lung disease. Reduces
emission of greenhouse
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Surface Transportation
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Construction Vehicles
Emissions Reduction
Install particulate filters and/or diesel 18
oxidation catalysts on construction
Improves local air quality.
vehicles. The equipment should be
Reduces emission of air Reduces health impacts
included on the USEPA's Verified Retrofit pollutants such as particulate associated with diesel
Technology List May require investment to
matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, Provide retrofit allowances particulate matter, including
SLC, ORD upgrade vehicles and
( hydrocarbons, carbon for construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
.htm) or verified by the California Air monoxide, and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
Resources Board dioxide. emission of greenhouse
(CARB) (
Clarify requirements up 2, 39
Establish penalties for Emphasizes the importance front. Maintain an inventory
noncompliance and of meeting sustainability of all installed retrofit
Develop a vehicle inspection program to Compliance ensures
SLC, LAX, present guidelines to requirements. Compliance equipment/ emissions
ensure that pollution control devices are realization of air quality
ONT, VNY, contractors prior to project ensures realization of reductions to ensure that
benefits established in
in place. PMD start. Consider cost of requirements established in goals/ guidelines are
inspection process, offset contracts. Reduces achieved and for
by risk of noncompliance. emissions. documentation and/or
marketing purposes.
Should be considered part Improves local air quality. 39
of normal operating cost, Reduces emission of air Reduces health impacts
Perform routine maintenance and engine not incremental. Requires pollutants such as particulate associated with diesel
rebuilds to maintain original construction LAX, ONT, only routine maintenance matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, particulate matter, including
Provide retrofit allowances
VNY, PMD and rebuilds, maximizes hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
for construction equipment.
vehicle emission levels. useful life of the vehicle, monoxide, and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
and maintains operating dioxide. emission of greenhouse
efficiency. gases.
Improves local air quality. 39
Reduces emission of air Reduces health impacts
Require all construction vehicles to meet May require investment to pollutants such as particulate associated with diesel
the state's voluntary or future low LAX, ONT, upgrade vehicles and matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, Provide retrofit allowances particulate matter, including
VNY, PMD equipment that do not hydrocarbons, carbon for construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
emission vehicle standards. meet the standards. monoxide, and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. emission of greenhouse
Improves local air quality. 39
Reduces emission of air Reduces health impacts
Develop a Tier compliant and retrofit pollutants such as particulate associated with diesel
program for construction vehicles (e.g., May require investment to
LAX, ONT, matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, Provide retrofit allowances particulate matter, including
upgrade vehicles and
retrofit all pre-Tier, Tier 1, and Tier 2 VNY, PMD hydrocarbons, carbon for construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
construction vehicles). monoxide, and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. emission of greenhouse
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Surface Transportation
Construction Vehicles
Emissions Reduction
Maintain an inventory of all Improves local air quality. 39
Reduces emission of air installed retrofit Reduces health impacts
Implement proposed Tier 4 emission pollutants such as particulate equipment/emissions associated with diesel
standards to encourage the use of newer Consider cost of
LAX, ONT, matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, reductions to ensure that particulate matter, including
inspection process, offset
and/or retrofitted nonroad diesel VNY, PMD hydrocarbons, carbon goals/guidelines are asthma, bronchitis, and heart
by risk of noncompliance.
equipment. monoxide, and carbon achieved and for and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. documentation and/or emission of greenhouse
marketing purposes. gases.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Place signage (magnetic stickers) on Creates awareness in the 3

alternative/ULSD fuel and retrofitted community of specific
Creates awareness of Develop procedures for
construction vehicles (e.g., "Low-Impact Marginal costs for actions the airport operator
ORD environmental focus and verifying and inspecting
signage. is taking to reduce the
Construction Vehicle," or "This benefits. vehicles.
impact of airport
Construction Vehicle Runs on Biofuels"). construction.
Ensure that roadways can 30
Encourage contractors to carry double support the additional weight No applicable Research No applicable Research
MSP May reduce hauling costs.
hauls when leaving the site. and the potential for erosion Team Consideration. Team Consideration.
is negligible.
Construction Vehicles
Reduced Vehicle Idling
Reduces noise pollution. 39, 57
Improves local air quality.
Install anti-idling technology to Technology may have an Reduces emissions, fuel Temp-A-Start maintains
Reduces health impacts
reduce/eliminate idling, such as Temp-A- initial cost; however, less consumption, and the engine oil temperature and
associated with diesel
Start ( automatic LAX, ONT, idling reduces fuel environmental impact of provides for driver comfort.
particulate matter, including
VNY, PMD consumption and costs. drilling, pumping, Ensure operators are
engine start/stop technology for diesel asthma, bronchitis, and heart
May reduce required transporting, and refining properly trained on anti-
engines. and lung disease. Reduces
maintenance service. crude oil. idling technologies.
emission of greenhouse

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Reduces noise pollution. 39
Improves local air quality.
Reduces emissions, fuel
Reduces health impacts
consumption, and the
Ensure that construction activities do not Plan construction activities associated with diesel
LAX, ONT, environmental impact of
Lowers fuel costs. to reduce staging time of particulate matter, including
require significant vehicle idling times. VNY, PMD drilling, pumping,
construction equipment. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
transporting, and refining
and lung disease. Reduces
crude oil.
emission of greenhouse
Reduces noise pollution. 39
Improves local air quality.
In coordination with Public
May require minimal costs Reduces health impacts
Ensure that no construction vehicles idle Works, post signage for "no
for signage and associated with diesel
within 100 feet of a sensitive receptor LAX, ONT, idling" areas in construction
compliance; fines could Reduces IAQ pollution. particulate matter, including
VNY, PMD areas. Implement Vehicle
area, such as air intakes. be established to support asthma, bronchitis, and heart
Idling Program inspection
the initiative. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of greenhouse

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Surface Transportation
Construction Vehicles
Reduced Vehicle Idling
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Reduces noise pollution. 9, 39

Improves local air quality.
Reduces emissions, fuel In coordination with Public
Reduces health impacts
In coordination with public works, post consumption, and the Works, post signage for "no
DEN, LAX, associated with diesel
signage for "no idling" areas in Marginal costs for environmental impact of idling" areas in construction
ONT, VNY, particulate matter, including
signage. drilling, pumping, areas. Implement Vehicle
construction areas. PMD asthma, bronchitis, and heart
transporting, and refining Idling Program inspection
and lung disease. Reduces
crude oil. logs.
emission of greenhouse
An idling engine does not 19, 41, 60
Reduces emission of such air run at peak efficiency,
pollutants as particulate which results in incomplete Reduces noise pollution.
matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, combustion of fuel, residue Improves local air quality.
hydrocarbons, carbon on spark plugs, and dirty Reduces health impacts
Turn off construction vehicles if they will Lowers fuel costs. In
monoxide, and carbon engine oil. According to associated with diesel
be left idle for over an established time general, 10 seconds of
BWI, ORD dioxide. Reduces fuel the U.S. Department of particulate matter, including
idling uses more fuel than
limit, e.g., 3 minutes. consumption and Energy (DOE), fuel asthma, bronchitis, and heart
restarting a car.
environmental impact of injection engines do not and lung disease. Reduces
drilling, pumping, need to be warmed up for emission of greenhouse
transporting, and refining more than 30 seconds gases.
crude oil. except on extremely cold
days (below 0°F).
Place air fresheners in construction Reduces emission of such air 9
vehicles promoting an “engines-off” pollutants as particulate
Marginal cost to build Reduces health impacts
campaign. The air fresheners could be matter, dirt, nitrous oxides, No applicable Research
DEN awareness. Easily offset associated with diesel
hydrocarbons, carbon Team Consideration.
mounted after performing routine by fuel savings. particulate matter.
monoxide, and carbon
maintenance. dioxide.
Construction Vehicles
Construction Traffic Control
Require detailed site access plans for all 55
milestone stages of work that minimize Costs are minimized as it Promotes internal
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts. May require staff training. awareness, communication
impervious site effects during
operating procedures. and education.
May reduce equipment 55
leasing costs or the
number of contractors
Share construction equipment with other
required to own or lease
contractors. List equipment available for Reduces transportation Requires greater logistical Reduces the impact of
equipment, who would
use on a communal website, display requirement, thereby coordination between delivery vehicles on local
pass that cost on to the
reducing emissions and the contractors, which could streets. May negatively
boards/posters, and/or hold a meeting airport operator. Reduces
requirement for fossil fuel negatively affect schedule. affect jobs at equipment
with all contractors to discuss available transportation
use. Consider liability issues. manufacturers.
equipment. requirement and related
costs. Must consider cost
sharing agreements and
liability issues.
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Surface Transportation
Construction Vehicles
Construction Traffic Control
Implement an unrestricted flow of traffic 39
control information between the Costs are minimized as it Communicate with all of Minimizes impact to local
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts. the appropriate people traffic and congestion;
contractor(s), the Construction VNY, PMD
operating procedures. working on the project. promotes awareness.
Coordination Office, and the public.
Coordinate with the appropriate 39
state/local transportation services to Costs are minimized as it
evaluate potentially vulnerable roadway LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Promotes awareness and
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

VNY, PMD Team Consideration. protects local roadways.

areas and avoid damage from operating procedures.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Work with local radio affiliates to include traffic and congestion.
construction updates during morning and Requires close
Costs are minimized as it Increases awareness and Communication helps to
afternoon traffic alerts. Announce coordination between
ORD becomes part of standard compliance with noise and prepare the community,
contractors, the airport, and
construction traffic reports on local AM operating procedures. traffic control measures. reducing negative
the public.
radio stations. consequences of public
Release a construction project outlook 27
Minimizes impact to local
report at the start of the construction traffic and congestion.
season to local media outlets to provide Costs are minimized as it Increases awareness and Communication helps to
advanced notice of any modifications to ORD becomes part of standard compliance with noise and Minimal time requirements. prepare the community,
existing streets and intersections and operating procedures. traffic control measures. reducing negative
provide information regarding truck haul consequences of public
routes in use. backlash.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Publish a landside construction traffic and congestion.
Marginal impact
awareness brochure for construction- Increases awareness and Communication helps to
compared to the risk of
ORD compliance with noise and Minimal time requirements. prepare the community,
related roadways closures, access routes, negative public

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

traffic control measures. reducing negative
detours, etc. perception.
consequences of public
Marginal impact Provide alternatives to 27
Publish an airfield construction compared to risk of Provides advanced ensure that airline traffic
awareness brochure highlighting runway Minimizes impact to airline
negative public perception notification of airfield operates as efficiently as
ORD traffic. Allows airlines and
and taxiway closures due to construction and impact to air closures, potential delays, possible within the
ground crews to plan ahead.
activity. traffic/airlines and on-time and construction noise. constraints imposed by
departures and arrivals. construction.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Ensure proper placement traffic and congestion.
Marginal impact
Display construction traffic information on of signage to provide Communication helps to
compared to risk of Creates awareness; reduces
ORD advanced notification so prepare the community,
signage near the airport. negative public traffic congestion.
that motorists can plan reducing negative
accordingly. consequences of public

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Surface Transportation
Construction Vehicles
Construction Traffic Control
Left untreated, roadway May temporarily increase 39
Immediately repair any construction- damage will cost more to vehicle emissions and noise Provide appropriate Enhances roadway safety;
repair later. Minimizes but could reduce the signage before and during prevents damage to
related roadway damage. VNY, PMD
risk of vehicle damage potential for more complex repairs. vehicles.
and personal injury. repairs.
May help prevent soil 39
Helps avoid water
Limit traffic and staging locations to areas compaction and erosion. Communicate with all of Minimizes health impacts
LAX, ONT, contamination cleanup
Ensures that soil, sand, the appropriate people caused by dust and
that will be paved. VNY, PMD costs and landscaping
gravel, and chemicals are not working on the project. particulate matter.
carried away via runoff.
May reduce fuel costs. 55
Clearly identify refueling stations for Consider distributing/ May reduce minor refueling
demolition equipment, material haulers, Minimizes traffic impacts on
presenting a map of the Creates awareness. delays and avoid
and/or off the airfield.
and material lifts. location and the desired confusion.
Alternative Transportation
Public Transportation Access and Carpooling
If possible, locate the construction staging 64
area (or shuttle bus locations) within 0.5- If possible, work with a Post display boards that
Commute trips via alternative Transit use decreases
mile walking distance of an existing local Transportation illustrate available shuttles
SS transportation modes congestion onsite and
commuter rail or subway/elevated train Management Association and public transportation
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution decreases traffic disruption
(TMA) to develop connection opportunities,
station and/or within 0.25-mile walking 4.1 than single occupant vehicle and congestion in
alternative transportation routes, fares, and
distance of one or more stops for two or commuting. neighboring areas.
access options. directions.
more bus lines.
Post display boards that 39
Coordinate with local and regional transit Commute trips via alternative Transit use decreases
If possible, work with a illustrate available shuttles
authorities to advance multiple transit SS transportation modes congestion onsite and
LAX, ONT, local TMA to develop and public transportation
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution decreases traffic disruption
connection opportunities to the VNY, PMD alternative transportation connection opportunities,
4.1 than single occupant vehicle and congestion in
construction site. access options. routes, fares, and
commuting. neighboring areas.
Obtain airport funds Commute trips via alternative Post display boards that 39
Provide incentives such as discounted SS raised from permit or fee transportation modes illustrate public
fares to encourage the use of public LAX, ONT, Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit parking to subsidize mass produce less air pollution transportation connection
VNY, PMD traffic and congestion.
transportation. 4.1 transportation passes for than single occupant vehicle opportunities, routes, fares,
construction workers. commuting. and directions.
Reduces land 39
Provide a transportation plan to and from requirements; minimizes Post display boards that
the construction site that lists available Post display boards that
SS the number of illustrate public
public transportation options, directions, LAX, ONT, illustrate public transportation Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit construction employee transportation connection
VNY, PMD connection opportunities, traffic and congestion.
fares, and any available discounts or 4.1 spaces required (keeping opportunities, routes, fares,
routes, fares, and directions.
airport incentives. spaces open for fee- and directions.
based customer parking).
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Surface Transportation
Alternative Transportation
Public Transportation Access and Carpooling
Post display boards that 2
Provide consolidated construction Minimizes the number of Post display boards that
illustrate the shuttle routes
employee private vehicle parking/staging construction employee illustrate the shuttle routes
and public transportation Decreases congestion on
spaces required (keeping and public transportation
areas with regular shuttles during connection opportunities, site.
spaces open for fee- connection opportunities,
construction. routes, fares, and
based customer parking). routes, fares, and directions.
Coordinate carpooling to construction Reduces land Commute trips via alternative 2, 39
requirements; minimizes transportation modes
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

sites by developing schedules and

incentives (such as preferential parking) SS the number of produce less air pollution Use website schedules,
LAX, ONT, Decreases congestion on
LEED® Credit construction employee than single occupant vehicle meetings, and/or displays
based on locations. Use website VNY, PMD site.
4.4 spaces required (keeping commuting. Decreased boards in common areas.
schedules, meetings, and/or displays spaces open for fee- onsite parking minimizes site
boards in common areas. based customer parking). erosion.
Alternative Transportation
Bicycle Access/Use
Include bike racks at 2
Commute trips via alternative construction staging
Provide centralized facilities for secure SS Use airport funds raised transportation modes locations and provide signs
Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking produce less air pollution near the construction site
bicycle storage. traffic and congestion.
4.2 to encourage bicycle use. than single occupant vehicle that indicate the availability
commuting. of bicycling facilities and
their location.
Commute trips via alternative Provide signs near the 2
Provide convenient changing/shower SS Use airport funds raised transportation modes construction site that
Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking produce less air pollution indicate the availability of
areas for bicyclists. traffic and congestion.
4.2 to encourage bicycle use. than single occupant vehicle bicycling facilities and their
commuting. location.
Provide incentives to encourage that a Commute trips via alternative Provide signs near the 64
minimum of 5 percent of construction SS Use airport funds raised transportation modes construction site that
Minimizes impact to local

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking produce less air pollution indicate the availability of
workers use bicycles for all or part of their traffic and congestion.
4.2 to encourage bicycle use. than single occupant vehicle bicycling facilities and their
daily commute. commuting. location.
Include bike racks at 39
Develop and implement a "ZipBike" or Commute trips via alternative construction staging
other bike sharing program for Use airport funds raised transportation modes locations and provide signs
LAX, ONT, Decreases congestion on
from permit or fee parking produce less air pollution near the construction site
construction workers to travel between VNY, PMD site.
to encourage bicycle use. than single occupant vehicle that indicate the availability
facilities. commuting. of bicycling facilities and
their location.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Goals and Policies
Conserves natural resources. May streamline the 39, 64
Reduces materials/ quantification and
Reduced offsite hauling
Require contractors to develop a waste HECA, components sent to the organization of materials
could reduce temporary
management plan that contains waste ORD, LAX, landfill and the environmental onsite, potentially reducing
Potential substantial cost construction-related traffic in
targets; an estimate of the waste to be ONT, VNY, impacts of producing new impacts to airport
MR savings from reduced the surrounding community.
LEED® PMD, construction products and operations. Essential for
generated on site; actions to reduce Credit 2 material hauling, disposal Salvageable and/or
EGGD, materials. The reuse of quantifying and organizing
waste; and actions to avoid waste going fees, and fuel costs. recyclable waste could be
EGKK, materials onsite may reduce materials onsite during
to a landfill. donated or sold at a reduced
LGAV offsite hauls, decreasing demolition. Facilitates
cost to the local community.
emissions, energy resource sharing among
consumption, and traffic. projects.
Include recycling requirements and other 2, 9
sustainable practices in technical May enhance recycling May require additional staff
HNL, DEN, Increased recycling efforts Educates construction
specifications to help convey expectations activities and thus reduce the training to explain
LAX, ONT, may reduce disposal workers and identifies that
emissions from hauling, the procedures and
to contractors; this may include providing VNY, PMD, costs. Clearly specifies sustainability is a priority at
traffic impacts, and the requirements to
environmental planning checklists to ORD contractor responsibilities. the airport.
consumption of fossil fuels. contractors.
Include in all contract documents the May reduce materials/ 39
Helps avoid unexpected
minimum quantities of excess materials components sent to the The contractor should
costs associated with Reduced material hauling
that will be accepted for return by the LAX, ONT, landfill and the environmental avoid under-ordering
over-ordering materials could reduce traffic in the
VNY, PMD impacts of producing new materials, which could
vendor and the required condition of such and may reduce costs of surrounding community.
construction products and result in operational delays.
material. hauling to landfills.
Work with contracts Stresses that construction 66
If using a waste contractor, verify that the Ensures that contractors are
administration; ensures Ensures that contractors waste management is a
contractor's waste licenses are relevant aware of and up-to-date on
that contractors are are familiar with current priority at the airport; helps
current regulatory practices
and up to date. familiar with current standards and practices. ensure contractors are
and requirements.
standards and practices. honest and experienced.
May reduce 46
Provide contractors with a list of local materials/components that May help provide
companies that reuse and recycle May reduce hauling, are sent to the landfill and Update through periodic opportunities for the
disposal, and fuel costs. the environmental impacts of construction open houses. involvement of MBEs, small,
materials. producing new construction and/or local businesses.
products and materials.
Applies consistent 66
Consistent and Consistent knowledge and
Allocate personal responsibility for onsite knowledge and
knowledgeable understanding of Reduced off-site hauling
waste reduction (i.e., appoint a Waste understanding of applicable
application of standards environmental standards and could reduce traffic in the
standards and practices,
Manager). and specifications across specifications across all surrounding community.
tracking and reporting
all projects. projects.
across all projects.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Goals and Policies
Consider the reuse of 18
earthwork/soil for another Excess airport earthwork
Develop a balanced earthwork plan and Conserves natural resources. project. Avoid 'double- could be donated or sold at a
keep as much excavated earth onsite as Reduces roadway hauling' of materials. reduced cost to the
possible to reduce offsite hauling. May reduce hauling, congestion, energy use, and Inventory of soils may community. Reduced offsite
disposal, and fuel costs. emissions. May avoid having streamline the reuse of soil hauling could reduce
Develop an inventory of topsoil for to haul new material to the airportwide. Site temporary construction-
potential reuse. site. management to avoid related traffic in the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

erosion and dust is surrounding community.

Facilitates project staging 39
of materials, and material
Better material sharing. Could reduce
Develop a detailed lay-down/sequencing Reduced offsite hauling
LAX, ONT, management. May reduce temporary construction-
Reduces the demand for raw could reduce traffic in the
plan. VNY, PMD hauling, disposal, and fuel related surface
materials. surrounding community.
costs. transportation impacts as
vehicles would make fewer
trips offsite.
Designate a hazardous waste 2
containment area and arrange for a
hazardous waste inspector to periodically Reduces construction worker May minimize construction
MR May reduce hauling, May involve several
LEED® STL and community exposure to worker and community
assess the site. Also designate special Credit 2 disposal, and fuel costs. regulatory requirements.
waste. exposure to waste.
construction waste containment areas
(medical, industrial, pollution).
Establish a hazardous waste May help avoid expensive 24
May require specialized
management plan for all storage and costs associated with Minimizes contamination of May minimize construction
containment and
MKE hazardous waste soil, water, and other worker exposure to
operational use of hazardous materials, operational conditions;
accidents. Address resources. hazardous waste.
including battery collection. requires staff training.
regulatory requirements.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

May reduce hauling, The emissions associated 18, 54
Designate a permanent, easily The storage area should be
disposal, and fuel costs with haul routes and storage
accessible, central storage area or strategically located so it
for the airport operator/ sites should be considered Reduced offsite hauling
secondary containment area onsite for MR does not require idling
LEED® ORD contractor and minimize when locating the site. May could reduce traffic in the
Credit 2 and/or delay of
reuse and proper storage of construction or avoid the cost of reduce emissions and traffic surrounding community.
materials. bringing new materials impacts from offsite disposal
onsite. trips.
To ensure compliance with waste Increased recycling efforts May require additional staff 53
Conserves natural resources.
management and recycling goals, submit may reduce disposal training to explain
May enhance recycling Educates construction
updated site waste recycling forms on a costs; however, the cost procedures and
MR activities and thus reduce workers and identifies that
LEED® PDX of monitoring the recycling requirements to
monthly basis, including the amounts of Credit 2 emissions from hauling, sustainability is a priority at
efforts may outweigh the contractors. Essential to
construction or demolition materials traffic impacts, and the the airport.
benefits if not part of become part of everyday
recycled or salvaged. consumption of fossil fuels.
everyday practice. practice.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Goals and Policies
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Ensures compliance with 53

Partners contractor and
Submit a final site waste recycling form Increased recycling efforts waste management and
construction management
prior to contract closeout that sets forth may reduce disposal recycling goals. May Educates construction
teams. May require
the total amount of construction or MR costs; however, the costs enhance recycling activities workers and identifies that
LEED® PDX additional staff training to
Credit 2 of monitoring the recycling and thus reduce emissions sustainability is a priority at
demolition materials recycled over the explain procedures and
efforts may outweigh the from hauling, traffic impacts, the airport.
duration of the project. requirements to
benefits. and the consumption of fossil
May reduce 67
Do not remove protective packaging from Usually unused materials materials/components that
materials before they are needed to can be sold back to the are sent to the landfill and Consider onsite staging No applicable Research
prevent spoilage and to allow for the supplier at a 50 percent the environmental impacts of and storage requirements. Team Consideration.
return of unused materials. restocking fee. producing new construction
products and materials.
Provide financial incentives to contractors 66
who substantially exceed requirements of Contractual requirements Stresses that construction
May reduce hauling,
Conserves natural resources. to be specified; perhaps waste management is a
the Construction Waste Management disposal, and fuel costs.
difficult to monitor. priority at the airport.
Construction Waste Management
Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Requires initial startup 2
costs and the use of Keeps materials out of the
Recycle aluminum, glass, plastics, paper, dedicated storage/ waste stream and conserves Expand the type of Consider partnering with
and corrugated cardboard. containment areas; natural resources by reusing recyclables as applicable. local communities.
potential for cost savings materials.
or offsets.
Recycle gas and oil filters, waste 2
gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze, scrap Requires storage and
metal, tires, electrical wiring, deicing fluid, Reduces disposal and Keeps hazardous materials Consider partnering with
containment areas, and
waste handling costs. out of the waste stream. local communities.
grease, sludge, hazardous materials, and staff training.
spent solvents.
Recycle batteries, light bulbs, toner Requires storage and 2
cartridges, and electronics (including Reduces disposal and Keeps hazardous materials Consider partnering with
containment areas, and
waste handling costs. out of the waste stream. local communities.
monitors). staff training.
Determine the disposal costs, hauling 19
costs, and revenue generated for reusing May require a tracking
MR Helps identify cost-saving A credit under USGBC Quantify and include as part
LEED® ORD system and coordination
materials; compare them with the cost of Credit 3 opportunities. LEED® criteria. of a public outreach plan.
amongst contractors.
purchasing/constructing new items.
May reduce 39
May require flexibility to
materials/components that
Coordinate recyclable collection provide onsite staging,
LAX, ONT, May reduce hauling, are sent to the landfill and May facilitate use of local,
storage, containment
infrastructure with hauler capability. VNY, PMD disposal, and fuel costs. the environmental impacts of small businesses.
areas. Helps avoid delays
producing new construction
during materials removal.
products and materials.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Use cardboard balers, aluminum can 2
crushers, recycling chutes, and other Reduced volumes reduce
Reducing material Reduced material volume Reduced off-site hauling
technologies to enhance recycling truck hauling trips, thereby
volumes reduces handling reduces onsite storage and could reduce traffic in the
reducing energy use and
activities and reduce the number of waste and hauling costs. containment requirements. surrounding community.
May reduce materials/ 52
Ensure that the construction manager components sent to the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

understands the demolition requirements landfill. The reuse of

Could reduce temporary
and properly sets up the demolition materials onsite may Reduced offsite hauling
May reduce hauling, impacts to surface
eliminate offsite could reduce traffic in the
process to identify and organize materials disposal, and fuel costs. transportation if vehicles
transportation and thus surrounding community.
according to how they can be reused make fewer trips offsite.
decrease construction
and/or recycled. vehicle emissions and
energy consumption.
Requires sufficiently sized 55
Ensure that recycling bins are full and and organized storage
Reduces handling and Reduces energy use and May help minimize traffic
area. Ensure that such
packed before using new bins. hauling costs. emissions from transport. impacts.
areas do not become
wildlife attracting.
Creates financial incentive 55
for contractors to recycle
Charge a fee to contractors who material properly and Stresses that construction
Encourages contractors to Encourages contractors to
provides a mechanism to waste management is a
contaminate recycling bins. recycle material properly. recycle material properly.
recover costs if material priority at the airport.
has to be sorted before a
recycler will accept it.
Construction Waste Management
Materials Reuse

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

To facilitate the reuse of materials, track 2
Make a part of everyday
and evaluate the following waste for Helps offset construction-
practice. Streamlines the Facilitates material reuse
recycling (at a minimum): land-clearing demolition costs. May
MR reuse of materials, and and sharing programs both
LEED® ORD minimize or avoid the cost Conserves natural resources.
debris, cardboard, metal, brick, concrete, Credit 2 encourage the use of onsite and within the
of bringing new materials
asphalt, plastic, clean wood, glass, materials/ products with community.
gypsum wallboard, carpet, and insulation. recycled content.
Reuse project waste as a resource on 2
another project. Reuse may include
concrete, asphalt, land and clearing List materials available for If the waste cannot be
May reduce materials/
debris, small ancillary buildings or use on a communal reused on site, consider
components sent to the
structures, and building components. List website, display sharing opportunities with
May reduce hauling, landfill and the environmental
ORD boards/posters, and/or hold the local community and/or
materials available for use on a disposal, and fuel costs. impacts of producing new
a meeting with all nearby projects, minimizing
communal website, display construction products and
contractors to discuss haul distances and
boards/posters, and/or hold a meeting materials.
available materials. emissions.
with all contractors to discuss available

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Materials Reuse
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

May reduce hauling, May help extend the life of 60

disposal, and fuel costs existing landfills and reduce
Use an on-site batch plant (or onsite rock PBI, LNA,
for the airport operator/ the need for new landfills Requires storage and Reduced off-site hauling
crusher) to crush concrete and reuse it F45, DAL,
contractor and minimize through the reduction of total containment areas, and could reduce traffic in the
onsite. or avoid the cost of waste generated. staff training. surrounding community.
bringing new materials Reduces the demand for raw
onsite. materials.
May reduce emissions and 65
allow for enhanced onsite
recycling of concrete,
May reduce labor and fuel reducing the environmental
Use a "rubbleizer" machine that performs costs for the airport impacts of producing and
multiple tasks in a single step - sending operator/contractor and hauling new construction Expedites the removal of May help minimize traffic
vibrations into concrete to break into save costs associated products and materials. May concrete, reducing delays. impacts.
usable pieces less than 4 inches. with purchasing new reduce offsite transportation
concrete and masonry. and thus decrease
construction vehicle
emissions and energy
If no local markets exist for recycling Ensure that the drywall is 54
May reduce hauling,
drywall in the area, recycle non- free of hazardous materials
disposal, and fuel costs. A unique practice that may
contaminated drywall by grinding and before implementing this
The airport operator/ No applicable Research educate construction
practice. Place the ground
spreading on open land at the airport at a contractor should also Team Consideration. workers and the local
drywall on flat land away
rate of approximately 5 tons per acre and factor in the cost to grind community.
from waterbodies to avoid
then tilling into the soil. and apply the drywall.
Finding a use for unused Requires worker/staff 58
May decrease costs by
Donate unused paint to a local graffiti waste reduces the chance of education and instruction to Resource sharing with the
donating the material
SLC improper disposal and achieve; consider community; improves
removal program. rather than sending it to a
contaminating the appointing a community community relations.
disposal service.
environment. liaison.
Using reusable formwork can 55
Minimize the use of temporary wood May decrease costs if reduce the amount of
No applicable Research May help minimize traffic
reusable formwork is used materials sent to the landfill
structures. Team Consideration. impacts.
on multiple projects. and conserve natural
Use ultra screen sight and sound barriers Typically requires less time 55
(lightweight panels with no special May reduce sight and sound and labor for installation
equipment for installation, maintenance, May decrease installation No applicable Research
impacts compared to and maintenance than for
and maintenance costs. Team Consideration.
or replacement) instead of traditional sight traditional barriers. traditional sight and sound
and sound barriers. barriers.
Although chain clamps 55
Use chain clamps as alternatives to May allow for easier
can be expensive Chain clamps may reduce
traditional methods of pipe fit-up as each disassembly, reducing
compared to traditional the quantity of pipe fit-up No applicable Research
impacts to airport
clamp can fit up elbows, tees, flanges, pipe fit-up methods, they materials used, including Team Consideration.
operations during future
and other pipe fittings. may reduce labor and plastics.
disassembly costs.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Materials Reuse
Determined through 2
May reduce the amount of
facility planning. May As part of EONS,
Reuse existing runway pavement pavement sent to the landfill Reduced off-site hauling
MR reduce costs associated determine cost savings of
LEED® ORD and the environmental could reduce traffic in the
(e.g., for taxiways). Credit 3 with hauling, disposal, not demolishing and
impacts of producing new surrounding community.
fueling, and purchasing reconstructing.
new pavement.
May reduce materials/ 55
May reduce hauling,
components sent to the Uses construction crews
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Use excess asphalt paving to fix disposal, and fuel costs Reduced offsite hauling
surrounding roads, drives, parking lots, landfill and the environmental already in place; may
and save costs could reduce traffic in the
impacts of producing and require contract
etc. associated with surrounding community.
hauling new construction modification or flexibility.
purchasing new asphalt.
products and materials.
May reduce hauling, May reduce materials/ 55
Use concrete chunks, old bricks, broken May reduce temporary
disposal, and fuel costs components sent to the
block and other masonry rubble for impacts to surface Reduced offsite hauling
and save costs landfill and the environmental
transportation as vehicles could reduce traffic in the
backfill along foundation walls where associated with impacts of producing and
would make fewer trips surrounding community.
permitted. purchasing new concrete hauling new construction
and masonry. products and materials.
May improve the 65
Reduces landfill hauls. community's view of the
Recycle crushed, unreinforced concrete Minimizes the costs of As part of EONS,
Reduces the environmental airport if included in an
by using it in swales, fill, rip-rap and MR buying new materials and determine cost savings of
LEED® impacts of producing new outreach program. Reduces
Credit 4 transporting them to the not demolishing and
drainage. construction products and offsite hauls, thereby
construction site. reconstructing.
materials. reducing surface
transportation congestion.
May reduce materials/ 55
components sent to the
landfill and the environmental
May reduce hauling, impacts of producing and May reduce temporary
Use excess concrete for parking stops, disposal, and fuel costs hauling new construction impacts to surface Reduced offsite hauling

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

and save costs products and materials. May transportation as vehicles could reduce traffic in the
jersey barriers, etc.
associated with reduce offsite transportation would make fewer trips surrounding community.
purchasing new concrete. and thus decrease offsite.
construction vehicle
emissions and energy
Use pre-assembled rebar cages when Reduced offsite hauling 55
Reduces need for excess May require less staff
May achieve cost savings. could reduce traffic in the
possible to reduce onsite rebar waste. material recycling and reuse. training.
surrounding community.
Vegetating long-term To avoid soil compaction, 20
stockpile with suitable plants heavy machinery must not
Separate subsoil and topsoil and ensure Facilitates use; minimizes Reduced off-site hauling
may help prevent dust blow be driven on stockpiles.
'double' and 'triple' could reduce traffic in the
proper storage for reuse. and erosion, silt runoff, and Stockpiles should not be
touching. surrounding community.
the establishment of invasive located with 10 meters of a
or noxious weeds. watercourse.
Reuse items, such as electrical boxes, Make contractor aware of Include in resource 55
breaker equipment, wall outlets, and other Potential cost savings
MR need to recycle these types database; becomes potential
LEED® from reuse on other Reduces waste materials.
electrical equipment where possible and Credit 3 of materials; consider code/ low-cost resource option to
projects or sale.
practical. regulatory requirements. community.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Materials Reuse
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Make the contractor aware 55

Reuse empty wire spools for other of the need to recycle
purposes and tasks (e.g., stools for the MR Creates contractor
LEED® Disposal cost savings. Reduces waste materials. these types of materials;
Credit 3 awareness.
break area). consider code/regulatory
Save worn out nickel-cadmium (NiCad) 55
batteries from portable power tools for Keeps materials out of the Requires temporary No applicable Research
Disposal cost savings.
delivery to a specialized battery-recycling waste stream. storage and transfer. Team Consideration.
Longer-term energy cost 40
Reduced energy use and
savings potential and
Use prefabricated foam insulated emissions during Prefabricated materials
benefits during No applicable Research
construction; longer-term facilitate installation and
concrete panels. construction using Team Consideration.
energy and cost savings use.
prefabricated, lighter
The use of ICFs 2
Use insulating concrete forms (ICFs) for decreases pour time and
decreased waste; ICFs also optimize reduces the overall
Conserves resources. Reduces installation/ May help minimize noise and
amount of concrete
energy performance and reduce impacts Reduces exterior noise. construction time. traffic impacts.
required. ICFs also
from construction. provide enhanced
Construction Waste Management
Salvaged Materials and Resources
Identify at outset, organize 2
Identify salvage opportunities prior to
and monitor during
demolition activities to encourage the construction, and establish
reuse of salvaged materials (fencing, Potential cost savings Becomes potential asset to
MR staging and storage areas.
LEED® from reuse on other Conserves natural resources. local community; consider
kiosks, parking curbs, signage, lighting, Credit 3 Explore salvage markets
projects or sale. sale or donation.
benches, floor tile, doors, windows, local to the site for use in
carpeting, HVAC, etc.). acquiring salvaged
Identify at outset, organize 39
Coordinate with other airport projects to Potential cost savings Reduced off-site hauling
LAX, ONT, and monitor during
from reuse on other Conserves natural resources. could reduce traffic in the
share salvaged materials and resources. VNY, PMD construction, and establish
projects or sale. surrounding community.
staging and storage areas.
Donate salvaged materials (such as 2
fencing and floor tile) to local May require minimal Requires establishing Potential asset to local
organizations. Use a public information additional administrative Conserves natural resources. temporary and longer-term community; include as part
website or other means to list salvaged and handling costs. staging and storage areas. of outreach program.
materials for sale or donation.
Remove elements that pose a May require specialized 19
Plan for expenses; Minimizes contamination of Minimize construction worker
contamination risk prior to reusing containment, operational
ORD addresses regulatory soil, water, and other exposure to hazardous
conditions, and contractor
structures. requirements. resources. wastes.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Reuse and Recycling Materials
Construction Waste Management
Salvaged Materials and Resources
Use a "Construction Waste Management 39
The Database is an online
Database" provided by the Whole May reduce
service for those seeking
Building Design Guide at materials/components that Consider using the Whole
companies that recycle Organizes resource reuse to identify are sent to the landfill and Building Design Guide,
MR LAX, ONT, construction debris in their and waste disposal;
LEED® the environmental impacts of which can be accessed at
salvaged materials and resources, and Credit 2 VNY, PMD area. A search can be becomes a tool for use by
producing and hauling new
companies that haul, collect, and process conducted by state, zip others.
construction products and hp, or a similar tool.
recyclable debris from construction code, or material(s) to be
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

May reduce 43
Reuse forms to the greatest extent materials/components that
possible without damaging the structural are sent to the landfill and
integrity of concrete and without MR Cost savings from reuse Typically part of standard May help minimize traffic
LEED® the environmental impacts of
Credit 3 on other projects. operating procedures. impacts.
damaging the aesthetics of exposed producing and hauling new
concrete. construction products and
Office Waste Reduction
Require electronic submittals to minimize 39
Reduces costs from
or eliminate printed copies of reports and storage and handling
other submittals. Negotiate Can still maintain printed Facilitates
LAX, ONT, multiple copies of Substantially reduces paper
copies in a central location access/transparency and
electronic/paperless submittals and VNY, PMD documents; facilitates used in multiple submittals.
to facilitate use/ review. distribution.
change orders in construction contracts access and distribution;
(require electronic submittals). facilitates record keeping.
Establish a "green meetings" policy that LAX, ONT, Minimal or negligible cost Reduces use of paper and Establishes consistent Include as part of community 39
minimizes the use of printed materials. VNY, PMD to implement. other materials. protocols. outreach program.
Use conference calls and web-based 19
conferences and programs instead of in- Examples include:
Conserves natural resources
person meetings when possible to reduce Reduces costs for NetMeeting, LiveMeeting, Reduces emissions from air
ORD and reduces energy use and

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

materials and travel. GoToMeeting, Webinars, travel.
printed materials and to reduce emissions emissions from travel.
and others.
from transportation.
Establish a document management Establishes consistent 2
system so that project files can be Initial startup costs; saves document control
No applicable Research
costs by reducing the Reduces the use of paper. protocols, improves record
submitted and archived electronically by Team Consideration.
demand for paper. keeping, access, and
employees, consultants, and contractors. distribution.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Establish project goals for recycled 2

content materials and identify material
suppliers that can achieve this goal.
Consider the following major building
components: aggregate in cast-in-place
concrete; fly ash in cast-in-place
concrete; bituminous concrete pavement;
unit pavers; steel reinforcement; structural
Most recycled content
steel; miscellaneous steel; steel fencing products perform similarly
and furnishings; unit masonry; ductile iron May help improve the
to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
pipe; aluminum products; site- generated LEED® MR ORD, SLC, community's view of the
only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 U42, TVY airport if part of an outreach
broken concrete for gabions; railroad can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
rails; railroad ties; railroad track base projects with minimal to
material; steel doors and frames; no cost premium.
aluminum doors and windows; plaster;
terrazzo; acoustical ceilings; drywall;
finish flooring, including carpet, resilient
flooring, and terrazzo; toilet and shower
compartments; special furnishes;
equipment; sheet metal ductwork; and
site lighting.
Identify the value of both the post- 19
consumer recycled content and the post-
industrial content so that they can be
compared with the total value of the
materials in the project. Divide the weight
of recycled content in the item by the total
weight of all material in the item, and then
multiply the resulting percentage by the Most recycled content
total value of the item to determine the products perform similarly
May help improve the
value of the recycled content portion of a to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR community's view of the
LEED® ORD only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
material or furnishing. Mechanical and Credit 4 airport if part of an outreach
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
electrical components shall not be program.
projects with minimal to
included in this calculation. Recycled no cost premium.
content materials shall be defined in
accordance with the Federal Trade
Commission document, Guides for the
Use of Environmental Marketing Claims,
16 CFR 260.7 (e), available at
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
To identify recycled content materials 39
available and common percentages,
include contact information in project
specifications for reference and search Most recycled content
tools such as the Guide to Resource- products perform similarly
Efficient Building Elements from the to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Center for Resourceful Building Credit 4 VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
Technology (, projects with minimal to
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

the Recycled Content Product Directory no cost premium.

from the applicable state integrated waste
management board, and Oikos
Most recycled content Supports local projects and 19
Use recycled crushed material from other products perform similarly improves community
local projects. For example, asphalt to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content relations. Retains capital for
grindings and rail ballasts can be taken MR
LEED® ORD only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design the community, contributing
Credit 4
from nearby projects and used for haul can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase. to a more stable tax base
roads or bituminous runway shoulders. projects with minimal to and a healthier local
no cost premium. economy.
Most recycled content 19
Ensure that the specified recycled content products perform similarly
materials are installed and quantify the to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR No applicable Research
LEED® ORD only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
total percentage of recycled content Credit 4 Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
materials installed. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 39
Provide fact sheets to designers that products perform similarly
include available recycled content to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR LAX, ONT, No applicable Research

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
materials and the organization's target for Credit 4 VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
each material. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Use the Waste Resource Action Most recycled content 20
Programme's (WRAP) “Recycled Content products perform similarly
Tool” to calculate the recycled content of to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
a project and identify quick wins and Credit 4 Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
benefits to maximize the recycled content projects with minimal to
of materials used with construction. no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
Use recycled content material made from products perform similarly
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
comingled plastic for items such as trash LEED® MR No applicable Research
only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
receptacles, benches, tables, and bike can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
racks. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Most recycled content 55
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

products perform similarly

Use recycled plastics for roadway to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
markers, speed bumps, parking stops, MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
and traffic signs. can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
Use cold-rolled steel framing, as it to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
typically contains 20-25 percent recycled MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
material. can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
Use hollow metal doors and frames from to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
recycled metal content. Credit 4 Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
Install gypsum wallboard; gypsum products perform similarly
wallboard incorporates recycled scrap to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
wallboard and byproduct gypsum. MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
Synthetic gypsum content in drywall helps can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
prevent against moisture. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
Use composite boards, including paper products perform similarly
and wood/paper building boards that use to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
milling byproducts, waste woods, recycled LEED® MR No applicable Research
only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
paper, and/or agricultural waste (wheat- can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
straw board). projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
Use high-recycled-content cast iron for to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
sanitary waste and vent piping. Credit 4 Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
If using plastic electrical device wall to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
plates, ensure that they are made of at MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 Team Consideration.
least 20 percent recycled plastic. can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
Install terrazzo materials that contain to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
recycled content. Credit 4 Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Most recycled content 7
For asphalt pavements, use recycled products perform similarly
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

materials, such as rubber, glass, asphalt May help improve the

to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
roofing shingles, and blast furnace slag; MR community's view of the
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
Credit 4 airport if part of an outreach
this pavement can be used for access can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
roads and non-FAA regulated pavements. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Use recycled rubber and plastic materials 55
for temporary barriers and A-frame MR Helps conserve natural Establish specifications in No applicable Research
LEED® Potential cost savings.
Credit 4 resources. product purchasing. Team Consideration.
Materials from recycled 55
Install flooring from recycled and reusable and reused materials
materials, such as rubber, glass, Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
MR typically last longer, and No applicable Research
LEED® extraction and processing of goals during the design
agriculture fibers, and plastic, which can Credit 4 are easier to maintain, Team Consideration.
virgin materials. phase.
last longer and is easy to maintain. than traditional flooring
Use geotextile products manufactured 55
from recycled plastic or natural-fiber MR May have a higher upfront Helps conserve natural Establish specifications in No applicable Research
Credit 4 cost. resources. product purchasing. Team Consideration.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly
Use cellulose insulation made from 75- to products containing Reduces the impacts from
MR Product availability may be No applicable Research
LEED® only virgin materials and extraction and processing of
85 percent recycled newsprint. Credit 4 limited. Team Consideration.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

can be incorporated into virgin materials.
projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Local/Regional Materials
Use the following locally/regionally For buildings, specify 2, 18, 64
available materials: concrete, asphalt, mechanical, electrical and Supports the local economy
structural steel, masonry, post-industrial Regional building plumbing equipment and and the use of indigenous
recycled gypsum wallboard, storm system materials are more cost Reduces the environmental components that meet the resources. Retains capital
LEED® ORD effective for projects impacts resulting from regional material goals. for the community,
concrete pipes of all sizes, manholes and Credit 5
because of reduced transportation. The availability of contributing to a more stable
handholes, electrical duct banks, cable, transportation costs. regionally manufactured tax base and a healthier
gas and water piping, rail tracks, rail ties, materials is dependent on local economy.
rail ballast, landscape material, and seed. the project location.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Local/Regional Materials
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Establish a goal for the minimum Regional building 19, 64

percentage of local/regional materials and materials are more cost
effective for projects due
products that are manufactured within a
to reduced transportation Reduces the environmental Supports the local economy
radius of 500 miles. Identify the value of costs. Consider early in impacts resulting from and the use of indigenous
local/regional materials so that they can Identify and specify
the design process, if transportation. It is also resources. Retains capital
be compared with the total value of the MR materials and material
LEED® ORD possible, since research important to discuss the for the community,
Credit 5 suppliers that can achieve
materials in the task/project. may be required to source of raw materials used contributing to a more stable
the regional materials goal.
(Manufacturing refers to the final determine what products to manufacture building tax base and a healthier
assembly of components into the building can be sourced locally products. local economy.
and be realistically
product that is furnished and installed by
expected to be purchased
the tradesmen.) for the project.
Supports the local economy 19, 64
During construction, ensure that the Reduces the environmental
Regional building and the use of indigenous
specified local materials are installed and impacts resulting from
materials are more cost May require a tracking resources. Retains capital
quantify the percentage of the local MR transportation. May require
LEED® ORD effective for projects system and personnel to for the community,
Credit 5 hiring a LEED® AP or other
materials installed based on a percentage because of reduced monitor compliance. contributing to a more stable
professional to monitor
of overall construction cost. transportation costs. tax base and a healthier
local economy.
Regional building 39
materials are more cost
effective for projects
because of reduced
Supports the local economy
transportation costs.
Engage the FAA in discussing the use of and the use of indigenous
Consider early in the
regional or local suppliers as part of Reduces the environmental resources. Retains capital
LAX, ONT, design process, if No applicable Research
impacts resulting from for the community,
projects that use FAA funding and adhere VNY, PMD possible, since research Team Consideration.
transportation. contributing to a more stable
to FAA rules. may be required to
tax base and a healthier
determine what products
local economy.
can be sourced locally
and be realistically
expected to be purchased
for the project.
Regional building 56
materials are more cost
effective for projects
because of reduced
Supports the local economy
transportation costs.
Consider establishing and and the use of indigenous
Allow contractors to suggest availability of Consider early in the
Reduces the environmental promoting a website where resources. Retains capital
local materials - keep lines of MR design process, if
LEED® impacts resulting from contractors can indicate the for the community,
Credit 5 possible, since research
communication open. transportation. availability of regional contributing to a more stable
may be required to
materials. tax base and a healthier
determine what products
local economy.
can be sourced locally
and be realistically
expected to be purchased
for the project.
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Sustainable Materials
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Use the following rapidly renewable As rapidly renewable 2, 64
materials for both permanent and materials may be
temporary construction materials: poplar harvested more quickly, Rapidly renewable materials
May sustain a community
OSB and straw board or "agriboard" they tend to result in a are made from plants and
over a longer period than the
(formwork for temporary construction and faster payback on typically harvested within a
MR No applicable Research steady and eventual
LEED® investment for 10-year cycle. Reduces the
underlayment); bamboo flooring; cork; Credit 6 Team Consideration. depletion of finite resources
manufacturers. As use and depletion of finite
wool carpets and fabrics; cotton-batting or the degradation of a
demand increases, they raw materials and long-cycle
insulation; linoleum flooring; sunflower productive ecosystem.
are expected to become renewable materials.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

seed board; wheat grass or straw board cost-competitive with

cabinetry; and others. conventional materials.
As rapidly renewable 39, 64
materials may be
harvested more quickly, Rapidly renewable materials
Percent of rapidly May sustain a community
they tend to result in a are made from plants and
renewable materials equals over a longer period than the
Establish an appropriate project goal for faster payback on typically harvested within a
MR LAX, ONT, the total cost of rapidly steady and eventual
LEED® investment for 10-year cycle. Reduces the
use of renewable materials. Credit 6 VNY, PMD renewable materials depletion of finite resources
manufacturers. As use and depletion of finite
divided by the total or the degradation of a
demand increases, they raw materials and long-cycle
materials cost. productive ecosystem.
are expected to become renewable materials.
cost-competitive with
conventional materials.
As rapidly renewable 19, 64
materials may be
harvested more quickly, Rapidly renewable materials
May sustain a community
they tend to result in a are made from plants and
over a longer period than the
Ensure that the specified rapidly faster payback on typically harvested within a May require a tracking
MR steady and eventual
LEED® ORD investment for 10-year cycle. Reduces the system and personnel to
renewable materials are installed. Credit 6 depletion of finite resources
manufacturers. As use and depletion of finite monitor compliance.
or the degradation of a
demand increases, they raw materials and long-cycle
productive ecosystem.
are expected to become renewable materials.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

cost-competitive with
conventional materials.
Requires less energy to 55
produce and has a long life
cycle. Production of clay has
Install clay roof tiles, which are made from Reduces maintenance
a low environmental impact;
abundant raw materials and carry costs; clay roof tiles
MR clay can be easily recycled. May enhance architectural
LEED® provide improved Clay roof tiles are fireproof.
effective heat gain characteristics (for Credit 6 Reduces the use and features.
durability and an
cool climates). depletion of finite raw
increased life cycle.
materials. Building-integrated
solar clay tiles are also
May sustain a community 55
Use paper joint tape to reinforce joints May result in less A potential health hazard Provides strength to joints over a longer period than the
and corners in gypsum drywall interiors in LEED® MR cracking and thus fewer results from the dust between plasterboard steady and eventual
Credit 6 call backs, saving time produced during the removal sheets. Easier to remove depletion of finite resources
lieu of fiberglass tape. and money. of fiberglass casts. than fiberglass tape. or the degradation of a
productive ecosystem.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
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Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Straw mats are a rapidly 26, 55
renewable waste product of
grains, such as harvested
wheat, rice, barley, oats, and Straw densely packed into
Straw is relatively rye. Since straw is still bales is fire resistant since May reduce the risk of
Use paper-faced compressed straw inexpensive since it is a burned in fields in some the tight packing keeps the accidents that can occur
panels as an alternative for interior wall MR
LEED® waste product of grains. areas, air pollution available oxygen needed when shifting winds blow
Credit 6
partitions. Avoids unpredictable associated with burning for combustion limited and smoke over highways and
lumber prices. straw is avoided. While straw the high silica content in ignite straw left in fields.
provides few nutrients to the straw is said to impede fire.
soil, it does add organic
matter and helps aerate the
May sustain a community 43
Install carpets made with bio-based Reduces the use and
Carpet made of wool is over a longer period than the
materials, such as cotton, jute, sisal, depletion of finite raw
MR usually more expensive No applicable Research steady and eventual
LEED® materials and long-cycle
hemp, wool, and polylactic acid (PLA) Credit 6 (although inherently flame Team Consideration. depletion of finite resources
renewable materials.
fiber. resistant). or the degradation of a
Improves indoor air quality.
productive ecosystem.
Cork floor tile should be 55
Synthetic carpet fiber, composed of 100 percent
backing, pad, adhesive, natural cork bark and May sustain a community
As demand increases,
Use natural cork, strawboard, and seam sealants, and floor recycled cork granules and over a longer period than the
they are expected to
recycled-content fiber board in flooring MR preparation chemicals are all set in a natural or synthetic steady and eventual
LEED® become cost-competitive
Credit 6 potential sources of VOCs in flexible resin matrix; it depletion of finite resources
underlayment applications. with conventional
indoor air. These natural should be homogeneous or the degradation of a
materials do not emit harmful and uniform in composition productive ecosystem.
chemicals. throughout the tile
Produced mainly from More carbon is absorbed 39
Weighs less than concrete
Use a carbon-negative, hemp-based renewable sources, through growing the hemp
and is less prone to
building material from renewable sources hemp-based building than creating the building
cracking. May be used to
that is several times stronger than materials are mixed on material, which helps reverse
create insulating walls and
concrete. The material can be used as a MR LAX, ONT, site and deliver high the damaging effects of Creates a healthy living and
LEED® insulation layers for floors
Credit 6 VNY, PMD levels of insulation, air- greenhouse gases. Hemp- work environment.
substitute for concrete for the creation of and roofs. Can be used to
tightness, and vapor based building materials can
buildings, insulating walls, and insulation provide buildings with
permeability. The product lock up approximately 110
layers for floors and roofs. beneficial thermal and
can have a lifespan of kilograms of carbon dioxide
acoustic properties.
approximately 100 years. per cubic meter of wall.
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Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Coal fly ash blended 43, 55
cements may range from 0
percent - 40 percent coal
fly ash by weight,
according to ASTM C 595,
Use Portland cement concrete with for cement Types IP and
Fly ash is a byproduct of
25 percent fly ash (can be substituted for I(PM). 15 percent is a May help improve the
coal-fired power plants; it
up to 60 percent of cement in a concrete MR May reduce material more accepted rate when community's view of the
LEED® contains some radioactivity
Credit 4 costs. coal fly ash is used as a airport if part of an outreach
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

mix) that has less embodied energy and otherwise disposed in

partial cement program.
reduces water permeability. landfills.
replacement. May
enhance concrete
capabilities. Availability is
variable. Establish
specifications for use/
Use ground granulated blast furnace GGBF slag cement is Must be in compliance with 43, 55
typically less expensive ASTM C989, Grade 100 or
(GGBF) slag to replace up to 70 percent
than Portland cement. Grade 120. Availability is
of the Portland cement in concrete GGBF slag has replaced variable. Establish May help improve the
mixtures. Most GGBF slag concrete MR sulfate-resisting Portland Useful application of a waste specifications for community's view of the
mixtures contain between 25 and 50 Credit 4 cement on the market for product. use/composition. Improves airport if part of an outreach
percent GGBF slag by weight, providing sulfate resistance durability, reducing program.
protection against sulphate attack and because of its superior maintenance costs and the
performance and greatly need for repairs that may
chloride attack.
reduced cost. delay operations.
Reduces the need for 43
maintenance, thereby
Use silica fume as a replacement for 5 to Silica fume is very fine
May reduce material reducing operational
7 percent of Portland cement to improve pozzolanic material produced
costs. Extends the life delays. Replacement levels Prevents silica fume from
compressive strength, bond strength, and LEED® MR by electric arc furnaces as a
cycle of cement, reducing higher than 10 percent can being discharged into the
Credit 4 byproduct of the production

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

abrasion resistance; reduce permeability; the frequency of repairs lead to workability issues. atmosphere.
of elemental silicon or ferro-
and protect from corrosion. and replacement. Availability is variable.
silicon alloys.
Establish specifications for
Concrete admixtures are 43
now available that retard
Crush and reuse hardened, cured waste
May reduce material the setting of concrete so
concrete as fill or as a base course for costs. May reduce effectively that a partial
pavement. Hardened, cured waste In many urban areas, Reduced off-site hauling
MR disposal costs for waste, load can be brought back
LEED® concrete can no longer be could reduce traffic in the
concrete may be used as aggregate in Credit 4 as in many urban areas, to the ready mix plant for
accepted in landfills. surrounding community.
concrete mix (if approved by the concrete can no longer be 1 or 2 days then
engineer). accepted in landfills. reactivated for use.
Establish specifications for

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
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Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Tires contain 1.25 times The use of tires as a source 5, 11
Tires contain less nitrogen
the energy content of of energy may not be well
than coal; the higher the
coal, so the savings on received because of concern
Use scrap tires as an alternative fuel nitrogen level at which tiresThe use of TDF is typically
energy costs can be over potential emissions; the
source (tire-derived fuel, or TDF) in are substituted for coal, thelimited because tires also
significant. The cement loss of a resource used as
cement production kilns or purchase greater the reduction of contain zinc, which slows
industry is the largest fuel diverts tires from higher
nitrogen oxides. Emissions the setting time for
concrete from kilns that use recycled end-user of TDF. Tires value-added markets. In
demonstrate a consistent concrete. Availability is
tires. have consistent and reality, the addition of TDF
reduction in sulfur and othervariable.
predictable properties, so typically has a neutral to
emissions with the use of
TDF performance in the positive effect on air
kiln is well understood. emissions.
Must abide by NESHAP 40 68
CFR Part 61, Subpart M
Asphalt mixes with (must be asbestos free, May help improve the
recycled roof shingles cannot include nails or community's view of the
Use the asphalt, aggregate, fibers, and may be more resistant to Reduces the demand on deletious material; must airport if part of an outreach
limestone filler from recycled roof shingles thermal cracking virgin materials. Reduces follow grind size and program. Reduces landfill-
in hot-mix or warm-mix asphalt. (undergoing further landfill-bound waste. moisture content bound waste in the local
testing), reducing specifications). Samples community, especially after
maintenance costs. should be proportioned and large storm events.
pre-blended prior to
The product is lightweight 40
Use carbon fiber reinforcement instead of Establish specifications for
Reduce cracking and and corrosion resistant,
rebar or steel mesh (these products use. Extends the
extend life in concrete, making it stronger and easier No applicable Research
structure's life cycle,
corrode and are one of the weakest parts reducing maintenance to use than steel, producing Team Consideration.
reducing the frequency of
of the concrete structure). costs. lighter weight components,
building repairs.
product developers contend.
Reduces maintenance 7, 39
Use rubberized pavements or innovative costs and replacement Extends pavement life
Can reduce road noise by as
pavement treatments to improve durability LAX, ONT, costs by extending the cycle, reducing the Reduces noise in nearby
much as 15 dB. Makes use
VNY, PMD pavement's life cycle. May frequency of rehabilitation communities.
and reduce maintenance. of recycled tires.
reduce the need for and maintenance.
expensive noise barriers.
RMA, specifically when 8, 55
used in stress absorbing
membranes or stress Decreases noise levels (up
Use rubber modified asphalt (RMA) with absorbing membrane to 5 dB). Depending on the
crumb rubber content no greater than 20 interlayers, reduces the application selected, Reduces noise in nearby
Improves skid resistance.
occurrence of reflective between 500 and 2,000 communities.
percent. cracking because of its scrap tires can be used in
elastic properties, thereby each lane mile of pavement.
reducing maintenance
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Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
The asphalt is heated 75- 19, 32
50°F less than traditional
Some sources claim warm- Because warm-mix asphalt
‘hot-mix’ asphalt, reducing
Use warm-mix asphalt to reduce energy Uses 20 percent less mix asphalt compacts is not heated as high, the
GHG emissions onsite and at
BOS, ORD energy to make, reducing better, allowing for sturdier work environment is
needs during construction. the production plant.
production costs. runways. Requires FAA healthier for the crews
Produces 20 percent fewer
coordination/approval. installing the pavement.
greenhouse gas emissions
than traditional asphalt.
Absorbs less heat, which 39
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Install light colored/high albedo pavement Reduces heat islands, Reduces heat islands in the
SS may aid in energy
for roadways (i.e., Portland cement), LAX, ONT, minimizing impacts on the Improves roadway visibility, local community, reducing
LEED® Credit savings. Reduces costs
VNY, PMD microclimate and human and thereby improving safety. temperature compared to
parking lots, sidewalks, and plaza areas. 7.1 associated with HVAC
wildlife habitat. absorptive pavements.
The production and 7
installation of asphalt
Asphalt typically requires Asphalt pavement is
produces lower levels of Consider the amount of
about 20 percent less generally faster to
Use asphalt pavements for access roads greenhouse gases than other absorptive pavements in the
energy to produce and construct and rehabilitate,
pavements. Dark-colored local community to ensure
and non-FAA-regulated pavements. construct than other opening to traffic as soon
pavement may increase the that heat islands would not
pavements, consuming as it has been compacted
heat island effect. Consider be an issue of concern.
less fuel. and cooled.
shading and/or open-grid
systems where possible.
Provide shade for new pavement from the Reduces costs associated Reduces stormwater runoff 64
existing tree canopy or within 5 years of SS with HVAC equipment and heat islands, minimizing May reduce glare,
landscape installation. Landscaping Vegetated areas provide
LEED® Credit and may extend the life impacts on the microclimate enhancing safety in parking
aesthetic benefits.
(trees) should be in place at the time of 7.1 cycle of the covered and human and wildlife lots and roadways.
occupancy. pavement. habitat.
Place a minimum of 50 percent of newly Green roofs require lower 64
Reduces heat islands,
constructed parking spaces under cover. maintenance than
SS minimizing impacts on the May reduce glare,
Any roof used to shade or cover parking standard roofs (if native Vegetated roofs provide
LEED® Credit microclimate and human and enhancing safety in parking

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

species are planted), but aesthetic benefits.
must have an SRI value of 29 or be a 7.1 wildlife habitat. Green roofs lots and roadways.
typically require additional
vegetated green roof. reduce stormwater runoff.
upfront investment.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
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May melt together in 7, 18, 50,

extreme heat, filling the 61
“permeable” voids. Sand
Porous pavement can be applied to the pavement
used to turn runoff into will clog the surface.
infiltration, restore the Chlorides from road salt
The cost of permeable
hydrology of a site, improve may migrate into
pavement may be similar
Install permeable pavement (pavers or water quality, replenish groundwater. Plowing may
to (or potentially higher
pervious concrete) for roadways, aquifers, protect streams, be challenging because the
than) the cost of
shoulders, non-traffic pavements, SS ORD, LAX, reduce heat islands, and edge of the snow plow Improves water quality and
traditional pavement
LEED® Credit ONT, VNY, clean stormwater. It should blade can catch the edge reduces flooding in the local
maintenance roads, utility yards, and materials. However, the
6.1 PMD be avoided where activities of the blocks, damaging the community.
airside and landside parking facilities, use of permeable paving
generate contaminated surface. Infiltrating runoff
where possible. can reduce the cost of
runoff, and in areas that have below pavement may
providing larger or more
low soil permeability, cause frost heave,
stormwater BMPs onsite.
seasonal high groundwater although design
tables, and those close to modifications can reduce
drinking water supply wells. this risk. Snow melts faster
on a porous surface
because of rapid drainage
below the snow surface.
Provides self-draining 30
Granite aggregates have
properties. An extended Extended lifespan reduces
an expected lifetime of
Use granite aggregate as a lifespan reduces the demand the need for runway
40-50 years, reducing No applicable Research
MSP for new materials, thereby restructuring, thereby
sub-base for runways. maintenance costs and Team Consideration.
reducing emissions from reducing operational
the frequency of
production and delays.
Edges experience the 29
greatest stress (largely
from moisture changes),
so extending the base Extended lifespan reduces
Extend the base course width of a Reduces the demand for new
course will result in the the need for pavement
pavement by 1-2 feet beyond the top materials, thereby minimizing No applicable Research
top pavement layer restructuring, thereby
emissions from production Team Consideration.
pavement to prevent premature distress. having an extended life reducing operational
and transportation.
cycle, thereby reducing delays.
maintenance costs and
the frequency of
Reduces the quantity of air 29
To prevent premature distress of Prevents premature contaminants that are
Extended lifespan reduces
pavement, use a non-fossil fuel distress of pavement, odorous, irritating, and/or
the need for pavement
based/nonvolatile environmentally friendly thereby reducing harmful to the comfort and No applicable Research
restructuring, thereby
maintenance costs and well-being of installers. VOCs Team Consideration.
prime coat to waterproof asphalt instead reducing operational
the frequency of also contribute to smog
of a diesel-based prime coat. delays.
restructuring/repaving. generation and outdoor air
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Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
During a pavement course, cut off the last 29
foot of existing pavement and begin the Prevents premature
Extended lifespan reduces
next course from that spot to ensure good distress of pavement, Reduces the demand for new
the need for pavement
joint density. The last foot removed has a thereby reducing materials, thereby minimizing No applicable Research
restructuring, thereby
maintenance costs and emissions from production Team Consideration.
lower density than the rest of the course reducing operational
the frequency of and transportation.
(it is weaker and leads to cracking and delays.
Provides increased skid 29
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Life cycle (4 to 6 years) resistance, an anti-glare

Use chip seals instead of slurry seals to and cost (per square surface during wet
An extended pavement life
stop pavement cracking and prevent yard) are the same as for weather, and an increased
cycle reduces the demand
future cracking. Once chip seals are a slurry seal. Equipment reflective surface for night No applicable Research
for new materials, minimizing
to apply a slurry seal is driving. The incidence of Team Consideration.
used, then micro surfacing can be emissions from production
not as common as the cracked windshields can be
applied. and transportation.
equipment for a chip-seal reduced by using volcanic
application. cinders or manufactured
lightweight aggregate.
Use precast high performance concrete Prefabrication may reduce 40
Focuses environmental Establish specifications for No applicable Research
product and transportation
for buildings. controls at production facility. use. Team Consideration.
Use "Roman concrete" instead of 21
traditional concrete to extend the
Prevents premature
durability of a structure. Roman concrete Prior to purchasing, consider
distress and extends life Extended lifespan reduces
consists of volcanic ash or 'pozzolan' the emissions associated
cycle, reducing the need for rebuilding or No applicable Research
with hauling the Roman
(silica and small amounts of alumina and maintenance costs and restructuring, reducing Team Consideration.
concrete components long
iron oxide) instead of sand and is mixed the frequency of operational delays.
at a ratio of two parts pozzolan to one restructuring/repaving.
part lime.
Less expensive than 55

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

conventional fillers. Since
May sustain a community
rapidly renewable
Use recycled newspaper or waste Reduces the use and over a longer period than the
materials may be
agriculture materials in expansion joint depletion of finite raw No applicable Research steady and eventual
harvested more quickly,
materials and long-cycle Team Consideration. depletion of finite resources
fillers to keep them dry and clean. they tend to result in a
renewable materials. or the degradation of a
faster payback on
productive ecosystem.
investment for
For structural steel, consider metal Avoid plated metals that use 55
finishing based on physical processes cadmium or chromium
such as abrasive blasting, grinding, No applicable Research No applicable Research Protects the health of
plating materials and cyanide
Team Consideration. Team Consideration. installers and occupants.
buffing, and polishing, rather than multiple or formaldehyde copper
coatings. plating solutions.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Appropriate for hot and 5, 42
humid climates because
Use fiber cement siding as a replacement Looks like wood while
fiber-cement siding is
achieving higher durability
for wood or typical exterior wall cladding. resistant to rot, fungus, and
and lower maintenance
Fiber-cement siding is composed of termite infestation.
costs. The installed costs Termite-resistant, water-
cement, sand, and cellulose fiber that has Manufacturers state that it
are typically less than for resistant, non-combustible, No applicable Research
has excellent weathering
been autoclaved (cured with pressurized traditional masonry or and warranted to last Team Consideration.
characteristics, strength,
steam) to increase its strength and synthetic stucco, equal to 50 years.
and impact resistance.
dimensional stability. The fiber is added or less than hardboard
Unless top coat is applied
siding, and more than
as reinforcement to prevent cracking. in the factory, siding may
vinyl siding.
need to be painted every 4-
5 years.
Uses fewer raw materials; 55
Use large panel formwork systems to May increase material reduces material waste,
reduce concrete waste generated by costs; however, may transportation impacts, and
Reduces the impact of
losses caused by damaged formwork, reduce transportation of landfill impacts; and Enables just-in-time
delivery vehicles on local
materials, thereby improves air quality by construction techniques.
which usually accounts for 30 percent of streets.
reducing transportation reducing negative impacts
the total concrete waste. and waste disposal costs. related to concrete
Conventional form-release 55
oils can be a major source of
volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), soil contamination,
May minimize exposure of
Use biodegradable form releasing agents. No applicable Research and human health risks. Protects the health of
workers to hazardous
Team Consideration. Biodegradable nonpetroleum installers and occupants.
alternatives contain a fraction
of the federally permitted
VOC limit for concrete form-
release agents.
Roofing Materials
Install high reflectance/high albedo Reduces costs associated 64
with cooling and HVAC
roofing materials with a high solar Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in
reflectance index (SRI), as described in (thermal gradient differences
very cold climates may Reduces heat islands in the
the ASTM E 1980 standard. Low-sloped SS between developed and
not experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
roofs (slope <= 2:12) should have an SRI energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
7.2 minimizing impacts on the
value of 78 or above; steep-sloped roofs reflective roofing because absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human and
(slope > 2:12) should have an SRI value of high emittance and low
wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
greater than 29.
increase heating costs.
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Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
Reduces stormwater runoff - 19
typically only 25 percent of
rainfall on a green roof
Provide energy saving becomes runoff. Reduces
insulation benefits and heat islands (thermal
require lower gradient differences between
Install a vegetated green roof system for SS maintenance than developed and undeveloped
at least 50 percent of the roof area to No applicable Research Provide aesthetic benefits
LEED® Credit ORD standard roofs (if native areas), minimizing the impact
Team Consideration. and reduce heat islands.
reduce the heat island effect. 7.2 species are planted). on the microclimate and
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Green roofs typically human and wildlife habitat.

require an additional up- "Extensive" green roof
front investment. systems with 1 to 5 inches of
topsoil can be installed that
improve filtration and
treatment of rainwater.
Provides energy saving 39
insulation benefits and
requires lower
maintenance than
standard roofs (if native
species are planted).
Green roofs typically Reduces stormwater runoff
Use a combination of vegetated and high SS require an additional up- and heat islands, minimizing
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Provides aesthetic benefits
LEED® Credit front investment. impacts on the microclimate
albedo surfaces. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. and reduce heat islands.
7.2 Buildings in very cold and human and wildlife
climates may not habitat.
experience year-round
energy benefits from
reflective roofing because
of high emittance and low
absorption, which may

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
Install a Cool Roof Rating Council equipment. Buildings in
(thermal gradient differences
(CRRC) rated roof product or an Energy very cold climates may Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
Star cool roof with equivalent reluctance LAX, ONT, not experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
and emittance properties 7.2 minimizing impacts on the
reflective roofing because absorptive roofing.
( microclimate and human and
of high emittance and low
wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
Reduces costs associated 39
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with cooling and HVAC

Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in
(thermal gradient differences
very cold climates may Reduces heat islands in the
Use a single ply roofing membrane with SS between developed and
LAX, ONT, not experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
high emittance properties. VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
7.2 minimizing impacts on the
reflective roofing because absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human and
of high emittance and low
wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in
(thermal gradient differences
very cold climates may Reduces heat islands in the
Apply high reflectance coating to the SS between developed and
LAX, ONT, not experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
surface of a conventional roof membrane. VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
7.2 minimizing impacts on the
reflective roofing because absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human and
of high emittance and low
wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in
(thermal gradient differences
Use metal roofs with industrial grade very cold climates may Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
coating that are high reflectance and high LEED® LAX, ONT, not experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
Credit undeveloped areas),
VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
emittance. 7.2 minimizing impacts on the
reflective roofing because absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human and
of high emittance and low
wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
For roofing shingles, use recycled Reduces heat islands 55
steel/aluminum, photovoltaic roofing (thermal gradient differences Consider the regional
Reduces heat islands in the
technologies, plastic shingles, natural SS Potential material cost between developed and climate (e.g., exposure to
local community, reducing
LEED® Credit savings; longer-term undeveloped areas), storms, tornados, hail, the
slate shingles, certified wood shingles, temperature compared to
7.2 operational benefits. minimizing the impact on the solar resource potential,
and/or clay roof tiles to reduce the heat- absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human and etc.).
island effect. wildlife habitat.
PVC poses a risk in building 55
Nonhalogenated materials,
A properly formulated fires since it releases deadly
such as mineral hydrate,
membrane sheet will not gases long before it ignites.
can be applied as flame-
pose environmental hazards PVC is manufactured near
retardants. The following
Use roofing membranes containing and is well suited for landfill low-income communities in
alternatives to PVC can
thermoplastic olefins (TPO) in lieu of MR Higher cost compared to disposal, recycling, or Texas and Louisiana. The
LEED® also be used for roofing
Credit 6 PVC. incineration. There are no toxic impact of pollution from
PVCs. membranes: ethylene
environmental concerns with the PVC factories on the
propylene diene monomer,
the base polymers and all of nearby communities has
nitrile butadiene polymer,
the raw materials and base made them a focus in the
and low-slope metal
additives are nonhazardous. environmental justice
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Sustainable Materials
Add polyethylene vapor retardant under Increases floor life cycle, 55
the floor slab and avoid a layer of sand Reduces indoor air quality May help extend the life
thereby reducing
between the polyethylene and the hazards associated with cycle of the floor slab, No applicable Research
maintenance costs and
mold, thereby improving reducing building Team Consideration.
concrete to reduce the occurrence of the frequency of
employee health. maintenance.
mold. replacement.
Reduces ground source 47
moisture and energy use,
thereby saving costs. It is
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Install a layer of gas-permeable material more cost-effective to Creates a physical barrier to

under the foundation, May require hiring staff
include radon-resistant radon entry, thereby reducing No applicable Research
experienced in radon
e.g., 4 inches of gravel, covered by plastic techniques while building the risk of lung cancer in Team Consideration.
sheeting. a structure rather than occupants.
installing a radon
reduction system in an
existing building.
Reduces ground source 47
moisture and energy use,
Seal and caulk all openings in the thereby saving costs. It is Creates a physical barrier to
concrete foundation floor and install a more cost-effective to radon entry and a pathway
May require hiring staff
gas-tight 3" or 4" vent pipe that runs from include radon-resistant for the radon to be redirected No applicable Research
experienced in radon
techniques while building outside, thereby reducing the Team Consideration.
under the foundation through the building minimization.
a structure rather than risk of lung cancer in
to the roof. installing a radon occupants.
reduction system in an
existing building.
A non-insulated 55
foundation can result in
significant heat loss from
Provide capillary break (damp-proofing) May help extend the life
an otherwise tightly Reduces the demand for
between the footing and foundation wall cycle of the floor slab, Improves air quality in the
sealed, well-insulated HVAC operation, thereby
reducing building local community.
building. Less expensive reducing emissions.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

or perimeter foundation for slab-on-grade. maintenance.
to install than exterior
insulation for existing
Reduces ground source Reduces the presence of 55
moisture and energy use, mold, thereby improving May help extend the life
Install drainage tile at foundation footings. thereby saving costs. indoor air quality. Reduces cycle of the floor slab, No applicable Research
Less expensive to install the demand for HVAC reducing building Team Consideration.
than exterior insulation for operation, thereby reducing maintenance.
existing buildings. emissions.
Use foundation anchor systems that do Limits excavation and Avoids construction noise 55
No applicable Research Establish specifications for
soil/material disposal or and air pollution associated
not require excavation. Team Consideration. use.
storage. with excavation.
Building Interiors
Specifications may need to 55
Install carpet tiles from post industrial Reduces land fill use,
MR be established in project No applicable Research
LEED® Potential cost savings. conserves use of natural
nylon that are reusable and recyclable. Credit 4 standards and procedures Team Consideration.
to use on a project.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
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Specifications may need to 55

Use ceramic tile containing post- Reduces land fill use,
MR be established in project No applicable Research
LEED® Potential cost savings. conserves use of natural
consumer or post-industrial waste. Credit 4 standards and procedures Team Consideration.
to use on a project.
Provides a tighter building 55
SIPs consist of a sandwich
envelope with higher
of two layers of structural
insulating properties,
board with an insulating
thereby decreasing
Use structural insulated panels (SIPs) layer of foam in between.
operating costs. Due to
consisting of oriented-strand board (OSB) Helps conserve natural The board can be sheet No applicable Research
the standardized and 'all-
resources. metal or OSB and the foam Team Consideration.
for floors, walls, and/or roofs. in-one' nature of SIPs,
either expanded
construction time can be
polystyrene, extruded
reduced and may require
polystyrene, or
fewer trades for system
Do not use particleboard or medium- 13
density fiberboard that contains urea No applicable Research Reduces long-term exposure No applicable Research Protects the health of
Team Consideration. in completed structure. Team Consideration. installers and occupants.
Avoids the need for 5
Use concrete pigments to turn plain additional products and
Uses less material to turn Enhances aesthetics; avoids
concrete slabs into finished floors, coatings, eliminating the
concrete into finished No applicable Research traffic resulting from the
environmental impacts
eliminating the need for conventional surfaces, thereby Team Consideration. transportation of finish
associated with
finish flooring. reducing costs. flooring.
manufacturing and
maintaining those materials.
Although greenboard 18
Greenboard has the same drywall's paper covering is
gypsum core as the other water-resistant, it is not
Higher cost than varieties, but is covered in a waterproof. The brittle
Install moisture-resistant greenboard and traditional drywall thicker, more water-resistant gypsum core is not suitable No applicable Research
mold-resistant purpleboard drywall. because of their paper than standard drywall. for wet applications or for Team Consideration.
advanced properties. The paper is coated with wax floors or ceilings. It is
to help control moisture installed in the same
absorption. manner as standard
With the use of drywall clips, 5
May reduce the wood
the drywall is separated from
used for framing by
the framing pieces, which
eliminating the need for
Use drywall clips instead of traditional helps minimize sound Provides sufficient support
nonstructural studs, and
metal or wood blocking to install drywall. transmission through the and backing that is
can be easier to install
These clips create a single or double-stud walls. For further sound comparable to and No applicable Research
than extra wood backing.
transmission control, sometimes better than the Team Consideration.
corner, versus the three or four-stud Reduce heat loss by
specialized sound isolation traditional three- or four-
corners that the blocking provided. allowing insulation behind
drywall clips can be used, stud corners.
the studding without the
which are attached to the
risk of non-insulated
studs then nailed to the
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Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Prior to purchasing insulation products, CFC and HCFC deplete the 55
ensure that they were not manufactured Encourages manufacturers
ozone layer, allowing harmful
using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) or EA No applicable Research Establish product to produce products in a
LEED® ultraviolet radiation to
Credit 4 Team Consideration. specifications. more environmentally-
hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) penetrate through to the
conscious manner.
refrigerants. Earth's surface.

Require or recommend sleeves/ sealants Specifications may need to Reduces exposure of 55

No applicable Research Longer-term environmental
be established in project workers and building
that ensure low transfer rates of radon. Team Consideration. considerations.
standards and procedures. occupants to radon.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Higher cost than mineral 55

oils; however, reduces Reduces environmental
Use biodegradable hydraulic elevator oils. No applicable Research Can be domestically
liability and costs for oil issues caused by spills and
Team Consideration. produced.
cleanup from spills and leaks.
Alternatives: Flooring and 33, 55
PVC poses major hazards in carpet: linoleum, bamboo,
its manufacture, product life, ceramic tile, carpeting with
and disposal. Toxic natural fiber backing or
manufacturing byproducts polyolefins, reclaimed or
Provide incentives for reduced PVC use PVC poses a risk in building
include dioxin, ethylene FSC wood, cork, rubber,
in site conduit applications and require all fires since it releases deadly
dichloride, and vinyl chloride, concrete, and non-
gases long before it ignites.
PVC used underground to be encased in which can cause cancer, chlorinated plastic
PVC is manufactured near
concrete. Alternatives for piping include endocrine disruption, polymers. Wall coverings
low-income communities in
cast iron, steel, concrete, vitrified clay, PVC conduit is usually neurological damage, birth and furniture: natural fibers
Texas and Louisiana. The
lower in cost than other defects and impaired child such as wood and wool,
and copper. Siding alternatives include toxic impact of pollution from
forms of conduit. development, and other polyethylene, polyester,
fiber-cement board; stucco; recycled, the PVC factories on the
hazardous health effects. and paint. Electrical
reclaimed, or Forest Stewardship Council nearby communities has
The additives required to insulation and sheathing:
made them a focus in the
(FSC) certified sustainably harvested manufacture PVC make halogen free, linear low-
environmental justice
wood, OSB, brick, and polypropylene. large scale post consumer density polyethylene, and
recycling problematic for thermoset crosslinked
most products and interfere polyethylene. Windows and

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

with the recycling of other doors: recycled, reclaimed,
plastics. or FSC wood, fiberglass,
and aluminum.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
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Building Interiors
Benefits include 12, 55
impermeability, hardness,
and mechanical strength.
Commonly used in sewer
The raw materials for gravity collection mains
VCPs have a lifespan of
manufacturing VCPs are clay because of its resistance to
80 to 100 years because
and recycled materials from domestic and industrial
Use vitrified clay pipes (VCP) for drain they are resistant to
the ceramic industry. The sewage, particularly
piping in lieu of more expensive cast iron corrosion and chemical No applicable Research
environmental impact of sulfuric acid. Only
attack, abrasion, Team Consideration.
pipes. manufacturing VCPs is hydrofluoric acid and highly
temperature, and
relatively small compared concentrated caustic
impermeability, providing
with most other types of wastes are known to attack
life cycle cost benefits.
sewer materials. VCP; wastes are not
permitted to be discharged
into a municipal sewage
collection system without
adequate pretreatment.
Do not use fiberglass insulation or duct The extended use of 55
All of the alternative fiberglass duct liners may
liners that contain phenol formaldehyde
batting insulation products result in microbial growth. A
binders. As a substitute, use loose fill or are made almost entirely phenol-formaldehyde binder
blown fiberglass insulation that requires from recycled or can off-gas and be a Nonfiberglass batting offers Reduces exposure of
no formaldehyde binder. Fiberglass renewable materials. moderate indoor air quality similar thermal workers and building
insulation produced with acrylic binder or They offer similar thermal concern. Most fiberglass performance as fiberglass. occupants to formaldehyde.
nonfiberglass battings made of cotton, performance as fiberglass insulation has at least
sheep's wool, or mineral (rock or slag) but at a slight cost 30 percent recycled glass
premium. content, but is made of
wool can also be used.
boron, a finite recourse.
Lawrence Berkeley 42
National Laboratory
testing demonstrated that
aerosol sealing can
reduce leakage by a
factor of 5 to 8, saving an
estimated $300 per year An insignificant amount of Before aerosol sealing, test
Use a pressurized aerosol duct sealing on the heating and adhesive particles are ducts to determine the
for internally sealing existing heating and EA cooling costs of a typical deposited on interior duct leakage volume. Aerosol No applicable Research
Credit 1 home. Aerosol duct walls, and they have no sealing is not Team Consideration.
cooling HVAC ducts. sealing is easy to use harmful effect on the IAQ of a recommended for gaps
compared with traditional building. larger than 0.25-inch.
methods, such as
applying mastic, because
it eliminates the need to
open wall, floor, and
ceiling cavities to access
hard-to-reach leaks.
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Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Duct mastics provide 55
improved sealing over
Improved sealing results in
Use duct mastics (gooey sealants that are duct tapes, reducing Duct tape does not
improved energy efficiency
painted on and allowed to harden) in lieu energy costs. adequately seal HVAC No applicable Research
and lower heating/cooling
Maintenance costs may joints and has a short Team Consideration.
of duct tapes to minimize leakage effects. demand, reducing emissions
decrease due to less lifespan.
caused by HVAC operation.
frequent application of
duct tape.
Electrical Materials
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Consumes as little as Reduces carbon monoxide Produces about 90 percent 55

Use and install compact fluorescent one-fifth the power and emissions and emissions less heat than Reduces energy demand
LEED® lasts up to 13 times longerfrom the production and incandescent bulbs while and improves air quality in
lighting (CFL). Credit 1
than incandescent materials use due to the delivering more light per the local community.
fixtures. extended lifespan of CFL. watt.
Reduces emissions from Provides a highly 55
Use and install slim-profile lighting Can save energy costs energy use; consider slim concentrated light source Reduces energy demand
LEED® because of better lumen profile solar lights to enable that can enhance the and improves air quality in
systems. Credit 1
output and a thinner lamp. remote use and/or to provide performance of the the local community.
safety lighting. luminaries.
Minimize the use of lit signage outdoors Reduces energy demand; 55
Photovoltaic panels can be
and maximize the use of photovoltaic photovoltaic signage
EA Reduces emissions from placed in remote locations
LEED® Reduces energy costs. provides visible evidence of
panels for construction and warning Credit 1 energy use. and do not require
the airport's commitment to
signage where applicable. connection to a grid.
Provide improved 13, 55
Consumes less energy
robustness, smaller size,
than incandescent lights
faster switching, and
and often results in
greater durability and
recovering the additional
reliability. May require
first cost within one year
More energy efficient and more precise current and
through energy savings;
longer lasting than heat management than

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Use and install LED lights. EA requires less maintenance Reduces energy demand in
LEED® incandescent lights, reducing traditional light sources.
Credit 1 and provides improved the local community.
emissions from power Solar-powered LED lights
performance. All LED
generation and production. offer additional
products should have a
advantages, including
warranty of at least 5
application in remote
years with a recycling
location without grid access
program provided by the
or as an emergency-
response application.
Absorbs energy provided 55
Requires no backup
by visible and near-visible
power supply, no conduit,
light and then releases that
no battery, and is easy to The signage may not be
Install photoluminescent signage for The signs themselves do not energy as light at a later
install. An electrician is properly charged and
safety pathway markings, exit signs, and EA draw any power; thus, their time. Must be exposed to
LEED® needed to install light functional if an emergency
Credit 1 use does not generate ambient light of a minimum
egress signage. fixtures near the signs to occurs immediately after
emissions. intensity and type for a set
meet manufacturer occupants enter a building.
period of time to absorb
specifications and code
enough energy to emit
useful light.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

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Sustainable Materials
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Electrical Materials
Reduces waste generation 37
by prolonging the life of old, These fluids may improve
The food-grade formula and
installed transformers equipment efficiency. Bio-
Bio-based oil can extend higher flash point result in a
(retrofitted with bio-based based transformer fluids
the service life of a less hazardous working
Use bio-based transformer fluids. fluids). Reduces accidental are not subject to federal
transformer by enhancing environment, and improve
contamination in the event of regulation of used oils, but
its insulating life and worker health and safety.
a leakage by using fluid that instead are covered by the
performance. Reduces fire-safety hazards
can degrade faster than Edible Oil Regulatory
associated with mineral oil.
conventional dielectric Reform Act.
Require early installation of permanent May reduce costs 55
electrical systems to minimize the number associated with the use Reduces emissions from May reduce safety No applicable Research
of temporary circuits needed for (purchase or rent) of energy use. hazards. Team Consideration.
construction activities. temporary circuits.
Most recycled content 55
For electrical systems, use products perform similarly
telecommunications cabling and electrical to products containing Reduces the impacts from Establish recycled content
No applicable Research
only virgin materials and extraction and processing of goals during the design
device wall plates that have a high Team Consideration.
can be incorporated into virgin materials. phase.
percentage of recycled plastic. projects with minimal to
no cost premium.
Four halogen downlights 31, 59
are needed to provide the
same effective general
lighting levels as one 100
watt globe in the middle of More than 90 percent of the
a room. Additional energy energy that goes into
is required as the use of a common halogen lights turns Halogen lights may pose a Reduces energy demand
Do not use halogen lights. YYZ transformer usually into heat; as a result, the fire risk if not installed and improves air quality in
located in the ceiling lights use more electricity properly. the local community.
above each light fitting is than needed, making them
required. The very inefficient.
transformers can use an
additional 10 percent to
30 percent of the bulb
Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
Polymer concrete surface 5
systems protect against Polymer concrete surface
Use enamel waterborne epoxy and freeze-thaw cycles, systems reduce the heat Reduces heat islands in the
chemical-resistant waterbase methane chemical stains, and island effect; they are about No applicable Research local community, reducing
products for architectural surface surface penetration; 20°F cooler than light-colored Team Consideration. temperature compared to
coatings. reduces associated concrete (available in a absorptive materials.
maintenance and energy variety of colors).
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Sustainable Materials
Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
Polymer concrete surface 5
systems are a low-
maintenance alternative
Polymer concrete surface
to tile, hardwood, or Reduces the need for
Use 100 percent solid, two-component systems reduce the heat
carpet flooring and offer The epoxy resin is 5 times rehabilitation, minimizing
island effect; they are about
epoxy resin for crack repair. design flexibility. Also the strength of concrete. construction noise and
20° cooler than light-colored
protects against freeze- traffic.
thaw cycles, chemical
stains, and surface
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Costs for most low-VOC 5
products are generally
competitive with costs for
conventional materials,
but may be more These precolored matrixes
expensive when first use dry pigments recovered
Use precolored matrix mixes that require Protects water quality in the
introduced into the from iron oxide runoff from No applicable Research
local community, especially
no liquid colorant additives. marketplace. Health coal mines, the largest single Team Consideration.
near coal mines.
concerns associated with source of water pollution in
VOCs result in increased the United States.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Use degreasers that are made of d- Citrus peel oils are an 5
Cost competitive because
limonine, a terpene extracted from citrus MR agricultural waste product, as No applicable Research Reduces agricultural waste
LEED® these degreasers are an
Credit 6 well as a rapidly renewable Team Consideration. in local communities.
peel oils. agricultural waste product.
Polymer concrete surface 5
systems are a low-
maintenance alternative
Resistant to ultraviolet rays Provides a non-porous

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

Use an acrylic sealer to complete the third to tile, hardwood, or Provides a non-yellowing
and abrasions; protects surface finish that protects
and final part of a polymer concrete carpet flooring and offer coating and may enhance
surfaces from moisture and enhances the finished
design flexibility. Also color retention, maintaining
surface system. penetration, staining, dirt, application for both vertical
protects against freeze- aesthetics.
dust, and wear. and horizontal installations.
thaw cycles, chemical
stains, and surface
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).
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Sustainable Materials
Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
Can be used to refurbish 5
old or damaged floors.
Polymer concrete surface
systems are a low- The elastomer acrylic caulk
Use an elastomeric acrylic caulk in maintenance alternative should be composed Provides a surface that is
concrete slab expansion joints and to tile, hardwood, or primarily of natural easy to clean and maintain; Provides a paintable surface
masonry perimeters, and for sealing carpet flooring and offer ingredients, such as calcium dries quickly, reducing to maintain aesthetics.
around doors and windows. design flexibility. Also carbonate, potassium, and down time.
protects against freeze- sand.
thaw cycles, chemical
stains, and surface
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC- 19, 64
content products are
For adhesives and sealants, the VOC generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
content used must be less than the costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
current VOC content limits of South Coast materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
Air Quality Management District more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
(SCAQMD) Rule #1168, and all sealants LEED® introduced into the Protects installers and
Credit ORD well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
used as fillers must meet or exceed the 4.1 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
requirements of the Bay Area Air Quality contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
Management District Regulation 8, Rule generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
51. building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 13, 64
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
For field applications that are inside the materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
weatherproofing system, use adhesives more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
and sealants that comply with the limits introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
for VOC content calculated according to 4.1 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
40 CFR 59, Subpart D. contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Mercury does not degrade in 22
the environment. Human
Health concerns nervous systems are
associated with exposure sensitive to all forms of
Do not use adhesives or sealants that use Mercury negatively affects Encourages manufacturers
to mercury and PBT result Mercury. Methylmercury
mercury and/or persistent, the nervous system of to produce products in a
in increased expenses (caused by sulfate reducing
installers and building more environmentally-
bioaccumulative, and toxic pollutants. and liability for building bacteria) bioaccumulates in
occupants. conscious manner.
owners, operators, and organisms as it moves
insurance companies. through the food chain,
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

adversely affecting humans,

fish, and waterfowl.
Costs for most low-VOC- 55
content products are
generally competitive with
costs for conventional VOCs react with sunlight and
No fire or explosion
materials, but may be nitrogen oxides in the
hazards. May require
Use water-based adhesives and sealants more expensive when first atmosphere to form ground- Encourages manufacturers
IEQ longer drying times. Use of
that contain no VOCs on porous or introduced into the level ozone, a chemical that to produce products in a
LEED® Credit high VOC-content
marketplace. Health has a detrimental effect on more environmentally-
nonporous surfaces. 4.1 materials can cause illness
concerns associated with human health, agricultural conscious manner.
and may decrease
VOCs result in increased crops, forests, and
occupant productivity.
expenses and liability for ecosystems.
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 13
content products are
Seal interior concealed joints to reduce generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
airborne sound transmission by using indoor air contaminants that
materials, but may be
nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, are odorous, irritating, and/or
more expensive when first Obtain a recommendation
IEQ harmful to the comfort and

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber introduced into the in writing by the ornamental Reduces noise in the local
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and
sealant with a VOC content of 250 grams marketplace. Health formed-metal community.
4.1 occupants. VOCs also
per liter or less when calculated according concerns associated with manufacturer.
contribute to smog
to VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air
expenses and liability for
40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). pollution.
building owners,
operators, and insurance
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC- 13
content products are
Reduces noise transmission
generally competitive with
through perimeter joints and
costs for conventional
openings. Reduces the
materials, but may be Use of high VOC-content
Use nonsagging, paintable, nonstaining quantity of indoor air
more expensive when materials can cause illness
latex sealant complying with American contaminants that are
IEQ they are first introduced and may decrease
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) LEED® odorous, irritating, and/or No applicable Research
Credit into the marketplace. occupant productivity.
harmful to the comfort and Team Consideration.
C 834; of type and grade required to seal 4.1 Health concerns Consider the location of the
well-being of installers and
joints in ornamental formed metal. associated with VOCs manufacturer, durability,
occupants. VOCs also
result in increased and performance.
contribute to smog
expenses and liability for
generation and outdoor air
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 13
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
more expensive when first
Use aliphatic-resin, polyurethane, or IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
introduced into the No applicable Research
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
resorcinol wood glue. marketplace. Health Team Consideration.
4.1 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 2
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
more expensive when first Encourages manufacturers
Use zero- or low-VOC field-applied paints IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
introduced into the to produce products in a
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
and coatings. marketplace. Health more environmentally-
4.2 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with conscious manner.
contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC- 39
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
materials, but may be
Follow standards and prohibitions are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
more expensive when first
documented in SCAQMD Rule 1113 IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
LAX, ONT, introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
(paints and coatings) and applicable VNY, PMD marketplace. Health building occupants.
4.2 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
source-specific SCAQMD standards. concerns associated with
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,

VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 19
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
materials, but may be
For interior paints and coatings, VOC are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
more expensive when first
emissions must not exceed the VOC and IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
chemical component limits of Green marketplace. Health building occupants.
4.2 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
Seal’s Standard GS-11 requirements. concerns associated with
contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 13
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
For field applications that are inside the materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
weatherproofing system, use paints and more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
coatings that comply with the limits for introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
VOC content when calculated according 4.2 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC- 19
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

For carpet systems, VOC emissions must costs for conventional

indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
meet or exceed the requirements of the materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
Indoor Air Quality Test Program. introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
Composite wood and agrifiber must 4.3 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
contain no added urea formaldehyde contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
resins. generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 19
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
Specify low-VOC carpet systems. Ensure materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
that VOC limits are clearly stated where more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
carpet systems are addressed. Be introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
attentive to carpet installation 4.3 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
requirements. contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
Costs for most low-VOC- 55
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
costs for conventional
indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
Install VOC-free natural linoleum flooring, materials, but may be
are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
reclaimed wood products (such as more expensive when first
IEQ harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
remilled structural timbers), recycled introduced into the Protects installers and
LEED® Credit well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
marketplace. Health building occupants.
glass tile, or ceramic tile in lieu of carpet 4.3 occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with
materials that contain VOCs. contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
PVC is not biodegradable. 55
Do not install vinyl flooring with high PVC
Long-term leeching could
content. Carpet containing PVC can Non-PVC flooring has a lead to ground water
release toxic chemicals, including dioxin, IEQ higher cost because of contamination. If burned,
into the air; PVC often contains phthalate- LEED® No applicable Research Protects installers and
Credit the widespread use and PVC releases harmful gases.
Team Consideration. building occupants.
based softening agents, which are 4.3 availability of polyvinyl It is highly toxic during
recognized as reproductive toxins that chloride. production. Recycling is
may contribute to indoor pollution. difficult because of the
diverse additives used.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Renewable and 55
biodegradable. Natural
Use natural linoleum flooring or reclaimed Durable and resilient. Has
IEQ linoleum flooring is made
wood products, such as remilled Typically more expensive a 30-40 year lifespan Protects installers and
LEED® Credit from linseed oil, pine resin,
than vinyl flooring. compared to a 10-20 year building occupants.
structural timbers. 4.3 wood flour, cork powder,
lifespan for vinyl flooring.
limestone dust, natural
pigments, and jute.
Clean up carpet spills immediately to Helps ensure a long life Improves indoor air quality 55
prevent stains and fungus. Perform cycle of carpeted areas, and reduces emissions
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

May require additional Protects installers and

thereby reducing costs associated with the
extraction cleaning every 6 to 12 months, labor and/or staffing. building occupants.
associated with carpet production and transport of
preferably with hot water or steam. replacement. new carpeting.
Helps ensure a long life Improves indoor air quality 55
Vacuum heavily trafficked areas daily Protects installers and
cycle of carpeted areas, and reduces emissions
using equipment with powerful suction May require additional building occupants from
thereby reducing costs associated with the
labor and/or staffing. exposure to dust and other
and a HEPA filtration bag. associated with carpet production and transport of
replacement. new carpeting.
During deconstruction, vacuum old 43
Reduces the quantity of
carpets prior to removal using a certified indoor air contaminants that
Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green May reduce health Protects workers from
are odorous, irritating, and/or May require additional
expenses for construction exposure to dust and other
Label vacuum cleaner. Also vacuum the harmful to the comfort and labor and/or staffing.
workers. pollutants.
floor immediately after old carpet is well-being of installers and
removed. occupants.
Costs for most low-VOC- 2
content products are
generally competitive with
Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but
Ensure that all shop-finished materials indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
may be more expensive
meet the VOC emission requirements. are odorous, irritating, and/or materials can cause illness
when they are first
Materials to consider are primed steel; harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
introduced into the Protects installers and
well-being of installers and occupant productivity.

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

finished metals, including aluminum, marketplace. Health building occupants.
occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
finished millwork, and finished steel; and concerns associated with
contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
wood doors and windows. VOCs result in increased
generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for
building owners,
operators, and insurance
PCBs cause skin problems 38, 63
Health concerns
in adults and Reduces the risk of
associated with PCBs
Reduces the environmental neurobehavioral and exposure to hazardous
Remove all equipment containing result in increased
risk from leakage resulting immunological changes in combustion byproducts in
HNL expenses and liability for
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). from deterioration or children. PCBs are known case of fire. Reduce risks to
building owners,
damaged equipment. to cause cancer in animals. occupants from exposure to
operators, and insurance
PCBs do not readily break PCB.
down in the environment.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

LEED® Research Team Considerations Source

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Certified Wood
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Establish an FSC-certified wood products 2, 64

goal and identify suitable suppliers. This
Encourages environmentally
includes, but is not limited to: structural Respects indigenous
responsible forest
framing and general dimensional framing, The cost of FSC-certified peoples' rights and adheres
management. Irresponsible
flooring, finishes, furnishings, and non- wood is equal to or higher to applicable laws and
forest practices result in
rented temporary construction MR than the cost for No applicable Research treaties. Preserves forest
LEED® SFO, ORD destruction of forests and
Credit 7 conventional wood Team Consideration. land for future generations.
applications, such as bracing, concrete wildlife habitat, soil erosion
products and varies by Benefits responsible forest
form work, and pedestrian barriers. and stream sedimentation,
region. workers and forest-
Wood-based materials and products water and air pollution, and
dependent communities.
waste generation.
should be compared with the total value
of the materials in the task/project.
Encourages environmentally 2, 64
Respects indigenous
responsible forest
Use FSC-certified products in temporary The cost of FSC-certified peoples' rights and adheres
management. Irresponsible
and permanent construction materials wood is equal to or higher to applicable laws and
forest practices result in May require a tracking
and finished products; meet established MR than the cost for treaties. Preserves forest
LEED® SFO, ORD destruction of forests and system and personnel to
Credit 7 conventional wood land for future generations.
FSC goals wildlife habitat, soil erosion monitor compliance.
products and varies by Benefits responsible forest
( and stream sedimentation,
region. workers and forest-
water and air pollution, and
dependent communities.
waste generation.
Encourages environmentally 19, 64
Respects indigenous
responsible forest
The cost of FSC-certified peoples' rights and adheres
Ensure that the FSC-certified wood management. Irresponsible
wood is equal to or higher to applicable laws and
products are installed and quantify the forest practices result in May require a tracking
MR than the cost for treaties. Preserves forest
LEED® ORD destruction of forests and system and personnel to
total percentage of FSC-certified wood Credit 7 conventional wood land for future generations.
wildlife habitat, soil erosion monitor compliance.
products installed. products and varies by Benefits responsible forest
and stream sedimentation,
region. workers and forest-
water and air pollution, and
dependent communities.
waste generation.
Wood Preservatives
Creosote-treated lumber 39
Reduces the quantity of emits a bad odor, can soil
indoor air contaminants that clothes, has vapors that are
Prohibit the use of creosote-coated LAX, ONT, No applicable Research are odorous, irritating, and/or May reduce product life toxic to plants, and is difficult
lumber. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. harmful to the comfort and cycle. to saw, sand, and paint.
well-being of installers and Direct contact can cause
occupants. skin irritation and plant
damage or death.
Preservative-treated lumber 39
May reduce product life
Reduces the quantity of may emit a bad odor, soil
cycle. Any treated material
indoor air contaminants that clothes, have vapors that are
Reduce the requirements for shipped to the construction
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research are odorous, irritating, and/or toxic to plants, and be
site should be stored out of
preservative-treated wood. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. harmful to the comfort and difficult to saw, sand, and
contact with standing water
well-being of installers and paint. Direct contact can
and wet soil and protected
occupants. cause skin irritation and
from precipitation.
plant damage or death.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations Source
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Sustainable Materials
Wood Preservatives
Burning, mechanical 39, 55
Full-scale commercial
abrasion, direct contact with
The cost of site-applied introduction of borates in
wood, sawdust, and acidic
borate treatments the United States has
rainfall can release arsenic in
Do not use chromate copper arsenate exceeds the costs of other slowed because of the
CCA-treated lumber. Use
(CCA) pressure-treated lumber. Use chemical treatments leaching problem of
sustainably harvested wood Encourages manufacturers
lumber that is treated with less toxic, because of shipping costs borates. As borates are
LAX, ONT, independently certified by to produce products in a
(limited availability). ACQ water soluble, water dilutes
borate-based chemicals for dry conditions VNY, PMD organizations such as the more environmentally-
typically has a higher cost them and leaves the wood
and use Ammoniacal Copper Quaternary FSC, Smartwood Program of conscious manner.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

than CCA. CCA is no unprotected from decay

(ACQ) for wet conditions. the Rainforest Alliance, and
longer being produced for after a period of time. In a
Scientific Certification
residential or general location unexposed to
Systems. ACQ is less toxic
consumer use. water, they are effective in
than CCA and performs
preserving wood.
EPS is the only common rigid 55
foam board stock insulation
made with neither CFCs nor EPS insulation installation
HCFCs. However, XPS is is simpler; it can be molded Enhances safety;
Use expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam stronger, denser, smoother, and shaped easily. XPS is encourages manufacturers
instead of extruded polystyrene (XPS) for EPS costs less than XPS. and more water-resistant, flammable and must be to produce products in a
rigid board insulation. and has a higher R-value per protected by a 15 minute more environmentally-
inch. If the correct density is thermal barrier, such as 0.5 conscious manner.
chosen for the application, inch of gypsum board.
EPS is not affected by
Manufacturers claim it is 42, 55
more durable than
Uses recycled plastic trash
conventional preservative-
Cost-competitive with bags and waste wood fibers.
treated lumber because the
Use recycled wood/plastic composite high-end materials such Contains none of the toxic Encourages manufacturers
wood fibers act as
lumber in structural applications as an MR as finger jointed pine and chemicals used in to produce products in a
LEED® reinforcement; the plastic
Credit 4 redwood, but more conventionally treated more environmentally-

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

alternative to synthetic wood materials. encapsulates and binds the
expensive than standard lumber. Reduces the amount conscious manner.
wood together to resist
treated products. of virgin materials used in
moisture penetration. May
weigh more than standard
lumber products.

1 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. FLEXSTORM Inlet Filters, 2009 Product Brochure, (accessed April 9, 2010).
2 Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) Sustainability Working Group, Gene Peters, Ricondo & Associates, Inc. & James Crites, Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport. DRAFT
Sustainable Initiatives Index, March 14, 2006, Index.pdf (accessed July 8, 2009).
3 ACRP 08-01 Research Team, 2009/2010.
4 Al-Qadi, Imad L., William G. Buttlar, Jongeun Baek, and Minkyum Kim. Cost-Effectiveness and Performance of Overlay Systems in Illinois. Volume 1: Effectiveness Assessment of HMA
Overlay Interlayer Systems Used to Retard Reflective Cracking, Research Report ICT-09-044, Illinois Center for Transportation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2009.
5 Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Daily. “Polymer Concrete Surface Systems: A Green and Sustainable Solution,” 2008, (accessed February 10, 2010).
6 ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Publications Database. “Properties of Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 120, No.
4, Pgs. 816-827, December 1994.
7 Asphalt Pavement Alliance. Asphalt: the Sustainable Pavement, 2006, Asphalt-The-Sustainable-Pavement_324654808_102 72006175031.pdf (accessed January
7, 2010).

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).
8 Asphalt Rubber Technology Service, Clemson University. “Benefits of Rubberized Asphalt,” 2009, (accessed March 3, 2010).
9 Barrilleaux, Janell, Tom Sommers, and Mike Steppens, City and County of Denver, Department of Aviation. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
10 Bayne, William, Patten Industries. Interview conducted in November 2009.
11 Blumenthal, Michael. “Scrap Tires Fuel U.S. Cement Industry,” Cement Americas, July 1, 2004.
12 Boiten, Stephen. Keramo Steinzeug N.V. “Why Vitrified Clay?” March 2008, (accessed March 5, 2010).
13 Build LACCD, LACCD Sustainable Design Standards, Los Angeles Community College District, 2009, (accessed March 21, 2010).
14 Caterpillar, Inc. Edwards Demonstration and Learning Center, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

15 City and County of Denver, Colorado. Denver International Airport 2008 Sustainability Summary, (2008), enviro/documents/2008summary.pdf.
16 City and County of San Francisco Airport Commission. San Francisco International Airport 2007 Environmental Sustainability Report, June 2007,
export/sites/default/download/about/reports/pdf/ESReport.pdf (accessed July 22, 2009).
17 City of Berkeley, California, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Environmental Health. “Construction Noise Standards,” Pgs. 1-2, September 2009,
Work/siteconstruction/assets/docs/Berkeley-construction-noise.pdf (accessed February 2, 2010).
18 City of Chicago, Department of Aviation. Sustainable Airport Manual (SAM), August 5, 2009, Documents/CDA SAM - v1.0 – August 5 2009 - FINAL.pdf
(accessed August 19, 2009).
19 City of Chicago, O’Hare Modernization Program Office. O'Hare International Airport (ORD) Sustainable Design Manual (SDM), December, 2003.
20 Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Awards Scheme. CEEQUAL Scheme Description and Assessment Process Handbook, December 2008.
21 CONSTRUCTOR Magazine (Ben Herring), the Associated General Contractors of America. “The Secrets of Roman Concrete,” Pgs. 13-15, September 2002.
22 Contra Costa Clean Water Program (Carrie Dovzak and Chris Sommers). “Pollutants of Concern Source Assessment Report, July 1, 2004,
(accessed March 8, 2010).
23 Crook, Ann B., AAE, Elmira Corning Regional Airport. Interview conducted on November 17, 2009.
24 Ecology and Environment, Inc. Hazardous Waste Management Plan for General Mitchell International Airport - Air Reserve Station, September 13, 2002,
document/AFD-070827-068.pdf (accessed July 21, 2009).
25, Tudor Van Hampton, Contractor Takes Keys to World's First 'Hybrid' Dozer, December 23, 2009,
26 Environmental Building News (Alex Wilson). “Straw: The Next Great Building Material?” May 1, 1995,
Material/ (accessed March 5, 2010).
27 Federal Aviation Administration, September 2005. Record of Decision for O’Hare Modernization at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
28 Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. “Special Report: Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction, and Mitigation,” Final Report, August 2006.
29 Freeman, Thomas J., P.E., Texas Transportation Institute. Interview conducted on November 30, 2009.
30 Fuhrmann, Thomas J., Metropolitan Airports Commission. Interview conducted on November 16, 2009.
31 Gray, Derek R., Greater Toronto Airports Authority. Interview conducted on November 24, 2009.
32 “Boston Logan Becomes the First US Airport to use 'Green' Asphalt on a Runway Repaving Project,” August 28, 2008,
(accessed March 1, 2010).
33 Healthy Building Network. “PVC in Buildings: Hazards and Alternatives,” January 11, 2006,, (accessed March 5, 2010).
34 Howell, Gregory A. “What is Lean Construction?” July 1999, (accessed February 3, 2010).
35 Ichinotsubo, Guy and Wendy Chuk (State of Hawaii, Airports Division), and Ashley Wilhelm (Green Building Services Consultant). Interview conducted on November 18, 2009.
36 Johnson, Scott. Caterpillar, Inc. “Equipment Spotlight,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
37 Joint Service and Pollution Prevention Sustainability Library, “About Time to Switch out your Transformers? Go Green!” January 2008, (accessed March 5, 2010).
38 KYA Design Group, and State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation. Honolulu International Airport Sustainable High Performance Guidelines (SHPG), February 2009, (accessed July 23, 2009).
39 Los Angeles World Airports. Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Sustainable Airport Planning, Design and Construction Guidelines, April 2009, Airport PDC Guidelines Jan08.pdf (accessed July 23, 2009).
40 McEvoy, Thomas, High Concrete Group. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
41 Minneapolis 311, the City of Minneapolis Anti-Idling Vehicle Ordinance. “Anti-Idling Vehicle Ordinance – Fact Sheet,” August 2008, (accessed February 3, 2010).
42 National Association of Home Builders Research Center, Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, Toolbase Services. “Technology Inventory: Accelerating Awareness of Housing
Innovations,” 2008,, (accessed February 11, 2010).
43 National Institute of Building Sciences, Whole Building Design Guide. “Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers,” July 2007, (accessed February 10,
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
44 National Lime Association. Using Lime for Soil Stabilization and Modification (March 2001), (accessed July 24, 2009).
45 Nasvik, Joe. “3-D Laser Scanning,” Concrete Construction Magazine, July 1, 2007, (accessed April 9, 2010).
46 Nelis, Patricia, Salt Lake City Department of Airport. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
47 North Carolina Radon Program. “Radon Resistant New Construction,” January 25, 2006, (accessed March 9, 2010).
48 O’Donnell, Jayne, Turner Construction Company. Interview conducted in November 2009.
49 Oberhelman, Doug. Caterpillar, Inc. “Overview of the Current Global Economy,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
50 Parker, Cynthia, David Hansley, and Kate O’Malley, City of Phoenix Aviation Department. Interview conducted on November 10, 2009.
51 Peacock, Steven S., Dallas Department of Aviation. Interview conducted on November 13, 2009.
52 Pearce, Annie R., Virginia Tech University. Interview conducted on December 7, 2009.
53 Port of Portland. Construction Master Specifications, October 2008, Eng_Specs.aspx (accessed July 21, 2009).
54 Poudre School District. Sustainable Design Guidelines for the Construction of New Facilities and the Renovation of Existing Structures, June 2005,
downloads/plan_design_and_construction/sustainable_design_guidelines_2005.pdf (accessed July 23, 2009).
55 Pulaski, Michael H. and The Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence Research Team. Pennsylvania State University & the Pentagon Renovation and Construction Program Office,
Field Guide for Sustainable Construction, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, June 2004, (accessed July 21, 2009).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

56 Riley, David R., Pennsylvania State University Lean & Green Research Initiative. Interview conducted on December 2, 2009.
57 Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance. “Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance Sustainability Program Database,” 2009,, Version 10/09/09 (accessed
November 2009).
58 Salt Lake City Department of Airports, “Making the Business Connection to Airport Sustainability,” Carter & Burgess, Inc., Final, 2007,
(accessed July 23, 2009).
59 Sanctuary Magazine, Australia’s Leading Environmental Homes. “The Low-Down on Downlights,” Issue 4, 2009,
downlights (accessed February 15, 2010).
60 Shank, Paul L., P.E., C.M., Maryland Aviation Administration. Interview conducted on November 18, 2009.
61, Center for Watershed Protection, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, USDA, USGS). “Porous Pavements,” February 7, 2005, (accessed February 15, 2010).
62 Tommelein, Iris D., University of California, Berkeley. Interview conducted on November 30, 2009.
63 United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Reference Guide for Existing Buildings, Version 2.0, October 2006.
64 United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). 2009 Green Building Rating System for New Construction & Major Renovation, 2009.
65 Warkoski, Jeffrey, Reynolds, Smith & Hill. Interview conducted on November 16, 2009.
66 Waste & Resources Action Programme. Reducing Material Wastage in Construction, October 2007,
Construction.0b1e535f.4711.pdf (accessed January 7, 2010).
67 Waste & Resources Action Programme. Construction Procurement Guide, March 2009, fffc9b6c.6736.pdf
(accessed January 7, 2010).
68 Williams, Christopher, Iowa State University, “Recycled Roof Shingles in Hot Mix Asphalt,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation (ICAT), Peoria, Illinois,

Collection Sorted by Construction Practice Categories

April 6, 2010.

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix A. (Continued).

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


AC – Air Conditioning MR – Materials and Resources

ACQ – Ammoniacal Copper Quaternary MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets
ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers MSP – Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
ASTM – American Society for Testing of Materials NESHAP – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
BMP – Best Management Practices NiCad – Nickel-Cadmium
BOS – Boston Logan International Airport NOx – Nitrogen oxides
BWI – Baltimore-Washington International Airport ONT – Ontario International Airport
CARB – California Air Resources Board ORD – O’Hare International Airport
CCA – Chromate Copper Arsenate OSB – Oriented-Strand Board
CFC – chlorofluorocarbon OSHA – Occupational, Health and Safety Administration
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

CLF – Compact Fluorescent Lighting PBI – Palm Beach International Airport

CFR – Code of Federal Regulations PBT – Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
CRI – Carpet and Rug Institute PCB – Polychlorinated biphenyl
CRRC – Cool Roof Rating Council PCCP – Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe
DAL – Dallas Love Field Airport PDX – Portland International Airport
dB – decibel PMD – Los Angeles/Palmdale Regional Airport
DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
DEN – Denver International Airport RBD – Dallas Executive Airport
DFW – Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport RFP – Request for Proposal
DOC – Diesel Oxidation Catalysts RFQ – Request for Qualifications
EA – Energy and Atmosphere RMA – Rubber Modified Asphalt
EGGD – Bristol International Airport RR – Rapidly Renewable
EGKK – London Gatwick Airport SCAQMD – South Coast Air Quality Management District
EMAS – Engineered Materials Arresting System SCDA – Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents
EMS – Environmental Management System SESC – Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
EONS – Economics, Operational, Natural Resources, and Social SFO – San Francisco International Airport
EPS – Expanded Polystyrene SIP – Structural Insulated Panels
ETS – Environmental Tobacco Smoke SLC – Salt Lake City International Airport
F45 – North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport (Florida) SPCC – Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration SRI – Solar Reflectance Index
FSC – Forest Stewardship Council SS – Sustainable Sites
GHG – Greenhouse Gas STL – Lambert-St. Louis International Airport
GGBF – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace SWPPP – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
GPS – Global Positioning System TDF – Tire-Derived Fuel
HCFC – hydrochlorofluorocarbon TMA – Transportation Management Association
HDPE – High Density PolyEthylene TPO – Thermoplastic Olefins
HECA – Cairo International Airport TVY – Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley Airport (Utah)
HEPA – High Efficiency Particulate Air U42 – South Valley Regional Airport (Utah)
HPS – High Pressure Sodium ULSD – Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
HNL – Honolulu International Airport USDOE – U.S. Department of Energy
HVAC – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning USEPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
IAQ – Indoor Air Quality USGBC – U.S. Green Building Council
ICF – Insulating Concrete Form VCP – Vitrified Clay Pipes
ID – Innovation in Design VNY – Van Nuys Airport
IEQ – Indoor Environmental Quality VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds
LAX – Los Angeles International Airport WBDG – Whole Building Design Guide
LCA – Life Cycle Assessment WE – Water Efficiency
LED – Light-Emitting Diode WRAP – Waste Resource Action Programme
LEED® – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design XPS – Extruded Polystyrene
LEED® AP – LEED Accredited Professional YYZ – Toronto Pearson International Airport
LGAV – Athens (Eleftherios Venizeolos) International Airport
LNA – Palm Beach County Park Airport (West Palm Beach, Florida)
MBE – Minority Business Enterprise
MERV – Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
MH – Metal Halide
MKE – General Mitchell International Airport
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices


Collection Sorted by Construction

Implementation Stage Categories


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Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. Sustainable construction practices organized by construction implementation phase.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Sustainability Goals
Create and follow a sustainable May help improve the 2
Establishes that a Determined by goals. May
vision/mission statement that Widely varies on detail and community's view of the
project/airport has an have operational and/or
goals. airport if part of an outreach
incorporates construction practices. environmental focus. cost implications.
Establish an airport-specific 55
rating/ranking system in conjunction Helps achieve
Markets the specific
with the airport sustainability guidance environmental objectives.
Could be tied to cost savings Determined by goals. May sustainable practices and
manual. Provide rewards (certificates LAX, ONT, Encourages other
generated by practices have operational and/or related EONS benefits on a
VNY, PMD contractors to improve their
of achievement, financial incentives, employed. cost implications. local, national, and
sustainability efforts to
etc.) for contractors who meet and or international level.
achieve recognition.
exceed sustainability goals.
May help improve the 3
Require that conceptual plans/criteria community's view of the
Determined by goals. May
documents outline sustainability goals, If anticipated early on, costs Incorporates environmental airport if part of an outreach
have operational and/or
may be reduced. aspects into each project. program. May affect the ability
objectives, and potential achievements. cost implications.
for minority/DBE contractors
to meet requirements.
May increase initial costs of 64
a project. If anticipated early
on, costs may be reduced. Pursue as early on in the
Pursue USGBC LEED® Certification as Achievement of LEED® project planning process as May help improve the
Provides third-party
applicable. Anticipate the LEED® SFO, BOS, Certification may result in possible. Determined by community's view of the
LEED® General verification of sustainable
ORD the identification of goals. Facilitates airport; good for public
process early-on. practice achievements.
additional sustainable documentation and relations.
practice opportunities and progress tracking.
provide positive life cycle
economic benefits.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Sustainability Goals
Establish project goals for recycled 2
content materials and identify material
suppliers that can achieve this goal.
Consider the following major building
components: aggregate in cast in place
concrete; fly ash in cast in place
concrete; bituminous concrete
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

pavement; unit pavers; steel

Most recycled content
reinforcement; structural steel;
products exhibit
miscellaneous steel; steel fencing and performance similar to May help improve the
furnishings; unit masonry; ductile iron Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR ORD, SLC, products containing only community's view of the
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
pipe; aluminum products; site Credit 4 U42, TVY virgin materials and can be airport if part of an outreach
virgin materials. during the design phase.
generated broken concrete for gabions; incorporated into projects program.
railroad rails; railroad ties; railroad track with minimal to no cost
base material; steel doors and frames;
aluminum doors and windows; plaster;
terrazzo; acoustical ceilings; drywall;
finish flooring including carpet, resilient
flooring, and terrazzo; toilet and shower
compartments; special furnishes;
equipment; sheet metal ductwork; site

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

To identify recycled content materials 39
available and common percentages,
include contact information in project
Most recycled content
specifications for reference and search
products exhibit
tools such as the Guide to Resource- performance similar to
Efficient Building Elements from the Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR LAX, ONT, products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Center for Resourceful Building Credit 4 VNY, PMD virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
Technology (, the incorporated into projects
Recycled Content Product Directory with minimal to no cost
from the applicable state integrated
waste management board and Oikos

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Sustainability Goals
Establish a goal for the minimum 19, 64
percentage of local/regional materials Regional building materials
and products that are manufactured are more cost effective for
projects due to reduced
regionally within a radius of 500 miles. Reduces the environmental
transportation costs. Supports the local economy
Identify the value of local/regional impacts resulting from
Consider early on in the Identify and specify and the use of indigenous
materials so that they can be compared transportation. It is also
MR design process, if possible, materials and material resources. Retains capital for
LEED® ORD important to discuss the
with of the total value of the materials in Credit 5 since research may be suppliers that can achieve the community, contributing to
source of raw materials
the task/project. (Manufacturing refers required to determine what the regional materials goal. a more stable tax base and a
used to manufacture
to the final assembly of components products can be sourced healthier local economy.
building products.
locally and realistically be
into the building product that is
expected to be purchased
furnished and installed by the for the project.
Since rapidly renewable 39, 64
materials may be harvested Rapidly renewable materials
May sustain a community
more quickly, they tend to are made from plants and Percent of rapidly
over a longer period than the
Establish an appropriate project goal give a faster payback on typically harvested within a renewable materials = total
MR LAX, ONT, steady and eventual depletion
LEED® investment for ten-year cycle. Reduces the cost of rapidly renewable
for renewable materials utilization. Credit 6 VNY, PMD of finite resources or the
manufacturers. As demand use and depletion of finite materials / total materials
degradation of a productive
increases, they are expected raw materials and long-cycle cost.
to become cost-competitive renewable materials.
with conventional materials.
Apply for national, state, and local Grant opportunities vary 39
competitive grants to support the Could impact the timing of
LAX, ONT, widely by state/federal and May enable further May involve DBE or
initiatives and reporting
selected sustainable construction VNY, PMD over time; may help offset environmental initiatives. community organizations.
practices. costs.
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
May reduce noise impacts on 39
May restrict type and
Require contractors to submit sound adjacent noise sensitive land
May reduce noise impacts timing of construction
reduction construction plans to mitigate May have cost and schedule uses. May reduce complaints
LAX, ONT, on adjacent noise sensitive operations. May minimize
implications; widely varies from the local community
construction noise and vibration VNY, PMD land uses and help reduce impacts on airport activities
on detail and goals. and/or improve the
impacts. vibration impacts. and landside passenger
community's view of the
Develop and implement an Helps meet regulatory 2
underground and/or above ground Helps avoid unexpected Improves safety and
requirements and protects Establishes procedures.
costs. awareness.
storage tank management plan. the natural environment.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Additional time and labor 19, 64
may be required to protect
and clean ventilation
systems and building
Develop and implement an Indoor Air spaces. Extends the lifespan Helps sustain the comfort and
Quality (IAQ) Management Plan for the IEQ Reduces IAQ problems
of the HVAC system, No applicable Research well-being of construction
LEED® Credit ORD resulting from the
construction and pre-occupancy improving ventilation Team Consideration. workers and building
3.1 construction process.
efficiency and reducing occupants.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

phases of the building.

energy use. If contaminates
remain they may lead to
expensive and complicated
clean up procedures.
Develop and implement a Construction 39
Dust Control Plan. The plan should
document wind patterns including
direction and velocity; show locations of
disturbed soil; include BMPs that will be
used for each disturbed soil location Adjust BMPs for dust
Widely varies on detail and
during each phase of construction; control based on Improves road safety and
LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes
Promotes awareness. meteorological conditions reduces dust. Protects air
provisions for BMP inspections and VNY, PMD part of standard operating
and the activity level of quality in the local community.
personnel training; and inspection and procedures.
disturbed soil.
record keeping forms, to be kept on-site
with the Dust Control Plan. The plan

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

should also include a tracking protocol
for implementation of the Dust Control
Reduces energy 2
Depending on scope, may
consumption. Depending on scope, may
require some up-front cost to
Develop and implement an energy Environmental benefits will require operational May reduce energy demand
implement (e.g., new
vary based on local source changes and training of and costs in the local
conservation/efficiency plan. equipment); typically results
of electricity, i.e., coal, employees and community.
in operational savings,
natural gas, nuclear, contractors.
reducing energy costs.
renewable, etc.
Establish a hazardous waste May help avoid expensive 24
May require specialized
management plan for all storage and costs associated with Minimizes contamination of May minimize construction
containment and
MKE hazardous waste accidents. soil, water, and other worker exposure to hazardous
operational use of hazardous materials, operational conditions;
Address regulatory resources. wastes.
including battery collection. requires staff training.
Develop and maintain a Soil Erosion 2, 38
Widely varies on detail and Ensures that soil, sand,
and Sedimentation Control (SESC) goals; less so as it becomes gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
plan consistent with EPA Document SS
part of standard operating are not carried away via reducing erosion can May protect water quality in
LEED® Prerequi HNL, ORD
No. EPA 832/R-92-005 (Sept. 1992), procedures. Can avoid runoff - affecting plants and minimize delays due to the local community.
site 1
Stormwater Management for unexpected and potentially animals in receiving unforeseen events.
Construction Activities, Chapter 3. large costs. waterbodies.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
May require additional 9
upfront costs; may keep
May require additional staff
operations costs to a Promotes internal awareness,
Perform an erosion control study for the training. Can help
minimum. May avoid future May help prevent erosion communication and
DEN streamline operations if soil
stabilization of soils. costs associated with non- and protect water quality. education. May protect water
conditions are thoroughly
compliance as regulated by quality in the local community.
local governmental
Widely varies on detail and 2
Helps meet regulatory
goals; less so as it becomes
Develop and implement a Stormwater requirements and protects
part of standard operating
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for SS the natural environment.
procedures. May avoid Helps meet regulatory Protects the water quality in
LEED® Credit BOS Ensures that
construction activities. Inspect the site future costs associated with requirements. the local community.
6.1 contaminates/debris/materia
frequently to ensure compliance. non-compliance as regulated
ls are not carried off-site
by local governmental
through stormwater.
Widely varies on detail and 2
Prepare a spill prevention and goals; less so as it becomes Can help to minimize Protects the water quality in
countermeasure control (SPCC) plan part of standard operating exposure of harmful Can avoid unexpected the local community. May
procedures. Can avoid substances/contamination to delays due to spill cleanup. minimize worker's exposure to
for construction activities. unexpected and potentially the environment. potentially harmful chemicals.
large contamination costs.
Develop a site-specific health and May increase project costs 39
safety plan that identifies all potential but could result in cost Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should
hazards and steps taken to mitigate VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
and increased safety reduce injuries.
accidents. awareness.
Consider the reuse of 18
earthwork/soil for another Excess airport earthwork
Develop a balanced earthwork plan Conserves natural project. Avoid 'double- could be donated or sold at a
and keep as much excavated earth on- resources. Reduces hauling' of materials. reduced cost to the
site as possible to reduce off-site May reduce hauling, roadway congestion, energy Inventory of soils may community. Reduced off-site
disposal, and fuel costs. use and emissions. May streamline the reuse of soil hauling could reduce
hauling. Develop an inventory of topsoil avoid having to haul new airport-wide. Site temporary construction-
for potential re-use. material to the site. management to avoid related traffic in the
erosion and dust is surrounding community.
Require detailed site access plans for 55
all milestone stages of work that Costs are minimized as it Promotes internal awareness,
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts. May require staff training. communication and
minimize impervious site effects during
operating procedures. education.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Facilitates project staging 39
of materials, and material
Better material sharing. Could reduce
Develop a detailed lay- Reduced off-site hauling could
LAX, ONT, management. May reduce construction-related
Reduces the demand for reduce traffic in the
down/sequencing plan. VNY, PMD hauling, disposal, and fuel temporary impacts surface
raw materials. surrounding community.
costs. transportation as vehicles
would make fewer trips off-
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Require contractors to submit a pre- 2, 38,
Reduces requirement for
construction plan to use recycled oil, Must educate employees 39
disposal of used oil.
nontoxic lubricants, and other Cost widely varies on detail and contractors, establish May help improve the
HNL; LAX, Reduces environmental
environmentally friendly maintenance and goals; less so as it procurement policy and community's view of the
ONT, VNY, impact associated with
becomes part of standard procedures, implement airport if part of an outreach
agents during construction. The plan PMD drilling, pumping,
operating procedures. procedures for recycling program.
should also stipulate when and how transporting and refining
used oil can be recycled. crude oil.
Conserves natural 39, 64
May streamline the
resources. Reduces
quantification and
materials that are sent to the Reduced off-site hauling could
Require contractors to develop a waste HECA, organization of materials
landfill and the reduce temporary
management plan that contains waste ORD, LAX, on-site, potentially reducing
environmental impacts of construction-related traffic in
targets; an estimate of the waste to be ONT, VNY, Potential cost savings from impacts to airport
MR producing new construction the surrounding community.
LEED® PMD, reduced material hauling, operations. Essential for
generated on site; actions to reduce Credit 2 products and materials. The Salvageable and/or recyclable
EGGD, disposal fees, and fuel costs. quantifying and organizing
waste; and actions to avoid waste reuse of materials on-site waste could be donated or
EGKK, materials on-site during

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

going to a landfill. may reduce off-site hauls, sold at a reduced cost to the
LGAV demolition. Facilitates
decreasing emissions, local community.
resource sharing among
energy consumption, and
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Request for Proposals/Request for Qualifications
Use web directories and links; web Make 2
based document sharing; web based
Widely varies on detail and available online and/or part
procurement process – Request for goals; less so as it becomes of the bid advertisement
Qualifications/ Request for Proposals part of standard operating process. Improves the flow Enables flow of information to
Reduces paper usage.
(RFQ/RFP), notices/ advertisements; procedures. May reduce of information. Facilitates additional persons.
electronic submittal forms/templates; printing, postage, and tracking and reporting;
and electronic/digital document administrative costs. maximizes teamwork,
transparency, and
processes to reduce paper needs.
information sharing.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Request for Proposals/Request for Qualifications

Send the selected contractor the 3
sustainability requirements (guidance, Improves internal
specifications, tracking forms, LEED® communication and
If anticipated early on, costs Incorporates environmental May help streamline the
awareness. Facilitates
requirements, etc.) prior to the pre- may be reduced. aspects into each project. project process.
tracking and reporting to the
construction and/or project kickoff public.
Provides job opportunities for 3
Conduct contractor job fairs for Creates awareness, Facilitates the flow of
Facilitates a competitive bid the local and regional
upcoming airport projects. Publish especially on the contractor information and may help
process. Creates project community. Promotes
level, of environmental goals expedite the selection
updates on the airport's website. awareness. awareness, communication,
and objectives. process.
and educational opportunities.
Facilitates a competitive bid 3
Conduct contractor open houses to process. Creates project Creates awareness, Facilitates the flow of May help provide
describe upcoming projects and awareness. Helps make especially on the contractor information and may help opportunities for the
sure procurement level, of environmental goals expedite the selection involvement of MBEs, small
sustainability requirements. requirements are met for and objectives. process. and/or local businesses.
MBEs and DBEs.
Use contractor open houses to survey Ensures contractors can 3
Facilitates the flow of May help provide
attendees about their sustainability Ensures contractors can achieve the environmental
information and may help opportunities for the
comply with project objectives (e.g., Tier
knowledge, experience, and ability to meet sustainability involvement of MBEs, small
provisions. compliance of construction
comply with sustainability provisions. requirements. and/or local businesses.
Utilize community job fairs 20
Employ local construction workers to and contractor open houses Provides job opportunities for
decrease disruption caused to local to ensure a local pool of the local and regional
Reduces emissions, noise, No applicable Research
construction workers. community. Promotes
communities by commuters and to and roadway congestion. Team Consideration.
Reduces expenses from awareness, communication,
provide local economic benefits. having to travel long and educational opportunities.
Contract with a mix of general Contractor should be 39, 43,
contractors and subcontractors with familiar with Environmental This will help create an 55
sustainability experience and/or Management Systems appropriate sustainable
Could result in additional
knowledge (e.g., LEED®-accredited (EMSs) (ISO 14001 attitude amongst all May help improve the
project costs, but may be
staff). Sustainability consulting services LAX, ONT, Standard) and have contractors. A list of community's view of the
worthwhile if extensive
VNY, PMD familiarity with the USGBC- contractors who are airport; good for public
shall be provided by an organization sustainable practices are
LEED® green building rating members of the USGBC relations.
with a minimum of 3-5 years being implemented.
program and a successful can be found at
experience on projects of similar size history of completed LEED®
and scope. projects.
Selecting contractors that 3
Require that contractors have a Creates awareness of
understand the concepts of May help improve the
published corporate sustainability environmental focus; helps Ensures that contractors
sustainability may facilitate community's view of the
ensure that selected have some familiarity with
policy. Evaluate the policy during the the achievement of airport; good for public
contractors are passionate sustainability concepts.
RFP/RFQ process. sustainability requirements, relations.
about sustainability.
reducing project costs.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Request for Proposals/Request for Qualifications
Use subcontractors with "in house" Could result in additional 55
fabrication capabilities to increase the May reduce number of
upfront project costs if the May improve operational
awareness of waste reduction and May reduce environmental deliveries and waste haul
capabilities are specialized issues with delivery of
impacts. trips, reducing impacts to
provide more control over delivery with few competitors, but materials.
surrounding community.
schedules. may reduce life cycle costs.
Design-build contracts 55
and/or performance based
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

fee incentives may not be

Use only design-build contractors with May increase project costs, Encourages contractors to Encourages contractors to
allowed by the contracting
performance based fee incentives to but could also be tied to cost actively pursue and actively pursue and
agency(ies). Encourages
savings generated by any implement sustainable implement sustainable
encourage innovative sustainability contractors to actively
innovative practices practices, which may result practices, which may result in
solutions. pursue and implement
employed. in environmental benefits. social benefits.
sustainable practices,
which may result in
operational benefits.
Include recycling requirements and 2, 9
other sustainable practices in technical May enhance recycling May require additional staff
HNL, DEN, Increased recycling efforts Educates construction
specifications to help convey activities and thus reduce training to explain
LAX, ONT, may reduce disposal costs. workers and identifies that
the emissions from hauling, procedures and
expectations to contractors; this may VNY, PMD, Clearly specifies contractor sustainability is a priority at
the traffic impacts, and the requirements to
include providing environmental ORD responsibilities. the airport.
consumption of fossil fuels. contractors.
planning checklists to contractors.
Incorporate commissioning 64
Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

requirements into construction
documents. Have a contract in place to EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
LAX, ONT, May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
implement best practice commissioning VNY, PMD productivity.
site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
procedures and tie payment to contractor callbacks. requirements.
completion of the contract.
May reduce 39
Include in all contract documents the Helps to avoid unexpected materials/components that
minimum quantities of excess materials The contractor should
costs associated with over- are sent to the landfill and Reduced material hauling
that will be accepted for return by the LAX, ONT, avoid under-ordering
ordering materials; may the environmental impacts could reduce traffic in the
VNY, PMD materials, which could
vendor and the required conditions of reduce costs of hauling to of producing new surrounding community.
result in operational delays.
such material. landfills. construction products and
Work with contracts Stresses that construction 66
If using a waste contractor, verify that Ensures contractors are
administration; ensures Ensures contractors are waste management is a
their waste licenses are relevant and up aware and up-to-date on
contractors are familiar with familiar with current priority at the airport; helps
current regulatory practices
to date. current standards and standards and practices. ensure contractors are honest
and requirements.
practices. and experienced.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Policies, Contracts, and Specifications

Request for Proposals/Request for Qualifications
Require electronic submittals to 39
minimize or eliminate printed copies of Reduces costs from storage
reports and other submittals. Negotiate and handling multiple copies Can still maintain printed Facilitates
electronic/paperless submittals and LAX, ONT, Substantially reduces paper
of documents; facilitates copies in a central location access/transparency and
VNY, PMD used in multiple submittals.
change orders into construction access and distribution; to facilitate use/review. distribution.
contracts (require electronic facilitates record keeping.
Establish an FSC-certified wood 2, 64
products goal and identify suitable
suppliers. This includes, but is not Encourages environmentally
Respects indigenous people's
limited to: structural framing and responsible forest
rights and adheres to
general dimensional framing, flooring, management. Irresponsible
Cost of FSC-certified wood applicable laws and treaties.
finishes, furnishings, and non-rented forest practic es result in
MR is equal to or higher than No applicable Research Preserves forestland for future
LEED® SFO, ORD destruction of forests and
temporary construction applications Credit 7 conventional wood products Team Consideration. generations. Benefits
wildlife habitat, soil erosion
such as bracing, concrete form work and varies by region. responsible forest workers
and stream sedimentation,
and pedestrian barriers. Wood-based and forest-dependent
water and air pollution, and
materials and products should be waste generation.
compared with the total value of the
materials in the task/project.
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Training and Human Resources
Widely varies on detail and 3
Identify sustainability reporting goals; less so as it becomes Compliance ensures
(submittal) and performance Compliance ensures
part of standard operating realization of operational Compliance ensures
requirement milestones (e.g., at project realization of environmental
procedures. Compliance benefits established in realization of social benefits
benefits established in
start-up, monthly, and at project ensures realization of contracts. Clarifies established in contracts.
completion). economic benefits requirements upfront.
established in contracts.
As part of the pre-construction meeting 39
(or other similar meeting), hire an
inspector/construction sustainability
liaison to the owner (potentially a
Helps track sustainability
LEED® AP) to work on sustainability Could result in additional
goals, accomplishments, and
training in conjunction with project and project costs, but may be Helps ensure that the
ID Credit LAX, ONT, Helps achieve lessons learned. May help
LEED® worthwhile if extensive contractor is following
site managers. Introduce the selected 2 VNY, PMD environmental goals. improve the community's view
sustainable practices are sustainability requirements.
inspector to the construction team and of the airport if part of an
being implemented.
allow them to have an introductory outreach program.
question and answer session. Require
regular meetings (weekly or monthly)
with the sustainability liaison.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Training and Human Resources
Include educational training on Ensures project team 19, 39
sustainability objectives established for ORD, LAX, Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
the project team as part of the initial Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
ONT, VNY, achieve environmental sustainability requirements
achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
project planning meeting and PMD objectives. in their daily responsibilities
throughout the project. and assignments.
Provide posters, flyers, and exhibit 35
Creates awareness at a Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

boards displaying LEED®/sustainability May help streamline the

LEED® General minimal initial cost; may help achieve environmental internal and external
requirements and processes for project process.
achieve cost objectives. objectives. communication.
Assign one or more project team Creates awareness; helps 39
members on the construction team to achieve cost objectives. Expedites the LEED®
Creates awareness of Promotes internal awareness
take the LEED® Professional ID Credit SFO, BOS, Requires an upfront cost for process. Pursue early on in
LEED® environmental focus and of LEED® requirements on
2 ORD the exam and preparatory the project planning
Accreditation Exam, if not already benefits. the project team.
materials. Helps achieve process.
accredited. LEED® points.
Ensures project team 19
Provide training on the airport's members are incorporating
sustainable planning, design and sustainability requirements
construction guidelines, including their Creates awareness; helps in their daily responsibilities
Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
ORD achieve environmental and assignments. Utilize
basis, the parties responsible for using achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
objectives. these forums to capture
the guidelines, and the sustainable ideas on how to further

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

rating system. improve sustainability
Develop a strategic human capital Reduction in employee 39
Reduction in employee Provides job opportunities for
retention and development plan in turnover and identification
turnover and identification of the local and regional
conformance with the overall project LAX, ONT, No applicable Research of skilled labor needs early
skilled labor needs early on community. Promotes
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. on will help ensure
plan, organizational needs, and will reduce project delays awareness, communication,
construction proceeds
changing business needs. and costs. and educational opportunities.
according to schedule.
Ensures that construction 39
Make sure that all contractors and Promotes site safety and
May help prevent costly site traffic follows designated
subcontractors have been briefed on Promotes site safety and establishes traffic patterns;
LAX, ONT, disturbance; routes to minimize
establishes traffic patterns may reduce off-site traffic
access road and staging area VNY, PMD briefings/meeting may have unnecessary site
for the construction site. congestion and impacts to
locations. minor cost implications. disturbance and traffic
surrounding roads.
Provide training for construction Costs of training and 39
workers and signage for facility users LAX, ONT, signage are minimal; Promotes awareness. Promotes internal awareness
Requires staff training.
instructing them on how they can help VNY, PMD education may lower water Conserves water. and communication.
reduce water use. use bills.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Training and Human Resources
Identify an individual to lead the 64
commissioning process early on. The
commissioning authority should review Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the
and oversee the completion of EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
commissioning process activities, have LAX, ONT, May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
VNY, PMD productivity.
documented experience in at least 2 site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
building projects, and should be contractor callbacks. requirements.
independent of the project design and
construction management team.
Applies consistent and 66
Allocate personal responsibility for on- Consistent and Consistent knowledge and
understanding of Reduced off-site hauling could
site waste reduction (e.g. appoint a knowledgeable application of understanding of
applicable standards, reduce traffic in the
standards and specifications environmental across all
Waste Manager). practices, tracking and surrounding community.
across all projects. projects.
reporting across all
Most recycled content 39
products exhibit
Provide fact sheets to designers that performance similar to
include available recycled content Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR LAX, ONT, products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
materials and the organization's target Credit 4 VNY, PMD virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
for each material. incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
May reduce 52
Ensure that the construction manager materials/components that
understands the demolition are sent to the landfill. The
Could reduce temporary
requirements and properly sets up the reuse of materials on-site Reduced off-site hauling could
May reduce hauling, negative impacts to surface
may eliminate off-site reduce traffic in the
demolition process to identify and disposal, and fuel costs. transportation if vehicles
transportation and thus surrounding community.
organize materials according to how make fewer trips off-site.
decrease construction
they can be reused and/or recycled. vehicle emissions and
energy consumption.
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Conduct preconstruction and/or project 3
kickoff meetings with sustainability Creates awareness; helps Improves internal
Ensures sustainability is
requirements included on the agenda. achieve cost objectives. Creates awareness; helps communication and
considered at the start and
Helps contractors achieve environmental awareness; facilitates
Communicate sustainability goals and continued through the
understand and comply with objectives. compliance with tracking
requirements at pre-bid, bid, and project.
sustainability requirements. requirements.
project start.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Establish industry peer review groups Provides environmental Provides operational 3
Potential cost savings from Promotes awareness,
to provide input and experiences of benefits from sharing benefits from sharing
sharing information and communication, and
information and learning information and learning
sustainable construction practices. learning from others. educational opportunities.
from others. from others.
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
May reduce equipment 55
leasing costs or the number
Share construction equipment with of contractors required to
Requires greater logistical
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

other contractors. List equipment own or lease equipment, Reduces the impact of
Reduces transportation coordination between
available for use on a communal who would pass that cost on delivery vehicles on local
requirement, reducing contractors, which could
to the airport. Reduces streets. May negatively
website, display boards/posters, and/or emissions and requirement negatively impact
transportation requirement, impact jobs at equipment
hold a meeting with all contractors to for fossil fuels. schedule. Consider liability
reducing costs. Must manufacturers.
discuss available equipment. issues.
consider cost sharing
agreements and liability
Establish a “green meetings” policy that LAX, ONT, Minimal or negligible costs to Reduces use of paper and Establishes consistent Include as part of community 39
minimizes the use of printed materials. VNY, PMD implement. other materials. protocols. outreach program.
Use conference calls, web-based Examples include: 19
conferences and programs instead of Conserves natural
in-person meetings when possible to Reduces costs for materials resources and reduces Reduces emissions from air
ORD LiveMeetings,
and travel. energy use and emissions travel.
reduce printed materials and to reduce GoToMeetings, Webinars,
from travel.
emissions from transportation. and others.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Marketing and Community Outreach
Conduct an industry forum/conference 3, 39
to share and learn about sustainable Use industry conferences, Markets the specific
construction practices (engage other Raises awareness; potential Creates awareness of annual reports, websites, sustainable practices and
cost savings from learning environmental focus and presentations, press related EONS benefits on a
contractors, the local community, and VNY, PMD
from others. benefits. releases, articles in trade local, national, and
construction and aviation industries). journals, etc. international level.
Conduct tours of the construction site.
Create and implement a policy or code 20
of practice regarding considerate
behavior. At a minimum it should Facilitates compliance; may Ensure this policy is
cover: relations with neighbors; Emphasizes the importance
help avoid potentially communicated to all of the Creates internal and external
of meeting sustainability
communications to neighbors; good expensive project delays appropriate people working communication.
housekeeping; presentation of the site; and legal issues. on the project.
relations with other stakeholders; and
complaints procedures.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
As a courtesy, notify neighbors prior to 17
starting a job that will create noise.
Communication with neighbors can Ensure this policy is Facilitates communication and
prevent complaints from arising and Facilitates compliance; may Emphasizes the importance
communicated to all of the awareness with adjacent land
help avoid potentially of meeting noise level
resolve concerns before there is a appropriate people working owners; may reduce overall
expensive project delays. requirements.
problem. Provide a phone number on the project. noise complaints.
where the foreman can be reached
prior to the start of the job.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Marketing and Community Outreach
Implement an unrestricted flow of traffic 39
control information between the Costs are minimized as it Communicate with all of Minimizes impact to local
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts. the appropriate people traffic and congestion;
contractor(s), the Construction VNY, PMD
operating procedures. working on the project. promotes awareness.
Coordination Office, and the public.
Coordinate with the appropriate 39
state/local transportation services to Costs are minimized as it
evaluate potentially vulnerable roadway LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Promotes awareness and
becomes part of standard Minimizes site impacts.
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. protects local roadways.
areas and avoid damage from operating procedures.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Work with local radio affiliates to traffic and congestion.
include construction updates during Requires close
Costs are minimized as it Increases awareness and Communication helps to
morning and afternoon traffic alerts. coordination between
ORD becomes part of standard compliance with noise and prepare the community,
contractors, the airport,
Announce construction traffic reports operating procedures. traffic control measures. reducing negative
and the public.
on local AM radio stations. consequences of public
Release a construction project outlook 27
Minimizes impact to local
report at the start of the construction traffic and congestion.
season to local media outlets to provide Costs are minimized as it Increases awareness and Communication helps to
advanced notice of any modifications to ORD becomes part of standard compliance with noise and Minimal time requirements. prepare the community,
existing streets and intersections and operating procedures. traffic control measures. reducing negative
provide information regarding truck haul consequences of public
routes in use. backlash.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Publish a landside construction traffic and congestion.
awareness brochure for construction- Marginal as compared to the Increases awareness and Communication helps to
ORD risk of negative public compliance with noise and Minimal time requirements. prepare the community,
related roadways closures, access
perception. traffic control measures. reducing negative
routes, detours, etc. consequences of public
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Construction Worker Health and Safety
May increase project costs 39
Appoint a health and safety manager but could result in cost Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should
for the construction site. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
and increased safety reduce injuries.
Require that all construction workers May result in cost savings Increases safety 39
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
from fewer injuries and awareness, which should
have proper safety certifications. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
increased safety awareness. reduce injuries.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Construction Worker Health and Safet y
Establish an emergency notification 39
program. Identify and display phone Increases awareness and
Increases awareness and Increases awareness and
numbers and driving directions to the LAX, ONT, preparedness for emergency No applicable Research
preparedness for preparedness for
VNY, PMD situations, which may result Team Consideration.
nearest hospital or emergency care emergencies. emergencies.
in financial benefit.
Determine conclusively if toxic dusts or 39
fumes exist or will enter breathing Reduces potential of harm to
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Identifies and reduces May cause some delays to

space during construction, especially LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm to construction workers, site
emissions of toxic work, but improves safety
VNY, PMD construction workers. personnel, customers, and
during renovation of buildings; take substances. of work environment.
corrective action if necessary.
Provide signs reminding workers of Reduces potential of harm to 39
long term health risks due to exposure Increases awareness and Increases awareness and
LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm to construction workers, site
compliance with dust control compliance with proper
to particulates and the unknown toxics VNY, PMD construction workers. personnel, customers, and
measures. dust control measures.
attached to particulates. public.

Communicate the hazards of IAQ May contribute to lowering Communicate with all of 39
LAX, ONT, Promotes awareness and
health insurance rates and Promotes awareness. the appropriate people
during health and safety meetings. VNY, PMD internal communication.
healthcare costs. working on the project.
Ensure that interior construction 43
operations aren't scheduled when May contribute to lowering May minimize worker's
Improves IAQ during May extend the duration of
health insurance rates and exposure to hazardous indoor
indoor air quality levels may be construction. the project.
healthcare costs. air pollutants.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Provide alternatives to 27
Publish an airfield construction Marginal as compared to risk
Provides advanced assist air traffic with
awareness brochure highlighting of negative public perception Minimize impact to air traffic.
notification of airfield operating as efficiently as
ORD and impact to air Allows airlines and ground
runway and taxiway closures due to closures, potential delays, possible within the
traffic/airlines, on-time crews to plan ahead.
construction activity. and construction noise. constraints imposed by
departures and arrivals.
Minimizes impact to local 27
Ensure proper placement traffic and congestion.
Display construction traffic information Marginal as compared to risk of signage to provide Communication helps to
Creates awareness; reduces
ORD of negative public advanced notification so prepare the community,
on signage near the airport. traffic congestion.
perception. that motorists can plan reducing negative
accordingly. consequences of public
May reduce fuel costs. 55
Clearly identify refueling stations for Consider May reduce minor refueling
demolition equipment, material haulers, Minimizes traffic impacts on
distributing/presenting a map Creates awareness. delays and avoid
and/or off the airfield.
and material lifts. of the location and the confusion.
desired route.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Policies, Contracts, and Specifications

Construction Worker Health and Safet y
Designate a hazardous waste 2
containment area and have a
hazardous waste inspector periodically Reduces construction May minimize construction
MR May reduce hauling, May involve several
LEED® STL worker and community worker and community
analyze the site. Also designate special Credit 2 disposal, and fuel costs. regulatory requirements.
exposure to waste. exposure to wastes.
construction waste containment areas
(medical, industrial, pollution).
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Compliance/Performance Monitoring
Develop and implement a program to 39
track and report sustainable Widely varies on detail and May help improve the
Determined by goals. May
construction goals and progress LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Incorporates environmental community's view of the
have operational and/or
VNY, PMD part of standard operating aspects into each project. airport if part of an outreach
achieved (e.g., a sustainability cost implications.
procedures. program.
management system).
Establish a document management Establishes consistent 2
system so that project files can be Initial start-up costs; saves document control
submitted and archived electronically No applicable Research Team
costs by reducing the Reduces the use of paper. protocols, improves record
by employees, consultants, and demand for paper. keeping, access and
contractors. distribution.
Develop and implement an Helps meet regulatory 2
Widely varies on detail and May help improve the
environmental management system DFW, requirements and in
goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve community's view of the
DEN; SFO, assigning responsibilities,
(EMS) that includes construction part of standard operating environmental goals. airport; good for public
SLC and helps with tracking and
projects. procedures. relations.
May help improve the 39
Prepare internal and external Helps meet sustainability
Helps ensure that the community's view of the
communication reports on sustainability LAX, ONT, Widely varies on detail and goals and facilitates
contractor is following airport; good for public
VNY, PMD goals. additional sustainable
performance of construction projects. sustainability requirements. relations. Helps promote
Communicate sustainability 20
Ensure that those directly responsible goals and requirements at
in the project have been informed of Helps meet sustainability pre-bid, bid, and project May help improve the
the environmental impacts and Widely varies on detail and goals and facilitates start. Inform contractors of community's view of the
goals. additional sustainable the environmental issues airport; good for public
associated social issues of their part practices. and social impacts during relations.
and/or stage of the project. the pre-construction
Develop detailed technical May help improve the 2
specifications and standards to community's view of the
Determined by goals. May
implement sustainable construction Widely varies on detail and Incorporates environmental airport if part of an outreach
have operational and/or
goals. aspects into each project. program. May affect the ability
practices; include these sustainability cost implications.
for minority/DBE contractors
specifications as part of contracts. to meet requirements.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Compliance/Performance Monitoring
Many online directories 3
and databases list product
Rapidly evolving field makes
descriptions of
it difficult to know what's
environmentally preferable
Use web-based, independent industry available - utilize available Consider working with local
products, and independent
resources in project specifications to unbiased information. For product benefits, seek communities or non-profit
MR research to ensure that
LEED® Examples include: unbiased research and organizations to develop,
maximize the use of sustainable Credit 4 product descriptions
GreenSpec from Building reviews. collect reliable product
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

materials and products. contain unbiased

Green, Inc. information.
information. Check for third
( and
party independent
Oikos (
validations of sustainable
Develop construction specifications for 43, 53
the airport using publicly accessible or
"free" tools and resources such as the May help improve the
National Institute of Building Sciences, community's view of the
Determined by goals. May
Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) Utilize available/existing free Incorporates environmental airport if part of an outreach
ORD have operational and/or
resources to minimize cost. aspects into each project. program. May affect the ability
Green Building Specs ( cost implications.
for minority/DBE contractors
and the Port of Portland's Master to meet requirements.
Construction Specifications website
Photographically document site 43
Submit (or require the

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

conditions prior to start of construction contractor to submit) a
operations (include aerial Indicate photographs
minimum (e.g., 20 Promotes awareness and
photographs). Take weekly demonstrating compliance Promotes awareness and
photographs on CD, documents compliance
with environmental and/or internal communication.
photographs throughout the entire formatted to ISO 9660) with with sustainable practices.
sustainable procedures.
project. Photographs shall be provided each application for
for unrestricted use by Owner. payment.
Engage the airport's 19
Establish a regular meeting schedule to construction and
Promotes awareness of
discuss sustainability progress (either Incorporate into the overall maintenance, tenants,
sustainability objectives/goals,
ORD sustainability management Creates awareness. airlines, local regulators,
as separate meetings or as an agenda especially if part of an
program. and/or FAA and US EPA
item on other meetings). outreach program.
representatives as
Could result in additional 39
project costs, but may be
Create a "construction sustainability worthwhile if extensive Establishes that a
coordinator" position or an "office of LAX, ONT,
sustainable practices are project/airport has an Assigns responsibility. Promotes awareness.
sustainability" within the organization. being implemented (e.g., environmental focus.
may expedite the LEED®
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Compliance/Performance Monitoring
Provides third-party 19
Form a "Green Team" responsible for Include members from
verification of sustainable
managing the integration of selected Can help identify potential across the organization to Helps promote internal
ORD practice achievements.
cost savings. facilitate integration and awareness.
sustainable construction practices. Helps achieve
environmental goals.
Tie sustainability reporting and Compliance ensures 18
performance requirements to monthly Emphasizes the importance realization of operational Compliance ensures
Negative cost implications
ORD of meeting sustainability benefits established in realization of social benefits
and project completion payments for non-compliance.
requirements. contracts. Clarifies established in contracts.
(invoices). requirements upfront.
Establish penalties for contractors who Compliance ensures 18
don't comply with sustainability Emphasizes the importance realization of operational Compliance ensures
Negative cost implications
ORD of meeting sustainability benefits established in realization of social benefits
reporting and performance for non-compliance.
requirements. contracts. Clarifies established in contracts.
requirements. requirements upfront.
Assign or hire a LEED® AP to review Creates awareness of Facilitates the flow of 39
information regarding sustainable ID Credit SFO, BOS, Can help identify potential Helps promote internal
LEED® environmental focus and information and helps meet
2 ORD cost savings. awareness.
concepts, practices, and submittals. benefits. submittal requirements.
Document all sustainable construction 39
activities to track progress at several
stages throughout the construction Helps track sustainability
process (e.g. checklists and progress Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
reports). Prepare interim progress LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating environmental goals. improve the community's view
reports to track and document any gaps sustainability requirements.
procedures. of the airport if part of an
that may occur in construction or outreach program.
documentation. Provide continual
feedback on sustainability performance.
Establish and monitor compliance with 17
a specified construction equipment
operation schedule. For example,
prohibit operating or causing the
operation of any tools or equipment May reduce noise impacts on
used in construction, drilling, repair, May reduce noise impacts May restrict type and
May have cost and schedule adjacent noise sensitive land
on adjacent noise sensitive timing of construction
alteration, or demolition work between implications. uses; may reduce noise
land uses. operations.
weekday hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., complaints.
and 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. on weekends or
holidays to prevent noise disturbances
across a residential or commercial real
property line.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)

Flag or otherwise mark all areas not to Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site 39
LAX, ONT, Establishes limits of
disturbance and potential disturbance and potential disturbance and potential dust
be disturbed by construction. VNY, PMD construction.
mitigation requirements. environmental impacts. emissions.
Policies, Contracts, and Specifications
Compliance/Performance Monitoring
May reduce noise impacts Creates a safer work site and 2
Establish construction vehicle speed No applicable Research on adjacent noise sensitive May improve safety of may reduce noise impacts on
limits to minimize noise and dust. Team Consideration. land uses and minimize dust construction operations. adjacent noise sensitive land
emissions. uses.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Specify strict site lighting criteria and Requires that employees 39

update periodically in conjunction with and contractors are trained Reduces light emissions on
seasonal daylight fluctuations to SS LAX, ONT, Reduces light emissions
LEED® Reduces energy costs. on lighting and are surrounding communities and
Credit 8 VNY, PMD and energy consumption.
maintain safe light levels while avoiding incentivized (if necessary) adjacent land uses.
off-site lighting and night sky pollution. to follow procedures.
May reduce 46
materials/components that
Provide contractors with a list of local May help provide
are sent to the landfill and
companies that reuse and recycle May reduce hauling, Update through periodic opportunities for the
the environmental impacts
disposal, and fuel costs. construction open houses. involvement of MBEs, small
materials. of producing new
and/or local businesses.
construction products and
Conduct an emissions inventory for all Helps identify emission 39
Depending on scope of Helps identify emission
construction activities based on known sources and where
LAX, ONT, project, emissions inventory No applicable Research sources and where mitigation
mitigation efforts should be
emissions sources, or based on land VNY, PMD may be fairly costly to Team Consideration. efforts should be concentrated
concentrated to reduce

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

use if details are not available. conduct. to reduce emissions.
Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality. 39
Develop a Tier compliant and retrofit quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts
program for construction vehicles (e.g., May require investment to particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
LAX, ONT, Provide retrofit allowances
upgrade vehicles and nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
retrofit all pre-Tier, Tier 1 and Tier 2 VNY, PMD for construction equipment.
equipment. hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
construction vehicles). monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. emission of GHGs.
Provide incentives to encourage that a Commute trips via Provide signs near the 64
minimum of 5 percent of construction SS Use airport funds raised alternative transportation construction site that
Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking to produce less air pollution indicate bicycling facilities
workers use bicycles for all or part of traffic and congestion.
4.2 encourage bicycle usage. than single occupant vehicle are available and display
their daily commute. commuting. their location.
Ensures comprehension of 39
Appoint an IAQ manager who will tasks; allows for May improve air quality within
identify problems and methods of LAX, ONT, May require additional staff streamlined operations - buildings. May minimize
LEED® Credit Raises awareness.
VNY, PMD training. identifying problems and worker's exposure to
mitigation. 3.1
providing quick mitigation potentially harmful chemicals.
will avoid delays.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
The EMAS concrete bed 23
Install an Engineered Materials
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

has to be periodically
Arresting System (EMAS) bed to meet Provides increased aircraft
maintained to ensure its EMAS beds require
FAA Runway Safety Area requirements safety on runway ends where
integrity, and reconstructed periodic maintenance and
ELM May have cost implications. it is impossible or difficult to
instead of impacting sensitive natural if damaged by weather may need reconstructed if
provide a standard Runway
resources or existing events or aircraft incidents – subjected to flooding.
Safety Area.
infrastructure/facilities. this may result in emissions
and material requirements.
Initial Project Scheduling
Plan the phases or stages of 39
construction to minimize exposure. Can control runoff and
Before site disturbance occurs, Can avoid costs of fines
capture sediments as site
perimeter controls, sediment traps, LAX, ONT, from violating regulations Consider the local climate May reduce impacts to water
disturbance occurs.
VNY, PMD from permitting agencies or and geology. quality in the local community.
basins, and diversions should be in Minimizes runoff into nearby
place to control runoff and capture water resources.
Evaluate projects and components on a 20
life cycle basis. Perform a life cycle
assessment (LCA) to assess the
environmental aspects and potential
impacts associated with a product,
May reduce the frequency
process, or service, by: 1) compiling an Consideration of the and duration of future
inventory of relevant energy and May reduce total life cycle Careful selection of
environmental costs and construction projects
material inputs and environmental costs (construction, products may reduce
benefits of the project may (minimizing temporary
operation, maintenance, and project waste and minimize
releases; 2) evaluating the potential reduce overall construction impacts on the
decommissioning). maintenance.
environmental impacts associated with environmental impacts. local community; e.g., noise
identified inputs and releases; and 3) levels and traffic impacts).
interpreting the results to make a more
informed decision. See the EPA's
website at for information
on managing and conducting a LCA.
May reduce materials/ May require flexibility to 39
components that are sent to provide on-site staging,
Coordinate recyclable collection LAX, ONT, May reduce hauling, the landfill and the storage, containment May facilitate use of local,
infrastructure with hauler capability. VNY, PMD disposal, and fuel costs. environmental impacts of areas. Helps avoid delays small businesses.
producing new construction during the removal of
products and materials. materials.
Adopt a "first-in, first-out" policy to Reduces waste from 55
prevent finish materials from becoming spoilage. Reduces Consider placement of Reduced transportation
Avoids cost of replacing
out-dated. The first materials delivered transportation impacts of materials and workflow to lowers the impact of delivery
spoiled or out-dated
removing spoiled materials ensure compliance with vehicles and waste haulers on
to the site are the first ones used on- materials.
and delivering replacement policy. local communities.
site. materials.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Initial Project Scheduling
Planning and coordinating 39
the materials ordering
processes on site prevents
Consider potential weather
cumulative over-ordering.
Closely coordinate deliveries of restraints (e.g., snow) or May add to local community
May reduce time-based Can increase transportation
construction materials with scheduled HNL, LAX, terrain hazards and the traffic levels if this practice
delivery fees. It may reduce related emissions if
ONT, VNY, delays they may cause. increases the number of
installation times to minimize vehicles costs associated with materials are not ordered in
PMD May also reduce the size of deliveries made on a project
installing or replacing bulk (e.g., several trips).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

queue times. the staging area and level.

damaged materials, but
materials storage areas.
could be more expensive
since items are not ordered
in bulk.
May help avoid unnecessary 39
soil compaction and prevent
Locate construction laydown areas and erosion. Ensures that soil, Increasing stability and
Helps avoid water
stockpiles on areas that will be paved LAX, ONT, sand, gravel, and other reducing erosion can May protect water quality in
contamination cleanup
VNY, PMD materials are not carried minimize delays due to the local community.
as part of the construction. costs.
away via runoff - affecting unforeseen events.
plants and animals in
receiving waterbodies.
Establish a schedule for when Requires that employees 39
construction lighting is required and and contractors are trained Reduces light emissions on
LAX, ONT, Reduces light emissions
Reduces energy costs. on lighting and are surrounding communities and
develop a policy to reduce lighting VNY, PMD and energy consumption.
incentivized (if necessary) adjacent land uses.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

when not needed. to follow procedures.
Identify efficient construction May result in extending 39
May reduce total emissions
scheduling and operations to mitigate LAX, ONT, May have schedule construction schedule to
over varying periods of time May reduce total emissions.
VNY, PMD implications. minimize emissions on a
air emissions. (daily or annual)
daily or annual basis.
Reduces noise pollution. 39
Reduces emissions, fuel Improves local air quality.
Ensure construction activities do not consumption, and the Reduces health impacts
Plan construction activities
require significant of vehicle idling LAX, ONT, environmental impact of associated with diesel
Lowers fuel costs. to reduce staging time of
VNY, PMD drilling, pumping, particulate matter including
times. construction equipment.
transporting, and refining asthma, bronchitis, and heart
crude oil. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of GHGs.
May help prevent soil 39
Limit traffic and staging locations to Helps avoid water compaction and erosion. Communicate with all of Minimizes health impacts
contamination cleanup costs Ensures that soil, sand, the appropriate people caused by dust and
areas that will be paved. VNY, PMD
and landscaping repairs. gravel, and chemicals are working on the project. particulate matter.
not carried away via runoff.
Provide a transportation plan to and Reduces land requirements; 39
Post display boards that Post display boards that
from the construction site that lists minimizes the number of
SS illustrate public illustrate public
available public transportation options, LAX, ONT, construction employee Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit transportation connection transportation connection
VNY, PMD spaces required (keeping traffic and congestion.
directions, fares, and any available 4.1 opportunities, routes, fares, opportunities, routes, fares,
spaces open for fee-based
discounts or airport incentives. and directions. and directions.
customer parking).
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Initial Project Scheduling
If possible, locate the construction 64
staging area (or shuttle bus locations)
If possible, work with a local Post display boards that
within a 0.5 mile walking distance of an Commute trips via Transit use decreases
Transportation Management illustrate the available
existing commuter rail or SS alternative transportation congestion on site and
Association (TMA) to shuttles and public
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution decreases traffic disruption
subway/elevated train station and/or develop alternative transportation connection
4.1 than single occupant vehicle and congestion in neighboring
within a 0.25 mile walking distance of transportation access opportunities, routes, fares,
commuting. areas.
one or more stops for two or more bus options. and directions.
If possible, work with a local Post display boards that 39
Coordinate with local and regional Commute trips via Transit use decreases
Transportation Management illustrate the available
transit authorities to advance multiple SS alternative transportation congestion on site and
LAX, ONT, Association (TMA) to shuttles and public
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution decreases traffic disruption
transit connection opportunities to the VNY, PMD develop alternative transportation connection
4.1 than single occupant vehicle and congestion in neighboring
construction site. transportation access opportunities, routes, fares,
commuting. areas.
options. and directions.
Coordinate carpooling to construction 2, 39
Reduces land requirements;
sites by setting up schedules and Commute trips via
minimizes the number of
incentives (such as preferential SS alternative transportation Use website schedules,
LAX, ONT, construction employee
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution meetings, and/or displays Decreases congestion on site.
parking) based on locations. Use VNY, PMD spaces required (keeping
4.4 than single occupant vehicle boards in common areas.
website schedules, meetings, and/or spaces open for fee-based
displays boards in common areas. customer parking).
Planning For Future Use
Reusing materials may 2
Can reduce
reduce the frequency and
Plan for potential uses for the structure Can reduce future building materials/components that
duration of future construction
and building components (consider costs by avoiding need to are sent to the landfill and Can reduce generation of
projects (minimizing
ORD purchase new components the environmental impacts future waste; facilitates
future value of materials and systems temporary construction
or having to remodel of producing new flexible use of space.
during selection). impacts on the local
buildings. construction products and
community; e.g., noise levels
and traffic impacts).
Reusing materials may 2
Can reduce
reduce the frequency and
materials/components that
Evaluate potential future uses for duration of future construction
Can reduce future building are sent to the landfill and Can reduce generation of
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing projects (minimizing
ORD costs by avoiding need to the environmental impacts future waste; facilitates
temporary construction
systems. purchase new components. of producing new flexible use of space.
impacts on the local
construction products and
community; e.g., noise levels
and traffic impacts).
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Design the HVAC system so that it is 2
easy to expand or downsize depending May decrease operational May reduce the duration of
May allow for easier
on the future need of the space. costs (e.g. energy) and May decrease energy future projects (minimizing
expansion, reducing future
capital costs (e.g. consumption by not over- temporary impacts on the
Specify flexible components of HVAC, impacts to airport
equipment) by optimizing for sizing components. local community; e.g., noise
electrical and fiber optics, and other operations.
current use. levels and traffic impacts).
Planning For Future Use
May reduce the duration of 2
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Design and install AC roof units so that May allow for easier
May avoid additional costs May reduce environmental future projects (minimizing
additional units may be placed if expansion, reducing future
associated with expanding impacts by eliminating need temporary impacts on the
impacts to airport
necessary in the future. AC roof units. for expansion of structures. local community; e.g., noise
levels and traffic impacts).
Design for current needs with the ability May decrease operational 2
to expand into the future. Do not costs (e.g. energy), May allow for easier May reduce future temporary
May ensure efficient energy
oversize components during the initial maintenance costs and expansion, reducing future construction impacts on the
consumption by not over-
capital costs (e.g. impacts to airport local community; e.g., noise
design phase to account for future sizing components.
equipment) by optimizing for operations. levels and traffic impacts.
build-out. current needs.
Design for additional temperature, May reduce the duration of 2
electrical, sprinklers and May allow for easier
future projects (minimizing
communication zones in a large space May minimize future costs to May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future
temporary impacts on the
meet changing needs. construction material. impacts to airport
so that future renovation work will have local community; e.g., noise
adequate services. levels and traffic impacts).

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

May reduce the duration of 2
Place entrances and corridors to May allow for easier
future projects (minimizing
spaces in such a way that future uses May decrease future May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future
temporary impacts on the
rehabilitation costs. construction material. impacts to airport
may utilize existing egresses. local community; e.g., noise
levels and traffic impacts).
Place windows in new construction May reduce the duration of 2
May allow for easier
projects with appropriate spacing for May decrease future future projects (minimizing
May reduce need for future expansion, reducing future
renovation costs to meet temporary impacts on the
future placement of dividers or construction material. impacts to airport
changing needs. local community; e.g., noise
permanent walls. operations.
levels and traffic impacts).
Consideration of the May reduce the duration of 2
Evaluate the structure and component May reduce total life cycle Careful selection of
environmental costs and future projects (minimizing
life cycle prior to purchasing costs (construction, products may reduce
benefits of the project may temporary impacts on the
operation, maintenance, and project waste and minimize
materials/equipment. reduce overall local community; e.g., noise
decommissioning). maintenance.
environmental impacts. levels and traffic impacts).
Create touchdown spaces or other 2
flexible and diverse workspaces to
enable expansion as well as ad-hoc Flexible workspaces may
May reduce the cost of May reduce need for future No applicable Research Team
increase efficient use of
collaborations and enhance future expansion projects. construction material. Consideration.
opportunities for efficient use of

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Identify at outset, organize 2
Identify salvage opportunities prior to
and monitor during
demolition activities to encourage construction, and establish
salvaged materials re-use (e.g., Potential cost-savings from Becomes potential asset to
MR Conserves natural staging and storage areas.
LEED® re-use on other projects or local community - consider
fencing, kiosks, parking curbs, signage, Credit 3 resources. Explore salvage markets
sale. sale or donation.
lighting, benches, floor tile, doors, local to the site for use in
windows, carpeting, HVAC, etc.). acquiring salvaged
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Policies and Regulations
Sustainability Training and Tracking
Establish an airport-specific 55
rating/ranking system in conjunction Helps achieve
Markets the specific
with the airport sustainability guidance environmental objectives.
Could be tied to cost savings Determined by goals. May sustainable practices and
manual. Provide rewards (certificates LAX, ONT, Encourages other
generated by practices have operational and/or related EONS benefits on a
VNY, PMD contractors to improve their
of achievement, financial incentives, employed. cost implications. local, national, and
sustainability efforts to
etc.) for contractors who meet and or international level.
achieve recognition.
exceed sustainability goals.
Require regular sustainability progress Helps track sustainability 39
reports during construction projects Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
(quarterly or at construction milestones) LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating environmental goals. improve the community's view
that indicate sustainability goals, sustainability requirements.
procedures. of the airport if part of an
accomplishments, and lessons learned. outreach program.
Use internal workshops or 15
Provide sustainable construction workshops available
training and awareness programs, through other
Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
presentations, workshops, and/or Creates awareness; helps organizations; for example,
DEN achieve environmental internal and external
achieve cost objectives. LEED® training workshops
meetings for contractors, airport staff, objectives. communication.
are available across the
the media, and the community. U.S. throughout the year.
Provide posters, flyers, and exhibit 35
boards displaying LEED®/sustainability Creates awareness at a Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
May help streamline the
LEED® General minimal initial cost; may help achieve environmental internal and external
requirements and processes for project process.
achieve cost objectives. objectives. communication.
Document all sustainable construction 39
activities to track progress at several
stages throughout the construction Helps track sustainability
process (e.g. checklists and progress Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
reports). Prepare interim progress LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating environmental goals. improve the community's view
reports to track and document any gaps sustainability requirements.
procedures. of the airport if part of an
that may occur in construction or outreach program.
documentation. Provide continual
feedback on sustainability performance.
Ensures project team 39
Link achievement of the construction Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
team's sustainability goals to LAX, ONT, Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
achieve environmental sustainability requirements
VNY, PMD achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
performance reviews of key personnel. objectives. in their daily responsibilities
and assignments.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Policies and Regulations
Community Outreach
Raises awareness; 2, 39
enhances the airport so that
it can continue to be an This will reduce delays during
economic generator and planning application, reduce
Conduct community partnering create additional economic the risk of environmental
programs by developing partnerships Creates awareness of
LAX, ONT, benefits for the community. No applicable Research protest during site works,
environmental focus and
with community groups, schools, and VNY, PMD Sharing resources may Team Consideration. enhance site community
provide cost savings for both relations and provide greater
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

local businesses.
the airport and the acceptance of the completed
community (e.g., sharing of scheme.
excess construction
Carefully plan and 39
Coordinate with local schools to coordinate airfield tours to Promotes awareness,
arrange for field trips or presentations ORD, LAX, Establishes that a
No applicable Research ensure they would not communication, and
ONT, VNY, project/airport has an
for education on sustainable Team Consideration. delay (or be delayed by) educational opportunities to
PMD environmental focus.
construction practices. airport operations and/or the local community.
construction projects.
Partner with universities and research 16
centers to evaluate, demonstrate, and Improves economic Promotes awareness,
Improves environmental Improves operational
SFO efficiency. May help attract communication, and
potentially market new sustainable efficiency. efficiency.
grant and industry funding. educational opportunities.
airport construction practices.
Helps assure the community 3

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Establish sustainable airport is involved in the project.
construction internships, stewardships, Provides added staff
Establishes that a Provides job opportunities and
and/or public education programs assistance and creates No applicable Research
project/airport has an career training for the local
research and educational Team Consideration.
(focus on low-income and diverse environmental focus. community. Promotes
populations). awareness, communication,
and educational opportunities.
Conduct an industry forum/conference 3, 39
to share and learn about sustainable Use industry conferences, Markets the specific
construction practices (engage other Raises awareness; potential Creates awareness of annual reports, websites, sustainable practices and
cost savings from learning environmental focus and presentations, press related EONS benefits on a
contractors, the local community, and VNY, PMD
from others. benefits. releases, articles in trade local, national, and
construction and aviation industries). journals, etc. international level.
Conduct tours of the construction site.
Establish industry peer review groups Provides environmental Provides operational 3
Potential cost savings from Promotes awareness,
to provide input and experiences of benefits from sharing benefits from sharing
sharing information and communication, and
information and learning information and learning
sustainable construction practices. learning from others. educational opportunities.
from others. from others.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Policies and Regulations
Health and Safety
May increase project costs 39
Participate in the Occupational Safety but could result in cost Increases safety
and Health Administration’s (OSHA's) LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
Voluntary Protection Programs. and increased safety reduce injuries.
May increase project costs 39
Conduct safety observations to ensure but could result in cost Increases safety
workers are abiding by the health and LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
safety plan. and increased safety reduce injuries.
Record and submit weekly reports 39
summarizing all safety incidences as May increase project costs
well as all events which may have but could result in cost Increases safety
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Increases safety awareness,
savings from fewer injuries awareness, which should
resulted in an accident and an VNY, PMD Team Consideration. which should reduce injuries.
and increased safety reduce injuries.
evaluation of what steps can be taken awareness.
to prevent those events in the future.
Use personal air monitoring systems to 55
inform construction workers of
hazardous environments. This Identifies and reduces May cause some delays to Reduces potential of harm to
Reduces potential of harm to
emissions of toxic work, but improves safety construction workers and site
technology can improve occupational construction workers.
substances. of work environment. personnel.
safety and health in the construction
Provide reusable or ventilated 39
masks/respirators for worker comfort Increases awareness and Increases awareness and Reduces potential of harm to
and health. Require construction LAX, ONT, Reduces potential of harm to
compliance with dust control compliance with proper construction workers and site
VNY, PMD construction workers.
workers to wear them when dust measures. dust control measures. personnel.
emissions are visible.
Monitor the site's daily and/or historic 3
air quality index level(s) via the EPA's
MyEnvironment Webpage. The desired
location is keyed in from the EPA Home Increases awareness and Increases awareness and Reduces potential of harm to
Reduces potential of harm to
compliance with dust control compliance with proper construction workers and site
Page ( under the section construction workers.
measures. dust control measures. personnel.
called "MyEnvironment." Water quality
and health risk updates can also be
accessed via this website.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Policies and Regulations
Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control
Increases site safety. 2
Depending on local
IEQ Removes tobacco smoke as Increases site safety and
Require all parts of the construction May reduce site cleanup regulations, the contracting
LEED® Prerequi a potential emission from eliminates exposure to
sites to be non-smoking. costs. agency(ies) may or may
site 2 the construction site. tobacco smoke.
not have the authority to
ban smoking on-site.
Increases site safety. 39
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

May reduce site cleanup Depending on local

Prohibit smoking within structures IEQ Increases site safety and
LAX, ONT, costs and prevent damage Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting
under construction and restrict smoking LEED® Prerequi limits exposure to tobacco
VNY, PMD of installed building smoke. agency(ies) may or may
on-site during construction. site 2 smoke.
components. not have the authority to
ban smoking on-site.
Provide a designated exterior smoking Increases site safety. 39
area (protected from the elements) that May reduce site cleanup Depending on local
IEQ Increases site safety and
is sufficiently distant from construction LAX, ONT, costs and prevent damage Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting
LEED® Prerequi limits exposure to tobacco
activities. Locate any exterior VNY, PMD of installed building smoke. agency(ies) may or may
site 2 smoke.
designated smoking areas away from components. not have the authority to
entries and operable windows. ban smoking on-site.
If an interior smoking area is 2
necessary, provide a designated Increases costs but limits
IEQ Increases site safety and
smoking room designed to effectively exposure to ETS; may Limits exposure to tobacco
LEED® Prerequi Increases site safety. limits exposure to tobacco
contain, capture, and remove ETS from prevent damage to installed smoke.
site 2 smoke.
the building using a separate ventilation building components.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Increases site safety. 19
Depending on local
Establish zero exposure of non- No applicable Research Limits exposure to tobacco regulations, the contracting Limits exposure to tobacco
LEED® Prerequi ORD
smokers to ETS. Team Consideration. smoke. agency(ies) may or may smoke.
site 2
not have the authority to
ban smoking on-site.
Construction Methods
Scheduling and Sequencing
Can reduce landfill hauls of 39
By preventing mold from
Expedite the completion of the building damaged
Helps avoid additional costs May minimize temporary growing, worker and occupant
envelope to minimize moisture materials/components. Also
LAX, ONT, associated with installing or airport activity delays and health can be preserved.
reduces the environmental
exposure to interior surfaces, thus VNY, PMD replacing damaged landside passenger traffic Reduced temporary traffic
impacts of producing new
minimizing the potential for mold. materials. delays. delays would benefit the
construction products and

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Methods
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Scheduling and Sequencing

Reduces extra handling and 34, 62
excessive labor. Can
reduce material costs by Reduces waste associated By reducing pressures to
ordering only what is needed with inventories and keep construction running
Use "lean construction" project
but may also increase defective products. Can at maximum production,
management practices (e.g., minimal transportation costs if increase transportation extensive intermediate May add to local community
inventory and "cradle to grave" project supplies are not ordered in related emissions if supplies inventories or “the waste of traffic levels if this practice
delivery). A lean construction bulk; the personnel in charge are not ordered in bulk (e.g. over production” can be increases the number of
production system delivers a custom of ordering construction several trips). Reduces the reduced. Requires tight deliveries made on a project
product instantly on order but maintains materials should identify environmental impacts of coordination between the level.
no intermediate inventories. which materials make the having to produce and haul construction process and
most economic sense to be re-ordered materials or to the arrival of parts from
ordered in bulk and which return excess materials. supply chains.
should be ordered "just in
Construction Methods
Use homogeneous material whenever 2
possible. Homogeneous material
means a unit that cannot be May reduce the duration of
Use of homogeneous
mechanically disjointed in single deconstruction, minimizing
material may reduce No applicable Research Reduces the duration of
ORD temporary impacts on the
materials. Homogeneous materials complexity, cost, and Team Consideration. deconstruction.
local community such as
include individual types of plastics, maintenance.
ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper,
board, resins and coatings.
Providing disassembly 2
instructions helps to ensure Detailed instructions may
that components can be decrease necessary staff
Provide instructions and ensure that disassembled and potentially May reduce duration and training. May reduce
connections are accessible to expedite reused with minimal cost. area of disturbance during impacts to airport May enhance worker's safety.
the disassembly process. Accessible connections disassembly. operations in terminals
allow disassembly to occur during future rehabilitation
faster than otherwise might projects.
be possible.
Minimize the use of chemical Some friction-based 2
Reduces exposure to May minimize worker's
(adhesive) connectors; instead use connectors may be more
hazardous chemical May be easier to maintain. exposure to potentially
expensive than chemical
friction-based connectors. products. harmful chemicals.
Select fittings, fasteners, adhesives and 55
sealants that allow for quicker May allow for easier
disassembly and facilitate the removal May reduce duration and disassembly, reducing
May decrease disassembly
area of disturbance during impacts to airport May enhance worker's safety.
of reusable materials. Material reuse is labor costs.
disassembly. operations during future
highly dependent upon the projects.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Methods
May decrease future building 2
costs to meet changing
Strategically locate and provide May allow for easier
needs. Properly identifying Properly identifying load-
appropriate identification of load- No applicable Research expansion, reducing future
load-bearing walls reduces bearing walls enables safe
Team Consideration. impacts to airport
bearing walls. costs associated with having structural modifications.
to re-identify walls or
creating unsafe renovations.
Reduces data and 55
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

communication installation
costs and allows for more
Use a raised floor system to reduce economical moves and May allow for easier
data and communication installation Minimizes noise impacts in
space reconfiguration. expansion or May improve employee
costs during initial build-out and allow occupied areas. May
Compare incremental cost of deconstruction, reducing productivity by reducing noise
require less data and
for easier, more economical moves and raised floor to reduced costs future impacts to airport distractions.
communication wiring.
space reconfiguration. of installation and operations.
maintenance (materials and
labor) for data and
communication cabling.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Compliance and Safety
Photographically document site 43
Submit (or require the
conditions prior to start of construction contractor to submit) a
operations (include aerial Indicate photographs
minimum (e.g., 20 Promotes awareness and

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

photographs). Take weekly demonstrating compliance Promotes awareness and
photographs on CD, documents compliance
with environmental and/or internal communication.
photographs throughout the entire formatted to ISO 9660) with with sustainable practices.
sustainable procedures.
project. Photographs shall be provided each application for
for unrestricted use by Owner. payment.

Flag or otherwise mark all areas not to Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site Reduces areas of site 39
LAX, ONT, Establishes limits of
disturbance and potential disturbance and potential disturbance and potential dust
be disturbed by construction. VNY, PMD construction.
mitigation requirements. environmental impacts. emissions.
Reduces traffic congestion, 39
Excavation is typically more including traffic associated
cost-effective when This creates minimal surface with culvert excavation.
Use clean-cut or trenchless technology placement is shallow and disruption and can eliminate Reduces safety concerns
Reduces site disturbance.
for installing and rehabilitating LAX, ONT, traffic is not a major the need to remove sections associated with steep
Construction often takes
VNY, PMD constraint. Cost is of streets, sidewalks, and excavation slopes, work
underground utility systems. less time.
dependent of site lawns, and can avoid tree inside trench boxes, and
characteristics and loss and tree root damage. worker exposure to traffic.
circumstances. May be susceptible to fire
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Left untreated, roadway May temporarily increase 39

Immediately repair any construction damage will cost more to vehicle emissions and noise Provide appropriate
LAX, ONT, Enhances roadway safety;
repair later. Minimizes risk but could reduce the signage before and during
related roadway damage. VNY, PMD prevents damage to vehicles.
of vehicle damage and potential for more complex repairs.
personal injury. repairs.
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Compliance and Safety
The EMAS concrete bed 23
Install an Engineered Materials
has to be periodically
Arresting System (EMAS) bed to meet Provides increased aircraft
maintained to ensure its EMAS beds require
FAA Runway Safety Area requirements safety on runway ends where
integrity, and reconstructed periodic maintenance and
ELM May have cost implications. it is impossible or difficult to
instead of impacting sensitive natural if damaged by weather may need reconstructed if
provide a standard Runway
resources or existing events or aircraft incidents - subjected to flooding.
Safety Area.
infrastructure/facilities. this may result in emissions
and material requirements.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Water Quality Protection
Widely varies on detail and 2
Helps meet regulatory
goals; less so as it becomes
Develop and implement a Stormwater requirements and protects
part of standard operating
Pollution Prevention Plan for SS the natural environment.
procedures. May avoid Helps meet regulatory Protects water quality in the
LEED® Credit BOS Ensures that
construction activities. Inspect the site future costs associated with requirements. local community.
6.1 contaminates/debris/materia
frequently to ensure compliance. non-compliance as regulated
ls are not carried off-site
by local governmental
through stormwater.
Train on-site personnel in pollution May avoid future costs 2
prevention procedures and always Promotes awareness and
associated with non- Ensures comprehension of
make the SWPPP available at the communication; protects
compliance as regulated by Raises awareness. tasks; allows for
water quality in the local
construction site (and available online) local governmental streamlined operations.
for review. agencies.
Monitor water quality impacts before Widely varies on detail and 2
and during construction, especially after goals; less so as it becomes Address issues of concern
Ensures that construction
significant storm events; address part of standard operating (based on data from Protects water quality in the
ORD activities have not impacted
procedures. May avoid monitoring) as soon as local community.
issues of concern (based on data from water quality in the area.
unexpected and potentially possible.
monitoring) as soon as possible. large costs.
Cost-effective for many 39
Install slurry walls and/or bedrock Slurry wall/cutoff wall
groundwater control and
grouting during construction to prevent Protects against excavations can be
groundwater remediation
commingling of aquifers. These groundwater contamination; performed in all types of
ORD, LAX, problems. Cost is dependent
practices reduce the amount of ground may save energy from soils and below the Protects water quality in the
ONT, VNY, on the depth, length, and
pumping. May require the groundwater table. local community.
water penetrating detention basins, PMD width of wall; site geological
use of heavy construction Excavation deeper than
which would require additional energy and hydrological
equipment. 100 feet requires a crane
to pump. characteristics; available
and clam bucket.
workroom; etc.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Can help to minimize 2
Store waste in areas sheltered from Helps avoid water exposure of harmful Can avoid unexpected Protects water quality in the
rain and runoff. contamination costs. substances/contamination to delays due to spill cleanup. local community.
the environment.
Use non-toxic waste materials in Brick nuggets are useful for Various colors, shapes, and 55
landscaping applications such as brick MR Potential cost savings; brick Useful application of a walkways, landscaping, sizes can be used to enhance
nuggets - a byproduct of brick Credit 4 nuggets are very durable. waste product. and ground covering the aesthetic value of the
manufacturing. needs. landscape.
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Water Quality Protection

Limit the number of designated 55
concrete washout areas to avoid the
expense of cleaning and maintaining Consider locations in
Avoid the expense of
several small washout areas. Make reference to job site to
cleaning and maintaining
sure washouts are sized appropriately Limits the distribution and minimize transportation Protects water quality in the
several small washout
impacted areas. and schedule impacts to local community.
for adequate storage capacity. Use areas; may require training
reach designated washout
clear visible signs and educate the costs.
contractor to ensure the designate
areas are used.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Incorporate BMPs such as temporary 64
sedimentation basins, temporary ditch Ensures that soil, sand,

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

checks, diversion dikes, temporary gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
SS ORD, LAX, May have a high upfront cost
ditches, sediment traps, silt fences, are not carried away via reducing erosion can Protects water quality in the
LEED® Prerequi ONT, VNY, but may avoid unexpected
runoff - affecting plants and minimize delays due to local community.
water quality swales, rain gardens, dry site 1 PMD and potentially large costs.
animals in receiving unforeseen events.
wells and/or pipe slope drains into waterbodies.
construction plans.
Incorporate temporary and permanent Ensures that soil, sand, 39
May avoid future costs
soil stabilization techniques, including: gravel, and other materials Increasing stability and
SS associated with non-
compost, hydraulic mulch, LAX, ONT, are not carried away via reducing erosion can Protects water quality in the
LEED® Prerequi compliance as regulated by
VNY, PMD runoff - affecting plants and minimize delays due to local community.
hydroseeding, soil binders, straw site 1 local governmental
animals in receiving unforeseen events.
mulch, wood mulch, and rolled mats. agencies.
May increase employee 39
To prevent erosion, minimize the extent Temporary Can minimize erosion and
LAX, ONT, welfare by the reduction of
and duration of bare ground surface seeding/composting on bare runoff into nearby water No applicable Research
VNY, PMD, dust. May reduce impacts to
surfaces may increase resources. May also help Team Consideration.
exposure. ORD water and air (dust) quality in
costs. with dust control.
the local community.
Maintain mulch stockpiles for use as Maintaining a stockpile on- 58
needed to control erosion and conserve SLC, U42, Reduces the demand for Conserves irrigation water Protects water quality and
site will keep operations
TVY irrigation, saving costs. and reduces erosion. supply in the local community.
irrigation water. timely.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Food waste should not be 39
Using compost can improve
used on or near airport
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Utilize compost for erosion control and soil quality, reduce runoff,
LAX, ONT, May reduce disposal fees of property to prevent a Protects the water supply in
conserve water and
moisture retention. VNY, PMD construction waste. potential wildlife hazard. the local community.
minimize the need for
Consider the site
landscaping chemicals.
topography and geology.
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Increasing stability and 44
Use lime as an aid for the modification The structural contribution of reducing erosion can
Using lime can substantially
and stabilization of soil beneath road lime-stabilized layers in minimize delays due to
increase the stability,
and similar construction projects. Lime pavement design can create unforeseen events. Placing
impermeability, and load-
can modify almost all fine-grained soils, more cost-effective design the wrong kind or wrong Protects water quality in the
ORD bearing capacity of the sub-
alternatives. Potentially more amount of lime additive or local community.
but the most dramatic improvement grade. Lime could leach into
economical than importing improperly incorporating
occurs in clay soils of moderate to high groundwater, contaminating
aggregate for the same the additive into the soil
plasticity. nearby water sources.
thickness of base course. can have devastating
Provides an alternative to 39
plastic mats or other non-
biodegradable materials.
Increasing stability and
Use biodegradable rolled mulch Biodegradable mats don't Ensures that soil, sand,
reducing erosion can
mats/natural fiber geotextiles require pick-up from the gravel, and other materials
LAX, ONT, minimize delays due to Protects water quality in the
construction site and/or are not carried away via
(permeable fabrics) to reduce erosion. VNY, PMD unforeseen events. Non- local community.
disposal, reducing labor runoff - affecting plants and
Ensure they conform to site contours. biodegradable textiles don't
costs. animals in receiving
require removal.
waterbodies. Minimizes dust
and helps establish
vegetation quickly.
Minimize disturbance to landscape Can avoid costs associated Protects the natural 39
areas and attempt to maintain existing May prevent complaints from
LAX, ONT, with land clearing/leveling. environment; vegetation can No applicable Research
surrounding communities and
topography, terrain, tree and vegetation VNY, PMD May avoid repurchasing reduce erosion and filter Team Consideration.
maintain an aesthetic appeal.
population (non-wildlife attracting). landscaping elements. sediment.
Achieve permanent soil stabilization in 39
seeded areas by covering over 80% of Protects the natural Increasing stability and
Helps avoid water May enhance aesthetics and
soil surface with vegetation; make sure LAX, ONT, environment; vegetation can reducing erosion can
contamination cleanup protect water quality in the
VNY, PMD reduce erosion and filter minimize delays due to
a layer of topsoil and compost is costs. local community.
sediment. unforeseen events.
present to support growth.
May help avoid unnecessary 13, 38
Construct stabilized construction
soil compaction and prevent
entrances on level ground where Accidental depositions
erosion. Ensures that soil,
possible. Grade the entrance to Helps avoid water must be swept up
sand, gravel, and other Protects water quality in the
HNL contamination cleanup immediately and may not
prevent runoff from leaving the materials are not carried local community.
costs. be washed down by rain or
construction site and provide ample away via runoff - affecting
by any other means.
turning radii. plants and animals in
receiving waterbodies.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
If a wash rack is provided at the 38
construction vehicle entrance, washing
is to be done on a paved or crushed May avoid future costs Ensures that soil, sand,
stone pad that drains into a properly associated with non- gravel, and chemicals are
Multiple steps may require Protects water quality in the
HNL compliance as regulated by not carried away via runoff -
constructed sediment trap or basin. more time. local community.
local governmental affecting plants and animals
Liquids from these activities shall be agencies. in receiving waterbodies.
collected, managed as contaminated
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

wastewater, and properly disposed.

May help avoid unnecessary 38
Stabilize access roads, subdivision
soil compaction and prevent
roads, parking areas, and other on-site erosion. Ensures that soil, Increasing stability and Protects water and air (dust)
vehicle transportation routes Helps avoid water
sand, gravel, and chemicals reducing erosion can quality in the local community
HNL contamination cleanup
immediately after grading and maintain are not carried away via minimize delays due to and reduces the exposure of
them frequently to prevent erosion and runoff - affecting plants and unforeseen events. workers to dust.
control dust. animals in receiving
Establish provisions to retain concrete 13
wastes on-site until they can be Hardened waste concrete
May require additional
appropriately disposed of or recycled. may be crushed and reused Ensures that concrete
space in order to Protects water quality in the
on-site, reducing costs of wastes are not carried away
Excess or waste concrete must not be accommodate concrete local community.
bringing new materials on- via runoff.
washed into the public way or any wastes.
drainage system.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

For tenant improvement projects, 38
ensure construction entrances are Ensures that soil, sand,
Maintaining stability and
properly maintained and routine clean gravel, and chemicals are Maintains public safety.
preventing erosion can
HNL Helps avoid cleanup costs. not carried away via runoff - Protects water quality in the
up is enforced; ensure that construction minimize delays due to
affecting plants and animals local community.
entrances are protected from public unforeseen events.
in receiving waterbodies.
May reduce fuel costs. 55
Clearly identify refueling stations for Consider May reduce minor refueling
demolition equipment, material haulers, Minimizes traffic impacts on
distributing/presenting a map Creates awareness. delays and avoid
and/or off the airfield.
and material lifts. of the location and the confusion.
desired route.
To minimize soil compaction, use 39
construction equipment with longer May increase construction May reduce areas of site
reaches (i.e., equipment that can LAX, ONT, May have cost implications May reduce site disturbance
schedule/time to complete disturbance and potential dust
VNY, PMD (use of larger equipment). and dust emissions.
remain stationary but operate over a tasks. emissions.
larger radius/area).
Limit traffic and staging locations to Helps avoid water Minimizes site impacts. Communicate with all of Minimizes health impacts 39
contamination cleanup costs Minimizes dust and the appropriate people caused by dust and
areas that will be paved. VNY, PMD
and landscaping repairs. particulate matter. working on the project. particulate matter.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Erosion and Sedimentation Control
May require more time and 55
May require more time, but May prevent power/water
Require hand excavation around increase labor costs. May May help prevent erosion
can prevent project delays failures in the community and
help avoid costs and project and protect water quality,
existing underground utilities. associated with breaking of injuries to construction
delays associated with utility minimizing disturbance.
utility pipes and cables. workers.
pipe/cable disruptions.
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Tree and Plant Protection
Widely varies on detail and 55
Promotes awareness and
Require each contractor to provide a goals; less so as it becomes
protects the natural Reduces site disturbance, Promotes internal awareness.
plan to protect existing vegetation part of standard operating
environment. May help minimizing unforeseen Helps maintain aesthetic
procedures. May help
during all construction activities. prevent erosion and filter project delays. appeal.
prevent fines for removal of
stormwater runoff.
trees off-airport.
Provide temporary fencing, barricades, Protects the natural 53
and guards during construction to May cost less than removing Reduces site disturbance,
environment. May help Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX trees and hauling them to minimizing unforeseen
protect trees from damage above and prevent erosion and filter appeal.
landfills. project delays.
below grade. stormwater runoff.
Protect root systems of trees from the 53
following: damage due to noxious
materials in solution caused by run off
or spillage during mixing and placement
of construction materials, or drainage May cost less than removing Protects the natural
Reduces site disturbance,
from stored materials; flooding, erosion trees and hauling them to environment. May help Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX minimizing unforeseen
landfills. May be a part of a prevent erosion and filter appeal.
or excessive wetting resulting from project delays.
SPCC and/or a SWPPP. stormwater runoff.
dewatering operations and compaction;
unauthorized cutting, breaking, or
skinning roots and branches, skinning,
and bruising of bark.
Where trenching for utilities is required 53
May require more time and
within drip lines, tunnel under or around May increase time
increase labor costs. May
roots by hand digging or boring. Do not requirements due to care
help avoid costs and project May help prevent erosion
cut main lateral roots or tap roots over around existing trees. Will Helps maintain aesthetic
PDX delays associated with and protect water quality,
vary based on the number appeal.
1 inch diameter. If necessary, cut removing trees and hauling minimizing disturbance.
of trees located within the
smaller roots with sharp pruning them to landfills and utility
project area.
instruments; do not break or chop. pipe/cable disruptions.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Site Disturbance Minimi zation
Tree and Plant Protection
Do not allow exposed roots to dry out 53
before permanent backfill is placed;
provide temporary earth cover, or pack May require more time and May increase time
with peat moss and wrap with burlap. increase labor costs. May Protects the natural requirements due to care
Water exposed roots, maintain them in help avoid costs and project environment. May help of existing trees. Will vary Helps maintain aesthetic
delays associated with prevent erosion and filter based on the number of appeal.
a moist environment, and temporarily removing trees and hauling stormwater runoff. trees located within the
support and protect them from damage
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

them to landfills. project area.

until they are permanently relocated
and covered with backfill.
Donate healthy plants and trees Prevents carbon dioxide May help improve the 39
removed during construction to the LAX, ONT, May cost less than hauling No applicable Research
from being released into the community's view of the
VNY, PMD plants and trees to landfills. Team Consideration.
community. environment. airport.
Prevents carbon dioxide 2, 54,
from being released into the 58
Prohibit burning of landscape waste.
environment; may be reused
Require that all vegetation that has to May reduce hauling, To reduce on-site haul
on site to improve plant/tree Protects air quality in the local
be removed because of construction be disposal, and fuel costs for distances, chip vegetation
health and reduce irrigation community. Mulch could be
chipped for mulching and composting the contractor and reduce at the site or near the site
SLC needs. May reduce erosion donated to local
costs associated with of future use. Replant
or used for process fuel (if the full plant and off-site hauling. May residents/parks near the
purchasing and hauling disturbed vegetation as
or tree cannot be relocated, sold, or avoid the need for airport for use in landscaping.
topsoil on-site. soon as possible.
donated intact). mulch/erosion control
materials to be brought on-

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
Accomplished by traditional 2, 64
coverings/shelter and
Protect stored on-site or installed Can help avoid purchasing Can reduce
packaging (if necessary). Keeping materials pristine
absorptive materials, such as new components due to materials/components that
May reduce delays may reduce the duration of
insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile, and IEQ HNL, ORD, moisture damage. If are sent to the landfill and
associated with the construction projects,
LEED® Credit LAX, ONT, contaminated materials are the environmental impacts
gypsum wallboard, from moisture ordering/ transportation of minimizing temporary noise
3.1 VNY, PMD installed, they may lead to of producing new
damage. Sequence the installation of new materials. Sequencing and traffic impacts on the
expensive and complicated construction products and
materials to avoid contamination. may require additional time local community.
clean up procedures. materials.
and could delay the date of
initial occupancy.
Extends the lifespan of the Filtration media used 19, 39,
Limit or do not operate air-handling IEQ ORD, LAX, Reduces IAQ problems
HVAC system, improving during construction should May improve air quality within 64
LEED® Credit ONT, VNY, resulting from the
equipment during construction. ventilation efficiency and be replaced prior to buildings.
3.1 PMD construction process.
reducing energy use. building occupancy.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
If permanently installed air handlers are 2
used during construction, filtration Extends the lifespan of the May improve air quality within
media with a Minimum Efficiency IEQ Reduces IAQ problems Replace all filtration media
HVAC system, improving buildings. May minimize
LEED® Credit resulting from the immediately prior to
Reporting Value (MERV) of 8 must be ventilation efficiency and worker's exposure to
3.1 construction process. occupancy.
used at each return air grill, as reducing energy use. potentially harmful chemicals.
determined by ASHRAE 52.2-1999.
Avoids costs associated with 39, 64
re-cleaning spaces or buying
During construction, isolate areas of Avoids time associated May improve air quality within
IEQ new materials. Extends the Reduces IAQ problems
work to prevent contamination of clean LAX, ONT, with re-cleaning spaces or occupied areas, minimizing
LEED® Credit lifespan of the HVAC resulting from the
VNY, PMD ordering/transporting new occupant's exposure to poor
or occupied spaces. 3.1 system, improving ventilation construction process.
materials. IAQ.
efficiency and reducing
energy use.
If construction hours are 39
Use ventilation systems overnight to Reduces IAQ problems May minimize worker's
LAX, ONT, during the day, purging the
May increase energy costs. resulting from the exposure to hazardous indoor
purge the work area. VNY, PMD area at night will not
construction process. air pollutants.
interfere with operations.
Communicate the hazards of IAQ May contribute to lowering Communicate with all of 39
LAX, ONT, Promotes awareness and
health insurance rates and Promotes awareness. the appropriate people
during health and safety meetings. VNY, PMD internal communication.
healthcare costs. working on the project.
If ceiling fans are not part 19
Increase air movement in facilities by Ceiling fans may be of of the construction scope, May minimize worker's
Improves IAQ during
ORD additional cost to purchase additional time may be exposure to hazardous indoor
using ceiling fans during construction. construction.
and install. needed to install and air pollutants.
remove them.
Can help avoid purchasing Can reduce 55
Use a desiccant dehumidifier to control Keeping materials pristine
new components due to materials/components that
moisture levels during installation of May reduce delays may reduce the duration of
moisture damage. If are sent to the landfill and
interior finishes. This technology associated with the construction projects,
contaminated materials are the environmental impacts
ordering/transportation of minimizing temporary noise
employs a desiccant material to remove installed, they may lead to of producing new
new materials. and traffic impacts on the
humidity from the surrounding space. expensive and complicated construction products and
local community.
clean up procedures. materials.
May increase energy costs 60
May improve air quality within
Use additional filtration to protect fresh but may extend the lifespan May reduce delays
Reduces IAQ problems buildings. May minimize
air intake sources to keep construction of the HVAC system, associated with the
BWI resulting from the worker's exposure to
improving ventilation ordering/transportation of
dust from entering the building. construction process. hazardous indoor air
efficiency and reducing new materials.
energy use.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management
A "bake-out" may damage 13
Can reduce
parts of the building (e.g.,
materials/components that
moving concrete floor
are sent to the landfill and Keeping materials pristine
slabs, causing carpet and
Prohibit "bake-out" or "superheating" of May damage building parts, the environmental impacts may reduce the duration of
vinyl flooring to buckle,
spaces to accelerate the release of requiring the purchase of of producing new construction projects,
cracking windows, warping
new materials and additional construction products and minimizing temporary noise
gaseous emissions. wood doors warped, etc.)
labor costs. materials. Moisture from the and traffic impacts on the
May reduce delays
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

air, and some volatile gases, local community.

associated with the
can condense on cooler
ordering/transportation of
new materials.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
May have higher upfront 2, 19
Can reduce landfill hauls of
costs; helps avoid additional
damaged May reduce future delays
costs associated with
Use non-absorptive flooring, walls, and materials/components. Also associated with building
installing or replacing Protects worker and occupant
ORD reduces the environmental maintenance and the
finish materials to resist mold growth. materials damaged from health.
impacts of producing new ordering/transportation of
mold. May help contribute to
construction products and new materials.
lowering health insurance
rates and healthcare costs.
Non-toxic cleaning supplies 2
Minimal costs; may help are less harmful to the
Specifications may need to

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Only use non-toxic cleaning agents for contribute to lowering health natural environment. Protects worker and occupant
be established in project
cleaning activities. insurance rates and Biodegradable and bio- health.
standards and procedures.
healthcare costs. based concrete cleaning
agents are available.
Provide drains plumbed for appropriate May avoid future costs 19
disposal of liquid waste in spaces associated with cleanup or
Helps prevent chemicals No applicable Research Protects worker and occupant
ORD non-compliance, as
where water and chemical concentrate from entering groundwater. Team Consideration. health.
regulated by local
mixing occurs. governmental agencies.
Ensure that interior construction 43
operations aren't scheduled when May contribute to lowering Minimizes exposure to
Improves IAQ during May extend the duration of
health insurance rates and hazardous indoor air
indoor air quality levels may be construction. the project.
healthcare costs. pollutants.
Ensure proper ventilations, such as May have higher upfront 39
Reduces IAQ problems Limits the worker's exposure
fume hoods, for activities that produce LAX, ONT, costs but may contribute to No applicable Research
resulting from the to hazardous or noxious
VNY, PMD lowering health insurance Team Consideration.
hazardous gasses. construction process. fumes, vapors or dusts.
rates and healthcare costs.
During construction, prohibit the indoor 39
use of combustion engine-based May require renting or Reduces IAQ problems May minimize worker's
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
purchasing electrical or non- resulting from the exposure to hazardous indoor
devices without direct exterior exhaust VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
combustion equipment. construction process. air pollutants.
and make-up air.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control
Specifications may need to 13
Within interior spaces, do not use Can help avoid purchasing Can reduce
be established in project
solvents that may penetrate and be new components due to materials/components that
standards and procedures.
retained in absorptive materials such as moisture damage. If are sent to the landfill and May minimize worker's
May reduce future delays
contaminated materials are the environmental impacts exposure to hazardous indoor
concrete, gypsum board, wood, associated with building
installed, they may lead to of producing new air pollutants.
cellulose products, fibrous material, and maintenance and the
expensive and complicated construction products and
textiles. ordering/transportation of
clean up procedures. materials.
new materials.
Pre-ventilate packaged dry products at Provide a temperature 13
least 48 hours prior to installation. range of 60 to 90°F
Remove from packaging and ventilate May have minor cost Reduces IAQ problems continuously during the May minimize worker's
implications due to energy resulting from the installation ventilation period. Do not exposure to hazardous indoor
in a secure, dry, well-ventilated space
use. of materials. ventilate within limits of air pollutants.
free from strong contaminant sources work unless otherwise
and residues. approved by the architect.
Dust Control
Develop and implement a Construction 39
Dust Control Plan. The plan should
document wind patterns including
direction and velocity; show locations of
disturbed soil; include BMPs that will be
used for each disturbed soil location Adjust BMPs for dust
Widely varies on detail and
during each phase of construction; control based on Improves road safety and
LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes
Promotes awareness. meteorological conditions reduces dust. Protects air
provisions for BMP inspections and VNY, PMD part of standard operating
and the activity level of quality in the local community.
personnel training; and inspection and procedures.
disturbed soil.
record keeping forms, to be kept on-site
with the Dust Control Plan. The plan
should also include a tracking protocol
for implementation of the Dust Control
For soil stockpiles or areas under active 39
construction, cover soil during rainfall, Minimal time requirements; Improves road safety and
high winds, and at night with plastic LAX, ONT, Minimal cost for covering
Helps control dust. may require additional staff reduces dust. Protects air
VNY, PMD materials.
sheets or other cover that can be easily training. quality in the local community.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Dust Control
Water down loose materials and 2
exposed earth (using non-potable Can prevent erosion and the
ORD, LAX, May have minor cost Protects air quality in the local
water) to reduce the potential for dust. contamination of nearby Consider the site
ONT, VNY, implications due to water community. Reduces demand
water sources. Helps topography and geology.
Use water from on-airport detention PMD use and labor. for potable water.
control dust.
basins, cisterns, or creeks.
Spray down truck wheel wells (using Helps prevent toxins, 2
non-potable water) and use rumble Use water from on-airport
pollutants, and/or sediment Protects air quality in the local
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Minimal additional costs. detention basins, cisterns,

strips before exiting the construction from traveling off-site and community.
or creeks.
site. contaminating groundwater.
Helps prevent toxins, 2
pollutants, and/or sediment To avoid temporary dust
Perform regular street sweeping during Minimal additional costs for from traveling off-site and exposure, schedule Improves road safety and
construction. equipment and labor. contaminating groundwater. sweeping before or after reduces dust.
May temporarily increase regular work hours.
Install temporary fencing (covered) 2
around the perimeter of the Installing fencing with Minimal time requirements; Improves road safety and
covering may have cost Helps control dust. may require additional staff reduces dust. Protects air
construction site to prevent fugitive dust
implications. training. quality in the local community.
Minimal cost for covering 2
Require haulers to cover truck beds or materials. May reduce the Minimal time requirements;
maintain at least two feet of freeboard Protects air quality in the local
size of hauls, potentially Helps control dust. may require additional staff

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

for dust suppression. requiring additional vehicle training.
Reduces areas of site Minimizes the amount of Improves road safety and 39
Restrict traffic flows to stabilized LAX, ONT, May allow for safer
disturbance and potential dust generated; promotes reduces dust. Protects air
construction roads. VNY, PMD operations.
mitigation requirements. awareness. quality in the local community.
Use integral dust collection systems on May have higher upfront 55
Minimizes the accumulation Improves worker health.
drywall sanders, cut-off saws, and costs but may contribute to May require additional staff
of dust and other Protects air quality in the local
lowering health insurance training.
routers. contaminants. community.
rates and healthcare costs.
Use wet rags, damp mops, and vacuum May contribute to lowering 55
Minimizes the accumulation
cleaners with high efficiency particulate health insurance rates and Protects worker and occupant
of dust and other May be time consuming.
healthcare costs. May health.
absorbing (HEPA) filters to clean dust. contaminants.
require additional labor.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Reduce Potable Water Use
May improve the community's 39
Use non-potable water or graywater for Storage tanks and cisterns
Requires the approval of a view of the airport if part of an
concrete mixing and aggregate wash LAX, ONT, may have a high upfront
Conserves potable water. licensed structural outreach program. Conserves
VNY, PMD cost; reduces the cost of
down. engineer. local and regional potable
potable water use.
water supplies.
May improve the community's 39
Use non-potable water or graywater for Storage tanks and cisterns
Requires the approval of a view of the airport if part of an
consolidation of backfill material around LAX, ONT, may have a high upfront
Conserves potable water. licensed structural outreach program. Conserves
VNY, PMD cost; reduces the cost of
potable/non-potable pipelines. engineer. local and regional potable
potable water use.
water supplies.
A separate tank, filter, and May improve the community's 39
Use non-potable water or graywater for special emitters may be view of the airport if part of an
irrigation of landscaping on WE LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
LEED® necessary. Storage tanks Conserves potable water. outreach program. Conserves
Credit 1 VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
construction sites. and cisterns may have a local and regional potable
high upfront cost. water supplies.
Consult state water recycling criteria to May avoid future costs 39
ensure that recycled water undergoes Helps prevent toxins,
associated with non-
the recommended treatment processes LAX, ONT, pollutants, and/or sediment May require additional staff
compliance as regulated by Ensures public safety.
VNY, PMD from traveling off-site and training.
to achieve the appropriate level for the local governmental
contaminating groundwater.
respective tasks. agencies.
Higher initial cost; helps 55, 64
reduce water bills. Have
lower maintenance
If temporary irrigation is required, use requirements. Municipalities
drip or bubbler systems and utilize rain WE No applicable Research Conserves local and regional
LEED® may offer rebates or Conserves potable water.
Credit 1 Team Consideration. potable water resources.
sensor overrides. incentives for water-efficient
irrigation systems, dedicated
water meters and rain or
moisture sensors.
Creates an aesthetically 55
Saves costs on landscaping
Plant landscaping (non-wildlife Conserves water. Native pleasing building site
(no watering labor or
attracting) that is native to the region, WE species require less fertilizer Less maintenance is integrated with its natural
LEED® DEN irrigation system is required).
Credit 1 and pesticides, protecting required for irrigation. surrounding. Conserves local
consistent with a xeriscaping approach. Require less maintenance
water quality. and regional potable water
and fertilizer than turf grass.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Water Use Reduction
Collection and use of 19
Collect and use reclaimed graywater
rainwater for non-potable
and/or harvested stormwater for non- water applications has fewer
potable needs like sewage May improve the community's
WE code requirements and No applicable Research
LEED® ORD Reduces runoff. view of the airport if included
conveyance, vehicle maintenance and Credit 2 associated costs than for Team Consideration.
in an outreach program.
washing, urinal and toilet flushing, graywater. Storage tanks
custodial uses, etc. and cisterns may have a
high upfront cost.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Requires an additional 39
Install metering networks to facilitate Promotes internal awareness,
LAX, ONT, upfront cost. Promotes Promotes awareness. No applicable Research
communication, and
accurate measurement of water use. VNY, PMD awareness which may Conserves water. Team Consideration.
reduce utility bills.
Use and install high-efficiency products Conserves local and regional 39
certified by the U.S. EPA WaterSense Helps reduce water bills; water resources. May improve
WE LAX, ONT, No applicable Research
LEED® may have a higher upfront Conserves water. the community's view of the
program (toilets, urinals, faucets, sinks, Credit 3 VNY, PMD Team Consideration.
cost. airport if included in an
and washing machines). outreach program.
Designate truck and vehicle cleaning 53
areas but limit washdown of vehicle Promotes awareness;
and equipment service pads and other Helps avoid water prevents toxins, pollutants,
work areas. Liquids from these May allow for safer Protects local and regional
contamination cleanup and sediment from traveling
operations. water resources.
activities shall be collected, managed costs. off-site and contaminating
as contaminated wastewater, and groundwater.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

properly disposed.
Limit steam cleaning and high pressure No applicable Research Conserves local and regional 53
PDX Helps reduce water bills. Conserves water.
washing of vehicles and equipment. Team Consideration. water resources.
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Install biological filtration 39
systems/constructed wetlands for Prevents toxins, pollutants,
Provides aesthetic benefits.
stormwater management that also WE LAX, ONT, Helps prevent damage from and sediment from traveling Must be designed/installed
LEED® Protects water quality in the
Credit 2 VNY, PMD flooding. off-site and contaminating to not attract wildlife.
function as ecological features and local community.
provide aesthetic benefits.
Helps reduce the potential 39
Construct dry wells, dry basins, and/or Helps minimize the
for flooding; prevents toxins,
perforated drain pipes to avoid creating LAX, ONT, Helps prevent damage from presence of wildlife that
pollutants, and sediment Reduces wildlife hazards.
VNY, PMD flooding. may be hazardous to
inundated areas, which attract wildlife. from traveling off-site and
airport operations.
contaminating groundwater.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Stormwater Management and Treatment
Install first flush systems including 19
slotted edge drains connected to May minimize wastewater Prevents toxins, pollutants,
underground holding tanks. First flush May require additional
WE treatment costs and help and sediment from traveling Protects water quality in the
LEED® ORD time/labor needs in order to
sediment would settle in the tanks and Credit 2 avoid water contamination off-site and contaminating local community.
install tanks underground.
be removed at a later date for treatment costs. groundwater.
and/or disposal.
Install detention basins, detention Prevents toxins, pollutants, 2
ditches, and ditch checks for effective WE Helps avoid water and sediment from traveling Must be designed/installed Protects water quality in the
Credit 2 contamination costs. off-site and contaminating to not attract wildlife. local community.
first flush treatment. groundwater.
Install bioswales along roadways and 2
parking areas to encourage Helps treat stormwater;
May minimize wastewater
groundwater infiltration of stormwater prevents toxins, pollutants, Provides aesthetic benefits.
WE treatment costs and help Must be designed/installed
LEED® and sediment from traveling Protects water quality in the
runoff. On airside projects, these Credit 2 avoid water contamination to not attract wildlife.
off-site and contaminating local community.
strategies must be designed so that costs.
they do not provide habitat for wildlife.
May minimize wastewater 39
Plant nitrogen-fixing vegetation (e.g., Helps fertilize soil to support
LAX, ONT, treatment costs and help
plant life and prevent Must not attract wildlife. Provides aesthetic benefits.
legumes) in fertilized areas. VNY, PMD avoid water contamination
cleanup costs.
Helps avoid water Helps minimize the 2
Install curb breaks and drainage contamination costs. Helps presence of wildlife that Protects water quality in the
Improves drainage.
ditches where possible. prevent damage from may be hazardous to local community.
flooding. airport operations.
Reduces jobsite flooding 1
Protect storm sewer inlets during and keeps projects
construction by installing flexible inlet Prevents siltation and running. Resists clogging
filters to fit a wide array of drainage Helps avoid fines and water pollution of rivers, lakes, and and are easy to install and Prevent hazardous road icing
contamination cleanup ponds. Helps satisfy the remove. Filter bags should conditions by eliminating ice
structures and offer various levels of
costs. EPA’s NPDES Phase II typically be removed when buildup at curb inlets.
infiltration (e.g., FLEXSTORM inlet directives. they are more than half
filters). filled with sediment and
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Planning and coordinating 39
the materials ordering
processes on site prevents
Consider potential weather
cumulative over-ordering.
Closely coordinate deliveries of restraints (e.g., snow) or May add to local community
May reduce time-based Can increase transportation
construction materials with scheduled HNL, LAX, terrain hazards and the traffic levels if this practice
delivery fees. It may reduce related emissions if
ONT, VNY, delays they may cause. increases the number of
installation times to minimize vehicle costs associated with materials are not ordered in
PMD May also reduce the size of deliveries made on a project
installing or replacing bulk (e.g., several trips).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

queue times. the staging area and level.

damaged materials, but
materials storage areas.
could be more expensive
since items are not ordered
in bulk.
May avoid damage that 39
comes from storage or
moving of materials. Saves
costs associated with the re-
ordering of supplies.
Can reduce material costs Can increase transportation Consider potential weather
by ordering only what is related emissions if supplies restraints (e.g., snow) or
Use "just in time" delivery of May add to local community
needed but may also are not ordered in bulk (e.g. terrain hazards and the
construction materials to reduce traffic levels if this practice
LAX, ONT, increase transportation costs several trips). Reduces the delays they may cause.
increases the number of
staging requirements and to prevent re- VNY, PMD if supplies are not ordered in environmental impacts of May also reduce the size of
deliveries made on a project
ordering of materials. bulk; the personnel in charge having to produce and haul the staging area and
of ordering construction re-ordered materials or to minimize impacts on airport

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

materials should identify return excess materials. activities.
which materials make the
most economic sense to be
ordered in bulk and which
should be ordered "just in
For trades or materials where “just in May increase the amount of 66
The cost of safe and
time” deliveries cannot be set up, impervious surface. May reduce delays
protected storage space is
provide suitable, safe and secure Consider using and/or associated with the No applicable Research Team
potentially offset by
modifying existing spaces if ordering/transportation of Consideration.
storage so that damage during storage preventing the re-ordering of
the duration of storage is new materials.
and moves is avoided. damaged materials.
Packaging/Delivery Methods
May reduce product/material 55
costs due to less packaging
Reduce packaging waste through Reduces packaging waste, Reduced transportation of
materials. Consider Consider storage
vendor participation using bulk reduces environmental materials/products and
additional transportation requirements and material
impacts from transportation packaging waste lowers the
packaging techniques or choose requirements, material handling requirements to
of waste, and reduces impact of delivery vehicles on
products with minimal or no packaging. handling, storage reduce damage.
impacts to landfills. local communities.
requirements, and costs/risk
of damage.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Packaging/Delivery Methods
May reduce product/material 55
Ask suppliers to deliver supplies using costs due to less packaging
reusable delivery containers or sturdy Consider trade-off of Consider storage
materials. Consider
returnable pallets and containers. reduced packaging impacts requirements and material No applicable Research Team
additional transportation
to increase transportation handling requirements to Consideration.
Have suppliers pick up pallets and requirements, storage
impacts. reduce damage.
empty containers. requirements, and costs/risk
of damage.
Component costs may be 55
higher but may allow for just- Reduces raw material waste
Purchase precut and prefabricated in-time construction at the construction site. Reduces the impact of
components when available and order Enables just-in-time
processes, reducing Reduces material hauls, delivery vehicles on local
construction techniques.
materials to size. construction schedule and reducing emissions and streets.
reducing costs. Reduces requirement for fossil fuels.
material transportation costs.
Reduces environmental 55
impacts of transportation Reduced transportation of
Use easily stackable units such as Consider storage
impacts. Reduces materials/products and
cladding systems, curtain walls, steel Reduces transportation requirements and material
packaging waste, reduces packaging waste lowers the
costs. handling requirements to
beams, and etc. environmental impacts from impact of delivery vehicles on
reduce damage.
transportation, and reduces local communities.
impacts to landfills.
May reduce packaging 55
Reduced transportation of
Alternative packaging may waste or environmental
Encourage alternative sustainable materials/products and
reduce costs. Consider impact of packaging waste
packaging techniques (e.g. metal Consider storage packaging waste lowers the
additional transportation (i.e., packaging waste can
strapping in preference to shrink-wrap, requirements and material impact of delivery vehicles on
requirements, material be recycled, reused, or is
handling requirements to local communities. Reduces
paper packaging instead of plastic, and handling, storage biodegradable), reduces
reduce damage. impact on local landfills by
shredded paper as opposed to foam). requirements, and costs/risk environmental impacts from
using recyclable or
of damage. transportation of waste, and
biodegradable products.
reduces impacts to landfills.
Reduces transportation 2, 18,
requirement, reducing 55
Use an overland conveyor system in Trade-off with costs emissions and requirement Use a conveyance system
construction to transport materials from associated with for fossil fuels. Helps for projects requiring May improve logistics and
stockpile areas; if possible, use transportation of materials minimize energy significant grading security.
communal conveying systems. by truck. consumption during changes.
construction and reduces
site traffic and noise.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Noise Minimization and M onitoring
Require mufflers on all construction 2, 28
equipment so that noise levels are
below the Construction Equipment
Noise Levels and Ranges listed in May reduce noise impacts Communicate with all of May reduce noise impacts on
Appendix A of the U.S. Department of May have cost implications. on adjacent noise sensitive the appropriate people adjacent noise sensitive land
Transportation's Special Report: land uses. working on the project. uses.
Highway Construction Noise:
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Measurement, Prediction, and

Establish and monitor compliance with 17
a specified construction equipment
operation schedule. For example,
prohibit operating or causing the
operation of any tools or equipment May reduce noise impacts on
used in construction, drilling, repair, May reduce noise impacts May restrict type and
May have cost and schedule adjacent noise sensitive land
on adjacent noise sensitive timing of construction
alteration, or demolition work between implications. uses; may reduce noise
land uses. operations.
weekday hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., complaints.
and 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. on weekends or
holidays to prevent noise disturbances
across a residential or commercial real
property line.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

May reduce noise impacts Creates a safer work site and 2
Establish construction vehicle speed No applicable Research on adjacent noise sensitive May improve safety of may reduce noise impacts on
limits to minimize noise and dust. Team Consideration. land uses and minimize dust construction operations. adjacent noise sensitive land
emissions. uses.
May restrict type and 39
May have cost and schedule timing of construction May reduce noise impacts on
Locate mechanical equipment and implications and may be May reduce noise impacts operations and may be adjacent noise sensitive land
other sources of noise away from areas LAX, ONT,
impractical or impossible to on adjacent noise sensitive impractical or impossible to uses. May improve employee
of occupancy (or vice-versa). implement depending on land uses. implement depending on productivity by reducing noise
construction project. type of construction distractions.
May reduce noise impacts on 39
Install portable and permanent noise May reduce noise impacts
LAX, ONT, May have cost and schedule No applicable Research adjacent noise sensitive land
on adjacent noise sensitive
barriers. VNY, PMD implications. Team Consideration. uses; may reduce noise
land uses.
May reduce noise impacts on 39
Replace noisy construction equipment May reduce noise impacts
LAX, ONT, May have significant cost No applicable Research adjacent noise sensitive land
on adjacent noise sensitive
with quieter units. VNY, PMD implications. Team Consideration. uses; may reduce noise
land uses.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Noise Minimization and M onitoring
May reduce noise impacts May reduce noise impacts on 17
Use lower settings on power equipment May have schedule on adjacent noise sensitive May have schedule adjacent noise sensitive land
whenever possible. implications. land uses, but may also implications. uses; may reduce noise
increase emissions. complaints.
May reduce noise impacts May be impractical or 39
May reduce noise impacts on
Use rubber tired equipment in lieu of on adjacent noise sensitive impossible to utilize track
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research adjacent noise sensitive land
land uses; may result in less equipment depending on
track equipment to reduce noise levels. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. uses; may reduce noise
ground disturbance and topography and soil
minimize dust emissions. conditions.
Have a designated airport compliance 39
representative certify and randomly Could result in additional May cause brief
inspect all internal combustion, mobile May reduce noise impacts on
project costs, but inspection May reduce noise impacts interruptions in
portable, stationary, and power LAX, ONT, adjacent noise sensitive land
ensures compliance and from construction construction schedules for
VNY, PMD uses; may reduce noise
actuated construction equipment to may help avoid potentially equipment. testing and corrective
ensure compliance with noise reduction expensive project delays. measures.
Follow the OSHA's noise exposure 17
rules regarding how long a worker may
be exposed to a noise level before May have minor cost
hearing protection is required: a worker Promotes worker safety and
implications for earpieces, No applicable Research No applicable Research
awareness, and creates a
is allowed to be unprotected up to 8 headsets, mufflers, and/or a Team Consideration. Team Consideration.
safer work environment.
hours at a noise level of 90 dB; up to 4 compliance inspector.
hours at 95 decibels; up to 1 hour at
105 dB.
Safer than traditional 6, 55
explosives, which pose the Traditional explosion
The relatively high cost of Does not cause noise,
threat of premature techniques involve risks
soundless chemical ground vibrations, or dust.
Use soundless demolition chemical explosion and which may posed by shock waves and fly
demolition agents makes Powders used are non-toxic,
misfire; can be used near rock. Reduces noise in the
agents as a substitute for explosives. traditional explosives more consisting of oxides of
inhabited areas, natural surrounding community and
cost-effective in many calcium, silicon, and
gas lines, roadways, etc. may prevent phone calls to
applications. aluminum.
where explosives would emergency services.
pose a safety risk.
Minimizes noise impacts in 7, 39
Use rubberized pavements or Consider additional costs of May improve employee
innovative pavement treatments to LAX, ONT, occupied areas. Consider No applicable Research
installation of treatments and productivity by reducing noise
VNY, PMD environmental impacts as Team Consideration.
reduce noise resulting from traffic. maintenance of surfaces. distractions.
treatments deteriorate.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle Emissions Reduction
Stipulate that the use of 2, 18
Reduces emission of air ULSD is a mandatory Improves local air quality.
May increase fuel costs due quality pollutants such as airport practice. On older Reduces health impacts
Use ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) in all to lower fuel economy during particulate matter, dirt, vehicles, monitor vehicle associated with diesel
ORD transition period. Older nitrous oxides, performance for potential particulate matter including
construction vehicles.
vehicles may require hydrocarbons, carbon fuel system leaks or asthma, bronchitis, and heart
additional maintenance. monoxide and carbon premature fuel filter and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. plugging during the emission of GHG's.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

change-over to ULSD fuel.

Ensure an adequate, local 2
supply of selected fuel
Reduces emission of air alternative. On older
quality pollutants such as vehicles, monitor vehicle
particulate matter, dirt, performance for potential
Fuel costs may be higher. Improves local air quality.
nitrous oxides, fuel system leaks or
May also increase fuel costs Reduces health impacts
hydrocarbons, carbon premature fuel filter
Use biodiesel and/or other alternative due to lower fuel economy. associated with diesel
monoxide and carbon plugging. Biodiesel should
STL Retrofits may be required particulate matter including
fuels in construction vehicles. dioxide. Reduces fuel not be used in vehicles
depending on alternative fuel asthma, bronchitis, and heart
consumption and manufactured pre-1993. A
selected. Incentives may be and lung disease. Reduces
environmental impact of blend of at least 20 percent
offered. emission of GHG's.
drilling, pumping, biodiesel, 80 percent diesel
transporting, and refining can be partially counted as
crude oil. an alternative fuel under
the Energy Policy Act of

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Reduces emission of air 39
Ensure adequate, local
May reduce overall fuel quality pollutants such as
supply of selected fuel
costs due to lower fuel particulate matter, dirt,
Require that a portion (at least) of the alternative. Maintain an Improves local air quality.
consumption. Alternative nitrous oxides,
construction vehicle fleet is inventory of all installed Reduces health impacts
fuel costs may be higher. hydrocarbons, carbon
hybrid/electrical and/or incorporate retrofit associated with diesel
LAX, ONT, Alternative fuels also monoxide and carbon
equipment/emissions particulate matter including
clean air technologies; also consider VNY, PMD increase fuel costs due to dioxide. Reduces fuel
reductions to ensure asthma, bronchitis, and heart
alternative fuels in shuttles buses and lower fuel economy. consumption and
goals/guidelines are and lung disease. Reduces
other on-road vehicles. Retrofits may be required environmental impact of
achieved and for emission of GHG's.
depending on alternative fuel drilling, pumping,
documentation and/or
selected. transporting, and refining
marketing purposes.
crude oil.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle Emissions Reduction
An electric drive system 25, 36
enables the operator to
move approximately 25
percent more material per
gallon of fuel consumed The engine is beltless
Diesel-electric bulldozers
compared to conventional which helps reduce the
If appropriate, use diesel-electric hybrid consume 10-30% less fuel
mid-sized bulldozers. The frequency of maintenance;
bulldozers to burn less fuel and per hour than conventional
electric drive train oil and filter change
ORD mid-sized bulldozers, Improves local air quality.
consume fewer parts and fluids over its configuration has fewer intervals are twice as long.
reducing GHG’s by 10-30
lifetime. moving parts, requiring less Ensure that operators are
percent. Movement of the
service and replacement properly trained on the new
cab is also quieter.
than conventional technology.
transmissions, extending the
drive train component life
and reducing lifetime
operating costs.
Maintain an inventory of all 39
Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality.
installed retrofit
Consider lower operating quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts
Replace aging construction equipment equipment/emissions
costs of new equipment and particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
with new low emission models when LAX, ONT, reductions to ensure
payback in relation to nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
VNY, PMD goals/guidelines are
available and technically feasible. remaining useful life of older hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
achieved and for
equipment. monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
documentation and/or
dioxide. emission of GHG's.
marketing purposes.
Reduces emission of air 10
quality pollutants such as
particulate matter, dirt,
Improves local air quality.
nitrous oxides,
Reduces health impacts
Install retrofits on existing construction hydrocarbons, carbon
Initial cost for retrofit may be associated with diesel
equipment that allow for the use of monoxide and carbon Provide retrofit allowances
ORD offset by lower lifecycle particulate matter including
dioxide. Reduces fuel for construction equipment.
alternative fuels. costs. asthma, bronchitis, and heart
consumption and
and lung disease. Reduces
environmental impact of
emission of GHG's.
drilling, pumping,
transporting, and refining
crude oil.
Improves local air quality. 39
Keeps the chassis from Reduces health impacts
Install low emission engines (re-engine) entering the waste stream. associated with diesel
LAX, ONT, Lower investment than a Provide retrofit allowances
New engines are typically particulate matter including
into old equipment chassis. VNY, PMD new vehicle. for construction equipment.
more fuel efficient with lower asthma, bronchitis, and heart
emissions. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of GHG's.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle Emissions Reduction
Install particulate filters and/or diesel 18
oxidation catalysts (DOC) on
construction vehicles. The equipment Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality.
should be included on the EPA Verified quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts
Retrofit Technology List May require investment to particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
Provide retrofit allowances
SLC, ORD upgrade vehicles and nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
( for construction equipment.
equipment. hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
ist.htm) or verified by the California Air
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces

Resources Board (CARB) dioxide. emission of GHG's.
Clarify requirements 2, 39
upfront. Maintain an
Establish penalties for non- Emphasizes the importance
inventory of all installed
compliance and present of meeting sustainability
Develop a vehicle inspection program retrofit Compliance ensures
SLC, LAX, guidelines to contractors requirements. Compliance
to ensure pollution control devices are equipment/emissions realization of air quality
ONT, VNY, prior to project start. ensures realization of
reductions to ensure benefits established in
in place. PMD Consider cost of inspection requirements established in
goals/guidelines are contracts.
process, offset by risk of contracts. Reduces
achieved and for
non-compliance. emissions.
documentation and/or
marketing purposes.
Should be considered part of Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality. 39
normal operating cost, not quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Perform routine maintenance and incremental. Routine particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
engine rebuilds to maintain original LAX, ONT, Provide retrofit allowances
maintenance and rebuilds nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
VNY, PMD for construction equipment.
construction vehicle emission levels. maximizes useful life of the hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
vehicle, and maintains monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
operating efficiency. dioxide. emission of GHG's.
Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality. 39
quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts
Require all construction vehicles to May require investment to
particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
meet the state's voluntary or future low LAX, ONT, upgrade vehicles and Provide retrofit allowances
nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
VNY, PMD equipment that don't meet for construction equipment.
emission vehicle standards. hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
the standards.
monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
dioxide. emission of GHG's.
Maintain an inventory of all 39
Reduces emission of air Improves local air quality.
installed retrofit
Implement proposed Tier 4 emission quality pollutants such as Reduces health impacts
standards to encourage the use of Consider cost of inspection particulate matter, dirt, associated with diesel
LAX, ONT, reductions to ensure
process, offset by risk of nitrous oxides, particulate matter including
newer and/or retrofitted non-road diesel VNY, PMD goals/guidelines are
non-compliance. hydrocarbons, carbon asthma, bronchitis, and heart
equipment. achieved and for
monoxide and carbon and lung disease. Reduces
documentation and/or
dioxide. emission of GHG's.
marketing purposes.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Vehicle Emissions Reduction
Place signage (magnetic stickers) on 3
alternative/ULSD fuel and retrofitted Creates awareness in the
construction vehicles (e.g., "Low- Creates awareness of Develop procedures for community of specific actions
ORD Marginal costs for signage. environmental focus and verifying and inspecting the airport is taking to reduce
Impact Construction Vehicle," or "This
benefits. vehicles. the impact of airport
Construction Vehicle Runs on construction.
Ensure that roadways can 30
Encourage contractors to carry double support the additional No applicable Research No applicable Research Team
MSP May reduce hauling costs.
hauls when leaving the site. weight and the potential for Team Consideration. Consideration.
erosion is negligible.
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Reduced Vehicle Idling
Reduces noise pollution. 39, 57
Install anti-idling technology to Technology may have an Reduces emissions, fuel Temp-A-Start maintains Improves local air quality.
reduce/eliminate idling such as Temp- initial cost, however, less consumption, and the engine oil temperature and Reduces health impacts
A-Start ( LAX, ONT, idling reduces fuel environmental impact of provides for driver comfort. associated with diesel
VNY, PMD consumption and costs. drilling, pumping, Ensure operators are particulate matter including
automatic engine start/stop technology May reduce required transporting, and refining properly trained on anti- asthma, bronchitis, and heart
for diesel engines. maintenance service. crude oil. idling technologies. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of GHG's.
Reduces noise pollution. 39
In coordination with public Improves local air quality.
Ensure that no construction vehicle works, post signage for no Reduces health impacts
idling occurs within 100 feet of a LAX, ONT, idling areas in construction associated with diesel
Lowers fuel costs. Reduces IAQ pollution.
sensitive receptor area, such as air VNY, PMD areas. Implement Vehicle particulate matter including
intakes. Idling Program inspection asthma, bronchitis, and heart
logs. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of GHG's.
Reduces noise pollution. 9, 39
Reduces emissions, fuel Improves local air quality.
In coordination with public works, post consumption, and the Reduces health impacts
signage for no idling areas in environmental impact of Implement Vehicle Idling associated with diesel
ONT, VNY, Marginal costs for signage.
drilling, pumping, Program inspection logs. particulate matter including
construction areas. PMD
transporting, and refining asthma, bronchitis, and heart
crude oil. and lung disease. Reduces
emission of GHG's.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Reduced Vehicle Idling
Reduces emission of such An idling engine does not 19, 41,
air quality pollutants as run at peak efficiency, 60
particulate matter, dirt, which results in incomplete Reduces noise pollution.
nitrous oxides, combustion of fuel, residue Improves local air quality.
Turn off construction vehicles if they will Lowers fuel costs. In hydrocarbons, carbon on spark plugs and dirty Reduces health impacts
be left idle for over an established time general, 10 seconds of idling monoxide and carbon engine oil. According to associated with diesel
uses more fuel than dioxide. Reduces fuel the U.S. DOE, fuel injection particulate matter including
limit, such as 3 minutes. restarting a car. consumption and engines do not need to be asthma, bronchitis, and heart
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

environmental impact of warmed up for more than and lung disease. Reduces
drilling, pumping, 30 seconds except on emission of GHG's.
transporting, and refining extremely cold days (below
crude oil. 0° F).
Reduces emission of such 9
Place air fresheners in construction air quality pollutants as
vehicles promoting an “engines-off” Marginal cost to build particulate matter, dirt, Reduces health impacts
campaign. The air fresheners could be No applicable Research
DEN awareness. Easily offset by nitrous oxides, associated with diesel
Team Consideration.
mounted after performing routine fuel savings. hydrocarbons, carbon particulate matter.
maintenance. monoxide and carbon
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Energy Efficiency
Install freight elevators as early as Consider timing of change- 55
possible and coordinate building Minimizes cost associated
No applicable Research over from using temporary No applicable Research Team

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

with leasing temporary
enclosure at the elevator shafts to Team Consideration. hoisting equipment to Consideration.
hoisting equipment.
minimize temporary hoisting needs. freight elevators.
Use alternating current gearless Saves electricity by lowering Reduces power May reduce energy demand 55
No applicable Research
power consumption by about consumption, reducing and costs in the local
elevators. Team Consideration.
40%. emissions. community.
Install Energy Star certified products for Reduces energy 55
Depending on scope, may
temporary and permanent building consumption.
require some up-front cost to
equipment. Categories include Environmental benefits will May reduce energy demand
EA implement (e.g., new No applicable Research
LEED® vary based on local source and costs in the local
appliances, electronics, office Credit 1 equipment); typically results Team Consideration.
of electricity, i.e., coal, community.
equipment, lighting, food services and in operational savings,
natural gas, nuclear,
other commercial products. reducing energy costs.
renewable, etc.
Eliminates long piping runs 55
and heat losses associated
Use localized hot water equipment Domestic hot water for
with recirculation piping. Reduces energy
rather than centralized equipment; general plumbing fixtures May reduce energy demand
May require higher initial consumption due to heating
should be designed for a and costs in the local
localized equipment is typically more costs for localized losses; uses fewer materials
temperature between community.
efficient than centralized equipment. equipment, but may provide and resources.
120°F and 140°F.
cost savings in materials and
energy use.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Energy Efficiency
Instantaneous or "demand" 18, 48
Eliminates cost associated
water heaters heat water
Use solar hot water heat or with running pipes from
Reduces energy directly without the use of a
instantaneous hot water heat in centralized hot water May reduce energy demand
consumption due to heating storage tank in order to
systems. Eliminates cost and costs in the local
construction trailers for heating and losses; uses fewer materials avoid the standby heat
associated with heating community.
cooling. and resources. losses associated with
water even at times it is
conventional storage tank
water heaters.
Use a global positioning system (GPS) Limits ground disturbance to More efficient use of labor 55
based earthmover to enable machines Requires less fuel and incurs
intended and specified and equipment, reducing Improves safety.
less wear, reducing costs.
to get to grade with fewer passes. areas. project duration.
Helps meet specified 45
Prior to placing concrete or asphalt, requirements for levelness
create a “spatial image” or “digital scan” and flatness. A scan
of the area, plotting three-dimensional typically takes 5 to 20
minutes to complete.
points every few millimeters. Laser
Scanned images can also
scanning helps obtain accurate pre-and Helps determine the amount
be imported into computer May enhance safety by
post-construction terrain models for Increases the accuracy of of earthwork required,
assisted drawing software improving precision and
ORD measurements, improving reducing unnecessary haul
determination of earthwork quantities, to aid in design work. To reducing the duration of
productivity and layout work. trips and the associated
monitoring pavement smoothness and obtain more accurate construction projects.
adherence to grade design, and information, the instrument
can be placed higher off
monitoring ground movement near
the ground or even on an
excavations, large embankments, or aircraft. Scans can be
pile-driving operations. completed in total
Helps achieve grade faster 14
Use a machine-integrated laser and in fewer passes,
infrastructure system that provides reducing fuel consumption May reduce fuel May enhance safety by
Reduces delay times
precise elevation information on an in- and operating costs. Does consumption, reducing improving precision and
associated with airfield
not require the expense of construction vehicle reducing the duration of
cab display to achieve accurate blade construction.
grade stakes, grade emissions. construction projects.
positioning. checkers, or stake-setting
Helps identify the severity 4
Use digital imaging and ground of pavement cracking and
penetrating radar signal analysis to May have a high upfront cost May improve safety by
Improves mapping accuracy the level of maintenance
help predict the initiation and but may avoid unexpected preventing deep surface
of underground voids and required to improve the
and potentially high costs penetrations and weak
propagation of reflective pavement the groundwater table. surface. Helps predict
and operational delays. pavement areas.
cracking. future repaving and
restructuring projects.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Energy Efficiency
Install a reinforcing and stress 4
absorbing membrane interlayer system Reduces the severity and
under the asphalt overlay to delay Provides cost savings over Less frequent maintenance rate of reflective cracking,
May improve safety by
reflective cracking. Interlayer systems the life cycle of the reduces energy and reducing the frequency of
preventing deep surface
pavement; reduces emissions from pavement resurfacing and
are typically comprised of penetrations and weak
pavement maintenance repaving/resurfacing restructuring; reduces
geosynthetics, geocomposite, steel pavement areas.
costs. equipment. delay times associated with
reinforcement netting, and polymer- airfield construction.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

modified fine hot-mix asphalt.

Install pipes with acoustic measuring 55
devices to detect vibrations and/or
sound waves in pipelines, indicating
defects. Three types of acoustic
technologies are used for pipeline This technology works on all
assessment: leak detectors, which are pipes including plastic/PVC,
used to detect the acoustic signals and eliminates the high cost Helps identify pipeline
emitted by pipeline leaks; acoustic and difficulty of use defects and the level of May help avoid pipeline
Reduces risk of water loss,
monitoring systems, which are used to traditionally associated with maintenance required; failures that could cause air
or contamination due to
leak noise correlators. May enhances safety and and/or water pollution in the
evaluate the condition of pre-stressed damaged or faulty pipes.
incur higher initial costs, prevents delays from local community.
concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) by however, this offsets the risk pipeline failure.
detecting the signals emitted by of damage created by
breaking pre-stressed wires; and sonar, defective pipes.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

or ultrasonic systems, which emit high
frequency sound waves and measure
their reflection in order to detect a
variety of pipe defects.
Fully understand job 10
Use appropriately sized equipment for Oversized equipment uses
Oversized equipment may requirements, with
the project. Lease if not currently more energy than is May reduce noise impacts on
cost more than is necessary appropriate contingency, to
required for the job and may surrounding land uses.
owned. for the job. properly specify equipment
cause erosion.
Alternative fuels have fewer 7
May help improve air quality,
Use alternative fuels (biodiesel, emissions than gas or
Costs vary based on local Consider retrofit and decreasing health impacts on
ethanol, compressed natural gas, diesel. Emissions from gas
availability. It may be maintenance requirements local communities. Use of
and diesel are the leading
propane, hydrogen) in an on-site batch necessary to install retrofits associated with the alternative fuels helps reduce
causes of air quality issues,
plant. for specific types of fuels. selected alternative fuel. carbon emissions and climate
leading to heart and lung
disease, asthma, etc.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Energy Efficiency
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Use solar-powered flashers instead of Eliminates labor to 51

Initial costs may be higher
ones requiring batteries. They require recharge and/or replace
than battery-powered Reduces the need to
no maintenance, are automatically batteries. Depending on
flashers, however, solar- replace non-rechargeable
powered, and save money by the environment, may
powered flashers require batteries and the
eliminating the need to recycle require occasional cleaning No applicable Research Team
DAL, RBD minimal maintenance, are environmental impact of
to ensure proper charging. Consideration.
batteries. Solar powered flashers cost automatically recharged, and battery disposal. Eliminates
May not be appropriate for
approximately $6 more than regular reduce costs by eliminating the need to use the grid to
environment receiving little
flashers, but the payback period may the need to recharge or recharge batteries.
sunlight due to weather
be only 2 months. conditions or geography.
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Reduces the need to 55
change bulbs and creates
Longer lasting bulbs mean
Require the use of energy efficient better lighted work
May incur higher initial costs, less waste and disposal.
lamps for temporary lights and environments. Must train
however, bulbs typically last However, some energy
temporary emergency lighting that can employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
longer requiring less efficient lamps contain trace
on proper disposal of safety.
be turned off during non-working hours frequent changes and cost amounts of mercury and
lighting. Be sure that
to conserve energy. less to operate. must be disposed of
lighting is properly
enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.
Reduce construction at night to 39
minimize lighting impacts and improve Reducing nighttime Reduces light emissions on
safety. If construction at night is SS LAX, ONT, Reduces nighttime light Reduces the complexity of
LEED® construction typically surrounding communities and
Credit 8 VNY, PMD emissions. the construction site.
necessary, focus lighting toward the reduces project costs. adjacent land uses.
Monitor interior and exterior lighting 19
systems regularly during construction to
maintain proper illumination and
minimize off-site impacts. Ensure that Proper illumination
May reduce light emissions on
the maximum candela value of all SS Reduces light emissions improves construction
LEED® ORD May reduce lighting costs. surrounding communities and
Credit 8 and energy consumption. worker safety and site
interior lighting falls within the building adjacent land uses.
(not out through windows) and the
maximum candela value of all exterior
lighting falls within the property.
Use full cutoff luminaries, low- Proper illumination 19
reflectance, non-specular surfaces, May reduce light emissions on
SS May require higher initial Reduces light emissions on improves construction
LEED® ORD surrounding communities and
low-angle spotlights, and or shielding Credit 8 costs. adjacent land uses. worker safety and site
adjacent land uses.
for roadway and building lighting. security.
Communicate recycling 3
Designate specific recycling areas for Ensures that mercury from Ensures that mercury from
No applicable Research procedures with all of the
spent light bulbs is captured spent light bulbs is captured
light bulbs that contain mercury. Team Consideration. appropriate people working
and properly recycled. and properly recycled.
on the project.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Vehicles and Equipment
Promotes awareness and 39
Communicate recycling
Install recyclable lamps and provide May increase costs of Reduces environmental may help improve the
LAX, ONT, procedures with all of the
temporary construction impact of temporary community's view of the
recycling information for all luminaries. VNY, PMD appropriate people working
lighting. construction lighting. airport; good for public
on the project.
Reduces the need to 39
Where acceptable, use High Pressure change bulbs and creates
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sodium (HPS) lamps instead of Metal Longer lasting bulbs reduce better lighted work
May incur higher initial costs,
Halide (MH) lamps; HPS Lamps waste. Some energy environments. Must train
however, bulbs typically last
produce more lumens per watt, have LAX, ONT, efficient lamps contain trace employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
longer requiring less
VNY, PMD amounts of mercury and on proper disposal of safety.
less mercury content per lamp, and frequent changes and cost
must be disposed of lighting. Be sure that
have a greater average rated life less to operate.
properly. lighting is properly
expectancy than MH lamps. enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.
Use and install high frequency Proper illumination 39
electronic ballasts with fluorescent 2, 4, LAX, ONT, No applicable Research improves construction Better lighting may improve
May incur higher initial costs.
VNY, PMD Team Consideration. worker safety and site safety.
and 8-foot Tubular lamps. security.
Reduces the need to 39
change bulbs and creates
Use and install compact fluorescent Longer lasting bulbs reduce better lighted work
May incur higher initial costs,
light bulbs in lieu of incandescent waste. Some energy environments. Must train
however, bulbs typically last

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

lamps, especially in areas with low LAX, ONT, efficient lamps contain trace employees and contractors Better lighting may improve
longer requiring less
VNY, PMD amounts of mercury and on proper disposal of safety.
ceiling heights and minimal light frequent changes and cost
must be disposed of lighting. Be sure that
requirements. less to operate.
properly. lighting is properly
enclosed in work areas to
reduce breakage.
Avoid using fluorescent, compact 55
fluorescent, and LED lights that contain Mercury is highly toxic and Improves health and safety of
No applicable Research
May reduce disposal costs. could cause poisoning if installers and building
mercury (as well as electrical switches Team Consideration.
ingested or inhaled. occupants.
and thermostats).
Reduces the need to 55
change bulbs. Solar
Longer lasting bulbs reduce fixtures can be installed in
May incur higher initial costs,
Use and install metal halide lamps, low- waste. Some energy remote locations. Must
however, bulbs typically last
temperature fluorescents and/or solar efficient lamps contain trace train employees and No applicable Research Team
longer requiring less
amounts of mercury and contractors on proper Consideration.
powered fixtures for exterior lighting. frequent changes and cost
must be disposed of disposal of lighting. Be
less to operate.
properly. sure that lighting is
properly enclosed in work
areas to reduce breakage.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
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Construction Vehicles and Equipment

Must educate employees 39
Reduces risk of negative
Contain and clean all chemical spills Initial costs to establish and contractors and
Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
properly and dispose of clean up LAX, ONT, safeguards offsets risks and implement procedures for
groundwater contamination communities caused by
VNY, PMD cost associated with clean- clean-up of chemical spills
supplies properly. from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
up of chemical spills. and proper disposal of
clean-up supplies.
Reduces risk of negative 39
Initial cost associated with
Conduct maintenance activities under Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
LAX, ONT, maintenance hanger No applicable Research
groundwater contamination communities caused by
cover from precipitation. VNY, PMD mitigates risk of soil and Team Consideration.
from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
groundwater contamination.
Reduces risk of negative 39
Minimal cost to distribute
Maintain current Material Safety Data Reduces risk of soil and Create awareness of impact on surrounding
LAX, ONT, MSDS offsets risks and cost
groundwater contamination existence and purpose of communities caused by
Sheets (MSDS) on-site. VNY, PMD associated with clean-up of
from chemical spills. MSDS. contamination of soil and
chemical spills.
Have floor drains in vehicle 58
maintenance areas discharge into an Reduces risk of negative
Initial cost associated with Educate employees and
oil-water separator to capture oil and Reduces risk of soil and impact on surrounding
drainage and separators; contractors. Establish
SLC groundwater contamination communities caused by
other contaminants. The separator mitigates the risk of soil and procedures and a schedule
from chemical spills. contamination of soil and
should be periodically pumped, and the groundwater contamination. for cleaning the separator.
oil processed for recycling.
May reduce landfill waste, 49
Send end-of-life diesel engines to a
Remanufacturing plants may consumption of iron ore, and
remanufacturing plant to be offer to pick up old engines reduce GHG emissions May help improve the
reconstructed into methane-fueled for free, saving costs caused by disposing end-of- No applicable Research community's view of the
generator sets. These generator sets associated with the transport life equipment. Methane Team Consideration. airport if part of an outreach
convert methane from animal waste and/or landfill of end-of-life generator sets provide program.
into usable energy. equipment. renewable electricity and
reduce GHG emissions.
Alternative Transportation
Public Transportation Access and Carpooling
Commute trips via 39
Obtain airport funds raised Post display boards that
Provide incentives such as discounted alternative transportation
SS from permit or fee parking to illustrate public
fares to encourage the use of public LAX, ONT, modes produce less air Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit subsidize mass transportation connection
VNY, PMD pollution than single traffic and congestion.
transportation. 4.1 transportation passes for opportunities, routes, fares,
occupant vehicle
construction workers. and directions.
Commute trips via Post display boards that 2
Provide consolidated construction Minimizes the number of
alternative transportation illustrate the shuttle routes
employee private vehicle construction employee
modes produce less air and public transportation
spaces required (keeping Decreases congestion on site.
parking/staging areas with regular pollution than single connection opportunities,
spaces open for fee-based
shuttles during construction. occupant vehicle routes, fares, and
customer parking).
commuting. directions.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Alternative Transportation
Public Transportation Access and Carpooling
Coordinate carpooling to construction 2, 39
Reduces land requirements;
sites by setting up schedules and Commute trips via
minimizes the number of
incentives (such as preferential SS alternative transportation Use website schedules,
LAX, ONT, construction employee
LEED® Credit produce less air pollution meetings, and/or displays Decreases congestion on site.
parking) based on locations. Use VNY, PMD spaces required (keeping
4.4 than single occupant vehicle boards in common areas.
website schedules, meetings, and/or spaces open for fee-based
displays boards in common areas. customer parking).
Alternative Transportation
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Bicycle Access/Use
Include bike racks at 2
Commute trips via construction staging
Provide centralized facilities for secure SS Use airport funds raised alternative transportationlocations and provide signs
Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking to produce less air pollutionnear the construction site
bicycle storage. traffic and congestion.
4.2 encourage bicycle usage. than single occupant vehicle
that indicate bicycling
commuting. facilities are available and
display their location.
Commute trips via Provide signs near the 2
Provide convenient changing/shower SS Use airport funds raised alternative transportation construction site that
Minimizes impact to local
LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking to produce less air pollution indicate bicycling facilities
areas for bikers. traffic and congestion.
4.2 encourage bicycle usage. than single occupant vehicle are available and display
commuting. their location.
Provide incentives to encourage that a Commute trips via Provide signs near the 64
minimum of 5% of construction workers SS Use airport funds raised alternative transportation construction site that
Minimizes impact to local

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

LEED® Credit from permit or fee parking to produce less air pollution indicate bicycling facilities
use bicycles for all or part of their daily traffic and congestion.
4.2 encourage bicycle usage. than single occupant vehicle are available and display
commute. commuting. their location.
Include bike racks at 39
Develop and implement a "ZipBike" or Commute trips via construction staging
other bike sharing program for Use airport funds raised alternative transportation locations and provide signs
from permit or fee parking to produce less air pollution near the construction site Decreases congestion on site.
construction workers to travel between VNY, PMD
encourage bicycle usage. than single occupant vehicle that indicate bicycling
facilities. commuting. facilities are available and
display their location.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Waste Management
Goals and Policies
To ensure compliance with waste Increased recycling efforts Conserves natural May require additional staff 53
management and recycling goals, may reduce disposal costs; resources. May enhance training to explain
Educates construction
submit updated site waste recycling however, the cost of recycling activities and thus procedures and
MR workers and identifies that
LEED® PDX monitoring the recycling reduce the emissions from requirements to
forms on a monthly basis, including the Credit 2 sustainability is a priority at
efforts may outweigh the hauling, the traffic impacts, contractors. Essential to
amounts of construction or demolition the airport.
benefits if not part of and the consumption of become part of everyday
materials recycled or salvaged. everyday practice. fossil fuels. practice.
Applies consistent and 66
Allocate personal responsibility for on- Consistent and Consistent knowledge and
understanding of Reduced off-site hauling could
site waste reduction (e.g. appoint a knowledgeable application of understanding of
applicable standards, reduce traffic in the
standards and specifications environmental across all
Waste Manager). practices, tracking and surrounding community.
across all projects. projects.
reporting across all
Provide financial incentives to 66
contractors who substantially exceed Contractual requirements Stresses that construction
May reduce hauling, Conserves natural
to be specified; perhaps waste management is a
requirements of the construction waste disposal, and fuel costs. resources.
difficult to monitor. priority at the airport.
management plan.
May reduce 67
Do not remove protective packaging materials/components that
Usually unused materials
from materials before they are needed are sent to the landfill and
can be sold back to the Consider on-site staging No applicable Research Team
the environmental impacts
to prevent spoilage and to allow for the supplier at a 50% restocking and storage requirements. Consideration.
of producing new
return of unused materials. fee.
construction products and
May reduce 46
materials/components that
Provide contractors with a list of local May help provide
are sent to the landfill and
companies that reuse and recycle May reduce hauling, Update through periodic opportunities for the
the environmental impacts
disposal, and fuel costs. construction open houses. involvement of MBEs, small
materials. of producing new
and/or local businesses.
construction products and
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Waste Management
Storage and Collection of Recyclables
Requires initial start-up costs 2
Keeps materials out of the
Recycle aluminum, glass, plastics, and the use of dedicated
waste stream and conserves Expand the type of Consider partnering with local
storage/containment areas;
paper, and corrugated cardboard. natural resources by reusing recyclables as applicable. communities.
potential for cost-savings or
Recycle gas and oil filters, waste 2
gasoline, motor oil, anti-freeze, scrap Requires storage and
Reduces disposal and waste Keeps hazardous materials Consider partnering with local
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

metal, tires, electrical wiring, deicing containment areas, and

handling costs. out of the waste stream. communities.
fluid, grease, sludge, hazardous staff training.
materials, and spent solvents.
Recycle batteries, light bulbs, toner Requires storage and 2
cartridges, and electronics (including Reduces disposal and waste Keeps hazardous materials Consider partnering with local
containment areas, and
handling costs. out of the waste stream. communities.
monitors). staff training.
Determine the disposal costs, hauling 19
costs, and revenue generated for May require a tracking
reusing materials; compare them with MR Helps identify cost saving A credit under USGBC Quantify and include as part
LEED® ORD system and coordination
Credit 3 opportunities. LEED® criteria. of a public outreach plan.
the cost of purchasing/constructing new amongst contractors.
Use cardboard balers, aluminum can 2
crushers, recycling chutes, and other Reduced material volume
Reducing material volumes Reduced volumes reduce Reduced off-site hauling could
technologies to enhance recycling reduces on-site storage
reduces handling and truck hauling trips, reducing reduce traffic in the
and containment

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

activities and to reduce the number of hauling costs. energy use and emissions. surrounding community.
waste hauls.
Requires sufficiently sized 55
Ensure that recycling bins are full and and organized storage
Reduces handling and Reduces energy use and May help minimize traffic
area. Ensure that such
packed before moving onto new ones. hauling costs. emissions from transport. impacts.
areas do not become
wildlife attracting.
Creates financial incentive 55
for contractors to recycle
Charge a fee to contractors who material properly and Stresses that construction
Encourages contractors to Encourages contractors to
provides a mechanism to waste management is a
contaminate recycling bins. recycle material properly. recycle material properly.
recover costs if material has priority at the airport.
to be sorted before a
recycler will accept it.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Construction Waste Management

Materials Reuse
To facilitate the reuse of materials, 2
track and evaluate the following waste Make a part of everyday
Helps offset construction-
for recycling (at a minimum): land- practice. Streamline the
demolition costs. May Facilitates material reuse and
clearing debris, cardboard, metal, brick, LEED® MR Conserves natural re-use of materials, and
ORD minimize or avoid the cost of sharing programs both on-site
Credit 2 resources. encourage
concrete, asphalt, plastic, clean wood, bringing new materials on- and within the community.
materials/products with
glass, gypsum wallboard, carpet, and site.
recycled content.
Re-use project waste as a resource to 2
another project. This may include
concrete, asphalt, land and clearing May reduce List materials available for
If the waste cannot be reused
debris, small ancillary buildings or materials/components that use on a communal
on site, consider sharing
structures, and building components. are sent to the landfill and website, display
May reduce hauling, opportunities with the local
ORD the environmental impacts boards/posters, and/or hold
List materials available for use on a disposal, and fuel costs. community and/or nearby
of producing new a meeting with all
communal website, display projects, minimizing haul
construction products and contractors to discuss
boards/posters, and/or hold a meeting distances and emissions.
materials. available materials.
with all contractors to discuss available
May help extend the life of 60
May reduce hauling,
existing landfills and
Use an on-site batch plant (or on-site PBI, LNA, disposal and fuel costs for
reduces the need for new Requires storage and Reduced off-site hauling could
rock crusher) to crush concrete and F45, DAL, the airport/contractor and
landfills through the containment areas, and reduce traffic in the
RBD, MSP, minimize or avoid the cost of
reuse it on-site. reduction of total waste staff training. surrounding community.
BWI bringing new materials on-
generated. Reduces the
demand for raw materials.
May reduce emissions and 59
allow for enhanced on-site
recycling of concrete,
May reduce labor and fuel reducing the environmental
Use a "rubbleizer" machine that costs for the impacts of producing and
performs multiple tasks in a single step airport/contractor and save hauling new construction Expedites the removal of May help minimize traffic
- sending vibrations into concrete to costs associated with products and materials. May concrete, reducing delays. impacts.
break into usable <4" pieces. purchasing new concrete reduce off-site
and masonry. transportation and thus
decrease construction
vehicle emissions and
energy consumption.
If no local markets exist for recycling Ensure that the drywall is 54
drywall in the area, recycle non- May reduce hauling, free of hazardous materials
A unique practice that may
contaminated drywall by grinding and disposal, and fuel costs. The before implementing this
No applicable Research provide education to
airport/contractor should practice. Place the grinded
spreading on open land at the airport at Team Consideration. construction workers and the
also factor in the cost to drywall on flat land away
a rate of approximately 5 tons per acre local community.
grind and apply the drywall. from water bodies to avoid
and then tilling into the soil. runoff.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Waste Management
Materials Reuse
Finding a use for unused Requires education and 58
May decrease costs by
Donate unused paint to the city's graffiti waste reduces the chance instruction to workers/staff Resource sharing with the
donating the material rather
SLC of improper disposal and to achieve; consider community; improves
removal program. than sending it to a disposal
contaminating the appointing a community community relations.
environment. liaison.
Using reusable formwork 55
Minimize the use of temporary wood May decrease costs if instead can reduce the
No applicable Research May help minimize traffic
reusable formwork is used amount of materials send to
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

structures. Team Consideration. impacts.

on multiple projects. the landfill and conserves
natural resources.
Use ultra screen sight and sound Typically requires less time 55
barriers (lightweight panels with no May reduce sight and sound and labor for installation
special equipment for installation, May decrease installation No applicable Research Team
impacts compared to and maintenance than for
and maintenance costs. Consideration.
maintenance or replacement) instead of traditional barriers. traditional sight and sound
traditional sight and sound barriers. barriers.
Although chain clamps can 55
Use chain clamps as alternatives to May allow for easier
be expensive compared to Chain clamps may reduce
traditional methods of pipe fit-up as disassembly, reducing
traditional pipe fit-up the quantity of pipe fit-up No applicable Research Team
impacts to airport
each clamp can fit-up elbows, tees, methods, they may reduce materials used, including Consideration.
operations during future
flanges, and other pipe fittings. labor costs and disassembly plastics.
Determined through facility 2
May reduce the amount of
planning efforts. May reduce As part of EONS,

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Reuse existing runway pavement (e.g., pavement sent to the landfill Reduced off-site hauling could
MR costs associated with determine cost savings of
LEED® ORD and the environmental reduce traffic in the
for taxiways). Credit 3 hauling, disposal, fueling, not demolishing and
impacts of producing new surrounding community.
and purchasing new reconstructing.
May reduce 55
materials/components that
Use excess asphalt paving to fix May reduce hauling, Utilizes construction crews
are sent to the landfill and Reduced off-site hauling could
surrounding roads, drives, parking lots, disposal, and fuel costs and already in place; may
the environmental impacts reduce traffic in the
save costs associated with require contract
and etc. of producing and hauling surrounding community.
purchasing new asphalt. modification or flexibility.
new construction products
and materials.
May reduce 55
Use concrete chunks, old bricks, May reduce hauling, materials/components that May reduce temporary
broken block and other masonry rubble disposal, and fuel costs and are sent to the landfill and negative impacts to surface Reduced off-site hauling could
save costs associated with the environmental impacts transportation since reduce traffic in the
for backfill along foundation walls
purchasing new concrete of producing and hauling vehicles would make fewer surrounding community.
where permitted. and masonry. new construction products trips off-site.
and materials.
May improve the community's 59
Reduces landfill hauls.
Recycle crushed, unreinforced concrete Minimizes the cost of buying As part of EONS, view of the airport if included
Reduces the environmental
by using it in swales, fill, rip-rap and MR new materials and determine cost savings of in an outreach program.
LEED® impacts of producing new
Credit 4 transporting them to the not demolishing and Reduces off-site hauls,
drainage. construction products and
construction site. reconstructing. reducing surface
transportation congestion.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Construction Waste Management

Materials Reuse
May reduce 55
materials/components that
are sent to the landfill and
the environmental impacts May reduce temporary
May reduce hauling,
Utilize excess concrete for parking of producing and hauling negative impacts to surface Reduced off-site hauling could
disposal, and fuel costs and
new construction products transportation since reduce traffic in the
stops, jersey barriers, etc. save costs associated with
and materials. May reduce vehicles would make fewer surrounding community.
purchasing new concrete.
off-site transportation and trips off-site.
thus decrease construction
vehicle emissions and
energy consumption.
Use pre-assembled rebar cages when Reduces need for excess Reduced off-site hauling could 55
May require less staff
May achieve cost savings. material recycling and reduce traffic in the
possible to reduce on-site rebar waste. training.
reuse. surrounding community.
Vegetating long-term To avoid compaction of the 20
stockpile with suitable plants soil, stockpiles must not be
Separate subsoil and topsoil and may help prevent dust blow driven on by heavy Reduced off-site hauling could
Facilitates use; minimizes
and erosion, silt run-off, and machinery. Stockpiles reduce traffic in the
ensure proper storage for re-use. 'double' and 'triple' touching.
prevent the establishment of should not be located with surrounding community.
invasive and/or noxious 10 meters of a
weeds. watercourse.
Reuse items such as electrical boxes, Make contractor aware of 55
breaker equipment, wall outlets and Potential cost savings from need to recycle these types Include on resource database;
LEED® reuse on other projects or Reduces waste materials. of materials; consider becomes potential low-cost
other electrical equipment where Credit 3
sale. code/regulatory resource option to community.
possible and practical. requirements.
Make the contractor aware 55
Reuse empty wire spools for other of the need to recycle
purposes and tasks (e.g., stools for the LEED® MR Creates contractor
Disposal cost savings. Reduces waste materials. these types of materials;
Credit 3 awareness.
break area). consider code/regulatory
Save worn out NiCad batteries from 55
portable power tools for delivery to a Keeps materials out of the Requires temporary No applicable Research Team
Disposal cost savings.
waste stream. storage and transfer. Consideration.
specialized battery-recycling site.
Longer-term energy cost Reduced energy use and 40
Use prefabricated foam insulated savings potential, but emissions during Prefabricated materials
No applicable Research Team
benefits during construction construction; longer-term facilitate installation and
concrete panels. Consideration.
using prefabricated, lighter energy and cost savings use.
materials. potential.
Use Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) The use of ICFs decreases 2
for decreased waste; ICFs also pour time and reduces the Reduces
Conserves resources. May help minimize noise and
overall amount of concrete installation/construction
optimize energy performance and Reduces exterior noise. traffic impacts.
required. ICFs also provide time.
reduce impacts from construction. enhanced durability.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Construction Waste Management
Salvaged Materials and Resources
Coordinate with other airport projects to Identify at outset, organize 39
Potential cost-savings from Reduced off-site hauling could
share salvaged materials and LAX, ONT, Conserves natural and monitor during
re-use on other projects or reduce traffic in the
VNY, PMD resources. construction, and establish
resources. sale. surrounding community.
staging and storage areas.
Donate salvaged materials (such as 2
fencing and floor tile) to local May require minimal Requires establishing Potential asset to local
organizations. Use a public information Conserves natural
additional administrative and temporary and longer-term community; include as part of
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

website or other means to list salvaged handling costs. staging and storage areas. outreach program.
materials to offer for sale or donation.
Remove elements that pose a May require specialized 19
Plan for expenses; Minimizes contamination of Minimize construction worker
contamination risk prior to reusing containment, operational
ORD addresses regulatory soil, water, and other exposure to hazardous
conditions, and contractor
structures. requirements. resources. wastes.
Use a "Construction Waste 39
The Database is n online
Management Database" provided by May reduce
service for those seeking
the Whole Building Design Guide at materials/components that Consider utilizing the
companies that recycle
<> to are sent to the landfill and Whole Building Design Organizes resource reuse and
MR LAX, ONT, construction debris in their
LEED® the environmental impacts Guide at waste disposal; becomes a
identify salvaged materials and Credit 2 VNY, PMD area. A search can be
of producing and hauling tool for use by others.
resources, and companies that haul, conducted by state, zip
new construction products hp> or similar tool.
collect, and process recyclable debris code, or material(s)
and materials.
from construction projects.
May reduce 43

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Reuse forms to the greatest extent materials/components that
possible without damaging structural are sent to the landfill and
integrity of concrete and without MR Cost-savings from re-use on Typically part of standard May help minimize traffic
LEED® the environmental impacts
Credit 3 other projects. operating procedures. impacts.
damaging aesthetics of exposed of producing and hauling
concrete. new construction products
and materials.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Establish project goals for recycled 2

content materials and identify material
suppliers that can achieve this goal.
Consider the following major building
components: aggregate in cast in place
concrete; fly ash in cast in place
concrete; bituminous concrete
pavement; unit pavers; steel
Most recycled content
reinforcement; structural steel;
products exhibit
miscellaneous steel; steel fencing and performance similar to May help improve the
furnishings; unit masonry; ductile iron Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR ORD, SLC, products containing only community's view of the
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
pipe; aluminum products; site Credit 4 U42, TVY virgin materials and can be airport if part of an outreach
virgin materials. during the design phase.
generated broken concrete for gabions; incorporated into projects program.
railroad rails; railroad ties; railroad track with minimal to no cost
base material; steel doors and frames;
aluminum doors and windows; plaster;
terrazzo; acoustical ceilings; drywall;
finish flooring including carpet, resilient
flooring, and terrazzo; toilet and shower
compartments; special furnishes;
equipment; sheet metal ductwork; site
Identify the value of both the post- 19
consumer recycled content and the
post-industrial content so that they can
be compared with the total value of the
materials in the project. Divide the
weight of recycled content in the item
by the total weight of all material in the
Most recycled content
item, and then multiply the resulting
products exhibit
percentage by the total value of the performance similar to May help improve the
item to determine the value of the Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only community's view of the
LEED® ORD extraction and processing of should be established
recycled content portion of a material or Credit 4 virgin materials and can be airport if part of an outreach
virgin materials. during the design phase.
furnishing. Mechanical and electrical incorporated into projects program.
components shall not be included in with minimal to no cost
this calculation. Recycled content
materials shall be defined in
accordance with the Federal Trade
Commission document, Guides for the
Use of Environmental Marketing
Claims, 16 CFR 260.7 (e), available at
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
To identify recycled content materials 39
available and common percentages,
include contact information in project
Most recycled content
specifications for reference and search
products exhibit
tools such as the Guide to Resource- performance similar to
Efficient Building Elements from the Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR LAX, ONT, products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Center for Resourceful Building Credit 4 VNY, PMD virgin materials and can be Consideration.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

virgin materials. during the design phase.

Technology (, the incorporated into projects
Recycled Content Product Directory with minimal to no cost
from the applicable state integrated
waste management board and Oikos
Most recycled content 19
Use recycled crushed material from
products exhibit Supports local projects and
other local projects. For example, performance similar to improves community
asphalt grindings and rail ballasts can Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only relations. Retains capital for
LEED® ORD extraction and processing of should be established
be taken from nearby projects and Credit 4 virgin materials and can be the community, contributing to
virgin materials. during the design phase.
used for haul roads or bituminous incorporated into projects a more stable tax base and a
runway shoulders. with minimal to no cost healthier local economy.
Most recycled content 19
products exhibit

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Ensure that the specified recycled performance similar to
content materials are installed and Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® ORD extraction and processing of should be established
quantify the total percentage of Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
recycled content materials installed. incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
Use the Waste Resource Action Most recycled content 20
Programme's (WRAP) “Recycled products exhibit
Content Tool,” to calculate the recycled performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
content of a project and identify quick MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
wins and benefits to maximize the virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
recycled content of materials used with with minimal to no cost
construction. premium.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Most recycled content 55
Use recycled content material made products exhibit
from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
or co-mingled plastic for items such as LEED® MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

extraction and processing of should be established

Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
trash receptacles, benches, tables, and virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
bike racks. with minimal to no cost
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Most recycled content 55
products exhibit
Use recycled plastics for roadway performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
markers, speed bumps, parking stops MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
and traffic signs. virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
Most recycled content 55
products exhibit
Use cold-rolled steel framing, as it performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
typically contains 20-25 percent MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
recycled material. virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
Most recycled content 55
products exhibit
performance similar to
Use hollow metal doors and frames Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
from recycled metal content. Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
Most recycled content 55
Install gypsum wallboard; gypsum products exhibit
wallboard incorporates recycled scrap performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
wallboard and by-product gypsum. MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
Synthetic gypsum content in drywall virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
helps prevent against moisture. with minimal to no cost
Most recycled content 55
Use composite boards, including paper products exhibit
and wood/paper building boards that performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
utilize milling by-products, waste MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
woods, recycled paper, and/or virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
agricultural waste (wheat-straw board). with minimal to no cost
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Most recycled content 55
products exhibit
performance similar to
Use high recycled content cast iron for Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
sanitary waste and vent piping. Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Recycled Content
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Most recycled content 55

products exhibit
If using plastic electrical device wall performance similar to
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
plates, ensure that they are made of at MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
least 20 percent recycled plastic. virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost
Most recycled content 55
products exhibit
performance similar to
Install terrazzo materials that contain Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
recycled content. Credit 4 virgin materials and can be Consideration.
virgin materials. during the design phase.
incorporated into projects
with minimal to no cost

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Most recycled content 7
For asphalt pavements, use recycled
products exhibit
materials such as rubber, glass, asphalt performance similar to May help improve the
roofing shingles, and blast furnace Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
MR products containing only community's view of the
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
slag; this pavement can be used for Credit 4 virgin materials and can be airport if part of an outreach
virgin materials. during the design phase.
access roads and non FAA regulated incorporated into projects program.
pavements. with minimal to no cost
Use recycled rubber and plastic 55
materials for temporary barriers and A- MR Helps conserve natural Establish specifications in No applicable Research Team
LEED® Potential cost savings.
Credit 4 resources. product purchasing. Consideration.
Frame Barricades.
Install flooring from recycled and These materials are from 55
reusable materials such as rubber, recycled and reused
Reduces the impacts from Recycled content goals
glass, agriculture fibers, and plastic, MR materials, typically last No applicable Research Team
LEED® extraction and processing of should be established
Credit 4 longer, and are easier to Consideration.
which can last longer and is easy to virgin materials. during the design phase.
maintain than traditional
maintain. flooring materials.
Use geotextile products manufactured 55
from recycled plastic or natural-fiber MR May have a higher upfront Helps conserve natural Establish specifications in No applicable Research Team
Credit 4 cost. resources. product purchasing. Consideration.
Most recycled content 55
products perform similarly to
Use cellulose insulation made from 75- products containing only Reduces the impacts from
MR Product availability may be No applicable Research Team
LEED® virgin materials and can be extraction and processing of
85 percent recycled newsprint. Credit 4 limited. Consideration.
incorporated into projects virgin materials.
with minimal to no cost
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Local/Regional Materials
Use the following locally/regionally 2, 18,
For buildings, specify 64
available materials: concrete, asphalt,
mechanical, electrical and
structural steel, masonry, post- Supports the local economy
plumbing equipment and
industrial recycled gypsum wallboard, Regional building materials and the use of indigenous
Reduces the environmental components that meet the
storm system concrete pipes of all MR are more cost effective for resources. Retains capital for
LEED® ORD impacts resulting from regional material goals.
Credit 5 projects due to reduced the community, contributing to
sizes, manholes and handholes, transportation. The availability of
transportation costs. a more stable tax base and a
electrical duct banks, cable, gas and regionally manufactured
healthier local economy.
water piping, rail tracks, rail ties, rail materials is dependent on
the project location.
ballast, landscape material and seed.
Establish a goal for the minimum 19, 64
percentage of local/regional materials Regional building materials
and products that are manufactured are more cost effective for
projects due to reduced
regionally within a radius of 500 miles. Reduces the environmental
transportation costs. Supports the local economy
Identify the value of local/regional impacts resulting from
Consider early on in the Identify and specify and the use of indigenous
materials so that they can be compared transportation. It is also
MR design process, if possible, materials and material resources. Retains capital for
LEED® ORD important to discuss the
with of the total value of the materials in Credit 5 since research may be suppliers that can achieve the community, contributing to
source of raw materials
the task/project. (Manufacturing refers required to determine what the regional materials goal. a more stable tax base and a
used to manufacture
to the final assembly of components products can be sourced healthier local economy.
building products.
locally and realistically be
into the building product that is
expected to be purchased
furnished and installed by the for the project.
During construction, ensure that the Reduces the environmental Supports the local economy 19, 64
specified local materials are installed Regional building materials impacts resulting from and the use of indigenous
May require a tracking
and quantify the percentage of the local LEED® MR are more cost effective for transportation. May require resources. Retains capital for
ORD system and personnel to
Credit 5 projects due to reduced hiring a LEED® AP or other the community, contributing to
materials installed based on a monitor compliance.
transportation costs. professional to monitor a more stable tax base and a
percentage of overall construction cost. compliance. healthier local economy.
Regional building materials 56
are more cost effective for
projects due to reduced
transportation costs. Supports the local economy
Allow contractors to suggest availability Consider early on in the Consider publishing a and the use of indigenous
Reduces the environmental
of local materials - keep lines of MR design process, if possible, website where contractors resources. Retains capital for
LEED® impacts resulting from
Credit 5 since research may be can indicate availability of the community, contributing to
communication open. transportation.
required to determine what regional material sources. a more stable tax base and a
products can be sourced healthier local economy.
locally and realistically be
expected to be purchased
for the project.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Rapidly Renewable Materials
Use the following rapidly renewable 2, 64
materials for both permanent and
Since rapidly renewable
temporary construction materials:
materials may be harvested Rapidly renewable materials
poplar OSB and straw board or May sustain a community
more quickly, they tend to are made from plants and
"agriboard" (formwork for temporary over a longer period than the
give a faster payback on typically harvested within a
construction and underlayment); MR No applicable Research steady and eventual depletion
LEED® investment for ten-year cycle. Reduces the
Credit 6 Team Consideration. of finite resources or the
bamboo flooring; cork; wool carpets manufacturers. As demand use and depletion of finite
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

degradation of a productive
and fabrics; cotton-batt insulation; increases, they are expected raw materials and long-cycle
linoleum flooring; sunflower seed to become cost-competitive renewable materials.
with conventional materials.
board; wheat grass or straw board
cabinetry and others.
Require less energy to 55
produce and have a long life
cycle. Production of clay
Install clay roof tiles which are made Reduce maintenance costs; has a low environmental
from abundant raw materials and carry MR clay roof tiles provided impact; clay can be easily May enhance architectural
LEED® Clay roof tiles are fireproof.
effective heat gain characteristics (for Credit 6 improved durability and an recycled. Reduces the use features.
cool climates). increased life cycle. and depletion of finite raw
materials. Building-
integrated solar clay tiles are
also available.
May sustain a community 55
It provides strength to

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Use paper joint tape to reinforce joints A potential health hazard over a longer period than the
May result in less cracking joints between
and corners in gypsum drywall interiors LEED® MR results from the dust steady and eventual depletion
and thus fewer call backs, plasterboard sheets. Easier
Credit 6 produced during the of finite resources or the
in lieu of fiberglass tape. saving time and money. to remove than fiberglass
removal of fiberglass casts. degradation of a productive
Since rapidly renewable 19, 64
materials may be harvested Rapidly renewable materials
May sustain a community
more quickly, they tend to are made from plants and
over a longer period than the
Ensure that the specified rapidly give a faster payback on typically harvested within a May require a tracking
MR steady and eventual depletion
LEED® ORD investment for ten-year cycle. Reduces the system and personnel to
renewable materials are installed. Credit 6 of finite resources or the
manufacturers. As demand use and depletion of finite monitor compliance.
degradation of a productive
increases, they are expected raw materials and long-cycle
to become cost-competitive renewable materials.
with conventional materials.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Rapidly Renewable Materials
They are a rapidly 26, 55
renewable waste product of
grains, such as harvested
wheat, rice, barley, oats, Straw densely packed into
Straw is relatively and rye. Since straw is still bales is fire resistant since May reduce the risk of
Use paper-faced compressed straw inexpensive since it is a burned in fields in some the tight packing keeps the accidents that can occur when
panels as an alternative for interior wall LEED® MR
waste product of grains. areas, air pollution available oxygen needed shifting winds blow smoke
Credit 6
partitions. Avoids unpredictable lumber associated with burning for combustion limited and over highways and ignite
prices. straw is avoided. While the high silica content in straw left in fields.
straw provides few nutrients straw is said to impede fire.
to the soil, it does add
organic matter and helps
aerate the soil.
May sustain a community 43
Install carpets made with bio-based Reduces the use and
Carpet made of wool is over a longer period than the
materials such as cotton, jute, sisal, depletion of finite raw
MR usually more expensive No applicable Research steady and eventual depletion
LEED® materials and long-cycle
hemp, wool, and polylactic acid (PLA) Credit 6 (although inherently flame Team Consideration. of finite resources or the
renewable materials.
fiber. resistant). degradation of a productive
Improves indoor air quality.
Cork floor tile should be 55
Synthetic carpet fiber,
composed of 100% natural
backing, pad, adhesive, May sustain a community
cork bark and recycled
Use natural cork, strawboard and As demand increases, they seam sealants, and floor over a longer period than the
cork granules and set in a
recycled-content fiber board in flooring MR are expected to become preparation chemicals are steady and eventual depletion
LEED® natural or synthetic flexible
Credit 6 cost-competitive with all potential sources of VOC of finite resources or the
underlayment applications. resin matrix; it should be
conventional materials. in indoor air. These natural degradation of a productive
homogeneous and uniform
materials don't emit harmful ecosystem.
in composition throughout
the tile thickness.
More carbon is absorbed 39
Use a carbon-negative, hemp-based Produced mainly from through growing the hemp Weighs less than concrete
building material from renewable renewable sources, hemp- than creating the building and is less prone to
sources that is several times stronger based building materials are material, which helps cracking. May be used to
than concrete. The material can be mixed on site and deliver reverse the damaging create insulating walls and
MR LAX, ONT, Creates a healthy living and
LEED® high levels of insulation, air- effects of greenhouse insulation layers for floors
used as a substitute for concrete for the Credit 6 VNY, PMD working environment.
tightness, and vapor gases. Hemp-based building and roofs. Can be used to
creation of buildings, insulating walls, permeability. The product materials can lock up provide buildings with
and insulation layers for floors and can have a lifespan of approximately 110 kilograms beneficial thermal and
roofs. approximately 100 years. of carbon dioxide per cubic acoustic properties.
meter of wall.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Coal fly ash blended 43
cements may range from
0-40% coal fly ash by
weight, according to ASTM
Use Portland cement concrete with 25 C 595, for cement Types IP
Fly ash is a byproduct of
percent fly ash (can be substituted for and I(PM). 15% is a more May help improve the
coal-fired power plants; it
up to 60 percent of cement in a MR accepted rate when coal fly community's view of the
LEED® May reduce material costs. contains some radioactivity
Credit 4 ash is used as a partial airport if part of an outreach
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

concrete mix) that has less embodied otherwise disposed in

cement replacement. May program.
energy and reduces water permeability. landfills.
enhance concrete
capabilities. Availability
variable. Establish
specifications for
Use ground granulated blast furnace Must be in compliance with 55
GGBF slag cement is
ASTM C989, Grade 100 or
slag (GGBF slag) to replace up to 70% typically less expensive than
Grade 120. Availability
of the Portland cement in concrete Portland cement. GGBS has
variable. Establish May help improve the
mixtures. Most GGBF slag concrete replaced Sulfate Resisting
MR Useful application of a specifications for community's view of the
LEED® Portland cement on the
mixtures contain between 25 and 50 Credit 4 waste product. use/composition. Improves airport if part of an outreach
market for sulfate resistance
percent GGBF slag by weight, durability, reducing program.
because of its superior
providing protection against sulphate maintenance costs and
performance and greatly
repairs that may delay
attack and chloride attack. reduced cost.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Reduces maintenance, 43
Use silica fume as a replacement for 5
Silica fume is very fine reducing operational
to 7 percent of Portland cement to May reduce material costs.
pozzolanic material delays. Replacement levels
improve compressive strength, bond Extends the lifecycle of Prevents silica fume from
MR produced by electric arc higher than 10 percent can
LEED® cement, reducing the being discharged into the
strength, and abrasion resistance; Credit 4 furnaces as a byproduct of lead to workability issues.
frequency of repairs and atmosphere.
reduce permeability; and protect from production of elemental Availability is variable.
corrosion. silicon or ferro-silicon alloys. Establish specifications for
Concrete admixtures are 43
now available that retard
Crush and reuse hardened, cured
May reduce material costs. the setting of concrete so
waste concrete as fill or as a base May reduce disposal costs effectively that a partial
course for pavement. Hardened, cured In many urban areas, Reduced off-site hauling could
MR for waste as in many urban load can be brought back
LEED® concrete can no longer be reduce traffic in the
waste concrete may be used as Credit 4 areas, concrete can no to the ready mix plant for
accepted in landfills. surrounding community.
aggregate in concrete mix (if approved longer be accepted in one or two days then
by the engineer). landfills. reactivated for use.
Establish specifications for
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Using tires as a source of 5, 11
Tires contain 1.25 times the Tires contain less nitrogen
energy may not be well
energy content of coal, so than coal, the higher the
received due to concern over
Use scrap tires as an alternative fuel the savings on energy costs level at which tires are There is typically a limit on
potential emissions; and the
source (tire-derived fuel or TDF) in can be significant. The substituted for coal, the the use of TDF because
loss of a resource that use as
cement production kilns or purchase cement industry is the greater the reduction of tires also contain zinc
a fuel diverts tires from higher
largest end-user of TDF. NOx. Emissions which slows the setting
concrete from kilns that use recycled value-added markets. In
Tires have consistent and demonstrate a consistent time for concrete. Variable
tires. reality, the addition of TDF
predictable properties, so reduction in sulfur and other availability.
typically has a neutral to
TDF performance in the kiln emissions with the use of
positive impact on air
is well understood. TDF.
Must abide by NESHAP 40 68
CFR Part 61, Subpart M
(must be asbestos free, May help improve the
Use the asphalt, aggregate, fibers, and Asphalt mixes with recycled cannot include nails or community's view of the
limestone filler from recycled roof roof shingles may be more Reduces the demand on deletious material; must airport if part of an outreach
resistant to thermal cracking virgin materials. Reduces follow grind size and program. Reduces landfill-
shingles in hot-mix or warm-mix
(undergoing further testing), landfill-bound waste. moisture content bound waste in the local
asphalt. reducing maintenance costs. specifications). Samples community, especially after
should be proportioned and large storm events.
pre-blended prior to
The product is lightweight 40
Use carbon fiber reinforcement instead and corrosion resistant Establish specifications for
of rebar or steel mesh (these products Reduce cracking and extend making it stronger and use. Extends the
No applicable Research Team
life in concrete, reducing easier to use than steel, structure's life cycle,
corrode and are one of the weakest Consideration.
maintenance costs. producing lighter weight reducing the frequency of
parts of the concrete structure). components, product building repairs.
developers contend.
Reduces maintenance costs 7, 39
Use rubberized pavements or and replacement costs by Extends pavement life
innovative pavement treatments to Can reduce road noise by
LAX, ONT, extending the pavement's cycle, reducing the Reduces noise in nearby
up to 15 dB. Makes use of
improve durability and reduce VNY, PMD life cycle. May reduce the frequency of rehabilitation communities.
recycled tires.
maintenance. need for expensive noise and maintenance.
RMA, specifically when used 8, 55
in Stress Absorbing
Decreases noise levels (up
Membranes or Stress
Use rubber modified asphalt (RMA) to 5 dB). Depending on the
Absorbing Membrane
with crumb rubber content no greater application selected, Reduces noise in nearby
Interlayers, reduces the Improves skid resistance.
between 500 and 2,000 communities.
than 20 percent. occurrence of reflective
scrap tires can be used in
cracking because of its
each lane mile of pavement.
elastic properties, reducing
maintenance costs.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
The asphalt is heated 75- 19, 32
50°F less than traditional
Some sources claim warm- Because warm-mix asphalt is
‘hot-mix’ asphalt, reducing
Utilize warm-mix asphalt to reduce Uses 20 percent less energy mix asphalt compacts not heated as high, the work
GHG emissions on-site and
BOS, ORD to make, reducing better, allowing for sturdier environment is healthier for
energy needs during construction. at the production plant.
production costs. runways. Requires FAA the crews installing the
Produces 20 percent fewer
coordination/approval. pavement.
greenhouse gas emissions
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

than traditional asphalt.

Install light colored/high albedo Absorbs less heat, which 39
Reduces heat islands, Reduces heat islands in the
pavement for roadways (i.e., Portland SS may aid in energy savings.
LAX, ONT, minimizing the impact on the Improves roadway visibility, local community, reducing
LEED® Credit Reduces costs associated
cement), parking lots, sidewalks and VNY, PMD microclimate and human improving safety. temperature compared to
7.1 with cooling and HVAC
plaza areas. and wildlife habitat. absorptive pavements.
The production and 7
installation of asphalt
Asphalt typically requires produces lower levels of Asphalt pavements are
Consider the amount of
Use asphalt pavements for access about 20 percent less greenhouse gasses that generally faster to
absorptive pavements in the
roads and non FAA regulated energy to produce and other pavements. Dark- construct and rehabilitate,
local community to ensure
construct than other colored pavement may opening to traffic as soon
pavements. that heat islands would not be
pavements, consuming less increase the heat island as it has been compacted
an issue of concern.
fuel. effect. Consider shading and cooled.
and/or open-grid systems
where possible.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

May melt together in 7, 18,
extreme heat, filling the 50, 61
“permeable” voids. Sand
Porous pavement can be applied to the pavement
used to turn runoff into will clog the surface.
infiltration; restore the Chlorides from road salt
Permeable pavement may hydrology of a site; improve may migrate into
Install permeable pavement (pavers or be similar to (or potentially water quality; replenish groundwater. Plowing may
pervious concrete) for roadways, higher than) the cost of aquifers; protect streams; be challenging because the
shoulders, non-traffic pavements, SS ORD, LAX, traditional pavement reduce heat islands; and edge of the snow plow Improves water quality and
LEED® Credit ONT, VNY, materials. However, using clean stormwater. It should blade can catch the edge reduces flooding in the local
maintenance roads, utility yards, and
6.1 PMD permeable paving can be avoided where activities of the blocks, damaging community.
airside and landside parking facilities, reduce the cost of providing generate contaminated the surface. Infiltrating
where possible. larger or more stormwater runoff, in areas that have runoff below pavement
BMPs on-site. low soil permeability, may cause frost heave,
seasonal high groundwater although design
tables, and areas close to modifications can reduce
drinking water supply wells. this risk. Snow melts faster
on a porous surface
because of rapid drainage
below the snow surface.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Provide shade for new pavement from Reduces costs associated Reduces stormwater runoff 64
the existing tree canopy or within 5 SS with cooling and HVAC and heat islands, minimizing May reduce glare,
years of landscape installation. Vegetated areas provide
LEED® Credit equipment and may extend the impact on the enhancing safety in parking
aesthetic benefits.
Landscaping (trees) should be in place 7.1 the life cycle of the covered microclimate and human lots and roadways.
at the time of occupancy. pavement. and wildlife habitat.
Place a minimum of 50 percent of Green roofs require lower Reduces heat islands, 64
newly constructed parking spaces maintenance than standard minimizing the impact on the
SS May reduce glare,
under cover. Any roof used to shade or LEED® roofs (if native species are microclimate and human Vegetated roofs provide
Credit enhancing safety in parking
planted) but typically requireand wildlife habitat. Green aesthetic benefits.
cover parking must have a SRI 29 or 7.1 lots and roadways.
an additional up-front roofs reduce stormwater
be a vegetated green roof. investment. runoff.
Provides self-draining 30
Granite aggregates have an properties. An extended
Extended lifespan reduces
Use granite aggregate as a subbase for expected lifetime of 40-50 lifespan reduces the
the need for runway No applicable Research Team
MSP years, reducing maintenance demand for new materials,
runways. restructuring, reducing Consideration.
costs and the frequency of reducing emissions from
operational delays.
restructuring/repaving. production and
Edges experience the 29
greatest stress (largely from
Extend the base course width of a moisture changes), so by
Reduces the demand for Extended lifespan reduces
pavement by 1-2 feet beyond the top extending the base course,
new materials, minimizing the need for pavement No applicable Research Team
the top pavement layer will
pavement to prevent premature emissions from production restructuring, reducing Consideration.
have an extended life cycle,
distress. and transportation. operational delays.
reducing maintenance costs
and the frequency of
Reduces the quantity of air 29
To prevent premature distress of
contaminants that are
pavement, use a non-fossil fuel Prevents premature distress
odorous, irritating and/or Extended lifespan reduces
based/non-volatile environmentally of pavement, reducing
harmful to the comfort and the need for pavement Reduces air pollution in the
maintenance costs and the
friendly prime coat to waterproof well-being of installers. restructuring, reducing local community.
frequency of
asphalt instead of a diesel based prime VOCs also contribute to operational delays.
coat. smog generation and
outdoor air pollution.
During a pavement course, cut off the 29
last foot and begin the next course from Prevents premature distress
that spot to ensure good joint density. Reduces the demand for Extended lifespan reduces
of pavement, reducing
The last foot that is removed has a new materials, minimizing the need for pavement No applicable Research Team
maintenance costs and the
emissions from production restructuring, reducing Consideration.
lower density than the rest of the frequency of
and transportation. operational delays.
course (it is weaker and leads to restructuring/repaving.
cracking and distress).
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Provides increased skid 29
resistance, an anti-glare
Life cycle (4 to 6 years) and
Use chip seals instead of slurry seals to An extended pavement life surface during wet
cost (per square yard) is the
stop pavement cracking and prevent cycle reduces the demand weather, and an increased
same as for a slurry seal.
future cracking. Once chip seals are for new materials, reflective surface for night No applicable Research Team
Equipment to apply a slurry
minimizing emissions from driving. Cracked Consideration.
used, then micro surfacing can be seal is not as common as
production and windshields can be
applied. the equipment for a chip-
transportation. reduced by using volcanic
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

seal application.
cinders or manufactured
lightweight aggregate.
Use precast high performance concrete Focuses environmental 40
Prefabrication may reduce Establish specifications for No applicable Research Team
controls at production
for buildings. product, transport costs. use. Consideration.
Use "Roman concrete" instead of 21
traditional concrete to extend the
durability of a structure. Roman Prevents premature distress Prior to purchasing, consider
Extended lifespan reduces
concrete consists of volcanic ash or and extends life cycle, the emissions associated
the need for rebuilding or No applicable Research Team
reducing maintenance costs with hauling the Roman
'pozzolan' (silica and small amounts of restructuring, reducing Consideration.
and the frequency of concrete components large
alumina and iron oxide) instead of sand operational delays.
restructuring/repaving. distances.
and is mixed at a ratio of two parts
pozzolan to one part lime.
Less expensive than 55

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

conventional fillers. Since May sustain a community
Use recycled newspaper or waste rapidly renewable materials Reduces the use and over a longer period than the
agriculture materials in expansion joint may be harvested more depletion of finite raw No applicable Research steady and eventual depletion
quickly, they tend to give a materials and long-cycle Team Consideration. of finite resources or the
fillers to keep them dry and clean. faster payback on renewable materials. degradation of a productive
investment for ecosystem.
For structural steel, consider metal Avoid plated metals that use 55
finishing based on physical processes cadmium or chromium
such as abrasive blasting, grinding, No applicable Research No applicable Research Protects the health of
plating materials and
Team Consideration. Team Consideration. installers and occupants.
buffing, and polishing, rather than cyanide or formaldehyde
multiple coatings. copper plating solutions.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Pavements and Building Structures
Appropriate for hot and 5, 42
Use fiber cement siding as a Obtains the look of wood humid climates because it
replacement for wood or typical exterior while achieving higher is resistant to rot, fungus,
wall cladding. Fiber-cement siding is durability and lower and termite infestation.
composed of cement, sand, and maintenance costs. The It is termite-resistant, water- Manufacturers state that it
cellulose fiber that has been autoclaved installed costs are typicallyresistant, non-combustible, has excellent weathering No applicable Research Team
less than traditional masonryand warranted to last 50 characteristics, strength, Consideration.
(cured with pressurized steam) to or synthetic stucco, equal toyears. and impact resistance.
increase its strength and dimensional or less than hardboard Unless top coat is applied
stability. The fiber is added as siding, and more than vinyl in the factory, siding may
reinforcement to prevent cracking. siding. need to be painted every 4-
5 years.
Uses fewer raw materials, 55
Use large panel formwork systems to reduces material wastes,
May increase material costs,
reduce concrete waste generated by reduces transportation
however, may reduce Reduces the impact of
losses due to damaged formwork, impacts, reduces landfill Enables just-in-time
transportation of materials. delivery vehicles on local
impacts, and improves air construction techniques.
which usually accounts for 30% of the Reduces transportation and streets.
quality by reducing negative
total concrete waste. waste disposal costs.
impacts related to concrete
Conventional form-release 55
oils can be a major source
of VOCs, soil contamination,
and human health risks.
Use biodegradable form releasing May minimize exposure of
No applicable Research Biodegradable, Protects the health of
workers to hazardous
agents. Team Consideration. nonpetroleum alternatives installers and occupants.
contain just a fraction of the
federally permitted VOC limit
for concrete form-release
Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
Install high reflectance/high albedo Reduce costs associated 64
roofing materials with a high solar with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
reflectance index (SRI), as described in equipment. Buildings in very
(thermal gradient differences
the ASTM E 1980 standard. Low- cold climates may not Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
sloped roofs (slope <= 2:12) should experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
have a SRI value of 78 or above; 7.2 minimizing the impact on the
reflective roofing due to high absorptive roofing.
steep-sloped roofs (slope > 2:12) microclimate and human
emittance and low
should have a SRI value greater than and wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
29. increase heating costs.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
Reduces stormwater runoff - 19
typically only 25 percent of
rainfall on a green roof
becomes runoff. Reduces
Provide energy saving heat islands (thermal
insulation benefits and gradient differences
Install a vegetated green roof system require lower maintenance between developed and
than standard roofs (if native undeveloped areas), No applicable Research Provide aesthetic benefits and
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

for at least 50 percent of the roof area LEED® Credit ORD

species are planted). Green minimizing the impact on the Team Consideration. reduce heat islands.
to reduce the heat island effect. 7.2
roofs typically require an microclimate and human
additional up-front and wildlife habitat.
investment. "Extensive" green roof
systems with 1 to 5 inches
of topsoil can be installed
that improve filtration and
treatment of rainwater.
Provide energy saving 39
insulation benefits and
require lower maintenance
than standard roofs (if native
species are planted). Green
roofs typically require an Reduces stormwater runoff
Use a combination of vegetated and SS additional up-front and heat islands, minimizing
LAX, ONT, No applicable Research Provide aesthetic benefits and
LEED® Credit investment. Buildings in very the impact on the

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

high albedo surfaces. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. reduce heat islands.
7.2 cold climates may not microclimate and human
experience year-round and wildlife habitat.
energy benefits from
reflective roofing due to high
emittance and low
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
Install a Cool Roof Rating Council equipment. Buildings in very
(thermal gradient differences
(CRRC) rated roof product or an cold climates may not Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
Energy Star cool roof with equivalent LAX, ONT, experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
reluctance and emittance properties 7.2 minimizing the impact on the
reflective roofing due to high absorptive roofing.
( microclimate and human
emittance and low
and wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in very
(thermal gradient differences
cold climates may not Reduces heat islands in the
Use a single ply roofing membrane with SS between developed and
LAX, ONT, experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
high emittance properties. VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
7.2 minimizing the impact on the
reflective roofing due to high absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human
emittance and low
and wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in very
(thermal gradient differences
Apply high reflectance coating to the cold climates may not Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
surface of a conventional roof LAX, ONT, experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
membrane. 7.2 minimizing the impact on the
reflective roofing due to high absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human
emittance and low
and wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
Reduces costs associated 39
with cooling and HVAC
Reduces heat islands
equipment. Buildings in very
(thermal gradient differences
Use metal roofs with industrial grade cold climates may not Reduces heat islands in the
SS between developed and
coating that are high reflectance and LAX, ONT, experience year-round No applicable Research local community, reducing
LEED® Credit undeveloped areas),
VNY, PMD energy benefits from Team Consideration. temperature compared to
high emittance. 7.2 minimizing the impact on the
reflective roofing due to high absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human
emittance and low
and wildlife habitat.
absorption, which may
increase heating costs.
For roofing shingles, use recycled Reduces heat islands 55
steel/aluminum, photovoltaic roofing (thermal gradient differences Consider the regional
Reduces heat islands in the
technologies, plastic shingles, natural SS Potential material cost between developed and climate, e.g., exposure to
local community, reducing
LEED® Credit savings; longer-term undeveloped areas), storms, tornados, hail, the
slate shingles, certified wood shingles, temperature compared to
7.2 operational benefits. minimizing the impact on the solar resource potential,
and/or clay roof tiles to reduce the heat- absorptive roofing.
microclimate and human etc.
island effect. and wildlife habitat.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Roofing Materials
A properly formulated Non-halogenated PVC poses a risk in building 55
membrane sheet will not materials, such as mineral fires since it releases deadly
pose environmental hazards hydrate, can be applied as gases long before it ignites.
and is well suited for landfill flame-retardants. The PVC is manufactured near
Use roofing membranes containing disposal, recycling or following alternatives to low-income communities in
thermoplastic olefins (TPO) in lieu of MR Higher cost compared to
LEED® incineration. There are no PVC can also be used for Texas and Louisiana. The
Credit 6 PVC.
PVC's. environmental concerns with roofing membranes: toxic impact of pollution from
the base polymers and all of ethylene propylene diene these factories on these
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

the raw materials and base monomer, nitrile butadiene communities has made them
additives are non- polymer, and low-slope a focus in the environmental
hazardous. metal roofing. justice movement.
Sustainable Materials
Add polyethylene vapor retardant under 55
the floor slab and avoid a layer of sand Increases floor life cycle, Reduces indoor air quality May help extend the life
between the polyethylene and the reducing maintenance costs hazards associated with cycle of the floor slab, No applicable Research Team
and the frequency of mold, improving employee reducing building Consideration.
concrete to reduce the occurrence of replacement. health. maintenance.
Reduces ground source 47
moisture and energy usage,
Install a layer of gas-permeable saving costs. It is more cost-
Creates a physical barrier to
material under the foundation, e.g., 4 effective to include radon- May require hiring staff
radon entry, reducing the No applicable Research Team

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

resistant techniques while experienced in radon
inches of gravel, covered by plastic risk of lung cancer in Consideration.
building a structure rather minimization.
sheeting. occupants.
than installing a radon
reduction system in an
existing building.
Reduces ground source 47
moisture and energy usage,
Seal and caulk all openings in the Creates a physical barrier to
saving costs. It is more cost-
concrete foundation floor and install a radon entry and a pathway
effective to include radon- May require hiring staff
gas-tight 3" or 4" vent pipe that runs for the radon to be No applicable Research Team
resistant techniques while experienced in radon
redirected outside, reducing Consideration.
from under the foundation through the building a structure rather minimization.
the risk of lung cancer in
building to the roof. than installing a radon
reduction system in an
existing building.
A non-insulated foundation 55
can result in a large heat
Provide capillary break (damp-proofing) loss from an otherwise May help extend the life
between the footing and foundation Reduces the demand for
tightly sealed, well-insulated cycle of the floor slab, No applicable Research Team
HVAC operation, reducing
wall or perimeter foundation for slab- building. Less expensive to reducing building Consideration.
on-grade. install than exterior maintenance.
insulation for existing
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Sustainable Materials
Reduces ground source Reduces the presence of 55
moisture and energy usage, mold, improving indoor air May help extend the life
Install drainage tile at foundation saving costs. Less quality. Reduces the cycle of the floor slab, No applicable Research Team
footings. expensive to install than demand for HVAC reducing building Consideration.
exterior insulation for operation, reducing maintenance.
existing buildings. emissions.
Use foundation anchor systems that do Limits excavation and Avoids construction noise and 55
No applicable Research Establish specifications for
soil/material disposal or air pollution associated with
not require excavation. Team Consideration. use.
storage. excavation.
Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Specifications may need to 55
Install carpet tiles from post industrial Reduces land fill use,
MR be established in project No applicable Research Team
LEED® Potential cost savings. conserves use of natural
nylon that are reusable and recyclable. Credit 4 standards and procedures Consideration.
to use on a project.

Specifications may need to 55

Use ceramic tile containing post- Reduces land fill use,
MR be established in project No applicable Research Team
LEED® Potential cost savings. conserves use of natural
consumer or post-industrial waste. Credit 4 standards and procedures Consideration.
to use on a project.
Provides a tighter building SIPs consist of a sandwich
envelope with higher of two layers of structural
insulating properties, board with an insulating
Use Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) decreasing operating costs. layer of foam in between.
consisting of Oriented-Strand Board Due to the standardized and Helps conserve natural The board can be sheet No applicable Research Team
'all-in-one' nature of SIPs, resources. metal or OSB and the foam Consideration.
(OSB) for floors, walls, and/or roofs. construction time can be either expanded
reduced and may require polystyrene foam, extruded
fewer trades for system polystyrene foam, or
integration. polyurethane foam.

Do not use particleboard or medium- Reduces long-term
density fiberboard that contains urea No applicable Research No applicable Research Protects the health of
exposure in completed
Team Consideration. Team Consideration. installers and occupants.
formaldehyde. structure.

Avoids the need for 5

Use concrete pigments to turn plain additional products and
Enhances aesthetics; avoids
concrete slabs into finished floors, Uses less material to turn coatings, eliminating the
No applicable Research traffic resulting from the
concrete into finished environmental impacts
eliminating the need for conventional Team Consideration. transportation of finish
surfaces, reducing costs. associated with
finish flooring. flooring.
manufacturing and
maintaining those materials.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Although greenboard 18
Greenboard has the same
drywall's paper covering is
gypsum core as the other
water-resistant, it is not
varieties, but is covered in a
Install moisture resistant greenboard Both have a higher cost than waterproof. The brittle
thicker, more water-resistant No applicable Research Team
ORD traditional drywall due to gypsum core is not suitable
and mold resistant purpleboard drywall. paper than standard drywall. Consideration.
their advanced properties. for wet applications or for
The paper is coated with
floors or ceilings. It is
wax to help control moisture
installed the same way as
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

standard wallpaper.
With the use of drywall clips, 5
With the use of drywall clips,
the drywall is separated from
the drywall is separated
the framing pieces, which
Use drywall clips instead of traditional from the framing pieces,
helps minimize sound This provides sufficient
metal or wood blocking to install which helps minimize sound
transmission through the support and backing that is
drywall. These clips create a single or travel through the walls. For
walls. For further sound comparable to and No applicable Research Team
further sound transmission
double-stud corner, versus the three or transmission control, sometimes better than the Consideration.
control, specialized sound
four-stud corners that the blocking specialized sound isolation traditional three or four-
isolation drywall clips can be
provided. drywall clips can be used, stud corners.
used, which are attached to
which are attached to the
the studs then nailed to the
studs then nailed to the
Prior to purchasing insulation products, CFC and HCFC deplete the 55
Encourages manufacturers to
ensure that they were not ozone layer, allowing
EA No applicable Research Establish product produce products in a more
LEED® harmful ultraviolet radiation

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

manufactured using CFC or HCFC Credit 4 Team Consideration. specifications. environmentally-conscious
to penetrate through to the
refrigerants. manner.
Earth's surface.
Require or recommend Specifications may need to Reduces exposure of workers
sleeves/sealants that ensure low No applicable Research Longer-term environmental
be established in project and building occupants to
Team Consideration. considerations.
transfer rates of radon. standards and procedures. radon.

Higher cost than mineral 55

Use biodegradable hydraulic elevator oils, however, reduces Reduces environmental
No applicable Research Can be domestically
liability and costs for oil issues caused by spills and
oils. Team Consideration. produced.
cleanup from spills and leaks.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Alternatives: Flooring & 33, 55
PVC poses major hazards in Carpet: linoleum, bamboo,
its manufacture, product life ceramic tile, carpeting with
and disposal. Toxic natural fiber backing or
Provide incentives for reduced PVC manufacturing byproducts polyolefins, reclaimed or
use in site conduit applications and include dioxin, ethylene FSC wood, cork, rubber, PVC poses a risk in building
dichloride and vinyl chloride,concrete, and non- fires since it releases deadly
require all PVC used underground to
which can cause cancer, chlorinated plastic gases long before it ignites.
be encased in concrete. Alternatives for endocrine disruption, polymers. Wall Coverings PVC is manufactured near
piping include cast iron, steel, concrete, PVC conduit is usually lower neurological damage, birth & Furniture: natural fibers low-income communities in
vitrified clay, and copper. Siding in cost than other forms of defects & impaired child such as wood and wool, Texas and Louisiana. The
alternatives include fiber-cement board; conduit. development, and other polyethylene, polyester, toxic impact of pollution from
stucco; recycled, reclaimed, or FSC hazardous health impacts. and paint. Electrical these factories on these
certified sustainably harvested wood, The additives required to Insulation and Sheathing: communities has made them
make PVC make large scale halogen free, linear low- a focus in the environmental
oriented strand board, brick, and
post consumer recycling density polyethylene, and justice movement.
polypropylene. problematic for most thermoset crosslinked
products and interfere with polyethylene. Windows &
the recycling of other Doors: recycled, reclaimed
plastics. or FSC wood, fiberglass,
and aluminum.
Benefits include 12, 55
impermeability, hardness,
and mechanical strength.
Commonly used in sewer
The raw materials for gravity collection mains
VCPs have a lifespan of 80
manufacturing VCP are clay because of their resistance
to 100 years due to features
and recycled materials from to domestic and industrial
Use vitrified clay pipes (VCP) for drain such as resistance to
the ceramic industry. The sewage, particularly
piping in lieu of more expensive cast corrosion and chemical No applicable Research Team
environmental impact of sulfuric acid. Only
attack, abrasion, Consideration.
iron pipes. manufacturing of VCP is hydrofluoric acid and
temperature, and
relatively small compared highly-concentrated caustic
impermeability, providing life
with most other types of wastes are known to attack
cycle cost benefits.
sewer materials. VCP - wastes not permitted
to be discharged into a
municipal sewage
collection system without
adequate pretreatment.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Building Interiors
Do not use fiberglass insulation or duct The extended use of 55
fiberglass duct liners may
liners that contain phenol formaldehyde
All of the alternative batt result in microbial growth. A
binders. As a substitute, use loose fill or insulation products are made phenol-formaldehyde binder
blown fiberglass insulation that requires almost entirely from recycled can off-gas and be a Non-fiberglass batts offer Reduces exposure of workers
no formaldehyde binder. Fiberglass or renewable materials. moderate indoor air quality similar thermal and building occupants to
insulation produced with acrylic binder They offer similar thermal concern. Most fiberglass performance as fiberglass. formaldehyde.
performance as fiberglass insulation does have at least
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

or non-fiberglass batts made of cotton,

sheep's wool, or mineral (rock or slag) but at a slight cost premium. 30 percent recycled glass
content but is made of
wool can also be used.
boron, a finite recourse.
Lawrence Berkeley National 42
Laboratory testing
demonstrated that aerosol
sealing can reduce leakage
by a factor of 5 to 8, saving
an estimated $300 per year An insignificant amount of Before aerosol sealing test
Use a pressurized aerosol duct sealing on the heating and cooling adhesive particles are ducts to determine the
for internally sealing existing heating EA costs of a typical home. deposited on interior duct leakage volume. Aerosol No applicable Research Team
Credit 1 Aerosol duct sealing is easy walls, and they have no sealing is not Consideration.
and cooling HVAC ducts. to use compared with harmful effect on the IAQ of recommended for gaps
traditional methods such as a building. larger than 1/4-inch.
applying mastic, because it
eliminates the need to open

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

wall, floor, and ceiling
cavities to access hard-to-
reach leaks.
Duct mastics provide 55
Improved sealing results in
Use duct mastics (gooey sealants that improved sealing over duct
improved energy efficiency Duct tape does not
are painted on and allowed to harden) tapes, reducing energy
and lower heating/cooling adequately seal HVAC No applicable Research Team
costs. Maintenance costs
in lieu of duct tapes to minimize demand, reducing joints and has a short Consideration.
may decline due to less
leakage effects. emissions caused by HVAC lifespan.
frequent application of duct
Sustainable Materials
Electrical Materials
Reduces carbon monoxide They produce about 90 55
It consumes as little as one-
Use and install compact fluorescent emissions and emissions percent less heat than Reduces energy demand and
EA fifth the power and lasts up
LEED® from production and incandescent bulbs while improves air quality in the
lighting (CFL). Credit 1 to 13 times longer than
materials use due to the delivering more light per local community.
incandescent fixtures.
extended lifespan of CFL. Watt.
Reduces emissions from Provide a highly 55
Use and install slim-profile lighting Can save energy costs energy usage; consider slim concentrated light source Reduces energy demand and
LEED® because of better lumen profile solar lights to enable that can enhance the improves air quality in the
systems. Credit 1
output and a thinner lamp. remote use and/or to performance of the local community.
provide safety lighting. luminaries.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Electrical Materials
Minimize the use of lit signage outdoors Reduces energy demand; 55
Photovoltaic panels can be
and maximize the use of photovoltaic photovoltaic signage provides
EA Reduces emissions from placed in remote locations
LEED® Reduces energy costs. visible evidence of the
panels for construction and warning Credit 1 energy usage. and don't require
airport's commitment to
signage where applicable. connection to a grid.
Provide improved 13, 55
robustness, smaller size,
Consume less energy than
faster switching, and
incandescent lights and
greater durability and
often pay back the additional
reliability. May require
first cost within one year
More energy efficient and more precise current and
through energy savings; they
longer lasting than heat management than
require less maintenance
Use and install LED lights. EA incandescent lights, traditional light sources. Reduces energy demand in
LEED® and provide improved
Credit 1 reducing emissions from Solar-powered LED lights the local community.
performance. All LED
power generation and offer additional
products should have a
production. advantages, including
warranty of at least 5 years
application in remote
with a recycling program
location without grid
provided by the
access or as an
Absorbs energy provided 55
It requires no backup power
by visible and near-visible
supply, no conduit, no
light and then releases that
battery, and is easy to The signage may not be
Install photo-luminescent signage for The signs themselves do energy as light at a later
install. An electrician is properly charged and
safety pathway markings, exit signs, EA not draw any power; thus, time. It must be exposed to
LEED® needed to install light functional if an emergency
Credit 1 their use does not generate ambient light of a minimum
and egress signage. fixtures near the signs in occurs immediately after
emissions. intensity and type for a set
order to meet manufacturer occupants enter a building.
period of time to absorb
specifications and code
enough energy to emit
useful light.
Reduces waste generation 37
by prolonging the life of old, These fluids may improve
The food-grade formula and
installed transformers equipment efficiency. Bio-
higher flash point results in a
Bio-based oil can extend the (retrofitted with bio-based based transformer fluids
less hazardous working
Use bio-based transformer fluids. service life of a transformer fluids). Reduces accidental are not subject to Federal
environment, improve
by enhancing its insulating contamination in the event Regulation of Used Oils,
workers' health and safety.
life and performance. of a leakage by using fluid but instead are covered by
Reduces fire-safety hazards
that can degrade faster than the Edible Oil Regulatory
associated with mineral oil.
conventional dielectric Reform Act.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Electrical Materials
Four halogen downlights are 31, 59
needed to provide the same
effective general lighting
levels as one 100 watt globe More than 90 percent of the
in the middle of a room. energy that goes into
They use additional energy common halogen lights Halogen lights may pose a Reduces energy demand and
Do not use halogen lights. YYZ as they require the use of a turns into heat; as a result, fire risk if not installed improves air quality in the
transformer that is usually the lights use more properly. local community.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

located up in the ceiling electricity than needed,

above each light fitting. The making them very inefficient.
transformers can use an
additional 10 to 30 percent
of the bulb energy.
Sustainable Materials
Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
Polymer concrete surface 5
Polymer concrete surface
Use enamel waterborne epoxy and systems protect against
systems reduce the heat Reduces heat islands in the
chemical-resistant waterbase methane freeze-thaw cycles, chemical
island effect; they are about No applicable Research local community, reducing
stains, and surface
products for architectural surface 20° cooler than light-colored Team Consideration. temperature compared to
penetration; this reduces
coatings. concrete (available in a absorptive materials.
associated maintenance and
variety of colors).
energy costs.
Polymer concrete surface 5

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

systems are a low-
maintenance alternative to Polymer concrete surface
Use 100 percent solids, two-component tile, hardwood, or carpet systems reduce the heat Reduces the need for
The epoxy resin is 5 times
flooring and offer design island effect; they are about rehabilitation, minimizing
epoxy resin for crack repair. the strength of concrete.
flexibility. They also protect 20° cooler than light-colored construction noise and traffic.
against freeze-thaw cycles, concrete.
chemical stains, and surface
Costs for most low-VOC 5
products are generally
competitive with
conventional materials but
These pre-colored matrixes
may be more expensive
use dry pigments recovered
Use pre-colored matrix mixes that when they are first Protects water quality in the
from iron oxide run-off from No applicable Research
introduced into the local community, especially
require no liquid colorant additives. coal mines, the largest Team Consideration.
marketplace. Health near coal mines.
single source of water
concerns associated with
pollution in the U.S.
VOCs result in increased
expenses and liability for
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Polymer Concrete Surface Systems
Use degreasers that are made of d- Citrus peel oils are an
Cost competitive since they
limonine, a terpene extracted from MR agricultural waste product, No applicable Research Reduces agricultural waste in
LEED® are an agricultural waste
Credit 6 as well as a rapidly Team Consideration. local communities.
citrus peel oils. product.
renewable produce.

Polymer concrete surface 5

systems are a low-
maintenance alternative to Resistant to ultraviolet rays It provides a non-porous
Use an acrylic sealer to complete the Provides a non-yellowing
tile, hardwood, or carpet and abrasions; protects surface finish that protects
third and final part of a polymer coating and may enhance
flooring and offer design surfaces from moisture and enhances the finished
color retention, maintaining
concrete surface system. flexibility. They also protect penetration, staining, dirt, application for both vertical
against freeze-thaw cycles, dust, and wear. and horizontal installations.
chemical stains, and surface
Can be used to refurbish old 5
or damaged floors. Polymer
concrete surface systems The elastomer acrylic caulk
Use an elastomeric acrylic caulk in are a low-maintenance should be composed Provides a surface that is
concrete slab expansion joints, alternative to tile, hardwood, primarily of natural easy to clean and maintain; Provides a paintable surface
masonry perimeters, and for sealing or carpet flooring and offer ingredients such as calcium dries quickly, reducing to maintain aesthetics.
around doors and windows. design flexibility. They also carbonate, potassium, and down time.
protect against freeze-thaw sand.
cycles, chemical stains, and
surface penetration.
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 19, 64
For adhesives and sealants, the VOC products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
content used must be less than the
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
current VOC content limits of South may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
Coast Air Quality Management District IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
(SCAQMD) Rule #1168, AND all Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
sealants used as fillers must meet or 4.1 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
exceed the requirements of the Bay concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
Area Air Quality Management District VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
Regulation 8, Rule 51.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 13, 64
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
For field applications that are inside the may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
weatherproofing system, use adhesives IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
and sealants that comply with the limits LEED® Protects installers and
Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
for VOC content calculated according 4.1 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Mercury does not degrade 22
in the environment. Human
nervous systems are
Health concerns associated
Do not use adhesives or sealants that sensitive to all forms of
with exposure to mercury Mercury negatively affects Encourages manufacturers to
use Mercury and/or Persistent, Mercury. Methylme rcury
and PBT result in increased the nervous system of produce products in a more
(caused by sulfate reducing
Bioaccumulative, and Toxic Pollutants expenses and liability for installers and building environmentally-conscious
bacteria) bioaccumulates in
(PBT). building owners, operators, occupants. manner.
organisms as it moves
and insurance companies.
through the food web,
adversely effecting humans,
fish, and waterfowl.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Costs for most low-VOC 55
products are generally
competitive with
VOCs react with sunlight
conventional materials but No fire or explosion
and nitrogen oxides in the
may be more expensive hazards. May require
Use water-based adhesives and atmosphere to form ground- Encourages manufacturers to
IEQ when they are first longer drying times. Use of
sealants that contain no VOCs on level ozone, a chemical that produce products in a more
LEED® Credit introduced into the high VOC-content
has a detrimental effect on environmentally-conscious
porous or nonporous surfaces. 4.1 marketplace. Health materials can cause illness
human health, agricultural manner.
concerns associated with and may decrease
crops, forests and
VOCs result in increased occupant productivity.
expenses and liability for
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 13
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
Seal interior concealed joints to reduce
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that
airborne sound transmission by using may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or
nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, Obtain a recommendation
IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and
nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber LEED® in writing by the Reduces noise in the local
Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and
ornamental formed-metal community.
sealant with a VOC content of 250 g/L 4.1 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also
or less when calculated according to 40 concerns associated with contribute to smog
CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 13
Reduces noise transmission
products are generally
through perimeter joints and
competitive with
openings. Reduces the
conventional materials but Use of high VOC-content
quantity of indoor air
Use nonsag, paintable, nonstaining, may be more expensive materials can cause illness
contaminants that are
latex sealant complying with ASTM C IEQ when they are first and may decrease
odorous, irritating and/or No applicable Research Team
LEED® Credit introduced into the occupant productivity.
834; of type and grade required to seal harmful to the comfort and Consideration.
4.1 marketplace. Health Consider the location of the
joints in ornamental formed metal. well-being of installers and
concerns associated with manufacturer, durability,
occupants. VOCs also
VOCs result in increased and performance.
contribute to smog
expenses and liability for
generation and outdoor air
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 13
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
Use aliphatic-resin, polyurethane, or IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
No applicable Research Team
LEED® Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
resorcinol wood glue. Consideration.
4.1 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 2
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
Encourages manufacturers to
Use zero- or low-VOC field applied IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
produce products in a more
LEED® Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
paints and coatings. environmentally-conscious
4.2 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 39
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
Follow standards and prohibitions may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
documented in SCAQMD Rule 1113 IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
LAX, ONT, Protects installers and
LEED® Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
(paints and coatings) and applicable VNY, PMD building occupants.
4.2 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
source-specific SCAQMD standards. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 19
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
For interior paints and coatings, VOC may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
emissions must not exceed the VOC IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
and chemical component limits of Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
Green Seal’s Standard GS-11 4.2 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
requirements. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 13
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
For field applications that are inside the may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
weatherproofing system, use paints IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
and coatings that comply with the limits LEED® Protects installers and
Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
for VOC content when calculated 4.2 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 19
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
For carpet systems, VOC emissions
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
must meet or exceed the requirements may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
of the Carpet and Rug Institute's Green IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
Label Indoor Air Quality Test Program. LEED® Protects installers and
Credit ORD introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
Composite wood and agrifiber must 4.3 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
contain no added urea formaldehyde concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
resins. VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Costs for most low-VOC 19
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
Specify low-VOC carpet systems. may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
Ensure that VOC limits are clearly IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
stated where carpet systems are Protects installers and
LEED® Credit ORD introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
addressed. Be attentive to carpet 4.3 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
installation requirements. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 55
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
Install VOC-free natural linoleum may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
flooring, reclaimed wood products IEQ when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
(such as re-milled structural timbers), Protects installers and
LEED® Credit introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
building occupants.
recycled glass tile, or ceramic tile in lieu 4.3 marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

of carpet materials that contain VOCs. concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
Do not install vinyl flooring with high Polyvinyl chloride is not 55
polyvinyl chloride content. Carpet biodegradable. Long-term
containing PVC can release toxic Non-polyvinyl chloride leeching could lead to
chemicals, including dioxin, into the air; IEQ flooring has a higher cost ground water contamination.
No applicable Research Protects installers and
LEED® Credit due to the widespread use If burned, it releases harmful
PVC often contains phthalate-based Team Consideration. building occupants.
4.3 and availability of polyvinyl gas. It is highly toxic during
softening agents, which are recognized chloride. production. Recycling is
as reproductive toxins that may difficult because of the
contribute to indoor pollution. diverse additives used.
Renewable and 55
biodegradable. Natural

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

Use natural linoleum flooring or Durable and resilient. Has
IEQ linoleum flooring is made
reclaimed wood products such as re- Typically more expensive a 30-40 year lifespan Protects installers and
LEED® Credit from linseed oil, pine resin,
than vinyl flooring. compared to a 10-20 year building occupants.
milled structural timbers. 4.3 wood flour, cork powder,
lifespan for vinyl flooring.
limestone dust, natural
pigments, and jute.
Clean up carpet spills immediately to Improves indoor air quality 55
prevent stains and fungus. Perform Helps ensure a long life
and reduces emissions
extraction cleaning every 6 to 12 cycle of carpeted areas, May require additional Protects installers and
associated with the
reducing costs associated labor and/or staffing. building occupants.
months, preferably with hot water or production and transport of
with carpet replacement.
steam. new carpeting.
Vacuum heavily trafficked areas daily Improves indoor air quality 55
Helps ensure a long life Protects installers and
using equipment with powerful suction and reduces emissions
cycle of carpeted areas, May require additional building occupants from
associated with the
& a high-efficiency particulate air reducing costs associated labor and/or staffing. exposure to dust and other
production and transport of
(HEPA) filtration bag. with carpet replacement. pollutants.
new carpeting.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Low-Emitting Materials
Costs for most low-VOC 2
products are generally
competitive with Reduces the quantity of
Ensure that all shop finished material conventional materials but indoor air contaminants that Use of high VOC-content
meet the VOC emission requirements. may be more expensive are odorous, irritating and/or materials can cause illness
Materials to consider are: primed steel, when they are first harmful to the comfort and and may decrease
Protects installers and
introduced into the well-being of installers and occupant productivity.
finished metals including aluminum, building occupants.
marketplace. Health occupants. VOCs also Consider the location of the
finished millwork, and finished steel and concerns associated with contribute to smog manufacturer, durability,
wood doors and windows. VOCs result in increased generation and outdoor air and performance.
expenses and liability for pollution.
building owners, operators,
and insurance companies.
During deconstruction, vacuum old 43
Reduces the quantity of
carpets prior to removal using a indoor air contaminants that
certified Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Protects workers from
May reduce health expenses are odorous, irritating and/or May require additional
exposure to dust and other
Green Label vacuum cleaner. Also for construction workers. harmful to the comfort and labor and/or staffing.
vacuum the floor immediately after old well-being of installers and
carpet is removed. occupants.
PCBs cause skin problems 38, 63
Health concerns associated in adults and
Reduces the risk of exposure
with PCBs result in Reduces the environmental neurobehavioral and
Remove all equipment containing to hazardous combustion by-
increased expenses and risk from leakage due to immunological changes in
HNL products in the case of fire.
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB). liability for building owners, deterioration or damaged children. PCBs are known
Reduce risks to occupants
operators, and insurance equipment. to cause cancer in animals.
from exposure to PCBs.
companies. PCBs do not readily break
down in the environment.
Sustainable Materials
Encourages environmentally 2, 64
Respects indigenous peoples'
responsible forest
Use FSC products in temporary and rights and adheres to
The cost of FSC-certified management. Irresponsible
permanent construction materials and applicable laws and treaties.
wood is equal to or higher forest practic es result in May require a tracking
finished products; meet established MR Preserves forest land for
LEED® SFO, ORD than the cost for destruction of forests and system and personnel to
Credit 7 future generations. Benefits
FSC goals conventional wood products wildlife habitat, soil erosion monitor compliance.
responsible forest workers
( and varies by region. and stream sedimentation,
and forest-dependent
water and air pollution, and
waste generation.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
Encourages environmentally 19, 64
Respects indigenous peoples'
responsible forest
rights and adheres to
Ensure that the FSC-certified wood The cost of FSC-certified management. Irresponsible
applicable laws and treaties.
products are installed and quantify the wood is equal to or higher forest practic es result in May require a tracking
MR Preserves forest land for
LEED® ORD than the cost for destruction of forests and system and personnel to
total percentage of FSC-certified wood Credit 7 future generations. Benefits
conventional wood products wildlife habitat, soil erosion monitor compliance.
products installed. responsible forest workers
and varies by region. and stream sedimentation,
and forest-dependent
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

water and air pollution, and

waste generation.
Creosote-treated lumber 39
Reduces the quantity of emits a bad odor, can soil
indoor air contaminants that clothes, has vapors that are
Prohibit the use of creosote-coated LAX, ONT, No applicable Research are odorous, irritating, May reduce product life toxic to plants, and is difficult
lumber. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. and/or harmful to the cycle. to saw, sand, and paint. Direct
comfort and well-being of contact can cause skin
installers and occupants. irritation and plant damage or
Preservative-treated lumber 39
May reduce product life
Reduces the quantity of may emit a bad odor, soil
cycle. Any treated material
indoor air contaminants that clothes, have vapors that are
shipped to the construction
Reduce the requirements for LAX, ONT, No applicable Research are odorous, irritating, toxic to plants, and be difficult
site should be stored out of
preservative-treated wood. VNY, PMD Team Consideration. and/or harmful to the to saw, sand, and paint. Direct
contact with standing water
comfort and well-being of contact can cause skin
and wet soil and protected

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

installers and occupants. irritation and plant damage or
from precipitation.
Burning, mechanical 39, 55
Full-scale commercial
abrasion, direct contact with
introduction of borates in
The cost of site-applied wood, sawdust, and acidic
the United States has
Do not use chromate copper arsenate borate treatments exceeds rainfall can release arsenic
slowed because of the
(CCA) pressure-treated lumber. Use the costs of other chemical in CCA-treated lumber. Use
leaching problem of
lumber that is treated with less toxic, treatments because of sustainably harvested wood Encourages manufacturers to
borates. As borates are
borate-based chemicals for dry LAX, ONT, shipping costs (limited independently certified by produce products in a more
water soluble, water dilutes
VNY, PMD availability). ACQ typically organizations such as the environmentally-conscious
conditions and use Ammoniacal them and leaves the wood
has a higher cost than CCA. FSC, Smartwood Program manner.
Copper Quaternary (ACQ) for wet unprotected from decay
CCA is no longer being of the Rainforest Alliance,
conditions. after a period of time. In a
produced for residential or and Scientific Certification
location unexposed to
general consumer use. Systems. ACQ is less toxic
water, they are effective in
than CCA and performs
preserving wood.
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)
During Construction
Sustainable Materials
EPS is the only common
rigid foam board stock
insulation made with neither EPS insulation installation
CFCs nor HCFCs. However, is simpler; it can be molded Enhances safety; encourages
Use expanded polystrene (EPS) foam XPS is stronger, denser, and shaped easily. XPS is manufacturers to produce
instead of extruded polystyrene (XPS) EPS costs less than XPS. smoother, and more water- flammable and must be products in a more
for rigid board insulation. resistant, and has a higher protected by a 15 minute environmentally-conscious
R-value per inch. If the thermal barrier, such as 0.5 manner.
correct density is chosen for inch of gypsum board.
the application, EPS is not
affected by moisture.
Manufacturers claim it is 42, 55
more durable than
Uses recycled plastic trash
conventional preservative-
bags and waste wood fibers.
Cost-competitive with high- treated lumber because the
Contains none of the toxic Encourages manufacturers to
Use recycled wood/plastic composite end materials such as finger wood fibers act as
MR chemicals used in produce products in a more
lumber in structural applications as an LEED® jointed pine and redwood, reinforcement; the plastic
Credit 4 conventionally treated environmentally-conscious
alternative to synthetic wood materials. but more expensive than encapsulates and binds the
lumber. Reduces the manner.
standard treated products. wood together to resist
amount of virgin materials
moisture penetration. May
used in production.
weigh more than standard
lumber products.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)

Systems Commissioning
Most effective when begun 39, 64
Develop and use a systems at project inception since it
commissioning plan. Establish systems involves the owner, users,
Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the
commissioning requirements consistent occupants, operations and
EA improves building systems perform in
with sustainable design to ensure LAX, ONT, maintenance staff, design May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi documentation, lowers accordance with the
VNY, PMD professionals, and productivity.
optimal performance of systems and site 1 operating costs, and reduces owner's project
contractors. Improves
complete a summary systems contractor callbacks. requirements.
energy efficiency, reducing
commissioning report.
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

emissions from use of fossil

Identify an individual to lead the 64
commissioning process early on. The
commissioning authority should review Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the
and oversee the completion of EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
commissioning process activities, have LEED® LAX, ONT, May improve occupant
Prerequi documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
VNY, PMD productivity.
documented experience in at least 2 site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
building projects, and should be contractor callbacks. requirements.
independent of the project design and
construction management team.
Incorporate commissioning 64
requirements into construction Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the
documents. Have a contract in place to EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
LAX, ONT, May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
implement best practice commissioning VNY, PMD productivity.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
procedures and tie payment to contractor callbacks. requirements.
completion of the contract.
Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the 19
Review the design intent and the basis EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
of design documentation for proper May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi ORD documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
systems commissioning. site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
contractor callbacks. requirements.
Provide the airport owner with a single EA Lowers costs for Improves energy efficiency, 19
manual that contains the information Expedites
LEED® Prerequi ORD recommissioning, expediting reducing emissions from use Promotes internal awareness.
required for recommissioning systems. site 1 the process. of fossil fuels.
Engage a commissioning team that 19
does not include individuals directly Reduces energy use, Helps verify that the
responsible for project design or EA improves building Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
May improve occupant
LEED® Prerequi ORD documentation, lowers reducing emissions from use accordance with the
construction management to evaluate productivity.
site 1 operating costs, and reduces of fossil fuels. owner's project
both building and site systems as part contractor callbacks. requirements.
of the commissioning plan.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)

Systems Commissioning
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Establish and follow systems 19

commission requirements for runway Helps verify that the
lighting and illuminated signage, Reduces energy use, lowers Improves energy efficiency, systems perform in
No applicable Research Team
ORD operating costs, and reduces reducing emissions from use accordance with the
runway NAVAIDS, runway site lighting Consideration.
contractor callbacks. of fossil fuels. owner's project
systems, traffic signals, pump stations, requirements.
and oil/water separators.
Indoor Air Quality
Additional time and labor 19, 64
may be required to protect
and clean ventilation
systems and building
Develop and implement an Indoor Air spaces. Extends the lifespan Helps sustain the comfort and
Quality (IAQ) Management Plan for the IEQ Reduces IAQ problems
of the HVAC system, No applicable Research well-being of construction
LEED® Credit ORD resulting from the
construction and pre-occupancy improving ventilation Team Consideration. workers and building
3.1 construction process.
phases of the building. efficiency and reducing occupants.
energy use. If contaminates
remain they may lead to
expensive and complicated
clean up procedures.
Additional time and labor 19, 64
may be required to protect
Replace all air filter media used during
and clean ventilation
construction at least two weeks prior to systems, but would extend
building occupancy, subsequent to May delay occupancy by May improve air quality within
IEQ the lifespan of the system, Reduces IAQ problems
building flush-out. After construction two weeks if not accounted buildings. May minimize
LEED® Credit ORD improving ventilation resulting from the
for at the beginning of the worker's exposure to
ends and prior to occupancy, conduct a 3.1 efficiency and reducing construction process.
project. potentially harmful chemicals.
two-week building flush out with 100% energy use. If contaminates
outside air. remain they may lead to
expensive and complicated
clean up procedures.
Filtration media installed at the end of Improves ventilation 19
construction shall have a Minimum Filtration should be applied
efficiency. May help Reduces IAQ problems
Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of IEQ to process both return and May improve air quality within
LEED® ORD contribute to lowering health resulting from the
Credit 5 outside air that is to be buildings.
13, as determined by ASHRAE 52.2- insurance rates and construction process.
delivered as supply air.
1999. healthcare costs.
May damage parts of the 13
Can reduce
building (e.g., moving
materials/components that
concrete floor slabs,
are sent to the landfill and Keeping materials pristine
causing carpet and vinyl
Prohibit "bake-out" or "superheating" of May damage building parts, the environmental impacts may reduce the duration of
flooring to buckle, cracking
spaces to accelerate the release of requiring the purchase of of producing new construction projects,
windows, warping wood
new materials and additional construction products and minimizing temporary noise
gaseous emissions. doors warped, etc.) May
labor costs. materials. Moisture from the and traffic impacts on the
reduce delays associated
air, and some volatile gases, local community.
with the ordering/
can condense on cooler
transportation of new
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)

Indoor Air Quality
Non-toxic cleaning supplies 2
Minimal costs; may help are less harmful to the
Only use non-toxic cleaning agents for Specifications may need to
contribute to lowering health natural environment. Protects worker and occupant
be established in project
cleaning activities. insurance rates and Biodegradable and bio- health.
standards and procedures.
healthcare costs. based concrete cleaning
agents are available.
Community Outreach and Sustainability Accomplishments
Document all sustainable construction 39
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

activities to track progress at several

stages throughout the construction Helps track sustainability
process (e.g. checklists and progress Widely varies on detail and goals, accomplishments, and
Helps ensure that the
reports). Prepare interim progress LAX, ONT, goals; less so as it becomes Helps achieve lessons learned. May help
contractor is following
VNY, PMD part of standard operating environmental goals. improve the community's view
reports to track and document any gaps sustainability requirements.
procedures. of the airport if part of an
that may occur in construction or outreach program.
documentation. Provide continual
feedback on sustainability performance.
Establish an airport-specific 55
rating/ranking system in conjunction Helps achieve
Markets the specific
with the airport sustainability guidance environmental objectives.
Could be tied to cost savings Determined by goals. May sustainable practices and
manual. Provide rewards (certificates LAX, ONT, Encourages other
generated by practices have operational and/or related EONS benefits on a
VNY, PMD contractors to improve their
of achievement, financial incentives, employed. cost implications. local, national, and
sustainability efforts to
etc.) for contractors who meet and or international level.
achieve recognition.

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

exceed sustainability goals.
Post signage (e.g., display/poster Promotes worker, customer, 3
Creates awareness of
boards) of LEED®/sustainability goals No applicable Research and community awareness of
LEED® General Minimal cost. environmental focus and
Team Consideration. the airport's sustainability
for construction projects. benefits.
Conduct an industry forum/conference 3, 39
to share and learn about sustainable Use industry conferences, Markets the specific
construction practices (engage other Raises awareness; potential Creates awareness of annual reports, websites, sustainable practices and
cost savings from learning environmental focus and presentations, press related EONS benefits on a
contractors, the local community, and VNY, PMD
from others. benefits. releases, articles in trade local, national, and
construction and aviation industries). journals, etc. international level.
Conduct tours of the construction site.
Regional building materials 39
are more cost effective for
projects due to reduced
transportation costs. Supports the local economy
Engage the FAA to discuss the use of Consider early on in the and the use of indigenous
regional or local suppliers as part of Reduces the environmental
LAX, ONT, design process, if possible, No applicable Research resources. Retains capital for
impacts resulting from
projects that utilize FAA funding and VNY, PMD since research may be Team Consideration. the community, contributing to
adhere to FAA rules. required to determine what a more stable tax base and a
products can be sourced healthier local economy.
locally and realistically be
expected to be purchased
for the project.

(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
LEED® Research Team Considerations (see
LEED® reference
Sustainable Practice LEED® Credit Example(s) Economic Environmental Operational Social below)

Community Outreach and Sustainability Accomplishments
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Create an interactive multimedia Promotes awareness and 39

display (i.e. video, website, kiosk, etc.) Creates awareness; helps internal and external
that would engage and educate visitors LAX, ONT, Creates awareness at a No applicable Research
achieve environmental communication. Facilitates
VNY, PMD minimal initial cost. Team Consideration.
about the sustainable aspects of objectives. information sharing with
construction projects. airport customers.
Helps assure the community 3
Establish sustainable airport is involved in the project.
construction internships, stewardships, Provides added staff
Provides job opportunities and
and/or public education programs assistance and creates No applicable Research No applicable Research
career training for the local
research and educational Team Consideration. Team Consideration.
(focus on low-income and diverse community. Promotes
populations). awareness, communication,
and educational opportunities.
Ensure compliance with 53
Partners contractor and
Submit a final site waste recycling form Increased recycling efforts waste management and
construction management
prior to contract closeout that records may reduce disposal costs; recycling goals. May Educates construction
teams. May require
the total amount of construction or MR however, the cost of enhance recycling activities workers and identifies that
LEED® PDX additional staff training to
Credit 2 monitoring the recycling and thus reduce the sustainability is a priority at
demolition materials recycled during the explain procedures and
efforts may outweigh the emissions from hauling, the the airport.
duration of the project. requirements to
benefits. traffic impacts, and the
consumption of fossil fuels.
Review sustainable building Ensures project team 55
requirements in specifications with Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
achieve environmental sustainability requirements
each sub-contractor prior to achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
objectives. in their daily responsibilities
commencement of work. and assignments.
Ensures project team 39
Link achievement of the construction Creates awareness; helps members are incorporating
team's sustainability goals to LAX, ONT, Creates awareness; helps Promotes awareness and
achieve environmental sustainability requirements
VNY, PMD achieve cost objectives. internal communication.
performance reviews of key personnel. objectives. in their daily responsibilities
and assignments.
Provide financial incentives to 66
contractors who substantially exceed Contractual requirements Stresses that construction
May reduce hauling, Conserves natural
to be specified; perhaps waste management is a
requirements of the construction waste disposal, and fuel costs. resources.
difficult to monitor. priority at the airport.
management plan.

1 Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. FLEXSTORM Inlet Filters, 2009 Product Brochure, (accessed April 9, 2010).
2 Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) Sustainability Working Group, Gene Peters, Ricondo & Associates, Inc. & James Crites, Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport. DRAFT
Sustainable Initiatives Index, March 14, 2006, Index.pdf (accessed July 8, 2009).
3 ACRP 08-01 Research Team, 2009/2010.
4 Al-Qadi, Imad L., William G. Buttlar, Jongeun Baek, and Minkyum Kim. Cost-Effectiveness and Performance of Overlay Systems in Illinois. Volume 1: Effectiveness Assessment of HMA
Overlay Interlayer Systems Used to Retard Reflective Cracking, Research Report ICT-09-044, Illinois Center for Transportation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2009.
5 Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Daily. “Polymer Concrete Surface Systems: A Green and Sustainable Solution,” 2008, (accessed February 10, 2010).
6 ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Publications Database. “Properties of Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 120, No.
4, Pgs. 816-827, December 1994.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
7 Asphalt Pavement Alliance. Asphalt: the Sustainable Pavement, 2006, Asphalt-The-Sustainable-Pavement_324654808_102 72006175031.pdf (accessed January
7, 2010).
8 Asphalt Rubber Technology Service, Clemson University. “Benefits of Rubberized Asphalt,” 2009, (accessed March 3, 2010).
9 Barrilleaux, Janell, Tom Sommers, and Mike Steppens, City and County of Denver, Department of Aviation. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
10 Bayne, William, Patten Industries. Interview conducted in November 2009.
11 Blumenthal, Michael. “Scrap Tires Fuel U.S. Cement Industry,” Cement Americas, July 1, 2004.
12 Boiten, Stephen. Keramo Steinzeug N.V. “Why Vitrified Clay?” March 2008, (accessed March 5, 2010).
13 Build LACCD, LACCD Sustainable Design Standards, Los Angeles Community College District, 2009, (accessed March 21, 2010).
14 Caterpillar, Inc. Edwards Demonstration and Learning Center, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
15 City and County of Denver, Colorado. Denver International Airport 2008 Sustainability Summary, (2008), enviro/documents/2008summary.pdf.
16 City and County of San Francisco Airport Commission. San Francisco International Airport 2007 Environmental Sustainability Report, June 2007,
export/sites/default/download/about/reports/pdf/ESReport.pdf (accessed July 22, 2009).
17 City of Berkeley, California, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Environmental Health. “Construction Noise Standards,” Pgs. 1-2, September 2009,
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

Work/siteconstruction/assets/docs/Berkeley-construction-noise.pdf (accessed February 2, 2010).

18 City of Chicago, Department of Aviation. Sustainable Airport Manual (SAM), August 5, 2009, Documents/CDA SAM - v1.0 – August 5 2009 - FINAL.pdf
(accessed August 19, 2009).
19 City of Chicago, O’Hare Modernization Program Office. O'Hare International Airport (ORD) Sustainable Design Manual (SDM), December, 2003.
20 Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Awards Scheme. CEEQUAL Scheme Description and Assessment Process Handbook, December 2008.
21 CONSTRUCTOR Magazine (Ben Herring), the Associated General Contractors of America. “The Secrets of Roman Concrete,” Pgs. 13-15, September 2002.
22 Contra Costa Clean Water Program (Carrie Dovzak and Chris Sommers). “Pollutants of Concern Source Assessment Report, July 1, 2004,
(accessed March 8, 2010).
23 Crook, Ann B., AAE, Elmira Corning Regional Airport. Interview conducted on November 17, 2009.
24 Ecology and Environment, Inc. Hazardous Waste Management Plan for General Mitchell International Airport - Air Reserve Station, September 13, 2002,
document/AFD-070827-068.pdf (accessed July 21, 2009).
25, Tudor Van Hampton, Contractor Takes Keys to World's First 'Hybrid' Dozer, December 23, 2009,
26 Environmental Building News (Alex Wilson). “Straw: The Next Great Building Material?” May 1, 1995,
Material/ (accessed March 5, 2010).

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

27 Federal Aviation Administration, September 2005. Record of Decision for O’Hare Modernization at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
28 Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. “Special Report: Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction, and Mitigation,” Final Report, August 2006.
29 Freeman, Thomas J., P.E., Texas Transportation Institute. Interview conducted on November 30, 2009.
30 Fuhrmann, Thomas J., Metropolitan Airports Commission. Interview conducted on Nove mber 16, 2009.
31 Gray, Derek R., Greater Toronto Airports Authority. Interview conducted on November 24, 2009.
32 “Boston Logan Becomes the First US Airport to use 'Green' Asphalt on a Runway Repaving Project,” August 28, 2008,
(accessed March 1, 2010).
33 Healthy Building Network. “PVC in Buildings: Hazards and Alternatives,” January 11, 2006,, (accessed March 5, 2010).
34 Howell, Gregory A. “What is Lean Construction?” July 1999, (accessed February 3, 2010).
35 Ichinotsubo, Guy and Wendy Chuk (State of Hawaii, Airports Division), and Ashley Wilhelm (Green Building Services Consultant). Interview conducted on November 18, 2009.
36 Johnson, Scott. Caterpillar, Inc. “Equipment Spotlight,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
37 Joint Service and Pollution Prevention Sustainability Library, “About Time to Switch out your Transformers? Go Green!” January 2008, (accessed March 5, 2010).
38 KYA Design Group, and State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation. Honolulu International Airport Sustainable High Performance Guidelines (SHPG), February 2009, (accessed July 23, 2009).
39 Los Angeles World Airports. Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Sustainable Airport Planning, Design and Construction Guidelines, April 2009, Airport PDC Guidelines Jan08.pdf (accessed July 23, 2009).
40 McEvoy, Thomas, High Concrete Group. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
41 Minneapolis 311, the City of Minneapolis Anti-Idling Vehicle Ordinance. “Anti-Idling Vehicle Ordinance – Fact Sheet,” August 2008, (accessed February 3, 2010).
(continued on next page)

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices
Appendix B. (Continued).
42 National Association of Home Builders Research Center, Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, Toolbase Services. “Technology Inventory: Accelerating Awareness of Housing
Innovations,” 2008,, (accessed February 11, 2010).
43 National Institute of Building Sciences, Whole Building Design Guide. “Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers,” July 2007, (accessed February 10,
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

44 National Lime Association. Using Lime for Soil Stabilization and Modification (March 2001), (accessed July 24, 2009).
45 Nasvik, Joe. “3-D Laser Scanning,” Concrete Construction Magazine, July 1, 2007, (accessed April 9, 2010).
46 Nelis, Patricia, Salt Lake City Department of Airport. Interview conducted on November 19, 2009.
47 North Carolina Radon Program. “Radon Resistant New Construction,” January 25, 2006, (accessed March 9, 2010).
48 O’Donnell, Jayne, Turner Construction Company. Interview conducted in November 2009.
49 Oberhelman, Doug. Caterpillar, Inc. “Overview of the Current Global Economy,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation, Peoria, Illinois, April 6, 2010.
50 Parker, Cynthia, David Hansley, and Kate O’Malley, City of Phoenix Aviation Department. Interview conducted on November 10, 2009.
51 Peacock, Steven S., Dallas Department of Aviation. Interview conducted on November 13, 2009.
52 Pearce, Annie R., Virginia Tech University. Interview conducted on December 7, 2009.
53 Port of Portland. Construction Master Specifications, October 2008, Eng_Specs.aspx (accessed July 21, 2009).
54 Poudre School District. Sustainable Design Guidelines for the Construction of New Facilities and the Renovation of Existing Structures, June 2005,
downloads/plan_design_and_construction/sustainable_design_guidelines_2005.pdf (accessed July 23, 2009).
55 Pulaski, Michael H. and The Partnership for Achieving Construction Excellence Research Team. Pennsylvania State University & the Pentagon Renovation and Construction Program Office,
Field Guide for Sustainable Construction, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, June 2004, (accessed July 21, 2009).
56 Riley, David R., Pennsylvania State University Lean & Green Research Initiative. Interview conducted on December 2, 2009.
57 Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance. “Sustainable Aviation Guidance Alliance Sustainability Program Database,” 2009,, Version 10/09/09 (accessed
November 2009).
58 Salt Lake City Department of Airports, “Making the Business Connection to Airport Sustainability,” Carter & Burgess, Inc., Final, 2007,
(accessed July 23, 2009).
59 Sanctuary Magazine, Australia’s Leading Environmental Homes. “The Low-Down on Downlights,” Issue 4, 2009,
downlights (accessed February 15, 2010).
60 Shank, Paul L., P.E., C.M., Maryland Aviation Administration. Interview conducted on November 18, 2009.
61, Center for Watershed Protection, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, USDA, USGS). “Porous Pavements,” February 7, 2005, (accessed February 15, 2010).
62 Tommelein, Iris D., University of California, Berkeley. Interview conducted on November 30, 2009.
63 United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Ref erence Guide for Existing Buildings, Version 2.0, October 2006.
64 United States Green Building Council (USGBC), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). 2009 Green Building Rating System for New Construction & Major Renovation, 2009.
65 Warkoski, Jeffrey, Reynolds, Smith & Hill. Interview conducted on November 16, 2009.
66 Waste & Resources Action Programme. Reducing Material Wastage in Construction, October 2007,
Construction.0b1e535f.4711.pdf (accessed January 7, 2010).
67 Waste & Resources Action Programme. Construction Procurement Guide, March 2009, fffc9b6c.6736.pdf
(accessed January 7, 2010).
68 Williams, Christopher, Iowa State University, “Recycled Roof Shingles in Hot Mix Asphalt,” Presentation at the Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation (ICAT), Peoria, Illinois,
April 6, 2010.
Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

AC – Air Conditioning MH – Metal Halide

ACQ – Ammoniacal Copper Quaternary MKE – General Mitchell International Airport
ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers MR – Materials and Resources
ASTM – American Society for Testing of Materials MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheets
BMP – Best Management Practices MSP – Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
BOS – Boston Logan International Airport NESHAP – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
BWI – Baltimore-Washington International Airport NiCad – Nickel-Cadmium
CARB – California Air Resources Board NOx – Nitrogen oxides
CCA – Chromate Copper Arsenate ONT – Ontario International Airport
Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

CFC – chlorofluorocarbon ORD – O’Hare International Airport

CLF – Compact Fluorescent Lighting OSB – Oriented-Strand Board
CFR – Code of Federal Regulations OSHA – Occupational, Health and Safety Administration
CRI – Carpet and Rug Institute PBI – Palm Beach International Airport
CRRC – Cool Roof Rating Council PBT – Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
DAL – Dallas Love Field Airport PCB – Polychlorinated biphenyl
dB – decibel PCCP – Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe
DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise PDX – Portland International Airport
DEN – Denver International Airport PMD – Los Angeles/Palmdale Regional Airport
DFW – Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
DOC – Diesel Oxidation Catalysts RBD – Dallas Executive Airport
EA – Energy and Atmosphere RFP – Request for Proposal
EGGD – Bristol International Airport RFQ – Request for Qualifications
EGKK – London Gatwick Airport RMA – Rubber Modified Asphalt
EMAS – Engineered Materials Arresting System RR – Rapidly Renewable

Collection Sorted by Construction Implementation Stage Categories

EMS – Environmental Management System SCAQMD – South Coast Air Quality Management District
EONS – Economics, Operational, Natural Resources, and Social SCDA – Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents
EPS – Expanded Polystyrene SESC – Soil Erosion and Sediment Control
ETS – Environmental Tobacco Smoke SFO – San Francisco International Airport
F45 – North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport (Florida) SIP – Structural Insulated Panels
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration SLC – Salt Lake City International Airport
FSC – Forest Stewardship Council SPCC – Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
GHG – Greenhouse Gas SRI – Solar Reflectance Index
GGBF – Ground Granulated Blast Furnace SS – Sustainable Sites
GPS – Global Positioning System STL – Lambert-St. Louis International Airport
HCFC – hydrochlorofluorocarbon SWPPP – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
HDPE – High Density PolyEthylene TDF – Tire-Derived Fuel
HECA – Cairo International Airport TMA – Transportation Management Association
HEPA – High Efficiency Particulate Air TPO – Thermoplastic Olefins
HPS – High Pressure Sodium TVY – Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley Airport (Utah)
HNL – Honolulu International Airport U42 – South Valley Regional Airport (Utah)
HVAC – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning ULSD – Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
IAQ – Indoor Air Quality USDOE – U.S. Department of Energy
ICF – Insulating Concrete Form USEPA – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ID – Innovation in Design USGBC – U.S. Green Building Council
IEQ – Indoor Environmental Quality VCP – Vitrified Clay Pipes
LAX – Los Angeles International Airport VNY – Van Nuys Airport
LCA – Life Cycle Assessment VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds
LED – Light-Emitting Diode WBDG – Whole Building Design Guide
LEED® – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design WE – Water Efficiency
LEED® AP – LEED Accredited Professional WRAP – Waste Resource Action Programme
LGAV – Athens (Eleftherios Venizeolos) International Airport XPS – Extruded Polystyrene
LNA – Palm Beach County Park Airport (West Palm Beach, Florida) YYZ – Toronto Pearson International Airport
MBE – Minority Business Enterprise
MERV – Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value

Sustainable Airport Construction Practices

Abbreviations and acronyms used without definitions in TRB publications:

AAAE American Association of Airport Executives
AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACI–NA Airports Council International–North America
ACRP Airport Cooperative Research Program
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
APTA American Public Transportation Association
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATA Air Transport Association
ATA American Trucking Associations
CTAA Community Transportation Association of America
CTBSSP Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOE Department of Energy
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
HMCRP Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASAO National Association of State Aviation Officials
NCFRP National Cooperative Freight Research Program
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
RITA Research and Innovative Technology Administration
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAFETEA-LU Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy for Users (2005)
TCRP Transit Cooperative Research Program
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1998)
TRB Transportation Research Board
TSA Transportation Security Administration
U.S.DOT United States Department of Transportation

Copyright National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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