BSBWHS501 Ensure A Safe Workplace

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BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace

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In this case, I am hired as a consultant contractor to review and increase the safety standard of
Australian Hardware company (Wollongong store). Focusing on the legal compliance,
systematic work health and safety recordkeeping, and also improving the LTIFR plus IR of the
company. As the company’s objective in the next 5 years to become the leading business in
Australian market, its rapid growth caused several safety issues. Few problems reported due to
lack of safety compliance including hazardous material handling, manual lifting of outdoor
furniture in warehouse, and new employee familiarity with the workplace.

Policies and procedures

Policies and procedures to include in the new company policies are:
-Workplace hazards
-Workplace inspections
-Reactive and response activities
-Training policies

Adaptation and amendments required to existing policies and procedures

Studying the last report regarding new worker unfamiliarity with the workplace, such additional
policy involving training activities required to prevent similar things happen in the future (which
focused on high incidence rate area). Also, further policies adaptation may be required in cases
of a new hazard be identified, new technology be used, new legislation, new equipment,
accidents occurring more often.
Roles, respons.0ibilities and accountability

Roles Responsibilities Accountability

Store Manager Ensure training/induction has Create, implement and
been provided to the monitor policies, procedures,
employee reviewing.

Identify possible hazards Create, amend, implement

training syllabus
Team Leaders Ensure that new employees Report and indicate possible
are well trained and work threat/hazard
inside of the WHS system
Workers Executing WHS system Ensure to apply the
knowledge from training and
Follow company policies and aware of WHS policies &
procedures procedures

Report accidents and provide

information if hazard is
WHS consultant Assist the organization by Provide WHS system plan
providing information within
the legislation in WHS system Promote audit of the system
in certain periods of time
Ensure that policies and
procedures comply to the
current legislative

Human, physical and financial resources

Wage incl. Lost Total

entitlements productivity cost
cost cost ($ hourly)
Resource ($ hourly) ($ hourly)
Human Resources
Senior managers 100 100 200
Store managers 50 50 100
Team leaders (5–8 per 30 30 60
Workers (15–20 per store) 25 25 25
WHS consultants 60 N/A 60
Physical Resources
Training rooms 50 N/A 50

Amend the Wollongong Store WHS policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that work is carried out
safely in accordance with Australian Hardware’s ethical and legal
obligations to provide and maintain a safe workplace. Australian
Hardware recognises its responsibility to provide a healthy and
safe working environment for employees, contractors, clients and
visitors. Australian Hardware is committed to the continued
wellbeing of its employees and to ensuring that all employees are
safe from injury and health risks while undertaking work-related
duties, including home-based work.
The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of
Australian Hardware – All stores across Australia.
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with
employees and management of Australian Hardware with
responsibility for providing a safe place of work.
Management at the Wollongong Store are responsible for:
● consultation with employees regarding health and safety
and changes to legislation and/or working practices which
may affect the workplace
● providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment
for work
● create, evaluate, and amend training syllabus to ensure
adequate training is given to all employees
● providing support, training, and supervision to employees to
ensure a safe and healthy workplace
● the provision of adequate resources for employees to meet
health and safety management system targets.

● ensuring incident reports compliance by all workers and


● reviewing and or evaluating the WHS effectiveness based

on the weekly and monthly reports once every year

Individual employees are responsible for:

● following all workplace health and safety policies and
● ensuring that they report all potential and actual risks to
● ensuring to file the incident/accident report

● taking care to protect their own health and safety and that of
their colleagues at work
● ensuring that their own, or others’, health and safety is not
adversely affected by the consumption of drugs or alcohol
● encouraging others to follow healthy and safe working
practices in the workplace.

Relevant ● Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)

standards ● AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety
management systems – general guidelines on principles,
Report on the proposed WHSMS
The proposed WHSMS is focused on the training and compliance to risk/hazard resource. With
the new WHSMS, we introduce the emergency plan (evacuation and reactive & response
activities) what needs to be done, who needs to get in touch in case of any emergency. Also,
the time frame, how long the system needs to be reviewed.

Description about WHSMS policies

Changes made on the e

Legislative requirements
The proposed policies and procedures are based on legislative…

Description of duty holders (PCBU, officers, workers)

Explanation of how the proposed WHSMS meets organizational requirements and integrates
with organizational needs
-CHECK FY2013 goals
-Company requirement: they want to improve LIFTR + IR, means reducing safety issues
-General objective: in 5 years to become the leading Hardware supplier in Aussie
Policy and procedures for WHS risk management

 Organisation’s approach to WHS risk management and commitment to legal compliance

A proactive approach to WHS is critical. To meet our commitment, Australian Hardware

takes all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health and safety of persons
affected by its business or undertaking, through the development, implementation and
enforcement of policies and procedures.

These policies and procedures will provide for the following objectives so far as
reasonably practicable.

 The provision and maintenance of a safe work environment;

 The provision and maintenance of safe systems of work including safe plant
and structures;
 The safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances;
 The provision of appropriate information, training, instruction or supervision of
all workers as necessary for them to perform their role safely;
 The identification of any hazards and associated risks at workplaces;
 The prompt implementation of risk control strategies to eliminate risks and,
where that is not reasonably practicable, to minimise those risks so far as
reasonably practicable;
 The provision of adequate welfare facilities at workplaces;
 Monitoring the health of workers and conditions at the workplace for the
purposes of preventing illness and injury;
 Active participation in raising and resolving WHS issues;
 The promotion of active rehabilitation and return to work programs with the
aim of ensuring a full return to pre-injury duties wherever possible.

Australian Hardware recognises the importance of consultation between management

and workers in matters relating to WHS and also engaging in consultation with other
entities as necessary to ensure that common safety matters are the subject of
consultation, co-operation and co-ordination.

Australian Hardware may also provide directions, advice or assistance to other entities
associated with Australian Hardware in the management of health and safety matters
by those entities, to assist them in the protection of the health and safety of their
workers and others to whom they owe duties, so far as reasonably practicable.

 Relevant legislation and codes of practice

● Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW)

● Code of Practice: Managing the Work Environment and Facilities – August 2019

● Code of Practice: Work Health and Safety Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination

● Code of Practice: First Aid in the Workplace – August 2019

● Code of Practice: Hazardous Manual Tasks – August 2019

● Code of Practice: How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks – August 2019

 Procedures for identifying hazards and assessing and controlling risk

Responsibility All workers at the workplace are responsible for complying with
Australian Hardware WHS policies and procedures to mitigate the
risk of hazards that may adversely affect the health and safety.

Managers are responsible for:
●  Monitoring, reviewing and analysing all reported injuries and
hazards arising from the Australian Hardware, and determine
whether appropriate corrective actions have been put in place.

● Adopting Australian Hardware process of hazard identification,

risk management and incident investigation.

Individual employees are responsible for:

●  Acquire and keep up-to-date knowledge of work health and

safety matters within the entity.

● Gain an understanding of the nature of the operations of the

entity, and generally of the hazards and risks associated with
those operations.

● Ensure that the entity has available for use, and uses,
appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimise
risks to health and safety from work it carries out.

● Ensure that the entity has appropriate processes for receiving

and considering information regarding WHS incidents, near
misses, hazards and risks and responding in a timely way to
that information.

Organisation to comply with consultation requirements under the WHS Act.

Responsibility In line with Code of Practice: Work Health and Safety Consultation,
Cooperation and Coordination, Australian Hardware company has set
out the procedures to meet WHS legal requirements.

*Health and Safety Representatives are responsible for:

●   Take reasonable steps to keep themselves informed on WHS

issues and encourage consultation between workers and

● Provide advice, raise awareness or assist in the resolution of

WHS issues within their designated workgroup or work area.

*Managers are responsible for:

● Promoting effective WHS consultation with Australian

Hardware workers, health and safety representatives and
contractors so that WHS information is disseminated and WHS
issues are identified and resolved in a timely manner.
WHS *committee is responsible for:
 Providing a communication and consultation mechanism for
Australian Hardware workers, including input into the
development of WHS policies and procedures.

 Assisting in the consultation process by receiving and

disseminating WHS information to and from designated
working groups, Divisional WHS Committees and Australian
Hardware WHS and Security Management Committee.

Recordkeeping policy and procedures


 Provide example of any incident reports and risk register

Development from 6.3
Email to Wollongong HSR to arrange meeting

Role play with Wollongong HSR

Identify and seek expert advice for some aspect of planning or implementation of WHS risk
management or WHS legislation

Email to Wollongong Store Manager to arrange role play

Role play with Store Manager

Implement appropriate measures to control risk

Measures Timeline Resource New Any Communicatio Ongoing, Recordkeepin

to control s s and procedure changes in n and regular g or report
risk actions s procedure consultation monitorin actions
s g
e.g. fulfill 2 weeks training Provide Employee HSR Ongoing System
legal online can work management
obligation training from
s home
Evaluation report

Three recommendation (improvement to recordkeeping practices and induction or training)

Justification for recommendations with WHS legislation, standards, codes of practice,

Plan for your recommendations

Recommendation Regular review and Timelines, resources

and justification reporting and actions

Create a plan for a typical training or safety induction session

Existing policies and procedures

Recommendations and address performance issues

Overall company aims and objectives

Target audience

WHS legislation, codes of practice or standards to develop and train a relevant safety procedure
with close reference to an Australian Standards or model code of practice

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