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ZIE Matabeleland Area Annual General Meeting Minutes

MINUTES MARCH 2, 2018 17:34 HAGC

TYPE OF MEETING Annual General Meeting

CHAIR W Goriwondo


ATTENDEES Refer signed attendance register
APOLOGIES T Muzambwa, S Mhlanga

DISCUSSION Pre published Agenda

1. Opening Prayer. Volunteer

2. Introductions All

3. Minutes of Previous AGM and matters arising Eng. B. Sarema

4. Chairman’s Report . Eng. W. Goriwondo

5. Financial Report Eng. S. Zimwara

6. Discussion on Matters arising from the Reports Eng. C Rees

7. Address by ZIE Secretariat Rep ZIE Secretariat

7. Election of office bearers: 2018-2020 ZIE Secretariat

8. Induction of new committee members ZIE Secretariat

9. Vote of thanks.

10. Refreshments and Networking Volunteer

AGENDA ITEM 1. Opening Prayer.

AGENDA ITEM 2. Welcome Address

• The Chairperson welcomed all to the AGM
• The meeting started with a moment of silence in honour of the late Eng V. V. Desai
• It was determined that there were 11 members in attendance and the number was sufficient to establish a
quorum therefore the AGM was thereby dully constituted

AGENDA ITEM 3. Minutes of Previous AGM and matters arising
Acceptance of previous Minutes
• The minutes of the previous meeting were read out.
• Engrs C Rees and T G Nkiwane proposed and seconded respectively the previous AGM minutes as a true

MATTERS ARISING Matters arising

Bank account
• The bank account was not yet opened, process was underway to open account with NMB. The incoming
committee to complete the process.

Bulawayo Secretariat Office

• The office promised at ZINARA could not materialise because of change of management at ZINARA.

AGENDA ITEM 4. Chairman’s Report

Chairman Eng W Goriwondo read the Chairman’s report. The following were some of the key points and
discussions raised in the report.
• 9 out of possible 12 meetings were held in the last year.
• Attendance is generally low, average attendance of 21 was recorded in the past year.
• Two technical visits were done (Mater Dei & UBH Solar thermal installations and Usher High Biogas digester
• A google digital skills training workshop was held and some members from the area attended.
• Two presentations were held one on entrepreneurship for engineers by Eng Cleophas Dube and one on
building better roads using ROMIX technology by Mr Simon Spooner.
• The area attended ZITF 2017 through facilitation from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
• The area organised the Water and Bridge Building Competitions, schools from the area (Cyrene and Sizane
High Schools) represented the country at regional finals in South Africa in the two categories respectively.
• The Robotics competition was suspended but the Competitions and Awards subcommittee is urged to
relaunch it.
• NUST and Bulawayo polytechnic participated in the National Engineering Awards Competition (NESAC).
• The area was participating in the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Bulawayo, assisting with the Technical
working group on reindustrialisation with zoning. Engrs C Rees and S Mhlanga are the area representatives at
the SEZ.
• Members are advised to watch out for opportunities for consultancy work, training and other opportunities
for engineers.
• Website still under development.
• Members were urged to regularise their membership status and licencing with ZIE and ECZ to avoid practising

AGENDA ITEM 5. Financial Report – Treasurer
The report was deferred, as the treasurer was on a busy schedule but it was noted that most of the funds
collected are spent on drinks after the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 6. Discussion on Matters arising from the Reports
• There was a comment on improving visibility of ZIE Matabeleland Chapter, the ZIE secretariat is urged to
filter local events to the area to enable participation.
• Engineers who attend important meetings or workshops even in their own capacity or through work
assignments are encouraged to give feedback to other area members.
• Engineers at Bulawayo City Council to organise a presentation on the SEZ from the city’s Economic
Development Office.
• After the discussion the report, Eng. TG Nkiwane and W Kaguru proposed and seconded that the
Chairperson’s report be accepted.

AGENDA ITEM 7. Elections of office bearers: 2018-2020

• Eng. RJ Kwenda was tasked by the Secretariat to conduct elections.
• The outgoing committee was dissolved.
• Only registered members in all categories were allowed to participate in the elections.
• The outcome was as follows;
Eng Chris Rees Chairperson
Eng Mercy Ncube Vice Chairperson
Mr. Bekithemba Moyo Secretary
Eng. Magripa Nleya Treasurer
Dr Eng Annatoria Chinyama Women In Engineering
Mr Michael Sullivan Graduate Member Rep
Mr. Doward TC Jecha Technician Rep
Mr Hirwa Y Mvunabo NUST student Rep
Mr Hamilton Jiyane Byo Poly student Rep
Dr Eng William M Goriwondo Ex-Officio Immediate Past Chairperson

Next AGM to be held in April 2019




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