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Make Peace

1. Check the boxes and try to guess who the persons in the pictures are:
……………….. …………………….. …………………………

I am a military and a political I am a French military leader

I am the famous king of
leader of World War Two and emperor who conquered
Macedonea and one of the
and bear responsibility for the much of Europe in the early
greatest military leaders in
-A - of millions including
death 19th century. I am famous by
the history of warefare. I
six millions Jewish people. being short. By the age of 25,
conquered 90 % of the
So , who am I? I led armies against the king
world by the age of 25 in
of Austria winning major
just 08 years. I died young
of illness. I paved the way
I expanded France’s empire
for the spread of the Greek
by thousands of miles. I
returned to France as even a
So, who am I?
bigger hero!
So, who am I?
2. Answer the following question:
Choose the best answer:

 The three persons in the pictures above are:

a) Famous actors. b) Famous military figures. c) Famous inventors.
Look at the pictures and fill the box with words related to them:
Underline the correct answer:
1) To keep peace in the world we should:

a) Deploy nuclear weapons all over the world. b) To establish international human rights organizations

A) Here are some of the most known International organizations in the world. Match each acronym with its
phonetic transcription and pronounce it aloud:

/Ju: nisef/ / ef eɪ əʊ/ / ˈdʌblJu: eɪʧ ˈ əʊ/ /Ju:ˈneˌsk əʊ/

Reading Comprehension: Read the Text and answer the questions below:
The horrors of modern warfare have made Man think about ways of preserving human life. In 1920 the
League of Nations was formed to keep international peace after World War I. The League of Nations was able
to resolve some conflicts around the world. But it could not oppose the rise of totalitarianism in Germany, Italy
and Japan. Hitler and Mussolini were able to start World War II because the League of Nations could do
nothing about it for the simple reason that it had not enough power of its own.
The United Nations replaced the League of Nations in 1945, just after the end of World War II. Today,
most of the world's independent nations are members, and each has one vote in the General Assembly. Every
member state can refer its disputes with its neighbors to the United Nations Security Council. The UN Security
Council is the body of the United Nations which can take political, economic or military action to settle
international disputes. It has 15 members of which five are permanent (Britain, China, France, the Russian
Federation and the US). It can thus get member states to contribute contingents of soldiers from their own
armies to constitute a UN Task Force. These soldiers, nicknamed `Blue Helmets' are entrusted with keeping
peace in hot spots of the world.
Other agencies of the United Nations include the UN Food and Agricultural Organization, the World
Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund. These UN agencies cooperate in fighting disease
and reducing poverty in the world. So far, they have been able to stop killer diseases such as tuberculosis and
smallpox. They will hopefully be able to eradicate other diseases and hunger soon.
Activity 01: Read the text carefully and match each paragraph with its main idea:
Paragraph1 The UN and the duty of the Security Council
Paragraph2 The failure of the League of Nations to make peace
Paragraph3 The agencies of the UN

Activity 02: Read the text and put ‘’True” and ‘’False’’.
1-The League of Nations was established in 1945.
2-The UNO has three agencies.
3- Blue Helmets try to restore peace in hot places.
Task01: Answer the following questions according to the text:
1. What made Man think about the preservation of human life?
2. What was the League of Nations incapable of doing? Why
3. Which body of the UN can settle disputes?
4. What title would you give to the text? Discuss.
A) Refer to the text to match each word with its synonym
1-horror a- dispute
2- Conflict b- fear
3- Settle c- maintain
4- Keep d- end a problem
B) Find in the text the antonyms of:
Paragraph1: loosing ≠ Paragraph2: peace ≠
colonized ≠ decline ≠

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