Science 9 Quarter 3 Module 1 Week 1

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SCIENCE 9 Quarter 3 – Week 1

A volcano is a vent through which molten rock and gas escape from a magma chamber.
Volcanoes differ in many features such as height, shape, and slope steepness. Some
volcanoes are tall cones and others are just cracks in the ground.


A. Phreatic or hydrothermal Eruption: Is a stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks come
in contact with water. It is short-lived, characterized by ash columns but may be an onset of
a larger eruption. Shown on the top is our Taal Volcano in Batangas.
B. Phreatomagmatic Eruption: Is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and
magma. As a result, a large column of very fine ash and high-speed and sideway emission
of pyroclastic called base surges are observed.
C. Strombolian Eruption: A periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain
lava, just like the Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica.
D. Vulcanian Eruption: Characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high
with pyroclastic flow and ash fall tephra like that of Paricutin Volcano in Mexico.
E. Plinian Eruption: Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic, just like
our Pinatubo Volcano in Zambales.
F. Icelandic or Fissure Eruption: These eruptions take place along fissures, or long
cracks, rather than a central vent.
G. Pelean: These eruptions result from the collapse of an andesitic or rhyolitic lava dome,
with or without a directed blast, to produce glowing avalanches or nuée ardentes, as a type
of pyroclastic flow known as a block-and-ash flow.
H. Hawaiian: These are eruptions of low viscosity basaltic magma. Hawaiian Eruptions are
considered non-explosive eruptions. Very
little pyroclastic material is produced.
Directions: On the table below supply the missing information.

Types of Shape Viscosity Type of eruption Slope Description

Volcano (Shield, (Low, (Explosive, Non- (Steep, Low,
Conical) High) explosive) Symmetrical)




B. Direction: (Cross Word Puzzle) Use the clues below to fill in the crossword puzzle
with the correct words.
2. Is a stream-driven eruption as the hot rocks come in contact with water.
3. Is a violent eruption due to the contact between water and magma.
5. These eruptions result from the collapse of an andesitic or rhyolitic lava dome.
6. Excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic, just like our Pinatubo
Volcano in Zambales.
7. These eruptions take place along fissures, or long cracks, rather than a central vent.
8. Characterized by tall eruption columns that reach up to 20 km high with pyroclastic flow
and ash fall tephra like that of Paricutin Volcano in Mexico.
1.A periodic weak to violent eruption characterized by fountain lava, just like the Irazu
Volcano in Costa Rica.
4. Considered non-explosive eruptions. Very little pyroclastic material is produced.
1-3. What are the different types of volcano?
4. What type of Volcano is Taal Volcano?
A. Shield Volcano B. Cinder Cone Volcano C. Strato Volcano
5. All volcanic eruptions feature rivers of lava. A. Molten rock deep in the Earth’s crust
6. A type of volcanic eruption due to the contact between water and magma is called
A. Phreatomagmatic B. Strombolian C. Phreatic D.
7. This eruption results from the collapse of an andesitic or rhyolitic lava dome.
A. Phreatomagmatic B. Pelean C. Phreatic D. Hawaiian
8. Which type of volcano has a very broad shape with gentle slopes?
A. Shield B. Strato C. Cinder D. Caldera
9. A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface?
A. Magma B. Volcano C. Lava flow D. Ash
10. A small volcano built primarily of pyroclastic materials ejected from a central vent is
A. Shield B. Strato C. Cinder D. Caldera


Materials: A small wide-necked bottle (old baby bottle / small empty mineral water bottle cut
into hales/can), 4 tablespoons baking soda, ½ cup water, ¼ cup dishwashing liquid, ¼ cup
vinegar, Sand, A box or tray 
Put the wide-necked bottle at the center of a box or tray
Bury it in the sand up to its opening.
Put 4 tablespoons of baking soda in the bottle / can.
Mix the water, dishwashing liquid and vinegar together.
Pour some of the mixture inside the bottle / can and stay away. If nothing happens, stir it
A 5 pts B 5 pts C 5 pts D 5 pts E 5 pts
Source: Basic Education assistance for Mindanao Learning Guide, November 2008, page 30

Safety A B C D E
Student Student Student Student Student
demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates a demonstrates no
extremely high high level of sound level of low level of commitment to
level of commitment to commitment to commitment to appropriate safety
commitment to appropriate safety appropriate safety appropriate safety practices
To what volcanic element can you associate the mixture that you made?
If you will add more baking soda to your mixture, what will be the result?

appropriate safety practices practices practices throughout the

practices throughout the throughout the throughout the experiment.
throughout the experiment. experiment. experiment.
What did you see when you added the mixture to the baking soda?

Volcano building A B C D E
How is your volcano similar or dissimilar to an actual eruption?

All instructions Most instructions Some instructions Few instructions Instructions were
were followed were followed, but were followed, were followed, not followed with
thoroughly, with care and focus on and some care and little care and no care or focus
care and focus on detail not quite and focus on focus on detail on detail taken.
detail. what it could be. detail taken. taken.
Check for Understanding A B C D E
Explains how a Explains how a Explains how a Explains what a Defines volcano or
volcano is formed; volcano is formed; volcano is formed; volcano is but provides example,
provides example provides example provides example does not provide or provides one
of a real volcano; of a real volcano; and little an example or detail.
uses details; uses uses terminology information. only a few details.
terminology from from class study
class study
Presentation A B C D E
The presentation The presentation The presentation Most of the work All of the work
included the included the included at least was difficult to was difficult to


volcano name, volcano type and one fact about the understand. understand.
Why do you think it happened?

type, and at least at least two facts volcano and/or

two facts about about the the name/type.
Answer the questions below:

the volcano. volcano. Most of Some of the work

Presentation was the work was easy was easy to
neat and easy to to understand. understand.

Student name and
date included.
Co-operation/Participation A B C D E
Full co-operation Co-operated most Co-operated some Little co-operation No co-operation
with partner. of the time with of the time with with partner. with partner.
Shared the load. partner. Shared partner. Shared Shared little of Shared none of
most of the load. some of the load. the load. the load.

participation. Very good Good No participation
participation. participation. Little participation

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