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Our desire as a church is to help you grow in your spiritual journey. This prayer and fasting
journal will help you stay focused over the next 14 days in your bible reading and help you to
hear the voice of the Lord for your life. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey God’s
Word will help to bring you instruction and guidance and the Holy Spirit will give you peace.
To begin, grab a Bible, a pen, and pick up a fasting guide to help you with your fasting over
these next 14 days. Remember you are not alone, God will speak to you and guide your prayers
as you take time to listen to His voice.

Praying for you!
David Di Sabatino

Portions of this guide were taken from Jentezen Franklin’s thoughts on fasting (Less of Me More of Him).


You’ll need three items to S.O.A.P each day; a Bible, a pen, and your journal!

Open your Bible to your reading for the day. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you.
When you are done, look for a verse that particularly spoke to you that day, and write it in your

What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and
reveal Jesus to you.

Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now.
Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, a new promise, or corrections for a particular area of
your life. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.

This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or even a prayer for a greater
insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so
be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.


Devotional: “Day 1” SEPTEMBER 1, 2019

Theme: FOCUS,
Scripture: Matthew 22:37, Psalm. 41:1-3, Ecclesiastes 4:12, Luke 5:34
The theme for day one is focus, read Matthew 22 and focus on verse 37. What does it mean to
focus as it relates to those who have lost their first love? A focus in attention, a renewed sense
of love for Jesus.

Challenge: As you begin this time of prayer and fasting I want to challenge you to commit to
intense moments of reflection and focus on the Lord. Take some time to think about your
relationship with Jesus and what that means to you. What type of things have played a part in
you either getting closer in relationship to Christ or further away? Are you willing to focus on
what it means to making Jesus a priority in your life? If yes, what is your plan?

Encouragement: Develop intentional habits of prayer that will help you build your intimacy
with the Lord. Maybe it’s time to discover some new things he has set aside for you. Begin
with thanking Him for all he has done in your life.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Make sure you drink lots of water. You will find that an abundance
of water will help you physically these first few days especially. And remember you are not




Devotional: “Day 2” SEPTEMBER 2, 2019
Scripture: Joel 2:12-14, Matt 6:25-34, Luke 6:40, 1 Peter 2:21
There are hard times in life, hard days, weeks, months and sometimes even years. We’ve all
had them. “Return to me” is the call of Joel 2:12-14, today I want you to focus on gratitude. It’s
been said that your level of gratitude affects your attitude. So you have a choice to allow
negative times impact you negatively or use them for your benefit and have an optimistic

Challenge: Take a minute and examine all the things you have to be thankful for. What are
some of the top five things you are praising God for today? Take a look at the past year, were
you more of an optimist or pessimist?

Encouragement: Ask the Lord to search every part of you and take some time to wait on
Him. Start out with gratitude, prayer, adoration, and worship. God is speaking, just take the
time to listen!

Fasting Tip of the Day: The second day is when your body really starts to notice you have
not eaten for over 24 hours and starts to go into protect mode. Our body and its many systems
are on a clock, so to speak, and when certain things do not happen as scheduled, the alarms
start going off. One of the ways you can offset these alarms is to drink lots of water. But the
most important way to overcome these alarms is to allow each alarm to serve as a signal to
stop for a moment and pray. Allow each hunger pain to be a reminder of the greatness of your
God and your love for Him.




Devotional: “Day 3” SEPTEMBER 3, 2019
Scripture: Ephesians 6, 1Peter 1:16, Acts 9:1, 26:19

As you spend time with God you will draw near to Him and experience His presence. You will
begin to have a new vision of Jesus, and discover new dimensions of His character and His
wisdom that you didn’t see before. When you begin to have a true vision of who Jesus really is,
then you can begin to see Him and walk in faith.

Challenge: Read all of Ephesians chapter 6. Highlight parts that are most meaningful for you.
Take some time to rate your spiritual life on a scale 1-10, with 1 being nonexistent and 10 being
as good as it can possibly be. What would it take to move that score closer to a 10?

Encouragement: Jesus is with you, just be reminded that the enemy is doing all he can to
rob you of your peace. Allow God to give you a new vision of who He is today.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Carve out time in your day to get somewhere private and spend
time with Jesus in prayer. Ask Him to give you a fresh vision of who He is.




Devotional: “Day 4” SEPTEMBER 4, 2019

Theme: JOY
Scripture: Psalm 32, 51, 16:11, Rom. 3:23, Luke 15:20-24, Hebrews 13:5-6, Luke 15:1-10
You have rights as a believer and follower of Christ, and Joy is one of them. But the enemy
wants you to feel discouraged and want to rob you of this joy. You have the power to walk in
joy that has been given to you in Christ through His free gift of grace. Until you understand that
promise you will always feel discouraged and sad, begin to acknowledge and accept that truth
and don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy. Read all of Psalm 32 and Psalm 51, what stands
out as you read?

Challenge: How would you rate your joy on a scale between 1-10, with 1 being completely
nonexistent and 10 being as good as it can possibly be? What would it take to move that score
closer to a 10?

Encouragement: If you are not full of joy, then you are not full of the Word of God. He want
you to have joy, whether you believe you deserve it or not. Psalm 16:11 says, “In His presence
is fullness of joy!”

Fasting Tip of the Day: Remember to journal what you hear the Lord say to you. It will be
of great value to you when you reflect back over the entire 14-day experience.




Devotional: “Day 5” SEPTEMBER 5, 2019
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:12-14, Luke 15
The enemy’s job is to pull us away from God’s house and His purposes, because he knows that
if we can come out from under the covering of the Father, he can take everything away from
us, not only our finances, but also our reputation, our name, and our witness for Jesus. In these
perilous days we must live with an enduring mindset and stay in God’s house where there is
love, peace safety, and blessing…for our families and us. Read Jeremiah 29 and focus on verses
12-14 as you begin to surrender to God and receive His mercy and grace.

Challenge: As you think of the many different parts of your life, are there parts that are not
fully yielded to the Lord? Take a moment and offer Him all of you. Take time to just sit and
listen for the voice of God. What do you hear Him saying to you?

Encouragement: The enemy doesn’t just want your stuff. He wants to take your reputation
and your self-respect. Just like the prodigal son lost everything, the enemy’s goal is to take you
out. You have to make up your mind that you are going to Endure!

Fasting Tip of the Day: Write down your thoughts and prayers so you can track what God
has been speaking to you about. Keep your focus on Him and what you are gaining not what
you are giving up!




Devotional: “Day 6” SEPTEMBER 6, 2019
Scripture: Luke 7, Acts 3:1-8,
Today we’re taking a deeper look at returning to our first love, and discussing something that
many people struggle with: authority. Independence, stubbornness, and wanting to be your
own boss. A lot of people don’t receive God’s best because they have authority issues. We
know that the original sin had to do with authority. Everyone around us wants to be number
one but God’s way is for us to live under the authority of God. If you remain under what God
has put over you, then God will put under you the many things you’re supposed to have
authority over. God is the original authority coming from the word author, so God is the author
of authority. Read all of Luke chapter 7. Take note of anything that speaks to you personally.

Challenge: Rate your level of ‘authority issues’ with 1 being zero issues submitting to
authority, and 10 meaning authority issues are the very thing keeping you from the Lord. What
would it take to move you closer to 1?

Encouragement: The blessings of being under authority is simply this: You have protection.
You are protected as long as you are under the covering and authority of God’s Word.
Protected! But when you say, “I want to do what I want to do,” then you have no covering.
That’s when the enemy will come in to kill, steal, and destroy. You are no longer in the zone of
His blessing.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Take time to pray today about the choices you may have made that
are keeping you from experiencing God’s presence and power in your life. Ask the Lord to show
you steps you can take to reconcile those choices.




Devotional: “Day 7” SEPTEMBER 7, 2019

Scripture: Joshua 1, 2 Samuel 6, Hebrews 4:12,
Today we look at another step in the process of returning to Jesus, recommitting to daily time
in God’s Word. Do you spend time reading God’s Word each day? Each week? Once a month?
Ever? If you read the Word of God far less than you would like, there are two things that are
true: You are not alone, and you are not receiving all the Lord has for you. To know the mind
of God, you must look into His Word. Focus on Joshua 1:8, and 2 Samuel 6. Highlight parts that
are most meaningful to you.

Challenge: How often do you read your Bible? How often would you like to read your Bible?
What keeps you from spending time in God’s Word? Describe the Bible time plan you would
like to have going forward.

Encouragement: One of the most critical pieces of your spiritual growth plan is the time you
spend in God’s Word. The same way you need to have a prayer time, you also need a plan for
your daily time in God’s Word.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Take time today to really dive into the scriptures listed above and
recommit to spending time in God’s Word. Consider making a plan for daily time in God’s
Word, even if it is a small amount of time, and get started.




Devotional: “Day 8” SEPTEMBER 8, 2019
Scripture: Isaiah 6, 1 Peter 2, 2 Samuel 22, Mathew 5:7, Exodus 25:10

Prayer, spending time in God’s Word, and participating in church are three major steps in your
return to Jesus. The next major step is daily times of personal worship. The definition of
worship is “the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity, (The worship of
God) reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, exaltation. Show reverence and adoration
for a deity; honour with religious rites.” Our worship attracts our Father. No one can praise or
worship Him for us. Our worship is unique to us and comes from our personal relationship with
Him. Did you know that music isn’t a requirement for worship? Worship is expressing
‘reverence and adoration’ which can be done in word AND deed without ever singing a word.
Read Isaiah 6 and 1 Peter 2. Mark the passages that speak to you personally today.

Challenge: Think about the ways you are going to change how your life reflects a lifestyle of
worship not just a moment in church.

Encouragement: Worship is not a slow song. Worship is a lifestyle! It’s everything you do,
not just when you’re singing in church or you’re singing along with your favourite worship song
on Spotify. We must start living a holy lifestyle that God is calling us to live.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Being grateful and worship go together. Take time today to give
thanks for the many ways the Lord has blessed you. Remember to drink your water and make
the main thing the main thing.




Devotional: “Day 9” SEPTEMBER 9, 2019
Scripture: Romans 3:23,7,8, 1 John 1
Dealing with the issue of sin in our lives is very important. Romans 3:23 reminds us we have all
fallen short. We all miss the mark, which is another way of saying “sin.” But dealing with sin,
unconfessed sin, is probably the greatest barrier that believers face when trying to get close to
God. God gives you every opportunity to repent and turn to Him. No one really said a life of
holiness was an easy path, but for some reason we think it should be. The apostle Paul,
lamented about the weight of sin and the struggle to make the right choices. The plan for you
is simple, it’s not GUILT, it’s all about confession, repentance, and forgiveness. There is nothing
you can do to pay for your sin. Jesus made the eternal payment on the cross.

Challenge: What new commitment are you making to the Lord as it relates to the sin in your

Encouragement: Confession, repentance, and forgiveness are always the steps to freedom in
Christ that lead to the gift of God!

Fasting Tip of the Day: As we get closer to the end of our fast take a look and think about
what you’ve discovered over the past 9 days. Do you feel like you’ve had some revelation
about things in your life? Stay strong and focused in your commitment to pray and fast as you
near the end of this fast.




Devotional: “Day 10” SEPTEMBER 10, 2019
Scripture: Joshua 5, Hebrews 2,4 Jeremiah 1, Exodus 19:2-5,
Welcome to day 10 you are getting closer to the end! This is where you will sense the end is
closer than ever. After dealing with some major themes and principles as you have spent time
with the Lord, continue to faithfully commit to study and prayer in these final days. Today we’ll
look at purpose. You have a purpose for being here! Who are you, and why are you here? The
key to understanding this is knowing who God is. As you take inventory of the many things you
have experienced in your life, for good and bad, if you’re open to the Lord, He will reveal clues
to what He wants you to do in your future.
Read Joshua 5 and Hebrews 2. Mark parts that are most meaningful for you.

Challenge: Take a minute and recall the most significant things you have experienced in your
life. Take a moment to lay your list before the Lord and allow Him to show you His plan.

Encouragement: We are a collection of our past experiences. If you are at a crossroads,

looking for that next season of life, the answer may be found somewhere in the list of
experiences you just created.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Your life experiences matter. Pray about remaining open to
returning to those experiences with hands wide open.




Devotional: “Day 11” SEPTEMBER 11, 2019
Scripture: Deuteronomy 12, 1 Kings 17:3-4, Psalm 92:13
Proper placement in life is critically important to our effectiveness and success. God is trying to
overemphasize that you don’t just go out in life anywhere you want to go, doing anything you
want to do just because you feel like it. If you are a child of God, He has a plan for your life. He
has a place where that plan will unfold. Many times people struggle because of their resistance
to move to the next thing, or even the next place God has for them. They decide where they
will live and what they will do, to their own folly. And then there are those who are quick to
jump to the next best offer or financial gain. We have to cultivate a sensitivity to the voice of
God in prayer. As you read today’s scriptures take notes as the verses begin to speak to you.

Challenge: Do you feel you are in the proper placement in life? If not, are you willing to bring
your availability before the Lord and give Him permission to do whatever He chooses for you to
do instead?

Encouragement: Contentment is being content in whatever circumstances you find yourself

in. Yet calling, purpose and proper placement are about completely different things. Is there
discomfort in certain parts of your life? Take time before the Lord to ask Him about what you
are feeling.

Fasting Tip of the Day: As you spend that much needed time with the Lord in prayer and in
the Word continue to press in. You will find Him!




Devotional: “Day 12” SEPTEMBER 12, 2019
Scripture: Jeremiah 1, 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 1,70,119
If you look hard enough, you will find that there are all sorts of clues to your mission
everywhere. Finding your assignment in the kingdom is critical. You are a treasure in the eyes
of God, you are valued and seen as significant. God knew you before you were in your
mother’s womb and He has a purpose for your life or you wouldn’t be here. The first step in
finding your assignment is understanding God can talk to you. You need to know that God is
still speaking today, and He is calling people to be a part of His kingdom purpose. He speaks
through church services, through preachers, He will speak through circumstances, and through
other people. And He always speaks through His Word. You’ve got to learn to listen and hear
God’s voice. That’s how He puts dreams in you! He will speak to you.

Challenge: Rate your confidence level in knowing your calling in Christ on a scale between 1
and 10, with 10 being “I know exactly what I am supposed to do” and 1 being “I have never
thought about having a calling.” Rate your ability to hear God’s voice on a scale between 1 and
10, with 10 being “loud and clear” and 1 being “never ever.” Based on today’s study, what can
you do to move those numbers closer to a 10?

Encouragement: God has a plan for your life, that is certain. Scripture confirms that over
and over again. There are clues all around you, to help you discern those clues will depend on
your ability to hear God’s voice.

Fasting Tip of the Day: Press in…He’s listening. Spend time in silence and listen for the still,
small voice of God. He’s speaking, all you have to do is listen.




Devotional: “Day 13” SEPTEMBER 13, 2019
Scripture: Luke 14, Philippians 1:27, Hebrews 9:27, Job 14:5, Mark 12:28-31
Your life matters to God. You are His masterpiece and His idea, He loves you more that you
could ever imagine. But there is another called Satan who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. His
primary mode of operation is deception and distraction. And, like Peter walking on the water,
his attacks can come at the times of your greatest success. You may be experiencing
miraculous things in your life, seeing God bless you and move in astounding ways. But I want to
warn you, many times that is exactly when the storms come. It’s the enemy’s job to get your
eyes off of Jesus and distract you to stop you from doing what God has called you to do.
What’s really hindering you from doing what you’ve been called to do? It’s natural things.
Don’t allow them to keep you from all the Lord has for you.

Challenge: If the enemies plan is to distract you, where are you most vulnerable? What are
some things you can do to avoid falling for the distraction traps? How determined are you to
grow closer to the Lord through the basic disciplines of prayer, worship, church attendance,
reading the Word, and connecting with other believers?

Encouragement: Attack is going to come. Distractions and deceptions are going to come.
But you were made to walk on water! So be encouraged and get focused!

Fasting Tip of the Day: Press in today, listen, get in His Word. Your assignment is to finish
strong! You can do it!




Devotional: “Day 14” SEPTEMBER 14, 2019
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:9, Revelation 3, Deuteronomy 11:21, Psalm 139, 75
The Holy Spirit is looking for people in whom he can deposit revelation concerning the future.
But before this can happen, we’ve got to understand all revelation comes from the Holy Spirit.
That’s why the Bible said, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of
man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor 2:9). God wants to give
you a revelation of who you are and who you can be when His Spirit is upon you! This fast has
been a journey up that mountain to a place of revelation and deeper understanding. Press in.
Ask your questions. Take time to listen to His voice and meditate on His Word.

Challenge: Take a moment and think about the ways you feel you have grown over the last
14 days. What are some of the most important things you have heard the Lord say to you?

Encouragement: You are now just steps away from the finish line, and joy comes in the
morning! Are you hearing the Lord’s voice more clearly? Are you sensing His presence?

Fasting Tip of the Day: Start making plans today for your daily walk when the fast is over.
Care out time and space for prayer, God’s Word, worship, church participation, and finding
community with other believers. Don’t let this strong flame burn out when the fast is over.




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