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(SOLVED) Describe the three elements of a tort in the

Describe the three elements of a tort in the following situations:a. Motorists driving on crossing
streets come to an intersection with a stop light and collide.b. The owner of Al’s Donut Shop
spreads the false rumor that patrons of Betty’s Donut Shop got ptomaine poisoning from the
jelly in her […]

The rungs of ladders must be constructed to support the weight of the people who climb them.
Compare the relative efficiency of a precise government standard for all ladders concerning the
weight that the rungs must support, as opposed to the rule that the strength of the rungs should
be […]

The picture of the Nollan case indicates the “proposed path along the beach” and a “possible
path to the beach.” The Court did not allow the Commission to give a building permit
conditioned on donating a path along the beach. Why might the court have allowed the
Commission to give […]

Assume that Figures (a) and (b) describe the facts in Nollan. Why might the property owner
challenge the Commission and litigate instead of accepting the Commission’s offer to give a
permit in exchange for donating a pathway along thebeach?


In Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005), the U.S. Supreme court decided a case in
which landowners challenged the power of a city in Connecticut to take their property for
redevelopment. The redevelopment plan did not contemplate that all of the land would be open
to […]

What if the government needs to purchase a single, large piece of property in order to provide a
public good say, a satellite-tracking station? There is only one private owner with whom to deal.
And his property is the only one that is suitable for the station. Should the government […]

Suppose the statute of limitations for adverse possession is 10 years. After 9.9 years of
trespass owners retain full rights, but after 10 years of trespass owners lose all of their rights.
Instead of owners losing their rights abruptly at the end of 10 years, the statute could be written


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