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(SOLVED) ETHICS Koby age 16 works after school at Fast

ETHICS: Koby, age 16, works after school at Fast- Food from 4 p.m. until 11 p.m. On Friday
night, the restaurant manager sees that Koby is exhausted, but insists that he remain until 4:30
a.m., cleaning up, then demands that he work Saturday morning from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. […]

Match the following terms with their definitions:___ A. Breach___ B. Strict liability___ C.
Compensatory damages___ D. Invitee___ E. Negligence1. Money awarded to an injured
plaintiff2. Someone who has a legal right to enter upon land3. A defendant’s failure to perform
a legal duty4. A tort caused accidentally5. Legal responsibility that […]

Johnny Carson was for many years the star of a well-known television show, The Tonight Show.
For about twenty years, he was introduced nightly on the show with the phrase, “Here’s
Johnny!” A large segment of the television-watching public associated the phrase with Carson.
A Michigan corporation was in the […]

TRUE/FALSE1. A store manager who believes a customer has stolen something may question
him but not restrain him.2. Becky punches Kelly in the nose. Becky has committed the tort of
assault.3. A defendant cannot be liable for defamation if the statement, no matter how harmful,
is true.4. In most cases, […]


Gilleo opposed American participation in the war in the Persian Gulf. She displayed a large sign
on her front lawn that read, “Say No to War in the Persian Gulf, Call Congress Now.” The city
of Ladue prohibited signs on front lawns, and Gilleo sued. The city claimed that it […]

In the early 1970s, President Richard Nixon became embroiled in the Watergate dispute. He
was accused of covering up a criminal break-in at the national headquarters of the Democratic
Party. Nixon denied any wrongdoing. A United States District Court judge ordered the president
to produce tapes of conversations held in […]

Match the following terms with their definitions:___ A. Statute___ B. Equal Protection
Clause___ C. Judicial review___ D. Takings Clause___ E. Stare decisis___ F. Promulgate1.
The power of federal courts to examine the constitutionality of statutes and acts of
government.2. The part of the Constitution that requires compensation in eminent domain […]


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