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(SOLVED) Exercise Go to the Center for Auto Safety

website www autosafety org

Exercise Go to the Center for Auto Safety website [], click the lemon laws
button and find your state’s lemon law. Read the brief summary of the law of your state. Read
the summary for the states of Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. a. Explain the differences
among the state […]

Dick’s Sporting Goods used a nonunion contractor to prepare for its opening in a Watertown,
New York, shopping mall. The local carpenters’ union requested permission of the shopping
mall’s operator to distribute literature in the mall protesting the use of a nonunion contractor.
While the mall had previously allowed such […]

As an employee of a BMW car dealership, Becker complained on his Facebook page about his
employer serving hot dogs and potato chips at the launch of the BMW 5 Series. On the day of
the event, at the adjacent Land Rover dealership also owned by Becker’s employer, a 13-year-
old […]

1. Why was the T-shirt not a form of solicitation? 2. Why was Shieldnight’s invitation to three
coworkers to attend a union meeting not a form of solicitation, whereas asking a coworker to
sign a card was considered impermissible solicitation? Petitioner appeals the National Labor
Relations Board’s order finding that […]


Diane Piantanida went on maternity leave. While absent, her employer discovered tasks that
she had not completed. Before her return, Piantanida was informed that she was being
reassigned to a lesser job because of her inability to keep up in her former job. Upon objecting
to the change, Piantanida claims […]

In McCormack v. Safeway, included as a “Legal Briefcase” in this chapter, the plaintiffs brought
a retaliation claim along with their sexual harassment claims. Less than a month after reporting
the sexual assault, the plaintiffs were both interviewed about McCormack’s alleged violation of
Safeway’s coupon policy. A Safeway loss prevention […]

In 2006, the EEOC filed a class action against Lawry’s Restaurants including Lawry’s The
Prime Rib, Five Crowns, and The Tam O’Shanter Inn, on behalf of all male applicants for
server positions who were systematically rejected because of their gender. Since 1938, Lawry’s
hired only females as servers and did […]


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