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Tonuku no aHeAudcKOMy SEmmen Besa ae . Ro YA VOTE DDK BL 2Aniie 2 KTK 44} WM Sirynena, Armes, 431 Tonukn no anniniickomy wa aonniiion / AipkeimKa Aryzena.— 2-e 031. — Poctos n/JI : Denke, 2017, 159 ¢ (Bonpuraa Tlepemena). ISBN 978-5-222-28551-0 Hacrosiad KHHra OpHeHTHpOBaHa Ha HOAFOTOBKY AOWTYPHeHTOB H yyaLHx- CA CTAPIIHX KTACCOB IKON K Cade FOCYAAPCTBEHHBIX IKIAMCHOB 110 AHTIIMHCKO- My a3biky. Ona TaloKe OyfeT MOe3Ha YYCHHKAM, FOTOBALIHMCA K TOCTYIUICHHIO B M@XKyHApOAHBIe LIKOIbI, YYaCTHUKAM OJMMMHay| M KOHKYpCOB 10 aHrvIHiiCKO- My a3biky. Lem n3qaHHA — ToMO4 yaaunmed 9-11 KaaccoB pasBiiTh HaBbIKH MOHOOPHYECKON pes WIA yerIewIHO CHa4M HTOTOBBIX 9K3AMCHOB NO aHTvHii- CKOMY s36IKy B (popmare OF'9 n EP. B c6opHHk BKIIO4eHbI CaMble aKTYaJIbHbIe TEMbI, YkAIAHHbIC B KOMpHKATOpe, KOTOPBIe TOMOryT cpopMupoBaTb HEOOXOAM- MbI¢ HaBbIKH OOLICHHA Ha HHOCTPaHHOM A3bIKe H OOoraTHTb CHOBapHbIii 3arac yuailnxes. Kuvra COCTOMT H3 HECKOJBKHX pa3jen0B: «310poBbe H Ooue3HH», «Jlocyr wu yanerennm, «Beraioumeca OAM pasHbIx cTpak», «IpasqHHKH», «Cpeycra Maccosoii uAopMauMH» HM ApyrHe. Tlocne Kaxnoii ocBeLleHHO TembI GyyleT npewioKeH NepeBoN TeKcTa M TeMaTHYeCKHii cnoBapp. B rpHsi0- 2KeHHH TOOOpaH CHMCOK MONYsAPHLIX adOpH3MOB HM TOCIOBMIL Ha aHIIMICKOM A3bIKe, KOTOPbIe NOMOTYT IIPHAaTb IMOLMOHAIDHY1O OKPACKy Ped. YUK 373.167.1:811.111 BBK 81.2Anra-92 YVue6noe uzdanue Arygexa Amxkennka Tonnku no axrnuiicKomy Ha «oTnM4HO» Orserersennuie penaxropst Oxcana Moposoea, Hamaioa Kanunuxesa Texnwecknii penaxtop —-‘anuna Jlozeunosa Kommprorepnias reperka: Anna Aneinuxosa Toucan 8 nevars 16.09.2016. Popmar 84% 108/32, Bymara renorpadeKas Ne 2. Tupaxx 3000 94, Bax, No 7068. 000 «@ennxc», 344011, Pocens, PocroneKan obi, 1 Poeron-na-/lony, ya. Bapdostomeera, 150, Ten./ipaxe: (863) 261-4950, 2601-89-76. A teres, 2010 H, Hihopmucnne, 2016 1. INTRODUCTION Kak cxasan Kondyuuii: «Ycnex 3aBucuT or npejpapuTesibHolt MOAFOTOBKH, a 6e3 NOATOTOBKH BbI OOpeyeHbi Ha NpoBa». Hesib3a He COmacnTbea C JaHHBIM yTBepxKeHHeM. Beab He CeKpeT, 4YTO Tpex*re YeM CTATb CHeHAJIMCTOM CBOerO Tema, HY%KHO MPHOKHTb JUL ITO- TO MakcumyM ycwunii. Tak, 4ToObI NOATOTOBHTBCA K YCneLIHOH cya- We 9K3AMCHOB 110 aHTIMHCKOMY A3bIKY, HYKHO COCTABHTb NOWIArOBbIit TAH TIpOxoxAAeHHA y4eOuOrO MaTepHasia M eHb 3a NHEM COBEpLIeH- CTBOBaTb CBOH 3HAaHUMA. CoriacHTecb, HEBO3MOXKHO MOsYYHTb BbICOKHI Gar Ha 9K3aMeHe, CCIM BbI HaYHeTe TOTOBHTECA K HEMy 3a HEzeJIO AO OTBETCTBEHHOTO HA. Uro 2%e KacaeTCA HTOFOBOTO 9K3aMeHA T10 aH- TIMVCKOMY S3bIKY, TO, Noxkasyli, HOrpeGyeTcs He O;MH MeCsL THATesb- HOTO W3YYCHHA, IIperxkye 4eM BbI CMOXKETE MOXBaCTaTbCa OeCTALLMMH 3HaHHAMH HM CBOOOAHEIM BulaeHHem. Kak roka3bIBaeT lipakTHKa, KaM- HeM MIpeTKHOBeHHA JI OOABUIMHCTBa YUAalMXCA CTaHOBATCA yCTHad wacTb 9k3aMeHa. Bey, yueHHKaM MpHXOAUTCs TOBOPHTh He Ha POAHOM, a Ha HHOCTpaHHOM A3bIKe. p Hactosmaa KHHra MOCBALeHa MOHOJOPHYeCKMM BbICKa3bIBAHHAM Ha CaMbIe aKTYaJIbHbIe TEMBI U3 MOBCeHEBHOM X%KM3HH, YKa3aHHbIe B kogudbuKarope. Karkyaa 13 ycTHbIX TeM 6yqeT NOAKperuieHa HeEOOXOAM- MBIM TEMaTHYCCKHM CHOBApeM, YTO MO3BONHT paclMpHTb akTHBHbIi cHOBapHbIii 3anac y4alllMxca, CTPyYKTYPHpOBATb Pedb H MpojeMoH- CTpHpobatb 3HaHMe JeKCH4eCKOrO MaTepHasia Ha 3aj{aHHyt0 TeMaTHKy. Cuenyer OTMeTHTb, YTO 3aKpereHHe Toi HIM HHO ycTHOI TeMbI pe- KOMeHYeTCH HaYaTb C 3allOMHHaHHA HOBBIX CJIOB H YCTOHYMBBIX BBI- paxenuit. Tocue 4ero npemiaraerca cyesaTb nepecka3 TeKcTa, a 3aT¢M CAMOCTOATENbHO COCTABHTb THIMOBOE MOHOsOPHYECKOe BbICKa3bIBa- HMe ¢ 9IeMeHTaMH paccyxKTeHHA C Onopoii Ha H3y4eHHbIi Marepnall. B KOH KHHTH BbI HalijeTe CIMCOK MOMysAPHBIX MOCIOBHLL H acpopH3- MOB, KOTOpBIe TIOMOrYT CileaTb Bally pedb Gonee skcrIpeccuBHOH H YyKaKYT Ha BBICOKHii ypOBeHb BlajeHHsa AHTIMHCKHM A3bIKOM. Good luck with your exams! 2. FAMILY My family I cannot but agree that the love of a family is life’s greatest blessing. My family is my fortress, my treasure and my happiness. My family is rather large. My parents have two more children besides me. Thus, I have got an older sister and a younger brother. My dad’s name is Konstantin Kaufman. He is very hardworking, clever and caring. He is the head of our household. I love and respect him very much, and want to be like him. My dad likes to read and watch news, Besides, he is fond of rafting, camping and canoeing. Although he is a very busy person, we often go on hikes together, I like to spend time with him. My mother’s name is Sophia. She is a housewife. It is she who does all the work about the house. Besides, her cooking is very tasty. My mom is very supportive and loving and always finds time to help me or give advice. In her free time she loves reading books and watch movies. Moreover, my mom is a very hospitable person. We often invite guests and have fun together. My sister’s name is Mary. She is in her late twenties. She has blond hair and blue eyes. I find her very pretty. She works in a bank as a chief accountant. Besides, she’s got many hobbies: cooking, swimming, music and poetry. My sister is married and has a wonderful daughter named Alice. She is my niece. I like to play with her. She is very funny and smart. Sometimes I pick her from the nursery school and we walk in the park. My brother’s name is Ilya. He is 2 years younger than me. In spite of this fact, I always turn to him for advice and he is always there to help me out. Like our dad, he works as an economist. He is very friendly and sociable. He is fond of sport which helps him keep fit and healthy. Allin all, everyone in my family is my best friend, We always help and support each other. Both of my parents are understanding, kind and patient. On our weekends we often go to the country and stay with my grandparents. I help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. My grandparents are retired but work part-time as teachers 4 2. Family at school. We love to make up picnics. My father usually cooks shish kebab and grilled vegetables. We often sit up late at night and look through our family albums. I can sit for hours studying each image and recalling life events. It is so touching. In the conclusion, I would like to quote Thomas Jefferson who once said, “The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.” I absolutely agree with this statement. As far as I am concerned, I also appreciate every minute of my life spent in the circle of my family. Mos cempsi Hesb3a He CoracuTEes Cc TeM, 4TO snobsamat CeMbA — 9TO HacTOos- ulee GnarocnoBeHHe. Mos ceMpa — 9TO Mos KpemocTs, Moe COKpOBH- le H Moe cuacTbe. Mos ceMbs JOBOIEHO Gonbuas: y MOUX ponTeseii ecTb ellie B0e JeTeli, HOMHMO MeHs. Tak, y MeHs ecTb craptiias Cecrpa H Mulan Opat. Moero nary 30syT KouctantHH Kayman. On oueH Tpyyo106u- BbIii, YMHbIii H 3a00TMBbI. On miaBa Hauleli cembu. 4 m100710 Hl yBa- Kalo ero H Xxo4y ObITb Ha Hero noxoxKHM. Moii nana MO0OMT 4HTATS cMotpeTb HoBocTH. Kpome Toro, OH yByleKaeTCa pacpTHHrOM, KeMIHH- roM H KaHOo9. 1 Xora OH OYeHb 3aHATOH YeOBeK, MbI 4YaCTO XOAHM C HMM B Toxo. A 110610 NpOBOAMTb C HAM BpeMs. Moto amy 30ByT Copa. Ona nomoxossiika. UmenHo ona sesa- er Bcio pa6ory 110 Aomy. K Tomy 2ke OHa O4eHb BKyCHO roToBHT. Mos MaMa O4eHb HexKHad M 1OGAax, M OHa BCera roTORa MpuiiTH Ha 10- MOLb WIM arb coBet. B cBoGosHoe BpeMs Ona THOGuT 4UTATb KHUTH cMorpeTb (putbMeI. Kpome toro, Mod MaMa — O4eHb TocTempHuMHbIit yenopek. MbI 4acTo MpHrsiatiaeM rocteii M OTM4HO NpOBOAMM Bpems. Mow cecrpy 30syt Mapua. Ei 3a 20. Y nee cperapie BoNOCBI rouyOble 11a3a, M 1 Haxoxky ee MpuBeKaTenbHOM. Ona paboraeT niaB- HbIM OyxrasiTepoM B OaHKe. Kpome Toro, y Hee ecTb Macca yBileyeHHit: KYJIMHapHa, TlaBaHbe, My3bIKa HM 11093H9. Mos cecrpa 3aMy2KeM uy Hee €CTb MpesectHad jou, Asmca. 9To Mos miemsaHHuua. A 10610 urpatb c Heli, NOTOMy 4TO OHa CMetHas M cMBIIeHad. Morya 1 3a- Ouparo ee H3 JeTCKOrO Caja, H MBI HeM BMecTe Ha Mporysky B MapK. Moero 6para 3osyt Mines. Ou na 2 roa Mulatlle MeHA, HO, He CMO- Ips Ha 9TO, A BCerita OOpalllaioc K HeMy 34 TOMOLIBIO H 3Halo, ITO MOry 5 Teme An HOATOTOMKH K OF W Er3 no aHrnuicKomy A3bIKy " mark, Kae H Haut nana, on paSoraer 2KoHOMHCTOM. OF OOH ApyMONOOHAl H OGUNTEMLHA. On yeulekaeTcs CnopToM, ‘HHO HOMOTHET OMY OOTUNATKON H XOpOUIeH dbusH4ecKoit (bopme. HW OOiOM, Kab HEH Moet cemEn — Moi ayant Apyr. Mot HECHIA HOMONAEM H HOUIepAHEM pyr apyra. Mon PpowutTenH — no- HUMMOLNG, HOOPLE H TepresHnuie, Mo BurxogHEIM MB YacTO €3HM 3a, POPON HM TOCTHM Y OaGyiikH H AeAyLKH, $1 O6brHHO TOMoralo 6a6yuKke HF OFOPONE WK XOKY HA puIGAKy © AenyUIKOH. Mon Oabyurka Hn e- Ha HELO pacour AYHEKE YAKE HA HEHCHH, HO OHM HO CHX Nop NpoxosmKaIOT nperomaBaTe MAU TONCTABKH B Uke, Mbt OGOKAeM yerpanBars nHKHHKH, Moi ore OOO TOTOBHT LUALLWIbIKH H OBOLIN Ha rpHie. Mp1 4aCTO 3aCH>KMBa- eMCA 10 NossHel HOUN, HpocMaTpHBas CeMeinLIe abOomet. JIM4Ho 9 MOry 4acaMH H3y4aTh KarxKLyIO (pororpaduio 4 BcromuHatTE MMHYyBIIMe COObITHA %*H3HH. IT0 Tak TporaresbHo! B sakuouenne a xorena 6p1 MpounTHposatb Tomaca JbKedpepco- Ha, KoTOpbIit OnHaxKABI CKasam: «Cambie C4aCTIMBbIe MOMEHTEI Moeit 2KHSHH — 9TO Te, KOTOPEIe A MPOBOKY OMA B HOHE CBOE ceMBu». Al omHocTBIO cormacna ¢ A@HHbIM yTBepxjeHHeM. Tro kacaetca MeHA, TO 7 TOKE UEHIO Ka2KLY!O MHHYTY, IPOBeAeHHYrO B Kpyry Moeli CeMBH, Topical Vocabulary: 1) L cannot but agree — He Mory He cormacuTBca 2) blessing [blest] — Oaarocnopenne; 6narxeHcTBO, cuacTRe 3) hardworking — tpysomo6ussiii 4) clever — ymupiit 5) caring — 3a6ormmBiit 6) supportive — scerga rorossiit npHiiTH Ha TOMOUb 7) hospitable [hos'pitabl] — rocTenpHuMubiii, paryuinetii 8) smart — ymupiii, coo6pa3nTenbHBIit 9) sociable ['soufabl] — KOMMYHuKaGesbHbIii, OOM TE bHBIIi 10) understanding — nonumarommii 11) kind — yo6ppiit 12) patient — tepnesuppiit 13) easy-going (zi, goum] — AOGPOAYUNO-BeCeNLIi, ¢ HerKuM xapakTepoM q 14) to be fond of — JHOGUTH, YRIEKATHOS 2. Family 15) to be very much alike — 6pITb O¥eHb NOXOAUMH Apyr Ha Apyra 16) the head of one’s household — rapa cempn 17) to spend time — npoBoguTs Bpema 18) housewife — nomoxo3siika S 19) to invite guests — npuraamars rocreit 20) to go to see somebody — uarH B rocTH K KoMy-s1N00 21) to stay with / at somebody — roctut y koro-1460 22) in late twenties — 6pITb B BO3pacTe JasleKO 3a ABaWaTb 23) chief accountant — rapt Gyxrantep 24) niece [ni:s] — naemanHuua 25) nephew ['nefju:] — miemaHHuk 26) uncle ['ankl] — aaga 27) aunt [a:nt] — Teta 28) cousin ['kaz(a)n] — aBo1oposHpiit Spar, ABOIOposHas CecTpa 29) step father / step mother — MpHeMHEIH oTeH / MaTb 30) god father / god mother — kpecTHbIit oren, / MOTD 31) to work part-time — paOorarb HenomHbIii pabounii JeHb 32) to make up picnics — yerpanBaTb NMKHUKH 33) to sit up late at night — 3acwkuBaTbca Jon03qHa 34) retired [ri'taiod] — BpnumequMit Ha HeHCHIO 35) shish kebab [,fif ki'bab] — UIALLIBIK 110-BOCTOMHOMY 36) in the bosom/circle of one’s family — B none/B kpyry cempu The role of the family in society It is generally known that people differ in their morals, beliefs, values, and personality. So, in society everyone has different ideas on what role the family takes in life. Nowadays people face a difficult decision when they have to choose between career and family. What is i int then? uke oe XXIII once noted, “The whole world is my ae Personally, I agree with this statement. In my judgment, ae loves you more than your family. You can always rely on your family members, and they never let you down. They are your best friends, your teachers and your allies. You can always trust to their intuition, ask for any advice or open your heart. They will be always there to help 7 And if you ever take a false step, be sure it is your family who wil z Temp! ana nogrotosku K OF w Ef3 no aurnuicKomy A3bIKy stand for you. So, those moments spent in the circle of your family are priceless. On the contrary, there are people who spend more time building a career. In their opinion, to become rich and wealthy is the road to happiness and success. Those people seem to be more independent, purposeful and pragmatic. They have strict plans for their life and work hard to achieve success. There are also those who claim that friends are more important than family. In my opinion, people who have more contact with their friends than with their family members tend to feel lonely or misunderstood in their own family. It often happens when parents are too busy to speak with their children or to give advice. Hesides, when parents are too authoritative or strict, children become estranged from them and confide in their friends. That is why parents should encourage their children to express their emotions and share their needs. Personally, I believe that everything depends on how you establish life priorities. | would like to emphasize that friends cannot replace family, but family can replace friends. As for money, it will not buy happiness or cure a broken heart. Allin all, I still strongly believe that there is nothing more important in life than the bond of family. It is true when they say, “To have a family that is loving and supportive at all time is a blessing.” Ponb cembu B OGuecTBe BceoOule u3BecTHO, ¥TO BCe MOM pasHble HY KaxkOTO YeNOBeKA CCTb CBOA CHCTEMA MOpaJIbHBIX NIPHHLMNOB, WeHHOCTei HW yOexKTeHHii. Takum o6pa3om, y Ka%kJOro YeOBeKa — cBOH MIpescTaBIeHUA 0 TOM, Kakyl0 pOJb 3aHMMaeT CeMbs B ero 2%KH3HH. Ceroqus, Kora BOTpoc 3aXONMT O BbIGOPe MEXxKAy CeMbeli H Kapbepoii, MHOPHM JOM TIpH- XOQUTCA CTOKHYTbCA C MpHHATHEM cHIO-KHOrO pelleHHa. Tak 4TO %e BapkHee: CEMbA HJIM Kapbepa? Tana Moan XXIII ognaxabi ormetun: «Jd MeHA Mon CeMBaA — 970 Webi Mup». JIM4HO A MOMHOCTHIO CoriacHa ¢ jaHHbIM yrBep- %KACHHeM. A CuHTaIO, 4TO HUKTO He Gye Te6a WOGHTH Gonbue, YeM TBOA CeMbA. BbI MOXKETE BCENA NONOKUTHEA HA CBOHX POHbIX 1 OBITR YBePCHHBIMH B TOM, 4TO OHH HMKONA He OeTAnAT Hac B Gere. Onn — 2. Family JY Ipy3bA, YIHTEIA H COIO3HUKH. Bet MoxeTe Oe30roBopouHO 10- BePHTLCA HX MHTYHMIMMH, MOMPOCHTb COBET MIM pacKpbITb Ayuly. OHH Bcerya GynyT pazoM u npotanyt pyky momomm. HM ecam Korya-1m60 BEI octymutecb, 6yqbTe yBepeHbI, HMCHHO POHbIe He AajyT BaM ynacTb. B o6ijem, MrHoBeHHA, l1poBeeHHbIe B Kpyry CBoeii CeMbH, OecHeHHBI. C apyroii cropoui, ecb Te, KTo GosbuIe BpeMeHH yAelAeT Kapbepe. Tlo 1x MHeHHIO, 4TOObI CTaTb GorarbIM H BIMATEbHBIM 4eOBeEKOM — yTO lyTb K cyacTbto H yeriexy. J[aHHble JIM4HOCTH, Kak NpaBHio, Gosee He3aBHCHMBI, LesIeyCTpeMJICHbI HW MparMaTH4Hbl. Y Hx ecTb 4eTKHe MlaHbl Ha %KH3Hb, KH OHH YCepIHO paGorator UIA JOCTHKCHHA ycnexa. Ectb Takxke Te, KTO CHHTAET, 4TO Jpy3bA MTpaloT B %KU3HH Sosee 3Ha4dH- MY10 pOlJIb, 4M CEMbA. C Moeii TouKH 3peHHa, 101K, y KOTOpbIX Gonee GnN3KHe B3aMMOOT- HOUICHHA C APy3bAMH, 4eM C POAHBIMH, YYBCTBYIOT CeO ONMHOKHMH 1 HeMOHATBIMH B CBOeH COOCTBEHHOM CeMbe. ITO O4eHb 4acTO MpoHcxo- AMT H3-3a TOPO, YTO POAMTeIM CJIMLIKOM 3aHATbI MH He HaXOJIIT BPeMeHH, 4TOObI NOFOBOPHTb CO CBOMMH JeTEMH WIH WaTb Myspbiii cope. Kpome TOPO, KOra POAHTENM CMIKOM ABTOPHTAapHbI WH CTPOrH, AeTH OT/a- JIMOTCA OT HHX H GOubIe JOBeEpAIOT CBOUM Apy3baM. UMeHHO nooTOMy POAMTCIM JLOIDKHbI TOOLIPATb CBOHX qeteii, Kora OHH XOTAT BbIPaSHTb CBOH 9MOLMMH HIM paccKka3aTb O mloTpeOuoctTax. JiwaHo 1 C4HTAO, 4TO BCC 3ABHCHT OT TOPO, KaK BbI pacCTaBsIAeTe CBOM 2KH3HEHHBIC MpHopHTersl. A Obi XoTesa NOAYEPKHYTb, YTO WPy3bt He MOTYT 3aMeHHTb CeMBIO, a CeMbsA MOnKeT. A 4TO KacaeTCA JeHer, TO Ha HHX He KYMIMUb CHaCTbE, H OHM HE CMOTYT BbUIEYHTS pasOuToe CepaAue. Tak WM MHa4e, 1 yOexkeHa, YTO HET HM4erO BarxKHee Ha 3emsle, 4eM cemeiinpie y3bI. Bex npapay rosopst: «mer s0Galllyro CeMbIO, KOTO- pas noslepKHT B OGOi CHTyalLHM, — 9TO HacTOAIee OarocOBeHHe». Topical Vocabulary 1) to rely on — nonaratsca Ha Koro-1H60 2) to let somebody down — noyBognTs Koro-11H60, OTBOpadHBaTbCa B TpyAHblii MOMeHT 3) ally ['elar] — apyr, corosHuk, cTOpoHHHK 4) to trust to somebody’s intuition — nonaratbca Ha 4610-160 HH- TYHLMEO Temmt arin nogrorosKm « OFS 4 ETS no anrnuacKomy A3bIKy 5) to ask for advice — npocits coner 6) to open one’s heart to somebody sm60 7) to take a false step — ocrynuTbes, CuenaTh HeBepHblii war 8) to stand for somebody — noyyjep»kuBarh, CToATb 3a KOTO-1H60 9) in the circle of a family — B kpyry cembu 10) priceless ['praislas] — 6ecyenHbrit 11) to build a career — crpoutb kapbepy 12) wealthy ['wel61] — 6orarsiii, cocrosTesbHbIit 13) to establish priorities — pacctannaTs npuopuTerEl 14) to replace — 3amenaT 15) to cure a broken heart — Bbuieanth pa36uToe cepaue 16) bond of family — cemeiinpie y3bt 17) supportive [so'po:tiv] — oka3biBatouyHit MoZepyKKy 18) blessing ['blesiy] — 6narocoBeHne Generation gap There is no doubt that the problem of parents and children is one of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Some people think that it is impossible to overcome differences between members of different generations, while others insist that people of different generations can meet each other halfway and even become bosom friends. It is not uncommon that some parents often disapprove of their children’s musical preferences, clothing styles, political views and choice of friends. In my opinion, misunderstandings between parents and children cause many problems and may lead to serious conflicts. One simple solution that can be put forward is frank and open deep conversation. Hence, parents should understand that every child is an individual and that to err is human. Besides, some parents put much pressure on their children to perform well at school. In my view, parents should make children aware of the importance of study in their life, but they should not punish them for bad grades. | am convinced that the main task of every parent is to teach children the difference between right and wrong and to establish trust relationship with them. So, parents must express deep concern, be careful, sincere, loving and heedful of OTKPbITh CBOIO Ly KOMy- 10 2. Family advice. They must also go with the times in order to understand their adolescents better and not be too exacting and adamant. It should be also noted that nowadays the factors of generation differences are disappearing. Lots of parents listen to the same music, wear the same clothes and spend as much time on social networking as their children do. On the other hand, there are people who insist that the problem of generation gap cannot be solved. According to their opinion, teenagers today are rude, cruel, lazy and ill-mannered. Most of them are addicted to gambling, computer, alcohol or drugs. Moreover, experts say that the cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise over the past years. In my judgment, one of the reasons for this problem is lack of moral values or attention. Moreover, the contributing factors of juvenile delinquency include poverty, parental divorce, domestic violence and corporal punishment. However, it becomes evident that all of them refer to the family conflicts. In my judgment.it is precisely the family environment that constitutes a root problem. Experts say that most delinquents come from problem families. Their parents are often violent, cruel or abuse alcohol and drugs. In turn, their children show rebellious behavior and stop obeying them. All in all, I think that all parents should better try to protect their adolescents from bad influences and give a helping hand rather than lecture them or decrease their self-esteem. I still strongly believe that people can bridge the generation gap by means of communication and mutual understanding. Konepanxt nokonennit Bue BcaKHX COMHeHHi, mpoOyiema OTHOB HM JeTel TBIAeTCA ONHOM 3 CaMBIX OCTPbIX B COBpeMeHHOM Mupe. Hexoropbie so CuHTaIOT, 4TO MpeoLONeTb KOH(PJIMKT MOKOCHHH HEBO3MOXHO, B TO BPeMs Kak JipyrHe yOexKJeHBI B TOM, YTO JIOAM pasHbIX MOKONeHHH MOryT NOFOBO- PUTbCA H axKe CTATb 3aKabIYHBIMH [[py3bsMu. JjaBHo He peAKOCTb, 4TO HeKOTOPHIe POMTeMM YacTO He OLO6psIOT MY3bIKQJIBHbIC MpeMOYTeHHA CBOHX aeteii, HX CTHJIb OL@KABI, MOIH- THYCCKHE B3TIALbI M BbIOOp Apy3eii. A cuuTato, YTO 10GbIe HeAOTIOHH- MaHHa MexKAY pOAHTeAMH HM HeTbMH MoryT IpHBeCTH K Cepbe3HBIM 1 Tembi ana nogrotoskKu k OF9 4 E39 no aurnuitckomy A3bIKy mpoOsiemam H KoHduiMKTaM. IIpocrbim peuienuem JaHHoi npoGsembI MOXET CTaTb OTKpbiTaA, AOBEpHTebHad Gecexa. CreqoBaTebHO, po- AMTEsAM HEOOXOLMMO YYMTbIBAT, YTO KarKyIbIii peGeHOK — 3TO HH- AMBHAYaIbHaA JM4YHOCT, a TaKKE TO, YTO YeNOBeKY cBOiicTBeEHHO omOatEca. Kpome Toro, HeKOTOPbIe POTS OKA3bIBAIOT CIIMIKOM Oonbutoe JaBeHHe Ha CBOUX jeTeli B BOMpocax ycreRaeMOCTH B LIKO- de. C Moeii TOUKH 3peHUs, POMTEIM NOWKHbI paCcKa3zaTb CBOMM J1eTAM 0 BAKHOCTH OOy4eHHA B KH3HH, HO OHH He JOMKHBI Haka3bIBAaTb HX 3a M1OxHe OLeHKH. A yO@rkeHa, YTO OCHOBHaA 3aaya KaxKNONO pomuTe- JIA — OObACHHTb CBOHM JeTAM, YTO TAKOe «XOPOLIOy, a ITO «ILIOXO», @ TaKxKe YCTaHOBHTb C HUMH AOBepuTebHbIe OTHOMIeHHA. PoxMTesn, MpexkAe BCerO, HOKHbI GecnoKOUTKCSI O CBOUX eTsIX, 3a560THTECA O HUX, ObITh HCKPeHHMMH, JOOAMMMH M LIeApBIMH Ha coReT. Kpome TOPO, OHH JOJDKHbI HLTH B HOory CO BpeMeHeM, 4yTOOBI JTY4Le MOHHMaTb CBOHX B3POCeIOUIHX jeTeli, H He ObITS CJIMLIKOM TpeOOBaTeNbHBIMH KaTeropu4Hbimu. Cneayer Takxe OTMeTHTb, YTO CerojHa (akTOpbl, orpesensoue pasHHlly MOKoNeHHii, MocrerleHHO Hcyesaror. MHorue pomntenn cay- WAIT TaKY10 %K€ MYy3bIKY, KAK H HX Je@TH, HOCAT COBPeMeHHY1O OexK ALY H MIPOBOAAT POBHO CTONbKO 2Ke BPEMCHH B COUMAJIbHBIX CeTAX, KaK H noypacratollee NoKoeHHe. C apyroii cropouti, ects Te, kro cunTaeT, ¥To NpoGremy MoKONIeHUit HEBO3MO%KHO pelt. CorsiacHO HX MHEHHMIO, COBpeMeHHBIe TOApocT- KH rpyObl, *KeCTOKH, JIEHMBbI M TIOXO BOCTIMTaHbI. MHorve 13 HX 3a- BHCHMBI OT HIP, KOMI bIOTepa, aKOFOJIA HIM HAapKOTHKOB. Bosiee Toro, NO YTBEP»KAEHMIO IKCIIepTOB, B OCIeAHMe Tobi NpobreMa 1BeHaIb- Hoi MpectynHocTH ctaHoBurcs Bce Gonee u Gomee ocTpoii. 5 cuntalo, 4TO OMHOH M3 BO3MOKHBIX TIPUIHH AAHHOH MpOOseMbI ABIAeTCA OTCyT- CTBHE y MOAPOCTKOB MOpaJIbHBIX WeHHOCTeii HM BHAMaHHA. J[pyrumn ConyTeTByroujuMu ¢bakTopaMH ABIIAIOTCA HMUeTAa, pasBoy poxuTeneii, Aomallinee HacHJIHe H TesleCHOe Haka3aHne. OAHaKO CTaHOBHTCA O4e- BHJHEIM, 4TO HMeHHO OOcTaHOBKa B CeMbe Hi ECTb KOpeHb mpoGseMBI. Tlo yrsepxxnennio 9Kcnepros, MHOrHe MaoueTHHe MpectynHuKH — BBIXOMUbI H3 NpoOsemuBIX cemeii. Ux pogurenn B GombuMHeTBE cry- YaeB CIIMLUIKOM arpeCCHBHBI, %CCTOKH HJIM 3/1OYHOTpeOsAIOT HapKOTH- kamu H akorosem. B cBoto ovepestb ETH Mepecralor HX cuyaTBCA H iposBuisioT GyHTapcKuii xapaktep. 12 2. Family Tak MIM HHAYe, 1 CHHTAIO, ITO POAUTEIM NOIKHbI 3ALHLATb CBOUX Jeteli OT TIOXOTO BAHAHHA H MIPOTATHBAT PyKy MOMOMIM, a He OTUH- ThIBaTb HX H NOHHKATb CAMOOLEHKy. A Beplo, YTO MOXKHO MpeosoNeTb KOH(PIMKT NOKONEHHH HM JOCTH4 B3aHMONOHMMAHHA, CCIM HATH Ha OT- KpbiTbiiit \Maslor CO CBOMMH POMTeAMH. Topical Vocabulary 1) generation gap — kon¢dsuKkt noKonennii, mpo6mema oTnoB 1 nereli 2) to meet halfway — naiitu Komnpomuce 3) bosom friends — 6nu3KHe Apy3ba 4) to go with the times — ujTH B Hory co BpeMeHeM 5) adolescent — nogzpocrox 6) to disapprove of [ diso'pru:v] — He oy06paTs 7) preference ['pref(a)r(o)n(t)s] — npeanourenne 8) political views — nomuTH4eckne B3raqbI 9) to disappear — ucyesarb 10) to cause problems — cranosuTEca npuunHoii npobnem 11) to err is human — yem0seky cBoiicrReHHO onmmOaTECa 12) to put pressure on somebody — oxa3biBaTb aBseHHe Ha KOrO- sn60 13) to perform well at school — xopomo yunTEca 14) academic performance — ycneBaemocTb 15) aware [o'weo] — 3HaroulHii, OcBeOMIIeCHHBIT 16) to punish — naka3biBaTb 17) bad grades — noxne oueHKH 18) to establish trust relationship with somebody — ycranosntb JLOBEPUTCJIBHBIC OTHOMICHHA C KeM-s1H60 19) generation differences — pa3nm4na MexK/y TOKOsIeHHAMH 20) social networking — coumanbubie cern 21) adolescent [,zd(9)'les(o)nt] — ronomecknii, no”pocTKossiit, MOO 22) to cope with — cnpasuTbca 23) to reach mutual understanding — yocTH4b B3aHMOMOHHMaHHA 24) heedful of advice — mezppiii Ha copeTEI 25) exacting — tpe6oBaTesbHbIii 13 Tembt ans nogroroaKu K OF9 w E32 no aHInMlickomy A3bIKy 26) adamant [‘edomont] — Henpekjonnpiii, kareropHaHeti 27) ill-mannered — nepocnnrannnili, HesexknuBptit 28) gambling — a3apruaa urpa 29) to addict — npucrpacturees K Yemy-s1NG0, ObITb 3asyUIBIM J110- OuTesem 4ero-s1H60 30) juvenile delinquency ['dsu:vinail di'liykwon(t)st] — mpecryn- HOCTb MajlOIeTHHX 31) to give a helping hand — npotanyts pyky romoum 32) to lecture somebody — uutats aeKiHM KoMy-11HG0 33) self-esteem — camoypaxkenne, 4YyBCTBO coOcTBeHHOrO AOCTO- MHCTBa 34) to bridge the generation gap — npeogonesars pa3pbiB MexkKALy TOKOI@HHAMH 35) poverty ['povati] — numeta, GeqHocTs 36) domestic violence — yomauee nacunue 37) corporal punishment — tenecuoe Haka3anne, nlopKa 38) root problem — kmouesas npoGema 39) adverse family environment — HeGaaronpuatnas oGcranosKa B CeEMbe 40) delinquent [dr'liykwont] — manonerunii mpecTynHHk 41) rebellious [11'belios] — 6yrrapcKuii, Henocaymmetii 42) to obey — cnymarsca, noBHHoBaTbCa 43) parental divorce — pa3Boq pognreneit Family traditions In every family there are different traditions. Family traditions help people to feel themselves part of the whole, strengthen the family unity and simply to enjoy happy memories. I think that the moments spent in the circle of your family are the most precious. We have a great tradition in our family. On May Day we usually go to the country where my grandparents live and spend there our days off. I often help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. We love to make up picnics. My father usually cooks Russian fish soup and grilled vegetables. We often sit up late at night and look through our family albums. I can sit for hours studying each image and recalling life events. It is so touching. 14 2. Family If it is summer, on weekends we go to the river to sunbathe and swim. We play beach volleyball or badminton. To tell the truth, I like to “unite” with the nature. As for me, I can spend hours staring at the water. At night we often build a fire and sing to a guitar. At these moments I feel the happiest person in the world. Another family tradition is decorating our New Year tree with ornaments, tinsel and candles. As I am fond of handicrafts, I usually make scrapbooks of our celebrations. My mother usually makes New Year’s tree decorations and it definitely adds a special festive touch to the New Year décor. Besides, we usually celebrate New Year at home, in the circle of our family. I get up early in the morning and help my mom to cook a festive supper. It is a tradition in our country to have a certain menu for this holiday. Usually it is a baked goose, a famous Russian salad called Olivier, jellied minced meat and, of course, champagne. Then I go into my room to put my gala dress on. Sometimes my mom asks me to help her lay the table. When all preparations are behind, we watch TV and wait for our guests to come. When the Kremlin chimes strike twelve times, all of us make wishes, hold glasses of champagne and wish each other Happy New Year. Children usually receive long- awaited presents from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Besides, New Year fireworks are must-have for this holiday. Frankly speaking, I love all holidays but my birthday is my favorite one. My parents usually wake me up early in the morning with a nice song “Happy birthday, dear Sophia” and give me their presents and flowers. We always invite guests to our place and make fun, We sing songs, dance and play games. Then, suddenly, all the light goes out and my parents bring a very nice cake with burning candles. | make my wish and blow out all candles. In the end of the party all of us come outside and set off fireworks. Cemeiinpie Tpaquunn B Kaxkyoii CeMbe eCTb pa3IMYHbIe TpayMIHH, KOTOpble NOMOraroT YkpenluTb eMHCTBO CEMBH, MO4YBCTBOBATH CeOA YACTBIO WesOTO M 0- npocry HacaHTbCA CUaCTIMBbIMH BOCIIOMMHaHHAMH. A C4HTAalO, 4TO MOMEHTBI, TIPOBCCHHBIC B Kpyry CeMbH, CaMble LCHHbIe. B naweii ceMbe ecrb ormm4Hasd TpaquuMs: Ha MaiicKHe Mmpa3qHHKH Mbi OObINHO ye32KaeM B JlepeBHIO, Te *KUBYT MOH GaGyuiKa u WesyuKa, a5 Temp! ana noprotosku k OF3 uw EF3 no axrnniickomy A3biKy H MPOBOAMM TaM BCE BbIXOHbIe. A Yacro NoMorato cBoei GabyuiKe YX@KUBATb 3A OPOPOOM HIM XOKY Ha pbiOaKy c eMyuIKOH. MBI s110- 6uM yetpansars nukHukn. Moii nana oObI4HO roToBHT yxy H OBOLH Ha rpxute. Mb oObT4HO 3acmKUBAeMCA JOT103/Ha, TIpocMaTpHBas CeMeii- HbIe (boToabGombI. {1 1M4HO Mory YacaMM H3y4aTb KaxkyI0 (oTorpa- (buio u BcroMMHaTS ObIBIe BpeMeHa. ITO Tak TporaTenbHO. EcuIM 9T0 eTO, TO 10 BEIXOJHBIM MBI €3/{HM Ha peky, ¥TOOBI 1103a- roparb H HcKynaTbca. MbI HrpaeM B TuIDKHbI BoeiOoN HM GaqMHH- Tou. Io npaBxe roBops, MHe HpaBHTca cAMBaTBCA C NpuposOi. JIM4HO 4 MOry 4acaMH CMOTPeTb Ha BAY. HOubIO MBI 4aCTO pasBOAHM KOCTep 4 loeM MecHH To rHtapy. B Take MOMeHTBI 1 UyBCTBYIO CeOa CAMBIM C4aCTIMBbIM 4eOBeKOM B Mupe. Eure ona nama cemeiinas TpanMuna cBazaHa c yKpallleHHeM HOBO- roaeii eukH MrpyuikaMu, MHulypoii H cBeyamn. TocKoubKy 9 110610 AeAaTh MOMeIKA CBOMMH PyKaMH, 4 oOBIHHO AeaO NaMATHBIC TeKO- PaTHBHbIe abOOMbI, B KOTOPbIe BKEHBalO oTorpatHn mpa3qHOBA- nua Hosoro roga. A Moa Mama OObINHO H3roTaBuBaeT TIpazqHHUABIe €NOUHBIC HIPYIIKH, 4TO BHOCHT OCOObIii LITpHXx B HOBOrOAHHIi AeKOp. Kpome toro, y Hac ecTb TpaqHiMaA OTMeuaTb TOT Mpa3y{HMK' NoMa, B Kpyry cembu. 51 oOpriHo Mpocsimaiocb palo yrpoM u TloMoralo Mame TOTOBHTD Mpa3sqHH4HbIi yxuH. B wane crpane ects yaxKe ocoboe TPaAMUMOHHOE MeHIO ILIA 9TOPO NpaztHHka, BKIIOYAIOMIee 3arle4eHHO- TO rycs, H3BECTHbI Cailar OMBbe, XONO/eL H, KOHCYHO %Ke, WaMraH- ckoe. 3aTeM # iy B CBOIO KOMHaTY, ¥TOOLI NepeoxeTEcA B MpasqHHy- Hbtii Hapa. MHorja Moa Mama mpocuT MeHa NOMO4uS efi HaKpBITh cron. Korga sce mpurorossenna ocraiorcsa no3ajH, MbI CMOTpHM TeseBH30p ¥KeM Mpuxoya rocteit. Korga kypanrsi Opror ABeHaj{LaTb 4acoB, MBI BCe TIOHMMaeM OOKaNbI ¢ IaMMaHCKHM H 2KeNaeM Apyr Apyry cyact- amsoro Hosoro roga. Jlern oObrano nomyuator AomroxKAaHHBIe Tosap- ku or Jlexa Moposa u Cuerypouxn. Kpome toro, B Hossiii rox ecrp v3u06eHHad Tpannuna (eliepBepKos. Yecruo rosops, 1 m06s10 Bce NpaztHuKU, HO MOii 7eHb pox yze- HM — 370 cambiii moOumptii. Mon pogurenu oObrmHo GyzaT Mena PaHo yTpom necHeii «C AHEM poxjenua, Cocbus» u AapsT mlodapKH H uperbl. Mbt oOpryHo mpursiauiaem rocreii u BecenHMca: oem necHH, TaHLUyeM M HrpaeM B Hpbi. 3aTeM HeOXKHAHHO racHeT Be3/Ie CBET, H MOH POAMTEIH BEIHOCAT OYCHS KpacuBblii Mpa3qHH4HbIIi TOpT c rops- 16 2. Family lMMH CBeuaMu. 51 3araybIBato 2keTaHHe M 3azyBato Bce cBedn. B KONIC RCUCPHHKH BCe MBI BIXOJMM Ha YiMIly Mi 3arlyckaem (peliepBepKu. Topical Vocabulary 1) to unite — o6beqnuaTEca 2) to strengthen ['strej@(o)n] — ycuimBaTs, yKpemiaTb 3) family unity — eqMHcTBo ceMbu 4) precious ['prefos] — goporoii, YeHHEIit 5) to go to the country — exatb 3a ropod, B AepeBHIO 6) day off — BpixogHolt 7) to make up picnics — yctpauBaTb NMKHHKH 8) Russian fish soup — yxa 9) to sit up late at night — 3acwkuBatbca Jon03qHa 10) to look through — npocmatpupat®, pasrizqbIBaTb 11) family album — cemeiirpri anb60m 12) to sunbathe ['sanbe10] — saroparb 13) to stare [steo] — npucrasbHo CMOTpeTb 14) to build a fire — pa3xxuratb Kocrep 15) to sing to a guitar — neTb necHH Nox ruTapy 16) tinsel ['tm(t)s(o)1] — muuypa 17) handicraft [‘heendikra:ft] — pysnas paOota 18) scrapbook ['skreepbuk] — anb6om 14 BbIpesoK, pororpaduit, kapTHHOK 19) celebration [,sela'bre1f(o)n] — npa3saHoBanue 20) festive [‘festrv] — npa3saqnauHbtit 21) in the circle of a family — B kpyry cempu 22) jellied minced meat — xosoyen, 23) to lay the table — nakpbinatb Ha cTon 24) preparations — npuroros.1leHHa 25) long-awaited — yonrox7aHHbTit 26) Grandfather Frost — len Mopos 27) Snow Maiden — Cuerypouka 28) to set off fireworks — 3anyckats cbeiieppepKn 29) to invite guests — npuraamatb mpy3eii 30) to make fun — pecenmrbca 31) to blow out candles — 3aqypaTb cBeun 17 3. FRIENDSHIP My best friend “What is a friend? A single soul living in two bodies,” Aristotle said. I can’t but agree with this statement. In my opinion, people who have faithful friends are lucky. But what does it mean to be a real friend? Personally, I think that a loyal friend is a person who is always there to help you out and divide all your sorrows and joys. It is the person who is always supportive, reliable, honest and understanding. If you are frustrated or disappointed, your friend does his best to cheer you up and to assure that every problem has its solution. As is known, false friends leave you when you get into troubles or even can cause troubles themselves. “False friends are open enemies,” a proverb says. It is very important to be surrounded by worthy people who never be- tray you or spill the beans. However, sometimes we lose friends and it is very painful and sad. Afterwards it is very difficult to open up and believe other people. So, if you don’t want to be betrayed, it is better to analyze your friends’ actions and judgments. For instance, if someone condemns or envies others, he may have the same feelings to you and one day he may stab you in the back. However, it takes a long time to work out who your friends really are. As far as I am concerned, I am lucky to have a loyal friend. She is open, sociable and sympathetic. For instance, she saves her pocket money to build an animal shelter. We often buy some food to feed stray animals. We have much in common and spend much time together. Both of us enjoy sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and pay special attention to studies. However, sometimes we do quarrel and argue with each other. She is very opinionated and always holds her own. I think that it is quite natural to differ in opinions. There is one thing she can’t stand, it is hypocrisy. So, I am absolutely sure that she always tells me the truth. For instance, when I tell her about some minor conflicts at home, she often takes a side with my parents, points out my mistakes and gives advice on how to put up with them. I am happy to have such a loyal friend as Mary. I always feel her support and care. I hope we'll be friends forever. 18 3. Friendship Moi nyt apyr «Hacrosmmii ypyr — 9TO OHA Ayla, *KMBYLas B ByX TesaXx»>, — ckagas Apucrorestb. 51 He MOry He COMmacuTECs C 9THM YTBEp>KeHHeM. C Moeii TOUKH 3peHHA, MOLM, y KOTOPBIX eCTb BepHBIe Apy3bs, Ooub- ume cyactiMBybI. Ho 470 o3HauaeT ObITh HacTosHM Apyrom? JIM4HO ‘| CUMTalO, 4TO BepHbIii Apyr — 9TO 4YeNOBeK, KoTOpbIii BCera pAOM POTOR NIpHHTH Ha MOMOMI, YTOOI pa3sqeMTb BALIN MeyasM HW payo- crn, Dro ToT 4emOBekK, KOTOpBIM Bcerya OKaxKeT NOAepxKy, Noiimer, Gyuer vecTeH c BaMH, H Ha KOTOporo MoxwKHO MONOKHTECA. Ec Th paccrpoeH HM pa3z0yapoBaH, TBO Apyr cyenaeT Bce OT ceOA 3aBHCA- llee, YTOObI NOAHATS Tebe HACTPOeHHE H YBeEPHTb B TOM, 4TO m06y10 fipoGiemy MoxHo pers. Kak H3BeCTHO, JOKHbIe Apy3bA Opocator 8 Gexe HAM Jake caMH Co3qaloT HenpuaTHoctH. Kak riacuT noroBop- ka, WloxHBIe Bpy3bA — 9TO OTKpsITEIe BparM». OveHb BaxKHO OKPy- okaTb CeOA JOCTOMHBIMM JHOUbMH, KOTOpble HHKOT a He MpezasyT HM He packporoT BalmMx CekpeTos. OjHako HHOTa MBI TepseM Apy3eii, H 9TO Oven TeyaIbHO H GombHO. Tocne cay4MBLerocs CO%KHO CHOBa OT- KpbITbCa H NOBepHTs JOM. Mrak, ec BbI H€ XOTHTE CTOKHYTBCA © [IpeqateibCTBOM, BaM HY2%KHO aHanMsupoBarb AelicTBUA M CYKMCHHA palHx apy3ei. K mpuMepy, ecm KTO-TO M3 HAX OCy%KaeT Apyrax WI saBM{yeT, TO NOAOOHbIe YYBCTBa OH MOXKET MCHBITIBATb H K BaM HB OH J€Hb MOKeT BOHSHTb BAM HOX B ciMHy. OAHaKO MOxeT NpoiiTH ONrOe BPeMA, TIpexAe FEM BEI MOliMeTe, KTO ABIIETCA MII BAC HACTO- HULL JIpyTOM. Uro KacaeTead MeHA, MHe MoBe310 c MoApyroii. Ona O4eHb OTKpbI- ras, OOUIMTeNbHaA H OT3bIBYMBaA. K npuMepy, OHA OTKATbIBAeT CBOH KapMaHHble CHIH Ha CTPOHTEbCTBO MpHIOTA jist O€31OMHBIX 2KMBOT- ubrx. Mbi 4acTo NokynaeM ely M HopKapMsMBaeM 6e310OMHBbIX TIHTOM- ies. Y Hac MHOrO O6Ulero, H MbI NpOBOAHM MHOrO BpeMeHH BMECTE. Mui 06e yBuleKaemcs crlopToM, BexeM 3f0poBblii oOpa3 %*H3HH H yye- JIMCM JLOJDKHOe BHAMAHHe yue6e. OguHako WHOra MbI BCE KC CCOPHMCA i CIOpuM Apyr ¢ Apyrom. Ova o4eHb CBOCHpaBHad HM BCera CTOMT Ha cpoem. SL CUHTALO, ITO BIIOHE CCTECTBEHHO PaCxOAHTbCA BO MHCHHAX. E,MHCTBEHHOE, C 4eM MOS MOspyra He MOXKET MHPHTbCA, 9TO JIMLLeMe- pue. Mostomy 4 Mory GbiTb NOHOCTBIO yBepeHa B TOM, 4TO OHA BCera roBOpHT MHe npapay. K mpumepy, Koryja y MHA BOSHMKalOT MCIKHE 19 Temp! ans nogrotosku kK OF3 u ET no axrnuicKomy a3biky CCOpbI OMA C POAMTeAMM, OHA YaCTO IIPHHUMACT HX CTOPOHY, yKasbi- BaeT Ha MOH OWHOKH H MaeT COBET, Kak Jly4ule C HAMH TIOMHPHTECA. A cuactsmBa, 410 y MeHsA CTA Takaa BepHasd nogpyra, Kak Maia. BCerla YYBCTBYIO €e NosepxKy uM 3aGory. A Hayerocb, YTO MBI HaBcer- 4a COXpaHHM Hally ApyxGy. Topical Vocabulary 1) faithful / loyal friend — npeganusiii, sepuprii, Hactoamuit apyr 2) sorrow ['sorou] — neyas, ckop6b 3) supportive [so'po:trv] — oKa3brBarontnii nosjeppKy 4) reliable [rr'latobl] — nanéxuptii, Bepreiit 5) honest ['on1st] — yecruptii, uckpennuit 6) sympathetic [,simpo'8etik] — nosnpiii couyscrBHa, couyscrBy- roulnit 7) understanding [,ando'steendiy] — nonumarommii, 4yrKuii, or- 3bIBYHBBIi 8) frustrated [fras'trertid] — pacerpoenubili, pasouaposaHubiit 9) disappointed [,disa'pomtid] — pa3zouaposanubiii, pasouaposas- unica, oropuéHubiit 10) to cheer up — nog6anpusarp, noxHMMaTb HacrpoeHue 11) to assure [a'fua] — ysepar», 3anepatb Koro-1460, yGexKsarE 12) to cause troubles — co3yjasarb HenpHaTHocTH 13) to surround [sa'raund] — oxpyxkars 14) to betray[br'trer] — u3menars, npegapars 15) to spill the beans — pbiasat rainy, cexper 16) to condemn [kan'dem] — ocyxjarb, nopuuare 17) to envy ['envi] — sasujonatp 18) to stab somebody in the back — Bon3arb Hox B crMHy KOMy-1160 19) animal shelter — npuror yu19 2KHBOTHBIX 20) stray animals — 6poasune, 6e3A0MHBIe *KMBOTHEIE 21) opinionated [o'pmnjanertid] — camoysepenusiii, ynpsmptii 22) to hold one’s own — ue ycrtynarb, cTosTb Ha CBOéM, OTCTAMBaTb CBOIO TOYKY 3peHHA, He CAaBaTb NO3MUMii, OCTATbCA BeEpHbIM CBOUM yOexKeHHAM 23) hypocrisy [hi'pokrast] — mxupocts, auyemepue, TIpHTBOpCTRO, cbanbup 24) to put up with somebody — muputecs c Kem-1160 20 3. Friendship The role of friendship in our life What is the basis of true friendship? It is confidence, common interests, support and mutual understanding. Friendship plays an important role in the modern world. During our lives, we meet lots of people but not all of them become our friends. Some people have only one lifelong friend. There is also an opinion that friends like books should be few but well chosen. Personally, I think that life without friends is like the sky without the sun. As far as I am concerned, I have a small circle of good friends. They are always on my side and make my life complete. I share all my joys and sorrows with them. We have much in common and always have something to talk about. Besides, my friends are battle tested and proven worthy. As it is known, hard times will always reveal true friends. This is absolutely right. I am sure my friends will never turn their back on me when I most need them. Moreover, my friends never envy my success. I can always be myself with them as if they are my family. A Jewish proverb says, “A friend to all is a friend to no one.” I completely disagree with it. As we grow older, lots of people come into our lives. We find friends at school, at university, at work and so forth. For instance, my best friends are my schoolmate and my fitness coach. They are of different personality types. One of them is easy-going, sociable and optimistic. She always cheers me up and makes me smile. Her optimism really shines through: she enjoys life and is always in a good mood. The other one is thoughtful and inclined to melancholy. But she is always eager to help or gives me a sound advice. I do love both of them. In my opinion, friends are those you can unconditionally trust. It does not matter how many friends you have, faith is what matters. All in all, life is meaningless without friends. They make our life interesting and enjoyable. As it is known, “Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.” Ponb apyK6bI B Halleii *KH3HU Ha 4em OcHoBbIBaeTCA HacToslaa ApyxOa? Ha joBepnn, B3anM- HbIX HHTepecax, MoepxKke H B3anMOnOHMMaHHH. J[pyx6a urpaeT WKH posh B COBPEMeHHOM Mupe. B TeyeHne Bceli %U3HH MBI BCTpe- 21 Tembi ana nogrorosku x OF3 w EI3 no anrnniickomy A3bIKy 4a€M MHOXKECTBO MONCH, HO He BCe OHM CTaHOBATCA HaM Apy3bimn. Bpipaer axe Tak, ¥To 4eloBeK BCTpeyaeT BCero OAHOTO Apyra 3a BCKO XK3Hb. BeiryeT Take MHEHHe, 4TO Apy3eii, KaK M KHHT, HONDKHO ObITh HEMHOTO, HO HX HY2%KHO ozGupats c ocoboli THaTeNbHOCTEIO. JIm4Ho & CuHTalO, 4TO 2%KH3Hb 6e3 Apy3eii — Kak HeGo Ges comHUa. Uo KacaeTca MeHs, y MeHa eCTb y3kuii Kpyr Xopounx Apy3eii. Onn BCerja Ha MOeli CTOPOHE HM Ae1aIOT MOIO 2KH3H HanOsHeHHO!i. SI ne- JHOCb C HAMM CBOHMH ropecTsaMH H palocTaMH. Y Hac MHOro ObuIero M BCera ECTb O 4eM NoroBopuTs. Kpome Toro, MOH Apy3bA MpoBepeHbI BpeMeHeM H OOcTosTenbcTBaMH. Kak H3BeCTHO, py3bA O3HaIOTCA B Gege. Ito papa. 1 yBepena, 4To MOH Apy3bsi B Tpy/HY!O MHHYTY HH- Kora He NoBepHyTca KO MHe CHHHOMi. Bonee Toro, Mou Apy3ba HUKOTa He 3aBHLy!0T Moemy ycniexy. A Bcerga Mory ObITb co6oii c HAMM, KaK OyaTo OHH — Mos ceMba. Espefickas nocnosnua riacut: «JIpyr Bcem — nuyeli pyr». A Ka- TeropH4eckH C 3THM.He coriacHa. MbI craHoBuMcs cTapilie, Hc Ka- 2KMbIM TOJOM B Hallly %KH3Hb MIPHXOJMT MHOXKeCTBO Joel. Mb Haxo- THM Apy3eii B Wkoue, B YHUBepcutere, Ha padoTe H TaK jatee. Hanpy- MePp, MOH JIY4LIMe py3bs1 — 9TO MOA OHOKACCHHUa H Moi TpeHep HO (puruecy. Onn aOconroTHo pasxbie. OxHa 43 HUX KOMMyHHKabembHas, 6e33a00THaa H OnTHMUcTHIHaa. Ona Bcerja noxHHMaeT MHe Hacrpo- eHHe HW 3acTapnaer yabiGarbca. J[pyraa moa moypyra CKJIOHHa K Me- JaHXOJIHH WH ratyOOKOMBIC/IMIO, HO OHA BCerjla TOTOBa MOMOUb HW Math MyZpbiii coer. A oAHHaKOBO s1106s0 Ux OGeux. Ilo Moemy MHeHHIO, Apy3bA — 9TO Te, KOMY MOXKHO Ge30rOBOpOyHO AOBepsTb, H HERAXKHO, CKOJIbKO y TeOs Apy3eii, BaxKHee JOBepHe Mexy BaMH. Tak WIM HHave, %*xH3Hb GeccmpicneHHa 6e3 Apy3eli. Onn yenaror Hallly 2KH3Hb HHTepecHoii u spKoii. Kak u3BeCTHO, «TOT, KTO HaxXOJHT BepHOro Jpyra, HaXOHT HacTOAMee COKPOBHILe»». i Topical Vocabulary 1) lifelong friend — npyr na Bc10 2xH3HB 2) there is also an opinion that — Obrryer MHeHuHe 0 TOM, 410 3) circle of friends — xpyr apyseii 4) to grow older — sspocuierh 5) to enjoy life — 6pITb 2xn3Hen1060m 22 3. Friendship 6) to be in a good / bad mood — 6biTb B xopoutem, m10xoM Ha- crpoennn 7) thoughtful [69:tf(2)l ] — norpy2xeHHbIit B pasMBILUIeHHA, cosep- MTeybHbI, 3atyMIMBBIK 8) inclined to melancholy — cknoHHbIii K MeaHxOuHH 9) to have a lot in common with somebody — uMetb MHoro oOulero © kem-11H60 10) to share secrets with somebody — jemuTBcA ceKpeTaMH ¢ KeM- mo 11) a friend to all is a friend to none — apyr ana Bcex — nnyeii apyr 12) unconditionally [,anken'dif(a)n(@)l1] — 6e30roBoporHo 13) faith [fe10] — Bepa, noBepue 14) loyal / faithful / true friend — Hacroammii apyr 15) supportive [sa'po:trv] — oka3biBaloulMii NozepxKKy 16) well-bred — xopomio BocnuTaHHeiit 17) compassionate [kem'pz{(9)not] — cocrpajarenbubiii, NONHBIii couyBCTBHA 18) mutual understanding — s3a4MonoHHMaHHe 19) quality ['kwolot!] — Komm4ecTBo 20) quantity ['kwontati] — kayeerBo, 21) to get on well — xopomto. naguTb 22) to enjoy each other’s company — HaculaxgaTbca OOuLeCTBOM “pyr Apyra 23) to have ups and downs — nepexkugats B3uIeTbI M MayeHHs, yla- 4-H Heyyla4nt 24) mutual understanding — s3anmMonoHuMaHue 25) common interests — oOuyve HHTepecEI 26) to be on somebody’s side — 6niTb Ha 4ubeii-u60 cropoHe 27) complete [kom'pli:t] — nonHpiii, HanomHeHHprii; copepmieHHEtit 28) joys and sorrows — pajlocTu # ropecTH 29) to have something to talk about — umerb MHoro oOuiMx Tem, la HAXOJMTb O 4M NOPOBOPHTb 30) hard times will always reveal true friends — apyr nosHaerca # Gee 31) to turn one’s back on somebody — nosopauupateca K KOMy- 160 cnnHnoli 32) to envy one’s success — 3aBHOBaTb UbeMy-J1HGO ycnexy nee’ 23 Temp! ans nogrotosku Kk OF3 u ETS no axrnuiickomy A3bIKy 33) to use somebody for one’s convenience — Hcnomb30BaTb KOrO- 1m60 B CBOHX HHTepecax 34) to betray [bi'trer] — n3mensTb, mpenaBaTb 35) honesty [‘onisti] — 4ecTHocTb 36) encouragement [in'karidgmont] — o6ogpenue, noompernne 37) unsociable [an'soufabl] — neo6umrenbubiii, CkpEITHbIii 38) meaningless ['mi:ninlos] — GeccmbicneHHbIii, GecleHHBIit 39) shoulder to cry on — «xuNeTKa», YeOBEK, KOTOPOMY MO%KHO TlOMIaKaTbesA 40) to be through thin and thick together — 6nirs B panocTu u rope- CTAX, NpoiiTH 4epe3 BCe HCNbITAHHA Peer pressure There is no doubt that negative peer pressure is one of the most burning problems in the modern world. To begin with, let us find out what peer pressure means. According to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, peer pressure is the pressure that you feel to behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your group expect it. Peer pressure can influence how teenagers dress, what hobbies they choose and how they behave and treat other people. Experts say that there is tremendous peer pressure among teenagers to dress a certain way. For instance, at schools where there are no uniforms children may feel pressured to wear fashionable and expensive clothes just to fit in and to be accepted by the peers. One solution that can be put forward is making wearing. school uniforms compulsory. In this case there will be no distinction between the rich and the poor and schoolchildren will focus on their studies rather than on trendy clnthes and perform academically better. It should also be noted that peer pressure is also an important factor when it comes to using drugs or alcohol among teenagers. Experts say that most under-age drug addicts are introduced to this dangerous behavior by their peers. In this case the desire to fit in can lead to serious problems in the future. You must have heard the appeal: “Everyone is doing it.” However, if you know what is “right” and “wrong”, your: common sense will definitely stop you from harming or killing yourself. So, no matter how hard it may be for you to say “no”, you should stan 24 3. Friendship your ground. Think about the possible consequences. Drug and alcohol abuse ruins health and overall destroys people’s lives. There is also peer pressure among youngsters to behave violently or physically harm other people, especially those who are weak or disabled. So, we now speak about bullying, intentional frightening of someone who is smaller or weaker than you. Bullying is not only a physical act of violence but also emotional or psychological abuse. As fur as | am concerned, since childhood my parents have taught me not to bully. | think that any aggressive behavior or fighting will in the long run lead people to jail. All in all, if you want to be a strong personality, you should set your own rules but not to follow someone else’s rules. Jlasnenne co CropoHbi CBepCTHKOB Bue Bcakux COMHeHHii, HeraTHBHOe BIMAHHe CO CTOpOHbI cBepcT- HHKOB ABIIACTCA OLHOH M3 CAMbIX OCTPbIX MpoGeEM B COBpeMeHHOM Mupe. Jlin Havana japaiire pasbepemca, YTO O3HayYaeT 9TOT TepMHH. KemOpnxKckuii yueOubIii cnoBapb JaeT HaM CyIesyIoulee onpeyene- Nie: «1aBICHHe CO CTOPOHbI CBEPCTHHKOB — 9TO JlaBJICHHe, KOTOpOe Thi OLLYUaeLh CO CTOPOHbI CBOMX Apy3eii HIM CBepCTHHKOB, HM, KaK JICTBKE, NOspaxkanve OnpeveseHHOMy NOBeAeHHIO, ycTaHOBeHHO- My UMpHHroBoit rpynnoi, B lenax yroKeHHsA ei». JIapnenue cBepcet- HHKOB MOET CKa3bIBATBCA Ha TOM, KaK OeBAaIOTCA MOMPOCTKH, KakKHe wiGupator cee yBreyeHUA, KaK OHH CeOs BeEYT H OTHOCATCA K ,pyrHM HOM, Ilo MHeHHI0 SKCHepToB, BIMAHHe CO CTOPOHbI CBEPCTHHKOB rpe- mwipyer B BoMpocax BBIGOpa onex EI. K mpuMmepy, B UIKomaXx, re We BReeHa copMa, HeTH MOryT 4YBCTBOBAaTb 1aBeHHe CO CTOPOHbI ChePeTHHKOB, H, TbITaACb BAIMTbCA B KOMM@HHIO, HM MIpHXOAMTCA HO- CHTb TOKO MOAHYIO H LOporyio ofe%*K Ay. OHM M3 BO3MO%KHBIX pe- wennil oro mpo6nempI MoxkeT ObITb OOs3aTebHOe BBELeHHe LIKOIb- Holi (bopmet. B stom ciry4ae Hcye3HeT pasrpanH4enne Ha Gorarbix 1 GesMDIX, LETH CocpenoTOYaTcs Ha H3y4eHHH TIpeyMeTOB, a He Ha BbIGO- pe Moot O2e%xubI, 4 OyLyT 1y4e yanTECA. Cylenyer OTMeTUTb, 4TO BIMAHHE CO CTOPOHbI CBEPCTHHKOB 5B- ETOH BAXKHbIM (—akTOpOM, Kora peyw 3axo1HT O 3n0ynoTpebseHHU 25 Temp! ana nogroroskn k OF 9 uv Ef3 no anrnuiickomy AsbiKy HapKOTHkaMH M asikoroeM noxpoctKamu. To MHeHMIO 9KCrepToB, GoNbUINHCTBO HECOBepPIICHHOeTHHX HapKOMaHOB HayMHalor yno-! TpeOATb HapKOTHKH, Cueaya NpHMepy CBOMX cBepcTHHKOB. B 9TOM CiLy4ae *HKeAHHe «COOTBETCTBOBATb» MOKET MPHBECTH K Cepbe3HbIM- npo6s1emam B 6ynymem. Cxopee Bcero, BbI He pa3 CABIMATM MOLOOHBI npu3biB: «Bce esaior 9TO». OHaKo, ecuIM BbI yMeeTe OTIM4ATb, «XOPOMIO», a YTO «MIOXO», 31paBbIii pasyM He MO3BOMT BaM HoryOu ce6s WIM IpH4HHHTS Bped. A 3HadMT, HeBa2KHO, HACKOMbKO CJIOXKH! BaM Oyzer CKa3aTb «HET», BbI JOJDKHbI MpOABUTb TBEPAOCTh HW HaCTOATI Ha cBoem. Ilogymaiire 0 BO3MOXHBIX MocsescTBAAX. YnoTpeOueHH HapKOTHKOB M askorosa ryOUT 320pOBbe M BCeLeIO paspyulaeT %H3HI sroei. 13-3 ryOuTesbHOFO BHAHHA CO CTOPOHBI CBEPCTHHKOB MOAPOCTK! yacTO HaYMHaloT CeOA BECTM arpeCCHBHO WIM HaHOCHTh PusHyeckHt BpeA APyrHM JHOAIM, OCOSeHHO caObIM H HeNONHOUeHHBIM. B 7H: HOM Cily¥ae MbI TOBOPHM O Tak Ha3bIBaeMOM «OysUIMHTe», TO eCTb O HaMepeHHOM 3alyruBaHHu TOTO, KTO MeHbue HM caaGee. 3aryruBa- HHe MOxKeT ObITh He TOMbKO (PH3H4ECKHM aKTOM HaCHJIMA, HO Tal OMOLMMOHAIBHOH WIM CHXONOrM4eCKOli TpaBseii. UTo KacaeTCa M4HO. MeHA, TO C JeTCTBa POAMTeIH YIM MeHa He OOwKaTb cuaObIx. A cun- Talo, 4TO J0G60e arpeccuBHOe NOBexeHHe HAM ApakH, B KOHEYHOM C4e- Te, IIPMBeAYT arpeccopos 3a TIOpeMHy10 pelleTKy. Tak WIM MHaYe, eCIM BbI XOTUTe ObITb CHIbHOH AM4HOCTHIO, BbI AOJDKHbI YCTaHaBJIMBaTb CBOM NpaBuJla, a He HATH y KOro-TO Ha MOBO/JLy. Topical Vocabulary 1) peer pressure — jjaBienve co CTOpoHbI WieHOB cBOero Kpyra (B ocoGeHHOCTH CBEPCTHHKOB, OHOKIACCHHKOB H T.11.) 2) peer [pio] — cBepcTHHk 3) burning problem — aktyanbHaa npo6sema 4) to expect — ovkugaTb 5) to behave — Becru ce6a 6) behavior [br'he1vjo] — nopeyenue 7) tremendous [tri'mendas] — orpomueiii, raraxTcKHii, rpomayHbl 8) to fit in — coorpercrBoBaTb 9) to be accepted — Oprrb npHHaTEIM 26 3. Friendship 10) when it comes to — korya pe4b 3ax0gHT 11) under-age — necopepuienHoneTHnit 12) drug addict — Hapkoman 13) dangerous ['demds(o)res] — onacubiii, packoBaHHbrii 14) appeal [o'pi:!] — npuspiB 15) common sense — 3ypapbiii cMbIc 16) harm [ha:m] — npwunnste sper 17) to stand one’s ground — nposBaaTs TRepOCTb, CTOATh Ha CBOEM 18) consequences ['kon(t)stkwonsiz] — nocuegzcTBua 19) drug abuse [o'bju:s] — sn0ynorpeOmenne Hapkorukamu 20) alcohol abuse — 3oynorpe6seHHe CHupTHBIMH HarliTkaMH 21) to ruin health — nary6no ckaspIBarbes Ha 310PpOBbe 22) to destroy [di'stro1] — pa3pymiaTe 23) youngster ['jan(k)ste] — ronoula, ZeByuika 24) adolescent [ d(9)'les(o)nt] — Monogoii 4enOBeK, roHOMIA, je- pyuika 25) disabled [dis'erbld] — HenonHouenHbri, crpazarommii oT yBe- “hal, HH BATHE 26) bullying ['bulm] — 3anyrupanne; «6ynmHr» (TpaBia B OTHO- enn peGerka Co CTOpoHbI rpyitbl CBepCTHHKOB) 27) to bully ['bulr] — sanyruBatb, crpantaTs 28) bully — xyauran, apasyn, 3aqupa 29) frightening ['frart(a)n1y] — yetpamenne, 3anyrnBanne 40) violence ['varal(a)n(t)s] — 2xecToKocTb, Hacuse, npuMeHe- Whe CHJIbI 31) fighting ['faitin] — apaka, Got 32) in the long run — B KoHeyHOM cyeTe 44) strong personality — cusbHas JH4UHOCTR 34) jail [dge1l] — TroppMa; TIopemMHoe 3akm04eHHe 35) to set rules — ycranaBiuBarb mpapwia 46) to follow somebody else’s rules — nyru Ha MoBoyy y Koro-1H160 27 4. APPEARANCE & CHARACTER Describing people: physical appearance Nowadays people are more and more concerned about their’ appearance. Personally, I think that looking presentable is very important for every person of every age. First of all, people who are satisfied wit their physical appearance tend to be self-confident. Indeed, by lookin; well-groomed and nicely dressed one can easily communicate with others and achieve goals. Secondly, people who want to look attractive tend to go in for sports. Most of them follow a diet and go to the gym. Thirdly, people who care about their appearance look after their health, It is generally accepted that visiting a doctor for regular check-ups can’ help prevent illnesses. If you asked me to describe a person whose appearance I like, I’d talk about my aunt. Her name is Sofia. She is middle-aged but has very youthful appearance. She is in her late forties but looks young for her age. She has a friendly round face. Her hair is short and ginger. My aunt has very beautiful blue eyes and long eyelashes. Her lips are red and plump. I like when she is smiley and happy. She is rather tall and medium-built. She doesn’t usually wear glasses but she puts them on when she reads or watches TV. She has a lovely complexion. My aunt always looks fresh and seldom wears make-up. She is fair-skinned but likes to sunburn in summer. I like the way she looks because she wears clothes that are right for her age and always looks trendy and elegant. She prefers wearing suits and dresses. Anyway, my aunt is a good- looking woman and always looks great. Onvcanne BHemHOCTH 4enOBeKa Cerogua Bce Oombute noe nepexkuBatoT to NoBoLy cBoeli BHELI~ HocTu. JIM4HO 4 AyMaio, 4TO BBITIAeTs MpeseHTaGenbHO O4eH BarK- HO Ayia KaKTOTO YeOBeKa B s11060M Bospacte. IIpexye Bcero, s00H, KOTOPbIe NOBOJbHbI CBOeH BHELIHOCTEIO, OObIHO yBepeHbI B cebe. Ha camom jJene, Kora YeNOBeK yXOxKeH HM XOPOUIO OeT, OH MOCTHTa- eT Ooubile Ueneli, NOCKOnBKY C HUM Nerye HAyT Ha KOHTaKT Jpyrue. 28 4. Appearance & Character Ho-nropbix, OAH, CTpeMsniHecs BEINAeTh MpUBseKATeNbHO, OObI- NO YAHMMAaLOTes CIIOpTOM. BosbUIMHCTBO M3 HHX COOMOaIOT AHeTY H Hoceniaor cnoprsai. B-rperbux, ec THOM cnesaT 3a cBoei BHeII- HOCTHIO, TO C Oombuleli BepoxTHOCTHIO OHH SysyT TakoKe CHeAHTb U 3a CHOHM 3/L0poBbeM. OOujen3BecTHO, 4TO TUIaHOBbIii OCMOTp Bpaya MO- Ker lpeoTBpaTHTS pasBuTHe GonesHeii. Eon Ber NOMpOCcHTe OMKCAaTb YeOBEKa, 4bA BHELIHOCTh MHE Hpa- nited, 1 Obt pacckasaa o cBoeii Tete. Ee 308yr Cocbus. Ona Mono- AN OKCHUMMHa CpeqHUX Jer. Efi 3a 40, Ho Oa BbITIAqUT MomO%KE enoero Bospacra. Y Hee ApyxKen10GHOe Kpyr10e MUO H KOpOrkue pbi- wie HouOCHI. Y Moeli TeTH O4eHb KpacuBble romyOble raza H AIMHHbIe PeCHMitbl, a ee ryObl nyxabIe u ambe. A m0Gm10, Kora ona cuacTIMBa Hi Hecesa, Ona 1OBOABHO BbICOKOFO pocta H CpemHero TeMOCMOKeHHA. OO6bMHO OHA He HOCHT OFKH, HO HaeBaeT HX, Kora YHTAeT HI CMO- ‘pur Teiesusop. Y Moeii Tern KpacuBbiii uBeT Mua. Ona Bcera BbI- HUNT CBexKeii H pexKO HcMOMb3yeT MakHsK. Y Hee CBeTIaA KOXKAa, HO Ona s106nT 3aropatb eToM. MHe HpaBHTCs, Kak OHA BbITIAAMT, MOTOMY ‘IO OHA HOCHT OLe%*Ly, COOTBETCTBYIOMYIO €€ BO3paCTY, M BCera BbI- HLT MOHO WH 3eraHTHO. Ona TIPCAMOYHTAaeT KOCTIOMbI H ILiaTbs. Tax win Have, MOA TETA OUCH TIPHBIeKaTeAbHad 2KCHUMHA, koTopaa Nera OLIMYHO BEITIAHT. Topical Vocabulary al appearance — BHeLIHOCTE YeOBeKa 2) presentable [pri'zentobl] — npe3entaSenbubiii, pecrexraGenbubiiit 4) well-groomed — yxoxeHHbiit 4) nicely dressed — xopomio ogertbtii 5) attractive — npupnexaresmbueiit 6) good-looking — npuatHoit HapyxkHocTn 7) handsome — kpacuepiit, crarHbIii (0 My2k4HHe) 8) lovely — muti 9) pretty — xopomenbKuit 10) middle-aged [ midl'erdsd] — cpeguux net 11) an elderly person — noxnn0i YenoBeK 12) to be in one’s late twenties, thirties, forties, etc. — 6e3 manoro 20, 30, 40 ner 29 Temp! ans nogroroskn k OF 3 uv E39 no anrnuiickomy A3biKy 13) to be in one’s early twenties — aBaquats c HeGombUIMM (0 BO’ pacte) 14) fat — ronetpiii 15) stout [staut] — ryaHpiii, nonnptiit 16) overweight [ auva'weit] — nmerommii u36bITOUHbIi Bec 17) medium-built — cpequero TerocaoxeHHa 18) thin — xynoii 19) slender — crpoiiueriit 20) slim — crpoitHprii, xyn0i 21) tall — spicoknii 22) short — nu3Knii 23) of middle height — cpeauero pocra 24) close / deep set eyes — 61n3Ko / rmy6oKo nocaKeHHbIe T1a3a 25) complexion [kem'plekf(a)n] — Ber muua, cocToaHHe KOxX JMiya 26) fair-skinned — co cpeTa0ii Koei 27) sunburnt — 3aropeapiii 28) pale — OneaHbIii 29) wrinkled face — mopuyHHnctoe HO 30) freckled face — nuu0 B BecHyumKax 31) to look one’s age — BBIrnayeTh Ha CBOii BOspacT 32) to look younger / older for one’s age — BbIrIAjeTb MosOxKe B3pocuee 33) to resemble — 6biTb noxoxKUuM. 34) to take after / to look like somebody — 6biTb noxoxKUM Ha KOro~ 35) straight (hair) — npampie BonocsI 36) curly ['k3:l] — kyapsBblii, BOHUCTEIi 37) wavy ['werv1] — Bproulniica 38) chestnut — kauranospiii 39) blond — Genoxyppiii, cBeTaBIH 40) ginger — ppnxnii 41) ash-blond — cpet0-nenenbHbtii 42) shoulder-length — no nieun 43) eyelashes — pecuuubt 44) turned-up nose — s3gepuyrsiii Hoc 30 4. Appearance & Character Describing people: traits of character There is no doubt that all people have different character traits. Sometimes you may think that you know a person’s character well just hecuuse you have been friends for ages, but one particular situation ean show how wrong you were. In lots of cases people just don’t know who they really are and what they are capable of. Anyway, each of us has both negative and positive character traits and wants to be a better person, In life, there is a constant battle between these two traits. As far as I am concerned, I am emotional and easy-going. That’s whiy it is easy for me to make new acquaintances. Besides, my friends say that I am helpful, sympathetic and kind-hearted. Well, I am sup- portive as well. No matter how busy I may be, I will always be there to help if lam needed. As for my negative character traits, | am lazy and stubborn. Besides, I am too touchy and vulnerable. I dislike when peo- ple criticize me because I feel as if I must be perfect. Another negative trait of character I dislike and suffer from is my hot temper. I get angry very quickly and fly into a rage. Sometimes J even can’t control myself when I argue with anyone. If you ask me to describe a person whose character | like, I would tell you about my best friend, Anna. She is sociable and cheerful. She is always in high spirits. Her optimism always cheers me up. Besides, she is clever, purposeful and hardworking. She is an excellent student and already knows three foreign languages. Moreover, she has a wide range of interests. She is fond of music, reading and painting. As for characteristics which are the least appealing in a person, I think itis envy and hypocrisy. Unfortunately, appearances are often deceptive. It is true when they say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” As for other nega- live characteristics I hate, I can’t stand cruel and ruthless people. Moreo- ver, | don’t trust people who dislike animals. I find them cold-hearted. Yeprp xapaktepa YenoBeKka Bue BcakHx COMHeHHI, BCe JOH OO1aLarOT pasHbIMH YepTaMH xa- paktepa. Muorga Bam ake MOxKeT Ka3aTbCa, 4TO BbI XOPOLIO 3HaeTE ‘CNOBEKA, NOCKOMbKY y2Ke MHOTO JeT Apy%KHTe, HO OHA CHTyaLIHA MO- KOT MOKA3aTb, HACKOJIBKO CHJIbHO BbI oumO6aetecb. Bo MHorux cay4aax HOM ake CAMM HE 3HaIOT, KEM OHM ABIAIOTCA M Ha 4TO CrOcOOHEI. 31 Temi ans nogrotosku Kk OF3 uv E93 no anrnniicxomy a3biky 4. Appearance & Character Tak WIM HHH, y KaxKJOFO M3 Hac ECTb KaK OTPHUATeNbHbIC, TAK Hi T10- JOKHTEIbHBIC YEpTbI XapakTepa, H BCe MbI XOTHM CTaTb JIyue. B xKM3- HH MpovcxogHT noctosHHas GopbOa MexkKy 9THMH JIByMa YepraMn. ‘ro KacaeTca MeHA, TO 1 CHoKOiiHad H Herkaa B OOueHHH. MMeRHo MO3ITOMY MHE JI€PKO 3aBOJ{MTb HOBbIe 3HaKOMCTBa. Kpome Toro, MOH JIpy- 3bA POBOPAT, 4TO 4 OTSBIBYNBAA HM JOOPOAyUIHad MH BCerya roroRa rIpuiiTH Ha NoMollb. AA Bcerna HB 1060! CHTyaMM Mory NosepxKaTb ONM3KHX Mue siroyeli. HepaxkHO, HaCKOJIbKO 4 MOry ObITb 3aHsITA, 11 C TOTOBHOCTHIO IpHy Ha NOMOUIb, Kora BO MHe OombUIe Bcero Hy2xKaIoTCA. ToBops 0 MOWX OTPHUaTeIbHBIX Yeprax XapakTepa, 1 JeHHBaA H yripimas. Kpome TOTO, 4 CIIMIUKOM paHHMas M UyBCTBUTeNbHas. 4 He JOGO, KONA JIKONM M€HS KPHTHKYIOT, NOTOMY 4TO MHe BCe BpeMs KaxKETCA, YTO 1 NONDKHA 6biTs nAeabHOl BO BceM. Ete oHa Mos OTpHIaTenbHas yepra, OT KO- TOpoii 1 Crpasalo, 9TO BCHLIBYMBOCTE. 51 ObICTPO BLIXOXKY H3 CeO Ht 4a- CTO 1aKe He KOHTPOsIUpyi0 ceOs, KONIa C KeEM-TO CrOpro. Ecai BbI MeHsi nompocute onMcars YesoBeKa, Yell XapakTep MHe HM- TOHMpyer, 4 Obl paccka3aia BaM O cBOeii Ty uel Noapyre Anne. Oua 06- UIMTeNbHad M 2%KH3HeEpayocTHas. Oa Bcenla B XOpoliem HactpoeHuu. Ee ONTHMH3M BCer{a MeHA OOAPHT H MPHBOLHT B Xopoulee pacnonorxKeHHe nyxa. Kpome Toro, oHa yMHad, UesIeycrpemsieHHas 1 Tpyfom0OnBas. Ova OTIMYHHLA H Y2Ke SHACT TPH MHOCTPAHHIX A3bIKa, OHA O4eHb pasHocTo- POHHAa JM4HOCTS. Ona yBuleKaeTCa My3bIKOii, YTEHHEM H 2KMBOTMCHIO. To KacaeTca YepT XapakTepa, KOTOpbIe MHE He HpaBsaTCs B YeTO- BeKe, A YMAalO, 9TO 3aBHCTb HM JMtleMepne. K corxkaseHuio, BHELIHOCTS yacto ObipaeT OOMaH4HBO. Bepxo ropopst: «He cynute KHury 110 oOs10%KKe». OTHOCHTeEABHO ApyrHXx OTPULareNbHbIX YepT, KOTOPEIe 5 HEHABHKY, ITO KECTOKOCTS H GecriomasHocTb. Kpome Toro, # He AOBe- PAKO JHOZAM, KOTOPbIe He JOGKT %KUBOTHBIX. S| HaXOxKY UX YepCTBLIMH 4 GeccepyeqHsimn. Topical Vocabulary 1) traits of character / character traits — ueprhi xapakrepa 2) negative / positive character traits — orpuuaresbupie / rosoxn- TeNIbHbIC 4epTbI 3) sociable ['soufabl] — KommynukaGenbubiii, OGUM Testi 4) easy-going — nerkuii B oOnjenHH, AOGpoAyuiNO-necenbili, Gec- neuqHetit 32 5) helpful — yenyxumesiii, Bceria rorosbiii npuiiTH Ha NOMOULb 6) sympathetic [,stmpo'Setrk] — nonupiii couyscTBHA 7) kind-hearted — ,o6ppiii, MarkocepaeuHblii 8) supportive [so'po:trv] — rorosbiii MpHiiTH Ha HOMOLIp, MOsepxKaTb 9) lazy — nenmeptit 10) stubborn ['stabon] — ynpsmbiiit 11) touchy ['taffi] — o6ugunpbiii 12) vulnerable ['valn(a)rabl] — ys3BuMbiii, paHHMbiii 13) hot-tempered — senpuibyneptit 14) to fly into a rage — 6icrpo BBIXOANTS 43 ceOa 15) angry — 30% 16) distrustful — Hegosepuneprit 17) cheerful — pecenpiit 18) to be in high spirits — 6piTb B NpunoAHATOM HactpoeHnH 19) to cheer up — 6o71puTb, MOAHMMaTb HacTpocHHe 20) clever — ymupiii 21) purposeful — eneyeTpemeHHEtii 22) hardworking — tpyzomo0Ousplit 23) to have wide range of interests — ObiTb pasHOcTOpOHHMM 4e- JIOBCKOM 24) envy — 3aBHCTb 25) envious ['envias] — 3aBHCTJIMBBIii 26) greedy ['gri:dr] — x*xaquErit 27) hypocrisy [hr'pokresi] — muuemepue 28) two-faced [,,tu:'ferst] — soKmebtii, ABy aH HbIi 29) cruel — 2xecToKnit 30) ruthless ['ru:@las] — Gecnomagueiii, *xecToKHii 31) cold-hearted [ kould'ha:tid] — 6eccepaeunpiii, seperBBIiit 32) optimistic — onrumucruanbiit 33) pessimistic — neccumuctH4anblit 34) shy [far] — 3actenumBplit 35) faint-hearted — rpycamppiit, poOKnii 36) coward ['kauad] — rpycumepiii, ManonyutHetit 37) arrogant — 3aHocunbIli, BbICOKOMepHbIit 38) mean [mi:n] — nogmiit 39) stupid — rnynpiii 40) generous ['den(a)ros] — meapbiii, BenMKonyUIHBIH : 41) unpleasant [an'plez(9)nt] — Henpusxrnpii, orrankuBatoumit 33 5. LEISURE & HOBBIES Leisure Leisure is the time when you are not working and can relax and do things that you enjoy. As far as I am concerned, I am an energetic person and I can’t stay long in one place. That is why I prefer active leisure activities in the open air, such as rafting, hiking and playing sports games. Fortunately, I have lots of friends who share my interests. As I have already mentioned, I like walking tours. My friends and T usually plan them beforehand. If we go on an overnight hike, we take tents or sleeping bags with us. At night we enjoy singing songs by the fire and eating freshly made fish soup. When I stay in Rostov, I often visit theatres, cinemas and concerts. However, it is not always easy to get movie or theatre tickets for the first night. So, I usually book tickets in advance, either by phone or on the Internet. It is very convenient and timesaving because you don’t have to stay in long queues anymore. But most of all I like concerts. Usually I attend concerts of popular singers or bands. Once I have been lucky enough to visit Elton John’s concert which took place in the center of our city and was free. I can’t even express my emotions. The performance was breathtaking and exciting. There were crowds of people who sang along with Elton. The music made me creep all over. I’malso fond of sports, I regularly go to the gym. I practice stretching and Pilates. Sport plays an important part of my life-and helps me to stay fit and healthy. As for Pilates, it is very relaxing and pacifying. It helps me to restore harmony and balance to the mind and body. Coupled with stretching, it makes my body work. Besides, I am fond of volleyball and badminton. It is so exciting to compete with your friends. We are divided into teams and the winner gets a prize. But sometimes I prefer to be a spectator rather than participant. In this case | play the role of an umpire. In my opinion, physical training and sport not only promote physical strength but also stimulate willpower, stamina and courage. However, there are times when I choose passive leisure activities. Sometimes I prefer to stay at home and relax. In this case I read, watch TV or listen to music. It happens that I cook tasty meals, lay the festive 34 5. Leisure & Hobbies table and light up candles. I like to make surprises without any reason, just because I am in a good mood. When my parents come back, we spend our time together discussing the latest news or watching 2h interesting movie together. Sometimes I invite friends to my place an we always try to arrange something interesting. We sing karaoke songs, listen to music or play computer games. When the weather is fine, we often go for a walk. | like to spend time in the park or by the ENE summer I like to lie in the sun and swim, while in winter I am eager for skating or skiing. Well, my life is full of adventures and I have no time to be bored. Docyr Jlocyr — 910 cBoGogHoe or paGorbi BpeMs, KOrJ{a MOXKHO 1103B0- JIMTb ceGe pacculaOHTbCA W 3aHATHCA JeaMM To Aye. Uto Kacaeres MeHS, TO 1 OYCHb SHEPrH4HBIii YeNOBeK HM He MOry NOLO CHeTh Ha OgHOM Mecte. MMeHHo nosTomy 4 OTfalo MpeynoureHHe akKTHBHOMY OTAEIXy Ha OTKPbITOM Bo3ayxe. K ripuMepy, MeHA yBsIeKaeT pede TYpH3M H CrOpTHBHbie urpsi. K cyacrbio, y MeHA MHOrO jpy3eit, KT CO MHOii MOH HHTepecsl. oe aoe YHOMAHY.1a, 4 OGIO XOAUTE B NOxOsbI. MbI c Apy3biMu oObI4HO TlaHHpyeM HX 3apaHee. EcaH MbI OTMpaBllsieMca B OXON C HO¥eBKOI, TO GepeM c coOoii MasaTKH H CiasIbHble MeLUKH. Houpio HaM HpaBHTCa MeTb MeCHH BO3Ie KOCTpa H HaCsIa2KTaTbCA BKYCOM CBe2Ke- HOH yxH, be, te potion B Poctose, To ¥acTO MoceLaro TeaTpbl, KHHOTE- aTpbI H KOHUEpTbI. OWHAKO 3TO COBCeM He Mpocto AocTaTb OusteTBI ae npembepy. Iostomy o6sr4Ho 1 Gpouupyto Hx Mo Tene*ory ae ene Vutepuer. 370 oven y0GHO UM 9KOHOMUT BPeMs, NOCKOMbKY Ooulb! © He MPpUXOAHTCs CTOATH B JVIMHHBIX OYepeix. Ho OosbUNe BCerO A HE G10 KOHYepTsI. OGLIHO A MOCeLAaIO TOABKO Te, KOTOPbIe Lalor M3BECT- HbIe MeBIbI M MY3bIKAJIBHBIe PpyMiib!. ONHAK bl MHE NOCHACTIMBHNIOCE nonacTb Ha GecruiaTHbtii KOHepT JuToHa J>KoHa, KOTOpbIi Mpoxout B WeHTpe Halwero ropoyla. 1 He Mory BbIPasHTb BCeX CBOUX ski Tpeqctassienne Oby10 BOCXHTHTEJIbHLIM H 3axBaTbIBasO Ayx. Ha yon CTOAJIM TONMBI JOMeH, KOTOpbie NogteBamM IntoHy. OT My3bIKH y MeHA GerauH MypalliKH 110 KoxKe. 35 Tembi ana nogroroskn k OF9 w EF9 no aurnnicKkomy A3bIKy A TawKe yaNeKAIOCE CHOPTOM H perysApHO Hocemtao cnoprsan, THe 3AHHMAlOCh THMIATECOM H pactwKKO, Chopr urpaer BaxKHy!o pom B Moeii 2KH3HH, TOMOrast MHE OCTARATLEA AOPOROH 1 noytanytoi. To- BOps O MHMNATeCe, OH OYHb YMHPOTBOPACT HM paccyiaGseT, a TaKKE MoMoraeT MHE BOCCTAHOBATh Oasane H OGpecrH rapMonmo Ayu H Tena. B coueTaHHH c pactsaKkkoli OH 3acranseT paGorarp Bce Moe Teno. Kpome Toro, 4 yaekatocb GaqMHHTOHOM H BoseliGoNOM., To TaK BOJ- HUTCIbHO COPeBHOBATECA CO CBOMMM Jpy3bAMH. Mb jlesIMMca Ha KO- MaHAbI, a nobequTeNb Hony4aer npH. [paBya, MHOrIa 1 MpextosHTato ObiTs spuTenem, a He yuacrHKoM. B 9TOM cay4ae 4 BbITIOWHAIO byHK- UHIO cybH. A cunTaro, 4To MKOGBIe sbusH4ecKHe yupaxkHeHns H cropr He TONbKO pa3BHBalOT CHI, HO TaKKE CTHMYJIMPYIOT BOsIIO K NOGere, BbIHOCJIMBOCTS M XpaOpoct. Oguako 6sisaior spemena, Kora # oTaio MpeaMourenne naccuBHo- My orapixy. Mxorga 4 pemiato ocratsca oma nu paccaa6utbca. B 9tom ciydae § 4HTAIO, CMOTpIO TereBH30p HIM Cilyulalo My3bIKy. Bpraer, TO A TOTOBIIO BKYCHYtO ejly, HAKPbIBaIO Ha CTO H 3aKUTarO cBedu. A m06mo AenaTe HeOKUAAHHBIe clopnpH3bI Ge3 roBoNa, mIpocto m0- TOMY, 4TO 4 B XOpouleM HacTpocHuu. Korza Mon pouuTesM BO3Bpala- JoTCa AOMOii, MBI MPOBOAHM BpeMsA BMeCTe 3a MPocMoTpoM MHTepec- Horo (buJibMa WIM 3a OOcy2xkyeHHeM NocmenHHX HoBOcTeli. Muorma 4 upuriamaro K cee B rocTH Apy3eii, M MbI Bcerya cTapaemca 3aHsTB cea 4eM-TO HHTepecHbiM. Mb roe B KapaoKe, cnytiaem MY3BIKY HIM urpaeM B KOMIIbroTepubie urpbi. Korma Ha ysile xopowias noroja, MBI ‘WaCTO XOAHM Ha Tiporysku. Mue HpaBHTcs MpoBOaHTb BpeMa B MApKe HIM Bose pexu. JleTom # sHoGs10 nonexKaTb Ha COMHBIUIKe H MonaBaTh B PeKe, B TO BPeMA KaK 3HMOii 4 C yJOBONBCTBHEM KaTaloc Ha KOHbKax 11H TBpKAX. B OOUleM, Mos *KU3HB NOHa MpHKIONeHHIi, Hy Mens HET BPeMeHH Ckyyars. Topical Vocabulary 1) leisure ["lezo] — nocyr, caoGoguoe BpeMa 2) hiking ["harkin] — typu3m 3) tour [tue] — nytemecrane, noesyKa, Typ, Mporyzka, 9Kckypcna 4) overnight hike — noxog c HouéBKoii 5) tent [tent] — nanarka 36 5. Leisure & Hobbies 6) to put up/to take down a tent — nocrasuts/pas06parb nanarky 7) sleeping bag — cnasbubiii MewioK 8) freshly made — cpexenpuroToBmeHHbiit 9) fish soup — yxa 10) winner — noGenuTenb 11) spectator [spek'terta] — sputens 12) participant [pa:'trsrp(o)nt] — yuacrHuk 13) umpire ['ampato] — cyspa, pecbepu 14) first night — npembepa 15) timesaving ['taim,servin] — 9koHomMaLHii BpeMa 16) to stand in a queue (for) — crosTs B o4epequ 17) band [beend] — my3bikasBHasa rpynna, aHcaMOB 18) to be lucky enough — nocuacTIMBUTBCA 19) performance [pe'fo:mon(t)s] — BBicrymieHue, npezctasnenne, HCTOJHCHHe i 20) breathtaking ['bre® terkiy] — SAXBATBIBAIOWIHH, W3YMHTEJIb- HbIii, NopasHTesbHbIii, NOTpACaIOUIHii, yIMBUTebHbII, yYMonOMpadH- TeNbHbI, Gecnoqo0GubI, (anTacTHuecKkuii 21) to sing along with somebody — nogmesars Komy-1H60 22) It made somebody feel creepy all over — mypalikn mo Telly 6erasm y Koro-1H60 oT 4ero-s1H60 : 23) to pacify ['pasifar] — ycnokanBatb, yMHpoTBopaATb 24) coupled with something — skyne, B coveranmu c 4em-1160 25) willpower ['wilpauo] — cua Bou 26) stamina ['stazmino] — sariac %KH3HEHHBIX oi BHYTpeHHHe pe- 3epBbI OpraHi3Ma, BbIepxKKa, BbIHOCJIMBOCTb, CTOHKOCTB 27) courage ['karidg] — my2kecTBO, OTBara, CMeuOCTb, XpadpocTb 28) to be in a good mood — 6iTs B xopouleM HacTpoeHHH, pacno- TOXKeHHH Jyxa 29) adventure [ad'ventf{a] — npukarouenne Sports and healthy lifestyle Sport plays an important role in the life of teenagers. Those people who go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and control their weight tend to be more cheerful and are less susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, those people who don’t participate in any physical 37 Tomb! ANH HOAFoTORKH K OF9 WEL no anrnuiicKomy SSbIKy activity and prefer junk food tend to be subjected to obesity and are at risk of heart and vascular diseases. As a matter of fact, the problem of obesity is one of the most pressing in the modern world. Today more and more teenagers are becoming overweight. One solution that can be put forward is doing sports, which can help teens not only to lose excessive weight and -to stay fit, but also to feel more vigorous and spirited throughout the day. Physical exercises are also the perfect way for emotional release. To improve school performance it is essential for school children to balance mental stimulation and physical activity. Besides, it is necessary to mention that supporters of healthy life style are also at much less risk of getting involved in drinking alcohol, taking drugs and other bad habits than those who are addicted to computer games, instead. In addition, sports develop the will for victory, as well as caseharden the constitution and the spirit. Sports also create opportunities to find congenial souls with common interests and values. That feeling that you are a part of the team can help to develop your leadership skills and to boost your self-esteem. The most popular team sports for teenagers are football, volleyball, basketball and tennis. However, some youngsters prefer winter sports, such as figure-skating, ice-hockey and skiing, while others are fond of summer sports, including diving, swimming, yachting and rafting. As far as I am concerned, I do like sports. I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and go for a run or do my morning exercises indoors. Twice a week I take my fitness classes and go to the swimming pool. I am also fond of yoga which teaches me how to take care of my body properly and how to stay healthy, flexible and strong. In summer I like to play badminton and volleyball with my friends, while in winter I go to the skating rink. As for dieting, I am a follower of separate nutrition. When you eat separately you can eat almost anything but not at the same time. For instance, for breakfast | prefer a plate of oatmeal, a glass of orange juice and two apples. As is known, “an apple a day keeps a doctor away”. For dinner I can eat fresh.vegetables and some steamed fish. Besides, I prefer mineral water and fresh juices to fizzy drinks. In conclusion, a healthy person doesn’t smoke, eats healthy food and prefer doing sports to watching them. 38 5. Leisure & Hobbies Cnopt v 340posbiii o6pa3 »*KM3HK Cropt urpaer BaxkKHy10 pub B %KH3HH MOspocTKoB. Te sO1H, KOTO- pble 3AHHMAIOTCA CHOPTOM, BEAT 340poBbili OOpa3 2kH3HH, KOHTPONIM- PytoT cBoii Bec u coOmiopatoT AMeTy, OOBTHHO Gosee 2%Ku3HepazocTHEIe Hf MeHee MogBep2KeHb! Sote3HAM. B To BpeMA Kak Te, KTO, MpeymMounTa- er cpact-dyi H He 3aHHMaeTCA CrOpTOM, bomee CKOHHBI K onkupeHio M HaXOMATCA B Ipytine pucKa cepye4Ho-cocyMMcTEIX saboneBannit. Caenyet OrMerHTs, YTO NpoGeMa OKUPeHHA ABIIeTCA OMHOM H3 Ca- MBIX AKTYaJIbHbIX B COBPEMCHHOM Mupe. CerogHa Bce Gosbue 1 Conb- Ie MOAPOCTKOB crpagaior OT H3sIMUIHerO Beca. OAHMM U3 peleHHit aTol MpoOieMbI MOrYT CIYKHTb 3aHATHA COPTOM, KOTOpbIe OMOrYyT TOAPOCTKAM HE TOJbKO COPOCHTS JMUIHMe KHOrpaMMbl M COXpaHHTb xopoulyto (pu3n4eckyto (popMy, HO TakKe Mo“yBCTBOBaTb ceba Gomee OompbIMH H 9Hepru4HbIMM B TeYeHHe BCero AHA. SDusmaccene yupaxk- HeHMA — 9TO Take HJeaTbHbIii COCOG 9MOMMOHAbHON pasrpy3KH. UYro6si yuyuuiMTb ycnexu B yseGe, yueHuKam HeoOxomuMo cOanaH- CMpOBaTb YMCTBeEHHY!0 HM (u3HYeCKyIO AesTenbHOCTb. Kpome toro, culeqyeT YIOMAHYT 0 TOM, YTO CTOPOHHHKH 310poBOro O6pa3a 2%KH3HH MeHee NOJBep»KeHbI TAKHM JYPHbIM MIpUBbIMKaM, KaK 310yTIOTpeGs1e- HME AJIKOPOJIeM, HapKOTHKaMH, 4eM Te, KTO C yTpa 0 Beyepa UrpaeT B KOMIIbIOTepHEIe HIpbi. Kpome Bcero Mpouero, CIOPT pasBUBaeT BOJIO K TloGenle, 3aKanAeT Te U Ayx. To 4YBCTBO, 4TO TbI ABJIACLIbCA YACTbIO KOMaHJ{bl, MOMOraeT CChOpMHpOBaTS JM epcKHe KayecTBa H MOAHATS camoouenky. Cropr Takxke aeT BO3MOKHOCTb paclMpuTb Kpyr 3Ha- KOMBIX HM HaiiTH OMW3KHX 10 Jyxy Joker CO CXO7KAMH HHTepecaMH H I@HHOCTAMH. CambiMH TOMyiAPHbIMH BAZaMH CHOPTa JIA MOAPOCTKOB ABIAIOTCA dyt6on, BoneiiGoa, SackeTG6on u TeHHUC. OpHaKO HeKOTOpbIe 13 HHX MIpeAMOYMTaIOT 3MMHME BHABI CHopta, Take Kak ¢purypHoe KaTaHue, XOKKeii Mi JIBDKH, 8 TO BpeMA Kak [pyre OTalOT mpemnowreHe ret- HHM BHaM cnopta, BKOYal 1aliBHHT, MlaBanve, NapycHblii cnopT H padrunr. Uro KacaeTca MeHa, 1 O4eHE OGIO cHopT. OGbi4HO #1 Mpocpina- 10Cb B 7 yTpa, BbIXOKY Ha NpoGexky WIM JemaIo 3apayKy Yoma. ipa pa3a B Hejjest0 4 XOxKy B pHTHec-Ky6 u Oacceiin. A TakKe yBeKaloch iioroii, KoTOpad yINT MeHA MpaBHsIbHO 3aG0THTbCA O MOeEM OpraHH3Me 39 Temp! Ana nogrorosku K OF u ET3 no anrnniickomy ABbIKY M OCTaBaTbCA 310poBOli, rHOKOH M CHIBHO!. Jlerom 9 sHOGmI0 HrpaTs B SauMuHTOH u BoNeliGos ¢ MOMMH Jpy3bsMH, B TO BpeMA Kak 3HMOii Xxoxky Ha KaToK. YUTo KacaeTcs AHeTbI, TO A NpHBep»xeHeL pasyembHOrO NMTAaHHA, MPH KOTOPOM MOKHO CCTb MpaKTHYECKH BCE NPOAYKTBI, HO B pasHoe Bpema. K npumepy, Ha 3aBrpak # MpesoUnTaIo OBCAHY1O Kallly, allebCHHOBBIii COK H Napy AO10K. Kak H3BeCTHO, «KTO sONOKO B eH cbemaer, y Toro ZoKTop He ObiBaeT». Ha oGen A Mory cbecTb cBexKHE opoutH 1 pbi6y Ha napy. Kpome Toro, 1 npeqnountaio MuHepanbHy1o BOJY H CBeXKEBbDKATHIC COKM Fa3HpOBAaHHBIM HanMTKAM. B saxmioveHne xoten0cb Obi cka3aTb, 4TO 310poBbIii 4esIOBeK — 9TO TOT, KTO He KypHT, l1paBubHO MMTaeTCA H MIpewNOunTaeT 3aHHMaTBCA CrlopTom, a He OrITs 3puTeseM. Topical Vocabulary 1) to go in for sports — 3anumarses croprom 2) to lead a healthy lifestyle — ecru 3yopossiit o6pa3 xn3HH 3) to follow a diet — co6mtonarb AueTy 4) physical activity — dusw4eckas yeatenbHocTh 5) to take part (in) / to participate in — npnummare yuacrue (B uem- au00) 6) junk food — ne3poposas numa, act-pyn 7) to lose weight — xyzers, c6pacpiBatb Bec 8) to keep fit — octasareca B xopomeii (pusHyecKoii dbopme 9) susceptible to diseases [sa'septabl] — socnpuumunspiit x Gone3- HAM 10) heart and vascular diseases — cepgesno-cocynnctie 3a6ome- BaHHa 11) obesity [o'bi:srtr] — rysHocts, oxupenue 12) overweight people [,ouve'wert] — monn c u36bITOUHBIM BecoM 13) vigorous ['vig(0)ras] — cubupiii, 9HeprH4Hbtii 14) spirited ['spirttid] — xupoii, oxusnéHnetii, sHeprnunesii 15) emotional release [m'li:s] — sMounonanbuas pasrpy3Ka 16) bad habit — nypHaa npueeraKka 17) to caseharden the constitution — 3akanaTb Teno 18) skating rink — kato 19) will for victory — sons K noGene 40 5. Leisure & Hobbies 20) to caseharden the spirit — 3akanaTb qyx 21) congenial soul [kan'dgi:n1al soul] — 6mu3Kuii m0 nyxy Yen0BeK 22) to boost self-esteem — nopbilaTs camooueHky 23) to go for a run — BbIXogUTS Ha Npobexky 24) to do morning exercises — enaTb yTpeHHIO!0 3apaaky 25) yachting (sport) [‘jotiy] — napycuplii cnopr 26) separate nutrition — pa3yenbHoe nutanue 27) steamed fish — ppi6a Ha napy 28) oatmeal — opcanaa Kata 29) fizzy drink — rasmpoBaHHbiii HanlMToK 30) flexible ['fleksobl] — ru6xnii Reading Reading plays a very important role in the life of people. Books are a great source of information, knowledge and enlightenment. They help us to enrich vocabulary and make our speech more emotional and expressive. Books are also our best teachers. We can see characters make mistakes and learn from them without having to make the same mistakes ourselves. Moreover, books help to escape the harsh reality, to plunge into the world of breathtaking adventures and to recreate. Sometimes they help you to find answers to disturbing questions and to discover a way out. In my opinion, there is nothing better than reading a good book. As far as I am concerned, reading is an inseparable part of my life. Books are my best companions. I read books on my way to school, I read them when I am at home or when | am relaxing on the beach. There are different genres of books, such as memoirs, science fiction, adventure stories, thrillers, novels, tales, detective stories, myths and many others. As far as | am concerned, I prefer classical foreign literature. My favorite writers are Honoré de Balzac, Walter Scott, Erich Maria Remarque, Victor Marie Hugo, Francis Scott Fitzgerald and William Somerset Maugham. Sometimes, when I want to understand the plot of a story better, I can reread books several times. Besides, over the years a lot of my favorite books have been made into movies. For instance, I have recently watched “the Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and “the Miserable Ones” by Victor Marie Hugo. I was 4 TembI ans nogrotosku k OF u ET no axrnniickomy A3bIKy completely captivated and absorbed by the majestic scenery, modern movie effects and the brilliant performing of actors. And now I would like to tell you about my favorite book that made a lasting impression on me. It is definitely “Heaven Has No Favorites” by Remarque. It is a love story between a young girl called Lillian, a terminal patient suffering from tuberculosis, and an automobile racer, Clerfayt, who constantly puts his life at risk. Lillian, having a thirst of adventures and unknown emotions, catches at a straw and enjoys all treats of life, while her beloved one can’t imagine his life without exciting and dangerous hobby. The book tells us that while there is life, there is hope. It teaches us to appreciate every breath we take and every moment we live. It shows us that life is a precious gift. You know, only when faced with death, some people understand how important life is. However, nobody can escape his fate. The ending of the story is tragic. Clerfayt perished in a fatal road accident and broken-hearted Lillian decided to spend her last days at hospital. Urenve Urenve urpact O¥eHb BAKHYIO polls BOKUSHH JWORel. Karu — 970 MCTOYHHK MAopMauMH, 3HaHHi HM pocBeujenus. Oxn MoMorator Ham oOorarHTb Hall CAOBapHbIli 3anac HM AemaIOT pedb 2MOWMOHANbHO! H oxcnpeccuBnoi. Kuvr — 910 Take sy4llve yantens. Mbt yaumca Ha OWIMOKaX MepcoHaxeii He JOMycKaeM HX NOBTopeHHA B CBOeli 2Ku3HH. Bosiee Toro, KHHTH MOMOrAaloT HaM yiiTH OT CypoBoii peasbHo- CTH, NOFpy3HTbCA B MHP 3AXBaTbIBAIOMHX MpHKIOYeHHI H BOCCTaHO- BUTb MOpaJIbuble H (u3H4ecKHe CHIbI. MHora onM MOMorator HaliTH OTBeTHI Ha TpeBOxKALIMe BOIIPOCbI H HX pemtenue. C Moeii TOUKH 3pe- HHA, HHYTO He MONET CpaBHUTbeA C XOpomeli KHUroi. Uro KacaeTcs MeHA, UTCHHe — 9TO HEOTbEMJIeMas YacTb Moeii %KUu3HU. Kaur — Mou “yun cnyTHUKu. 4 4HTalO HX 10 TIYTH B LIKOJY, 1OMa M Ha TULDKe. Cymlecrayer MHOKecTBO pa3IM4HBIX 2%KaHpoB KHHT: MeMyapbl, Hay4Haa NYOIMUMCTHKa, IpHKOYeHHA, TPHsIepb, POMaHEI, CKa3KH, A€TEKTHBEI H MHOrHe Apyrue. JIM4HO 1 pesNoYHTaI KaccHuecKyIO 3apyOexHy0 smMTepatypy. Moumu s0OuMbIMH nHcaTenaMu sBIstOT- ca Oxope xe Banb3ax, Bansrep Cxorr, Spux Mapua Pemapx, Buxtop Mapu Tioro, ®psxcuc Cxorr PuuypKepasiey uv Yusibam Comepcer 42 5. Leisure & Hobbies Moo. Mxorga, koraa § xouy JIy4lIe MOWAT. ClOx%KeT HCTOPHH, 4 Tepe- YHTbIBAIO NPOM3BECHHA 110 HECKOSKO pas. Kpome Toro, MHOrMe 13 NpOYMTaHHBIX MHOW KHHT ObWIM 9KpaHM3HpoRaHE!. K npumepy, He- aBHO § CMOTpedla (HIbMbI «BemHKHii Tatc6u» 10 pomany Dpoucn- ca Cxorra PupKepanbya A «OrBepxkeHHbie» Buxtopa Toro. Mena NOKOPHIM BeJIMKOJICTHBIe eKOpallMH, COBPpeMeHHBIe cHeNapdeKTEI H 3aMe4aTeJIbHasd HIpa aKTepoB. A ceiiuac 4 xotema ObI BaM paccKa3aTb O Moeii 06uMOii KHUTe, KoTOpasl NpousBesa Ha MeHA HeH3rIaAUMoe BreyaTIeHHe. Dro onpe- neneHHo «Ku3Hb B3aiiMpD> Pemapka. Dro 110G0BHaad HCTOpHA HeH3- Je4HMo 6oubHOH TyepKyse30M AeByuiKH JIMmHMaH H €2kKe{HeBHO pH- ckyroulero CBoeii 2xH3HbIO aBToroHunKa Knepd. Jlesyuika JImmman, KAKTLYWAA NPHKOYHHH H HEBEOMbIX eli 2MOLMi, XBaTAeTCA 3a CO- JIOMMHKY, MbITAICh HACAMTbCA BCEMH PaOCTAMH %KH3HU, B TO Bpe- Ma Kak e€ BO3TIOGICHHBIM He MOXKET MpescTaBUTh %u3HH 6e3 CBOeTO 3aXBaTbIBalOLero H OMacHoro xo66u. Kuura ropopuT HaM O TOM, ¥TO N1OKa CCT %KU3Hb — CCTb Halex a. Ona yUNT Hac WeHHTS KaxKT0e [bI- XaHHe M KaxK0e €€ MFHOBEHHE, Be *KH3Hb — 9TO GecieHHBIi moga- poK. Kak M3BeCTHO, JIMLIb CTOKHYBIIMCb CO CMepTbIO JIMIIOM K JIMILY, JNOAM HadHHaloT MOHHMAaTE TO, HaCKONBKO BaxKHa 2U3Hb. OLHAKO OT cyab6bI He yiineub. Kone, HcTOpHH oven, TparMyHbtii. Kaepds m0- ruOaeT B JOPO%KHOH aBapHH BO BpeMsA TOHOK, a yOuTas ropem JIuaMaH pellaeT MpoBectTH OcTaTOK CBOHX Heli B OoNBHHUe. Topical Vocabulary 1) enlightenment [in'lait(2)nmont] — o6pa3ozanne, o6yyenne, npocpenjenue 2) to enrich vocabulary — o6oramar, coBapHbtii 3arac 3) character — repoii kHuru 4) to escape reality — yxoguTp oT peanbHocTu 5) memoirs ['memwa:] — BocnomHHaHusa, MemyapbI 6) science fiction — nayaHaa nyOnmuncTuKa 7) plot — croxer, cbaSyna, crpyktypa (xyoxKecTBeHHOrO MpoHsBe- WeHHA) 8) scenery ['si:n(a)rr] — neKopanun cuenbi 9) performing of actors — urpa akrepoB 43 Temp! ans nogrotosku k OF3 uv ET9 no axrnuiickomy A3biky 10) terminal patient — neu3neunmo 6onbHOii 11) tuberculosis [tju, b3:kju'lousis] — ry6epxynes 12) racer ['reisa] — ronmyuk 13) to catch at a straw — xparatbca 3a COOMMHKY 14) to appreciate [o'pri:fiert] — peicoxo yeHuTh, ObITb MpU3HaTesb- HBIM, OylarojapHbiM 15) broken-hearted [ brouk(o)n'ha:tid] — yOursiii ropem, Hecuact- HI, ¢ pas3OHTBIM CepyeM My family’s favorite books Reading plays a very important role in the modern world. I think books are an inexhaustible source of information and knowledge. As far as I am concerned, reading is an inseparable part of my life. I read books on my way to school, I read them when | am at home or when I am relaxing on the beach. Well, I must admit all my family is fond of reading. Every member of our family has his preferences. For instance, my mother loves Russian literature, while my brother prefers foreign literature. There are different genres of books, such as memoirs, science fiction, adventure stories, thrillers, novels, tales, detective stories, myths and many others. As for me, I prefer classical foreign literature. My favorite books are “the Great Gatsby” by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and “The painted veil” by William Somerset Maugham. I was more than happy when I had a chance to watch a screen version of Great Gatsby. It is always interesting to see the characters on the screen. Talking about my mom’s preferences, she adores Leo Tolstoy’s outstanding novel “Anna Karenina”. She has read this book a lot of times, but still it is her favorite one. Moreover, she loves Ivan Bunin’s brilliant poems. Talking about my brother, instead of professional literature that he reads every day, he likes foreign literature. His favorite books are "The way home” by Franz Kafka, “100 years of solitude” by Gabriel Garcia Marques and “Tn search of lost time” by Marcel Prust. All in all, I believe books are also our best teachers. We can see characters make mistakes and learn from them without having to make the same mistakes ourselves. Sometimes books help us to escape the harsh reality, to open the world of breathtaking adventures and to 44 5. Leisure & Hobbies recreate. Sometimes they help to find answers to disturbing questions and to discover a way out. In my opinion, there is nothing better than reading a good book. JkoGumble KHIM Moeii ceMbu Urenne urpaet BaxKHY10 POJIb B COBPeEMeHHOM Mupe. A cunTaio, YTO KHMrA — 970 HeHcyeplaembiit MCTOUHMK MH*opMalun v 3HaHHit. JIa4- HO [UI MeHs UTeHHe — 3TO HEOTBeMsIEMas YacTb Moeli 2ku3HH. A YnTAIO KHHH MO MYTH B MIKO, YMTAKO OMA H BO BPeMA OT/bIXAa Ha MIKE. 51 JOs0KHa TIpH3HaTb, YTO BCA MOA CEMbs JOOHTE YHTATb, My KaxK Oro 3 HAC @CTb CBOU NipegnoureHus. K mpuMepy, Mos MaMa JIOOHT pyccky10 JIMTeparypy, B TO BpeMs KaK MOii OpaT NpezMounTaer 3apyOexKHy!0. CyulecrsytoT pa3xIM4HbIe 2KaHpbI KHHT, TaKMe Kak MeMyapbl, Ha- yuHad MyOMUMCTHKa, NpHKTOYCHHA, JeTeKTHBHBIC poMaHbl, Oacun, MH(pbI, POMaHbI H MHOrHe Apyrue. JIMuHO A NpeznounTalo Kaccn4ye- ckyro 3apy6exkHyto 1MTeparypy. Moumu m06uMbIMH KHMraMH ABIIAIOT- ca «Beaukniit P'atc6u» Dpsucuca Ckorra PuypKepanbya HM «Y30pHbIiit nlokpos» Yusbama Comepceta Mooma. 4 6bista Gonee 4em cuacTIIMBa, Kora MOABHACh BO3MOKHOCTL YBUAeTb IKpaHH3auMio «BenMKOTO Tore6m». Beerga oven HHTepeCHO yBuJeTb repoeB KHHTH Ha SKpaHe. Uto KacaeTca NpegMoyTeHHii Moeii MaMbI, OHa OGO2%KaeT 3HAMeHMTEI poman JIppa Tonctoro «AHHa Kapenuna». Ona yuTasa 9TY KHHTYy yoKe MHO%KECTBO pa3, HO, Tak HJM HHa4e, 9TO ee camaa s10OuMas. Kpome Toro, OHa JHOOHT BOCXHTHTeNbHBIe CTHxoTBOpeHHs Vpana Byxnna. Ecam ropopuTb MoeM pate, TO, MOMMMO HpodeccHoHanbHOi mHTe- parypbl, KOTOpy!O OH 4NTaeT exKEAHEBHO, emy HPaBHTCA 3apyOerxKHaA siutepatypa. Ero s106umbie kKHurH — «IlyTb JoMoii» Dpanua Kaku, «100 net oguHo4ectBa» Ta6pHent Tapcna Mapxeca u «B moncKax yrpayeHHoro Bpemenu» Mapcens Ipycra. AA yOexklena, 470 KHArH — 970 HawM JTyauIMe yunTensa. MbI BHHM, kaK TepOH KHUP COBepmaloT OLIMOKH, H YAUMCA Ha HHX, He MOBTOpAA nogoOHbIx omm6oK B cBoei xH3HH. MHorga KHHTM MOMoraloT HaM yiiTM OF %KeCTOKOM peasIbHOCTH, OTKPbITh MHP 3aXBaTbIBaIOLHX TIpH- k0ueHHi H BO3poqMTECA. Mora OHH NOMOraloT HaM HaiiTH OTBETbI Ha BOIHYIOLIHe BONpOcsI H NpHiitH K NpaBuAbHOMy peuteHnto. A can- Tako, 4TO HET HM4ero Jy4LICe, 4eM YTeHHE XOpoUcit KHHrH. 45 Temp! ana noprotosku k OF3 uv EF no axrnuiickomy A3biky Topical Vocabulary 1) inexhaustible [,1n1g'zo:stabl] source — Heucuepnaempiit uctou- HHK 2) inseparable part — Heorbemsiemas YacTb 3) preferences ['pref(2)r(2)nsiz] — npegnoutenna 4) foreign literature — 3apyOexnasa nutepatypa 5) genres of books — 2kaHpbi KHUr 6) memoirs ['memwa:z] — Memyapbl, BOCIOMHHaHHA 7) science fiction — Hay4ynas nyOnMyncTHKa 8) adventure stories — npukmoyenna 9) thriller — qerekrupxpiii poman 10) novel — poman 11) tales — Obumuet 12) detective story — yetexrus. 13) myths — mucppr 14) screen version — akpann3ayna 15) character — repoii kaurn 16) outstanding [ ,aut'steendin] — 3Hamennrbiii, BEIaiouniica 17) poem — cruxorBopenne 18) poetry — nossna 19) prose — nposa 20) to escape the harsh reality — y6erarb or cyposoli peanbuocTu 2KH3HH Music Music plays an important part in our life. It helps us to relax and recreate, it gives us vivid emotions and inspiration. As for me, I can’t imagine my life without music. I am a keen music lover. I listen to music on my way to college or before going to sleep. I enjoy listening to music when I browse the Internet or even while fulfilling some tasks. Well, I love music. Talking about genres of music, there are lots of them: Pop, Jazz, Country, Rap, Rock, Classical, Sole and so on. However, tastes differ for sure. Some people love, for instance, Beethoven’s sonatas, while others are mad of Hip-hop. It’s important to note that sounds never 46 5. Leisure & Hobbies evoke the same emotions in different people. I know a lot of people who listen to music when they want to cheer up and happy music helps them out. For other people music has a soothing effect; it helps them to relax. Sometimes people listen to music when they want to escape the reality. And of course, when people listen to cheerful lyrics, they can’t help dancing and smiling. As for my favorite genres of music, I can say that there is no any definite one. For example, I adore Viktor Tsoy with his unforgettable track “The star named Sun.” J love different songs of Elton John, but my beloved one is “Sorry seems to be the hardest word.” I also go crazy when I listen to Barry White’s famous song “All around the world.” Besides, sometimes I visit different concerts and opera theaters. For instance, a few years ago I watched a rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics by Tim Rice. This opera told us a story of the last few days of Christ’s life. The atmosphere was amazing as the artists performing interacted with the audience. Anyway, I liked the performance very much. It is very powerful and thoughtful. I highly recommend everyone to see it. Moreover, last year I attended the concert of the world famous band “Scorpions.” I was beside myself with delight. When Klaus Meine played “I’m still loving you”, thousands of people sang along. Famous pianist and composer Ludwig Beethoven once said, “Music is a mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.” Indeed, music is the universe language of the soul. Mys3pika My3bIka HrpaeT BAKHYIO polb B Haitleii *KU3HH. OHa OMoraeT HaM paccuaOuTbCa H BO3PONMTECA, apHT HAM APKHe IMOWMH H BUOXHOBE- Hue. JIM4HO 1 He MOry Mpe[CTaBMTb CBOIO %*KH3Hb Ge3 My3bIKH. A ciry- Ulako ee M10 MYTH B KosIe7K HM Nepes CHoM. Mue HpaBHTes cryuaTE My3bIKy, Kora 1 Gpoxy no MntepHery H1H Kora BBINOMHAIO KakHe-TO 3ananua. Jla, a mro6s10 My3bIKy. EcTb MHOXKECTBO pa3HbIX MY3bIKAJIbHBIX 2KAHPOB: MOM, JKa3, KAH- TPH, P31, pOK, KNaccH4eckad My3bIKa, coyl WH Apyrue. H, besycaoB- HO, O BKycax He crops. Hexoroppie 0M m06sT, K IpHMepy, COHaTbI Berxopena, B TO BpeMa Kak JIpyrHe CxogaT c yMa no xun-xony. BaxkHo 47 Teme! ans nogrorosky kK OF 3 uv El no anrnuiickomy A3bIKy 5. Leisure & Hobbies OTMETHTb Take, YTO 3BYKH MY3bIKH BCera NpoOy2kWaroT CoBepueHHO PpasHble IMOUMH Y JONeH. A 3Har0 MHOXKeCTBO JOJeii, KOTOpbIe Cstyua- 1OT MY3BIKY, KOra XOTAT NOLHATE CeGe HACTpoeHHe, HW MY3bIKa TIOMO- TaeT HM B 9TOM. B TO BpeMsl KaK JIA Apyrux Joye My3bika oOnajla- eT ycrloKaMBalomuM 3cpekrom, ToMoraeT uM paccaGuTEca. Mnorna JOM CIIYUAaIOT MY3BIKY, KOrla XOTAT yiiTH OT peanbHOCTH H 3aOBITBCA. H, KoneyHo xe, Kora JNO CIYUIAIOT BECeIy!O MY3BIKY, OHH IyCKaloT- CAB IMIAC H HAYMHaIOT yubIOaTECA. Topops 0 MOHX JIOOMMBIX MY3BIKAJIBHBIX %KaHpax, TO HOMKHA NpH- 3HaTb, YTO Y MCHA HeT ONpesesenHoro H s10GHMoro. Hanpumep, 1 060- 2xaro Buxtopa Loa u ero He3aOplBaemyt0 fecHio «3Be3/{a 10 HMCHH Comnue». Mue upapatca Hekoroppie necHH OuTona JbKoHa, HO Mos mo6umas — «Tsxkeslee Bcero cka3aTb mpoctH». Euye 1 cxoxky c yma, Kora CJIBILIY CBOrO OOMMyt0 TecHio Bappu Yaiira «Boxpyr cBeta». Kpome toro, HHorga 1 Mocemato pas/IM4HbIe KOHUEPTbI HM OMepHBIe tearpbi. K npHMepy, HCKOMbKO eT Ha3ay 4 CMOTpesa poK-onepy DH- apro JInoiiza Yo6epa u Tuma Paiica «Mucye Xpucroc — cynep3ze- 3a. Dra onepa paccka3bIBaeT HAM MCTOPHIO MOCIeE{HX Hel %KM3HH Xpucta. ATmocéepa B 3are ObL1a NOMCTMHe NOTpacarouleii, MOCKONbKy apTrHcTBi, HCHONHAIOUIMe POH, YCTaHOBHAM XOpOUmMii KOHTAKT c ay- Autopueii. Mue ovenb noupaBuocs 9TO MpescTaBeHHe. OHO OBLIO SHEpreTH4eCKH MOLWIHbIM H 3aCTaBHJIO O MHOPOM 3a,yMarTbca. A Bcem PeKOMeHAy10 MlocMoTpets 3TO MpescTaBnenue. bonee Toro, B Mpou- JIOM Tojly 51 MOceTHIa KOHLepT BCEMMPHO H3BECTHOH rpynnbl «CKopnu- oH3»>. 1 ObuIa BHE ceOs OT BOcTOpra. Korga BoKasMcT rpynnbl, Knayc Maiixe, cra mets «4 Bce ene m06m10 TeGa», ThICAYH JOE! M3 3ana cTasH eMy NomneBaTb. Uspectuplii nuanuct 4 KomnosuTop JitoqBur Ban Berxoper ofHa- 2KbI TOYHO MoyMeTH: «My3b1ka — 9TO MeqMaTOp MexKy 4YBCTBEH- Holi HW AyXOBHOH %H3HbIO». Ito abcomorHO TouHO. My3biKa — yHH- BepCaJIbHblii A3bIK LYWIH. Topical Vocabulary 1) to recreate — BoccraHaBlMBatb CHIBI, OKHBIATE 2) vivid emotions — apkue 9mMouHH 3) inspiration — ByoxHoBenue 48 4) to inspire — BloxHOBIATS 5) to be a keen music lover — 6niTb MeslomaHoM 6) to browse the Internet — Gpoauts no caiiram B Mutepuete 7) to fulfill tasks — BpmouHaTs 3anaHna 8) genres of music — My3bIKaJIbHbIe kaHpbI 9) tastes differ — 0 Bkycax He cnopaT 10) sonata [so'na:to] — conata 11) musical composition — my3biKasIbHoe MpousBezeHHe 12) to evoke — npo6yxjaTb 13) to listen to music — cnymlaTb My3bIky 14) lyrics [‘lirtks] — cnopa necHH 15) to be mad about — cxoguTb ¢ yma m0 Yemy-s1H60 16) opera theater — onepubiii tearp 17) concert hall — konueprHpiii 3a 18) band — my3bikasIbHaa rpynnia, OpKecTp 19) to perform — ucnonHsATs, BbICTyNaTb 20) performance — npejcTapieHne 21) performer — ucnomnutenb 22) audience ['o:dion(t)s] — ny6umka, spuTesn 23) to attend concerts — nocellaTb KOHUepTbl 24) to sing along — nognesath 25) composer [kam'pouzo] — Komno3uTop 26) pianist ['pi:onist] — nuanucr Cinema Cinema plays an important role in the life of modern society. Besides entertainment, movies can also educate, inform and influence the public opinion. Some movies make people think and look at their life in a new way. Sometimes movies help people find answers to disturbing questions and to feel happy. As far as I am concerned, I am a keen cinema-goer. So, I often catch the latest movie. What can be better than watching an interesting film after a hard working day? Frankly speaking, I don’t like to wait in lines at the box office. That’s why I usually book tickets in advance. Before watching a film I always buy some pop-corn and soft drinks in the lobby. 49 Tembi ana nogrotosku k OF uv EF9 no aurnuiicKxomy A3bIKy There are different genres of films: thrillers, comedies, dramas, horror films, adventures, action films and so on. As for me, I like deep thoughtful movies that have an intricate plot and an unexpected ending. Hence, if I am somewhat intrigued by posters of a movie or trailers, it makes no difference whether to watch box-office hits or low-cost films. As for my favorite film I have watched recently, it is undoubtedly “You are not you”, starring Hilary Swank. It is a drama centered on a classical pianist who has been diagnosed ALS and the college student who becomes her caregiver. The film touches many issues, such as betrayal, friendship, compassion and love. It is the story about two people of completely different personalities who literally become lifelong friends. There were some touching moments in this film which made me cry. I really liked the scene when the central character let out a scream of pain, frustration and despair. It was very powerful and thought-provoking. Although there were no special effects in this film, but the soundtrack was really amazing. Besides, I watched this film in the original. I think that it is the best role of Hilary Swank. Her acting and dramatic ability are breathtaking. I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie. It is unquestionably a masterpiece. Kuno Kuno urpaer BakHyi0 po.lb B KH3HH CoBpemMeHHoro oGmlectBa. Ilo- MMMO TOPO, 4TO (:PHJIbMbI HOCAT pasBleKaTeMbHBIi XapaKkTep, OHM MO- Ty? ObITb OGy4alouyMMH M MHopMaTHBHBIMH, a TaKwKE MOryT Bo3seli- CTBOBAaTb Ha oOulecTBeHHOe MHeHHe, Hexoroppie cbatbMs1 3acTaBIAIOT INOLeH 3ajtyMaTbCA H TOCMOTPeTb Ha CBOIO 2%KH3Hb 110-HOBoMy. MHorna (busbMbI JaxKe NoMOratoT JOM HaiiTH OTBeTbI Ha BOIHYIOUNMe BOTIpO- CbI H MO4“yBCTBOBaTb CeOs CYaCTIMBbIMH. JimaHo 4 HacTosauMii KMHOMaH M YacTo CMOTpIO BCE TIpeMEepbI. Bea 4To Moxer GbITh ny4ue, 4eM rIpocMorp MHTepecHoro (pustema nlocne TpyZHoro paGouero 1Ha? YecrHo roBops, MHe He HPaBlTca cTO- ATb B O4epemAX B OMNeTHBIE Kaccer. MMeHHO NosTOMY OOBTHHO # TIpen- BapHTesbHO 3aKa3biBalo OuseTsi. Tepes Ha4atomM Mpocmorpa # Bcerna NOkynaro MOMKOpH M HaNHTKH B *oiie KUHOTeaTpa. Ectb MHOxKeCTBO pa3sIM4HbIX %KaHpow CunHMoB: TpwIWiepbl, KO- MeqMH, pambl, PHAEMBI yxKACOB, NpuKTOYeHUA, GoeBuKH 1 pyre. 50 5. Leisure & Hobbies JIvaHo 9 m06m0 rmy6oKoMbIcieHHBIe (PUIbMBI C 3aKPYYEHHBIM CIOKE~ TOM H HeOxKHaHHO pasBa3KOli. CneqOBaTebHO, CCIM A 3AMHTPHTO- BaHa moctTepamu K (pusibMy WIM TpeiiIepom, MHe He GyzeT pa3HHUbl, CMOTPeTb KaCCOBbIii (PHIM HIM HU3KOOIOJDKeTHBII. Topops 0 HanOosee NOHpaBUBLIeMCA MHe (pHJIbMe, TO 9TO, BHe BCA- kux CoMHeHHi, «TEI He Thp ¢ XunapH CyouK B riaBHoii pom. STO pama, paccka3biBalollad HCTOpHIO O KaccHYeCKoi MHaHUCTKe C 60- ne3Hb10 Jly Tepura u cTyAeHTKe KouezKa, KOTOpad CTAHOBHTCA ee cugenkoit. B dusbMe 3aTparMBaeTcA MHO*KECTBO BOMPOCOB, TAKHX Kak ripeatesbCTBO, Apy2k6a, CouyBCTBHE HM 11060Bb. ITO UcTOpHsA O ABYX aOCOuIOTHO pa3HBIX JOA, KOTOpbIe B GyKBaIbHOM CMBICJIC CTAHOBAT- Ca J[py3bAMH Ha BCIO 2KH3Hb. B (pHsbMe ECTb MHOFO MOMCHTOB, KOTO- pble 3acTaBHIM MeHs MlakaTb. Mie o4eH NOHpaBHacb CleHa, KOT a TMaBHaA TEpOHHA MPOH3MTEMbHO KPMUHT, BbITUIeCKMBad TeM CaMbIM BCHO CBOWO HaKOMMBLLYy10CA Gos, YyBCTBO pasoyapoBaHHs H Ge3bICXO/1- HOCTH. ITO O4CHb CHIIbHBII MOMeHT, NOpoxAaioulMii Maccy MbICuIeii. U xora B dbuibMe Her creLadekToB, CayHATPeK MOUCTHHEe NOTpsAca- routuii. Kpome Bcero mpouero, 1 cMorpesa 3ToT ¢pusibM B OpHrHHaie. SA cunraio, ro 970 my4ulaa posb Xusapn Cyoux. Ee cnoco6uoctb BKHBATCA B POb HW ApaMaTH3M MpOCTO 3axBaTbiBaloT jyx. A OYeHb PeKOMeHJly10 KaxKOMy OcMoTpeTs 3TOT (puibM. DTo, Ge3 BCAKUX COM- HeHHii, HacTosMHii WeneBp. Topical Vocabulary 1) entertainment [,entd'temmont] — ysecemuTembHoe Mepompnsa- THe, pasBreyeHHe 2) cinema-goer — KHHOMaH 3) to catch the latest movie — cMoTpeTb KHHONpeMbepbl 4) box office — kacca 5) to book tickets in advance — 3apanee Gponnposars OusteTbI 6) lobby — cboiie 7) horror film — putbM y2xxacoB 8) adventure — npuksro4eHna 9) action film — 6oepux 10) thoughtful — nasogsmMii Ha pasMBluIeHHa 11) intricate plot ['intrikot] — 3anyTanHbiit croxKeT 51 Temp ana nogrotoskn K OF3 w E39 no axrnuitckomy AZbIKy 12) plot [plot] — ctoxer 13) unexpected ending — neoxugannas pasBa3Ka 14) to be intrigued by — 6niTs 3annTpuropaHHEM 15) box-office hit — kaccospiit butbM 16) low-cost film — Hu3ko61op>KeTHEIi cbusIbM 17) starring — B rnaBHeix ponax 18) caregiver ['kea, give] — cujenka 19) betrayal [br'treral] — w3mena, npezatensctBo 20) compassion [kom'pze{(2)n] — couyscrsue, cocrpananne, »a- SIOCTB 21) scene [si:n] — cuena, snv30 22) central character — rnaBubiii repoii (cbutbMa) 23) scream of pain — xpux 6onu 24) frustration [fras'treif(o)n] — oraasHve, uyscrBo pa3ouvapoBa- HHS, KpylleHne Halex 25) despair [di'spea] — 6esnanexnocrs, GesicxonHOCTL 26) special effects — cneuaepexrsr 27) acting — axrepcxas urpa 28) breathtaking — saxparbipaiommii zyx 29) director — pexuccep 30) screen-writer — cuenapucr 31) movie trailer — rpeiinep x @unpmy Fashion Fashion is a part of our daily life and a perfect way of self-expression. There are a number of factors that can influence the way teenagers dress. First of all, young people tend to imitate their idols. Some celebrities are considered to be trendsetters for most teenagers. For instance, Paris Hilton launched her trendy clothing line. At the event, Paris personally helped to style each of her fans. Another motivating factor is fashion magazines. Teens want to look like glamorous cover-girls and muscular sun-tanned guys. Moreover, children are reflections of their parents. That is why most of teenagers adopt the same style of garments that their parents wear. It is necessary to mention that many teenagers rebel against their parents by wearing outrageous clothes and hairstyles. This is especially true for scandalous clothing and piercings. Besides, by 52 5. Leisure & Hobbies wearing a style associated with a particular group, many teenagers feel they belong to that group. For instance, one of the latest teenagers’ trends in fashion is the EMO style which is characterized by a mixture of gothic and punk styles. Emos have black dyed hair with brightly colored highlights and piercings on weird places like lips, tongue or eyebrows. They prefer brightly colored clothes, which help them to stand out in a crowd. Nowadays there are many styles of clothing. So, clothes and colors should fit the occasion when they are worn. In the wardrobe of every teenager there should be casual clothing, school uniforms, sportswear, house wear, sleeping garments and Sunday wear. For instance, school uniforms should be simple and comfortable. Students must shine with their knowledge and exert themselves rather than organize a fashion show. School uniforms prevent bullying among peers, because all the students are wearing the same outfit and no one is left standing out. So, if your parents can’t afford to spend 16,000 rubles on a pair of brand- name jeans, there is no reason for worries anymore. As far as I am concerned, I prefer casual style in clothes. I tend to wear jeans, T-shirts, sneakers and rompers. The most important thing for me is to look stylish, no matter how much money I can spend for my clothes. As is known, accessories have played a key role in fashion since ancient times. So, if you want to be a standout, simply put on attractive and appropriate fashion accessories, such as bracelets, rings, necklaces or watches. Besides, if you have a good hand in mixing different colors and know much about latest trends in fashion, you can create unique and chic fashion look yourself without the help of a professional stylist. Moja Moga — 970 Yactb Halleii MoBcesHeBHON 7H3HM M OTIMYHBI CrO- co6 camosbipaxkenua. CylectByetT MHOxKecTBO (bakTOpOB, KOTOpbIe BUIMAIOT Ha BHIOOP Ofex*KAbI Mo"poctKamu. [Tpexye Bcero, MOZOsbIC JHOQH YacTO TIbITalOTCA NOApaxkaTb CBOHM KYMHpaM. Hexoroppie M3 3Be3, CHUTAIOTCA 3aKOHOMaTeAMH MogEI. K npumepy, Mapuc Xun- TOH 3allyCTHIa CBOIO HHHIO MOMHOM ONE%KAbl JWia MoApocTKoB. Ha Mpa3qHHKe B YeCTb OTKPbITHA OHA H4HO TOMOrasa TOHOupath o6pas KaxkJOMy M3 ee cbanatos. J[pyrHM MOTHBUpyIOLIHM (pakTOpOM sABIIsI- 53

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