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Molecular Genetics assignment

Class :10 A

Multiple choice questions:

1. A single nucleotide consist of three components as shown in the diagram

Which diagram shows the correct arrangement of these components in a nucleotide?

2. A gene is a piece of DNA contains 6000 nucleotides or bases. It codes for the production of a protein. How many amino
acids would be required to produce the protein?
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 2000
D. 4500

3. Which of the following correctly lists all the nitrogenous bases in DNA?
A. Adenine,cytosine, guanine, thymine
B. Adenine, cytosine,guanine, uracil
C. Alanine, cytosine, uracil and guanine
D. Alanine, thymine, cytosine and guanine

Structured questions:

1. A scientist analysed a double stranded DNA sample and found that 15% of its nitrogenous bases were adenine.
Calculate the percentage of the other nitrogenous bases in the DNA sample. Explain your answer.

2. The diagram below shows the sequence of bases in a DNA template. Below this is the corresponding region of a strand
of mRNA.

a. Using the letters provided in the key, indicate the complementary bases on the mRNA.

b. Polypeptide synthesis consists of two main processes and state where each takes place in a cell.

3. Scientist in a laboratory carried out an analysis on the nitrogenous bases present in a DNA sample. Due to some
technical issues with the apparatus, only the percentage composition of adenine was obtained. The table below shows
their findings.

Nitrogenous base Percentage composition

Adenine 31.8
Cytosine ---
Guanine ---
Thymine ---

a. Do you think that it is possible for us to obtain the missing information without fixing the apparatus? Explain.

b. What is the possible percentage of composition of guanine in the DNA sample?


Free Response questions

1. Describe the structure of DNA


2. How do genes store information?


3. A. Outline the basic steps in transfer of genes between cells


B. What are the advantages of using genetically engineered bacteria for the commercial preparation of human insulin
over the older methods?

4. A. What are the advantages of genetic engineering techniques over the selective breeding of crop plants?

B. Discuss the ethical issues of genetic engineering.


5. People have opposed the use of genetic engineering as described above to improve crop yield. Give three biologically
valid reasons that can be used as arguments against this type of genetic engineering.

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