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YouTube SEO: The secret to getting more

views and watch time

Do you own a YouTube channel and still not getting views and watch time? If so, then you
might be doing something wrong. Maybe your content is not interesting and unique. Or maybe
you are not visible to people on YouTube. The latter case is the most frequent reason for many
YouTubers because their videos are not ranking in search results.
Thus, how to counter that problem. A super easy answer is to do YouTube SEO like all popular
and successful YouTube channels.
In this post, you will know all. So, keep reading all the way down. It will help you.

What is YouTube SEO?

It is optimizing your videos with a relevant keyword on YouTube. So, your video can rank in
search results. It is a bit complex process that involves incorporating your keyword in the
channel, metadata, videos, playlists, and description. Moreover, it also involves optimizing
closed captions, subtitles, and transcription.

How YouTube search videos?

When a person types keywords in the search box, then YouTube bot crawls all videos in the
database and brings the most relevant videos as a list. All videos in the list ranked according to
the best relevance.
If your video does not have proper keyword optimization, then it will never show in search
results. Therefore, you need to perform YouTube SEO for showing up and ranking.

How YouTube SEO helps you get views and watch time?
Millions of people are searching for content on YouTube that starts from the keyword. If you
have incorporated it in your video and all the required places, then your video will appear in
search results. Then, users will click on it and watch it.
If you perform SEO perfectly on YouTube, then your video will appear in more searches and
results. As a result, you will get views and watch time. Without SEO, your videos are in dark
corners of YouTube where no one goes.

How to perform YouTube SEO on your videos?

Below here are simple tips that you can use to optimize your videos.
Use captions with keyword
Usually, YouTube assigns your video a caption by default. However, you must not use it because
it is inaccurate most of the time. That’s why you must write your captions with keyword
Keep that in mind that your captions need to be accurate. Otherwise, the viewer will bounce back
and it will affect your ranking.
Use keyword in transcript
Video description plays a vital role in user engagement and ranking. If you write it accurately,
then your video will appear in results and get a better ranking.
So, you must write a concise video description and use the keyword in it naturally. Keep in mind
that you must not stuff the keyword in the description. It will decrease user engagement.
Use keyword in Title
Your title is very important for ranking and engagement. If it is attention-grabbing, then it will
hook the viewer, and keyword optimization in it will get you ranking. So, you must use your
keyword in the title.
Use keyword in the meta description
You are allowed to write 5000 characters in the metadata. It tells YouTube about the content. So,
you must use your keyword in it.
Use keyword in tags
Tags get you a place in video categories. You must use long-tail keywords in tags by using 120
Use your target keyword in the video
Your video can have a variety of content. But it should not lack your keyword. YouTube AI
system recognizes keywords in audio. If you say your keyword in the video, then YouTube will
prioritize your video and rank it.
Use Thumbnail that represents your keyword
Thumbnails have importance in the ranking. YouTube automatically detects thumbnail
information according to its category. If your thumbnail represents your keyword, then it will get
ranking. Moreover, your thumbnail needs to be compelling enough to hook the viewer at first
Optimize your video for Google
You need to appear in Google search results if you want more views and watch time. For that,
you can use the SEO embed that is done by using video plugins. It will inject all video data in the
head of the video. As a result, you will appear in Google search results.
If you want more watch time and viewers, then you need a ranking in search results. It is only
possible by doing accurate YouTube SEO. Follow all tips mentioned in this post. You will
certainly get ranking, increased viewership, and watch time. Have a great day.

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