Problem of Staff Management

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Problem of Staff Management – Take Leave or MC

Fairness and consistency are effective personnel management, and with good reason.
Nothing undermines staff morale as much as the feeling of being unfairly treated, and any
number of situations can engender this feeling such as working one's heart out but not being
acknowledged for it; getting paid less than a coworker who does the same job.
In order to manage staff problem, it is important to know what the employee wants.
Thus, communication becomes one of the most crucial tool to undertand the needs of
employees. From communication, employer will be able to know the stength and weakness of
the employee. Every employee is different in terms of personality, character and skills. For
example, in the curretn situation, one is good at creating sales but do not have any other skills
other than doing sales. Thus, employer’s duty is to talk to all the employees to create a more
friendly environment by making the employees to feel like a home. This will sebsequently
improve the efficiency of the employees.
Secondly, employer can also choose to elect a rewarding program as one of the tool to
maintain efficiency. Instead of saying “you’re doing a great job,” highlight a specific project,
and explain why their help was so important. For example, “the project for client ABC was
very difficult, but the way you communicated their needs to the entire team is what made us
get it right. I was really impressed with that. Nice work.” Besides, reward them when they
manage to create sales, such as commissions.
The company can also hire few part timers to help around and to fill in the slot when
full time employees are not around. Part timers are quite important in any emergency
situations. Let’s say when the full time food rider is packed with other orders, thus, part
timers can come into place to help around and to reduce certain works of the company. 1
The creation of feedback system is also needed in developing the skills of a team.
Implement a system for giving feedback, so that your employees always feel as though they
can express themselves when something is wrong. For example, many companies offer
performance reviews on a quarterly basis, but these reviews should also allow employees to
make suggestions to their managers.2

1 (2019). Reducing Sick Leave: Decreasing Absenteeism. and Its Costs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].
Skills, T. (2019). The 12-Step Process to Improve Your People Management Skills - When I Work. [online]
When I Work. Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2019].

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