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Pestic. Sci.

1998, 53, 217È222

Stability of the Natural Insecticide Azadirachtin in

Aqueous and Organic Solvents
Andrew P. Jarvis, Shaun Johnson & E. David Morgan*
Department of Chemistry, Keele University, Sta†ordshire ST5 5BG, UK
(Received 26 November 1997 ; revised version received 26 January 1998 ; accepted 25 February 1998)

Abstract : The natural insecticide azadirachtin is most stable in mildly acidic

aqueous solutions between pH 4 and 6 at room temperature. It is unstable in
mildly alkaline and strongly acidic solutions. It is stable when stored in neutral
organic solvents at room temperature for months. While it is relatively stable to
heating in the seeds or as a pure solid, it is rapidly destroyed or altered by
heating in aqueous solution and methanol. In methanol at 90¡C it is quantitat-
ively converted to 3-acetyl-1-tigloylazadirachtinin. ( 1998 SCI

Pestic. Sci., 53, 217È222 (1998)

Key words : azadirachtin ; nimbin ; salannin ; Azadirachta indica ; natural insecti-

cide ; stability in solution

1 INTRODUCTION waters has been studied for its survival in agricultural

and forestry practice. There was little di†erence found
A tetranortriterpenoid extract of the seeds of the Neem in the rate of decomposition in bu†ered distilled water12
tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), whose principal con- between pH 4 (half-life 19 days at 20¡C) and pH 7 (half-
stituent is azadirachtin (I) (Fig. 1), but including other life 12É9 days at 20¡C), but decomposition was rapid at
related triterpenoids such as nimbin (II) and salannin pH 10. Decomposition was slower in unsterilized pond
(III), has been explored over the past 25 years, showing water (pH 7É36) than in the same water sterilized (pH
it to be one of the most powerful natural pesticides 8É08).12 The faster rate in sterilized water can be attrib-
available to us today.1h6 Its translation into a com- uted to the di†erence in pH, but bacterial decomposi-
mercial product, however, has been slow, partly because tion evidently was not a†ecting the compound. It was
of the instability of azadirachtin under various condi- concluded that formulation with surfactants consider-
tions of isolation, storage and use. Some early products ably retarded decomposition.12 In a later study the rate
o†ered to the market failed because too little was of decomposition was constant from pH 4 to pH 6 (half-
understood about the stability of the material. A life 11É6 days to 8É6 days) at 35¡C, but increased steadily
number of products are now available where these at higher pH.13 Stability fell rapidly at higher tem-
problems have been recognized and overcome. While perature. At pH 7 the half-life was 11É75 days at 25¡C
the necessary information required to produce a stable but only 20É5 h at 45¡C.13 By extrapolation from their
product is evidently available to the processors, little of results we conclude that the half-life of azadirachtin was
it has appeared in the scientiÐc literature. The stability 24 days at pH 7 and 20¡C. Less has been said about its
of azadirachtin to light in Ðeld conditions,7 and in the stability in organic solvents. Hull et al.14 report that a
laboratory has been explored8h11 and it would appear methanolic solution of azadirachtin (1É0 mg ml~1)
that its stability can be improved greatly by addition of stored at [20¡C was stable for at least six months. In
UV stabilizers.10 Its stability in natural and bu†ered early isolation and structure determination work we
found that azadirachtin was very sensitive to acid and
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. alkali,15 and it has been so described more recently.16
Contract/grant sponsor : CIBA-Geigy AG.
Contract/grant sponsor : European Community Biotech- In order to provide more information to those using
nology Programme ; Contract/grant number : AIR2-CT94- azadirachtin in experimental or practical conditions, we
1343. have summarized a number of experiments we have
( 1998 SCI. Pestic. Sci. 0031-613X/98/$17.50. Printed in Great Britain
218 Andrew P. Jarvis, Shaun Johnson, E. David Morgan

Fig. 1. Structures of compounds discussed.

conducted on the stability of azadirachtin, particularly madzu C-R3A integrator (Dyson Instruments,
in solutions. Houghton-le-Spring, England).
SFC was also carried out as described pre-
viously,17,18 using carbon dioxide ] methanol (24 ] 1
by volume) at 20É6 MPa (3000 psi ; 207 bar) and 55¡C
at a Ñow rate of 2 ml min~1 through a Spherisorb}
2.1 Chemicals
cyanopropyl silica column (150 ] 4É6 mm ID) of 5 lm
particle size (HPLC Technology). Detection was by UV
Methanol, acetonitrile and acetone were HPLC grade,
absorption at 217 nm, with data handling as above.
toluene was GPR grade, dried over sodium, water was
glass-distilled, but not further puriÐed. Carbon dioxide
for chromatography was commercial grade (BOC plc). 2.3 pH stability
The stock bu†er solution was prepared by dissolving
potassium orthophosphate (K PO , 3É893 g), citric acid Azadirachtin (80 mg) was dissolved in methanol
3 4
(6É008 g), boric acid (1É769 g) and diethylbarbituric acid (10 cm3) and aliquots of this (0É5 cm3) were diluted with
(5É226 g) in water (1 litre). Bu†er solutions in the range the prepared bu†er solutions from pH 2 to pH 11
pH 2 to pH 11 were prepared by adding aqueous (Section 2.1) to 10 cm3, and immediately analysed by
sodium hydroxide (0É2 M) to 50 ml aliquots of the stock HPLC. The solutions were kept in the dark at room
solution. Measurement of pH was made with an ana- temperature and analysed by HPLC at regular intervals
logue pH meter (Pye Unicam, Cambridge). appropriate to the rate of decomposition (varying from
Azadirachtin, nimbin and salannin were isolated from minutes to days) until decomposition was complete, or
seeds of A. indica from Sri Lanka as described by up to 60 days. Another standard solution of azadirach-
Johnson and Morgan.17 Purity was determined by tin was prepared by diluting the same stock solution
supercritical Ñuid chromatography (SFC) and HPLC (0É5 cm3) with methanol (10 cm3). This was analysed by
and by [1H]NMR spectroscopy at 270 MHz. HPLC, and the integral value of the peak area recorded
as 100%. This solution was refrigerated and analysed
2.2 Chromatography conditions each day that test solutions were analysed, and the inte-
gral values between standard and test compared each
High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) was time. A new standard solution was prepared each
carried out as described earlier,17 using a Spherisorb} month. Experiments were conducted in duplicate. A
ODS analytical column, 5 lm particle size, plot of decomposition against time was prepared for
250 ] 4É6 mm ID (HPLC Technology, MacclesÐeld) each pH value, the mean values of half-life, calculated
with isocratic acetonitrile ] water (1 ] 1 by volume) at from plots of ln (fraction of material remaining) against
a Ñow-rate of 1É0 ml min~1. Detection was by UV time, are given in Table 1. In another experiment solu-
absorption at 217 nm, with data handled by a Shi- tions in the same pH range were prepared by mixing
Stability of azadirachtin in aqueous and organic solvents 219

TABLE 1 2.6 Heat stability in water and methanol

Half-Lives of Azadirachtin at Di†erent pH at Room Tem-
perature in Aqueous Bu†er Solution, and with pH Adjusted Samples of nimbin, salannin and azadirachtin (10 mg
Initially by Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide or Hydrochloric each) were dissolved separately in either methanol
Acid, and the Fraction Remaining after 60 Days Incubation,
(10 cm3) or water ] methanol (95 ] 5 by volume,
as Measured by HPLC with UV Absorption
10 cm3), and then reÑuxed for 24 h. After 24 h the
methanol solution was cooled and analysed by SFC.
Bu†ered Unbu†ered
The water-methanol solution was evaporated to dryness
Fraction remaining Half-life Half-life under vacuum, the residue re-dissolved in dichloro-
pH at 60 days (%) (days)a (days) methane (10 cm3) and also analysed by SFC.
An aliquot of the stock solution of azadirachtin in
2 7 15 ndb methanol (Section 2.3, 0É5 cm3) was diluted with either
3 19 24 nd
methanol, water or the bu†er solution at pH 7 prepared
4 45 49 37
5 45 50 42
above (Section 2.3) to a total volume of 10 cm3. The
6 35 37É5 45 methanol solution was analysed by SFC and the water
7 4É5 19É4 38 and bu†er solutions were analysed by HPLC. Peak
8 0 3É35 4É2 areas obtained from each initial injection were treated
9 È (7É0 h) (41É0 h) as 100%. Aliquots of these solutions (0É5 cm3) were
10 È (1É3 h) (2É3 h) placed in screw-capped Reacti-vials (Pierce Europe,
11 È (D6 min) (D6 min) Oude Beijerland, Netherlands), and kept at 50¡C or
90¡C and analysed by HPLC at regular intervals until
a Mean of two determinations. decomposition was complete.
b nd \ not determined.

2.7 Stability on storage in solvents

2 M aqueous sodium hydroxide and 2 M hydrochloric
acid to obtain the correct pH value. The solutions were An aliquot of the stock solution of azadirachtin in
kept in the dark and analysed as for the bu†er solu- methanol (Section 2.3, 0É5 cm3) was diluted with either
tions. methanol, acetone or toluene (10 cm3 total volume for
each solution) and azadirachtin content checked by
SFC. These solutions were stored in the dark at room
temperature for nine months, analysing them regularly,
2.4 Heat stability : whole seeds daily for the Ðrst week, then every three days for the
next three weeks, and Ðnally once a week, and compar-
Two samples of whole A. indica seeds (5 g each) were ing peak areas with the external standard.
heated at 55¡C and 100¡C for 24 h. The triterpenoids
were then extracted as described earlier.17 Essentially,
the seeds were ground three times with methanol, Ðl-
tered and the methanol, after partial evaporation and
3.1 pH stability
addition of water, was partitioned against dichloro-
methane. The dichloromethane was evaporated and
From a preliminary experiment we noticed a di†erence
redissolved to a Ðnal volume of 10 cm3 in a volumetric
in the rate of decomposition of azadirachtin in sodium
Ñask, and this solution used for analysis of the content
hydroxide and alkaline bu†er, so two series of experi-
of nimbin, salannin and azadirachtin by SFC. Results
ments were run in parallel, with bu†ered and unbu†ered
were compared with control samples of unheated seeds
pH. The half-lives of azadirachtin at pH 2 to pH 11 and
from the same lot, extracted in the same way.
room temperature and the amount left at the end of the
60 day experiment are given in Table 1. Some typical
experiments are shown in Fig. 2.
2.5 Heat stability : solid compounds
3.2 Heat stability
Samples of pure nimbin, salannin and azadirachtin
(approx. 12 mg each) were heated in an oven as solids Because the amount of triterpenoids extractable after
at 55¡C and 100¡C for 24 h, then 10 mg of each, heating seeds has been found to increase slightly, we
weighed accurately, were dissolved in methanol in a cannot give accurate values for the experiment in which
volumetric Ñask (10 cm3) and analysed by SFC. Decom- nimbin, salannin and azadirachtin were extracted from
position was measured by comparing peak areas from seeds left for 24 h at 55¡C and 100¡C. The SFC chro-
the heated samples and those of unheated controls. matograms are shown (Fig. 3). While there was no
220 Andrew P. Jarvis, Shaun Johnson, E. David Morgan

Decomposition of Pure Nimbin, Salannin and Azadirachtin
after Heating to 55¡C and 100¡C for 24 h as Solids, and in
ReÑuxing Methanol and Water

Degraded in solution (%)

Solid degraded (%)
ReÑuxing ReÑuxing
Compound 55¡C 100¡C methanol water

Nimbin 0É0 0É0 0É0 0É0

Salannin 0É0 29É3 10É7 33É0
Azadirachtin 0É0 7É6 40É8 100É0
Fig. 2. Decomposition of azadirachtin in aqueous bu†er at
pH (2) 4, (+) 6 and (B ) 8 at room temperature. Measure-
ment by HPLC with UV absorption at 217 nm.
Only 8% of azadirachtin was lost in 24 h at 100¡C
noticeable decline in either the nimbin or salannin (Table 2). In solution, nimbin was stable to reÑuxing for
extracted, nor in the azadirachtin in the sample at 55¡C, 24 h in water and methanol, but both salannin and aza-
there is an appreciable loss of azadirachtin at 100¡C, dirachtin were unstable in reÑuxing methanol (64¡C)
conÐrming the results of Ermel et al.19 and even less stable in reÑuxing water. The product
When the same three compounds were heated as pure obtained by heating in methanol depended upon the
solids, it was possible to give accurate quantiÐcations. temperature used. At 50¡C two unidentiÐed products
Again there no degradation was found at 55¡C, but were formed, in reÑuxing methanol three product peaks
there was some loss, particularly of salannin at 100¡C. were observed (t 11É7, 15É6 and 16É6 min, Fig. 4) ; the
Ðrst of these, the major product, was identiÐed by its
NMR spectrum and retention time as 3-acetyl-1-tigloy-
lazadirachtinin (Fig. 1 ; IV), a known rearrangement
product of azadirachtin.20,21 The minor products were
not isolated. At 90¡C azadirachtin was converted quan-
titatively to (IV) in two days. No UV-absorbing pro-
ducts were visible in the chromatograms of azadirachtin
heated in aqueous solution.
We then conducted time-course experiments on the
decomposition of azadirachtin in methanol and water.
In methanol at 50¡C it had a half-life of 6É96 days and
at 90¡C the half-life was 11É7 h. In both cases plots of
ln [conc] against time showed that the decomposition
was Ðrst-order. The regression coefficient was 0É994 for
all cases. In distilled water (pH 6É7) at 50¡C the half-life
was 14É9 h and at 90¡C it was 18 min. In phosphate
bu†er at pH 7, the half-life was 9É9 h at 50¡C and
8É9 min at 90¡C. From ln[conc] plots it was seen that
decomposition was rapid for the Ðrst few hours and
then settled to a linear Ðrst-order decomposition.

Fig. 3. SFC chromatograms of extracts of Neem seeds (a)

control sample of unheated seeds, (b) seeds heated at 55¡C and
(c) seeds heated at 100¡C for 24 h, and then extracted by a
standard procedure. Compounds are (I) azadirachtin, (II) Fig. 4. SFC chromatogram of a methanolic solution of azadi-
nimbin and (III) salannin. Note that the salannin peak is o†- rachtin after reÑuxing for 24 h, (I) azadirachtin, (IV) 3-acetyl-
scale in (c). 1-tigloylazadirachtinin.
Stability of azadirachtin in aqueous and organic solvents 221

Azadirachtin solutions in methanol, acetone or ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

toluene stored in the dark at room temperature showed
no deterioration during nine months of the experiment. Part of this work was carried out under a CASE award
to S. J., jointly funded by CIBA-Geigy AG, and part by
A. P. J. under the AZTEC project, contract No. AIR2-
4 CONCLUSIONS CT94-1343 of the European Community Biotechnology
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