In The Developed World

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In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing.

What problems will this cause for

individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing

It is true that in recent years, the average life expectancy in the developed countries is increasing
because of the technological advances as well as the advent of high-quality healthcare services. There
are a lot of personal and social influences. And below measures can be taken to reduce the impact of
the ageing population.

Câu số 2 + 3 nên tập viết gọn lại một câu thôi em:

 Although there are negative effects of this trend on people and society, some possible solutions can
be taken to reduce the impact of the ageing population.

Increasing life expectancy will have a huge impact on individuals and society.For individual effects,
young workers will receive less wages because the government needs a pension to pay retirees (ý này
rất lủng củng). The increase in life expectancy will affect the labor force of children in the family,
children will have to take care of their parents. In terms of influence on society, society will become lack
of an experienced and young workforce, making the national economy unstable. The demand for health
care will increase rapidly and this will put a heavy burden on healthcare system. This is because older
peoole are more likely to develop chronic diseases such as heart attacks or diabetes. Therefore, the
government needs to allocate more budget to provide sufficient healhcare facilitities and special
treaments for the elderly. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for
working adults.

Ý 1 chưa được:  IF MORE people of old age recieve pension benefits, the percentage of of people of
working age who pay income taxes will decrease. This will negatively affect the economy as a whole
since there will be the lack of young workforce

There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. The
government should make a decision to increase the retirement age. For example, the average age for
retirement is used to be 60, thennow it should be extended to 65 will retire so that the elderly could
continue a productive working life. Raising salaries for people preparing to retire so that they are
motivated to strive for better job.

Finally, it is important to educate people about the importance of money management and
saving for retirement. By doing this, when people reach their retirement age, they will have a
certain amount of money to take care of themselves without the need to depend on their
children or the government.

In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the
populations of countries grow older.


put a heavy burden on: đặt gánh nặng lên

a productive working life: cuộc sống làm việc năng suất

chronic diseases: các bệnh mãn tính

allocate more budget: phân bổ ngân sách

sufficient (đủ) healhcare facilitities and special treaments (các điều trị đặc biệt for the elderly:

Bài từ vưng ạ

1. the annoucement of strong attack from opposition

2. the new act of parliament is great changes industry
3. because signal failured, the train crashed
4. because of a strong storm yesterday, the wall collapsed
5. the food shortages brings serious riots in several cities
1. the reason why i didn’t....... ?????
2. khó quá cô ơi (phần bt từ vựng này chủ yếu giúp em làm thêm cho viết vững câu, quan trọng vẫn
nên chú trọng vào bài viết hi)

3. What types of transport do you think we will use in the future?

I think the type of vehicle we will use in the future will be public transport such as buses, taxis,
because using public transport will limit environmental pollution, especially air pollution , limit
smoke and dust, and especially not noise pollution, there will be no more traffic jams . This is
because when people use public transport , fewer private vehicles (xe cá nhân) will be used -
reduce the carbon emissions (khí thải CO2)

4. How do you think the design of homes will change in the future ?
I think in the future people will like to design a house in a simple way.They will build rural
houses instead of expensive city houses, build first-class, wooden houses because it will save
money. get money. And be more environmentally friendly
5. How do you think the family will change in the future?
The family will change a lot in the future, they will like to live there will be more nuclear families,
they want because more young people nowadays tend to be independent and like to set up
their own home.In adiition, They will want to have fewer children than their parents' generation
because they want to take care of their children more carefully.
6. How do you think censorship laws will change in the next 20
Cái này em hổng biết luôn ạ =((
Cencorship: sự kiểm duyệt (các thông tin mạng)
I think in the future THE LAWS WILL become STRICTER
Because with the development of technology, there are increasingly numerous fake news,
violence scenes. If such information is not CENSORED (kiểm duyệt), , it will bring a lot of troubles
for people
 nên lấy thêm ví dụ liên hệ nữa
7. How do you think people will travel in the future?
I think people who willTHE WAY THAT PEOPLE WILL travel in the future will change a lot, they will
want to go TRVELLING abroad more instead of going TRAVELLING WITHIN in the country.The
traveling abroad will help them expand their understanding of culture,cuisine, MEETING NEW
real people.
8. Why is it important for people to save some of their money? OK
Saving money is very vital for everyone.because it allows you to enjoy greater security in your
life. If you have cash set aside for emergencies, you have a fallback should something unexpected
happen, And when you save money, you can invest or buy whatever you want
9. What effects do you think humans have on wild animals?
I think having humans on animals has two effectsHumans have both negative and positive
impacts on wild animals . CÔ CHỈ EM CÁI NÀY RỒI MÀ
In terms of positive effects, humans can examine and treat animals which are in dangers, they
can build safe places for them like the zoo. People give them food if they need it.
In terms of negative effects, humans hunt and kill them to and this make s animals endangered,
people have a habit of making money from animals such as teaching animals to make circus
laughs for everyone.
10.What effect does new technology have on employment?
I think new technology will bring positive things to work:
First, people will have access to technology that makes it easier for them to work
New technology will help people reduce fatigue beacause they can relax by listening to ...
New technology will help people make our country's economy more developed HOW
11.How does advertising influence what people choose to buy?
Currently, advertising not only appears on the street, but also appears on the internet. The
advertising will help people easily access TO the product, helpS people choose the best product.
12.How do you think the Internet will affect our lives in the future?
I think the internet will bring positive things to the future because the internet makes it
easy for people to access information in the world, easily find everything when people
need it, help people make things easier

I think there will be more people working from home thanks to the technological
development. People will no longer travel long distances to work, all they need is
just a laptop, internet ...

H i U y ê n,
FEEDBACK cho bài tập:
Speaking: một số câu ổn, một vài còn diễn đạt chung chung chưa cụ thể, cần xem
lại một số chỗ bị lủng củng nữa
Writing: Tạm
+ Mở bài chưa tốt: xem lại câu 2
+ Thân bài: đoạn 1 khá có ý nhưng viết còn rất rời rạc, mất điểm coherence (mạch
lạc đoạn 2: chỉ mới đưa ra được một giải pháp
(Em bật track change lên để xem rõ hơn hi)_

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