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International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp.

41 - 49
ISSN: 2186-2982 (P), 2186-2990 (O), Japan, DOI:
Special Issue on Science, Engineering & Environment



*Ricardo F. Orge1 and Derose A. Sawey2

Scientist I and 2Science Research Specialist I, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Philippines

*Corresponding Author, Received: 30 Nov. 2018, Revised: 26 Dec. 2018, Accepted: 15 Jan. 2019

ABSTRACT: The Philippines is suffering from the devastating effect of climate change. During extreme
drought periods when it is already too risky to plant rice, farmers are advised to plant vegetables and other
short duration crops so as to maximize the use of limited water supply and have an alternate source of income.
This study evaluated the field performance of a locally developed irrigation system designed to be as efficient
as possible so as to maximize the use of the limited supply of water during such conditions and as low cost as
possible so that smallholder farmers could afford to use it. The resulting prototype is a do-it-yourself type
irrigation system which is almost similar in layout as that of the drip irrigation system, except that, among other
things, it makes use of capillary wicks as drippers (hence called as capillarigation system) and maximizes the
use of local and recycled materials. Results of field tests consistently showed that the capillarigation system
outperformed the existing farmers’ irrigation practices (drip and hose) in terms of water productivity. In a field
planted with green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), the system yielded higher water productivity of 36.6 g/L as
compared to the drip irrigation system (9.9 g/L). The same trend was observed when tested in another field
planted with eggplants (Solanum melongena esculentum). Being able to work with unfiltered water, with very
low operating pressure (15-20cm) and discharge rate (20-30mL/h), the capillarigation system offers
advantages when compared with other existing irrigation methods. It however still needs more field tests so
as to further evaluate its performance under various crop, field, soil, and water conditions.

Keywords: Capillarigation, Capillary wick irrigation, Climate change, Drip irrigation, Drought

1. INTRODUCTION their farming activities through the Palayamanan,

a highly diversified and integrated rice-based
The Philippines is suffering from the devastating farming system wherein farmers not only plant rice
effect of climate change. Droughts, for instance, but also other crops (vegetables, fruit trees, etc.) as
have become more intense and frequent, causing well as engage in other farming activities like
significant losses in crop production. These mushroom production (utilizing the rice straws
extreme drought events are associated with El Niňo generated from rice production as by-products),
which, as reported by Roberts et al. [1] is affecting poultry, livestock, and freshwater fish production,
the country’s rice production both in irrigated and among others, so as to maximize the use of farm
in rainfed areas. The 1998-1999 El Niňo in inputs and agricultural wastes, and provide farmers
particular, resulted in a significant reduction in the additional sources of income [4]. During extreme
paddy rice production, leaving most smallholder drought conditions, vegetables and other upland
rice farmers in debt. Another strong El Niňo hit the crops are usually planted by Palayamanan farmers
country in 2015-2016 which, according to the so as to maximize the use of the limited supply of
damaged report of the Philippine Department of water.
Agriculture as cited by the Food and Agriculture While the commercially available drip
Organization [2], ‘affected 16 of the country’s 18 irrigation system (DIS) is proven efficient [5, 6], its
regions and of which the impact was strongest in cost of acquisition is high and beyond the financial
Mindanao where 27 provinces were affected’. The capability of these smallholder farmers. Thus,
occurrence of these extreme drought events is PhilRice developed an irrigation system which was
expected to continue in the future not only in the designed to be as low cost and highly efficient as
Philippines but also in other Southeast Asian possible. To lower down the cost and make it
countries, basing from the results of the study by the affordable to smallholder farmers, one of the basic
World Resources Institute [3]. criteria in the design and development of the system
To help enhance farmers’ resilience to climate is to make the components easy to fabricate and
change, the Philippine Rice Research Institute install by the farmers themselves, maximizing the
(PhilRice) is encouraging the farmers to diversify use of recycled materials or those that can easily be

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

sourced out within their locality. This led to the In the PhilRice Soil Series Information System, this
idea of using capillary wicks as a means of soil is described as ‘heavy clay having poor
dispensing water. The use of capillary wicks in drainage characteristics, high shrink and swell
irrigating plants was proven to efficiently work in capacity upon wetting and drying, producing wide
nurseries, saving water, time and labor in irrigation cracks in the soil, hard when dry, and has very slow
[7]. However, no advancements had been done yet permeability’.
in making use of the capillary wicks in field crop Field trials of the prototype CS were established
production [8]. together with two existing irrigation methods: the
Our initial work proved that the use of capillary hose irrigation (HI) which is commonly practiced
wicks can feasibly be used in an irrigation system by smallholder and resource-challenged farmers
that is laid out in an almost similar manner as that when growing short duration crops, and the drip
of the drip irrigation system. In this system, called irrigation system (DIS) which is used only by
a capillarigation system (CS), capillary wicks serve advanced and financially stable farmers. The
as the substitute of the drippers following a setup experimental sites were within a 500m radius from
shown in Figure 1. From the tank (made of 200L the PhilRice's Agrometeorology station. In all of
steel drum), water flows out of the float valve into the field test trials conducted, the objective was to
a container wherein its depth sets the system's compare the performance of the CS with the
operating depth, typically not more than 15 cm. existing irrigation practices in terms of the test
Because water seeks its own level, this level sets the crop’s performance (yield and agronomic
limit in all ‘risers' where capillary wicks are placed. parameters) and the water productivity. Monitoring
Details on the design and construction of the whole of the soil moisture content (MC) was done at
system, including the results of the laboratory different growth stages of the crop, details of which
studies conducted to identify appropriate wick are described in each of the following test setups.
materials and design parameters, was described in
our previous publication [9]. This paper presents 2.1 Capillarigation vs. Hose Irrigation (2015 Dry
the results of our follow up studies conducted to Season)
evaluate the performance of the CS under actual
field conditions, together with the existing irrigation A 6m x 6.5m field, divided into six parallel 80
methods/systems. cm x 650 cm plots spaced 20cm apart, was prepared
for testing the performance of the CS side by side
with the farmers’ practice of HI using green pepper
(Capsicum annuum L.) as the test crop. Using
garden tools, each plot was tilled up to 15-20 cm
depth, pulverized, and applied with rice hull biochar
as a soil amendment at 5 kg m-2 prior to final
leveling. In the setting up of the irrigation
treatments, each plot served as one replication. No
randomization was done on the assignment of the
plots in order to simplify the setting up of the CS.
Thus, the first three adjacent plots were used in the
CS while the remaining three plots were used in the
HI. In the CS, lateral pipes made from
commercially available 25mm diameter flexible
black Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic hose was
laid out in the middle of each of the three plots.
Risers were installed at every 50cm length of the
lateral. Each riser was made from the same material
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the capillarigation
(PVC hose) cut to 15cm lengths and provided with
system showing the various parts [9].
a rubber seal at the bottom and a means for water
from the lateral to flow into it. Final trimming of
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS the risers was done to maintain a freeboard of 2-3
cm. Two capillary wicks were installed at each
This study was conducted at the Central
riser, providing a means for dispensing water into
Experiment Station of the Philippine Rice Research
the soil. Each capillary wick was made from 5mm
Institute (PhilRice-CES) in Muňoz Science City,
(average diameter) x 20cm long cotton strands
Nueva Ecija, Philippines (15.6712° N, 120.8908°
extracted from mop heads normally sold in local
E) during the dry season of 2015 and of 2016. The
groceries or supermarkets. To minimize mold
soil at PhilRice-CES, as reported by Javier et. al
accumulation as well as water loss due to
[10], was classified as Maligaya clay soil, which is
evaporation, plastic drinking straw (6mm dia x
typically fine and has a bulk density of 1.33 g cm-3.

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

30mm length) were used to cover each individual free and the total air-dried weight of all of the
wick. Once the whole CS was laid out, 2-week old removed weeds was determined.
green pepper seedlings were transplanted in two To check the consistency of the wicks to deliver
rows for each plot, 60cm apart and 60cm between water as time passed by, the water flow rate at the
hills, with the system’s lateral pipe in between each point where the float valve was installed (which
pair of row (Fig. 2). Wicks were then directed to represents the sum of all the wicks’ flow rates) was
each row, maintaining a distance of 10cm from its monitored weekly.
tip to the nearest plant. The tip of the wick was also
positioned 5cm below the ground surface. In the HI 2.2 Capillarigation vs. Drip Irrigation (2016 Dry
plot, the plants were watered twice a day, one in the Season)
morning (8-9 AM) and one in the afternoon (4-5
PM), at an application rate of 0.5 liters per plant The components for the DIS used in the study
using a 20mm garden hose, simulating a backyard were locally purchased, comprising of 25mm
gardening practice. Following the recommended flexible plastic pipe with built-in emitters (1.2 L h-1
nutrient management practice [11], a commercially discharge rate) spaced at 30cm, cut-off valves, pipe
available complete fertilizer (14-14-14) was applied connectors, and water filters. A 1m3 plastic
in the second week after transplanting (WAT) at container was used as water tank which was
5g/hill followed by Urea (46-0-0) and Muriate of provided with a platform made from iron angle bars
Potash (0-0-60) each at 4g/hill in the 4th and 6th to elevate it 1m from the ground. From the
WAT. establishment of the tank alone, one can recognize
the advantage of the capillarigation system since it
does require an elevated which is an additional
investment on the part of the farmer.
Water application using the DIS was done by
opening the valve for a period of two hours daily in
the morning (8-9 AM) until harvest, simulating the
typical practice of the local users of the technology.
In the CS, the lateral which was made of flexible
PVC pipe in the previous setup was replaced with
tarpaulin sheet that had been cut to 30cm width,
folded longitudinally to form a U-shaped cross-
section and then folded at the ends so that it
Fig. 2 A typical setup of a capillarigation system resembled a small channel to hold water (Fig. 3).
showing the placement of the lateral and the wicks Bamboo sticks anchored on the ground were used
serving two rows of plants. as stiffeners so that the sides of the tarpaulin would
stay vertical and be able to hold water. With this
To determine the influence of each of the two modification, the installation of individual risers
irrigation methods on soil moisture within the along the length of the lateral was no longer needed,
plants’ root zone, soil samples were taken using a further reducing the cost of the system. Like in the
soil auger at 10 cm distance from the nearest plant previous setup, the same freeboard of 2-3 cm was
and, in the case of the CS, not more than 10cm from maintained.
the nearest wick. The time of getting of soil
samples was referenced from the time water was
applied in the HI plot. The first sampling was done
one hour before (B) and the second one was six
hours after (A) irrigation water was applied in the
morning. For the HI plot, the second sampling time
(A) was done prior to the application of water in the
afternoon. Each set of soil samples were taken at 0,
10, 20, 30, and 40cm depth and were oven-dried
following the standard laboratory procedures for
soil MC determination. For the whole crop growth
duration, three sets of the soil samples were taken,
one at the vegetative stage, another at flowering and
Fig. 3 The improved CS setup which made use of
at fruiting stages of the crop.
the tarpaulin sheet for the lateral.
To determine if the irrigation treatments have
some influence on weed population, occasional
Two field setups were established to compare
weeding was done in all plots to keep them weed-
the performance of the CS with that of the DIS. In
the first setup, eight 1m x 15m parallel plots were

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

made and planted with the same test crop (green Where dMC = the sum of the MCs taken from the
pepper) and management practices as in the 2015 represented soil depths, sMC = sum of the MCs
setup (CS vs HI). The first 4 plots were devoted to taken from the represented crop growth stages, nd =
the CS and the remaining four plots were for the number of soil depths represented, and ns = number
DIS. Soil samples were also collected in a similar of crop stages represented
manner as in the 2015 setup except for the depth
which was only up to 30cm. To measure the total 2.3.3 Volume of water applied (V)
volume of water applied in each irrigation treatment
(CS and DIS) throughout the whole period of crop This was expressed in the per plant and in per unit
growth, a calibrated mechanical-type flow meter area basis, using the formula,
with a resolution of 0.001 m3 was installed at the
main line of each irrigation system. 𝑽𝒕
𝑽= ` (2)
In the second setup, the test crop used was
eggplant (Solanum melongena esculentum),
Where Vt = total accumulated volume of water
transplanted at 14 days old and spaced at 60cm
applied throughout the whole duration of crop
between rows and hills. Urea (46-0-0) solution of
growth and n = number of plants
10g per 5L water was applied at a rate of 170 mL
hill-1 at 3, 5, and 9 WAT. On the other hand,
2.3.3 Yield
Muriate of Potash (0-0-60) solution (10g per 5L
water) was applied at 7 WAT at 170 mL hill-1
Yield data were taken from five randomly selected
following Inque and Agres (2017) recommendation
inner plants in a selected row of an inner plot. An
average was taken to represent the average plant
Monitoring of soil MCs at different root zone
yield in each irrigation treatment.
depths and crop stages were done only in the first
set up in the same manner as in the 2015 (CS vs HI)
2.3.4 Water productivity (Ewu)
setup. The time of getting of soil samples was
referenced from the time water was applied in the
This was computed following the standard formula:
DIS, i.e. one hour before drip irrigation was done.
Each set of soil samples were taken at 0, 10, 20 and 𝑽𝒕
30cm depth and were oven-dried following Ewu = (3)
standard laboratory procedures for MC
determination. For the whole crop growth duration, Where Vt = total accumulated volume of water
three sets were taken, one at the vegetative stage, applied throughout the whole duration of crop
another at flowering and fruiting stages of the crop. growth and Y = total crop yield in the area covered

2.3 Data Gathered 2.3.5 Labor requirement

Unless otherwise specified, the following data This refers to the labor needed in the setting up in
were gathered in all of the field setups established the field and in the operation of each of the
under this study: irrigation method.

2.3.1 Soil MC profile 2.3.6 Cost of irrigation

This was derived from the MC of the set of soil The cost of irrigation of each irrigation method was
samples taken during the three stages of the test computed by taking note of the cost of establishing
crop’s growth (vegetative, flowering, and fruiting). the irrigation system which includes the cost of the
Standard procedure for oven dry method was materials as well as the cost of labor during its
followed and the MC was expressed in gravimetric establishment in the field. Moreover, the cost of
dry weight basis. operation, like the opening and closing of valves
and cleaning of the filter as in the case of the DIS,
2.3.2 Average soil MC maintained (aMC) was also included.

This parameter was used to evaluate the 2.4 Statistical Analysis

performance of the irrigation method in terms of
supplying water and maintaining soil MC Whenever applicable, an analysis of variance
conducive for crop growth. The following formula (ANOVA) was done on the gathered data by
was used: considering the irrigation methods as treatments
following a Completely Randomized Design.
𝑎𝑀𝐶 = (1)

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49


Vegetative (15DAT)

Soil MC, %
3.1 Capillarigation vs. Hose Irrigation 20

3.1.1 Effect on soil moisture content

Comparing the soil MCs at the two sampling
times during the vegetative stage of the crop, it can 0
be observed from Figure 4 that there was an 0cm 10cm 20cm 30cm 40cm
increase in soil MCs from the first soil sampling T1-B T1-A T2-B T2-A
time (B) to the second sampling time (A) in the hose 40
irrigation method. The difference is more Flowering (25DAT)
prominent at the ground surface than those beneath. 30

Soil MC, %
On the other hand, in the CS where water was
applied continuously in small amounts, a reverse 20
trend was observed - the soil MC was higher in B
than in A, in all depths considered, with the largest 10
difference observed at the ground surface. This
could be explained by the fact that the second 0
sampling time occurred in the afternoon (2-3 PM) Surface 10cm 20cm 30cm 40cm
and the decrease observed in the CS could be due to T1-B T1-A T2-B T2-A
water evaporation. For the hose irrigation, higher
soil MC was observed at the second sampling time 30
Fruiting (35DAT)
(A) since it occurred in the afternoon, just six hours
Soil MC, %

away from its most recent application of water (8-9 20

AM, same day) while in the first sampling time (B),
it occurred 23 hours away from its most recent
application of water. At 25 DAT and 35 DAT, there
was no remarkable difference observed in the soil
MC taken at the ground surface for the two 0
irrigation treatments. One of the reasons is because 0cm 10cm 20cm 30cm 40cm
the ground surface had already been covered by the
crop's canopy during this time and water loss due to T1-B T1-A T2-B T2-A
surface evaporation was therefore minimized. As
shown also in Figure 4, the highest soil MC for the Fig. 4 A comparison of the soil MCs at different soil
CS was observed at 10cm depths particularly during depths between the hose irrigation (T1) and the
the sampling period of 15 and 25 DAT. This is capillarigation system (T2) taken at two sampling
because the tip of the wicks was buried close to this times (B=1h before and A= 6h after water was
depth. applied in T1), during three stages of green pepper
As shown in Figure 5, the CS maintains a higher growth.
soil MC than the HI in all depths covered. Except
for the 10cm depth which is close to where the tip 30
of the wick was buried (5cm), the soil MC in all
other points are almost the same (~20%). In the HI, 25
on the other hand, the lowest MC was at the surface
which doubles at 10cm and then gradually increased 20
Soil MC, %

and stabilized at 20 up to 40cm depths. The marked

difference in the MC at the first 10cm depth
between the CS and the HI can be attributed to the 10
fact that, in the CS, water in very small amount is Cap Hose
constantly delivered into the soil throughout the 5
whole duration of crop growth whereas, in the HI,
soil dryness happened in between each application
0 10 20 30 40
of water which was twice a day (morning and
Soil depth, cm
afternoon). As far as maintaining the wetness of the
soil conducive for plant growth is concerned, Figure
5 suggests that CS is superior over the HS. Fig. 5 Soil moisture content profiles of the
capillarigation and the hose irrigation.

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

3.1.2 Effect on crop performance and water use

As presented in Table 1, the CS maintained a

significantly higher average soil MC (20.49%) than
the HI (14.54%) throughout the whole duration of
crop (green pepper) growth. Although their yields
did not vary statistically, the yield difference is
remarkable which may merit deeper analysis. One
possible reason could be the assigning of the plots
which were not randomized, resulting in a high
coefficient of variance. Another could be the fact
that in the CS-irrigated plants, the soil MC was
always maintained at field capacity while in the HI,
the soil underwent alternate drying and rewetting
which may have some beneficial effects. In spite of
this, however, the CS utilized water more efficiently
than the HI.

Table 1 A comparison of the average soil moisture

maintained, the total amount of water applied and
water use efficiency of the two irrigation Fig. 6 The field setup of the capillarigation system
treatments. making use of tarpaulin sheets as laterals.

Water 15 DAT CS DIS

Average Yield Water 30
applied a
Treatment soil MC per plant productivity a a
Soil MC, %

maintained* (g) (g/L)

plant-1) 20 ab b
Capillar ab b
20.49 68.67 29.07 1.61
10 cd
14.54 86.00 51.00 1.25
ANOVA * ns s s 0
CV 8.51 41.87 2.69 7.8 0 10 20 30
Soil depth, cm
3.2. Capillarigation vs. Drip Irrigation
Figure 6 shows the field setup of the CS and the a
Soil MC, %

20 a a
DIS wherein in the CS, tarpaulin sheets were used b b
abc b
as laterals, replacing the PVC hose. With this
modification, the labor requirement in the d
installation of the laterals and the wicks had been 0
reduced as compared to that in the previous setup 0 10 20 30
which made use of the PVC hose as laterals and Soil depth, cm
3.2.1 Effect on soil moisture content a
Soil MC, %

As shown in Figure 7, the CS maintained a a ab ab

20 b b b
significantly higher soil MC than the DIS especially bcd
in the first 10cm of the root depth, in all stages of
the test crop's growth. The reason for the low soil 0
MC in the DIS, especially at the soil surface, is 0 10 20 30
because sampling was done prior to the application
of water, or 23 h from the most recent application Soil depth, cm
of water. Thus, prior to sampling, the soil surface
had been exposed to the hottest period of the day. Fig. 7 Moisture content (%) profile of the soil taken
In the CS, on the other hand, water was applied during three stages of the crop (green pepper)
continuously in small amounts throughout the growth and 24h after water was applied in the drip-
whole period of crop growth. irrigated plants. Means with the same letter do not
vary significantly

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

On the average, combining all the soil samples 3.3 Labor Requirement
taken at different crop stages, the soil MC in CS
followed the same trend as that in the previous trial The CS requires labor in setting up its various
(CS vs HI) where the highest soil MC was at 10 cm components which are significantly higher than that
depth and slightly decreased at 30-40cm depths. On of the DIS (Table 3). In the DIS, all the parts are
the other hand, the soil MC in the DIS was lowest already available hence only the labor of setting up
at the ground surface and increases at increasing soil the whole system in the field was required. For the
depths and stabilizes at 20-30cm (Fig. 8). CS, on the other hand, around 70% of the labor is
spent in the preparation (fabrication) of its various
30 components, particularly the preparation of the
capillary wicks and in the manner, they are installed
in the field. Efforts are continuously being done in
improving the whole system so that its labor
Soil MC, %

requirement of setting up in the field could be

10 further reduced. Once the CS had been established
Cap Drip in the field, however, no effort is no longer needed
with regards to applying water to the crops. In the
0 10 20 30 case of the DIS, on the other hand, there are cut-off
Soil depth, cm valves to open and close regularly so as to ensure
that the water is applied just at the right amount.
Moreover, additional labor is needed to regularly
Figure 8. Soil moisture content profiles under the check the filter and the mold accumulation in the
two irrigation methods, the capillarigation, and the tank so additional labor for cleaning these two
drip irrigation system. components is needed. With regards to the hose
irrigation, 100% of the labor needed was in the
3.2.2 Effect on crop performance and water use application of water to the plants for the whole
duration (68 days) totaled to 22 labor-h for the 19.5
There was no significant difference between the m2 area or an average of 1.13 labor-h per m2.
two irrigation methods in terms of the number of
days from transplanting to flowering (22 DAT) and
fruiting (30 DAT). In terms of yield, however, plots Table 3 Labor requirement in the setting up
irrigated with the DIS yielded a significantly higher establishment of the two irrigation systems.
harvest than that in the CS (Table 2). However, like
in the previous trials, the CS outperformed the DIS Labor required in Average
in terms of water productivity. Irrigation the establishment labor
system (labor-h) requirement
Table 2 Performance of the CS as compared to the 60 m2 100 m2 (labor-h m-2)
DIS (2016 trial). Capillarigation 9 15.5 0.153
Drip irrigation 1.5 2 0.022
Capillary Drip ANOVA CV
Setup No. 1 (green pepper, 60m2)
Yield 3.4. Material Cost
(g plant-1)
433.1 599.8 ns 15.8
Water As shown in Table 4, the cost of materials
consumption 11.8 60.6 s 10.7 needed in establishing the CS is computed at Php
(L plant-1)
14.58 m-2 while that of the DIS is Php 74.03 m-2, a
productivity 36.6 9.9 s 29.6 reduction of 80.31%. Among the reasons that
(g L-1) contributed to the reduced cost of materials in the
Weed density CS is its operating pressure that is much lower than
(g m-2)
29.2 32.2 ns 28.8 that of the DIS. In the DIS, the water tank needs to
be elevated to at least 1m (additional cost on the
Setup No. 2 (eggplant, 100 m2) platform) so as to ensure a more or less uniform
Yield flow at each dripper/emitter. On the other hand, the
330.0 352.0 ns 4.5
(g/plant) CS operating head, in the case of this study, did not
Water exceed 20 cm thus the tank can be directly put on
consumption 104.8 237.9 s 11.7
top of the ground. Another reason is the fact that in
Water the CS, a water filter is no longer necessary since
productivity 3.1 1.5 s 8.48 water is discharged through the capillary wicks
(g/L) which do not necessarily require clean or filtered

International Journal of GEOMATE, Sept., 2019 Vol.17, Issue 61, pp. 41 - 49

Table 4 Comparison between the materials used for, and cost of components of, the two irrigation systems
for a 100m2 irrigated area.

Material Used Cost of Component (Php)*

Major Component
Drip Capillarigation Drip Capillarigation
Water supply tank 1 m3 plastic tank 200L steel drum 4,000 900
Water tank stand Structure made from a 4mm thick x no stand needed; the steel drum 1,500 -
38mm x 38mm steel angle bar was directly placed on the
holding the tank 1m above the ground
Water filter and other Superflow screen filter, 3m3/hour, No filter needed 475 -
accessories prior to 3/4" diameter, 1 pc @ Php 475/pc
delivery of water 1 pc plastic pail (10L) 20
1 pc plastic faucet 8
Supply line ¾” dia flexible PVC hose, 6m @ ¾” dia flexible PVC hose, 3m 48 54
Php 8/m at Php 18/m
Lateral and Dripline, 11.8mm ID, 12.3mm OD Flexible PVC hose, 12.5mm 1,120 325
components for with emitters (1.2 Lh-1 discharge) dia, 25m at Php 13/m
dispensing water spaced 30 cm apart, 160m long at
Cotton twine (from mop - 97.86
heads), 5mm dia x 100mm, 42
pcs at Php2.33/pc
Plastic drinking straw, 60 pcs - 7.8
at Php 0.13/pc
Fittings Quick start fitting, 48mm x 20mm, PVC elbow, ½ x ¾”, 2 pcs at 120 30
8pcs @ Php15/pc Php 15/pc

PVC tee, ¾”, 1 pc @Php30/pc PVC tee 3/4" x 1/2" x 3/4", 1 30 15

pc at Php 15/pc
poly reducing tee, 16mm x 12mm x - 60 -
16mm, 4 pcs at Php15/pc
Tee, 16mm x 16mm x 16mm, 1 pc - 20 -
at Php20/pc
Elbow, 12mm x 16mm, 2 pcs at - 30 -
Total cost 7,403 1,458
Cost per m2 74.03 14.58
% Reduction 80.31

4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION means for dispensing water to the plants and
some parts had been added to lower down the
With the advent of climate change, drought has system’s operating pressure and provide some
become more frequent and intense. Hence, it is means to put up the individual wicks;
important to consider how water is applied to the b. In all the field trials conducted, the
plants especially during the time when its supply is capillarigation system yielded the highest
very scarce. Drip irrigation systems which are water productivity when compared to the other
already commercially available had been proven to irrigation systems/practices tested;
be effective, however, for smallholder farmers c. The material cost of the capillarigation system
especially in developing countries like the is lower by up to 80% as compared to the drip
Philippines, it is not widely used simply because of irrigation system.
its high cost of acquisition. This study presented More field tests, however, are still to be done
the field test results of the developed to verify these results and to further evaluate the
capillarigation system which is a low-cost variant performance of the system in wider areas and
of the drip irrigation system that makes use of various field and crop conditions. In particular,
capillary wicks instead of the conventional there is a need to further investigate the reason
drippers. From the results of the study, the why, in some trials, the yield of the wick-irrigated
following conclusions are drawn: crops is lower than those in the drip-irrigated
a. The use of capillary wicks is not only crops.
applicable in nurseries but also in field crops
following a setup that is patterned from the drip 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
irrigation system. In this system
(capillarigation system), the capillary wicks The authors acknowledge the assistance of
replace the emitters in drip irrigation systems as Engr. Lolita Leal, Science Research Analyst of the

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Copyright © Int. J. of GEOMATE. All rights reserved,
overhead, drip or capillary irrigation, Aust. J.
including the making of copies unless permission is
Exp. Agric., Volume 43, Issue 2, 2003, pp.
obtained from the copyright proprietors.


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