Communication Channel

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The form of channel that I will most prefer to utilize for Jaclyn’s situation would be email

while I do consider a phone call or a in person meeting to be faster channel for passing the

message across although in this particular situation, sending an email is the preeminent choice

because Haniz isn’t constantly in the office so missing her there is very much likely hence in

person meeting would be challenging. Haniz is also in attendance of several meetings in the

course of the day and thus Jaclyn attempting to arrange a meeting with Haniz wouldn’t be the

ideal option to take because whereas it is the uppermost thing on Jaclyn’s list its possibly on the

lowest agenda for Haniz. My resolution to utilize an email appears to be the paramount

preference for the circumstances, thus Jaclyn can compose an official email and state her

distresses and send it to Haniz, who can then read it at her free time and then answer back

without upsetting her already demanding days.

To: Haniz

Hello Haniz, in regards to the meeting we held the previous week concerning the hotels website,

I consider the meeting to have been very useful and you advanced several great ideas to make

this the finest website conceivable. Nonetheless, I have distresses that my contribution didn’t

appear to be valued. I believed I had several fantastic ideas which I felt that you failed to

earnestly consider. If they weren’t good concepts, I would prefer to be informed so that I can

effort on formulating improved ones to advance this website to its optimum. I am aware that you

are busy hence the reason for me to write you an email. Kindly don’t interpret this the mistaken

manner, I desire for this website to be fruitful and if we are both in agreement, it will be

considerably enhanced. Thank you.


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