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Soldier’s Home: Close Reading & Annotation Guide

Directions: Take another look at Hemingway’s short story, “Soldier’s Home.” Use the guidelines
below to carefully annotate the text provided.

1. Examine the first sentence of the story. It is startlingly direct. Underline the first
sentence; write in the margin what it implies.
2. In paragraphs 1 and 10, the narrator mentions the collars the fraternity brothers are
wearing in the picture. Highlight these in the same color and delineate the implication.
3. At the end of paragraph 6, the narrator states, “In this way he lost everything.” Write
beside it what it means.
4. Go to paragraph 11 which begins with “Vaguely he wanted…” and ends with “…lies.” In
the margin, list the assumptions about love, war, and truth that underlie the passage.
5. Notice the syntax in paragraphs 14 and 15. How would you describe the syntax
Hemingway uses to present Krebs? How does it reflect the content and affect the
meaning? Write your response in the margin, using arrows to direct it the specific
elements/evidence you refer to.
6. Read paragraph 16 carefully. Underline words and phrases that specifically relate to
Kreb’s state of mind and attempt to find peace. Either select two different colors to do so
and use a key, or draw some sort of symbol to differentiate between the two.
7. In what way is the title ironic? Write your response next to the title and provide any
textual evidence necessary.
8. In paragraph 67, what image does Hemingway use to make suggestions about Krebs?
Underline it and note how the image parallels his emotions.

When you have finished your annotations, write an AP style prompt that addresses literary
elements (characterization, syntax, figurative language, etc.). You may choose one of the

A) The story as a whole

B) A particular, notable passage (be sure to note which one)

My prompt:

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