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Tugasan Penilaian Berterusan 1
Sidang Akademik 2020/2021


PTT444 – Engineering Technology in Society

[Teknologi Kejuruteraan dalam Masyarakat]

Duration: 48 HOURS/48 JAM

Please make sure that this question paper has SIX (6) printed pages including this front page before you
start the examination.
[Sila pastikan kertas soalan ini mengandungi ENAM(6) muka surat yang bercetak termasuk muka hadapan sebelum
anda memulakan peperiksaan ini.]

This question paper has THREE (3) questions. Answer ALL questions. The total marks for this
assignment will be 60 marks (10% of total assessment marks)
[Kertas soalan ini mengandungi TIGA (3) soalan. Jawab SEMUA soalan. Jumlah markah keseluruhan bagi kerja
kursus ini adalah 60 markah (10% daripada markah penilaian keseluruhan)


Question 1 (refer to rubric for Question 1)

[Soalan 1]

Coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19) is a pandemic that affected human health all over the world in year
2020. It is a biological hazard that causes by a virus. In order to control this pandemic, Ministry of
Defense Malaysia had enforced 4 main stages of movement control order (MCO) during period of
18th March 2020 until 03rd May 2020. During this period, many Malaysian are exposed and
experienced physiological hazard.
[Coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19) adalah pandemik yang mempengaruhi kesihatan manusia di seluruh dunia pada tahun
2020. Ia adalah bahaya biologi yang disebabkan oleh virus. Untuk mengawal wabak ini, Kementerian Pertahanan
Malaysia telah menguatkuasakan 4 tahap utama perintah kawalan pergerakan (MCO) bermula 18 Mac 2020 sehingga
03 Mei 2020. Dalam tempoh ini, banyak rakyat Malaysia terdedah dan mengalami bahaya fisiologi.]

a) State FIVE (5) main causes of physiological hazards during this period.
[Nyatakan LIMA (5) sebab utama bahaya fisologi semasa tempoh ini.]
(5 Marks/Markah)

b) Suggest and explain which MCO stage is the most struggle period for most of Malaysian
[Cadang dan jelaskan pada peringkat PKP yang manakah adalah tempoh yang paling sukar bagi
kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia?]
(5 Marks/Markah)

c) Suggest FIVE (5) breakthrough actions that can be done by Malaysian to overcome this
physiological hazard.
[Cadangkan LIMA (5) langkah penyelesaian yang boleh dilakukan oleh rakyat Malaysia bagi menangani
bahaya fisiologi.]
(5 Marks/Markah)

Question 2


[Soalan 2]

As a supervisor of the planning and control of industrial waste materials, you are asked to plan and
implement the transfer of high-level hazardous toxic substances in large quantities (exceeding 3
tonnes) to a designated safe place. The transportation route for the evacuation will pass through
congested urban areas and village areas whose roads are winding and imperfect, and will take more
than 7 hours journey.
Based on the 6 elements in the Hierarchy in Control Measure; Plan and elaborate the safest
evacuation after taking into account the safety of city dwellers, villagers and evacuation workers.
Give example of the safety control measure elements. Your answer must consist maximum of 250
Sebagai penyelia bahagian perancangan dan kawalan bahan sisa buangan industri, anda diminta untuk merancang
dan melaksanakan pemindahan bahan toksik berbahaya peringkat tinggi dalam jumlah besar (melebihi 3 tan) ke tempat
selamat yang telah ditentukan. Laluan pengangkutan untuk proses evakuasi akan melalui kawasan bandar yang padat
dan kawasan desa yang jalannya berliku dan tidak sempurna, dan akan memakan waktu lebih dari 7 jam perjalanan.
Berdasarkan 6 elemen dalam Hierarki dalam Langkah Pengawasan, rancang dan jelaskan pemindahan yang paling
selamat dengan mengambil kira keselamatan penduduk kota, penduduk kampung dan pekerja pemindahan. Sila berikan
contoh jawapan untuk langkah-langkah pengawalan keselamatan. Jawapan anda mesti mengandungi maksimum 250

(20 Marks/Markah)


Question 3 (Refer to rubric for Question 3)

[Soalan 3]

You are a technopreneur who has opened a new technology company and has received a big project
from a big conglomerate business. You were tasked to assemble 10000 units of your innovative
product to be delivered to the corporation within a year. However, due to a pandemic that hits the
globe, you were not capable of fulfilling the contract you have agreed upon.

Please write an essay (max. 350 words) discussing this matter. The discussion must include these

a) Suggest the remedy method you will choose to mediate with the corporation? Defend your choice
with strong justification.

b) Propose and justify the backup plan in case the first remedy option you choose is not successful.
What would be your next remedy option?
Anda adalah teknopreneur yang telah membuka syarikat teknologi baru dan telah menerima projek besar dari
perniagaan konglomerat besar. Anda ditugaskan untuk mengumpulkan 10000 unit produk inovatif anda untuk
disampaikan kepada anda syarikat dalam masa setahun. Namun, kerana wabak yang melanda dunia, anda tidak dapat
memenuhi kontrak yang telah anda setuju.

Sila tulis sebuah esei (maksimum 350 patah perkataan) yang membincangkan perkara ini. Perbincangan mesti
mengambil kira perkara berikut;

a) Kaedah penyelesaian yang manakah yang akan anda pilih untuk menjadi orang tengah dengan syarikat itu?
Pertahankan pilihan anda dengan alasan yang kukuh.
b) Cadangkan rancangan alternatif jika pilihan ubat pertama yang anda pilih tidak berjaya. Apakah pilihan ubat anda
yang seterusnya? Berikan justifikasi yang baik juga untuk pilihan yang anda buat.

(20 Marks/Markah)

*Rubric for Question 1

Student Name :
No Marking Criteria Evaluation Level, EL W Comments PO
(EL x W)
General Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Given 5 causes of hazards.
Given 3-4 causes of Given 5 causes of hazards.
CAUSES OF HAZARD Explained all 5 causes. Given 5 causes of hazards.
hazards. Explain only 1-2 Explain only 3-4 causes.
1 All causes of physiological Some are full elaborated Explained and full
causes. No full elaboration Some are full elaborated 0.5 /5
hazard during MCO but some are not. No elaborated all 5 causes
and examples provided for but some are not. No
examples provided for all with examples.
any of 5. example provided for all 5.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
One MCO stage is chosen One MCO stage is chosen One MCO stage is chosen
RELATED MCO STAGES One MCO stage is chosen as the hardest stage. as the hardest stage. as the hardest stage.
TOWARDS HAZARD as the hardest stage. Ranked all stages of MCO Ranked all stages of MCO Ranked all stages of MCO
2 0.5 /5
Struggling period that Provides 1-2 reasons of according to duration and according to duration and according to duration and
causes the hazard struggling period during restriction. Provides 1-2 restriction. Provides 3-4 restriction. Provides 5
this MCO. reasons of struggling reasons of struggling reasons of struggling
period during this MCO. period during this MCO. period during this MCO.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Given 5 breakthroughs to
Given 3-4 breakthroughs Given 5 breakthroughs to Given 5 breakthroughs to
overcome hazards.
to overcome hazards. overcome hazards. Explain overcome the hazards.
BREAKTHROUGH TO Explained all 5
3 Explain only 1-2 only 3-4 breakthroughs. Explained and full 0.5 /5
OVERCOME HAZARD breakthroughs. Some are
breakthroughs. No full Some are full elaborated elaborated all 5
Impact action to overcome full elaborated but some
elaboration and examples but some are not. No breakthroughs with
the hazard are not. No examples
provided for any of 5. example provided for all 5. examples.
provided for all 5.
TURN IT IN REPORT - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Similarity index of the The score for similarity The score for similarity The score for similarity Maximum score for
4 report. Overall marks will report are report ≤ 20-30% report ≤ 35-45% similarity are >45-50%
be deducted according ≤ 10-15% /5
this similarity index.
Total / 20


Rubric for Question 3

Assignment Title/Number: Name of Student:

Evaluation Level, EL Total Similarity
Weightage Raw Score Final Mark
No Marking Criteria Mark (EL x Mark, from (TRM x S) (20)
Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary W) TRM (20) Turnitin (S)
1 2 3 4
Primary Remedy
1 Weak or illogical Logical choice but Good understandable Excellent and
Option 0.2 ____×5 = <20% = 1.0
choice not the best option choice logical choice

1 2 3 4 20-30% =
Justification for Justification is Excellent
2 Good justification with
Primary Remedy Justification is weak logical but lacks justification and 0.3 ____×5 =
enough information
detail complete detail 30-40% =
1 2 3 4
Secondary Remedy
3 Weak or illogical Logical choice but Good understandable Excellent and 40-50% =
Option 0.2 ____×5 =
choice not the best option choice logical choice 0.4
1 2 3 4
Justification for Justification is Excellent
4 Good justification with >50% = 0.2
Secondary Remedy Justification is weak logical but lacks justification and 0.3 ____×5=
enough information
detail complete detail

*Justify (If less than 40 %

NAME OF LECTURER: larger than 80 % over 100 %)


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