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REBUTTAL SUPPORTING EVIDENCE EXHIBIT 100 John Jordan, Complainant v Boyd Morson, Respondent OAH 71-0325-37188 RESPONSE: 1am hereby acknowledging, that | am, in receipt of a copy of the complainant's submitted evidence. So, | am respectfully, directly, and excitingly responding accordingly to this white man’s, once again, distorted and manipulated claims. In his volunteered evidence submitted, he clearly outlines supports, and verifies my own personally submitted evidence. This evidence the complainant has submitted as his evidence to support about me simply receiving an alleged illegal corporate donation. As you can see, is apparently, not so simple any longer. However, this Is in-fact what this filed complaint is genuinely supposed to be about. But you see, it has turned into validating and exposing this ongoing divisive, hate-filled abnormal conduct and behavior of this racist white man along with others in city of Brooklyn Parks elected officials and former elected officials, city staff, former city staff, residents, and their good-ole-boy’s networks ongoing and collective hateful efforts to conspire and racial attacks towards and against me. It is/was, his/their feelings, choices and decisions of these entitled and privileged thinking ways trying to defeat and humiliate me, my family, and attack my character as a black man. This white man’s claims, clearly validates, Support, and substantiates distinctly my description of him. His ‘ongoing abnormal behavior and exposes his racist character. In evidence I submitted about him. This matter is crystal clear. And it’s also, clearly obvious that its “NOT” at all about a campaign contribution, I received. But once again, it’s clearly and exactly as | described and outlined in my originally submitted evidence. In that evidence, |, outlined the complainants motivates and hidden agenda to use this Honorable Panel's findings to further load his weapon of choice (computer) load it and use it for further hateful disparaging and malicious posting. Which has everything to do with further exposing, the complainant's indisputable divisive, manipulated, and slanderous attacks that this racist white man, continues to actively pursuit, perpetuate, and actively seek to engage and promote. Again, in his relentless pursuit in addition to this Hale Mary attempt to further ATTACK ME, MY CHARACTER, AND MY INTEGRITY, as a BLACK MAN. And further feed his obsessive and obese appetite to continue feasting and fueling his/thetr pre-determined and preestablished plot, covert mission, goal, and objective, made years ago. A plot, plan, mission, Boal, and objective to purely promote the complainant and their personal hate, while not trying to expose their white privilege and racist behavior towards me, a black man and blacks alike here in Brooklyn Park, In my original evidence, | introduced to this Honorable Panel reasonable suspicion about the complainant's true intentions. | ‘equally outlined some fickle, devious, elementary, and abnormal behavior about this white man. | surely described his ongoing obsession about me for you respectfully to undeniably consider which included and contained the following; 1. Racist and hateful conduct and behavior by this white complainant. 2. The city staff collective efforts to damage my character and their involvement. 3. The city of Brooklyn Park being under investigation of a former employee, Denise Wollenburg, suspicious, manipulated, and corrupt behavior. 4 submitted new and recent evidence of the complainant further attempts to attack another black man on his post. 5. I described his-all-out effort to seek additional information about me and posted to his web pages. 6. Police Report 7. Pointed out information about his place of residence not being in Brooklyn Park. Which clearly has no bearing on him. {want to openly express and convey to this Honorable Panel about the many years of pain, written abuse, malicious attacks, humiliation, and mental anguish that this racist, privileged thinking white man, put, me, my family, and people of color had to endure at the hands of this racist complainant and questionable city staff and elected leadership. Those undeserving and unwarranted hateful attacks against me, my family, and people of color were undeservingly. But was initiated, carryout, and followed through with just because the complainant and this city staff and network felt entitled and privileged, {1am respectfully seeking from this Honorable Panel deserving compensation for years of ‘mental anguish, humiliation, shame, and embarrassment that was purposely generated, Created, and promoted by the complainant, city staff and former, former city elected officials and currently serving. They're documented in the e lence Police Reports and other documents the complaint chose to submitted, Rather than using a handgun as his weapon of choice. This entitled and Privileged minded and thinking white man, regularly chooses to use his computer and load it with distort, slanderous, racist, hateful, and manipulating rhetoric to fulfill his plot, plan, and purpose. A plan, to deliberately, intentionally, and purposely cause harm, injure, shame, or embarrass me or another person of color with their exposed, known, and identified unethical tactics and efforts This racist white man and complainant, “DON'T LIVE” here in Brooklyn Park. | “will not” have any governances over any of his life affairs, | want to specifically outline now, the conspiring players affixed to the submitted into evidence Police Report that aided in the complainant's racist and hateful attacks against me for years that is mentioned in collective evidence submitted. They are: 1. Mike Trepainier (former City Council, According to filed testimony offered by Mason SchOmitz, he stated that Mike Trepanier had additional information about me. But never offered anything 2, Mason Schmitz (former City Council) Filed the Homeowners Police report alleging fraud. But was not able to find any wrong doings to hurt, harm, or injure the Homeowners Association and subsequently refuse to follow up further. After the state informed them that there was not wrong doing. And that the business ‘name had legal been dissolved by the state. Which legally allowed me to register the name. ‘When we built a home in this neighborhood, we did not have an active association. We as neighbors chipped in to maintain the common areas and supported events, simply by asking each neighbor to contribute to the upkeep and neighborhood beautification as we all willingly Participated. We also gathered as neighbors and performed cleanup to our common areas together as neighbors. Which I thought was very special to get to work together with our neighbors. Now, here comes an association that we now and abruptly supposed to be bound and obligated to operate. That alone was suspect and questionable to me. So, | search further about this Association and found that they were not legally registered to conduct business in the state of Minnesota after the Association owned the name to be legally dissolved by the state. E as residents didn’t have any idea of this dissolution. | did the research and | was purely, honestly, and genuinely looking out for our residents and neighborhood community, The bottom line, the Narrative from Sgt. Ericksen #1114 concluded there was “NO” wrong doings involved with the Shadowbrook Homeowners Association and opinioned that the talk about the League of MN HRC was here say. It further concluded that the claims posted and filed against me with the State of Minnesota League of Human Rights concluded that it was second-hand information. But the complainant and his collective named partners posted their ones-sided manipulated information in an attempt to bring shame, hurt, harm, injure, and embarrass me. 3. Terry Parks (currently seated East district City Council) According to testimony again filed by Schimtz, Terry Parks, had information he wanted to share further about me. But according to the report he offered nothing additional. Terry, was not a member of the State League of Human Rights. He and | served as” Human Rights Commissioners for Brooklyn Park,” He was Chair and | was Vice-chair, But he was a nd. to city staff, Denise Wollenberg and Commissioner, Evelyn Staus, who was the president of the state of Minnesota League of Human Rights. Terry, learned from Evelyn about any actions at the state, and apparently supported her claims about me being removed by the League. And they together shared that information to others and within the city. 4. Elizabeth Mcknight (former city council member) According to the filed Police Report, she offered no further testimony to the report. 5. Evelyn Staus, (then former) President - League of Minnesota Human Rights. Evelyn served as President of the league as | served as President during that period. We both collectively represented Brooklyn Park. We started off as friends as we traveled everywhere the league travel together. We had differences when | as VP of the league was responsible for the annual celebration, yet, Evelyn wanted to run it and simply took over. And the night of the event, the commissioners was giving me praise for the event. And | stood up and told them | didn’t do it. it was Evelyn’s controlling efforts to outdo me and over rule me. | wouldn't put up much resistance for the sake of our commission. Yet, she became offended as a result. But it was Evelyn, that offered information to the investigated city staff, Denise Wollenberg, to post about me being kicked off the league. &. There was an unknown Brooklyn Park Police Officer, that provided an old arrest photo of me to city staff and that someone is likely to have given it to complainant for posting, The wickedly evil complainant posted. A photo that | previously mentioned was from a dismissed case. But the photo still unfortunately remained in Brooklyn Park Police data base sthe arresting Police department. So, some city staff including within the police department offered that photo up to the racist complainant and as you already know, the Privileged minded white man, posted it. Please find the following rebuttal to include EXHIBITS as supporting evidence to the complainants submitted evidence to support my original evidence, | submitted to this Honorable Panel for review and consideration. Evidence, this wickedly evil white man manipulated. Information he knowingly, intentionally, purposely, and deliberately Posted, his one-sided unsubstantiated information on his website recklessly simply and plainly to do and Cause irreputable damage, harm, injure, sway voters, and feed his equally famished good-ole- boys-network and followers. Per the racist complainant's submitted evidence about me alleged being removed from the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission for malfeasance. With all due respect, what does this have to do with me accepting, reporting, and filing an illegal campaign contribution? It doesn’t. l openly acknowledged, that | innocently accepted and received unsolicited and dismissive corporate contribution, But my accepting the same is obviously not the only this white man’s racist intention for filing and occupying this honorable panels time. He again, just wants to further cause damage, inflict harm, injure, disrupt election, and sway voters against People of color with his ongoing liable accusations. So, he can use your decisions to further feed his obese appetite that equally feed his hate-filled followers and subscribers to his prejudice. Please find my supporting evidence that includes all legally and appropriately filed paperwork. All supporting paperwork required, completed, filed, paid, and accepted by the state of Minnesota Secretary of State office, in order for me to appropriately and legally assume the Previously registered and had been since dissolved since 1997- EXHIBIT 102 When, | researched and applied for the 'ssolved name, according to the Secretary of State the name ‘as avaliable and according to the same the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission: business, had ceased operation and appropriately dissolved by the state. This white privileged thinking and feeling entitled racist complainant deliberately posted not his Personal opinion of me. This white racist man sought out and collected information with the intentions to maliciously and publicly” defame my character” accusing me of, Participating in illegal, investigated and unfounded acts. Furthermore, this white privileged thinking and feeling entitled white man submitted some of the very supporting defaming evidence himself to this Honorable Panel. This racist and wickedly evil white man exhausted these and other inhumane defamation efforts without seeking publicly available and accurate information Prior to posting his personal injurious accusations about me, a black man. All information that would clearly and obviously support my efforts to legally file appropriate documents making it publicly accessible. f only, this hateful wickedly evil racist complainant would had just simply inquired and further researched. |!am with the firm opinion that this hateful racist white man stil knew this information existed and still chose be deceptive, manipulative, and regardless post his grossly i jurious defamatory information. But, you see, this white privileged white man, only wanted his version publicly out ‘there and not post the truth as it is/was public information. The very same available public information, I've provided and submitted here as my supporting evidence to refute, disprove, and dismiss again his defamatory manipulated and distorted evidence and public injurious accusations postings about me, a black man. 'f'could, just a bit further, shed additional light upon this brightly illuminated beacon of hateful accusations, attacks, and preplanned actions by the racist complainant combined by some city staff and elected offi s. Here’s something else | am respectfully, but directly, asking this honorable panel to consider and weigh about the wickedly evil racist complainants evidence submitted. How did this wickedly evil racist white man obtain this unknown and unpublished information without the direct involvement orchestrated efforts with city staff, elected officials, and police personnel? City employees and elected officials, who have this information readily available to them or access too. Information that they collectively conspired to use against me, a black man. In a concert effort to injure, embarrass, and shame me and my family to cause me to run like they've did in the past according to the complainants own Postings. A posting about how they and harassed ran another candidate to a point that he relocated. After reviewing al of the complainants submitted evidence, including a Brooklyn Park Police 'nvestigation had been initiated and the very report concluded that “NO” damages or harm to thls date. What wrong doings or criminal involvement has been ever found or established? NONE. To date, there is “NO” filed criminal report or any harm, injury, damage, or further efforts exhausted by me with regards to me pursuing the funds from the bank, using the homeowner's association name or that of the League of Minnesota HRC. However, I've Braciously presented my legally filed efforts documented regarding the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission. Because, it wasn’t never about me. But i bravely, and courageously in the midst of controversy and challenge, | stood-up, spoke up, and confronted those very issues unexpectedly to those perpetrating the unethical conduct and behavior. | was also, thinking as an appointed commissioner, I didn’t want to be a party too or 28 2 Person personally held liable for their inappropriate actions. | was reasonably protecting each and every commissioner and their respective represented city from any potential lawsuits or legal actions by my once again” David v Goliath” actions to protect and serve others that don’t have to look like me, be where | am from, or speak my same language, Because it’s God's way and the right thing to do. EXHIBITS 102-108 102- The state of Minnesota Secretary of State copy of the 1997 Involuntary Dissolution 103 - MIN SOS Notice of change of Registered Office/Registered Agent 11/08/07 104~ MIN SOS Notice of change of Registered Office/Registered Agent 12/17/07 105— Confirmation letter of the new address from Department of Treasury 106 ~ Minnesota Revenue of legally filed and received Tax Identification Number 107 US Postal Official mail forwarding legally filed and submitted change of address form 108 — Application for Non-Profit Exempt Status-Sales Tax All of the aforementioned Exhibits 102-108 are numbered per the order of the Judge and submitted to refute the racist white man’s direct violation of the Judge's order to number his exhibits beginning with #2. Yet, this privileged thinking white man chose to violate the Judge's order and submitted unnumbered exhibits as evidence which shouldn't be considered or allowed because of his deliberate violation of the Judges order. His evidence was (1) about me assuming the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission name and unnumbered exhibit (2) about the change of address. (3) League of MN HRC Board minutes. All this is/was information that this hateful racist white man, made public manipulated and defamed my character with his deceptive accusation about me being removed for malfeasant and illegally assuming the Leagues name and then he chose to post the same publicly. 109 Copy of letter to Riverview Conference Center seeking reservations for hosting all commissioners during a weekend retreat to learn about Human Rights. ‘This is in response to the unnumbered evidence (1) Letter from my attorney to the bank. (2) Letter from the bank both submitted as evidence by the racist privileged thinking white man. s what | had planned and would've done with the funds if they were transferred and released to ime. Again, this was never about me, But clearly, genuinely, and honestly about training our commissioners and equipping us all to perform the necessary and deserving work of the People. | reached out this facility to host all of our commissioners for a weekend retreat of Human Rights training, 140 ~ Background Investigation Report - NO criminal record or activity found This is self-explanatory. | have no criminal background. | have never been convicted of any crime. In accordance to the criminal background requested by the MIN State High School League and checked and performed by The McDowell Agency, Inc. in order for me to work with youth. Yet, the complainant received and posted an arrest photo of me for public deception. 111 Thank you Letter from City of Grand Rapids Human Rights Commission 112 — Thank you letter from Itasca County Sheriff's Department 143 Email requesting my appearance in a Red Ribbon Ceremony as a Commissioner These are letters of support and an email requesting me to be guest speaker as the Vice President that the president Evelyn Staus didn’t receive. Evelyn, was the person that volunteered, provided, and offered information to the city staff Denise Wollenberg, who was investigated and allowed to resign prior to being fired for her involvement after the investigation performed by Attorney Mary Dobbins. Evelyn makes claims that | was upset. Upset, that | didn’t win president. This is and was so far from who | am and the truth, Evelyn, just couldn’t accept the high level of support and respect other commissioners had for meas Vice President. They wanted me as VP, to be apart of their city's diversity efforts. This also shows my commitment to doing the necessary work and traveling the distance to make a difference in the lives of others that don’t have to look like me, be where lam from or speak my same language. Because it's God's way and the right thing to do for the lost and forgotten generations and generations of ordinary people. Inresponse to the unnumbered 2 page letter, | personally wrote to the league. It clearly Substantiates my feelings and thoughts at the time about the unethical behavior of Commissioners. Please read the highlighted last paragraph on the first page and all highlighted Paragraphs on page 2. Taken from (page 1) “now in closing, please understand that it’s not nor ‘has it ever been my intent to bring this sort of attention to the league and its members. But after | clearly communicated the unsavory and evil practices of the Executive Board, that involves violations of the By-Laws Robert Rules of Order, acts of discrimination and violates ‘those same Human Rights Laws we are supposed to protect and defend for all Minnesotans.” ‘The racist white privileged thinking wickedly evil complainant, knew this and had this in his racist possession. And my perspective is/was right there in the letter the racist white man submitted into evidence this hateful prejudice white racist man ha his hateful possession And chose to do evil with it. letter where, | clearly state my position yet, this racist white man, chose to ignore the same and posted his racist, deceitful, manipulated version of accusations, | have also included EXHIBIT 113, a letter from the city of Detroit, that clearly acknowledges my involvement in the city. Here again, this white man alleged he called the city of Detroit and after bis call, this prejudice racist white man publicly accused me of not ever being apart of the fabric in the city of Detroit. Yet, this letter clearly and genuinely expresses the many grateful heartfelt thanks and acknowledges the huge strides | made for over 7000 families and children, That are still being used and in place today as the date of the letter. {1am sure this Honorable Panel, can clearly see that this is just as | concluded. This was more than about an unsolicited campaign contribution that | innocently and unknowingly accepted, ‘And Mr. Akakapa unknowingly donated. A contribution that | knowingly affixed to my filed campaign finance report. Never trying or attempting to hide that I received the dismissive contribution. CONCLUSION SOUGHT: ']am respectfully asking that this Honorable Panel conclude to dismiss this frivolous and dismissive complaint filed by this wickedly evil racist white man. After I willingly paid the funds back already. And I seek that this Honorable Panel conclude the following; 1. Determine that this white man in-fact violated state liable laws about posting slanderous accusations to the internet about me to deliberately cause harm, injure, deceive people, sway and interfere with election and defame me and my family for over 10 years 2. Then, heavily fine this privileged thinking prejudice white man $10, 000.00 per year for the Past 10 or more years for his egregious conduct and uncontrollable accusations. 3. Immediately issue a Harassment Order. 4. Then equally heavily fine the city of Brooklyn Park $50,000.00 per the same years for their city staff known and deliberate scandalous conduct, behavior, and involvement revealed by this SANNA Naa NN ER enate of Minnesy to 996399 SECRETARY OF STATE Name of corporation and ‘Charter Number: Registered office address: Date: yoo8e h2es1s97 LEAGUE OF MIVWESOTA HS4AN PIGHTS cOMKE S€ cov ORIFI¥OOD RD SE ONEA URISHTON “ CERTIFICATE OF INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION ‘The Minnesota corporation listed above has failed o file the annual cegistration required by Minnesota Statute Sections 317A.821 and 317A.827. No registration ‘has been filed and therefore the corporation is dissolved pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 317A.821. The corporation ceased to exist as of the date of this certificate which is shown above. cacao eis EIA EAE RR ue MVM P-RO Cnugaygoug 25818660002 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE eg NOTICE OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE/REGISTERED AGENT ) 0s Read the instructions before completing this form, ox" 1 Entity Name: LGRBVE BR Mimnore tuarvapy, Awe Connmragsy os 2 Registered Office Address: Lis s comple ses tess or rural route and ral route box eumbe. (A post eftice bx by isis not aocepahi) [pe een Ae. ad. Mels. MN__ SSH Street "State "Zip Code Pd Box 43 0/) BAL YY) PRE, mv. eta 3. Registered Agent (Registered agents are ‘Seuired for foreign entities, but optional for Mianessine it {n.complianee with Minnesota Statutes, Section 302A 123, 303.10, 308A.025, 308B, 3174.123 or 3298 135, jeily thatthe above listed company has resolved change the entity's registered office and/or agent as listed above. "certify that | am authorized to execute this notice And I further certify that | understand that by signing this Tone {am subject to the penalties of perjury a set forth eg Minnesota Statutes Section 609.48 as if| had signed this notice under oath —__! OF MINNESOTA uthorized Person STR 0 v 08 207 4 Name & Telephone Number of a Contact Person: ae No a Bey Moecens (203) dare, eek Pee Name” please print legibly Telephone iling Fee pavable to the MN Secrotary of State Profit Minnesota Corporations, Cooperatives and Limited Liability Companies: $35.00, Minnesota Nonprofit Corporations: No $3500 fee ‘due, unless you are adding, removing or ‘hanging the agent, Non-Minnesota Corporations: $50.00, IPR WP-Reé — MINNESOTA. SECRETARY OF STATE NOTICE OF CHANGE OF of REGISTERED OFFICE/REGISTERED AGENT | Read the instructions before completing this form, An 1 Entity Name ~~ Munsee themes retes one Registered Office Address: List a complete street address or rural route and url route box number (A post office box by itself is not acceptable) (f22 Leen Ave nbs PAs. MN__Ssaut) Street City State. Zip Code 3. Registered Agent (Registoed agents are required for foreign entities, but. ‘optional for Minnesota entities) Bop MMoesent ‘you donot wish to designate an agent, you must ist NONE" inthis box, DO NOT LIST THE ENTITY NAME In compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 302A. 123, 303.10, 308.025, 308B, 317A.123 oF 3228. 135, Tee thatthe above listed company has resolved to change the entity's registered office andior agent as listed above. [ certity that | am authorized to execute this notice and I further certify that I understand that by signing this Notice {am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 609 48 ae if hed signed this notice under oath, fiorized Person STATE OF MINNESOTA Statue oe FILED Name & Telephone Number of a Contact Person 4 Byrn Moesenl (GB) 20). 2236 DEC 17 200t / Name” please prin legibly Telephone Wests Hohe ; Secretary of Site ing Fee payable to the MN Secretary of Sta Profit Minnesota Corporations, Cooperatives and Limited Liability Companies: $35.00 ‘Minnesota Nonprofit Corporations: No $35.00 fee is due, unless you are adding, removing or changing the agent. Non-Minnesota Corporations: $50.00, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY a INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE iS ATLANTA, GA 90308 \ 0 Dd aga & vestent Division wel & Minneapolis Tax Assistance Center 250 Marquette Ave S ~ Suite 275 Minneapolis, MN 55401 December 4, 2007 Teague of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions Attn: Boyd Morrison 1422 Logan Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55441-3172, Dear Mr. Morrison: Enclosed is a confirmation of the address as requested at the Minneapolis Lax assistance office on 11-16-2007. Itis a computer print out of the eerent address of record. Ifyou have any questions either call our toll fee number 0f 1-800-829-1040 or stop in at the above address, Sincerely, of tha “~ Deborah Glotzbach Individual Tax. ‘Advisory Specialist 41-0270 MINNESOTA: REVENUE November 15, 2007 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS CO 1422 LOGAN AVE N MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55411-3172 This letter confirms that your business is registered with the State of Minnesota, Department of Revenue, and fas Been assigned a Minnesota Tax ID Number. Please keep this lotter as proof of registration. Ifyou have questions about this registration, call the Registration Services number at the bottom of this page Your Minnesota Tax 1D number is: 5507936 Use this number on all returns, payments, and correspondence, Your business has been activated forthe following taxes) Effective Date Filing Cycle Nonprofit Org Franchise Tax Jul 10 2001 Annually fsales tax is listed above, this letter constitutes your permit to make taxable sales. Tf withholding tax is listed above, deposit according to your federal deposit schedule, Tf MinnesotaCare tax is listed above, deposit according to the deposit schedule in your instruction book. ¢-File Minnesota If you are registered for sales or use tax, withholding tex, or any of the MinnesotaCare taxes, you must file Your returns electronically using our e-File Minnesota filing and payment system. To file over the Internet, go fo, If you don't have Internet access, you can file by touch-tone phone. Call 1-800-570-3329. You can also use e-File Minnesota to make electronic payments for any Minnesota business tax, Filing and paying your taxes Information about your filing and paying responsibilities is available on our website (click on "Quick Start for Business Taxpayers"). If you have questions and don't have Internet access, call the tax assistance number for your tax type, Sales and use taxes: 651-296-6181 Corporation franchise tax: 651-297-7000 Withholding tax. 651-282-9999 S corporation, partnership, MinnesotaCare taxes: 651-282-5533 and estate/trust taxes 651-296-3475 Registration Services ‘Tel: 651-282-5225 Fax: 651-556-5155 Mail Station 4410 ‘TTY: 651-556-3030 or 711 Minnesota Relay St. Paul, MN 55146-4410 www taxes state ane eeu fies ea OFFICIAL USE ONLY PRINT Hema 10 naw or ick nk Your elgnture frequen Rem ZanelRote 0 No 1. Change of Adstes for: (Read Aches stuns) 2 te THis Move ve Yn ( Ino es) “Erie Fy (#6) Business ce)” rtear® Tei rid on Fo SORE eS Ty 2. Si Dat: 4 TEMPORARY mor, rit aon vweeaaran J 4 OF ™ atscontnus towaraing on O82T07) 1 Easraian Dat ge.uast Y eas wee etic ! sprrer Giana Entoraran ona ¢.s1ousiess 4 More CEA EL ES OF AtMcETt Heme Ziestrs Cont, PRINT OLD MALING ADDRESS BELOW: HOUSEULOING NUMBER AND STREET NAME (NCLUDE ST, VE, CT £10:}OR PO BOK yo : 7 - Ming 4/0 0 taeéyriw ave saan go> 7e. Fr Puro Reo On ates PR, rt etanaton name, #aerpit Sie BOO go Be s Te nape Me we BE £0281 WSs sere San MOM Teg 22 PRINT NEW MAILING ADDRESS BELOW: HOUSE/BUILDING NUMBER AND STREET NAME (NCLUDE ST, AVE. CT, ETC) OR PO GOX 2. NEw Me / E22 LoOeanw eve ee For Puorto Roo Oniy: adds i in PR. orn urbanization name, a serge £0, Fr But loo On: Rt ubanzten nan acta Bat = Ad. BAM a 2 bs state ei) 9. Prd Son Nae conten 8). ‘Frew. Use ony inal 20a: 77 ee ao > sun mom (6 TOT reromsatS om to change your address online or call 4-800-ASK-USPS (1-900.775777) 08907 wr Y wn eo S MiUNNESOTA- REVENUE sT46 Aoplication for Nonprofit Exempt Status—Sales Tax ‘ead Instructions on beck before completing this form, Print or type 1 4 I Princ atficors. Ee Cente L Minwesert me, & 7s Cduusyiaws Tiectoates “ = : 1422 664 AE. WS. Firs Say - 1A 1 Ine AQUAS Aunrrinn — SeAdyh 768 20i-225) a Bae Te aa Parontieacher or prentteocherstudent association (PTA, PSA, PTO, ete.) eeu oop, Seow pac, 4% chi or Camp Fre organization. Enter your ey ee C Nonproft priate school, eolege or university 1 Hospitat federal, county, ety or nanproit) Youth organization (YMCA, YA, out athletic club, ete.) O Senior ctzen group other. List the organizations usual pubic acvites. See instustiine for requitements, COGS am epoteren Freclisce Penyesex + Mame cenhorinces = Rit ee Comers reg iy Son eancrmced (gS EL Ocenene, Ges Do Gores CiNo fie conatios to your organization Seduetbe fr Minnesota and federal income tax Purposes? Fane elt oretzation make ongoing ea sales of taxable hems? See inctuctona ‘you alteady have 9 Minnesota tax ID number, enter the number here SS e7: ist names of principal officers and the offee held by each, ey Morse = Presper (Cea im = - _ sates of ry knowledge and bell, that accompanying documents are tue (0 sign this appicstion. Roca Tuesday, October 30, 2007 ‘Boyd Morson League of MN Human Rights Commissions 10626 Brunswick Court North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443, Dear Boyd: Bie ate very excited to share Riverwood Inn's beauty with our guests. We Invite you and your ‘meeting guests to ‘xPerfence our unique and delightful year-round setting, nestled on the Buffs above the Missisipol Rrvoe Te ossibiltes are endless. Following a productive day of meetings, you can enjoy gol at any ofthe nine nearby golf great hetero the Mississippi River or relax around a bonfire with Simores. We look forward to provicing you wth great hospitality and service. Along with excellent service, we offer the following amenities: {60 guest rooms and suites Indoor poo! and whirlpoo! Fitness center ‘Walking Trails Complimentary use of bicycles Canoes, paddles and lifejackets for river trips Horseshoes, bocce ball, croquet Private bonfires with S'mores Complimentary Parking Beautiful gardens and grounds ~ perfect for picnics and socializing Great local shopping, just three miles away, at the Premium Outlets of Albertville You willbe pleased with the hospitality and professional service that Riverwood inn offers, along with the ‘change from the {typical conference center environment. We look forward to working with you, MINNESOTA'S PREMIER RESORT LOCATION IN THE TWIN CITIES... sincerely, Erika Bian Erika Bitzan Sales Manager Meeting Contract DATE: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 riverwood To: ‘League of MN Human Rights Commissions FROM: Erika Bitzan ADDRESS: 10626 Brunswick Conrt Noth TITLE: Sales Brooklyn Park, MN 55443, PHONE: 763-141-6853 CONTACT: Boyd Morson FAX: 763.746.9920 TIME Commissioner EMAIL: ebtzan@riverwoodion com PHONE: (763)355-0865 EMAIL: MEETING TILE: ‘League of HN Hinman Rights Commissions ‘MEETING DATES November 16,2007 - November 18,2007 ROOM COMMITMENT: DAILY RATES QUOTED PER PERSON PER DAY DAILY RATE 7 EXTENDED ] ROOM TYPE PERPERSON | Fer | sar | sun | “Torat Dinner Only | $30.00 Ss a Evening Mosting Package with diner (SMP). [ $45.00 2 = =| sa33000 ‘Day Mesting Package with breakfast, lunch & diner (DMP | $600 = 30 |= 85 too.00 ‘Half Day Meeting Package wit beast (HDMPY [$20.00 = = 30] Si,o00 00 Guest Room Rate | $79.00 perroom | 33 | 38 “sp } “3 ‘Total Guest Rooms | 23 [35 | “a. Total Guests | ~50| —~50—| —30 —] CHECK INCHECKOUT. ccnantommodate sour grou with maxiuum effceney, we respcflly request a 300 pu checkin ana 1:00 am ‘hock-out. pekout umes, "MIAN, We ar blo prove sage space fr lgango of gues who oie euly ced Reset a PACKAGE INFORMATION: ‘The Day Mecting Package (DMP) includes: Breakfast, Lunch andor Dinner (inclided meals are listed in packages above) Private beverage service with morning and afterioon snacks, ‘Distraction free conference room set according to your specifications Assistance with faxing, messages, copies and typing. All service charges included. soars tio-ialcoupment ince one cach ofthe flowing: phar with markers, overhead projector, sereen, whiteboard, handheld ‘microphone, podium, TV and VCR, Wireless High-speed Intemet Acsess All Packages are Inclusive 1896 Service Charge MN State tax not included PeRPSAM AGENDA: END TIME [FONCTION ‘sero WPL PACKAGE, Fe 06:00PM] Dinner Existing — 50_— [esr Fe 100PM | Gvening Sion TBD, 30 [esp Sar ‘OROOAM——T Brest Easing a Set 05:00PM ——T General Sesion Rounds 6 ‘30. pwr Sat ‘1:00PM ——[ tan Esting 30 DMP Sa ‘06:00PM Social Exiting 30 [Ab eaie 3a ‘8-000 {Dinner Ting ‘30 our ‘Sum ‘08:00AM Prescot Existing — 30 [aps Su 12:00PM — | General Season TBD. 30__[ upp In order to ensure optimal experience of your guests, please do nct generate printed materials ancl Shr conference room names witout writen confirmation fom Riverwood in. Chanesin wom size or sere of ‘assigned will cur only in cases of significant inoreases or deereases in your attendees FOOD AND BEVERAGE REQUIREMENTS: No ouside food or beverage allowed in any mectng rooms, banquet rooms or publica ot Riverood Inn and Conference Center, this includes bonfire ings, ee ponerse CHANGES: Any changes, revisions editions andor delions made on this contact nus be mutvaly agreed upon by but patie and contin in Fries ach person signing this agreement on behalf of customer represents tat hose has fl suo to ind customer and ages that hea vn ‘be jointly ible with customer or all amounts owing thet unde. ue : For these reasons, we agree tht inthe event of cancellation and reduction, the following charges, which represent a reasonable effort on bebalf of Riverwood Inn to establish its lss prospectively, shall be due as liquidated damages. If wren notice of taal cancellation ot ony reduc feaaey oom nights or total gust nights is received within the time fame listed below, te liquidated damages will be as follows Hf wtten noice reeived i advance: ‘Cancaliion change per gue, per day 1 Sigamure of oot to 31 days pret artval oe 2596 of itl estimated revenue "3000 days ero sal ete Tons of ttl exited revenue Il accounts are due and payable 5 business days prior to your event. Any remaining balance or additional charged will be billed to ing your event and are due fourteen (14) days from the biling date. All accounts fourteen (14) days overdue will be subject to 15% ca Tae per month or 18% annum, In the event of deft of payment, the clint is responsble ir the recovery of clleton atfomey fees sod Ms fundeble deposit of $2,850.00 (25% of estimated charges) is due on Tuesday, November 13, 2007. A signed contract, event policy ged event orders are required fourteen (14) days porto the fnction and the remaining deposit is du five (3) days prior tothe fescvon in order for service to occur. Faiture to forwand these documents may imit he degres to which credit wil be extended but does ot alneing cae party trom their contractual obligations as outlined inthis contact, GREDIT CARD: (required) CARD NUMBER: EXP: NAME ON CARD: PEREORMANCE: Is mutually agreed and understood thatthe perfrmance by either party is subject to acts of God, temoriam, war, goverment ‘lation, disaster, strike, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation faites, and physical alteration of tclites fr the event. Any one exsnote of the above reasons may constitute grounds for termination of any Agreements by written notice to the other party. SONDUCT: Clien/License stall conduet the even in an orderly manner, infill compliance with applisabe laws and replaion end the Fasiy’s areas Clien/Licenseongoes to be responsible fr any damage done othe premises during te prod of time tat te premises ae getpaed oe ‘entitled to be occupied by the Cie/License, ‘Minnesota tte Law snes: persons, under the age of twenty-one are not perted to puchaseor consume alcoholic beverages, Persons who appro ‘eintoxiited will nt be permitted to purchase or consume aleshlic beverages. Riverwood Inn & Conférence Center reserves the right orefse vie oanyone at anytime. PROTECTION: The Clien/Licensoe Agres to protect, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Riverwood Tan & Conference Center and their respective Seevees ae agents aginst al bites, judgments, expenses, clans, lose o mages sustained or ince incomnecton with en cai, security requirements, Riverwood Inn & Conference Center will make such determinations on an event-by-ovent basis. ‘Food safety and licensing regulations prevent the removal of fod irom the premises once it has been prepared und serves. irsrwood Im & Conference Center dos not assume responsibility forthe damage to or lost of ey merchandise, equipment or personal belongings lft inthe facility prior Co, during or following the event. this Contract outlined confirms your understanding, please sign and retum to us by Tuesday, November 13, 2007 by fix to 763-441-3186 in onder to guarantee the space requested. jalan reviewed the Meeting Contract i detail and iti in accordance with my requirements. This agreement will constitute a tentative booking ‘enveen Riverwood inn and League of MIN Human Rights Cnmmissions wnt signed, whereupon it wil become a definite confrmed agrocmont ACCEPTED AND AGREED: 8 Riverwood Inn & Conference Center League of MN Human Rights Commissior SIGNATURE SIGNATORE Erika Bitean PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Sales Manager THLE TITLE DATE DATE ® riverwood Event Day and Date: November 16,2007 - November 18,2007 Comact SniNees ‘Name of Event: ‘eagoe of MN Haman Rights Commisionr Phone: “Gasser ee cmon it DEPOSIT POLICY ‘Signed contact event policy an event orders along with 100% dopo arenes i dr fos carvice to occur iste eleishent privileges a credit cad authorization form must be on file ia our ofc pir to your event, 1 bling wil be processed to the ered card on Slo unless authorized or payment isnt received within fourteen dye af eames ‘Allcock i bod and beverage ae be made payable fo Riverwood Inn & Conference Center, ‘The ove deposit paliy may not be moiied with he wren const of neectve officer of Riverwood Inn & Confrence Cee. GUARANTEES ‘Piss be sre that yoursgnd Catering Evart Onder sr rcsve by he Catering Oice oun (14) days pir othe even et Boel ch or et ay eth a oie guns hs f ste The sexe rp of he fal ‘guanated aumber ven it fewer guest actualy ated oe fanaon ereeesary tat the aaron amber of guests b cnfomed by 12:00 noon, fv (8) working days prior fo your eve For example, an event ehadul on @ Monday Pcs one a ing Mendy, Rion an & Colece Cet illo mo er tas poses tn lcs settings er 5% over the peraneed atendance ths maximo 5, annree en mer sample, ptr and ec equlpmen tthe cstmer or hs get ar placed on the prresatheowne' rk. Matera son et ‘be deivered more than 2 days prior to your group's arivl. Cusfomer hat read ts agreement tilly understeer ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘Merle sateen spurt ofyourConrs.Afereing plese ackowede terete sping anda bow an al previo pegs gre tothe wtemees as dere inthis pticy ACCEPTED AND AGREED; 4. = League of MN Human Rights Commissions Riverwood Inn & Conference Center ‘SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Erika Bitean PRINT NAME PRINT NAME DATE DATE -®- riverwood inn and conference center we Buurtuouse RIB Kid Fea Courrvano Square TPH) 7 = a Since wit | sa | ves oma) =" (ea tess | | a Decne aU) TIMOTHY'S RESTAURANT. tp aking Lot Ask about our Getaway packages! Welcome to Riverwood Riverwood is Minnesota's Premiere Twin Cite Resort location for Wedding Ceremonies and Receptions, Rehearsal Dinners, Gift Openings and much more. Our beautiful grounds and newly renovated facility (2004) are the perfect setting! AL Riverwood the possibilities are endless Tor our staft in helping you create your dream wedding. Riverwood is truly the destination for couples seeking @ unique and memorable wedding experience. Enjoy these great amenities and services at Riverwood: Facility: ‘Swimming Pool and Whirlpool * Full Service Catering Services + Bonfires and S'mores * Carriage and Sleigh Rides Juest Rooms: Bridal Suites Jacuzzi Suites * Two Room Suites * Special Room Rates available for weddings Weddings: * Ceremonies © Receptions ‘© Rehearsal Dinners + Gift Openings * All Inclusive Packages Available For additional information please contacts fosetupa Natalie Schutte Wedding & Event Coordinator 10990 95" Street Otsego, MN 55362 Direct: (763) 746-9988 / Fax: (763) 746.9930 mail: nschutte@iverw aod ; Wl \\o Tet: (651) 644-3880 The McDowell Agency, Inc. 1714 University Avenue West St. Paul, MIN. 58104 Fax: (651) 644-877 CONFIDENTIAL Printed: 11/19/10 Background Verification Report Completed: 11/19/10 Prepared For: MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE Requested By: OFFICIAL | Attention: KEVIN MERKLE Subject: MORSON, BOYD 8S Ht KXX-XX-6844 Address: 10701 PERRY DIRVEN. DoB: 10/10/62 BROOKLYN PARK, MN 55443 Reference: 72908 CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK HENNEPIN, My Search Type Felony and Misdemeanor, Unlimited Court Searched: Applicable Jurisdiction No Records Found STATEWIDE, MN Search Type Felony and Misdeneanor, Unlimited Court Searched: Applicable Jurisdiction No Records Found SOCIAL TRACE 1B ORSON. RPID: 03/1991 To 11/2010 BOYD JEROME MORSON SR RPID: 07/2007 To 10/2010 BOYD JEROME MORSON SR | RPID: 07/2007 70 02/2009 SS: 38068xxxx COUNTY: WAYNE 88: 38068xxxx COUNTY: HENNEPIN 88: 38068xxxx COUNTY: WAYNE Subject: MORSON, BOYD The McDowell Agency, inc. Client? _ MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE Page 2 BOYD J MARSON $8: 38068xxxx rs COUNTY: SAN FRANCISCO Se BOYD JEROME MORSON $8: 38068xxxx “USS ENCE a COUNTY: ORANGE RPID: 08/1985 S8# TS VALID, ISSUED IN MICHIGAN, BETWEEN 01/1973 AND 12/1973 w0# END OF THE MCDOWELL AGENCY, INC, SOCIAL TRACE REPORT *** NATIONAL SEX OFFENDER DATABASE. ) 11/18¢13:39 - No RECORD USA CRIMINAL INDEX Search on Name MORSON, BOYD: No Record Found DISCLAIMER For the purpose of criminal record background checks, the tera "Statewide" refers to a check at the Minnesota BCA for all conviction records on file for the applicent in question, It is not a county-by-county search for criminal records, rather a search for conviction information on file at the Minnesota BCA for the applicant in question. ‘The term "Unlimited” refers to s criminal background check in the juriediction requested for a variable period. The Minnesota BCA and counties in All states maintain different requirements for archiving and reporting criminal istory information. "Unlimited" means that records are searched as far back in time as the respective entity will allow on their access terminals The information in this report is secured and processed by fallible sources (human and otherwise) and that for the fee charged, The McDowell Agency, Inc. cannot be either an insurer or guarantor of the accuracy of the information reported; although we have searched available records in the areas where the applicant hea been known to reside, it is possible that there are other areas the applicant has resided that we are not aare of, or the applicant could have a criminal record in an area they did not reside, and therefore was not researched by ts. This ig not a guarantee the applicant dees not have a criminal record, only & due diligence attempt to find any records in places they would 10ST LIKEDY be found. *This i wnation may include records that have been expunged, sealed, oF 420 North Pokegama Avenue Grand Rapids, Minnesota 55744-2662 Mr. Boyd Morson Oct. 1, 2007 10626 Brunswick Ct. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 Dear Boyd, We cannot thank you enough for taking most of a week of your valuable time to come to Grand Rapids to participate in our first human rights training for local law enforcement personnel from the city police department and the staff of the sheriff's office, We are very grateful for your interest in human rights and your willingness to devote so much of your time to the training of people here in northern Minnesota, What you do makes a difference and for that, we thank you. Everyone involved in our workshop here in Grand Rapids said the same things: {hey leaned some new information from Gary Gorman from the state department, they liked the community members who provided information about the groups they represented and they really connected with the law ‘enforcement panel. In our ‘evaluations, your Panel received the highest marks for presentation and information. [ appreciate your Take about the importance of working with youth and the value of community policing. Tbelieve these and other ideas will make a difference in our local law enforcement departments and that with better training we will move our community forward in a Positive way, helping us prepare for change and greater diversity. ‘You have helped our community in an important way and we thank you again for both your time and wisdom. If there are any reimbursements we need to make for your visit please send them to me and 1 will see that our human rights commission takes care of them, We are sincerely grateful to you, Boyd, for your work in advancing human rights in Minnesota. Cordially, Barb Sanderson Chair, Human Rights Commission An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer a Print aye tus From: Bugs Haskin ( pl To: i Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:5231 AM er ‘Subject: red ribbon week at nay ah shing school nice email address...this is bugs haskin, we spoke at the human rights convention in mille lacs. hope you are doing well. next week is red ribbon week. we have a lot of fun things planned for our students. i have attached ‘some of our flyers for you to look at. this friday we are taking 42 students to the soudan underground mines, ‘those are kids that have met requirement of being in ISS 5 or less times this quarter, then on the 28th we will be taking 16 of those 42 students, they have never been in ISS, to the haunted ship and IMAX in duluth......fewarding good behaviors... is probably too late for you to fit us into your schedule, which is \rdertancake bat you sou sougaca one ay ah on menay mrrings wo ha we have what we call circle, counselor red flbbon week bie to into yOUr schedule | can try to arrange a room for you atthe casino on sunday night. then on monday {could schedule a luncheon where you can meet with our police chief and his officers to ‘encourage them to stay involved with our youth. that aftemoon at 3 some of the officers will be playing against ‘our volleyball girls and you could also play...this is dependant on your schedule. | hope to hear from you...take care 10/16/2007 ITAsca County SHeriFr’s Dept, PAT MEDURE, SHERIFF \ October 1, 2007 of P Boyd Morson Vice President of League of MN Human Rights Commission 10701 Perry Drive North Brooklyn Park MN 55443 RE: Human Rights Training Dear Boye: Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be on the panel and share your stories, ideas, concems, and knowledge about human rights with our Department last week. appreciate a proactive stance on matters and having you share your experiences in this, field was a true asset, Again, thank you for all of your efforts in the human rights arena, It was and is very Sincerely, ‘much appreciated. Noy Advi Ay udu 7 Pat Medure x Itasca County Sheriff =>) PMinvh Deron, Mictans 48211 Prana: 313285265009 TTY: 317 January 7, 2011 Boyd Morson 10701 Perry Drive North Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 ‘Dear Mr. Morson: Harpy New YEAR! It was good hearitig from you. | hope that you and your family had a joyous holiday season. We are still being supported by some of the policies and the good work provided by you here in the City of Detroit’s Head Start Program. Looking through our files, your involvement dates back to 1990. Iam sure that your children have grovm up to be stellar citizens within the community where they reside. Parental and community involvement are keys to strong families and safe neighborhoods. According to information that we have been able to retrieve, you held a number of positions and gave invaluable time and effort to the over 7,000 children and their families. Just 10 name a few offices that where held by you during your tenure here: Chairperson — on the Center, Delegate and City level Parliamentarian — Delegate and City level Budget Chair ~ City level ‘Community Representative — Delegate and City level Mr. Morson your involvement on the local, state and national level of the program has in some form changed the way we do our work. I wish you success in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Virginia B. Saleem Director of Child Development Division VBS/ttt xe: Shenetta L. Coleman, M.A. Coraleen J. Rawls Sandra P. Bums / Angela Peavy Anthony Williams, Policy Council Chairperson HAUSERS\TEAMERR\PC\HS VOLUNTEER.B MORSON..01.07.11,.DOCX

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