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University Laboratory School


SY: 2017 - 2018

The following are the policies regarding admission into USM-ULS.
No student shall be denied admission into the USMULS by reason of age, sex, nationality,
religious belief, ethnicity, or political affiliation. No transferees, however, shall be accepted
on all levels.
Applicants seeking admission must take and pass the entrance examination given by the
Guidance Office.
Admission to USMULS is granted to qualified applicants with definite understanding that the
student and his parents/guardian agree to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the
Graduates of accredited elementary schools may be admitted as
freshmen in the USM University Laboratory School based on the performance
in the ULS Admission Test; In case of tie at the bottom list, an interview will be
conducted to determine the final list of TOP 135.
An average of 80% and above in the Latest Grading Period is a
requirement for taking the ULS Admission Test (ULSAT). Eligible to take the
test are students who have not taken the entrance examination previously and
have not taken or are taking any subjects in any accredited high school.
The applicant must be present during application.
1. Photocopy of Student’s Report Card (F138-A) with an average of 80% and
2. Examination Fee
3. 2 copies of “2x2” identical and recently taken photograph.


Freshmen and Continuing Students:
1. Guidance Office - Bring Admission Slip and Fill up enrolment form.
2. Registrar’s Office - Payment of PTA, SBO and other School Fees
3. Cashier’s Office - Payment of Tuition Fee and other School Fees
4. Registrar’s Office - Final Screening
The scholastic performance of a student is indicated by the marks he receives
in each subject. A student’s grade is computed at the end of each grading.
The ULS uses the averaging system. Thus, the distribution scheme is:
Class Standing - 70%
Periodical Examination - 30%
Total - 100%
The class standing, which is variedly apportioned in the different subject areas,
includes quizzes, recitation, homework, projects, term papers, and other
requirements of similar nature.
The School Year is divided into FOUR grading periods. The numerical grades
of the FOUR grading periods are added and divided by FOUR since the school
employs the average system in getting the Final Grade.
The passing mark in any given subject is 75%.
The Ceiling and Cellar grades that will appear on the Report Card will be 95%
and 60%, respectively.
Percentage Equivalent Computation

total raw score

%Equivaent= x 35+ 60
total number of items


Students who excel in the academics are formally recognized through the
Grading Period, ULS Recognition and Moving-Up Ceremony and ULS
Completion Rites.
2.2.1 Academic Recognition by Grading Period
At the end of each grading period, students may qualify for Academic
Honors (AH).

1. First Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average grade

of 90% to 95% and a grade of 80 and above in each subject.
2. Second Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average
grade of 88% to 89.99% and a grade of 80 and above in each subject.

3. Third Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average grade

of 86% to 87.99% and a grade of 80 and above in each subject.

2.2.2. Academic Recognition by School Year

At the end of the School Year, students who excelled well by attaining an
average grade of 86 and above may qualify for Academic Honors (AH),
provided that they do not have a final average grade lower than 85 in any

2.2.3. Completion Honors

In determining the Top Awardees for Completion: First Honor, Second
Honor, Third Honor, Fourth Honor and Fifth Honor, the following general
criteria are used:

80% Academic Standing

This refers to the average final Academic Grade (AG) of the
student for the School Year.

20% Extra/Co-curricular Involvement

This includes all activities participated in by the student for the
School Year.

2.2.4. Special Recognition

Students who have represented and/or won in competitions at the
district, division, regional, national or international levels will be
recognized. These awardees have demonstrated their exemplary
performance in academics, athletics, and the arts, and/or represented
the school in recognized activities.

In addition to the above awards, the school may give due recognition to
students who have brought honor to the school. The actual certificates,
medals, trophies and/or plaques received by the students from various
activities or competitions shall be used to publicly affirm and
acknowledge the contribution of the awardees in giving honor to the
school. This will be done during a flag ceremony or in a school-awarding

2.2.5. Academic and Meritorious Awards

Medals are awarded to DESERVING Grade 10 completers and
Certificates for Grade 7 to 9 students who excel in a particular subject
including Sports, Art, Music, Scouting or other areas which the school
deems important. Awards must have specific rubrics prepared or
adopted by the Awards Committee (AC) based on the given
qualifications and indicators.


Cases of protest shall be filed by the candidate with his/her parent or guardian
to the School Principal within three (3) working days from the announcement
and shall be decided by the School Principal, considering the recommendations
of the AC within three (3) working days from filing.

Tests are given to diagnose difficulties, to check progress and to measure
achievements. At the end of each grading period, a periodical examination in all
subject areas is administered to assess the performance status of each student.
Examination schedule is given to the student at least one (1) week before the
actual dates. It is also reflected on the school calendar posted on the school
bulletin boards.
All school activities are suspended one (1) week before the periodical
examination so that the students can concentrate on their preparation for the
For any kind of irregularity in examinations, tests, quizzes and the like, a
student will be given a failing mark.
A student caught cheating during tests, quizzes and the like will be given 60%
for that particular examination.
Violation of examination procedures like talking, possession of textbook/s or
note, etc. will merit the appropriate sanctions.
During Periodical examination, the student must follow these rules:
1. Observe silence at all times.

2. Take the seat assigned to you and do not transfer unless given permission.

3. Keep your armchair free of any instructional materials unless required. Make
sure your desks are free of any writing that appears to be a “codigo”.

4. Always listen to the instructions of your proctor.

5. Raise your hand quietly if you want to call the attention of your proctor for
some questions or problems.

6. Refrain from borrowing any materials – calculators, eraser, pencil, etc.

during the examinations.
7. Review your answers and remain quiet if you are through.

8. Pass your papers quietly at the instruction of your proctor as soon as the
examination time is over and do not stand up in doing so.

9. No special examinations are given to students who fail to take the Periodical
Examination as scheduled unless with valid reason/s.


The report card is an official document of the school which shows the student’s
performance per grading period.
Parents are requested to get the cards themselves and sign in the Report Card
Log Sheet. Sign and return the report card within three working days after
receipt. A fine of fifty (50) pesos shall be imposed on the day after the deadline
of returning of the report card and a ten peso additional per day on the
succeeding days. They may also clarify the status of their child with their
respective teachers on an appointment basis.
School authorities will not be held responsible for future complaints of parents
who fail to attend to such important matter.
Tampering of the Report Card is a serious offense. Likewise, forging the
parent’s or guardian’s signature is also considered a serious offense.


1. Classes are suspended in All levels when Typhoon Signal No. 3 is hoisted.

2. Classes are suspended when declared by DepEd or CHED through social

media, radio or TV and LGU.

3. When classes are suspended during Examination Days, the test due on the
suspended day will be rescheduled on the day they return to school.


1. A student who wishes to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular

activities must maintain a high academic standing and practice academic

2. A student who incur a grade below eighty (80) in any subject in grading
period of the curriculum year may be suspended from activities for the
subsequent quarter. However, once their grades in the affected subject have
improved, they can rejoin the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

3. All members are required to be present at meetings called by the activity

moderator or adviser. But no activity excuses a student from reporting to a
subject teacher, unless the Principal approves the excuse.

4. Students who receive the privilege of representing the school in any activity
assume the obligation of living up to the expectations of the school and may
be given help by the subject teacher as he returns to class if necessary.


1. Outings and educational trips are encouraged for their educational value,
but they will be made at the expense of the students concerned. All groups
will be accompanied by some faculty members.

2. Overnight trips by any school groups are discouraged except for Scout
Camping and CAT Quartering.

3. These activities when conducted by a class or school group in the name of

the school, must be approved by the principal at least two weeks before they
take place. Permission should be requested in writing, giving full details as
to place, date, parental consent, etc.

4. The principal may withdraw the permission when it is conflict with other
important activities. No outings are to take place during the review and
examination weeks of each grading period.

5. The school is not deemed liable for any untoward incident that may occur
beyond the teacher’s control.


At the end of the school year, a year-end deliberation is held by the committee
to discuss the status of every student whether the students are failed or passed
and promoted.


Golden Grain and Gintong Butil are the official student newspaper of the
USMULS. Its editorial board (Editor-in-chief, managing editor and three Senior
Staff Writers), a Photographer, an Artist, senior and Junior Staffers passed the
Examinations, interview should be given and they should have met the
minimum grade requirements set by the Screening Committee of the school.
Golden Ray is the official yearbook of the ULS. Its staff is composed of
students who passed the requirements set by the Yearbook Moderators.
Central Student Government (CSG) ULS Koro Cantata
MATHRYCS University New Groove (UNG)
ULS Science Interactive Society ULS Square Knot Circle
ULS Girl Scouts ULS Click Club
ULS-CAT ULS Athletic League
Gintong Butil ULS Grain
Filipino Club English Club
TLE Social Studies

All students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually.
1. When the student is unable to attend class, due to any reason, he must present
an excuse letter written by his parents/guardians.

2. A student is responsible for all matters taken up in class during his absence.

3. A student is not allowed to leave the school premises during class hours. In
case of emergency, a written note or letter from the parents/guardian is needed
before they are given permission from the ULS, SDC, Chairman or any member
of the committee.

4. A student who is absent from class two consecutive weeks or for ten
consecutive school days without duly notifying the school authorities shall be
dropped from the roll.

5. Only a very serious reason will excuse the students from attending classes. A
limited number of situations and circumstances are considered lawful reasons
for a student’s absence from school, such as

a. Death in the immediate family;

b. Serious illness (with medical certificate);
Absence due to illness may be excused if the student submits a medical
certificate issued by the Medical Officer or any other physician and in case of
non-confinement the parent/ guardian will present an excuse letter sign by
his/her parent.

c. Activity sanctioned by the school (tournament, contest, seminars, and the

like; or
d. Vis major (unexpected and disruptive event, inevitable and unavoidable) or
“act of God” eg. Natural calamity, flood, fire, accident, and the like.

6. A student is considered late or tardy if he arrives in class 15 minutes after the

scheduled class time.He/ she must render a school service of at least 20
minutes and must secure an admission slip from the SDC before attending
his/her class.

7. Any student who is absent during the flag ceremony shall secure from the SDC
an admission slip, which he will present to the subject teacher concerned.
Three times absent in the flag ceremony per quarter will have three (3) points
reduction in ESP periodical grade. In case of five (5)offenses conference with
parents/ guardian is needed.

8. Three incidences of tardiness shall be considered as one absence from class,

and 5 - 8 times tardy per quarter will have a reduction of three (3) points in ESP
periodical grade.

9. On EXCUSED ABSENCES, any or all of the following can be done by the

subject teacher:

a. Give all the missed assessments;

b. Deduct the missed points from the total number of points;
c. Provide alternative assessments;
d. Give an alternative performance task; and/or
e. Accept late product performance.
f. Give option highest score or make-up
The subject teacher will administer periodical examination.
The student should approach his/her teacher to ask for/inquire about the
missed assessments within three school days after reporting back to school;
otherwise, he/she forfeits the considerations to be extended to him/her.
Every student should wear the uniform prescribed by the school at all times.
White polo.
Plain white undershirt without printing of any sort.
Black straight pants or slacks of any materials except denims or
Black shoes and black socks.
White blouse with baby collar and with a two-inch band at the hips.
Ribbon of the same materials as the skirt.
Black shoes and white socks.
Refrain from sporting faddish haircut inappropriate for school. Boys must have a
clean manly haircut with a measurement of 2x3. Girls must keep their hair
properly combed and pinned.


Every student shall wear his school identification card (ID) in entering and while
inside the campus.
ID/ Library card is presented in entering the library.


1. Students who are in their classroom before 7:00 should engage themselves
in silent study.

2. Each student should attend classes with the necessary materials needed in
his class work.

3. A student keeps his school and classroom clean at all times.

4. A student observes proper behavior at all times. He observes silence in the

line formation and while passing the corridors.
5. If the teacher is late, the students should wait quietly. When the teacher
comes in, they should stand to greet him. But if the teacher is late for 15
minutes, the Principal’s Office should be notified.

6. Students should not interrupt classes in session. They may however, make
announcements when the Principal gives them permission to do so.

7. During class or study period, students should refrain from eating, combing
hair and having private conversations with his classmates.
8. ULS students are prohibited to using cell phones during classes. Otherwise,
it will be confiscated.

9. Students should vacate their classrooms right after their last period and see
to it that they did not leave any personal belonging inside their classroom.

10. Curfew time in campus is 6:00 pm. Students who find it necessary to stay in
campus beyond this hour should secure permit from the Principal’s Office,
and should have a written consent from their parents that they will be late
going home for that particular day.


1. While waiting for the assembly convocation to begin, students may speak in
a low tone of voice to those near them. But they should refrain from
shouting, leaving their places unnecessarily, and making conspicuous

2. When the person of highest rank enters, they should stand to give respect
and necessary greetings.

3. They should accord the lecturer or speaker due respect or courtesy. The
best way to do this is to listen to him attentively. Students must not chat nor
do their homework during convocations and assemblies.

4. Students should applaud properly. They should not accompany their

applause with “yeah” or “more” or any other remark.
5. Boisterous laughter, whistling, hissing, stamping of feet, side comments are
out of place.

6. When the assembly is over, the students should stand when the guest/s and
the faculty leave the assembly hall.


The school considers certain acts as serious offenses subject to official
1. Truancy

2. Leaving the campus/classroom without permission during school hours.

3. Cutting classes
4. Gallivanting

5. Leaving the residence in school gear but not reporting to class.

6. Vandalism - Writing on walls, tables, chairs, etc.

7. Spoiling or destroying school property.

8. Destroying notices of the school/bulletin boards, displays.

9. Littering on campus

10. Forgery

11. Tampering with, falsifying or causing the falsification or letters/signatures in

the Report Cards and of any official documents like registration cards, ID,
Certifications and other documents of similar nature or purpose.

12. Insubordination to School Authorities

13. Provoking incidents harmful to the good name of the school.

14. Propagating false orders.

15. Acts of defiance against teachers and school authorities.

16. Dishonesty, such as cheating during any examination, quiz or test and
plagiarism in connection with any academic work.

17. Direct or indirect involvement in examination leakage.

18. Copying from another’s examination papers or allowing another to copy from
one’s examination paper.

19. Having somebody else take the examination for him (in which case both
shall be liable hereunder)

20. Passing one’s own work any assigned report, term paper, case analysis,
reaction paper and the like copies from another.

21. Connivance with other students to changing the answer into correct ones
while checking the paper.

22. Verbal Abuse

23. Insulting others.

24. Calling others derogatory names.

25. Swearing (use of absence or propaganda language)

26. Carrying or any deadly weapons, such as firearms, explosives, icepicks,

knives and the like within the University premises.

27. Possession or use of prohibited drug.

28. Brawls on campus or at off-campus school functions.

29. Theft or damage to property of the University or of an individual person.

30. Gambling, betting, playing cards even for fun, or similar engagement in any
game of chance within the school premises.

31. Smoking, drunkenness or being on school in a state of intoxication.

32. Deliberate disruption of an academic function or school activity which tend to

put any member of the faculty, administration or non-teaching staff in ridicule
or contempt.

33. Hazing in all organizations.

34. Bribery/extortion.

35. Scandalous display of affection and;

Such as other acts unbecoming of a high school student as may hereinafter be

determined by the University authorities.


1. The students must be informed in writing of the nature of any accusations

against them within five (5) days from the receipt of information/complaint,
and they shall have the right to answer the charges against them through
writing within five (5) days from his/her receipt thereof.

2. All offenses shall be reported to the parents or guardians of the offender

through the ULS Student Disciplinary Committee (ULS-SDC).
3. Based on the information/complaint filed with ULS-SDC, shall conduct an
initial investigation. If in the initial meeting, the student accepts the
committed offense and agrees to accept the sanctions, then the case is

4. If the student does not want to accept the committed offense and does not
accept the sanctions, the case will be subject for a hearing. Prior to the
hearing, the student will be asked to submit any information or evidence for
the hearing body to review and decide the case.

5. The ULS-SDC shall convene within ten days from the receipt of a request
for a hearing and parties shall be notified of the schedule of the hearing.

6. After the hearing, the decision is issued by the ULS-SDC. The resolution of
the case by the SDC is reached by a simple majority of 50% +1 for its
implementation and execution. The sanctions imposed upon the student are
intended to help the student reflect on his/her actions, to learn how to act in
ways that are congruent with community’s expectations, to repair any harm
caused, and sometimes to remove the student from campus if warranted.

7. Appropriate disciplinary sanctions for non-observance of the ULS School

Policies shall be provided. Such sanctions shall take the forms of:
a. expulsion
b. suspension
c. probation
d. reprimand
e. warning
f. any other sanction/s as may have recommended by the
Guidance Counselor to Principal and the ULS Student
Disciplinary Committee.

3.7.1. Probation
The probationary status of a student is decided upon by the school
authorities. It may be either Scholastic or Conduct Probation. Scholastic Probation
A student on Scholastic Probation who incurs one (1)
failure in any of the subjects shall be denied re-admission
and advised to transfer. Conduct Probation
All students with deficiencies like excessive absences,
tardiness, cutting classes and/or commission of offenses
against school rules and regulations.

Guidelines for the Selection of Academic Honors and Meritorious Awardees


1.1. by Grading Period

At the end of each grading period, students may qualify for Academic
Honors (AH) provided that they have not been subjected to any
disciplinary actions within the current School Year.

a. First Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average grade

of 90% to 95% and a grade of 80% and above in each subject.

b. Second Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average

grade of 88% to 89.99% and a grade of 80% and above in each subject.

c. Third Honors is awarded to a student who has a periodic average grade

of 86% to 87.99% and a grade of 80% and above in each subject.

1.2. by School Year

Recognition is given to the students from Grade 7-9 every end of the
School Year through the Recognition and Moving-up Ceremony.
Students may qualify for Academic Honors (AH) provided that they have
not been subjected to any disciplinary actions within the current School

a. First Honors is awarded to a student who has a final average grade of

90% to 95% and a final grade of not lower than 85% in each subject.
b. Second Honors is awarded to a student who has a final average grade
of 88% to 89.99% and a final grade of not lower than 85% in each

c. Third Honors is awarded to a student who has a final average grade of

86% to 87.99% and a final grade of not lower than 85% in each subject.

1.3. Completion Honors

Recognition is given to the Grade 10 students every end of the School Year
through the Completion Rites. Students may qualify for Academic Honors
(AH) provided that they have not been subjected to any disciplinary actions
within the current School Year.

a. Only the TOP 5 honor students shall be declared honor during the
Completion Rites using ranking system.

b. The award “First Honors”, “Second Honors”, “Third Honors”, “Fourth

Honors” and “Fifth Honors” shall only apply to Grade 10 honor students.

c. To determine the TOP 5 honor students, they shall be ranked using the
percentage scheme:

80% Final Academic Standing

This refers to the average final Academic Grade (AG) of the student for
the current School Year.
The School Year is divided into FOUR grading periods. The
numerical grades of the FOUR grading periods are added and
divided by FOUR since the school employs the average system in
getting the Final Grade. Students’ General Weighted Average
(GWA) will be ranked. Each rank will be multiplied by 8.
20% Extra-curricular Involvement
This includes all activities participated in by the student for the current
School Year.

Computation of the Extra-Curricular involvement shall use the
ranking system. Points will be given based on the following:
1. Awards received in the Contest (school-based, municipal,
congressional, division, regional, national and international)
2. Participation in activities (school-based, municipal,
congressional, division, regional, national and international)
3. Membership in organizations (school-based, municipal,
congressional, division, regional, national and international)

Final ranking of the students’ extra-curricular involvement is

multiplied by 2.
Students’ rank in their academic standing and extra-curricular
involvement will be added to get the final standing of the students.
Ranking system is applied as basis for the selection of the First Honors,
Second Honors, Third Honors, Fourth Honors and Fifth Honors.

d. In case of a tie between two or more candidates vying for the honor
award, they shall be all declared.
e. Students must have completed the curriculum within the prescribed
length in years, within four consecutive years.

f. Students must have conducted himself in conformity with the school

rules, regulation and policies. In case of misconduct, an honor student
must be dealt with according to the provisions of the University
Laboratory School Policies and Guidelines. In case of serious injury of
the aggrieved party, the student may be stripped off with the honors due
him, after a thorough investigation has been conducted.


2.1. Final academic grade earned in the current grade level is given the weight of
eighty percent (80%) while co-extra- curricular involvement earned in current
School Year is given the weight of twenty percent (20%).

2.2. Performance in co-curricular activities shall cover the achievements of the

candidates ONLY for the current School Year, including active participation
in authorized student organization or clubs, literary-musical activities, athletics
(school, provincial, city, regional, national and international ), awards in
recognition of the actualization of what the students learned from the school,
travels in relation to school work, civic activities, researches, or other
outstanding awards in athletics, school paper, school band and others and such
traits as integrity, courtesy, promptness, industry, helpfulness, resourcefulness,
emotional stability, and self-reliance. The existing guidelines on the evaluation
of extra co-curricular activities of the candidates for honors among the students
will be retained (Refer to the enclosure no. 1).
2.3. Ranking of students for honors shall be based on the total weighted ranks of
which is given below:

2.3.1. For Academic Standing

1. Compute the Final Academic Grade of the qualified candidates within
the current School Year;
2. Rank the candidates according to their Final Academic Grade and
3. Assign weight to the rank by multiplying it by 8.

2.3.2. For Extra/co-curricular Involvement

1. Compute the final points as evaluated.
a) Rank the candidates from the lowest to the highest rank.
b) Assign weight to the rank by multiplying it by 2.

2.3.3. For Final ranks

1. Add the weighted rank of the academic standing and the weighted
rank of the extra-curricular.
2. Rank the sums from the lowest to the highest.

2.4. Meritorious Awards

Medals are awarded to DESERVING Grade 10 completers and Certificates for
Grade 7 to 9 students who excel in a particular subject including Sports, Art,
Music, Scouting or other areas which the school deems important. Awards must
have specific rubrics prepared or adopted by the Awards Committee (AC)
based on the given qualifications and indicators.
General Criteria for the Meritorious Awards:
The following are meritorious awards that can be given to a qualified student:
A. Academic Awards (Science/Math Quizzer, Journalist of the Year,
Outstanding Math Student and Science Researcher of the Year)
These Academic Awards involve participation in the contest such as quiz
bee, journalism, Math Olympics, Science Quiz and the like for the current

Students shall be TOP 3 winners in the Division Level or higher level.

B. Sports Awards (Athlete of the Year)

These Athletes of the Year awards involve participation in the field of sports
such as volleyball, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis and the like for the
current year.

Students shall be TOP 3 winners in the Congressional Meet or higher level.

C. Socio-Cultural Awards in the Field of Literary, Dance and Music
(Performer of the Year)
These socio-cultural awards involve participation in the field of literary,
dance and music.

Students shall be TOP 3 winners in the Congressional Meet or higher level.

In case no competitions attended or participated particularly in the field of
dance, students shall have at least three times exposures for the current
year (Kaliline, Burn d’ Floor, ULS-USM programs and the like).

D. Scouting
a. Outstanding Boy Scout
Outstanding Boy Scout Award is given to the students with the following
1. 40% for their participation in Scouting activities such as
Jamboree and the like (school-based, encampment trainings, provincial,
national and international Jamboree);
2. 30% for their advancement rank (explorer, pathfinder, outdoorsman,
venture and eagle rank);
3. 20% for the evaluation of the scouts’ character/attitude by their
respective Scout Masters and selected ULS Teachers; and
4. 10% for the attendance in all BSP reports

A Scout is given the award if he reaches 86% and above.

b. Outstanding Girl Scout Award

For Grade 7-9 Girl Scouts, TOP 10 performing scouts shall be chosen
with the following the criteria:
30% - character as evaluated by their Scout Masters and selected
subject teachers
30% - participation in Scouting activities such as encampments,
leadership trainings etc.
30% - leadership skills as manifested by her position in both local,
regional & National GSP Councils and involvement in social works,
community outreach and development
10% - attendance in all GSP reports

For Grade 10, the award is given to scouts who reaches 86% and above
in the above-mentioned criteria.

E. Special Awards

a. Central Student Government (CSG) Leadership Award

This award is given to a student who shows exemplary leadership and
shall be endorsed by the CSG Adviser. The CSG Adviser shall have all
the rights to choose the recipients

Each qualified meritorious awardee shall file an application form for the said award. This
will be later validated and endorsed by his/her adviser/coach to the Awards Committee.
The awards committee has all the rights to decide whether a student will be given an
award or not based on the stated guidelines above.


Cases of protest shall be filed by the candidate with his/her parent or guardian to the
School Principal within three (3) working days from the announcement and shall be
decided by the School Principal, considering the recommendations of the Award
Committee within three (3) working days from filing.
Guidelines for Test Formation and Administration


1. Examination must be prepared by the subject teacher however, in case of the

same discipline; a departmentalized exam must be prepared.

2. Examination shall take in the following forms:

a. True or False
b. Modified True or False
c. Matching Type
d. Identification or fill in the blanks
e. Enumeration
f. Essay
g. Multiple Choice
h. Problem Solving
i. Analogy
j. Other types not mentioned above

3. Test Format shall be the following:

Font Size: 11
Font Style: Corbel
Spacing: Single (1 single space after each item)
Margin: 0.5” for all sides
Paper: Long (8.5” x 13”)
Paging: Bottom right e.g. Page 1 of 4
Pages: maximum of four

4. Proper heading must be observed.

University Laboratory School

SY: 2017 – 2018
Name: Score:
Section: Date:
General Instruction:

5. Number of items of examination shall not be lower than 50.

6. At the last page of the exam, NOTHING FOLLOWS shall be indicated right after
the last question or item.

100. Who is the Filipino printmaker who revived printmaking as a major art
form which led to the graphic arts movement in the country?
A. Manuel Rodriguez Sr. C. Manuel Baltazar Jr.
B. Manuel Alvarez III D. Manuel L. Quezon

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7. Examination must be face and content validated by each department.

8. All Examination Papers shall be submitted for duplication at least one week before
the examination date.


1. The subject teacher shall give the examination paper to the class adviser, who will
then take charge in distributing the exams to the assigned proctor.

2. The proctor shall ensure the following rules before the start of the examination:

a. All gadgets (cellphones, tabs, laptops, etc.) shall be on the top of the proctor’s

b. All bags shall be placed in front including modules, books, and other study
c. All chairs shall be arranged by four rows and five columns. Other chairs shall
be placed properly at the back.

d. Students are not allowed to go out during the examination once the test papers
were distributed to them.

3. The proctor shall ensure that there is no discrepancy during the conduct of

4. The proctor shall see to it that the exam is administered on its scheduled time and
is tasked to remind the students of the time for each test. No exam should be
administered ahead of its given schedule.

Guidelines for Students Disciplinary Actions and Penalties

The school considers certain acts as serious offenses subject to official warning:
1. Truancy

2. Leaving the campus/classroom without permission during school hours.

3. Cutting classes

4. Gallivanting

5. Leaving the residence in school gear but not reporting to class.

6. Vandalism - Writing on walls, tables, chairs, etc.

7. Spoiling or destroying school property.

8. Destroying notices of the school/bulletin boards, displays.

9. Littering on campus

10. Forgery

11. Tampering with, falsifying or causing the falsification or letters/signatures in the

Report Cards and of any official documents like registration cards, ID, Certifications
and other documents of similar nature or purpose.
12. Insubordination to School Authorities

13. Provoking incidents harmful to the good name of the school.

14. Propagating false orders.

15. Acts of defiance against teachers and school authorities.

16. Dishonesty, such as cheating during any examination, quiz or test and plagiarism
in connection with any academic work.

17. Direct or indirect involvement in examination leakage.

18. Copying from another’s examination papers or allowing another to copy from one’s
examination paper.

19. Having somebody else take the examination for him (in which case both shall be
liable hereunder)

20. Passing one’s own work any assigned report, term paper, case analysis, reaction
paper and the like copies from another.

21. Connivance with other students to changing the answer into correct ones while
checking the paper.

22. Verbal Abuse

23. Insulting others.

24. Calling others derogatory names.

25. Swearing (use of absence or propaganda language)

26. Carrying of any deadly weapons, such as firearms, explosives, icepicks, knives and
the like within the University premises.

27. Possession or use of prohibited drug.

28. Brawls on campus or at off-campus school functions.

29. Theft or damage to property of the University or of an individual person.

30. Gambling, betting, playing cards even for fun, or similar engagement in any game
of chance within the school premises.

31. Smoking, drunkenness or being on school in a state of intoxication.

32. Deliberate disruption of an academic function or school activity which tend to put
any member of the faculty, administration or non-teaching staff in ridicule or

33. Hazing in all organizations.

34. Bribery/extortion.

35. Scandalous display of affection and;

Such as other acts unbecoming of a high school student as may hereinafter be

determined by the University authorities.


1. The students must be informed in writing of the nature of any accusations against
them within five (5) days from the receipt of information/complaint, and they shall
have the right to answer the charges against them through writing within five (5)
days from his/her receipt thereof.

2. All offenses shall be reported to the parents or guardians of the offender through
the ULS Student Disciplinary Committee (ULS-SDC).

3. Based on the information/complaint filed with ULS-SDC, shall conduct an initial

investigation. If in the initial meeting, the student accepts the committed offense
and agrees to accept the sanctions, then the case is resolved.

4. If the student does not want to accept the committed offense and does not accept
the sanctions, the case will be subject for a hearing. Prior to the hearing, the
student will be asked to submit any information or evidence for the hearing body to
review and decide the case.

5. The ULS-SDC shall convene within ten days from the receipt of a request for a
hearing and parties shall be notified of the schedule of the hearing.
6. After the hearing, the decision is issued by the ULS-SDC. The resolution of the
case by the SDC is reached by a simple majority of 50% +1 for its implementation
and execution. The sanctions imposed upon the student are intended to help the
student reflect on his/her actions, to learn how to act in ways that are congruent
with community’s expectations, to repair any harm caused, and sometimes to
remove the student from campus if warranted.

7. Appropriate disciplinary sanctions for non-observance of the ULS School Policies

shall be provided. Such sanctions shall take the forms of:
a. expulsion
b. suspension
c. probation
d. reprimand
e. warning
f. any other sanction/s as may have recommended by the Guidance
Counselor to Principal and the ULS Student Disciplinary Committee.


Article 226. Grounds for Student Disciplinary Action and Penalties
(USM Code Handbook)
1. Truancy
1st offense – school service (3 days collecting trashes around ULS building
during break time).
2nd offense – suspension for one day
Subsequent offenses – suspension for four days
2. Leaving the campus/classroom without permission during school hours.
1st offense – school service (3 days collecting trashes around ULS building
during break time).
2nd offense – suspension for one day
Subsequent offenses – suspension for four days

3. Cutting classes
1st offense – school service (3 days collecting trashes around ULS building
during break time).
2nd offense – suspension for one day
Subsequent offenses – suspension for four days

4. Gallivanting
1st offense – school service (3 days collecting trashes around ULS building
during break time).
2nd offense – suspension for one day
Subsequent offenses – suspension for four days

5. Vandalism - Writing on walls, tables, chairs, etc.

1st offense – reprimand with school service
2nd offense – suspension for 3 days and payment of damages
3rd offense – suspension for 4 days, payment of damages

6. Spoiling or destroying school property.

1st offense – reprimand with school service
2nd offense – suspension for 3 days and payment of damages
3rd offense – suspension for 4 days, payment of damages

7. Destroying notices of the school/bulletin boards, displays.

1st offense – reprimand with school service
2nd offense – suspension for 3 days and payment of damages
3rd offense – suspension for 4 days, payment of damages

8. Littering on campus
1st offense – picking up of litters during break time or vacant period for 1 day
2nd offense – picking up of litters for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – cutting of grasses or digging of garbage pit

9. Forgery
1st offense – advice to transfer

10. Tampering with, falsifying or causing the falsification or letters/signatures in the

Report Cards and of any official documents like registration cards, ID,
Certifications and other documents of similar nature or purpose.
1st offense – advice to transfer

11. Insubordination to School Authorities

1st offense – suspension for 4 days and conference with parent or guardian
2nd offense – advice to transfer

12. Provoking incidents harmful to the good name of the school.

1st offense – suspension for 1 day
2nd offense – suspension for 4 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

14. Propagating false orders or fake news

1st offense – 2 hours school service (4 days collecting trashes around ULS
building (during break time). Admission slip should be presented afterwards.
2nd offense – suspension for one day
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

15. Acts of defiance against teachers and school authorities.

1st offense – suspension for 4 days
2nd offense – lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

16. Dishonesty, such as cheating during any examination, quiz or test and plagiarism
in connection with any academic work.
1st offense – giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular subject
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer
17. Direct or indirect involvement in examination leakage.
1st offense -giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular subject
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

18. Copying from another’s examination papers or allowing another to copy from one’s
examination paper.
1st offense – giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular subject
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

19. Having somebody else take the examination for him (in which case both shall be
liable hereunder)
1st offense – giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular subject
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

20. Passing one’s own work any assigned report, term paper, case analysis, reaction
paper and the like copies from another (both shall be liable hereunder)
1st offense – giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular sub-element of
the grade.
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade equivalent in the particular sub-
element of the grade.
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

21. Connivance with other students to changing the answer into correct ones while
checking the paper.
1st offense – giving the lowest grade equivalent in the particular exam/quiz
2nd offense – automatic lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

22. Verbal Abuse/ bullying

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – suspension for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

23. Insulting others.

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – suspension for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

24. Calling others derogatory names.

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – suspension for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

25. Swearing (use of absence or propaganda language)

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – suspension for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

26. Carrying of any deadly weapons, such as firearms, explosives, icepicks, knives
and the like within the University premises.
1st offense – suspension for 4 days and conference with parent or guardian
2nd offense – advice to transfer

27. Possession or use of prohibited drug.

1st offense – suspension for 8 days and conference with parent or guardian
2nd offense – advice to transfer

28. Brawls on campus or at off-campus school functions.

1st offense – reprimand with school service
2nd offense – suspension for 2 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

29. Theft or damage to property of the University or of an individual person.

1st offense – suspension for 1 day and conference with parent or guardian
2nd offense – advice to transfer

30. Gambling, betting, playing cards even for fun, or similar engagement in any game
of chance within the school premises.
1st offense – suspension for 2 days
2nd offense - suspension for 4 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

31. Smoking, drunkenness or being on school in a state of intoxication.

1st offense – suspension for 1 day
2nd offense – suspension for 4 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

32. Deliberate disruption of an academic function or school activity which tend to put
any member of the faculty, administration or non-teaching staff in ridicule or
1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – school service
Subsequent offenses – suspension for 1 day

33. Hazing in all organizations.

1st offense – suspension for 4 days
2nd offense – advice to transfer

34. Bribery/extortion.
1st offense – suspension for 3 days
2nd offense – lowest failing grade in the subject concern
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

35.Scandalous display of affection;

1st offense – reprimand
2nd offense – suspension for 4 days
Subsequent offenses – advice to transfer

36. Usage of any electronic gadgets without teacher’s permission during class
1st offense- reprimand
2nd offense- confiscate
Subsequent offenses- school service in 3 days

37. Wearing of incomplete uniform going to class.

1st offense- reprimand
2nd offense- school service in 3 days
Subsequent offenses- suspension for 1 day

38. Proper Haicut (2x3, 2” top)

Every first Monday of the month
Recommending offense: Students are not allowed to enter school
premises unless he/ she presented proper haircut which is 2x3 hairstyle
39. Using cellphone/gadgets during class
1st offense: Reprimand
2nd offense: cellphones will be confiscated and subject to banning
him/her to use cellphones for the whole duration.
Subsequent Offense: suspension for 1 day
40. Ear Piercing
1st offense: Reprimand
2nd offense: school service
Subsequent Offense: suspension for 1 day
Chair: Gaspan, Jalvin James C.
Mongas, Illyn P.
Manto, Watarie E.
Sultan, Lidey P.
Rosete, Airene D.
Saclot, Marian C.
Villacorta, Mary Dianne M.
Enock, Omar U.


Chair: Manto, Watarie E.
Enock, Omar U.
Pingoy, Haydee N.
Dapon, Gina C.
Namia, Angelie V.


Chair: Sultan, Lidey P.
Rosete, Airene D.
Villacorta, Mary Dianne M.
Gaspan, Jalvin James C.


Chair: Martin, Mary Jane B.
Soberano, Arabella M.
Ojeda, Mike A.
Mongas, Illyn P.
Martin, Maybell S.
Mendoza, Nelson E.
Ojeda, Dindo A.

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