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Analyzing cultural differences Through Borat Film (USA & Kazakhtan) and The Last

Samurai Film(America & Japanese).


Learning a language means studying a culture, because language and culture cannot be separated
each other. However, often happens most of people feel confused how to learn cultural
differences without having to go to abroad. Therefore, this research will discuss about analyzing
difference culture through films that discuss cultural issues. Two of the films that discusses
cultural issues are "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of
Kazakhstan," Directed by Larry Charles and Produced by Sacha Baron Cohen Jay Roach and
The Last Samurai Produce by Edward Zwick. The purpose of this study is that we are expected
to know the cultural differences between USA and Kazakhstan through Borat films and
differences between American and Japanese through The Last Samurai film. In this study, the
researcher used some sources such as journals and articles. The study is done using the library
research method and explained qualitatively. The method of data collection in this study is
observation. The researcher was analyzed the data through watch the film, reading various
sources, then analyzing the data and describing the data by making into an article. And the result
show that the differences that are conveyed between the USA and Kazakhstan in the Borat film
are how they greet other people, how to eat, and know the position of women between those
country. Then the cultural differences conveyed in the film The Last Samurai are Japanese
culture that always respects others, the differences in the way they dress between Americans and


In this globalization era, learning many languages is very important to do. Language is not only
use to communicate, but it is also part of culture. Understanding how different cultures in a
world will provide new insights for other people from different cultures. The purpose is to enrich
cross-cultural knowledge. When we learn about a new culture, we have to filter it first to make
sure that it doesn't have a negative impact to us. And hopefully the new culture can be used as a
guide to make good changes in life. In addition, studying other cultures is very important to do,
so that when we go to a new area that has a different culture, we will not have a cultural shock,
because each region has different habits and characteristics. So we hope that differences cultures
that exist in each region or country will not be a problem. Studying across cultures is one way of
avoiding cultural problems.

However, many students think that learn cross-cultural is very difficult to do if we don't go to
that country directly. This is actually not a big problem. The solution to the above problems can
be overcome by learning across cultures through film that convey cultural issues. Film is a very
helpful tool for classroom learning in cross-cultural subjects. Students can learn through the
characters, stories, context, and dialogue that conveyed. Films help students to identify situations
they may not have experienced (Nur, 2014). Every film has a story that can provide a moral
message to the audience so that it can be used as an anchor in our lives. In addition, the
characteristics of the players also provide a lesson for the audience, for example a good character
(protagonist) can be used as an example in behavior and a bad character (antagonist) must be
shunned. For addition a film can also introduce foreign culture, it could show the actual situation
of a city or a country, and the real structure of a culture (Xing (2005) as cited by Nurhuda

There are three advantages that are gained when studying cross-cultural through film, the first is
that we get information from the film. A lot of information is obtained when watching a film.
Films discuss certain sectors of public life in general such as politics, culture, economy,
education, and others. For example when a film tells about cultural issues, then in the same way
we can gain knowledge and information about how people live, think and behave, about body
language, dress styles, manners, how to treat children and talk to older people and so on. Second
benefit is to anticipate the cultural shock. Cultural shock can happen to everyone who is in a new
place. Therefore it is important to study across cultures. And last is the audience can compare
one culture to another, even though they do not have to directly interact with foreigners who
have different cultures. It is important that we know other cultures and compare them with their
own cultures so that it will add insight to the diversity of cultures that exist in the world.
Comparing one culture to another is not to look for the weaknesses of one culture, but to cover
up the weaknesses of other cultures that should be improved. From this explanation, it can be
concluded that films are very helpful for someone to deepen cross-cultural knowledge. Many
movies can teach culture. Two of them are Borat—Cultural Learnings of America for Make
Benefit Glorious Nation of Ka zakh stan and The Last Samurai.

In Borat film tells the story of a man named Borat who from Kazakhstan traveled to the USA to
document the USA regarding "economic, social and Jew ”problems. He travels across the
U.S.A., interviewing people he meets along the way, telling them the same story. USA and
Kazakhstan are two countries that have cultural differences. Kazakhstan is a region that is far
from modern. In Kazakhstan, the culture is still warm, such as kissing people for greetings,
dancing, and so on. Unlike in the USA, they don't do what people do in Kazakhstan. During in
the USA Borat learns about how to have a dinner with important people, how to go to the toilet
while eating, etc. Borat's journey to the USA was a success.
Then in the last samurai film tell about an American Civil War named Captain Nathan Algren
was hired to train Japanese soldiers with less experience in the use of firearms. The Last Samurai
shows a positive change in the white people who were previously involved in the massacre of
indigenous people in America then turned into people who care about the fate of traditional
people in Japan. This film shows sympathy for the fate of the indigenous people who are
primitive and powerless to face the interests of the West in the East. The white man as the main
character saw the fate of the samurai in Japan as the fate of the Indian tribes in America, then
tried to make amends by choosing to fight with the samurai in fighting against the army.

Problem statement:

1. What are the cultural differences between USA and Kazakhstan conveyed through Borat
2. What are the cultural differences between American and Japanese conveyed through The
Last Samurai film?

Research objectives:

1. To find out the cultural differences between the USA and Kazakhstan that conveyed
through Borat film.
2. To find out the cultural differences between the American and Japanese that conveyed
through The Last Samurai film.


1. Cross Cultural Understanding

Now a day, it is important to understand cultural diversity. Cross-cultural generally refers to

comparing phenomena that exist in one area with other areas that have significant differences.
(Jant (2004) as cited by Mukminatun (YYYY)). For example, a cross-cultural study of the role of
women in society will compare with women in different cultures. Difficulty communicating with
people from other cultures is not just a matter of understanding their language but also
understand the cultural value. Therefore an understanding of other cultures will greatly help a
person communicate with people from that culture. On the other hand, the lack of this aspect will
make us fail in communication and will even lead to intercultural conflict, something that is
really a big problem in multicultural countries.

2. Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication refers to face-to-face interactions between people from different

cultures. You can imagine how difficult it is to communicate with other people who have
different cultures if one does not understand the culture of that person. Communication can build
the relationships with people from different cultures. It can provide many benefits such as build
the solidarity, tolerance, and minimizing cultural conflict (Mukminatun (YYYY)).

3. Culture

Each region has a different culture. Culture is defined as values, traditions, customs, arts, and
habits carried out from one generation to another (Roell 2010 as cited by Nur (2014)). Culture is
part of life, attitudes, ways of life and the results of human life. Therefore, culture is not static
and rigid. Over time, culture can change due to human factors that have been influenced by
developments or changing times. Each region has different cultural characteristics that need to be
respected by other.


In order to support this study, it is necessary to review some previous research and article that are
related to this study.

The first researcher was conducted by Mukminatun (YYYY) that analyze about Borat
Film. The purpose of the research is that students are expected to do mini-research on cross-
cultural understanding problems. In this case, they are proposed to observe multicultural films
from various points of view; namely language and society, bilingualism, variety of languages,
choice of codes, language and gender, and politeness and solidarity. In the end, they had to
spread their observations. The teaching of this course prioritizes a process approach. Students are
given the opportunity to consult their observations, present a research report, and revise them.
They were asked to observe films that discuss issues in various countries. One of the films
analyzed is Borat (Kazakhstan and USA Culture). The result of the research was that the students
found cultural issues in the film. One of them is the different between Kazakhstan and USA
people in a society. It’s happen when Borat arrived in the USA and met new people. The culture
in the USA, when meeting new people is not by kissing them. However, it is different in
Kazakhstan when meeting new people they will greet each other by kissing them. However
Borat used his culture in Kazakhstan while he was in the USA, causing problems. The following
is a part of the dialogue.
(In the crowded city in USA.)

B: ‘Hi, my name a Borat, I am new in town’.

A: ‘Do not touch me!’

B: ‘I just say hello!’

A: ‘Do not touch me! Make your fear out of my face!’

B: ‘I kiss you.’

A: ‘You kiss me; I will kick your fuckin’ ‘balls’!’

Through the analysis conducted by students with this film, students can find out the cultural
differences that exist between the USA and Kazakhstan.

The second researcher conducted by is Oktaviani (2019) which discusses cultural

differences that occur in the film The Last Samurai. The purpose of his research are to find out
the cultural differences between American and Japanese culture seen inThe Last Samurai film, to
determine the acculturation factor of American and Japanese culture seen from The Last Samurai
film, and to determine the impact of acculturation between American and Japanese culture seen
from The Last Samurai Movie. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods to explain and
analyze data. There are three results from this research. First, there are cultural differences in
America and Japan that can be seen in the clothes used, weapons used for war and self-
protection, a behavior seen in the Movie. Second, there are two acculturation factors in this film,
namely internal factors and external factors. The internal factor was a new invention that led
Japan to transform its traditional weapons into pistols, snaps and cannons. external factors,
namely the existence of wars caused by conflicts that occur in society. And finally the impact of
acculturation that occurred between American and Japanese cultures due to changes in people's
perspectives and changes in public relations that allowed Americans to enter Japan to study
Japanese culture and mingle with Japanese society.

The third researcher is Nurilaila, et al (2020). This qualitative descriptive study aims to
determine the strategic preferences of American and Japanese character politeness in the film
The Last Samurai and explain it from a national cultural perspective. The different national
cultures of America and Japan influence the politeness strategy preferences shown in the film
"The Last Samurai". American and Japanese characters prefer the different politeness strategies
they use. Broadly speaking, BoR (Bald on Record) is what Americans like the most. On the other
hand, OfR (Off Record) is most favored by Japan. Even though PoP (Positive Politeness) is
being the second most liked by Americans, it is not the case at all among Japanese. This
difference is possible due to the language and cultural backgrounds of the Japanese and
American people. In conclusion, language and culture influence each other. People who come
from different languages and cultures communicate differently.
The fourth researcher conducted by FRYER (YYYY).This study discusses cross-cultural
pragmatic problems that arise from interactions between characters in the film The Last Samurai.
The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss this problem and relate it to various pragmatic
theories across cultures to ascertain how various cultural factors can influence context, language
and interpretation meaning in this context. In addition, opportunities facilitate pragmatics
competencies in class are presented. The pragmatic field combines the study of the speaker's
meaning, contextual meaning and how it is more communicated than just what is said. Cross-
cultural pragmatics focuses on the processes involved in cross-cultural language production,
language producers in various kinds context other than the interpretation of speech and the
purpose of speech. The results of this study are in Japanese that as a substitute for expressions of
gratitude, Japanese can and is often used apologizing expression.

The last researcher was Beacháin & Donnacha (2011). This study was started by recording and
evaluating the reaction of the government of Kazakhstan towards Sacha Baron in the film Borat -
Learning American Culture to Benefit from a Glorious Nation Kazakh booth. He then compared
and contrasted the official government's reaction with the local attitudes expressed ember of
Kazakhstan's English-speaking young elite. This research is based on the results of a survey of
nearly five hundred young students conducted in March 2007 at the Kazakhstan Institute of
Managing, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP), the most prestigious university in the
country. The sample provides an overview of those most likely to know Borat - young people,
internet savvy, educated urban elite - and, among other things, provides insight into how
respondents in Kazakhstan think about the films affect their country and will influence how they
are treated abroad. The survey results suggested that while the responses to Borat were
heterogeneous, most students accepted that the Kazakh choice as the target of satire was
coincidence, not conspiracy. Despite official attempts to ban

In the film, the majorities of respondent has seen the film and believe that the ban was a mistake.
Although acknowledging that Borat will raise Kazakhstan's profile in the world, respondents
doubted it would gain knowledge, and some feared a change in their treatment when traveling


a. Design
The researcher conducted this research using library research method. This study aims to
seek information from book sources, journal articles and the internet to add references in
the form of opinions and suggestions which will then be explained qualitatively. The
purpose of the literature research method is to collect data from studies that are related to
or that support the validity of this research. The object of this research is the film entitled
“Borat—Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefi t Glorious Nation of Ka zakh
b. Data collection
The method of data collection in this study is observation. The researcher observed and
analyzed the film. Then take a note the important things from the film.
c. Data analysis
The researcher was analyzed the data through watch the film, reading various sources,
then analyzing the data and describing the data by making into an article.


A. Findings in Borat films

In this Borat film, cultural differences between the USA and Kazakhstan can be seen as follows:

1) In Kazakhstan, when they meet other people or new people their way of greeting is by
kissing and shaking hands. Can be seen in the film fragments "Hello, my name is Borat, I
am new in Town, I just kiss you, I just say hello" Unlike in the USA, when they want to
greet other people, it is enough to say "hello, how are you?, nice to see you). So when
Borat greets people in the USA like he uses in Kazakhstan, USA people will run away
and think that Borat is crazy man. This is seen in the film when people in the USA run
away when greeted by Borat.
2) Then the next difference is the role or position of women in the USA and Kazakhstan.
As the results of interviews between Borat and female figures in the USA stated that the
position of women in Kazakhstan does not have an important role because in Kazakhstan
everyone thinks that the ability of the female brain is weak, unlike the male brain. This
can be seen in the scene where Borat says "women have smaller brains than men". In
contrast to the perception in the USA which says that women and men have the same
position, they are not differentiated only because of gender differences, and women are
not considered weak here. Then women in the USA can also have the same education as
men. This can be seen from the fragment of the story "feminism is a theory that says
women and men have the same position in the economic, social and educational fields".
3) The next difference is the habit when people are in the dining room. In the USA when
eating, people will limit talking to other people who are sitting far away from us. As in
the story said "when we are at a long table, we should limit the conversation with other
people ..."

B. Findings in The Last Samurai film

In the last samurai film, cultural differences between America and Japan can be seen as follows:

1) Collectivism vs individualism. Japanese culture is collectivist, meaning that ties between

communities are strong and interdependent. For people in a collectivist culture, respect
and what others think of a person is everything. For example, in Japan there is a custom
where a samurai who loses a battle has to commit suicide or ask someone else to kill
him. This is why one of Katsumoto's men, Ujio, felt strange when Nathan did not
commit suicide after being defeated in a battle. This can be seen through the story:
Ujio : “He was defeated. He had to kill himself. "
Katsumoto : "It's not their habit."

As a representative of American individualistic culture, Nathan did not understand this

custom, and therefore he did not understand why Katsumoto killed General Hasegawa,
even though the general knelt and lost. Nathan did not understand that General
Hasegawa had actually asked Katsumoto to kill him, because "A samurai cannot bear the
shame of defeat."

2) Japanese culture is they are always polite, even to their enemies, and they rarely show
emotions. For example, upon his arrival, Nathan knew that Japan was polite. It can be
seen in a scene “Everyone is polite, everyone smiles and bows. But under their
politeness, I detected a deep reservoir of feelings. "

American culture is a low context culture, which means that people in American culture
have direct verbal interactions and are less dependent on the surrounding context. People
in low-context cultures are sensitive to other people's values, which mean America is not
as sensitive and respectful as the Japanese towards other people.


Learning culture through film is a lot of fun. We don't need to come to that country
directly because we only need to learn it through films that convey cultural issues. Borat and The
Last Samurai are two examples of films that teach different culture. Borat teaches the audience to
know the culture between USA and Kazakhstan and The Last Samurai teaches the audience
about American and Japanese culture. The differences that are conveyed between the USA and
Kazakhstan in the Borat film are how they greet other people, how to eat, and know the position
of women between those country. Then the cultural differences conveyed in the film The Last
Samurai are Japanese culture that always respects others, the differences in the way they dress
between Americans and Japanese, and the expressions Japanese people use when apologizing to
others. From this explanation, it can be concluded that each country is unique. This uniqueness
and comfort will be beautiful when we are able to appreciate it. The suggestion in this study for
future researcher is to find more types of films that not only discuss the culture of other
countries, but also political and economic differences, so that the audience does not only learn
culture but also learn about the politics and economy of other country.

Fryer, Mitchell. n.d. “A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Investigation : Discussion Using the Film The
Last Samurai.”

Nurilaila, Eka, and Universitas Pgri Madiun. 2020. “National Cultures and Politeness Strategies
in Intercultural Communication Among Japanese and American C Haracters in ‘ The Last S
Amurai ’ Movie : A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Analysis.” 1(January):10–17.

Oktaviani, Deni. 2019. “The American And Japanese Culture As Seen In The Last Samurai
Movie By Edwar Zwick.”

Beacháin, Ó. 2011. “Social and Political Perceptions of the Borat Phenomenon in Kazakhstan :
Evidence from a Case Study of University Students.”

Nurhuda, H. 2006. “Rising Students ’ Cultural Awareness and Listening Skill : How to Use
English Movies in EFL Classroom.” 38–41.

Nur, Serliah. 2014. “Increasing Students’ Cultural Awareness By Using Film In Teaching Cross
Cultural Understanding. Serliah.” 371–73.

Mukminatun, Siti. n.d. “Developing Cross-Cultural Understanding Through.”

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