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I die without seeing dawn's light shining in my country...You, who will see it, welcome it for me...

forget those who fell during the nighttime."

This statement that brings hope to the youth was stated by Elías to Basilio, and
his statement made me realize the significance of sacrifice; like how one's
sacrifice will significantly impact the youth and the other generations. If ever the
youth will be able to change the system, let's not forget those who sacrificed
their lives during the battle, our heroes. Even though they may not be able to
witness the light or the victory, those who died for the independence of our
country are still a significant part of it, and let's embrace it with them and pay
utmost respect to the people who paved the way and who fought hard to give us
the gift of the "present" which is our independence and after all, what our heroes
did are the greatest form of selfless sacrifice. This statement is relevant In today;s
time. For example, our frintliners are risking their lives during this pandemic, and
we need to recognize and acknowledge them, and we also need to remember
those front liners who died, because they are also our heroes.

This statement was stated by Elías in the novel Noli Me Tangere, in which he was speaking to Basilio. I
choose this statement because it illustrates the importance of sacrifice in which every Filipino should
remember the sacrifices and pay utmost respect to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and
those wounded in battle. Whatever your beliefs are, the heroes are worth remembering.

who love their country that they die for it despite not seeing the freedom of it. utmost respect paid to
those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and those wounded in battle.

Whether you are an American or Filipino or any race – the heroes are worth remembering.

though Elías will not see the Philippines he envisions, he has faith that young people like Basilio one day
will. The words also emphasize the importance of remembering these sacrifices made by people who
love their country so deeply that they die for it despite not seeing it free.

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