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Parts of speech for the working from home

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

a independence X independent independently

b distraction distract distracted distractedly

c interaction interact X x

d flexibility X flexible flexibly

e isolation isolate isolated isolatedly

f motivation motivate motivated x

g society socialize social x

h remote x remote remotely

i collaboration collaborate collaborative collaboratively

j adaptation adapt adaptable adaptively

Complete the sentences with words from the table.

1 My younger brothers and sisters are noisy. They are big distractions in my house.

2 I can plan my life as I please, so my life is more flexible.

3 I feel isolated without face to face interaction.

4 I use Zoom to attend classes remotely.

5 To survive, you need to be able to adapt to new circumstances.

6 I have a problem motivating myself when my friends are not around to encourage me.

7 There are many online tools to help us on collaborating group projects.

8 I enjoy parties because I enjoy social interaction.

9 Freedom and independence help me be more creative.
Working from Home
Read the article and answer the questions.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the world’s largest cities had thousands of workers
commuting from their homes to office towers every
day. Now many large companies have decided that it
is highly unlikely that all their workers will
permanently return to office work. Company
executives were forced by the crisis to figure out how
to function effectively with workers operating from
home — and realized surprisingly that it was not all

“Is office work necessary?” said an executive of a large company,

m thinking very seriously about it. In the future, are people going to want to crowd into offices?’’. Many companies
are e to working remotely and many employees could be required to turn up
major technology companies, including Twitter and Google, have nd
of the year and beyond, raising the idea that many workers may

However, there are a number of factors to consider. For instance,

the number of workers who actually prefer to be in an office
because of the need for social interaction is an unknown factor.
“The absence of face-to-face communication is not
sustainable,”John Malkovich, a property developer said. “Can
you pay the bills from home? Yes. But can you work as a team from home? That could be challenging.”
Moreover, cities might start to die. Many cities have
been built around the flow of people to and from offices,
through subways, buses and rail systems and past the
cafes, restaurants, bars, grocery stores and shops that
depend on commuters for their survival.

On the other hand, many people feel liberated working

from home. New technologies have made it unexpectedly
easy. Workers are free from repetitive routines that stifled
their creativity. They save the money
they once spent commuting. A reader of the Financial Times commented, “Change is uncomfortable, but with
change comes opportunity. We lessen the need for costly and carbon generating travel and costly commercial
office space.”

In the words of a leading company’s chief executive, “The world is going to be different
when we come out of lockdown, and our habits will change. It really took the quarantine
and self- isolation, to accelerate those trends.”

1. What are large companies thinking about?

Large companies thinking about “Is office work necessary?”, Now many large companies have decided
that it is highly unlikely that all their workers will permanently return to office work. Company executives were
forced by the crisis to figure out how to function effectively with workers operating from home — and realized
surprisingly that it was not all bad.

2. Why might companies prefer people to work in the office?

Companies prefer people to work in the office because there are a number of factors to consider. For instance, the
number of workers who actually prefer to be in an office because of the need for social interaction is an unknown
factor. “The absence of face-to-face communication is not sustainable, ”John Malkovich, a property developer said.
“Can you pay the bills from home? Yes. But can you work as a team from home? That could be challenging.”
3. What might happen to cities if most people work from home?

If most people work from home, cities might start to die. Many cities have been built around the flow of people to and
from offices, through subways, buses and rail systems and past the cafes, restaurants, bars, grocery stores and
shops that depend on commuters for their survival.

4. What do you think are the main benefits of working at home?

The main benefits of working at home are workers are free from repetitive routines that stifled their creativity. They
save the money they once spent commuting, and we lessen the need for costly and carbon generating travel and
costly commercial office space.

5. Do you think you could work at home forever? Explain.

My answer is exactly big no. I do not want work from home forever, I feel the need that I have to do something
around my environment or outside of my comfort zone, I have to do social interaction with others. As I know, new
experiences and ideas sometimes we get from how we interact to others, how we communicate to others, and how
we share our opinion to others.
1 My noisy nephew is an example of a distraction at home.

2 I feel social isolation when working from home.

3 I like working in a team because collaboration make it easier.

4 I feel stressed when I cannot finish my tasks by the deadline.
5 My favorite technology for working remotely is virtual meeting through Zoom meeting.

6 My favorite kind of social interaction is having party with my friends.

7 I would prefer a flexible/fixed work schedule because I could do all my tasks without
being stressed.

The answers to the task of matching words/phrases

1. Motivation
2. Face to face
3. Distractions
4. Commuters
5. Flexible
6. Office space
7. Work as a team
8. Working remotely
9. Social interaction
10. Save money
11. Stressed
12. Collaboration
13. Isolation
1. Motivation
2. Face to face
3. Distractions
4. Commuters
5. Flexible
6. Office space
7. Work as a team
8. Working remotely
9. Social interaction
10. Save money
11. Stressed
12. Collaboration
13. Isolation
Working from home Working in an office
advantages disadvantages
advantages disadvantages

Working from home Working in an office

Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
Flexible schedule Difficulty Collaboration and Injuries
monitoring Shared ideas
Custom Home distractions Higher Strains your eyes
environment motivation
Cozy clothes Potential burnout Fewer Encourages a
distractions sedentary lifestyle
It’s easier to Problems with Separation of Ruins
make calls staff development work and home relationships at
Life times
Knock off some Negative impact Building a routine Payment could be
weekend to-do’s on mental health less
No office Decreased staff Behavior and The long commute
Distractions morale Interpersonal skill
Zero commuting. Become creative No comfy blankets
Save money. Waiting for an Easier to speak to Not always good
answer Seniors and for health
Forget crowds Power naps The right
and traffic. networking
More time with Become more
loved ones. experienced

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