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Titre Thèse (subject) Thermomechanical couplings of crystalline plasticity under cyclic loading in a

Directeur (supervisor) Ahmed EL Bartali E-mail :
Co-Directeur (co- E-mail :
Laboratoire (research unit) Laboratoire de Mécanique Multiphysique Web :
Equipe (research team) COREFoU/CoNEx (A. Beaurain, V. Web :
Magnier et J.F. Witz )
Financement prévu Contrat Doctoral Etablissement ULille UPHF Centrale Lille

Région – Autre ULCO ARTOIS IMT

Contrat de recherche Préciser : Autre

Financement acquis ? Contrat Doctoral Etablissement ULille UPHF Centrale Lille

Région – Autre ULCO ARTOIS IMT

Contrat de recherche Préciser : Autre

Résumé du sujet (abstract):

The cyclic behaviour and the mechanical low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties of stainless steels have been extensively studied
within the last decades for both uniaxial and/or multiaxial loadings. Recently in LaMcube [1-4], the physical micro-
mechanisms of LCF damaged materials have been investigated by various fine experimental techniques for analysis and
observation (scanning electron microscopy, digital image correlation technique, infrared thermography) on the
microstructural scale for monotonic uniaxial or few cycle loadings. Those analyses were completed by (thermo)mechanical
simulations based on physical crystalline properties. The deformation mechanisms involved are closely related to the
amounts of stored energy. In particular, energy dissipation is generally a very sensitive indicator of multi-scale
microstructural changes that start at the nanoscale and develop through the micro- and meso-scales to the macroscopic scale
during the process of deformation and damage of the material.
The latest results obtained for polycrystalline materials have shown the difficulties to access to all kinematic and thermal
variables to correctly establish the energy balance on the microstructural scale. These quantities depend in particular on the
level of plastic deformation, its heterogeneity and its evolution. It is therefore essential to study simultaneously the
deformation mechanisms and the associated energies, stored and released on the microstructural scale.
In continuity with previous work under monotonic loading (Bodelot 2008; Seghir 2012, Wang 2015), coupled kinematic and
thermal measurements of a 316L austenitic stainless steel on grain scale are currently being extended to cyclic loading from
an experimental point of view (Hu Qi thesis in progress). These coupled measurements have in particular the aim of
estimating a local energy balance on the grain scale. Coupled with calculations of crystalline plasticity, they will enable to
propose thermodynamically and physically based constitutive laws per grain taking into account the deformation
mechanisms; in particular the hardening or softening mechanisms.

1. Bodelot L., Sabatier L., Charkaluk E., Dufrenoy P. Experimental setup for fully coupled kinematic and thermal measurements at the
microstructure scale of an AISI 316L steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A 501 (1-2), 52-60, 2009.
2. Seghir R., Bodelot L., Charkaluk E., Dufrénoy P. Numerical and experimental estimation of thermomechanical fields heterogeneity at the grain
scale of 316L stainless steel. Computational Materials Science 53 (1), 464-473, 2012.
3. Charkaluk E., Seghir R., Bodelot L., Witz J.-F., Dufrénoy P. Microplasticity in polycrystals: a thermomechanical experimental perspective.
Experimental Mechanics 55 (4), 741-752, 2015.
4. Wang X.-G, Witz J.-F., El Bartali A., Oudriss A., Seghir R., Dufrénoy P., Feaugas X., Charkaluk E. A dedicated DIC methodology for
characterizing plastic deformation in single crystals. Experimental Mechanics 56 (7), 1155-1167, 2016.

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