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Friday | January 22, 2021

Past week sees

Library to host virtual fair of area fewer new
organizations for special needs children COVID cases in
Golden Triangle
State logs 259K cases,
nearly 5,500 deaths,
since pandemic began

All four Golden

Triangle counties
are seeing fewer
new COVID-19 cases
per week after sev-
eral weeks of sharp
spikes, according to Mississippi
State Department of Health data.
Lowndes County still leads the
region in cases and deaths, with
5,463 total cases and 119 deaths as
of 6 p.m. Wednesday, the most re-
cent update to the MSDH website.
The 277 cases in a week decreased
from 355 new cases the week be-
fore that, according to archived
MSDH data.
Oktibbeha County has 4,016
cases and 81 deaths, with 174 new
cases in the past week compared
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff to 176 the week before.
Tori Hopper, children’s and teen services and programming coordinator at Columbus-Lowndes Public Library, Clay County has 1,627 cases,
demonstrates how children with autism or other learning disabilities can use one of the toys at the library’s Au- with 71 new ones in a week, and 35
tism Resource Center to practice tying their shoes. The center provides parents and children with resources and deaths. Noxubee County has seen
connects them to other area organizations that can serve them, though some of its in-person services have been 1,114 cases, with 25 new ones in a
halted because of the pandemic. On Saturday, the library will host a virtual ARC Family Fair to connect parents week, and 25 deaths. Clay County
with those organizations. had 98 new cases and Noxubee
County had 66 the previous week.
Pandemic has further isolated families can provide resources for children
and, in some cases, adults who have
Mississippi’s COVID-19 cas-
es total 259,117 over the past 10
been diagnosed with a learning,
while disrupting traditional routines mental or physical disability, said
the library’s Children’s and Teen
months, with 5,668 deaths. The
state recorded 2,290 new cases
and 30 new deaths Wednesday,
children rely on for stability Services and Program Coordinator
Tori Hopper. And this year, like so
including two deaths in Noxubee
County and one in Lowndes Coun-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN told them, ‘I’ll be good,’ thinking many other events, the pandemic ty. that he was bad and had to stay has sent it online. Area school districts have re-
home.” “We get organizations from the sumed reporting their case data
Leslie Junkin said That’s one example of the way community to come and just talk weekly now that the spring semes-
she knows of a child the pandemic has hurt SPED chil- about how they serve families with ter has begun.
who, when his school dren and their families, said Junkin. special needs,” she said. “It doesn’t Lowndes County School Dis-
shut down due to the Junkin is project director for the have to be somebody on the autism trict saw a total of 15 positive cas-
pandemic last year, Mississippi Parent Training and spectrum. … We provide them with es from Jan. 11 to Jan. 15, its first
thought he must Information Center, which trains connections.” week of classes, with at least one
have done something and works with parents of special Funded through grants and do- case in each building except New
wrong. needs children around the state to nations from Friends of the Library, Hope Middle School and West
The child is a spe- help them advocate for their child’s the Autism Resource Center offers Lowndes High School, according
cial education student at his school, education. MSPTI is one of several a collection of books and activities to data on the LCSD website.
and his favorite thing to do every organizations presenting during designed to help kids with disabili- Starkville-Oktibbeha Consoli-
morning is ride the bus. His parents the Columbus-Lowndes Public Li- ties. In a typical year, it hosts story- dated School District had 11 pos-
couldn’t explain to him that the bus brary’s Virtual Autism Resource time events for families with special itive student cases and two pos-
wasn’t coming because of a deadly Center (ARC) Family Fair at 10 a.m. needs children to get together for itive staff cases the week of Jan.
virus. Saturday. activities and lets parents check out 11-15, the second week of classes,
“They couldn’t make him un- The ARC Family Fair is an annu- learning tools, such as flashcards according to data on the SOCSD
derstand ‘It’s not anything that you al event the library hosts to inform designed to help children identify website.
did,’” Junkin said. “Because he had parents of area organizations that See VIRTUAL FAIR, 6A Columbus Municipal School
District had nine student cases and
one staff case last week, Superin-

Work patterns altered at Mississippi Capitol during pandemic

About four dozen of state’s 174 legislators sit or stand shoulder to shoul-
der to watch legislators work
connect through the app, but
people can watch on the Mis-
positive for the coronavirus in
2020, and a few of them were
tested positive for the coronavirus in 2020 during committee meetings.
The goal now is to put more
sissippi Legislature YouTube
hospitalized. It was the worst
outbreak at any state Capitol in
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS virus, and some other legisla- space between people. Weather permitting, legis- the U.S., and it happened after
The Associated Press tors are being told to quaran- Small rooms that crowd lators will sit outside Tuesday some people shunned masks
tine and get tested after being easily are now off-limits. to hear Republican Gov. Tate and ignored recommendations
JACKSON — Mississippi House and Senate leaders said Reeves give his State of the
near those colleagues. to avoid packed elevators and
legislators are changing some Thursday that committees will State address. That event usu-
“We will get through this up-close conversations.
of their work habits to try to conduct some business online ally takes place in the House
together,” Republican Speaker Masking is more wide-
avoid a repeat of last year’s starting next week. Legisla- chamber, with senators, Su-
coronavirus outbreak at the Philip Gunn told the House on spread so far this session, but
tors will able to debate and preme Court justices and oth-
state Capitol. Thursday. some legislators are still going
vote on bills through a meet- er elected officials crowding
At least two senators and at In normal times, it’s com- ing app commonly used by into the space. bare-faced. With or without
least one House member re- mon for lobbyists, journalists businesses. About four dozen of Missis- masks, some still socialize at
cently tested positive for the and state agency leaders to The public won’t be able to sippi’s 174 legislators tested See CAPITOL, 6A


Classifieds 7,8B 1 In 2015, what NFL team MEETINGS
Comics 4B coached by Andy Reid was the Feb. 1: Lowndes
Crossword 8B first with an interception return County Board of
Dear Abby 4B of 90+ yards and a fumble return Supervisors, 9
Obituaries 5A of 70+ yards in the same game?
2 In 2014, Burger King pur- a.m. Courthouse,
Opinions 4A
Religion 5B chased what Canadian donut
chain for $11 billion? LowndesCounty-
3 Which rocker did Fergie honor Mississippi/
by naming her baby boy after the
WEATHER lead singer of her favorite band,
Feb. 3: Colum-
bus Municipal
Guns N’ Roses?
High 54 Low 33
4 Name one of the only two U.S.
presidents before 1850 to not
have owned slaves.
School District
review meeting
(virtual), 11:30
Full forecast on 5 What comic book company a.m., columbusc-
page 3A. publishes the Harvey Award-win-
ning series “Saga” — Image, Feb. 12:
Dark Horse or IDW? Lowndes County
Answers, 8B School District
Board, 12:30
Chalitda Hughes, of Columbus, loves p.m., District
141st Year, No. 268 tutoring and math. Office


2A FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •

Biden ordering stopgap help

as talks start on big aid plan
Orders would increase food aid, protect job seekers United States can rebound with
strength once people are vaccinat-
on unemployment, clear a path for federal workers ed from the coronavirus, but the
situation is still dire as the disease
and contractors to get a $15 hourly minimum wage has closed businesses and schools.
Nearly 10 million jobs have been
BY JOSH BOAK “The American people cannot lost since last February, and nearly
The Associated Press afford to wait,” said Brian Deese, 30 million households lack secure
director of the White House Na- access to food.
BALTIMORE — tional Economic Council. “So many
President Joe Biden One of Biden’s orders asks the
are hanging by a thread. They need Agriculture Department to consid-
plans to take exec- help, and we’re committed to doing
utive action Friday er adjusting the rules for food assis-
everything we can to provide that
to provide a stopgap tance, so that the government could
help as quickly as possible.”
measure of financial be obligated to provide more money
Deese emphasized that the or-
relief to millions of ders are not substitutes for the ad- to the hungry.
Americans while ditional stimulus that Biden says Children who are unable to get
Biden school meals because of remote
Congress begins to is needed beyond the $4 trillion
consider his much larger $1.9 tril- in aid that has already been ap- learning could receive a 15 percent
lion package to help those affected proved, including $900 billion this increase in food aid, according to
by the coronavirus pandemic. past December. Several Republican a fact sheet provided by the White
The two executive orders that lawmakers have voiced opposition House. The lowest-income house-
Biden is to sign would increase food to provisions in Biden’s plan for di- holds could qualify for the emergen-
aid, protect job seekers on unem- rect payments to individuals, state cy benefits from the Supplemental
ployment and clear a path for feder- and local government aid and a $15 Nutrition Assistance Program. And
al workers and contractors to get a hourly minimum wage nationwide. the formula for calculating meal
$15 hourly minimum wage. Most economists believe the costs could become more generous.

McConnell seeks to push impeachment trial to Feb.

Senate GOP leader: Delay would give majority leader post after
Democrats won two new
Trump time to prepare and stand up Senate seats in Georgia
and Vice President Ka-
his legal team, ensuring due process mala Harris was sworn in
Wednesday. But with such
BY MARY CLARE is necessary before the a narrow divide, Republi-
JALONICK AND LISA country — and the Con- cans will have some say
MASCARO McConnell Trump over the trial’s procedure.
gress — can move on.
The Associated Press Democrats are hoping
But McConnell told his fense in a Senate trial.”
fellow GOP senators on a The timing will be set to conduct the proceed-
WASHINGTON — ings while also passing
Senate Republican leader call Thursday that a short by House Speaker Nancy
delay would give Trump Pelosi, who can trigger legislation that is a prior-
Mitch McConnell is pro- ity for Biden, including
posing to push back the time to prepare and stand the start of the trial when
up his legal team, ensur- she sends the House coronavirus relief, but
start of Donald Trump’s they would need some
impeachment trial by a ing due process. charges for “incitement
cooperation from Senate
week or more to give the Indiana Sen. Mike of insurrection” to the
Republicans to do that, as
former president time to Braun said after the call Senate, and also by Mc- well.
review the case. that the trial might not be- Connell and new Senate Schumer told reporters
House Democrats who gin “until sometime mid Majority Leader Chuck Thursday that he was still
voted to impeach Trump February.” He said that Schumer, who are in nego- negotiating with McCon-
last week for inciting the was “due to the fact that tiations over how to set up nell on how to conduct the
Jan. 6 Capitol riots have the process as it occurred a 50-50 partisan divide in trial, “but make no mis-
signaled they want a quick in the House evolved so the Senate and the short- take about it. There will be
trial as President Joe quickly, and that it is not term agenda. a trial, there will be a vote,
Biden begins his term, in line with the time you Schumer is in charge of up or down or whether to
saying a full reckoning need to prepare for a de- the Senate, assuming the convict the president.”

Democrats ask ethics panel to investigate Sens. Cruz, Hawley

Democrats: ‘Their actions lend police officers and caused
extensive damage to the
body,” the Democratic
senators wrote in a letter
credence to the insurrectionists’ cause Capitol.
The Democratic sena-
to the leaders of the Sen-
ate Ethics Committee.
and set the stage for future violence’ tors said the question for The Democratic sena-
the Senate to determine tors said Cruz and Haw-
BY KEVIN FREKING fy President Joe Biden’s is not whether Cruz and ley announced their in-
The Associated Press victory over Trump in Hawley had the right to tentions to object even
November. Hawley and object, but whether the though they knew that
Cruz led objections in the senators failed to put loy- claims of election fraud
Seven Democratic sena-
Senate to Biden’s victory, alty “to the highest moral were baseless and had led
tors on Thursday asked
despite the widespread principles and to country to threats of violence.
the Senate Ethics Com-
mittee to investigate the recognition that the effort above loyalty to persons, “Their actions lend
actions of Republican would fail. party, or Government de- credence to the insurrec-
Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh In the end, Congress partment.” They also said tionists’ cause and set the
Hawley “to fully under- certified Biden’s Electoral the investigation should stage for future violence.
stand their role” in the College victory, but not be- determine whether Cruz, And both senators used
Jan. 6 insurrection at the fore thousands marched of Texas, and Hawley, of their objections for po-
Capitol by supporters of to the Capitol at Trump’s Missouri, engaged in “im- litical fundraising,” the
former President Donald urging, overwhelmed se- proper conduct reflecting Democratic senators said
Trump. curity and interrupted the on the Senate.” in their letter.
Thousands had gath- proceedings. In the end, “Until then, a cloud Cruz and Hawley have
ered that day as Congress the violence led to five of uncertainty will hang condemned the violence
voted to formally certi- deaths, injured dozens of over them and over this on Jan. 6.

Judge: Amazon won’t have to restore Parler web service

BY MAT T O’BRIEN Barbara Rothstein in Se- to block Parler from har- a magnet for the far right,
AP Technology Writer attle said she wasn’t dis- boring violent plans to sued to get back online,
missing Parler’s “substan- disrupt the presidential arguing that Amazon Web
Amazon won’t be tive underlying claims” transition. Services had breached
forced to immediately re- against Amazon, but The Seattle tech giant its contract and abused
store web service to Parl- said it had fallen short in said Parler had shown its market power. It said
er after a federal judge demonstrating the need an “unwillingness and in- Trump was likely on the
ruled Thursday against for an injunction forcing it ability” to remove a slew brink of joining the plat-
a plea to reinstate the back online. of dangerous posts that form, following a wave of
fast-growing social media Amazon kicked Parler called for the rape, tor- his followers who flocked
app, which is favored by off its web-hosting ser- ture and assassination of to the app after Twitter
followers of former Presi- vice on Jan. 11. In court politicians, tech execu- and Facebook expelled
dent Donald Trump. filings, it said the suspen- tives and many others. Trump after the Jan. 6 as-
U.S. District Judge sion was a “last resort” The social media app, sault on the U.S. Capitol.

Facebook’s oversight board to rule on Trump suspension

BY BARBAR A ORTUTAY major test of the recently it said it’s referring the hate speech — or if the
AP Technology Writer established panel. matter to the oversight decision to ban a world
The social media gi- board for what it called leader was the right one.
OAKLAND, Calif. — ant said Thursday that an “independent judg- It is empowered to make
Facebook is passing the it believes it made the ment” on upholding the binding rulings — that is,
buck for its indefinite sus- right decision to suspend decision. ones that can’t be over-
pension of former presi- Trump after he incited Facebook’s panel is in- turned by CEO Mark
dent Donald Trump to a his supporters to storm tended to rule on thorny Zuckerberg — on wheth-
quasi-independent over- the U.S. Capitol in a dead- content issues, such as er posts or ads violate the
sight board, setting up a ly assault on Jan. 6. But when posts constitute company’s rules.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 3A

Mississippi teacher pay bill Mississippi opens new

drive-thru vaccination
clears 1 step, goes to House site in Jackson
SB 2001 would give certified teachers with three tified teachers with three or more
years of experience a $1,000 pay 19th drive-thru site opened
or more years of experience a $1,000 pay increase increase.
Teachers with two years of expe-
rience and less would get a $1,110
Thursday at Smith-Wills Stadium
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the state’s economic performance
before committing to a multimil- bump, bringing them to a starting BY LEAH WILLINGHAM
JACKSON — Mississippi sena- lion-dollar plan. salary of $37,000 a year. Assistant The Associated Press/Report for America
tors asked no questions Thursday Mississippi has long had some of teachers would receive a $1,000 pay
before voting unanimously to move the lowest teacher salaries in the na- increase. The bigger raise in early JACKSON — Mississippi has opened its first
forward with a teacher pay raise pro- tion. According to the most recent years is an effort to make teaching drive-thru site for coronavirus vaccinations in
posal. figures available from the Southern jobs more attractive. the capital city, a move that officials said they
But, the vote was just one step Regional Education Board, the av- The bill is similar to legislation hoped would make shots more accessible to Af-
in what could be a long legislative erage teacher salary in the U.S. for proposed last year that was stalled rican Americans, who have received the vaccine
process, and the bill awaits an un- 2018-19 was $62,304. For Mississip- after the coronavirus pandemic cre- in much smaller numbers than whites.
certain fate. House leaders say pi, the average was $45,105. ated uncertainty about state spend- The state’s 19th drive-thru site opened
they want more information about Senate Bill 2001 would give cer- ing. Thursday at Smith-Wills Stadium in Jackson,
said Jim Craig, senior deputy and director of
health protection at the state Department of
“It was welcome to see a lot of Mississippi-
ans who had appointments coming in to get
Mississippi county to put up marker for lynching victims their shots,” Craig said during a Department of
Health briefing.
The department has operated 18 drive-thru
Metal sign will go outside the county white woman.”
The metal sign will go
trial because a white mob
seized him from the La- vaccination sites in different regions of the state
for three weeks. Shots are available for health
courthouse on the Square in Oxford outside the county court-
house on the Square in
fayette County Jail and
lynched him. Patton was care workers, people 65 and over and those who
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS scheduled for Decem- Oxford, near a marble sometimes called Nelse are at least 16 and have health conditions that
statue of a Confederate Patton in documents. Ac- might make them more vulnerable to the virus.
ber, but it was delayed
OXFORD — A Mis- soldier that was put up in cording to the New York Vaccinations are also continuing at long-term
because one supervisor,
sissippi county will put 1907. Times’ 1908 account of care facilities through a program run by CVS,
David Rikard, said he did
up a marker to remem- Calls to remove the the lynching, W.V. Sulli- Walgreens and the federal government.
not want to memorialize a
ber Black men who were Confederate monument van, a former U.S. senator The state previously allocated small num-
man who was accused of bers of doses to some private clinics and com-
lynched by white mobs have intensified in recent from Mississippi, led the
killing a white woman in munity health centers in the Jackson area. Until
between 1885 and 1935. It months amid the national lynch mob.
1908. Thursday, however, there was no vaccination
will be near a statue that discussion over racial in- The group that got ap-
honors Confederate sol- News outlets reported site in Jackson or in the rest of Hinds County,
justice, but the all-white proval to put the marker
diers. that Rikard met with a Board of Supervisors has on the courthouse lawn is the state’s most populous, and also majority
Lafayette County su- committee that planned said the soldier statue will the Lynching Memorial- Black. Residents reported traveling upwards of
pervisors voted unani- the marker, and they remain. ization in Lafayette Coun- an hour for vaccinations because of an influx of
mously Tuesday to ap- agreed that the marker Many lynching victims ty Committee, which has demand at the sites nearest to the capital.
prove the memorial for would say Lawson Patton in the U.S. were Black worked with the Equal Only 15 percent of the vaccinations adminis-
seven Black men known was “accused in the mur- people who were accused Justice Initiative, a legal tered so far in Mississippi have been to Black
to have been lynched in der of a white woman.” — sometimes falsely — aid organization seeking residents, compared to around 70 percent of
the county during the 50- The original proposal of committing a violent to reshape the narrative vaccinations for white residents, according to
year span. was to say the man was crime. around lynchings and the Health Department. Blacks represent 38
The vote originally was “accused in the death of a Patton never went to acts of racial terror. percent of the population.

MDOC: 2 Mississippi inmates die in hospitals

At least 10 state 2019, of seven counts of
sexual battery and two
The department said it de-
layed releasing informa-
inmates have counts of unlawful touch-
ing of a child. Pearson
tion about his death so his
family could be notified.
died this year was serving a 45-year sen-
tence at South Mississippi
Autopsies are set for
Pearson and Joosepson.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Correctional Institution. At least 10 Mississippi in-
Eric Alan Joosepson, mates have died this year.
JACKSON — Two 72, was pronounced dead At least 106 inmates
Mississippi inmates have Sunday at Greenwood died from late 2019 until
died at hospitals in recent Leflore County Hospital. the end of 2020. Sever-
days, the state Depart- He had been taken there al inmates died during
ment of Corrections said from the Mississippi State outbursts of violence in
Thursday. Penitentiary at Parchman. late December 2019 and
Alex Jackie Pearson, Joosepson received a 15- early January 2020. The
70, died Thursday at year sentence on June U.S. Justice Department
Greene County Hospital. 1, 2007, after he pleaded announced in February
A Hancock County jury guilty to two counts of fon- that it is investigating the
convicted him Aug. 29, dling in Lowndes County. state’s prison system.


Body in unmarked grave and investigators later Interstate 55 in Jackson,
charged Tommy Gene WLBT-TV reported.
linked to Mississippi Randolph, 37, and Brian Authorities have good
murder case Lee Hoover, 36, with mur- information about a num-
HAMILTON — Au- der and arson. ber of people believed to
thorities searching for the Cowan’s girlfriend, have been involved, the
body of a man killed more Kayla Marie Morris mayor said.
than a month ago discov- Johns, 28, was charged Lumumba added that
ered the remains buried with accessory to murder, the city will not stand for
at the edge of a Mississip- and an additional suspect, drag racing and drifting
pi cemetery. Melonie Elizabeth Tate, — attention-grabbing
Investigators recov- 38, was also charged with stunts that he called ex-
ered the body of Jack Cow- accessory after the fact in tremely dangerous.
an, 39, from an unmarked the case, the sheriff said.
grave on the outskirts of a Authorities have not
Hamilton-area cemetery said what evidence led to Small earthquake
Wednesday afternoon, the arrests in the case or reported in south
The Monroe Journal quot- commented further on
Cowan’s death and the
ed County Sheriff Kevin COLLINS — A 2.1
Crook as saying. circumstances surround- magnitude earthquake
ing the slaying. occurred Wednesday
Cowan’s body was tak-
en to the Monroe County morning in south Missis-
Coroner’s Office, and an Jackson mayor: City sippi.
autopsy was set to be per- will not tolerate The Mississippi Emer-
formed at the Mississippi street racing gency Management Agen-
cy posted on Twitter that
Forensics Laboratory in JACKSON — Jackson’s
Pearl, Coroner Alan Gur- mayor says the city will the earthquake happened
ley said. not tolerate drag racing near Collins around 7:33
Authorities began in- and other types of reck- a.m.
vestigating in Mid-De- less driving that draws So far, no issues, dam-
cember after discovering crowds to watch. age or injuries had been
Cowan’s burned car near reported to MEMA.
Mayor Chokwe Antar The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.

a waterway in Amory. Lumumba made the com- Collins is about 26 Major

Crook said a missing per- ments after such activity miles northwest of Hat- Minor 2:03p 2:37p
Major 8:09a 8:54a
son’s case was launched recently closed part of tiesburg. Minor 3:08a 4:04a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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Two programs not suitable for classrooms

n the natural world, Isaac ly was created as a response to percent of the content had affirmative action and social adopt the 1619 Project as part
Newton’s third law of mo- the New York Times’ Pulitzer been lifted in various ways welfare programs. of its curriculum.
tion states that “For every prize-winning 1619 Project, a from other sources without In a section called “Chal- We do not believe that
action, there is an equal and deep unpacking of the origins citation. lenges to America’s Princi- either of these is suitable for
opposite reaction.” and legacy of institutional rac- The report, then, is largely ples,” it addresses not only K-12 curriculums. The 1619
But in the political world, ism in American history. a work of opinion based not slavery, but progressivism, fas- Project’s goals are worthwhile
which has become increasing- The reaction by historians only historical facts, but on cism, communism and racism/ in telling the story of Black
ly unnatural, the law seems to was swift and brutal. Histori- previous opinion pieces. Its identity politics. America that has largely been
have become “for every action, ans noted the report lacked speculation built on top of Clearly, the 1776 Project ignored.
there is an unequal and oppo- citations and, in many instanc- speculation, a shoddy, rushed Report is a political document, But the 1619 project has
site overreaction.” es, a rehash of conservative work of supposition. not a scholarly work of history. issues of its own among histo-
On his first day in office, opinion pieces dating as far In its discussion of slavery, Even so, there is some real rians.
President Biden issued an back as 2008. the report rationalizes the threat that the report may be The difference between the
executive order disbanding As an example, in its open- suffering of millions of Af- used in classrooms. Gov. Tate two retellings of our history is
the 1776 Commission, which ing paragraphs, the report sets rican slaves by pointing out Reeves, in his budget propos- that the 1619 Project sought to
President Trump had created off two passages in quotation that slavery existed through- al, recommended $3 million right a wrong while the 1776
by executive order in Septem- marks but does not provide out the world at the time on to fund “Patriotic Education” Report clings to a history that
ber to support what he called any attribution for the quotes. the nation’s founding. It also in the state’s public schools, can be loosely described as
“patriotic education.” Courtney Thompson, an characterizes the Civil Rights clearly with an eye of adopting history of white Americans, by
The 45-page report, re- assistant professor at Missis- movement as having lost its the 1776 Commission Report, white Americans and for white
leased in the final days of sippi State University, ran the way after the death of Martin whose commission included Americans.
Trump’s presidency, is a 1776 report through TurnItIn, Luther King, Jr. in 1968, evolv- former Governor Phil Bryant. As a curriculum, the 1619
rebuke of decades of historical a plagiarism detection service ing into a movement focused Meanwhile, the Legislature Project is flawed. The 1776
scholarship on the legacy of used primarily by universities on equality to preferential is considering a bill that would Report is both flawed and
American slavery, but primari- and colleges, and claimed 26 treatment of Blacks through strip funds from schools who sinister.


The lost verses
he girls and
boys are out
tonight in my
town, walking back
and forth in front of
the old gray granite
public library, locking
glances with men in
passing cars, looking
for the jittery, hot-
eyed one who slows
And it’s not that I Marc Dion
don’t like the brag and
bounce of “Hail to the
Chief” played by a well-fed band. I do.
But the girls and the boys looking for trade
on a cold night are part of the backdrop to
the soundtrack, as are the millions of acres of
single-family homes with nice people inside
raising their children, working their jobs and
paying their property taxes online.
And the convicts in their cells, the ones
who are guilty and the ones who aren’t, both of
them waiting out a five-year bit, a punishment
referred to by people who haven’t done time as
“a slap on the wrist.”
A woman in the white gown of a priestess
stood up at Joe Biden’s inauguration and sang
Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land.” She
sang the verse about the golden valley. It’s pret-
ty, and it’s right, and it’s part of Guthrie’s song.
Guthrie was the Dust Bowl troubadour out of
Oklahoma, singing about failing crops and hun-
ger. “Was a-farmin’ on the shares, and always I THE NATION
was poor,” he wrote in a song called “I Ain’t Got
No Home.”
Guthrie’s appearance was so ragged that you
couldn’t have gotten him into the inauguration
Led and organized by many military men and women
if you’d thrown a blanket over him. was at the Capitol as itary officers describe porters with military training.
And by the time the woman in the priestess a broadcast journal- problems as “challeng- I am as disturbed as every
robe sang part of Guthrie’s song about this ist on Jan. 6, 2021, es”; the way they use American by the events at the
land, it was clear the Proud Boys weren’t going to cover the protest of the 24-hour clock; the Capitol, by the summer of rioting
to try conclusions with the real soldiers, and so the 2020 presidential way they are constantly and looting in America and by the
it seemed like maybe it was our land. elections. This protest observing and taking in increasing division among Amer-
It snowed where I was that day, big-as-a-nick- drew Americans from those around them; the icans. We can do better. We can
el snowflakes, so pretty that I just stood outside around the country, way they talk about lo- be stronger. We can and should be
for a while, watching the flakes whirl to the some even driving in gistics and tactics; and proud of our veterans. However,
ground. caravans from the West the shorter, more direct to heal as a nation, we must also
I love Woody Guthrie, but wherever I go, Coast to attend and to sentences they use acknowledge the truth of the riot-
when “This Land is Your Land” is sung, most have their voices heard. when involved in a job. ing that happened on Jan. 6, 2021,
of the time, they never get to the rest of the Unfortunately, my expe- Armstrong Williams If you have spent time and the truth of the rioting that
verses. rience was unsettling. among military person- happened in the wake of George
“In the shadow of the steeple I saw my As a result, I have some nel, identifying them Floyd’s murder.
people, very unsettling on-the-scene news becomes almost second nature. What I mean to say is this: The
“By the relief office I seen my people; to report. My experience and observa- message from the leaders of our
“As they stood there hungry, I stood there This is not the news that I had tions at the riot expose the hard country and from the mainstream
asking, expected to report, but as a jour- truth that we all must confront. media should be one of unity.
“Is this land made for you and me? nalist, integrity is of the utmost I’ve reviewed, to my displeasure, Certainly, there are times when
“Nobody living can ever stop me, importance, particularly in today’s the video that I took that day, and it is appropriate to disagree with
“As I go walking that freedom highway; day and age. My eyewitness ac- the video confirms for me even one another and it is healthy to
“Nobody living can ever make me turn back, count is most distressing. more clearly what I suspected at engage in debate, whether it be on
“This land was made for you and me.” First and foremost, let me say first glance: There were, without solutions to health care or how to
It’s a call, all right, but it’s not a call to that I am a patriot who has always a doubt, many military men and fix the immigration system. These
admire the scenery, and people don’t sing those venerated our military and the women at the Capitol. They were are examples of times when debate
verses too much because Guthrie, no matter men and women who willingly lay absolutely involved in the destruc- should be welcome and encour-
how much beauty he saw, could not forget the down their lives so that we might tion and violence that ensued. aged. There are also times when,
children who hadn’t eaten that day, and he live ours. That very fact makes it They were using tactical methods regardless of political philoso-
knew that hunger amid the beauty was a be- painful for me to acknowledge, but to sow chaos. They brought pepper phy, a behavior is so inherently
trayal of everyone and everything from Christ it is the truth: The riot (and it was spray and used it against U.S. Cap- un-American and uncivilized that
to the Constitution. a riot) was, in part, led and orga- itol Police. They worked in shifts; it should be condemned regardless
In front of the library, I see my people. Sex nized by many men and women they carried gear; and they came of whether the political philosophy
for money and money for heroin, as pure a with ties to the American military prepared. This was a riot that was of those behaving in such a way
circle as campaign contribution for influence, complex. well organized and well orchestrat- aligns with yours. For the good of
and influence for money and money for cam- While I have never served ed. It was premeditated. the American public, and, more
paign contributions. The hell of junkies and myself, I know many veterans and Now, let me be clear: There importantly, for the future of this
politicians is that there’s always something left active service members. I consider absolutely may have been some nation, politicians from both sides
to sell. them friends and confidants and antifa activists in the crowd as of the aisle should be able to vehe-
Guthrie, who saw his people by the relief hold them in the highest esteem. well, and there may have been mently agree that rioting, looting
office, thought no one living could ever stop I know how they speak and how people posing as Trump support- and inciting violence for the sake
you if you walked that freedom highway. they dress, from their choice of ers who were not. There were no of ANY political cause is abso-
And we walk. We walk up and down the side- attire and footwear to the types of doubt hundreds of things that I did lutely unacceptable. If our leaders
walk, and we look for that freedom highway. backpacks they use and the types not and could not see. Regardless, cannot unite behind something so
Marc Dion, a nationally syndicated columnist, of tattoos they have. I can identify what I did see concerned me, and obvious, I worry about the future
is a reporter and columnist for The Herald News, a current or former service mem- I have no doubt that many of the of this country.
the daily newspaper of his hometown, Fall River, ber in a crowd simply by observing people engaged in the rioting and Armstrong Williams is an Ameri-
Massachusetts. For more on Dion, go to go to their distinct mannerisms. For in leading the crowd were not only can political commentator, entrepre- example, there is the way that mil- Trump supporters but Trump sup- neur, author, and talk show host.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mrs. Jones was Lee-Sykes Funeral ceded in death by her
OBITUARY POLICY born Oct. 12, 1924, in Home of Columbus is husband, Jimmie James
Obituaries with basic informa-
Bigbee Valley, to the in charge of arrange- Shamily.
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided late Elijah Moore Sr. ments. She is survived by
free of charge. Extended and Betty Hargrove Mr. Harris was born her children, Earnest
obituaries with a photograph, Henderson. She was Feb. 15, 1976, in West B. Shamily of St. Louis,
detailed biographical informa- formerly employed as Point, to Maurice Spru- Missouri, Earnest
tion and other details families a custodian with Hunt ell and Pam Harris. J. Shamily, Asalene
may wish to include, are avail- Shamily, Jessie James
High School and was a He was preceded
able for a fee. Obituaries must
be submitted through funeral
member of Southside in death by his sister, Shamily, Mary D.
homes unless the deceased’s M.B. Church. Latasha Harris. Shamily and Joseph

Gary Medley
body has been donated to In addition to her Shamily all of Macon;
parents, she was siblings, Mary Earl
science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science, preceded in death by
McAuther Adams Clanton, Robert Earl
COLUMBUS — Mc- McCoy and Selma Lee
the family must provide official her husband, Jessie
proof of death. Please submit Auther “Mack” Adams, Boykins all of Macon; Gary Lee Medley, age 67,
James Jones; children,
all obituaries on the form 72, died Jan. 13, 2021, 24 grandchildren; and died at his home in Danville,
Annie Mae Williams
provided by The Commercial at Vineyard Court in 44 great-grandchildren. AL, January 15, 2021.
Dispatch. Free notices must be and Louella Jones; and
Columbus. Pallbearers will be Gary was born May 12,
submitted to the newspaper siblings, Elijah Moore
Graveside services Michael Shamily, Pat- 1953, in Augsburg, Germany,
no later than 3 p.m. the day Jr., Allie Will Long and
will be at 2 p.m. Sat- rick Maxwell, Deme- to Edward A. Medley, Sr. and
prior for publication Tuesday Willie Coley.
through Friday; no later than 4 urday, at Sandfield trius Maxwell, Travis Mary Medley. He lived most of
She is survived by
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Cemetery. Visitation Maxwell, Mark Tripple his life in Columbus, MS. He
her siblings, Robert
edition; and no later than 7:30 is from noon- 5 p.m. and Timmy Williams. played high school football and
Jones, Jessie Mae
a.m. for the Monday edition.
today, at Lee-Sykes graduated from Caldwell High
Incomplete notices must be re- Jones, Nora Bell
Funeral Home. Lee- School in 1971. He joined the Columbus Fire
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Jones, William James
Sykes Funeral Home of
John Prince Jr. Department in 1973 and was an 8 year veteran
for the Monday through Friday Jones of Columbus, NOXUBEE COUN-
Columbus is in charge when he was injured fighting a fire in downtown
editions. Paid notices must be Betty Dell Jones of TY — John Prince Jr.,
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion of arrangements. Columbus on May 12, 1981, in which he lost his
San Pedro, California, 71, died Jan. 20, 2021,
the next day Monday through Mr. Adams was born leg. Gary also worked at Metso in Columbus for
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
Polly Ann McCrary of in Macon. over 20 years until his retirement. Gary loved
Inglewood, California, Jan. 20, 1948, to the Arrangements are
p.m. for Sunday and Monday
late Arthur and Arline bass fishing, taxidermy, woodworking, Braves
publication. For more informa- Tonda Jones-Boyland of incomplete and will be baseball and Alabama football.
tion, call 662-328-2471. Memphis, Tennessee, Adams. He was former- announced by Carter’s
ly employed with Glenn Gary was preceded in death by his parents and
Dannie M. Jones of Funeral Services of one sister.
Florida; grandchildren; Machine Works and Macon.
Frank Edwards III great-grandchildren; was a member of Tem- Survivors include his wife, Teresa Medley; his
COLUMBUS — brother, Edward A. Medley, Jr.; sister, Marian
and great-great-grand- ple Apostolic Church. Willie Stewart
Frank “Tut” O’Bryant Parson (Tony); daughters, Ginnie Cody and
children. In addition to his par- NOXUBEE COUN-
Edwards Laura Hoffman (Brian); step children, Mandy
ents, he was preceded TY — Willie Stewart,
III, died (Dan) and Doug; 10 grandchildren; and two
Dec. 30, Daniel Shelton in death by his brother, 83, died Jan. 20, 2021, great-grandchildren.
2020. COLUMBUS —Dan- Sam Adams. in Jackson. In remembrance of Gary donations can be
Funeral iel “D-Shot” Shelton, He is survived by his Arrangements are made to the Columbus Lowndes Humane Society,
services 42, died wife, Mary Lee Adams; incomplete and will be 50 Airline Road, Columbus, MS. 39702.
will be Jan. 5, children, Lonnie Sand- announced by Carter’s
at 2 p.m. 2021, at ers, Cory Adams and Funeral Services of Paid Obituary - Roselawn Funeral Home & Crematory
Saturday, Edwards III North Courtney Adams all Macon.
Mississippi of Columbus; siblings, See OBITUARIES, 7A

Harold Young
at Word
Church International, Medical Beulah Sherrod and
with John Sanders Center of Katherine Moody both
officiating. Burial will West Point. of Columbus; and eight
Grave- D. Shelton grandchildren. A private family service
follow at Union Ceme-
side for Harold Glynn Young, 80,
tery. Visitation is from
of Monroe, LA will be held
2-6 p.m. at Carter’s Fu- services will be at 2 Annie Shamily Saturday, January 23, 2021, at
neral Services. Carter’s p.m. Saturday, at Cedar NOXUBEE COUN-
Grove M.B. Church Rawls Cemetery in Crossett,
Funeral Services of TY — Annie C. Sham-
Cemetery, with Randy AR.
Columbus is in charge ily, 83,
Randle officiating. Vis- Harold was born November
of arrangements. died Jan.
itation is from 2-6 p.m. 29, 1940, in Lake Village AR
Mr. Edwards was 17, 2021,
today, at Carter’s Fu- and passed away January 17,
born Sept. 28, 2000, in at Delta
neral Services. Carter’s 2021, in Shreveport, LA due
Columbus, to Tiffney Regional
Funeral Services of to complications of surgery. He was a long time
Denise Trimuel and Hospital of
Columbus is in charge employee of Georgia- Pacific in Crossett, AR and
Frank Conner Ed- Greenville.
wards. He was formerly of arrangements. Bobby Garner later retired Weyerhaeuser in Columbus, MS. He
Graveside Graveside Services: was an avid hunter and fisherman but later in life
employed with Rose’s Mr. Shelton was services Shamily Saturday, Jan. 23 • 11 AM
born April 23, 1978, in Friendship Cemetery he enjoyed being outside sitting by the fire with
Express and attended will be at Burial
Aberdeen, to the late his brothers and cousins.
Word Church Interna- 11 a.m. Saturday, at St. Friendship Cemetery
Inez Shelton. He was preceded in death by his parents,
tional. Michael UMC Ceme- 2nd Ave. N. Location
In addition to his Harold and Christian Young.
In addition to his
parents, he is survived mother, he was pre-
tery, with the Rev. Keri Ray Vassar He is survived by his wife, Martha Young;
Bridges officiating. Incomplete daughter, Terri Hairston (Jeff); son, Mark Young
by his sister, Frantrice ceded in death by College St. Location
Visitation is from 2-6 (Stephanie); grandchildren, Haley Hairston
Caine. his brother, Michael
Shelton. p.m. today, at Carter’s (Darren), Clint Hairston (Lara), Pierce Young
Pallbearers will be
He is survived by his Funeral Services. Car- (Camille) and Ginger Johnson (Ryan); and three
Treyvon Little, J.T.
siblings, Bobbie Shel- ter’s Funeral Services great-grandchildren, Henry, Brennan and Lana;
Selvie, Jumarcus Selvie, two brothers, Mike Young (Edra), David Young
ton, Larry Shelton, An- of Macon is in charge of
TY Copeland, Anthony (Charlene); cousin Hubert Riley (Nancy) who
tonio Shelton, Sandra arrangements.
Baity, Brylin Gore, was just like a brother.
Damarvion Lacey, Ian Shelton all of Colum- Mrs. Shamily was
born Oct. 31, 1937, in In lieu of flowers family request that all
Gardner and Deonte bus, Phillip Shelton of
Noxubee County, to donations be made to St. Jude.
Bonds. Starkville and Gregory
the late Gardner Lee Online condolences can be made at www.
Shelton of Jackson.
McCoy and Mattie
Ellis Troupe Jr. Lee McCoy. She was a
COLUMBUS — Ellis Johnnie Bush Paid Obituary - Mulhearn Funeral Home
member of St. Michael
Troupe Jr., 42, died Jan. COLUMBUS —

Paul Millsaps
12, 2021, at Johnnie “Mane” Bush,
79, died Jan. 12, 2021, at In addition to her
his resi-
Aurora Nursing Home parents, she was pre-

Neon Bobitt
Grave- in Columbus. Paul Millsaps, 68, passed away at his residence
side ser- Graveside services on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Born May 6,
vices will will be at noon Satur- 1952, to Paul and Edith Davis Millsaps, Paul
be at 2 p.m. day, at Sandfield Cem- was a lifelong Starkville native graduating from
Murry Neon Bobitt, 70, of Columbus, MS
Saturday, etery, with Casey Bush Starkville High School and Mississippi State
passed away Thursday, January 21, 2021, at Bap-
at Union Troupe Jr. officiating. Visitation University. What started as a shared love of
tist Memorial Hospital-GT.
Cemetery, is from 1-5 p.m. today, football with his father led to his playing for the
Visitation will be held Saturday, January 23,
with the Rev. Willie M. at Hairston and Hair- Yellowjackets and the Bulldogs. Paul’s love for
2021, from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM at First Assem-
Williams Sr. officiating. ston Funeral Home. bly of God. A funeral service will follow at 11:00 football was second only to the tremendous love
Visitation is from 2-6 Hairston and Hairston AM with Bro. Kenny Gardner officiating. Inter- that he had for his family.
p.m. today, at Carter’s Funeral Home of Co- ment will be in Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Lamar After running his family automobile dealership
Funeral Services. Car- lumbus is in charge of County, AL with Lowndes Funeral Home, Co- for 33 years, Paul graduated cum laude with a J.
ter’s Funeral Services of arrangements. lumbus, MS directing. D. from the University of Mississippi Law School
Columbus is in charge Mr. Bush was born Mr. Bobitt was born on August 13, 1950, in in 2013 and set up a law practice specializing in
of arrangements. Sept. 15, 1941, in Big- Columbus, MS to the late Mary Nell Bobitt and elder law. Paul delighted in being of service to
Mr. Troupe was born bee Valley, to Isaac and David Bobitt. He worked as a service tech for others through his law practice.
Jan. 3, 1979, in Colum- Annie Jane Bush. He Sears for 45 years. Mr. Bobitt was an avid hunter Throughout his life, Paul was also honored to
bus, to Ellis Troupe Sr. was formerly employed and fisherman. He enjoyed cooking, traveling to serve the Starkville community that he loved. He
and Gweneva Troupe. with the City of Colum- the Smokey Mountains, and spending time with served on the Starkville Public Schools School
In addition to his bus. family. Mr. Bobitt was a member of the former Board and was a past president and Paul Harris
parents, he is survived He is survived by his Central United Methodist Church. Fellow of Rotary International. In recent years,
by his wife, Tequila siblings, Isaac Bush, Jo- In addition to his parents, Mr. Bobitt is preced- Paul served as the first chairman of Casserole
Troupe; children, Alex seph Bush, Mary Ruth ed in death by a grandchild, Brantley Bobitt; and Kitchen, a food outreach program whose mission
Troupe and Kyiesha Eddins all of Columbus his brother, Paul Bobitt. is to serve hot, nutritious meals to anyone in need
Troupe both of Co- and Mary Sturdivant of Mr. Bobitt is survived by his wife, Renee James at no charge.
lumbus; and siblings, Detroit, Michigan. Bobitt of Columbus, MS; sons, Brian (Angela) Paul is survived by his loving wife, Tracey; his
Elnada T. Troupe of Bobitt and Drew (Shelbi) Young; daughters, daughters, Carley Stein (Brad) of Asheville, NC
Columbus and Tristan Maurice Harris Lauren (Chris) Davidson and Kourtney (Scott) and Julia Griffith (Wade) of Durango, CO; his
Danner of Hamilton. COLUMBUS — Gilmore; grandchildren, Ali Simmons, Emily son, Baxter Billingsley (Emily) of Dallas, TX;
Maurice Harris, 44, Simmons, Ashley Simmons, Kaylee Bobitt, Bri- six grandchildren; and his sister, Ann Forester
Annie Jones died Jan. 6, anna Bobitt and Sade Young; and sister, Gaila of Oxford, MS.
COLUMBUS — An- 2021, at his (Henry) Freeman. A family service will be held at The Episcopal
nie Bell Jones, 96, died residence. Pallbearers will be Chris Davidson, Steve Church of the Resurrection in Starkville on
Jan. 16, 2021, at Bap- Grave- Flemming, Dean Goodman, Hunter Goodman, Saturday, January 23, at 10:00 AM. The church
tist Memorial Hospi- side Noah Wright and Drew Young. service will be followed by an inurnment in the
tal-Golden Triangle. services Honorary pallbearers will be Billy Phillips, columbarium at 10:30 AM. Friends of the family
No services will be will be at Bud Phillips, Ray Gore, Judge Jim Kitchens, are welcome to attend this outdoor ceremony.
held. Visitation is from 11 a.m. Sat- Doug Curlee, Dr. William Gillespie III and Dr. The family requests that masks be worn.
noon-2 p.m. Saturday, urday, at Harris Memorials may be made to the Casserole
William Rosenblatt.
at Carter’s Funeral Ser- Sixteenth Memorials may be made to the donor’s choice. Kitchen through The Episcopal Church of the
vices. Carter’s Funeral Section Cemetery. Resurrection website at https://ecr.breezechms.
Services of Columbus Visitation is from noon- Compliments of com/give/online.
is in charge of arrange- 5 p.m. today, at Lee- Lowndes Funeral Home Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home
ments. Sykes Funeral Home.
6A FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •

Biden revokes Trump report promoting ‘patriotic education’

The American Historical Association condemned the document, at Yale University. “That report
is a piece of right-wing propagan-
work and writing, under our
own names, to the 1776 Report,
saying it glorifies the founders while ignoring the histories and da.”
Trump officials heralded the
which was an advisory report to
the president.”
contributions of enslaved people, Indigenous communities and women report as “a definitive chronicle
of the American founding,” but
Spalding and other commis-
sion leaders did not immediately
BY COLLIN BINKLEY as a response to The New York the United States, complained scholars say it disregards the respond to other criticism lev-
AP Education Writer Times’ “1619 Project,” which of “false and fashionable ideol- most basic rules of scholarship. eled against the report.
highlights the lasting conse- ogies” that depict the country’s It offers no citations, for exam- In his order dissolving the
President Joe Biden on ple, or a list of its source materi- panel, Biden said it “sought to
quences of slavery in America. story as one of “oppression and
Wednesday revoked a recent als. erase America’s history of racial
In its report, which Trump victimhood.” Instead, it called for
Trump administration report It also includes several pas- injustice.”
hoped would be used in class- renewed efforts to foster “a brave
that aimed to promote “patriot- sages copied directly from other The American Historical
ic education” in schools but that rooms across the nation, the and honest love for our country.”
writings by members of the pan- Association condemned the
historians mocked and rejected commission glorifies the coun- Historians widely panned the
el, as one professor found after document, saying it glorifies
as political propaganda. try’s founders, plays down Amer- report, saying it offers a false and
running the report through soft- the founders while ignoring
In an executive order signed ica’s role in slavery, condemns outdated version of American ware that’s used to detect plagia- the histories and contributions
in his first day in office, Biden the rise of progressive politics history that ignores decades of rism. of enslaved people, Indigenous
disband Donald Trump’s pres- and argues that the civil rights research. Matthew Spalding, the pan- communities and women. In
idential 1776 Commission and movement ran afoul of the “lofty “It’s an insult to the whole en- el’s executive director and a vice a statement also signed by 13
withdrew a report it released ideals” espoused by the Found- terprise of education. Education president at the conservative other academic groups, the or-
Monday. Trump established ing Fathers. is supposed to help young people Hillsdale College, denied any ganization says the report seeks
the group in September to rally The panel, which included learn to think critically,” said Da- wrongdoing, saying the panel’s “government indoctrination of
support from white voters and no professional historians of vid Blight, a Civil War historian members “contributed our own American students.”

AKA sorority members celebrate Kamala Harris inauguration

Vice president joined Alpha Kappa her pearls
at the inau-
and urged members to
stay home. So countless
of their feeling of safety
at the inauguration and
AKA in 1986 at Howard
University, one of the
Alpha in 1986 at Howard University guration in
Wa s h i n g -
AKA members celebrat-
ed the historic moment
beyond, she said, and
many members have been
country’s oldest histori-
cally Black colleges and
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the ones Harris wore ton, D.C. in their living rooms, on telling each other to stop universities. When she
when she graduated from Instead, Twitter and on Zoom calls. wearing their letters in accepted the Democratic
CHICAGO — Eliza- Howard University, was she donned “I wanted to help show public for safety reasons. vice-presidential nom-
beth Shelby had her in- sworn into Congress, and them at Kamala that her sisters But Shelby said that ination in August, she
auguration outfit planned was sworn in as the first home in Harris are behind her always,” didn’t stop her from cele- thanked AKA, saying,
weeks in advance: blue Nashville, Tennessee. Shelby said. “I wanted her brating at a Zoom viewing “Family is my beloved Al-
woman, first Black and
jeans, a Kamala Harris Following the deadly to look out and see a sea of party with her local grad- pha Kappa Alpha.” Soon
sweatshirt, a green coat, South Asian person, and
Jan. 6 insurrection at the pink and green and know uate chapter. after, donations in incre-
and pink Chuck Taylors first Alpha Kappa Alpha U.S. Capitol, AKA, the that this is her moment.” “I’m not going to let ments of $19.08, marking
as an homage to her so- member to serve as vice oldest sorority of the his- After the Capitol insur- this take the joy out of this the year, 1908, when the
rority’s colors and Vice president. torically Black fraternities rection, Shelby canceled moment,” she said. sorority was founded,
President Harris’ signa- Shelby, a member of and sororities that make her plane tickets and ho- Harris, the daughter started flowing in to a
ture shoe. the Alpha Psi chapter of up the Divine Nine, called tel reservation. The riot- of an Indian mother and Biden-Harris campaign
And pearls, just like AKA, had hoped to wear off inauguration events ing robbed many AKAs Jamaican father, joined fundraising committee.

Health experts blame rapid expansion for vaccine shortages

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS timated 54 million people attack the outbreak that stopped making new so far has been “a major tries, Topol said. Then,
age 65 and over. has killed over 400,000 appointments because disappointment,” said Dr. opening the line to senior
Public health ex- The push that began Americans. of the shortages, which Eric Topol, head of the citizens set people up for
perts Thursday blamed over a week ago has not Over the past few days, President Joe Biden has Scripps Research Trans- disappointment because
COVID-19 vaccine short- been accompanied by authorities in California, vowed to turn around. lational Institute.
there wasn’t enough vac-
ages around the U.S. in enough doses to meet Ohio, West Virginia, Flor- Florida’s top health offi- Problems started with
part on the Trump ad- cine, he said. The Trump
demand, according to ida and Hawaii warned cial said the state would the Trump administra-
ministration’s push to get state and local officials, that their supplies were deal with the scarcity by tion’s “fatal mistake” administration also left
states to vastly expand leading to frustration running out. New York restricting vaccines to of not ordering enough crucial planning to the
their vaccination drives and confusion and lim- City began canceling state residents. vaccine, which was then states and didn’t provide
to reach the nation’s es- iting states’ ability to or postponing shots or The vaccine rollout snapped up by other coun- the necessary funding.

Virtual fair
Continued from Page 1A
everything from emo-
tions to street signs or
as well, unless they start
reaching out. I think we’re
children with special
needs miss their af-
“You might see a spike
in anxiety,” Stratton-Gad-
Family fair ONLINE
Hopper hopes the ARC ■ Mississippi Parent Train-
other educational puzzles seen as an organization ter-school activities and, ke said. “We’ve seen ing and Information Center:
Family Fair will help par-
and games. that parents will reach out if they’re learning from some who are depressed
ents find more resources
Thanks to the pan- to for assistance.” home, miss being with because they’re missing ■ T.K. Martin Center for
their children can use
demic, those programs It’s why the virtual their friends and teachers time with their friends.” Technology and Disability:
both during the pandem- https://www.tkmartin.msstate.
have been temporarily family fair is so important at school. Because many Socialization is partic-
ic and once it’s over. edu/
suspended, Hopper said, this year. of them are medically ularly important for chil-
in order to prevent the fragile, they have stayed dren with disorders on Stratton-Gadke said
“(The information pre- T.K. Martin’s presen-
spread of COVID-19. She sented) will be updated home even as other chil- the autism spectrum or
still has people checking dren have gone back to similar learning disabil- tation will focus on its ing for SPED children’s
with pandemic regula- pre-K program as well
out the resource center’s in-person classes and ac- ities because they often education, as well as em-
tions,” she said. as a new program it’s
books and DVDs — which tivities. have difficulty commu- phasize how they can con-
includes everything from Those problems are nicating and expressing launching called IGNITE tact them for more infor-
informational books to Socialization needs compounded by the dis- or identifying emotions. Dyslexia/Reading Clinic mation.
memoirs written by peo- The pandemic has ruptions to Being around other peo- Reading Program, which “Our goal was mainly
ple with autism spectrum been rough on families families’ ple helps them learn to do is designed to keep stu- to tell them what we do
disorders and their fami- with children with special s chedules , that, Stratton-Gadke said. dents from falling be- and how to get to us,” she
lies — but thinks families needs, agreed Hopper, since chil- It’s made even more hind on reading during said. “Here’s the resourc-
and children are missing Junkin and Kasee Strat- dren with difficult for children who the pandemic. The pro- es we have available. We
that sense of community ton-Gadke, director for diagnoses intellectually cannot un- gram is funded through can provide training, we
that came with in-person Mississippi State Univer- such as au- derstand the virus, such a $240,000 Governor’s can provide phone sup-
programs such as the sto- sity’s T.K. Martin Center, tism who as the child who wanted Emergency Education port, meeting support,
rytimes. which provides therapies rely on Stratton- to ride the bus, Junkin Response grant from the but for more in-depth sup-
“Your socialization is and equipment for indi- strict rou- Gadke said. state. It will run through port, here’s our contact
definitely limited, both viduals with disabilities tines, Stratton-Gadke “They’ve lost their June 2022. information.”
for parent and child,” all over the state. said. So not only are the familiar places, their fa- Junkin said MSPTI’s To attend the fami-
Hopper said. “If you don’t T.K. Martin is one of children and their fam- miliar people,” she said. representatives will give ly fair, families can go
have socialization for the eight organizations that ilies more isolated than “They’ve lost their struc- a brief overview of the to Zoom and enter the
child, that’s one thing. will present at the ARC usual, but the children ture, their therapy, be- assistance and training identification 397 842
But the parent is probably Family Fair Saturday. are particularly emotion- cause they’re not getting they provide parents 5193. The password is
going to feel very isolated Like everyone else, ally vulnerable. them at home.” when it comes to advocat- ARC2021.

Continued from Page 1A
tendent Cherie Labat told data before Wednesday, ports it as 1-5. pus of West Point High cases for the week of Jan. two weeks of classes.
The Dispatch, a decrease according to the NCSD WPCSD reported one School each reported both 11-15. Mississippi School MSU had 77 student cases
from the previous week’s website. to five student cases in two student and staff cases. for Mathematics and Sci- and 14 employee cases a
15 student cases and The West Point Con- buildings and one to five Starkville Christian ence reported one to five week earlier, for a total of
eight staff cases. solidated School District, staff cases in four build- School, Oak Hill Academy student cases. 91 cases.
As of Wednesday, the as well as area private ings, which means the dis- in West Point, Annunci- Mississippi State Uni- Mississippi Universi-
Noxubee County School schools and Mississippi trict could have as many ation Catholic School in versity has 100 positive ty for Women reported
District has two positive School for Mathematics as 10 student cases and 20 Columbus, and Magno- cases as of Thursday, ac- four new student cases
student cases and three and Science, report their staff cases, according to lia Christian School and cording to data reported between Jan. 15 and this
staff cases, the same case data to MSDH week- MSDH data from Jan. 11- South Haven Mennonite daily on the MSU website, morning, according to
numbers as Jan. 12, the ly. If a number of cases is 15. South Side Elementary School in Macon all re- with 89 student cases and data updated daily on the
most recent available lower than five, MSDH re- School and the north cam- ported no positive COVID 11 employee cases after MUW website.

Continued from Page 1A
close range. were in place before the the Capitol four or five have meetings have been The state health offi- ger for spreading the vi-
People entering the big outbreak last year. days a week. streamed online. cer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, rus can happen during
Capitol each day are Mississippi’s annual Since the beginning Representatives are said Thursday that he “after-hours social stuff.”
asked screening ques- legislative session start- of the session, the Sen- having some committee has spoken to House “Meals with people
tions and are having ed Jan. 5 and is sched- ate has only used large meetings in the House and Senate leaders about who are not in the same
their temperature taken. uled to end April 4. Leg- rooms for committee chamber — the largest coronavirus precautions. household can be dan-
But, those precautions islators are typically at meetings, and those space available. He said the biggest dan- gerous,” Dobbs said.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 7A

Continued from Page 5A

Thelma Hoskins-Agnew father, he was pre- Graveside services Spann of Macon; and
DUNCANVILLE, ceded in death by his will be at 11 a.m. Sat- 13 grandchildren.
Texas — Thelma siblings, Harold Baker urday, at Pool’s Memo- Pallbearers will be
Hoskins-Agnew, 63, and Willie Cooper. In rial Gardens, with the Ryheem Stewart, Dar-
died Jan. addition to his moth- Rev. Gregory Clark Sr. rione Stewart, Danta-
15, 2021, at er, he is survived by officiating. Visitation vious Stewart, Jacoby
her resi- his siblings, Thomas will be from 10:30-11 Roby, Kendell Stewart
dence. Dawson of San Antonio, a.m. prior to services and Shawn Stewart.
Grave- Texas, Steve Poston of Saturday, at the ceme-
side Madison, David Baker tery. Carter’s Mortuary Bettie Patterson
services of Pascagoula, Stanley Service of West Point MACON — Bettie
will be at Baker of Birmingham, is in charge of arrange- Ann Patterson, 63, died
11 a.m. Hoskins- Alabama, Gloria Shelly ments. Jan. 16, 2021, at Noxu-
Agnew of Columbus, Dianne Mrs. Griffin was bee General Hospital.
at Union Cemetery, Harris of Columbus, born Jan. 21, 1931, in Graveside services
with Joe Lee Peoples Marva Williamson West Point, to the late will be at noon Sunday,
officiating. Visitation is of Stone Mountain, Rev. Jerry and Lillian at Macedonia Cem-
from 2-6 p.m. today, at Georgia, Shelia Harden Green. She was for- etery, with the Rev.
Carter’s Funeral Ser- of Morrow, Georgia, merly employed with Johnny Moore officiat-
vices. Carter’s Funeral Barbara Dorsey of Bryan Foods. ing. Visitation will be
Services of Columbus Mableton, Georgia, La- She is survived by from 1-4 p.m. Saturday,
is in charge of arrange- verne Billups of Senoia, her siblings, Bertha L. at Lee-Sykes Funeral
ments. Georgia and Lisa Baker Williams, Elois Strong Home. Lee-Sykes Fu-
Mrs. Hoskins-Agnew of Marietta, Georgia. and Cleophas Green all neral Home of Macon
was born Aug. 20, 1957, of West Point. is in charge of arrange-
in Columbus, to the Floyd Morris Jr. ments.
late Steve Hairston Sr. SULLIGENT, Ala. Eugene Shelton Mrs. Patterson was
and Beatrice Wright. — Floyd Mack “Bo” COLUMBUS — Eu- born Oct. 18, 1957, in
She was a graduate of Morris Jr., 93, died Jan. gene Shelton, 67, died Noxubee County, to
Lee High School and 20, 2021, at Fayette Jan. 15, the late Lucios Patter-
was formerly employed Medical Center. 2021. son and Carrie John-
as a home health aide Funeral services are Funeral son.
nurse. She was a mem- at 2 p.m. today, at Otts services In addition to her
ber of Greater Com- Funeral Home, with will be at parents, she was
munity First Baptist Jeff Chaffin and Steven 11 a.m. preceded in death by
Church. Sanderson officiating. Sunday, her brother, Tommie
In addition to her Burial will follow at at Union Patterson.
parents, she was pre- Sulligent City Ceme- Chapel E. Shelton
She is survived by
ceded in death by her tery. Visitation is two M.B. her siblings, George
mother, Isabella Henry; hours prior to services. Church, with Jame Patterson, Wallace
and siblings, Steve Otts Funeral Home of Rice officiating. Buri- Patterson, Hosa Patter-
Hairston and Bernice Sulligent is in charge of al will follow in the son, Jesse Patterson,
Sturdivant. arrangements. church cemetery. Visi- William Patterson,
She is survived by Mr. Morris was born tation will be from 2-4 Johnnie Mae Joines,
her children, Amy Dec. 22, 1927, in Sulli- p.m. Saturday, at Lee- Jean Smith, Addie Pat-
Valentine of Dallas, gent, Alabama, to the Sykes Funeral Home. terson, Ella Patterson
Texas, Jimmy Valentine late Floyd Mack Morris Lee-Sykes Funeral and Minnie Lockett.
Sr. of Shavonne, Korea, Sr. and Ruby Cash. Home of Columbus is
Sharon Valentine of At- He was a graduate of in charge of arrange-
lanta, Georgia, Phillip Sulligent High School ments. Ray Vassar
Valentine of Tacoma, and was formerly em- Mr. Shelton was COLUMBUS — An-
Washington and Oscar ployed as a supervisor born Jan. 23, 1953, in thony Ray Vassar Jr.,
Acron Jr. of Guam; sib- with Reltoc Manufac- Noxubee County, to 31, died Jan. 16, 2021,
lings, Jessie Hairston, turing, a farmer and the late Will C. Shel- in Starkville.
Pierre Hairston, Jackie with Lamar County ton and Laura May Arrangements are
Knight, Cece Hair- Commission. He was Fifer-Shelton. He was incomplete and will be
ston-Long, Leonard a member of Sulligent a graduate of Noxubee announced by Memori-
Sturdivant of Colum- First Baptist Church. County High School al Gunter Peel Funeral
bus, Walter Sturdivant In addition to his and Alcorn State Uni- Home and Crematory,
of Birmingham and Bil- parents, he was pre- versity. He was former- College Street location.
ly Goins of Columbus; ceded in death by his ly employed with Allied See OBITUARIES, 8A
and 16 grandchildren. wife, Anna Lois Morris; Tube and Conduit.
infant son, William He is survived by his
Bruce Davis Alonso Morris; and wife, Joanne Shelton;
STURGIS — Bruce sister, Mary Tallulah children, Arsenio
D. Davis, 68, died Jan. Morris. Jamal Shelton and
15, 2021, in Greenville. He is survived by his Ke’Ane Romero Shel-
Graveside services children, Mary Byrd ton; siblings, Carolyn
will be at 11 a.m. Sat- of Hoover, Alabama, Edwards of Columbus,
urday, at Boyd Chapel Floyd “Bootie” Morris Will Shelton of Artesia,
UM Church Cemetery, of Sulligent, and Louise Kenneth Shelton and
with the Rev. Mar- Morrison of Vernon, Richard Shelton all of
ty Boyd officiating. Alabama; brother, Brooksville; and four
Visitation is from 1-4 Lonnie Morris; six grandchildren.
p.m. today, at Hairston grandchildren; and 13
and Hairston Funeral great-grandchildren. Orietta Stewart
Home. Hairston and MACON — Orietta
Hairston Funeral Larry Walker Sr. D. Stewart, 98, died
Home of Starkville is WEST POINT — Jan. 17,
in charge of arrange- Larry Donnell Walker, 2021, in
ments. Sr., 58, died Jan. 11, Flint,
Mr. Davis was born 2021, at North Missis- Michigan.
Feb. 2, 1952, in Sturgis sippi Medical Center of Funeral
to Eldora and Earl D. Tupelo. services
Davis. He was formerly Graveside services will be
employed as a painter. are at 11 a.m. today, at at 2 p.m.
He is survived by Fountain Head M.B. Sunday, at Stewart
his daughter, Jaqueline Church Cemetery. Tabernacle
Triplett of Louisville; There will be no public Baptist Church, with
siblings, Willer Glenn, visitation. Carter’s Rodriquez Broadnax
Gloria Davis, Alvis Mortuary Services of officiating. Burial will
Adams all of Sturgis, West Point is in charge follow in the church
Janice Fair of Weir of arrangements. cemetery. Visitation
and Cassandra Mosley Mr. Walker was will be from 1-4 p.m.
of Starkville; three born Jan. 11, 1963, in Saturday, at Lee-Sykes
grandchildren; and four West Point, to the late Funeral Home. Lee-
great-grandchildren. William Grace Walker Sykes Funeral Home of
and Estellar Walker. Macon is in charge of
Alvin Poston He was a veteran of the arrangements.
COLUMBUS — Al- Army and was formerly Mrs. Stewart was
vin “Tony” Poston died employed as a pro- born Sept. 3, 1922, in
Jan. 8, duction operator with Noxubee County, to
2021. Yokohama Tire. the late Friendly and
Grave- He is survived by his Mary White Dantzler.
side ser- wife, Quiana; children, She was a graduate of
vices will Larry Walker Jr., Ebony Macon High School
be at 1 p.m. Threat, Malcom Walk- and Rust College. She
Saturday, er, Demetria Walker, attended Mississippi
at Union Qiayon Bailey, Cassius State University and
Cemetery. Poston Walker, Media Walk- was formerly employed
Lee-Sykes er and Ellia Walker; as an educator in
Funeral Home of Co- siblings, Charles Wm. the Noxubee County
lumbus is in charge of Walker, James Ander- school system. She was
arrangements. son Walker, Dewayne a member of Taberna-
Mr. Poston was born Walker, Armarie cle Baptist Church.
Nov. 13, 1951, in Colum- Townsend, Laura M. In addition to her
bus, to Martha Baker Walker, Mary E. Walk- parents, she was pre-
and the late John Henry er, Dorothy A. Gipson ceded in death by her
Poston. He was a grad- and Shirley F. Smith; husband, Aaron Stew-
uate of R.E. Hunt High and four grandchildren. art; children, Charles,
School and was a veter- John and French Stew-
an of the U.S. Army. He Elizabeth Griffin art; and nine siblings.
was formerly employed WEST POINT She is survived by
with the Veteran Af- — Elizabeth Green her children, James
fairs Hospital and was Griffin, 89, died Jan. 16, Stewart of Flint,
a member of Mt. Airy 2021, at North Missis- Michigan, Aaron Glenn
Baptist Church. sippi Medical Center of Stewart of Marion,
In addition to his West Point. Indiana; sister, Essie D.
8A FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •

Fauci unleashed: Doc takes

‘liberating’ turn at center stage
Disease expert made clear he believed the new House, where scientific fact was
often obscured by the president’s
administration would not trade in mixed messages political agenda.
“The idea that you can get up
that so often came from the Trump White House here and talk about what you know
and what the science is ... it is some-
BY JONATHAN LEMIRE White House briefing. “Just say you thing of a liberating feeling,” Fauci
The Associated Press don’t know the answer.” told reporters. White House press
Fauci’s highly visible schedule secretary Jen Psaki had invited
WA S H I N G T O N on Thursday, the first full day of Fauci to take the podium first at her
— Dr. Anthony Fauci President Joe Biden’s term, under- daily briefing.
is back. scored the new administration’s While choosing his words care-
In truth, the na- confidence in the doctor but also fully, Fauci acknowledged that it
tion’s leading infec- the urgency of the moment. had been difficult at times to work
tious-diseases expert His day began with a 4 a.m. for Trump, who repeatedly played
never really went virtual meeting with officials of down the severity of the pandem-
away. But after endur- the World Health Organization, ic, refused to consistently promote
ing nearly a year of which is based in Switzerland, and mask-wearing and often touted un-
darts and undermining comments stretched past a 4 p.m. appearance proven scientific remedies, includ-
from former President Donald at the lectern in the White House ing a malaria drug and even inject-
Trump, Fauci now speaks with the briefing room. ing disinfectant.
authority of the White House again. The breakneck pace showcased “It was very clear that there were
He called it “liberating” Thurs- the urgent need to combat a pan- things that were said, be it regard-
day to be backed by a science-friend- demic that has killed more than ing things like hydroxychloroquine
ly administration that has embraced 400,000 Americans and reached and other things, that really was un-
his recommendations to battle its deadliest phase just as the new comfortable because they were not
COVID-19. president comes to office. based in scientific fact,” Fauci said.
“One of the new things in this Fauci made clear that he believed He added that he took “no plea-
administration is, If you don’t know the new administration would not sure” in having to contradict the
the answer, don’t guess,” Fauci said trade in the mixed messages that so president, a move that often drew
in one pointed observation during a often came from the Trump White Trump’s wrath.

Continued from Page 7A

Artie McCleod of Gattman First Baptist born Jan. 14, 2021, in morial Funeral Home.
MACON — Artie Church. Noxubee County to West Memorial Funeral
“Mae” McCleod, 73, In addition to his Shonda Skinner and Home of Starkville is
died Jan. parents, he was preced- Marcus Bonds. in charge of arrange-
12, 2021, ed in death by his wife, In addition to his ments.
at Baptist Carol Louise Floyd; parents, he is survived He is survived by
Memorial son, John Dale Renfro; by his siblings, Zykeri- his wife, Martha Ross;
Hospi- stepson, Joe Parish; and ah, Lamarcus, Jordan, children, Ronald Ross of
tal-Golden siblings, Audine Sims, Carter, Marcus Bonds Maben, Teresa Morton
Triangle. Gene Adams and Graf- Jr. all of Macon, Deonta of Eupora and Danny
Grave- ton Renfro. and Markeria Bonds of Ross of Maben; siblings,
side ser-
McCleod He is survived by Columbus. Patsy McKey of Ma-
vices will children, Robert Renf- Pallbearers will be ben, Lou Blanchard of
be at 11 a.m. Saturday, ro of Sulligent, Randy James Murry and Mar- Harvey, Illinois, Jo Ann
at Zion Hill Cemetery, Renfro, Dennis Renfro cus Bonds. Taylor, Sandra Bell of
with William Thomas all of Wren Community, Maben, Willie E. Ross
officiating. Visitation Mary Renfro, Jeff Renf- Geraldine Davis of Eupora, Willie B.
is from 1-5 p.m. today, ro both of Texas, Debbie COLUMBUS — Ger- Ross and Patricia Ross
at Lee-Sykes Funer- Renfro of South Caroli- aldine Davis, 75, died of Maben; and 14 grand-
al Home. Lee-Sykes na, Jennifer Renfro and Jan. 19, 2021, at Bap- children.
Funeral Home of Macon Susan Edwards both of tist Memorial Hospi-
is in charge of arrange- Texas; sister Flora Kyle tal-Golden Triangle.
ments. of Wren; grandchildren; Graveside services
Mrs. McCleod was and great-grandchil- will be at 1 p.m. Sat-
born May 14, 1947, in dren. urday, at Memorial
Noxubee County, to Garden Cemetery,
the late Mary Alice Bobby Honeycutt with Earnet Thomas
McCleod and Earnest VERNON, Ala. — officiating. Visitation is
King. She was formerly Bobby Joe Honeycutt, from 1-5 p.m. today, at
employed in domestic 62, died Jan. 20, 2021, Hairston and Hairston
work and was a member at Noland Hospital in Funeral Home. Hairston
of Second Baptist M.B. Tuscaloosa, Alabama. and Hairston Funeral
Church. Funeral services are Home of Columbus is
In addition to her par- at 1 p.m. today, in the in charge of arrange-
ents, she was preceded chapel of Chandler Fu- ments.
in death by her siblings, neral Home, with Randy Mrs. Davis was born
Magnolia McCleod and Pennington and Charles Nov. 7, 1945, in Lown-
James Earl “Sunny” Wharton officiating. des County, to the late
McCleod. Burial will follow at Robert Lee Davis and
She is survived by Mt. Zion Baptist Cem- Annie S. Davis. She was
her daughter, Annie etery in the New Hope formerly employed in
Ruth McCleod of Community in Colum- environmental services
Macon; siblings, Carol bus. Visitation is one with MUW and was a
McCleod, Barbara Mc- hour prior to services member of First Assem-
Cleod, Robert McCleod, at the funeral home. bly of God.
Rufus McCleod, Cal- Chandler Funeral Home She is survived by
vin McCleod, Earnest of Vernon, Alabama is her siblings, Cather-
McCleod; two grand- in charge of arrange- ine Davis, Dorothy D.
children ; and three ments. Brownlee, Thelma D.
great-grandchildren. Mr. Honeycutt was Thomas, Jimmy L. Da-
Pallbearers will be born Aug. 14, 1958, in vis and Eddie L. Davis
Antion Patterson, James Columbus, to the late all of Columbus.
Brown, Rodrick Patter- Mack John and Ruby
son, Treon Patterson, Lillian Honeycutt. He Dante Elliott
Kurt Glenn, Keyyon Mc- was formerly employed STARKVILLE —
Cleod, Ira Lee McCleod as a welder with Mara- Dante Elliott, 22, died
and Johnnie Price. thon. Jan. 12, 2021, in Tupelo.
In addition to his Graveside services
Clady Renfro parents, he was preced- will be at 1 p.m. Sunday,
AMORY — Clady ed in death by his sister, at New Prospect Cem-
Clayton Renfro, 81, died Marilyn Wilson. etery. Visitation will be
Jan. 20, 2021, at Diveri- He is survived by from 2-6 p.m. Saturday,
care Nursing Facility of his siblings, Mildred at West Memorial Fu-
Amory. Cole of Double Springs, neral Home. West Me-
Funeral services Alabama, Billy Honey- morial Funeral Home of
are at 2 p.m. today, at cutt of Vernon and Paul Starkville is in charge of
Cleveland-Moffett Fu- Honeycutt of Tuscum- arrangements.
neral Home, with Brian bia, Alabama. He is survived by
Richardson officiating. his children, Ah’mir
Burial will be at a later Infant Major Fason, Dante Elliot Jr.
date at Restland Me- Elijah Bonds and Amah’jah; siblings,
morial Park in Dallas, MACON — Infant Shaliyah Smith, Jaliyah
Texas. Visitation is two Major Elijah Bonds Smith, Oshea Kemp,
hours prior to services died Jan. 14, 2021, at the Jacques Cannon and
at the funeral home. University of Missis- Johnny Cannon Jr. all of
Cleveland-Moffett sippi Medical Center in Starkville.
Funeral Home of Amory Jackson.
is in charge of arrange- Graveside services Dennis Ross
ments. will be at 1 p.m. Sat- MABEN— Dennis
Mr. Renfro was born urday, at Mt. Mariah Lee Ross, 74, died Jan.
July 23, 1939, in Mon- Baptist Church Ceme- 19, 2021.
roe County, to the late tery, with Nick Taylor Graveside services
Eulous and Aline Smith officiating. Lee-Sykes will be at 11 a.m. Sat-
Renfro. He was formerly Funeral Home of Macon urday, at Spring Valley
employed in mainte- is in charge of arrange- Cemetery in Mathiston.
nance with Texas Indus- ments. Visitation is from 1-6
tries. He was a member Infant Bonds was p.m. today, at West Me-

Starkville Academy exacts revenge with wins at Heritage

BY THEO DEROSA Cy Hallberg said. Thursday’s game. In- After Heritage Acad- stead of the 13-2 run
emy senior Sam Han- Heritage Academy
On Jan. 5, the non and sophomore opened with two weeks
Starkville Academy Mack Howard began the ago, it was the Vols who
boys basketball team half with back-to-back got ahead early. And
took a six-point lead layups to cut the Vols’ when the Patriots went
into halftime of its home lead to three, Hallberg up six points on a 3 from
game against rival Her- sliced through the de- Howard with 5 minutes,
itage Academy before fense for a critical layup 39 seconds left in the
the Patriots hit two to break the spell. first half, the Vols re-
3-pointers early in the Starkville Academy sponded.
third quarter to tie the picked up its play from Starkville Academy
game. Heritage Acade- there en route to a 55- scored eight straight
my went on to win 46 -42. 43 win that put the Vols points before a triple
So at halftime of into first place in the from the Patriots’ Jona-
Thursday’s return game MAIS Class 4A, District than Peal, and Hallberg
in Columbus, the Vol- 2 standings. — who led his team with
unteers — staked to a “I could not be more 13 points off the bench
seven-point advantage happy with my entire — was right there to an-
— made up their minds team,” Starkville Acade- swer with a 3 of his own
to avoid a repeat perfor- my coach Bill Ball said. as the Vols reclaimed a
mance. “You’re seeing us grow two-point lead. Reese
“We knew we couldn’t up.” Jackson also connected Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
let that happen again That growth was ev- from deep as Starkville Starkville Academy sophomore Cy Hallberg (15) looks to pass against Heritage
this week,” sophomore ident in all aspects of See PREPS, 2B Academy freshman Jack Ketchum (32) during Thursday’s game in Columbus.


QBs as
Packers host
Bucs for NFC No. 7 MSU to open season with top-10 matchups
against TCU, Texas and Texas Tech in Arlington
For as much as
Tom Brady and Aaron
Rodgers have accom-
plished in their Hall of
Fame-caliber careers,
they’ve rarely faced off
on the field.
Never have they met
with so much at stake.
When Rodgers’
Green Bay Packers (14-
3) host Brady’s Tampa
Bay Buccaneers (13-5)
in the NFC champion-
ship game Sunday, it will
be just the fourth time
they’ve squared off as
starting quarterbacks,
and first in the playoffs.
“I remember when I
heard the news about
him coming to the NFC,
I thought this was a real
possibility,” Rodgers
said. “I’m excited about
the opportunity to play
against him one more
See NFC, 3B

Chiefs’ Reid,
to match
wits for AFC Mississippi State Athletics
Mississippi State ace Christian MacLeod and the Bulldogs will open their season in the State Farm College Baseball Showdown held at
title Globe Life Field — home of the Texas Rangers — with matchups against No. 3 Texas Tech, No. 9 Texas and No. 10 TCU.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BY BEN PORTNOY paign with a two-game sweep Westburg and JT Ginn. point,” Lemonis said. “They ha- of the Red Raiders in Biloxi in Despite the losses, MSU ven’t thrown a lot of SEC base-
March. should boast one of its most ball because of the season being
— Ten years after firing STARKVILLE — Mississip- Due to COVID-19 measures, complete pitching staffs in pro- canceled, but we’re optimistic.
Sean McDermott as his pi State baseball is starting with fan attendance will be limited to gram history. Ace Christian Ma- We’re excited about them, but
defensive coordinator, a bang. between 14 and 15,000 and spec- cLeod is back in the fold after a they have a lot to prove.”
Kansas City Chiefs coach Ranked the No. 7 team in
tators will be required to wear dazzling opening to the 2020 Replacing Foscue and West-
Andy Reid will stare America by D1Baseball, MSU
across the field inside Ar- masks. Rangers Executive Vice season. A relative unknown burg at second base and short-
will begin its season in the State
rowhead Stadium on Sun- President of Sports & Entertain- entering last spring after he stop, respectively, should prove
Farm College Baseball Show-
day and see his protégé ment Sean Decker also said the redshirted his first year on cam- a stiffer test. Freshman Kamren
down held at Globe Life Field
trying to spoil his hopes organization is still sorting out pus due to an undisclosed ill- James, who hit .308 in 14 starts
— home of the Texas Rangers
of a Super Bowl repeat. how it will handle splitting the ness, MacLeod became just the a year ago, could presumably
— with matchups against No.
Funny thing: Even af- 3 Texas Tech, No. 9 Texas and four clubhouses on property be- third player in school history move over to shortstop. Junior
ter firing him, Reid sus- No. 10 TCU. MSU is also joined tween the six teams. to record multiple double-digit Tanner Allen could also conceiv-
pected deep down that by No. 6 Ole Miss and No. 8 Ar- Tickets for the event went on strikeout games in his first sea- ably move back into the infield
McDermott was destined kansas in the six-team field, an- sale at 1 p.m. Thursday. son. given his previous track record.
for big things. nounced Thursday. “We are thrilled to welcome Hard-throwing Canadian Juniors Rowdey Jordan, Josh
“Very organized, very “We’re excited to open our six of the top baseball programs right-hander Eric Cerantola and Hatcher, Allen and a handful of
smart and very tough,” season against three quality in the country to Globe Life talented freshman Will Bednar talented supporting castmates
he explained this week. opponents in an amazing facil- Field for the inaugural State also return and are expected to should round out a battery that
“He came from a coach- ity like Globe Life Field,” MSU Farm College Baseball Show- anchor the weekend rotation. hit .260 and was 9-0 when lead-
ing family — his dad was head coach Chris Lemonis said. down,” Decker said Thursday. Other key pieces in the bullpen ing after six innings.
a heck of a coach. Sean “The opportunity for our guys “We started conversations to should include seventh-year Asked Thursday what an
just kind of picked up to compete against some of the make this event a reality back senior Carlisle Koestler, sixth- opening weekend like the one
right from there. Very best programs in college base- when the new park was in the year senior Spencer Price, awaiting MSU in Arlington does
solid, very good.” ball in a professional park will design phase, and I would like junior Houston Harding and for his program, Lemonis was
In fact, downright ex- only help us later in the season.” to thank State Farm and all six freshman Jackson Fristoe — frank.
ceptional. MSU will open the tourna- schools for their unwavering who in a normal year may have “It’s been a long year and get-
McDermott has the ment on Feb. 19 against Texas, support since that time.” forgone college entirely had the ting the opportunity to play this
long-suffering Buffa- followed by a Feb. 20 meeting Entering his third year in MLB draft been held under the level of competition, this early
lo Bills playing in their with TCU and a final contest Starkville, Lemonis brings back normal 40-round format. in the season in this beautiful a
first AFC championship against Texas Tech on Feb. 21. the bulk of his 2020 roster aside “I mean, we have some veter- ballpark — excitement is prob-
game since beating Kan- The Bulldogs notably closed the from early-round MLB draft an guys there that have pitched ably the main word for us,” he
See AFC, 3B COVID-19-shortened 2020 cam- picks Justin Foscue, Jordan a lot of college baseball to this said.
2B FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •

Column: NFL continues to pass on hiring new Black coaches

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS anapolis offensive coordinator just one of them Black. the annual report card issued to take the counsel of Kansas
Nick Sirianni as the new head That leaves the NFL with by The Institute for Diversity City coach Andy Reid.
Coaches understand before coach of the Eagles is the lat- four minority coaches, just two and Ethics in Sport at Central “I mean everybody knows
they sign employment con- est reminder of that. Sirianni of them African-American, Florida in highlighting the what I think of Eric and what
tracts that they are hired to be seems qualified but at the age pending a coaching hire in Tex- NFL’s issues. The 2020 edi- kind of head coach I think he’d
fired, something that’s partic- of 39 he’s getting an opportuni- as. And that’s simply unaccept- tion put together by Richard be,’’ Reid said. “Whoever gets
ularly true in the NFL where ty that could have gone to any able in a league where 70 per- Lapchick gives the NFL poor him I think is a very lucky orga-
the only measure of success is number of equally deserving cent of players are Black, and grades in racial hiring for all nization, one of the few people
a playoff slot at the end of the Black assistants. so are a third of the assistants its executives, including head that I’ve come across with the
season. That it didn’t means six of trying to work their way up the coaches. leadership skills that he has,
That’s why there was no real the seven coaching vacancies coaching ladder. I’ve spoken many times to the ability to lead men in this
outcry when Anthony Lynn was this offseason have now been Yes, there have been two Lapchick, a trailblazer in race crazy game that we’re in and for
let go by the Chargers. Lynn’s filled. Robert Saleh was hired to Black general manager hires, issues in sports, about the NFL’s those guys through his leader-
team went 7-9 this season and coach the New York Jets as the but that’s scant consolation for hiring practices. I’ve listened as ship to play at a Pro Bowl level.
some of his head-scratching first Muslim head coach, but those who see other inequali- he’s become increasingly exas-
decisions late in games caused there are no new Black coaches ties at the top. perated that the Rooney Rule
fans to lose their hair. Here’s hoping Bieniemy gets
in the group. “The disparity in opportu- instituted more than a decade
That Lynn is Black didn’t the last available job, which
The Rooney Rule that re- nities is mind boggling,’’ Fritz ago continues to fail in its main
matter when it came to getting quires minorities be inter- Pollard Alliance executive di- purpose — which is actually would mean Black coaches
a pink slip. A half-dozen coach- viewed for all head coaching rector Rod Graves said in a getting Black coaches hired. won’t get totally shut out this
es who weren’t of color were openings still gets Black ap- statement earlier in the week. ``It’s not like there are no year. His credentials speak for
also let go in the annual coach- plicants a foot in the door. But ``It is unfortunate that the per- qualified candidates,’’ Lapchick themselves and, besides, the
ing exodus across the league. the door seems to close when formances of coordinators like said last year. ``These people Texans can use the help.
Unfortunately, though, it it comes to making the actual Eric Bieniemy, Todd Bowles, are out there and ready.’’ The bigger issue, though,
seems being Black still does hire, and recent tweaks to the Byron Leftwich, Leslie Frazier, Of that there is no argument. is that NFL efforts to diversify
matter when it comes to get- rule haven’t been enough to and Joe Woods, may not meet Example No. 1 around the the head coaching ranks simply
ting hired in the first place. And change that. what appears as ‘ever-evolv- league is Bieniemy, the offen- haven’t worked. Once hailed as
that’s become a problem the Consider this: In the three ing standards’ for becoming a sive coordinator of the Chiefs trailblazing, the Rooney Rule
NFL seems increasingly unable previous coaching replace- Black Head Coach in the NFL.’’ who has interviewed with al- now seems almost irrelevant.
— or unwilling — to fix. ment cycles before this year, Graves, whose organization most every team that had a va- Interviews are great, for
The news Thursday that 20 coaches were hired and only works to promote minority op- cancy this year. With just the what they’re worth. Some actu-
Philadelphia plans to hire Indi- three were coaches of color — portunities in the NFL, cited Texans job open, none has yet al hires would be even better.

More NBA games called off as contact tracing probes continue

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 9 game while going that well because every- smaller the area where called off. not to think about if we
through contact trac- body — from players, people are congregat- Memphis is assured should or should not be
COVID-19 didn’t keep ing, a process in which staff, families — is mak- ing, the smaller the air of what will be no less playing,” Denver’s Will
Miami center Bam Ade- the NBA and its teams ing some shared sacri- volume, the higher the than a nine-day break. Barton said. “This is
bayo out of any games take a deep dive into fices to try to do as well risk — and the NBA has The Grizzlies played what it is. We’re playing
last season, even though who people have been as we can.” been telling teams that Monday against Phoe- — until the league says
he tested positive for the around over a two-day The NBA has some since the protocols for nix — getting their fifth something else and we
virus not long before the period once someone staff with public health the bubble were estab- straight win to improve all agree to that.”
NBA’s restart bubble tests positive. backgrounds, who knew lished back in June. to 7-6 and get over the Houston had a game
opened. Everything is exam- what contact tracing “Contact tracing in- .500 mark for the first pushed back on Dec.
He missed two games ined — who might have was before it became a volves a lot of different time this season. The 23; the other 22 teams
last week because of the shared a car ride with buzz term in the sports sources and informa- earliest they’ll play have all seen at least
virus — without having whom, who sat where on world a few months ago, tion,” Weiss said. “The again is Jan. 27 against one game called off this
the virus. the team plane, who had to assist in the process. core of it is interviews, Chicago. month already.
Adebayo is one of dinner with others and Players get asked a se- to the stats that we col- All but one of the 20 Postponed games,
many players sidelined what their whereabouts ries of questions; ex- lect digitally, to pic- postponements have when possible, will be
at some point in recent have been. Even the amples include if they tures of spaces, to all come since Jan. 10. made up in the second
weeks by contact tracing, cameras that have been played 1-on-1 against to all kinds of different Washington — which half of the season that
the method of figuring used for advanced stat anyone in practice, if things. And the infor- will go at least 13 days starts March 11 and
out who may have pos- tracking during games they’ve recently gotten a mation technology is between games after a runs through May 16.
sibly been exposed to a are utilized, just to see massage or therapy, was helpful.” half-dozen of its players It’s unclear how many
person who has tested how long one player may the person administer- The Grizzlies won’t tested positive — has will actually be resched-
positive for COVID-19. It have been in close prox- ing that treatment wear- have enough available seen six games called uled; the Wizards, for
has been a major factor imity of someone else ing a mask, or if they’ve players until at least the off, and Memphis has example, are looking at
in the decisions to post- during a game. recently socialized with middle of next week, the now had five of its potentially playing 41
pone 20 games so far this “I think we’re doing others for more than a NBA said — in part be- games pushed back. games in those 67 days,
season, including the lat- as well as we can be, few moments. cause of contact tracing. In all, 23 teams have while the Grizzlies may
est three Memphis Griz- during what’s a very dif- The answers help Friday’s game at Port- seen at least one game have to play 40 games in
zlies’ games that the ficult time, not just for create the path for in- land, along with home called off so far this that span.
league decided Thurs- the NBA but for a lot of vestigators to follow. games Sunday and Mon- season. The only excep- “Best thing is for
day to push back. people in the country,” The biggest culprits day against Sacramen- tions: Brooklyn, New everyone to stay safe,
“As much as we may said NBA senior vice that have led to players to, were pushed back, York, Toronto, Denver, watch who you’re
complain about it, it’s president David Weiss, being f lagged and ruled the NBA said. That de- San Antonio, the Los around, continue to
only for our own bene- who helps oversee all out during the contact cision came one day af- Angeles Clippers and wash your hands and
fit,” Washington’s Brad- the health and safety tracing process: meals ter the Grizzlies’ game the Los Angeles Lakers. wear your mask,” Ade-
ley Beal said. efforts for the league. and shared rides, im- at Portland, scheduled “Right now I’m to bayo said. “That’s about
Beal missed a Jan. “And I think we’re doing proper mask usage. The for Wednesday, was also the point where I try all we can do.”

Continued from Page 1B
Academy led 31-24 at the get open. When you’re But the Patriots’ of- Southern Academy (Ala-
break, a crucial reply to playing them, you just fense, of course, couldn’t bama) today.
the Pats’ huge scoring don’t get very many clean back that up Thursday.
spurt. looks, and when you do, “Another defensive EMCC men, women win
“We knew that either you’ve got to make them.” battle,” Reed said, “and
way we’d be in a dogfight Thursday, Heritage we came up short.”
season openers against
and they were going to Academy didn’t, and that Northwest
play their best basket- was the difference. The The East Mississip-
ball,” Hallberg said. “We Patriots fell to 7-1 in dis-
Other scores pi Community College
Prep Girls Basket-
had to step it up tonight.” trict play as the Volun- men’s and women’s
That meant taking teers moved to 8-1, mean- basketball teams won
Oak Hill Academy 42,
care of business on the de- ing Starkville Academy Thursday’s 2020 -21
Winona Christian 23 season openers against
fensive end, too. Ball said can clinch the No. 1 seed
WEST POINT — The Northwest Mississippi
the Vols simply stayed in with a home win Tues-
Oak Hill Academy girls Community College.
their zone, contested the day against East Rankin
beat Winona Christian Jakorie Smith had a
3s the Pats continued to Academy.
42-23 in Thursday’s home double-double with 20
hoist up and turned a few
game. points and 10 rebounds
key turnovers into fast- Starkville Academy
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff Carley Wooten scored as the Lions’ men
break baskets when they girls 24, Heritage Acade- Starkville Academy senior Lillee Alpe (11) passes the 16 points for the Raiders, earned a 77-74 win over
needed to. my 20 ball over the head of Heritage Academy junior Kaicey and Morgan Dabbs had the Rangers at Keyes
“I think we got just Like the Starkville Chitmon (14) during Thursday’s game in Columbus. The 12. T. Currie Coliseum in
enough buckets in tran- Academy boys, the Vol- Volunteers beat the Patriots 24-20.
Oak Hill will play at Scooba.
sition just to kind of keep unteers girls were well
Alpe hit both of her free things around plenty on Indianola Academy on Danny Washington
the game from getting aware of their own four-
throws out of the one-and- defense, praising her play- Tuesday. had 13 points and seven
close,” Ball said. point loss to the Patriots
one to make it a two-pos- ers for transitioning well assists, Arecko Gipson
Heritage Academy on Jan. 5.
session game. into each new scheme. Prep Boys Basket- Jr. had 13 points and
coach Russ Whiteside And like their counter-
It was the final blow in Heritage Academy coach ball six rebounds, and Blake
credited Ball and the Vols’ parts, they were ready to
a contest in which Heri- Moe Reed admitted the Oak Hill Academy 52, Butler had 13 points.
fundamentally sound de- do something about it.
fense for the Patriots’ of- The Vols drove to the tage Academy (5-14, 1-7) Pats just couldn’t figure it Winona Christian 27 Jenessa Souza had
fensive struggles Thurs- rim to considerable suc- certainly had its chances. out against the Vols’ mul- WEST POINT — The 14 points as the EMCC
day but said those late cess, locked down on de- The Pats got the ball back tiple defensive looks. Oak Hill boys beat Wi- women earned a 78-53
giveaways revealed an fense in key moments and with 20.6 seconds trail- “We played hard,” nona Christian 52-27 on win against Northwest
issue with his team’s ball emerged with a 24-20 win ing by two after the Vols’ Reed said. “We just strug- Thursday in West Point. in Senatobia, the Lions’
security. Thursday. Fallon Parker missed gled to get things going Manning Huffman had 13th straight MACJC
“We’re too sloppy with “We finally started the front end of her own offensively.” 22 points for the Raiders. North Division victory.
the basketball,” White- playing for each other,” one-and-one. But Chloe Reed pointed to the Shakira Wilson had 12
side said. “We’re turning Starkville Academy coach Boyd, who tied Alpe for Pats’ numerous misses Pickens Academy points, DenAsia Mitch-
it over too much.” Marianne Ward said. “We the game lead with nine on open looks as well as a (Ala.) 56, South Choctaw ell had 10 points, and
A stingy Starkville were attacking the basket points, committed an of- pair of missed free throws Academy (Ala.) 47 West Point product
Academy defense made more. We were getting fensive foul with 9.3 sec- by Sharp in the fourth CARROLLTON, Ala. Ja’Mia Hollings had nine
things even tougher for the and-ones. We had onds to go. quarter as possible turn- — The Pickens Acade- points and 13 rebounds.
Heritage Academy on leadership that stepped Ward said the Vols ing points that Heritage my (Alabama) boys beat The Lions finished
Thursday, and the Pats up big time.” were hoping to create a Academy couldn’t capital- South Choctaw Acade- with 16 steals against
didn’t help themselves out Senior Lillee Alpe pro- turnover on the play and ize on. my (Alabama) 56-47 in the Rangers.
much, Whiteside said. vided much of that com- effectively did when Boyd Still, she praised her Thursday’s home game. EMCC is back in ac-
“Tonight we didn’t mand for the Vols (7-8, 3-6 crashed into a blue-clad team’s defensive effort in Hayden Dyer led the tion against Itawamba
shoot it well, but Starkville conference). Alpe kept Starkville Academy de- again keeping the Volun- Pirates (5-4) with 12 Community College on
had a heck of a lot to do a level head as the two fender, drawing a whistle. teers to a low number on points, while William Jan. 28. The Lions men
with that,” he said. “We teams fought back and “The offensive foul was the scoreboard. Parker, Rafe Brown and will face the Indians at
didn’t do a good job of forth, and when the time very important,” Ward “Anytime you hold a Drake Lowery all had 11. 5:30 p.m. in Fulton, and
hitting guys on screens; came, she stepped up big. said. “That was a big key team under 30 points, that Deveren Wilkins added the women will host
therefore, they were Intentionally fouled for us.” means you did a pretty eight points for Pickens. Itawamba at 6 p.m. in
making it really hard to with 8.4 seconds to go, Ward said she switched good job,” she said. The Pirates will host Scooba.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B
The Bucs trounced the Pack- seven straight road wins. A win title in the 2010 season. War- It just doesn’t seem to fit.” aways during their two playoff
ers 38-10 in Tampa on Oct. at Lambeau Field clinches their ner said the postseason weighs This may be the best re- victories.
18. They met two other times first Super Bowl berth since heavily on where players stack maining chance for the
during Brady’s tenure in New their 2002 championship sea- up in history. 37-year-old Rodgers at that Long time coming
England, with the Packers win- son. “That’s why Tom is the elusive second Super Bowl
Tampa Bay ended a 12-year
ning 26-21 at Green Bay in 2014 “This is one of the coolest GOAT (greatest of all time),” berth.
playoff drought this season. The
and the Patriots winning 31-17 stadiums in the league to play Warner said. “It’s why Joe “It’s been a while since he
journey to the NFC champion-
in Foxborough four years later. in,” Brady said. “I know they’re Montana is up there and guys was last a world champion,”
CBS Sports analyst and 2002 ship game has been especially
Both understand all eyes will excited, we’ll be excited, and it who’ve been there numerous
NFL MVP Rich Gannon said. gratifying for ninth-year line-
be on them Sunday. Kurt War- will make for a great football times — the John Elways —
“I think that would certainly backer Lavonte David, eighth-
ner, the Hall of Fame quarter- game.” and everyone else kind of gets
back and NFL Network analyst, Brady is trying to join War- knocked down a notch. Even cement his legacy as one of year defensive linemen William
said that’s just human nature. ner, Peyton Manning and Craig though they’re been great in the greatest to ever play the Gholston and seventh-year
“When I played, I always Morton as the only quarter- the regular season, there’s a game in my opinion. Not that receiver Mike Evans. They’ve
knew who was on the other backs to lead two separate combination of the two that I he needs it, but I’m just telling spent their entire careers with
sideline,” Warner said. “I al- franchises to a Super Bowl. He think weighs heavily.” you that’s probably how he’s the Bucs.
ways said when I went into already won six Super Bowls Simply put, Rodgers needs wired.” “It just goes to show through-
these matchups, at the end of and played in nine total with the this victory more than Brady. out the hard times, the people
the day, I know if we’re going to Patriots. “He plays in one Super Bowl, Turnover watch upstairs and around the build-
win this game, I’ve got to out- Green Bay is making its I think there will be something Green Bay has committed ing believed in me,” David said.
perform that guy. I’ve got to be fourth NFC championship about that that just doesn’t sit a league-low 11 turnovers this “Obviously, I believed in them,
better than the quarterback on game appearance in the past right with anybody,” Warner season, including only two as well. It’s just an honor to still
the other side.” seven seasons, but Rodgers said. “It doesn’t sit right with during its current seven-game be here, to still be able to live
Brady, 43, has helped the hasn’t reached a Super Bowl any of us who love this game winning streak. The Bucs have out my dream as a Tampa Bay
Bucs earn a franchise-record since leading the Packers to a and know how great he’s been. scored 27 points off five take- Buccaneer.”

Continued from Page 1B
sas City on Jan. 23, 1994, when two of the best offenses in the Moment on Mahomes following week. The rookie run- tackle’s decision to opt out be-
they advanced to their fourth NFL, but capable of clinching ning back and the veteran wide cause of COVID-19 concerns.
The Chiefs’ quarterback,
straight Super Bowl. They have wins under pressure, as each receiver both practiced this “You can’t make a wrong de-
who was knocked out of last
won 11 of their past 12 games did last weekend. week and moved around well in cision in this thing,” said White,
week’s game against Cleveland
since losing to the Chiefs in Mahomes, who sustained a the portion of practice open to who contemplated opting out
with a concussion, was cleared
Week 6, beating the Colts in the concussion last week against reporters. before signing a $70 million,
to practice on Wednesday and
wild-card round and the Ravens Cleveland, is poised to play af- four-year extension in Septem-
took the majority of first-team
in last week’s divisional round. ter practicing all week. Grounded game ber and earning second-team
reps Thursday. Mahomes still
“He deserves coach of the McDermott never harbored All-Pro honors. “Obviously he
needed clearance from team The Bills don’t run often
year, man. He’s taken a fran- any animosity toward Reid chose his family over a game
doctors and an independent — in fact, they called just one
chise there, both he and his when he was fired from the Ea- and the things that he had go-
neurologist, but all signs point- running play in the first half
general manager, have put this gles on Jan. 15, 2011. Instead, ing on. I don’t think that he’s
ed to him being under center on against the Ravens last week.
thing together with some bold he went to Carolina and over necessarily missing out on any-
Sunday. They finished with 16 carries,
moves and production now,” the next five years honed his thing.”
“The goal is to have Patrick,” including four kneel-downs by
Reid said. craft and built his reputation to
Hill said, “but I really don’t Allen, for 32 yards in their low-
“I think he’s done a tremen- the point the Bills — who at the
know. I feel like it doesn’t mat- est rushing output since a game Sleeping on Bieniemy
dous job. What a great thing for time had not made the postsea- One of the hottest names
ter who is out there. Whoever in Minnesota in 2002. The Bills’
the NFL and for Buffalo. They son since 1999 — were willing on the coaching carousel was
steps in at quarterback, we’re total of 1,482 yards this season
love football in Buffalo and he’s to give him a shot in charge. Chiefs offensive coordinator
going to put our confidence be- was their fewest since 2014,
really done a nice job with that Buffalo reached the wild- Eric Bieniemy, who inter-
hind them in the same way.” which they balanced out by
whole program.” card round in 2017 and again viewed with just about every
setting a franchise record with
Not surprisingly, the job Mc- last year before reaching the team with an opening. But the
Dermott has done with the Bills brink of a Super Bowl this sea- Other Chief concerns 4,786 yards through the air.
“We’re not going to change
only job left after the Eagles
neatly parallels the job Reid has son. Chiefs cornerback Bashaud hired Nick Sirianni on Thurs-
done in Kansas City. “It’s always an honor to go Breeland, who also sustained who we are,” Allen said. “It’s
day was with the Houston
Both took over downtrod- up against great coaches, and a concussion last Sunday, prac- the biggest game because it’s
Texans, where the Bills’ Les-
den organizations and quickly Andy will be a Hall of Fame ticed this week while awaiting the next one, but we understand
lie Frazier is also among the
built them into juggernauts. coach here in the future some- clearance from doctors and neu- that we don’t have to be anyone front-runners for the job.
Both have bright young quar- time down the road,” McDer- rologists. Running back Le’Ve- different that who we are.” “It’s always good to be men-
terbacks in the Bills’ Josh Allen mott said. “I’ve learned a lot on Bell was held out Thursday tioned and have an opportu-
and the Chiefs’ Patrick Ma- from Andy in my time with him because of a swollen knee. Star struck nity to pursue your dreams,”
homes. Both have surrounded in Philadelphia, so I have a tre- On the flip side, Clyde Ed- Though the Bills would love Bieniemy said. “I want to be a
them with playmakers, such as mendous amount of respect wards-Helaire could return for to have Star Lotulelei enjoy this head coach, but when it’s said
the Bills’ Stefon Diggs and the for him and his family, the way the first time since a high-ankle playoff run with them, corner- and done, I have to make sure
Chiefs’ Tyreek Hill and Travis they helped guide me then and sprain in Week 15 and Sammy back Tre’Davious White and I’m not taking away from the
Kelce. And both have built de- still do today.” Watkins could be back from a several teammates continued goals were trying to accom-
fenses to not only complement calf injury that he sustained the backing the starting defensive plish.”

ON THE AIR Westbrook sparks No. 3 UConn to win

Today over No. 25 Tennessee
6 p.m. — Michigan at Purdue, FS1 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Evina Westbrook,
8 p.m. — Seton Hall at Butler, FS1 who transferred from Tennessee to UConn
10 p.m. — San Diego State At Air two years ago, connected on back-to-back
Force, FS1 fourth-quarter 3-pointers to spark the No. 3 Hus-
NBA BASKETBALL kies to a 67-61 victory over the No. 25 Lady Vol-
6:45 p.m. — Boston at Philadelphia, unteers Thursday night.
ESPN UConn freshman Paige Bueckers added nine
9:05 p.m. — Denver at Phoenix, ESPN points, eight rebounds and seven assists for the
Huskies (9-0). After rolling her right ankle with
just over 3 minutes left, Bueckers left the court
Saturday for a minute to get her ankle taped up. She re-
turned and hit a huge 3-pointer from the wing
11 a.m. — Cincinnati at Houston, CBS
with 28 seconds left that gave the Huskies a 66-
11 a.m. — UConn at Creighton, FOX
61 lead and sealed the win.
11 a.m. — Kansas at Oklahoma, ESPN
It was a classic meeting in the Naismith Me-
11 a.m. — Auburn at South Carolina,
morial Basketball Hall of Fame Revival Series
during We Back Pat Week, which honors legend-
11:30 a.m. — George Mason at St.
ary Tennessee coach Pat Summitt, who passed
Joseph’s, NBCSN
away in 2016. The Lady Vols wore for the third
Noon — Arkansas at Vanderbilt, SECN
time “Summitt” on the back of their jerseys.
1 p.m. — Baylor at Oklahoma State,
This was UConn’s first trip to Tennessee
since 2006.
1 p.m. — N.C. State at North Carolina,
Westbrook’s pressure shots turned a tie game
into a six-point lead for UConn early in the fourth
1 p.m. — Florida at Georgia, ESPN2
quarter. She ignited a run that allowed the Hus-
1 p.m. — SMU at UCF, ESPNU
kies to lead by nine, 61-52. The spurt coincided
1 p.m. — Maryland at Minnesota, BTN
with a drought of more than 2 minutes for the
1:30 p.m. — La Salle at Richmond,
Lady Vols (9-3). Tennessee rallied to 63-61 be-

fore Bueckers shot off a pass from Westbrook.
1:30 p.m. — Army at Navy, CBSSN
Christyn Williams led UConn with 20 points.
2 p.m. — Clemson at Florida State,
Westbrook added 15 and Aubrey Griffin scored
2:30 p.m. — Texas A&M at Ole Miss,
Rae Burrell scored 14 of her 18 points in the

first half to lead Tennessee. Rennia Davis scored
3 p.m. — Ohio State at Wisconsin, CBS
11 and Marta Suarez and Tamari Key each had
3 p.m. — Duke at Louisville, ESPN
10 points.
3:30 p.m. — Dayton at VCU, CBSSN
A crowd of 3,553 watched the game in

when we
4 p.m. — UCLA at Stanford, FOX
Thompson-Boliing Arena, the largest crowd
5 p.m. — LSU at Kentucky, ESPN
to see a women’s basketball game anywhere in
5 p.m. — Mississippi State at Alabama,
the country this season. The previous high was
3,500 at South Carolina (five times).

need it most. 
6 p.m. — Northwestern at Penn State,
Davis, a leader of the Vols, had just two
6 p.m. — Saint Mary’s at San Francis-
points in the first half. Four straight third-quar-
ter points gave Tennessee a lead it maintained
7 p.m. — Colorado at Washington
through the period. The Vols were in charge, 49-
State, ESPN2
45, heading into the fourth quarter.
7:30 p.m. — Missouri at Tennessee,
Burrell hit a couple 3s in the first quarter and
had 14 at halftime to lead Tennessee to a 35-34
edged at the break. Key had eight points to help
9 p.m. — Pepperdine at BYU, ESPN2
the cause. Protect freedom of the press.
Sunday Charity event
2:05 p.m. — NFC Championship: Tam-
Tennessee coach Kellie Harper and her UCo-
pa Bay at Green Bay, FOX
nn counterpart Geno Auriemma showed just
5:40 p.m. — AFC Championship: Buffa-
how seriously they value this meeting of legend-
lo at Kansas City, CBS
ary programs and the charities it benefits.
Each of the coaches donated $10,000 that
11:30 a.m. — Detroit at Chicago, NBC
would be shared between the Pat Summitt
4B FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •

EXPLAINER: A look at the data behind NFL decision making

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ter stage this postseason. and worst during games those that decrease it are “You’re voluntarily ki squandered it when he
“You can make a very each week. bad. turning the ball over,” Fri- punted on fourth-and-9 on
Fourth downs in the good decision and have Here’s a deeper look go said. “You’re essential- the next series of downs.
NFL used to be reserved
for kicks, except in the
a bad result and you can into the in-game deci- Why is it beneficial to ly trading it for field po- Chiefs coach Andy
make a bad decision sions coaches make and sition. The model is very Reid’s call to go for it on
most dire of circumstanc- and have a good result,” what the numbers say
go for it? good at determining what fourth-and-1 on the next
The models are more
es. said Frank Frigo, the about them. the field position is worth possession to seal the
aggressive than almost
But with teams scor- co-founder of EdjSports, compared to giving the win was the second-best
any coach, advocating go-
ing at a record pace and a data company that has How to figure it out ing for it on almost fourth-
ball up.” call of the postseason,
becoming more analytics created its own custom- There are several mod- and-1 no matter the field increasing Kansas City’s
friendly each year, teams izable model for deci- els for decision making position, favoring more What was the best deci- win probability by 6.5 per-
are going for it on fourth sion making in the NFL. and they typically agree fourth-down tries over sion of the postseason? centage points.
down these days in sce- “That’s OK. That’s life. on most calls, although field goals in the red zone The best fourth-
narios that would have But you have to operate
been unfathomable just a on the best available in-
there are slight differenc- and even advocating for down call, according to What was the worst
es. EdjSports models the “riskier” calls like saying EdjSports, came from
decade ago. formation. In the long win probability for teams the Browns should have Browns coach Kevin Ste-
decision of the post-
Whether it was Kansas haul, you will do much based on the decisions gone for it last week on fanski, who went for it on season?
City’s decision to go for it better making sound an- they make based on his- fourth-and-9 from their fourth-and-1 from his own There’s little surprise
on fourth-and-1 in its own alytically based choices.” torical play-by-play data 32 with more than four 29 with Cleveland trail- on this one. The analyt-
territory to seal a win last The data behind those and adjusts it for variables minutes left when trailing ing by five with about six ics didn’t like Tennessee
week against Cleveland, decisions is more readily like the strength and Kansas City by five. That minutes remaining. The coach Mike Vrabel’s call
or Indianapolis’ failed available than ever to fans weaknesses of both teams decision cost Cleveland 5 call increased Cleveland’s to punt on fourth-and-2
fourth-and-goal try from with places like EdjSports from Football Outsiders, percentage points in Ed- win probability by 7.3 from the Baltimore 40 in
the 4 late in the first half and ESPN tweeting out injuries and other factors. jSports’ win probability. percentage points. Bak- the wild-card round when
the previous week, those the numbers that show Calls that increase win The Browns punted and er Mayfield converted it trailing 17-13 with about
decisions have taken cen- which decisions are best probability are good and never got the ball back. with a sneak, but Stefans- 10 minutes left.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: from “Open-and- these gossips have less to
I’m respond- Shut Case in occupy their minds than one
ing to the Virginia,” and would hope. You might also
letter from “Open- the vast majority consider seeing these particu-
and-Shut Case in of the writers lar individuals even less often
Virginia” (Oct. 20), mentioned ADD, than you already do in the age
who complained ADHD and AADD. of COVID. If you do, it may give
her son-in-law was Many of them them less ammunition concern-
“disrespectful” recommended ing what you do (or don’t do)
because he didn’t patience on the with your time.
close cupboard part of the in-laws DEAR ABBY: I began using a
doors, cereal box- and volunteered wheelchair two years ago. Since
es, etc. My guess that Kirk may be then a dear friend of roughly
ZITS is that “Kirk” is able to manage 30 years has become fixated
displaying classic the disorder if he on my disability. While we once
symptoms of Adult is diagnosed. shared a deep, close “BFF”
Attention Deficit DEAR ABBY: I relationship, she now speaks to
Disorder (AADD). Dear Abby am a 73-year-old me in baby talk and only shows
Multistep tasks retired woman an interest in my physical lim-
may be difficult for who still main- itations. I feel objectified, hurt
him to complete because he is tains contact with a number of and disappointed.
easily distracted. old and new friends for movies, I have mentioned to her
My husband has this. (It dinner, museum visits, etc. that I prefer to focus on other
was not diagnosed until he was Until the COVID virus, we did things in life, and she responds
in his 50s, and I had nearly torn things often. Now, not so much. with platitudes like, “The body
all my hair out.) He still occa- Someone in this group told is just a shell,” and “All that
sionally leaves cabinet doors me that on a couple of occa- matters is the heart,” but her
and drawers open. I tease him sions, a few of them were not actions tell me otherwise. I
GARFIELD that he can’t remember to walk very nice when my name came hate to end this friendship, but
from one side of the room to up. (“Why doesn’t she see her I am at the end of my rope.
another if he forgets to take his grandkids more often?” “She Any advice? — PATRONIZED IN
medication. goes out more than most, yet ARIZONA
I strongly recommend doesn’t want to eat in certain DEAR PATRONIZED: If you
that Kirk be evaluated by a restaurants.”) My husband haven’t done it already, tell this
behavioral psychologist for and I have a good marriage, person that you no longer wish
AADD. Treatment may save the but many of these ladies are to discuss your disability and
relationship between Kirk and widowed or divorced. How do you prefer she stop raising the
his in-laws. — WIFE OF A MAN you handle backstabbing at subject and treating you differ-
WITH A.A.D.D. this age? — MYSTIFIED IN NEW ently. Period. If she continues
DEAR WIFE: Thank you for YORK to pursue the subject after that,
your letter. I received a deluge DEAR MYSTIFIED: Try not to make your visits less frequent,
of responses about the letter take it personally. Obviously, if they happen at all.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). flicting ideas, expect inaction.
22). You’ll manage others like You would like to hear that you You’re hard to convince, even
a boss, and you’ll delegate like are the best at something, and when you’re the one doing the
a psychic. The most impressive you don’t even care if it’s true or convincing.
part is that you do this outside not. Maybe it will become true LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
of a work context. Maybe it’s a in time, but right now the chim- instincts are dead-on. When you
weird thing to celebrate, but you ing sound of those melodious trust someone, you’re open to
cannot argue this impressive words is gift enough. their surprises. And when you
fact of your talent — people GEMINI (May 21-June 21). don’t trust someone, there is no
love being ordered around by Great work in its early stag- reason to be involved at all.
you. The windfall comes in es looks a lot like a mess, a VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
August. Pisces and Aries adore blunder or a confusing pile of There’s no need to wonder
you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, disparate elements. There are about whether what you’re giv-
BABY BLUES 5, 12, 28 and 17. no failures, and no successes ing today is good enough. You
ARIES (March 21-April 19). either — only prototypes of vary- sense what others are missing
It’s not that some are worthy of ing effectiveness in serving the and fill in the blanks for them.
your attention and others aren’t, original purpose. What could be more elegant
but you can only give your CANCER (June 22-July 22). than this?
attention to one at a time. Now, It’s as though you have a com- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
there is the matter of fitting the mittee inside of you, and you The current cosmic alignment
right offering to the one who will do what the majority vote activates your play mode. You
can extract value from it. tells you to do. If there are con- might even find yourself per-
forming for your phone — harm-
less enough, as long as you
realize that there’s something
irreversible about hitting “send.”
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
The fortuitous arrangement has
BEETLE BAILEY not been forthcoming. What
gives? You don’t like their offer.
They don’t respond to yours.
It’s all a signal to broaden the
search terms.
21). This weird bit is true: “Fail-
ing” at a new task is far more
satisfying than succeeding at
a task you’ve already mas-
tered. The quotations are used
because it’s very possible that
“failure” is just an early version
of success.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
MALLARD FILLMORE 19). Others may be happy
when you take the known road,
but you’re not in charge of the
happiness of others, you’re in
charge of your own happiness,
which is more likely to unfold
when you take the other one.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Sometimes, you need
space, and other times you
need closeness. You appreciate
the one who understands the
limits of intense engagements
and follows up intensity with
sweetness and distance.
20). Your empathy is a talent
for sure, but it can also be
overwhelming to feel so much
for others when you cannot do
anything about those feelings.
Whatever you can do to be
communicative and persuasive
will help.

Pick and choose

The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 5B

Mississippi State School Ministry Prayer for Youth
Mississippi State School of Ministry will Every second and third Saturday, Pleasant
be taking applications for enrollment into their Ridge Faith Center hosts a prayer for the youth
online degree granting program. Earn your from 2-3 p.m.
Certification, Associates, Bachelor, Master and
Doctoral Degree in Religious Studies. We are
an accreditation School of Ministry authorized
Prayer, Free Coffee
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 2221
through State of Mississippi and Federal
14th Ave. N., hosts free coffee and a prayer
Government. Our degrees are for ecclesiastical
community outreach service from 8-9 a.m.
purposes only. We accept transcripts and your
every fifth Saturday. For information, contact
life experience also can also be used for de-
Jesse Slater, 662-328-4979.
gree granting purposes. For further information
feel free to call 662-425-8443
Radio Program
Fellowship Dinner, Youth Service Apostles Patrick Perkins invites the public to
tune in to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for Perfecting
Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, 923 Ridge
Road, hosts a fellowship dinner and youth the Saints Broadcast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
service every third Sunday.
Women Prayer, Worship Service
Gospel Book Club Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd St. S.,
Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 12th Ave. S., holds a prayer and worship service every Thurs-
invites the public to join its Community Gospel day from 5-6 p.m. Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-
Book Club from 6-7 p.m., on the fourth Friday 4322 or 662-329-1234, for prayer requests.
of each month, to study and share views of the
Holy Bible. Open to all ages and ethnicities. Prayer Ministry
For more information, call Barbara Mattison or New Beginning Everlasting Outreach Ministry
Lillian Murray, 662-570-5595. invites the public to call in with their prayer
requests at 662-327-9843.
Grief Support Group
The Oil of Joy for Grief and Mourning offers
a grief support group at 6 p.m. every second
Prayer Service
Church of the Eternal Word, 106 22nd St. S.,
Thursday of the month at United Christian Bap-
Columbus, holds prayer service Thursday nights
tist Church, 232 Yorkville Road East. “Making
5-6 p.m. Contact Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322.
your grieving journey easier.” For more informa-
Church service times: Sunday school 10 a.m.;
tion, call 662-327-0604 or e-mail unitedchris-
Sunday worship 11:15 a.m.; Tuesday Bible
study 7 p.m. For information, call Pastor District
Elder Lou Nabors, 662-329-1234.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery, the nation’s largest
Christian recovery program, meets Tuesdays at Fitness Transformations
6:00 p.m. at Meadowview Church, 300 Linden The Transformational Church, 2301 Jess
Circle in Starkville. Millions have found help, Lyons Road, hosts boxing lessons Mondays
healing, and support for hurts, habits, and and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss boot
hang-ups using our popular Biblical 12 step camp Tuesdays and Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and
program. both on Saturdays 9-11 a.m.

Recovery Room Youth Fellowship

New Life Assembly, 4474 New Hope Road The Transformational Church, 2301 Jess
(near Dollar General) hosts Recovery Room, at Lyons Road, hosts Youth Fellowship from 7-8:30
6:30 p.m. each Sunday. Find help, healing, and p.m. every Tuesday. Games, prayer, service,
support for any hurt, habit, or hang-up using food, and more. Transportation available. For
our Christ-centered 12 steps. information, call Iris Roberson, 662-295-7456.

Organists offer soundtrack to

jabs at medieval UK cathedral
‘At times of crisis, people come its shot program to foot-
ball stadiums, convention
together and want to listen to music ...’ centers and hundreds of
Organist David Halls local doctors offices to
speed delivery.
BY DANICA KIRK A Rodgers & Hammerstein Hundreds of elderly
AND JO KEARNEY to the public as they shuf- residents have rolled up
The Associated Press fle through the nave to get their sleeves and got their Send in your church event!
their shots. shots in the great nave, Email
“At times of crisis, peo-
— David Halls isn’t a doc- ple come together and
which is big enough to Subject: Religious brief
tor, nurse or ambulance gather people together
want to listen to music;
driver, but he wanted to while also keeping them
at moments of joy, people
contribute in the fight safely apart.
want to listen to music,’’
against COVID-19. So he Halls, the cathedral’s
did what he does best: He music director, told The
sat down on the bench Associated Press. “And so
beside at Salisbury Cathe- I don’t think it’s any sur-
dral’s historic organ and prise the effect of sooth-
began to play. ing music on people who
Halls is one of the probably are feeling quite
many people who have stressed for various rea-
turned the 800-year-old sons.”
cathedral in southwest- Salisbury Cathedral,
ern England into a mass home to one of the best
vaccination center as the preserved copies of the
U.K. races to inoculate Magna Carta and En-
50 million people. His gland’s tallest church
contribution to the effort spire, has been enlisted
is offering a bit of Bach, as a vaccination center as
Handel and even a little the government expands

French doctor who made Down

discovery closer to sainthood
BY NICOLE WINFIELD existence of an extra chro-
The Associated Press mosome on the 21st pair
during a study of the chro-
ROME — The French mosomes of a child. It was
doctor who discovered the the first time scientists
genetic basis of Down syn- had found a link between
drome but spent his career an intellectual disability
advocating against abor- and a chromosomal anom-
tion as a result of prenatal aly; the condition is now
diagnosis has taken his known as trisomy 21.
first major step to possible “Although the results of
sainthood. his research should have
Pope Francis on Thurs- helped medicine to ad-
day approved the “heroic vance toward a cure, they
virtues” of Dr. Jerome are often used to identify
Lejeune, who lived from children carrying these
1926-1994 and was par- diseases as early as possi-
ticularly esteemed by St. ble, usually with the aim of
John Paul II for his an- terminating pregnancy,”
ti-abortion stance. the Jerome Lejeune Foun-
The papal recognition dation wrote in its biogra-
of Lejeune’s virtues means phy.
that he is considered “ven- “As soon as the
erable” by the Catholic pro-abortion laws were
Church. The Vatican must drafted in western coun-
now confirm a miracle tries, Lejeune began ad-
attributed to his interces- vocating for the protec-
sion for him to be beati- tion of the unborn with
fied, and a second one for Down syndrome: he gave
him to be declared a saint. hundreds of conferences
According to his offi- and interviews across the
cial biography, Lejeune globe in defense of life,”
in 1958 discovered the the group said.
6B FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •


Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch, CLIFTON BOYD BISHOP, JR.,

Notice is hereby given that on
the 8th day of October 2020,
Jeffrey Unruh, 54110 MS High-

The Starkville Dispatch and Online NO. 2020-0250-PDE

way 14 East, Macon, MS
39341, filed application No.
MS-GW-17576 for a permit to
divert or withdraw the public
To place ads starting at only $12,
Letters Testamentary have
been granted and issued to
waters of the State of Missis-
sippi for beneficial use from
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Clifton Boyd Bishop, Jr., Execut- the Gordo Aquifer, in the
or of the Estate of Janell Colli- county of Noxubee, for Irriga-
er Bishop McChriston, de- tion purposes, subject to exist-
ing rights, the following amount
THE DISPATCH nceased, by the Chancery Court
Lowndes County, Missis- of JANUARY
water at the 22, 2021 loca-
indicated n 7B
sippi, on the 29th day of tion:
December, 2020. This is to
give notice to all persons hav- PERMIT#
ing claims against the estate VOLUME
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices toLegal Noticesand Register same RATE
Probate Legal Notices

with the Chancery Clerk of LOCATION
COUNTY OF LOWNDES COUNTY OF LOWNDES within ninety (90) days from the MS-GW-17576
2021 SIDEWALK AND STREET date of first publication of this 84 AF/Y
700 GPM
NOTICE OF SALE Notice. A failure to so Probate
and Register the claim will NE, NE,S10, T14N, R18E
WHEREAS, the following ten- WHEREAS, the following ten- forever bar the same.
Legal Notices ants entered into leases with Sealed bids will be received by ants entered into leases with Any person, firm, association,
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- the City of Columbus, Missis- FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- THIS the 29th day of Decem- or corporation, deeming that
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI HOUSES for storage space in sippi in the offices of the City HOUSES for storage space in ber, 2020. the granting of the above ap-
COUNTY OF LOWNDES which to store personal prop- of Columbus, Office of the May- which to store personal prop- plication will be truly detriment-
erty and or, located at 523 Main Street, erty and Estate of Janell Collier Bishop al to their rights to utilize the
NOTICE OF SALE Columbus, MS 39701 or elec- McChriston waters of the said source, may
WHEREAS, default has been tronically via www.neel-schaffer- WHEREAS, default has been By: Clifton Boyd Bishop, Jr., Ex- protest in writing to the Permit
WHEREAS, the following ten- made in the payment of rent until 2:00 P.M., Loc- made in the payment of rent ecutor Board of the State of Missis-
ants entered into leases with and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- al Time, on February 23, 2021 and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- sippi, ATTN: Chris Hawkins, PO
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- HOUSES pursuant to said for supplying all labor and ma- HOUSES pursuant to said OF COUNSEL: Box 2309, Jackson, Missis-
HOUSES for storage space in Leases is authorized to sell the terials (as specified) neces- Leases is authorized to sell the John W. Crowell (MSB 7906) sippi 39225, setting forth all
which to store personal prop- personal property to satisfy the sary for construction of “2021 personal property to satisfy the Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC reason why said application
erty and past due and any other SIDEWALK AND STREET IM- past due and any other Post Office Box 1827 should not be approved. Let-
charges owed to it by the fol- PROVEMENTS.” charges owed to it by the fol- Columbus, MS 39703 ters of protest must be re-
WHEREAS, default has been lowing tenants. lowing tenants. PHONE: (662) 243-7308 ceived within ten (10) days of
made in the payment of rent The work generally consists of this publication. If not pro-
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- NOW THEREFORE, notice is the removal and replacement NOW THEREFORE, notice is tested, a permit will be issues
HOUSES pursuant to said hereby given that FRIENDLY of damaged sidewalks and hereby given that FRIENDLY PUBLISH: 1/15, 1/22 & on or after ten (10) days follow-
Leases is authorized to sell the CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- curb and gutter and the install- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- 1/29/2021 ing the publication date.
personal property to satisfy the fer for sale, and will sell at auc- ation of ADA accessible ramps fer for sale, and will sell at auc-
past due and any other tion to the highest bidder for on numerous City streets. tion to the highest bidder for IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF If protested, the application will
charges owed to it by the fol- cash all personal property in cash all personal property in LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- be taken for consideration by
lowing tenants. storage units leased by the fol- The above general outline of storage units leased by the fol- SIPPI the Permit Board of the State
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY the work does not in any way lowing tenants at FRIENDLY of Mississippi in its offices at
NOW THEREFORE, notice is CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 44 limit the responsibility of the CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 515 East Amite Street, Jack-
hereby given that FRIENDLY Beatty Road, Columbus, MS. Contractor to perform all work Highway 69 South, Columbus, TATE OF JULIA M. WILLIAMS, son, Mississippi, on or after,
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- Auctions will begin at 8:30 and furnish all plant, labor, MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30 DECEASED Tuesday, the 9th day of Febru-
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- A.M. on the 5th day of Febru- equipment, and materials re- A.M. on the 5th day February, ary 2021, at which time all in-
tion to the highest bidder for ary, A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney quired by the specifications A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney GEORGE A. WILLIAMS, III PETI- terested persons may appear
cash all personal property in Drive, Columbus, MS and will and the drawings referred to Drive, Columbus, MS and will TIONER and be heard by the Permit
storage units leased by the fol- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY therein. continue to all FRIENDLY CITY Board.
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in CAUSE NO. 2020-0251
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 903 the following sequence: 903 The contract time is 150 calen- the following sequence: 903 OFFICE OF LAND AND WATER
Alabama St. Columbus, MS. Alabama Street, Columbus, dar days. Liquidated damages Alabama Street, Columbus, RULE 81 SUMMONS RESOURCES
Auctions will begin at 8:30 MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- will be assessed in the amount MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- (Summons by Publication) Chris Hawkins, P.E.
A.M. on the 5th day of Febru- bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 of Five Hundred Dollars bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 Chief, Permitting, Certification,
ary, A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney South, Columbus, MS. All auc- ($500.00) for each calendar South, Columbus, MS. All auc- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI and Compliance Division
Drive, Columbus, MS and will tions are with reserve and day the Work has not achieved tions are with reserve and COUNTY OF HARRISON
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY therefore all units can be with- Substantial Completion. therefore all units can be with- PUBLISH: 1/22/2021
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in drawn from the sale at any drawn from the sale at any TO: THE KNOWN AND UN-
the following sequence: 903 time by the auctioneer/man- Special Damages – In addition time by the auctioneer/man- KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF JU-
Alabama Street, Columbus, ager. to the amounts provided for li- ager. LIA M. WILLIAMS, DECEASED Booze Legal Notices
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- quidated damages, Contractor,
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 Title to the personal property to in the event of such default, Title to the personal property to NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- be sold is believed to be good, shall pay the Owner the actual be sold is believed to be good, LEGAL NOTICE
tions are with reserve and but at such sale, FRIENDLY costs reasonably incurred by but at such sale, FRIENDLY You have been made a Defend-
therefore all units can be with- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Owner for engineering and in- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will ant in the suit filed in this
drawn from the sale at any convey only such title as is ves- spection forces employed on convey only such title as is ves- Court by GEORGE A. WILLIAMS, I the member of A to
time by the auctioneer/man- ted in it pursuant to its lease the work after the time stipu- ted in it pursuant to its lease III, seeking to open the Estate Z 14 LLC intend to
ager. with the following and its al- lated for the completion of the with the following and its al- of Julia M. Williams, Deceased.
lowed under Mississippi Code work. lowed under Mississippi Code There are no Defendants other make application for
Title to the personal property to Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
be sold is believed to be good, seq (Supp 1988). CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBIL- seq (Supp 1988).
than you in this action. a Package Retailer
but at such sale, FRIENDLY ITY: Each contractor submit- You are summoned to appear Permit as provided for
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Terry Brown - B40, B48 ting a bid in excess of Bessie Montgomery - H27 and defend against the Com-
convey only such title as is ves- $50,000.00 must show on his plaint or Petition filed against
by the Local Option
ted in it pursuant to its lease Robert Irwin - B62 bid and on the face of the en- Charles Mateer - H14 you in this action at 9:00 a.m. Alcoholic Beverage
with the following and its al- velope containing the bid, his O'CLOCK on the 4th day of
lowed under Mississippi Code Walter Smith Jr. - B46 Certificate of Responsibility Natasha Kyle - H48 March, 2021, in the courtroom Control Laws, Sec-
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Number, as required by Sec- of the Oktibbeha County Chan- tion 67-1-1, et seq.,
seq (Supp 1988). WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on tion 31-3-21 and 21-3-15, Mis- Michael Hollins - Park 3 cery Courthouse at 101 E.
this the 6th day of January, sissippi Code of 1972. If the Main Street, Starkville, Missis- of the Mississippi
Cetericka Walker - E247 A.D. 2021. bid does not exceed
$50,000.00, a notation so
Brett Johnson - H46 sippi, and in case of your fail- Code of 1972, Annot-
ure to appear and defend, a
Jennifer Overpeck - E226 FRIENDLY CITY stating must appear on the Wendy Blunt - H60, H104 judgment will be entered ated. If granted such
MINI-WAREHOUSES face of the envelope. against you for the money or permit, I propose to
Alyssa Harris - E478 By: C.H.L. Jennie G. Johnson - H96 other things demanded in the
EVIDENCE: No bid will be Complaint or Petition. operate as a limited
Publish: 1/8, 1/15 & opened, considered or accep- WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
Oscar Taylor Jr. - E95
1/22/2021 ted unless the above informa- this the 6th day of January, You are not required to file an
liability company un-
Shameka Gandy - E465 tion is given as specified. A.D. 2020. answer other pleading, but you der the trade name of
may do so if you desire. Military Wine and Li-
LaShana C. Scott - E58, E372 IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Proposals shall be submitted in FRIENDLY CITY
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- a sealed envelope and depos- MINI-WAREHOUSES Issued under my hand and the quor located at 2329
Daphine Miller - E81 ited with the City of Columbus By: C.H.L. seal of said Court, this 19th
prior to the hour and date day of January, 2021.
Dr. Martin Luther King
Stephanie Bryant - E493 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- herein before designated. No Publish: 1/8, 1/15 & Jr, Drive, City of
TATE OF DOROTHY ALICE bidder may withdraw his bid 1/22/2021 Cindy Goode, Chancery Clerk
Cedrick Clemmons - E1 HODGES, DECEASED within ninety (90) days after Lowndes County, Mississippi Columbus, County of
the actual date of the opening IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF Post Office Box 684 Lowndes.
Jerry Stockman - E246 THOMAS S. HODGES, JR., AD- thereof. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- Columbus, Mississippi 39703
Patricia Wilson - E360 Each Bidder must deposit with
his proposal, a Bid Bond or
BY: Shantrell W. Granderson, The name, title and
Carletta Edwards - E245 Certified Check in an amount TATE OF JAMES MASON WOOD-
address of the mem-
SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION equal to five percent (5%) of ARD, DECEASED Issue at the request of: ber for he above
Alisha Coleman - E207 his bid, payable to the City of Warren L. Conway
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Columbus, as bid security. The CAUSE NO.: 2020-0225-RPF 1600 24th Avenue, Suite B named business are:
Caroline Payne - E366 successful bidder will be re- Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of quired to furnish a Payment SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (228) 863-3183 – Telephone
Ellihue Blackwell - E471 Dorothy Alice Hodges, de- Bond and Performance Bond (228) 863-3379 – Facsimile Mayur Patel
ceased, and Any Unknown Per- each in the amount of one hun- THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI MSB No.: 6480 Member
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on sons In Interest dred percent (100%) of the con-
this the 6th day of January, tract amount. TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 & 185 Acorn Drive
A.D. 2021. 2/5/2021
Rebecca Roach
4122 Manor House Drive Bid documents are being made
James Mason Woodard, de- Columbus, MS
ceased, and Any Unknown
FRIENDLY CITY Marietta, GA 30062 available via original paper Parties In Interest In the Chancery Court of 39705
MINI-WAREHOUSES copy. Plan holders are re- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Lowndes County, Mississippi
By: C.H.L. All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of quired to register for an ac- COUNTY OF LOWNDES You have been made a defend-
Helen Atkins, deceased, and count at www.neel-schaffer- to view and order
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- In the Matter of the Estate of If any person wishes
Publish: 1/8, 1/15 & Any Unknown Persons In In- NOTICE OF SALE tion of Heirs-at-Law[Doc. No.
1/22/2021 terest Bid Documents. All plan hold- 12] filed by the Administratrix,
Milton Lewis, Deceased to request a hearing a
ers are required to have a val- WHEREAS, the following ten- Kayleigh B. Woodard, on Janu- Cause No. 2020-0299-PDE hearing to object to
All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of id email address for registra- ants entered into leases with ary 6, 2021, seeking to de-
Royce Ann Butler deceased, tion. Bid Documents are non-re- FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- termine the heirs-at-law of Summons
the issuance of this
NOTICE TO CREDITORS fundable and must be pur-
and Any Unknown Persons In
chased through the website.
HOUSES for storage space in James Mason Woodard, de- (Rule 81 Summons by Publica- permit a request for a
Interest which to store personal prop- ceased. Other than you, the tion)
CAUSE NO.: 20-0140-JNS Electronic bids shall be submit- erty and only other interested parties in hearing must be
ted through www.neel-schaffer-
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Tammy Bates Please contact Plan
this action are Kayleigh B. To: All Born, Known, Absent or made in writing and
LOWNDES COUNTY 127 Myrtle Wood Drive WHEREAS, default has been Woodard; J.M.W. Jr., a minor Unknown Heirs at Law of Milton
Pensacola, FL 32503 House Printing at (662) 407- made in the payment of rent child with the date of birth of Lewis, Deceased received by the De-
0193 with questions regarding
Letters Testamentary have website registration, electronic
HOUSES pursuant to said
xx/xx/2019; C.V.W., a minor partment of Revenue
been granted and issued to the Vickie Stanley child with a date of birth of You have been made a re-
undersigned upon the estate of 105 Morgan Terrace bidding, and online orders. Leases is authorized to sell the xx/xx/2009; and M.T.W., a spondent in the Petition to De- within (15) fifteen
ALLEAN PETTY, deceased, by Marion, NC 28752 personal property to satisfy the minor child with a date of birth termine Heirs-at-Law filed in days from the first
The City of Columbus hereby past due and any other of xx/xx/2006. this cause by Castella Hender-
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, on the All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of El- notifies all Bidders that it will charges owed to it by the fol- son, who is seeking a judicial date this notice was
lena J. Hixson, deceased, and affirmatively insure that in any lowing tenants.
27th day of July, A.D., 2020.
Any Unknown Persons In In- contract entered into pursuant
You are summoned to appear
and represent your interests
determination that Castella
Henderson and Shirley Cole-
This is to give notice to all per- to this advertisement, disad-
sons having claims against terest NOW THEREFORE, notice is against said Petition before the man are the sole and only
vantaged and women’s busi- hereby given that FRIENDLY Honorable Rodney P. Faver, heirs at law of the Decedent,
said estate to Probate and Re-
Cindy Hixson Lapierre ness enterprises will be af- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- Chancellor of the 14th Chan- Milton Lewis.
Requests shall be
gister same with the Chancery forded the full opportunity to
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- 7425 Gilbert Road
submit bids in response to this
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- cery District at 9:00 a.m. on sent to:
Panama City, FL 32404 tion to the highest bidder for the 18th day of March 2021, You are summoned to appear
sissippi, within ninety (90) days
from this date. A failure to so
invitation and will not be dis- cash all personal property in at the Lowndes County Court- and respond to the Petition
Chief Counsel, Legal
Probate and Register said You have been made a defend- criminated against on the storage units leased by the fol- house in Columbus, Missis- files on this action at 9:30 Division
ant in the Petition to Determ- grounds of race, color, or na- lowing tenants at FRIENDLY sippi, and in case of your fail- a.m. on the 24th day of Febru-
claim will forever bar the same. tional origin in consideration for Department of Reven-
ines Heirs-at-Law filed by the CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 308 ure to appear your interest in ary, 2021 before Chancellor
an award.
This the 5th day of January, Administrator, Thomas S. Shoney Drive Columbus, MS,
at 8:30 am on the 5th day of
this matter will not be con- Paula Drungole-Ellis in the ue
2021. Hodges, Jr., on December 11, sidered. Chancery Courtroom at the
2020, seeking to determine The City of Columbus reserves February, A.D. 2021 and will Lowndes County Courthouse P.O. Box 22828
/s/ SHELIA DEAR POWERS the heirs-at-law of Dorothy Alice the right to reject any and all continue to all FRIENDLY CITY You are not required to file an located at 505 2nd Avenue Jackson, MS 39225
Hodges, Helen Atkins, Royce bids and to waive any informal- MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in answer or other pleading, but North, Columbus, Mississippi;
SHELIA DEAR POWERS ities or irregularities therein.
Ann Butler and Ellena J. Hix- the following sequence: 903 you may do so if you desire. and in case of your failure to
PUBLISH: 1/8, 1/15 & son. all deceased. Other than Alabama Street, Columbus, appear and respond, a Decree Date of first publica-
you, the only other interested BY: /s/ Robert E. Smith, Sr. MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- Issued under my hand and the will be entered for the things
parties in this action are James Robert Smith, Mayor bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 seal of said Court, this the requested in the Petition. tion: 1/22/2021
Hodges, Sam Atkins, Dorothy City of Columbus South, Columbus, MS. All auc- 19th day of January 2021.
Sawaryn Threadgill, and tions are with reserve and You are not required to file an
Thomas S. Hodges, Jr.. Advertisement Dates:
January 21, 2021
therefore all units can be with- CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY answer or other pleading, but This the 19th day of
drawn from the sale at any CLERK you may do so if you desire.
SIPPI You are summoned to appear January 28, 2021 time by the auctioneer/man- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
January, 2021.
and represent your interests ager. SIPPI Issued under my hand and the
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- against said Petition before the seal of said Court on this the
TATE OF DOROTHY G. RAY, DE- Honorable Joseph N. Studdard, Title to the personal property to (SEAL) 12th day of January, 2021. PUBLISH: 1/22 &
CEASED Chancellor of the 14th Chan- be sold is believed to be good, BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- 1/24/2021
cery District at 9:00 a.m. on ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS but at such sale, FRIENDLY son, D.C. s/ Cindy E. Goode
CAUSE NO. 2020-0236-F the 2nd day of March 2021, at CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Chancery Clerk
the Oktibbeha County Court- SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE convey only such title as is ves- PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 & Lowndes County, Mississippi
NOTICE TO CREDITORS house, in Starkville, Missis- ted in it pursuant to its lease 2/5/2021
sippi, and in case of your fail- Dodge Ram 150 Van for sale with the following and its al- PUBLISH: 1/15, 1/22 &
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ure to appear your interest in Ford Taurus for sale lowed under Mississippi Code 1/29/2021
COUNTY OF LOWNDES this matter will not be con- Annotated Section 85-7-121 et IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF
been granted and issued to the COLUMBUS, MS 39701 Carnell Brown - N16 VERT OR WITHDRAW FOR BE-
You are not required to file an
undersigned upon the Estate of IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- NEFICIAL USE THE PUBLIC WA-
answer or other pleading, but
Dorothy G. Ray, deceased, by you may do so if you desire. Sealed bids will be received at Sharon D. Little - N276 TATE OF JANELL COLLIER BISH- TERS OF THE STATE OF MIS-
the Chancery Court of Lowndes the Office of Purchasing. The OP MCCHRISTON, DECEASED SISSIPPI
County, Mississippi, on the Issued under my hand and the bid opening will be held in the Tiesha Robinson - N125
28th day of December, 2020. Office of Purchasing, Whitfield CLIFTON BOYD BISHOP, JR., Notice is hereby given that on
seal of said Court, this the
This is to give notice to all per- Hall, Columbus, MS 39701 at Debbie Gardner - N22 EXECUTOR the 8th day of October 2020,
28th day of December 2020.
sons having claims against 2:00 p.m. February 18, 2021 Jeffrey Unruh, 54110 MS High-
said estate to Probate and Re- at which time they will be pub- NO. 2020-0250-PDE way 14 East, Macon, MS All notices must be
CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY Tammy Bailey - N227
gister same with the Chancery licly opened and read. Specific- 39341, filed application No. emailed to
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- ations may be obtained from: WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on NOTICE TO CREDITORS MS-GW-17576 for a permit to
sissippi, within ninety (90) days SIPPI this the 6th day of January, divert or withdraw the public classifieds@
from the first publication date Office of Purchasing A.D. 2021. Letters Testamentary have waters of the State of Missis-
of this Notice to Creditors. A (SEAL) Whitfield Hall been granted and issued to sippi for beneficial use from
failure to so Probate and Re- BY: Tina Fisher, D.C. 1100 College Street MUW FRIENDLY CITY Clifton Boyd Bishop, Jr., Execut- the Gordo Aquifer, in the
gister a claim will forever bar 1628 MINI-WAREHOUSES or of the Estate of Janell Colli- county of Noxubee, for Irriga-
that claim. Columbus, MS 39701 By: C.H.L. er Bishop McChriston, de- tion purposes, subject to exist-
PUBLISH: 1/8, 1/15 &
1/22/2021 Telephone (662) 329-7126 ceased, by the Chancery Court ing rights, the following amount
This the 29th day of December, Email: Publish: 1/8, 1/15 & of Lowndes County, Missis- of water at the indicated loca-
2020. 1/22/2021 sippi, on the 29th day of tion:
Mississippi University for Wo- December, 2020. This is to
/s/ DAVIS B. RAY, Executor
Read local. men reserves the right to re-
ject any or all bids.
give notice to all persons hav-
ing claims against the estate VOLUME
PUBLISH: 1/8, 1/15 & to Probate and Register same
1/22/2021 PUBLISH: 1/22 & 1/29/2021 with the Chancery Clerk of LOCATION
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
within ninety (90) days from the MS-GW-17576
84 AF/Y

One call will bring you results.

date of first publication of this

Notice. A failure to so Probate 700 GPM
and Register the claim will NE, NE,S10, T14N, R18E
forever bar the same.
Any person, firm, association,
THIS the 29th day of Decem- or corporation, deeming that
ber, 2020. the granting of the above ap-
plication will be truly detriment-
Estate of Janell Collier Bishop al to their rights to utilize the
8B FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 The Dispatch •
Medical / Dental Sporting Goods


Open for season! ON THE WEB
Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
Ads starting at $25 Over 50 years experience! Visit
Repairs, cleaning, refin−
Farms & Timberland ishing, scopes mounted & for a printable copy of
zeroed, handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North these puzzles.
203 ACRES of West Point, turn right on
PRIME TIMBERLAND Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
$270,000 left on Darracott Rd, will
Exc deer, turkey hunting see sign, 2.5mi ahead
Good Investment shop on left.
(615)719−8329 662−494−6218.

Houses For Sale: East

FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof,

new paint, fenced
backyard, driveway leads
behind house. $128,000.
Ads starting at $12
Campers & RVs
Lots & Acreage
1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/
Bad Credit Options. Good
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,


Apts For Rent: Other acre lot in prestigious

Callaway Estates. Only 2 2003 Coachman 31ft 5th
Wheel RV. Great shape,
lots available. Restrictive
covenants apply. $35,000. ready to hit the road or for YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
Ads starting at $25 RENTALS Call Long & Long Real tiny home life. Lots of

Sudoku Yesterday’s answer

TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Estate, 662−328−0770 room, 2 pullouts, awning Sudoku is a number-
for plat and restrictions. for patio. Will consider all
Apts For Rent: North 1 BEDROOM serious offers, no financing placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 2 8 3 4 7 1 6 9 5
2 BEDROOMS $10,000. 601−310−3528
given numbers.puzzleThe object 6 9 7 2 5 8 1 3 4

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

1 & 2 BR near hospital. 3 BEDROOMS based onthe a 9x9
is to place numbers 4 5 1 9 3 6 2 8 7
$595−$645 monthly.
LEASE, grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 7 9 3 6 5 4 2 8
© The Dispatch

Military discount, pet area,

pet friendly, and furnished DEPOSIT given
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 8 4 2 1 9 7 5 6 3
corporate apts. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
AND Looking for a new home? Ads starting at $12 numbers 5 3 6 8 4 2 7 1 9
contains the1same to 9 number
GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. CREDIT CHECK Let us help, shop here. 9 6 4 7 2 3 8 5 1
the empty spaces so
Pets only once. The difficulty 7 1 5 6 8 9 3 4 2
that each row, each
level increases from
column and each
Garage Sales
24−HOUR CAMERA 3 2 8 5 1 4 9 7 6
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & Boxer/Lab Puppies Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 1/21
2 males and 2 females
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 2411 HWY 45 N $400. 662−361−4081 the same number only once. The difficulty level
Apts For Rent: West COLUMBUS, MS Two free signs increases from Monday to Sunday.

VIP Need a new

Houses For Rent: North Auctions

Rentals companion?
3BR/1.5BA, clean, modern
appliances, dishwasher,
central AC&heat; carport,
Apartments & Houses wash/dry hookup, fenced
back yard, 3216 Military Rd
1 Bedrooms $800+dep. 574−8559

2 Bedroooms Houses For Rent: Caledonia

3 Bedrooms 3BR/1.5BA, small house
Furnished & Unfurnished for small family. NO DOGS.
NO HUD. Caledonia School
1, 2, & 3 Baths Dist. 8155 Hwy 12 near
Lease, Deposit
Old Country Store.
Available 1/5/21. $775/
& Credit Check mo + $775 dep. 662−245
−1191 or 662−549−9298.
327-8555 Mobile Homes for Rent

Apts For Rent: Other

3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. When looking
$650 dep + $650/mo.
No pets, quiet area. Leave
voicemail with full name & for a new pet,
adoption is
message, 205−712−6697.

Utilities & cable included, always a
from $145/wk − $535/mo
Columbus & County School
locations. 662−242−3803
or 601−940−1397.
Merchandise good option.
Mobile Home Spaces Ads starting at $12

For Rent: Antiques

Offices 4−Private +
Reception Area with
5,700sqft warehouse, Antique Organ:
paved parking. Please text Beautiful organ not in
Your Name & Email for working order. Great for
more details. $1,800/mo DIY project. Would
make beautiful desk.
to rent. 720−635−5696. Free if you pick it up.


Appliances: New in box You’ll find the best deals ACROSS

Electrolux front load washer when you advertise 1 Rum-soaked
$500. Kenmore gas range/ and shop here! cake
oven two years old $300. 5 Captivated
Two year old front load
Electrolux washer $250. 9 Chris of “The

Place an ad safely
662−435−7232 Avengers”
11 “To repeat ...”
Bargain Column
Five Questions: 13 Barista’s

from home with WEATHERTECH FLOOR &

Trunk mats for Ford Fusion,
$75. 662−368−6779. 1 Kansas City
14 Move like a
the Classifieds. Farm Equipment & Supplies

TRAILER 6’X10’ w/ loading

Chiefs 15 Set fire to
16 Sewing
machine part
2 Tim Hortons
ramp, 2’ sides, like new.
Bought in 2020, used 18 Elite athlete
locally, $1,100. 20 Went ahead
John Deere D110 Lawn
21 Did some
3 Axl Rose
Tractor: 42" cut, 161 hrs,
$600. 662−368−6779. tailoring 40 Newspaper 19 Did laps,
General Merchandise
22 Towel word section maybe
23 Lot buy 41 “I smell —!” 22 Toppers
CRAFTSMAN POWER 4 John Adams, 24 Shop tool DOWN 24 Most rational
TOOLS: Sander, router,
bench press, saber saw.
John Quincy 25 Unyielding 1 “Twilight” 25 Believes
662−368−6779. Adams 27 Spa features
29 Outback
heroine 26 Gazelle’s kin
2 Takes advan- 27 Unopened ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR runner tage rose
5 Image
and carrier for car/truck,
$350. 662−368−6779. 30 Romantic 3 Speedy 28 Layers
sights warship 30 Categorizes
32 Series show

Service Directory
4 Termite’s kin 31 Egypt’s
34 Important 5 Stair part Anwar
time 6 Tibet setting 33 Fall mo.
35 Surgical tool 7 Riverboat 37 Cry of insight
36 Light fare 8 Boat part
38 Was out 10 Game dog
Promote your small business starting at only $25 39 Letter before 12 Title papers
Air Cond & Heating General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping iota 17 “Gnarly!”

Heating & cooling. Bucket truck & stump & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LAWN SERVICE
Home & RV. removal. Free est. electrical, minor plumbing, Fall Cleanup, Tree Cutting,
Service & install. Serving Columbus insulation, painting, demo− Landscaping, Sodding &
Free estimates. since 1987. Senior lition, gutters cleaned, Bush Hogging
Call 602−736−4880. citizen disc. Call Alvin @ pressure washing, land− 662−356−6525
242−0324/241−4447 scaping, cleanup work.
Carpet & Flooring "We’ll go out on a limb for 662−242−3608. Painting & Papering
General Services SULLIVAN’S PAINT
Special Prices.
Local delivery, 14 yd truck.
Backhoe & Dozer work. Interior & Exterior Painting.
Mobile Home Pads & CHAPTER 7 662−435−6528
Driveways. Concrete work.
BANKRUPTCY Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
$545 plus Filing Fee

NEWELL’S PLUMBING & CHAPTER 13 I am a Caregiver for the

Clean in the New Year! HANDYMAN SERVICE BANKRUPTCY elderly seeking a daytime
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3 Rooms − $110
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the area, Guaranteed.
Carpet − Rugs − Cars 662−242−5005. 662-324-1666 662−570−8175.
DAVID’S CARPET & 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville
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