Civil Pastors

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RS, a minor child by his next of friend and : Case No.

legal guardian, VH :
c/o Thomas Law Offices, PLLC :
250 East Fourth Street, Suite 440 : COMPLAINT
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 :
and :
TH :
c/o Thomas Law Offices, PLLC :
250 East Fourth Street, Suite 440 :
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 :
Plaintiffs, :
vs. :
705 Adams Street :
Toledo, Ohio 43604 :
and :
1 Government Center, Suite 800 :
Toledo, Ohio 43604 :
and :
c/o Board of County Commissioners of :
Lucas County, Ohio: Tina Skeldon :
Wozniak, Pete Gerken, and Gary L. Byers, :
separately and individually and in their :
capacity as Lucas County Commissioners, :
as Defendants and Necessary Parties :
1 Government Center, Suite 800 :
Toledo, Ohio 43604 :
and :
Case: 3:20-cv-02791-JRK Doc #: 3 Filed: 12/17/20 2 of 24. PageID #: 34

Inmate No. 65099-060 :
c/o FCI Elkton :
Federal Correction Institution :
P.O. Box 10 :
Lisbon, Ohio 44432 :
and :
Individually and as Agents of Lucas :
County Children Services, who are :
supervisors, managers, case workers, :
screeners, and other employees whose :
identities are unknown at this time, but :
were actors, participants, and parties who :
have acted wrongfully toward R.S. and :
T.H., but shall be ascertained during :
discovery :
and :
Individually as tortfeasors and abusers :
whose identities are unknown at this time, :
but were actors, participants, and parties :
who have acted wrongfully toward RS and :
TH, but shall be ascertained during :
discovery :
and :
Inmate No. 66239-060 :
c/o FCI Danbury :
Federal Correctional Institution :
Route 37 :
Danbury, Connecticut 06811 :
and :
Address Unknown :
and :

Case: 3:20-cv-02791-JRK Doc #: 3 Filed: 12/17/20 3 of 24. PageID #: 35


855 Toronto Avenue :
Toledo, Ohio 43609 :
and :
Inmate No. 64706-060 :
c/o FCI Gilmer :
Federal Correctional Institution :
P.O. Box 6000 :
Glenville, West Virginia 26351 :
and :
Address Unknown :
and :
Inmate No. 64705-060 :
c/o USP Tucson :
U.S. Penitentiary :
P.O. Box 24550 :
Tucson, Arizona 85734 :
and :
LAURA LLOYD-JENKINS, individually, :
in her capacity as Lucas County :
Administrator, and in her capacity as :
Board Member to Lucas County Children :
Services :
Inmate No. 65278-060 :
RRM Sacramento :
Residential Reentry Office :
501 I Street, Suite 9-400 :
Sacramento, California 95814 :
and :
1330 North Detroit Avenue :
Toledo, OH 43607 :

Case: 3:20-cv-02791-JRK Doc #: 3 Filed: 12/17/20 4 of 24. PageID #: 36

and :
4609 Glendale Avenue :
Toledo, Ohio 43614 :
and :
2841 Dorr Street :
Toledo, Ohio 43607 :
and :
1330 North Detroit Avenue :
Toledo, Ohio 43607 :
and :
1360 Conant Street :
Maumee, Ohio 43537 :
Defendants. :


1. This civil rights action, brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 arises from the actions

of various state actors who, on behalf of Lucas County Children Services (“LCCS”), recklessly,

wantonly, and intentionally placed Plaintiffs in the home of known child-abusers and molesters,

ignored readily available information which indicated a real and present danger to Plaintiffs,

continued to detain Plaintiffs in this abusive environment against their will, and failed to report

such abuse to law enforcement authorities.

2. Plaintiffs seek redress for infringements of their civil rights, including, but not

limited to, the deprivation of their right to substantive due process, procedural due process, and

their fundamental liberty interest in familial associations, where the deprivations occurred through

actions taken under color of state law.

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3. Plaintiffs seek to vindicate their rights under the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth

Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

4. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983, Plaintiffs seek compensatory and punitive damages

for the injuries to each Plaintiff, and pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988, Plaintiffs seek attorney’s fees.


5. Jurisdiction over Plaintiffs’ claims brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1983 is invoked

under 42 U.S.C. § 1331 and 28 U.S.C. 1343(a)(3), as the claims present questions arising under

the Constitution and laws of the United States and specifically because it seeks to redress the

deprivations of Plaintiffs’ Constitutional rights under color of state law. This Court has pendant

jurisdiction of the underlying state-law claims.


6. Venue properly exists under 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(2) in the Northern District of Ohio

as substantially all of the acts or omissions giving rise to Plaintiffs’ claims occurred in the Northern

District of Ohio.


7. Plaintiff RS (hereafter “RS”) is a minor, suing through his next friend and legal

guardian, VH.

8. Plaintiff TH (hereafter “TH”) is a United States citizen, residing in Toledo, Ohio.

9. Defendant LCCS is a public children services agency of the State of Ohio. As per

Ohio Revised Code § 5153.16, LCCS is charged with making investigations concerning any child

alleged to be an abused, neglected, or dependent child. At the time of the incidents giving rise to

this Complaint, LCCS was responsible for the placement of Plaintiffs in the abusers’ and

molesters’ household. LCCS was also responsible for ensuring the safety, security, and general

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well-being of Plaintiffs. Hereafter, all claims against LCCS shall include by reference Defendants

John/Jane Doe 1-20.

10. Defendant Lucas County, Ohio (hereinafter “County”) is a unit of local government

organized under the laws of the State of Ohio and is responsible within its boundaries for the

exercise of all powers vested in and the performance of all duties specifically conferred under Ohio

law, including but not limited to the provision of a child protection agency within its geographical

boundaries, namely, Lucas County Children Services.

11. Defendant Board of Commissioners of Lucas County Ohio (hereinafter referred to

as “Commissioners”) is a political subdivision organized under the law of the State of Ohio as

defined by R.C. 2744.01(F) and is responsible for the operation of LCCS by and through its

Commissioners, Tina Skeldon Wozniak, Pete Gerken, and Gary L. Byers. Said organization,

persons, employees, and agents acted wantonly, willfully, recklessly, negligently, and in bad faith

in disregard to their duties under the statutory and common law, proximately resulting in injuries to


12. Defendant Kenneth Butler is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Kenneth Butler is

currently incarcerated at FCI Elkton federal penitentiary, located in Lisbon, Ohio.

13. John/Jane Does 1-20 are individuals and agents of Lucas Count Children Services

who, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, were supervisors, managers, case

workers, screeners, and other employees of Lucas Count Children Services in Toledo, Ohio.

14. John/Jane Does 21-40 are tortfeasors and abusers who, at the time of the incidents

giving rise to this Complaint, acted wrongfully toward Plaintiffs in and around Toledo, Ohio.

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15. Defendant Alexis Fortune is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Alexis Fortune is

currently incarcerated at FCI Danbury federal penitentiary, located in Danbury, Connecticut.

16. Defendant Markus Fortune is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Markus Fortune’s

current address is unknown.

17. Defendant Alisa “Lisa” Haynes a/k/a Alisa M. Stevenson is a United States citizen,

who, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant

Alisa Haynes currently resides in Toledo, Ohio.

18. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Anthony Haynes is

currently incarcerated at FCI Gilmer federal penitentiary, located in Glenville, West Virginia.

19. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr. is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Markus Fortune’s

current address is unknown.

20. Defendant Cordell Jenkins is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. Defendant Cordell Jenkins is

currently incarcerated at USP Tuscon federal penitentiary, located in Tucson, Arizona.

21. Defendant Laura Lloyd-Jenkins is a United States citizen, who, at the time of the

incidents giving rise to this Complaint, resided in Toledo, Ohio. At the time of the incidents giving

rise to this Complaint, Defendant Laura Lloyd-Jenkins served as Lucas County Administrator and

as a Member of the Lucas County Children Services Board of Directors. Defendant Laura Lloyd-

Jenkins is currently residing at RRM Sacramento Residential Reentry Management field office,

located in Sacramento, California. Defendant Laura Lloyd-Jenkins is being sued in her individual

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capacity, in her capacity as Lucas County Administrator, and in her capacity as a Member of the

Lucas County Children Services Board of Directors.

22. Upon information and belief, Defendant Greater Life Christian Center was an Ohio

not for profit corporation which, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, had its

principal place of business in Toledo, Ohio.

23. Upon information and belief, Defendant Perfecting Church Toledo was an Ohio not

for profit corporation which, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, had its

principal place of business in Toledo, Ohio.

24. Upon information and belief, Defendant Pilgrim Assets, Inc. is an Ohio corporation

which, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, had its principal place of business

in Toledo, Ohio.

25. Upon information and belief, Defendant Calvary Church is an Ohio not for profit

corporation which, at the time of the incidents giving rise to this Complaint, had its principal place

of business in Toledo, Ohio.


26. On or around July 2, 2014, RS and TH, along with five other siblings, were removed

from the custody of their mother, VH, by LCCS, County, and Commissioners.

27. LCCS, County, and Commissioners placed Plaintiffs and their siblings in the home

of Defendants Anthony Haynes Sr. and Defendant Alisa Haynes; Defendant Alexis Fortune and

Defendant Markus Fortune also resided with Defendants Anthony Haynes Sr. and Defendant Alisa

Haynes. In total, the home consisted of three adults (Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., Defendant

Alisa Haynes, and Byron Harris), five children and wards of Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and

Alisa Haynes, and Plaintifs and their five siblings. In total, three adults and 12 children occupied

the Haynes’ three-bedroom home.

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28. Defendants Anthony Haynes Sr., Alisa Haynes, Alexis Fortune, and Markus

Fortune will be referred to collectively as “The Haynes Family”.

29. LCCS, County, and Commissioners failed to investigate The Haynes Family, as

required by law, in order to ensure the safety, security, and well-being of Plaintiffs. LCCS, County,

and Commissioners failed to conduct a home study or monthly site visits as required by law.

Further, LCCS, County, and Commissioners failed to investigate The Haynes Family in response

to complaints made against them for neglect and abuse. These issues are discussed in greater detail


30. During their time with The Haynes Family, Plaintiffs were subjected to neglect,

abuse, assault, battery, rape, degradation, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional


31. Plaintiffs were not removed from the home of The Haynes Family until on or about

November 4, 2015.

First Rape by Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.

32. In August 2014, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., was a guest of The Haynes

Family. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., forced TH into a bedroom in The Haynes Family’s home,

threatened TH with violence if she fought back, and nonconsensual intercourse with TH.

33. Defendant Alexis Fortune overheard TH’s rape from an adjoining bedroom and did

not intervene. On the day following the rape, Defendants Alexis Fortune and Markus Fortune

teased TH for having nonconsensual intercourse.

Second Rape by Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.

34. On or about January 24, 2014, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., was a guest in the

home of The Haynes Family. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., approached TH in the kitchen where

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., proceeded to nonconsensual intercourse with TH. Defendant

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Anthony Haynes, Jr., forced TH to perform fellatio on him. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., then

informed TH that he intended to have congress again in the future.

35. TH was a minor when she was compelled to have nonconsensual intercourse with

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.; she did not and could not consent to these acts.

First Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

36. Defendant Markus Fortune resided in the home of The Haynes Family. On or about

January 1, 2015, TH was taking a shower in the basement of the home of The Haynes Family.

Defendant Markus Fortune entered the room where TH was showering. Defendant Markus Fortune

watched TH shower against her will. When TH covered herself with a towel, Defendant Markus

Fortune took it.

37. Defendant Alexis Fortune entered the room, spoke obscenities to TH, and pinned

TH’s hands against the wall. While Defendant Alexis Fortune pinned TH, Defendant Markus

Fortune had nonconsensual intercourse with TH. Defendants Alexis Fortune and Markus Fortune

acted as if the nonconsensual intercourse was funny.

38. Following the nonconsensual intercourse, TH took a second shower to wash the

blood from her body. Once TH finished her second shower, she was attacked by Defendants Alexis

Fortune, Markus Fortune, and other minor children within the Haynes household.

Second Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

39. On or about March 31, 2014, TH confronted Defendant Markus Fortune for

performing nonconsensual sexual acts on one of TH’s minor siblings. In response, Defendant

Markus Fortune pushed TH down the stairs, causing her to sprain her ankle. Defendant Markus

Fortune then proceeded to slap TH, lift her dress, pull her hair, and compel her to have

nonconsensual intercourse. TH begged Defendant Markus Fortune to stop and threatened to report

him to Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Defendant Alisa Haynes.

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Punishment for Reporting Second Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

40. Following her second nonconsensual intercourse with Defendant Markus Fortune,

TH reported the nonconsensual intercourse to Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr. Defendant Anthony

Haynes, Sr., informed Defendant Alisa Haynes of TH’s allegations against Defendant Markus

Fortune. Defendant Alisa Haynes put on all of her rings and assault TH for telling lies about

Defendant Markus Fortune.

Third Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

41. On or about November 26, 2014, Defendant Markus Fortune asked TH to walk to

a store with him. Defendant Markus Fortune took TH to an abandoned building where he had

nonconsensual intercourse with her. Defendant Markus Fortune instructed TH to call him “daddy”

and that she should not tell anyone.

Fourth Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

42. On an unknown day in 2014, TH was washing her siblings’ clothing in the basement

sink of The Haynes Family’s home because they did not have a washing machine.

43. TH noticed blood in the underwear of her brother, RS.

44. TH confronted RS who reported that Defendant Markus Fortune had nonconsensual

intercourse him.

45. RS also reported to TH that Defendant Markus Fortune also forced him to perform

fellatio on Defendant Markus Fortune.

Fifth Rape by Defendant Markus Fortune

46. In March 2014, TH could not find her sibling, RS. TH heard cries coming from a

bedroom. When TH opened the door, she witnessed Defendant Markus Fortune sodomizing RS,

who was crying. Defendant Markus Fortune did not stop sodomizing RS.

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47. TH attempted to defend Plaintiff RS using a kitchen knife. In the ensuing

confrontation, TH cut the finger of Defendant Markus Fortune before dropping the knife.

Acts of Rape by Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr.

48. During the entire period with The Haynes Family, from July 2014 until November

2015, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., nonconsensual intercourse TH on a daily basis.

49. Every Wednesday and Sunday, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., forcibly raped TH

in his church office at Defendant Greater Life Christian Center, a property owned by Pilgrim

Assets, Inc. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., called TH to his church office where he had her kneel

on a brown chair. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., would force TH to perform fellatio or have

nonconsensual intercourse with him. If TH refused to perform sexual acts, Defendant Anthony

Haynes, Sr., would punch her in the back of her neck, choke her, bite her back, punch her in the

face, or slap her in the face.

50. In September 2014, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., subjected TH to sodomy twice

on the same day. In the first instance, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., claimed that he sodomized

TH by accident. In the second instance, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., admitted that he

sodomized TH because he liked it.

51. Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., forced TH to submit to his sexual demands by

threatening to handcuff and chain TH outside, regardless of weather.

52. In a separate incident, Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., instructed TH’s siblings to

go into the basement; Defendant Anthony Haynes, Sr., locked them inside. Defendant Anthony

Haynes, Sr., then forced TH to perform fellatio and have nonconsensual intercourse with him in

the living room of the home.

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Sexual Battery by Defendant Alexis Fortune

53. One evening, Defendant Alexis Fortune had the girls in the home sleep in her room.

TH slept in a bed while the remaining girls, including Defendant Alexis Fortune, slept on the floor.

While TH was asleep, Defendant Alexis Fortune inserted her finger into TH’s vagina. TH awoke,

stopped Defendant Alexis Fortune, and lain on the floor in order to avoid further sexual contact.

54. Defendant Alexis Fortune forced cunnilingus upon TH and forced TH to perform

cunnilingus upon her.

55. Defendant Alexis Fortune forced fellatio upon RS and forced RS to perform

cunnilingus and other sexual acts upon her.

Acts by Defendant Alisa Haynes

56. Defendant Alisa Haynes was aware of the sexual acts occurring with the minors in

the home and failed to report them.

57. Defendant Alisa Haynes punched Plaintiffs while wearing her rings.

58. Defendant Alisa Haynes instructed Plaintiffs and their siblings that the children of

The Haynes Family were permitted to assault Plaintiffs and their siblings; but Plaintiffs and their

siblings were forbidden to defend themselves.

59. Defendant Alisa Haynes sold cocaine from the home. Defendant Alisa Haynes

forced TH to consume cocaine twice per week for approximately six to eight months. TH became

addicted to cocaine, resulting in her not attending school.

60. Defendants Alisa Haynes and Anthony Haynes, Sr., used cocaine manipulate TH.

They would give TH cocaine as a “treat” in exchange for cooking and cleaning.

Torture by Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alexis Fortune

61. Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alexis Fortune chained and handcuffed TH

to the porch of The Haynes Family’s home.

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Abuse, Torture, and Neglect by The Haynes Family

62. The Haynes Family, including Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alisa Haynes,

would threaten Plaintiffs and their siblings in order to compel Plaintiffs and their siblings to do as

The Haynes Family instructed.

63. Plaintiffs and their siblings lived in fear of The Haynes Family calling LCCS,

which, they believed, would result in their separation.

64. TH was beaten by The Haynes Family with a 2 x 4 piece of lumber.

65. Defendants Alexis and Markus Fortune would throw scalding hot water on

Plaintiffs and their siblings.

66. Following incidents of torture, The Haynes Family would tell Plaintiffs and their

siblings that the torture was intended to prepare them for the real world.

67. Plaintiffs were forced to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner for The Haynes


68. The Haynes Family beat Plaintiffs with extension cords, church shoes, and a cane.

69. Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alisa Haynes purchased tasers for their

children; Plaintiffs and their siblings would be regularly tased on the back, neck, buttocks, or legs

as a source of amusement.

Emotional Damage Caused by The Haynes Family

70. TH tried to commit suicide on eight different occasions, including by jumping into

a river.

71. TH would intentionally try to be arrested by shoplifting in order to avoid being in

the home of The Haynes Family.

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Plaintiffs’ Confinement by The Haynes Family

72. Plaintiffs and their siblings, seven children in total, were locked in a small room

with a single toddler-sized bed. Plaintiffs and their siblings were given a single loaf of bread and

a pack of lunch meat. Plaintiffs and their siblings were forced to use a large blue bucket for a toilet.

TH fashioned makeshift diapers for her youngest siblings out of dirty clothes. Plaintiffs and their

siblings would remain locked in this room for as many as five days.

Discovery of Conditions

73. In 2015, TH informed officials at Rosary Cathedral School, where she attended,

that her basic needs were not being met. She did not have clean clothes. She was forced to wash

herself with dish soap. She did not have a toothbrush or deodorant.

74. The Principal instructed TH to bring her and her siblings’ dirty clothes to be washed

at school. TH began taking dirty clothes to school to be washed. Rosary Cathedral School reported

the issues to Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alisa Haynes.

75. Defendants Anthony Haynes, Sr., and Alisa Haynes confronted Plaintiffs and their

siblings: if the informant confessed, the punishment would be reduced. TH admitted to telling her

school. Defendant Alisa Haynes punched TH in the stomach, hit her face, yelled obscenities, and

told TH that LCCS would be coming to split up her siblings.

76. After Rosary Cathedral School’s discovery of abuse, five employees of LCCS came

to the home of The Haynes Family. Among them was Caseworker Charmaine L. West (hereafter,

“West”). After an interview with Plaintiffs, the LCCS supervisor determined that West never

conducted any required inspections or visits. West falsified her paperwork. West had never met

with the family.

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Medical Deprivation and Neglect

77. The Haynes Family denied Plaintiffs access to necessary medical care in order to

prevent the children from reporting their abuse to medical personnel.

78. Upon information and belief, LCCS, County, and Commissioners received and

sustained a complaint for medical neglect concerning Plaintiffs and their siblings. Despite LCCS,

County, and Commissioners acknowledging the validity of the complaint for medical neglect,

LCCS, County, and Commissioners did not remove Plaintiffs and their siblings from The Haynes

Family’s home.

Knowledge of LCCS, County, and Commissioners

79. Upon information and belief, LCCS, County, and Commissioners received multiple

complaints of neglect, abuse, and sexual exploitation of Plaintiffs and their siblings.

80. Upon information and belief, Plaintiffs, VH, and Rosary Cathedral School made

complaints of neglect, abuse, and sexual exploitation of Plaintiffs and their siblings to LCCS,

County, and Commissioners.

81. VH witnessed marks indicative of sexual abuse on her children in the home of The

Haynes Family during a supervised visitation. VH reported these marks and made allegations of

sexual abuse to Courtney, an agent of LCCS, County, and Commissioners.

82. Upon information and belief, Courtney sent an e-mail to Sue Kickey, a case worker

for LCCS, County, and Commissioners. Plaintiffs and their siblings, however, were not removed

from the home of The Haynes Family.


83. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

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84. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners, as state actors, violated the civil

rights of Plaintiffs by depriving them of life, liberty, and due process as guaranteed by the Fifth

and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution.

85. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners, as state actors, acted under color

of law to deprive Plaintiffs of their civil rights in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1983.

86. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners, as state actors, acting under color

of law, conspired to deprive Plaintiffs of their civil rights in violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1985.

87. Defendants conspired to deprive Plaintiffs of their civil rights in violation of 42

U.S.C. § 1985. Defendants knew, or reasonably should have known, that Plaintiffs were being

abused, neglected, raped, and otherwise mistreated in the Haynes’ home. Further, Defendants

knew, or reasonably should have known, that Plaintiffs were being abused, neglected, raped, and

otherwise mistreated on the properties of Greater Christian Life Christian Center, which was

owned by Pilgrim Assets, Inc. and was, upon information and belief, an affiliate of Toledo

University Bible Fellowship, and Perfecting Life Church Toledo, which, upon information and

belief, is an affiliate of Calvary Church. Through common agreement, Defendants conspired to

perform, performed, and failed to report unlawful acts against Plaintiffs which violated their civil


88. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners, as state actors, acting under color

of law, neglected to prevent the conspiracy to deprive Plaintiffs of their civil rights in violation of

42 U.S.C. § 1986.

89. Plaintiffs are entitled to attorney fees and expert fees in asserting their civil rights

claim in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § 1988.

90. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against LCCS, County, and

Commissioners for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not limited to, extreme

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pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation, and unnecessary

loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and all other relief to

which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.

91. Defendants LCCS, County, Commissioners, and their officers and employees,

acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, and in a wanton or reckless manner toward Plaintiffs.

Defendants LCCS, County, Commissioners, and their officers and employees are not entitled to

immunity per Chapter 9 of the Ohio Revised Code.


92. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

93. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners owed a non-delegable duty to

ensure the safety, security, and well-being of Plaintiffs.

94. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners breached that duty by placing

Plaintiffs in the care of The Haynes Family, ignoring past conduct of The Haynes Family which

would indicate their inability to provide adequate care for Plaintiffs, failing to investigate

complaints against The Haynes Family, failing to perform required home inspections and visits,

failing to abide by procedures in place for the protection of Plaintiffs, and failing to remove

Plaintiffs from the home of The Haynes Family.

95. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners’ breach of duty caused Plaintiffs

extreme, significant, and lasting physical and emotion damages.

96. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against LCCS, County, and

Commissioners for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not limited to, extreme

pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation, and unnecessary

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loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and all other relief to

which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.

97. Defendants LCCS, County, Commissioners, and their officers and employees,

acted with malicious purpose, in bad faith, and in a wanton or reckless manner toward Plaintiffs.

Defendants LCCS, County, Commissioners, and their officers and employees are not entitled to

immunity per Chapter 9 of the Ohio Revised Code.


98. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

99. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners owed a non-delegable duty to

ensure the safety, security, and well-being of Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs also allege that LCCS, County,

and Commissioners violated statutory and regulatory duties of care, the violations of which are

actionable as negligence per se.

100. Plaintiffs were injured by the statutory violations of LCCS, County, and

Commissioners and were within the class of persons for whose benefit the statutes were enacted

and who were intended to be protected by these statutes.

101. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners breached that duty by placing

Plaintiffs in the care of The Haynes Family, ignoring past conduct of The Haynes Family which

would indicate their inability to provide adequate care for Plaintiffs, failing to investigate

complaints against The Haynes Family, failing to perform required home inspections and visits,

failing to abide by procedures in place for the protection of Plaintiffs, and failing to remove

Plaintiffs from the home of The Haynes Family.

102. Defendants LCCS, County, and Commissioners’ breach of duty caused Plaintiffs

extreme, significant, and lasting physical and emotion damages.

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103. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against LCCS, County, and

Commissioners for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not limited to, extreme

pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation, and unnecessary

loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and all other relief to

which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.


104. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

105. All Defendants acted in malicious combination to cause injury and/or deny civil

rights to Plaintiffs.

106. All Defendants were aware, or through reasonable efforts should have been aware,

of the risk posed by The Haynes Family to Plaintiffs.

107. All Defendants negligently, willfully, wantonly, intentionally, with malicious

purpose, in bad faith, and in a wonton or reckless matter, acted in malicious combination in

furtherance of the unlawful acts of The Haynes Family.

108. All Defendants’ actions in malicious combination resulted in Plaintiffs’ injury

through the perpetration of unlawful acts against Plaintiffs.

109. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against All Defendants for all

compensatory and punitive damages including, but not limited to, extreme pain and suffering,

medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation, and unnecessary loss of personal

dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and all other relief to which Plaintiffs

are entitled by law.

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110. All Defendants and their officers and employees, acted with malicious purpose, in

bad faith, and in a wanton or reckless manner toward Plaintiffs. Defendants, their officers and

employees are not entitled to immunity per Chapter 9 of the Ohio Revised Code.



111. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

112. The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., conducted acts of child

abuse, rape, gross sexual imposition, sexual imposition, sexual battery, unlawful sexual conduct

with minor, importuning, and voyeurism upon Plaintiffs as outlined in Chapter 2305 of the Ohio

Revised Code.

113. Plaintiffs are entitled to civil recovery for criminal violations under O.R.C. §


114. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against The Haynes Family and

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not

limited to, extreme pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation,

and unnecessary loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and

all other relief to which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.



115. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

Case: 3:20-cv-02791-JRK Doc #: 3 Filed: 12/17/20 22 of 24. PageID #: 54

116. The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., conducted acts of

felonious assault, aggravated assault, assault, negligent assault, permitting child abuse, aggravated

menacing, and menacing upon Plaintiffs as outlined in Chapter 2903 of the Ohio Revised Code.

117. Plaintiffs are entitled to civil recovery for criminal violations under O.R.C. §


118. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against The Haynes Family and

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not

limited to, extreme pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation,

and unnecessary loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and

all other relief to which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.


119. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

120. The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., conducted acts extreme

and outrageous conduct, beyond the bounds of acceptable conduct in a civilized society, to


121. The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., intended to, or could have

reasonably foreseen that their actions would, cause a reasonable person serious emotional trauma

to Plaintiffs.

122. The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., caused serious emotional

trauma to Plaintiffs.

123. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against The Haynes Family and

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not

limited to, extreme pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation,

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and unnecessary loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and

all other relief to which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.


124. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

125. Plaintiffs were bystanders to one another’s physical trauma and experienced first-

hand trauma at the hands of The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.

126. Plaintiffs reasonably appreciated the danger and severity of the trauma inflicted

upon them by The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.

127. Plaintiffs suffered serious emotional destress as a result of witnessing and

experiencing trauma at the hands of The Haynes Family and Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr.

128. Therefore, Plaintiffs assert a claim for judgment against The Haynes Family and

Defendant Anthony Haynes, Jr., for all compensatory and punitive damages including, but not

limited to, extreme pain and suffering, medical and related expenses, mental anguish, degradation,

and unnecessary loss of personal dignity in an amount to be determined by the jury plus costs and

all other relief to which Plaintiffs are entitled by law.


129. Plaintiffs adopt and reiterates each and every aforementioned allegation as if set

forth fully herein and incorporates the same by reference.

130. Defendants acted with oppression, fraud, malice, and/or with flagrant indifference

to Plaintiffs.

131. By acting with oppression, fraud, malice, and/or with flagrant indifference to

Plaintiffs, Defendants caused irreparable harm to Plaintiffs for which punitive damages are


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WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendants as follows:

(a) that Plaintiffs be fully compensated for his injuries and damages as alleged


(b) that Plaintiffs be awarded punitive damages;

(c) that Plaintiffs be awarded their costs and expenses; and

(d) that Plaintiffs be awarded all other relief to which they may be entitled.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Louis C. Schneider

Louis C. Schneider, Esq.
Thomas Law Offices, PLLC
250 East Fifth Street, Suite 440
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Ph: (513) 360-6480
Fx: (502) 495-3943
OH Bar No.: 0076588
Attorney for Plaintiff


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