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1. SLOW FASHION- It is a movement of design for quality

and longevity of a product. It also include slower production
schedule, fare wages of workers, lower carbon footprint, and
try to reduce waste or ideally zero waste. Basically it
represents “eco,” “ethical,” and “green” products in order to
save environment. Brands that follow slow fashion usually
create pieces out of classics. Classic clothing is something
which has ruled the market over a long period of time and is
still stands in the market. This movement follows the
following principals-
 Good quality
 Sustainable production
 Affordable prices
 Style
 Service
 Quantity

1.1 HISTORY- In 1960s people brought

forward sustainable fashion movement. In
1980s fur elimination was the major
concern. In 1990s unfair labor practices got
major media attention. This got a great
attention after Rana Plaza incident.
Fashion designers are pressured to lower
the cost of the garments. A reason to lower
the pricing in garment collection was
because many consumers demanded for
cheap and stylish collection which also had
major environmental consequences. This
became a major concern of governmental,
non-governmental organizations and
activists who demanded to change the
production process and should incorporate
practices keeping environment in mind.
Today consumers are aware of ethical and
sustainable practices which help increase
in slow fashion.


1.2.1 ETHICAL FASHION: This includes
the process of making of a cloth, even
including how raw materials are
grown (e.g. how silk was procure i.e.
silk worm should not be hurt in the
process), how garment workers are
paid (it should not include child
labor, worker abuse or slavery.)
referred to the effects of cloth
production process on the
environment. This also include the
chemical used in growing the raw
material (pesticides which effect the
soil and also affect the ground
water.), dyes used, waste
management and treatment, energy
reduction, using recycled material
and material used for packaging.
1.2.3 SLOW FASHION: This refers to the
style, design, quality and cost. It
involves buying fabric/cloth which
will last for a long duration of time
and also which will rule the market
(and hence, classic clothing and
material are included in slow
1.3 MARKETING STRATEGY- Slow fashion
target to a specific group of people. These
people expect classic cloths which mean
low maintenance, versatility and higher
quality as compared to fast fashion. Slow
fashion advertisement revolves around
environmental issues or sustainable


1.4.1 Reformation- cloths are made out of
renewable plant based fibers.
1.4.2 Eileen Fisher- aims to use all organic
cotton as their raw material and
invest in renewable energy, less
wastage and eco-friendly dyes.
1.4.3 Alternative Apparel- eco-friendly
packaging, fair labor cost and
recycled material.
1.4.4 Amour Vert- it uses beechwood
fibers, Global Organic Textile
Standard (GOTS) certified organic
cotton, toxic free silk and eucalyptus
trees as their raw material. Products
are made in limited quantity to
ensure less wastage.
1.4.5 Stella McCaetney- products are made
out of sustainable materials such as
organic cotton, reengineered
cashmere, ethically sourced wool.
She never used leather or fur for her

2. FAST FASHION- It is term used to describe the

short lifecycle of a cloth/product. It moves
quickly from the fashion show to the stores and
then meet new trend. It allows the consumer to
purchase trendy and fashionable clothes at a
good price rate. It increases the purchasing
power of consumers and hence production is
increased. Many times fast fashion retailers
introduce multiple new products within a week.
Most of the companies that follow fast fashion
are currently replication fashion week trends and
street wear as designers should lead about
couple of week as this is real time things. By
creating desired cloths and designs there brands
are able to create a large amount of clothing of
make sure that the consumers never tires of their
store’s inventory. Key factor that are common in
fast fashion brands-
 Plenty of styles
 Short duration
 Low paid labor
 Low quality material

2.1 HISTORY- Before 1800s fashion was slow

because they have to source their own material,
prepare them and then weave it to the final
product. During industrial revolution sewing
machines were introduced which made making
of cloths easier, faster and cheaper. Due to this
dress making shops emerged basically for
middle and upper class. By 1960s and 70s people
started creating their own trends and clothing
became a way to express oneself. In 1990s and
2000s, low cost fashion reached its peak. Online
stores took off which also promoted fast fashion.
2.2 IMPACT OF FAST FASHION- It has a huge
impact on planet. Designers face pressure to
reduce cost and increase production which
eventually affects the earth. The challenge is to
reduce the cost which leads to the use of cheap
products like toxic textile dyes, polyester
(derived from fossil fuels), etc. Fashion industry
is the second largest polluter of fresh water. The
processing of leather also creates negative impact
on the environment. More the amount of cloths
manufactured, more cloths will be rejected by
the consumers, hence creating huge amount of
textile waste. E.g. in Australia alone, every year
more than 500 million kg cloths end up in
landfill and in many places they burn them.
Even the workers do not get the safe working
environment and even low wages and no human
rights. Chemicals are used to grow the raw
materials, e.g. agriculture contributes the most in
water pollution, conventional method to grow
cotton requires a lot of water and pesticides
which create stress on water basins and may
result to drought. In short fast fashion impact the
consumer the most by affecting the environment
and fast changing trend make them shop more
and produce more waste.

2.3 MARKETING- It helps the consumer to

know about the brand and also the changing
trends which helps the retailer to attract
consumers towards their collection. There are
two main approaches of fast fashion companies-
2.3.1 Low cost products- low cost cloths
which are in trend attract the public.
2.3.2 Visual merchandising- this generally
include the look of the store which
attracts the consumer.


2.4.1 Minimal seam construction- this
reduces time of production.
2.4.2 Design for disassembly-allow using
little material after the end of its
2.4.3 Craft presentation- preserve traditional
craftsmanship through innovation
which helps to reduce time, cost and
2.5.1 And
2.5.2 Abercrombie and Fitch
2.5.3 Adidas
2.5.4 Anthropologie
2.5.5 ASOS
3. CONCLUSION- Slowly consumers are showing
interest and awareness towards environmental
issues and switching towards slow fashion. Fast
fashion mainly concentrate towards the
upcoming and changing trends which come and
go and slow fashion mainly have classic and
good quality cloths which will last long and have
a well paid labor unlike fast fashion. Keeping
environmental conditions in mind, slow fashion
designers complete the process of production
whereas fast fashion usually doesn’t.

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