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Learning Design Practice

This is an area I’m very interested in, partly to do with my background in set design for movies
and how mood plays a part in your experience, but also because of how this affects the dynamics
of teaching and the diversity of what students needs and wants are which is crucial to their levels
of engagement. That said, things are changing, particularly in the light of the pandemic, so the
rules have changed to a certain degree. Things have been changing anyway in the form of
delivery and the use of Mixed Reality is going to expand learning spaces into ways we can't
imagine right now. The fact that we could be literally anywhere and connect through the internet
- especially with Mixed reality, offers some wild possibilities. The world essentially is becoming
giant classroom in and of itself.

What I gathered from the videos and comments was that the student experience is totally
subjective and so we need a more nuanced approach when it comes to their needs. I think for
me, an ideal learning space should be comfortable, have nice lighting, nice imagery on the walls,
perhaps even mood music. Just a generally good ambience. It should be a place that's familiar so
that learners can relax. Because of the nature of my subject, the learning space should be
conducive to teaching and learning of course, but there should also be access to the necessary
resources. When it comes to assessment, our approach of now giving video feedback to learners
alongside the formal marks as they are getting a more nuanced response to their work and have
found it more positive. It’s become a blend of formative and summative assessment online and
as we’re able to record screen shares and conversations, it’s meant that learners can be
supported at all times. It’s also been very useful to help students with their mental health and
keep them connected – albeit virtual, but the results have been quite positive so far.

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