Our Town October 28, 1938

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N('wsstand prire. ~c. By mail. nn .. 'Tar, $2,00

Frid.ly. Oetul"'r 2X. I'IIX The hopes and happenings of the Eastern Main Line

Play Roles of Father and Daughter III Comedy The Sales-Taxed, Satevepost's Late I Go-to-Church Drive to Start
l> .. ht·Uiddl'll (,ih N ....d .• II,·/p.
and .\0-
(;Tl'at Fdilor Gi,·/,< "kill};"
()ak" E<tall' to COli lit ,
Sunday With Religious Census
:''':\ J,~ ('1\ II' 11 tl IJI' III td ' ['I II I~l( I, 'I.
Till' (·lIl)lnll .... ~I(lllI'l" ..... 111' :\11'1l1~'.lnll.,.y .·1 1'f
)\· ...1 Po/i .. (' Car II J-O//(II1'('1' I·' .• it.< to NOIl-C/llne/'-
;,I~l.l \' :\,- !I!·l,]ll'-l·d Tllt' da~at ('lllll1t\· alld th(' \1fllllt:1l1l1l'r~' ('(lllnt~ ""11" ~;Lrl'lltll. rl'Jd;H'Irl~ till' 11I1·-t'IJl,
ni.l.dlt (;o.-r. P/a'lIled /Tv COlllbi"ed
'lit Bt,llt'\llf' l,.\ .J. I .. \\·(.athl·rly .. ~t.: II;IIL' I:I,:II.t! lIa\',' 1""(""1\"'1\ frnlll tllt,'·"H·.:-- "'IHI'I,'d 1(1 Ill' ''''d,'!'"d If y HI'r-i ( !llIr .. h (Jrj;'lIli;,ltioll'
(,I" It!I'- I"dll. :\I'dllllirt'. ()ntallIZU-\ ,ll:,,:!1 ("'1,111'11 ;11 ;1 --!ll,(·j;11 11llt'llf'\':
• ,1.1\ \\:1'" 11l':...!"llfl til' I'I·III·I"-.:I·111:\tl\·I·...: td'i 1;1 I'!'}!!' lllll":t('l' I.(lrltlll'l" E:--latl'. a til'l,.l 1 I' I I' I .!
\\t·dn",-I,;I~· lit .... 1I!';1 flt'\\ ::"1 I,':: :li 1,1, l,.ll;l! "I t'l I Il..· d r l \ t · to
II,I.'.-',,,,j- .·t'l·ld-. lln:;III:ZI,d lallllr al1d , fl'1 }'::.! :ten· .... III :\hln~tllll IO\\'I\ ... hql 1':1] h:l\t 111'1'1l :\,k",l \111111!;1:, 1.\ 1 ii, II" .\1:1:11 ;.:!l' r~ c'!.lll(.I~-t.l"I-(.illl1S
"1-',1 1'-- :llloi l·dll\·:lllclIl:t! .~T.l!lJl-. !Il" I" lit' \l~t'd a .... ;1 flld.llC p:Lrk. Ttlt':I Fld'd t:illllJl tl"lj(·h \\;\- ell'd, Il'd flo'!' ",\ I: ''I 1.1,j .--. 11I,1.l
y ;11 :..: 1.-1 III the
:lll~1 Io! ;1" .. dl .... ln:\ylll~ pil'tll!'l' .11' .jl" o! \ \ a .... I·I'I·t'I\Td II\' till' "OLJI!t\' j " l l l l l - " I~ ,LI(·ld •. 111\\ lflddt I" ..... 11·<1 :1, 1,:,,1
1:11 '1;\.1\.11. \\",,11.11111," and
J .! I !:I' It· 1rill I; I . - 11111 I ~ i ('11 \; II :llf; l i,.... r't' " ' .\. 1.1l ( ; I I I I' l"t· 'j'l 11'( ·111; III; l, \\ 11'1 II, I
II~ -!, tl('r ..... IIH' Illftlll!";ll,I,· I· n·d,·rll·).:. ;1'" filII .\ t t:, 1 III]! If1f'
'11 :'lll1111 I 1"111111\';11 I,d 11.\' t ht' all· 1'- \\'111 tel
." II ,1,111111 n' I' ~~lt ('I{y' Trt';.i-url'r (. )1 1 .1 •. 1' .....
II .
FII,-fl'" (' Ililk~a""-- all,1
, . \ I \ ' 1'·1" \\ ". \\;1 -\\ 'I!I II
;..1 I ':

! '. 1,,'

a 1·1. !11't·ll

I" II ~il:';
. 1 1 l. t· I' .1.\ 1:11'1, ~ I'll fl 1- t. I 1111'I't IlIlt h 1111 - J'llltl·f'. WI"1 II
II" , ,\Il" 11,,111,;1 r.
I: ! I" i 1 11:1.' t 1'( I, .. 11' I 11111 . . :11 till' t'fl.l 1:1: 1\ 111:-- 11"llll':lt lll~ 11 1" l'lll,l)(' I';ll'~\
II' ~ t \!. i . 1 11. I 1, 'l :' 1"",1.\,1-,
li" ,\1':11" \\,11 fill'" ;\11 ;H·l'lllll~ll:lll·d
lI'ill (,1'1
I: ' ,11',1 \\! .1 il \\ 111 t:ll,.I· 111.11" l1Tl-
,~' :I! I; "', LX III a 1t'l y' ~:: .-1.111111,(1(11 I, ..
I'ark Board. 1. ,I . . . ,~] 1..-111 \\ I oI't II I' ( II ~J lid til L: II I I I J :.:' :' I I 1( J: 1.\. ~ - ;I I I , I 1t t • l I
"Tlll cd' tIlt (',dLq,-t (If
(:!"l'i'~'\l (':\ Ii' j!t.\\'I'I:IlH'lll (':tll--lllL!." a '1111' 1l':lct 11lt'ludl, . . . rh" ht·allllflll tlt'r tilt' (;t'f1l'/,;J! :'1;111' .\111IIPI Jl> I Ir"l! I' f !' ,1':11 t 'Ill J 1"1' ! 11''''' 1 I I ,,11: ;1111 a r't·-

Ill:I.II"- (-"Illllli;rllt~ \'!"I __ j"': j_ rIll li11li!(" . \\ 1!1 ttl 11"flllypark iTt'I'k 1IIld"r tIlt, '1'\',11:: I l'll~r:1I11 TI.t· 1l1:1J'"1 1"1"11.1."1'1 Ill! 1, "j , 1 ; I; 1.\ ' ,~ I f I t ' l l ' 'I (d l:..r II. PI' nil

li-flltdt ." ~11 \\ "alllt'rl~ cl",']:II"l'd. :,,111 11 :1 IndJ;lll Ittwk. lIlli' ,d" lilt' ('hCI)('!' :_ :1 :':~.~I]~I.II(llt Inl!1 Ill;lr:~ Htllll!\ll' 1, I \. :\11. ~, \\':, I L I It' \\ ,'I' ~11 I' jl I! 1';II·I-.:l! Itl

"( lilt" ('(llllrllll1t'!, rl,,'11g"IIIZt'.- tilt ~1111 -('I'li,{' .... I'tl! . . ttl 111\\'1'1" .\Itlntg'tlflll't"Y ~ Ill'!' l~ 11.\\ 11 ;'1:1: t Illl~ \lIt :11 . \1, , ,,,(, 111,1
..... 1" "" 1/
"I',n a- a dl.-Ilncl chalkn~" I" all',·,,',nl" Th,- rl<l'k,' ''I'al! .Iln·,·tl" " ' . ' !'::I I,"t
"111/."11-. al,d c"I""'lall, 1" alar;:,' \, rl,al1l!' th" "n'''!;, [t I- thll'kly 1:1 :, I'll, II' \\) I n III 11:" ('lllll'('!H'"

\\lIlldt'.1 \Vllh a tint' fon'~t :-;l,ttill.~, full Speaklnan Post 356 r" t· t l.,. clIlll 11111111 t \, f~, '.t!ll-
American Art Week, Novenlber 1-7, "-' I"tl\lll flf 1"1· .... pll1l:--Jlll,· own alltl \\,llfll('ll
"r liat,,·.,
:\nH'I'I('al1 tr,"',- and wlI"d'

I ... - 1 -I

ani 1'''11 \"I!IJiar "'"ll'l'h 1!"1'r, \\ill

!. Ata ln

brll1gs h °b °
ex I Its to t le
° L'1lle' 1!(1\\ I
II .'" lilac t 1\'", t II t Hhl'
Illl \1~1g"
t II
ag-- _ .
1'1. rlv plal1t ,- Inellldln;: chlli(T patch('s of ar-
Nail.' :1 n1li.<li<'<' lJa)' lJall,/ul'1.
fit, t'nl1Illt'l":t (I'fl.

•• ,,,,,d
l.!!'l·_ .... i\l· al' I l l l l
I \llall\ ,IIr",'1 11"'11' w"lfn,..'."
-"Ilil ,,," III 1'1',,1.1"11"
Il' () 1 ' . • I L\ltll--
,,111ch I ''
TIlt' Park Boare! dan=-- thl'
, . .
I'al,'i'ul f""t('rll'~ III Ih,'"'' nail v,'
/lell' SOl/ght for COIl..,,/
. . '

\ 1- i 1...
1111], 1\\ \111 loJ (,t!I:: III \\ 111 I Iwl lit I,·
!' ';l! 1)1" II"': r~ t, hI '1Ill'..... lit' !I ( II t' I

p ,,' . 'I!r"wth" al1d al"o IIf !.inl" and non-, I'lal1" 1,,1' till' Arml"t,,·., /lay l,al1 11.1hl \\/;11 .ll jlll· ..... ,r t 1;\cL a c·lllirch
:\1: l J1 .\ ; 1 ttl - 1 - ~: I '" It· - 11 11111 t ',l t!, till'
r I"g,!'li,JlI to lIal'e lIal/on,·'ell art) In add'll"l1 t" ;\11'. \\ "atlwrly. IlH'Ill,I prel Iatory :lfllllHl Is. 'I q 'I't t I" 11"!,1 I,,' th" lo("1i I,,,-t ,,(
. _ I t ·
111'lllt·. (t)
1I,·t'l,lllllll:tllllll;ll pl'l·rf'n~lll·('~

III ,"it ;It IIIJl ... 1', 'I' I',t't tIlj'- t'J Ill' I'xilil'lll·d :II "l1d:l'. 1111.'111. ,'tarlll,g' at 11111(' I" 1- "I till' ,"1111111111"" Illclud"d ;\101'-' . "[' th' -\111 '1'''''111 J ('I!illn aI''' d"\',,I"1'11I1!
.. . . ... ' . I ... '. '1 Ill' J'ark will}l\' knll\\'I' a,- ,onnwr • . , , , \\ ill I" 1"",1.-.\ 'n 1111 - at t,-lllpl til aid
. ,~. ,'w"I'" . 1'1""1 till l'111/t'll tl, 1"IIId 11> l'llllt"t'h.
III -tld'( \\lnt!,>\\,,, :lr:d :11 (jIb,,!' p"ill\-.., ":- \\,,11. alt"IIi'·'. I..,,! (o. I ,1I1I""n,. . t·.."-.
,,',1, ... ;·:. II,.. EI!\ l,tl:l11 TI,,'atr.' \\" III I""11 . I' 11'1 '\ ['.".!;" 111 1ll"lll"rV "I. ;\11'. I."nnwr, 't !) r. ('Inl'il's
alllll~ tIll' \LIIlI I.11lt, ;In,j Illall." .... lllrt·~ l,r,'-,d"I:1 "I th,' '1"1' ( 'ar,t,,·, .. ,_. . . ' I , t f \\', 't ('h· t"r 'l'lt" 1"'!l'llI"<
11:1\"(' al'l';lIq...... ,·d t" -1,1 a-Jdt, \\'IIlIll)\"" ,I- ,,,",u,d lI;dl,,\\,·"'11 parI,' ""('''I1j\' ,-'" ., t \\'. I \1 I-' ' .h l,r,"id,-nt'I1I"IIll'r. Aral,,'lla Burf"rd LOl'lm,-,·. "n II ,~ '~," , ';'!", I f ;1; ~ lll. \ : .11 {' I!: I I"L-", , II," 1 hi'
1.1 1"". .11'<" n til. . , I B f I I . 1'1111,· '" i" t" I... main "I"'a!;,'r. 1·:.1
:--1';1('\' fIll' tIll" Ill"ricH! (If A,nt'rJcall Art dr"'''''d III y'lIur l'l'dti,·,t., fUl1ni,'"t., "i' 1111- .Iunll'r B"al'd of Cllmm''l'c''; :al,,1 III" daug'ht~r. Ikl'-, ur. or: .'.'~r,:: I'oll'~'k·. ; 'orb ,'dltllr of till' E\"-n'lIg dfl\\ I II. \\'IHlllllllll:ttlll and thp
''I'<I,-" ..,t C'''tlllll'''' and Ill' ,,111.''''''' for' ,. rI 'rlh', !' _Y F .\ F I"l!mqui"t Inll'r. hllth of "hom dud 1ll,ln) y. ,\1", I I . .
\\'I'l'k. \\"11, .. h I"'I!"'" ",'xl TlJ,'"d"y. ., ' I· d H . \.1 . ~... ". ( . 'I... Lt'dger. and tlthl'r ~p()rt~ Unllnarlt':\ -"''I',-tary·. T ...\ EI"""d. I

ExhlLit Hln ... and lTlatt'd J1rll~ranl"'; th" ca.-h award". 111l-n- \\'111 I." a 11.'l',!t·ratlon "I' ('hurclH'~; Ill'. \\. 1I·I,lg". I t .J t t Ik :\1 ('ll;llrllLlf: \\·lJtllfl1Ill.l.!t"r'· . . 11.1111",
II b I" I h\.', an' ('XIH'(' ('u () a .
an' IH'illl.! arrallg"t'd III .... ('huol, and I,i"·";lllll~ raC". appl,'·h"hhlng'. funny-, I-'In,·'hnl",r. T.'mpl,· Kprll·""th l~ra('l; I II,,· I'''rk wi
• I _ _ .,
I' a( mllllstl're' i . I in :\:ll'bl'""I; 1':1I!;. ,'arly llii- .'\'('ninl!.
. . I . . .' . I At th.. po~t m('('tln~ 11I'ld l\llln. ay
"1111,,. ill,·I"dil'l.! )-\y'I1I't"n ~('ho"l. \'il- 1'"",' ,-«lIt,-"t. and "oth"1 l!anH'> too nu- ill J. '11!"lll' 1I"II11' attnrrH'v; \\ IIllllm
I' , , . .' h
IlIig'ht William II. Ilurblll. c aIrman
h' capl:lln- "I' t,'am" 1'''1' tw"I,,· di-II'I<''''
"",roll,,,; t" 1l11'ntlnJ1. I< un for hot 1 II. Harman. VI(·.'-prp~ldpnt of t ,- , . . . in th", :Ina will rnak,' plall' fill'
lalll<"a: Frll'nd" ("'Iilral. (h·,'rhl'ook. . " lof tlH' s.. rvl('(' and wl'lfar.' commltt.'p,
\\'hlt'!l \\ III . . . hll\\" I,alilt Ill)! ..... wlHHI ('ar\', \"UI1t! alld "ld :llikp. If you (I" not I~;dd\\·,n·~()uth\\'ark CorporatIOn; Mr~. ' , ' I . . . t.·I'l'll:t: ~:l!i\:ay lllt'I't ln~ 'd "I
• . "
Illt!" alld lll"dl'lln~; \\·hitI'IJall. II a ,'('I" \\I-h t" COIIIl' III c,,~tunw. COI11l' an.
I .
rOo ;\1. Ilroullld, ,.
dlr('ctor lIarcum
,announc"d that ;"d had hl"'n n'CI'IVI"
' P ' d .,(» ",'11-11- that \\'i11 f"ll"w.

.. , ' ,.
l .Jull1(II' .. R II I from n('ig-hhors hv .Juan elna 0. '" (
ford; tl", ('!lalt''I'b"x T"a R'\(,m; ~hllil "lIi"y' tl", fun an~·way. ,ay" :-;howlllan I ("I!"l!e; :'Ill',. :-;. f. S. us~e.
i. '
' \\ ood~,dl' 11w ~panl~ ('onsu
. ' . , h I h' j ('11111'''1.,,- c"-"I"'!'atinl! ,n,·lud,' All
LlIlll}H'r Coltlpany and p"",i!>ly tIll' .I",,'ph Conway. I,
pn'",kllt of till' \\om('n ~ . ouern
'1 I I j I
(. L' '\ I R' I ,h"I'n ord,'r..d hack 10
arcl' ona. ut
~,"nt-' Epi,c"p,,1. :\arl",rth :'II,-tho·
i, . .

Egypt ill. II Tlll'at{'r. ( II'. alII, "In . ('.• ('man. eglOna I . k dl-t 1·:I'I-'·"I'al. :\arl)('l'Ih l'I'\'-hyt'·I·"ln.
. I ,. ';t'nd~ h'l\'p nl"J.ranlzpd to trY' to rna '(.
• Th",,- aI'" ('1)('11 to tIll' puhlic. a" h Incincrator Upheld In Court "kurman. 1'<1 m III Itlel' on Industrial, I . • , ~ ;\!.'n"n FI'1"nd-' ;\I,·"t illl!. flapl"l
, ' I "t possibl,' for hill! to r"maln Ilf'l'<'.
th,' ,'xhihitinn at Ih., Bryn ~lawr Art :'Ilont~omery cuunty court has hand- ()r~anlzatlon. ' . . . ('hur"h "I' till' 1·:\:lnt!,·I. 11,,1)' Trinity
Ilurhin I'l'port"d that cond,t,ons III
C,·ntl"'. which has arrall~~"d a pro- I "d down a dl'cree upholdin~ the ('on- (f:rI . .\',,1,: I'I/.T, /)/"Iw/,,'.. .lIII",: Spain made money received from I.utlwran.
~ram of dt'mon"trations. : "titutionality of a zoning' amendment ,,1111/11 I', ""',, 1" .'SllIllslle nlll·)
thl'n' hy thl' consu I pra('t!ca . II
y wor th - IUYltatltln, will h., ,'xt,-n,kd tu
. Th,· Ardmol'l' \\'oman'" Club will which permits erl'elion of building'S
han- an I'xhihition of portrait" by' the d,,('ml'd nel'l'ssary for the public weI- M a i n

Lin e s
I('~s. II .. thl'refore rl'commpnded that
t"\\n-alldt«wl,,,hip dw"II,'I, "till un-
thl' Legion coml' to thl' aid of the :.tlilllll,'1 1" att"nd ,,,'rYic," and to
wl'lI-known Rachel Buill'\' Trump. fare without re~ard to zonin~ restric- family. Thl' executive committeI' i~ 'llIak" th,' ..Ilu!'t·h·l!oing hallil a part
• . . '
Aml'l'lcan Art \\ I·l'k. sponsored hy
" ' .
National A rt Week will 1)(' cl'h'-
~ . tr, look into the matter. II "I' t h"i I' 1IY'·:'.
tl~" An1<'rican Artist"' P ~ofessional It i.t eXlw('tHI that protestin" prOP-I' hrated Non'moer 1· ...... o~r arou).<1-/ I
\ Ll'ag-ue. is desig-nl'd to make the pub-! I"rty owners will take to the stat-e the-toWller IS not a .<;O~lnOlSSeUr, per- Praises and Razzes
lic bettl'r acquaintl'd with the work j'suprl"m(, court an appl'al a~ainst con, haps, but he likes what he Iikps: HI' Truck Traffic
uf artists of this nation; throug-h past struction of the incinl'rator now in I "II,1oyed a tour of Dr. Barnes mu- ATc Giyen N arbntlr I'la) ('I' s
Protested on Pike bv
"xhibitiolls, countrywide. thl' function ~ progrl'ss at ~iary "'aters Ford road ",'um of l11odl'rn art in Merion, and b) Gucst ('riti ..
of art ill pducation has hl'en broadly I and Jdferson strel't. a P. W. A. proj- h., is ill agreement with thl' coIll'ctor- Citi"cns' Petition
• furth <nrn.J. <cU
I ,..·t ()f ~4K.~J~O.
• ~ -"
,patrlln '.'1 Cezall.nl' tha.t tlw Pa,r, k.wa,y I'
TIll' :\arherth Play.'r" "II\'n.·d th.'lr
IllU,,('um ~ unfin'shed 'Bathers Isn t A !,Ptitioll I'e<'l'ived hy thl' township
---------- C P k R 1 curn'nt ",'ason With "Calldl,·!il!ht." a
hot. 11(· pn'fl'rs Stravinski to th,' Montgomery ,ounty ar oan. commissiolll'rs, signed hy 200 lIav,'r-
C yn wy d Church

How to Get Along "u I'I'l'ali "Ill, and hl' is annoyed at Rl'- whit' I1 was set up t 1,1,'0 years ago, WI.th ford and Bryn ~awr residl'nts, caliI'd thn','·act cOllledy by 1'. (;. Wod.,hous".
noir fill' 1Il0"t of his hovinl' nudes.... \1 r. Lorimer as its preSident. At hiS for actIOn agall1st the hpan' truek As nllg'ht hI' ,'xl,,:etl'd: till' -tar PI,'r-
With Children ShoJln In Obserycs 75th Anniyersary .
-\nd now CUIllI'" a still Ilf(' or some- 'Iat, ( was su . -
I .. h h' . . c('l'l'ded by Thomas
. traffic on :'v{ontgoll1l'rv aVl'nUI'.
..... u-
fornll'r \\a~ 1'. (, Wod,'hllu"l', t lat
f I lid
Church Pial' With Orgall Dedication , .
thing', which h.· "h,,'n·,'d at Shull
, w . ,s..(aI'S,. 0 f Gladw\!ne J."
as prl'sident
': • thorities an' I'IHleavol'lng- to rl'If""
. 1 Inll111t3blt, ,\ 1'1 tl' I' u Ig'nt ('01111-, v an
'I l.unl!H'r C""lpan\', "h",-,' ;\1 ,.~. E. Ann A d 0 If M u II 1'1', 0 f N orl'ls t own, I~ ~ec -, the situation by having It'gi~lation Ice'.' I' at,r If JI·"V"". With -u('h a l . -
I .

Th~ I f h i ' -\ i h 11 I . h t ' " f "\'Iry and Charles J. Custer of h 'I' ,ginning' a ,','ry j,I"asallt '-"'Illng- was
prob em 0 ow to gl't a ong, . 'Inn,'!, (', ast nIt! twa" par (b,'d"11 shan'" till' difficult task 0 " , , ' f passed at HarriS ur~ to jH'rll1lt ru Illg! . . 11 TI 11"1"'." "f \\'".J"h"u",'C
wit h You!' c I11'ld n'n alllI ma'e k th em,' 0f tl11' WI't'"(" > CI' 1e Ilra t'Ion 0 f tl 1l' S",' d, t"rmllllllg- . " "Iwth,'!' I",'al pallJters . . I' • ,ttstown
. , and Francis R. Tavlor, . , 0
trucks off the h'Ig h way. Ii Inl'Vlta 1('.' I 'I1 ("'h.,tJl"I' ', ",
11/,(,:\,1 "
• , .(, . '
1,,1' It-\\'I'11 h e th (. th eme 0 f th e pay I : pn t y- f i f tannl\'l'rsary
h' II
f th I' ('on",'- \\"rk "I\tIuld h., dISpl:l\"d " ,
III ~h"p WIB'
. , are thl' othl'r membprs A sWlmmlllg pllO I f or \\' est .. I
.nana-I ar., d"p'-11I a,) ". ~ .' . or
to h I' presente' I t I1(' ""enlng'~ ' 0 f N 0- era t'Ion II f • St. •j 0 h' n" "h \, urc h . d"w" hl'r!'abouts. ,: 10 t I1l~ ,.; I'Ig- h t I Y of th.. Park Board. . yunk was as'e, k i or f 'In ano th ('I' p" t'1- subtl<'.
• v!'mll!'r 4 and 5 hy ttl!' s('nior Luther I Last Sunday the Ill''' Tily Jnl'll1"rial laundin'd o!lsl'n·!'!'. tllf' artl~t took a It is this typl' of l,..nl'ral'tlOn that I tion. Contracts totalinl! $1!'.~1~.70 .Il'ev,·s. or .I """ph. wa,' tlH'j'(' ,n tl1l'
lea,:;ue. 'IIrg-an. ~iv.'n by Dr. HI'l'f)l'rt J. Tih' '''''!'IlI'S I'Y" viI''' of an unhappy I'lder- I'rl'sident Julius Zil'get, of Lower Ml'r' l w('rl' awardl'd for planting tn'l's and perslln of L,'s!If' :-;nrris. \\ho g'ave a
This cl!"',,r thr!,p-act comedy by! in !1t"ll1ory of his wifl', was dl'dicatt'd Iy I'g'g' yolk. Most of the othl'r paint- \()IJ's board of commISSIOners has so i shrubbery at till' Gpnl'ral \Vayn!', fine performancl'. Illarn'd only hy the
Royce Lllvin~ is dirl'ell'd hy DorothY~ and confirmation wa~ adminl,tl'rl'd hy ings submitted, including' local SC('IH'S far sought in vain, "f pubhc-splrltl'd Bala-Cynwyd, South Ardmol'l' and l fact that h(' should hav!' n'l1h'III!"'l'l'd
EIwllod, who also producl'd their; Rt. R"v. Francis :'vI. Taitt, Bishop of an-d I,,'rsons. al'l' \\ell worth till' view. "',,i,!Pnts of this part of th" county. (;ladwyne playgrounds. ! that such a yald would not tllO !'asily
Iea" l r ue Illav in the earlv spring. The; th.~ Diocese of P"nnsylvania of thl'l' Thl' township has had to pay for play- have l)('col1l1' tIll' I'rillc", H,'
1I1g'. , . qUite
Pol i tic a I Pot
. • 1 "

finl' stag'" sl'tting- has I,,·pn ,1l'"iglll'd I'r"t""tallt Epis('opal C h u r c h . :

I' • • ° li,-Ids and parb such as the (;('neral fllrg'ot hi~ I"ng' y.'ar" of tradltloll and
• h\' S('nllr Alherto SallehI'z Lira d., This SUliday at a.:w a rl'cital on; That local Rotarians han' cast-iron Way Ill' district's, wher<' the Belmont tnuning' hy ",·\·,'ral "Ill''' of act,ng'-
Alvarado, as~ist(·d hy Ronald 1111\'1'11 thl' n,'w org-an hy G<,or~e Ashton. or-' gouts wa~ demonstrated Tuesday when racI' track was. Last w~('k that play- EIl'clion day. :\ov"ml"'r H, I, 1101 or faililll! til act.
• and Charll's Westman. I gallist of th.· Rryn Mawr Prl'shytprian thp Bala-Cynwyd-Narb('rth club heard field's gradIBJ.\' and s('('dmg was com- \'l'ry far away! :'Ilatt Callahan. as till' I'rinc!', gave
The play, modern and sprightly, is I Church, will he foIlow('d hy a 111<'- a talk on Red Cross work. Th(' speak- pl<,tpd, along with the haseball .!la- M"rion District No.2 will u~!' Bow- a d,'hlllHur styl .. til that g'.'ntleman
sure to provide an I'njoyahle I'vening'. I l110rial l'vpn~"'It! in . memory of the er, busy. talked while the members mO'lll. To follow: plantln~ of trel's man A vpnue Public School for polling alld g'1',wrally was III 0 1'(' than all ama-
Thl' players: Lois Wurster, Kathryn lat!' ;\{rs. Til~·. Thp St. ,John's choir. wpre eating-, and left before the regu- and shrubs, and constructIOn of paths place in the coming' election. Merion teur acto I'. But why. oh why. did he

Bailey. Lois SI1l'~\'('Il, AmH'ttp \\:ar- und,'r ..thl'. d.i,rl'ction
den, AnIta :'v1acf arland. R,·tt~· S('a- "inl! ("lUI" TIll' lIol) CIty.
0: Dr.. ,:il y • wiIl'llar pl·ogram. What he talked about, and two t('nnis courts.
among other fine Red Cross works
votprs were dividpd into two districts ask for his "fur" ('lIat. wl1l'l1 an or-
only last spring', with a ston' on Nar- dinar}' oppra cloak W.b th., property?
sholtz. Winfred Shewl'll, Dwig'ht I that justify our contributing during Around the Town
b('rth avenue for district voting- head- Whosp fault wa" that--hi", the dirt'e-
, MackeIl. Char"'s W('stman, Edward Chief Urges Safety First 'the eoming' Roll Call, was the first·aid quarters. tor's, or thl' property manag-er's'!
Shewell. A t a l111'l't ing of the N arh('rth Firl' course given Lower Merion's police. Rainy daYR in Narberth find thl' Montgomery County League of :\{ari('. till' pspudo- Lady, was over-
"Trl'admill" will hl' presentpd in til<' i Campa'1\' :\10nday ev('ning. at which Ill' told the diners about a eouple of day lahorers in the brick row rest- Women Voters will meet all day No- I dOll!' at till' Ill'g'innil1g' hy Jl.. tty Bru- 'r:
church basement at 8.15 each nig'ht.1 :-;l'crptaI'Y' Thomas Casey presided, a('cidents where blood gushed and only ing, but not so a Philadelphia road vember 4 at Washington Memorial, m'e!; it was too Maewl'stian at timps.
, Tickets can be procurl'd from thl' Chief J. A. ~lill!'r emphasized the im- first-aid u'chnic. learned from the Red worker, who reverses the saying about Chapel, Valley Forge, beginning' 11: Later sl1l' s!'ttll'd down to tlH' part and
• cast 01' at TOWN Illul TOWNSHIP, 110 portance of dri\'!ng- carefully to the Cross, saved the day. And about a making hay while the sun shines. He A. M. Luncheon reservations may bl' ,mad,' it quite real, l'sppcially in the
Fort'st; adults a5 and children 25 fil'(' house to answer caIlR, and of I'X- cop who saved the life of a 20-month' cleans windows. Your editor heard made through Mrs. ForreRt L. Gage'r.: "discowry" scene.
• cents. There will be incidental I11U- ercising' e)(tr"l11e caution hpfore, dur-I old infant who had swallowed turpen- of him throuJ.\'h Mrs. Eberhardt MucI- Chestnut Hill, the presidl'nt. or by: Of thl' minor part~, playl'd hy de-
Ric. illg', and aftl'r a fire. tine, by filling his (the cop's) mouth ler, but too late for current window- Contlnu.l! on Pair. Four I Continued on P&&,e P'our
with Roapy water and ejecting it into washing' purposes. Have you a dirty ~_. _
• the babe's mouth, until it g'ot rid of, window or twenty-so, that you'd like
The mail man brings the world to the poison by vomiting. Your around-' to save for a good rainy day?
the-towner. meanwhile, wondered if Homey touch at the Windsor-Essex,
Eskimos' doctor, Hopi Indians,
your door, lopsided, dogged by dogs. other Rotarians noticed that Over' :\arb('rth boarding house: the noon-
• • brook Golf Club's boiled potatoes and tide tinkle of a genuine dinner bell. Knee-Hi, narcotics, films • •
peas and ham looked just like the Jack Cotter"Narberth avenue above
Carrier Le.~ter Peters, wi/{) lUIS Ilnb- all stag'es from rawness to ripeneRS. ones served last week and the week Price avenue, married Elsie Beke- Thell'rl; all in the news written by, ies of Will Rogers and Wilpy Post
• bled in ~imlO-tullillg•.~lellfhing. pi~- Sl'l'ing' it, we realize how extremely I hefore, and the week before. (P. S. nH'ir, a charming German fraulein, HtJulcnt reporters at the Narlwrth for shipment to the United Rtates.
colo-plfllfWg IHul Huch, knows whereof I different humans really are. -Ardmore club fares better, at whom he met on shipboard during a School. Extra!-Read ahlmt it! (Hare Sew Projertor all~1 70S Film..,
he .,peak.~, The first of II couple of c.<m- Despite a fair' wage and good work- Whitehall in Haverford' and Philadel. trip abroad with his dad, Howard Cot- IWU a Htlldent in your home?) The school hoard has purchased a
tribllti{)lls: ing' conditions all is not sunshine for phia doesn't do too badly, at the tel'. Jack and Elsie now have visit· Spm-ts ; new Bell.Howell motion picture sound
Fifteen years of service have us. Many a day the mail oagsag.sBellevue.)in~themandtheirehildren.Elsie.sTheRedsandGrayshaveplaYI· .. projector.Mr. Drennen has ar-
brought to mind many interesting ob- with an abundance of never-lo-be-read • sister, Anne Bekemeir, whose trip two hockey games so far. Octooer 1:1 rungI'd a schedule of at I.'ast 75 films,
.. servations regarding our varied con- mag-azines.-Pardon me if you, readpr, Speaking of the Bellevue, it was the from Hamburg was nearly halted at the Grays won, 3-0, and October 20' both sound and silent. It will be paid
• tacts, and though often considered devour yours, for so many are just ironic headquarters Wednesday of Ellis Island when the Cotters were the Reds won, 1-0. for from the pag'('ant pl'ocl'eds, P-T
overgrown newsboys, still it is quite ornaments, designed to create an in- Philadelphia Rotary's joining in the told Hitler-land's exodus quota has The football team played its first A., and thp school board.
• obvious that we fill not only the neces- tellectual opinion in the minds of one's celebration of the 20th anniversary been filled by Jews, It was necessary game the 21st, at Waldron Academy., Mr. Wetherill III
Bary duties of an efficient service, but friends seeing- them lying about; still of the ratification of the constitution for her uncle, who liveB in this coun- Narberth lost, 21-7. Bob Phillips :VII'. Wetherill un f fl r tun ate I y
\ also the human bond between sender to a mailman they're just lumbago- (getting to be quite a rambling sen- try, to post a $500 bond-redeemable made the touchdown for us and Jim sprained his back last Wednesday.
and recipient. energizers. If it happens to be rain- tence, isn't it?) of-guess what! upon her return to Germany. McQuiston caught the pass for the ex- Mr. Bartholomew took his classes for
Let us create for you a few pcr- I ing and they gain weight therehy, Czecho-Slovakia. This eolumn sug- tra point. I till' I'est of the wel'k.
• sonal touches in an impersonal man- I some unaware soul will add to the gested during August that the sold· Tonight's the Fall Concert From Point BarrolV VIRGINIA DURBIN.
nero It will lead to a better un(1l'r- burden with complaints about wet down-the-river democracy borrow Of the L. M. Hi~h School music de- Dr. Henry W. Grist, from Alaska, Narcotic .• talk_nul trailer trip
standing of our daily problems, and'i mail, little realizing that every effort some of the Main Line's overgrown partment, at the senior school's audi- ~ave a talk about Point Barrow, In assemhly, on October fifteenth, a
eventually, to still more efficient serv- is made to protect it, and that may- hl'dges. It didn't, and look what Hit- torium, 8.15. Allan Nern conducts northernmost city in the world, whpre, ~'oung ~entleman by the name of Mr. ·,.;;f

• ice. Because we contact all types and I hap the mailman is fighting off pneu- IeI'. Anyway-it was pointed out that the choir and Bruce Beach the 01'- he is medical doctor and miRsionary.! Zillip gave a talk on narcotics, their '"
all classes, we see human nature in j Continued on Pall'e Five Continued on Page Foul' chestI'll., Public is invited, He is the man who prepared the bod-l Continued on Pe,ge Five, , " '.'

"',. ,,, '>~':.:.;_- 1~.1,;:: •·..~1 ~-.:....·'.-t ;::.li:~.~~l\:l~L:.;;:~.:~~~·/i;.~f~.;i.:J,::,·::",'c.,. ".., i.' ~~ /.'X_.,~.~,:.?~i".i:;.'~:~~~i:.:;,~~_~;;~~~~{~~~·~;,~':~ai~~ ~~i:,~~:x.:·.ALt.tb-;;i:..·~~;;",.,·~':·;:;~L""i:~.:.:1:~-..l.J~~;~~:':'!",:·~::.::·~~.,~:;'il~'~'''i' 'I:~:~ .•.•.:, ,~':. _,,~ ; ..,~~.~ ..~" ..:•.t.~.j_l~~~'~ i',
", .:' ., . . '~'., ' . ....., . '.' ,..... '.~

Pagc Tn'o TO'Y~ (lml T()"W~SIlIP OctobcT 28, 1938



Wonder if we could talk with you a few moments

regarding this Important matter of the national welfare?
This busincss man. as th('y call lh-elllpl"y('r espoused oy all ge>od men, is de('ply im'loul let us not appear to oe profound-and tl,ward, the ,tability of the capitali,t systcm: Judge the cause by
of labor-hi~ people organi"ed tOO per ':enl. oedded in ,pirilllal Tllllb, and where i, the I imtead "nly carry our thought to th(' sug- and '0 it will hc regardcd hy the ,om will'
by the C. I. O.-paying all the nlra laxI" man \\ 1,0 can long def('nd the claim that thc I ge'lion that ne> talk on taxe, should occllr fnllow u, in thc Iccming ycars to come.' its standard-bearers
which the shifting ,cene has pTl'duced-ha s f"rlll,1I of the ,o·called N('w D('al i, in cven I until we first get slraight on all til(' facts, at
'1'1 ll' h 0 0k' W ,I'
llC I1 WI'11 rccor d t h e manner In: . 'En'll k thc Iruth ,hould . oe" ;:Ivoidcd . or . un-
been asked 10 scI forth sOIll<' of Ihe rt'aSl"1'o rcnll,lI' "onAicl with the fundamentals of life, lea,t a 20-year ,urvey, nOI overlooking what
,lIld \ iltlle which Ihe churches teach'! " I ' han' lefl after we have paid Ollr tilhes. "hich Ihe T('alm of husillc\S hillcrly chal-I slPfo '~'Il .whclrc donlhY thc Ill1dl \'ldual In PTlV;:ltc
why he i, a Nell Deal ad\,'c.lte. . d tl lC a d vCllt 0 f many 0 f 'lIs CllC
I1'1,gC I' f I fI C Is. IIlVO ve, k . hut \" ll're Ihc puhlic . wcl-
N 1 Id' I, . - f fi d d' I ' arc Is al ,ta 'C It ehOll\'cs thosc al Inl(Tcst
That Sl'l'lllS Il' he a pretl}' tall lask f,'r the :\nd. ""l1trariwisc. isn'l il tTlIC that vcry , or s lOU 0 we gl\'(' 100 muc nor too seTiOUS ,,'lIr(('s n pro t an permanencc. uTlng 111' . -
111 a 11 \. "f those ,,1,1' oppo'e the new order a.lIenli'HI to w.'hat we have irnhio('d all our 1-Isl hundred V('ar' of Amer"a . d I 10 cry out agalllst the unht sdf-seekers who
limited 'pace "f an ;,dH'rli,elllent. as \\ hell , ' ' . l ' Il n III u, ry, dare 10 board the Shi) of Stale.

a man wanb to get his pl,in;, ,'H'r I" men still hold fa'l to the lellet thaI "oll,ines,s i, h\TS, and which wa, abo the pap of the n'lIld Il1deed Oe lllle "f IlUnH'rOU, chapler,., I
and wOl11en \\ h,' S"e red e\'ery lillle Roose- husincss," a doctrine which springs fwm the' ousin('ss g('ntry of tbe centuries ocfore 11,. i On the Friday night when thi, written
velt's name i, nH·nli,)ned. Ill' ~Il\lllid have a \ 'TV. c"cnce of a \iciou, and materiali'lic for they d ,aid and helieved the same Ihings Look sllarp at w I
,."I,at tI,e I,ate, t IH' IH'rVOlh, ,mall \'l)ice of Scnator" Davis is
. reasonahlc oppl'rlllnilv to llork gradually up \la g,1l1i Sill. and ." hieh i,. oy la.rge odds, in as .Wl' 0., or pe>ssihly we dl'll't helieve them I I I b I :coming "vn the radio and what !lImIer and
to it, little hy little. s...fl-pedal like, as his Ih \aTllllh applicallOns. the duef ,ollrn' of yllll(' as \\holelH'artl'dly a, \'l' pretend to, 10i lat I roug It ouncomol' he l'lllih:
crowd is apl 10 \\ ,11k all ay h"lll hilll if he Ihl' l11anif"ld trollnle, ".!lidl h(',et 'lIlr nalion. wit: _ . r ; IloJ1(',lh', it's heen prelly hard, during the, , " .
app('ars I" hau' a Cl,nllT I'll Ihl' information ,llld the \\()rld at large. "[hc exlcnl to Jlhich capiiaiisis 01 llasl fc" years. (l get a ,Iraight-out and 1'0-' JI he dlscehrn1ln g ear IS apt. to a.tte't. tI.,al he
or if h(' ,eellls to ,ugg",t that there is ,'nly hll',t a Tl',IIllH'nt. free from ad homol, from' Ol" nol I' U'\'(' what he 1S ,ay1l1g If In fact
, II,I' 1 WO's could go in dodgin o ' I II k I
one side of the argulllcnt. Ail\ays ~"Oll 'l'l' it. the extraordinary ",Iici., " t!ll'se opposed 10 the President. as aln1<"1 w a.etu.a y 'no"s .lim,df what he is ,aying,
laxes is il/uslraled by a popular ,'111 d I
tude in "wing l'ne's own hide, fearful ((), .. J b h illlnwdiatelv, Ihe hate starts to 'plutler and ) In let.ment "lIC.h ha., accompanied. t.he
trt'at,se wTlII('n t len y a merc alii, I ddl II f I
Right Ihere, hIH\I'\Tr. he's ohliged 10 hrea,t Yicld fIll' tilt' ,ake of the olher felle>w Icst
M Ort'lli. C,,'ing youlh adyice a 10ul
1 many I11l'n d('part aitogetlll'r from (heir II,U- u
l'r In a 0 u, Yllite 1"0 long ol11nal
the fray oy slaling Ihat he has IlCl'er heard our o\\n ,tore, alld shares shall he curtailed rising in blHine55, IHorel/i declares aily l'Cjuahle ways and considerat(' judgmenl,s
a coulller-note ,I ruck in any . p"litical «'n-' . (slupid as 0,uch h a crass \'iewpoint . has
h' I,hl'en
I thai pnrpetual
<" "rumbl,'""
". a"d 'I~ino
" ,,'h('n Ihe suhject COIlH'S lip. The palhos of the perfl)nllallCe ,en'l'd tl)
versalion wlwr(' thc cOlllllll'rt'tal CI),1ullunlly pn1\Tn to (' y ev('ry g('lH'ratlon . w Ie lasf a bout taxcs art' nee dl ul:' W hcn yOll (' d harken u, oMk to tho,e y('ar, ago \\hen we
gather,. 11111 nTn a casual reCl'gnilion Ihat'" a Ik'C d t h I' earll)-an I d w I10 IS not aware e> arc in busi,ICSS, ncycr (('as(' to (0",. " .n",mullisI5 an Fas(ist,~ Ihey mailer 1101" d d .. I "..
thc land is hcstirrl'd hv slKial alld ecnn(llllic thc I1H',1I1 !eyl'!- which ar(' freyu('ntly tra-' .·1 blow lor a bloJl' or rJ slrol lor a shot, 1'.".1 l'a\~ore to come to gnp.. V.1l1 \\ Jlham
, plaill 01 tcJxes, sa,'rill" that ,Vall 'v 'Ire 111 ord t k tl' d'
evolution of \'asl import. al'd he asks if hi, \'('rsl'd hy lhl"l' "Iw are unrelenling in tIH'ir " J . V c 101'c Ihcm "'01, )J'e Iratc Ihcm not, I' 1'1' 0 'CI'p liS I11l' IOcrI' man
.. I h I f I .• hould pay less, poilltin~ 0111 your ,,'"1 of Ihe sen ice of Pl'nl1s','kania.
experil"ll'l' is n(ll cOllfirllll'd h\,' Ihc ladies and "pp"sJ!llln In C lange or any reat 10 C lange IIt'ayy IOSH'5, IJIe poor Ilarycst an d From earh' morn till cycnill"" lalt'
ge ntll'lllell of Irade he Ill'" IHI'sunlt's t" in the hroad fidd "f human relati(lns'! 1
t f/e bad ti",es.' .. JI'e havc bill on(' and oll/~, hate. 'AI grcal It-ngdl \\1' pleaded the in1J",rlance
addre,s'!, JoVe "dlc as one, Jl'C Irat(' ';5 one, "f the Slate. i" induslries, i" rich n',,'urn's
,\Yillll'ss. for instance. that lack of ekmen· I ",4 Histor." of lire 111l5illes.• Mall," JoVe han' one /oe alld olle alOlle; : its prodigious l'pportu'litil's. and \\ l' pnintl'd
Isn'l it Inll' 11',11 on the fre<1ucn[ ,'c"asi"lh, t ,Irv .-Ilarity, Ihat pitiahle di'regard of the by l'f1iriam IJ('ard. H()()SfV ELF.'" :"llt \\hat \\,r- "ell k'lO"n, Ihal I)a,i, \\a,
"when Ihe suhJect conl!'s up - ,It the l 'lli"Il' \,rdinary decencie,. in Ihe usual wisecrack, i Il~tl'Tlr ol:rl'ft "f Ihl' rl'yllirl'd ta1l'nls. Van'
League. till' Irains. the resLltll'anls. tilt' IIlIll'h· ""d cn;el thTlJ'rs at the expen,e of the \V'. * * Thal's indeed a ,harne, a" e>f course, no: did nol dr-agree, hilt he no,tl'd his case, with
eon duh,. the \'ari"u, nH'l·lin;.:' - dl'l'isj,,!, 1'. A. ,\'\'rkns. their failure, forsooth, to prohll'lll is ,'\'1'1' solved Ihal way, and it i,' maddening. n,'n.ch,II,1l1 c e. "n the ,tatl'Ill('nl
quickly l,lkes the pl.l ...· "f ,lilY f.lir deh,lll' ,,: hreak their hack, as tllt'y handle an unac- The G. O. P. has 110 plan- \l'rv C\'ident Ihal there Ian hI' Illllch di,asll'r' Ihat "()a\'ls slllted Ihl' l)rgalli~'lIi"n" .Ind
discus,il,n: alld ,',Ill il I", 'aid th,lt til!' II,: \'llsll'l11ed shon'l (,'\Tn ,I~ \·"u and I), and W hat is your illdi'JIidual idea? ,in ,~llch \\ idesprl'ad aherration. an illlmatllre i that \, as all Ihl'rl' \\ as I" i!.
result of '.II,h suhjl'l[i\,' .1I1d filTlTIv pani,.I:', sCI' ho\\ the curren I restricti'"1s link up wilh e!llotionalism which CI,"ld readily affect the
stat('lllenls and ClHI,·llIsi"ns ,lIf"rds .111\' 'l'.' the kind'ed ,talenll'nls "f those who 'Iood \\'hal is it. do you ',ly. Ihal i, wrpng with plJolicsen'ice in ,I \Try grinous mannCT. Ilere he is again. Ihe same sh"rtcI'nlings.
,magnified hv inn-"a,ed year,. tlH' same ef-
contrihution t" tilt' ,'all'" "f ,In ,'nlighl,'n arran·d. in days that halT gone, again't Ihe New Deal and \\ hat fealure "f it ,hould
citi7en,hil' or 1" till' 1.1I'.,'e thin..... l,t1Il'l~ simil.lr c"n,ideratilln fnr the dislressed of ' h ·· 'f I . . f,ontel'\', the sallIe inahilit\.· t" .'·r,hl' \\h,1I
... .. I' aI d , amended "I' annihilaled'!
lere I,,,I' lI1slance,! tIe opposltltln \\('11' I)n highI'I ,.,
. Anwricanism'! "ther depressions: his joh reallv inH,h'es. Ihe same slll,lll-di-
grounds Ihan llIerdv II) tll"art ROl)\('\'elt, d,'" ,
1 Illensioned lI1ental eyuipl11ent. and vet till'

"Ii",,'" "".1 h.... 11 /t/1'<<'d /n /It" ,"11' .. I II I ' /'/11 " I I / ~ I II .\ I J' ( I I. I /" II 11'111 II I l's:ow, 1)lease don't ,ay' "all {If 1'1," WI,I'I'll I'.', , rOil Ihink thaI such men .IS .lames and Davis I''l.epu 01'I,-ans d
frequently the answn.•1S that is exactly the l\l>ltld 01' permitted, in tlll"I' advann'd lill1es. l' }J
eSln' again to put him. in Ihe

cllI .• ion Iltdl ,h .. Hoos..,.-It ,'n'l " ,/ f I" ,,1' II I' "/ ,II/II I I II ,,, / 111/ , f -I) III
f tl' st,~lld f,'r tI,l' f{'rl'111()'. t ,,111'1'1" ,',1 1111' "1'1','11 10
ppn. 1l1l1,SI.' 1 I cope \\ it,'.l ,\'In I"T.n' hclmi.ng
attilude which Illust he avoided if Ihis cOlln- slall' .. of Penn,\, " h-ania'! , " 1111'IJOTlty \\ 11(' 1 las a, lit ,. pau,'nce \\ Ith
di/]l'Tl'Ilt kettl .. 01 fl,1t i,olll lit,' IIld uf If ~/fl!I{1 /1/ tI ,/fJ:LII. f,'/J, IJI''''''
Iry is 10 get te> irs d('stination un d ('1' the Ol',t hilll as is the C.lSI· \\ ilh those on hiS 0\\ n
oI,/if /1,,1/ 11/ .\,', f 1/ ...·II/uk;II!{ '/Ild
ford .~'Ol\. f"C1,' II ,I' "t" ,/\,' ''" a"'plce, possiole. side "f the Chamoer.
,-III/II/II!! I'IIU,/II/'/,/I)ll,l I(J~!' 1/" 1". our!
implicit "Of eli 011 0 ' ,,,/II/;'dt;1I1I II/ I If. the RO'lS('\'l'1t issue. wele not '0 ridd('n i
1/" 1:('/1/1//11;1, I' 1111 11111 ii/(/ tflrir
Ilrc Till I,i;:zi.· ;ohc'; bllt ,h..,.. i .• Do rou ,ar, for example, that th(' lahor Iaw,1 WIth ranc.o:. dt> ye>u helIeve the l~('opl(' of the It i, tru(' that .1 largl' ,eglllent of the (i. O. P,
!I"I,),i;;'1 111,/,1, fi"/lI,< wilh ;/ ,Jlli/lti.
1learlv 0111'0.1'.' "II IIl1dfrcllHCIII 0/ ar(' all wrong and that the leaders are too I oppo:tt.lJlltles and adv~l1tagl" which are. char-! desin'd III ousl I >a\'is at the (;j,t p"imar'v, 011
tllI",1 (/ff/II,)/{" 111/1/ l/il"1"
hatred ill Ihc 5toric,' ,,1>"1/1 /ldi".. 11I1 high.handed in l'xereising Iheir newly-found actensllc e>f .thls ,SCCtll'l1 "'I,u~d p('rnut thl', thl' ,en,ihle scon' that il "as Il'" l11uch 10
IIf ....'

HoeHn'clt. l 'II11 illillg /" /"'1'" /f/,,: III I! I' I i> ,! I'
If" II/I II IIf /" I' I" 11/'. fI /('
authority'! ,tawdry ~nqulrl'T. .10 ent~'r .lhl'Jr. homl's a'.ld' npect the pl'l'ple to re·elect him. hUI they
le.-lilll-:. "I i",c" hn""lilt ,1.. eI'll'" .1 "",~: 111/ II , ,"', I' III " l l ' ,'/f il III Ilf ~ i to he dalh· a:ss.ltllJ1g tll!'~r IIltdligene~ hy Its made the mi,take l,f nominating another
J/lOr"I"rillll/ 0/1 ,,/,-h I\"n'.., d';,/(/ ,. , IliI!.,1 I I Illf'tlllllt'I/1 II/I /l1!H 1'.' U,. Ih,
, 1'1//1/1'11 1 ,1'1 I~~ 'hi /1 1/1" 1111I.1/!11 tu '\\',,11, mayoe thl'}' arc, in certain and ,,\,CI1
ha\\dy ~l1d ola'ed handhn~ of ne\., 111 Cl~rn- rdic of departed dOl}" and'll Ihe pl'rcllnial •
-1i11lc-()c/obCl .!.J, 1<)18. 1'1('11' lhsn'gard of the accollntahlhty which l'ne slipped through the g.ltl·' again.
11/ 1[,1 rl" ".. . '11.,1 /il." 1"111f {.J in many cases, hut i,n't it clear, as we scan
alta chI's 10 the ooon of a frl'(, pn",,'!
/I"il'- '1""1./'11/,, ,'I"I''' ul /""'1" (, "'''1' Ihe world sccn". induding our own con- It \\ 1'1'1' heller 10 ha\<' Ihe 'I'at elllpt} than •
* * 11.:lIu 11111'( '1/11', sidcraole part of it. thaI SOI11" l'Xlraordinary to han' I)a\ is :n it. alld il is rdreshing Il)
/"'" f l t l i l l .. ,fill III/I.'"'

11111/ 1llllilri· ,·,l" /., ..

111'1" conc""iolls Illust oe made and that the na- llhsen I' Ihe con\'icril'n \\hidl is acnlllllliating ,
tion must s('ek a 'Iill larger "xp('rielH'I' wilh
27,000,000! ,\', 1'. '/""1',"'/ ,iI' r,',. : in Ihis r",l'''t't.
lid. ~'-'.
1l,,,-al1d-ahu,e h"fl)rc the corrcctions ;:Ire
finally w rinen in Ihl' law of Ih" land'! :::
'All thi, ill thc f.1l·c "f Ihc f.ld 1',,1 * *
,27,OOO,0(1() "f f,'II,,\\ -(,,,linin 111 .. " dtli It
"I!r I hilS it has ('\ 1'1' ol'('n, a.s if Chri~tian ci\'ili.
;on the PITsI·.nt P'.""l'lllllt·. ,11,,1 t·I1l'~'." i, ;'Il !~ i 1,lti"n \\ ,'TI' 10 h" fnlstrat"d p"rmal1('ntly in l)ur law ,tnden" tell us pmgress al" ay' ha, DOIl't blame it •
·and auth"ntlc nrd .. n ...· ("I'>lrtlllll' ,1,,,1 (" : its <I"p(,inted task. and can }'I'U recall whal h' he Illadl' Ihal way, that w(' must never all 011 James
'Iup poll~, SU1l1nll'r. ll)~X) thaI Ihl' IlIl1nOl'r i it \\as ,,"ich Thackeray said ahllnt ol'ing Iegislall' unlil there is grl'al and pro\'C1l nel'd
.of ~Jl~I'r1Ca.n, \~ Ill> n(\" 'U!,!,,"l ,Ill' 11.tll','[1, I ":Clltl<- ill (lUI' pn"spl'rily, deeply gratl·ful for fllr il. and han' pal explored the suhject ! Out "f th .. ,a'n(' kind "f hand-hIls the man
admlnlstratJlln Is s"n\<'" h,ll I.Il·gn dUll ",I 'U,· ll\\ n hl'tll'r ('stall' I'r f"r our 11101'1' ooun- a' it ha, dl'\'dllpl'd in Europl', particularly ; Janll's has 01'1'11 hr"ughl forth, the \Tn' s,ln1l' •
,\\ Iw. lik~. unt" I )a\is, has heen fecding at
·.,the case ill 1\) 1(,. :n'us I'irth as "I' confronted the J11i,ny of
'ur hrethrl'n'!
Englalld', Iravail ol'f,'n' the pn''''lll appal"
I'ntly ,atisfactl'ry Brilish Trade, Praclisl' Act till' puhlr,' [I'"ugh for till' 'I' l11an}' year,. olle "
Of course. IhITl' arc S(lnH', like Il,'nrik Ih"'11 ' was hrought into hl'ing'! '''ell-paid joh after till' other. alld Illl" he· •
: hold him dUI,-hing ignolllini"llsly at an
"whe> say the maj,'rily Is n'·"er riglll. alltll But grl'aln thall Thal'keray hath said it long
there may he "'l11e'llll'rit 1(\ tllat. as wit Ill'" hef"n', and there call 01' a"urancl' that HI' Are yOll willing III concede Ihal an intl'lIi. ~ lX.()()(1 Judgeship as he drags his crmine ,
gl'nl ,olution "f till' lahe>r gl1l',lion mll,t n'- thl(Hlgh till' ,limiest "f pI,litical \\.Irfan'.
:,what Philadelphia has put tip "ilh thl'SI shall Ill'\"r n'a,1' II' he reckoned wilh in Ihl'
cein' priority on'r all other dome'tie pn'h- I
'Jllany year< t(l its prl'sl'nl plighl and SI\l·n'\\. afT airs l,f earthly I'xi,tencl'. l's:"thillg I11llch i .. gailled, Iw\\ l'\";'. hv hl·ing.
:·but n('vl'Tthele\S Illajorilv rult- is 11,1' rul,· kms if peace and plellly arc t(l prn'ail ill •
ing the liltle fdh;w illto Ion sl'\'crT :1 puhli,'
.which gO\TrnS U, and "hat h"ller way call
'we have to conduct l'ur affail'S in the long * *
America, and if Ilot. what other fl'atllre ofl
llllr ci\'il' life do you ,ay ,hould rl'cl'ivI',
revie\\. parliclliarly a, there is little likeli·
h""d of his election. and accurate condu.
Are Taxes Terrible? ,lI,,1' A 1,1//'1/1" r!1 . 1\'/1/1/1'., II/'s ,.(/N-fr/l,.I;s.' sion' regarding his SOI'l art' readll'd rather
D" }'OU rcspeet puhlic "pinion as ;:In accurate 0"""',, I/f till {'ltil' ll/d /,),i/l III/llIinl', /Il1rl I" i/O Yllickly \\ith lillie l11ental dfl'rt.
At all~ ralt., till'. change \,hich ,uch an n\Tr- On till' 11101'(' practical feature.s of the case,
harometer of the nation's need, and arc YOll' I/"I,hr of II,,· NI'jIl/I"inlll /'/Irl!1 ii, I'l'IIII.,!!I'·/Uli/l
'whe~llllllg 11l1l~lhl'T of Illen and. \H'.men a.u.' Ihose \\ hidl directly aff(,et the halance shl'('1 allan' Ihat our \X'agner ACI was brOl;ght'
In any ('\'cnt, Ihe L)'C"i"8 Hullel,II g"I'S to
thorl~cd .certalllly warrants a fall', 1I1lparl1~11 in InJ11s of gain 1'1' loss, the New D('al secllls inlo heing as Ihl' result of 70 per (ent. of ollr
the root of the malin whl'n il holds Ihe
~XamlJlatlon, a do'e. can·flll study. and till" 10 bllck lip to Ihe tOllghl'st a5\al"l. if patience pel'ph' n'{-Jlll'sting a formal alld c1ear·cut
Alld what aholll till' Illan Anlwnherg, late parly's p"ll'ntal('" tll a slern acn'ulllaoility
:o?e man V('n.t1I1TS h' ,ay I.hat ~uch all un- is ('xl'n'ised in pulling everylhing i,hide-oul, f..ol11 Chicago. the carpl'toagger-stratl'gi,t of fl'r thl' pr",ent l'alldidalt's, making il plain
ddinilil'n of lah"r's rights and privilege" th~' (i. O. P., an individllal who i, alien 10
,~lascd exallllnatlon and IIltclhg('nt.study and il would not oe particularly diflicult, in Ihat il ha, 11(\ editorial sanction for thelll, ,
·hav(,' b;e~ made oy nol morl' Ih~n h\ I' p('r forum fa,hion, to mainlain the posilion Ihat
herl'lnfore a Illaclslrom of C(lnfu,i(ln anJ nlll·
flidS oe(-au,e of the wide disl"repancies In
all our' tradition,. 0111' cultllr", Ollr concept of ,Ind thnein partisan,hip is relcgalt·d 10 the
la~' and ,'rder, and wh"'e pn"('nc(' and 1,1\\ ('I' It-vd \\ hl're it oeillngs \\ hen major
:(ent. 0 t l"e will' fed outraged }' Ihe /H'\\' it i, the he'l ,1\'('nue 10 real profib and the Ihe law, of Ihe n·spective states?
~ot~ in the managcnH'll1 l,f Ihis hlessed I,m)st imprl'gnahll' defen'I' again'[ state au. PO'\ 1'1' in thi, cOl11l1l1lnit}' wOllld he a matll"- proolellls press ilH' sl,lnlion at a \'ery nllich
,Unlted States, : I"cracil", with their peril to privati· owner· of insi'lenl cnncern if il did not happl'n thaI pntllroed inlt·ITal.
Is il not dear Ihat the \Vagner Al'l is now
ship and individllal lioerly. nnw \\ithin Ihl' !1(' \\ a, the 1110s1 \'IH'ifI'Tl)II, (and Illl"t vi-
due for rl'vi,ion, a, might n'asllJ1ahly he cx·
If you fl·(,1 that is an I'ldr(,1111' l',limale. Ihe provincl' of the ou,ilH'ss ClHllmunilY. nOll.s) ,pokeslllan again'l Ihe constilllted all· nUl's Ihe e''''nce of tl1<' \'ie\\ p"int which
pl'cll'd in a \Tllturl' of such trial and l'xpl'ri- ha, heen essaved in Ihis adverti"'nH'nl, and
respectful reyUl'sl i, made that y,'u check th(,rily of 'HII' nation.
Illent, and an' yOIl Iwt mindful Ihat al last il "ollid seem'to have a particular and direct
~arefully e>n your own per'l)jlal l'xperil'nc(' Of course, that assl'rtil'll will he laughed we have the opportunity tll charter our .. . I aPI,lil'alion 1" Ihe p,'ll'nlale, of \\ hOIll I'lre
a,nd cnviTl'nlllenl and pause wi'll l'n Ihl' 1'('. to SCl'TIl and passed lip withollt a hearing hy Cllllrse lln Ihe hasis of actual I'xpericIHT, in •SlIl' I1 a 'orrv sllllatlon cert.lml}' shou 'd d stir'
/ll/lIeti" s!wak" for no !lH'n amongst "' have
$ult of Ylllir refll'Clions. tho,,' \\ 1111 han' short-,ight('dly "'aiI'd their fair and forthright manner, all achinTn1l'nt Ihat tl l~Hlg I1If U I ml'n an d wonH'n an d l'\'I elllT H
Ihe grave featllrl's of Ihl' ca,(' arl' not profited more Ihan dll'y have from thl' \Try
l11inds. and so will the statement that WI' are \\'hich would have hi'('n ulterl}' ill1possihlt- if (wi!lg ovnlook"d lies in the fact Ihat the rhings which Ihey t ..i.·d \'ainly to dinr!.
* * * paying far less taxes than we should he Ihl' design of the reform had heen more
young ladies in a nearhy colleg(' have hl'l'n Their Tl'nlll\'al fmm 'plll'res of inAuence is
paying if WI' had the right idea aoout sound cirCIlIl1-erihl'd at the starti'
and ,uhslantial progress. in"rrllcted 10 CI'nfine their new'paper reading lluile as mandalory as the r('jeetion of Oa\'i ...
J ustice-CIzarity Already Ihe history·men. with only the axe III Ihe New York '{i",I'S and Hl'Tald·Iriblllll'. and .lame' and tIwre is no dOllht of (hi ...
robably it should not he ,"ch a far cry Nalurally enough, no douht, tax('s are an- of truth 10 grind. are selling ofT Ihl'se six : !'xccllent result if patriols p"t fir,t Ihing...
.rom religion to polilies as il is, pal·ticularly I atlH'ma, de,spill' the fact they rcnder far IllOrl' \TarS of ,pl'cial cou(('rn for the comlllon mau The Fourth Estal!' in Philadelphia has indl'ed tirsl and refu'e to h(' divl'rted hy consid!'ra-
:Jien the principle of ju,li['(', sO earl1l"tly' service than any other expenditure we make, a' tlH' 1ll0,t definite contrioution ever made sl'('n 01'111'1' and tiner day,. : lion' unworthy of an American l'lcctorall'.
.r ?...

A Bus I

n e s s M a n's p Oln t

o f v •
lew • :'1

Published by Montgomery County Democratic Conunittee

For Peace, Progress and Prosperity, Vote the Straight Democratic Ticket
.. ' .~... .... .. . . ..... ;
;-. ,I , ". -: ','1;" ~ • ,-' ." • •; ;", ".~ ... ...
~ ;'"".'M .. , . ,,;"' __ ,,"?i.

October 28, 1938 TO"" (lml TOW~~HI P Page Three

'1(IZll1" Id' :\l(d:t~"'IIIIl,·r.\" l'llllll1y

Illlt\ \\ I,ll h:l\., :t I,rld,' III tllt'lr (·tlll

, •."i
('at llliial .... ) ..:11'TlI. fill" rl·J1ri·~t'II11'd 111'1'1'
I..: tllll' t,f th,' (illt . . l;l111Jln:! 4lrl.:;ltlIZ:l-

tlllll . . III thl' :-:Iatl'. :\('('11rtling" tll fit!"

lin', I'I"nl :\ \1 K,dp. ""l\l1t,' ,11111"1'-
Intl'llt!i'tll (If . . chlll,I .... tllt'rl' art· 1~1
.... '·11I1111 IdllldlllJ.!" It) 11'1' \\. tlll'll d\lrin~
tilt, 11:I"t .-{'IItH.! \1':11' ;ll'C'lllllllllld:ill,d

• I: I ,~t ',I'; I !. 1:: ~ I ! I ; II I\I r, 1'1 t f \I - (,

\\.' ,1 L1 'l \\. II fl : ....... " lll·ll 1,1 ( )111.\

~.;I~...' 1IH 111'1\;1:(
• ,Illi.-llt :ttll'll,kd

.... {'II"j,l~ It I 1111 ('10111:1,\ "tlllll~ tl.l' <!llli

111'1'1"11. 1. 111 tilt·:. J','n'\\l,d lll~ll'\lt·~ III11

frlllli 111~1 IlIa II' :11l,! :.!:It 1"1'11I;l}.'

t I'a,'\"'r,,
I :r\ II \1;\ \\ 1 ('11\ 1I'J.:l'. Ilf :tll lit" till

111 .... 1 Itlll11'f1- (If l.::.-rlll'r It-;ll"lllflJ.!. I" III r-

hall- 11\1' In,l-t ('~Jt-l;llldllll!. 11\ :111111 1;-.1
:--;I't~ ~ l al'- t,f Ill~tl,ry It 11:1 . . L'"l'"t'll

, l.dIIColl1I'll:1! "PlllirlllllltH''': III tI11111:--:1Ild"

Ill" ,\ (,1jlll.! \\ 'l11t'fl. ;tlld !la . . \..raITl(·d all
I'X,'t lit-Iii n-ll\lt:ll11111 tIlt' cll\Jnl~ 11\'l't"

'1'1,1 ('"lIt l.!1 \\;1- t'cllln,kd h~' \11'. .lll-

"ph \\, '1'", I",.,
"I" IIllrlln"I"II, :\"w
.1.·1""" I "r,,"l'l, 1",- \\111 '11 wiJi"h 1\1'
ll'ft tilt' j..!"r,·;lt,'r I,art td' III"'; pr'IIH'rl."
fill' ILt· pllrptl'-(' ld' t':-:.t;lhll:..~hlll.l! a ('td-
It·g(· f(lf WtlJllt'TI.

th.· t'xll1'ri"Il('I' tlf l"(dlt·~,,~

{· ... IIl)!

• '-'1('1, :" \'a-,al', Smith, alld \\""11,,,

1,,\, H,',
n :\1 a\\' I' ""llll'iiL-d a -,\'-t"m "I"
Illajl1r and 1l1ltlllr l'll'cll\'\'''- which W;l:-:

~i\'t'n tilt· llat1H' of lilt· (;rll,tJJl ,.:y:--l t oll1.

AIlI"n" t1l1111Y fanlt'd t"a('llI'r- '" th,'

> :-"C!loll! \'10':1."- t'x-11n':-:ld,'nt \\'IHlllrll\\
\\'11 . . 1111. wllt' frlllll 1;-':;-..;) 111 1,.. . :--.~1 \\';\- all

111-1 l"\\(·t I 11' i TI h l~tt Iry,

/1/,', 1I".\I.7'fI\' Sfljl8.'

. Til halalwt·
Ila\,'rl".11"I1 {'lllll·g"I·. (IIW 'If tIl, l'(l\lll-
:\la\\ 1", t Ilt'n' 1-

tr~" . . ttlP rankiTl~ ... "·bOlll....; fIll' IlWtl, atld

TI\(' dUct \,1I1j,-('1I'oI "II II", el",-s \\'ill
~ .. ralI'11 t!lt· lill"ly I,,,],-I"'d -urfa\',',
.·\l\\,ay:--; run wat.'" ll\-t'r th,' b'II~(' ....
fIll' Illan.' ~(';Ir:-; Illtfl·d f(lt' a hi.l!h
clf ~'('\Jl' ,l!\;l.-:-:":---: L"fl,rt' \\'1\1111':': till'lll.
"alil"" "I" "'<Irk. Ila",'rf" .. d \\'a,
found"d in 1,,:;:: as a !'I'sult "I' tIll' I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
t df"rl- of m"llllllT:- "I' Ih,· :'''''iI'lY of I Slutt· huurs 9. \0 10 5.30
Frwnd- fr"lll l'iJdad,·ll'liia alld :'\(.w:
Y"rk, 1""1' ll1all~' year, II ha, tl"ur-:
• ,,11<"\ 11I,,1"r ('an'ful and alii,· 1.,:\(1<-1'- i
shil'. Ilrin).(in).( ,-tud.'nts 1'1'''111 all parts,
of thl' .."untr\' 10 Ihis ""'ction,
I , , ,I
~<llt \\'('11 knowli to Jlld:-;t Cltlzl'n:-:. 1." i

• Hlllltlll'r (·du(,;ltitlnal in-titutltlll for;

ml'II. Th,' i'liilad"ll,Jlla Tlw"I,,~i.. al i
S"lllinar, "I" St. Charl,'- B"IT"ll1"O:
",lll'l'" 'tWIt-IIt- aI'" tittt-,J 1',,1' tilt'
pr"·-tl",,,,!. \1",',,<1 1'''''"1 1'llIlallt-lphia
tIl It ... pn':--t"llt 111(':lt illli ,ill:-t (1\'('1" tht· PHILADELPHIA
lilil' ill :\ll1fltJ!otllt'I'Y ('llIlllt,'" :It (h'('r-

• hreH'k. t IH'
hund,,',J ~'l'al"
i~ :-:li:!ht I~'
TIlt' ..,,-t "I' th,·
(l\"l·r (1IIl'

Ilri.:..'"il\al htlildlll~ \\':l~ ~1~1,1;li'--l; thl'

• sitl' i:-- part (If thl' Idd H{'lllillg"tClll (':-'-

"I Oth"r \\.·11 1"1"wl1 c"IIt-..:'·s in Ih.,
..ounty 111 .. lud,· !',',illll- 111 ('"II"l!"
• "illt- \,hi .. h \,," ",labli,!Jt',J a ,h"rt'
tillll' art"r lilt' Ci\·i1 War, \'illanll\'a
, .."II"j.!'· III \'dlanll\'a, alld th" H""'IlI"llt
('ull(',"" for Wllml'n,
III t!ll' ti..l<l of ~l'clllldar,\' f'du ..atilln
'. Mlllit).(III1lt'ry ,,"unty ha" almost a" im-
""Sill).( an array of pri\'at,· il1stitutions
a" it h:" .. ol"·).(l'~. :'\umllt'r.,,J amollg:!
th,'m an' selwols for ).(irl~ such a~ the,

• B:dd\\in ,,'!III1I! in Bryn \Ia\\'r, Ship- i

I,'~', and th.· lIaJ'('ull1 ,illni"r ..,,\J<.g:t';
1',,1' ~"UII" lI\1'n, Ih(' Hill "'\i",,!. "I'
" l'"tI~l"wn, f"und,~l in 1,,;,) I,,, R.'\'.,
Maltl,,·\\' :'I1.·i).(s, tl1\' ,·X-PI''',..II!t-nt "f
n.. la\\":\l"" \,,,11.').(1'.
C11ltUll111l :--;.choll} ('ducatioll n'acht'~:
, a~ far hack in county hi~t()ry a:-: d()e~
• pri\"al", Aft"r tht' War of 1~1:.' a d •. - I
('id"d inl'l'ea~,· was ~".'n in Ih.· numh"r
• of Pl"ll1('l\tary ur SUb:-:l't'ipt ion :-:Chll()t:-:,'
A,halll' .. n1\'nt ('"ntinu..1 up until IS:\.I

• wllt'n II fn'l' s('hool la\\' \\'as pa __ ,·d

and -rllI">!S \'an1l' und"r Hat.· juris-
diction aftl'!' till' county tli~II'i('t~ U('-
\'l'pH'd Ih.· pro\'i"i"ns "I' tl", la\\". By
IS;,"" ",'pry dist rid had ,Jon" -0, and
I ,:"
4' aeellnlin).( to 1'1'01"'''''01' AI,,·I Ramho,
who h"adt'tl tht' ('ount~' ~\'ho"ls n('a!'l~' [
u hlllf-... ·ntury a~", tlll'n' \\,,'1"\' 22:1

~('h,'ol ).(r:ld.·s, and 2:.'\1 malt· alld f,·-
I '
, mal,· t,·a,·I1\'I',,- with a mOllthly salary'
of $:.'1.;,0. alld lli.:.'7!) st\l(h'nt~. '1'111' ~
('ost of tuition for ('aeh pupil was
• fift~·-,'i).(ht ('('nts pl'r nHlnth! :

Perhaps 11 ('ol11pllrison wilh 1111', Stadiunl Star
pi't'~('nt day sehool system i~ not un-
• fail'; at !Past it is int"l'\'stillJ!, :,\" Sheared Beaver
Ralary in the county, according: to tll<'
• SUI)\'I'illtpn<!,'nt's report. i~ unde!' $SOO $450
for tllt' RchooI year, TI1<' incrt'asc in
studentR uRing public ~chools hus hCl'n l3e.luty of the brown furs.
Grcat shoulders swing this
loose box coat. Full sleeves,
• H. C. Fritsch, Jr. small round collar. Sheared
Fire & Casualty Insurance

Notary Public
A. M. Fritsch
Real Estate
beavl'r is a deep fur, warm
and sturdy.
Furs, Second Floor
109 Forrest Ave. Nar.4112-J
214 Bala Avenue, Cynwyd Phone, Cynwyd 81
" .. ~.~: -: ;' " .",.;.; .,.~ ",.'~
PaJ!.e Four T()\VN and TO\VNSHIP OctobeT 28, 1938

TOTlI Fl\\'/lf,d
(Jil(l TO\\:\SIIIP T 1 m e o u t Political Pot N ..\ R IJ E R T H
Jan1l's Cag-IH'y :1),,/ I'at o·Hrt'·II.
:\!"nday, "Thp Fir"t :\!rs. Fras,'r,": Birth of a Carloon."
i n,"irJ"nt of Cynwyd. speak on "The
Sketche~ were

I·'fllll·.! •. f
AF~'" I ' I' oJ
a.... f II

11\ fl,.- ~.l,l" 1", ('
J: T I ' \ \ ~ ~I !, d
/"·1111. 11: C"lulIli'la. I:l.
IJr,·x,l. 1.'-: .lulilata. 11.
I·CddllllJI·d (rl'lll I'agf' (11ll' i.llJly lillK{'d hy :\larit' \\'ibclll, },Hlt-
phonillg- :\11'". II. W. PO"t. II11v"rford, "usl:, g".,. us till' "('1'<'('11 n'r"ion of
"y St. J"hn Ervim·. i u""d to illustratp th!' talk. Annual
Thursdav, Rp\'ival, "Is Lif,' Worth i hall'lut't will be Novembf'r HI, at Phil-
tal ~·f·d I ' ...... ,,, :--"f \. ;,ddl1101Idl'\ . \ 1',1111'11'" .",,", 11'1. till' (;,·"rg,' A l>i",lt "tagt· "ucc'·s,.;. "Roy
I."w,·r ~!"rl"ll, 1 ~; Ch,·lt'·llhalll, O. {hI' .-';(·('I'l'tary !,
Living'." hy L"IJnox Robjnson, rt'ap-' a,jplphia Country Club.
1.(, \\ t' I .\1"1 I', II III \\ II ~I II'
• i :\!,.l't,; (;lrI.': . If, y.ou carp ~'~- thiS
• ,01., • ~
\·rilall"\·a. 1:\; 1>l'lI-oit. Ii.
)"'1111 eha rt<-r. ~l: Episcopal, O.
Y"UIl" 1{"I"J!>iI('all.- fl'l'Il1 ~1"ntgol11-' ~(lrt "f tllIllg j flU \'( In for spa.m~ of
p"arallc,' I!pdg'prow's "Irish g-roup."
1I,·dg-,'rn\\· poking' fun at SOIlH' of own
.\ \ , .\',1:1,,11' r.\·. C'!i,."t<-r. 1),.lawa\'(·, !lu('k,., and laught"r, for till' story IS "rtl'fly this: pr"d ucti "n ..; th roug'h Robi Ilson 's h u-

\:arl ... rth. II; (h"rloro"l;, O.
1'1". /"'III1-C"lu"J!lIa grtdir"n da",~ic
I'hlla,/l·lld'J:1 ('"unli,·" will 1l1l'l'l for an
. eagn"j' and O'Hri"1I are tw" utt"rly
pralll;i"h ,.;cn·'·11 wrtlt'rs. who wrtte
IllClrllUS railing- at "hpavy drarlla" of
I"""n and Chel;hov.
~l' ;1,01 '. \11;1' ,.'1, ! "lot';-., 11i;1: 1
:;alurolay pro\l·d "",. "f th,· g'1'<'atl'st allo!", ,·,,"f,·r,·IH·,· ton""T"\\' at tl1l' "lIappj· ... th,' :'1111 "f ~Iari,' ,V i1s"l1 , ,
III Al,IIII('II' 1:.\:.1 I" : , \ \ \ , [ ';,,1,1\\ \:.1,
1:,·II,·\·u,·-:;lr:ltf'II·o!. Th .. "Ilt,l'<' "Iat" into a pictun' Ilt'fol'<' IH' i, born. Said
Friday, 175th IH'rforlllallc", "1'11(' i ------,
ILl" I I 1"1 d. ~1, r 1" II ~1,' I":. l'ill~' :',: ,I t III th,' hi."tory "f Franklin fi"ld. Both EI11IH'ror' .1011",;," by Eug-"nf' ()'N,'ill.
'-1111, 1\. 11'11".\, 1111.:- j', ',;, \.IJII-\
tl·alll,":. or! t hi' ('llllll'IJ;!ck CrIJlll d(·ft'at:-i, IH·k,·t. IIl('ludln.t.: .Iudg,· Arthur II. "Happy" cau,.;,·s many complications This week-end:
\\ \1,11.·\\\",.1 Saturdaj·. l11atin,'!' and ,,\'('ning' p"r-
• ,day,·d-uch , .. i,·"titic f"otball as n'-
'ult- ,,"ly fr"nl k""11 ('oachlng- and
Jalll'·'. ano! l'nlt"d Stal" ,,,nal,,r indudlng' th" dimllll1l1'; e,f th,· can"'r
.Ialll'·' .1. l)a\'I". I~ "XIH·ct,·d to parti- "f th" ,.;tudio', priz,' star, and all end-
f"rlllanc,' "f "TIll' First Mrs. Frase!'."
lames Cagney, Marie Wilson

1-: 1111' r I" I ; I ,.... "'" " I,' J -. ;; I _~:-' III, I : :, I I " I::
11 d t .'\.<11 I'I-! : " I' t I
-up"rb t,·alllw",·I;. Action aple'nty ('Ipat,· In lh .. confcr('nc,·. ab" Janll's ing- in ac('ord with th,· n'st of th,'
F. T'dTalll·'·. chail'luall of th,· :'t·ni"I·1 pictu\'(·. I,·a\·,ng y"U ddinll,'!I' "up."
)',1 ij'ld, I
;lrld t"IL";(' 1l1ltllll'Tlt ..; g-alon' \\'('n' on thp
of ;I·:~ ~" ft·I,,(l,~.• I·r 1.0\11" : " , , : . ] • .j I • Of Rala-C~'nwrd on Tu,'sday night
I u· 7 -;l~ I lIWIJU flf thl' r{)()t('r~ \\'h" :-;a\\.' tv,,'O 1'·I·II"Ij('an~. !lancllIg alld a n'c"ptiolll :\!""day and TUt'sday, lIarold L!<,yd "BOY MEETS GIRL"
h,'ard Charle;; H. Sykes. cartoonist'
,·1'·\·'·11< "'Iuall,' akrt III ofT"nsl' and ill "·llId up tilt' day. i pay, us a w"lcon,,' VI"lt ill "I'rof"",or
for the En'lling- Public Lpdg-pr, and
I'rlJ.,,·. Octo!>!'r 2M. I 'i 1M dd'·n"'·. I H,·war"."
Monday &:. Tuesday
CI".lt'·lIhalil ,ulfl'l',·d It" fir,1 dd"at j Alld W .. dn,'"day - Kay Francis
"f Ih,· .-'·a'''11 at till' halide of Lowl'l' proudlj' utt"rs--":\!y Bill."
Harold Lloyd
Sapid Squibs \),·rl"". ,,·hJl·h II"" ha, tn it,; cn·dit For Ihn'" daj", Thul'"day, Friday
and Saturdaj', "AIgi'·r,." wilh S"grid
The ncw fall patterns tI1
1"1 .. \. .\1. F, ,( ..·rI, 1111'I'C' 1'llllf"f!'IH'(' win:-:.,
"Fair Play" "PROFESSOR
(;url(·. Ch:lr!,·, /loyn and ",'dy La-
Th,· I"." 1.\ 'adnpl"d ,·"d,· "f n'f"n''''s
II, I '" . I.' ,l,- '" (, ,', I{I _ I '1, ' all" -1\:1I,i1- pr'lIlli",·.- til 'I,,·..d up ic"
marr. :'\0 111"1'<' IH·,·d Ill' said than BEWARE"
\ II I, I, 'f 111, ,I 1I' " " h"d.'·j. ,·.!wcially fr""1 th,· 'I"'ctator's
.. ,.;up'·rlatl\·'· ...
Thl' Ltlfll' ~tar' :--Iatl'. '1'1·\;1..... 1'\\1· ...: \ 1'·"1'''1111. Th(' galll'·. fa"t b"fon', LGYPflAN
\'.111 II""· lI"t ,,"lj· tal,,· your brpath await YOllr delighted In-
it...:. ni('kllallil' tIl all all('I' .... tlll' clf tilt, Thi,; Fridaj' and :;aturday the· "MY BILL"
;""". 1,\11 ,,,u'll b,· abh· t" S(·p it Ipav- spet'lion-at most lI1odcr-
Trqut 111;111 .... l{II('kLllld .uld :\;ll"lwi th, I Eg'j·ptiall Tlll'all'l' I'n''''nts "Trllpic
II'" If II,,· ".,. I:' c"ld ,·)",ugh!
M'·II"I!. .\Ir. T,,,ulillall'> gl-'al aUlll Holiday," "·Ith B"h Burns. :\Iartha a(" priet',-al nil Ir Kav Francis
!{aye·. /lllrllthy· Lalllllur alld I{a.\· ~lll­
.'"I,n· lI"pl;ln" at lIa"·rford.
•JIlanlla Trilutillan \\a:-: Ju:-t a girl I.,·"'·r ~1<'ri,," at I'"tlstown.
land: A IIlu,ical cOlllt·dj· .
Fridaj' l1ight at lIin,· o'clocl; :I11111h"r
The Narberth 1':""t Thursday. Friday
Tl'xa;--; \\t'llt and Saturday
wilt·Jl Iliollt·t'!":--

I" fr'·,· Ih'·III,,·I\,·> frllill ~!'·XIl·all ruk.

III ttl \\at"
:'\ '\\.j. at I "'1111. ,Jitlt'rLug ClIlIlt'st will I,,· h,·ld lin th,· :i Men's Shop
Thl.- "a- III J,,::ti, the ,'''g'' "f th,
C;"III"L'"(,ttl\\'lI at 'TI'lllp}f', Eg-yptian',; stag-,·. Thi, IS tlH' s('clllld
Narh. 2:"72
l.aS;i1I,· at ~!. .1,,",·ph·,. lap (If a ti\·,·-\u·,·k ,·Iilllillatillll C'''I- lim Sianion
.\ hllll" 11l'1I1~ a I'art "f till' .-tl uggk. .";e~rid Gurie, Clrarles Bo)'er
I t('st.
:\ Land III' (;l'llq:Jall:-, .... yltlJ,atht·tlt· The Theatre IS ncar liS

\\\lh 11,,· .. aU.',·. Illarclll·d th,,,ugh "hat The Bounding Main I Sunday alld ~!lIl1daj' """11'S a n'll\·j,· and Hedy Lamarr
I qUIz pictur(', "Sma"dling 111<' !{ack,·ts,"
I~ floW '{'t·\.;l'" til Ullltl' \\'ltl1 tlil' :\llIt'j'l-

call.". ..\. llwj I'a-.-'·,j Ih,,,ugll tl,,·

h,· A. S ..1. Hon. James J. Davis,_U. S. Senator 'pl'l's('lItlng ('1)('st,'I' :\!orl'l', FranCl"
Ilepub'i(;1Jn ClIndidate '01 re· e'ection : :\1"1,(",),. Hita ,JlIhn,on and Brucc Ca-
tll\\11 \\lilll ,lllallll:l II\l·d. tIlt· gIll. Th,· '·"\llItr,·sid .. I" abounding- ill
1111"1",·,·01 ..\\Ih tlll'lr I"jaltj. 'XI"'--
(,d ;uld ;....:I'atltudt· II:.
l"allllf,Jl 'Ight..; thl" lo\·,·ly fall w ..ath-
,r. "hat With th,· I<-a\·,·,,; IUl'JlllIg I'<·d
I",t. :\ r"\Tallllg >l"ry "f ulld"rworld
; intrigu .. alld of II", ..tfllrl, lIf law ;:;··:;·~·:::::J~7.·:·::~ A 1,·JiOlH la,lk-.rretclrillf!, your own
!It'1' ;tj'il/q':atlllil c" rl<1I11.' L", 'H .'/,are YOU the
f'1"t'---l'll1lll~~ ;lli.] ~Id(kn hr11\\"1l. and th£' a~t()rs and ; "Il[lJJ'l'('IIH'lIt ag'('IIl'il':-' t(l l'IIIlIilat raL·I...- I· .• ;. J'- iJ.· '.\...... ,
tl!lltl a tlag- II\;JI\I' flllill :t
,·t'·'·rillg. • • ... tJ-, . ',. • ~ I
:--dL Ilt·tt ",'II;lt ..... 1'\\ lllg' 11/1 tIll' 1~;I~~ \111' l'lllt-r·",·,·t :lddlllg th"lr brighl c"l"rs
'" th,· I':I~,·alltl·j· "f wo"d alld gard,,". '1'111' Egyptiall Tlll·alr,· ,,·,11 hold it.- i.., '1
. - • tt
1 - -\. ~ .\'.-\
hUl!'· ,LlI. ~. \\',,'/1 .. I.. an )','ur nlrtain, nin·lv and
; alillual lIallllwe··,·n partj· ~I"nday. ,.\,
J •

flut "ur \,,1,· for th,· 1ll\·,·li,·,t "ictur" . ',' -··il - ---<'t,.:' ~ \., /
~~IIILl .\11/1;1, ffl"t· ... ldt'llt "f :\11 \'11'",
"I' :i11 g,,, ..- t" ;1 Irttl" Italtall girl all" ! u~ual. th,·\'(· ",ill !il' ca"h "riz,'s fllr .. .. ~, - - I ~•• h.... 'lrctch t/l<'111 cardlllly. hy hand. of
~ til<' b,·,t ..",tUIIII·'. I'll'. Th,·r,· will .
Wi!'" 1·:lj,l1il·l·d III :\]Ird, \\111'1,
'·Ollr,,·. and h.I\'· th"lJ1. starchy and
;'-.:(111 '1'1 \.tl ", lilJllt'1 II, \J -t, III, LI, 1 I .il'
I,,·r ,,·a~·oll full "f fI,,\\·,·!·s. ,rt· I""k .. d
al-o I", a"pI.- 1",I,I,"w. I ,i,· 'al 11I.t.: alld I I .
:." I pr"tt~. r('ady for )CPUI' hOIl1"', adorn-

~I. \ I II I I,
"lIl 11" \\\1101",,· th,· "tl"'r da, .IU,t in
;Jllllll (',1/ i - ;1 I f 1;111 ,,1 ;-..., I I ~:' .... "1
lill'" t" ",." th,· sliiall t,,·o-\\·I,,·.. I,·d af- fUIIII,· fac,' ,'''"1,·,1>. Fr,·,· cid"r al"! III en I.
.1 ;11', I I 1 '. (, r II:, t.! I tit" I ~' I; I I' J,! IJ t i l '
LIII·. dra" II l,y a whit,· h",·",'. ,t"p in i fa YlIr,--- a barn'] lIf fUll flll' all. If ., .\ -~:./:·:.:·I
i ylJll -, . ------~...:j
fl""1 ,·f tl,,· J",u .;,·. Oil th,· ,'·:rt of th,· ilil flllt carl' til C(IIIH' III C(I,-.:tUIIj('. LIC" c"rl<1iIl5 <1 .'/'CCi<1Jly
\1. - . 'j'I"lltll,:llt ,"jt
: ('(lIIH' all~ illl\\' ClTld l'll.ilty till' fUll.
\'. "~'''II 'al t I,,· ,·hlld. h"r curl, dark
;1 \\""':' I, 1 ill ·1 \ '1.1.1 ), 1
Tu'"day alld \\,,·dll,·-day. h:"tharll'"
\\11;1'11 li:l'! 1.,1'11,"01 ILlir II:- III"'. I"'r arill" full "I' "1""'-
I""U· 1'11L:hl 1... 01 alld y.. II",,· dahlia.". 1I"phurn and Cary (;rant \\·ilI n·turll NARBERTH HAND LAUNDRY
11l'1 :dlll1
1I,·r fatl".r wa .; ,tall,lillg: by tl1l' (':rrt. til tilt' Egyptlall's "or""11 111 tl,,· n·I,:I-
1. \.1 . .1 ill, 1t l . j t II I III I",· ClIllll·,jj· p}('tu r,·. .. Brlllglllg \' l'
] 07 N. Narberth Avenuc
:\lld 11ft ill" out lillII'<' "f till' I"llg-
.\1;11\,11. J';,"" ,l~i..ld I" IJlli~ I Bahj·...
"'1 \(. II,,· II:." ,·f II,,· 1:111,
-1'·IIIII}<·d I!ll\\·,·r" "hii'll J:r,' III I'r"fll-
l\!,·!vyn ])lIuglas alld "irgillia Hrue,'
'1"" III tl}<· b''''k "f th,· "·ag"ll. TIll'
( ; 1 I'! ~' : : ( I ' - 1 111' II; 1 :..' f 1 f t Ii 1. .....t.11
1:llk l!lrJ'> dadd,' r:ri.<,·~ tl1l' dahlias 1~;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~

"1' Il;l~

.... 111
111\'1 Ill',

\\;1..... a
·1 .1·.11".'
ill ;lut II \11
;t- a-loI, Ii,,,, 1" th,· \'·\:l'lab"· gardl'n
h ..ad th,· 11Iy."t,·ry ca, t III " ..\ rSl'Ilt' Lu-
JlIII 1{,·turJl~." "liil'h l"'1I11'~ Thur~day
fllr III,,· day IIl1ly. Fih" audll'lIc'·'
--Ii I
"h"'h fl',·d, hi~ larg'p falllilj·.
\\ I II , I ; I II. .1 11 :..' - . Il t III ~ t ;I I ' JIII\I '
TI,,·r,··- """ll'lhill!· ill th,· I"'illian('" i "Ill' III th,· pa>t ha I,· 1"'('11 thrillt·d: The
; :\lld .. hill<-d I,,' thl' IIl'r\l·-tillg·ling ad-
,,1' tIll' ,,,,,':1---0111 ;"'lIl1lt·tiJillg· III 1111' \\'ay
. \·,·"tlll·'·.- of till' -ulll'r-lIlilld of IlIj·."-
National Bank of Narberth
II,,· d'ad k,,,, - -"urr, b,·f"r,· till'
TIll ~LldJld,]I' ~1'1;q,IJl,,,I, .1.\ "I \\ lIlt!: :llld d:lll, \\l"'ll~' ('],'lld .... ~(·arllll('l" ,tel',· fit'lillll. Ar.-'·I"· LUJ>III. art· ill f"r
all II,.. :1l11"'II"I"k- II' 11"
11". fa",· "f th,' 111""n. that rl'- ·11:1. ': ;tn" . .
'allotli"r III,st"r, tr'·a!.

~t;tll ~ ',\"I II' Id'll'l·d I'IHI tfl ~l""" JI' I I I ' rld- ll ..... Jl:t1III\\(·"'II. i:-: allllcl:--t IH'I'('.
I lid,
Chairman. Hepuhlican Stat<· I'jllltl'l'l' ,"'LJII:--l'l'lllti(IIl"', at ~l fill' 7
• DCl'osits Insured undcr the Government Plan· I
('1'111 1,1' 111\"111 \"1111111 III' Illlt I'" I,ll' \r,· ha\·,· 1""I,,·d :11 "UI· Idack cat With
---I. -II:('!(III: Il\lt hi . . ']l'f'py gTt'('1l \·\t':-
Committee of P.'nn~) hania
• •
Illc,llth ....

art' 1(1\'111'11.
'1'''''·,,'';1111' I,al,it. and
(;"1 tIll'

• 'Ht'mber of Federal Resent ~ys/('m •
Bj .\. ~l. I:IUI-, 11. 1,11 I,,, ,,·('1.,·1-. \\',. 1111\" "atcill'd til,
I'I.""'II-t,l''' cal.,·full,·. I'ut ils ,t,·ad,·
..\1 all"'." 1I1""liIW alld rally at
Hr~ II :\la\l,,'I' Frrt' 11(1\1:-:1' {lllllltr-
.\"(111:' Ill'ighlllll':-- jllill a lOll,L;. • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convcnlcnce • •
M a 1 1 n
('lllltltl'II:lIJ<'I' 1.!'j\',':-; 11 11 ...:1.1.!II Iff 1))l"tall1ll\,-
L n e

S 1011""-' Bllt 11,,· 1.1l_-tl,· "f littl,· f,·,t ,."w. "n,kr tli,' "':Ilkr~"ii' lIf tl1l'

I ';, ~ "II III,· 1,"I.,·h ,,,,,I'. 111,' t\\·"t alld fall
,-,,\\(.,. :\I,·no,,-:'\arl"'rtll ('oun"11 ,>I'
1:'·I,,,I",,·a,, ''''"It'n . .Judg"· Arthur 11.
C'·~ 11:1:ll'l ICI,... t c,ll! \'1'11111!' (\'J.', • •\, I . "f all appl,· 1" ...1 t" til,· kit('h"n tlllllr; ('oll'tinUl'doll r':lI-~p Eight
thai t iii' I 1('lIl"I'r;II'~' ,,11'1-1' ,llIjl II 1111 Ill,· ,udd"1l g·lllllP-'· "I' a candl,· in tIlt'
wa .... IIlJIIH d ;11 111 ~t;lk. :llltl >\ :11 :l II 1\:...0' )"111\111 111it II'" !la\',' tlflt (':O:I':qH,d
No need for a •
Hg'Il, \\;1.- Illllhr (;\'1111:1111\' "llpr. ~ ,f" II· \\',. kn,,\\ tllat lIall"",,,"'1l i, ('oln-

for 11\'j'l :\ t','rlt\ll'~' :tr,d :t IJ,df, ,llld Ill~: alld ",. """\\ that th,·
eanlt' Itllt 1'1"\1111 Illldl'l; ;llld 11 \\ I"l'l
Boak,' Cart,'r, of th,· voic,' of dark
I."" I I.- flill (If pl.dz,·I" al1d walnu!,;; IIWI1:I(·,·. was host tn tIlt' B---" la~t
"""'1' JITTERBUG long trip for ,
~tay d""·II. t"rI:;,·. \\·11:;1 II, 1"·"lrI,·. "lid tl,,· atIlt' trtm"" ha\·.. 1.""11 rohl,,·d
w,·.. k. And ha n:-j·nu-Iwanl? - the·
/l---s '·lIt .. rtain Boa",' Cart .. r thi~
in('llJdit1~ I. ,-J II II ,II I HI \\1111 11\",' ill 1111 I l f pJI'(IUI·ttl·~, and l'lllwl1:-;. alld ~YJl:-;~' C"me 0111 atrd Root for •
ll l1 itl'd .....;t;lll,~. ;tll' dlIIIJ)..: tllda.\. :.!ltlll rallll'·II!.
\\',. 1,,1""· ",hat it'." all w,"')" 1':,'xt w"t'k: Boak,' Carl .. r·s
t llrn.
Your fa')"()rill'~

- - - - - - O n the Scre'·n-----
Hardware and Housefurnishings
anlli\'l·r .... :1I·~·

not ,:'.'·'lIg ··I,I',}1 Id,rll." 1'"1 ""rl;llIg

Ill' 1!l1'11' il\tkpI'lltj..n~·t'. l~
II Il:r< -tal·t,·d u" thinking' "f (llIr "TROPIC HOLIDAY" - We Irave all ,he Ilrill~s you need, cOllveni.·lIlly ncar.

Boh Burns Martha Ray
and h")Il1lg .\ Ill"ral f"r l'hllad,·I- ,old ~Iain 1.,11". alld its hi.-Inrit'. I'I'Y(I- PRINTING •
phialI'. Illliollal.,· tradlti"ll.';. 1"·.\:all r,·- ,r(· Prompt neighhorly s('rvice MONDA Y NIGHT AT 9 ENRY

,'alllll~· 11)l' ,t",·j,·.- ,,·,··d l1l'ard "f th ..
l!h",ts \dlO an' nati",·,.; (If Ih,·",·
"·I"·I'I·al,,,ut<. who Illig:ht rdurn to pa,' NARBERTH PRINTING CO.
Harry H. Hollar
Hallowe'en Party
Onr $75.00 Ca,/r Pr;;:e.•

('tHltlllljf--l'1 rt III J ';lI.:P f If It- Il- a "i.-it ~!"nda\· IJ1ghl. ,r,· h:l\·,· lOt) Forest Ave. - Narh. 2618 For Cl,·}·,·r C".'"me. - Apple Bobb;"1: 167 Bala Avenue, Bala-C)"lwyd Cynwyd 722

P;e Eati"g Race •

pl'n'hlh1<- 111l'1"h"r, "f th,· c"IIlJlally. th"rpf,,,'" "'1 U,.; a tll"". t" Ilirk. UII- All makes 01 bicycles repaired
,V Ill. II. :llull"r a, II,,· Bar"l\ "·a.; far bidd'·II. ill th"ir f:I\·"rit,· haunt, nf 5 &: JO 5 &: 10 FREE CIDER TO ALL ·1
and a"·a, tl,,' Iw.-t. II,· r"ally "all;,·,j \:r:l\·pyard". '·IIII,t,· hou",''; alld ,ueh- In Narberrh it's
off wilh th,· h"",,,,- "I' tl,,· ,h",,·. II,." lik,·. "-,, ;H,· !n"kill\: for a littl,' gl'('j' NEWTON'S 5 & lOe On the Screen
rnak,,-up a"d d,al",·t alld g·'·II'·ral stag" lady; alld a n·\·lIluti"nary· h"l's,' Bruce Cahot Chester Morris
-to-$l STORE
l'n's"l\c,' ",·r,· th.· hwh '1"'1, "f tilt' (animal ghn;;t;; ar,' \'('rj' int,·I't·sting "SMASHING the RACKETS" .,
all fi~un" I. I"'rhaps ~!ad .-\ II tho n j' 0pPos;te Ihe Sialion
('venillg-, Thallk g-ruldlll':O-."; [II)'

anlat(~Ur actor whll dOl':": 1I11t II\·t'l'cln a \\·aj·Il'·. and who 1;111'''·...; \dwt ot!1l'r".

charactl'l' part' Rut, gl'lIllf' \'('ad,·r". ".,. shall 1'1'\111'11 ::s
;. sa t : '. .,j'•• jMfFW' g
\\·ith till' g',,"ds----Il"n'· "th,']' thall "x-
.l!iOliOZW'.l •
A f,'''' g'·II .. ral C""II111'lIt, "II tIlt'
playa" a wh"I(,. "-,, W"J'{' I",t J>I,'as,·d
rlu"i\'" jnte'r"i,·\\s \\·ith th,·s'· di.";"IIl-
1",,1 i"<1 I"'r';lInal it i,·". SII 1;,.,.1' ynu r
e ,
with th,· 11I,,·,'r-lIliddle-l'la'" :lJ'art 1Ilt'lIt
of th(' Prillt'". TIl<' ri,e Ill' II,,· t'ur- nick,·ls tUllt·d t" thi, column long
abllut IH'Xt Thuredaj' and we will «,11 Be#Gee Wu.tee WetdW I
S~',e Mo..et- BNt I_ ·
tain was (','rlainly on an ""l11pty"
stag-I'. (;Iad th,' prllgralll t,"d u." it all, if thp faIl'S a 1'1' willing'.
wa~ a "/'rirH"",,;" u!,artlll('nt.
Bdllkill~'J B.. ~ill7lill~_~
" ..
Wlwn will IIctlirs rpalizf' that '1 It·,,·
, -
\\"'J'{' Iracl'd al Hala-CYIl\\'j'd-="lar-
phon" conversation is not a III 0 II 11-
Ill'rth Rlltal'j"s 11I1}('h"lIn Tu,'"daj' loy
log'u,,'! Why not gin' th,· pt'rSIiIl 10 ll"wa,.d C. Il"il,·. ('a"hj"r IIf th ..
wholll you are talkillg a chanc" til say
Trad""lllan', :'\atjonal, Philadelphia.
('1'''1'''11". ",ho fir,t ,taIllJl"d his mark
Sweal' cllnvincingly, with .3 go",j. 1111 gllid ingot.-, wa, Illl' first ~uccess­ EGG TOP NOTCH
round, Illouth-tilling oath! Don't Ill' 1'111 hig-lilll" banhr. it se"m~. •
so DiIll'tante! The audi('nce catche,.; (1'11' F"d"ral R"""r\'{' Sy"t"m b"g-un
your hesitancy and embarrassment at 1!Il :1. wlwn Wi Ison was pl'('~ident, alld
~ffendillg' their g-ood taste-and tht'ir D"po"it Imul'anc.. ($5.000 protection

good taste is offended more by it than fol' "at'h individual d"positor) was in-
by your words. aug-urated 19:1:1-:l.'i. How bankers are'
Finally, we recommend, as part of illlproving- ~tandard~ and personnel·

the rehearsals of every play, a few was d""cribl'd by Mr. Deilv, who lold
setting-up exercises for the whole of I he Grad ua I~ School ~f Banking-:
cast, Teach them how to walk, how and the American !nRtitute of Banl(-
to stand still and, for g'oodness sake, illg-, wh"l'e he teaches. I
· .

§~~~~6F~~L~ ,~r~~
teach them what to do with thns.. :-':('xt week's Rpeaker will be George: ALLEGHENY 8400
things that hang out of their coat CaRe~·. secretary of the Big- Brothers
sleeves I . Association, telling about "Aid to' GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO.
DIANA. Wayward Boys." I I '1
. ~~

"."': ..... .:, 1.' . ',;. ....:.:.:.'

.. :

rOWN (1m! TOW l\SIII P Page Five

October 28, 1938

Help Sought The Churches Mort' Nt'R S 01 thc Churches Wolnen's Club Borough School
III'. II. ~t,'wal't Pattprson, youth
• kad,'1' In th,' li .. ld "f t,'mp"raIH't', will J',·,/(ht'.< (;udl of 100 III
1'(HllifllJPd frOTTI "fia.:.· ()rle

IIv Narberlh EmerK,'nCY Hc/If'f. 1/1E PRESBYTERIAN C/IURCH

.'I"'ak Sunday - - \"'orld T" II1 II1'I'alll'" N"R-IHelllber lJrin' ""',- :II'c1 th,'ir dallg-,·I'':. 11(' ,h'l\\"d'
I{,·\·. Arrlwr A. And"r,:on, Th. II.,
H/tmmage Plan/It'd
~unday at th" Bala-Cynwyd :\1. E. 1'_ hi' Ill .... ha II Il'a I Illall, and "how,'d, ANNOUNCING
Chur.. h, for ~unday School and chureh
TIll' Comlllullity Cluh will ..""'Iorat,, iJ"", lIarcotic" tra\'('il'd throug-h th"l
« '",,11'111/11. d) H,·\'. John \'an :'oi.'"". D. D., I'a~tor I""h' to till' hrain. II" :tl.-;" brought i Th.. n.. w hom.. of our Ardmore
g-Olll): ,,\'1'1' till' top III ll~ e1rl\'" for IIlIl
A Ii"ard m,·,tlng- of till' :'\arlll'rth; At th,· Baptist Church, :'\arl)('rth 1l"\I' Il1l'mh,'I''' at th,' r,'g-Illar 1111'l'llllg- alol;g with hilll hi" t"llll"'rallee trail,'r i M,lrk('r, jusl opposit .. fonner loca.
Em"rg"lIe\ 1{,·li"f wa" h"ld at tli,'
:1·1:, A. :'I1.--£1ihle S .. hool. . and Ellllwood a\,('nu,''', Ihi" ~unday' TlJl· .... da~ at t\\"11 (j'l'IIWK III the' l'llill III which 11<' ba, tnl\'"I,'d tift""11 tiJou~_1
tion n .. ar Slrawhridge and Clothier
11 A.:'II. :\I"rning- Wor,hip. S,'r- ,'\'''nillg at ",'\,pn, ~Irs, John Killian lI1ullity "Uilellllg-, alld :\11', . .I'h,'plllll" alld lilli".,. At 1I''''lItlnj(' 11l' took .. hd-,
dr"11 throug-h it, "howillg' th .. 111 ,'\','ry ~
homl' IIf :'111'-. EIll'rhardt \1tll'II,'r, Tu,'--
III"n hy tIl<' l'a,I"r: "Ttl<' :'II ('",ag"" of: will g-I\''' an illu~tratl'd lecture on hlOr II "pwood will 'I}('ak 1111 "CllIT"1l1 Slor... 1'1,111 10 SlOp in for !lOme
d'l\' Thi' 1,I'Hr·d ('lltl'-l<.:t~ (If fl·!ln· ... l ·11 : I h II I and t't1nll'r. E\'('rynll(' ~1'1'1111'd r.. al IlOnw-made '"usag.. , scrapple,
'-' \l,,'ah," T,'xt: "(lut "f t 1"(' " a 1l' trip to C"ntral America. Th(' public E\\'nt, fr"m a \\'oll1an', I'oillt "f 11lHIK

t~lt 1\"" f""111 local chllrc"",' :'III',., ,"'Illl' f"rth Ullt" nl<' that '" tn I,," i:; in\'it"d tn att('nd tht' talk, which i5 \',,'w. " to '·II.i,,~· hi" talk. alld ""I"'clally till' .-ornm",ll mush, fresh cider (made
('r,,,,k frolll th,· :\arh.. rth napt"t:: "u!<-r III bra"!." :\Ii .. ah ;,::!. II A.' und('r au"pic"" of tht' wonH'n'~ a""o- TIll' !l'11 \'oh'd illto lll"Il1I11'r,hlp hy t I'll' thrtlug-h th .. tr:lI1.-r. daih), crunchy Win..sap apples,
Mr-. :'Illl'k!<-y', tl,,' l.utlll'ran: :\11''-'' \I ,Iullior Church, dll','ction of 2\lr""ciation and thr young" pt'oplr'~ organi- tl,,· I"'ard la,t \I'",'k, ,'Ollll'il'tillg- till'
1I"lli l"tI/'II/s or hom .. -mad.. bak..d ~oods, and
Eo\',',', tl1l' Pr,·-ley t"rl:lIl; \11". lIarn- I ""h\·. II A. :'11.-- Chilelr<'n'- nurs('ry,' zation. \11'''. Killian, "oeial worker total ",t by tl1<' m,'ml"'r,,hip ""111111 It
()II till' 1 Sth, :'>11,,, Dal,' alld six- 1,lk .. a look at our new surround-
<1"11, tlH' :\I"th"dl-t, and :\11'-. Th"l11a, "Ind'··r .'UI"'I-\,I-llllI llf :'Ili,- Tibh('n. and ..ducator, is a mf'mbrr of the !t'" la,t y,'ar und,'r tl1<' .. halrnwn,hlp
t''4'n pupd" \\'('lIt illto "Ill' tlf til<' .1"-
II. Hulf. th,' All ~:lInt-. ';1:, ('. :'II. --TI1l' Chri,-tmn End,'a\'or'national honl(' mi",ion" h"ard. of :'III',. E. B. IIn"klll". al'<': :'III'''. L.
partlllt'llt ,:t"I'1'" ttl ~"" till' lI"pi 111-
\11''-. :'Illll·II,'r, chairman "f th,' nll·,·tlng-'. Till' :;"lIior Chri:,tian En-, 1':, Blug"t'rlllan, :'III'''' C. \\'. E. Clark,', e1lal", a I'udcl" tnl,,'. Th,' ehild!'l'll
board, :1('I">lllt,'el th,' f"llowlng- com- ',,":1\"1' m""tillg \\'dl h,' conduct,·d by Th,' ladi,',,' aid of tht' :'\arht'rth :'III'''' Loui:" ,I. Pratt, ~I",. Edwill T.
'a\I' c,cI"I',·d IlI'ad.-, Il,'eklae,'", Icran'-
mitt"",-: In charg'" "f elothing. :\11'''. ('''d Ir\'ln,·, at whidl tinl<' a :'>11'>'. Mdhodi"t ('hurch will ha\'t' a sal" of \\'olf, 1\1 1',. Louis n. W,'i"g-nbl'r, :'III'''.
!<-I_, alld olh,'r artiel,'.-; iliad .. Icy th,·
Mickit'y' alld \11'" H"y'd; way''- anel T,,~ 1,,1' will talk on I'al",tin .. u:'lng" hOll1e-m:,,!(' pa"tl'y and d"licat,'s"t'n, 1I,'nry H. 1I,"toll, :'III". IIl'Ilry II.
Illdiall'. Th,' II "pi ha\'" two Ilalll"".
m"an,. :'II,·,. Cr,,,,k alld 'II',. lI,rtf: I,d,'- llf Ih" country. Saturday' th(' fifth, at th(' Sun Clt-an- 1I0pklll', :'111'''. Rol"'rt F. IIlIng-"r, :'Ilr~.
"I'" J-:1Ig-li,h alld th,' otlwr Indiall. FARM PRODUCTS
Chri-tnw, Ioa-k"t" th" :'111". ll11yl<-, ..\1 th,' Y"11ng- 1"'"1'1,''' Chl'i,tian "1'.', l1l'xt door t" th,' F"r.. ~t S,'r\'icr II. F. WiI""x alld :'111'-. \\'iliJalll A.
TIll'Y Il('rf"I-II1<'d IlIallY dallc,'''' but th"

~h:I\"'r, :'Ilickl"y allel Cr""k, alld 1>l11e·
liclty. :'I1r'. IIarnd"n.
I'Jan- \I'"re' Ill:"!" III h"leI a nllll-
1·:"e1"a\·llr m"dlllg J)llrothy Tlbl)('ll ~tation.
\I ill I", th,' J<.a .I l'I', alld Kay Luk"n-
\\ ill I,r..-,'nt th" t"pir. "(;".1 tl1l' Trin- ~Vomcn'.< G/tild NOI;cc
1,a nd\'oight.
:'III',. II "pwood, <lII"'I'tor ,,1' th .. Cit 1-
z"'hhip ,d1t>ol of 1).. lawan' ('''llllty
ll!ll' l'nillY('d ll1ll ...:t \\'a~ thl' hllll!' dalll'I'.
III which th,'y h,,\\' d,,\\'n and thallk

t h,' 'Ilak,'", wh"'h tlll'y' \\·'lI·~hlp.

• magt· ~alt· tht· :-1'CtlfHI wl'I'k III ~'ll\"I'lll-
tIl,!,. ){,·,leI"IIt- "I' t"l- "',·tl,,n a""
a,I,,'e1 to .'a\·,· tlll'lr 1'I11Ilm",," 1',,1' 11,,- "",,1.
il~' lIi:- PI'r:-:lIn and Il£'ity."
- I:, 1'." :\ad"'l'lh', lIappy Blbl.,
"'1'111"" I.y till' T'a,tllr: "Th,'
( '''llln'!l1Ilrrl)

tIll' "'''1111'11'' (;uild "f th,' :'\arlll'rth

alld (),·Iawal'l' eOllllty ehairman of
Th,. r,'gular mOl1thly' I1H"'tll1g of 1,'g-I,lat lon, g-a\'" a "hort hilt "u"h a dy'-
nam;" t,"k t",flll'<' II", :\al'h"rth ,·Ill"
ill'. Ilr"n'''II', Iltt!<- .-afdy· e1"g-.
KlI",,·lIi, \·i"it,·d ,:eh"ol la-t \\,·"k alld
l~:l\'l' pnl~ral1l~ Ilutdelll!" alld III tht,
wortll\ ,·au-'·. It can I", tak"n t" Elm I ".'I"'II-atl"" "I' I.a\\'." T"xt: "\\'lwTl'- I'I'",h\'tl'l'lali Church willI... twld ~o­ W"l1ll'lI la,t y,'ar that t h,'y' :"k,'d fill' ;tlldltllt'llllll. With 11\1' :llcl IIf ~t'\'t't1 The TOP ICER
lIall, anel \1111 hI' gr,'at"· :1J,pr,·cial",j. 1"1',' Ih"11 "·I'\·"t" 111l' 'Iaw': It wa,: Ilt'r }"t'tIJrn. SIlt, 11l'[Il'\"t':-- III Illl llf!('('IO-
\'('1111,,:1' :\, I~l:\~, at till' chureh, fr"lll e1\\arf- alld Illck \\'llItIlW, eal't:1I11 "f
TIll' :'111'-. H"\·'T. B"y'r1, CI',,,,k, :-;,'h"lIk "e1,j, eI 1"'C:lII," llf tl'an,g-r"ccl"n" till talll t"rll1' that It I, a w"lllall'~ duty
and Huff aI" III char;c'" II" ",,'d .'hollid ""Ill" I" wh"lll th,'
III A. :\1. until :; 1'. :\1. SUl'gieal
to llll,lt-I"talld tl", nati"nal alld illkr-
th,' ,:tf,·ty patl"cI. REFRIGERATOR
c1n·~:--:in.~:--: alld g:arllH'nt:-.:. f"r Oll' h",,- 1'lIor:m: ,IA:-;E J-:/"t'r;:,o:-;.
Til(, l"f·JIl'f ()r~allizati(,n 1~ 11111 lH'r l,rc1tlll"':I' \,~,'a:-: oladl· ... (;alatian~ :~:11l. 1,:lt"'llal political situation. ,.
pital will I.. , made.
C"lIt \·"Iullt"'·r. TIll'n' an' n" pa,,1 Tll,'.'day·. :\"\','ml,,,1' I: ~ 1'. \1. __ 1I,,,t,,,:,,,,,, for th,' day' \1 III I", ~I 1'".
:'111'.'. C. II, \\'oolming'ton will 1'1"'- Panhdlenic
worK('r- find "" "\"'I'lwad '·XI"·II-,,,. all Th" C"lllllllJnity Bih1<- Cla.'.- tall~ht (;, \\'. Orlh anel ~lr" A. n. 1),0",1. Th,'
,id" a, I'l'l'"id"nt. \11''', C. S. Willliot .. llIh "horu, will 1l1<'<'1 at Oll\' o',·I"c1, T"t' 1'''i1a,!<-lph,a ('lty' l'anh"II,'nie a1ld
11<-111 ..; -ul'h a- -t:llll)", t"I,·ph"n,'. t I':ln,- loy :'II i" lIarri,nn.
w·ill ha\'" chal'g'e "f th,' pl'ng"l'nlil oil ('Iule h,'[d, a ,:oclHl Illl,,,tlng thi, Fri-
pnl'tatillll. t·tc., an' p::lId h~' till' \\'prk l ... f'I)·(' t h,' 1l1 .. l'lillg- ill tlH' L"g-ion ro"llI
\\,,'dnl',da~', ~"v,'mh('r :!: ~ P. :\1.-- (St,'w·al'd,hi!,l. :\11'" A, F. IIi t.: hy fill' ITh .. al'"al ulld,'r :'111'-. \\'. R. t;iil'~, e1a.l· al ~ 1'. :'II. at th,' Kappa Kappa RELIABLE ICE SERVICE
,'I" th'·m-"I,,·-. Th,' :'::lI'I"'l'lh \',,11111-
Th,' :'Ilid-W",'k :;"I-\'Ie,', our Pa~tllr w'ill h,' d"\·,,ti'"l:\l kad('r. \Ir,. WiI· IIlIJ>I(' chairnlOlli. (;;llllllia IIC,ll:--t', >::::.!:~ \\'alnut ;..:tn'l't,
t'·t'r r:!llt'l'g"fll"~ Hl,jil,r 1:-- l'lInnl·cll·r\
I, ':"'11I1Ig- till' Hook "f .J anH'.'. liam :\liI!.' alld h"r (,irch' will ~"I'\'" ('llilaell'lphia. :'I1r,. (;,'n"\'i,,\'" :'Ilax-
with 1111 (Ith,,1' t1rg'"anizati(ln, and their
ainl i:-: tIl jll'lp thll:-l', \\"1111 af''' in t"I11-
TllIlT-day. :\o\·,'ml",r :\: 1(1 A, :'II. th,· IUllclw"ll.
hft.1 -t w" 1l1l'IlJi,,·,'- "I' tl", Iitnary ",,·11 \I',1i pTl'-"IIt IIl'I' pictul'l" unel Chester G. Jones
I" :: ('. :'II. \\'"m,'''', (;u"c1 :'II"<'1ll1g Each Clrck chail'lll:ll1 I' !'l''1 u "t''d gl"'"1' "I' til .. ,·lliI, at :'111'-. ,I,,~q,h (·I1 .... l1ln11'.'- 111' ("ZI'ctH,,,,lf,\'akia to tht,
porary 1I,',·d. alld \\ 11" nlu,t Ill' hl'lp,·d
:tt tl ... Church. Th" h"-tt,,,, will Ill' ,,, n"t If\' :'III',. :'II ill-, wh",,' t,'I"I,h"IIl' tnt'lllht'r:-:. nlany of \\'!llllH an' 1"1'."::'1- 200 \\'""dhillc An., Narhrrth
until ~ulll" f'I'rJl1:ttll'tlt plan (':lTl 1w (;llrl,a,,- oil Tll,·"lay I,,'al'd :'111'-. \\'al-
'11-. \\'''11:1111 :'11"1, and till' <I"\'"tl"nal 11l1lllh,'r'" :'\arl ... rth :!!I;,:\.J, loy :'\"
wO"k,'d "ut. :\laIlY' "f t Illl-" I1" I I"" I , 1,.:,,1, kl' ~11 .. hel" HrY'1l :'I\;I\\'l' ""Iil'g-,', tall, '!<-rlb "f til<' :'Ilain LilH'.
I. :'III'" :\. S. !Jig"Y· Pholle f'iarherlh 40'58
r"pay' tlwir "hlll!all""'. \,lll'n. and II'. '"I'llllwl' 1. E\('l'~' 1l]('111114·r 1:-- ur{!(·d t .. lIJl Ilaul Ylnl'I'llt ('arrtd'~ "~'I:ldll\V
YIIIIt" flf'\\.... ,,It-a-t·, Ij~' Tlll'.-d;l~·
th"y aI'" ah1<-. .'\1 Chl'i,tll1:1- tilll" at t"ll'l. alld :-;1I",lall""." Carrol', c"lI1pl<-t"
NARBERTH IIfT-THODIST IIIg-h t 0" \\','dll",eI"y' al till' lat".,t.
ha~kl·t:-: an' J!1\'I·tl til t hi' n,·~'d\' :Ind EPISCOPAL kllowl,'dg'" "I' till' II'I"h ",,"Ill' allel
toy .... an' prll\"HII'd fl,r thl·ir ('1l1Idl·,·fl. I'~I'\. \\'. \"'1'11"" :,>licldl,'lol1. ,"lllli"tl'r
C Iu b Colunlns ""Illl'dy w,' ... ' point .. d "ut and th,· d"pth
"I' hl.- play' t"II\'Ill'd Up"ll.
~i1rll('rth IH'ld ... ~IIIJr h f ·lp. and ~lIllr ~lilld;I~·. (h·toIH'r ::11: ~I.-I:) A. ~1.--
(";[ ... t-II/f C!c,tiJlllg'". fUrJlltll1"l'. alld tll~'-: (·hllrt·h ~chptll. A. ~l,- \l()rtllll~ Th,' IIl'Xt lll''\'tlng- "I' th,· ~-r"IIP Will
will rll;tl'i.,' "'('111" ]1':-": fl,rlllrJall IWI"--"11 \\ II) -illfl, ~("rn)CIII
"Til" \":Ill1l' of
1 Ire ~J'o",a1l'.s Cillb 01 Rala-C)nwHJ 1,1' at til<' h"ll11' "I' ~II'-. T. I.. \-:\'al"
TIll' h"llll' d"parlm"llt will m",'t at \\'Ith ~11'-. S. C. Camph,'l1 and :'111'.,.
h:lJ'I'Y·· , i" :-tl:'" h·ll"w-hll'." 1;.1:, I'. :'II.
till' ,,1,,), litlll'" :!.:W 1'. :\1, :'II onday. 1\":111 (' 1\ 1111 Il:- :1": {'(I-lit )...:1 t ·...: ... 1·:--.
\lr~. \1111 IiI r '·lil.'rLljlI111~" tIlt 1111. l'll\l,diatl' ~lfld :,,'f) 1111 Ep\\'llrth

BI'(I\\llit ('j,d, 1t,t1:g-lil ftd Ila1It,\\t,'I'11 I, :t1.!ljI--
dllll1"1 :'Il:lry I-'Iach, 1-'1:11"", Hr,'\IIl. ~1""lal :'IllI-i,·.
- ·1:1 II. \1. :\ ~,'r\'l('" Ill'
TIll' :'IllIli,\<'r \I·tli
\I'h"ll '11'.-. (;. :'>1 :-;itfl'l'ly·. chairman,
\I til 1'l'I',,'nt ,Iall" I""li,' Kift. talking- H'·I'''l't., of th" :""Illal ""rald TI'I-
Costumes Novelties Candies
tIll "~lJ("(,I· ...::-- of ll(lu:-:l' Plant~." 1""':1 IJUlll' /"(11'11111 t i n ('lIlTt'rlt pl·,ddt·1l1:---. Iwld
\'irg-Inia Ew' II. (;,'rt rtl'I.- H,IIZ . .10-,," I" :t\.. "11 "Th,' ('III'I,t 1:11' Int'l'!'n\;l-
willI", "'n·,,d. III :\,.\\ York. 1'1"'111 ~II'-. F. :\. FI"yd,
Mill,'r, I-:UC"II"1 Th:IY -,",
H"lt7. alld :-;,,, ('Ii"-I"",,. Th,· t.:111-
.\11""'(;1' ,,,,, .. ,. T"l1lJ"'I':II,(,,·.
'1'",·-01,,\, :\"\('1111,,·1' 1: - I:, 1'. :'II.
~1 1'-. (;,·"rt.:'· J-:"ll'r-"n H:"'n'" will '1"l'i"ll. d,·il'gat" fr"nl th,' :\arb"rt Ii
talk tln ,'urr""t ),tlok' "nd :'11111'11,1 \\'''111<'''', ('111i,. -tat" that th,' growing-
an' (jIll' (If til,· ~Itl\ql~ \\ ilt, ("1,rll'·lll\lt(· \l:lifl t.I,ll1t' 1.t':t,Jt.r-hi!' TraIning
Fr""k, "Iani,t, will play', at till' Illl'l'!- 1llt"I(1l't' td' fl1rt'Ig-f1 Hi:--!n ...: ... ht·atl·t! tli:-:- 224 Haverford A n'l1I Il' Narherth 40)
to till' f'llll'r~'·llt·~ r.llt r \\'lq·k. :--:('hlll.}.
"'t.: \\',·dll'·c.day·, whi .. h i, ill ch:trg" "I' \'11 :--",11111:-: 1'111' :llll! ;lg":llll",t ('11l111)111",c II'~'
.-\1I"th,'r m,·,'t"lg- "1' till' .-IXt,,,," \\·,·dlll,-,I",·· ," ('.:'11. 1:,\·. :'Ilau 1,\",
th,' lit<-r"tur,' d"!Hlrtm,'II!. :'111''-. (-:. B -Jl'kn"~' in~lll'alll"', alld t II<' Ill"'" fnl'
W(lIlI,'n,·ont,·,I,,,t"l- t" tIll' )'l,lll'f w"rk. I,:. r.,·\it. "f the' FiI'th :,tr,'l'! :'II i", ion.
I h' \- J!hi~" c"a i IlIlun. k,·{'"iJI~ the milHI of th" lIatioli youn/.r
\\hll:-:l' n;llllt,~ \\"l": 1l1,'fl:iIII11·tlla.-t \\'('I'!' 1 .. \ ill ",p";II, :1f1ll",;\;c,W 111/ltl l l11 piet Urt'~
La,t Friday nig-ht thl' Cluo 1l1<'1l1- \1,'1'1' Illg'hlights.
in thi, pal" I. \\ill Ill' h..Id n"xl :'I1"n ".t' iii' Wllik.
day' at't"r"o"" "t '11-. (;"oI'g" :'Ili"'l-
('n('r·~. EI1l1wll/OlJ ;1\·I·lllll'.
'1'1"1",,1,,,': ~ 1':'11 \\""Il"Il', :'Ili,-
II"':II'~ ~"t·lt't:\ j~t tilt, hCIJllt' (If ~lr~.
1... 1'.,' hu-hall,b jllil1l'd in a dam'(' at
\I·hll·h :'Ili-" Lueill(' Stoddart',: ,",'nior 1'llCI"
I,JI1"tatioll- 1'1('1"," Ul' at th,' eOllf,'r-
.. Ahu\'l' all. :-:tllJl ('lJlnnllJlli:-:t i('
The Great Outdoors
danc" l!1'''Up Pllt tln a floor "how, ·11·11\111.· ... lin ~1I\Trllnll·llt !ll'cljPCt:-: ti-
II, ", \ ..\. FlY". r, I~, I' :'II. .I UII i II l'
"lIi-ttlry' "f daneing within our m,'m- i;tlltld Il~ taxi· ... frlllll liard \\"llrklll.~ If ther(' i., Oil" ,,'a~')11
I,nd Y"IIIIg- ("'''1'1,,'.- (Ii"i,·. "1'.:'11.
Keep Streets Clear ,"1,,,,,' (ldll'al'-a I.
orll". working up frtlm old-,ty·!t' lllclpll" 1{t'l'rt·.--1nt:tl jYI \1;trt In Iht·:-:: "f th" )-' ..ar "h(,11 ~'(lU
\I' a It 7."" thl'oug-h turkpy trot alld "TII\' tiJl'(I!"~' td' Ill:tllltaillirl,l! prll'!'>
:--:.1111rc!;I~. :'\t'\'t'ntlwi ;1: ~I:\ \1
() fI:lii /,1,1\ e .. s' (,n" I: 1<., <'''ar,,",ton til til<' Lamlll,th \\-alk, :llld \\:1),[1'- t!JI'tHlgh >('al'("lt.\· I'" raj feel il1~pin'd I" r"pn'-
:11111'-' :\It! ~'I('ll't\ 1:;Jk,' ~;Ill·.
l ·r~ .. d III .·!,dmo,,' Bri<lg-(' wa,: had al"o, but nearly (1\'''1'- l:n·,'O\'··.. IJr. 1:,01 ... 1'1 ..\. :'Iltlllkall ,,1' dUte Nature 011 cat1\'a~,
I"ok,'d a" 1I,'nry' E. Sharp, M. C., (. I. 'I' : "\\'hY' ,hlllll" th,' gll\','rnlll,'lIt i, th(' Fall.
nu,illl'-' ,,"e1 I,r"f,--,. 1",1 1',,11, Ht'\' CI"tll" A. ~,"ft. Pa'tor 1".1 "ff on ('nc(lJ'('~ of thf' F:ng-li"h -111'/111 li\'t' 1I1ill1 1'11 t.1 "'I·t up Il('W nlt·tll-
Ardlll"r,· h:i\" I", II II"" d 1.\ II" .\,,1 :'Ill-~ :'Ilal'l!';II'<'1 ~qlli,'I', ()rg-ani,t i"ll'"rt:lti"n anri thl' Paul ,J"n .. -. :'111'''. ,·,,1 ClllllC' \\1ll'1I the' dl""Il,,-ti .. fa,·ili· now the ,uhje<'h an'
lllorf' l11l'r,'h:l"t- :'--'''·I:ct'''II. t" ,'. "lInd"y·. (lct"I"'r ::0: !l.l:i A. :'11. C"lll·!.!"· CIiITon! l'hairm:lIwd tIll' hig-hly t",- ,01' th .. ho,pital., \\'" h"\',,, ha\'l' t1nlimit('d, and il h
opf'rate in a dt'l\l' 111 1'1 p\·It!,· Itllill I Bildl' ~('h'lfd f(lr ('\'l'ry agl1 gruup. 11 "ll,illy'altl" "hindig-. 1It'\"'r lwt'n u .... l·d ttl t ht· IJt Illo:--t .:'. I)\".
prohahly your Ia,t call hdor~' Jack Fro,t lake~ ,weI' Ihr rell1S,
paJ'i,iIW ,p"c,' f"r -h"I",,'r c th'·r,'. 1.-\. :'II.--Th,' :'I1"rlli"g ~"n·i,·". III di,- Ilor"thy' Waldo I'hillip" "pokt' nn :'Il"rr,- Fi~hl)('ln_
\-ia I.-tt,·r, a 1,1"" \\a, nl"'j,. f"r"·II."ln" till' l!'l'n<'I'1l1 tl1l'n,.., ""-hy' \\'r family rl'lati"n"hip" at th" c<lucati"n It i, ""entia I 10 ha\(' the right Frame to do ju-tin' (0 your
non-,h"l'lll'r- t" ];,.,." "lit .. , .. lit "f tl" \", 1.lltlll'r,,"." th,· tl,,'m,' wtll I"" d, 'pa rt m"n t ',~ ml'(,t ing :\Ionday' Ia"t. Thl'I'I' 1:-- (l II I- IH'Yt'r-tfl-ht'-II\'I'rlllltl,t'd
,\('rk. '\X'" make Ihe franH'~, and do tl1(' framing in 0111' own ,hop.
hu.-ill""- ,,·,'tl"". :'II, rchallt- \\""" I'" "TIll' .-\lItl""lty· of Iii,· \\·orel." II A. 'I'll" "t udy' g-r"up lll<'t \\' ,'<lnp"day dallg-"r wilich th !'l'at"II' a 'uaJilliali
'1111"t,'d t" 1''''- :t1"lIc tIll' leI'a t" "111-, 'It. \:11l'~""Y' f,,1' I'r,'--cho,,1 "hildn'll at :'II", H. T. Blaekwnod'", ·10-1 \1,,- fr"l1l ,tart t.ll lilli'h, day III all" day'
pl'I\'I"'''', .... :dl·.~lllall. \\'IJlLI,,\\ dt·('III·:tlll! 11 the' PrJlllar\' I)t'partllll'lIt. :2,1;) P. ('I"nag-han :'IliI!. P"nn Vall('y, to ltt'gin 1lUL That 1l}('lla("(' i:-: dtlg:,. ell I,!!:'. dll,l..!> ~ Shull Lumber Company
-:"1 1I,,"--h""I"'l'.-· It. '1a-, ~k,·tin" "f all till' \I'ork,'r~ di.','u""ion of Il .. ndrick \'an Loon's lIa\illg' "xl,,'rll'nccd r"urt""11 Itit"",
Thi, 111"\',' I- th,' .,tart ,,1' " 1'1''' """111 th" c1l1lITh,'.- III tl1l' comlllunity- "Th,' Art,," a ho"k which eO\'er,: InU- thi, \\Tlt"I' I','rhal" 'I"'al", kllowill~ly, The Link Betwccn Forcst and Homc
g:r:lm un,j,'r tl1l' ",,-chall'lll;ln-hlJ' "I' \\·h" will a""i-t in tl,.. j'('lig-iou, "Ilr- ,i,', art. litl'ratu!'l', and drama. and lIO 0111":-: hra\'l' l'Ollllllt'nt 0\'1'1'-
29 Bala A \'t'. , Hala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
A.lhl'rt ~III·!tl.lt I', 1,;\\\]"1'11I't' F. (;Jltll;trll\l'.'· Ill·t\\"I·I'lI ()l'tldll'r :~/) and :"I)\"l'nl- I't,lIlt'> a ('III I:..:t <I I1t [l'ar (If a !lll:-::--if,II'
and Fralll'i_ T. 1I:lrrity', '\", ':. ';.·1:, 1'. :'11.- I.lltlll'r L"ag-m", Fhe LOR'er Merion Sinl0ltielta r,'CUI'l'l'IIC",
FacI" d,'\,'!ol,,'eI III tr"t!ic 'tUell"., i'l lillo-rnll'di"t,· anel S"ni"l'. 7.·1f; 1'. :\1. ·lIa" I,,'gun w"l'kly n'h"ar"al,: for th,' I':\"l'yoll("" dog' d''''~II't Itit.", adlllit-
dirate that a ".}ut",,, "f th,' I'"rkl"" '1'1", \""111'1' Hihl" II mil'. In our I:';H';':;~' ",'a""", tlw tifth yl'ar of t}w tl'dly, leut, if aIlY"Il" h" IlIa"t.'r Illind
pr"lek"l 11,- III tl", h:II"I, "I' 1,1(':" :-:lllel, "f th" Act, \\'1' Will tak,' up till' organization'" al'li\'it.i,,~. :\Il'mh('r"hip "II "ugh t" kllow which and \lh"Il, e"l1-
hu,ill"" n"'II, al"'"relll''-' t" 'I,. liar ('''I1\'''r,i"n of ~:lIJi. " op,'n to play,'r" of ordll,,,tral in- "('rllillg' allY' d"g' \lith g-ood t""th
rity·. TlI,·,day·: :-; 1'. :'II. C"llTll·tI :'I1 ..,'t- ~t rUIlI"lIb who ha\',' formerly plaY"d (\\·hl,·h "lit' dog' ill a th"ll,alld fail, t"
Illg-. III Ill'arhy ""hool and "ol"'g.. l1lu"ical ha\"), \I", till' IlIailllll'lI, h"I'" til Illt,,·t
\\·,'dll,',day. - ('. :'It. -.Iunlol- Choir org-ani7.at.ion". Th" pn's,'nt instru- that ",tillla"I" illdi\'ldual, alld It'arn
;, ,'I"':II·"al. n1<'lltation i, nearly complete, with hi,: :'/'CI'<·t to "ur ad\·allt:lg-,·. \\'(' .Ill
Thul'-da~', 1l11'l'1II1l!' "I' tIll' Ea"t th,' ,'xl,,'ption of a f,'w more violini"ts. lI11t 1,lalll(, th" d"g". ;o..:ill,'ty-III1Il' 1"'1'
1"'III".\·I\·all,a (-"l1f,'r"n('(' In !."Ie:llllln. l'lay,'r" illt"f'{,,,t,,d in joining' th(' 01'- e('nt ref "ur troubJ<o i" til(' OWII"I', who Plallt Now ---
Friday', I'. :'II.-Confirmation gallization "hould ('oll1munieatl' with fail~ t" n'allz(' that tlw d"g' d"", Il"t
: ('1",-. 7.·F, 1'.:'11. S,'nlor (,hoir n'- till' " ..,'r<'lary, Admini"tr'ation Build- 1,,\',· "\·,'ryleody (1101' "hlluld it). Our hulh, of pllr(' "' hite TULI PS
: Ill'al'~al. ing-, Church road and l\lontgom('ry ~"thillg' is mtl!'l' prm'tlking' t.han tl1l' hy the d07cn or hundred.
flI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Friday' and ~atul-day', ~ P. :'II.--Lu- a\','nu,', Ardmol'l', Pa,
lUI" R_ _ C.-d a.-
..... Sa"". _/ :1405 s _
t 11<'1' I.,'al!'u,", conH'dy-<lrama, "Tn'ad-
: IIldl." Tickl't, :;;, ""nt,,. including' a joillt program with thl' tud".
"'\'Ill'r who half call,:-"lf a dog', or ig--
Two puulie concert" are plannt'd, lil'I'I', till' allilllal'" thn'at"lllllg- aUi-
lkli,'\'" it or 11"1., ~"IIl<' 11\1'11- DogwlH'd, flowering Cherrie, and othn

a•., .u•••,.••• r .. flowering tn'(',.
Sunelay', :\"\','mh,'r '" 1 I A. :'1-1.-- n,'wly- fornll'd Choral Soeit'ty und"r "I''' al'lually' n'(,'a,,' tb"111 "II till' ap-
~"\"'Ilth Annual lI"m,'-Coming S('r\,-' till' dir"etion of Allan V. Nern. Bot.h proach of tlw maillllall; "oUll' iller.. a,," N"w ,ize, ,tarting at ,52.'50
i ie",
t h,' Sinfonidta and Choral So('it'ty til<' unholy fun by k",'ping two 01-
off,,!, tn adult musieian~ un oppor- t.hn'.. ; SOIlIl' t,,11 off t.h .. IJI-illiallt 111('1'- •
;BAPTIST CHURCH 01 Ihe EVANGEL tunity to continue their musical ac- its of a watchdog' ,'\"'Il whill' th,' do/.r
Rolll'rt E. Kl'il{htoll, Minister
ti\'ity aft,'r sehool and eollrgp. i" aU('mpting to ab"orb a pnUlld of

Sprcial low pricrs
on evcrgre('n hedge malnial
'Iu,il'al Dinctor- 1I"lIry' lIot 7 . Edwin Kelly, Jr., i" COIl('prtmast.. r n('"h frolll the carri,'r'" calf. 1'Iaihnl'Il
I :;unday, ()e!o!lpl' :W, HAS A, 1'1.- of till' orchestru; E. S. B('ach, 5ecre- are so ulljust to the poor littlt' cn'a-
• if you l11elltion thi, papt'r. •
i 1'11" Chureh Sehool. II A. :\1.-:'>10rn- THE GARDEN NURSERIES
'illg- \ror~hip, S,'rnll'n: "I' tl t tary, and Louisf' Whitf', librarian. i tures.
The Mal·1 M an
alway" 0 ; This writ('r is 110 dog' hatt'r. Fa,'
HEALTH ' (;",1." 7-Illtl'llig,'nc". 7 P. :'>I.--An
fl'ol11 it. For y,'ars \ ou ha \ e n!l~('r\'l'd
: illu~tl'at"d talk on Porto Rico g-iVl'n Montgol11ery Av('ntlt' P('lln Valley
the faithful old collie, "Fanny," fnl-
r IN i 1,.\' :'111'5. John Killian.
TlIl'"day, I'\nv('mbpr I, 10.:lO A. 1\1,--,
,·,,}(,In,, .. <1 (rom I'al-:e One low tilt' mailman t.hrough his COIl1- Narberth
mOl1ia to df'li\'('r it.; again, Ilerha[ls.pll,te rout('. No mailman has t'\'er
. :'I1""ting of the White Cro~~. 1 P. 1\1. i Weare thr first to have thc
1-~llItroduction to the Study of the, the carrilOr i~ remindt'd hy tht' rt'si- I ht'en ullkind to that dog-. Likewi~,' "BES,[, OF THE NEW PLANTS"
, (,ity', 11l'l'~rntt'd by the Past~r. d('ntthat ht' is IatL', or mayhap His~ th('re are many otl1l'r friendly dog5.
II l\'o\'l'lnber 2, 8 P. 1\1.-Study Class: Excellency missed a train or bus by' Indeed the mailman knows the owner
: Mi~sionary
First Journey. waiting s~ long for the mail's arrivai. by the dog he keeps. I Rated one of the ten best nurseries
We'\'e learned to grin and bear it, -By LESTER PETERS.
the United States.
-7- Mr_. Belen 2'. Rober,., ALL SAINTS CHURCH but we know too well why mailmen
MolheT 01 Crand Champion Babr Montgomery Pike, Wynnewood get lopsided, gray too soon, and flat- Freshman Pharmacists Only good varieties Well grown ','
&.eRCL Rev, Gibson Bell, Rector foot.ed early, Among students in attendance at, plants ••• Full size plants, All kinds, I

BROOKMEAD 8 A, M, Holy Communion. Fate, sometimes smiling, arrives in the Philadelphia Colkge of Pharmacy,
GUERNSEY DAIRIES 9.45 A. M. Sunday School. the form of a cool glass of water, or a and Science for til(' 117th annual term I
(Licensed Producers &. Distributor. II
11 A. M. Morning Service. friendly good morning. Then the sun are George C. Mackey, 834 Mont-I
under Trademark) shines again, and we pound along the gomery, and Henry Shaefer, 206
Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121 I Ask about the club rate for sub- unending pavements and high steps, Woodbine, Narberth. Both are fresh-
. . . . . . . . . .lIIlllll..i!II. . . . . scriptions to this paper, j becoming more efficient than ever, men,

" .....
'i' . ~'., " . '~~"" ',. - ..,,;., . "
,' ... .', .. , ;.: .. ;~ ..-- .'.- .. '. "" .. " .....

.... :

TOWN and TO\VNSHIP October 28, 1938

Page Six

The F reside Th,' I."" I.-

~ l:alll·. _"';ltl.·d :--::ltllrday (lJl a

I·:, 1':,1,,1", Ilathaway
["rtll ight',
Musical Musings PHONOGRAPH RECORDS: \·iet .... Columbia. Brunswick. l)I'cca,
B) E. Bit", Bird, V'Kalion . AlbulIl "'". «,,'ord pla}"'rs, acc","ori,'.
"It's Real" .JOSEI'JI llAlw:\E
SWEET /lIg'lg ..d
1'111:-' III B'·rllllHla. RADIO SALES and SER VICE.
\14 ~:. Lane,lSll'<, ArdnlOr<'
Our Own CIDER III \1, >:""'. "I 1111<11,,) :1\" iH Ie U () N Ardmorl' 4422. (/,,1. I'll'))
I h, "n""~"II\O'1I1 "I ,\1, ;<1,<1 \1,·, \\'. :-;,'''11 \l"fo'add,'n. B'/",<e .'i'II/pho1l)' I'athctiqu .. Will C. H. DAVIS

I' ;l!11

In .• dt· d,Ii!, frtlill " I ':; l i I ~c I.' I ", I,all,r)'" I '''1',,1 h). I" \ "II" ,,,ad. ;<11.1 11\0'1< dallghl"r, \1", b .. 1'/aHd Ihi.< Sal'lYda)'
( 10-.11\. ~ .. "h,·d \11 \\ II i :, ", ...... '\111'·llt· 1~1'llIH·ll. 'lill \1.11"11:1. \\111 \\I'l'~\-l'nd at 1!l1' :\111

·\1'1,1 .. ·.. of g\Hld "I, J.i", ,I 1:11",L .... "I' :\r~lllllJr('. t '.1 -;llllir III .-\ I la II t I(' ('I I~ BRYN MAWR CONSERVATORY
"-1l 1• dil \ \ , I ~'; l L' Jill I t 1- ,,[ 'II" 11;<1,,1<1 \\. H,doll,' " :'\"alll"r," '\ j""'ph L /lar",,,:, Director
11;1\1' 1·\'1'1' attl·lldt·d aTI lJiIl'1I
\1, I flool ( ;IIT, !\ . .!:llll'!ltIT (If '11" I" "I la·' "",'k ,nd al lIadd,,,, lIall, l\1,mlg"nH'n A,enUl'. IIn·n M"",r II. M. 1022
;111' at 1~ldJIII 1I111HI 111·11 or at
I fOl\IF-l\L\DE :\11 .\1 \\ ':"," 1':11 r,I!. (la\-la",1. N() TAll U __· 1'.4 Cl: 1. TY JI.... CU :OES:
,II ,\11;<1,1", , 'I) 'tl\O' I.""'""hl' :-;tad'"111 "II a T,"hal-
S\!'SV;E .\1:1,,,".
ai", 'I I", ,'\ , I I," I' I.
\1' ('1,;,,[,,·
H II 'II 'II>'·. (' Y a II,,) kll\\'~I\~' 1'\-I'l\lllg"'! TIIt'Il ~ (dl kllll\\ till' ]os('f \X·i."ow, Pi,H10: InJlwrI.d ClHHt.'r\".Hor~. Russi.); Soloist with

S( .!{ '\ 1'1'1 F " .,1 \1' ",,'! .\1,· (11:,,11 , .. \I:t 1"';1,1. ;ll I' :'llll·lll).! In till' (';11'1,1111:1:--. Phil.1ddphia Ordw<lr.1 lind", Orlll.,nd,' I )",... rnb,·r 2, \. l'IlH
lin: "I I PORK -''It. ~ll; ,. I' 1. \';11'111 rIll. TJ:" \\'1'.1 I. !"IIt!;I. ;IJloi \"1'\\ ()rk:tll.... 1I1:lJ~I(' llf Illll . ..;l{·. fill" ht·n·. 111IIt't'd. I..... (f"urlh appl'arann').
" 1 ;11, 1,1:11·1 :n ~ll\ ('llllll'r \1, ... \Ia'L'a,O'! I)" \·":lIIX I.aw",,",; IIII' lltll\','r.,al lallc;ua,C;"I K"nr,ld N"ug"r, V"ic,,; M,·tropolit.1I1 Op",.l Choru<-Ma,"'r, f"rnwrly
I:, ,),1",. \\ ,II ,'nt"rla,n at a hutfl't! II 11,,1111',·, 11"1 ,,1111111'1' y"u ,"all .11.'. C"nductor \' it-nn". 1."jp7lg .Illd Mun,ch O,)('r.1<. Prof,'"or OIl Roval

FARl\1 i\IARKFTS IllIg""< 1.)/.. "I'I,,'r. """,,"110'1· I~. I"'["r,' 1111' tir,I' IIIII~II"h 1",1\\""11 ;; ,1""l1l1alll ,,·\1·,,11,
A,·"d .. m, "f Mu,i ... J\,lunid" T,.,,·I1I'r o[ TIl.'n, M"lrop"ht.1n .1fld
EUr(lp(-'ol~ Opl'ra Stars.
.1' ,,,,,' ,,' , ,t'.\1 \lllIa 1:".,' 11\0 ,'III'~ "I \Ir', H'.lIjanl'" ~h''''lllak''I'.,<,h''roi "I' an :lIIgnll'III"d ""II" f"r lill.· OTTO ME),ER. \'i"lin; -"nwrican Rq)Y(',,'nl.lli,l' "f Prof. Ot.,kar
ARDMORE \." 1.\'-:0\':\
',I, " ,1:""'" ,t' \1, a,,,1 .\1,·. 11:II,a ~,I' 01:111'''' '·"111111111"" al t1l" h"I1'" IIIU,II· I," .'" 1"\'1'1) :Illd >" '1,""la- S,·,·,-ik, Pr.1gll". Pupil "f· S""cik and )',.1"".
""11- ,l 1111' (',d'IIIJal I)anll':-', Ilt'lllJ-l~ :qllll·:dlllg tllat It dl·1I1:l11d ..... 11', II.UJSTRA n:"[) C4 TAl.O(;l T (i.V RU)LTST
, ,\ .. " r":loI. I" \1 r. 1
"',,'10,11 I."", 1111"1,,, •. '''11 "I .\1, al'oI \1,_ . .\1:11\ 1-:11"11 1),'111," . .-\lIlhw)·II. l'rl"\"IIt''''I, 1.:)('L;..:r"III'oI f"r 'I' g"1111
", ,I
.1"., 1,11·1
:oJ" 1":\0"
II'IL'\', _. .\101;<11 l'arL, '" il "II:' 11:,," I ' fr,..,,01- al a lIal· "" al'l,r"I',atl""'
al Ili,1 :'1. lJa\lol. '," 1'''''' :,,,tlltday ,,\,·lIillg. 'I" I", ,lI'·". "\1'1') ct, ,,1'\1'11 ,,"111' ,
, '," I: ,,1' I, '''''l'l;1 II" I" 1"·'-101,· at II". \l'a which 1,,,I:II,tl(" 1'1',1,<, arrl\"· al IIII' ",,",·1'1
,\III \1, :111,1 \1,. 1·:,,\\,:,,01 II tI;,,·)· 1{1'1I,', .. '''I' t I".t II", 11111>11' "I' T-l'h"iL",,',L.\ French
I" 1 "". I! :--: '-;I!!lloIl, wtll ~l\'" :'\n\'t'llllll'r ;, I', t'lIl 1.J'\·llilJ....; ;Illd 1111'!lll!ratlt;,dll'; alld
1'1',11 \\ jll \\1 ;11';l !ll 1'1,111 til pl"l.-t'IiI t'l '''If('wty thl'ir daug-htl'r, !"IJI ;1 \\ hili'. at it'a:--t, \"(. :if'(' :-,uIJ.il·('t Couturiere
"'\\11 ','. I: . 1 1,1 t I ,I I \ I i t
111;1 I t- 1111 J.:
'11,- BI'lt,\ Ili!;l!'.\ I·~('\l."":-:, wlll II\{'lIJd(, III ;1 \\;1\1' (I
I ('Illllfbtra
! ,I I 'I 'I Illi;'111 1\1111' \·"11 I I Cllltom made
II" :I " ,"L' "",,'!"oi-. l":,,'oI"llia' \1,-, \\tll,alll I'. (;. lIall, \11". Ed- I,,,,,· \\.,. ,"dol"11I\· till' "'''I' \I,t,-
, 1'1';.11 ;11,1 II. I.I!IJllll('plt. :\11'-. \\·tlliarn F. {·;!tl,j" IlHI..... lt·-!ll\-I·r ... \\alklllj! (Iut Illl
(;Oll lIS, & Tailorill);
,, :" \ :, I" \ I ,- - .1, a II I" II 01, ",\ \ I r.. ( . h a I' It-" I II\' k I' 1'111 a II . I'" If" , III a III" " "r 1I", " I 'a I I, <t " IU I' :-;)' II ,
I:' II I ,'1'1 ;llld Ilrl'-lIlt-IiI
\1, \\ ,111:1111 I .. 1)'01,. r . .\11'., \11\<'h 1,1","\. .. all' I 1)0'I .
III' ". 1:I\"ra' I I ,. lll.'ll-
., ,! \ \ . III! I: ~ ·1 J jill L.lI; 1 ~
I: \1111'1'1,\. '.Ir,. 11:11'1') I·: . .I""ll
. I I
1'''11 "t a ""I', '\ til, ""'1'1''',-'''· ,,"·1"
',<', .\1 1\ J, \ 1('1 .! III' 1-
"I, \1,'- .1,,1111 I'. lIall"ll. \11',. II. I", u· a·IlI" r.. iI'"Il· "",iI,, "r ,) III I ;'llH ("cml SIn','!. Phil..d..Jphi.l
HI: (,I.AD TO 11'. " :1 \11111' (·lllll'till
\\,1"1" 1:,,11. .\11',. :'1'·1'''''11 (;. lIun- l,alll)',
('Ii r~' ,--
y"t. ,Uj"\'I\'I1I~ all till ,I' <,>'\,1"" th,'
: :1 :1", ';1 :Il.'! YI·IIII\\"
~I:\"r: F1HE:"DS' \' J ,';11'. \lr, 1·:,lwlTl II Hlrk, \11'>. 1.",-
, , I' ~ \ tI\' I III
1<'1 \\. Ih\,,'lll:rll. \1,-, .\l:trc;arl·1 \1. 11111.·11' ,,[ T,eliai\,,,,,',I,y 11\1'.' "ll, alld
II ;~ I" (, 1,1,,,. h. \\ I I:, ",I I \,'ll1ur,· till' '·"II,i.'clur<· that 111' II",
En.l"\' till' ,,'If-... 'nfidel1cc
a '1ll,ln a pp"al".l 11 ...' ~i\ (".
h\ ke('pil1g )'otTr apparel
\ \ : J \ ",

\\ " .ill:
I \ I,
11:\;. "II


' II
(· ... 111'1-

("llill;<lI ..11',
;11"1' TIll' IlI'lIr~ \\".
('111'1l"~ !:II1t', Il"\\
;11 :II" (;II'~ ... I(dl('
Illl--:t ....
f(I!'Illl'rly \If

;111 aparlll1t'nt
IL1\'1 rfllrd.

tlHlay than 1'\I'j' ht·flll't·.
1" Ill" """III' H'lt 11ll' L"llvly
"l{lI1111'11 and .11111(·t (hl'!"-
Your Favorite Dish
al",\\', ,p"tI"". T;I,\ I, r tllr(·." tilt· tir ... t Jllall11 C'l1J('I'rtll, (II' till' made from fn'sh country chicken~
["Ill'tli ')'III1'''''"Y. al,,1 t""" i, al"a»

"., I': .,

TI,.. "1111I~lo1l, t'lul, 1".101 III' lir-I

\);1\ .• i- (1,,11'

\1.'LI,r 11·;ld. \\"Ylllll·\\·llllll.

II .1 r.1 C Y N Ii' Y
II ... I{"" la",j C. AI, xa",kr,., [,,1'111-
( . \ Tl \\ .\·l!. 11;1 \'1 Ilil ,\Td til :,:: 1
:1 \ 11:11 IIH· .... ~;1,I!(' til Ill" all-Ildlt'd. \\ l\I'tll·

t·r· Ill"lJL:'rallllllatlc Ill' 1l11t.

11,. 'l1l1,I(' I' IIlar\',·,j "> a hlllilall

PRI"P\RIII ,\"11 llI:lI\UHf>

Iljl'l'I!ll:'~' Ill' tlll-.I·;I-l'lI Friday ;1\ tl]l" 'jll:lllt)', a I'"igllallt "·ar,"th ""lI'h
'Iii, ..\1(1,'" II. 1.1"'". "I l'iJilad"ll'hia,
11"1111' ,d' '11":- ('klll!:- l\rallll'l". rd' lilt' 1'''"lf''rl, t"" 1,,·,'<1 .'''111. \l<-lalll'1,,,I),
BROTHERS Llll.f.- ..... llalkl 1'1"11 d. :\ Itllll'!II'111l 111"1'
;11"1' 1 1'\\

( .)'11" \ ".
ll\'llll:" at ·1~1 :-'tatl' rtlatl.
falall.,tl(··: y.,> ~ Hut. 1"'''''''1'·' till,

("/lsimn Tailor5
C/c<l1l<'r5 . Ihen - Fl4rricr$
('l'llt-d tilt· 1'\I·I·tJI1~. :\li:-'" H;lrhara
:---11:"1'1. ,,[ ~t. 11:1\ ,,1.'. ,,:11 ,'llkrl:lill
1 lit' e I'ldlll :11 :1 ll11ll·I11· 11l :"11\l'lll}I('!' L
.\11'. a 1101 \11". Th"Tllas Ikaudrv
I", "'. 1"11I\,·t!\ ,,[ Hala-(')·nwyd. w,w
"('('llJlylll\! tlll'lf Ilt'\',' hllnlt· (In ~lary~­
\\' Ily
... I·:<
h" "I lI'a " ,

II<- "a,- I)·"i<'ally 1:",,1:"1 ill chal"-

,'" ('Ioarly t" II",
Buffet Service
.\11'. all" '.11". 1:"I"rl .1. ":1,·h \\,tli ad,r alld t'·IIIJ,,·rallll'lIl. )1'\ Il" I"U"'"
J 02 foresl Avl'. Narb. 2/102 "at,'d"rd, 1"'11" \'all,')·, will ,)wnd
~lll'flll tIll' \\'·I·L-I·Ild at I.t·\\-i~·;\)ul'g:. ,,,"ti"lt,,!>· rl'\krt" til., IIi11ul·"('" ,,[ tl,,·
11lt \\I·I·}.; ('Ild IJf :\u\'l'nllH'!' ;) In ~t·\\-'
228 Hala t\\"('. C,,"nd 92R
It;l .. ~'\l\ ... t- I':' tilt'lf d:UIl..d \tl·r. ~lit.: ...;
.J a 110' (. ,,:1·11. r", I I", Fatlll'l'.·· 1la)
y"rk .
h;"I:'1I "l'11"'0I. t" \\'11I,'h Ill' "a.' ;":I'I'at
I)' oI"\,,tl'd.
Opening Thursday, Nov. 3 r
Till' 11111(·!II·llll·hl'idg-I' til I.,' ~i\""n hy
'I'll JII<ar a T-dl:ul\ll\\_-I\y ('tllllp'hl
Pain/cd If'oodll'ork \1,- I: II. Th"l1la", Ha1:1 '1\·"11"", h:"
t 11111 I, til 11\'1 It O\'t'l' :l.~alll. ~11 n·;!Il....
and wallo;-",."Iwd by ,·,peri- .\1,·.'. \\. . . \. I',al"'",
l.al""I'·" I" ," 1,,'·11'''110'01 unl tI lIc·xt \\.".1"",-
Does this appeal to yOU?
rials: hv

Rat'" «'asonabl,'.
lJ!t{' o"'n
. \ 1':11 t 1111 II t -, 1'1 t Ii 1'111 '1\ :\1 t 111 1;l~- f 1'1 Illl ;1

t\\'q \\l·(·k .... '

I lld\;lll;\ alld

trip tll"IIU~'h ()fIlII,

I", ;,,"1 ,'II 1"1'1'1'",]\,· " th,' [",·1'111.:
",til ,,1,i"11 It "",1',,.',·01. \\·11" <'a"

I' .·1 I. L L Y
('\'1'1' flln~I't til,· t<\Ilt"I'\I'J\('(' (If fir:,t Fr'ied Chichn and gravy
I ' L I.... S
IlI'arllll.'" 11ll' "i,th ,)IIIJ,h"lI>·, \\"tll it., ()lIe SU~hesti()lI- \,'ame Battt'r
JI'sS(' } larl. 24') N. ~l}lh. ~'. Phila. II,.. "I,d .\1,.,. II all) B. (;""d~I"·'·'1. 111. :llill \11·', F,.,·d'·ri,'k :\. :-;1 a('\, , •
"\"I·\\llI'llIllIlg lillak "I",,!J ,imply ('X- Com Bread
\\.",.(', .1"", '.Ia., .. ,," till II' \\"a)' h"II\1' .J I., 1:';Il·Il\Il'1l L~nt·. art' J'('('I'i\"iTl~ ('lIn-

fl'lllll ;1 ('llll\t'lltillll ill \\',l:-llillgtlll\ ;111,1 ~lall,1all"n' "l''''' th"
;, .ta)' al \\'tll"I"I' allol \\'h,t,· :-;ull'hur ,l: 111 L' Ilf I 1". , dl (1('1 n!lf'r 2 1.
I,a".(. till' I'llI"ti"lI"~ :\11.1 \\·h" ha'lI't
I,irlh n[ a 1,1"'1: cal'ti\":i1,·d I,) till' d,'light[ul
Home made jdly ,
""'Ilt·rack,'r :-;"It,." ""lltra.'tillg Price --- illdilidual .7"')
is no\o\' associatt'd \\·ith :-;,'llll:C'. Ya., ""II' til" ,I.:U,',t, "f \II'. \II". Arthur .J. ;11,')"'1', Old (;ull'h
\\ 11 h It...; \!ajl't~' '!
Fidclity I nvcstt1lcnt Ass'n ,,1111 ~I I'. Ilalll'''11 \1. Ilt-IIY. "ar- :ITld :\II1I'l'1111, ""H'I11 :-,·\"·l'l.d I lay ..; in
Till..' I, th,' T,ch:uk"w"I,) II[ tl1I'
"fidelil) t"come Pia"" 1'1·""1. I'arl·.. 1,,·1 "''1'1.. \1 I,. Herr>· 1I",,,n C,ly Ihi- \\"l'l'k.
'1"'llt', \"1,,1 oIa) ,- I:,·t \\I',·k III lIal- Til, (,harl,'- .1. I\''I'\-,'r" Hra,'),urll,
Ilia""'. 111'1,,\"'.1 ill all ('''Ullt ril'''. t)lI'
Jlo ....;.~t·~.~l,d till' ran' ahility
Eat at home tonight •
C!1l'stnul A,'e. l"arberlh 40'l')-J CllllIlHI.I.;I·r
II.I,UI C" a,,01 1l"I"h,'y. \'.1,(,1.; t·lilll·d ill :\"('\\' Y!lrk, or get fllrther dctails
,,[ "xpl"""ill,,, ,'loHIU""lly in· ll1u"ic
\11'. alld :\11'''. EoI,,,ulld .\ I,k" \\'111(- \11 and \11'>. Il""ald :-;tr"ll~, ["r-
YOUR FACE lila"',, f"It1" ''If''l"l, agaill,t fat". F'i1'
II I I.!.'. llf :'\allll'lIl,k 1':lI·k, att('lllkd till' '11"11\ "I' :\:III,r.",k I'ark. or Kinl.'"<I"n, by calli II);
J,'"ene, the treat merit 01 a till' till' "',,rlol "III al"a)· I'ay 11'"11-
,\ltlil,'r,I-\\·",\,'yall f,,,,tl,,,11 I.:allil', III )'",. \\"'1" (I" >':'IIO'>t' la-I \\",·,·k or till' ;1 ~_rr' 1, I hi Ill.
S,-iel/tiftc Bcauticiall .1 1:1'111" 1: . . ,,11,. HI) n .\1:1\\ I a\·,·IIIIO'.
)1 IlldJt.tl 1\\"11. (·I!J111. WAY N E 2 ') I 0
SUZANNE /ORET GtU .\1 I. ;11,,1 \1, •. TI'''"la. .J. '.Ialllli,,>,. :",'!11I'l"t II
"\11" .\111'" '·:ll"'y Il"w, II[ :\'ar·
.\11111']"-1111, \\";\.- IIl-Jlll'iT1~ and hl·lp·
Dudlev-Narbertl, 2>2-1
21t> I LIIIIJldl·tl ;1 \ I Illlt', 11;1\1' flIrt hl:-- Wl'I':\
'II" ~) 01"",· Ili,,"'. I\]-:",I,urn. a 1"1' :'11, \1,·, 1:"I'i" I .\I.-' ·lll'oI)·. I'r,·"d,·"t

.\11' .. , ", I':. \\·all" I. "f \ltlf"rd, Ih\.
11;1\ in~ ;\ .!lldl(·! 1II'Id~·t· tlillig-ht. 1'1' till Ardllllll'(' t "lillll \\':1-. tb(' .l!l1t· . . . t
'1'110'11' ~'lI'.·I,- !:I >1 ", ..I, \\I·r,· th"I1·
Sp"cially go"d
,"" alld ,l:lu:cl,t""-III·!:I", '.1 I. alld
.\1,. a",1 \1 r·, \\·"Id"n .\10-;,,1,'. ,,[ '1" aL,·r. 1"I'''III"g "" Ih., ,tat<' con- •
CAKES \1 r,. Th""la,- E . .\1:tllllIIW, "I' I'ort-
PI" ",I 11,11, ",II "llt"rtain 1~ ~UI,.t' I. "1,,,1' 111,1.1 11""1'1111)' III \\·i!llall1~­
h"ol('-bak('d! 1:11,01, \lallll'. "I,,, Ioa\'" I""'ll 1 lall ... -
a' a .111'1)0'1' I'alt)' \\"Ith da,,('inc; t,,- I",,'t I" 111"111"1') "I' Fra"c,·, \\·illard. •
at ;t special prin'; 11I"IT"\\ 1'\"'11111j! at 11\1' Ar'lllllnli1l1-i. ill" :\;11 hl'rlll 11ll;lln fllf·ni ... !Jt·d a whitt'
[, 1'1"1'<1 t" (tlllah:1. ",Iol'a ... \-". r"r a
1;,,11' ('11,1, (" ("(,I<-I,rat., th., ~~.th \\'1'01- I" "".1 \lI,i, h "a, I'la"I"d I" 1111' grad,'
~)c apit.'ce ~ (':11'.
dill:' alll"\"I',ar)· "r till' Char\"', ·,·10,,,01 )'al'd. .\11'- . .1. A. (;r,,~, I"I'p-
Phone your ord,'r early and .\11', IIlId \1 r,. I·:, c. C"ckl'lll, lI:u l'- lIai,I,.
'1'1·,'1'111.·01 tl,.. 1I111"n at till' :\1'),01 !lay
start wh£'uing \,our olppt·tih' 01"11 :"·"111\1·, "h" "I"'\lt thl' ,,",·,'k-"I\l1 Til" 1',r·I["I· FlazII'r :-;mith,. will '·XI·ITi,,', alld ma<l,' tillll'ly· 1"I·TI1alk-.
for a r"al In·al. "t' (kt"l",r I;,. 'I' \\·"sUi(,ld, A. Y., Ill'''' i'll" II" il· n"\\" h""\I' in (,h:\lI,"- 'III,' .Ianjl'> :\ Killil' ''I'll,ad(' trail('r
'Q\'" ,11", mak" laslv sand-
wiches. polalo salad. ~IL, and
\\·1"'(' tilt' ,l!"lit·:'t ..... Ill' Iltllllll' at a ~ur­
r"l'd. ""'·"11110,,. I~,. ;\11". :-;TI1ilh I' al till' ,-ch",,1 all day' \I"lIda)'. ,,:<-
1'1"1' f;"llil\' dill!]I'l' t1lat :-;:lIurda)' II,
s..I1 Darl,'n" Ic" Cream. C.II [''1·111''1' .\1, .. , FI"n'III'" 1\:II't. TllO' ,·XI,""I- and t\\"" "Ic"ho! "dlll'a·
as 1.111' as 10 P. M. for d,·- 1.:1\"11 I,)' \I,'" ('''''krill'" "i~t,·r~. till' oIall,,"II1 •. (" "r tllO' Chal'l,·, lIai,t~. I"",al II'l".!lIl'·' W""I' 1'lIj,,)('d I,)' 1111'
liwrv. \1 ",,,.,, \."", I" (",·kbrat .. t h .. Cllck-
TljI' (,hall", K.,llal". Hn\l'\'urn, \\'il1 1"11'11,.
nils' 1\\'·III)·-tifth \\l'dding anni\'('r-

Th,· " .-\111'11 Ilulnph,.,'y,. A\'on

hI' h",t 1" "'\·,·ral ~u",ts f"r th,·
""',,k-"llIl alld :It th,· f'H.thall gallll' "ll
Lihran' :15.<ocialiIHI
\1 I".>. Alina Can'y Il"w, librarian nt When ducks fly southward and falling

Phorl" Narberth 2349 U' e Ddi'Tr n.ad. r"rnll'rly lit' "arhl'l'lh, lta\'I'
TI,.. II. :-;ljI'l,r1"ll Hakl·t,·I,. \1'IrI'nn, Hala-(\n\\)", \11'" EI'IIl',t ]In'\\',

1l111\1·t! III )llllltgllT1H'ry Court.
;11101 111I' \\·ill'"111 I'ul.'"h". \\'yllndj,'ld, 1"11'1,·" "I' tit,· ""l11l1l1ll1ity lihrary, and
lean's and frosted windows announce the
:\Il". alld '.11". :-;anlul,1 \lI'Cartn,'y,
atl"lllII'd a l"'('('nt danc(, at tltt' Uni- I '.1"" ('lara FojiPllt' lihrarian at "al'-
\\',,,,,bid,, a\,'nu,', '1"'l1t th,' \\"(·pk"'11I1
ill I'itt"hurc;h. ,,111'1'1' tlll'Y \i"it,'d ~Ir.
\·,'r,il)· CIIII,. TIll' Hakl'\l'" wiil ",,·,'k- 1"·I·th. art' alll,"ding tlll' annual I'('nn-
COlll1l1g of winter, it's time to prepare your •
"lId al ",." Ila\'I'n, III altl'nd th .. Y:d,'- ')'I\,allla liI,rar)' a':'(l('lation 1111,.. ling car for cold-weather driving.
IW DDHl LET THE ~, '.1 .. ('arllll "'" !,a,.,'nts.
:\1 r. :-;alllu,'1 \1"Cartlwy "ill sllI'l1d
Ilal'tnH<ulh ~anll'. al BIlt'k H ill Fall,.

~~t!tiHf~. till' \\'('"L-"I,d "f :-';,,\'('1111,,·1' ;, at 1111'

{'I,i\·('r,ity "f \lillll,',,,la \\"h"I'" 111' \\"ill
\·i,it hi, daughtpr, L"rna, and alt('lId, ("JlIliIJU"d (roil) !'age FI\'e
Mus C C 1u b
i Let's lubricate your ch.1riot, check your
battery. change to winter oil. check the
, DISSIPATE YOUR BUD&E;J th,' Fatlll'r's Pay ,'x"ITis(·s. NdT'balh Bridge Cll/b .'
~ [~Iffin ~
;llr. alld ;llrs. 1("llI'rt \I. '1'''\\"11, windshield WIper, adjust points and clean
Odolll'r :!Il: '1'''1' Sl'OI'l', '.I,:s . .-\ 11 I'll Studio:
\I"lItgoI1ll'1·>' ('"urt, had as tlll'ir ~U(',t Narb. 4109. t
~hubl'rt :lnl! ;\Irs. II. I. l\IcC"llTlI' II ;
- - -... ~IJ11Ji l1.JJ II-_-~ :II r". Y\'Onlll' Ralldall. "I' ;o,;I'\\" y"rk. plugs for quick starting, and retread bald
-""""- :\11'" \\'illiall1 \\'"a\·,'r, Es>,<'x a\'I'-
nu,·, l'llt,'rtainpd l1<'r cluh at lunclw"n
~"c"nd, \11',. Huek and :\ll's. Ilr(,\\"n,
,,[ Ila\"l'rfol'd. Thl'se gorgeous days, tires or fix you lip with tough skid-proof •
PAY FOR YOUR HOME Saturd:l>' (·\· .. ning: TnI' ,COI"I', l\lr, we're doing
a lid hrid>,,' on Tu,'s'!ay.
WITH RENT MONEY IIlId ~11'''. :\Ikn Shul ... rt; "'<,"Ill\' :\1 r. Fall Sketching new ones for the snow' and ice to come.
.\1 r,. II. I. \IcC"lllll'll. '.I,'rioll a\'I'- "

Slake yo'" ,,111m 10 \ ,,,,,,·o;,,t lIU", ,!,pnt :'I'\,('I'al day, la"t \\'I,(·k ill
",,\\. Yorl, \·isitillg Iwr lllotlll'l', :\Irs.'
IIlld :\Ir,. \\'alt.'r J. Sc"tt.
1\1"nda)' ('\'I'llillg: t0l' SC"I"l', \11'. alld,
out-of·doors. Children, "
home fln,,,,,·,,,rj :.c ....... iI':'" i dt the
I ~lrs. Arthur C""I1('>·; Sl'('one!, ;III',. II.:
adults, novices--day or •
Ada : - ; w p c t . '
au I,et the 1;::'1"'''\'1 111l1r~Cjo.lq" night classes in art.
tho! (ipV()Li:-~' 1::~eI~e:~t. n"~'T.l1 n"s '1'111' ,J"hn C. '.Iar,clwrs, IIa\'vrfol'rl Marlin \1'>!"1I(')' al1d :\11". lIodg'''II,!
Ask abollt ollr Anti-Fra;:c for yOllr
freq'...:ent rent"Wlnq. ~~:Lllrl:~ 'l:,',r an'lIU(', had as tlll'ir ~upst 1'''1' tim'" I,,,th ,,[ Baht. Miss Margery Cowin

buJqel. \\"I'"ks, \1 t·s. Ha)'lIl1lnd Cruwd,'r alHI 206 Menon Ave.-Narb. 2764
That's why so m,my l.jllll:,es
are le,J'-LI;,] "nw hDW th,'y kl'ep
hpr e!aught"r, lIlis, Carolyn Cr(l\\"e!pr,
o[ Rall'igh, N. c.
IV, C. T. U.
' U " ' l I l rilllltl'rl) I
'~ii~~~:;~~~~~iiiiiiii~-;;' •
cos:s low JnJ 11I,Jke cerLlil. (l '1'111' E. .T. I'oll"l'k" Avon roud, TIll' "arlll'l·th \\'tl!lll'l1'" Christian!
Road ,,'n'ICl' for a nominal fcc,
clear home by fmallclIlq 011 OClr """nl :l1"nday in York, whl'rl' MI'. T,'mperallce Uni"n met in the Le~ion
popubr renl·slze payment rl<ll1. Pollock addl'l'~sl'<! the University, I'OOIll ~Ionday. A covered dish lunch-

Cluh. . I ('Oil was I'njoy('<! by the members alld •
~LI N GERI N Ii MI'. an,1 Mrs. Bl'njarnin V. Ogdt'II, t)ll'ir gUt',ts. Tlw devotional period,
CIH'"tnut an'nul', sl"'n\ th~' wl'l'k-t'nrl, under till' I('adcrship of Mrs. A. E. Forest Service Station
a\ Willianu,hurg', Va., \'isiting their
Ha\'Crford and Forest, Narberth. Narb. 2440
dau~hter, Miss Dorothy Og·den, at
William and Mary Collpg'l'.
Mrs. Ogd"n and 1)('1' sist!'r, who
Dr. Wm. G. Walton
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Thorough individual instruction
Mobilgas ."
conduct th!' Mill!'r Studio of Ilan('ing Mobilgas, Mobiloil charge cards honored.
35 E, Lancaster Av"nue Phone: Narberth 2464 Mildred W. Baily
Ardmore, Pa.
~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_
in Philadl'lphia, will givl' a harn dan('l';
at the studio Saturday evening' No-,
vernl)('l' 5. There will be 75 guests.: ,
If no anewer, Narberth 2570·J
Office Hours by Appointment
523 Dudley Ave. Narberth 3723-' ... '

I '

.'.,:, 'i'- .•
;'" .' I I • '!',.;. : ,~' .


Page Sellen
October 28, 1938
WltlJllllg patnd art': Bob \\"alrllu:-" ,
M a i n Linings .1,,1111 ~ll'az. ,f"hll \'''1<,,1, T,'d :-;1"Ulr"I',' I
DR. ROBERT E. BARR \\'alh,,1' ('"l'nnl'"I, Hill Shallkllll, Ha" C 0 A L ?
'-01" .,,'111, 1111111" II/ifill nnt! JIII//,. ir/lll":~.
('111l111'~ alld Hili Blahl', i Want FUEL OIL?
/,},,,,,, 111,_" /1 011 ( ,,',Sf'r,'/,. frUIII tl/f UlIlII;1
• TinH" ~('dical Bldg.
fi 111 ,...·1, "11:,' "[UN,!I t 1/ f .\111 ill 1.//11.
Tht· :\It'l"H,n ("\"Il' :\:--:'H('latiDr!' No sooner said No sooner said
ROl'l11 404, Ardmore, Pa. ,'\"al'd, "hl"h I> 1'1't",'nt,'d to Ihat
Tdt'plulllc ..I rdmort' 1772 1,,,1,.,,1 "X"llll'llf,lllg' th,' I",>t Cltlz,'n- than DUNNE than DUNNE
It .",,'''1' Ihal tlll~ c,'IUI1\I1 ha" 111:1'''" . . tltp h~' It:-- al'tilln .... III thl' troup, wa:-;,
" \11, "'II "I' \11,'- \lal",1 1'",Ir,,,'k, HAS IT THERE!
'1'1,,- ""I-t III' 1)11' "x""I'II"n til Ih,'
""1,1'.1' 1111' ';1111" Hillral" 1'''II',d, TIlt' HAS IT THERE!
UP/fOUT!:'R 1NC award, ~;),1I11 1/1 l'a>h. 1\I'IIt IIltll that
Drilp~ries. slip coverS. new turnl 1'1,,," tl"tt ",d" IIlarr"',j \\f1I,Wll lIlak,' I,,,ll'ld· . . t rt'a:--:LJry. Service - quick service
ture, orient'll and domestic rugs. ,..- 'tl'ld t'lltlk:--. :\ly aJ!ll!lIgi,·:-: to :'\11:--:-:
Bedding, rugs. cleaned ,1nd rep.llr· '-\1'1('1" ... /11l1I' .... l)n~~ alld tht· il\\;artb -when it's needed. Not If you're a regular cus-
ed and stored, Venetian blinds, [','d,·,,'k alld hat" "fT I" h,'r fill\' ('alld,., had 111"1'11 ~'l\'l'n Illlt, illtt,I' . . IH'r~(·d \vith only the tin('q burning
awnings. tom('r ~'ou don't evell
~h\·'11 :-llllfl lit, takillf! Iq'dl'l'~ fetr ,1"'1'1 talk.' I,y II", ~u,'>t,; "I' th,' tl'll0I', coal in the world and the
FRANCIS S. CHAI LENGER have to order-it's deliv-
281 Montgomery, Cynwyd. Former· (·IIII .... tll\;1:-- gIft candit·:-::-:o Ill' :-:un' tu 1110st ecollomit-al, hut a
II", 1ll,"1l -I,,'ak,·r llf Ih" "\"'Ilinl< h('I"
Iy with John Wiln.ln1.1ker Phone £'red hefore you need it.
Cynwyd 85,
,,' d, " \ "ur> ,'arl,' alld :l\·"id thl' ru.-h, Ih" au,h'n,'" In rapt atl"lItlllll with delivery !lletlwd that sHits
Y"'I" .!,fl \\ til I", >hiI'I,,'d all,.whf'rt,
BY 1\'~1. E. n:RC{:';O:" I I'U" ,;t"I'Il'~ uf Ill\' f""Iit;dl wllrld. II" YOUR convenience. If you're NOT one of
1.\ 11"[\11':--1. elll'('ldal" ('(I\'l'n'd ('IT:1I11:-:. ~a\ ... ,,\'('.. II"nl :l<h'i,',· III til\' Scout~: our patrons, invesli/{ate
Ea .. h dl'lrl('1 r,'pr' ";Plltati\'" /if th,' The generous warmth
11',11, '111,1 1'1'1111.', a d"IIa,' Ill!' 1,,'llIId, ,",,1 1I111>lrall'd hi, 1"'lnt, wllh foot-, this super-scn'ice before
ARCADIA III (;r,,\ I,nl..' "I' ph,,,,,' :\arl,,'rth ~7:17, \'all,,\ F"rg'" ('"ull .. d ('all1pjn~ C/im- 1,,,11 IIll',delll'; a,; h,' In'nt along-.
of Jeddo-Highland Coal,
CU:AN/:'R,"i --- J.I1UJRS Illillt'" I..; l'xpp"I,'d to atl"lld a nll'l'1- th(' r('al wiltter comfort it you cOlllracl, Degree-day
It wa,; a I''''a,'ul'l' III ha\'" all till',"
All Cle,lIIing 1)<>1'" '1I1 Prel1li,," lIa\,' ~'''u Iward "I' \\"Jili:Ull :-;prat- 1"1..' "I' I hal I",d" III I h,' ('lluned om..,·, I"'llld,' with u,; and \\,' hilI'" that th,'y,
hrings and th(' savings it record,. Veri fled, auto·
Bal.l &: l.'nion ;\\ "S.. 11.11.,·C\ nw\'d IIII:.!, tit,· 1,,,1,',1 arti,t alld ,Ji\'I'r,IlI,th, I,t:l:) l{,'al I':-Iat" Tru"t Bld~" thi~ 11'111 n"t walt 1'111' an invitatillll b('fllr(' I
etT('cb will certainly ap- matically stampt,d receipts
Ph"ne C,nR,J 45ft7 \\ 1111 L;l" tll·t·ll a('('Il1l1,di:--hin~ ~Ul'h un~
Fl'Ida\ "Y,'nllll..', at R. peal to you. \X'ill you
\ l"lIl1l~ u> a~ain, 11l\'1:" IlAI'BF;RT, I sh"w EXACTLY how
11-11;11 ill titl\\·:lrt· and ~lh'l'r try it'?
dl "l.L'"II' Tro"p H'llorl,'r, milch you've received-
\\11111114' Ila'I\I".. Ill' ra,\('ll, \l('Xlt' II '! all (''''ITH'il JI,'ad'lllarl"I'- Ilr~",
The kind of fuel yOll
-(·(l\jtn::l~lt·r:.: ttl

~'I I P~lt'l ta dt, :\!I'xiCtl. ~t. Fall tIl' 11It'l tht'lt' :, NOT the driver's guess.
Cynwyd Pastry Shop pc \Llt J-r;l 11;11J1.
\\'ant, the wav vou want it
Alw.1\'S .1 fine s.. 1£.ction of Pit,~. ,1;111"" Pi:l",. ha, a Il\a~nitil'l'llt 1',,1- R/illild ('p pl'l'l..'rarn Irllf1p pr"jP('(,; and deli\'cred. wl~e;) yOll want
May we ,serve you'?
pal 1',,1 J,r"j,·,,1.' \\hl"h \\·ill nllt only' l'e""t1. off/cio/
Hread, Pastrv. C,k ... ,nd R"I".
I'TII"" "I' Ih" halld·" I'"u~ht "d\'I'r-
l!;llrl f,.r tllt'lll (·xtra PI)lrlt~ In tht·
NARBERTH /1I$peL:tlfJn St4tlO"
~tllP 111 III :--(.(. it at yt1ur f1r~t
n"lil'iollS C"oki,'s !'.Ill\' Slwlls

I'll',lt ~\ IluJ":--(,lf til all ill-

}{llllnd 1"1, hIlI ('all al~(l Iw lI~(·d at 223S-J RAI PI J S. Ol 'NNE

1'1'].('1 t 1111It:.
KP/llP', Nut., .,,1<j Chon,l.ltl's
2Ml Montgonwr" C"'R',j ~/R2 011\ ,01",,1 I.r'akfa,-t ,,·1 (thaI i- if ,,"U I!ll' ~('P\It('I-" ILtflqlll·t '·'IJ'ly Tll'xt yl'i\r.
11;\\ I 1111;11\ Ll.... t III lll'd Ill' ha\ I' ~lll 111- Narberth Narberth
:\ llt· \\.
"did \\ I", 1I111-t"
11iIttl'l~ ."1 t,,, III
Th",,' lill,'I" glaz,'d
tfl('rt·;l .. t·
Il;l!ll hlue,
'!;t·il' t "(HlP t n':l":llrip~
ha ...
or Coal Conlpany Coal Company
I"','n al'l'ar;~,'d I,y· t'''"IIl'd ""adquarl-
l'I'I'all" ;tl"l' ; t1 . . I I frlHIl :\ll·XIl'II. Eight 1 Jawrfurd &: Narberth Aves.
'1'.', ;\ 1"'\\' '1'1 "f tll'k"t, of admi,;'
Ha\'erford &: Narberth A\'es.
SlOp at C\'o" \'d, If \OU li,,1' JIl dill!;t t ...
",,11 I" lh,' Franklin Ill,;titut" alld thl' NAR/lERTI J 24 W
.HFRfO.Y, 1",,1- I'I:lIl1'larllll11 I,a,; I...,'n i,;,;u,'d
for inst.lnre. Cliunt on our expert
\11', ,1"1'"",,,,' :-;h,1' " haYllI1< :In 8~TTfRI[S UK' CALUiD I'"OfIl Ni~lJ/.<, SU'IlJa,', and 11"liJa)ls
cCln~i~t illg' of [(lur adnli~~i(lJ1~ for ~1, I'fND DEL/vEilED Ni~hts, Sundays and 1I,)lida)ls
EI.ECTRICAI REP..\IRS .JIlt! RA- "11>1 "I' 1llI"lll"nth -:lit- lIf ,'al'l" fall 330 IONA AVE. Narberth 2651
;\ I','rt','nla~" I'; l..'i\'I'1l III tl1l' trollps AT MOIfTU>HBNY PK, 60 DV £ FEftlOE R. WOU Narberth 2651
DIO SERVICE, Th,' pnet' IS 1I1",it-I- "' .'llk> and "·,,,,1"11';, Th,'n'
1'''1' lilt' (wk,'1 >I,Jd, :\IlY' troop wi~h­
, r£,01son.lhlt·

. . . ;lrt' -Itlili' \'t'ry intt·n·:--tlllf.: d('~igll~ ill

-1I,;dl I,LlI'l,; :111>1 d"w,,":J1 \\(':1\." \\.,,,>1

1111< to lak,' a,h·anlnl..'" "I' thi~ ,,11'('1'
":In 1.."'1 1'1111 p:ll'ti,,"lar, at IlI'ad·
... i- -------
I ,

>Ir' ' , I Y"II'II tilld -"\"":11 1'1" \·w',;

CO. ljlLI 1"1!' r· ...:.
First Mortgage You'll find col,'rs a, col,)rful a, fall foliage. at
Pa,,1 .1. /\li"l:c< III h,"t '111\' ;tI,,,, ,\11 1I1111>u,,1 f,'a-
12011.11" A"'IHIt' . . . ()lIR ,<1 I U5 Ill'" till' \·,'ry' attracti\·" ,;h,,1' "
tl.,' LIt'! tll,lt \"1I Call "I,tain ,'Illall
-1/1'" frl'Ill 11111t· (·k\I·1\ thirtl'('n up
Ml'I'iC'1l ;-';0. 2
wITk-,'nd IIII' :-;"lli"r 1'"tl',,1
Prompl Reply
Goodwear Shoe Repair
alld TI·llI)!' Olliet'r..: \\,('nt oJ1 all ()\"f'r- \X"c carry a full lin(' of dn'" and ,110(' lace, of
I ill"":.!!1 ;dl I il" 'talldal'd,-, I) 1'''1' ill \\'1\1. H. \'\/, QUICK & BRO.
l'ld;l~ ,II' tllll]lII"l"(I\\' alld ,,'hd(' tht'1"I', I,ighl hi!;,' III ('a,tl,' n"l'k, Thi, I' a
IncH South 40th St. all colors, and ,sh,l(' tindi,;gs-,ilb. colton" ('te,
!.1;\(·(· :l1:idl' fal11111I .... a 0...: atl (dc! 1'01l1H.'1'
!lll'h 111 till' 11)"fI;lllll'llt l':l .... l· at IWI" E\'l'rgre('n 2~86 \J\,'est 1676
:.' I ,lIlll l'c,]ll'('{llill 'If h:llld-\\ I'lllll:!lt Ill·
t r"tJllJ,:llldcl ;IIHI !la..: L('('n tIll' ~C('Jl(' 252 Haverford Avenue B. G. Constantine
CHI C ,il,I,1 II \\I'll~·.
il.l~ - ;1/1.1 Illlltl' n'a . . 'l!\;t!I],·.
It· . . \('r~' JltIPUL11' tl\1''''I'

:2:::; If:t\·
.\ 1';1 r'.
In:lll:," tl(:1"lll"l' IJIIllt .... In r('('{'nt


()lIr "''''llllla,-1t'''. :-;a 111111 ,I .I, Bllnl
INTERNATIONAL ,11",d :t\"lIlI>', :\:Jrlllrth,
ill~· • . j r, t:iil~'hl ll.~~1If11('
• 11t·\\' 11ll·t1Jllc!":

I,f 1·!Jan·ll:d :-:t(l\"f'~

(':ll1iJl (·I'III\IIIJ,:. IJ .... lllJ!
t 11"11'111,1-- tl""I,I"lIdid "1'1"'lt\ll:lI\
111:1.1" 1"''''11 ,-:", 111 ,;z,'d till ('all, and
tIl ,... 1('rk Ul' loll gla ... ,.. \\·arl' thl:-: W(·l·k
Wlll·killl,.! l i l l ;\ :tHlklflLI'" "aI1:\r." Thl'
at (;11111:111· ...:. 111('.- 17 ~t. (;I·III'j..!.t··...:.
llll·thild .. tllll."': !l-;ll"l\(·d art' to hl' d('nlflJl-
\ldJtl1Ilt·. It' .. ..::l \ll'.·(·]y 11('\\' :..:tl'lJl\\·;lrt·

ill ,-I,;,,·hlllll< .. It-ar "I y';lal, halld l'ut

'Ir;lt"d at a I:d,'r dat" tll Ih" \'arillu' FORMER GOVERNOR, WHO POLLED OVER 450,000
I'a II" ,1-,
III a thl>tlt- and \'1111' !,atl"1'l1. TIH'l't,
:1]"(' .l.!.·rddl·t ....
Thl' :--:alur>lay' th" \\'h,>I" Ir(lllp \\'tli
~hf·rIH·rt . . . , \\·illt'~. ('(Ick-
J.!CI lIn an OY('flliLdu hikfl t(l ['a~tl('
l:lil- alld fll"lt'd tUIIII>It-I',', ()"I~'
!\\t·llly·li\·I' 1"'lIt" l'a"h "I' tIll"'" d"lIar,;
H,,('k. ,Ial'ting from tIll' :\I,'rioll AN NEN BERG· PEW 'GRAB' OF G. 0, P. !
FrIl'II>I", :'I1(",tinl< 1I11u",,' at I.:W P. :'Ii.
a d"z, II. Thl' i,; a .~r:llld \':l1u" fill'
,l;,,1i I",autlflll ~Ia~"",
and n't urlllll~ al ,j I'. \1. SUllda~' ...... 11 Mr. Pinchot says:
at!\"'IlIUI'I' hih,' j,; to I", a I':lrt "flit"
" I'm a Republican, but I take no order from any boss. I'm an Independent Progres-
I'r":.! ,·alli. TIl~t I'Elmy,
('111 ~ . . . :llltlJt'lllUlll 1111111-111 till.... ill 1ll':1\1-

• HAIR-DO'S on htlth ,id .. ,

11t'\l1 "\lIUIIIII c"I"r,'~ :\:I"'lIi (;rillith,
>\. ,I alii'" 1'1;, .. ,'. ..\ rdllllll't', ha,'

TI'/I/J/, HI purtl"
. sive Republican. That is where I always have stood, That is where I stand today.
" Like so many other Progressive Republicans throughout the State I am taking no
part in a campaign run by and for Annenberg and Pew and their subordinates.
"f the Aclalltit- ,UT 'port- II""" 1"'1' lifly ("Ill' :I l'UIIl'h, \\'1111,' Merion No. ...
ing l1lniad, "f lilH' <'IITI" 'I'll<' :lIInllal F;llh .. r rlII>I :--:"" Ball " I hate to think of what that pair would do to the church people, organized labor
.\ 'll ;(1+ tilt IT Ill' -\11"1· til ;I .... k tIt :-:l'('
and to those who depend on different kinds of relief, if they got the chance.
wI in t1alC .. rilll:; hlllll'hl'S. 1"1' '1,It-'ioild I",tt,'r", Thl.' >Ii,,!, I' lldl·t llf till' Lillt'l't\ Trllllp \\'il:-: Ill·ld

.. '1'011'11 adllr," Ih.. 11<'\\

"n,"'t sty,,",.
\\ I

I ('1'
1J t\ I JJIl'l r I' '\('1' 111'11 t llo\\t·1' ...:t· r\'- III
I I \\

:11)11 (';111 ;11 "Il ill·1 J

I IIIl' \\'a, Trtl"ll" 1I11u>I' \ll1nday'
~·l III ill ,,1 a 11 ~ I,,~·III ,,·,th 'lInl" ,() hll\';, th"il' fath,

II I II ~-' :' ,\1 l' I';I I' tIt· ,.... I' I· I I( ·11 ~ It; I II t ( , t I .; I ..... "I"
;tntl 1<111',1, and "t1ici"l, .. I' till'
" I hate to think of what would happen to the farmers, workers, small businessmen and
the clean and decent people of this State, if Annenberg and Pew should succeed
in getting control of Pennsylvania or even the Government of the United States."
; .'ip",i,Jili", .. , ~ I 11'11<'11 1·ll.itlyilll! :t -,,It'llllid 111<':11. :--Jl('ak
l\lolldav ttl Ihllr,d,.y 1·1' ..... i\\\;tnl........ 1I11t!:...:. :llld (·lIn\·('r~atint1. HARRISBURG, PENNA,

• 1'",.,I/<1//t'I/l<

/1'01/1 $5 It' y"U :II'" 1'"nol "f I'rlll\.'
:tll'l :Id~' kllll\\·
_I 1\ 11·1·;t!.]t·
illl\\· c!l·('tll'atl\'l·
tlJl'.\ :11'1', I'll Itl1]~
.11"'1' " h'1l1 th"t th,'\· """ I... I'll III II I
:II Y, (idd,ly :-;11>,1'. ~():I 1f:1\",'f",.,!.
:lnol TIll' j,,~ r""t'II'I' "I' till' "\"'Ilill~ \\'a'
:tIld rllli' ld' t ill' Ea~t:...:· Il·.ldlllJ: flllltilall
lwt·d '·";11·111· ... \\!ll'''l' Il;lllll·. \\'1' 1'('~1't't. 11111....:1
ill' wjllllll,ld fr"lll ,Print.
(it' 1111' :I"anl, gl\,'n, till' Illll,t im
9P. M.
BEAUTY SHOP :\:llhnth, 11'''"11.1 a ,it-li.ghtfulluIl1'i1- l'''l'talll i> Ih" B"IIi"ld 1.1I~'all" :I\\'"rd
Rick/i/I, I'IOp. '''II "'I ,,",t",'>I:I~·. Th,'r" :II',' f"ul' ,,·hil'll \\"'111 t" Pick ('u"t''I', Tr'lIf<1'
'":1\.'. a t:d,J" nllllll'!' alld fllur lIal" :-;c"llll' :I.lld .Juni"r "\"i>t:llli Sl'lIut-
103 Essex Avenue 1.111.' ill IW\\ l>lul' "ilh 'il1:lillt Putl'h 11I:I,t('". \\'h" i, all Jo:a~'" S,,"UI alltl

, 1'1101/" ;\'<11 berth ,9;2

l!lrl('k t\j..!.un'o...: in

,11",,"1', "II" "I' tIll' !'I,,,il'" di,;1i tll\\"I.,

c\dpl". FIll' a kitchl'll \·t·11'r;tr! Ill' "':111111' roill' \(':11':-: of '...:l·r\·jc'p
I" tl", 11'''''1'' Th,' Illt''I'patr,,J (',,"l ",t
:d """ d"llal' "·,,,rld h" a \\','k"'11<' I<ift. 1'1:I'IIl" \\·a.- """ h,l' tit" HIIIl'al" I'al!'ld
(ll'. f"r that'I"'ci:l1 \I,'ddill.~ 1I1' ,;lill\\'- "I' \\,111,,1, H"j, \\'all'''u, i..; 11ll' l'atl',,1
"~I' gi\'" " l'I,~ul:lr ",iz,'d 11Ill"h""n c1"th 1""tI,,., Th,'~' >""I'I,d I;II:-:() p"inl'; t"
'" F""ll<'h P,'I\all linl'n, TIll' 1'1'111(..; d,'f"al tl", Ill'"n'",t ri\·al \\'hll had 1I111\·
:1"" lrul,. I"':lutiful al thr,'" >1,,11,,1',"; ':u,;, I""nt" '1'1,,' llil 'Ill I"'I'..; Ill' till'
h rt'al'lu's arou nd
:III" 11I1Il'l,,-li\,' c"nt., III ti\·" d"ll"r."
tbe wol'ld alld 1':11 r,d Ihn',' "I",'I,'d Charl"tl(,
..\11 It"111 "f Ill'c,'"ity' ill any' \\'al'tl- C!"lI\\·n()\,I'I".

;\t'it'r t1"'ni,,al "j' pat 1',,1 ""rll"r~,

• Ildlt·.

:illrl nIH' whi('h \\'1' (':III't ....:t·l·lll to
(·t\lHl~h Ilf. I~ till' J!(Hlfl-!tlokillg" the 1,'ad,'I'. :\Ii,-, LUI'''I .. Bak,'r, all-
-t 1'",1 011"">, f"r t"\\'II, "I' I>l'itl~" I'luI>, nllllfH't'd tililt 11H·111"('I''...: (if thl' Tnlllf!

"I' ally· illfll'·lIlal t11'1'.'';-u!,,', (lll" ,of 11:ld :--lIltl nt:arl~' ;lfiO p(lulld~ (If (·llokj(·:--:-.
llil !w ... t Itll,klllt! :-'l't'll i~ a t!f·l'P. Til" '1'1'''''1' di,,'u:,~,'d t\\'" play, ~uh­

III'Ii I,ur!,I,' l'n'I'" \\ith tra!'ullta "111- Illll!t'd f,,1' 11-" in thl' ('llmilll< di,;tricl
I>r"itl""y'. ,'Il,oll'-,I('lIl<th ,!t'('\'"", and a dr:lIllal'(''; t ry',,,ul,;. II lI'a, finally' dl'-
••• but it's part of lIalTlll\' 1",11 "111i a tllul'h Ill' l','ri,',; at l'itl,'d to n'h,'a 1',,' "(; I"','n E~'"s frlllll
,Ii,' !,ul'l,I", It l'all I", f"ulld at Ilud- I{"lllany" alld lill"'; 11"'1'1' J"I'ad by'
your own homt' town I,'~·,L,,\\,'. III,' .. in :-;\. .lallll''; Placl', 1·,,111111""1", ,lall" ;\ll,tin. Charl"tt"
,,\rollll"l't'. alld Ih,' til'kl'l ,ay,; ;;:~!I,~lr), ('I',,\\'n,,\""', .J,'all IlulIl'all, Adl.'laid,'
Almo!"ot an\'one "'(llJ ~IIU\\. an\ "hprc
in the worid. i~ ",\ithin n·.It'll td' '(tllr ,\lId ",1111" ,,"U'l'I' thl'l'I', I",,!; at th" lI"l'p,'r, \Iyra K('('k and :'Iluhl'1 ~Ic­
telepholll' ""in', T,·lt·,dlOlle "'I'n i·c'l· i~ yUlllllly ('(1('11:1 111'11\\'11 (')"(')It' \\'ith :U'- I\"llar \\'ill nwl't \\'ith \Ii", Bakl'r at
BtaIP-widt', nalioll-\\'idl·. \\orld·" Ide. ""1't1'"11 !,It-atl'd "1<,,,\,..,;, fill' th" ,;allll' IH'I" hllJlll' ~Htlll"da~' aft('rlloon at ;)

Yet your tclt'phone
a hOIlH'-lu\\ II
calls you lJla~c ure to 11f't1l'lt' 11t·;nll\".
I~ Ltrl,:'"
H'n il·(·. \I 1I" 1 HI' 111'~
!'rll',', If ""U 1":111 tllll'ard 1,lal'k (alld
it alwa~'.' I,,,ti,,, ,;tullninl<), thi,; tillll'
,,'cloek wh(,11 shl' and tIll' dramali,'>
,'hail'lllall will l'a~t tl1l' play,
TIlt' "\"'lIinl..' "ndl'd with an l'xciting
by an Automatic lias Waler Healer
it', :I .'atill-I>uc!; ('1'1'1"', ,,'ith a ~atin
And mORt of tilt.. If'!('I'!IoIH' 1Il'l'Ipie \\ III) l<al11,' \\'"n by L"i~ \\'l'1)b', tl'am,
~II'dl,', artfully' dl':lf'l'd ,;hlluld,'!',;, and Are you a slave to cellar stairs?
serve you Ji\l~ ill or IH'af \"!Jur fl\\I1
EI',;E:"IA TIIAY';E:", S,·ril". Plan whereby you pay a small
, home town. ~OIl1C of th('lII" arc vour
fri('ntls and lH'if;h"or-, .
t \I'll rhi 11I',;t"11I' ('I i I,,-and it ',; lin Iy'
~ Hi.!}!). You are if you tramp them day deposit of ~5; 75c per month
XI/ril/Ttli rl'OOlJ R Ih;~;.
This company ~I_l~~~ III' hi~ III '-Pf\ r }"(IUI" :-:incl'l't· ObSI'J"\'('I".
TIlt' nll'l'lin~ TlI .. ~day wu, ~t.art.('d
after day tending a non-auto- for six months; and if you decide
1,220,000 1"'lIn,\ 1\ .11 "a "''''I'It''IIl'-,
'''"I'' \' a I;n~,' \\'ith th .. f1:l1..' Cl'r,'mony and o))e vers(' , matic water heater. Let us install to keep it, you have 36 months
But afler all iIi,
of home-town peoplt.. \\ttrklng to-
II II III I... r
G i r I Scouts
uf "AIlH'ril'a." TIll'I'" follow ..d a discus
an Automatic Gas Water Heater to complete payments. Ask us
• gether to ~i\'c all ,he 1"'01'1,' IIIf' I"If'-t
telephone Sf'nicc in thc Wllr!t! al II,,·
.\'I/r/"'I'III Troop J..!:i ""n of thl' thinl<s \\'e plan to do this:
EI ..ction of oRicer, took plae(' at tl1f' y'ear-wl' talk,'d especially about a in your basement and you'll free also about our easy rental plan.
lowest possi"le cost. 111,'<'lin~ of :\!ol1day evening-. Those barn dance.
• yourself for all time.· Come in and Then begin to take life easy with
• • l'1 ..clt'd: Ad ..laide il,oppl'r, ,ecret..ary; I We divid('d into Oll r groups, Th('
Is your home or olliee "'1nil'!,l'tI 10 ,Il".'othy 8tl'('ll', tr('a,urer. ,hom<:'making group finished plans for let us explain our Trial-Purchase an automatic Gas Water Heater!'
\ take full ad\'anla!!e of motlern ",11'- ll11rin~ till' previou, we('k a cont('st lhe Hallow("en pal·tv ))('xt week, The I
phone service'? An extension "'I"l'hone '!'I',u!t('d in th(' choice of Mila A,ho-, nature gTOUp did s,;me stuny of trees i

saves time and steps; alTOI'd, "'Ira
protection, privacy unll ('on "('11 il'lll·t'.
Ask the Business Oflil'e or a," ,,,1,,,
dian, dramatics chairman, anti Eu-' and I('ave,. The art goroup started on'
g"llia Thay,,'n, Troop scribe. ; Chriglma, cartls. Each
Thl' Troop di\'id('d into three g-roups group planned a three minute sketch.:

phone empln)'ce fnr furth.'r inf"rllla.

tion. The Bell Telephone CU'"l'llly and ..a('h "corner" elected a patrol \\'e closed the evening with our At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Plumber
of Pennsylvania. Ilead,'r. Patrol one chose Mila AShO-,' goodnight circle.
• Idiull; patrol two took Jane Austin PATSY KRAUSKOP, Scribe,

".. ~. '. ...

..... , ',.; . "".:.:,;" ",.;.,';:·,'1
TO\YN and TOWNSHIP October 28,



/' l'II/If,,1 j ' l '', I .... 'lif lillI/I,

" I /' I j,l :, f/I (I, :.. . . , I I" 'It , I ' , // II, • ()( 'H 1/1(,11 (I( AU n .·1,\') ['H/CI:'
\ III rill.
III I( 11-'" ...· iUI//!II, tI
f" .,; II!, rhl /\·illy· ...: /)I//I,,1i
(11If/ : ..·:"11..... 1'1 1111 ....· .11
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.11 r,.

/-. /'I,{ J), / Il!/,

.\·If ,-h, rfl, II·,
11'(1 ..... I j /'1 ..... /(/, 11 t i l l ,- 11/' 11/1/

.'1/1// ....• . /)/1·/·1'/111' .....• iii t' (h'·II.I'111 DRY CLEANED AND PRESSED
I' o/! (Ii, ."ill 11/1 I"IJ"": o{ I'li Ilrlfff I·
.), II. '/iid III/i///ff/II/ "!... ',, fl" SUITS IL\THIH1BI:S
II" lu 11/ ,,/
/',. ii'
I I'i<'e" 1'1,1111 SOc
3 Stores

1:,,/11 :\11'. La 1'''1'1' and :\11'. Ilill HI'" STATEMENT .;' . ." \I

Po tiC a Pot !:\, : t: !':t!'II!I!]('all 111,1/1 it· ...; In :\lClllt

'. I
~. t I .\ '., .. I.:;'
: ,d II \
.\ I. r 1). I ~., !' II' I , 1
: I" \' I ..... o! j ' •• ' ,,'
1" t. I'
I ' ••
I I" ., \'. ',I '
.\ I
,: I.' '". I 'lll,
" f . 1 " ", \ /'.111' III
W. I.A!'."CAS. A '·E. :-:. :-:ARIIERTII A,c.
E. L\(~IF
1,111' ~ ,\' (·"llllty. \ I. Ii - I '1 1~'1:": ;llld ~Llll'll .i. 1:0: :: . . . ( '1'11"111,1 ..... \ 1:1\\",,01. II'! 1:1I1-1'~1 ARDMORE NARBERTH OAKMONT
TOWN and TOWNSHIP ',' :'..111 ... 1111 ";1 1"'1,,11,\ Y 1:1· Oppa,itr All/ocar Ncxt to I 'PPER D:\RBY
., I ~.I!l I" .\,I,I! , ....;. ;1' III \\ 1111.111 i.1 1.;1 \\ .
Narb,.,th TIII'atr~
I . III "1 ~:., I \\, .•. ~, 1.\ .1 I .\. ,I I III' rIll. I '1 1111,\ .•. ,; .\11 I 1:\ 'r I I"', Ill. I'll I I. I ,I.· ! 1111 I: I I ';1
Factorv Cor. lIir'l Toran-
:\' ." "11
1.. 1 t l " , . I ... ! ~Io\. l~j.I."i TII.\1 Ih,· 1,11"\\11 1"'Ildll"id'l:-- Illl'll· Phone Ard, 3444 Phon" N"r. \644 Phon!' Ililitop 1200
\\ .: I, "I.!:- "I I \\1"1... l'l'lllallllll~ lIt' ....... 1'" 'I! 1"'1,1\:--<.\ i\;t!II;t, ;tl1d ,i11LI'!" ... p, IJlIl \ 11,,1r!,'I:'-'. H\\ II-

, , '. ,II r I I \ "f .\ 11 , I, [ L'l 1rll"1 \ . I' :' "I II" I, 1111 l~ J II.' r , .•. I I I "I f II' " ,. "f I"!.l J
.,,,\, I I. d:tr:l I : I,,· •
(I: ·1., I h'l rl' lj'l;t t ll' {' :lllll l ;ll ~II I I {, ~ .. '1, '1 i' ;I ',,'!;I; \ 1'111,. I· .I II' I f, I! , .' j 11 f "f 11,1 I Ili:,-,. r II" IlL' ,J,~"": ,) I 1,111,'1 :0-:" •
) I!I 'II" ill .' '\\'1' r '1 I" Hill :lIU! :\ar-1:11' ;---:.11 • . t~,,, ,'''1I:l!\ .11",.·:--,tld p'I"'"llo ,1,~·II""'.llt· :'\"11"
Plt"'~ I ' ~ i I I 1 .\ .
;" 'II, 1,;1' "I" ,llI"'./ ,,,II,,'~ III :---tratt·J.6c' d!j.\ '.'j"\' '1\11·,I~'I":~~.. ,II~!' .1" .I";"~~;I'~-"\" \~.J!I\~' . . Tllll\1 \:--: \ 1:1.\\llIljl
(':1 n ~ \\:, I )" 111.1 ... II! ...... ! II" ,<I !" I,,·!, ,r. 1111' IIlI'"
, ;,) ,,;! I 11 '\\ II' I,: J I ; if ~ d 11'1 l'1'1 I 1..:"11. 1\,1 r" I'" 1 I" 1'111,), ~ I,' !
t 11, .\ 11 ' I' .\ I ;1 II - I' ,r I
I· I! t \\. I \ III :' fl: ~~ 11 t ; It 1 I \I , " I ., \\ I . ~ i, II' II:,
.1.1 " ,1 I I, I' .111' I. ! "; '"
Heali"y, and Air-C07/ditiollillg "..;)~tnrH lor the Jlome
\ , ....... \ .\1.\1<1:1.1-'1:1'1'>"'"
I .. '
;11 ~'lLt 1\ 1',JI,j
\\. II,,· 'IWII
,j 11,,1'.1:' '1" 1,1 ,r :J.. ,( 1,,1 , .... I:d \1 , -, '111 11, j ... :-< i' "1 , .... 1.1 1-":-- •\ I J L.: Il ,.... I :.' 1 ~ll ~ Vanllllll cleaning all Oi I BllrJH'r,
'1'111' ;;"ttlld", at " 1'. :\1. ;111.1 1"",, d 11, I'],
l1lak('~ "f heating ~)'·~tel1l' Coal Stpker,
1:11' It'aftl'l', Ilt'1I111lT;tlit' \\'111 kl·l·... Ill' , I, , , ;, I 1, '1]11' , '! l,~· tIll' ",·t ,,,
(;a, Burner'
r"",hull I"r I",J~ .. 1,1"'''' .'~;ltl .. rIll anc! IlI·at·!I.'· will l'II01:·.;t a pI).! \ <I.

I" L'
, .:;
.1]T" lld.·d h.' \11,· .\"1
,Tl.l",di,·d III .... ,·.'IJlIII, A PUBLIC HEARING
104 E",·x A",·., Narherth
.Jud ..:" ..\rthllr II. .1:lnl<'- ,\III "'" Ih.' :tl1d ll1ak.· \I;:,>"il at ;;111'11.,1"" I,:lrl1.
1\'1111':\:":' g:'''I'' at Flallld,ll ',':"Id. If ft :--ll!t- Id' 1.1'\·t lin.l! :\lill rllad, g'11l1lJ..!
I "~'o1'
'I! ! ',,-
;11<1\ 1~1·"lIl.di,,~.:-.
'It! .r,ld' .... -, ...... I ,t'l
I" \\\t '

Phol/c Narberth 2IV8 Holland Furnace Co.

1.,1;;"1 .\:.1' 1,11.-' 111_ I :,1.1. 'I ,I I1II ' \\ ': II,' Il"!l! 'lll 'J'lll'~rl;I:-: f' \ '·I,II1L'. ~Il •
Philadt·:f11lla. 1111 ~al11lday. 111- 1111.-1.- 11'1!"1 Ii fl"lilll thl' Cynwyd ~l'hllill lo" \I l' .t" ,.] ,II' \ ,'11 11"'l 1:.[ 11 I":\i :11 ."i I' .\1 I II 1111'

Urt' t.' I" :\11. alld .\11., . . J"hli .\. l.a· \\';u·d :'tat" '-(l;ttl. '1 I, \ .!\\"".j
,," \ .. r •.. 1 t\'" '1I~. l·,,:!". 1: I~,,"r'l ,,:1111 1I:lll 1,\' 1111' \::tr~
111'1 tIl HlI:lrd ,If .\d.lll:-'IIlIt'Ilt· l!f ZIJI!iIJl:.
flln'. .J, .. "I' :\1. !'I"I1. alld :\1 r. and i .\ ,all, 1'"" It"I"," .\tlwric:l11 (·itIZ'·I1-, \".l·j,,; II. 1';\
II, "III~ld"r tIl" ;IJlpll';tlillll .. f ~1r~ ~lah,·1 ~
1\11". I.",,"ald C. 1):11. "I' ArdIlWl'l·.I" II I... Iwlrl :11 lilt' :-;1111-llItl'· (;ar3gl',
.\ I, I .\ " I']~' l<oJ
H H,,\\',·rl Hf ~:":II \·;tll".\· 1:";101. :\l'·rilllt. i
i I ":1 a' "IIW·. \'arl ... ,lh "1'11<,-01:;,' ni~ht.
11, II
";1 I', P"I'TlII! h.,,. III '·Hllt!U,·t a !'uhllt, Clothes are Cleaner
1111·1111..: '~Il""1 ill p:trt !If ,II .. h;1:-OI'n"'111 and Last Longer-at
',\ ,ll I~;tlph 1{111;tldll('('i, :':tllTi:-:to\\'Il. Nf"'! Ill' till' '\,"1J1·tl1 Apal't!lll'nt "f till' 1

Classified " prlllcq':11 'I"·ak'·r. ,J""'ph 1'.
I h"
,\1,,' I:' fllll"1 \ ('" III t .\ pal I lIlf'l 11:--: ;1 I
cupl :"':11"1"'1"1 h .\ \ ,·llllt·~. :'\:;j ,h"rl h. l't·l)lIa.
1'1 i"I'

Advertisements '\1; t:':IITil,·. \'"rl ... ,tl: (·lIl1llllitt,·,·m;m.·

.\ III 1'1'.·,;.1<-.
.\11 p.·r .... 'l1l:-'1 illl"r,'~l"d aI',· r'·qll,· ...
HI I \ HII (>I-' .\I'.1I·"T~IL:"T

.lJo' 7.n:"I:"(;.
'.·d St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
\\. I' I~ J.:\. .-\:"~. c'ilairman. Knof> JI'hrrr YOllr Laurrdry Gors
wl11 ht.' a'TI'p'.·d up til \\" t·, I
Fr \d;\ \-'~ lin :\J"tld,,\' th.· tal\;il1~ motiotl pir- \\,AI.TI·;I( I (H'TIIAHI •.
I\~~da \', [) o'l'luIl'le flJr
tIll',·. f"aturill~ I""'"id"nt R,"",,\'!'lt. I : <11 -I)
WIll tip f'har,l!pd f l l.1)' tn rt>~'­
(;"""r!,"I' Eal'lJo and eharll's Alvin
din"'ttll ~
to 1"Ill". I Il'ltlocl'al Ie candidatp for goov- ~ ! Oyer a Century I
I '
3c a word
'1'''''1'. \\'ill h., I'n"f>tlt"r! to the puhlir'
111 A 1'r111l0l'l', Br,'n :\1 a \\'1', Wp,t !\I ana- !
of Service. i t
weeks for the. price of 2 ,ullk alld Bah\. ,1"hl1 H. (.luck) Kelly,t
l'hllad,·lpl'la Il"ml>l'l'atic Il'a,Ii'r. is

Phone Narberth 3637

'''1l1IlH'nlalol' In tl1l' J!1l·IUI'l·. which \\,ill'
II\' ,,110\\'11 ill SJlI'i11J.:' and Lippincott
! :1\· .. ·IIIH·~. A rdl1l"n', at /.:W P. :\1.; 11 .. 1-
R. R. Bringhurst I Here's Something timely for you!
Sitllation5 Wanted Co., Inc.
, l a lId n nd ~JlI'ilJg" a \·(lfltll·~. A rdnlort", at
l\:arl'l'rtlJ :":1:..::t·\\·.
OI! 1:11..'1.1
" I'. :\1.: \\'aI'l1l'1' and Lall('a~t"r a\'I"
"11".'. HI','II :\1:1\\'1'. at :-:.4;; P. :\1.; \\,("t,
Arch St. RITtenhouse 5690
---A radio for every pocketbook!
"YI'I):I; :11111 1.::,'1\"1 :11 "IIi,·,' \\"1 k ,1","'11 "11 \lalla,tll1k. ~I.:\(I P. :\1.. and at Hala I
(':1 II (11111\"'!1 t ,·f"l "!I,"-~ :\':,1 h"!11l 11 1':'-
nd 1I1~'hJan,J a\'·I1I1'·". Hal~l. at lO.:W tocal
----_._-~_._--------- P. :'>1.
~TI,::"IH;I~.\I·fll_:l: t'II~]II":-'~"" jll'l': :'-'lolr!-
\\·,·t!n"",la\ nll.!ht at \\'illiarn,on 2 1~ A\'on Road, Narberth
lIatt. d":--ll"~ 1'1l~IIl1111

] .. Al·);III:I·::--:~. "I,l!'·. 11\1111..: 111 ~;lll"·lltl.

, ..:ill tIll \"lll" 11·11111' lillllldl ..... b.'al1[lr\JII~"
."\;ttlll'IIh 41'1:1-\\-
lIall. ;,11 \Y. Lallca-1<'r U\,I'nUI', Ard-
'"""'. a "imtlar I'all,' will I", helrl
Narberth 2216 The '.
1', .\\..'>'1111'.
!"I;tllt .. ·d .Ju:o-:I
"kil~'·. ';J!I' of
"'Ith Adrian 1:"l1n.·II,·. n1<'1111'l'r of
11.· l"'lallal'" 1:1\,,]' I.hidgl' ('''mmi,- Air-King Radio
1"". a, chief 'lH'ukl'l'.
At YLlurServ;ce IS a honey ... You can put
("H(H'111-:TI·:H.~ l.·'\P'·l'it·Il,·(·d toll illfallt~'
halld 111;1111' 11 1"':-: alld .... ;t, qllt·~ \\'ritt'
Cha~ ~l,·'z. 11

:-.; :--'i\th ~tr J·IlI!;!.. Pa. this super - heterodyne Clr-

(4 )

\"Al'I'I'~1 c'I.I-:.-\.'\'I·:H:--' J','palrt'd llkt.· It(·\\".

c';1it, dynamic - speaker job ,
I'll :"~llh ~;~76.
$1.7;1 up in any room in your home,
L()I'I~~~\ll'I~JTI~(;, It;,\-t·lt~·· 1I1;ll'llillC n··
pair~- \\a!"llill~ tlla"'lillt'H, ell'. :-.:. E.
and take it next summer on
HnH~dlt·~·. 1lH I'udlt'>", :'\arherlh. .:\"lI-h that vacation trip . . . No
2966. It fJ ,
~"llj{i';SS1\f Al{I="(i~----;:(.,-nodeJln,.: . . af~
tera t IUTlfol, hu tt onholes marle. ~tat erlals
for salt-. :\11:--:0; :\ladelt'llle Mlt'8en, ~09 Hav-
aerial or ground-just plug
in and
• '1 I

erford an". :s'arh. 2!iOfJ-J,


jobbing 1'!t'a!'4-t' J1llfl1l(~ (;otlll£')) EssIIIIJ,:"er,
-soft musIc
Conwny a\'e. :-';arb. 374R-11.
\\Olllttl1 will
tilkt' (';lI',.--;;r~­
-football games

dr'en day or .. n:>nilll-:. ('fJlIlpallitlll to
lady; {'xn·llellt n-ft>renl·e. I 'bull," ~ar-
b .... lh ~~4:l·.J. (3) --election returns .
-police calls, etc., too. r
GIHL'~ 1:It'Y(·I.E, fair 1'lllldlllu!I. $11. fIO . !
.l\11~~ Hig-g"s, :":artH'rth 3S~5.
ELEl'TIU,' IItll:-';I·:lt ano! "·,,,IIi,,,, l1la-
chilll', mahllL.:":lny 1\,·1111.: I'llllfll l;lbl". all
We 5pecialh,e in the design 01 appropriate memorial5 The Air-King illustrated aboH costs you only $9.95 •
good condition. (~all :"a rlwrt IJ :l~:d \\1.
CA:":.-\ltII':S for' Halt-. guaralllf'l'd
nil colors, :--I·!t-ctillll of lOll ('harlcfI

~illg"l'r~. ~[)w. ~.
Between West Laurel Hill and Westminster Cemeteries,
Kat'l'llp,·. Fair"jpw road, :\arhl'l·th ('r n -
wyd alqo·.! (6) on Belmont Avenue Bala·Cynwyd P. 0" Pa,
The WOnLn BOOK. ano! nJl the \'ol'n-
tionnl guldarwe and adult t-l1uca.tion Phone, Manayunk 0166 And the one illustrated alongside here tS your biggest
thnt ~oe~ wllh It \\'orhl', best en-
('}Tloppdll' htl~' (or Hg-t,\S 1 to 10\ Terlllfl buy anywhere - a combination radio and PHONO·
If d .. ~lred, The Elwood~. 110 ",,,rest.
NnrhPl'th. GRAPH
~o. ~; l'ensonahlt-.
for 'ale' \\"elsbal'll
211 Ilal11l)-
Fra••kenfielll Fune.·ul Home •
den a'·e. :-;"I'h<'l'lh
FIREPI,ArE \\"OO=-="]):---."""'OO:-.-',,"r ~pnn &,
Sonf;, 113 Elmwo-od H\'{'., ~Hrberth, I
Simpson Road at Athens Avenue • • • only $19.95
Narh. :1~7rl. (5) Tele~,hone Ardmore 9 Ardmore, Pa.

Lost and Found ,.
LOl'T - Hunl'h of kl'Ys In hrown Ipalher
folder. nolla r reward. llet urn to Town
Crematory Service Available •
nnd 1'nwll~htp office.
LO~T-Hl)~·'R hpa\'Y J,.:"I"PPtl ~w('at(·r. "idll-
ity o( ~t'hl,rr{'y'R Fi(>ld, :\arhprth :'j~5,' A modernly equipped crematory and chapel has just been
completed by this long·established cemetery. The building
Narberth Electric and Radio. Company •
Rooms for Rent was designed by Frank R. Watson .. well·known church archi-
NICELY rurnlshl'il 2nd Ooor st unlo room tect. This equipment was added in response to requests. Phone, Narberth 4182 Walter G. Case
or b~d roum.
Sultnhlfl' (0(' orle Dr t\\'o The chapel makes possible a dignified service away from
perSOt1R Convenient to t'nrhpl't h Rtation. wind and rain and glarin~ sun.. in harmonious surroundings
Mr~. \\~. ,J. Butl£'l', Jr .. :!tl7 Itul1lJ l dpll with 'soft music. The cost is very reasonable. Our gueHing conte5t goe5 merrily on. Win a fine big turke'y, Thallhgiving Eve, by gueHing, NOW,

n.·venup, Na.rberth. tt
Belmont Avenue, beyond City Line, Bala-Cynwyd the »·attage 01 the lamp5 in our window. Other pril.e5 Get the detaik
Apartment5 For Relit
FOl'n-llOOlll apartment for .."nt. fllr-
nlah"d. 43 :-';orth Narberth a\'('nue. :-';ar-
West Laurel Hill' Cemetery •
berth. Phone Narberth 4077.

, ..... ~.: ,., .;,....' I

'-," .,--,,' ., .... '

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