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t;Rrb~rth COl11:,.'lni t7

'.'ilnda or Ave.
~t A.l' bprth, p~n·"'.<'

-l vWN and TOWNSHIP The hopes and happenings of the Eastern Main Line Newsstand price. 5<. By mail. one ycar, $2.00

Annual Banquet Nanles in the News Around the Town The Parking Problem Religious Census
Low-Cost Non-Profit Near Close, With
Chri,lllIa" d"I'"rall"II,' "ill I)l' .-,'" ,\;ulbn/lt a1/(/ .'Irdmore Gin'
Hospitalization for n.
-. ()/ thc Humid Spel1kll/lJll
1'0'1, :1'IlO/,ull Legulll,
"II :\arl"'rth', IIlalll ,Ir."t agalll thl,- Shopper a Bn'ak Favoring Results
Main Line Is Ncar y('ar, thullk:-: ttl 'l d('CI:.. ;. J111I uf tlJt' 11U . . J
II"" "IIuII('iI "IIICIt ha,.- \01".1 t" II~III :\ ft, I' " tllll' I' Y "I' h" ,I \ J 'I "I, -I
\\ Jl] Ill" h,l<.1 at tIlt· 1'\';":1"11 l~llldil (If: lip I/;\\','rford a\t'IIU" fr"lll P"I"'lId" I f 1"1 111\ 11t!-- III t' ~.'" 111'1) III.· III t III ~ t MallY Re"idenls Glad for Being
II, I> \ \

llrH/ JlII,!';t,ll 1 "1'1,'"

,Hall I \',lll., 1111" l"IJIllllltlfllly Iluddltl~~; Ill'xl ~, to ,Jalluar~ 1. Considered. Modd J)i-
:-';"1'111'1 tit IJa' dn'ld, d t" t"I",' -1'1"
• (',I/lS;d", J.Il"I/~ I 'p IV;I" I I : 11.1:'l·lllllJ,.:". ,,\ I III I - t It'I' 11:1~·.
I \ ("11\" f .
I At a '-1",,'1,,1 lIl.,,'tlllg of lit,' I'U>I-I t"\\;lld ,,11,,\ "11 Ill!.!' tilt' 11;11'1.111)..: 1,1,,1, rcc/io/I.' (j;vl'n
I'h;laddpllla SCl }';' I' 'I"'"h''' \\ill I... II,., ('ILI,.I", ~"'t1P", !IH'>:-: ('lluncil. llH'J"l'hallt:-- Wt·rt· Ilifullllt'd It'lll 1111 Ila\"'1 (I'ld ,I\,'IIUI·. llt"t\\''t'11
Ill' ~ld, III lIt' llli''· Tl'ada'l""" CIII-:
1"1' tlip d''l'I~'oli ttl put lill' :;U nlllll1tl' .\"IIII',tlJ and [-;-,-,\, I,~ gl\lll)..: " 1'",1 .·1 JV( )RJ) HI: JVOOLMINGTON
),~, ;11 \\·,·t (·lIl·-t,·I. \\ h.l addrl':-- ..... ,·d
I' ()J I: /.\ / () W: ,W ),'.... IH)· 11"\1 king Ida II "II tna!' :'>1t'rcltanh t Ilid til tile' 111'\\ ::tI'llllllutl' II:ll'k(ll~
_1",,1 • 111', 1;IIII1I'I""t \\111 I". ,j'df,'",'nt,
l/i' i'lI'al }{ld:lr\' ('lul l Ill'l 1111 \" ~IlJ- ;
I I W''I'" urg.·d ttl ('''-''p''rat" fllily. Lt'l l'l'c.:IJi"tloll, Tltc Clta;rmau Hell/dIn Mammolh
\\h,'III('1 1:,\1 \1:<\\1' II" 1'11"1,, 11 I tl'l":- arl' to 1)1' :--t'nt ttl 11I1'al tatlltllt·~ TIll .,lllIl t"lllll 1111\lt fl·r P;lI'klllg 1-
t.h,· ('llflllllll 1"(' Jll"llllll~I·"'. 111:111 1'\""1' ue- /a"k <11/(/ III :1 ddi/;ou If as
linl' up \\ II!, rl,1 111 \\ 1.1!~IIJt.dl/.;I~ )1>11 al'qllailltln~ tllt'lll With till' plan alit! Illl"lllkd til ~!l\" 111"ll ..... IltlllJ11'1 ;1
fc 1!,,1'. ;,ul\"l:-..:ill}! tilt'1I1 ,d" till' IIHTl''-l.'''I'd (II' dl:UI('1 tJ>, 111l';J1 .~tlll·I" CI,I.-1 Pian/lin g ('ommi.u;oll Du/ies
plall "I' I I " " ,,,1,,1 I,,,,!,,I;(I -,'1'\ tl)

It"', ,kJl' n,l- ,II ,ql]lIl,\al l,~ 1111 !ll';lrd

\\·;tl:'·1 :\lil·-.·Il. It'l"'lll ('lJllllll:llldl'r,: po1'l'lnlty ttl >h"p III IIJl' 1,01 "u~11. t;tI'lllall'>!I" til I... III"'j,- oIllIlll~ tl"
of tllj ... lt·l· r.( Hl:,n ~Ll\\1 ;t! a Ill."'!
\\ J! I I "l'I'1 \ t.. till' 11;1 . . . 1 {'I ,llllll:lll(!'·,.· . . . i • trial ,,1,,1 '""'t,I""lt.- \\111 tll'lI I"
III' .1,,1, ,,1,,1 II 1'- , \IIITt"d Ih,' L"",ltlll Ilf till . ~l\' II ~lll ('I!Jlll!
Illg ~I ldl,j:l~" Elltl'rillj.,! a lJa.:--t'11H'llt \\Illdq\\ tllll,l .. ttl til ,'lJ tIll'
,\""1'.1 \\111 Ilt' 1'1"''-' III' .I 10 :-';"rl" Ilh',' .\ll'\h"dl.'1 dlurdl, \-:""\ III"I't- "I' tl", ,01"11,
~14 11:1)1'1 II II III 1111' t\ . . . . 'IC1:ltl·d 11,1'-
ll,:tdlrll~ ('ltIZl'll elf tilt' year"
pltal ~t't \ WI t 11111 !,.:-- --lIL--I'r!lwr ... tIl ~l :llld Pril'(', a thi('f la:--t ~LJfldilY at :\Jdltllll"'- dll\" ;lJ,.-'.I111 t llllli
1'h,' ,'omllll!I",' In ('h"r~" 11I,'lllll,'> t"lllplt'd to 01"'11 a saf,', It \\'a,- l'IIlpt, '"hoplll'r l'ark"I,- III tl", l'Il,-II".-.- ,,'c',
da,\ ... tlf (';11"1' I :1\')1 (If ~\'al" III an~' !:lll'
\\'ililaill Ilurhill. ll,'my Fry", I:rank • • ,lltllIl.- "II, Clo,,' ('h,'('k'll!, of til,' 1,'lIgth I
th.' al1ili:I1o'd Ilo.-pltal- IlIdl\ldlial
I )wy,'r, Frank Chalkllg('r and Hoh'Tt Frank nr"'l.'r, I'lttlad"!I,hla, 1,,1.- of llill" thai ('aI', an parL"d, alld th":
nll'l11h"I'-!Jlp 1.- ,a ("'lit', hll.-band,
and,,, If,', ~ 1,~,(I, alld failidy III' ml",l'-
Collin-, who will h(, t"a"tllla"lt'r, TIll' !.!1'lIlal (;"IIt· ]1;t\'I', ~() pounds purcha"ed th(' old \\'as('('n hlllll.'. 11~I, 1'1'\('1 II,!.!: "I' ('ard,- III (';11',- til' n'IIo, i
!'-hlp :<:!, Itt' IIIOllth, ""a\'It'1' 1l1all ",11"11 Iyphold had him, ;0..;, :\arl"'rth, and ,'xp('('b to n"I'j,.: slt"PI"'I" an' f""tllp'> "I' tlJl' c'"II-1
Pot aft.'r ('Xt,'II..;I\',' fl'palr, ha\'." P;lI~11.
B.'ndit, 111<'1 I,d" h"ard alld "o'''lI
(~l'll1j-l'J'J\·:ttt·) (lr ~ t.,~lt) Jlt'!" da~' tIl
Political n'ltJl"lll'd tl1l:-: \ . . ·"t'h t i l I)a\'i~' Stur(l, th"I"
aftl't" { \ \ ' I nlol1th", ld~ ('11l1\'al(':-;('{'nl'(' In 1""'11 iliad,', \Ir. Iln,lll'r i" a fllll,'r;t1 TIll' (';11'.1, 1" ad': "'I'" gl\" ""ll l'll-

ward a 111(11"(1 t'Xpl'II:--IVf' all

.1"-\,,,11 (;, Kalil', 1l"lllocratic eand,-
f"(dllll, (IP- (lc,'an Cit", dir('ctor. ! t,)III"I',' ,'I ('1':1"('"
~ t II JIll I" I\. J d4·~l.""'· ("I ,.
<:ratJIlJ.,;' r(J(lrd t'xIH'n'~f', all nll'llll'atlrlll~
dal" 1",1' ,t"t.' ""~I,,latul't', addn's'l'" • • lopt'l'alt·" Yllur autlllllfd,Jlt· 1:- tal\!II)..::

and :-:uq.dl'al dn·:""'IIIJ{ ...... g-"II('ral Tlllr:--- 1I1I ,," i'llndn'd pal t, nH'mlll'r~ in Elm At a hl'aring- at the Ardmore sta-: "pa(',' that ('tluld ac('oIIIJlltldat.' fr"'11
\ ing ,,('n'l('(' and til(' foll""'lng "'I'\'n"'- iJ:>i1 Tll,',-d"y, Th .. program was In tl"n, JaIl(' Fphx, Harcum junior col-! On(' to, li\'(, ('U,ttlllll'l'''' ('al> "\'('ry
wh.'n 1)('1'1'01111<'.1 I" an ('mploy" of tl", "I"",!.!" (,I' ('ommitl"('IlWII .Iosl'ph \IH' kg-(' stud('nt, of :l~:l Brookway, hour. \\ ill YllU I'ka.-(' h"n'aft.'r u,,'
hlJ~pital: :\ I "y' ('Xalllinalion" up t" ;c;lrlty, I{obert ,"Vnght alld \\'illiam i\1('rillll. told Mag-i,trate \Valter B. real' parkll1g' I"t, olf l'U,-III"o.- "tn'd,-
$:l5, lahoral"I', work up 10 ;;::!;" (,I.,c- I.a flIrt'. LO"'/ll'S, J r., sh., thoug-ht till' whit<· or Slllt' husin('"" "tn'''b l"'\'tlnd
tro-cardiogram". an('sthe,ia and phy,i- car following- her down th.' Mont- ston'.-·! If you dtl y"ur part a, (:tlll'),
cal th.'rap\' Ill' to $1;1 and nwlauollsm, j'l'\"1' C, III'''', l'ilairlllan of th,· R.' gonH'ry pik.· wa~ a cI.'an"r's truck. It nlln-"htlpl'l'r, an' dOlllg, A I.111101'"
t,·"I' to $](1, I J,tddl,'an t"wn,hip c"mmlll"I', \\a, ho,t wa"Il't. On Sta!l' !'ol,('(' chargl''', sill' wtll al,,':\y, Ita\(' alll!'''' l'arklll;C
Thol11a, S, (;al.", .Ir., of D.'v(,n, 1.- ;11 " 0111111('1' TII""la\' night at Whll." wa" IiIit'd $12,25 f"r ~I"'{'dillg, faetlltll" fill' all II- ('U>t"llll'I'>.'·
pn"id('nl of 11", I,,'ard of dill'Ctol', hall. ILI\'.'rfol'd, 1'1;., ('ommltt"(' h('ard -----'----
who go\"'rn I I", llon-I,rotil Ilhn ' , I ,,0111, I'. rl'(Z, Iwad "f tilt' counly ('I"c,

------- ~.-¢~------
.... ' ':'~":~:~
tledl Illl!"":lll, all:--\\t'r qll(·:-tillll~ on V'lt
lllj.: tl·c.:lllucalltlt·:--"
Art Week Brings Beautiful Window,
I (;O\'l'rnor Georgc II, Earll', lIa\'('r-
Displays ... Scores of Exhibitors I.i C/II)'l"(', II, WOO/III i,,!!IOII ,
1'\arurook Park, is chairman of the
I ford. will ag-ain wino up his campalg-n ; I'''rnmitt('e difl,cting- 200 i'o:arberth
"The show must ~o (In, was a de- Jo:. I{, AII,urg('r, :,>I('riun
: on till' \lalTl Line, a plan followed for iI c h urchnll'n and worn.'n In ' the r"ligious
,tile past four years. cis ion madl' just two short weeks ag-o ,J('an AI"xalld,'r, A rdlllll 1'('
: ('('llSUS of thp Eastern lIlain Line,
11,' wtll 1)(' principal speaker II!on- by a committee that as;;umed respon- :'Ilartha F, Browll, Bala-Cynwyd
sibility for the Main Line's participa- EI"a 1.. Bl'll\\'ning, Baja-Cynwyd
which IH'g-an last ~unday and ends ,
I day nlg-ht at a rally ITl Masonic hall,
I Ardmore aVCllue, Ardmore, Othpr tion in American Art \Veek. Artists Audl'P)' Bickl('y, Bala-Cynwyd
th,,, w.'('k-,'nd, It was his mammoth I
I job tu ,up('r\'i",' asslg-ning- names of
'lll'ak.'rs will include Secretar'y of In- and Merchants worked with the COlll- \'irg-rnia Bisbp,'. Villanova
T 'over 10,OOU \'oters in :l,OOO-some
kl'nal Affairs Thomas A, Logue, mittee in making this a most attrac- :'>!a(il',,"in(' :\Ie,d('y (:\Irs. Ru;,sell
tive exhibition. Evidence of their ef- Blackwood, Jr.), P('nn \·all.,y
'1' hom('s, to the cl'nsus-(akers. and it
(l\'erurook. candidat(' for re-election; His editorml WillI! prize will b" hi, task to sup"r\'ise collating
State Comml"'lOn('r of Insurance forts is particularly noticeable at the 1.. R. B('al, Ardmore
S"eono priz(' in a nation-wide edi- of ITlformation which ministers of the
()wen B. Hunt, former Bryn Mawr torial con«'st on "Thc most valuable Narberth Coal Company, who have II, \1. Berry. l'arberth
co-oppratinj?; ehurches will act upon.
resident; und Justice H. Edg-ar traffic ~Iull actl'\'I't)' f(lj' the future" turned their two entire windows into lIarril'tt Bland, Bala-Cynwyd
Rpsults so far are hig-hly favorable.
I larnes, O\'erurook. John T. DUI'nin, " a beautiful display. The Egyptian !\Iary LaBolteaux, Bryn Mawr
Ovprbrook Hills, Lower Merion and was awarded la~t week ttl WaltOl, ••
Many a rpsident has commpnted, "I've
l' heater built special background on Alexander Brown, Bryn Mawr
... b V Wentz, 205 Wa'.·lln a\'nnU(', N ,'I rb..'"th, livcd here eight years or so. and this
.~ar enh emocratic chairman, will y,,, • their promenade to take care of some Margery D. Cowin, 1'\arberth
is the first time I've been invited to
pre~ide. for hi~ articlp in th" Octoher "Traffic :l.') painting~, and the public is cor- I. J. Ca\'ali"rc, Bala-Cynwyd
attend a local church."
Govprnor and I\1r~. Earle will be MeRReng-er," of which he is editor. dially invited to view them after they E. Ann Claydpn, Bala-Cynwyd
"Inforlllation for cpnsus takers,"
,,~c(>rtpd from their home to Masonic Th" magazirw is puhlishpd for thp GOO have' "njoyed the show downstairs. Char,,"s J. CIHrkl'. lI!('rion
miml'og-raphed paK" handed all the
hall by a dl'l<-gation headed by the mpmh<'l's of th(, Traffic Cluh of Phila- All along the Main Line the shops \[arjori(' Diebon, Wynnewood
call1'rs, g-i\'pS 1.') dir"ctions that might
• d nllll and uUj.{lp corps of the Archer- dpJphia. and till' cash a ward was
Epl.'r Post, Amcrican Lpgion, Upper presPlltl'd at tlw allllual Il1p(,ting- (If
have cl'eatl'd artistic displays and the Il.oi, !loy I.., Ardmore
wplI serve as models for information-
complete list of them, as well as tilt' F. D'HII}{'r, :\arberth
gl'ttprs anywhl'r('. Among- the points:
ThOll/US S. Gail'S, , Jr . . . 101""1' v LJarby, national champion of LeR'ion til P A ssocla ' t,,( I, T ra fl'1C CI u IlS 0f al:tists participating, is g'iven below- 1I,,1('n L. Evans, Drexel Hill
"If you do not g-et information on
h"'<ll/lal cnsl Ip."t mUSical outfits. Anll'rica. in CI(,\·('1alld. lI1r. Wpntz. Ar/ists Exhibiling E, B, Fairman, Bala-Cynwyd
. Th(, plan will ('Ilabl,' !HI per ('('Ilt of " ,'cla II yIn\'!
"'p' ' 't c(I gues" t W I10 WI'II uoroug-h treasun'r, the onl)' D('lllocrat .1. R. Alburg-cr, M('rion 1lt-r1ll'!'l \\'. Fox, i\!t'rion
I first call, try, try again, Usp t('le-

· all p(-r~ol'"
" ,
ho"pitalizPd to Ipav(' till' IlU \'l' "('U t'"on th e spea k"Ing- p I at f orm in th(' town's official famil,." is IlUh-
hospItal WIthout paYIn~ . mor(' than WI II'Incu( I I 1\1 G eorge II ' E are I licit\.· n']lrescntati\'e of the Pennsvl- ~
Dr, T111'0. K. Gramm, Ardmore
Cynthia lIei~.'rman, \\'ynnewoud
phone' only as a last J'{',;ort, , ,Gpt in-
formation fir,t-hand"d. A visit may
be' what ~om(' PI'OpIP are looking for
$'10, ~ub'-('rilll'r" ll1ak.' , 110 dowll pav- J
• ,,1',. mo tl ll'r 0 f tl Ie C',o\'ernor; A ttorney"vania Railroad', eastpnl dl'\,i."ioll. Work Wi/h Youlfr, ROlary 'fopic j··ranci, H. lIall, Bryn :'>Iawr
, , . You can ohtain th(' name of your
m('nt at th,' hospllal , but pn',ent II'
"rallCI" '
lIa\'I'~, :-';ornstown ' Demo- . ••• At the meeting- of till' Bala-Cyn- A, A. lIarnlt'r, Ardmore
lIill" npxt call by a"king Ih(' party you are
, n1l'lllb"I'ohip
. card a, identitica-j ' ('I'a t IC " t a t"I' COlllml'tt ('elllan f rom;. ' 'I ont- wyd-l'\aruerth club Tuesday, Georg-e Iltlrothy \\'. lIulton, ()\,('l'hrook
• i \'i,iting-. Calling p(,op!l' by name
tlOn. . \\ 11l'n th('\, . . kaY" th" hospital : J!lltl1t.'I"Y l'oUllty; V l'. Cl lar I es J . F' en- Ca~l'y, secretary of th" Big' Brothers' \'Irg-inia Kiul('r, Ardmol'''
heJ~R. , ,S('e occupants of homes. not
thl'\' ('Ith('r fl'C"'\'(' a stat"lllpnt marlu'd Wit'", 'k pro f (':-::-;or f) f po I"Itlca I economy Association of Philadelphia, stn'ss"d :\,Iaul"I,\' Klmhall. Bf\1I \Iawl' I
tIll' advantage" of working- with boys Ellzal,,:th ~, La\,('rt\:, ;\1"'1'1011
.. '" ., . I
maId,,; thpy v('ry often g-iYp wrong- in-
paId 'II full (,r aI'" bdl,'d for such : at I'Jryn.''I a\\'r l'O II eJ.{(·; 1\1' ~ l~S G ertru d e , formation."
in deYclopillg- citizenship. lie point('d i \\', C, ~lcKay, ()\'l'I'l;r"ok
.· extra" a, 1.,It'pholl(' call". n,'wsp a l)('I'S .,
alld otlll'r .'xtra' 1101 cO\'('I'I,d by• the' "
'" 1'1'" \, I',nil.'
ItII , :-:011
. (J
, ' I awl'; {' ",eorg-e }I1. E ar Ie
f' t IH' govC'rnor; l1\1 l'~. G eorge' out that youth needs till' help of old"r: .J"'"1 \\'. ~ld)o\\,,'II, ArdnlOn'
persons in trying- to ,01\,(' till' prob' I I'I)J,I,nu~d Ull I'al;" Lighl
I :'>Ir. \\'oolmington, an architpc(, is
, ,,('crptary of the 1'>:arlll'rth Planning
plan, II , I'·.ar I ", WI'f (' (I f tll' I g-overnor; At- COTllllll"S'On, at whosp nlPl'ting- next
.' ,'nl'ol1lll~'
lh . . ' "Illpl"\'.'d . 1)('1'''111'. alld ttll'llt'y t,' r ran·k.-''-\.. 1"lal"l'lgan, C ynwy(; I lems which besd him and that, if:
lI10nday l'vpning-, in Elm HalJ. thpre
tlll',r lalllill"s at tlll"l' plac.' 01 elll- •J 11111 I C' . . l'I Ill' ItIC',
k :-'('crptary 0 f t I1(\ the boy helped is of a\'Prag-" int(,!li,' "'/rt'adm;/l" Is 'fol/ighl
will be consid"I'l'd thp ..Iiminatinn,
('I' tltr"ug-h pr o f".-S1onal "tat., ",'llllt." and L('dvard H. Hec\,- g-t:nc(', any work that Illay Ill' dOli" Youtll. high .-pll'1t" ~In 11II.'I't"tlllg
, ploylll,'nt
j.{rolll''-, I·:, ,.\, \'an ~t.,.'n",,'k hop"" I" _( IH'r, \\'\ nI1l'w(>od. . with him is worth whill'. plot and ""nit· g-I",d laugh, , . . pn'-
through co-op('ration with thp town-
"hip, of th" dang-l'l' hlin,! cOI'n"r at
rt,.. . dll<'(. acllllllli:--tratllitl l'll:--.t .... tll 11,:--...... ~ Guests were William G. Frankl'n- script i"n for 1111 "lIjoyalo,," (,vl'nillj.{:
lIfontg-omery pikl' and Wynnewood
thall III p.. r e"llt, !('a\'illj.{ more than: "I.ast minut .. ('I('ction points" will field, John T. Breg-g-er, Al Edgar, TOlli~hl or ~atlll'llay - "Tn'adml!l"
(HI ("'nl" out of ('vI'ry dollar for pay- Ill' ~i\'.'n tlw R('publiean \Vomen of George W. Casey, School Supprint('nd- at :\arhnth',; lIoly Trinity I.uthl'fan
nH'1I1 of htl"pital hill" alld for l'l'~('rve 1"'lln>ylvania Monday. 2.:1O, at Han- ent S. Edgar Downs, Oldtiml'r Luther Chureh.
ag-ain,;1 p""ihl l , ,'pid"l1lic~. Illah I'l'l III llllu"...
Parsons, VI'. Georg~ Em."rson Barn('s,
I '1'1
i, ,
ItlnJa' 1-:1"'0,,,1, baritonf'. will ,in!.!
tain, ~() ('0111(' at k"l!j (lr :-:PO)H'r f(ll' a

and George Casey s frlCnd, John J.IIII( Id"lItal '010", a"('"m"allll'd by :IIi"" l!"od '1':11. 1'i"k,'I.- can 10,' ,,1,1:Jin.. d
L. M. Year Book Scorfs Narberlh PlayCTs Cabrey. \1 a rga r. ,t ~'1lli,'r, 1",1'01'(' lilt' ,-,:W cllr al tIlt' door
Th .. 1~I::;; Ellchiridioll, high school TIlt' Illonthl~' ml'('tillg- i~ sd1l'dult'd
y.'arhllllk lIa,; I"l:l'piv('d the All-Anlt'r- fill' Tu('"day ill Elm IIall. All ('XCPp-
iea r"llng I,y th.' :-';atitillal ~chola,tic till)l,dly glHld 1'1"l1!!ralll, ill('luding ~l
PI"l'"'' .-\",,(wiat ioll. :\Ii,,- :\Ial'gar"t
Civic Group Leaders Agree to Ask Lower Phone
FI('(.". nd\i or, >I"t"" tltat 11'; 111''');' lilli' llll .. ~act pia,', will Ill' follow.'d hy
w('r(' l'n!l'r.'d 111 tilt, ,'Ia" alit! tltal I ('OII'"UIl,ty "'11j.{11Ig- With 1\11'';, Ed, A houquet for Margaret Harshaw. Toll Charge to Philadelphia ... Same as Merion
., L. :\1. totaJ..d 11110 pOint", tl'll a I"'\'('
th" 1I(,('..",ar,·.
,p"lltick at tilt' plal1(1. \II'I1i1,,'rs wl1l
hrlllg- frll'n,!" at a g-u,'st pncl'.
cOlltralto. and form('r Tl'~idl'nt of Nar-
Illt'rth whtl IS to Sillg- (111 the Metro- R('pfl's"ntativ('s of 1R g-roups in I
'th,' tiv('-cent ratl' has bl'PIl in ('fTect.
Otllt'r ad\'i"t1rs of tl](' ~tatT were- ------------------1
polltal1 ()ppra audit lOllS th,~ Sunday 1'\aroerth planned to ~eck II lower.
l\1i," AgIII" Ra,'CJ't1fl and Frank V. 1Il'l'hid and ('Iilf R"u,'rt", bll~llJ('SS I afl''I'IIOOIl, 011 th"ir J'('g-u!ar program
R('pn'splltativ('s who all.'n(kd the
~('''';IOn w.'!'t' tilt' Busil1('~~ Council
t('lephone rate for calls to Philadpi-: prt'sid('nt; :\Ir~. Edward \Y. IIpymann,
Rin('hart. LJick \ll'liu~ was editor- Illalwg-pr, 1
0 \1'1 \\'JZ flom fi to 5.:1O 1'. ~1.
phia when they met Tucsday ni/!:ht in : \\'op1.'n\ ('ommunity Cluu; i\liss Jean
I • • • the town's Legion room. Stap!l's, Junior \\'om"n's Community I
The m('eting was called by Ralph, Club; Ill'. Ramon :\1. Sta!l'y, Bala-Cyn-
S. Dunne, who represented Businetis wyd-Narb"rth Rotary Club; Mrs. H. I
.• Council a, president.
. "
After lengthy dISCUSSIOn It was
ag-reed to communicate with Bell Tl'le- :
C. Fenno, D. A, R.; :\Ir". C. JI. Wool-
mington, Xarb.'rth :\,p('dlework Guild;
II. W, Pf"fT.'r, vicp-pl'psid.'nt of Ppnn
:--in on WI' Wl'nt to the celllclpry and phone Company officials in an effort to : Vall"y Civic Association; Mrs. C. L.
by A. S. J.
A nd now. dl'a I' \'('ad.'rs, it Sl'l'ms ,at u" down on Great-Aunt Martha's
• S('eure a five-cent rate to Philadl'lphia; • •
Vig-u('rs, ,11'., pr('si,lPnt of Parent-
IO'llhstone. \V(, f('lt, s011leh,l\'\;, that it Nl'wpst addition. this lllOnth, to in place of the present charge of ten T"ac1wr Association.
that \\'P prollliSl'd you sOllle exclusive I'

\"'l~ ju"t u little nicer to be ]lprch('d Narlwrth's colony of sports celebriti('s cents. !\Irs. \V ..1. EziekRon, l\fulieres; Ray-
Hull owp 't'll inkn'ipws for today; a
oil a familiar stone in this gray and' is Ray Hill, Philadl'1phia SpOI·t~ Jean Allen, tiecretary of the Penn mond A. Ca bl'l'y, 1'\ al'bert h Baseball
llles,a'g-e frOI11 till' astral world. W,'
must conf('ss. WP had a bit of trouhl,', ,.;hadowy world. And so we sat; anI' writer, who is moving- into the new "alley Association, ant) Dunne were Club; Edward C. Griswold, Narberth
our illlag-inati(lIl filled with hURy colll- lIIontg-olllery Court, Narh/'rth and appointed a committee of two to con- Bridg-p Club; Rev. Rob('rt E. Kl'igh-
·· It wus a .. I.'al', starry llight Wh('11 w('
set out ill the Iii I'ection of the Ileurest 'JIg:; and g'oings of unfriendly ghosts Price avenues.
cemetery, feeling most businesslike that were not particularly welcome.
fer with telephone company officials
next week.
ton, Narberth Library Board of Trus-
• • •
tees; Earle Dickie, Harold Speakman
and unafraid (\\'ell, almost). We met Rut nothing we could put a finger on. Tom Elwood, 110 Forest, Narberth, PORt 356, American Legion; Mrs. Mar-
Mr. Dunne pointed out that Merion
becomes editor of "Car," AAA pub-
several little people on the way- They seemed to be disappearing just and Cynwyd have a five-cent rate to garet M. Dickie, Legion Auxiliary;
lication of the Philadelphia Automo-
ghosts, witches, walkil1g frogs, and as we saw them. Sad and discouraged, Philadelphia. Their calls are handled Salvatore Spinelli, Narberth Italian-
\ even a red de\·il. "Would you give us we left the cemetery and hied our-
bile Club, next Monday. For a year American Citizens Club; Mrs. Fred
by the Cynwyd exchange, as 'are Nar-
selves to Cynwyd, to the haunts of he was Our Town's-and the past Derby, Kings Daughters; Charles
an interview?" we asl,ed politely. But berth calls. (See "Open House," page Ralph S. DI/nne . . . [01' lower
month, TOWN and TOWNSHIP's- Chain, Lower Merion Rod and Gun
they all scurried away except one who the' Colonel's little grey lady. We phone cost
erept stealthily into the orchard, and publisher, editor, ad. manager, etc. 2.) Club. Mrs. Woolmington represented
was a democrat. Everyone we ques- Narberth residents now may phone said that geographically speaking,
New management of the paper, which
tioned, however, turned out to hI' flesh whizzed around an apple tree just in parts of Narberth are closer to the the W, C. T. U. in the absence of
time to see the flashing of a grey of course, will continue to be pub- only to those sections of the city west President Mrs. R. C. Kennedy.
and blood, and not the spirits fol' of the Schuylkill, for five cents. Dunne city than some parts of Merion, where

lished, will be announced later.
which we were searching. Continued on Page SU

!~:r_~4eL1:&.lt;4MJit~·:~;~~~';';~!.~~;;'4ea;~M4~L;~7~~~~~~·.:~k'rl.~~i:'·;; .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

.~ ., ",,,.'
". :: : :·l:·. r" .l~ ~~: .~. ;,;~tu .' '-. :...."r ... .' ~'; :,,"
,: ..
;"':0. :,.",

Page Two TOWN and TOWNSHIP Noyember 4, 1938

Tl m e Out
1"'1111, II; :\a \'y, n.
F\'ankll" 6: :\Ia\'>"all, :!l; (l]'l""I, II,
.1""",-; 11.'l'klll.'. <; 11""'1'1',,101. I;.
L'I\\t'r :\It'rlll!l, I:..!; P(ltt.~tll\\ fl, ti.
I.. ~1. .lUIII,,\' IIlgll, I::; 1':011.'''''' II.
P"\III1. <; :\arlll'rth, ().
l'"oI11ul,t,'oIl" "\1"'1'1 .','"ullllg· 1'\",
''''',1<-01 tilt' 1"'IIII':\a\~ g;lllll', til .1uoIg'
,1']'1"11 ,It-r,'II.''' ""I k ..:0;/111,,\,,01. 1'1;1"
Have you
'aft,'r play III,t ,""'II'" ]'1,1,"11'. 1'"II-III,j
YOl 'H nUEJ',;I)S
!\1:\ 'I' E~\'Y YOlo

'''r''llI,g' t,dol
\\illcll :-IJi;I('I.(,d

II", "III\,~ "I' I"'"

(If :'..1

\1 It'
seen the
i ft'l"'\\;IJ'dt,d IIII rlll'lllat."/;~. '-\/Id, \\/lilt'

~ }'l'l'-gaIIH' ..... C11UtJlIg· Illa!-..l·...; !Ill!:',-J...JII

YOllr "'Irdl'llh"
",t<'I1,i\(' if it ., ah"IY'
<".111 '('''111
: Jiu,~llIng a ~('I"lltJli,' art, tli" ,(),lllJlI "\'

: all
tlll'lll-hllllt''J'.- \\'''lJl'' "a\',' ]'1,1",11'"
Ulll'rt'lllt'dltatt'd tllul'hdllWTI Ill" t\\'11
NEW Reginelli's Cafe?
[n',hh- Ill'''. th,ln\.;, to drY
to alld tall,~ til tilt, tlutlllll!l :-.UII:--!Jll\t'
c"'al1il1g, alld :'\a\'y 1I1alllH'U\·rt'~.
Equipped with ncry modern dt'lail, stocked

T'IIII"rr"w IIlght thl' i<:,' h,,<:key ,;"u-
.'''11 "11l'1I> \\ Ith till' ('IJllly J{ulllbll'r,; with the {l1/c.,t 'Wllles, whiskies, liquors . . .
,,,, ... tllig :\,'w lIa\"'II.
/-,,,,f II' (11/11' III/cra/llrs /,,111'[1(' ("1I1l1l'!111'~ :!1,i1(J(J IlIr" I 1/1/11 /11/1" ,\liltIlleH' spa~ht'tti Ihat will excite the most
ADELIZZI (/"-1,"",, rl/II., I "rli ,[,111, /I"rI' i" II pirtllrf (If HII"''' IIf Iltcs/' uIl/'mlllrN
1/' //'urJ,', ru1l1l1 r,ill.'1 (".'l1ll1'i,d 1rit/t all parts of tIll H'l1rl.d. Stu/lil/f1,11 I/t
TIlt' ,J'.!lll 1I""klll' 11;t\"d"I',J" I
, I'a"k 1'l'Il1g> tl! 1IJ1l1d what a wha!" IIf jaded appetite at
: a d'Il','r"III'" "II" 1'II111t call lIlak,'-
BROTHERS II" ,.'1,'1'/111 "'(1 i,~ .H,.",,", .HI/!I A, .\[111111/'11, rI,,1 f "I" I'll/III'. 1'1" [:, I/.
Tt II /I'''"lf ('om/Holil U'II/ /lul,J flU 01H'1I }UJ/l,":'f' /JrUYrfI1ll tit its rt Htrtz! of-
,alld alo'll ('''lIjUI'!'o' lIlallY "Ifo''' from tht.·
i ,talld.-. F1JIIJlY h"w .. a~y It i~ t'l ~,.,.
C'H/(I/1I Tailors :,'1 I., I" 1'11,,1 .\1"1 I"II'uI, '/1.'1 I I'frlll 1",,[/1 II, TI'lIl"s,f"!I I/wl Fridl/!I.

Reginelli's Cafe and Bar

- ,how till' gallll' ~h"uld ha\',' IWl'1I pla~ "d
Ct.-all('n - Ihcrs - Furriers 'l'l('al alld 1"11" d"talle,' call.' "rigillat· I aft,'r II'" all 11\"'1'. E\'l'ry (',)<I('h kllll\\o'
!JIJI .l/flll 1/'/ r I,nlr !lo"r !'U/("l (JS ,....,

Narb. 2602 I '1I1g daih'. \1 III'!' thall :lOO rt'sidpllh of thut.

102 Forpsl Ave. tit II' I· .... )/1 (1" I f III" I" t II f II /'II IIfillI ' . . I Phone Narherth 2l}6~ 232 Woodbine Ave" Narberth
228 Bala A \T. Cynwyd 928 .' th,' Bala'!'\'II\\\d "lid :\arltf'rth ~('"., T"I~ w",'k:
1(",ld"lIt- "f tIlls ~,'ctlllll will ha\'(' I tlllll:' an' " OWTj('r:-: elf Ht'll Sy~t('111 . ' L '·. , I '(it If·a"\t "f
I ellt. I
:.....- ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - -... , all "1')II'I'1Ulllly t" I,slt'll tIl ,tllt',r "WII i ~"ellriti('s. ' :\llhurll at \'illall,,\'a,
.. I 1,'I"I'h"III'
" \''''e'' IWXI
. \\ "dlll'~da\"1
. E\'('I'\'Ollt· " , 'I~ .In\·lt..,
III thlo' s(·"lIon ' !I. serallt"l1 a t .,t.,J. ,,,ep I'
I~. L'

DR. ROBERT E. BARR Thur,day alld I' nday \\h"11 lh,' H,'!!, to gIl i)('hind the' ~('{'n('s at tlw B,,!I :'.Iuhl"nh,·rg at Vrex..J.
,T,'I,,),hllll" C"mIHln\," hl!ld~ ,an 0l','n' " s 01'1'11 houS". T ours \\'1'II lit' I ,OW(·I'.\'I ,'1 ' lOll v,-;, .'O!TJ"t"wn
Times Medical Bid,'"
'h"u>(' l,r"/-(l'1l1n at Its c,'nllal o(hc' '
, I
. : COlnpallY
Imadl' fronl 2 to !I 1'. Ill. on
'" II",,· 'l uno\ a.
I We bring giftS . ..
" I :1:!1 1."\"'I'II1g- ~Iill road, (.yn\\·y, , I "a~', Thursday and Friday. Fnl'lllb ("lItra, at P"11ll Cllart'.'1
ROlll1l 404, Ardmore, Pa. '
"I I l'allllg Ill1W ~oU ~OUIHI I 0 0 tl ll'l'~ I _
•~ .;.-------------...:o
Telepholle Ardmore 1772 I 1"'\"1' till' t"l,pholl" " Iliad" po~"lrI, I
1,,\' a '\Ole(' mirror'," ('xplainrd 'Vil- '

C Iu b Col u,m n
Needlework Guild
o'clock, ill eharg,' of ;\11',. C. 11.
Woo!millg-ton, will f('atun' :\II~~ .Iul,a
for e\'eryone,

110\\', , , •
SCI' our Christmas line,

Useful ones for the h0111e. and

UPIIOL'iTfRING Martin, CIlI'I~t',; (hureh h,,",,', War- Iny' and gal11c, (nr the children,
Draperies. slip covers, new furn i· \\,,'drll',;day marks th(' t('\'mination 1I111l:--lt'r, I'a" as ~I'l'ak('r.
ture, orient.,1 and domestic rugs.
IIf alllltllt'\' yrlll"~ work by thl' 1\a\"
Bedding. rugs. cle.lned ;'1nd rep,llf'
ed and stored. Venetian blinds, I",\'th branch, an organization which
• •
awnings Panhellenic
ha~ ),,"'n in "xistpner :34 y('ar~.
fRANCIS S. ell-\II ,,""(;FR 1'1", I'h II:" It-I ph ia n'gi"lIal I1H'l'l In,L:
281 Montgomery
Iy with John
Cynwyd 85
Local j'('sid,'nb an' urg,'d tIl drill'
in at tlll' 1\I .. th"dist EJii~ellJial ('hu\'1'11
sonlt· tinll' during tilt' day to sP,- th,
will II(' llt'ld :\"\'('1111",1' !I at ~a\'g,'alll ;
Hall, :llth und ('il"~tllllt. )I,,~ :\Ial-
Ernest A. H enry H OllSEH'RNISHIJ',;C;S

gan'! \\'Illant. chail'Jnall "f til(' na·!

diSJila~' "f garnH'nts mad,' "I' col· 16- Bala AHnue, Bala-Cynwyd Cynwyd 722
tH111'JI P:lll-II"llt'llic ('tll1~I'l'~:-- ctllll-1
I('ct('d tilmugh till' unit"d dforls of a
Our ',,'\'\icl' doesn't IIl1ttr-", will ~"f'ak. I A II makes of bic),cles repaired
~r()ul' of \":lIlllt'n ("tlIH'('l"IIPd abllut t hI'
ShIp .It ('\Il\\\d. If \tlll li\l' 111 """d, of oth,'rs. TIlt' nH,(·ting at ~ I ---- -- _. y--
1\ ) ,\ \'/111 III/>,

fur in"t Inl \ I ,'lITH ,Hl lilt' 1'1": (

[!.IT I '~I< \! III P\IW, , I l l ! .. \
THO ,) :~\l( 1:, rh,' I'''C' "

C'l'l'..:\,"lI> Fl I'( IIU( I'

<:0. !
l'11It! .'1. f.,:Ipl,r.:.!'~

] 2(1 B,d,l ,\\ l'I11H' , , . ( "'u \d 1; '"

\\ I.' 1.1, \.ll I'()H·EI~/., .IT:.

I,! " 11'111'11 :Jf,.. IS Ilfl ....:!
I, }'II\\t'll, .J 1'.. lllalla,~~('I'. "Tlll:--:
,I' >' \ , ' " I "," Ilrtl, ti,,, I "I"
i.1"'ll'llt t" ·.II\\-,\d '''~IH'l'lally I

(1 1 II ! I' ill' " \ i.-: t, 11', \\ II ;--, t 1'1 11 1';,

lllt,\, lllilt "I' t Ill' ~1.111l() i

.. "il- 11",\ "I" ,1",1" "I III'

1111-24 CHESTNUT
lEV/lEES51 I, 1,1 1"111'

: I "llid, " al {'

t\,~t Ld.\I',

t t'at'kt·d d,,\\'ll; tilt,

tl ]l'!,]ltillt'


1'1 """ .... \\'IIl'!'" t"lt-l'hlll\(' IlIll'S fl'II111

PHILADELPHIA 'J I,,'titl)l.'~' l'\(·d !IY till' CYIJ\\'yd {'x-
I 1l;111~" ;11'(' IJl'lIU,l..; -!lt tIl IIlll' l'('lltral

.f!j \.
I"",t. ;I"d IIth .. l· illtl'icacics of com-
"'1U'l'llI,'''t IIl"',kd til III "II\' Id"
!\' I d 111111' :-:1'1'\'1('(',

Till., J:i a ~olllewilut dill'crl'lIt V ic -

\<", 1'''"1 till' (JII" that gn·(,t<'d <:u~­
('HlltJ';-, qt' thl' KJllg' lJl'Ug- Stun' at I
I,;da alld l'IlllJIJ a\l'IIUl';-' ill lK~'~I. whl'll!
lilt tll' . . . t tl,lt,!,jlulll' ~\\ltdtl){!anJ wa." I
,,!I.,tallt-d III that ~"l'lJlIlJ, It \\a" 1,
: 1IIl'IIl'~ W\llt-, cOlltullled J1(JsltiulI~ for
:,U tl'1ephlllll'" alld \\a~ hUllg oli a wall
t 1...1,lIld tile I'r(':'e1'll'tl ll ll ClIUlller.
, \\,111,,1111 :\1<:COl'lIl1('K, 1I11W of Vel-
(,h""t,'l' FarJJl~, helped lli.-;tuli that
:, atly t~ I'" 1,"anL Jl,' l'l:<:ullt-d tllda.,
: Ihat alllulIg the ,'atly ~UI)scl'JlJ('r.' ' ..
t W"l'e Crall:;tull C"al Yard, W,'.'I
'Laurcl IIdl Cc1IIl'l'"ry, n'~ld"Ij('" "I
,Frullk Th"I1I]>~un, and n:sld"lIe,' ,,,
IlJa\ld E. Williallls.
Stall ley KlIlg, Cy Ilwyd ]>hanl\a<:i~t,
'also ha" :;Ollll' \'ivld recolle<:tiolls of
Iearly telephone :;,.1'\' IC,'. VUl'lng th ..
Ilirst two y"ar" calb were lJIude Old:,
: during th,' hours till' dl'ug- ~tore wao'
'''!'L'n to th" puulie. Luter he strung'
t a win· from thc store to his b"drO"IIl,

: up,_tulro', hut he was qUI<:k to abund"n

L111~ ]>Iall and CIll/iI"Yl·d u young 1I\all
. I" "I ,,'rate th,· sWlt<:hboard dUl'lng th,'
Hy l~'() I, tlll'll'lr-phlill" uno phal'lllll(,y
i'lJ~II"'.-~('~ had buth d,,\'('I;IIIl'd 10 a
: 1''''llt when· It \\'U~ " " IOllger ]>"""ible
1"" Ir"th to '.'XlSt ill the salllc ruolll
alld a 1Il'\\' f"ur-po~lti;'n switchbuard
Housecoat, so \\a~ III,taIl ..d in the budoillg udjacent

old,·fashioned t" th,' drug st"r,·. Th('I'!' wen' 16!J

It'lt-pholl'' subs('rib,'r~ III the CYII wyd

I""'tlon by that tUllC.
$10.95 Th,' t"' .. ph"III' bu~il1('~s <:olltinucd
l" expand throughout the next g'cn-
Shades of 1900, The leg- i ('ratiun und Ly 11125 it was necessary
o'mutton sleeye, ruffed neck- I for thc Bell CUll1puny to crcct its own ,~., '

line, bustle bow, sweeping skirt. I buildillg, A 1II0dcrll central office was

Rayon-taffeta, grey with red t'oll~tl'uctcd on Lcvering Mill road

stripes, dubonnet with grey.
Vogue Find of the Fortnight.
and this building will be thc scenc of
the opcn housc program next week.
Today', tllCre are 1II0re than 4100
Salon [lltinle, First Floor telephones in thc Cynwyd exchangc,
and 44 operators handle the 21,000 214 Dala Avenue, Cynwyd Phone~ Cynwyd 81 .. :'
.."", .- -:: '.~

TOWN and TOWNSHIP Page Three

Noyembcr 4, 1938

[Despite numbers of Philadelphia
The TOP leER workers who reside in the suburbs :. ~

halF tIll' poplliatiOlI of "The Kingdom of Morltgomery" IS supported by

REFRIGERATOR industries-including agriculture . .. the result oj years of amazing growth. I
(C~llclllding article in a .~eries about this COlin!)', by MA LCOLM J. i
Here's something timely for you!
F Ij:!"ur", from a r"cpnt ,UI"\'''y 'ho",.' fanll pl'0l!l'am, with ('lJunty ---A radio for every pocketbook!
RELIABLE ICE SERVICE p"rhar" tf) til!' sUI"J,n~" nf 1l11llly r"'i-·lal'lll,·r, a~,;"tlllg-.
d"1I1, IIf thi,; ('lJunt,', that indu~trial For tlll~ work 447 farn1<'r,; partici i
,,~t;.. "li,hn1<'lI!.~ IIlC;lt"d Il!'r" prlJ\'id,' pating- 111 thl' prog"l"am h,l\'l' received
Chester G. Jones thl' ill('IlIll"'; (Ill' at It-a~t half th" p0l'u· OVl'r twenty tllllu~and oollars; farllls

200 Woodhine Ave" Narberth

latl<1I1. rt'presentlllg about one-fourth of the
l~a'lllg h" ('''lwll1"i''I'' (,n th" ('('11': I"tal '"I"opland of til!' county have co-
"" f1gl1l"f'~ f"r 1~1:1O and "11 tl1<' 1"1', operatl·d, A bird's-l'ye vil'w Ilf till'
The ------.- ..

Phone Narherth 40'58 1'"11, f""111 I,,('al illdu,tl'i,--, F"allUin "Iltll'<' project can 1,,- IJbtailll'd hy ~call
Illlig til<' illlpr"",-d al'reag", :\I'W
Air-King Radio
""'dlng,; Illl'lu,kd :l,lliH acn's of ('I,,\'('r
alld tll111lthy; 71·\ a('re~ of alfalfa, ISa honey . . . You can put
:';.:~f; ~l(T(':-; cd' gT:l:-.:-.I':-' or Jt.g'lllllt·S.
, ARCADIA J illk ;111,1 it rlll.I.1 1\\111' ll,-t·d ,"ell" :--lJiI-
this supt.>r - heterodyne CIr-
Cl.l:":l!\'l:'RS .-. 1":lILOH.S 11Iltldlllt.,:' (Ill o\"\'r :{,;,Ull aefl',";, alld ad- cuit. dynamic - speaker job
dill,,"al l'I'".i,·,,!.- >\\,,11 a., 111,' 1,1;1111 1)ll~ in any 1'00111 in your home.
All C"',lning Dnn" on Prcrni,,,,
IbJ., &: l'ninn An-, .. Bala·C, nw",1 lIt' f,ll"\,,-t t II·l' ...; JI1\td\t·d :;0 ;Il'l't",-; lilt-
I"~ ,~: I'll t, I .... 1 IJ I I" III J'\ III.~· ('J'( 1\) \:1/111 J II
and take it next sumllllT on
Php~(' C.~».d 1S~~

I J 11'11;\ 1'11.- ;11/11 \ J tlt'y ;1111.-. 11 ~ ;It'll' that \'acation trip . . . No

III '· tlf act!\ J1y III f:II"IIIJ11~: tilt ,H'I'ial or gr-ound-just plug
II;lt III t I 'lllltit'I;1 lot',' I II' 1I1:1111lt";J\'t IJ It'",

'\ 1'1' ; I:...' l": I' ul t \ i I I' I." t· \ j( I t rI (,(·d I,;. J i .~~
in and
1111 .... t:L!d II dlll"illL: a IH'I'I " d I,I' If/I'>

III Ilt~ \\11111 :t~~rLI'lllt\ll';d I,j"dlil"t

-~oft musIc
ANNOUNCING ;1111<lUtill'd til :t1Hlut ,.... \·\111 Illillilill d·d
[:11".., a~;llrl,t :dlllll:.. 1 ~;)\J 111111."1) I"," -foothall games
"rh,- tH'W hOI1H' nf our :\rdtTlore 1,1,111l1l':II'\ uri d 11j' l I dlll't:-;. -cft.ctipn rl'tul'ns .
l\.1.lrl,l't . .Ill.,. oppo ... itl' f~ln)U'r lo... .a~ :' \It'll]" I.'" Ill.:":' :t t'c' t I i i ' I i~: II I"·.... fl t' .\1 "Ill
-police calls. etc.. too.
l~"JII('I~ ("OUIlty'.., !"Ld Jljdll~tJlt·:--. tilt'
lion nt'~1r ~lr.l"hrJdg(· .Ind Cillthicr
"I,kl"ll.I P·,ltlt "I' "';II'~ "I' 1111,p,1
Stofe. PLln

n'.II IHllllt·-Tll.ld('
to ... top
,.IlI'•• lgt·.
In for son)('

lll.~ gTI1\\th.
I Ii,·,,· an'
11 I 1,\t ,I,· "t"I>I"IIII""(,
dCI\\ll Jlillll'Ll'~1 The ,'lir.l\.illg i/ll/,tr,llecl <11>01" co,l, 101/ (11/)' $9.95
cornl1w.ll TlllJ ... h. fn· ... h ,,-I(.!,·r (lll.1dc tll1Jd')~'IIl;": ]:).01111 Ill'III""; lll~ flHJ11
d.llh). cruTlt.hv \\·inl· .... \p .lppleo;, J.j'"dll('{ J,LIIIt:-. l'I'lljdIIYllig 17:--.:2; ~1~1
1111·t;l! 11!',\dlIet ..; ('llJH'('!'tI:..;, t'lllJdoYIII~
t.'f hotlll·.T1l.IJe,·d goods, .IIlJ ~1''4'1 !l'll" j·:,IIIIIIIIII ..... \\'llil f·ll1:II' . . !I 1l,\\'!l'
1::"~711; ~ll; 1II'Illtlll,L: (,,-t:ddi"'/lIJWIIL..,.
.l look. .It \lur nt'" ~l1rrollnJ- ~fllil ;illlo1lll'~. Ll\. ;liJ\\Hllll~. ;--:1;11t'

;'t'},;dt, l";tl:t!,d:llt'. ),.1- .... )',1.\\1 111;1\ 111-

t·tllldll~ ill~ 1~1~):~. :Ifill 1.,;--.;(·1' illclt1:·.. trll ,- And the one illustt-atl'll alollg~ide hl'l'e b your hig~~,'st
illclu>lllll-:' ('1li'lllll·al.-;, plat,- I-:Ia,.~ alld
ti: 111:11 ,'I ",,' I II : 11 :\ I, ., tl ~' II t ! II l" ~ ("1\11\-
",tolll', It>;ltI1l-r alld rubllt'r ~lIud;-;, IUlll-
huy an}'\dll'rc - a '''olllbination radio and PHO:\O-
ty 11;,' 111:,,1,· I I 111,I\·t· ,,1' It- ........ all Ill' k· 1,,·1' alld Its Iliallul'at'tup·. lilil" alld
qllarry "I'oduct~, tll!>acco alld it,; prlld-
-1'11"1' :II',' ;11 ~j IIldll>trial "stahli~h­ l'('t:-i, r:llll'l'ad n'IJ;lir ~hllJ':-;, etc.
FARM PRODUCTS 1111 ·11t.- "1"101",1111-:" "\."1' .1ll.0IH( ,,,.,,pl<-,
It 1- wp"rt,·,l. alld tlil' la>t illdu~tl'lal
Till' "KllIgdlllli of :\1 1111 t.L;<llIH'ry" It
call Ill' calkd, thi,; va~t \\'lIrk~I\f'p
s • • only $19.95
• ('1']1 . . \1-.: 111 1~1:iIJ l't'('urd:-, a paylllt'Jlt in
\\; Il'l''- 11\ tht·;--:t· ClllllJlaIlJl'~ nf (lY('}'
SIII.lIllIl,II;JI( r'l,n·,'·llti1l.L; :l ('apital of
$IO:'.;-;tJli),,;jIIl. T"tal allllilal I,r"dul'tlon
"lilch :-"11.1, I,rllducb the \\"l'Id ,,\',.1'.
\\'Ithlll It.-; II"rdl'r~ al'<' tll"'"~ built
ar"ulld till' IlIdu~tri,'~, alld "th,·r to\\II'
pUI"I·ly 1't'~lIh-IItial which an' the lIut-
al.ll)llll to- to a Illlo~t t "·0
h ulld n'd Illill-
is nnw associatN:! with
i"., ",,11 a 1.-'.
F,.\\· [1""1'11· \'I'allz,' tilt' ,,,urCl'~ and
grllwth IIf a thrivillg llli'tl'''plilis IIl'xt
111 AU'OI.;\t .J, J{ow t~,
Narberth Electric and Radio Company
\'iLl'il'tll'~ "f Illdu~lrll" ill :\1"ntl-:"oIlH'ry
Fidelity Investment Ass'n
Co Ul1ty, All had tllt'I)' hq~illlling; with Phone, Narberth 4182 Walter G. Case
"Fidelit)' Incomr Plan" tile \'L'ry humble irolJ works estab- Sapid Squibs
Ch..stnut Av.., Narb..rth 4095·J lislwd ~Olnl- timl' I)('forl' tl1l' Itc\"olu-
ticil1ary "'ar in what is now Valleyi U1l A, M, Fritsch O,lr guessing contest goes merrily on. Win a fine big turko', Ihanksgiyilll{ [ye, bv g'tl'.~-,i"g, NO~V.
F..,q~l', Th,' Briti.-;h in 1777 bUrJwd Throug'h the ag-l'~ the 1110011 ha~ the nattage of the lamps ill our JI'illdon·. Other pri;:n , ' . (let thr d,"fails,
a'1I1 ""'nl'rally dl'~troy,'d th"~I', hut llll'rtt,·d wlilldl'r as wl'll as adlllil'ati"lI,
tl.,'y Wl'n' n-built afterward by thl' Uftell has lila 11 b'-"II caught fnllll
1'<11 to- f:l1llily. Caught In tl\l' ~wl"g d)'('alll~ l·then·al by thl' illSI~((ollt why
,,[ til!' Illdust rial J{,'v"luttlill, thl' coun- til' whl-rd'''f<- "f y"uth,
. t~- rapidly illl'!",-a,,-d the lIulll!,,'r alld Withllut Illtl\'illg "ut "f the 010 easy
t~'I'" "f h"r IlIdu~tri," aftl'l' till' \\'ar chair "I' /,uttillg dtlwlI tllI' :lftl-r-su/,-

AROUND YOUR HOME tlf 1~1:l. Blast furll:I<'I'~ w"n- ,·"tah- /'1'1' /'i/'I' yuu lllay demollstrate the
YOU MAY NEED- : 1i:-;11,.d :t!"IIg- with rtillill.~'lllllb alld /,ha~e~ of ,,1.1 IUlla ttl thl' hum:lll (jue:;-
Drive Resurfaced ',tl"'] wtlrk~. litlll box ill ~i"lpl,- fa~hitlll With tl1<'
A New Drive
New Curbing Masonry Work
Chimneys Rebuilt I'lyIl1l,UIII_ \\"".,1 ('tlll~lluh"l'I"'Il, I'tlrt al" til' till' ~id"-"all light lll'acket and
Brick Work
Cement Work K.I'lill(-t!y, l'o!t:-ttl\\ 11 , ;\tlrr"t""" alld a 1i'1I111~ ball. Ilan' till' YOullg~tl-r
Pools (Swimming or Lily)
Garden Walls a lluIlll",r of oth"r thrl\lIlg t"\\lI.- >a" 1,llId al " I"tllit :t!'''Ut n,,· f'-l,t fl'lJlIl
Outdoor Fireplaces tilt' 1'1I",trucII"1I "f fUl'lIa(,l':' "UI'lIIc.: 1.1 ,tI,· l.glI\ (IiII' ,u,,) alld" htlldillg
Stepping Stone Walks
Flagstone for Walks and Terraces 1111."; 1"1'1"", a"d IJy 1;-;;-;0 till' ,,,,,.lUI'!> a t'·IlIlI., ball (th,' 111,,,'/11 "t arill's
Bu ilding Stone or Boulders
Cess Pools and Drainage f.'illll CtiUllty furllal"'~ alll"Ulo! ,I I" 1"II,:lh 1... 1'",·,· hlll1, tU1'11 ,1""ly Oil his
Wet Cellars Corrected ,tVvII 1l11111111l dtdlar",. : "( I JII ;L (·OllllJll·t.· l'1lL'1~·. Ili:-:, (·yt·
New Tile Drains
Landscape Design and Construction Halld III !J;111,J \\lth till' il'''" all': I Ii\' "arlh) ,\III ~l'e III'W III till 11 , full
Top Soil
Sodding ,1,,1'1 Illdu.-lry l'alili' tb",,· ,,1' I.. "til,·" 1111"111, la"t 'I u artl'1' all ullfold bl'fon' .'.
Tree Planting and Trimming
Tree Removal g la", l ,a l"'I'. alld til' c"ur,,· III th .. (''11'' Ililll, F"r 1Jl'~t n·~ult~ ~llap tiff other
Grading and Seeding 111'1' y"al'.', IUlltlll·r. Awkl'ight', I',,\u'r 1'1-: 11 1...; III till' rUOlll,
Our men are experienced in the work
we specialize In. We have our own Nurs- 11111111 til' 17~;l hrtlug·lit th,. IIlallufac- \\'hill' y"u an' g-I\·illg till' J..~"lll y"u
eries, Flagstone and. Building Stone 1~lI'l' "f t,."til,> fabr"· ..; t" :\ltllltl-:"IIII'l'y Illig-ht illlJ ,al ·t a f,'''' fads ab"ut our
Quarries and other Equipment which
perMits U5 to (live customers the best C<lUlity alld gTadually the t,'xtll<- Ill· lI"durllal al'c·IIJ.~·ht. It 1"1,'1'''; al"lut an
work at the least cost. ,t u"try IJl'l'allll' tI\l' Illtl,t important (If htlur later each succ"s>o;i\'(' llight. Its
MAY WE SERVE YOU? \ Ill-III all. By 1 H10, t"11 thtlusallli diallll·t,'l', :l,1 (;2 111 iii's, i~ abtlut Olll'-
: IcJl)III~ al1d thl"''' hUlldr,.d cardillg' Illa- ftlurth that of the earth, so it ('oulo
Telephone Cynwyd 643 i r hilll'~ "".!'I' 111 "l"'ratioll, Two l'o!ton pa~, b('(W"I'1l :\l'W Yllrk alld Sail
IJlill, w,'n' built. alld up ttl th,· Ci\'il Frallcisco without touching either.

Rood Building Landscape 1."I·ar lllJllll'I'OU" facttlri,'~ halldlillg' tex- Th,' distallce to the Illoon averages
Garden Wolls Design and '1 i"'~ W"I',. 1.~tahli~lll'd. :l;t~"OOO Illik~, A IUllar eclipse can
,. ond Pools

Centennial Road, Penn Volley, Po.

Till' 1>;"" fill' th,. plat,· g;la~.-; indus·
( ry "f t"day "a,; laid with til!' estab-
1i,h""'lIt "f a gla~ ..; facttlr,' at l':orri~- illg three,
tI('cur ollly at full IlWOII, the gn-atest
llulnlwr p,,~~ibh' ill a ~illg;Je yl'al' be-

1(.,OWII III 1;-;7H by a I'hiladl'lphia con-I If you have any doubts as to the
I~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~Icccrn. At various places in the coun- moon's being' spherical, have a look
'I y, IlIan,' typ"" tlf 1-:'J;,~s,,':Il"- an- Illanu- through a pair of billtleulars whell it's
Enctured today. . nearly full again. It's worth a look,

A plan I Bpf\Jre thl' dawn of thl' ninetepnth I " . • • •

Inltlllly, 11," lir,1 Pllill'/' mills ill the The SqUibble Sc!"apbook says:

that inakes (-ounty were Sl't in opcration. \Vriters "Many of us stop on life's secono hase
in the year 1758 noted Mill creek, in and wait for SOllllone to bat us llOlIH',"

savingeau Lower Merion, as ha\'ing a paper mill u. s. Senator

1"l1own as "Roberts' grist allo paper i Merioll Legioll ttl C/lI4nh

Illill." It was Suppll-melltl'<! a few, An in\'itation to attl'nd all Al'lllistie'-
I,.·pars later hv the Rockhill and old ·day ~l'I'\'iep at the Overbrook chur('h
';"'eheetz mill, ~Iso built in Lower Mcr- at II A, 1\1., NowllIher 6, ha~ he('n I
dividendS · 11111 alld for many years a producer of. l'xtenol'o ttl the Merion ),l'gion )lost Governor

Ililnd-mad" paper, In \Vhitelllarsh I by Dr, Getlrge EIIH'rsoll BarrH's,
Lown~hip the Riwrsidp papl'r mill was: L"gioll ml'llll)('rs and their families 1
Sa£eur INSURED ; ,.,0011 huilt. adding' to tbe list of papcr will find a ~eetion of tl1\' ('hurch 1'1"-
'1II'o,fuct,.: a fille g'rao" of hook, card and ~,-rved for tlll'lll.
LIeutenant G
up to $5,000 · ",11\",,101'1' paper. l\lills ill Briog'l-IH)rt I 011 TUl'soay night., at the 1\1L-l'ion i
;: md 0:orri~town ('\'"n h,· 1HHO W"I',', lrihul(- h(.u,;e, thl' IIl'wlv ,·Ipl't"d of-
o vernor
. .~

S,,'o/INGS of"
...... ,,, ""0'O~--_
.._--..,.;~;~"'-- .~:.:,c:.."l':.'

.. i t-lIrning o~t Ill'oeluct,.: wor'th IllOJ'(' thall ficI'r~ werc illstallt-d. ciul-~t speakl-!'
11iI1f a Illillion dollars yl'arly, was Lieutt-nant Colollcl TholllllS H, i
Earl,' alllong' all industries alld still· Stillwcll, assistant manager of the:
Secretar'" ,I
,,0 nternal AU.
SAVINGS i 111portant in l\1ontgoml'ry coullty is I Philadelphia office of the Ullited: ,,11llrs
EMBLEM ;s o ~~ farming. During' recent ycars mueh Slatl's \'I'tl'rans admini~tra(ion,
cn\\'?~ Llils hl'l'n oone to hetter the position or
: n~riculturl' oy thc l\Iolltg-omery COUII-
! l:'.~ Agri('ultural Consl'rvation Associa-
Lay your glasses on the edge of the NOY.
LOWER MERION ilioll working uno"I' tlw AAA, A rc.jlens, 1'0 that the surface of the lens
LOAN ASSN, i ,'I'llt J'('port from til(' forllH'1' orgnniz:l- dol'S not comc in contact with any- I
, 35 E, Lancaster Avenue · e-iol1 shows that farm land totalillJ.( I thing', Evcn soft material collects I
10:0:l~ :ll'l'I'S ~\'as, impro\'l'd I? SOil-I dust, which makes minutc scratches on I :,--....,.,
Ardmore, Pa.
hlllldlllg practice!' In last year s AAA the finely polished surface. I
.. .... ,-:

Page Four
TOWN and TOWNSHIP November 4, 1938
T?'~·I~"~~';'~~I.,~,(~,~~,~,~I,~~P\"Candlelight" Burns On;.Critic.?f ,N1I"~I~nl ,R.',1 B,~,~ TII~\'i;~ ~n~ A~:~'~II~
Twenty Years Ago! t nc Company and in the following
,'/,ar waH promotl'd to aHHiHtant gen- ..
l'l'al manag-er of the same company,
til., ""r1",rtil tllt'at.'r hring, RormlKh A rmislice Cdebration
FOUlldl'd I'll\. h\" 1111~ ).".Ill ... ,lll (',\\,"
AR~lIflatl"1. ;1.'" (ll'l: '1'11\\:--: ,l'd -Il-
N arberth PIayers W Ins CrtttCISm', I" till' I" .. al ,,'r'·,'n thi, w.·.·k-end
,Iho,,' I"" l'''l'ular c,,"tllll'ntal l)I'r~
F.. alllr..d Big Parade
He has hl'l'n with the Phi!adPlphia
EI"ctnc C"ll1pany sinc" 1~12H, succes-

Ia! g,-d. 1"::~ tIl ~"'i \ '", a,ldl' I": "i"\ ,i\'ely aH assistant Renera! manager
l ... oWI'1 ;\1'-11 1 ,11 1,,\\ 1· ... 1,11' Ld,t"r. '1',," II :llld '1'"" 1l.-}1I1': \ ~11,,"101 III' illghly \'aIUl·d, for til" pr,,~ f"'Ill"rH, ('harl." S","'r and IIpdy :O;,'xt Friday will hl' thl' tW"lIti"th anri \'icp-pn'sidrnt in charRP of oppra-
• 11.1'.lIle ~'I', "\' ,,,1 1""oIl1,·t''''I- "I j ["'--1"""1., ila\'I' t" III' ahle t" "tak,· 11."'L:1marr, "Algi"r,," exol,c, If some- anni\'erHary "f lIw cl'I"bration by thl'

tionH. HiI' home is in Penn Sfjuare,
":11 I.. I III l'i.l: "1 ~11"uld 1,1.,· \' i
11"""\1'1', I tllIllk that all :1 11 lalt'uI what squalid. i, 11ll' ,t"ry of u crim- clliwllS of :\alb"rth of the signing of :'I1"ntROnll'ry County, whpre he rl'sides
I:"", "x""I,I"'l' t" til, r""'llt crlllc'-''''I'!;'' .-il"uld I,,· .iu(lg,'d for it, al>i1lt, iillal, 1"'('('1111,' '·' ca l',·01 f,,,m France.
a! II" 1',,1' '-'t .\
" r,'
Ih,' Al'Illi"tic(', , Faithfully did Our with his wife and two Hons, H('nry T,
i ,,, IlIt('rlalll an audi"llc,' 1'''1' all ,.\'(, wh" find- l'I·fu~., III all lI11p"lIdrahl,' d \\

N,·\\ ~ ,I'd
• I"; , , ~, ! .. : t • t
" "(':lIldl,I,...:h\."
I'. 111;111~ "( .It,dl. 11~·ld·· \\;l~ lied 11111 ,!Ilr'~ alld tIlt' playt'r:-- fill' tlll'll' 1"1 ,:--'1'('111"1 (11' tilt· Fn.'nl'h ('(dOilY. Thf' A I'aul 1(,,\'1'1'(' rid.· h,' th,' Fin'
1',,\\'n r"col'd it 'n l!l1R. Rr~'ans and Robert T, Bryans,

111 :\: d'I,' I ~. l .I \\ \ I ,1,\

II'!.J I.. ,lr,'!l l.tH 11 llal'dl.\ tbtl .. ..;);!:'lll alld ('ll-(Ipf'ratlllll III Pllttlll~'
!l"parllllt'lIl, plll"IJI'oI b,' !lIlC and :'Ilr~. pH]ICt· \';llnly tl'\ til Illrt' him llito ar-
\1· . I
The Famous
.. ' I ,I.j till 1',llil,.II~'.I l·l.l.1 L':t\4' It.· q\\'r
I I a \ ." ~", <l h
bl'I1 j ", " tilt, play, \\° 1, 1l1U:-it )'4'1111'111114') 14.',1, 11Iit lhl' c l " \ T r HI)Y"r t·ludt ';' 1!1I\\'al'd ill tlll'ir buzz wag'on, start,'d •
\\ ) r.1 01 1'1.1~' I ]d"dllt'tlllil-, \llal thl':--I' IJla~t·r.-.; gl\'l' t1wir :--Jlarl tllt'lll lllltl1 a jl·allltl...: nati\-l' ~Irl (~1),!" .,h"rll~' aft"r :; A,:'II. P,'rf,'ctly 1"'-
~1:l ill ,. !:-
• ',," \'1"
111' \\!Il'l

l'l'illlllll \\111' ;llllll,~t IlrlJl' (;111.1 'Ili-Ilty (If tlllll') til till' ta,·.;J, lid (;UI"Il') llt'tt'a~:...: hllll. If ynl1 f'1l :--IH'ctahll' citizl'Il~, ~H'(·U:-:.t(}lllt·d to ap·
1':1 r,,·,·1
11 ;11 '''"ll,,· 1"
• ,I, _~j"'I:11 III

.:"'11 ;111,1 '!i~'I\I'!

1"'1 l"l'lll;IIj('I ..... ta:..:,1 1'1' --llldylllg lill'll' nJ!t':--,
rl'}\t'arsals, il \' thl' ('lllltlict (If htl1l1an I'lnotlon--,
11:1"111~' tlll'II,rlll ,Ill,'('t.lldl alld :--t:q,!.·,' :---:t'tllllg-,l'II:--tllllllllL:, ;lllCJ 1111' prtTI .... I' a(·tIJlg uf HllY"r, you 1j,.1"llla dl~nlt,' for th" ~.~x, d"llrlt·oI
I,,'ar al th" rail\\'ay ,tation III Phila- BALA·CYNWY[)
of .1-.:
~. ,:
t:tI,I,~I"d ~''''II " I"c'h -t,,"d:II". till "t,·. '1'" lily IJlllld, th .. t'a,t !,ut ''''1'' ,·,tli 1 1,1,. "'I Algi,'''' I" ,up!,ly ,.ou hath,ol",c and f'('l'('i\'I'd "adv morning Thi< hid,1\' &: Saltlrd,l\', No\" 4-5
1111 ..... ;t1lt'ld IHII!It..... Ilf till' ,day \\'t 11 :11111 \\'Itll all 1'\'I'nlll~ Id' I',·;tl t'nlvt"lalllnH·tlt.
]1 \ "'i I
,I 1 ),1' /"1" ,1:11111 dl:tt,'l.\ Il"tlt'("
gu.·."t, at :1.:\0 ..\, :'II. '" d;I,IIt'd Intll i
'111'111:1 \"IY 11I.ill~;dd,' ,·\'I'lllllh".
'11. !. ""'1. ,Ii fl:lIIIH'II- \\Itll :\lllnlj;lY ;ttltl Tlll· .... day, Fn'd :\t:1C Fdg,.r Ch .• r1i,'
till' ,t "'1'1 tli "It~ alld laugh,
\i" J !I'liI'l,d Hl".tIJ\\;I~ T" II ;1111 til \\alk ;11111 .... It all,l \111Ir:IY fall:"': \\'/11 \\'"1' l<'1l I1lt , t})(· ap BFR(;EN-M"CARTIIY
H,·!I.- raile:', aliI" h"rn." h,,"k,'oI, pa,"~
III :~II~ )'1"111 iI.', t'IIlltrl.j 1111l' .... 11;11111.... ;llid 1"'1 t !It'aralll' ' Id' "('lll'llantit (;!'tI\·I· ...
,I '\.1 I, .If,i.
ill~ !llC(lIllt'ti\-,· ... >4.'I·'·:llllt,d thl' tidlll1.~"', Letter of Introduction
r d' 1.. 11:1 T111.1:' I CI' lil l
• I'll 11ll" '!;Igt' ;11'1' al'L'Il/llpll,'!lllll'flt:--i lhat 1lIIl"Ing tht· nlltldlt· (If lilt' \\'I,t'l" 1l1U
(IIIIII'ard !la\'I:' l!,,1 :'11 l'x .. it"ll lit·
11.1 -~ilt I" l·:I .... ll;t1I.\ ~1l"'llIII.d dlll"i1I~' --1(' 111\1'1':- \\ill apprt'ciatl· the (Ippor-
( 1',/, , , .. I.
ll"tI 11,. ,II '1:1 III 1·.IJIII"t
(·"ulolll'l 1,·11 \I h,·tl"·r Ill' \\.", ."·I'\'IIe; On th .. ,Llg.. ('rid.n· ,II ') P, M.
d "1' :\.1 ltl' \I ... 11;t! (11lll til .... 1'\ \\'I·j\-· I'lllt';ll .;t1
1t '- \\ it.oI 01' 1" I I pal"·I.> or I hr,,\\'illg hand l!TI·liad,·-. I
~ ~' I 1'1' ;1 I' 1.1 ~ ;\]1 d I l ' ILl II ~ It" 1111 J I III: 1'1 \
; LAP or TIlE
j tI 1 1I , \ '" i ~ I
·I I ; I 1 :( I . \ 11 Pili·...: tlf :lilt Illtlll 1,,:1\1· ..... \\"t'rl' ...;(,t alil'l',
1 t .- II :I ,III': II I I, " I I I II !!j : I ; I,' I'!·I> I il II' "I d I ; 1111; l! l t· ~ t' i j I t J ; 1/11 I II ~'
I I I"
tlll'lr l:]"II' 111'l!;n~ 1111 th" .1:1\1'11, ..\ JITTERBUG •
I \\

,I \ \ I ' , I II - t J II ,t I II ~ I . ( II j I ; I :.~ I' I III I ; I 11. I, It, , , II

d,·j,.~:ltl"" "I' 11:lI':ln f,·II,,"·~'·'tl/I·II­
.1l.i!11 I'
ft·! I ;1:.,1
1, "

<III:'''' 1":\\ ,I: " I . . ~ ~ , ~ i , "

I, II' !I 1 iJ'1 ,III' ! ' . ,I r I ; t IJ I ~ : I I I
..,,j ~ II" Il l,j I ..
III \ I' I \ 1\ J I j :.~

I.' ,,'" :"",j

I .; \1" ) I

g·:lIIIl',..·d I" -h'dl! th,· gl:iol 1"':11'" 11111- . CONTEST
nl~' .tJ ,\ 1':II'"d,', 1,,"1',,011\' 1,l:lll1l1d 1'",. lilt,
r 1;.' 1 ~ \\. 1111 ,I 11;lt I'"~ I" 1:11 ;'.1' "1' I I
': I' 1'\'t'IIIII~, ';l',\' Ih" \\llldt· t"\\'1l 11:ll"twi-
L II ~ .•
\\ '
.... 1 !' 1! 1 I;d I I: '.'.1,.1 lit I!I'.\ :tIl", ':
I J: tIl' I ~ ". 0" \\ f 1I I I --. tIll' I I (, r II I' (; II ; I I I .

I,,·d ..\s r . \IRF--(;inglT RO(;ERS
'I 1; I I

HI'I' I ~ , ' j l :1 II .11,' I ' 1"' ,r I, - \\ f I" 1("01 (',"-- II,,, I"·!'.,, ()f!i,·,'r Iidl "'I
I' , II
.:,j ll.t
,'! I I,t. I {;111l1111·11l.
.'1., "~':' t J' 'II I. J d LI t j,:t! I I',·)
lil,r." 1':1,,1. :1- "1111'1' 1II:1I·'h:d]. :1-.-;-,.,,1 CAREFREE
tll;I' II !1, I' \ \ : I, 1\, I
h,' ('1l;I·f l!:tl' 1"':11'1'1 11,,\1:11'01 Fl'It-I'h,
at "il. \L' : :., I"" I' !: i\\ 01:, -ll('c'l .111 11,,1 IIll' I"
\\ l'I't' fl I 11,1\'. I II II..'" 1111 'II, \\'( lIlll'II, ell i1.
, I·' 111 11,1' I' ( \ I' t , .' I ,III, 11" ,ii, It :-:{IH' \\':1." a
..\ r, 1/ :1 tOll I rl':I,i.1 '1,1 1',,/" I dl'f'lI, :lutlllllll},Il/·-...
, :1, I .ti: 1 !,' \\1, ,i' \\ t· •I I I I fl :1 I :\ I \. '\" I '
II I I \ . ;I I ", ,~ ",1:1'1' I,,',' I" .1' ~rl;1I oI:i\, :I 0I:i\ t" !", 11"':dl",J J,y "al'-
.1 111' ;.1:" 111;111,\ .\1;1 ill 1.. lll·!' lila.\ 11;I\,t· ;";t·t'll
itll ;1 1'I1~il Id' Illi'\l·,I 1'lllO-
".1", '1'
tit'lll:tllt ... \\
I,;,. k :l~;ll! "1'111 ... t , I II' I' I; I .... ~ 1:1 1"1'1,' I'!l .I, 1'1
tllll1 ......
r:l!' .1,!,· I ! l
II 1.,1 I: "", ,I
, \, ' 'I, ,t I, I: I By .\, :'II. FnlT;;I·II .
.J' T" '.1 •1

I' 1 1 ;1 t II' t , I: 1,1:1" II I

~ t 1,\ !'! ,I III l';:dl 1"\ ,\\ ... L i III .. :\I'l(lll~ Br)'<lns Elected Exccuti\'l'
; .1.' I " . I, ~: I ' (' I . I . I
:\' y"" t I :11"

Drives Are On
, "

, I I ~'j 1 1:1' il'l ~t j II I I l J I •I I", "I 1'1., ~,'I.;I 1;\ 11 ::1:\ i r I~: 1', 1\ J r l' l:l . . . . . 11':11 \'icc-Pn'sidcnt of Phila. E1cctl'ic
"01,]+ I \';1 I: I Ii /I \\ I tl, I.' " :11,j lIlli" (" I I I III ,~ 11 I, , II -. ; I JI1' , I I i...: \\ ill ('\l I ... I) 1'( . 1II'
--d.' H'illl"" Ihe ro/loll illg ,Ii ,.,11. ,I. \ t I , 11 .. 1 1 1,1:' ,', 1'1.,,·, lIlt , , \ t tl IIIII-t 1l'J]1l11ar .--.dl~lla, till' gl'l\:lt 1I"lIr~' B, HI'"ans was 1'11'l't,'d ,'XI't'U-
Olllliblllcd /\ldl/<'I: tl., Ill;t-\ I I I,t" I!ll 11\;11111 (·x-LiI1l1 . . JI'ln,· Ill' ti\t, \ "·'·~PI'I·",j,.nt Ill' I}", I'hilad..Jphla
,I,ll \'.1 , "t 11'1
TIll' 1';~"l'1l'1c C""1Jlall~' al a 1I1t",tin~ of th,'
'1'111< .\~'~Illl';lli l~,·d (I' ) .. r : l ,1.;11.111,:": l.\j"·);llll'l II!
. lllj

J,i;ltl~. :tl] II Ii.


t ~ \ : --
~ 1;11' .

l' I '1 ! j I : Il I I lIt

till 1:1\ :q.!.l':--


:--t(ll'Y 1:--

and g"<.lrd ,,1' ()1I'l·('tllr~ TUI'~day. II,· hac Botany Ties .

al111\I:tl 11)1'11:III'l',"'!llll 1111\" ~,-\ 1')1\111 I II, I ii· I I t" i .J I tl]" 1, ~ 1 il" t ;tl·t .I,j 1'1'11"1 t,JII;l:, .lllt \', III ;1111 II ';11 tIl 4 '\'1' r~ (Irll'. 1"'1'11 \·il'I'~I,r".-ld,'nt ill ehargl' of 01'-
11. 1··1111.1,~ 1-;11-111 11\ t\ll (':IIIIIJ;II~~11 :"~l' 111;lt t, 1II'ti II \'.. 1);,\1 II :111, 1111 '; 1 t l I .' lJ.',I\"fl \\itll tIl'
.\ t \ )'1' 11111 l,t" 1111' \\'I'I,k. T~ rllllt' l'l'"alllll.l;"': llf tilt· l'Il:II!'aIlY :-;.iIH·I' IU~~'

fC11' 1,·li'·1' III .1>;1-1.1'- . . \ 1:1,11 (',Ill l;llll'I'~ 1"1'''11,:'': 1',,\\, I . .\1"'1' F:I~ allol j)"11 "\nll·('h,' alit! hac 1"'1'11 iol"lIlitil'd lIilh til<' "I'~
1111 1111 Iii IIC- "\1' \\<il, 1"11 1)11".1111 ;llllj 1111'
\\ It IJ ~"IJlI :111\1t :11 III ....\\.-x"lIo1,·I'·.- Ita gt i me ,'ratillil and 1I1ana\.:I·llll'llt III' ,·I"ctrll'
]ull .. h",," '\.1] h,· h,l.\ 'I,,-t, LIt"1 1" 1",01 IIl'\t \\',0111' - :II' , 'II, I " l j II; t :. Iii. I tklt tl".\ I
!\:l'\\' fall and
day at \ll'l'l l dl ('1'1l·Ltt ('llIl" \\.ti'I, ..... lJaJI~ Idd;IIII;drll \\itllirl .1\1] IJ\\II ,I lil.,1 lit \'. II "I." and ga:-: utllilll·...: f(ll'" 1l1any y()ar~. 1>,"
R,,11l'1'1 j': H",,,i,., \.:('111 1:11 oI",·,·t", ,,1'1 :llti,· 'I,il'l' If 1,:101 I" II i,,1 11:1. 11,,11 ~I '. :1 • \ . " I t J." II:
In I~l]l h,· lIa, applIlntl'd I'll\.:ln'·"1 wi nter pattl'l'n',
di"",t"1 ",]"t'. <I- 11\1' -1'1·:lJ..'·I. T:lI,JI:l1I i L"" lI:dl II ,ti, :I 1',,1,01",,101 ,,\, I "':' " :II I" I:, .[, 1t·1" I' I I" II 1'1 I
I:(;)'I'JIAN "I' Ih,· ClIIIIII,,·, (;a."; alld Ej,.t'tril'
C"nH' ,,'l' , . ,
d"I"('tlll\.:· 1:,01 ("',,-- ~"\:"I' \'.,11 I" 1",\1._, I ""uld 1'1""' till 1,I:i,\ I til' ,'I,a,.]'·- ~ll'l'arth,' a 1101 III- ,dol" C"'l1pan~' at ""l'l'i."t"wlI, \\'hf'rl' hi.-
rl·( .....:.'·'lll .." L~'. illll:I'I. I~,:I (·J'I'~. ~1"(dlJl~ \ ',\ Itllt· ........ (·d Ila\l' 1It'IIt'\1 Ii tll.1t I \\;1.' :11 I )cl1\(1"I Jl Y 1,,,.1'1·01 a,.,,-Iallt, J-:d\.:al· !\('I'l:'", \\'tli prillcil'a! att"I1II"n lI'a, din·ct,'d I" (j,.~
fronl :\11:-- . . :--.1111'\(,:, --, 1~11-I·rll"IJt. I l a \ - I ( l / l l ' ld' till' lilll·,-t 11'~ltIIL;ltl' t1ll'atl'I' .... 'j'" :'1'I"al' "t till' E.l:·:-I,I:all TIll'"tl'" tl,,- \'(,I"p;lIe:' ,·j,.l'1ril'al facilitil's in lillt· ", The Narberth
('rfllrd, alld Haldwill . . \,11 1111.... \ Jl"\\ III;"':' a (';\, .... 1 lit' ,-:\t'\,ll"lIt al·l,ll .... alltl 'fIliI/If I . : ..... U/I Fl'ld;I~' :Jlld :--\aturday III "1.1·ltl·!' til' \\·th 11ll' lIot:"d,' "\pallsion thl'll char-
Men's Shop
1 1·'/1//'('/.\,11, (·I/I"fllillfi.

;lcll·I' .....,(·-- III :1 \t·I'.\' t IIII'll;lllllllg' IJI~I~. II"ltll /-', ,II /·u/ '1'111 1/ (I I ('fJ II' I II t J'c H lurl 1I1II." acl,·ri.,til' "I' th,' indll.,tr~' as a \\,hlll".
ti( lad lilt· dlfl't'l'l'llt'l' 11/11 .'1 Ifl flj, 11'1' I, Ij/II IIf. Till:' F,·loIa,. lIi.~hl at ~. 1'. :'II. II ill At tl1I' ~al1l" t i lilt' Il" carl'i,'d lin va l'iOUH
Heads Campai~n
''\l'I'l't fill' lllll 1

Nal'h, 2:"72 lim Sianion

,II tl", I'I'IL'(' ,,1' th,' tll'kl'1" I", till' Ihll'd lall "I' lilt' ,lltt,'rltug" IIth .. l· ('ng-il""'l'in~, (,pl'rating' and Ha]P~
In 1~'::!7 Ill' \\'as 1l1alle Rell'
Tr.i' 1"'l'ulal' ",,"t,·,t I"" lIlt'l WILli al'ti\'iti,'"
,.\, I l"ok"01 al'"ulld till' th"alel I
\\:1.... d 1."':11 la.\ ('d \\ Ilt'lt . . . a \"'. a fl'\\
L'l'l~at fa\'I)1' lilld lar.l!'I' ('1'11\\"(1:--, :1-
('ral ~lllll'l'illl"llol"llt ,,1' Ihe I'hijadl'l- r I Scouts The Theatre IS near liS

phia Suhurhan-('<111nti,'s Gas and EI,'l'~

"i.<il LOCdl Charilic5 "-lIal, "I" I XI",,·I,"!.
., f 111~ tl'\',II,--II\'I,!,II' \\!III L:I'lll' III ,\!:I111 1.:11" gill._ 11:1\" :,,,It! ltl,.-,t111 Th., l'I'-ula :'I Itll!' a , llalll·ill\.: ..\(·a
.pll·.,l 1"1' ,-Iltt I t;lllil It III l'Ut..... :.!1 tIlt !lllllllt!, ('I' ('lIld\II'~, \\-1111 :\l'dlllIJl I' tll'IIIY \\"lil . . t:l~t· a darln' dl . . ld;l~· rill •
t,,\\ II, \\111'11 .'L1t·11 (·.\l·1 1;"IJt t~d('llt I.- l" tr""I' lli~ ,tdl 'II tl", 1,.".1 With ~~II; till' "h"oIr"1I at tilt' 1':g'l,tl:llI Tllt'al,'1
iJ(' flad IIt~jt1 ill I'lll IIIJd ..... t.
111 1\111.1 ..... ~lt'I.lll"tllllg tIl 1;ltl.--t n.l.':lll't'~ Ill] ~atlll'''a.\ :11'1('1"11'\1111. Ti.lJl :llTld,atw
1-1111"'11'1, 1'"1''' tll;1I til,· III \l ,,1:1, """1'''''01 I., ,\11_. ('. "\. T"ay.-'·ll, "I' a," t",· t!all",I1~ \':i11 Ill' f,·atur,"!. ,{',h,ln , . , Bring it here for a PERfECT
,',\,11 I" IIII' "",I",tll 1'1:1,"'1- 11,11 '\;11/,1'1'111, .... ;111· Illall;!}.!I·I', :Illd lltl' Pht!. ~lI/lrl;I~, alit! \ll1lld:ty, \'I\l'lltlJl I ,; -::"'~""l .
CI.FA:"I:'-:C; and BLOCKIf':(;, Sh"es ,mart-
Ii II1I ;lll Ill' ~ IILJ III (j II' ;'1 dl i II 11('1, I' (" ad,.ll r1li a dl\j ... II"1 II~I~ --1,ld Jl~I,IHltl ;III"~. 11t'11lt!~ II:lC!, t"'\l) old 1';1\1111\4'
.11.'-: t" ~"ul-,h,.- tktt 1I1l1l'il I h:(\,· p"lIl1(h, C'">:I'r It"~"r> ",,01 FI',·01 ,\-tall' I}' l'l'Pail'l'd \, ith till' BEST I:": LEATHER,
,l.:-l 1 I,ll i ~'Ill t 11;1 t \. I ' 11;1 \ t· " . \ {'I 1',- (·I"i1I"'WIII\.: tl""P 11;7 1'01' th,· lillal tl,,· \'."1'101', ~'" 0I:""'1I1l: ,1I'·I·tlll':" 1- •
Pl;lllllllll!....... I J:...:!Jt III "i.ll IIJld ... t.
II'ad III tilt' I·CI\.t!... lt· .--alt, I."': "\I"dlll(d'~' III "(';11"4'(1'1'1'" ~It tlH' 1·:~Yl't;all. / / i

t lui, ' 1l'llllp ~::Ii \\'Itll -;'i 1 Jltllilltl:- :--Idd alld ~t;11'1\11.~ Tllt·-t!;ty, ~"\I'lldH'r :-... fol

. .. 1l1"!"I' til I1I'a1' fl'tflll. (lthl'r !(·a<!('l·....: In ;1 li\l .. d:l~ 1'11:"':;1,:"':'1'1:,1 Ill, ('];11 L
(;:'[d, •·.. i •• ·d Sho.· 11.·••ui.-
1,;,J,t", Hr"lllI'l
. till' >al,' al'l': :'11"1'11'0,,01 I'al'k :;~, li~'11 ,,"01 :'II,l'lIa 1.'0;, II til al'llI'al'
Jlound -: ()\'l,rl'nltd.. ~O~. 1;;)li pIlllnt/:-; 1111'1\11'\' "'1"1(1 1I·,t tIl ILllltll,," :11 IIIl'
~~ lin • • ~I.·u .. ill~
..... 1"-
.....1. II'1-d I
pullnl:-:: ~I'\ I'rel!"allwlth l'lay""'-
\\' aylli' I''.~.\1 I t'1:111. 'I'll I' -.1"",' '.- 1'1 tIlt·
I, .--1'1 1,"1"'1'1,1
llf ; J<>urs fr<>m Narb"rlh Thealrt' i
__ I
I:;I, liOO 1'''"1101,; ~1"1',"1I ~:lII, 1;011 th,' lhl'llll"~~' ('\l'II\'- 111 tl,,· 11ft. "I' :t
I,;",· a.-k,·,j II'" 11111'1111'1' 1\1 "t,· th,
poun,b; \\'y II II l' \\.• " "I ~I.I, ~dli l'''Ullt!:''; 11"\\,1"'1'1 ..a""·l'a',,"", ('1:11'1, (;,,1<1,·
"'\ll'II' ,,1' "(',",dk],ght," thaI ap
()a k'111,,"t :;:;, :'111·1 poulloI,,; (lakn1llnt I'lay.- t II,· 1'0 I"" f' I IIt' ""'111 I'a II 1<1 II 11,1 II
IlI'al'l',j III "'1'''"11 allol '1'''\\111'1111 1'' I'I-t
,.I,·.·k. I oI,01l1't, alth"u;.:11 I agl' ... II .tIl
~::!I lIlId ~li~, :',II() pOUllli, ,'ach; (','n- I",,, l'al'l'i1l" a' h,.- ,"Iliit I1I1all. "I 1..C/iO/H lask-.<treldling your OWtl
c. BREWSTER RHOADS llil' l'lltir·.-- \'1('\\:- III IlaJt. It I> III t f/Hlaill5 LeI II.< sparc you Ilrc
. ,\\',\'.1 ~I·l, ,111~ P"Ull,j,; "arlll'lth :-., ·II~
Who has been named chairman of lhat I 01,,1','1' '" tl" I''''l,l "I' \ i,1I lhat p"und~. and I'''"\\',d ·1,1, :::,,0 1"IUlld,. :l(·t('1 111I11I"a~I'd (ill'''ll~lI \'(lice. IJlllStHICC.
the United Campaig-n for 1!J:19,
~11',lIld I... laklll III ,1udg;lIg all Th.. r .. \\'ill Ill' a ..o"kll' tahl,· at ;\ ._1'1'11'.' lIt' ,,,,,·tlll"':- till- fall ha\'
Mr, Rhoads, a World War veteran,
is a memher of the law firm of .llllalt-UI' Ida" II' IIIl' :\al'l.'·rlh 1'laY'·I.-: ~lla\\hridg"'H in Al'dnlOl'I' until Satul'- ]Wt'll g'l\t'll 11\1'1' tIl \;ll'llJU:-- H:-'IH·l't.'· \\'c'l! dean your curtains nicely and
Montgomery and McCracken, .11',· "tl'l\'llIg' t" I,,· 1"'''\\11 a.- ,,'1111 Iday ,'\','ning alld :'IllS, E, A. \\'hiting "I oI,·:,,"al"·.-, '1'11,- \""1'1, I- 1"'lIlg .1"111 ,tn'tell them carefully. hy hand, of
I'I'of(',,,,""a 1.-, Ih"11 "\'1'1'" ''I'lli .. i"" a"k, that Iho,,' 1I0t III l'"ntact wilh III 4.'IIIIIH'Ctlull \\-itll l11l' TllllII' J)rallla
- ~ tl'lllll\,; hut wi~hillg' t" 11<'11' th., girl "'" 11".1\.:." Ulld.·1' til,· 1:"\',>,,01 :\:1'
cour,e. and have tht'm. starchy and
prett>·, ready for YOllr honl(' 's adorn-
11'i1,ut '".~ 1lIl'IlJ!,I'I'.-IIII", In a dl'i\'" .".. out~ huy ('o"ki,'s th .. n', lill/lal (;11"1 ~{'l,ut 111"(1.~I';\Ill.
,hat ('11'''''':-: :\'u\TlnIItT 7. S ..oul", "I' til" ,'ig'hlt-"II al'ti\'" 11'0"1"
\\hu an' working- fIJr l'/lllllllunlty :'I'l'"\'-
Conll't1llltl"n, I" tl1l' 1."\\'('1' :'II,'rio!l iI'" hadg,'~ \\'ill "Iart at Ihe F ..dela- Elm Hull.
Sl'cOlHI MondaYH-~ Borough Coullcil,
to' :.--' ------f-:O
Lace curlains a specialty ...
1'"li ... , 1"'".'1"" !"lilld ,,1'1' "ought in till' ti"n of Chul'clll'c, 1:-; Simp"oll road,
allnual ,11'1',,:11 I'l·,·,'ntly ",'nl 1'I'~i,knh Anlmol''', at !I o'clock l"rnOITOW 11101'n- NARBERTH HAND LAUNDRY
hy tht' tl:-,:--o\'iat Itlll'~ t 1'1I:,lt\(':-i, ~\l()rrj:-> Illg' for a l"lll' of :'Ilalll Lin" chari~
I.. ('lolhi,'I', ~. Ealll' lI"ill"H and li"H wilh :'IliH.- Ali"l' II. Ambl.'r, "X"l'U- NARBERTH 107 N. Narberth Avenue
Frank II. Sykl'~' lin' Sl'Cl'l'tary, explaining huw the
f"deralion Her\'l'~ till' pl'ople, Th,' CALL NARBERTH 2266
III y, M. C. A. Drive toUI' will \'isit tIl<' Ilt'allh and Cl\'il' Now!- •
aSHociation, th,' Rl'd ('1'01'1' hl'adquart-
S"grid G/lTie, C"arles Boyer
<'II', thl' A, H, C. Hhop in AJ'dnwl'l',
arid H t'd Y Lamarr
alld Ih(' Bryn :'Ilawr hospital. The

tour countH UH one point of thl' tl'n
lIl'l'ded fOl' thl' badg't', •
Foul' g-irb an' mailing' lubercu!o- Monday & Tuesday
His s"aiH l'\'l'ry Salul'day morning al
frt·d MacMurray and
till' 1I,·tilth and CI\'il' association, and
Harriet Hilliard itl
this l'OuntH UH anotlll'r point for the
hadg'I', Foul' g'irl~ from \'I'uyne ttCOCOANUT
troop 1:\1 will Sl'l'\'" tomorrow,
:'Ilain Lilll'rH willing to g'ive time
GROVE" Buy them fronl \

for community HI'I'\'it'" an' aHked 10

g'l't in touch wilh I\1I'S, F, N, Floyd,
girl st'oul public r<,lations chairman,
Wednesday and Thursday
IgtlOCC Jan
the publishers ..
\\'ho will add tll<'ir narn,'~ to the liHt
PADEREWSKI through your ,
being compi1l'd at Philadelphia head-
atld C "aries farrell •
Philip C, Staples, president of the
quurters, Volunteers urI' needed at·
arid Marie Tempest in local publisher,
Bell Telephone Company of Pennsyl ~
once for the Red Cross and the Tu-! ttMOONLIGHT •
berculosis sealH drive committees and!
vania and a resident of Ardmore, is
for girl scouting, ' SONATA" Dorothy and Tom Elwood
publicity chairman of the United Cam-
paign, which starts its fund-raising
• • •
Merion 'rroop 18 Next Week-End 110 Forest, Narberth. , , Nnrb, 3637
effort for Philadelphia's 141 charitablt,
institutions next Mal'ch, The l11eptin/< was de\'ot['d to pn'I'ar~ T)'rorle Power, Alice Faye
• • •
CHARLES S, WALTON, JR. in~ the troop's pluy for the mock radio' and Don A meclre in Maga<ines, 1'00
Thl' y, W. C, A" largest womell'H of SI. DI/I'ids, who is chairman broadcast contest in which the 1\1 ai~ ,
movement in the world, with Philadel- of CUIII/Jfligll Execlllit'{' C071lmil- Line Girl Scouts are takillR part, TIH'
phia headquarters at 1800 Arch street, 1"1' 10 mis/' fllllds for Philadel- play was cast, and parts wel'e pl'ac- RAGTIME BAND" ·t
.seeks dollar memberships, $5 con- 7I1Iiu }', Ill, C, A, ticed, with special attention to ehal'-

~ ', .. ~ ~ '" ., '. ":~M·';

,." ',;,'
.,' . " ~', . ',"." •. -..:~ ~." .• - \ . ',.:.<••..,\.-
,~ ';I'~':

fO"TN and TOWNSHIP Pag~ Five

Novembt'T 4, 1938

YOUR FACE The Churches Borough Women's Club

/ntt'Tnational Relations Violinist in Recital
:\1"lllgo/l11'ry ('"Ullly F,'d.. rali"l1
drsrryrs Ih., Irratme"l of a BTlll MaJn' Women's Club to
Scientific Bealltician
Rl'v. Archer A. And'·rson. Th. D.,
Ii cars ViOlS on Timely Topics ('Ia,.;." f"r Inlt'l'llat'''llal n,'lali,,"s. un·
.1,.1' dll·,·"li"n of ~Irs. ,Iohn D. (;ill, of Hfar CZfSlaJla U;:ga LESS
I'a~tur: I'.'ae.· propal-;anda i~ making a silu-
210 DudJ,'y-Narberth n24 J{l'v. John \'an :-;e::is, D. D., I'a~tor
all,,11 W111' n' llullYIIil-; natl"n~ f<,,·1 ,It·-
1l1(ll'I"~1l'1(''-'; ha\'(' not ('JHIUg-h IluckbollC'
('z",lawa OZg'a, \'Ioli!li~t. \\'111 I,,·
g'U"sl artlSl at Th .. \\loll1<'n's Clul. "f
for your money

., [1.1;, A. :\1.- - Bible ::iellOul.

t" til-;Ilt, ('Ialllu·d :\1
WtHld. !)l'la\\'un,
1" .
.Io~'·pllln.· H"I'
ch,lIl"ll1an III
BrYII :\Iawr, :\lllllday. :\II~'- Ozga "
a PllpJ1 uf Adam t2urJ1I". clllldIlL'I"r

H. C. Fritsch, Jr. 11 A.:\1. :\1",.lIlllg \IOL,hlp. Sl'r- !l-g;I-lalion. al till' /Il, ... !llIg "I' th.· cllll,
and t"arlwr in !'\ •. \\. York Clly. :\1 ...".
1111,11 I,y Ih,' "a.-tul. "lhl' .\!,·".,age uf
Fire & Cawally 1,J<ura"a
:\ahulll." T,·xt. "'I'll<' Lu,.d 1.,; goud,
Tu,·,day. ll,"·,d \\'ilbur 1101'11, chaIrman "I' 11111 LESS bother
A. 1\1.
a ,ll'dlg hold III th .. da) uf trouble;
:\1 r,. ll"I'w"od 'I'"k" of !llt\<-r alld -i,.. " in chargl'.
Notar) Public Real E,tate }{IIlI:--l'\Tlt ;l;-.; lwu 1l11'n wIth colurful '1'11<'1'" will I... lin dl,play III II,,· Jeddo . Highland anthra·
alld Ill' klluw<'lh Ih"'11 thaI tru.-t 111m." ..ill' hurns I,'ngcr and more
10'1 F"rn'st AH. N.1r.4112.J J!1'r.-tJlU.JIlt It'> Wlltl an' IO\Td hy nlany, l·lull]'1It1111:' an a:-::-'lJrttll\'llt Ill' :'-l'lI11lar
.\aiIu'li 1: ~. but whereas lIit"'r prl'achl'd ""11 slt'adil>, than ordinary
-I"l' 1.1111". 1'111- I.' th,· fllllrl""nll,
11 A . .\1. ,lulI",r Lllurdl, unlkr the ':l<'I'ili,'" and hard work. ({"'''''v"l, \'."1' 11,,·-,· tin.' 1I"lIand-~r"\\1I 111111" coal. Fcwer trips to the
Painted w,' ood work furnac ...
and walls-wash.·d hy ex peri.
dll'·'·ll"n "I' .\11'''. !JIg!'}. "'101 lI"t \,,1 1','('a('l,..d liard \\I"k Hlld \';1\" I"·,·,, ",1.1 I" ~, -cll"lar- '"1'1",
II "\ . .\1. (·llIldrl·II·, nurs,·ry, un- Illayl". w;· w"uld ).:'('t ""n,,·\\·h.·,'(' If Ill' -1,,1' rllnd \\h,·r,·!J, S"Ill" 1."\\"T :'1,.,.
t'nn'd Inan; USt' o\.Oo'n 111.1t('-
,J..r 11ll' .-UI'l'1 \I""n "f .\11"., I ddJl'n. did. ~h,. lI).:T'·'·'; with ({'·I'I'l·"·lItall\"- itdl 111:..'11 :--l"!Jo(d g'l"adtJ<lt1' 1l1ay illll1wI
ri'lls; hv hour or contr.1Ct.
R.It(·~ n:asonahlt·. ,j.l .. I'. .\1. ·1 Ii,· \.1"1.,1"111 1',lllk;"ur :'la,·II" !l,.., tlial Ih,,-,' alll'ns III th" 111'1" t·dlll·atlll!l III all ;IJlprtl\,\·d l'I,llq.!I'
LESS ashes
PI lONE SIIER~'OOD H-~~ fllll'lIUg .. ,. At tilt· :-)t'lIltJI LhJ'l:-.LJall 1'.:11- CCIlIlll ry willi do liCit al.idt, lly our \\'a~ TI,,-,· 1,"11", ha\·,· 111I'r":\"'d II" 1/1 It hurll' Ihrough and
J.. ss" II.,rl. 2·1~ /';. ~'1lh. ~'. Phila. Il11Tllllg til,· .-.wahL·r wdl be "I' iii·,' ,I",uld I", I-;I\"n a rl'1llrn li,·I,." and l'1\IC \llid
, dtlll'" 1,'1 t'-t III '111\\1'1> i '
thrt'ugh. I.illle Idt for
!.,,),t! t,ral"'"I. ,,,,,J II,,· IIIl'('tllll-; wdl 1,,,,",,. ~l,.. f.... !.- thaI tl,.. l'l·f,·r'·lIdu/ll tLrllllgllllllt tIll' "aliI 1.:111' ... I' \\1·11 :1-'
'hh,.s-n"'ll· for clinkers.
lit Jt ad I,~ l)tJl"utll) 1- UrlH'l'. \'Id\' (Ilr \\at' ('"liLtlllt·d In thl' Ludlll\\ l'll'llllt-d h'lp 111 ~llldt'111" Ilttl'I"~le oj
f .1\.;.·... I.·" of Y·"ur time
PRINTING ,\i,. \\ III. Ji. ILtt... lllt·, LXllUlI\l' :-\t·C- :lllIt'ndIlH'lll \\'(11Jld "t·t'p lh (!"Illn 111"4' III .',·h"l;lI,hlp. and lah,'r.
PrOfnpt nt·ighIHlt! \' St'r"ic(' I"t LtJ ~ tl! tilt' ,\IIll'1 H;1I1 ~l'llpturt' t~lft -I I \ Ill).! a ullltt'd fllint III \llllt' td' 1:,,,,"- \\ill Iw 011-1 nl'I1I'·'! I" 111·11\
Ilarry II. IJ"lIar ~\ll."~llili. \\111 IJt' tilt' )....:[11."t .... pl·ahl·1" tit II'l,~1 Iwr- "f II", H""k ('Ii,!,. I,~ :'1" .1
.11,> . ./"/.,, 1'_ 1;,1/
• N·\RBFRTII pRI:"T1N(; CO. tilt' 1 t'Ullg l'I·('Pil.- (1111'l."i11 EII- l{t'-4'I\atlllll:-.. fill thl' t'4'l'll l ltll'lt)
1::11:\ ('~ 11\\., d, \\ fl" I ' I'll III IlLlIl (If tIl \\ ,,11'·' 11""1111"1101-, <'illllllll;l!, LESS cost
!'on"l A,.... -- :".lrh. 2hlH .-iJd,· .... 1111.(,';"',,1/ 1l111.- F:ll'lll~, :\\J- III tIlt, I,I':--I'r\~llill' II;' :\11
1(1'} dl-;t\lll" •.-!J\I\\lllg lil tJll' \\111"1.. ill at (.I-I·t·11
1 ( 1'11:1 t I' Il;i I l'I"l :11 11111 - j I; 1 hI' '1 1'11 11- ~ I \\'1"1,1\ Ilit'
."'dd" gin· y"u n"'l'e heat
tIll ,''''qtlllII. '1 lit." ;'-t.TijdlJII· lJllt .\11.-:'"'- \llld,t.·1 1:1, 1l111,-1 lIt· III tIl .\11 .... ,I
\ ;:1.;1 I'-e til I ;111,,11 III' \\" f'!lll II' ('lldl-, I II ~ , - 11:- II I I I I II I r II ·1) I ~ I ; I J t: I., II I· ; II I
lull d .. ·trJ!,IJ!4,-,,, ('I'p.l." I,J tIlt· . . . . 1..'1!J1IUI'I':-. I'. I:\jlll·il II) :,\,1\('1111'1'1' l:L \\ \' t I 111,11·,·d IfI : Ill' ~ 11'1 I \\; /lol, '\\ ~ e' I
1",,-.111'" il· (h .. pur.· ... 1 c,'al
\\ I! I'l ! Jr·11! 111_ 1.-, .\. :\1,.\1 II! 111;1 '., ;1' Illad,. hY' 'J.II1UT I,,· id ..
Mus i C lIIIIlU;.:.lllt"l till' IUldi ,,,,t'lII"L- ul tht· 1111 l·dlj(';llll.1l 1'll!llllldtl'I' I ... g'1\'lllg ~!I' ~t ('1 111.i1"~ (;\I;ld, I':tl~ 1.1)('11-1 1.;1 III ':1 ~ t t'l :1 \ 1'1 lilt· 1,.\ ~ 1 I·". ,J; 11111·... .\ I
.1 \,

so ,,,,.1 OR(;'!.v
III a rglll. :,\" "t1WI' ,',In
l ll.tlll ...... t;tt l -. j·.\I'I.\I"ll' )," t.11Idl<.liJ) ;1 1IIIIJt:l' !UIll'I(I'llll IJl' 11\'l' t:IU[I"~ tlll!:l) 11""1 t, I'tl i 1;1 dl,11 d: 1;\ T 11(' lllt' l 1 I !It.: I 1~:\'I;;(ld:-, n, 1'!I;lll'llLIII e'l' .\1 t ,J " ..
/lU;JS.\·/:RS :1 .'iI'L'C1:IUT ,11'1'1'<,.1" hit.
Ill\,t,d [IJ att,lld tlil' ItllTtillg-. ,11 ltl( 11I11llt· Id' 11- 1·1l:111'1l1~1l1. :\Ir.~< ,I. I 110 I, til ;111 I'b:l"!llt!l :1 lId 11111·1'1· .... \ 1"\
I·llill. ~JII' \\ 111 IlI-!ll:I:, ;111,,' ill'! 1"'·
;.·1:> I'. .\1. ~"""',II,·.- IL'jJl'~ Bild" .\. 11"I,gl,·,.. I'I(ll""'d~ of ,,11I1'1t \I,ll (·1 !dl \\ I :Il/t'll III t 114' ""1 !lIt IWH:--ll'rll d I .... 1IlIl I,.' a 'taill l.11H" :u1. .... 1 ;\1
Studio: 305 Gr.,yl,ng Avenue
Narb. oJ J(N) ,ll.tar~arel Squier

lJl:--Jll'Il:~;dJII[' ld
.-\ Illlt'l! II~ tIlt

J t'.\t:
"Tilt· :":(1
"l'u! .'\arllt
tIl hll.\

t [II
;l IWIIII;llll'llt PlctU!"\..' lUI
pul/i[e :--C}j(l(11. \\·ltl,

t I I" 1'\ 1'''1' di~I'\I~ -llot\

\\i11 Ill' I :ULIIIl'IIl-'

TI"·,,, \\ ill I,,· :1

LESS waiting
• 'Ems l!ll Illl ... dlIl11\ rd' dlt'tatell III 1111' 1';lld 1';1 I ,d ll,
IJ.\ gl.U I' ;ll't' )t· .-a\l·d tlll'lJuf,.:,il L";t1th; Ile'!I,:..:II'!' loll tilt' l'IIUC:ltillll t'llllllllltlt'l'
\\, -1' I n II, .," i -1,JIl "'. j It 'lilt 111' .\1 r,..... .\ l:a,.1 I, II :'-1', I., I. \\ •.'11 d,·li\1'l il hdor(' n'lI
;",,1 ll,al ,,,,I ,.f y"ul.-,·I\,.-: II I> liIl' _III, . . \III,ur ,llulk,.. :\1,..-. \\'. Ie "I" .\1 ~(l "lit. 'lhl 111;11...· il clear
Li1lKcric ).:11' "f t",d.·· l-:I'iI,·.-I:"'- :'::r.. 1"",",, ..\11-. ( .. :\1. ('"I,,,!;,,, alld :\1,.-.
Ildl ltlll!: :lllll \\·lllllllt-:I\I·. 1:1) 1\ 1\'.

~,Iwn \".;11
:'\ .. ""t1 ... 1' 11. "ani it. It'll h"
fnn" IJitUIUi(/(·/lln.. ,. to )OU
J lw.-d"y. r..liU 1'.:\1. 1lw ('''III1I1UII- ( . ..\_ Faillwr. Ihel'e ;'11 Ihe dot.
Il~ 1:,1,,,· (.1:t.--. I;illgl,l I,) .\11.-, Jlar-
Mrs. M. Redlich .\1,.-. Iiall, IkJ- .. " \\·J11 r,·\I'·W I I,ll.' I 1;( Ill:: II f, iI' till" 11'!ll1111 11\1 III
R.·\I PI I S. IH ':":'oiE
I'I-tlll. "'11.1' I):I~' I'; 1:.ttt!I'" lly \"111l't'llt
.\'l1rhnth 2 jf!) ,.t t lit· t'\ t'I(1 11).': ar.d ,lilt· I·;tl ,II
\\ 1 dIll .~d'l:\ . I'. .\1 Ih .\11.1- ,....:.t.4·1·;11l :ll tIll' Illt·l·t Ilig (If tilt' gJ'{lup
\\ t'l h :--t'l \ lIt·. "II Lie 1":tIU!"t· ~llld Jlitl'l'llatllillal l'l,la-
: 11111111"(;1 lit 1 i [j' !llle' Ill; \ 1

Try "lIr
Ii""- Tll",ja~ 'II .\11',. Th""la" L. \\ tll
:\ 111:-- t
~Il\ I I I Ill' t IIIit'

(1'1 :\11 I 11'11 \ I'

NltJWERTII /\tEl II()D/~T L\ ~,;,,,,
1\1 n: I'llad, \\.~ IIllt'\\,I)(IlI,
Special Lunches [l'I:iCUI'AL

,,,,01 .\1,- .-\ .1. ~lg,·1 \I til talk "n I Ill'

til Jllll 11'1 It....: :tlll1ll:11

raJ"4' 11llll1l'Y til g'1\t.' IJa .... kI1- lei Jl"lq

Ill"\ II 11\·llt·lll t,.
Coal C0111 pan y
I{I'\. \\. \-I'llle"l .\llIhlll't\l/l, .\llJ1IStCI
2''''. Hk. -Ilk (·z •. ,·ho-~I"\·,,klall ~Ituatioll. l'o-h,,,t-
:--'lllllj;L), ~,,\ l'lllllt'l" II. ~l. 1;-) 'l. 111.--
:·"'IJII,,·> at ell,.,>lllJa> t :1111·. TI'I- 1- I l.'H'rf"rd &: /';.1rberlh Av"s.
,.,._", for ,h'.",,·rt IUII"h"on \\·il1 I... :\Ir~. :tll (lId traditlo!l ill lilt· I.illl·!"t.' 'I'n fl
S"t"\ "d from II A. M. ('jilll('11 :--:l·1I1I111; 11 a. Ill., E\t'l~ :\1\'111-

to 2 P. M. 1\,,11 t' hlJhll- alld :\11',. S. C. Camp- ",:<1 It 1.- 1"'1"'.1 11,,,t tl:l- ";11· \\ III <:'111 :'s:AIH\U~111 2-1 ~O
lit,!' C:UIlllIIUI1III/I ~I'l"\ Il'I'; Tlll·IIIt·: "Tlu
1",11. -,.,. til,· 1""1-;,·,1 -al.· I,t' Iwk,·'- III II,,·
Delicious clIke_', pic,. tarts \',lILit' ,.f till' ;---:dl·J:llllt'lll.-; (;.1,-) 1'. IlL, !'·:il'!lIs. Su".1a" a"d Iblidays
Ti,,· l·,oI11Il11lt",· 0'· Ih,· h"nH' dq)art- II I."tl 1/',\ (If till .... 1!lIJlld·ta lit ;I('t 1\'It:
Illll'rllll d';l\I' :ulli :--;(ljl'I' EI'\\ lIt'lll Narberth 2651
·-0-- 1I1<·nl \I·J11 m.·,·t alII A. :\1., :\"v,·ml,,·r
Ll'<l.l,:1I1'''; :.1.') p. Ill., L\I'IIIII)..!, :--;ll"\'ICI'; ('ontinuPd Ull I'.q,':f· !':igJd
I I IE VILLA(iE STORE I I. at till' h"IlIl' "f till' cha,rmall. :\1 r~.
.-;,., "I"": "TIl<' CI" 1,llall 'I'.·a"l1l1lg
Montgomery An'. .1,'"'' ~. llal'll~. and 11ll' proj"l't com-
l'IIIICtl"lllllg' llt'act'," /I.' ClJ IH ecling I'la<'<' ior IH crion
Narberth 1I11It,." will Ilwl'l at til .. 'anu' day al
Tu,·,da~. ~.-L-, p. "1. :llalll Lill.· Red Dragons; Hal/owl·'en
Ph""c Narberth 2349 H'e Dr/i.·er ~I 1'-. E. II. C"ckrill,. FOR SPORT WEAR
1',·a,·I", ~ Trallllllg :, .. 11",,1. and Liht'Tt\, ..
:\11',. 11,,"g;I .. r allll"tm ....d a cuunty
\\'"d'l<',day. I:':.:;U I'. 1I1.-:\".. dk-
1I1"11,,n PlcIUl't· IUllelll'''1l 10 'ue 111'1.1
\\'(ll'!\ (iuJld ~lll'it·ty LUlll'ill'IJlI; ~ 1'. Ill., Nt'w fall shades and S~-"Ich Plaids in COLLE(iE SPORT
at tlw U,·j"'vu<,-Stratford, l'.:\JVl·mber \\'. ·dll .. ~day a l ~ 1'. :\1.. a I 111<' 1101111'
. Ladll..-' .-\,.1 :-;'''''dy HU,II""~ .\"'dII Ig j SOCKS for y'Hlng m"n and WlHIlt'n wilh inf"rmal taste.
:.:~ . - ~u.· I{.·.·d. fa~iI iOll c"mm.. ntatur. "I' /I"ward LonJ.,:,treth, old t;ulph
~ )I. 111., Prayer ;-';1'1'\'Il'I'; X.·J;) 1', 111., Sizes HI '2 It' I 11 2.
alid I{,·\·. .Jal'k lIal·t .-p .."k"l's -pl'('- !'I,wl. lIan'rford, plan,; will Ill' mad.,
ClIur('1I ~,.II,,,d B"anl .lj,·,lJlIg-.
('".It'd b~' a pn'\'I<'\\' at tl1l' Boyd at 11 j'''r till' anllual :\Iain Lill.· lli,trirt
i Thur,da~·. 5.;JU-~.;ju p. 1I1.-~pa­
,,·cl<I('1-\. . han'llll'l. TI1l' a,s .. mhlal-;l' will in- JACKSON and FOLTZ, Hosiery
" 'glidtJ IJIIIII"" ulld"I' tl,,' aU"I'Jl'''~ "I :\11'';. . 1. :\. ~p,·"k. uoroul{h maj"r .. Illd,· ,,1,ail'lIlali of tl1l' ac1i\'iti"s l'om- 205 HaH'rf"rd An' .. Narh .. rth
LIIl' :'u,,,II"I<' B,l,k CI,,-.-. TIL'I,l'!~ ;)(!t'.
III tl,,· I{,·d 1',."" drl\'·. j'l·mlnd.. d 1I11'1ll- mitl,·.· /IowaI'd Long,n.·th. I{oy .Iolin-
Cilddll'll ~:)('. li.l:l II. III., .lUllltll" tlllt!
1,,·1', 1" gi\'l· tl1<'lr ~ul'l'"rl. .-"11. Frail"" Hro"k,·. AI B"rd,,", I1"w- Phone Narherth -12:-1
)'tIUII;": 114'"111t--' ('flllll; :-... II. 111., <'hllil
ard \'al"IIII111', ({,,1,,,rl .I"IIII-"n. \\',d-
I:, ·Ii,·" ".-" I. Narberth JUI/iors t,," F""~lall. .11' .. alld Walt •.,. ((""'11-
1,:1"""11 n"\\ Ill'·I111,,,r,; haH' 1ll"'11 g"rt,·,1. 'j' n' 0 Barbers Let Varl do your
HOLY TRINITY I.UTHERAN a iii II g Barhering at home
l'~t.,\, l:lt'lU;:o. ..\. :)'-II1't, !'a .... tul
1\11" :\Ia,.).:",.d ~qulI'r, Urg-ani~t
._1,·,1,,01 I" tilt' .J\"""r \\'''"1<'11'' Colll-
'"111111\ ('Iul, "I' '-:a,.II<·rlh. La~t night
'I'l", :\Ialll Lill" 11"1",'1 C"urt "f
/I"n"r a"d 1I0ard "I' I{,·\·,..w \\ dl I...
No n
~IJI,d",. \;"'. ,.,. :'. I;, ". -Bd,k a 1",,,1: talk \\a, gll'·11 hy :\11'" TowlI".
.. I' .·\lld,k,. at til<' lill'ralllr,· group',
1ll'ld '.F, ('. :\1. Tl,,·,;da~·. at 11ll' H"~II
:\l;'\\T Pr,,>byt"rllll] Church. :\J,-"""
D a 11 s
11 III.,
Barhn Shop
Il;ll1w-( '1l111111~ ;'1'1"\ 1\'\'. : \ II lIlt· Illt'lll 'I" "llll~- ,11 :\1, -. 1:,01"·1'1 /I ('"lIahall'" :\", "Ih" I,o,t Iro"p. Ihll>" 1'1'''111
1l\1~, flll'llll"l IIII'llil'l I -. ;111I1 1'1 II IHI
I ' "" ,,\,·,111<'. :\"xt :\1"nday at a th" d"trll'l haYIIII-; appll"al'"n- In 41 N. Nar!lCrth A,·e.. Narberth
;11 \d'~,d III flt' !Ij"l· ... j·l;l. III dJ.-\·tL~
lid :tl(ll~ l.:lll\l!l Illt'l \11J.~ at ~ll':-;. for l'"urt illl'ludt' ~lt'I'I(l1l :\ll. I IL L.
Ph011e: Narbert" 420<) \\.'on\('n·s and Childr"n's
\\'1,.1 \\',. ,.\ '" Lutll' ,;11,- "u,
til, ,.,. I: ',k'" I. t"a.\·. II,.: \\·,,,,,1 lall", Walr"l". ,Jr ...J"IIII \,,,g·,·I . .1,,1111 :\Iraz I lair Cutting Spe~-iaJisl
Formerly Sleph"n Gir."d Bldg.
\\ III }Il'. ·'I~i·dt'lllJjtlll/1 tfIIIIU~JI tit' ! l1..lIll'111, III'. 1-'. ~Illnl'llI' 11111:-'~', :\a1'- alit! Lt,t, Kt'C1U:-;:-, .Jr.; \\'ynl1"\\"HHI \:11.

(' IlH'1 tii d (. ill I:--t .\ 111111'." 11 ;1. I!I I".,tl, ",t""I,ath alld Ill'dwlril'ian, will <;,.",.~,. \\·,,,,dr,,w.
(,'- I ' l l \1 I l l l l l l l ;\lld l';ll"l,: Ill' chil- Thl:' lIutll'\' I I a:.; IH'\'I\ i:-:. . .;Ul·d by E\'-
:\ l: I .~I'.'
l'iIal"~~I' 111'
"1 II
111'1.:-"1.111 II

...... TIIIIICI.lIl;
11 l·IIIII!'

t 11
II. Ill .. . i l II - d",a-,,-. :\1,,, Kay \\'h .... "'I'
"rdl :\. Str;;II1-;, "hall'llian "f 111<'
Dinner Candles
~"Il j, II' ~1111 I
I II tl "I' J '411:1 tt' I,ll t 111'1 (II
\\i! Ill' III "harg" of a rUlllmag" sale :\Ialll Lil1<' d"tl'lrt adYalHTIIH'nt "olll-
L'·a).:u,·,: ~.l;) I'. III.. 'I'll,· \·'·.-1"·" Bdd,' II"XI F"day 111<' 11th. Fir,t blank.'t mltlt .• ·. A m..l'llnl-; of the ad\,all<"'-
lI"ur IIII' :-:1"".\ "f lil.· E,nly "" tli<' n"w "Iuh li~1 wa~ drawn at last 11l"nt (,,,,"mitt"e will Ill' held :\"\TllllH'r In th" ,-,,,I,,r and Sl7" for
(·lIun·11. '1'111'111". "'I'll<' \\·",.k of ('1'\"1'111 w,·,·k·, 1l1,·,·llnl-; hy :\Ir~. I{ichanl. I;, al tht' AnlllllllT Brallcll Olliee, op- YOllr home. See them a l -
BArrrR,rs c.AItS C4u.6D I"CtfIl
.I0l'pa." t; til". . p,,~it,· th,- .-\ut",·ar Co., Ardmllre. Thi~
330 IONA AVE. lu,·-da~·. r. I'. Ill. l.utlI,',. I.,agtl<· i, \l'ry importallt 10 ail Iroop r"pn'-
AT MOlfn;oltf6NY PK. BOD'" (FEtlOE R yWOR.I(
BU,III,·';' :\1,·.·III'J.,: III Ihl' ClIurl'h.
\\" dll,·.-da,., - 1'. Ill. .1 UII i",. (,h"i,.
Gamma Phi Bcla , s"nlat iy.·~ as o'1l' of thl' i~SUl-~ 10 h..
'I'll<' I'lula,"'lphia Alullllli Chapt"r discu~s.. d i~ how th,' !'t'pn'sentatl\"'s
!'<·Ill'a ,.",1. lIf (;'"l1l11a Phi Ikta ~()rority held a' ~h()uld a~UIl1l' n'polI~ibtliti,'s that go 224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
FJ'lday. 'j p. Ill. ('lIldil'lllatillll Cla:,s. hulfd ~ll(""'r alld F"ulllier's Day t,,\ulI·d makillJ.,: !lI'tler advallt:"m('nt

FJ'lda, . ~. 1;, 1'. 111.--' ~"lIill" Chllir party \\,.·dIll-.,;<!ay, at the IHllIll' uf \l'ilhill tllelr o\l'n particular troops.

:'Ir~. Harry \\"i1~"n of l;'·I'I11allt"wlI.; .\1'1'/01/ So . ..:
SlIl' i~ "f Plllla,h-lphia Alullllli Chap-. Olle of the m"st imporLallt an-
BAPTIST CHURCH oj thr EVANGEL t..,·, which \I·a~ "~lahli~Ill'c1 ill I\J;~5.1 n"UnCl'lIlellt~ til cOIllt' from l\I"rion's
f{ulwl't E. KeigllLlllI, l\linister Gamma Phi Bl'ta was ..stablislll'd ill' \{"d Dragoll Troop was givell by the
Din·,·to,.- 1I"lIry 1I0tz
~ullda,', :-;0". G. [1 ... 5 a. ,".-1)<0\'0-
,t",lIal :',·ni,." IIf till' Cllu,.ch Seholll
I" ~ .. at ~,racu~.' alld has j'"rty-nill(" ~t:oulll1aster, Samu ..1 J. Bunting, J r.,'
ael ,\'(: Chapters alld ei~hty-tivc at troop m .... linJ.,: last Fl'ldav lIighl
:\ Illlillli ('hapl .. r~ ill II ... t:IIJt.·d Stllt,,~ Wh"II, ar"und all "indoor campfire" of
They Take Pride F,"III\\'ed 1,.1 the L"';,'';')11 P"riod; II a. alld ('allada. :\Irs. Ru".'11 Call"w, ·I"J.,:' alld red (·Il'drit: light Ill' all- I
III., :\IO,.lIillg \\,()l',II,I'; A ~"I'\'il'l' of Bab-CYllwyd, i~ 1'1'''\ "1<'1' dlr...·t"r of II1IIUIICl'd a Ill'W troop ml'l'lin~ place: house·cleani 1/ g
in Their Jobs COllllllUllilln; Th'-III": Palhways fro'll tl1<' ~"rority for th .. lIortlH'astl'1'I1 part' O\'l'l' thl' Harris and BUllting ""al "s-
(;0.1 to L' ~; • 1'. Ill.. Y oUllJ.,: Peopl,"~ ,,f' Ill(' l:lIlt.,d ~tal,·~ alld Callada.: tal" offic.- on :\Iontgonll'ry aV"lIue,
Wher"v"r you find tl'l.'phone ml'n ~ .. n·il'''; ~I'l'ak"r, :\[,.. 1I"rlH'rt L. '1"'11 c,"lq~('~ \\, .. 1'<' n·prl';;'·lIt.·d. Tl1I're ('\,nwnl.
and wOII"'n an,1 talk wilh Ih.·", f"r a C lc-",: lid,· I' j Th'·I1I<·': b Podry a Sill'! \I'a, all illl'orlllal 1'1''').:1''''" ill charJ.,:'· . 'I'll(: n .. xt troop 1I11·.'ting will I,,· Iwld Perfection Paint Cleaner
while. you'll nol"'cthese th,n~-: .\1 ,,"da,·. !,\'l\'. ~. K p. 1I1.-:\!eetillg of ;\Ii::is Farah Evall~. Th"sl' atl.·,,,I-' in th., 'lI'W '1uurtl'r~ at 7.:W o'clock -for painled walls, woodwork. furnitun'
A "l'rtain pride in Ihe jnb Ih .... ·re of the Board of Tru~tee~. ill"" I' Will th .. 1\laill 1,,11" \1',.,.,. :\11'.". 1I,'xi Friday 1'\-'·lIinl-;. It is hoped and floor~.
doin~. A f"I'III1~ thai iI" parl "f .111 \\',-,dlll'.I,lay, :\"\.. r.. ~ 1'. 1I1.-l\lid- Call 1l \\', :lli~s l\!arioll ;\leCIH·s,"·y. that all\' h"ys livinl-; withill 11ll' range
important !-ot'rvin' til tlu' t'lItfllllllllll\
\\'I' .. k S"I'\'ie" and Study Clas~, Paul :\Irs. W. O. 1\lill"r, of Cyn\l'yd; Miss of :\kri",,11 :>;0. ~ wh" \li,h to J.,:l'l into Windex and Red Cap
ancl tlw nJtioll.:\ tle~irl' til d\l tilt' JlIb
;tlld th,· C"\.;'H·il at .J""u~aklil. I{uth \\'aJ.,:II,·r, Ar<!morl'; Miss A Ii c.· scouting will l'Ollll' and ~I'e what this -for windows.
the 1...,1 Illl:y kllow how.
Til,· f"rty-tifth Allnil'.. r~ary S.. n·- II"JlIll'~ "I' (l\"'rbro"k alld l\liss Vir- tro"p is like. It would b.. a pleasure
You'll noticf', too, a ~Iron~ ... t'I\~l'
1l"'S of th,· Church will hegin npxl gillia lIildrdh, uf \\'ynllewood. Ito ha\'(' vou. Goat Hair Brushes
of loyalty 10 Iheir cor"pallY alld a ~ullday alld "olltiIlU" to Sunday, No- A I/d ],t.-Il>~/' /1/ rn /0 ]JIlUc 7 II' TOM PERRY, -washahle. for walls, Venetian blinds,
sinn'rc frlt~ndlllle:-.~ tllal ha~ lIladt,
p \·.·/IlI",r ~II. Th.. n· will he ~pel'ial Troo], /{q)/}'rfl'r. lamp shadl's and upholstery.
"the voice with a ~Hnil(''' !'-IHlll'lllll1~
~I"'aker~, 1I1u~il' lind a I"'l','ptioll on n..v. Frank DUllcom}ll', pastor of: • •
more Ihan a famous pl"a,,·. Pnh"I"
Friday. :-;lI\·. I~. Furll"'r dl'tails Ill'Xt thl- BaJa-CYllwyd 1\1. r:. Church, Lev- i :lIl1'/ol/ .\'0. All arc Old English products
all Ihis is hesl sumn",d up in an"lllI'r
w,·ek. .. rillg :\Iill road anti Bala avenue, an-: The spirit of Hallowe'c'n interrupted
famnlJ~phra!"c- 'Othe ,",pirit of '"'t'n 11"1· .. •
llllunl'..d today that there will be eve.: till' Lib.. rty Troop's meeting last 1\'1on- And Wax
• All America knows whal thai 1"".111' .
It has 1H','n demonslrall't1 ill Ii,,'. ALL SAINTS CHURCH ing ~erviees beginnillg' next Sunday, ~ day evening- causing small attendance' -liquid, no ruhhing or paste, rug cleaner
Montgumery Pike, Wynnewood November G, at 8 P. M. TIll' minister' nlld a high state of excitement in . . . upholstery cleaner.
fluod and Hlorm·-antl in your ('\"('ry-
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector will preach at the morning service' the minds of those boys who did come
day Ielephone servic", the fllll"l in
8 A. M. Holy Communion. ,when twenty new members will be re- to meeting. FOI' this reason the
the world.
9.45 A. M. Sunday School. ceived. meeting was short and only held forth
The more you use your 1,'I"I,h"nc 11 A. M, MOI"ning Service.
The Egyptian Theater hus secured ARDWARE
service, the more it i~ worth til Ytill.
TIll' Harvard ..luI> of Philadelphia' a quantity of paintings by local Cynwyd Pastry Shoppe OME APPLIANCES
. lei il help you do your sl"'ppi,,~. run Always a /ine selection of Pies,
your errands, spee.1 up ,."ur 1111-11,..-' ~ .. holarship for tlll' pl'('s('nt year at artists which will continue to be on
Bread, Pastry, Cake and Rolls, 241 Haverford Avenue
affairs lind keep you in lou .. h "'I h Harvard has heen awardeu to James display on the promenade of the FRESH TWICE DAILY.
friends and farnilye\'erywI1l'rt·. '1'1,..1\..11 E. l\!(')'"dith, Jr., Wyllll"WII'HI. 1\1""1' theater until Monday , November 7, Delicious Cookies Patty Shells Narb. 4134 for deii'l'er)'
Telephone Company of l'enn"·"·llIlla. . .lith, SOli of th(· famous track star, as an observance of American Art Kemp's Nuts and Chocolates
Iwas u recent Lower Merion graduate. Week.. I c_)'n_w_)'_d_J_I8_2_·_.II~i~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~-IIiti·_~-~~~·~i!~-~-~-~~!!!~~~~~~~~~t
....._2_8_3_M_o_nt_g_o_m_e_ry_ _
.~ '-~
; .' .

Page Six TOWN and TOWNSHIP Noyember 4, 1938

The Fireside The Bounding Main

:\11'. alld
E~,,'x, aI'''
MrR. Ernest A. Bailey,
IllUtlll'lng to Detrllit and
Hal/owe' en Spooks at
Election nme. Grey lady •• Annual Spaghetti Dinner ~ ~
l;rand I{apid,;. Grey horse . .. I : I
!\II's. Paul R. LOOM. :Shirley. returns
'at w~~k's l'nd from a VISit with Contlnuerl Irorn Palle One
l' 1'1" lid,; III 1'1 tt..,.;llUrgh. ,.;klrt IItf illto a IlIlstipr rpgion. Two Sunshine Bible Class
:\lrs. E. A. Englehart. Maple. en- fnghtl'lll'd eyes jll'l'l"ed from till' dark of the Narberth Methodist Church
t"ltawed at IUllcheun Friday. and thell wpn' gOIlI'. This was ullusual,
:\11's. Alh-n B. Outy. N. l\;arberth,
had Jll'r LJl'ldg-e dub at the house Tues-
we thtlught: pl'lIplp scarillg ghosts ill-
-t.. ad IIf ViCl' \'l'1'sa. And WI' dldll't

day e\('lllllg . ('\'(,11 ~ay "hoo," '>. W to 7. W, Thursday, November 10
The 1'. H. ThUlllas~s. who have Geell A Ithllugh Wl' waitl'd Illng hllul-s
al the church, Essex and Price avenues
th~ gu~~t.., uf thl'lr sun-lIl-law alld under the apple tree the IIUI., g!'l'y
When ducks fly southward and falling daugltt"r, .\11'. alld l\Irs. Jailles
. . tUj'l Ie d ,.
lady did II lit n'turll. Finally. ,\I'
·t"l·da'·.J tu Idr,q.,gl'd lIur tlrl'd alld I!lscollslliatl'
ll.: •
lea\'es and frosted windows announce the II aJI;:,Il!I, ..\ \IJII, te JL:~....
' t· ,,·h,·s away alld 11I'adl,d up :\Iollt-
llivlr I !U!lll: I l l '\tl all a. I .
glllllt·ry a'·l'II11I'. \\"ith a f,',-lillg lIt Tickets . . . '>Oc
COll1l11g of winter. it's time to prepare your ,\11'. alld :\ll's. llaruld 131-uwlI. B r u n x , , ' II I l t) I
. 11 ..... 1t..:1l:ltlll!l \\1' \\;1 ,I'C III tl . Il' ~ art
,lilt " :\. Y., wdlla: gU"~b ul till' J. I I .111. tl)l' II ' I '
'I t
.\ IT lIl~
I lllU-(.' (l ( .\
car for cold-\\l'ather dl·iving. :->1"'''1..- \\ ""dl,II .... thl.' ,,, ... k-'·Ilt!. II
I IIt-!"I'. 11. all~'\\' IIt'rt', a go I
• 111:--
t· \\oU I
.\1 ...-. Ld,\il ..d J. C""lIgalJ. :\arlJl.:!·tli ,">lll". Hut \\,. hardly 1""k,·,1 ar"lllld:
lI.til, "d.' I,,,.-lt-.,~ t" Ilt'l' dull at a I\I-t ~at d",," ailli ""II,·d III a dull.
LI't'S luhricate your d1.1riot. check your
IlJI.I·Ilt'\III 11l,.Jgl· ),·:--It·lda J . TIIP:-I' 1'11111111(' way.

hattery. change to winter oil. check till' Itll ,'I 1,1 \\1'11' .\11....... Jldlll .. \/1'1"1'1'111, .JJ., \\·t. \\1'1"" till'll·f''l·l llll'll-l,1 1'1

.\il~. ( 'J,];111 .\1111('1'111, ..\ 11....... lLilllJlj h.;\1" ;1 1"1I . . . tlIJll~·, .-t'l· ;\-II;ld,\\\' 111l1\1'

\\·in(bhicld Wiper, , points and cll'an .\1. (11.1' t, .\11:'-. l(plH.'l"l Tal'll!" ..\ 11... . . ;IJ,d lill.! ;1 d:qll,lt, ~~I"l'~ llllj . . t· 1'1' ..... 'IIIIt'

I'~ll.-\\,.Jtll CJ.Llh.t·, ...\11....... 1t1J!IlJ1 J~.1J \'.ll:({ dllll 1'11I1'"l"tl''ll''' ,,1;111<111\:': III
plugs fl1r quick st,lrtlllg, .lIlJ rdread hald 11"1 ;I:.,j .\1..-.-- .\L11)..:,~llt t Hdl'n·11. 1, 1\ 111ft· ""11111\ II :~_11' d. t''ll. ;llld

..\11'.-. 1..,,",,1 ;,t a- ,t' I, a\, 00\\'1",1,'"

tires l1r Ii" \'lHI lip \\ith tough skid-proof
,J',)lll \\ ''''II(·IIl·l-,., ....:,111 III \'t'IILI 'I

~~ I" I, " ;..' I I •. ; I l I'! 11: I I

\\ ""'l'''~h. .\IIJldg111Ilt·J:" n·tUJ lit d . ill' :.... , ',I I I' : I I I

l1IH'S fl1r the snl1\\' ;lnd icc to Cl1Il1C. ." : I' I 11.1.' I I "III till' .J I 1}1'1 .-1 'II 11".-111 l;ll ;I I !,;'. \\' i" II \\. .11 t I \\ t ; I:, 1 ~ lIt Photographs
~llllj I.~
I" I .. \.,
/·1 l't I \

I •.
t·1 ,Jig II j

ill'" >,.'l, r, .\11........

1'1 I., 1 1\1111 ;1 I I , l'J, I
Lulu ..... '. ;.
.1 I'! l:t ,.I :-- IJ 1 J' r
",; l;,1k. \\',. lI .. dd,·d ."dly, Ilt' Jiaw"d
J ' I 'IJ ; 1111\ ;\ j.t ,I I f II'
6 for $10

I'I!,"I .11 J \'1')(1 l..'"jJt ,h.1.', \\~L- !I'llill' fill lilt' gr"ulld .
[Ill' \\t·ll>.-t lid. .. \\ ::- ; II. :- tIll 111' I I \'.! It'll r 11 I I II It

.. J ,l' '1/>0/1/ our An/i-Free.;:c for your I :d' \\ .il,;llil •....;Ij~(lt-r.., ....\\utl, wdl I i I' I .,' \\ I' :!,~" 1 '1 J.
gl\·t' a S.I111ltl;L.\ til (·t·ll !Jj;d,
.. 1:1 '( ';1 l i t ' 1'111 lll"td I d' J1 all. '. lit·
r,uJi,lfor dllllll'J"
;llcl. "1'\'1' 1ll'1'll \'.;1IIdt·1111~~ ;l1"(1\llld
.\11 ....... :---/1.\ dl 1':-- IIJ J tlld;ty.
~ I ;11
.\il:". lJI111;"':1' 1·.... ~jlalrt·r, 1'1'\'('1\11)
>. .... i 11(',· 1 Ill' I't,\,,,ltl1 II Jlla 1".\
57 W. Lancaster Ave.,
. . . ,ddwl".... It-ft lilt' and Ill'\l'J I';llllt· I';IC;,
tlll" .:,,:,Ut'. l ld hi'!' Illllt!It'I-lIl-Lt\\' alII!
\'.;<: I' oi I" I' II 1 ", ~'III I,ll I Ardmore
,,,It'I', .\11'. ,lIlt! .\1 •.-. 1-:1"l'iJa"11 I; i .s"",h 5211d S, .. I'"ia
\\~l."'" :--lll"J'~ dldll't 1;11 :111 I til I It I'"
.\ltd iI, I , Il,l.~ Jl tUllli"d 111 11t'1" JIldllt' III
1:,11 1 \\ ~ I" old. 1t .,.. . III ( II j)./ 1 S"rth 5/" .'it,,·,'I, 01,,,"

,j "

,\1.1: .,,,,,1, III.

I'll I!I~ l'1111.-I·j('III't· fOil" .\t';\I.-. Hlll
1 "I' I\": I t ,1 . .:\ ;L.-i I..... \\. I" IIi II 'J 111;1l i,
Forest Service Station
(';11 J't 1'\ ('11 Ii J II I (Ill t \\·ll( I \\, III tilt· \\ ;11
,\,11 I Jltl J l . l l i l ;11 a t \ ; t ..\ 'f\t'IJdH'l" l~
I-:\l I~ tlJIlt I ~I~l\. '\\'11 1 1 \\I'Il·.'· tllt~
II: 111!lJIf! ui lilt'l!' dauglltl'r, .\11.- . . . til'II:,
,;t~ 'TIIt' 1~"lllll d 1(':111- I!. 1-:1. 'I·t lillI','
H.1\'('rf"rd ;lJ1d F"rnt, !':arhcrth, ,I\,'arb.2·140 .\d.~II, 1"ll'l\\ Illg' lilt, ~t. .Jll .... (,}dl
III \t ",,·k.· That 1.- lllitJi tl,,· la,t r,w
Mobilgas \\·a-llill.~tllli flllJtLall galllt·.
>'·'ll.- Wh"11 It'.- IWl'1l Ilt-lil"('rat~. Hllt ..
Mohilga ... M.,hiloil chargl' card .. honored.
llll, .-1.- ",II I", tiJe IIWlld",l's Ill' till'
\\'a.-iJ1I1)..:t"" ... dlt-gL· squad, ,tUdL'lIt"
;llld . . . lllllt' of till' IllCllIbl'L::i tl1' tilt,
I d,,"'t <'a 1'1' al",ut all thaI alld tilt',
d,,"'t "an' al,,,"t III". That'., wilY 1"1i
out t""lght. I \\allt tIl I", 1-.111.01. TIIt'I'
Buffet Service
fatUity. an'!l't (·\t·11 all~
.\11'.,. t;"lIl'g,' H. Sul'!'I, .... whl) iJa.,
halillt. I \\'allt til dll'."
illll' .... l· .... :Ll"lIlJlld t,
Now Open
, 1",," 111 :\lla'"I. lIas rdunl ..d t'l Ill'l
hlllll" 1111 \VtJodside.
"Bllt >"U <,all·t." \\1' 1,I"t,·~lt-d
"( ;11",1" <,all'l ,Ill'. \\',. ,'al"( kJiI y"u.'·
:\Il's. J'UIll'S Tilbury. Barril'
"()J'dJIJ;ll'~ IIt'tqdl' call·t. \If ('I III 1',""'('."
French hilUS... alltl Iwl' lllece, ;\IISn MarjOrie
Ill' 111.... I:--t,·d and tlt('11 all t·X!'IT:-;:-.:irlll
help you solve your refreshment worries
\\'arll, SI'l'lIt the wl'l.:k-elld 111 :\l.:W
Couturiere Yllrk. till' g·u.,~t,; 1)1' :\1l:<s Lilliall
of u))(!l-r:-..-lalldlllg· hl'ld,,' 0\1'1' hi;... fat'l
when you have guests- "
a . ill' I""k.,,, ..I1I>'<'r. "But y"u arl'Il'I,
Custom made ;Ill'''' Frederi .. k 1'. WdSl)ll. H",·,'h-
al" y"u'! (lil, d,'ar, 1'111 "'a"tillg Illy for
(;111" IH'I'I'. I IllU~t bl' IIII' III Trl'lltlill.
wl)od lall", who has bel'll III 1'1 lto-
Gowns, & Tailoring ~"lill thl'y \\"'r"II't ('lIl1llllg 111'1'1' Itut Luncheons, Bridge Parties
burgh. is hOllle again.
tht· lItlWI'S \\'1I11ld hid.,." Club Parties, Suppers, "Open House"
Exclu.<il'e Material, I"diyidual Ideas Till' \.... dlialll \'lIgb, Shirl.,y, w.'n·
"\\'hat""l'r an' y"u tall,illg abllut'!
iJ"sts at dlllll.'r Saturday after till'
) 708 Locust Slr.... I, Philad..lphia Pl-nnypachor 7830
1"·IlIl.:\a'y gallll' ill hUll or of theIr
\\'hll .I,d y"u tlllllk \\1' an"! \\'hy aI'" and
till' lIth!'I''' hidlll.~ '! \\'hll'" ill TI'I'lItllll '!"
",". 1I1IIblilJJlllall D'Jl1ald \'lIg't. Other
guests w,'j'e :\lldshll'llI"11 Ed llullli.,ld
Ill' ""'llll'<I lllll,ati"lit tIl lit' "II', alld Maid's Day Out
",1111'" his all,\\('r ",',,1' hi" "hlluld.,r.
alld l'aul 1{lIrlllall alld :\11'. HlIl>.'rt
"TIll' :\Ial'tiall", Ill' ('lIur"l'. \\'1' Ill'al'll
(;n'l'l1 III' WYllnewooJ,
it (\\'('1' tlu' radio \\·a\·I'~. \\""1'(' :-;('II:"i- Menu Suggestions:
In Defense of Your Clothing ... * ti,'" til till'lll. y"u kn"w. TI1I'Y ha\'I'
L H I 0 N till' oI"ath I'a, tl,at'~ \\hy till' "tlwl'''
Jllhll D. AlI<lerSllll, \'allI'Y a 1'<' hiol"l.". Hllt lilt·, I \\'altt I" di,'. ~"
'J' k ell a I a K'tng or CJ'
{,ltC k
lIC -.
or_ half roast chick- ·

('uad, J:-- )..:,1\ IlIg a IUllrlll'lI11 brllJg" ~(:lllltl\('~" alJd tit.· ('laltl'l" llf !JOll\'(':-, . i ell. Gtl)let (,raJ'y. Butter Mllf-
tllday. I'ad,·d 1l1l' iii tl1l' IlIght. m Salad, by the pmt. $1.00, fins. Cranberry SauCt', Half-
:\II~. llarl'y J. ~lIlllllll'r", Bady·!{ud,
illcludillg hot biscuits . chicken. $1.50
\lJiI 1'lIkrlalll at a IUlll·iJ..lI11 Saturday •
III Jllllltll' III' llt'l" daug'htl'J', .:\lJ:-;~ Luui;-'l' Ta ..ty, deli-.:iou... homc-c<,oked f rc ..h country chickl'n-<leli \'ered
lIal., T1'\11Id,ull. right to )'()ur kitchen on the a ppointed hour-a ..ingle itell1 <'I' a
TiJl' \\':dll'l' C. :\'·I·ly.-, :\11'ad"l\' Ialll', complete menu.

-JlI lit tli,' \\,'l k-t'IllJ III ;\l'\': )'111"1.... ~at­

urda> th,·.' att"llIlt-d til.· ArJlly-:\"tl'l' CALL WAYNE 2510

Ila,"" gal,lt· allli afterward a ,'ol'ktaJi or write
I'al\~ «t th,' BJltllIOI'I' Ilu!I,1 gin'll by
And our defense never rests!
.\11'. ,11'.1 :\11'''-. Ie F. l'ar.~'JIl ,,1' :\t'\\' BOX 186. WAYNE. PA .
You'll return us a verdict of "Per- .\II~. ,J. ,J. \\'11Il<-, I"na. I'llt,·rtaillt·d •
fect" when your washablcs come to ,<1 l'lldg" >.·~tl'rtlay aftl.:rll'lIlll.
* • r~- ---
you from St. Mary's, carefully and
thoroughly laundered the way
While Waiting for
you've always wanted them. Your Guest (s)
you probahly will he
thinking about straight- •
Clothcs arc Cleancr Myrna Loy ening the room after
and Last Lorr Kcr-at who ,<If!rN ill "To" //01 to lI'"I1I1," they I('a\,e, Wouldn't
"'//;(')/ ('Ot/lf'.-': tn tI/(' !j'!I!1/JIUIII
it be IItce if you
TIIf'flll'r Ilf J·t TIII'S,ffl!l • .\'UI'I·O'/" J

St. Mary's Laundry, Inc. .....'. '-111' f1 fir/-dati f'lI.f/U!/f·lIIf "t.

had a nice, chcerful
RECREATION ROOM to usc for all such occa ..lon .. and the
Know When- Your Laundry Goes worry of cleaning would disappear. We huild thc uniquc kind.
:IllS."; Frallt'I'" T. ]'('W, liI'butallt" The OycrfloJl.' 0/ paintings from thc yarious shops and the Egyptian
riaughtl·r "f t111' ,I. IIlIward p",\.", Theatre may bc Set'll in our display rooms.
KIlOIIlJl'II'lk, !,Iay,'d hll,tr-ss at a lIal-
l'IWl"l'll I'arty :lI"lldlly l"·l'llill~.
Shull Lumber Company
~ --~"
:111'. :(/\11 !\II's. Willialll H. P. TO\\'Il-

''9A tke IJ.ed - W )' NNE WOO D

• sl'lld. \\'lIo<lsidl'. s!,"llt till' \\'l'ek-l'nd
III Bostllll. !\lass.
The Link Between Forest and Home ·
• ..

2' ~~'el£~
! :\Iiss ElI'an"r Lord Lewis. daughter Ill'. alld :\1 rs. Warrell Walkl'r, 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYQ 662
: IIf ./lIdg-., Edwin O. Lewis, Ovprbrook. Church roall, had an informal party
iJ4~ : was fdl'd at a tl'a shower givpn in Iwr Satllr"a~' fllllllwinl(' tlw P"llll-Navy OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.
SAID ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS '111'111'1' by :\Iiss Elizabl'lh \Vl'st, SUSSl'X galllt' in honor of thl'ir SOil, midship-
WITHOUT SOLICIT A nON I road, T~l('sda>" The l11urriag-l' of l\li,~s Illan \Varn'n \V a 11,(' r. Jr.
,L!'wis alld :\11'. Adkills Luwell. Il"yll The Alwl 1'. \Vl.'lhl'/"ills. :lIt'rion


':llawr. will tak., plal'l' NO\'l'1l1!J,'r 2:1.
i :\li~s Ellzahl'th S. Scott, Aubn'y
road. "Iltl'rtailled at a luncheoll bridge ~
Squurl' road, l'nt.'rtaiIH'd at dinlll'r
~Iollday l'vening.

Tlll'sday. ; Thl' icp hockey Reason opl'ns in Phil-
SATISFIED CUSTOMERS T)w Thomas Hurts, Hathaway lane. adl'lphia November 5 with the Ram-

Deliveries To All Paris of Philadelphia and Suburbs
plan a party December 15 at the: bIers pl'rforming- at thl' Arena.
Rahbitt in honor of Miss Marianna ',1------------------' National Bank of Narberth ..:
Bray. dl'hutante daughter of M /'. and ,
~ '.

2550 or Mrs. William MeK. I1ray. I)l'\'on. Dr. Wm. G. Walton • Derosits Insured under the Govf'rnment Plan • i

Li,'uh'nllnt Commander
Ilil'kinson and 1\1rs. Dickinson. Kent
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion • "'fember of Federal Reseryt System • o
'. ~

"0:111. I'nt.'rtained informally at their.

hOllle afl<'r the Pl'nn-Navy gume Sat-,
Phone: Narberth 2464
If no answer. Narberth 2570-J
• Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convemcnct' • "lo.

Ilrday. CC Hours by Appointment 1--!!/li

• TOWN and TOWNSHIP Page Seyen
Noyember 4, 1938

C Iu b Col u m n s ! III P.,... ·llllie'r, arl' shapIII:': fast. II11n1l' IJ••••

Musical Musings ! I'alll"" willI,,· pla,..'<1 Frida,-s III thl'
By .r",.;r:I·1I E. I!AItIlSr: N'lrbcrllr Bridge Club l·h,,,.j ~"lIll1a-IUnl. Th,· liI'\! .. Iulo
Books for Ihe MIISic-Lol"t'r :-:"turda,.: t"I' ".... r"; \\'llllalll, 11I",'lllIg" wdl I,,· at (,,>lly :-;adrllulll'h'"
• TII"IIII'"oIl :lI,>I :\1 r,-. I·'ralll, :\IcElla- i
:1 It,(,IIII:t';t! kll/I\\kd~.'l' l~
("I' till' :qqlll'!"I:tlllll l
',11 1 , ,'/1; ",,,,,".1, Arthur C,"'I/I'y alld
\1,-, II, I.. :-:tra,I'llrg.. r
Thl' .I11I""r (;l1lld .. I' :-;\. :\largard'"
IIf ll!ll"-l{'. t III 1(" ;111' .... ,.\ 1"l'al i \,"l II. I II
:\1"1,.1,,\' \11' al,d :\11',-, .I"ltll 1It1'I .. huITh h"ld tr\'II11t...; Tu.·"da\' "\I'IIII1g-,
IIl1ld\.- till' LI~lll;111
., ;l\;lILdd,' t" \\11"
:1,,,1 l{ .. y (;r"IIII\,,,,,1 alld ,I. II. Bali .. r .I,r" .. l.,d I,y HI·'\'. :lllch:lI,1 ."\. I! 1'11\\'11, •
WI:-:IIt' ..,

til \'llItl\;III'

flll til. ;"JI;11 ('\;1-,-:1' liI'I;1

:\ Ill't!, I 1111./' I
1".1 (''I tll]J _\''')"1', fill' a
/11"111 h,
Illlfl-.;t n" .-.:lItl'.\· tl' Ill' j.!IVI·11 lll'xt ("("He who hesitates IS lost"
tun', \\Itlillllt .It 1\ I!I~' t,,,, .kl Id~ 1111·
rf,c N <lrbnl h Girls' Club
till' lllatk,·.
• or tI,,·_,·. ('IL<lI,
\'III11IIIl"-, "Ti" \':,1",
(1'(',,"1,,11'- I""
1:",,1. "r Iii,
'1 "I,,"IT"\\ 1I1.:llt th,' ("lid, "'ill sl"'n-
-"r a J,:lrll "alll"'· ill tIll' L"glllll hall lIf
.\-k :11","\ till' .·ltil, ral.· r"1
("rt!ltllill-- tIl thl~ pap('r.
I!,,· ""liill"II'II,~ I'll"dlll':. ('l:ln, f"r 111I'
SYIlIJ.lIII!IY," :tlld "'JIll' "II't,11' B'I<lk rd
1',1 ·J,"II,:t11 "a>"II, "llIch "1"'11.- .'arl,
till' UI"'r"," "I' lilt" I'.' ,I Illdl-I" 11.·,,1.1, Paint something fl'r
\\. nt t. II III .·I,:t I .1,' ,I, I,·,·ltlll'·"] bll Christmas The 1939 Ford will be here this week.
~l1agt'. tllt·~ Illlt"1 a 1"'111"1,-", dL-V}'II)!I'.' !ll'l'II·llt·'· .... :Jt "till r tlll}1'-- III lit hI'!'
Join our da,"cs. day or
rt'~UIlH' til' all till IllII'''ltall! 1I11I'1":t!II' 1:"1'1_. A"alh, ,- thl' ,-yllll'l"llI Ill' in-
night. whl'tlwr you ;lrl'
allli :-:ylllJdllllll(, \\1'1 k,-. tllgt'tllt r \\ Itll "II'II'llt dq.!l·rll·r:ltillll. Till'n' i:--: n'al
child. adult. l1ovicl' or
He who has waited IS fortunate.
allY 111,t"I'I.·,,1 1'".'1- "liil,1t Ilia, add (, 111'., In J ."\I'.'r :\!.'ri"l1 TII\\'II,ltip alld
advanced arti~t.
, tht'lr l'Il,i(l~ 1111 Ill. \VIII'IT\!'!' 111'''',- ';II!,
\':1 1'1 14' 1"t 11 , arid

r"C::<lltl,' I"
tIl ij.!llll!"f·

n'l'udi"tl' till'
It :-:'ll ar-
art that' Ford for 1939 IS indescribable In its
tl1l' allt.ll .. r lia- "I, .. "lIl1tril'llt.,d tlll'''''' I.-
Miss Margery Cowin
tic 11Iakl'lal III .. nkr til 11I'[\.'r r.'call loal',' "I' "llr fri'·llll.- appal'I'lItly ap 201> Ml'rion Ave.-Narb. 2764 beauty and new features.
S.. I1\(· l'arl"'11I;lr I'a"ag.,. \\'1111 Ilw a,d IIf·t·t·lat I',
of tIll'S., Ii".. k" .·\".'11 tlil' II\(,.-t Ilw\
p"n"III'l'd "I' Illu,ic~I,,\".'r,- "ill III' alo,,"
See it . .. Ride in it ... and yor/II buy it.
• PIIONOGRAPII RECORDS: Victor, Columbia, Bnmswick. Duca,
to d(')'J\'(' a gTf'at4'r pll·a:-.un' fl'II111 Illue Ilird, Voolion . . . Album ,ets. record plaY'·rs. accessories
1l1u:-:ical pt'rftlrJll;'llll'I':-:,
~ 14 ~'. I..,ncaster. Ardmore
Fllr t.1l1' "l",ra~gl"r, I \\lIuld -UI!

gt'~t n'adlllg l\lalTla IJa\l'I,p"rt ':, "I II
LI'lIa (;I'y"r," a dl'I'loIy IlllI\"lllg ,tllr,
:\ rdmorl' 4422. (Est. 191 '»
c. H. DAVIS •
of thl' ri:-:t, elf a gn'at llnllla dullll;l.
RI'pll'tI' With \"i\id "iIlCid~lIcI's" ill-

\"ol\"illg fallllllls Illu,lcal I 1I'r.-1I1 "iI II 11'.-.
it SI'I'IlIS lIlon' Ij!<.· an adual hl ..grapll.1 . - JOH'ph E. BaronE, Dirf'Clor - .eLEVES-SABURN, Inc. . .
_ 700 Monlgomery Avenue. Bryn Mawr B. M. 1022
thall fidillii. TIll' illtllliate n·fl·I"('III·"S
to backstagl' an' ~tartllllg rill' tlll'lI
Josef Wissow. Piano: Imperial Conservatory, Russia; Soloist with
Philadelphia Orchestra under Ormandy December 2, 3, 1938
Authorized Ford and Lincoln-Zephyr Dealer
, A Ill-lightful IlttJI' bOllk for till'
mURical alllatl'ur is Catlll'rtlll' 111'1111..'1
(fourth appearance),
Konrad Neuger. Voice: Ml'lropolitan Opera Chorus-Master. formerly 345 Montgomery Pike, Merion, Rala-Cynwyd
Bowcn's "Frll'lI.b alld Flddkr,.-." ("01' Conductor Vienna. Leipzig and Munich Operas. Professor at Royal
Academy of Music. Munich; Teacher of many Metropolitan and
cerrwd with "anlat.eur 'Iuart,'b, lid European Opera Slars.
diers, wJld-,'y,'d <,.,\list,. alld \'II,Lt OTTO MEYER, Violin: American Represenlative of Prof. Otakar TELEPHONE, CYNWYD 3550
playing wi,,·,.;," it 1III1,""S at a ga, Sevcik. Prague. Pupil of Sevcik and Y saye.
pacl' through tit.' jllY~ alld d, -I" 1;< ItLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON REQUEST
tiou;--; (If lIflll-l1r1d'I·.--.--lllllal pia;. I'!'.""',
• Aln'ady fallllilar I.. Ill"st 11I1I,1" POLITICAL

10\'(''':-: 1:-- Ill'4'11i:- T;l! I,q,· . . . :111111- II:'

('olll'ctilll\ (d' Illu . . . il·al dl:--{'I'!JI' .... t'.-.: (';dl, d

)"1'\ I';IIJ fig',

It 1:--


ditl'.,]', 101 "I' 11-\,'''''1',-.

""d :\111.-1.· ... 11I-I]'lll·II\".

1 II it';1 ,-;lllt I:, It!" ,\ 11';1: 1\' .

. . tllllld:lt,· tl\l

1111,-t II.
)( • •

:\ II' f r, .I ; I I .1 II! I j'll LI ' f J L' .~. I .1]lll .

dl'\II:d 'If 1111' 1 d:l1t· . . . ;11:'] ·1;11, 1.1'

dat,·, Iltltlllll~~ \\1111

1",L!JI;tl'I'- :';IIIJlII

ClltltZIII(\II··.... IIII;I.~ 11;111\ '., "1':1. ,1 ;1':1

B~l~t'li till till t,lll ..... t;tl:,jilll' ilit',ll'll'"

ill th,' 1,1'1' "I' Ikl'1h"\lII, it I' Illo-all\

suited ror till' 1"'1'.-"11 \\ It" till"-
Th",'·I·. /(,,11:11'" "11,1 :-:,'h:III1I1"r 1"1' FOR U.S S E. NATOR FOR GOVERNOR FOR U. s. CONGRESS
1141 I\...; ;1 III t II \ t· J'I; I (I" II.

• It \\(Iuld !,I \\ I II tIl "I l'll ill 11111":

th"l \\I,iI" II,., 1,.-1 "III :'!'I"'al I" !.I!,
t I1t· hl'~ IIlIWI' :IIH] till' \'\11'1':111 lillI, ,I'

111\"1'. It 1.- I -1"1'1:t11, d""~III" f"r III'

laYIJlalJ \\;t II IJilt :1 11,'ld, -t t,·('lillll';t!
• ha('k.~I"(lUIlII.

.·1 rc !J'" lll"/l-or L<l"'c~L<llcT\?

.. \ ( ; (II ....' , /-;,1. t" ,'/III Uti .. \ II. ',II II. ... .:,
If III,th'Ill!' .,1>". :\:II'''II:d ..\ I I \\" J..
11;l.-': ~ 1\ "11 .I.",lll·ll I l ' ; l l i l t l ' ;1 kl·t II III
~i;...::ht Illtll tfll II (1\\ II ,-tatl' t)f 11111111. It i . . .
a \\,.'(,II~hllll\\ 1\ ]1'1.-tlJiall· tllllllllg- {'I 1111' . . .
alld ..lh.'r "rlll~.·It"lr 101,,1""'10111'1'- 111"1
art n·I1.,c\,- till' tlllll'>. (;"III'I'ally, th ..-
axilllli h,oI,\'- tnlt'. \"Il'l"rlall art ,,'a-
Wm. s. Li,,~n9ood Jr.
""' J. William Oitt~t'
.'s:'I'IlII:t1ly \""·t,,rl:lI'. TIll' lal.· lIill"~
t"I'lltll 1"'llllll'~ \\", I'h"l'al'lI'riz,'d 1'.1
J J. Davis At"thUl" H. Jam~s
!"l'\lIlutioll ill Iie,th !,,,Iitles alld art. FOR LEGISLATURE
Till' III"t~I\"I' I",rt"d n,I1,'cll'd ""n-
fusi .. ll. But tIll' ,ul,ul'l" ar.· "\ 1I1.-lItl.1
all (·'n·lltlllll. 1.'1(';11 (Iailltt·r .... ,,!lll"';\'

I'll'! u r.,- hallg till" w"I·k ill ~hlJl' wi 11-

d .. \\" alld ."hd,it.- thrllughout th., Honest Governmcznt "t Harrisburq
tll\\'II,hil', ill I~';l~ a I,,'rlllli or III
t"lIS.' "tl'uggk, "I' war, crulillil'll,l! FOR
dl'llllicracy. sutr.'nllg, frU,ll'llt"d id"als
{~XI'I"l'SS tlltal ilidifl'''I"l:lll'I' til th.· Real Relief for those who need it
oYllaI1Ii.· Ijualtlll'.- III' lIur tlllll'S. Vagu.,
IUllo"ca!,"";, I'rdty ,till~llf.,-, all III'
w('ak portrait ~l'('nl to ('(111-
stituk th,' limit of local illiagillatioll.
011(' IIlay Wlllldl'r wht'ther this "11'(
Jobs for Jobless reqardless
thl'lll l'at eak.'" uttitudl' will II lit II<'
f"llow"d I,y a storlll l'xl'rt""I'd III'
of· their Politics
olhl'r tltall al·ti,t,., t"I'IIi'.
HOI\I·\,.'r. 1'\'('11 if WI' judg-.· t.hl' Illcal VOTE
prlldul't 1111 an "art rllr art's ,al..'"
basi~, Wt.' 11Iu;-;t Clllll(' til \·l.'ry lll'arly
FrAnklin SP41nc,.. Edmonds
The Republican Ticket Edwin Winn~r
thl' s:\Il1l' cOllclll:,i"II" :\ :,till-lif., 1\ itlt
an idl'a j, a wllrk III' art; a ,t"I~llf,· from to~ to bottom on fOR LEGISLATURE
withllut all id.'a i~ a wastl' (If paint.
l\1ally a :\Iain Line artist is IIt'lici"lIt
in idl'as, Hi" tL,,·ltlliljul' is .\.0 (""I',
1st DISTRICT ____..:.-N- .:. o. . : .-vember 8 th, 193_~8~ __ 3t'd DISTRICT

SOlllethillg- l'lIn\"I'lIti(lllally, apply clllllr

and ~ig-II hi,.; lIallle in ultralllal'lll"
(hI' wIIllidll't USI' scarll'!). If tltls
techni'lUl' WI'I'" fllllllwl'd raithfully, a
pl'l''';('lItaIJlI' pil'cl' of wllrk Illig-ht CIIII-
ceivably Ill' cn'al,'d. Tlill IIft.'1I <,al" ,',
, le"";III'~s crill's ill. HI' (alld shl' 'I'S-
(wcially ,,111') dill'S II lit draw cardully.
II j" llg-Itt alld shadllw a 1'1' faulty,
His COlllpu~itillll is ill-arrallgl"1. II,'
attl'll1pt~ III l'O\"I'I' his lIli"tul,l'~ with:
bnllld blotch!'s (If culllr ur il'l"l'g'ular I
linL's, distorted in the wrung placl's. I
Not all the puinting's we huve ";1'1'11 I
hereabout arc badly drawn. SOIllL' of
them evell show a goud USL' of clIlllr,
and peculiarly enough the bettl'l'
paintings are rendered in media
Charles H. Brunnet' Jr. Lloyd H. Wood HOWAt'd F.. 6o"t's~
other than oil. In very few is thel'c
considerable detail. And in none I'vi-
dence of the superb draftslllanship
and dynamic spirit which c11urficler-
izes modern American art.
Local artists may well heed the ex-
. ~'. ".,,, . ':: :of J.~. ' ~ ." r'" ' ~. ," ?' :."r,'.'" . " ':. ~'" 'f"t.' ~.'. ~ .;; " '. ';~ :.";" '~"., . :.... " ~ . .. '''' .....: ..\

TOWN and TOWNSHIP NOl'embcr 4, 1938

Page Eight
AlJtlllJ Y"Tl BJ'u~,' p"k,'d his nost'
Art Week rh .. S",~ltb(/rltood eillb O)'sten 'A'ill aboulld
III man,' \'aril'd forms, us is custom,
B o y S c o u t S
int,. a I>lack';lJlIth ,;hop wllt'n ht' was Water Cave
:"1 I::tla ('.\ll\""" 11111 It a ll' Its anllll:t1
II, ,,,,,,,, I ;-;:11111 d:". lilt' l~l1h, :It I'I,d" :It ,lit· "111111,,1 I,alltlu,'!. Saturday, thl' III lit' yt'ars (del aflll a~I\I'd fill' \\,01'1\,

i ,1"': I ,1,.1 ( ',,"n' I .\ t '1, d,. l~tlt. at :\la:-lInic lIall, Arrtnlllrp, of T,,,lay at K~J Ill' is still
11"11,,' ILl .\1,'( '111"" \\"1\ 1,.- 1'1"'" tI,·" I
A \I scout troop~ in the Main Lilli' J[ ,. g"t It.
J-: :-';11:1111 I .... 1111 tIll' ('llll11l11ttl·I'. tit,· 1."""1' \!,·rt"n ~"ei(,ty f"r tl1l' ne-
""Il'killg' a, a ItlacblJlith. That ought
\\ Ill. H. ~I,·:--,,·II. :--'''1'1" III, District art· urJ.\'l'tI to adopt th,'
i \\ 1.1' I lIt 1:1 r lilt 111111"1"-- 1111,11111,· I);t \ It! (; t,..-II"" "I' 11"1':-0' Thlt·\"'~ and fol' the
EI'I."I ... II, \ . .\k:--', It. .\.:"I ... 'lh Standard Troop Hudszt't Plall. Out of tl> I." a 1I'S:'''1I t" hilll.
' \ \ 1 I , l l . -I (·!'t,tary t 1'f·;l;--.lIrl'r; i H,,(,It\'I'r\' (If ~IClII'n Jlnr:-;l·:-:.
.J""" :\ld2'1.1,1. ~1,·r,"11 I ' somt' tw"nty-f"ur troop, ill this dis
.1,,-. I;. ~I",·I\, liZ',·. :\",I ... nh
., Irll'l. 1"11 f"llr· Ardmorl' /';0. 1. Ard·

S:llal. (,I P, .\1111\-1". 1','1,11 \ ;td, ,\ 11"'1'" :\". t, ",;hlalld :\". 1, and BaJa
~ll" \\ Ill. II \I"e!"'. I:al" ',1'\\',.1
\\'. II ~I'III, '. :--'a,l" I'll,
:\". ha"" ad"pli·tI lIlt' plnn ~" far,
a poor rat 1I1g' f"r "Ilch a dl:-tl'lel.
I J t It Ii ( i I;I! It (' ,\1 l! I' I. .\ I. r,'·1 ~llllpl, It> agr""'lll" t" pa, e,'nl, "U \\ , . ' ] .. Ill' 1'1 \\" I
A. (~l'rtlll'!' .\\;I·!I II.t,II!'J.! a ,I'a I' I"'g'"t rat '''II 1',.,., f"r ,'ach It"y ,I.t\
I·" 1:'1,1.1\ .0..;

\\. "':- II' .\1., , : ," "ut "f th,· tro"p tft'a~llry alld addIng "
I I .. ".1·.·. ,I "'.:\' I" r,:--.-
1\11'- .. 1. II 1',"\. :--'.",,,,,, ttl (hi,; rt'qll,l't'd ,t"m an>' of ttw ~ug d, . .I! ,tI'I"·t! I"
C. I'", I, , , · , .. ,11. ~'l, .... tt·d plan:-.. a t rU0l! adl'l,t:-- 1111' 1, "", ,j '., '''I \ I"
-- ll," I·. I'
:'Ilalhildl' Putter l,udg'·I. ~llg-g'p:'tl'd plans aI'" pay
A. :\1, h: ' .. I :. I ' I', :,1, \ ;lli.:. ml'll! of ~ub,;cript",ns to l3oy~' Lif,', 3c a word
:\1.11"., >,11. I II:. II, I II \ ;1::' \ badg-,', and InSignia, troop "lflpll"'. weeks
Z"ll.,1 ...... 11-" I', J II \ ilil l ., pr"J.!I':lll1 mat"nal, wI·lfar,· w"rk and
~ll - .\ ~ II ,I .-! ,I I" .'\..J I ill 1 t I,
th,' 'Inkll'!! fllnd.
II, 1",:--'

I !II 1:,:-

I, ~J;""
Phone N,lrlwrth
1'11<l1(, rr,

l' I l'l

This mystl'rlous ('avern I~ one

,,I I .IlJI ,,: \ l' .
]{al"! It I I:. 'I I 'J JII! I, .\}I J 1'1: 1'1"" - 1'''1' (II" I \I "nl "'111 :1111:11;,1 of sevl'ral eroded hy thl' \\'('~t
\\ I;J,( ...... '1./11 \ I, \\.\ 1I11 1 · \ \ I . I " l /ld1' Wanted branch of Brodhl'ad ('fl'l'k near
('htld"'II', H""k \\·'·I·k ·:\""·IllI,,·1' I':
,,11:1, ,,,' ""'~' d ,,," \, . Henryvll1e, Monroe county.
11:lllll11 t I~, l'I!Jar:ll • .\I"dnlllll' ICI 1~1 arl' IWIII)! Ilu .... III'd r:IJlI,II.\ " ' ,I J , .1' I

·1 I (.11101:,
'1111 It! .. 11 .,111('1,11 11;'111' .. t \,,1"1"'"
~l~lrg:II,·t ~t ",l\\ III ,.:)...'1 • .\}, III II :1 Ill' I 11 ~~
l' II ( II I I.... ; 1 r 1.1 I,l, 1': I 1'1 I ..... \ I I' lit· 11 r I
- \\ I' \. 1'1" ':', 1.1
:-;al ail \\ alia lila I,,·,. :--, a' , .. "11, " ,·llglld, 1'>1 tIll' (;1'111'1':11 l<lll'lll1ll -IIII\\'
-.' h :lllla. ;t('l'(lrdi'lJ.! til 1)1'. 1.1'",t(·1' K
:'lIar, I:. (;. \\·III,,,nl'. lIa\'l'I'furd SiIIWI'''II.' IV allied . . . ,;,:: : I I~, 'IHII, 1[(':111 .... ::,-1,1;' ;.-, I), Ilil tt'l'a t >..;,
Adl', "1J"-rint"nd"lIt "I' I'llblw In'trll"
1::''''1 \·,,,,,It-r:-III,th, HI', n :'11 a \\'1' 1 11,111:1"1 11 ;11:1. II 1"'11"" \\,,!k. ;llld ~,1;.-,1 \;( n 1':lltl"':lll-. :1 t"l;tl nf
tilln. E\l'r~' yl';tr . . 111('(· B(lu).; \\'I"'\':'
"",I, 1~.t.l;,-d~ fill' \)I"IIg"tlll\l".'· ('llllllt~·.
.\ h"I" }'<11 I" I/'dl III ~-13<1lu'C)11 JJ ) J /I. (;1. .Hutlnon . . rh"i,.·HI"", \\·a . . . tir-:t ldl~l'r\'('d III l~jl~l. ('I!u<'a1'1]'-. 1"4
Tlli- 1" 1'1"" Ill· a L'alll "I' J~.':~II. 01'
Eg"yptJall TI"';'I"r I'r""ll'lIatll' .1 \\',,11,'1' T,oI"n In t'ltargl' "I' t,t'k(,t~, 1./1//" I C, ['1/1'."""" 1II'l'a'·lan". 11",' ~I·ollt-. j,,,,,k :-\,11"1',, 1'1111,111:1 \. .'\1 .... 1 'I I' ,1.1" I l,~ II I " \
1,1:'1,1 111'11:';"\\ III k 11I,,1,· tll:111 III 111'1' 1·,'n1 dlllln~ the'
13aJ;l (.\JI\\~,1 ll, ("'I;lllllg :'111111, ~ll~
1-:" 1" II II. HI,·}.,I .. t, I",,,,t"r I'riz"s. and v,'ill Jll'(':-:i(h', Thf' octoJlJ!"nariall lifl'- l'l"IlIlllltlI1~' IlrL::llllzatillll:-. alld !IJ('al :'\:111 ... 111, :""1':;-\\' pa-I li\'!' 111111111\.... Till' 111'\\ I""~l-t r:t
Bala ,·\\'·"U,· ,·Iuj,- Ira\'" c" "111'1',,1"" III rnakill" thl' '1 Y I '1.'\;1; ,I
- - t-,·'11'
- -,. - -- -~.
d.· ... lr ,·.1
tillli' I't':-:Idt'llt 'If Pal':-:on:-; H\'l'nUI'. ('YJ1~ .1' .'. ILl \\1>11.,;
111'11 . . ;11" {II \ ltl"11 :11'1·1'1·lllllL.: tIl 11;1 rty
,I. ,J. :-:k,·II"1I &. ;-;"". Hala A"'·1IUt· 1J)!JlII/·tal!t l'l"oj,'c1 a :-U(·('l'~:--. .';111 (1l111:"'!1 .\.',111" 1111 41 1111 -
wyd, n"w r .. ~id('s in r\'arlwrth, at \\' .1, f"II,,\\'.·: ~' .. :~j' It'·I'ldoll,·:tn-: ;U121
\\'all:,,'" .J"I""."II, 1:,:; Hala A,,·nu .. \rayne a\'I'nu". ~pI'ak('l's at th,' han- 1"'lIllle!':lt-; alltl :!II~ ~(IJl.JI:lrll"":l11.
Eg-, 1'11"/' (;111 ;-;h"I', I:,:, 1;;lIa An·nu,· qupt ar" .. xppct,'d to includ,' Att"rrll'y
:\Tain Lin(' autnlll(l!,ih' (l\\,ll('r:-: ~{)1IJ\ ;--;'1"/:.-"":111;1:.\/'111:1: 1111~11 •• ·:,-:-:"" Illllt! J..::1;ld-j

Helt-n H. Brady, ~·ltl Bala An·lltH· aftpr :'\o\,pmh('r I will h,'gin rl'cpi\'ing- 11.t!I' dl .... llt· ... 1>1 .... ,11,,', _~~.1~1.~4._1(1~1-\\· '!'I!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!
L('st<'r Haws. :\linistl'r Franklin Dun-
Mal'I"" Flt-lIllllg. :;0:; Bala An'nul' IU:lfJ \'('III'\\'al \'('gistratioll applieati"n s . l.. \l .'\ / If :1-:,-: ...; ~\ lil rt·, 11 \Iflt~' III .'·a I b('T til. Un,. _ _ c a.a-
com Ill', lind Town~hip Pn'sirll'nt .Iu- n ill "" \ " l i t II' 011" 1.1 Il IJlII~' h";lllt I flJlI:--
D"l'<,th, I). \\'11111'1':-. l:W Bala A"I'. If ~'ou han' changt'd addrt,s:, this yl'ar. ,... BaIo,<, _, _ 5 S a.
liu~ Zi('j~I't. ;-';1 II f [ I l ,I J,ll'" -!.l!' 1.• ·,1 ) IJ"'I I Il' II t 1'111'11('
S.~ IIU••••_. rr.-.a..
L. ~. K,"g. ;\". ~ I':. :\l,,"lg,,"lt'ry A",·. you'll havp trouh!<' gdtillg lit'I'Il'" \\ r II,·. 1.1, .1"'" ,;t!.· IIf "1" )\\':'0: alld
Bala VI"'\I'I' ;-;11,,1', 1:;~ Bala An'lIu, prol11ptl~' ulllI'ss you '1" '\\'~" I i I I'.
H,,~t & Co. \lo"tg-. & Andr·rsun A\·,·s. platps till ill ----_ .. _---.--
Alln('\II' \'anlt, Sh,,\,. 1 1~ B:da AVI·. :\a01l11 (;I'itlitlr, ~t. .Iallll's I'lac,' changp of addrp,,;~ forllls prol11ptl>·.
A,lt-I,z! H, ".1.. ~~r; Bala .·\\enu,' Alicia :'Ilal'slrall. ~t. (;""rgp:, R"ad T\\'o arl' Ill'CI'SSar,'- R.V.G. 2,;\ f"r
(":1 I' '111 :'1'1·:1::--:
At Y.lIlr
"'I"'! !I'fll'I't! nil Illfalll:.;·
eha,. I. ('''111101".11. J I.. 1:; I Baja A",·. (;"ut 1I1g-S, A nd,'rson A ""JlU" rt'gi,.;tration and H.\'.(;. :!·H for "1"'1''1' Loll d 11,,\.],· 1.",,1,"": .ltld .... 11 '1111:'; \\'111.·

Shull I.U"t1,,·1 l'''lIlpal'y, :;:, Bala A,,·.

l\lal'l'll- V 1'1"01,·. I:: ('Ily l.1l1'· A"'1111<
\\'algl'l"'n & C"., :\0. ~ Lancasli'r A\'I'. tor',; lie"lb". TIll',' ma,' J,., had fr",,,
lI"rTi & lIal'tlart R,'staurant III"tor c1uh,.; and n"tarips public.
1·II.t~ .\1.!z II :\ ~"IIJ :-:11 1'1111,1, I'a
l\lt-dla 1I1'l1l2 ;-;\"1'1' :t-ltll &. (',Iy l.lllO \',\1'('\ .\1 ,·I.I,.\.'I:I:~ f"II;lllt'll Ilk" 11('\\'. t
AzpI·II·, 1TiC., ·j,1 \\'. l.anca:'tcr A \"'.
D a k,··· Ill'll l2 ;-; I" I 1', :, II il '" (',1 Y 1.,11' Fan~lo,,' ~p"rtw"ar, II E. l.allcast,·r
iI7:, Ill'

I.. 1t·1 ... ;--;\1IT/II.\.'I;

I'll :\"alh ~:176.

11./\1·11 ....· 1l1.I-t·III/If' "'-

1\1"1'1"" H"aul" ;-;il"I', (lid L'III'a:-t"1 A \'l'1l UP 1'.111..... \\;I:o·dllllL: IIlol,·hlllf'~. ptc·. :--:. I·: !
It"ad a lid City Line
H\ \ IriUr Ilj ,I ',,"'rll oj Ilf'TI I I\Cla .. , 1~!iI1C"'d
Malll Lin" (;,ft Shop, I" E. Lanca,;t"r nut Ilf th!" ((Il1rl of (,Olnnlon "lr;, .. of :--:TlIl·dJI'Y.
Ilq 1·\ldl,·~·. ;'\"al1ll~l'lli. :\'ar II I
(t f) ;
J. Franklll' ~I,,-:- &. ('U .. :.'\'~ ('11, 1.11'" \1nnfguIIlI'I\, l flunl\,. I'("nn<l. 10 TnfO dlrt·( tfOri.
A"e. \\11 h,' "'f,ld al I'uhlll ~,dt' (In ',;. ~ j.:--j,,~ I-:~S~'-:\-I':I~(-;. rprnotfeTln~ -ul~ !
F, ~. Ch"II'·I,gt'l'. ~,.. 1 ~l"nl~. A\·".
B('n . . \dl'- Illll)! ...... ~"'l; .\l(lllt~ ;\\'vlll]1
:\ld1lt> n', I ~l E. La1lcaster A ""nUI'
Fra1l"ys, 1j' E. La1lcast('J' A\'I'I1UI' \\ 1.ll'I'.SI1.\)'. ' 0 \ I \1I\1.H
't'IatlllrIS, hlJtlolillcdf'H ~laterial~
fOI ~all' '\]1:--::-; .\1adplt"llIf-' ~lif':H·n. 20~ Ila\'-

.'1 ford a\l" . .:"\alh :!~I/I;I-J. (to
Cyn\\~d H';ll1t~ :--:'!Jl'I' •. :011 L,·\t·llll).!
\\'lllfi,,,ld Ilonat Co" ~-I E. Lall. An'. d! r (HI r 1(>, k. I' \1. I i""I"rn Sl,lndilrd
fl It i:LIAiTLE !'A-I(T;J.;;';-i·I·;lt. alterallona &
It""d C. F. lIartlt·", -I E. LaIH'a:,t''}' An'. 1111\1'. III <. "Ur t HOlllJ1 '.\ al I hf& (lltIrl Jlthlllln..:: J'Il';I~" plllJlll> (;otllll'h 1·:HRlilq.:er.
Kay l.1I1g'·I"· ;-;il"I'. 1."," 111'e! ~ltll 1:.1 Hnu .. ,'. Ul Ih,· HlltoUi-:h of ~orll!ll()....... n. !'>'llrl 12:': 1'lIl1\\a~' fi\'f> :'o:arh. 37tS-1{ (tf)
:'Ilis:' Clain', ~K E. Lancastl'r A"I'. Ih,· flllllJ\"ln~ (k!'ol rlh,·d H""I I ..
f'l1ft ,-fniHHlt ,,1. ("unt\',
\\111 lal";I' .·.lIt' ll(~-
• ',1p:t!'I" \\ "111.111
,\' urbn I It FI"l'iaIlDI', :ll E. Lallcasll'r An'. lnlt" - -
"r ,.\ t·rl I III...:: ,(Jlllp:IIII"II til
All 1111'11 or thl' community al'(' .II "!I dd.\

1'111' I':k,'. :'I1""1/.[ ,.\". <\: 111.\ t, Ili ti , I:,' . \·It,.,!. Ti"kl'l' an' :::~.;,O. Ill" :'III'S. Brownltack, 1 I Station Road [,1.1.\. 1",,111'1 I 1 "!I r 1'111"1'. !·!lollt· ='=ar-
·\1 I Til \ I (F.Hl.·\I'\ 101 of land ""llh ]1I'1111 _':1:{·.1 (:1) :
Juhn Alltr""hl :\0'-'''''. I" Lawn'lI"" V. (;Jlmall, St. .Ialll(·~ Pial''' ... lllt ..... hrll k and ftarn,. d\'l",.lllng th,.rt"on.
Pl'iTllrO~I' Shop, J:! \\'. Lanca~ter A\'e. :"qlu,tt,. ITl S.lrlH'rlh, \1ontg ( 0 . PEl. kno\.. p
I .OT' M", Belen '1'. Roberta.
Old \k .. tllig !lou:,"
Hob';"11 & C" .. II':' :\. :\:trl"'1 i I, \, i \d,·I'/1.1 H,.tI:'., F"rn·,t A\'I'nu ..
;-;'!II I{:t.\ (·I"an,'I". Ila\'I'rforr! A\'/'.
Brill Flowl'r Shop, -If) W. Lall. A\'e.
(;ift Shoppp. 7 Station Road
itS lol SO CJ8 on plan of Sarhf&rth erC)\,·f'.
r"corr!,'d in n H :'\0 4; I. pa~,. ') 00, df'
rd)rd as follows
"111-::--:'1' ()}.' IlJL-\\\'J':J~:--:,
I';tll :'\:alllt'rtlJ ;~s ....." ,-\\·
For ~alt
( '!laIHt' I ... CIUllgl·.
Ye Oddity ;-;\l,,!,. ~II:' ;\:11'1"'111, .\" !,>,

Hosil'r~' ~It"!,, lIa\·,·l'f'<l d ;\"'1111" 1(" .. ,. Hickli1l', H"auty :-;hop, Es,.;l'X Pickling's 1)"pt. Store, 17 W, Lancas- :--:TI~("\1HI.;H';-I'.\HL:--:(I\:"IlB1hi~;-tlioTl nt- BROOKMEAD
B1~CI"I-':C al pOInt on "erly ",ne of l'ft~t
Narb.'rth ~1'·1I·.- ;-;lttl!'. 1:;1 :\:111,. ;\" . \ \', '1111" tc'r A \,('nue \~rtlf)n '\ .... r at rlistance of SO' \\"rrly from ~I·ll
f'lt·a!",· I all :,\'arlwrth :!:J76
nrll' WI',·k $:!:!:,.
8 11(' a llJ'll" ;-;t"' .... ~~" 11:1\'1',.1'''1'01 \., \\'UIl'''''' Ekc. Suppli.,s. K5ll Montgom- Alan C. Hal.., 12:l Eo Lallca~tpl' Ave. \\"c'rlv side of Essex ,\Vt". ;11 :: 1~.
I,a Ilt \\ :-- II la 11.' (Licensed Producers'" Distributors
fT1~-I~'S )t!(--;Yt·I,I':. fail·---;,~it·I;-;~$lf.-Ofl'.
under Tradema rk)
Maj,'st it' Ek,'. (''' .. ~~,() lIa\"'rf"rd .-\" 1'1'>' A \·,'nu(' Marcul" Friedl'. ria W. Lancaster An'. <.O'-'T·\!'I;":C on "aid :\1rTlon Avt" 2; ,
halhl('1I" Bpallt,' Shop. 4:3 Narb. Ave. Philadl'lphia EIP<'tric Co. )1 !:'.;:-; I t1l.:~=-'. :'0: a rlH'r·t h aS~f). Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121
Narh . .I,'w,·lt-r-, ~::f; 11,1\"'1'1'''1',1 ;\ ",. and t"xt,.ndlng in drpth S'rllv b,.t ..... t"("n
a 11,..1 IInc's at T1l-:hl nngl"s t'o \l,.rion 1·:LI·:t 'THlt' I Hll.\.'I-:I: anrl wa~lllJlg ma-
Ri"klln', 11"1''\\\:,,, ~":: II"" ,'," Ardmore Pal'k.'r & Anglt', 81. Janll's Plan' 12\ feet. 1111111'. lJlallllg;IIIY 11\ 1111.":: rOOfll tablt', all
A,'('nll" \!are'w'n'lla Tha,'('}', Parking Plaza g(}od l'OTldlti,t11 t'all ='alhf'rth :ns;,I-\\'
Y"ur 11"\\", pll'a",', Ity Tup~<!a>, I',e) \1c·tlc)n A\·c· c',\~AHII'::--: fll!" ~;ll,· J.:u;llalltl·l·d ~illg-l·rH.
H"Wlt·., Clt-all,'r:- .\: 11,,'1'-. :;:: I II,,' 11"",,11,> HlIllitt. Parking Plaza
el'fort! An'lluI' A I'd TllII r" Book Shop. Parking Plaza night . . . or \\'c'dnesday at the lat"~t. l"IJI~R ,"IJ SLB)Ll T to bioi;: r,.st ric
all /'0101:-:. :-'1·l"I·flllll Ilf 11111 ('harll>s
1\4-u·dlpl". Fain H'W !'Clad, ~i1rllt·rth. (~yn­

H, E. llu\'i-. ~~-I lIa\'I'rf"rd A\"'nll, l."i:- l'mltS('n, St . .lamp, Place tlons \I ,'oj 3010·.1 (6)
Mrs. :\. ,1 "11"'1'11':-. ~::.: II a \','rr"rt! .-\ ", llild I,,>, 1.11\1'('. St. J a Tll"~ Plan' N perl househuld hel p? Try a classi' 1'11(> \\'OIU,I) H(H IK, itTlfl nIl the \'oC'a-
I hi' unprll\"f'rn,.nts thl·tf·on an' a tioll:l1 guidalll (> and adult pduI'ation
Narlll'I'lh ('''a 1 ('"., 1I:1"·,(,,rtl "\\"'1'11' ;-;tr:t\\,J,/'ldg l' & C'lothir·1' fipd ad. 2 slory hTllk hnd fr'lfTH' hous,... 12 I,..,.t tll:lt g-nf'~ \\'itll It \\'ol'ld'!-t hf'Rt eTl-
front II\' 40 l,..d rlt"rp, ..... ith I·story framt'
arlditlOn 12 feet by 8 ft'et. with 4 roOms on
I'\'l'!0pf'dk 1I\l:'-' fill' :it:!'!' 1 to 101
if df·:.;i1 ("I. TIlt' ElwondFt. 110 Fol'pst,
T('rnlH t
hrsl floor. 3 rOorns itnd bath on s('cono
HOOT. ,,·ll.n. gas, t'lectflC Ilght~, Sprini-:tlf'ld .. ~tl--l-o-:-:-c-,,-7'O~-~---;---;-;-:-~-'7
:"\ .1t·b·"C7 Since early
Chevrolet Takes Big Strides Ahead for 1939 ..... al'·r, h,'iliing s\·!'lH&rn. porch front
\\',\TJ-:It '"·:ATI·;lt f" .. sal,., \\'"Ish""h I

lIotzoll(> ):0 ~. rl';j!"lflflahlf'.
a\'C' ~adH'rth
~II lIamp-
last century
Sf'llf'd and tilk"n In t>Xr'cutlon as the
prnp"rt \' of Halph s Dunnr. and to be i.'IItF.I'LA("E-\"nnll---ORI',;rS,,~;:ll1&' -at your sery/ce
!'onld by ~()'Il'l. 113 ElnlwCl(),l 3 \ ( ' .• :":arberth.
~aT'h :t~7l) (!i) •••
LILBLRT S )0-':L5. Sh,·"tT

1>0\"0 ,\1onr\' $200 uo

..... hf·rlfl s ()tflrr. 'nrrJsto ...... n, fla 1.( I~T
Lost and Found
HIIII"1i I,f lif'\:-: ill hrowll If'alllf'r'
R. R. Bringhurst
.... nvpmlwr I. I<H8 (oldf'l' I tllila r l'1'Wa nl I{PI Ut'll to Town & Co., Inc.
! I I. I ~ I :11 ,d TII".. ·I1~llIp nflj,·C'
-I~f I~T nH\"~ IlI'a\'~' ~ll·t·1I '-'\\·l'<!f(·r. \'jl i l l - FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Ily of ~,·Il,·fff·~·'~ Fit-Id :-":arhf'rth :l'j~I;,
1924 Arch 5[, RITtenhouS(' 5690
ESTATE NOTICE Rooms for Rent toeal Rcprc, ..ntal;'·c:
'·;"T A TE 'IF FI: I·; 11(·;)( I,'K fl. ~I AI'· :,\'11'1':1. ....
fll' h,·d
1 (HI!!1
:--:lIila ttl ..
lIllt' Ill'
!"flll II 1
t \\11,
LIC'I" otllpr\\I:-:I' known a~ F II. ~L\I'­
I.I(·I-e lah' of fhf' HOllllll...::h of .:"\arh"1 th, II' ':o-.:I'II~ lllhl'f ~Ild 11 •• 01' loolll. $1.
\11<.; \, • .J HIIIII'I . •11 :."17 llarnpdl'll
21'; Avon Road. Narherth
1..1,11,'1:--: IHI tht, abo\'p I'H-
fl':-;taTlH·nf;\T".\' ;t\·I'IlUf'. :\";1 11 ... 1 r II tf Nnrhl'rth 2216
1;111' Ii;t\l' ~TalJtpd til til(' ufllll'l-
~1l..:'H'd, willi TI'lIlIl''''' all Jl,'r~llll!" !la\ 1I1L~ RoornJ for Rtnt
dalTll!" (II' 11"111:11111:-; aa...::alrl!4t till' ('!ilatf· 01
Ff.l·I{-}~()(1~1 ;tP;II'III11'Jlt fill' I'1'llt, fIJI"-
1111' d"'Wdt'Iil til 1t1;11", lill()\\ II HIl' ~;IIlII'.
rll~lll'd l.l :\1>111, :'\:llhl'rfh :1\1'lllll·. :'\'al-
illld ;111111'1:-;1111:-; irld,.Jlfl'd III 11ll' tlt'l', Ikl,t
ht'ltll l'1111TH' :'\arlll'Itli 4(177
III IIlal,1' '1:l\·IIWIll. \\'il!Jlltlt dl·la\'. If!
11(11~,\('E T. ~:\IEJI141·:r. EXt'('UloI,
tnI \\"'lJdsidf' ,·\"t'
Established 1892 Baring 5161
:--':a rht'r1 h
flr IllS .·\ttll"II'~·
'Ill';' 1"1;1111,1111
'!'1'1l:--1 Hld~
l'l,il" ";1
Bradley & Son-Funeral Directors
( 12 -~" Mrs, John J. Bradle)'
S. E. Cor. 48th and Wyalming Av('.• We~t Philadelphia
will hi' h,·ld ~(l­
.~'·;lllkellfiel.1 1~1I11."rnl 11.. 11.."
{Ill TlJt'Hdny 1·\'t'lllng-,
\t'Tllhf'r ];',,11. l~i::R. ott R II )f in till'
('oUllt'll I{O(llll. 1<lm Ilall, by 11H~ :"-'''1'-
h.,!'th Hoard of l\djuHITtlt'rlt of Zllrdfll':. WM, G, FRANKENFIELD
III l'on!-1idl'l' tht' appli"atioTl of :\fr!-t :\la\1I'1
H HOWt'n of :!:!n \'alll'v Iload, ;\'I·,il\11. Simpsoll Road at Athells AVl'nllt'
, I'a. to pPI'mit lif·.' to (~olldu('t a I'uhlit'
jlillilll-.:" l{o(l111. ill p;lrf of lilt' ha~l'nH'llt
TeleP.,hone Ardmore 9 Ardmore,
.• 2646
tl1lfll' of lht, :":01 '11 .\partTtH'llt o( tIlt"
:\111111 L': 0 Ifll '1":'-' ('(lllrl .,\p,tlITllf'I ..,:-: al "1"11'4'
:I1rd :'\'alhl'llh A\I'111)1·:-:. :":arhf'rth. 11.· 1IIIa
.\11 tll'r~lIl1~ illtf>J'p:-:t,'d al.~ rl'qU(':-:I~~fl to I You'll find colors as colorful as fall foliage, at
II ttf~Tld.
!l'IAHI'. OF AI,.r1·:-;T~"·::-;T IlF zn~l:-;';.
\\' P. H E\"A:'\'~, (~hainnall.
\\·:\l.TEH I IH)TIIAI{\'.
\\'ll.LlA~l .T. I';:IHKJ>;\TI{\I'K
' Goodwear Shoe Repair f

We carry a full line of dyes, and shol' laces of

all colors, and shoe findings-silks, cottons, etc.
Automatic Heating
By means of all inexpensive coal 252 Haverford Avenue B. G. Constantine
stoker, was del'cribed in July Belt"1 ·f
Homes Clnd G(I/'dens in an article,
"Throwaway your shovel!" Local
New Aero-stream styled bodies combine with major mechanical improvements to provide new beauty, safety,
heating experts, who have reprints H eating and Air-Conditioning Systems for the Home
comfort and operating ease, in the 1939 Chevrolets, presented October 22, and featured at the big lluto shows this
month, The neW models are offered on two chassis, the Master De Luxe and the Master 85, both of which are powered available for the asking, are enthusi-
Oil Burners
with Chevrolet's famous six-cylinder valve· in-head engine. iastic over sueh new wrinkles, which Vacuum cleaning all
Coal Stokers
A new vacuum gear shift mechanism with steering column control, optional OD all models at smell extra cost, does makes of heating systems
80 per cent of the work of shifting gears. The Master De Luxe series features a new riding system, in which a brand lithe article describes, as the aquastat,
Gas Burners
new Chevrolet Knee-Action mechanism is scientifically co-ordinated with new ride stabilizer and double-act:inc which shuts off the flow of heat from
hydraulic shock absorbers to furnish a smooth, soft ride. - ,your heating system during the sum-
Central picture is the new Master De Luxe Sport Sedan. Upper right: front end view of the 1939 car; Upper left:
104 Essex Ave., Narberth Holland ,.Furnace Co.
Master De Luxe front suspension unit, complete; Lower left: accessibility and finger-tip ease of operation are two
major features of Chevrolet's vacuum gear shift with steering column control; Lower right: Aa the handbrake 00
all models is re-located under the cowl, front compartment floor is eleared in can with vacuum lear shift.
mer but allows just enough to be
generated to heat your water. . .
Phone: Narberth 2108
And ashes are removed automatically l!.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ

• ~i .. ''': ':'.' l":. ;.:.' . ..~, ' .. .... ,

'" •. ~ .~ '.'.. '. ~ "" ...... \ • .. ' ••' ... '1 ','"

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