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VOLUME 24. No. 16

N CJl' Prcsidcnt "Big Fires Penn's Coach New Official World Affairs
Fire Truck on Fire FIIIIII Llff/, (·(I/I .... IS·· 11',1" [h-:I'I'/1Hf/ II)fn/ftll/'~ II .\,,,,./II,.tl, /\), . . .· /,Itl,t. If ...
11,1/ I" fl/l C/lrn /II f,'1'1 lit,. /.1 et ure
Til, /I 7'1I}1/t' /II ThulIlIl.'i ( , .,'!IlIlf, ,'. /I I till'
"!I ./uh" .4 . .11111". .1Iol/ f lt I .I1J11f .... !:UI"!llIfl/'/1I / tl, ~'ltt,
,11, I till f!
:'\all'l'rtll dl'pUty lin' chwf, at till' :\ail'I'rlh 1I);1l1lt;IIIII'd 11" 1""I,d tI<l
I JflllIl·I' If S/,, ,/
,of :\ a rl ... rt h
Hala'(':,I1\\~'d,:\arlll'rth H"tary IUllch· ,1111"11 \\'hl('h II -hal"- \11th Hala'(\I' tl ...
\I, 1;1'1 :-;atlll,ja~ l'ull T~It·-day. :\Ialll ('au~(':"' tu ,:uard "".\tI, la~t \\j'(·k. \\!l"11 (;IIII1-!I' .-\111111/1.11 i A.:--~()l·lat)tln III thl'
\\ tllll \1 r- ,\1 i1d 1'1 ,j "', 1l:"I~ a,kl,d agaill-t, I'l' -aid, arl' ,It-fl'cll\''' WI!'Ing, :'IIUIl/..(I'r, :\al'lll'rth Ilall, \1;1- ilIad" ! :-;('h",,1 audll"rillm
'l'"ntalwlIu, clImbu,tJon fr"m pI!<-d Ill'ad flllltilall clIa .. h at 1'11111. Il"
, ;{l.
It '- at '-l~': Pudl,'y JlaIH·I'~. (·te" tin'place :--pal'k~ ul1 ... hln- ]1\'(':'" a :-;t{fnt"~ 1h)'II\\ a\\<t;-' [111111 )('- I '

:'II r. :-;hatl'l'r, who I' J'I'cogl1ized as

gil' 1'",,1'-. ddl'cII\'l' tlu(', and malch,', t1rill/..( lIal'\'I'~' lIal'lllall, hi' l,r,'d',I""':
;(\I'IIU,' and all ,It-l'll'Il' II/..(ht '''ckt'\ 'all lIut-tandll1/..( '1lI'akl'r alld authority
\\:1-- "-l'lttll1g- .. hlln l'II'l'lllt~ III ~(lln('~
alld iI/..(hll'd l'lgardtl", ,'"I'. and 1\\'11 bjllck, frl'1I1 I.I'UI- A 1"lIz"
: oil ('urn'llt En'nls, will bring- the
Ill' ',11<1 1.,,\\'('1' :'Ill'l'ion and :'\ar· YOUllg, \\'hll, l'xCI'I'1 for a III "'f I.ud
thlllg-, \Ir" 1l;lily a(,""lllpanll" th .. 'Iall'-t happ"I1IIlg-, ill the world. He
:\"rh,'rt h \Jal,' IIt,ultl., t~ual tl'1 and lH'rth. With :"'\'l'll firl' :'tatlon" ha\'( \"ray !1I'rltlll, \\'a~ hi' 1')'('d"I""'''I, !
: i, a llH'mbl'r of th(' editorial staff of
Ilj pll'C'" of appartu, co~ting $1j'~I,O()(), AI," Ij{'ar!>~' h\'", H..fl'),('" \\'11,,\1'1'
1- \\,,11 Itkl"1. -II tl1l' I",~ - -tartt-d Ill' lOllI' of 11ll' I'hJiadl·lphia papers, Many
and at $~() a ~"('ar 1'('1' hydrallt, for C, Cro\\'(,II. \\'h" ha, a f""ll<:tll lIul,:
t I", t \\" Ii", t I Ul' k - 1'1 g' Iii: I\I' a y , () I' I (If I", ar1l("II', han' appeared in the
11111' flf t hj·lll.
~I;'; tirl' plu/..(~ III LlIwl'r ;\l('rioll and' lil\('d oil hi' ,id"\\'alk, :'\lIt I"II~ a/..("
I :\1'\1' York H"rald Tribune, He is a
1'1", h,g II""k alld ladd,'r, cl"ldn'n', ,If, III :\arbl'rth. pa\' $20,000 for water LOll J"urdd. lIa,kl'l!>all coach, h\I'd
I graduat" IIf tlH' l'nivl'r"lt\' of Penn- ..-
prot('ctlon, Tlw I'~() \'oluntl'('r nwm·' in :\arl)('l'1h, :-;"01'1, \\'llt,'r Ed 1'111-
.I, light oil I'aladl' day', lIouldl1't ,tart. I ~yl\'ania alld Columbia 'Uni\,ersity.
n" Illatt,r h"w much IIlck 1l1,',,;JIlg. lieI" lIf the ,('\'I'n coml'anl('~ would, ll,cK I~ a horou/..(h I'("I,I<-Ilt. Alld
I HI' ha, tra\'l'led extl'Il~I\'l'ly ill Europe.
lal,k~' 11Iail·cal'l'~'ln/..( <11'1\',,1'. ,t")1111'd
If tl)('y )'('c('i\,('d a minimum $5 a day th(')'(,', TI'd :\I,'rl'dlth, track c"ach,
: Africa and A,la,
pay, co,t the 'l·ction oH'r $:l6.000 a Bala·C~'II\\'~'d ha- it, ,ha)'(' of -1'''l't,
"11 It, l' hI' IIII~' trlt'd l'ranklng', hut
~','ar III ,'xtra ~a!lnll", , " La~t yl'ar lUIIJlIJaI'l('~, Illcludili/..( 111'\1 I~ \I I d Paul Thl' IIl\'ocation wdl bl' gi\'l'n by the
th., Al1l1'l'Ical1 I.11FrallcI"" ,'ngln(' ha'
tlIl"I' 1lll'1l an,wI'rl'd 51i~ alarm" lim· Scull, .·\II-"\llll'l'Icall bach I'll 1"'1111'- RI'\"('n'nd GJI"oll B"II allti thl' Salute
a crank~' <I,,,p,,,:ltlol1, Th,' lIattt'l'y.
it III/..( t}", til'" I"" on ])J'0Pl'fty \'alu"d grl'at",t tl';II11; Hu-t~, Ca II ,,\I , cr"\1 '10 lIlt' Flag by :-;cout I'l'ggy Burns, of
Ihat ill dayllllll' I- l'l' .. har/..(I,d for .ill't
"Iar"""" L ~t).,," :-'!lJ II .. at ~~,I()j',OOO, to $1:1:~,HOO, c"ach at 1'1'1111. and I.a\l,-"n HOJ,I'l't-"Il, N/t'II.,lf,'/) f., ,lIlf.I.EN 'Tro"p~, :'Ilu,ic by the :\arberth
,ul'h I l111'rgl n('"',, ran duwn,
:-;" th(' halky truck \\'a~ l'u-h",1
:'IIH:-;, \\'ILLIA:\I ,I. EZICK:-;O:\
"f ]/11' Slllltl, .\'l/rI" rtl/ (//'1 '"11,
I It wa, allllounn·d that Dr, :\rno
()I~'nlpic trailll'r alld I)'ach ('oach,
I' ~t I I 1 '
" ,111' I'~' 1'''11<, \\' JlI I, t I'
h fi
r-t ~c'I
• ('I'
CI b
\ '1111""\"1', I,f th" "1'0" Laborator,V of (;l'orgl' Mung('r, whll at ~j' I' 1"'IIll" Hor"u~h CoullcillJlan frolJl hi' Th,' Financl' and BudD'(,t Commit-
d"\\'n FUJ'I"t a\'I'I1UI' til Ha\'l'l'f"rd ftlul,' oftirf !a,-tt 11'( (k (fS flr( ... "- "- \J ~
y"ung'('~t alld on" of till' lI'a-t ag-I'd III I,arl "f :\arll"I,th ~incI' A, PI'IT\' 11'(' of the' Pan'nt·T(·acher A~~ociation

,I \'I'll U(', \\ hl'n' th(' ;\la/..(uIl't' Brothl'r~ thl' Philad('\J1hla College of Pharmacy
",'/I' I"" "I,ll lit /If tI" .1/,,1,,')', ,- ,,/
ha\'" a tilling- ,ta1l11I1, It dripped ga~ till S'I'-/" rth Fin C"I/'l"tl/!I, lin d :-;t'il'nn' \I ill It'll th(' Rotarian~ thp land, i~ tIll' "m "f tl", 1I"rlu'r! RI dif.. r dll'd, :-;ucc" ..dillg Frallk 1111\'1' h"l'n d('lugl'd With r"IIUl'~ts that
(till' Iruck), alld 'Iartl'd, al1d I,al'k- Ill'xt Tue>da\' of the marijuana Jope X, ;\Iung-I'r" :l-1i Rala a\'I'IlU", C~II' A, Schn'\,f('r. \\ho wa~ Illo",'d 1I\' thl'~' again rl'J)('at thl' Sau('r Krout
fin'd, alld Ignitl'd Ihl' g'a,·drip, UI1' ('\'11. III' \\ Iii ~pl'ak a~ a SCI('ntl,t. by wyd, who ha\',' I]\,..d III '~'n"'~'d f"ul to Burg,"~' :'Ill', :\lill .. r I' th,' IIt'1\ !llnJ"'!' \\hich pr"\',,d ~o ~ucce~sful
Yl'ar~ alld hl'fort, that ill ~1"I'I"11 1'''1': la,t ~'I'al'. :'III'" II, F, Uarne~, chair-
<ll'rnt'ath, ~ll .JI/..(I!' Torchiallll, "Ill-
1'1,,\1'1' of 1 h( ", n'l('<' 'la t 1"11. I"'"ught
Women's Club !'I'qul',t "f Hotarian Ah'in E, Shull,
; \\ 11"", _"", K,'nlll'th, altl'l)(l, the col- 12 YI'al'~, (;"nrg,' ha- a I'harlldllg
chalnnall "f ,"ul1cil', Buildlli/..(
r"lllllJlltl'" alld a 1l11'ntl ... r "I' th,' man, alld hl'r committl'(' ha\'l' planned
II/fits 101' IlUI1/f . 1,1 flfl, (:-:1,11 ..~f1I, flf'll/
"ut a tirl' ,xtlng-UI-Ill,r 1 fr"lll Ih,' till- ' 1
. .
'It-g, , Ill' ha- nIl cI,nlll'l'llOn \\Ith the wi f 1', c"llllmltl'I" "11 f
I' 11 II, " ' :-;a,;I, III /..(1\'(' an"tlll'r dll1lH'r Fl'hruary 17,
II\/..( ,1atll,1I1 and JIUt tl\l' tin' I'UI (III
.,11'11'"" HIii/tI, (//d"" ("II"'lI' ' 1f,'" "d"
:\ar , cl,tic EdllcatlOIl Campllign
' .. II "I\'I 111la\',' t I11'('1' a--I'taI11 1'1':1<'),,,,
I I' r"IlI'rty, al)( I ( ))'( I Illal1CI' alld La\l 1'1'0111 fJ.:lIi lIntil 7,:W, ~o ~a\'l' thi, date
thl' t ruck I, "Ho\\' 11IallY "f ,"U lal., till' al IJ\',,] \I' It"", ,p"kl',mllll, Earl Alhl'rt Howell, a, agalll~t Harmall'~ t\\", Il,' !<lall' -wh .. r" th" "rdJllallc" altJullllt,ll).: f"r ~"'u will j", gl\"'1l ,It'liciou~ home-
Th(, I'lwll\ll'al tl uck had pr"c,'d",] "f y"ur childl'l'lI frl<lll '!'h""l ('I ~"~II I ha~ \\"11 cOIl,"!('rahll' publiCity un thl' to n'tall1 tlH' \Yanwr 'JIl~I,' \I'II1~ k1C 1, a I'lalllllng COlllnlJ~'I"" I- 1,,,It:, d, Illad,' fo"d, fill' till' ,mall Hllll of 60
It t" th(' tin', \\'I\lch n'ally \\a,n't '11l~. hu,halld fJ'lilll thl' "fli"I' a- a -Igllal f", I :\Iam Line I'('c('ntly, ,tyl(' IIf play \\Ith \al'I:I1I"I,- I- ("'lit" Th(,)'(, \\'I11 IJ,' ,0n1l'thing else
aft,'r all.
11('lng :--(l1111.'\\ Ila, t \\olll Ilut.
.... , I I' Cla"itication Chairman Ralph S,
<t:--~I'1 I IIunll" chl,t'kl'd 0\'1'1' c1a"lficatIO!lS
not('d f"r t)ll' clllllrful \,1;1\'- alld f"I' L·b
I rary V Iunteers 0
for tllll'" who do not carl' for the
. '
(If matl"l1~ that hi' . '
tl'alll' ha\" lI-"d, kr"ut, hut wI,'11 tl'lI you about that
,\1, __' ~,,\,hla \\, RI'\"'Il. chalriliall "j I till' :1iI nll'Ill!>('I". to pa\'" tIll' way f"r \\'inllin/..( ~j' galll'" and 1"-11I1C l'llt [-'I f, ,lJ,-s, Irlll/rI, FlIlIl/d,I', 1/1 T, ,I. Iall'r, L\'('I'y I 1111 I Y I~ "
L' I to come
Narberth Players Failldy FIIl<l!ICI' "f th,' (;"I1f'1 ;,1 F,,\ I nl'\\' nll'mh"r,h"", thn'(', III hi, fi\(, ~'I'al" I,f c"a('I"II1-: 1,1.'f ",. I'll"",' SIll 1'1 lIill''/ i" Iii!I, and 111'11' c"lltnllutl' tol thl' budg(,t of
Tu f Ht!I-.\"ulth })rlld/lrful;l. "TI"I' ,'I'all ll ll "f \\'0111111" Clu!>'. "f t h, I Bill Ilt-ck,'r, aldl'd !>y Guy Croyle at F.:pi,cIIl'al and 1"'1111, \\ h"r" 111' Ill· "r" \\'i1lial11 Baill'~' Goodall. of, thl' I-'lIlanc,' ('Ol11l11ltt('(',
("orllti'td .11(1(111." I.": .\'(11(" Ifl 1l1l'1l1!>I'r, of th,' \\'OIlWII', (', '1J111IUII,t\ ! alld Jack :\Iilil-r. worked (Ill radiator, tored th(' fn,~hn\(,Il, III, can"'1 Iii 11udh'y a\'I'IlUI'. and "th,,!, f"rn\('r 111l'111'
rl'l1Par~al wilh 11ll' following Club "f :'\arl" I'th. \\hl'lI -h. ~Iddl"'" .I u('r, (If th(' \'o]unt('I'r ~tlltf of the
FaIth Farnwr, Frallcl- \lllclll I. \\'I!-
I" \'1'1'1'\'1' th{' O\'('rbrouK G"lf Club f"ot !>all , ha,kl'lhall al1d lI'acl, ha- I"""
chill. '('I1,atlol1al. at Hill ~('h""I. EJ"-{'''I,al :\arhel'th Public Library 11\'lI1g in
A Gold Button
Ilalll Hand, (;""1'/..(" ~lcAlIi'\l'r, :\allc~' lh"lll , "II L"alll'r,hll'. at thlll t: 1 1,1 l;iI '
I Ilr. H;I\I11"11 ~l. :-;t a It-I , \'ICl"prt-'I- I
Acadl'l11Y. and "'Ill\. A, '" a('h, hi' :\arl){'rth, an' gi\'ill/..( a t{'a at :'Ilr~, ,\/",/'-Il/!/;/I )'""',,' Srl'rICC
~Iml'",n, "'Jill!lm Farmlr, ill-tty 1I11'l'111l1! Tu(,,,la\', altl'rnll"n,f I Ikllt. mad"' , '
pl...IJI1llllary ,
anllOunCl'ment nPlghhllr~, '
I'rofl'''llIlla] alld all1a1lUl', (;oodaIJ', thl' Friday from ~ ul1li1 Ii 11'",- f'n -, lit, d.'\. /-I, /)11'-//111'1111'
··Pl1\·:--lrall·J)t'l'.l!Y I~ 1111(' II
1ll h"II(,r of :'III'" Ro!>('rt FPiluw- "'ood, la,t Thur,da~' III/..(ht lIy the Pennsyl-
11(' I "'lUi
L~'neh, I'hilIp R"g'I'l' alld :'Ilargard , ' I I
"I'll\(' -pi JI1g 'l"-IOII •III Jun(', •
wl,h •
hll11 \\'l'11.
.. !1, ~
"I' I, ;llkr-hl!" 'I",'h III 111' hlllll'
lIal1,(,n, thl' la,t tw" b('lllg t\\11 "f tIll' and clu!>, )'IIU II,U,t '1IIn..]'I1\\" ('''JI who rl'tl\'l'd rl'cl'ntly fr"m thl' B"ard \allia Railroad at a t(>~tin)(Jniat iJiJl-
,"a,on', 11"\\' Illl'm! ... r~, Thl' (IJn'c111'1l
"I' th,' pla~' I' In th" halld- .. f ~Iar­ \'iIlCI' ~'lIur family that ~"1I ha\(' ;1111
Leglon Junl· 0 r Wome n 's Club "f
Tru,tl'I" (Ot R Tow:.;, Ill'eember n' 1', ~Ir, !lurhora\\', who ha~ been a
j't <Id"lit "f :\arlJl'rth at 12,,) Elmwood

j"rll' Topll-' FI~'ltlJ, a"I,t,'d b~' 111,1,'11 tYJlI'~ of ('nl'rg,', ('\'('11 If II 1l\l'al1' k" .""I>IllIIl'1l1l Fllrt,ll (f,"1 fl,",,', 'Elljo'ys nook ('/,,1, .If, "tillY. SII/I, FoIIO\\ In/..( an' \'o!ullt('('r librarian,: la\\'nu,' f"l' I~j y('ar:,. has for that
TI'I,wbridgl', tlll(.': tl\(' du,tJng- ~u \\hIl,' ~uu n"t /It tl" C!IIIII'!I.I f.'!li/l1l f'"",/ Chllirlllllll Will Sile/lk S"J't Th/ll'sdl/!/. ,hc ha, tralnl,d durill/..( thl' pa,t Ii I'{'ri"d bl"'11 "tTie(' managl'r of the
(;l'rlrud(, Tllnh"ll"gy, Ihl' aUlhor, You can't be \\"urn out alld ill~pil" .I'll \\"1 I )(> gl\·(·n., " P . .\1 "' t l In! 3\'. tl\" Thl' l'u!)II'CI't\,' .\Iatrazl'n"
. . . . \\'hl'cll
.... D'ell'" yl'ar:'", ~onH.' lIf \\·hunl nrc no'" Ill"ofl':--- '
ha, tIll' ]Wl'CI'l'lion and thl' ,kill to anyonI', and Yl't in~]1iratioll i~ anlltlwr! ~~Ith, h~' thl' Har"ld D, SI','~k:"all t" J1r,'':~ at thl' Junior \\'onwn\ Club ,'"nal librarian, in \'arJou, part' of
maKI' u, forg'I't WI' a 1'1' luokill/..( at a Inark of a l"ad('l', ~"I' ('llthu"Ia"lJ1, I I'l)" t, "','I', ., :)'.~I',
" •. . "'IJ)I'rl·call
, L('''IOI1.
... "f nll'l'1ing II('xt Thur"la\,' will ha\'I' Ihn'" ti'l' ('"untly. whil<- oth('l'~ haH' pa"l" I
pla~', ~h, tak,'- u, by Ih" hand ant! thl' killd that ,UITI\'I':' 1I\"l'1' a ''''1'10.1' :'\arlH'l'th 1'111' n('\\' C\l1\\ \'d L"~le", "r,'alun'" ,toril": :\11':', A, \\', \\'arll('r. away:
It-ad, u, lilt" tLl' Iw'art 1<1 fan\ll~' I,l'" "f tlllll', :'Ilutl\('r \\'ill Ill' th,' I<-ad,"
, 'I' ,,-t I I '
""i(' 1'1 ').
I- a I (. "1l,)")O(,"(\I,~ ,'t'a'" 1 h " ,t I
, at" c),lIrl11all 0 f I' u,II IClt~' f Ill' ~II_, ~amu('1 Ath,'rh,<lI. :\11'" Rliialld
Y"u 1"'1,1 that It lI"t "II!~' ('all hal'l"'II, ill thl' h,,"I(', a' ,Ill' ,hlluld j", " -h, alld ~Ialla\ulll, I ",lib, FII!l-ratl'd \\'unll'n', Club,; :'III'" LI'on C, .-\ullg>I, alld tl\(' :'Ili-,,'- Kath"J'IIIt"
bUI I, hapPI nillg' I \'I'I~' day ant! tlH'I'I" "pi\'I' 1\('1' , falllllY" thl' I xallll'!<- "f ' ,Il1'11,,1'<' I' \I til b" II" adl aliI'" -alt- "f \\' " :\1 I' Ie Iwr. c h airmail 0 f I' u II, II'I t Y j' 01' 1', ~g~' alld A,!t-Il' AUIl/..('( (who i, li·
l1l li(', tlw "'{'J'd of th,- pla:« gn'at ,'rg\', fr]('ndlll\l',':'. and Lllth III hl'r-I,I! :'II"ntgoml'l'~' Cllunty, alld T"m EI-
',1111' tl1'''I' ,'Il'"ut 1\"1'," :'11,_, Hlt\II"tICk(,t" AdJl)"~11I1I "f$I,:;III'I'rc"ul>l1 I"al'lan at OhiO ~tatl' LOIll\'I'r'lty).
~lIl'l"t·:--:," ]t l~ a Jda~' 11(lt t(lll hi' 1111:----('.1 , \I"ud,"<litlirufOIHTII\\':';,\\illmakl' \ I II :\1 C'lf I
~I"III- C. latc){'\ "I', ,r~,
','1- 1'lltl"'1111I'I,,1 1,\' :'111',_, e., ,r, 1'1111,1('1",' \\ill I ... cIIIII'cll'd at tIlt' d""r. .11'" L, If OTI
for a 1'\'I'lling', /..(1I"d laugh; )'"u may \\ , I' r
'),1'1" IIf :'Ilaill LillI' I'o,t" thl'lr frll'lld-, u, I'I'I'",-mi nd"d, TI\(' I'(',t of till' \\" Hat"" :'111'-, \ 'illl, r:, B I01 I /..(l'tt.

'I'ket I'lt hl'r I.II/..(ht-F nday, F"!>l'ua r~' P I'ligTam c 1,11 1'111 a II , "\Iagazilll'" Will 1)(' ,hoWII that Illght.
III,- /Ii .,1"/1,,,',,11' .. ,,1: 'alld n,~\<!l'lIt~ of thl' COIllIJ)Ulllt~ ai' n,)\\' II\'II'/..( III :'Ila"achu-I,tt,; :'Ilr~,
4, 1'1 :-;atur"a~', FI'I,ruary f" fill' a r"l- T Oh ~ YI", TIll' l11u,ic dl'l'al tll)(,lIt \\'IIl, I B I \1 \\"11'
:'ITa i"l' I1azl'I\\',,"d,' IIf tiJ .. :\,,1'11, c"rdlally innt",!. fhlld'I'u, L. 0 tllll, ' r~, I lam
hc1"n~ gUIld ti11lt'. ('Ontalll tl)(' Pal'l'lIt"Teal'!Il'r,,' A,-,,- ll"r,\I'r, :'Ill'" .Johll H, BrOOK'. )011'"
Bload ,tn'I'1 brallch IIf thl' ~;Jl\all'>l" I'I'"cI,,'d, \\ill g", t"\I'ard, li'llllda- ciatioll Churu,~
'''11 of 111" ,11'),1 .:,\,'II'I"'I'lh I',,-t III' Ilu/..(h Hr"\ln, IIt,W 11\'ill/..( In till' mid-
,-\, rmy, who 'l'"k" IIf I h,' w/, rk "I' 1 '" , tl La,t Ili/..(ht th(, R"oh Clul, ('lIjlly('d d!l' \\I"t; :\Ii" Ida Buckman. :\Ii~,
Business Council Army ill till' Phil,u!l-Iphia Hrl':I, \\;1- curn'l \\' "Il It ,'rl'('t", t \('
I h \ I \\' II \\'
"I'I al till' RI'\'i('\\' uf AnH'l'1can Litl'l'atur(' I \\' U b
(;/II/IS ..:..: S, /I' .1I' 11/1" ,._, , , , 1'/1" I I' fi 1 :\1l'llwrial g-ruul'lllg la,t 'I'rillg, :\1'H/..('II'I't Burn'lI. :'I r~, , 1 ' 0 erts
~, H, Dl'RBORA W
1'111,d b~' :'II,,:, {]\I'll a, a lit' v-.;a III I , I' /..(in'll ),\' :\11", F, X, Flo\'d, thl' 1'1'1'-,- 'I' C' ,
Sj//"/'-//'s lit 111/"" I' ,\",,,, ,11",,,1"'1 f I I r'l'
" kal 1'1':- III', '- Jal'111JIl/..( lilt\(' ,IIJ)"
I I I II ' f I ' ' ('aIl1l'r"n, :'III" ~
{I'~U Ill' lJ)"IlI)~' IJ)""IIII/..(" t ]" alld I'ublieity ChaIrman of tl\(' Sl'nl"r 'I,tant lilll'ariall at till' Ra!a-(\'Ilw\,d :-;to!'l" Hl']wrtnll'nt. Ill'fof(' that he arjorl(' lIWln. a,·
1'1'<"I(!t-lit Hall'h ~, IlUIiIlI' h;l- I' I ICI't ~ I' f 11 " I' III "'f" 1'111 , I I) I' I - "fl I ' (I,',t \\'1'11 1,("Il(ll
'1111 I I'll t11(' ICI 11111\UI111\' 'Club, Lillral',\", :\11'" Howard Cappl'll. " 11\'in" \\'a< Cl,ll'1 I ' C I"I' k In t Ill' .\1 lllllt"nance
,tarll,d tl\(, :\atl"'rth flU'IIIt", (' ,u\<· 1l1allllt'r, \1' . II I"I' II aZI' ! woo, I t "I 11 I I"" I B UI II' Illig, "ar '" I )(.1' tl1, ',' ,,'lll P , .\1" \1 01,· n"al' ~"\V "'ork', .:\II'ss FI'al1c"s Chl'I'~t, .... and \\ ay at I'lt t"burg J1, Born at
ei],~ ne\\' YI'ar \\'Ith a ),allg ),y gallllll~ C"ntllJued on Page FDur
d \' tIl(' -
, a"
".jth , The bridgl'
1:J1 If tournanwntI . ,tart,I (In fllrmerc • c •
librarian in :\arbt'rth; c
l\Ir~, l' wo T a\'l'rn" nl'ar C',etty, b urg, F e b ru-
~~ lit \\' 1I1l11l11l'r,-a f'll 1"'1' CI'lIt Ill" I' tcaHl'1 ~1'I',t,..'. you la\,('n t 'I/..(ne( up ContInued on Pa~e Two ':Jr.\' I I, oj yl'ars ago, he began his
, I '
C1'('a,,(', ,,,n, n'H'I'\'atl"n~ a 1'<' C"IlIIII~
in nicl'l,\' for till' annual ballllUtl, 111 1 Th , EXl'cuti\'1' Board of the :\Iu·
Mulieres Plan Better L·Ight .' - F, :\Iunl'ol' I'ur,,(' or :\Ii,~
:'Ilarg-arl't Kent, It is o]lt'n to tht' G C H

railroad care('r a, Agent at Littles-
tOWlI, Pa,
which all bu,illl':'S alld I'rof"'~I"Il111 'Iil'n', of the :\arberth Fin' Company i F"r tli(' Cliilrl,'('11 tl/ R('lId I'!I ll'JiI
I II 1'1 I tl I I ' .\' Ill'''''I II I
pulJlic and will mel't ewry othl'r :'Iloll- eorge · agar, I All hi~ life a devout churchman,
' frJ('n,
pl'O!, II' alll I t h I'll' ' I , art' 11I\lt"" I 111(.t :\Iondav at the homl' of the new , R ' f 1/81/ /II day aftl'rnoon, ,'.'I,)'ulr-O/d Cil'l! 11'/11' 1'('((')'(11/ D fCS :\11', Durboraw ha~ long served on the
It will ),1' hl,ld j' 1', :\1. :\Iollday. at I'n'~\(l<ol1t, ~Irs, WIllIam J, EZlck!"on,: Pnmary School. a!" a ]'('wlt of actioll This week's Blanket Club \\'il1lll'r SI rric' S lit HI/IIII' Tlld'/jl lit T'II 'Council of the Holy Trinity Lutheran
th(' Arcadia j{,'~taurallt', (;1'1'1'11 R'"'ll\. South :\arberth avenue, Plans were' taken at the School Roard lJH'l'Illig was :'>Ir~, C. F, Crl'anwr, III With bronchial ]inl'um"nia for,Church, :\arb('rth; and in the United
Thl' pricl', a dolllll'. iIlCludl" <linlll'!'" di,cu~'l'd for a co\'ered dish luncheon I TUI'~day night. F.:,tllllatl'~ an' h('llig ;\Ir~, EII,worth ClarKe, Litl'l'ature thl' pu~t WI'I'K, :\Ir. Hagar passl'd away Luthl'ran Church of Anwrica he has
I'ntl'rtainml'nt, and tl'n door Pl'1ZI'~, and bridge party to be held February I askl·d. according- to Dr. Lproy A, King',' Chairman, hcliJ a commlttt'e me('(lI1g at hl~ honH', 430 Ha\'nford a\'I'nu(',' b('I'n pn',idl'nt of the Brotherhood and
Anthony' (;,'uting. promilH'nt ,hot, ~I in Elm Hall. Thi, will b(' tl\{' om' I pn'sid('nt, for inten~lve rewiring alld at her home Monday aftl'rnoon, The on TUI'",lay, at 4,30 1', M, Hi, \\'ifl'.: :-;ocial l'nion, as w('ll as member of
nJ('rchunt, will I", a 'I,,'ah"r, II" I' largl' affair for rai~llJg- money for IIll'W fixturl's, Rids will he Ol"'IWd at nwmb('rs inclul!l- :'III'S, R. F, Pric(', :\lr,;, Gl'or"e C, Hagar. was ill \I'ilh thl' !loard of American :'Ili~,ions,
fornH'r pn"lIh'nt of tIl<' :\all"nal '\", thl' organization gi\'en this year so I till' hoard nweting- F('hruary 10, :'III'S, Ebba Grei~t, :\11'" Rohl'rt Tabor p1<-ural plwunlOnia at the same tJllll', Th,' Durboraw,' daughll'r. Esther,
sociatioll of ~hoe Rl'taill'r, alid "f th,! thl' public i~ cordially in\'ited to help: Tax Colh'ctor Edwin 1', Doltl ]in" and Mr~, Roma Brown, :\Ir. Hagar wa, ~~I yl'al" "f a~,'. a ,11\,('" with th('l11; their otlll'r daug-hter,
1\larl,l't Stn'I't RU,IIH',', :\1"11" .\'~"- hy buying- tIckets, The committee:' "l'ntl'd his rl'signation. and followinlC, Tho,,1' who attended the Prl''' Com- \'deran of the Civil \\'ar. HI' \1;1, a :'Ilr~, T, :'II. :\lalll1, ha, her home in
clation. of which Ill' I, at pn'~I'nt a :\11'" ,J. BI'n Ta~'lor, chairman; Mrs, I th(' action of Borough Councd. John mittee ml'eting at the home of the lIlcmber of the Buptl!"t TI'JlJpl,' f"r York,
dif('ctol', CharII''; E. Harnden, ~Ir" John E.; R, Hall, ('x·hurgl's" wa~ .. I..ct,.d f"r ehairl11an on Tuesday l'\'l'ning in- yl'ar" I,ut !>I'cau",' of a,I\'allc",1 ag"
lllf"nllatioll "n Ih(, ~tatl", 111'\\' II, \\'('lzl'll ami :\Irs, Albert H, ~u1tv, i tIll' U1ll'xpired f"ur·\'('ar tel'lll, c!ulh'd ;\lr!", Thomas J, Skillman, Jr" attl'lld,'d latl']y till' Merl·on GI·rl Scouts'
Pn',h~ t('l'Iall
hour WI'('" rl'~ldatlon~ \I'ill 1... gl\'('11 ' I I n ,l( II" ~I II I' :\Ii~s Loi, Smith. :\11'" Raymond Ke('- Cilurch at :\ar!>l'rtl1,
. . ( ItIn)) til I) r. 'I" \.11lJ,!', .' I'~. . \.
b~' \\, L. Bttylan, "f thl' ~t:lt" Ilt-- Engaged !RilH'hart, Dr. Walt!'!' ~tl'ckl,,'ck alid gan, :'Ilr~, J, C. Foltz and ;\Ir~, T, \\" The ,,'r\'icI'~ an' 10 A,:'II. th,- Frl' .\"iI' T'''''j' ":,10'" C011lmittel' ,lIce
"f Lah"r
at Ilal'l'l,hul'g, I' I r'
' \11 wrt \.... \...() 11l~.
( ' II' J r .. at t ('Ilc I(,' I tl It· Jachon, d:\\',
th(' r(,~idl'llcI'. ,I:!O II a\( rf"rd Th"I'"r/"!1 Ailcl'/lIJu/I 01 the Home of
E\'en'. hU'Jlll'" . alld 1'1',,1"'-'1"11:",
T r('a~ur('l' .
J L \1 r'
. ~ c" I'pry 11'-
I ' l'lla' ",
'thl' chairman, :'Ilrs. John Porter Scott,
nJan alld \\'Ol1lan In alld Ill'al :-\ar'
Illg a!>,I'nt Llu(' to illnl'~s, AI", 1'1'1".
Dense Smoke ~II', Ilagal'
" < \\'a,< f(II'n)"rl~' a J'(',idl'nt: Latclll',' lam', :\Il'rion, to ]llan the
!>I'rth will IH' 1111")'(,,tl,d III plali- \\ hll Ii l'llt wa~ th,' hoard', ",Iicit"r. Rolalid from a small jire on till' fir,t floor of of tIll' ~tatl' of Conllectlcut. He lllll\"'d dutil'S of I'ach nll'mbl'r with :Ylrs.
will h,. "utlilll'd' h~' I'n"lIklit Ihlllll'" S, FIt",r. I till' Rl'lIe\'u('-Stratford e'nli\'enl'd thl' to Brooklyn 26 ycars ago ttt li\ (' \\'Ith Il"nwr Eachu-, troop leadl'r, Other
wh" will "rl'~ld.. , Poor Richard Club', 3:lrd annual ban- his alld daughtl'r, :'III', alid nH'lllhl'r:, of till' committcl' an': :'I1rs.
, 'quI't l\!onday nig-ht. Howl'\'('r, mo,t 1\lrs, Palen P, Rossman, Ill' ha, tH'1'1l Ll'stl'r Lcs"ig, :\lrs, Robert H, WiI-
Dr. McDuffee Heads Two- The Rod and Gun i
of till' l'\arb('rth I!Ul',t~ \I'I'J'(' home I){'- u n',idl'nt of :'\arbnth for thl P;I,t kin",n and :\11'" F, ~, Floyd.
1'01'(' :l,:W A, ~L, wlH'n the ('xcitl'l11cnt ten years,
County Dental Society i CII/I. (If f,oll'n' .1In'ioll .,11/'",.<1, <1
P,.i:I',' lit Its .1Io till!! Il'r<1l1r,"<1l1jl : oct'url'l·d, Tho~l' from h,'f(' int'1u(kd
;\I('rlon Troop 18, compo,ed of
Thl' follo\\'ing trihutl' \\'a~ \\Tlttl'" lIigh School girl" will hold a dance
Dr. H, F, :\lcDuff('(', of Haverford i nig-ht. hdd' in the ~arbprth COlllmun, Howard F, Kairer, Joseph H, :\a"h, by a friend: ,Saturday night at nine o'clock at the
ity Building, for bigg('st fish caught Rob(·rt F, Wuod and Ralph S, Dunnl', "Hi" life was an endless h"11I'fac,' hUl11l' of :\Irs, Philip F, Murray, pro-
a\'l'nul', ~al'bl'l'th. was elected pre!"i-
dent of thl' Dental Society of Chpster hy its members la~t year. Sports I' Vocalist on thl' entp,rtamnll'nt pru-, tiort to those about hllll, HI.' pOS,('s",'d gram, chairman of the l\t~in LineI
and Delaware Counti('s at the anl1ual equipnwnt was presented for catch,," gram, was :egg y :'.Iadlson (the, R, D, a grl'at lo\'ing heart, hands which CommIttee, Ten couples WIll ~ttend
meeting- held \\' ednesday night in a!" follows: Elmer Jenkins, pick('n'!;: l\tacGuffins daughter, of !\lenon, I worked the worK of Chl'l"t. and f"l,t alld punch and hamburg('rs WIll be
We~t Chester, Dr, ;\lcDuffee !"ucceeds I Harold Dietrich, small-mouth bass: I . that were ever going about dl,ing sl'rved, :'III'S, Eachus IS leader of
Dr, E, H, Ward, of Lancaster avenue, Clarence Kaeb('r. Jr" hass; ~orman Narberth Bridge <:;lub ,good, HI' was a brave ,;oul who Troop lR, ,
Ardmore, who headed the organization Dorsey, weakfish; J, A, M iller, brook Saturday night Mr, and 1\-lrs, J, ~" could adapt himself to the storl11S of I The ~('Illor patrol of Troop ,2~0.
for the past year, trout. ! Baker tied with Mr, and Mrs, \V II- 'life with a resolution that klll'W 110 ~ madl' up of the seventh ,grade girls,,_,
Well-known to the profession for Films were shown of trout and bass lliam Boyle for top score, retreat, He now rests with the One 'I met Tul'sday afternoon WIth Troop 18
his interest in Dental Economics, Dr, fishing, and a talk was given on crow Monday evening tournament: Top who said that 'He giveth his beloved for clay modeling, Dedee Danen-
McDuffee is a member of the Commit- shooting, i
Announcement was made score, J, H, Baker and Roy Green- sleep.' In the passing of this stal-I hower was made patrol leader and
tee on Economics of the Pennsylvania that a dinner wiII be held soon, for I wood; second place, Arthur Cooney wart Christian gentleman we seem to Barbara Floyd, SCrIbe.
State Dental Society, a deputy of the MISS LOUISE MEGEE members and wives, Several members' and Dr. Mark E. Morgan, hear our Lord say, 'Well done, thou i
American Dental Association, and daughter of Mrs. Ralph David- wiII attend a sportsmen's banquet in good and faithful servant, enter thou I Testimonial Dinner
to Edwin P, Dold, retiring tax collec-
served on the Advisory Committee to 8011 Megee, of Dudley avenue, Norristown Monday. To enter casting Suffers Stroke i,ntn the joy of the Lord'."-
tor, was held last night (Thursday),
the Goodrich Commission, Narberth, whose engagement to events in the coming Sportsmen's Partial paralysis caused Joseph D'
Among other Main Line m'embe~s Mr, George Cochran Wilmot, 8011 Show in Philadelphia, a committp(' Maguire, 300 Grayling, to be rushed The Narberth Library's annual re- I after OUR TOWN went to press. Mr.
of the association who were present
were Dr. T. M. Rees and Dr. H. B.
Laine, of Narberth.
of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith
Wilmot, of Essex avenue, Nar-
berth, is announced.
was appointed: John Miller, Joseph to Bryn Mawr Hospital Wednesday port will be pu'blished next week,
P. White, Ernest Jenkins, Clarence noon. Well beloved, he is wished a ~so next week a continuation of the
Kaeber, Jr., and Randolph Buek. speedy recovery. Chronology of local events of last year.
I Dold, who is leaving for California,
is continuing his tax duties until the
end of next week.
, ' ,
OUR TOWN January 21, 1938
__~,~__=:':'":--: ~=--~_='===~ ~,~==~======:..======~=========~
- - --- ~O~\( 11\..1' Nino Martini Now PlayiRg at
Church News ! "Firefly," Friml Operetta Wednesday, Narberth's big night, and
h Thursday, Robert Young and James H. C. Fritsch, Jr.
'~". OUR .1. \ , W ..l ~ Egyptian in 'Music for Madame'
TIll' world's gn'atpst ilnng- t"n"r Baptist Church of the Eyangel
IS Playing at Narbert Stewart will star in "Navy Blue and
"The Firefly," impressive ada pta- Gold."
A Co-operath'e Community Newspaper
founded in 1914 by the Narbllrth
Cil'ic AII.•ol"iation, and JllIbltllhed
and on .. "f th.· scn·,'n's Ill"st l;,pc"nt Robert E. Keighton, Minister tion of Rudolf Friml's memorable op- I Narberth 4112-'
disc"\·"ri"s-:-':In,, :'olartIni, and Joan Sunday, January 2:l: Prptla, sets a new high in cinema en- Children's Show at Egyptian 109 Forrest Aye., Narberth
every Friday at Narberth, Pa. F"ntaln"-an' Ilnk"d In a sparkling !J.45 A, 1\1. Th .. Church Schoo!' tertainment, this wef'k-end at the The Main Line Junior Cinema AlIi- , .
Thon1RS A. EI"~d. Editor ~~ Pl!h~i:.;her I'< lIl1<ln c" In ":'olu"ic for 1\1adanll'," :-':arherth Theater. It present., a ance is prpspntin'" another of its pro-
Anne MQrgan Roberts, SoCial I·..dltor F .I II A. M. :'Ilorning Wurship. Ser- "
plaYing- at th.· Eg-yptlan this n' ay pow"rful story of dramatic romance, "'rams designed especiall v for chil- E. C. GRISWOLD
mon: "Shadows." " J
Office - 209 Haverford Ave., Narb~rth and Saturday. : as w,,11 a" a vphicle for rpmarkable dren, this Saturday, January 22. The
7 P. 1\1. Youn" ppople's m..etJng is now associated with
Telephone: Narberth 4100 If \,ou could us,, sonll' g""d, Iwarty. " . . mu"ic. :\I-G-M has gone th .. limit in feature i" "Gpneral Spanky," a full-
. '} Leader: :'Ilarie Baker. Fidelity Investment Ass'n
""ul-satisfylng; laug;ht"r we pl'l'scn II' setting" and in artistry of presenta- length 11I'oduction featuring Spanky
Entered as RP{'onc1-class n1aftPf O(~t()hf'r
13, 1914. at the ]'o.t ()lI\c~ al :--;arh~r~I,:. a quick trip to tlw Eg;yptian th1" Monday, January 24: tion-ev"n surpassillg "The Great :'IlcFarland and Walt Disney's "Acad- "Fidriity Income Plan"
Pa under the Act or Mnrrh 3. 18,. :'olonday "I' TU('sday, wh,'I'I' th" tun- K P.:\1. :'olonthly nlt'ding of tlH' Zil'gf.. ld," which won thO' same pr o - "my Award Rl'view" which combines
8Ublcrlptlon rate, 52 per yeH in advance Chestnut Ave. Narberth 4095-J
lIi •.,t dlllll"stlc I'I1Illl'dy of th" "l'as"n :'I1"n's Association in th.. church. All ducPl' and director th,· Academy !iVl' of \\'alt Dislll'y's prize winning
Friday, January 21. 1938 i" playing;. "Th,' Awful Truth," co- m .. n invitl'd. 'Award. cartoons including the cl'lebrated
starring In'II" (lUIllW and ('al'\' Tupsday, January 2:;: Warrpn William is one of thp three "Thl'l'e Littll' Pig-"." SPRING
(;ralll. K P.!'II. Th.. Rt'd Cross enlt meets stars. TIll' "th"r" are Jeanette !\Iac- A novelty stage show will be an APPAREL CLUB
Infantile Paralysis "Bl'l'akfast fill' 1'\\'11." c',-stal'l'ln~ at th" hon1l' of :'Itl's. Lpt' Goldsborough. Donald and Allan Jonps, ht'r npw co- addl'd attraction. Performances are now forming. Ask for details
This January 2!1 will be :-':arlwrth'" Barbara Stall\\yck alld HI·rl",rt :\Iar !l :-':arbrook Park. :'It 1'". Karl Wil- star. Thpy sing "Low is Like a Fire- at IO.:lO A. :'II. and 2.15 P. 1\1. and as NARBERTH
sixth annual in lighting In- shal!. is a hll\\III1g; SUCI"'';S. This fast- Iiams will be co-hostt'ss. fly," "Ill- \\'ho LO\'l's and Runs Away," usual till'Y will Iw held at the Egyp- MEN'S SHOP
fantil .. Paralysi" lind till' l't·haIJllita- Illoving; hilarious cOI1lt'dy is ullqUl'" \\-t'dnl'sday, Jalluary 21,: "W11I'n a 1\laid Comf'S Knocking at tian Th"atel', Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. Theatre Bldg.-Narberth 2':'72
tion of Infantile Paralysis "Ulfners. tionably "n .. of th" g-ay""t and 11111< K P.:'II. !\Iid-wt'ek nw<,tlng of th.' Your Ilf'art," "A \\'oman's Kiss,"
Practirally ev"ry nwrchant and brilliant f\hlls of tilt' year, and is pIa, Church. A Communion Pr.. paratory "Th,· Donkl'y Serenade." and the
businl,,,,,nwn ha~ c"ntl'lbut"d ..ach ing at th .. Eg;yptian twxt W,·dlH'sd", Sl'rvice. Topic: "What Tak,'s Place dUt't". "(;iannina :'Iiia" and "Sym-
New '38 Wall Papers
~'ear to thi" fund and a numlwr of
and Thur"day, including; Thursda, at tiw Lord's Suppf'r?" pathy."
now on display at our showroom
39 North Narberth Av •.
Your New Radio
othl'rs ha\'" help..d regularly. matinpe. Friday, January 2H: Coming :'Ilonday and TUl'"day an' and all
:-':ow thi" is your problpnl, t"". Thll1k Niedelman Bros.
7.:10 P.:'II. District meeting of tl1l' Rob.. rt :'Itontgomel'y, Rosalind Russell PHONE, NARBERTH 2438 ELECTRIC APPLIANCES
of it in terms of yours"lf. If you- Pl'nnsylvania Baptist !'lIen's Council and Ro]JPrt Bpnchll'Y in thl' sprightly Paperhanging Painting
or your son or daughtl'r- w ,'I'l' sud- Special juvenile Program Floor Refinishing
In til(> church. Sp('cial sppakers will con1<'dy, "Live, Love and Learn." can 11l\W be bought, here,
denlv strick"n by this strang<' malady, at Suburban Sat. Afternoon lit' Romain C. Hassrick and W. K. for a small down payment
what rould you do~ Wlwl'l' c"uld ":\lavl'l'ling" will not be shown at Boyll'. W .. al'p ho"ts-be our gue"t,,! and
you go f"r 1ll'lp'~ H"w I"ng; t'''uld you till' ~a;urday Suburban T]watpl', Ard- Tah'" Discussion on till' Liquor Pn )- Your Car Washed, .... $1
1<'1J1 led by D. Stt'\\'art Patt"r"on of $1 a J,-eeh.
financ.. th,· tH'C"ssary, ,pl·cJallz..d m"I''', matinl'''. Instead a sp('cial Holy Trinity Lllth~tan Church NARBERTH
Wai;}ling1.on. A sh for details-no»';
care7 j u \'"n iII' program IHls bl'l'n arranged Rev. Clf'tu~ A. Senft, Pastor BRIDGE GARAGE
The g-rim u'rror-Infantil" Paraly- which includ"" :'II ick"y ;\Iousp; tlw 7.45 P. :'II. - En·ning Narberth Elec. &: Radio CO.
Sunday, Jalluary 2:3: Manageml'nt of Gowland Bros.
sis-every year, in suInt> tov;n, ;-;.onH: , ..rial, "SOS. Coast Guard;" Johnny ForulJ1 on thp Liquor Prohlell COII-
~lA5 A. :\I.-Bihll' ~ch()ol. Narberth 2603 NARB. 4182 W. G. Case
count\· som" State pr"duc"s fear, 1\laek Rrown \,"l'stl'rn Pictul'f' and the duct('d by D, Stp\\'art Patt ·rSIlIl.
11.00 A. 1I1.-Thf' :\torning S,'n·ic,·.
panic: 'death, human wl'l'ckag-"-and f.'atun· lilm starring Jack Haly, Pat~y T-hl'IIll': "Thp Christ Way to P,·ac,·." QUf'stions invitpd.
is no respecter of age or cia,,'. K.. lly and Stuart Erwin in "Pigskin TUl'sday, January 2;):
.. 6.45 P. :'11.-Thp Lutlwr L,·ag;u"s.
In case of l'pidemic our community Pal'adP," H.OO P. 1\1.-Sunshill'· Ribl,· ('lass
IntprlJ1pdiatl' and S .. nior.
busilWSS IlWl'ling.
rna\' recei\'e from this n"\\' :-':ati"nal
Fo~ndati"n for Infanti\<' Paraly,I' Int"I'IJational aprllnautlcal .. xp,'rts
man\' times th.· anwunt w.· rai-I', and wl1ll \'Isit"d till' (;aumnnt film ~tudio~
7.45 P. :\I.-Thp \"'''''''1' S'·J'\·ic,·.
with Rihll' stud~' of till' Lif,' <If
\\'..dlll'sday, .January :!il:
Kiln P. :\L-:'olid-\\·",·k S,·n·i ..,·. Rl'ad I
Ch rist: "TIl<' l'l'riod <If RI,t i1'I'IlIl·nl." Thousand, in it.
wouid bring to our local lwalth otike, I'l'c"nth' g;a\·,· th" "'al of appl'oval Johll !I. glanl casll Two
\\· •.dll(·,day, -;.00 1'. :'01.- .JUIlII" years to com·
thO' il11l11"diat,· aid of any pl'l·v..ntlv"s, til th," majllr sl'l in tlw pl'oduction. Thur~da~', Janu:tr~' :!-;:
Choir 1'I·Ill'ar"al. pletel 2 ' 2 hours
immunizations. "'rUIll" "I' Inol'uJati"n, ":\"n'~tllp :-':"w Yllrk," n·pl'l·S!'ntinl.': Friday, -;.()() P. :'I1.-('IIntirll1atl<l1l
1).:;0 P, :'01.-- Junior ('hIOir r,·I1<'ar"al.
of overwhelming
made availab\<' by inv,·,tigator,; ru,h a "IImp!<-\<' tran,atlantic plan" of till' il.()() P. :'II.-Ch"j I' n·h'·a rsal. spectacle I
Class. H.OO P. :'11.- Filu rth t1ua rt,,1'i \. C-, '11-
in orthl'lwdic ,uppli.·, and "'!lllpnl"nt fulun·. TIll' nllwi.. airship i" "tn'anl-
Friday, ~.()() 1'. :'01.-. ChiliI' r.·llt'arsal. Famozd
(the ir"n lung, for ,·xallll'l.·); illl- Illll'd, l'abilll'd and t'quip,,,·d, and titll'd fp1'l'nc,',
Saturday-i{ul1llllag-,' sal." at Fllrtl' Rudolf Friml
mediatl'1y plare with all tilt' local with ('\'I'rything that i" lH'c"",ary fill' Frida~'. January :!~:
dh and :'olarkl'l "tl'l·('t.-;. Scor<t
health authoritil" and d"dor, th(· lat- a !Jig-hl. Th,' pilot" in th,' film an' ~.7n P. :-'1.-Sr)'Jlld 1l1<l\'lllt!' p,,·tUJ'l·s.
est knowkdg-,' "n diagno"i, and cart' n'g;ula rly lic,·ns..d pilots. Sport. tra\1'1 :\I.d ellillie. ('111].11'1'11 lilt'. 'Gtannina Mia'
rlt~ Pr~sb)'Urlan Church 'Lo," Is like AFI",n,'
during tilt' acut,· ,tag., and aid tilt' Incid"ntalh', thi~ i~ actually tIll' Adults :!()c . and ethers
local ho,pitals with fund" t" pl't\\'id,' tirst Instal1l:t' Ilf till' ,C!'l'I'n !'l'ally He\'. Arch"r E. Anderson, Th.D., Pas-
facilitil's and t'ljuipn1l'nt f"r raring ~cooping- th.. news, as till' f\lln ll1ak.·s tor. :'olr. and :\11'''' Curti" :'olair:" of We"t
for larg-l' numbprs. it- bow ""\'('ral month" b"fol'l' Im- !J.45 A. :'IL-Bible School. I'hilad.. lphia. an' 1'l'C.. ivillg' cilngratu-
I aPP"al to l'\'l'ry fannly In lOur p"rial Ain\'ays and Pan Aml'rican 11 A. !'It.-Morning- Wor"hip. S .. r- latillll- upon 1111' birth of a daug;hter,
cOl11munit~· to aid in this great hu- inau~urat.· r,'g-ulal' pa"".. ng-.. r sen'ice ll1"n by the pastor. Ph\'II" ;\Iair". oil !'Ilonday, January
manitarian work, l)I't \\',"'n Londlln and :\ I'W York. 11 A. :'11.-The junior church, con- 17'- at six o'clock. :'Ilr~. :'Ilair~ will be
1\lak.. cht'rk to :\ati&lnal FOlilltlalion ":\on-Stllp :-.: •. W Y"rk" f"atur"~ Anna d uct..d by !\II's. Digby. J'l·!ll.'mb.. r ..d as :'Iti;;s :\Ial'tha Minick, I
for Infantile Paraly,is or: L.·.· and .John Lodl·r. 11 A. !\-I.-Children's nursery, under daughtl'r of :'Ill'. and 1\lrs. J. L. i
W. B. HAW':. th.. suppl'\'ision of Miss Tibben. l\Iinirk, of Windsor avenu(', Narberth. I
G, 1/1 1'1/1 ('lilliI'll/fill. The Narberth W, C. T. U. r,.45 P. 1\\.-The three Christian
held their regular monthly met'ting Elldpavor groups. THE FAMOUS
7.45 P. 1\I.-Narberth's Happy Bible
~Ionda\' afternoon wit h M 1'", C. H.
Narberth Library ~old ioo W\'nnedal" road. A good Hour. Sermon hy the pastor.
Continued rrom Pall'e On.
~l'll\\':l was i;' attl'ndance. Extensive W I'dnpsdhy: 8 P. M.-Prayer meet-,
E. H. Cockrill. Mrs. L"st"r ColliN, plans \\Tn' made for the coming ycar. ing'.
Mrs. C. R. C. Custl'r. Ladie~, w.. ask you to sa\-e your old BALA.CYNWYD • • • NOW:
Also ?III'S..1. \\'. Dan'i1It', :'oIl'S. Wil- magaziul's and old silk "tockings. Narberth Mdhodist Episcopal
liam W. Deacon, !\Irs. Jame" Don- :'Ilrs. \\'. Y. Hutchinson will Sl'e that Rev. W. Vernon Middleton, Minister
nelly, living in Chicago; :'III'''' E, C. th,'v art· d(·livcred to thl' C. S. \'ct-
Drew, !'Ilr~. Franklyn Dunlop, ;\11'''. ,.ra·n,;' Ho~pital at C"ate"villp. Th,'s"
Sunday, .January ~:l:
~1.4:; A, :\I.-Church Sehllll],
Nino Martini
joan Fontaine Narberth Theatre -- - Now'I
Robert Durbin, !\Iiss LoUIS" England, bo\', mak.· rllg;s from tlw stockings. 11.00 A. :\1.- :'Itornillg- Worship
Miss Elizabeth Eng-land, now ;\Irs. \\.;, at'!· going- to crochpt a rUg" for S"I'IllOII: "TI1P Church's SUpl'l'I1l" Con-
Howard Cotter, Jr.; :'II r~. C. T. Fari.·;;, th""l' ho\'s at thl' regular J1lel'ling-~. cern." MADAME"
Mi~s Clara Folll'ttC', librarian of th,' A nll'm\;"r"hip' dri\'l' is lwing-' con- ;;.4;) 1'. !'I1.-F:Jlworth L"agw' Hound
Narberth Library, :'Ill'''. C. P. Fowl.'r. dllct.·d all m'l'r the Statl' and any Walt Disney's Academy FINAL REDUCTIONS
now living in Illinoi,,; Eugl·n.· Gilroy, lad\' is invit,·d to join th .. local L'nion
New and Beautiful A 'Ward Rnie»' Beginning Monday, January 24
librarian at 51. Joseph',; College, by . paying thl' yearly dues of $1.00.
Philadelphia; :\1 i"" :'Ilary
Glessner, librarian at the Philadelphia
Public Library Company; :'oIl's. W iI-
Loui"e :\IRS. R. C. Kr.:>;r-;f.DY.

Girl Scout Troop 125

Suburban Theatre
Monday &: Tuesday
Dresses, Coats and Sweaters
liam Baill'Y Goodall. !'III'S. C. \\'. january 24 &: 25 I I Dresses from $4
The opl'ning wa, very formal be- ARDMORE Sweaters from $1
Hammar, :'III's. Harvey Harmon, :\Irs. cau",' a cont is going on fol' tlH' , I
Jesse Ranis, 1\lrs. Jospph A. Hong- patrol with nw"t point;; at thl' .'Illi of
"THE AWFUL I ' Mrs. Norman Jefferies
leI', Mrs. A. L. Horst, 1\11'''. H. A. tIll' y.>ar. Tlw prizl' will b.. gi\'{'n
Jacobs, l\Iiss E\-l'!yn Jl'ffl'ri", 1\11'''. tl1('n, ",I the gid~ were all quiet and
TRUTH" 23> Haverford Avenue Narberth Narberth 2861
Ra~'mond Kaeber, :'III'S. Clan'nl''' Kae- n"at; tl1<'Y e\· ..n had their shol's sllil1l'd
For 2 extra days Irene Dunne Cary Grant
bel', Mrs. Roland P. Kl·JJpy, CI('velancl, ~o yoU could see the room rl'fll'ctl'd
Ohio; :'III'S. William Livingston, :'IIi", in them. The Lieutenant, Lucy Baker, Engagement ends Mon.
==---------. ...
Edith !'Ilaltby, !\I 1'';. ~. !'II. :'olattlwws. dictated sentences in code. Each pa- jan. 24
Mrs. Gul<lah :'Itoon', 1\lis, Emma trol translated, and the patl'ol that
Mueller, 1\1 rs. E. A. 1\1 uschal11 p, 1\lrs. tran"lated COI'!'l'Ctly was g-i\-en liv..
Frallkellfiel.1 FI.llel-al Home
William :\ash, 1\liss Bl'tlit' :-':"l'dham, points tllward th.. prizl'. After that I Simpson. Road at Athens Avenue
Mrs. Frank Z. Purcl'll. g-anll'S w('r(' playpd followed by a
. .
Also :\Ir", H. G. R..(·vs, at Swamp- g"lUdnight circ1l'. I.T.e.le.'?ii'h.o.n.e.A.rd.m .• • • • • • • • • • • • •A.r.d.ID.o.r.e.,.P.a • .•
scott, 1\las~.; :'II n;. A. B. Ross. ;\Irs.
Horacl' Ruch, now :'oIl'S. Barry Strau~;
MARY l\!CCAFFERTY, BOYER ll~~~~-'-~~-~'---~'"
Mrs. Frank L. Scott, of D..troit; ;\11''''
Charle;; :-.:. Shaw, of ;\Ias;;;;;
Mrs. Hugh B. Spl'ed, :'III's. Royal

Thomas, !'Ilrs.'E. C. Town, Miss Kath-' I
erine Trowbridgl', 1\11';;. P. A. \\' ales,
Mrs. C. V. Waters, !\Irs. Herman I

Weigandt, living in till' Middle West.'
MOVIE THRILLER No sooner said than
Among those who have passpd on'
who were active in the library work: A littlc la•• named Gold)',age,J ninc, DUNNE has it there!
Miss Bird Rob!'l·ts, rl'cently deceased;
Mrs. N. n. Ramey, Miss Anna Mc-
Keag-, Mrs. Harry Derby and Mrs.
$ /oJt Bat in a movic housc and walelll'd a
piclure. About 4 P.M. Goldy fell
Boun.1 a.lccp. About 5 1'.1\1. thc
Service--quick service-when it's needed. Not
the best coal mines th('aln' closed until timc for the only the finest burning coal in the world and the
Chauncey Davis.
produce for household evening show. most economical, but a delivery method that suits
Announcement and commercial uses At 5:15 or thereahouts our little YOUR convenience.
is made by Robert J. Nash that L. NEWTOL HEATING OIL Miss cn'pt timon","ly up Ihl, dark.
Please note: "Mayerling" will not Jeddo.H.ighland is the coal you will want. De-
Bruce Stallard has joined his organi- be shown at Saturday matinee. ened ai,lc, but the door. were
KOPPERS COKE livered when you want it.
zation this week and will make the Instead w~ have arranged a special locked! By now all .11'('1' had van-
Wynnewood office, Lancaster pike
WOOD juvenile program featuring "Pig. ished and Go"ly wa. afraid. But
PHONE skin Parade," with Jack Haley, RALPH S. DUNNE
and Wynnewood road, his headquar- I then hl'r ml'nlal lIwehani"rn hegan
ARDMORE 2550 OR Patsy Kelley, Stuan Erwin and a
tel's. He will also be responsible for hUlo':e surrounding show. to <'ii,·k. Out pop''''d thi" thought-
the Narberth office, succeeding the ALLEGHENY 8400 Tlwn' musl hc a 'phOl'" in the
late Henry Nash, Mr. Stallard, who i
WEST 5201
Main OHic.
Tues.-W cd.-Thurs. manu~er'~ office. NAR·BERTH
is a graduate of Temple Univel'sity, i
'31, has in recent years been associ- i BAltiMORE AVE. AT 53rd ST. Jan. 25-26.27 She 1'"1 her thoul!ht to aelion anti in COAL • COMPANY
ated with the real estate department I BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS
ttBIG TOWN GIRL" no tinw thc poliec IInlocked thc door.
Enl<'qr"Jl('ics-ihc times ..-hf'n }'ou
of the Pennsylvania Company. SUBURBS AND CAMDEN with
Mr. Nash, who is a former presi- need til<' telcphone lllo.l-aren't al.
Claire Trevor and
dent of the Philadelphia Real Estate ways partil'ular about turning up
Donald Woods during n'l!ular businc•• hours. So
Board, entertained at luncheon last Call NARBERTH 2430
Saturday, other real estate men of Coming Soon }'our Ic1<'phoue mu.t b." anti i., Nights, Sundays and Holidays
the Main Line, and Narberth business Premierc Showing of to 1)('11' you 10 n'aeh an)'one,
leaders, to introduce MI'. Stallard. "NON-STOP NEW all\' wh"re at an"time! The BdlTdc- -Narberth 2651
The Nash organization was founded ph'onc COllll'a;IY of Pcnns)·lvania.
:25 years ago.
,~- .'~'" h', _~ '~.:': ••
'" , ,:.1 ........ " -'_':: ._'-, ;'s:;· -. , ". .'~ '~'-~' .-.. .. .....
- ..... • '.'. ., ." ":-- ",-,-

OUR TOWN Page Three

January 21, 1938

• The Fireside
Mrs. William G. Walton, of Anth-
wyn road, Merion, entertained 23'
Narberth School
On J«Inuary 15, the Pupil.~ of thl'
Narberth Public School Were DR. EDWARD F. ALLEN
members of her class of the Sunday entertained by a musical program,
ROBERT J . NASH Realtor School of the Mount Hermon Re- presented by the orchestra and the ANNOUNCES THE
formed Church, 16th and Wingohock- Glee Club. Betty Ann Mulligan led:
ing, Tuesday night. Mrs. Walton has the devotions. The Glee Club sang OPENING OF HIS OFFICE
takes pleasure In announcing that Itaught the class for the past 1~ years. two groups of songs during the pro-
: !'Ill's. Emma B. Elder, of Brooklyn, gram. The people that announced the
:\ew York, was the guest of her son- songs and the songs sung were; Elaine
in-law and daughter, Mr. and :\Irs. Starr-telling about Highways and PRACTICE OF GENERAL
L. BRUCE STALLARD A. S. Knapp, of Beechwood larh', over Byways, Carol Schroder (dressed in a
formerly with th.. Estal.. D .. partm..nt of
tht' week-end. Chinese costume), spoke of the song, ' DENTISTRY
Th.. Pennsylvania Company' Jl,'ow that Russell Basler, recover- "Lanterns," Gloria Civitello told the,
for Insuranu's on Lives and Grantin!: Annuities ing- from his spine fracture, is back origin of "Ticti Ticta," Marjorie Enz 223 HAVERFORD AVENUE, NARBERTH
Ion duty at the r-iarherth post office, spoke about the writing of "The;
anothpr clerk, George W. :\-Iorton, is Bells," and the whole audiencl' sang TELEPHONE: NARBERTH 3942
on thl' SIck lIst. . . ' Tonsdlectonly, "America," while the orchestra played .',
IS no»' associated »'ith his organization as I
Manager 0/ the Suburban Offices at the r-i a val Hos pita 1. it. The orchestra pla"ed "Finlandia,'" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
The John C. Marschers and theit· J
part of Beethoven's r-iinth Symphony,
son. Jack, havp just rl'turIwd to their Look Your Loveliest
Iwn1l' on Haverford avenue, after and a group of waltzes, "Blue Waves.
GRE..nwood 2494 Dick Whiting, saxaphone, Fred. . . We'll be glad to help . . . with experienced '"
Aromol't' 2400 spt'nding two weeks at Palm Bt'ach. Kuebler, cello, and Claire DeHart, advice, and care, of face, hands, and hair.
'\X'ynn..wood. Pa.
~Irs, Robert H. Thomas, of Bala
January 17. 1'138 Ardmore 240 I
aVI'nUt'. Bala-Cynwyd, will ('nt('rtain
piano, Jllayed solos. I SUZANNE JORET GILL
The eighth grade girls are painting
h('r cluh at luncheon and hridge nt,,,t 216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2324
and the teacher's room. Under
WedIll'sday. :'Iliss Gassner's supervision tlll'Y have
The Thomas J. :'tlannings, Hampden nearly completed their task. The
Let's Knit! ... Instructions are Free! a\'I'nU(', pntertained at dinner Satur- color scheme is blue and maroon. The
day c\'ening, Mr. and :'III'S. John l\1an- room is to be of a 118utical typt', with The Cynwyd Delicatessen
WOOLS;' Ayr, Scotch, Tioga, Nuns ning, of Germantown; Mr. and 1\1 rs. deck chairs, etc. As they were study-
William Strickler, of Wynnefield, and ing auuut the furnishin~ of a house, - 302 Levering Mill Road-
Mr. Thomas Hoover. of Philadelphia. this tits in with their work,
Patterns Mrs. Howard F. Cotter, Sabine ave- ELE:ANOR HAyWOOD, carnes a full line of Burke's Meats, all kinds of
Trixy Foundation Garments 'nue, entl'rtained at luncheon and Studt'llt R('porta. Cheese and Pretzels, Home-Cooked Foods, etc.
I bridge Tuesday, 1\1 rs. Georg-e B{'ckl'r,
Appointment' Mo"day 10 Friday, i"clu,i"e
i Mrs. Carl Crissman and :'Ill's. John On January 17, Miss Rambo, from Ope/l Eyenings to ll.3o-and Sundays
the Commercial l\luseum, gave a lec-
tun, for the first, second and fourth
:'III'. Hervey C. Keirn, of Dudit'y a\'('· gradl's. about Eskimos. Sh(, showed We Deliyer - Phone Cynwyd 3J43
301 Windst'f Ave., Narberth (Garden Entrance) ; nul'. is in Reading this wl'ek. :\11'. J. an Eskimo suit, gloves and tools.

Narberth 2149-\\:' Randolph Keim, of Brooklyn, spent
~-------------------------------- ! tilt' w(,..k-('nd hl'rl'.
011 Jan uary 6 the gi rls played thei r ..
tirst baskl,tball game. At the ('nd of :J
Cadd W al tpr I. Dot han!. ,J 1'., "f till' four quartet·s the score was ~-8.
)'014'/1 like our complete hairdressing scyyice
the I'. S. Aviation forc(' at San Di,'g'o, B..caust' of this ti .. till' tt'ams Wt'n' al- The
We specialize in PERMANENTS ICalifornia, sp('nt tlw wl'l'k-t'rlll With 1"",.. .1 to play another quarter. Alice
Monday-Tuesday-Wedncsday: 3 specials for $1 his motlwr, :'III'S. Walt .. r I. I)othard, Co"k, 'I'ho plays for th.. reds, mad .. a
Narberth Beauty Shoppe
231 Haverford (Second Floor)-Narb. 2565-Helen V. Farrell
; of lIan'rford annUl'. H.. nt'w by haskPl making the score 10-8.
plant' to Sorfolk, when> he returned On January 1:3 the reds w.. n' win-
National Bank of Narberth
"n :'Ilonday to fly hack to San Diegoo. ning until the third quartpr, when'
• Deposits Insured under the Govemment Plan •
lIis I>rotlwr. :'Ill'. Rolll'rt ,J. DlIthard, EJtoan()r Haywood made a bash·t, the
,of :\ew York, also was hl'r.. for the ,,('on' !ll'ing 8-\1. Th..n Alice Cook • Member Federal Reserve System • 0/
r.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=':"t:w .. d~-t'nd. made a basket making the score 10-V.
:'III'S. Allt'n B. Doty, of ~. :\ar!H'rth i
A larg.. number of hoys and girls • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your cOHvenience •
javenu,', ent"I~aillPd
on Tuesday ('wning:her:'111'';.
at hri,lgoe
L. turned out for these twoboy gam:e~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1937 TAXES
On January 10 the played
Cookt', :'III'S. John C. Sash, :'III'S. II. tllt'ir first intra-school lasketball
1\1. t;ril'st, :'tliss Emma Prince and g'ame. There are four team,; which
Mrs. Leonard Ashl .. y. play alternately. The ('aptains are:

Please draw checks in payment of 1937 taxes

:'III'. and 1\lrs. Joseph Missimer, of Victor Heath, Bob Miller, Bob :--:arri-
De\'on, are receiving congratulations gan a nd Bob Hayward. The scores • SALE OF SHIRTS. • •
upon the birth of a daughter, Mary were, Heath 7, Narrigan 7, Miller 2, You are invited to stock up at these special

to EDWIN P. DOLD, TAX COLLECTOR, Hope Missimer, on Sunday, January and ![uy,ward 3.
16. Mrs. Missimer is the former Miss, On January 17 the scores were Hay-
prices . . . Good selection . , . All sIZes . "\
Hope Burlingame, daughter of Mr.' \~ard 10, Miller 7, Heath 5, and ~ar­
as I am responsible for this Duplicate.
,and Mrs. Everett E. Burlingame, of ngan O.
Brvn !'tlawr.
Mohawk Shirts, regularly $1.65 $1.29

Mr~. Robert Fpllow~ Wood, Forest

Stlldent Reporter. Eagle Shirts, regularly $1.95 1.65
a\'enUI', will entertain the Fortnightly
This paper is published for you. Theatre Building-Narb. 2772

I :'II r~. C.
Club at lunetH'on at her home, Janu-

an' 28.
L. \\' I' II s, ch a irm a n 0 f t he
Store Hours 9: 30 to 5: 30
Narberth Men's Shop Opcn every evening •

~ ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "II Fpll()\\'~hip Committl'e of the Women's
Community Club of Karberth, wil1
('ntertain h,'r committee at luncheon
For that bridge party, at her homt' on Ik·echwood lane, Feb-
borrow, FREE, from us, ruary 4.
l\lr. Wells has just retuflll'd from a when you get
PLAYING CARDS Iten day~' trip to Oklahoma City. .
Ask about them , . .
l\lrs. John Adams, of States\'llle, ~.
C., is \'isiting her mother, 1\1 rs. J. A.
Caldwell, of 110 Iona a\'enue, for sev-
1112.-24 CHESTNUT ST
up 111 the morning?
If you will permit
U-h-h H-u-h-h
liS to install Nu-gard Door Bottoms on your
bed room doors, the rest of the house will he more cllmfortable.
Maguire Bros. Service Station eral \\'('eks. M r~. Adams is the former They are very inexpensive and practical.
:'tlis~ Janet Caldwell. PHILADELPHIA Call on us when you need Picture Frames, Art Supplies, Paints
Forest and Haverford - Narberth 2440 1\lrs. JanH's Tilbury, of the Barrie
House, spent sen'ral days last week and Enamels, Bookshelves and other Cabinet Work.
in Asbury Park, whel'(' she was the
I!UI'~t of hl'r cousin, :'III'S. Waltt'r B.
Dixon. She hud as her guest over
Shull Lumber Company
the w('ek-l'nd, :'Ili"s Lillian Hardee, of The Link Between Forest and Home
Full Line of Entertainment Needs Kew York. :'Iliss Bptty Tilbury spent
thl' \\'el'k-end in Kew York. 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
Miss Helen L. Bottoms has rt'ceived
lH'r B.S. dt'grpe in Education, at the
Party Decorations, Games, Favors January comml'nCl'!llent exprci~ps at
State Tpacher,;' College, West Chester,

DAVIS Miss Bottom~, who is the daughter

SAF£ ***
of Mr. and :'tlt-s. (;1'01'1''' W, Bottoms,
of 1\lerion, is a graduate of Lower ''''i
224 Haverford Avenue - Phone, Narberth 4035 Merion Hig-h School, and of :'Ili~s Il\-
!.iiiiOiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiOiii.l." man's School, Phi ladelph ia, '
r--------------------------=-======.I The Daily Princet~1I1ian ann"unc(':'
,this Wl't'k tIll' l'lectlon. of .J ohn E.

Let's Inspect Your Car Now

K,'out, ESSI'X a\'..nue: Karhl,,·th, to its
In41 Business Board. FOR BABY'S TENDER SKI N
g>u r e cJp r i n f~ Ii e { d OJ!) ale r
~IL and :'III'S, Ralph D. :'t1acGuffin,
-and spare you last minute inconvenience. of Merion, attended thp dinner last
W .. dnesday given hy thr Philatelist
Lubrication INDOORS-where the service is better. Ex- Society for the Hon. Cart!'r Glass, BROUGHT 10 <OUR "OME By '''E
pert mechanics for your repairs and battery work. KEY- froJll Vil'g-inia. They also attpnd(>d .HIC~DElPHI~ SUBURB~N W~TER CO
STONE CLUB SERVICE. the Ohio Society dinnpl', in ()verhro"k,
ISaturday evening-.

Sunshine Garage
I Graduates of the Peirce School
Iona bel@w Montgomery-NARBERTH 22J5-Roy Kessinger which held its seventy-second annual
commencement exercises last night at
the Academy of Music include thest'
from Narberth: Virginia Lal'e Diel,-

WEST LAUREL HILL son, 147 Merion avenue; Betty May

Kennedy, 213 Lantwyn lane; Kath-
erine Patricia McCartan, 119 Merion
CEMETERY avenue, and Martha Bucks Stoudt, Lace
~v?id. confusion and stress in settling one of 213 Woodside.
Imported chantilly
bfe s . I~portant problems by deciding long be-
lace, a princess frock.
fore It I,S. needed, the c~oice of a family burial Office Hours by Appointment ..
- Of'. ')
" ./
Heart bodice, swathed
lot. VISit these beaUtiful rolling hills above at Residence Otnce \"['\''-
- - - /I waist Ii ne. Ivory or'
the Schuylkill River. Perpetual care assured by 417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
cream, $69.50.
Dr. Wm. G. Walton ~. '~'.

<)ptometrlst Bridal Room, ,.'

~elmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd Phone: Narberth 2464

.li /'
Second Floor
If no an.wer, Narberth 2870.J
.~".'''!-.''' .. ,1";, _I ~ .' ':';. • ~,•.'... ' \.' ..... rJOl ,''''~'' '.~'
" ."

OUR TOWN January 21, 1938

~ -- - --- - - - - -
' C e
C. W. and
The HO)lle Department WI
'II I II 't I
rs. argaret
Alb h
rec t.
fronl ---
frrl drrp, - rooms on tint
tloor. \ rooms and bath on second floor, ~underlanrl, 10'
M' hv \6 l

Tittle Out Women S ommUnlt Y ;\lrs.

C'onttnued from Pace One
Alan Y. Bri,.;t"l1. ?III'S. Knaupi reg-ular nwpting to s,'w for till' H,·d wife of Henry Albrecht. rlif'd Thul'~- cella,. ~iI'. elreiric IiRhts. Sprlnlltirld
and l\1r~. Drp\\" ha\·C' ('aeh bp(,ll with Cros~ at th(' honH' of ~II';--;. c.
\\"·1 dav, last 'A'cek, at hf'l" hOIlH', :\Iapl('- Halr·r. h('ating 5\'!'ltl"m. porch front
tIll' ,ixl\' 11l1ifflrnll'd "ffic,'r~ and ~il(l 1111' H,'alth C('l1t"r fill' ~ix ypar~. Bal.,,;, at 11 A. :\1., Thul',da,', .Iallu-I wo'od av('nul', Narhl'rth, afl!'r all ill- S"IJ'rrl flOr! li1krn in f'",,;t"cution 8!1 the
IJ • .11. NII,I"fI" .\"d SII 111/1'11.
:'III'" H. A . .Iacoh~, chairman of Cilli ary 27. Ilwss of two \,('al'';. ~h(' \\a, I;~, a"d !lflllll'IIV oj \'(,'illlflm T l~iJrrl5. \1ortgo~or .

.\'O,.,.,'" . . t"I1'11 .·tt \',11(/110'"1/ 1'111 1 1.(//". \ "llIlit""'I'- "f lilt· hl'allch lill,,·t "II
.Inrl \\',lllf'l RlI!\t'r nnd \\'dhrlminn Bo~{', hiS
-, "I·t,- "f IH'f1ldt· ulId('r all ;-'llrt:-- (If ("II" ~t'r\"atillll. ('ntt'rtaill(,cl h('r cn1l1tnittl·t ~ ' / II
. . . . "('lil /.-':(111'.11
r I
III S'/ If,"
; h a d I)(\(,J1 u " j t'll t Ill'rt' f ()!" 111111' \~lll·. H.-"l () ..... nt·r. hnd to bt' sold by
I{adnol", u-uall" tIll' d .. ah ).!I"a" of :, CUI11,tanc." and try ttl h,·II' th"III fill' lUllch,.lln at hpr hom" \V"dn,'sda, Socfal hi,tllry Ilf .-\I1H'l'ica alld I h, ;, y('urs. H e)' IlU~ I ,all' I , "1111' I Ily'" I I ,~, tl 1"
,vaning- :-:Ull~~'t. t)1I:, \l';lr Ita-- 111111111·1 ~Ilt' ,,,id that '"-flulld ~t1 1"'1' c,·"t "I' P II <, . f" I f 'I' I,D\l,'I'; II flU,LlS, Shrrifl
;\11'''. R. C. H('ath, chairmal1 of H",,- \\'''1'1.1 \I'i11 I", hr"ughl I" ,h,· I'll ... t I u I ic ,""f'\'fC" 0 .",\\., ,'r-"y ,,1',:'
as till' high Ilg'ht al"lIl.:" tli,' \\",tl'I"II 1l1(ll1l'\' ):1\'(·1\ J!lI(':--; din·ctl\ 1/1 till' 1'11111. i t'l h" . I 11<)1" n \lflnt·v $20000
. I'i'ality, will ha\'(' 11I'1' cllmmill"., ftll illg (If th .. grllup on l.ill·I':IlIlI"· alid: y"ars, Ull f IS r,.1I r"I1l"llt, I ' ali II Ill' ."
hnrivlll (If tl1<' ~ul,u .. ltall "11.1 1hat Ii" Iil"Ii.", c,>lI,'ckd III .11'1\,,, , f ) I ! C I I 'lhl'"1 t J)f' 'PI'I ..,ht·,lft .. (Hill ", ...... tlrrlstnwn, Pa
H:I,k,lll:dl IUllcll""1l I1l'Xt \V('dll,,~day. Int,'rnatltlllal R(,lalioll- flf th,· \\·",ll-'I·" ,IlHI an, Illra,' '." "',1, ' - [,tl1l1i1f\' 4. Iq~8
i, ,",'lit "lit of ,hi- ""Ullt 1','. Th"I'" ,- f,l,Jl ht "
L.'agu.', T" 1.,,\\','1" ~1"l"i"II, Ih,' \\':1\11' ',_,
:\11 " C' ..', Fal'll11'f' i~ chail'lllall "I' "11'_ ('"lllIIIUlllt\' ('1111, "f "al'h"l'lh,~('t"l'~ Il • )I'('C :- ,111'''''1'11''. /0 I 211
:1 lit I "" .-.·"t each Ea-t"r I'y Ill' I \\'01' I, - . , , I '
agg"I'l'gatill}l IflllllH'c! hl~';I:-: till' (llll' 1"1';11
, 1'- 11\1'111-,·1\"" alld that", all.
th,. HlIlth\.· ~hll\\' til h,· 11I'ld at th,· 1'II.·-da\, ;II thl' 11t,"", "I' Ih" ChaII'II':I"
~I'I'VIC'" all' IJlt"I'I11.'1I1 \\"'1':'

t F 1/\'1 \' " .I. ~I"l'- ~===========

dang,.r I",t\\ 1"'11 th,'111 all,] all,'lll' I ~el);W ,,1' till. \\ll1"k 111' 1111' ~:ll\'atlldl Ft·hrunry 1 lnt·(·tin,'! nf tht, cluh andin( ttH' gT11Up. :'.lr~ . . lll:-:t'ph (;t1t1I:II'~,:( ay a l'l'IHH1J), a a ' t·\ • • . , 1

l,.agtH' flag, " .. I th,·il" -UI"'I"'''' l,a-l,tI .-\1'1'1\' III JIIIII;I,,,"II>llla "lIt]III,'d I
1,\ h,'1' CIIllllllitl<'" i'i ~lr~. A. B. I1l1t>' I1aJllp,kll I'liad. PI'''I'rl IIIIICh""'1 "'[I]:
hall altdlt\, ..- \1'1, IIIU,.h III d",Ji,1 ~I:I lor lIal,'I\\ ,,,,,I 1-: 11"1, I f,,1' 1~c, .'I 1',. ,J. ,
J.·,'lt'halll, ~I 1'''. \\'. R. (;iI" I hI' ""1'\', ..1 alld "o-h,,-t,·-,",', \\ ill I"
" . '" SHERIFF'S SALE l·tr,·(:ti\·!·llt ......... 1:-- 111 1'11 cd' ;1-lll:d! 1
tl';)tI~it'llt llH'n; :-:t.ttlt'II1I'llt fell' chlld"l'll :\11':-:, r. \V. :\1('('art(>I'. Jr., :'\11':-:. ,ril :\J1':-:. . TII . . j.}lh :\li1l1'r alld :\ll'~ . .J. II : "\I~'~(~' (~~::I~J: ~~f"al..~':~~ l,ll'f ~~:·l:';':III:():lii~/I'ft.~·S i~~ Est. 1894
g\·lnna~iulll. a Ifl"" ('(,Ill/I:.!- :l111! ;\ tillt! (If part.lll...; ",htl \\'Ilrk at ~tll1th Thll'd lialll :'\lull(·r. and :\11'~. ,Yo H. Durhin, Spf'ck. : \t"nll-:0lJl"r\ (nunl\,. l'f'nnil, 10 Ill(' dnt·rtf-d, FERTILEPEAT-THE REAL
\\~(.:'t{.rtl t\\'(I-t\\t1-llfll' ZIl]W tit-fl'll,-- ,t 1'1'1'1, \\11t.I'" 1 iI,(HIlI childr"JI \\",1'<' Eight lllon' applicatillns for m('Ill- ~l, -. lIal'l', H.. I-'ill \\111 1',.\[,\\ "1'IJ, i ,·,tli I ... ,,,Id al I'ubl" 5alr on consists of Cattle Manure with Peat Moss
Thi, ''''I"fl'ct tl'lal\l..'I,' "f ,1""1 ""1,,1, car(,d f,,1' iJl 1~':1~; !,ri,"n \\'Ilfal"', l"'r,,hil' ill till' :'\al'l,,'rth rill), \\'i11 I" Hundred Y"ar~," hy Phillip (;II ..d:illa, \\'( I1"L"'II,\Y, I LHHL,\HY 2, I'J,H An unexcelled fertilizer for
Roses, Plants and Grass
tiflJl~ and dl'ff·n~l\·t· Jlflll(,~' ('I'I-ott,:...: all
1""11",,'1.- \\I'tll Illl' !,ri-"IIt·I'- alld h,·I!, \-"t"d upon hy thl' Bnnrd a, Ih" nH'l'l- and ~lr,. I.('wi, ('ral<'l' \\'ill 1"'\ 11'\\ 100 lb. bag................ . ... $1.60
' ~ .. I II 11111 () e]o(k. I' \1 L;l!-I,·rn Stilnrlard i
Special Price In Bulk
aIJlloq inII110\',ddl' ,,1,1t·,.1. .\- a 10'-1111 til thl.ii' faillillf''-:; anti·,-..:uJ('idf· !l\JI'l'illl; till! l\l'xt Ttlt'~day. at 10.:~n A . .\ 1., at ":\. Saga II f Anll'rJC:.l1l . CJl'Il'l:\-. )~ 11:1,", In {llurt H"OTlI '\ itl lhf" tourl! '
Radno .. \\'ill \\111 1Ii'"t, ,f II"t :,]1. "I' trall-..Wllt hun'aU; ~(l(.·lal ~1'r\·icI· th,' hllllH' ctf th(' prt':,id('llt. :\lr~. E. PIXl 111 \'"t'ctt'!'. Illuu!'ol" III Ihf' Hor(Ju~h 01 '\,0T1I .. 1o\o,l1, ~il1d'
tlwi I' honH' gam,". . H FI'ft\· (jlrht 11('\" IIll'lll I( ullllt'\'. ,hI' !oll(l\''-Ing d,'", rdwol H"al L .. Peat MOIS, one bale " $2.60
l'lIl1dllll' III !{I1,It"r"lIgh, \\111'1'(' :!::,~,IIIIII \\ . '·~·f1lanfl. ,-' .... 1100 lb., of Pulverized Cow Manure .. 2.75
On till' ..oad, hO\\I'\'I", Ihll'e, \\'dl i~ paid ill ,alaril''; "ach ,','ar :11':11'1 1",1''; ha\',' all'<'ady lll'('n taken in "Inc, \'{'ild Flower Gardens [.,10' i 100 Ibs. of Pulverized Sheep Manure, 2,75
shal'" Ul' ditT,·)'t·IIII". Ch,·lt"lIh:"" c \"'11' '-tal·t",1 I'll (l"tol"'I' \\'I'!ll)" 111(' 1(IJ11'" "f ,'lh('I'1 F. \\'. \'I'ck,1 ,,\11 11\A1' ,r.HT·\I" 101 0' [''''CO' of '00 Ibs, of Bone Meal........... 3,00
1'''''"1 1I1:IIIII:lIlJ1flg' 1:,11 II It· II 1'1111' I"yl" I tl l(' c lu Il,./ " /'~, I" I T I . , I "J> 'I \' II (' : I-:IOunl! '''Ith th,' buddln...:~ ano HllpT()v("rn('nl~
should and I'rol,al>l,' \\i]1 ,It-f''al 1h'lIi in tilt· huilding; ~tlllll)H'r ('lU11P; I)0.":- f,I IIII"<"I' 'I'IJ.'I' 0'".11 II f ('\'fl\\'\',1
• .' at tl(' "Ilfl a "\'
• ,ar-, Ilh"r"on ,·!f·r-tf·d. SllUlilfO In t f' h 'I' h
0 ....,:n1:l Ip
White Pine Shavings, per bale. ,60
\\'hl'n till' ~lain LII\l'r,i"ul"lI"~' ttl (lId 1'lt:1I III l.all,-d"\\'1I1' f"r ul1ll1:11'l'il,d TIll' !'l'gular lunch"on and hridg, d"fl Club nH'('ting :'tlonday at lfl.:W in ,<>1 l.ow.·, M,'''on. I"unl\ of "onl""nl"" , A good Poultry Litter
YOl"k ]{oad. Low ..... :\I"l"ion I,,,,k Ih"I~­ Illc)tlJ('l'~ ~llId 111('11' chlldrj·Tl. aliI! I\'\ of th(, Fl'}lflw:..;hip C(lnHl1itt('f' will he All SaiIl1~' Pari~h Hnus{'. j:::l~lnt~III~~~f' ,I:: ~)f.:~::.~\~tn;:~~dil~)(/i1~ff.~~:lrl:::: That Sweet Pine Odor
Collll'al"ali\'(·I,· "a~~' la,1 Fl'lda~' nll'hl II "t"',·, Il"ar the. h""pit:rl, wlll'''l' thl' Iwld today (Friday), at (JIll' o'clock, at I,.. "de It, \Iii Ion R Yelkr" ( r., Hr,n
. f'l '1 E IJ I' ~Ionn - - - - , '\tnwr. I'". Jul, \1,1"1", ' " 10110",. ,.. If you bUy quality
and \\'on ag'aill-I th,' Haltl'l", It" :1
,COl'(' (If 2:1 t(l 1~. Th,,, ).!allH', "I'
chtldl'l'll a 1'<. rai,,',!. alld Ih,' (,Ini-t t I1" I1011H' 0 -. l'~. ,'. _. a\'~, i , MUS I CI ----------.,-

I wit Horse-Dairy-Poultry Feeds

Laying Mash Guaranteed to make them
lila- alld Thallbl!i\'ing I<a,kl'!". a\','lIu,·. Four tahl,.,; \\'ill play. :\11'';, lay-l00 Ibs, $2,35
cour",', \\,a,; pla~·,'d In th,' ~Ial"""'; :\1;, i"r Jlaz.,I\\'"111 \\'a- IlItrllllu''I'd Jlllul n, Alld.'r,,"n, chairman of tIll'
HLLI........... I\;C In thf' rtIiddll' of :-:fhlll"'r Scratch Feed-l00 Ibs... ,., 2.00
JQ(.( in 20 L ('SJons \\'t'llU(' 14u fl.,.t ''''Idfot 144 q It'd South Pure 20"', Dairy Feed-l00 Ibs... , .. , 2,00
g-Yl1lna~iul1l, \\,11<'1'(' th,· 1"", had 1,\, :\11',_, 11,111''' F, Ilt'\"'r, ch:l\l'In;l1l of '·IIII1I11itt,·." ha' I't'"ipll'd frllm Ih ... cllm- MARGARET SQUIER O'i\,I"iI,dlv f,ool It, ,01",,,'<llon ""h 1100' Hay, Straw-Gral ns
pll'llty "f rO(J11l for Circulation alld Specla lize In Choice 40 Ib, Oats
th,' :-':1"':111"11 .-\1'111\ dn\'" III tilt' dl'- IlIitt,.,. Ilt'cau,;,' IIf i1ln(',;~ in h(,r fa Ill-
ntlrldlt' lin" of Hrookhurst :\v"nut', tht'IHf'
Studi0: 305 Grayling AvE'. ('xlt'ndmg alooK the' Illlddlt' of Schlll"f '\vt" I
JlJ<ollt~· (If h,.ight to arch 111l'lr ,h"I" trict~ ('j)\'l'rlllg· till' BCll'tlugh Ilf :'-:~lr, it\' and ~lr~. Carl L. \\"pll~l a~~llciat" Narberth 41~9-J______ nul' South flO d("KS 4' TlIIn!" Last, 24 h fl·(ot I We bUy Hay a'ld Straw
Thing~ \\'ill h(, ditTl'I'('nl \\'h"n Illl'~' g,
Ilt'rlh and pal·t IIf :\1"1'11111, which di,;, cl~,;il'fnan, j, nil\\' chairman. :\11'''. Y. :!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!;!!~!!!!!!!!~ flnd f'xI1'ndlng of thAt Width In It'n~th or
to l{adnllr on th(· (·ighlh of F,'l,ruar~,
• •
I ric! i;; ill ehal'g,' (If till' ~al'l)('rlh R, Woodcock ha,; 1'(·~ign('tI frllm th,
clull. Captains undl'r :\11'';. PIl\',,1' cOlllmittpl' bl'cau~,' (If illlll'~';. :\11'';,
LlUl. Ro__ Cran" CMm-
a rit°l'th Iwt ...... f't'n parallrl hnf"s on n cour5~
South 2 t) rlt"~5
Thr- :'\orfh ......
17 mlnS, \\-l'~d, HJlJ ff'f·t
f'st(·rlv Ilnf' thf'rt'of passing
Special Prices In large Quantities

All prices subject change wtlhout notice

Ch"l!<'nham II igh :-';chll,,1 Wa, t h" arl': :\11'" II. A. ,Iacllft:-, :Ill". William E. W, HpYlllann, club I'rl'~idl'nt, ha,; pion Bab,., of 2405 S. Awlb. alona.: Lht' <,,,,,nlrf' of thr- partillOn \\all (h
Wanted-Cob Corn,' Line Lexington
St., Milwaul •• , "'heond·n. \'H1lng thf"fo(' from tnt" pn'Tllisf'!'o 10 1h(' ,"ortn
OPIIlI~itilln la~t Tu",day !light, al'd Ihl .... ew Phlla, Phone, CH Estnut Hili 6464
:\Iuli<-r, \11'-. ,1. H. Sl'i'ck, :\11'" A. B apl'ointl'd two n('w cluh nH'lllh.'r~ It' \\ l'~t
E, L, SHUTE &. CO,
g-all1<', \\'hich \\',!, I'lay,'d al Elk"" Ilt,ly, :\11'<, !.,,\\·i, ('rat,'r, :\11'';. E. E fill 11)(' vacnncil'~, :'III'S, William B Office. Line Lexington, Pa,
1h(' Imnrovt'tllr-nls thl"n'on arr' il .A,SK THE MAN WE SELL
Park, \\'a, oIl(> IIf 111l' }",,,t 1111111' I"al'!l' Ibu,'r, alld :\11'';. \\'. R. Knaul'1'. Vog-t, anti :'III',. r. n, Swartz. slor .... plilsteH'o ann frame hOUSI·. lfl ff'{'t
~o far. Chdt<'nhalll ha~ 011" "f lh,
1I,,,/tI, (', /If, I' I.1'''1''-'''''' \_Ir~. Hl'\,'lllann, :'\arhl'rth cluh 11I'(',i· "THERE'S A - -----
thr"" \'('ally ,ll'lIng t"alll, In th.' ,Ill,
\·"IUIII,.,.1' \\'ork('r- at 111I' :'\al'l"'rtl~
tlpnt, i~ attl'ntling- th,' r ...cipl'(lcit, ,
T"nighl'" gallll' \\111 I.. al \-i1la
II, :J1th ("1111'1' \\,tll att,'nd Ill' I allnua I lunclll'lln ...."in'n til cluh 1'1',,~id,'nt" It, i
thl' Hatha\\'ay ~hnk('~l1l'al'l' Club at I
~IIITi .. ..:l(l\\Jl. that hfl)})l' ('1' ;It>1
111/'1" Ille alld dillll!'r "f th .. OllicI'1" Ellen if you had a sore throat,
IHI\a. thl' B('llpvu,·-Stl'atf(lrd thi, nlllll\.
],'1'" alld "1'''1'1'' \\\'It,'r-, ,-"11.1- 11: :llld llo:lI'd "f 1>II'I'c'''r- Ilf till' ('0111-
high ,ch,,] ha,k"II,:tll "\' " II" IIIUIIII" 1Il',llth alld Cinc .-\"ocial itlll,
Would ypu call In a
:'Ilain Lill" ttl '1IItdll" Hill A ,,,1'1-"
Thul'-t1:J\', .I;lllllar~· ~~, at th,' :lkl'IIIII
\\':11' Tr·iltllt,· lI"u,,'. Th!' "arlll'rll> We are authorized
and hi,; ha~k,·I",·r" ~I\ ~'II"-~ 1- 1'",
1lt-:J1lh ('I'nt"I', whil., ';UI'I"lrt"d "lItil'l'- H 0 r s e Doctor?
Ih,·v \\'ill 1,'al'l1 IlIallY Ihlll~- :'\""'1 "
g,lI;\I' 'if tl1<'~' k""I' th," ,,11,,' \' :' I,\, Ih,' \\'''1111'11', COIIIIllUllit\ ('Iu),
distributors of
l'n Clart'llt'I' (;rlt!"l'" :111.\ I; ._\ Il,~ t Ilf "aI'III,,\h alld Ih,· :\arJ"'rth Illlard KOPPERS COKE
of Jlt-alth, " Ulld"r th,· "up('rvi~i"ll "t To accomplish a really thorough of dry
-and (,(llllpall~·.
lilt' larg','r IIrganlzati"lI. TIll' v,.]un·
Th, .Iulli"r lIi,l'h ~\1I1 ,'.',,- ,I,. - II' t,.,'r- al'l'\ Chail'lllall, :\11'", C. .'\. Farm
• cleaning. it is necessary to ha\'e -

,'r, IIf Ih" :'\al'l[('!'th clu)" \\'hll ha, Narberth

"f illl"I1'" ",Cil,II1"lIt 1:1'; 1':,t., "Ia· 1) An expert knowledge of cleaning fabrics which
lli~ht \\"h"11 till' Li·"!I;llrl ... \\tlll ;\ liard ,~i\t II h.'r tillll' "III' da~' a w.'I'k thrllugh
i: is pnssible only after years "f study and
f(l~lg-ht \'jctur:, Il\t'!" I~;tt 1/';11:.1· .IUII tIlt' \'I'ar fill' th(' ,",'\','n y"ar- ~in['1
Coal Company ,ay, Mn. Hl'll'n T. Robf'rt" I ('X,

tl1I' ('''lIt,'\' wa,; found,'d; viCl'-chair Mother oj Grand Champion Baby I perienC{',
jIll' High. (If :\,1'ITi-tC'\\ II. Tl~l' ~('Ilrl Narberth 2430
clluld Illlt !la\',· h,'i'n ('1".-1'1" \\"ithllu! mall. :\11'''. \\'. R. Knau,'I', "f thl' duft: Rowena. I
:\11,. Ern,·,;, C. ])n'\\', :\11'" W. :'\. I 2) Complete equipmcnt and facilities such as only
CII111plicatiI11l:-:. Til" ]"l';d· ·''.llil. ~,1 t BROOKMEAD I
:\lil1" and tIll' fnllowing' club n1l'1I1- a modern, reliable deanq can afford,
2:1. lIoldllll" a ~II I" 1: "tI\:I1:I:1 GUERNSEY DAIRIES I'
going illtll 1111' filial ""art"I', th, Ilt'r,: :\11'". C. E, ~tal'r, :'IIr~, \\'illia\ll ?~,,,,.,. (Licensed Producers &. Distributor.
Oran).!,' alld Hlaek II'ad,· '"l1ll' .. hili,·, under Trademark) Adelizzi Brothers have been satisfying the most
Wayne, Penna. 'Phone Wayne 1121
hlund,'r" that all. \\",tI 1,1<' \'j,itor, I"
til' thl' 'e"r,' at ~\: ':I! :-:',,11:11 '",
1<\' \\'alkr \\', I:'". , .-1""'1 ''1'1[,''1' f"1
';O'ON'T 'BLAME discriminating families of the Main Line for
years. Knowledge
workmanship plus the best of {'quiplllent
plus care plus cnnscientious

LOo\\I'!' :'\ll'j"~l~l. \',:I~ lilt, l"'al t',l:I-"

\"i('t()l'~·. \\';111 1 t I]:' lJl{·J ill ;1

ning' llllillt fro' 11 1, t ~·t' lhrC\\' I, ;YOUR FURNACE I' They count.

n fl'''' :--('(.'(11\1\...; 1" 1'l ~ I f II' till;\l

It wa~ it ~eH,d L'O\:' III t'\I"'I:
FOR COLD ROOMS AND DRAFTS lIMY WORK IS For satis/actioll-call Oil I/S

g"od t.'a[II~. Ih\;, 1\.': J";,

IF you want 11
vill" fllrlli~h 1"1' ,!""
L,'nl'artl, Ihi~ \\""i .. I' :11,1

minj..,>1o)\ ,IUlli,,1' Il ~I;:-: ,,,,I

'.' Greater CUT DOWN Adelizzi Brothers
ahly t Iw ,trnng' "t I "', "II I"
~ch"duJto alltl \\i11 PI' I 1>\\' \\ I , ~'inter and Summer
T(I\I\IY ~IAn~l.I~ "Koppers Colee has been a 102 Forest AHnue - Narberth 2602
Fuel Savings revelation to me. I have used 228 Bala Avenue Cynwyd 928
Up to 40')70 , it for four years because it
Cold Corners Made gives me a warmer home than
Advertiselnents Comfortable I have ever had before, al-
-will be charged only to reslde:Jt.
whose names appear In the tele-
INSULATE though my house is on a corner.
phone directory or to .ubBcrlher. the roof of your "I also use less fuel, E\edr\C Rang \
to OUR TOWN or the NEWS OF
yOU, N\OfY, On e o\s\
BALA-CYNWYD. present home with
and my worle is cut down d to get U jim, b etter m
15c a line
, considerably." B£: Ras o Ive cook for yo I
for Both N€'wspap€'n
Count five wordll to line MRS. OSMUND R. FRETZ
-will be accepted up to Wednee· 101 Towamencln Avenue
day, 6 o'clock, for Frlday'e IMuell.
Lansdale, Pa.

Phone: NARBERTH 4100 • One of the 9reatest

advantages of Koppers
Help Wstlted Coke is its convenience.
HO!·SI·;KEEI'EH. milltllt'-"gt'd, (01' g"11-
t1('nwlI and
:-:011. Small IIOU!-'f! ill .:'\:11·
ht.·rth. "'rite ··il." Box ·147. ='arllt·rth. (~:,I- It is clean. 1i9ht, and easy
lIul"~'i1·;\\,(lHI';:. g'·11.·""l. ~ .\. ;\1. to ~ 1',
:\1, ~TllaJl h(lU~t·. ~ Clllull!-'. $~l, I'hone rn wi nter In the In winter the to handle. It is long-bank-
l"H rob. ~:!HX, I ~;J) unlnsulated insulated house in9 and lon9-burning. And
home there Is is warm and
At Your Ser'l'ice 65("1,. to 75 fl1c pre· it leaves very few ashes.
lIEATEHS ""n',l for It)' "Xl'. Iialldy man, ventable heat cosy -- easy to
I'le,,"" ""II :'\arberlh 411111 or ~~07-\Y, tf loss, heat, You'll make fewer trips
HELIABLE CAHI'E;-;'TEH, altel'lltions &
johbing, ~torm willduw~. Gottlieb to the cellar when your
In addition to saving fuel,
Esslinger, I~~ COllway a \'e. :>arb. 3748·R,
(to F-an·B MinNal Wool eliminates bin is full of Koppers.
FIne Watch, Clock and Jewelry repair- And you'll save money
Ing-II. F. Stelzer, formerlY of Higgs & drafts, makes th€' whol€' hous€' \
Uro. 17 )'rs.' expo All work j;'uar. 232
BaJa A ve.-Cyn, 3250. 12-17
usable, keeps out summ€'r h€'at, too. Koppers 9ives you "\
increaSt's your prop€'ny ,'alu€'.
IJRAPERIES, Slip Covers, Vensflan more heat per fuel dol-
bllnda. Awnlnp, Furniture, Upholster-,
ID&'. Beddln&,e, Ru&,s cleaned, repaired
and lItored, Challenger. 281 Mont&,omery
avenue. CYnwyd, Phone, CYnwyd 85 '
LET shows what F·an.B In-
lar. Phone the nearest
Koppers dealer today.
and don't gO'r,1flt -
Elel:lril: [Daking is IHEAPERI
Formerly wIth John Wanamaker, (tf) , sulation can mean to your
UPHOLSTERlNG and rep. Springs of i home, Wrlte_ or phoPle for a
3-plece suites repaired, $10; Chair re- [
c{)vered, $6. Go. nywhere, Call LewIs,; copy, Installation III low In cost
227 E, Lancaster ave, "'ayne 1496. I -can be arranged on bUdget
paymente, Smart youngsJers are Jim and Mary. They make New Year's resolu-
Room. for Rent tions that will bring them years of contentment They'll enjoy deli.
Attractive furn. rooms, Con v, to transp., :
114 No, Narberth ave, Nub. 2618, (61) • cious food cooked the easy, fast, perfect way-electrically,
Garage. for Rent FLEMING Be BATES And don't for£et, new low electric rates mean it costs less than ever
LARGE GARAGE for rent, 508 Home·
wood ave. $4, Phone Narb. 2357-R. (26)
COAL COMPANY RAINEY.WOOD to operate an· electric range. Ask for full particulars on our rental
Distributors of tltt famous 'bl", coal' plan, offered for limited time only, to our residential customers.
For Sale 2528-32 Sediley Avenue MAIN OFFICE
Excellent condition, Price reasonable,
Narb, 2324, t16)
Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone your local exchange
61500 (no toll charge) or any PHILADELPHIA ELEETRIE [OmPAnV
T'V1N Brass Bed with mattress and FREmont 0781 authorized dealer
spring, AIBO round dining room table, I
Reasonable, Phone Narb, 2686- W, (16) I
"." . I ~" ',::
;" ... , ~; '_ t
;. 1~';';,".-:~' ?ti':fof ';.,;..'.' ~·r.i'i'·d="':l'·

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