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Spirent TestCenter

BGP Testing
Topic Overview
„ BGP Routing Features
„ Configuring Routers
„ Route Generator
„ Editing Routes
„ Router Options
„ Sending Traffic to the Advertised Routes
„ Logging Protocol Events
„ Starting the Routers
„ Router Results
„ Starting Traffic and Viewing Results
„ Command Sequencer
„ Charting Incremental Results
„ Import Real Internet Routing Tables
„ Enhanced AFI/SAFI Support
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Routing Features
„ BGP4, BGP4+ and MP-BGP for IPv4, IPv6, dual-stack, and MPLS/VPLS
„ Single or Multihop Internal or External BGP
„ Support for Route Reflectors and Confederations
„ Support for MD-5 authentication
„ Support for BFD and Graceful Restart
„ Emulate up to 5,000 routers and over 10 billion routes per port group
„ Support for Route Attribute types 1-10 and 14-16
„ Custom MP-BGP Capabilities (AFI/SAFI) support any combination of well-known or
user-defined values
„ Support up to 128 standard communities or all well-known communities
„ Sending Route Refresh messages & packing BGP routes
„ Importing real Internet routing tables with millions of routes & associated attributes
„ Detailed result statistics show the state of all sessions
„ Control of all protocol timers
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Technology Selector
„ The Technology Selector is used to filter protocols seen in the Spirent
TestCenter Application.
„ The tool automatically opens each time the Application is launched.
„ Users can add unselected protocols to a test at any time by clicking the
Technology Selector button from the main toolbar.

Spirent TestCenter OSPF Testing
Adding Routers
„ Spirent TestCenter offers you different options to add routers:
‹ From either the All Ports or Individual Ports grids
‹ Manually or using the Create Routers Wizard
‹ or use a combination of any of the above

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Select Ports
„ During a single Router Wizard session you can add one or more Routers
to one or more Ports.
„ However, all of the Routers added have similar attributes.
„ For example, they may all have the same encapsulation and support the
same protocols.
„ Multiple Router Wizard sessions can be used to add different Routers
with different attributes.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Select Protocols
„ Select the routing protocol(s) to run on these routers.
„ Select whether to launch Route Wizard when finished (optional).

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Encapsulation

„ Choose the Upper layer protocol (IPv4 only, IPV6 only, or both)
„ You can also add one or more (i.e., a stack) of 802.1Q tags by
checking the “Number of VLAN Headers” option.
‹ When this is selected, the Configure VLANs step will appear.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Configure VLANs
„ The following slide describes some stuff about this.

Ethernet 802.1Q Service Provider Tag
Frame 802.1Q Customer Tag
Frame (S-Tag) (C-Tag)
A A E Priority I ID Type

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Configure VLANs continued
„ The example on the previous slide had 2 VLAN headers configured (i.e.,
„ VLAN #1 is always the first (top) tag
‹ It is the only tag if only 1 VLAN header is configured
‹ If only 1 tag is configured, its TPID must be 0x8100 per IEEE 802.1Q
‹ Spirent TestCenter only counts it as a VLAN frame when its TPID is 0x8100
„ The TPID identifies the frame as 802.1Q.
„ The S-Tag TPID is vendor proprietary.
‹ Some vendors use a unique TPID for the S-Tag to identify the frame as
‹ Some common S-Tag TPID values: 0x9100, 0x9200, 0x88a8
„ The C-Tag TPID is always 0x8100.
„ For the S-Tag, the Canonical Format Identifier (CFI) has been redefined
to be used for Discard Eligible (DE), similar to Frame Relay DE.
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Configure Routers
„ Set the number of Routers, Router ID, Router MAC and IP
Addresses, Gateway, and Priority (don’t forget the Steps).

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Configuring BGP

„ Configure the BGP Session attributes

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Wizard – Preview

„ A last chance to view the parameters before selecting Finish.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Route Generator
„ Is a quick and easy way to associate routes that will be advertised.
„ This will be covered in more detail later.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Interface
„ Routing Emulation with Spirent TestCenter is router centric which is more like
you would set up a real router.
„ Go to All Routers > Router Interface tab or to an individual Port’s Routers tab.
„ The Router Interface tab is the common parameters for all protocols, such as IP
address, MAC address, default gateway and so on.

NOTE: You do not have to resolve the Gateway Address (ARP)

manually. Rather, it will resolve automatically when the Router
is started.
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Router Encapsulation
„ VLANs, Q-in-Q and other types of encapsulations like GRE tunneling are
configured on the Router Interface.
„ All protocols running on that router inherit the encapsulation.
‹ No need to configure the VLAN on each protocol
„ IPv6 is enabled when you set the encapsulation on the Router Interface.
„ All IPv6 related parameters are shown if IPv6 routers are configured (same with

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Router Parameters

„ Used to configure session parameters of your BGP tests.

„ Well observe the “Router State” change when we start the
router soon.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Route Generator
„ Is a quick and easy way to associate routes that will be
„ Is launched using the Router Generator button from the BGP

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Route Generator – Select Routers

„ Select the Port’s Routers that you want the routes added to.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Route Generator – Configure Routes

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Configure Routes continued
„ Some things to think about:
‹ How many routes do you want added during this Route Wizard
session and what is the start prefix and mask?
‹ How do you want the routes distributed to each router?
• An even number per port
• An even number per router (even if the number of routers per port is not
• Based on the Port’s speed relative to each other (i.e., you want more
routes on higher speed ports regardless of the number of routers per
‹ Do you want to duplicate routes on other routers, and if so, what is
the Path Suffix for the duplicate routes?
‹ How do you want the prefixes to be distributed?

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Viewing Routes Created and Edit Routes

„ Go to All Routers > BGP tab.

„ Select the router(s) you created the routes on.
„ Select Edit Routes… to view the routes.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Route Attributes
„ What are the Attributes of the advertised routes?
„ The “Route Category” can be one of the following:
‹ Undefined, Primary, Secondary, Unique.
‹ If you use the Route Generator and set the % to duplicate to be > 0, then it will
automatically tag the routes with either Primary or Secondary (Otherwise, it tags them
as Unique by default).
‹ Any route tagged as Secondary will NOT show up in the Traffic Wizard whether it is
an actual duplicate or not (see the following slides).

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Global Options
„ Use the Edit BGP Global Options form to set global route
advertisement parameters that apply all BGP sessions.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Sending Traffic to the Advertised Routes
„ You need a potential source and destination for the traffic.
„ These can be (among other things), a Host (see next slide)
or a Route (i.e., the same route(s) that you advertised).
„ Then you can use the Traffic Wizard to create a “Bound”
Stream Block.
‹ Bound Stream Blocks are used when you want to create automatic
traffic patterns.
‹ Bound Stream Blocks are “bound” between hosts, routers, and/or
route blocks.
‹ They inherit their attributes (source/destination addresses) from their
associated entity.
‹ This could include IP addresses automatically assigned by PPP or
DCHP, and/or destination MAC addresses resolved by ARP/ND.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Creating Hosts
„ To create a Host you first must have at least one Port.
‹ Reserved or Offline
„ Hosts can be created in one of three ways:
1. Individually from the Host Interface grid under a single Port
2. One or more Hosts, across one or more ports, can be added simultaneously
using the Host Wizard
3. Copied (Duplicated) from existing Hosts


Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Traffic Wizard

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Logging BGP Protocol Events

„ This should be set before you start the routers to see all of
the events.
„ Notice that the Log tab is selected.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Starting the Routers

„ Right click or use Start Router button(s)

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Routers Running
„ Notice the “Router State”
„ Notice the Stop Routers button is now active

Router States defined by the BGP state machine:

Not Started - The emulated router has not been started.
Idle - The emulated router has initiated a TCP connection with its peer.
Connect - The emulated routing is waiting for a TCP session to be established with its peer.
Active - The emulated router trying to initialize a TCP session with its peer.
Open_Sent - An open message was sent but not received.
Open_Confirm - The open message was received from the remote peer.
Established - A keepalive message has been sent and received to/from the remote peer. 30
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP-specific Commands

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Selecting BGP Router Protocol
„ In the Results Browser, change the Results View to Router
Protocols > BGP Results.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP Results

„ The BGP state machine statistics and more.

„ Notice the Stop Routers and Stop BGP buttons in the
Results window.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Viewing Received Routes

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Viewing Received Routes continued

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Starting Traffic and Viewing Results

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Command Sequencer
„ Allows customized testing.
„ Automatically created (but hidden) when Test Wizard used.
„ Create “Batch-mode” testing.
„ Build a complex series of events to truly stress a DUT.
‹ Run continuously or a timed test.

„ Add , remove or modify test steps.

„ Allows the introduction of “real world” events into a test
‹ Emulate link failures, route flapping, router failures, etc.
‹ Whole or partial failures supported.

„ Insert External Events – “White Box Testing”

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Command Sequencer

„ Use the command sequencer for customized testing.

Choose all or specific command groups

Add, then re-order the commands 3

Read the description

before selecting

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
BGP-specific Commands

„ BGP-specific commands group.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Starting the Test Sequence

„ Step through commands.

„ Run all at once.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Event Results using a Chart
„ The example below show a Chart that was created to track incremental
‹ In the Results Browser, right-click on an item to rack and “Add to Chart.”
„ Events are annotated with the assigned name and any comments
„ Width of the flap indication line depicts the amount of time that it took to
implement that event

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Import Real Internet Routing Tables
BGP Route Table Import imports millions of routes from real routing tables

Import a production Internet routing

table from a saved text file

Specify optional
configuration settings to
customize the BGP
table to the test

Specify the number of

routes and route blocks
to configure; this can
create very large tables
containing several BGP
peers with various BGP

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Enhanced AFI/SAFI Support
„ Spirent TestCenter now fully supports Multi-Protocol BGP (MP-BGP)
„ You can configure custom MP-BGP Capability support for RFC2858
AFI/SAFI values used for functional or negative testing.
„ Prior to release 2.30, Spirent TestCenter automatically configured the
AFI/SAFI and provided an option for users to add one extra pair of
AFI/SAFI values to be advertised in the BGP OPEN message.
„ However, AFI/SAFI capabilities were not advertised in the
MP_REACH_NLRI after the sessions were established.
„ You now have the ability to add or change (Multiple AFI/SAFI) values or
specify their own user-defined values. Up to 16 AFI/SAFI pairs per peer.
„ You define an address family type for each route block on the BGP
Route tab.
„ These will be advertised in the BGP UPDATE messages after the
sessions have been established.
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Custom AFI/SAFI – BGP Tab
„ Select commonly used AFI/SAFI values or enter your own
“User Defined” values.

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
Custom AFI/SAFI – Edit Routes
„ On the previous slide your selection was per Router AFI/Sub_AFI on the BGP tab
„ Edit Routes button gives you a “Sub_AFI” selection per Route block / Route Type

Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing
End of Topic
Spirent TestCenter BGP Testing

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