Food Crops and Shelter

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According to Kwakwani, (2023), since the prevailing standard of living in itself may not reflect an
acceptable standard, the use of relative poverty lines is often not suitable for developing economies.
The researcher also observed that to improve living condition the village farmer, government ad other
agencies, like non-governmental organizations should help the farmer with capital to invest in their
farming activities in order to better living condition. Extension agent can also assist them in education.
They do farm but accommodation is also another problem. Social security of the farmers can also help
them in their old ages.


Economic dependent on foreign country is a major problem in Africa (Ghana). Government must take
proactive steps to help the family farmer cultivate on a large scale, so that they can get food all year
round, not to depend on government for support from other countries. Fertilizers, improved seeds,
irrigation systems pesticides and herbicides must all be provided to improve crop cultivation to better
the lives of the farmer. In 2010, 7 out of 10 jobs were estimated to be vulnerable while only 1 out of 5
jobs could be considered as productive jobs to meet the standard of decent work (Baah-Boateng and
Ewusi, 2003). This means, if farming activities are moving on the right direction, youth will not prefer
white color jobs, they will all turn their attention to agriculture to help themselves and to boost the
national economy.

Money lenders could support the farmers. The family farm supports the competitiveness and
sustainability of the community and farm economies, protect and enhance natural resources and
environment ad provide a nursery for the development of new enterprises and marketing.

1. Increasing the standard of living the family farmer.

- To grow food crops and shelter
- Less dependent on other foreign country
- Provides income to the farmer
- Provides revenue to the government.


It refers to the amount and quality of material goods and services available to a given population.
According to, (Austin, Baten and Moradi, 2007), improvement was largely unequal with indigenous
people having poorer conditions. So, the researcher has identified the poor living condition the farmer in
the community due to lack of education on the side of the extension agent to help the adopt effective
methods of farming to better their lives. The following measures having been identified to increase the
standard of living of the farmers in the community.


income motivates farmers to be proactive in their farming activities. The researcher has observed that
the farmers inability to get money from central government to cultivate their crops render them poor.
According to Mardikanta, (2009) motivation factor is necessary for change in the context of the use of
technology. However, the use locally made farming tools does not speed up their work. It will be
prudent for the ministry of food. Agricultural to support the farmer through the extension agent to
provide them tractors and other implements to increase their yield.


Agricultural contribute about 60% to Ghana’s gross domestic product (gpd). This means government of
Ghana must take a critical look at agriculture to boost the economy. Youth must be supported to go into
farming. With the supervisory role of the agents to provide in functional groups in order to gain access
to production resources such as credit, inputs and marketing, Christoplos.(2008)


From the above submission and records from the various eminent authorities, it must be admitted that
extension agents play critical role in the development of agricultural. Their work includes: Interaction
with the farmers through communication on the bases of accurate report, help farmer form their own
organizations in order to be able to tackle their problems, set in motion a process of change after
realizing that certain changes are necessary for the rural society, serve as a links between government
and farmers.

For effective agricultural to take place, government need to support farmers in the country, through the
use of right chemicals for the right crops and provision of irrigation system for all year-round farming.
This will improve the living condition of the farmer and encourage the youth to go into agriculture.

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