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Teacher​:​ Layanna 
Date:​ 26/11/2020 


Say the following numbers in English: 

88  24  45  2nd 

23rd   193  76th  234 

55th  33th  89th  545 

1. What is your favorite time of the day? Why?  
2. What is your favorite day of the week? Why?  
3. What time of the day do you hate the most? Why?  
4. What day of the week do you hate the most? Why?   
5. Which month of the year do you like most? Why?   
6. How many days are there in a year?   
7. What time do you usually get up? Why?   
8. What time do you usually go to bed? Why?   
9. How many seconds are there in a minute?   
10. How many minutes are there in an hour?   
11. When is your birthday?   
12. What day is it today? What is the date today?   
13. “Time flies when you are having fun.” What does this mean?  
14. What time do you usually eat dinner? Why?  
15. What time is it now?  




The day President Kennedy was killed


On November 22, 1963, the weather was beautiful in Dallas, Texas. It was so hot that the US
president, John F. Kennedy, could use an open-top limousine.

A ​convoy of cars with a presidential limousine drove through the city streets. Thousands of waving
people came to see the president. At one moment, shots were fired. One hit the president in the
neck and another in the head. The president was seriously injured and was immediately taken to
hospital where he died.

Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested 40 minutes after the ​assassination​. He worked in a building from
where the shooting took place. He supported the Cuban leader Castro and lived for a long time in
the Soviet Union. He didn’t ​confess​ to the shooting even during the long ​interrogation​.

Two days after the assassination, Oswald was taken from the police building to prison. A crowd of
journalists was waiting for his arrival. There was a man hiding among them. His name was Jack
Ruby. At one moment, Ruby took his revolver and shot Oswald in the stomach at close ​range​.
Oswald was taken to hospital where he died from his injury.

Difficult words: ​convoy ​(a group of vehicles travelling together), ​assassination (the act of killing an
important person), ​confess (to say to the police that you did something), ​interrogation (a long
interview at the police station), ​range​ (a distance).

1. What was the day Jonh F. Kennedy was murdered?

2. What type of limousine the president was using?

3. What’s a convoy?

4. What’s the name of the man who was arrested somes minutes after the president’s

5. Where did this man live for a long time?

6. What happened to Oswald?




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Today we're going to learn about the famous artist, Vincent van Gogh. 

Born  in  ______,  Vincent  van  Gogh  was  a  ______  century  Dutch  painter.  Dutch  is  the word 
for people from the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a small country in Western Europe. 

When  he  was  a  young  man,  van Gogh traveled to France, England, and Belgium,but near 

the  end  of  his  life  he  moved  to  France.  Although  van  Gogh  began to draw when he was 
a  child,  he  did  not  start  painting  until  he  was  in  his  late  twenties  and  many  of  his  best 
paintings  were  only  done  in  the  last  two  years  of  his  life,  before  his  death  at  the age of 

His  work  is  very  famous  now,  but  while  he  was  alive  most  people  didn't  want  his 
paintings.  Vincent  van Gogh made over _______ paintings while he was alive, but we only 
know  about  one  that  someone  wanted  to  buy.  His  first  really  good  paintings  were  dark 
and serious. At the time, people were looking for brighter, more colorful art. 

When he moved to ________, van Gogh saw new kinds of art, with new, brighter colors.He 
liked  what  he  saw  so  much  that  he  started  to  paint  with  brighter  colors  himself  right 

Later,  he  moved  to  the  south  of  France,  where  the  sunlight  was  very  strong  and  bright. 
The  beauty  and  color  of  the  place  he  lived  inspired  him  to  paint  it,  and  his  artwork  got 
even  brighter  and  more  colorful  -  full  of  new  intensity,  and  also  full  of  emotion.People 
started to become interested in his new, bright paintings. 

If  he  had  lived  longer,  van  Gogh  might  have  sold  many  pieces  of  art,  and  could  have 
become a very famous painter, but unfortunately he died in _______. 

Vincent  van  Gogh's  distinctive  style  makes  it  easy  to  recognize  his  paintings.  His  art 
was something new, a new way to see the world, and a new way to paint. Because of his 
paintings,  a  new  form  of  art,  called  Expressionism,  was  invented,  and  his  work  still 
influences artists today. 

He  did  not  live  to  see  it,  but today Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous painters 

in  history.  The  paintings  that  no  one  wanted  to  buy  are  now  worth  millions  of  dollars; 
some of the most expensive paintings in the world, and some of the most famous. 

I  hope  you  enjoyed learning about the famous artist, Vincent van Gogh and seeing some 

of his beautiful artwork. Goodbye! 




"Write two short paragraphs to answer the following questions: (1) What is your favorite 
day of the week? Why? What do you usually do on that day? (2) What is your favorite 
time of the day? Why? What do you usually do at that time?" 




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