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Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

DOI 10.1007/s11033-014-3304-5

Population structure and genetic diversity analysis of Indian

and exotic rice (Oryza sativa L.) accessions using SSR markers
B. Kalyana Babu • Vimla Meena • Vasudha Agarwal •

P. K. Agrawal

Received: 29 July 2013 / Accepted: 14 February 2014 / Published online: 2 March 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract In order to understand the population structure definitive separation of clustering of genotypes indicating a
and genetic diversity among a set of 82 rice genotypes higher level of efficiency of SSR markers for the accurate
collected from different parts of the Asian countries determination of relationships between accessions.
including India were characterized using 39 microsatellite
loci. The Population structure analysis suggested that the Keywords Rice  Population structure  SSR  Gene
optimum number of subpopulations was four (K = 4) diversity  Polymorphism information content (PIC)
among the rice genotypes, whereas phylogenetic analysis
grouped them into three populations. The results obtained
from phylogenetic and STRUCTURE analysis proved to be Introduction
very powerful for the differentiation of rice genotypes
based on their place of origin. The genetic diversity ana- Rice, one of the most widely cultivated crops, provides food
lysis using 39 SSR loci yielded 183 scorable alleles, out of for one-half of the world population and is the second most
which 182 alleles were observed to be polymorphic with an widely consumed cereal in the world, next to wheat. Rice
average of 4.8 alleles per locus. The Polymorphism breeders are increasingly challenged to meet the rapidly
Information Content (PIC) values for all the polymorphic growing food demands for an increasing human population.
primers across 82 rice genotypes varied from 0.02 to 0.77, India occupies second place in the rice production, next to
with an average of 0.50. Gene diversity (He) was found to China. In India, rice is cultivated for an area of 44 million
be in the range of 0.02 (RM484) to 0.80 (OSR13) with an hectare area and contributes 140 million tonnes of grain
average value of 0.55, while heterozygosity (Ho) was production, with a productivity of 3,124 kg/ha. The NW
observed with an average of 0.07, ranging from 0.01 Himalayan region of India have 0.63 million ha area under
(RM334) to 0.31 (RM316). The present study resulted in rice cultivation producing about 1.26 million tonnes with a
identification of seven highly polymorphic SSR loci viz., productivity of 1,921 kg/ha [1]. Over two billion people in
OSR13, RM152, RM144, RM536, RM489, RM259 and Asia alone derive 80 % of their calorie needs from rice [2].
RM271 based on the parameters like PIC value (C0.70), Rice protein, though small in amount, is of high nutritional
gene diversity (C0.71), and polymorphic alleles (C6). value [3]. Basmati rice makes a metallothionein-like protein,
These seven polymorphic primers can effectively be used rich in cystine that aids in iron absorption. Colored rice
in further molecular breeding programs and QTL mapping (black and red) is rich in minerals (iron and zinc), polyphe-
studies of rice since they exhibited very high polymor- nols and have anti-oxidant properties [4].
phism over other loci. SSR analysis resulted in a more There is a requirement for increasing the production and
productivity of rice in order to meet the demand of ever-
increasing world population. One of the key factors for the
B. K. Babu  V. Meena  V. Agarwal  P. K. Agrawal (&) crop improvement efforts depend upon the amount and the
Division of Crop Improvement, Vivekananda Institute of Hill
use of genetic variability in breeding programs. Charac-
Agriculture VPKAS, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR), Almora 263601, Uttarakhand, India terization and quantification of genetic diversity among
e-mail: various germplasm is thus a major goal for effective

4330 Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

genetic enhancement for crop productivity. Genetic diver- variation of NW Himalayan genotypes with the other Indian
sity based on the morphological characters possess several and exotic rice genotypes from different parts of the world,
limitations as they are influenced by environmental factors, and to better understand the association between genetic
are limited in number and do not have the resolution power diversity and geographic factors.
for the differentiation between closely related genotypes
[5]. Advances in plant genetics and molecular biology have
lead to the development of molecular markers. DNA Materials and methods
markers have been used to evaluate genetic diversity in
different crop species [5]. Various molecular markers are Plant materials and DNA extraction
being used for fingerprinting and diversity analysis among
crop plants such as Restriction Fragment Length Poly- Seeds of 82 rice genotypes including of 27 varieties devel-
morphism (RFLP) [6], Random Amplified Polymorphic oped by Vivekananda Institute of Hill Agriculture, Almora
DNA (RAPD) [7], microsatellites or Simple Sequence (Uttarakhand), for the NW Himalayan region of India; 23
Repeats (SSRs) [8] and Amplified Fragment Length genotypes from Northern and Southern parts of India, and 32
Polymorphism (AFLP) [9]. Some of these techniques are exotic rice accessions including two lines from IRRI, Phil-
robust and reliable, e.g., RFLP and AFLP, while some are ippines were taken for the present study. The details of the
quick, e.g., RAPD and some others are both quick and rice genotypes along with their origin, and ecosystem are
reliable, e.g., SSRs. AFLP and RFLP are highly time given in Table 1. The genomic DNA was isolated from the
consuming and costly and therefore, their use is restricted. fresh young leaves following Agrawal and Katiyar [20].
PCR based techniques, i.e., SSRs and RAPD are fast and Thirty nine SSR markers were used to detect polymorphism
cost effective, hence are widely used. among the 82 rice genotypes spread evenly over all the
Microsatellites are short tandem repeat motifs and offer chromosomes. The polymerase chain reactions and gel
many advantages such as high level of polymorphism [10], documentation were carried out using standard procedures,
high accuracy and repeatability throughout the genome [11], and the amplified products were resolved on 3.5 % agarose
automated analysis [12], rapidity, technical simplicity, low gel [Super Fine Resolution (SFR) Agarose; Amresco, USA]
cost, and requirement of only a small quantity of DNA (few and scoring was carried out manually.
nanograms). Thus, they are useful as genetic markers in many
plant species including Arabidopsis, rice, wheat, soybean and Data analysis
sweet potato [13–15]. SSR markers are also widely used in
assessing genetic diversity in rice at both inter and intra-spe- The SSR scores were used to create a data matrix to analyze
cific level [8, 16]. Structure [17] is the most extensively used genetic relationships using the NTSYS-pc program version
software applied to detect the population genetic structure. It 2.11a [21]. The dendrogram was constructed based on Jac-
generates clusters based on both transient Hardy–Weinberg card’s similarity coefficient [22] using the marker data for all
disequilibrium and linkage disequilibrium caused by admix- the rice genotypes following unweighted pair group method
ture between populations. It works by clustering individuals in analysis (UPGMA) [23]. The Polymorphism Information
groups, where linkage and Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium Content (PIC) was determined as described by Tang et al. [24],
are both minimized, and therefore, the presence of linkage by using the formula PIC = 1–Rfi2, where fi is the frequency
disequilibrium in the data improves clustering results [18]. of the ith allele. For genotypes showing heterozygosity at a
Herrera et al. [19] used 48 SSR markers to assess genetic specific SSR locus, the PIC values were calculated after
diversity among 11 Venezuelan rice cultivars. They observed considering each allele as contributing one-half instead of one,
that the varieties were closely related and molecular identifi- as suggested by Narvel et al. [25]. The heterozygosity, gene
cation of seven of the cultivars could be done with nine primer diversity, allele frequency and inbreeding coefficients were
pairs producing 10 genotype specific alleles. Although, the calculated using Power Marker V3.0 software [26].
genetic diversity was observed to be low, SSRs proved to be an
efficient tool in assessing the genetic variability of rice Population structure analysis
genotypes. However, no efforts have been made for the
assessment of genetic diversity of rice from North-West The structure of the population was studied with the
Himalayan region of India and their comparison with other structure version 2.3.4 software [27]. Clustering methods
rice cultivars from other parts of India and exotic genotypes. with distinctive allele frequencies were used to identify the
The present study was undertaken with the objectives to assess optimum number of population (K) subgroups. Each indi-
the population structural variation among the selected 82 rice vidual can be a member of multiple subpopulations with a
genotypes, and the level of genetic diversity among them different coefficient, with the sum of all being equal to one
using SSR markers to compare and analysis of genetic [28]. The number of subgroups (K) in the population was

Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339 4331

Table 1 Details of the 82 rice S. no. Genotype Origin (location) Ecosystem

genotypes used in the study
1. Kba-Sawrit B2 Exotic NA
2. Local Ahu Exotic NA
3. Milyang-15 Exotic Irrigated
4. Milyang-93 Exotic Irrigated
5. Mipun Exotic NA
6. Nanglwai Exotic NA
7. Naveen India Upland
8. Neela India Upland
9. Pusa Basmati 1 India Irrigated
10. Pusa Sugandha 2 India Irrigated
11. Pusa Sugandha 3 India Irrigated
12. Pusa Sugandha 5 India Irrigated
13. Rashi India Upland
14. Ratna India Irrigated
15. RP 2421 India Irrigated
16. Saket-4 Exotic Irrigated
17. Satabdi India Irrigated
18. Satari Exotic Irrigated
19. Satya India NA
20. Sinsatsu Exotic NA
21. Sneha India Irrigated
22. Stesiara-45 Exotic NA
23. Sulocon 235 Exotic NA
24. Suweon Exotic Irrigated
25. Swarna India Shallow rain-fed
26. Tai-Hikawi Exotic NA
27. Tangla Exotic NA
28. Tapaswini India Irrigated
29. Theberu Exotic NA
30. TN-1 Taiwan Irrigated
31. Vidhaya India NA
32. VL Dhan 82 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
33. VL Dhan 30919 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
34. VL Dhan 31330 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
35. VL Dhan 31331 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
36. VL Dhan 61 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
37. VL Dhan 65 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
38. VL Dhan 66 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
39. VL Dhan 81 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
40. VL Dhan 86 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
41. VL Dhan 154 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland rain-fed
42. VL Dhan 163 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
43. VL Dhan 206 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
44. VL Dhan 209 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
45. VL Dhan 221 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
46. Yam-Nani Exotic NA
47. Yunlen-20 Exotic NA
48. Zenith Exotic NA
49. Abor-A Exotic NA

4332 Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

Table 1 continued S. no. Genotype Origin (location) Ecosystem

50. Anjali India Upland

51. Barkot Exotic NA
52. Basmati 370 Land race (NW India) Irrigated
53. Boda-271 Exotic NA
54. BPT 5204 India Irrigated
55. Catrosa Exotic NA
56. Chandan India NA
57. Dhalahara India Upland
58. Dullo Exotic NA
59. Dullo-11 Exotic NA
60. Dullo-A Exotic NA
61. Geetanjali India Medium land and irrigated
62. GGAF-BYEO Exotic NA
63. Henjudo Exotic NA
64. IR-64 IRRI, Philippines Irrigated
65. IR 3941-34 IRRI, Philippines NA
66. Janam India NA
67. Jungurh Exotic NA
68. Kba-Thangmaw Exotic NA
69. Mujudo Exotic NA
70. Vandana India Upland
71. VL Dhan 7620 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
72. VL Dhan 16 VPKAS, Almora, India NA
73. VL Dhan 85 VPKAS, Almora, India NA
74. VL Dhan 62 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
75. VL Dhan 82 VPKAS, Almora, India Irrigated
76. S-1 NA NA
77. RP2421 NA NA
78. HPR-2143 NA Irrigated
79. VL Dhan207 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
80. VL Dhan 208 VPKAS, Almora, India Upland
81. P1460 NA NA
82. P1121 NA Irrigated
NA not available

determined by running the program at different K values of which 182 alleles were found to be polymorphic, while
with K carrying from 2 to 10. Five independent runs were one was monomorphic. All the 39 SSRs were spread across
assessed for each K value. We used a burn-in period of all the chromosomes of rice evenly. Out of the 39 primers,
100,000 steps followed by 100,000 Monte Carlo Markov 38 (98 %) loci were found to be polymorphic, while one
Chain replicates, as suggested by Pritchard and Wen [29]. SSR locus, RM338 (2 %) was monomorphic. A total of 182
alleles were detected for the 38 polymorphic SSR markers
with an average of 4.8 alleles per locus, while it was 4.69
Results for all the 39 SSR loci including monomorphic marker
used in the study. The number of alleles generated with
Genetic variation of SSR loci among the rice genotypes polymorphic primers ranged from 2 to 9 among the rice
genotypes. The SSR locus RM144 was found to have
The genomic DNA of the 82 rice accessions were amplified maximum number of allele (9) followed by the loci RM447
using 39 SSR markers and yielded 183 scorable alleles, out and RM316 (each seven allele) (Table 2). The banding

Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339 4333

Table 2 Parameters for genetic SSR loci PIC Heterozygosity Gene Allele Major allele Chromosome
analysis of 39 SSR loci across diversity number frequency
the 82 rice accessions
RM338 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3
RM484 0.02 0.00 0.02 2.00 0.99 10
RM283 0.11 0.00 0.12 2.00 0.94 1
RM452 0.28 0.25 0.31 4.00 0.82 2
RM125 0.31 0.07 0.33 4.00 0.81 7
RM215 0.31 0.01 0.38 3.00 0.75 9
RM454 0.32 0.00 0.39 3.00 0.74 6
RM277 0.32 0.01 0.37 3.00 0.76 12
RM133 0.34 0.00 0.41 3.00 0.73 6
RM284 0.36 0.00 0.40 3.00 0.75 8
RM312 0.37 0.21 0.41 3.00 0.75 1
RM433 0.39 0.22 0.42 4.00 0.75 8
RM510 0.41 0.01 0.50 3.00 0.64 6
RM44 0.45 0.06 0.53 3.00 0.60 –
RM287 0.46 0.03 0.51 4.00 0.66 11
RM161 0.46 0.02 0.56 3.00 0.53 5
RM118 0.47 0.00 0.53 3.00 0.62 7
RM25 0.49 0.16 0.54 5.00 0.63 8
RM413 0.57 0.03 0.60 7.00 0.59 5
RM316 0.57 0.31 0.60 8.00 0.61 9
RM431 0.60 0.02 0.65 5.00 0.52 1
RM154 0.60 0.02 0.66 5.00 0.43 2
RM105 0.60 0.00 0.67 4.00 0.41 9
RM334 0.61 0.01 0.64 5.00 0.54 5
RM237 0.61 0.29 0.67 5.00 0.44 1
RM474 0.61 0.05 0.64 6.00 0.57 10
RM408 0.61 0.03 0.67 6.00 0.44 8
RM55 0.62 0.00 0.67 6.00 0.47 3
RM514 0.63 0.02 0.68 4.00 0.44 3
RM447 0.66 0.15 0.69 8.00 0.51 8
RM271 0.66 0.08 0.71 6.00 0.38 10
RM259 0.68 0.01 0.72 6.00 0.41 1
RM5 0.68 0.01 0.72 5.00 0.35 –
RM552 0.68 0.24 0.72 5.00 0.41 11
RM489 0.71 0.15 0.75 6.00 0.32 3
RM536 0.73 0.00 0.76 7.00 0.38 11
RM144 0.75 0.14 0.78 9.00 0.34 11
RM152 0.76 0.07 0.79 7.00 0.32 8
OSR13 0.77 0.02 0.80 7.00 0.25 –
Mean 0.50 0.07 0.55 4.7 0.58

pattern of 82 rice genotypes with SSR loci RM17 was RM144 showed a PIC value of 0.71, 0.74 and 0.75
shown in Fig. 1. respectively. The lowest PIC values was observed in
The PIC values for all the polymorphic primers across primers RM484 (0.02), RM 283 (0.12) (Table 2). The
82 rice genotypes varied from 0.02 to 0.77 with an average number of SSR loci based on PIC values with more than
value of 0.50. Out of the 39 primers, two primers (RM152 the average was 21 in number. Among them, SSR loci
and OSR13) showed highest PIC values of 0.76 and 0.77 RM536, RM144, RM152 and OSR13 were noteworthy due
respectively, while three SSR loci, RM489, RM536 and to their relatively higher level of polymorphism. A total of

4334 Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


M 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

M 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7475

76 77 78 79 80 81 82

Fig. 1 The SSR banding profile of RM17 SSR loci among the 82 rice genotypes. Lane 1, M- Marker, Lane 1–82 rice genotypes (for labels please
refer to Table 1)

21 SSR loci came under the PIC range of 0.5–0.77 with an Associations among rice genotypes
average value of 0.65, while 18 loci came within the PIC
range of 0.00–0.49 with an average value of 0.33. The Jaccard’s similarity coefficient between all the 82 rice
SSRs which had PIC value more than 0.50 also generated genotypes ranged from 22 % to 95 %. The maximum
more number of loci with an average of 6.1, while it was similarity (88 %) was found between the genotype pairs
3.1 for the SSRs below the PIC value of 0.5 (Table 2). Geetanjali with Dullo-A and Chandan and Dullo-A (each
pair 88 %). The above results on similarity were also
Statistical analysis of genetic diversity substantiated by the dendrogram generated using the soft-
ware power marker (Fig. 2). The dendrogram was con-
Gene diversity also known as ‘expected heterozygosity’ (He) structed by using both NTSYSpc2.11 and power marker
was in the range of 0.02 (RM484) to 0.80 (OSR13) with an software (rooted and rectangular), and both were similar.
average value of 0.55. The heterozygosity, known as The similarity coefficients were used as input data for the
‘observed heterozygosity’ (Ho) was observed with an aver- cluster analysis using NTSYSpc 2.11 program.
age of 0.07 and range of 0.01 (RM334) to 0.31 (RM316). The dendrogram generated through UPGMA analysis
Major alleles with highest frequency were observed for the grouped all the 82 rice genotypes into three major groups
locus RM484 (80 bp allele) at 99 % followed by the locus A, B, and C. The clustering of the rice genotypes was
RM283 (150 bp) at 94 %. Based on the above SSR analysis largely based on their centre of development. The cluster C
by considering the parameters of PIC value (C0.70), gene comprised of all the exotic genotypes with five Indian rice
diversity (C0.71), inbreeding coefficient (C0.62) and poly- accessions viz, Vandana, Satya, VL Dhan 221, Swarna and
morphic alleles (C6), seven most highly polymorphic SSR Geetanjali. All the exotic lines were grouped under the
loci OSR13, RM152, RM144, RM536, RM489, RM259 and cluster C with few exceptions like Jungurh, Abor-A, Dullo,
RM271 were observed (Table 2). Barkot and Catrosa which were placed in the cluster A. The

Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339 4335

Fig. 2 The phylogram of 82 rice genotypes as obtained from POWER MARKER software based on UPGMA analysis

major cluster A comprised of 40 genotypes, while the Andhra Pradesh, but were scattered into two different
cluster B and C comprised of 14 and 28 genotypes clusters A and D respectively. The genotypes from CRRI,
respectively. The genotypes from the NW Himalayan Cuttack were spread randomly in the cluster A.
region were grouped in the cluster A and B. Cluster ‘A’
comprised of genotypes from different centers that includes Population structure analysis
exotic and Indian genotypes, from different centers of
development like CRRI, Cuttack; IARI, New Delhi; The rice genotypes consisted of popular varieties of India
VPKAS, Almora and IRRI, Philippines. The cluster B and exotic accessions from different regions were evalu-
consisted of most of the VPKAS genotypes from VPKAS ated for estimation of population structure using a panel of
along with the genotypes from IARI, New Delhi. The 39 SSR loci spread across all the 12 chromosomes. For
genotypes BPT 5204 and Swarna were from Bapatla, estimation of the exact population structure (K), Ks from 1

4336 Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

Fig. 3 The population structure of 82 rice genotypes as obtained from structure 2.3.4 software

to 10 (with ten iterations) were ran and the LnP(D) value Table 3 Allele frequencies, [divergence among pops (net nucleotide
was used to group all the genotypes. The maximum DK distance)], computed using point estimates of P
value was observed for K = 4. The inferred ancestry at Clusters 1 2 3 4
K = 4 suggested that the rice genotypes were grouped into
four subpopulations (Fig. 3). However power marker 1 – 0.5327 0.2665 0.3109
software was able to differentiate them into three main 2 0.5327 – 0.5359 0.5175
clusters. The subpopulation (G1) consisted of exotic rice 3 0.2665 0.5359 – 0.1936
genotypes with few Indian genotypes viz., Basmati 370, 4 0.3109 0.5175 0.1936 –
Geetanjali, VL Dhan 7620 and Anjali. This subpopulation
had admixture of Anjali, Dullo and Dhalaheera. The sub-
population (G2) consisted of all the Indian accessions, estimates of P] was 0.5327 between clusters 1 and 2,
where as G3 consisted of all the exotic germplasm with 0.2665 between clusters 1 and 3, and 0.3109 between
Satya and Swarna rice varieties of India. The subpopula- clusters 1 and 4 (Table 3).
tions G2 and G3 did not have any admixture populations.
The subpopulation (G4) consisted of mostly Indian geno-
types with few exotic germplasm. Similar grouping pattern Discussion
(except, exotics were under same cluster) was also
observed in the case of power marker, however with the Microsatellite (SSR) analysis
help of a structure bar plot, depicting the estimated mem-
bership of each variety in each of the populations Cultivated varieties of rice were the result of several
(K = 1–10), the admixtures could easily be identified, thousands of years of human selection from the available
which can explain the grouping pattern better than the genetic diversity in various environments and human cul-
dendrogram. The mean value of alpha was 0.0284, and the tures. Modern breeding in the last two century has done
ancestry-inferred cluster proportions of the membership of little more than to control the process of hybridization and
the samples were 0.265, 0.135, 0.256 and 0.345. The selection in a more efficient way and the result has been the
average distances (expected heterozygosity) between indi- development of varieties adapted to better controlled
viduals in the same cluster were 0.1728, 0.3374, 0.1387 environments. Cultivation of few genotypes in any crop
and 0.1834 and the allele frequency [divergence among including rice leads to narrow genetic base. The crop is
pops (Net nucleotide distance), computed using point prone to many biotic and abiotic stresses. Improvement of

Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339 4337

rice breeding requires identification of highly diverse and their wide applicability for genetic analysis of rice
germplasm and highly polymorphic molecular markers and accessions. The high level of polymorphism was due to
their effective utilization in mapping and breeding pro- diverse germplasm and highly polymorphic SSR loci used
grammes. In the present study, 39 primers yielded 183 in the present study. Among the SSRs, RM536, RM144,
scorable alleles, out of which 182 were found to be poly- RM152 and OSR13 were noteworthy due to their relatively
morphic with an average of 4.69 alleles per locus with a higher polymorphism, high PIC values and more number of
range of 2–9 alleles per locus. Michael et al. [30] also polymorphic alleles per locus and they can effectively be
found similar results where they used 30 SSR loci across used in the genetic diversity studies.
the 183 Indonesian rice landraces on the islands of Borneo. The observed and expected heterozygosity within the
They obtained 166 alleles with a range of 2–15. This high genotypes showed obvious deviations from Hardy–Wein-
number of alleles may be due to that fact that they used berg expectations. Gene diversity (He) was in the range of
land races from different parts of Indonesia, where land- 0.02–0.80 with an average value of 0.55 which was cor-
races are expected to exhibit higher diversity. However, the related with the earlier findings. Xinghau et al. [31]
number of alleles obtained during the present study is also observed gene diversity to be 0.62 among the 310 major
quite high that could differentiate the rice genotypes Chinese landraces which was slightly more than the He
matching to their centers of development largely. This value observed during the present study. The heterozy-
showed that these markers are highly useful and can be gosity, was observed with an average of 0.07 and ranged
effectively useful for genetic diversity and fingerprinting from 0.01 (RM334) to 0.31 (RM316) which is higher than
studies. Similarly, Xinghua et al. [31] used SSRs for esti- the findings observed by Michael et al. [30] where they
mating the temporal changes from 1950s to 1990s across observed an average value of 0.03 (Table 2) emphasizing
310 major Chinese rice varieties and obtained 221 alleles that the selection practiced during the development of
with an average of 5.7 alleles per locus. However, Cha- hybrids, could have led to the deficit of heterozygous
kravarthi and Rambabu [32] found 2–7 alleles per locus individuals. Based on the above SSR analysis by consid-
with 30 SSR loci on 15 elite rice genotypes which con- ering the parameters of PIC value (C0.70), gene diversity
tained Indian and exotic lines from IRRI, Philippines. Out (C0.71), inbreeding coefficient (C0.62) and polymorphic
of the total 39 primers used, all the primers amplified alleles (C6), seven most highly polymorphic SSR loci
among all the genotypes. However, 38 primers (98 %) observed were OSR13, RM152, RM144, RM536, RM489,
were found to be polymorphic and one SSR was mono- RM259 and RM271 (Table 2). These primers can effec-
morphic. This high level of polymorphism existed among tively be used in molecular breeding programs and QTL
the selected genotypes has great potential for their use in mapping studies since they exhibited very high level of
breeding programs. In the present study, close propor- polymorphism over other loci.
tionate relationship between the number of alleles and the
PIC values of SSR loci was observed. PIC demonstrates the Genetic diversity among the rice genotypes
informativeness of the SSR loci and their potential to detect
differences among the genotypes based on their genetic The ability to provide distance measures between the
relationships. The SSR loci, RM144, RM152 and OSR13 genotypes that reflect pedigree relatedness ensures a more
having high number of alleles and highest PIC values, will stringent evaluation of the adequacy of a marker profile
be very useful for further genetic and mapping studies. A data. The fact that minimum genetic distance revealed
conclusion may be derived that the loci with more number during the study is a good indication confirming the power
of alleles can be highly useful for the assessment of genetic of SSR markers to distinguish between geographically
diversity. Similar results were also observed by Ravi et al. similar genotypes and closely related genotypes. The
[33] where it was observed that the SSR loci RM202 pro- average gene diversity existing among all the genotypes
duced 11 alleles with highest PIC of 0.89. The PIC values were relatively high (55 %), indicating existence of high
of all the polymorphic primers across 82 rice genotypes in levels of polymorphisms among the inbreds. These results
the present study were in the range of 0.02–0.77 with an are in close agreement with the findings reported among
average value of 0.50. The number of SSR loci with higher the Chinese rice accessions using the SSR marker system
than average PIC values was found to be 21. The average [31].
PIC value determined during the present investigation The dendrogram constructed using the UPGMA clus-
agreed well with the earlier findings reported based on SSR tering algorithm grouped the rice accessions into three
marker in rice genotypes [30, 31, 33]. Michael et al. [30] clusters. These groupings, in most instances, revealed
reported an average PIC value of 0.45 which was lower evidence of associations related to their centre of devel-
than the PIC value observed during the present study. This opment i.e., geographic origin. However, Michael et al.
showed the polymorphic ability of the SSR loci reported [30] did not get such type of correlation which may be

4338 Mol Biol Rep (2014) 41:4329–4339

because of less number of polymorphic primers used by genotypes VL Dhan 221, VL Dhan 206 and VL Dhan 209
them. Alternatively, the 82 rice genotypes were broadly carried more than 35 % of the exotic germplasm alleles.
grouped into exotic rice accessions, accessions from For example, the accession VL Dhan 221 was derived from
VPKAS, Almora with few exceptions. For example, VL the cross between IR 2053-521-1-1-1/CH 1039. The exotic
Dhan 163 grouped with BPT 5204 and Pusa Basmati 1 rice variety TN-1 grouped with Indian genotypes, which
which were from Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh and IARI, New showed that 70 % of alleles were common with Indian
Delhi respectively. It showed that during selection/evolu- germplasm. This showed that the exotic variety TN-1 was
tion allele introgression has occurred from several sources. very highly used in rice breeding programmes during 1960s
The cluster ‘A’ was comprised of mixed genotypes from for developing high yielding rice varieties. Evidence of
different origins. This is also an indication that modern admixture was also found in exotic population where Dullo
breeding programmes involved diverse genotypes in and Dhalahara accessions carried 8–10 % alleles from
developing highly suitable genotypes adapted to their local Indian germplasm. Thus, the present study showed that
environments by crossings from the popular varieties of genotyping combined with phylogenetic and population
different origins for important agronomic traits. The cluster structure analysis is a powerful method for characterizing
B mostly composed of genotypes developed from VPKAS, germplasm. The present study was able to identify highly
Almora with exceptions like Pusa Sugandha accessions. polymorphic SSR loci which can be effectively used in
The interesting point in our study was that all the exotic genetic analysis studies and molecular breeding pro-
lines with some exceptions were grouped under the cluster grammes. Our results also showed that the polymorphic
C with Indian genotypes like Vandana, Satya, VL Dhan SSR loci used in the study were able to differentiate the
221, Swarna and Geetanjali, which may be due to that Indian and exotic rice genotypes based on their geo-
exotic pedigree involved in breeding these five genotypes. graphical regions. There is also a great scope to derive
This showed that these selected markers were not only able further improved materials by hybridizing with distant
to differentiate based on geographic origin but also based lines identified during the present study and for further
on the pedigree of the genotypes. The accession VL Dhan selection of the desired line to derive more agronomically
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