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Method Statement – Enter the trade – Enter a description of the task



Scope of Works
This method statement describes the work process for the following
1) Start of works. (This relates to heading 1 below. Although this is supposed to be a blank template, we have left this in as an
2) Enter the first task here. (If the task was dry lining a wall, this element may be to remove existing wall coverings. In heading 2
below you would list the method for removing wall coverings, prepping walls and applying PVA or similar)
3) Enter the second task here. (If the task was dry lining a wall, this element may be to fix boards. In heading 3 below you may
list how to mix and apply board adhesive and spot the boards on the wall using packers to raise boards off floor, a level to
ensure boards are true and plumb, and a builders square to ensure the corners and reveals are square)
4) Enter the third task here. (If the task was dry lining a wall, this element may be to apply a finish. In heading 4 below you may
describe how to tape and fill joints, or scrim and skim)
5) Finishing (.This relates to heading 5 below and describes how you want the site left at the end of the task)

Step by step process

Start of works
1) Read relevant risk and COSHH assessment, and follow guidelines for the correct PPE.
2) Sheet up and protect work area and surrounding, including signage and barriers as required.
3) Visually inspect work area and only begin works if it is a safe working environment.
4) Cordon off work area if required to do so.
5) Ensure the area to be worked and exit points are clear of obstruction and that safe access and egress is maintained.
6) Check any electrical or hand tools for damage or faults, faulty or damaged tools must be removed from service immediately.
7) Do not leave tools and equipment unattended at any time.

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Enter the name of the first task as listed above
1) Describe the first element of the first task
2) Describe the second element of the first task
3) Describe the third element of the first task. Etc….. as required

Enter the name of the second task as listed above

1) Describe the first element of the second task
2) Describe the second element of the second task
3) Describe the third element of the second task. Etc…. as required

Enter the name or the third task as listed above

1) Describe the first element of the third task
2) Describe the second element of the third task
3) Describe the third element of the third task. Etc…. as required

1) All tools and equipment will be cleared to secure storage at the end of each shift
2) Staff will leave area clean and tidy at end of shift

Document author: Signed: Date:



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